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Seed science

1. Argemone mexicana is an objectional weed in:

A.Wheat B. Barley
C. Rapeseed/Mustard D.Chick pea
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2. Breeder seed is the progeny of:

A.Foundation seed B. Registered seed
C. Nucleus seed D.Certified seed
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3. Certification is not required for:

A.Nucleus seed B. Breeder seed
C. Foundation seed D.Certified seed
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4. Cuscuta is an objectional weed of:

A.Cowpea B. Berseem
C. Sorghum D.Lucerne
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5. Headquarters of the Union for the Protection of New Plant varieties is in:
A.Thailand B. USA
C. Denmark D.Switzerland
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6. Improved seed includes:

A.Nucleus seed B. Breeder seed
C. Foundation seed D.All of the above
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7. In Bhindi, production of foundation seed needs an isolation distance of:

A.100 metres B. 50 metres
C. 200 metres D.3 metres
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8. Seed coat is derived from:

A.Testa B. Embryo
C. Endosperm D.Nucellus
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9. In sunflower, production of foundation seed requires an isolation distance of (metres):

A.400 B. 800
C. 200 D.100
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10. In wheat, production of foundation seed needs an isolation distance of:

A.Three metres B. Five metres
C. Ten metres D.Twenty metres
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11. Initial seed of an improved variety is called:
A.Nucleus seed B. Breeder seed
C. Foundation seed D.Certified seed
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12. Physical purity of 95% is permissible for the foundation and certified seed of:
A.Soya bean B. Groundnut
C. Spinach D.Carrot
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13. Physical purity, is permissible (98%) in the crop:

A.Groundnut B. Rice
C. Soya bean D.Spinach
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14. Plant Breeders' Rights are operaating in:

A.Germany B. Denmark
C. Netherlands D.All of the above
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15. Production of breeder seed in cotton requires an isolation distance of:

A.20 metres B. 30 metres
C. 50 metres D.75 metres
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16. Progeny of a nucleus seed is referred to as:

A.Certified seed B. Foundation seed
C. Registered seed D.Breeder seed
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17. Seed certification requires:

A.An improved variety B. Genetic purity
C. Physical purity D.All of the above
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18. Seed meant for generation distribution to the farmers for commercial crop production refers
A.Foundation seed B. Breeder seed
C. Certified seed D.Nucleus seed
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19. The recommended ratio of male rows to female rows is in hybrid bajra production:
A.2 to 4 B. 1 to 2
C. 4 to 8 D.3 to 6
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20. Freedom from inert matter and defective seeds:

A.Genetic purity B. Physical purity
C. Defective purity D.Normal purity
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21. International Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) in ______ classified seed into different
A.1964 B. 1946
C. 1963 D.1972
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22. Seed is a:
A.Immature embryo B. Mature embryo
C. Developed embryo D.Undeveloped embryo
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23. Presently ICAR has ______ breeder seed production units:

A.45 B. 54
C. 92 D.107
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24. Cotylodons in gymnosperms are called:

A.Embryo B. Integuments
C. Mega-gametophyte D.Endosperm
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25. Cotyledons in monocots are called:

A.Endosperm B. Mega-gametophyte
C. Embryo D.Integuments
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26. The first private seed came into existence in the year:
A.1918 B. 1987
C. 1959 D.1912
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27. First private seed company was:

A.Monsanto B. Namdhari
C. Sutton & Sons D.Takii
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28. Seed moisture varies from crop to crop in ranges from:
A.15-20% B. 30-40%
C. 1-2% D.9-12%
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29. The hybrids developed by Government Agencies or Government Institutions and

Agricultural Universities are called:
A.Private hybrids B. Institutional hybrids
C. Public hybrids D.Government hybrids
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30. The coarse rice generally has a ______ aleurone layer:

A.Larger B. Smaller
C. Bigger D.Smoother
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31. Coloured varieties of rice have _____ aleurone layer:
A.Thinner B. Thicker
C. Coarse D.Smooth
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32. TDC came into existence in:

A.1996 B. 1962
C. 1926 D.1969
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33. Contamination permitted in maize is:

A.1% B. 2%
C. 0.10% D.0.20%
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34. Breeder seed production units of ICAR producing ______ tonnes of breeder seed:
A.7300 B. 37
C. 3700 D.73
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35. The first symbolic Importance of seed started after the report of Famine Commission in:
A.1881 B. 1890
C. 1891 D.1892
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36. Pure Live Seed (PLS) is related to:

A.Physical purity B. Genetic purity
C. Germination percentage D.Contamination
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37. Breeder seed is _____ % pure:
A.99 B. 100
C. 70 D.99.99
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38. In flowering plants a second seed coat is known as:

A.Integument B. Aleurone layer
C. Tegamen D.Inner ventral scale
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39. Standards of germination for seed certification in chillies:

A.70% B. 90%
C. 80% D.60%
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40. International Seed Testing Association was organized on:

A.10-Jul-24 B. 12-Jul-25
C. 12-Feb-42 D.10-Feb-24
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1. Choose the odd one:
A.Lance nematode = Pratylenchulus B. Lesion nematode = Pratylenchulus
C. Sting nematode = Belonolaimus D.Awl nematode = Dolichodorous
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2. Didelphic' means nematodes with:

A.One ovary B. Two ovaries
C. One testis D.Two testis
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3. Spermatheca' is found in the nematode body of:

A.Male B. Female
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of the above
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4. A bacterium is devoid of:

A.Chlorophyl B. Well defined nucleus
C. Cell wall D.Both (a) & (b)
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5. A virus particle with both nucleic acid and protein coat is known as:
A.Virion B. Viriod
C. Capsid D.All above
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6. Agallol is used for:

A.Seed treatment B. Soil treatment
C. Crop spray D.Aerial spray
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7. Agar-agar is produced from:

A.Nostoc B. Macrocrocystis
C. Gelidium D.Oscillatortia
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8. Albugo is a:
A.Obligate parasite B. Facultative parasite
C. Saprophyte D.Predator
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9. Ryat is a:
A.Obligate parasite B. Saprophyte parasite
C. Facultative parasite D.Predator
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10. Alexander Fleming (1929) discovered:

A.Streptomycetease B. Penicillin
C. Tyrocidine D.Giseofulvin
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11. Alternate host of black stem rust of wheat:
A.Mohania B. Thalictrum
C. Barberry D.All above
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12. Anterior tinsel flagellum is characteristics of:

A.Chytridiomycetes B. Hypochytridiomycetes
C. None of these D.Both (a) & (b)
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13. Association of fungi with roots of higher plants is known as:

A.Lichen B. Mycorrhiza
C. Ascolichen D.Basidiolichen
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14. _______ proposed a classification of fungi which is now widely accepted:

A.Walker (1957) B. Stakman & Harrar (1957)
C. Whittaker (1969) D.Ainsworth (1973)
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15. Bacilli are:

A.Spiral shaped B. Spherical shaped
C. Rod shaped D.None of the above
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16. Bacterial cell surrounded by flagella is called:

A.Monotrichous B. Lophotrichous
C. Amphitrichous D.Peritrichous
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17. Brassicol is _____ fungicide:

A.Murcurious B. Sulphur
C. Copper D.Miscellaneous
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18. Bacterial leaf blight of rice caused by Xanthomonaso ryzae can be identified by:
A.Wilting of the plant B. Yellowing of leaves
C. Ooze test D.Defoliation
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19. Bengal famine was caused due to:

A.Phytophthora infestans B. Drechslera oryzae
C. Puccinia graminis tritici D.Heterodera avenage
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20. Black heart of potato is caused due to deficiency of:

A.Boron B. Zinc
C. Iron D.Oxygen
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21. Black stem rust of wheat caused by:
A.Puccinia graminis tritici B. Puccinia recondita
C. Puccinia striformis D.Ustilagotritici
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22. Black tip of mango is caused by:

A.Phythium B. Phytosynthetas
C. Boron deficiency D.Zinc deficiency
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23. Blast of rice is caused:

A.Xanthomonas B. Drechslera oryzae
C. Pyricularia D.Cercospora
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24. Plant Pathology is ____ word.
A.English B. Latin
C. Greek D.Mandarin
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25. Bordeaux mixture was discovered by P.A. Millardet of France during the year 1882
following his chance observation of farmer's practice for protection against:
A.Plasmopara viticola on grapevine B. Uncinula nectar on grapevine
C. Podosphaera leucotricha on apple D.Venturia inequalis on apple
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26. Botulism is caused by species of:

A.Bacillus B. Pseudomonas
C. Agrobacterium D.Clostridium
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27. Brown spot of maize is caused by:

A.Sclerospora sorghi B. Physoderus zeamaydis
C. Alternaria solani D.Cercospora perfonats
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28. By 1857, Barkley and Schacht discovered root knot nematodes and cyst nematode in:
A.Sweet sorghum B. Sugarcane
C. Potato D.Sugarbeet
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29. Carborundum powder is:

A.Silicon carbide B. Aluminium oxide
C. Diatomaceous earth D.Calcium carbonate
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30. Cocci are:

A.Spiral shaped B. Spherical shaped
C. Rod shaped D.None of the above
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31. Coffee rust is caused by:
A.Uromyces hobsoni B. Hemileia vastatrix
C. Cronartium ribicola D.Ravenelia-emblicae
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32. Conidia and sporangia are the spores produced by:

A.Bacteria B. Viruses
C. Fungi D.Phanerogams
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33. Crystalization of viruses has done by:
A.Mayer B. Stanley
C. Iwanowski D.Bejerinck
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34. Cysts are formed by:

A.Meloidogyne B. Aphelenchoides
C. Heterodera D.None of the above
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35. Death of tissue in virus infected plant described as:

A.Mottling B. Mosaic
C. Necrosis D.Curling
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36. Disease symptoms known as phyllidy in sesamum are caused by:

A.Bacterium B. Fungus
C. MLO D.Virus
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37. Dithane M-45 is a:

A.Bactericide B. Insecticide
C. Fungicide D.Nematicide
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38. Domestic quarantine exists on:

A.Rice blast B. Red rot of sugarcano
C. Wart of potato D.Run of wheat
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39. Downy mildew of maize is caused by:

A.Peronosclerspora sacchari B. Peronospora triognella
C. Sclerospora graminicola D.Sclerospora sacchari
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40. Whittaker (1969) proposed a kingdom System of Classification of Micro-organism:

A.4 B. 5
C. 16 D.18
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41. Exclusion of plant disease by legislation is known as:
A.Disease resistance B. Plant quarantine
C. Biological control of plant D.Cultural control
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42. First of all microscope discovered by:

A.Needham B. Spallanzani
C. Leeuwenhoeck D.Koch
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43. First plant parasitic bacteria was reported by:

A.T.J. Burrill B. Needham
C. Louis Pasteur D.Leeuwenhoek
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44. First plant parasitic nematode discovered was:

A.Meloidogyne B. Heterodera
C. Anguina D.Globodera
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45. First plant parasitic nematode was reported by:

A.Needham B. Spallanzani
C. Cobb D.Mayer
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46. Flag smut of sweat could be controlled by:

A.Seed treatment with vitavax B. Spraying with vitavax
C. Soil application with vitavax D.Above all
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47. Flag smut of wheat is caused by:

A.Ustilago tritici B. Urceystis trlttct
C. Ustilago hordet D.Taphrina deformans
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48. Foot rot of papaya is caused by:

A.Phytophthora palmivora B. Pythium aphanidermatum
C. Peronospora parasitica D.Albugo candida
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49. Fungi, which can grow on living host plant, are called:
A.Obligate saprophyte B. Obligate parasite
C. Facultative parasite D.Saprophytes
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50. Fungi which can grow only on living host plant are called:
A.Obligate saprophytes B. Obligate parasites
C. Facultative parasites D.Saprophytes
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51. Fusarium belong to order:
A.Melaconiales B. Moniliales
C. Sporobolomycetales D.Cryptococcales
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52. Gelatin plate technique was discovered by:
A.Burrill B. Fanny Hesse
C. Robert Koch D.Louis Pasteur
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53. Genus Radopholus of nematode was first described in 1893 on the basis of a male specimen
obtained from necrotic roots of _____ growing in Fiji Islands.
A.Sugarbeet B. Sugarcane
C. Banana D.Coconut
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54. Heterocious nature of rust means:

A fungus require one host species to A fungus require two different host species
A. B.
complete life cycle to complete life cycle
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of the above
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55. Heterodera belongs to super family:

A.Atylenchoidea B. Neotylenchoidea
C. Tylenchoidea D.Heteroderoidea
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56. Wrong information about Powdery mildew is:

A.Subdivision = Ascomycotina B. Order = Erysiphales
C. Family = Melanconiaceae D.All of the above
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57. How much quantity of nematicide is used to control the nematodes in one hectare are?
A.10 - 15 kg B. 20 - 25 kg
C. 50 - 60 kg D.100 - 200 kg
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58. In bacterial brown rot and wilt of potato the amount of _____ produced by pathogens are
proportional to severity of symptoms:
A.Gibberellins B. Lipids
C. Polysncchnride D.Proteins
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59. In fermentation industry, pasteurization is done at _____ temperature:

A.90.7 ?C B. 100.0 ?C
C. 62.8 ?C D.80.0 ?C
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60. Dry root rot of legumes and beans is caused by:

A.Erysiphe B. Macrophomina
C. Xanthomonas D.Phacidiopycnis
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61. Choose the wrong combination:
A.Esso fungicide = Copper oxychloride B. Ziram = Cuman
C. Thiram = Hexathir D.Zineb = Kitazin
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62. In which rust pustules are arranged in end-to-end manner and forming strip?
A.Yellow rust B. Orange rust
C. Black rust D.White rust
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63. Anthracnose of Grape is also known as:

A.Bird's-eye disease B. Buck eye rot
C. Black spot D.Both (a) & (c)
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64. Yellow pigment in the culture is produced by:

A.Pseudomonas B. Xanthomononas
C. Erwinia D.Agrobacterium
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65. Irish famine was caused due to:

A.Wheat rust B. Apple scab
C. Late blight of potato D.Tomato wilt
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66. Late blight of potato is caused by:

A.Alternaria solani B. Xanthomonas campestris pv. Citrii
C. Phytophthora infestans D.Sychytriu endobioticum
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67. Leaf roll of potato is caused by:

A.Fungus B. Bacterium
C. Virus D.Mycoplasm
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68. Leaf roll of potato is transmitted by:

A.M. persicae B. M. pseudosolani
C. M. circumflexum D.All above
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69. Levillula is a:
A.Ectoparasitic B. Endoparasitic
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of the above
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70. Lichen is an association between:
A.Algae and Fungus B. Bacterium and Fungus
C. Fungus and Virus D.Fungus and Nematode
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71. Linseed rust is caused by:
A.Uromyces B. Melampsora lini
C. Physaqmidium D.Ravenelia
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72. Acervuli is _____ shaped:

A.Round B. Saucer
C. Oblate D.Conical
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73. Loose smut of wheat can be effectively controlled by:

Soil treatment with non-systematic
A.Crop rotation B.
C. Seed treatment with systemic fungicides D.Spraying the crop with fungicides
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74. Loose smut of wheat is a disease known as:

A.Internally seed borne B. Externally seed borne
C. Air borne D.Soil borne
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75. Meloidogyne belongs to group of:

A.Ecotoparasite B. Endoparasite
C. Semi-ectoparasite D.Semi-endoparasite
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76. Micro organisms were first observed by:

A.John Tyndall B. L.J. Thernard
C. Antony Van Leeuwenhock D.Louis Pasteur
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77. Microbiology is the science of which we study:

A.Viruses B. Bacteria
C. Fungi D.All above
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78. Modification of floral parts into leafy structures by pathogenic infection called:
A.Hyperplasia B. Hypertrophy
C. Phyllody D.Witch's broom
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79. Yellow ear rot of wheat is caused by:
A.Anguina B. Corynebacterum
C. Both (a) & (b) D.Heterodera
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80. Most effective fungicide against powdery mildew disease:

A.Dithane B. Captan
C. Karathane D.Bavistin
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81. Most of the plant parasitic nematodes belong to order:
A.Tylenchida B. Dorylaimida
C. Aphelenchida D.Rhabditida
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82. Mycology is the study of:

A.Bacteria B. Algae
C. Virus D.Fungi
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83. Mycoplasma disease of plant was first reported by:

A.Butler B. Brefeld
C. Anton de Barry D.Doi et al. and Ishire et al.
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84. Mycoplasma is sensitive to:

A.Pencillin B. Steptomycin
C. Bavistin D.Tetracycline
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85. Plant overgrowth due to increase in size of cell of the tissue:

A.Hypoplasia B. Hypertrophy
C. Hyperplasia D.All of the above
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86. Nematode genus Hoplolaimus Daday was first recorded in _____ from an island in the
Paraguay river:
A.1900 B. 1905
C. 1910 D.1915
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87. Nematodes are also known as:

A.Tapeworms B. Trematodes
C. Earthworms D.Round worms
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88. Hemittodet penetrate in plant tissues with the aid of:

A.Stylet B. Saliva
C. Labial papilla D.Cervicial
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89. Oil from American elm seed contains 55 per cent capric acid toxic to Ceratocystis uimi the
pathogen causing the famous _____ disease:
A.English elm B. Dutch elm
C. American elm D.French elm
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90. Once the pathogen has established in an area, steps taken to remove or destroy is known as:
A.Exclusion B. Eradication
C. Protection D.Management
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91. Pectinolytic enzymes of plant pathogens playa major role during pathogenesis in diseases
A.Rusts B. Downy mildew
C. Wilts, damping-off and root/foot rots D.Powdery mildew
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92. Phycomycetes belong to:

A.Fungi B. Bacteria
C. Yeast D.None of the above
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93. Phyllactinis causes the disease:

A.Powdery mildew B. Downy mildew
C. Leaf spot D.Blight
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94. Phytophthera belongs to family:

A.Peronophythoraceae B. Pythiaceae
C. Pareonosporaceae D.Albuginaceae
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95. With regard to nutrition Erysiphe is:

A.Ectoparasite B. Endoparasite
C. None of the above D.Predator
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96. Plant parasitic nematodes posses:

A.Two part oesophagus B. Three part oesophagus
C. Four part oesophagus D.None of the above
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97. Plant pathogenic viroids contain:

Externally seed-borne and soil-borne
A.Externally seed-borne disease B.
C. Air-brone disease D.Inernally seed-borne disease
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98. "With Phase" is common in:

A.Blast of Paddy B. Bacteria blight of Paddy
C. White rust of Crucifers D.Red rot of Sugarcane
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99. Powdery mildew disease is caused by:

A.Bacterium B. Fungus
C. Virus D.Nematode
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100. Powdery mildew fungi belong to the family:

A.Erysiphaceae B. Hypocereaceae
C. Hypomycetaceae D.Nectriaceae
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101. The symptom of red rot of sugarcane mostly found on:
A.Stem B. Root
C. Leaf D.Arrow
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102. Powdery mildews are controlled by spray of:

A.Copper fungicides B. Mercury fungicides
C. Sulphur fungicides D.Miscellaneous fungicides
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103. Primary source of infection to green ear disease of bajra is:

A.Insect B. Soil
C. Air D.Seed and soil
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104. Pycnidia are formed in order:

A.Moniliales B. Melanoconiales
C. Sphaeropsidales D.All of the above
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105. Pythium belongs to class:

A.Chytridiomycetes B. Oomycetes
C. Zygomycetes D.Hypochytridiomycetes
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106. Radophyceae is also known as:

A.Red algae B. Green algae
C. Blue-gree algae D.None of these
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107. Red rot of sugarcane is caused by:

A.Fusarium B. Alternaria
C. Dreschlera D.Colletotrichum
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108. Red scales of ______ (red varieties) contain protocatechuic acid and catechol which may
exude in drops to resist the attack of colletotrichum circinans:
A.Garlic B. Onion
C. Leek D.Celery
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109. Rhizopus belongs to class:

A.Oomycetes B. Zygomycetes
C. Trichomycetes D.Ascomycetes
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110. Root knot of vegetable is caused by:

A.Meloidogyne B. Heterodera
C. Pratylenchus D.Xanthomonas
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111. Root parasite of bajra is:
A.Cuscuta B. Striga
C. Orobanche D.Loranthus
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112. Root rot of papaya could be controlled by application of:

A.Bordeaux mixture B. Dithane M-45
C. Benelate D.Calaxin
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113. Rust teleutospore on germination produce:

A.Four basidiospores B. Two basidiospores
C. Indefinite basidiospores D.None of these
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114. Rust belongs to sub-division:

A.Zygomycotina B. Ascomycotina
C. Basidiomycotina D.Deuteromycotina
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115. Secondary spread of ergot of bajra is through:

A.Seed B. Air
C. Insect D.Both (a) and (c)
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116. Severity of disease club root of cabbage can be reduced by application of:
A.Lime B. Gypsum
C. FYM D.Fertilizers
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117. Sexual dimorphism means:

Males and Females are morphologically
A.Males and Females are separate B.
C. Female posses didelphic ovaries D.None of the above
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118. Shape of bacterial cells is:

A.Spheres B. Spiral
C. Rods D.All of the above
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119. Smut gives the appearance of:

A.Compact hardness B. Sooty powder
C. Superficial growth D.Dusty layer
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120. Smut of wheat is effectively controlled by:

A.Bavistin B. Vitavax
C. Benelate D.Thiram
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121. Wilt of arhar is caused by:
A.Verticillium B. Fusarium
C. Xanthomonas D.Meloidogyne
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122. Some ______ varieties of apple exude toxic wax on leaf surface to prevent germination of
conidia of Podosphaera leucotricha:
A.Scab resistant B. Leaf blight resistant
C. Powdery mildew resistant D.Rust resistant
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123. Some varieties of _____ are resistant to wilt due to the presence of hydrocyanidies (HCN)
in root exudates:
A.Sunflower B. Safflower
C. Castor D.Linseed
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124. Species Plantarum is the greatest contribution of:

A.Linnaeus B. P.A. Micheli
C. Saccardo D.Anton de Bary
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125. Sporangium on germination produce vesicle in genera:

A.Phytophyhora B. Pythium
C. Sclerospora D.Personospora
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126. Stipe disease of barley is caused by:

A.Drechalera gramineum B. Drechalera oryzae
C. Puccinia striiformis D.None of the above
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127. Strawbery plants infected with P. penetrans (nematode) have been successfully treated with
exposure in hot water at:
A.49.4?C for 17.5 min. B. 52.8?C for 6 min.
C. 54.5?C for 4 min. D.56?C for 2 min.
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128. Striga is plant parasite included in:

A.Fungi B. Mycoplasma like organisms
C. Phanerogamic plant parasites D.Bacteria
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129. Sugar beet cyst nematode was reported by:

A.Needham B. Cobb
C. Schacht D.Smith
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130. Systemic fungicides was discovered by:

A.Van Schleming and Kulka B. Millardet
C. Tillet D.Prevost
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131. Taphrina causes the disease:
A.Chillies leaf curt B. Tomato leaf curt
C. Peach leaf curt D.Potato leaf curt
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132. Term commensalism shows:

Living together of the two species, one of
which is benefited by the association where Living together of two or more species of
A. B.
as the other is neither beneficial nor organism for mutual benefit
The joint action of the two-organisms on a Living two organism together which are
C. D.
carbohydrate, resulting in the production of harmful to each other
gas that is not formed by either organism
cultivated separately
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133. The anal and vulval openings in nematodes are located on:
A.Dorsal side B. Lateral side
C. Ventral side D.Dorso-lateral side
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134. The ______ botanist Micheli (1679-1737) was the first scientist who in 1729 studied fungi
and saw their spores:
A.German B. Dutch
C. Italian D.Australian
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135. The casual organism for earcockle disease of wheat is:

A.Meloidogyne spp. B. Heterodera avenae
C. Anguina tritici D.None of these
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136. The class ends with:

A.Mycotina B. Mycetes
C. Oomycetes D.Zygomycetes
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137. The discovery of _____ mosaic by Meyer in 1886 was the beginning of studies on viruses
as incitants of diseases in plants:
A.Tomato B. Mungbean
C. Tobacco D.Soyabean
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138. The epidermal cells of ____ plant become filled with toxic terpenoid aldehyde after they are
few days old and these cells are rarely penetrated by pathogens:
A.Jute B. Flax
C. Cotton D.Okra
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139. The founder of mycology was:

A.Linnaeus B. Anton de Bary
C. P.A. Micheli D.Saccardo
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140. The genera Claviceps. Alternaria and Sclerospora are:

A.Bacteria B. Fungi
C. MLO D.Virus
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141. The microorganism, used in brewing industry is:
A.Aspergillus B. Yeast
C. Rhizobium D.Virus
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142. The nematode Radopholus similes has shown the maximum numbers at a soil depth of:
A.5-15 m B. 20-30 m
C. 32-42 m D.1-4 m
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143. The organism included in order pernosporales cause the disease known as:
A.Downy mildew B. Smut
C. Rust D.Powdery mildew
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144. The organism lacking a well defined necleus are termed:

A.Fungi B. Prokaryote
C. Eucaryote D.Protozoa
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145. The organisms included in order Peronosporales cause the disease known as:
A.Rusts B. Smut
C. Downy mildew D.Powdery mildew
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146. The organisms lacking a well defined nucleus are termed:

A.Fungi B. Prokaryote
C. Eukaryote D.Protozoa
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147. The plant disease caused by an algae is:

A.Blue mold of tobacco B. Red rust of tea
C. Aster yellows D.None of the above
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148. The plant disease primarily responsive for the"Great Bengal Famine" of 1943 was:
A.Blast disease of rice B. Bacterial blight of rice
C. Udbatta disease of rice D.Brown leaf spot of rice
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149. The plant mycoplasmal diseases are transmitted by:

A.Aphids B. Leaf hoppers
C. Mites D.Above all
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150. The two important diseases of sugarcane would include:

A.Little leaf and bacterial wilt B. Red rot and grassy shoot
C. Red rot and bund D.Bakanae disease and stem canker
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151. Tilletia causes the disease:
A.Rust B. Smut
C. Bunt D.Karnal Bunt
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152. To which group Dithane Z-78 belongs:

A.Organomercurial B. Dithiocarbomic acid
C. Heterocyclic nitrogen compound D.None of these
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153. Choose the odd one:

A.Leafspot = Paddy, Pigeonpea B. Zonate leaf spot = Jawar
C. Red leaf = Sugarcane D.Leaf blight = Wheat
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154. Tobacco mosaic virus was first reported by:

A.Smith B. Martin
C. Mayer D.Beijerinck
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155. Tobacco mosaic infections intity was isolated in pure crystalline form of protein by:
A.Stanley B. Beijerinck
C. Iwanowsky D.Bawden
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156. Tolyposorium penicillarie cause:

A.Smut of sugarcane B. Grain smut of sorghum
C. Bajra smut D.Head smut of sorghum
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157. Tomato leaf curl is caused by:

A.Bacteria B. Fungi
C. Mycoplasma D.Virus
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158. Transduction is a process of multiplication in:

A.Fungi B. Bacteria
C. Bacteriophages D.Nematode
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159. Transformation is a process of multiplication in:

A.Fungi B. Bacteria
C. Bacteriophagus D.Nematode
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160. Trichodorus belongs to family:

A.Trichodoridae B. Heteroderidae
C. Nacobbidae D.Longidoridae
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161. Tundu disease of what is caused by:
A.Anguina B. Corynebacterium
C. Both (a) & (b) D.Heterodera
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162. Who proved that virus could pass through filters with pores small enough to retain bacteria?
A.Stanley B. Ivanowski
C. Mayer D.Barkley
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163. Ufra disease of rice is caused by:

A.Pratylenchus B. Ditylenchus
C. Aphelenchoides D.Heterodera
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164. Leaf curl of tobacco is caused by:

A.Nicotina virus Ca-i B. Nicotina virus-10
C. MLO's D.Viriod
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165. Uncinuls causes the disease:

A.Downy mildew B. Powdery mildew
C. Blight D.Wilt
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166. Used lense for the first time to study micro-organism:

A.Robert Koch B. Antony Van Leeuwenhoeck
C. Louis Pasteur D.Butler
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167. Virus is transmitted by nematode:

A.Globodera B. Tylenchorhynchus
C. Angulna D.Xiphinema
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168. Who is known as the father of nematology?

A.N.A. Cobb B. G.Thorne
C. F.G.W. Jones D.De-man
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169. When bacterial cells are subjected to unfavourable conditions they form:
A.Oospores B. Zoospores
C. Endospores D.Cyst
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170. Which are the cellulose attacking fungi at the time of decomposition of organic compound?
A.Trichoderma, Aspergillus B. Ganoderma, Psalliotta
C. Albugo, Puccinia D.Pythium, Macrophomina
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171. Which fungus produces aflatoxin?
A.Penicillium notatum B. Aspergillus flavus
C. Albugo candida D.Trichoderma viride
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172. Which fungus supresses various pathogenic fungi present in soil?

A.Pythium aphanidermatum B. Psalliotta spp.
C. Macrophomina spp. D.Trichoderma viride
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173. Which is citrus namatode?

A.Hoplolaimus B. Pratylenchus
C. Rotylenchulus D.Tylenchus
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174. Which is sulphur bacteria?

A.Nitrosomonas B. Cladethrix
C. Thiothrix D.Bacillus
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175. Which is the root knot nematode?

A.Angunia B. Heterodera
C. Meloidogyne D.Tylenchorhynchus
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176. Which of the following nematicide is a carbamate?

C. Phorate D.Aldicarb
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177. Which of the following nematodes attack above plant parts?

A.Pratylenchus B. Anguina
C. Meloidogyne D.Rotylenchulus
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178. Which of the nutrient is supplied by mycorrhiza to the plant?

A.Nitrogen B. Phosphorus
C. Sulphur D.Iron
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179. Which of them is a gram-positive bacterium?

A.Xanthomonas B. Pseudomonas
C. Erwinia D.Corynebacterium
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180. Which of them is a poisonous mushroom?

A.Agaricus B. Volvariella
C. Peasurotus D.Amanita
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181. Which one of the following correctly define the period between inoculation and appearance
of the first disease symptom?
A.Penetration period B. Latent period
C. Incubation period D.Infestion period
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182. Which one of the following groups consists of systemic fungicides?

A.Bavistin, Topsin-M, Captan B. Plantvax, Emisan, Calisin
C. Vitavax, Bavistin, Calisin D.Ziram, Plantvax, Blitox
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183. Which one of the following helps in maintaining the shape of nematodes?
A.Pseudocoelomic fluid B. Cuticle and muscles
C. Pseudocoelome D.Annulation of cuticle
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184. Which one of the following is known as downy mildew fungus?

A.Erysiphe B. Sclerospora
C. Taphrina D.Urocystis
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185. Which one of the following is the best method of controlling ear cockle disease of wheat?
Mechanical separation of infected seed by
A.Application of solar heat B.
C. Application of balanced dose of fertilizer D.Treatment of seed with pesticide
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186. Which one of the following is the cause of spreading decline of citrus?
A.Citrus nematode B. Burrowing nematode
C. Fungal diseases D.Nutritional deficiency
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187. Which one of the following is the correct mode of infection in Ergot of bajra?
A.Shoot infection B. Local infection of blossom
C. Seedling infection D.Systematic infection
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188. Which one of the following is the correct order in which they appear during biocontrol
A.Parasite, Release, Mass rearing, Parasitism B. Mass rearing, Parasite, Release, Parasitism
C. Release, Mass rearing, Parasite, Parasitism D.Parasite, Mass rearing, Release, Parasitism
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189. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

A.Karnal bunt - Neovossia horrida of wheat B. False smut - Ustilaginoidea virens of rice
C. Hill bunt - Tilletia foetida wheat D.Ear cockle - Anguina tritici wheat
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190. Which one of the following pairs of crop and disease is correctly matched?
A.Cabbage - Early blight B. Cucumber - Club root
C. Potato - Black wart D.Tomato - White rust
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191. Which one of the following remedies is to be suggested in case of failure of a
manuallyoperated sprayer to retain pressure?
Tightening of loose nuts and clamps and Tightening of the lid of the tank,
A. B.
replacement of gaskets replacement of the gasket, if necessary
Opening the nozzle and cleaning its various
C. D.Straightening the plunger rod if found bent
parts especially the orifice
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192. Which one of the following sprayers could require the lowest volume of spray solution to
cover a hectare of rice crop?
A.Power sprayer B. Foot sprayer
C. Knapsack sprayer D.Hand sprayer
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193. Which one of the following statements correctly defines economic threshold level?
The pest population level at which control
measures should be taken to prevent the The lowest pest population density that will
A. B.
pest population from reaching economic cause economic damage
injury level
The pest population level at which
The optimum pest population density that
C. D.application of pest control measures will be
will cause economic damage
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194. Which of the following statements correctly defines the "alternate host" of a
A host on which a parasite attacks A host, which grows in alternate season or
A. B.
simultaneously with the main host year
One of the two kinds of hosts on which a
A host on which, the parasite does not
C. parasitic fungus develops to complete its D.
attack in normal conditions
life cycle
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195. Which one of the following tissue is most suitable for tissue culture to produce virus free
plants of potato?
A.Leaf tissue B. Pollen
C. Embryo-tissue D.Meristem tip tissue
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196. Which shows the symbiotic relationship?

A.Rhizobium B. Azotobactor
C. Clostridium D.Nitrosomonas
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197. Which was the first plant bacterial disese reported?

A.Angular leaf spot of cotton B. Citrus canker
C. Fire blight of apple D.Bacterial blight of tomato
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198. Whip smut of sugarcane is caused by:

A.Ustilago nuda B. Ustilago hordei
C. Urocystis agrophri D.Ustilago sciteminae
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199. White rust of crucifer is caused by:

A.Puccinia B. Albugo
C. Sclerospora D.Peronospora
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200. Who for the first time discovered antibiotics?

A.Alexander Flemming B. Stanley
C. Anton de Bary D.Louis Pasteur
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1. _______estimated that incompatibility occurs in more than 3,000 species among 20 families
of the flowering plants:
A.D. De Winton B. M.B. Hughes
C. W.H. Gabelman D.E.M. East
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2. _______provides the best documented example of long time effects of selection:

A.Sugarcane B. Sweet sorghum
C. Sugarbeet D.Sugar maple
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3. ______ deteriorates drastically upon inbreeding:

A.Carrot B. Okara
C. Brinjal D.Broccoli
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4. ______ in Ladino clover is governed by two dominant alleles, one produces cyanogenic
glycoside, while the other releases the enzyme to catalyze its release from gloycoside:
A.Oxalic acid B. IAA
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5. ______ are examples of protandrous species:

A.Avocados B. Walnuts
C. Carrots D.None of these
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6. Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection' was given by:

A.Lamark B. Linnaeus
C. Charles Darwin D.Erasmus
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7. Radish' is an example of:

A.Fusiform root B. Napiform root
C. Conical root D.Tuberous root
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8. "Experiments in Plant Hybridization" a paper of G. Mendal was first published in the year:
A.1905 B. 1787
C. 1866 D.1896
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9. "If a gene is represented in an infinitely large random-mating population by adaptively neutral

alleles, A and a, in the ration of qA: (1-q)2 aa = 1" is known as:
A.Stanford-Suneson law B. Weibe-Thomas law
C. Briggs-Harlan law D.Hard-Weinberg law
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10. 2n - 1 is a:
A.Monosomic B. Transonic
C. Tetrasomic D.Alloploid
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11. 2n denotes:
Number of homozygote produces by selfing Number of types of gametes produced by
A. B.
a F1 F1
Number of types of heterozygote produced
C. D.None of the above
by selling F1
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12. A cell or an organism having one chromosome pair in addition to the normal somatic
compliment of the species is:
A.Monosomic B. Nullisomic
C. Tetrasomic D.Trisomic
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13. A character dermined by many genes and does not show discrete variation is known as:
A.Qualitative character B. Oligogenic character
C. Quantitative character D.Multiple-allelic character
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14. A complex of communities of plants and animals of a region existing under identical climatic
conditions is called as:
A.Biome B. Ecosystem
C. Ecological complex D.Environment
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15. A condition in which pollination and fertilization take place in an unopened flower is termed
A.Homogamy B. Apogamy
C. Polygamy D.Cleistogamy
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16. A criss-cross inheritance is shown by:

A.Sex-influenced character B. Polygamy
C. Sex-linked character D.Sex-quantitative character
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17. A cybrid is:

A.A sex hybrid B. A hybrid formed by cell fusion
C. A plant produced by cell culture D.Synonym to hybrid
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18. A dry, one chambered and one seeded fruit developing from a superior ovary with the hard
and woody pericarp is:
A.Achene B. Caryopsis
C. Composite fruit D.None of the above
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19. A fruit, which develops from an inflorescence, is known as:

A.Simple fruit B. Aggregate fruit
C. Composite fruit D.None of these
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20. A fruit, which is collection of simple fruits developing from the apocarpous pistil of a flower,
is known as:
A.Multiple fruit B. Aggregate fruit
C. Complex fruit D.Simple fruit
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21. A generative nucleus in the male gametophyte divides _____ to form two male gametes:
A.Mitotically B. Meiotically
C. Mitotically and Meiotically D.None of these
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22. A head or capitulum's is characteristic of:

A.Compositeae B. Umbelliferae
C. Solanaceae D.Gramineae
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23. Zamikand and Taro (Colocasia) are example of:

A.Rhizome B. Tuber
C. Bulb D.Corm
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24. A homozygous line developed by self-fertilization in a cross-pollinated crop is termed as:

A.Pureline B. Inbred
C. Clone D.Mutant
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25. A hybrid is always:

A.Heterozygous B. Homozygous
C. Both of the above D.Often homozygous
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26. A large unit of natural vegetation in an area under identical condition (climatic) is called:
A.Plant formation B. Association
C. Community D.Climax
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27. A maintainer line is:

A.Male fertile and can restore fertility B. Male sterile but can restore fertility
C. Male sterile but cannot restore fertility D.Male fertile but cannot restore fertility
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28. A male child would be born to parents if:

A.The father is healthier than the mother B. The mother eats well during pregnancy
The genetic composition of the child The genetic composition of the child
C. D.
includes XY combination of chromosomes includes XX combination of chromosomes
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29. A male gametophyte in angiosperms contains:

A.One gametes only two male gametes only B. Two male gamete only
Two male gametes and one tube
C. D.One male gamete and one tube nucleus
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30. A mendelian population means:

A.Self-pollinated population B. Inbred population
C. Random-mating population D.Hybrid population
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31. A method of breeding most commonly used when the desired variation is required to be
induced in a vegetatively propagated crop is:
A.Polyploidy B. Pedigree method of breeding
C. Mutation breeding D.Backcross method of breeding
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32. A mixture of two immiscible liquids shaken up is:

A.Saturated solution B. A suspension
C. An emulsion D.Colloid
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33. A plant bearing both male and female flowers is said to be:
A.Dioecious B. Monoecious
C. Polygamous D.None of above
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34. A plant breeder is interested to control pollination to:

A.Prevent cross-pollination B. Control pollination
C. None of these D.Both of these
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35. A plant cell when put into a hypotonic solution, it unlike animal cell does not brust because:
A.It has no semi-permeable membrane B. It has inelastic cell wall
C. All both (a) & (b) D.None of the above
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36. A plant with 2n = 20 will have how many linkage group:

A.20 B. 10
C. 40 D.5
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37. A plant with genotype Gg Ww will produce gametes of which of the following types?
A.GW, gw, gW,Gw B. GG,WW,gg,ww
C. Gw,GG,GW D.All of them
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38. With the increase in temperature, the solubility of solid in a liquid:

A.Increases B. Decreases
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of the above
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39. A restorer gene is present in:

A.Nucleus B. Cytoplasm
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of these
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40. A state of meiotic cell division when homologous chromosomes separate and move to
different poles is known as:
A.Metaphase I B. Anaphase I
C. Telophase I D.Anaphase II
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41. A successful establishment of vegetation in a new locality means:
A.Commensalisnt B. Ecesis
C. Succession D.Psammosere
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42. With four bases A, U, G and C the possible number of triplet cordons are 64. If there is no
uracil, the number of codons will be:
A.3?64 B. 9?64
C. 27?64 D.None of above
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43. Wind pollination is also known as:

A.Anemophyly B. Entomophyly
C. Zoophyly D.Hydrophyly
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44. Acclimatisation is:

A process of adjustment by crop plants to
A. B. Related with the clay
C. Removal of female parts of a flower D.Changing of climatical condition
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45. According to position of the ovule within the ovary, an ovule may be:
A.Ascending B. Pendulous
C. Suspended D.All of the above
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46. Actual petrified remains of ancient plants and animals or impressions left by them in rocks
are called:
A.Fossils B. Models
C. Traces D.None of the above
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47. Adjustment of individual to their environment by mean of special structures or of function of

spoken of:
A.Mutation B. Variation
C. Heredity D.Adaptation
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48. Adventitious roots grow from:

A.Radical B. Plumule
Any part of the plant body other than the
C. Hypophysis D.
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49. After the cell has undergone mitosis, the amount of DNA in daughter cells will be:
A.Equal to the parent cell B. Half of the parent cell
C. Double of the parent cell D.None of the above
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50. Albinism in plants is associated with:

A.Epistatis B. Recessive lethal
C. Dominant lethal D.Chromosome duplication
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51. Alternative forms of a gene is known a:
A.Mutation B. Gamete
C. Allele D.Genotype
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52. An anticodonis a sequence of three nitrogenous bases found on:

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53. An association can be:

A.Hydrophytic B. Halophytic
C. Xerophytic D.All of the above
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54. An egg or sperm cell in plants is called:
A.Gene B. Gamete
C. Zygote D.None of them
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55. An embryo sac of angiosperms generally contains:

A.Two nuclei B. Three nuclei
C. Four nuclei D.Eight nuclei
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56. An endospermic cell of a seed after somatic chromosome number (2n = 20) will have:
A.30 Chromosomes B. 20 Chromosomes
C. 10 Chromosomes D.40 Chromosomes
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57. An individual having different alleles for any gene pair and producting two kinds of gametes
is known as:
A.Hemizygous B. Homozygous
C. Heterozygous D.Heterogenous
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58. An organism having the gametic chromosome numbers is called as:

A.Genome B. Hybrid
C. Gamete D.Haploid
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59. An organism with one extra chromosome (2n + 1), is instead of the normal diploid (2n) is
known as:
A.Monoploid B. Monosomic
C. Trisomic D.Tetrasonic
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60. Ascending portion of the axis of the plant, developing directly from the plumule and bears
leaves, braches and flower is known as:
A.Root B. Steam
C. Modified root D.None of above
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61. At the molecular level point mutations are due to:
A.Destruction of the bases B. Destruction of the double helix
C. Shifting of a portion of the helix and bases D.Alterations of sequences of base in DNA
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62. At the stage incipient plasmolysis the turgor pressure is:

A.Zero B. 2 atm.
C. 4 atm D.22.4 atm.
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63. At the stage of fully turgid cell, the suction pressure will be:
A.Equal to wall pressure B. Zero
C. Equal to osmotic pressure D.Maximum
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64. ATP synthesis occurs in:

A.Chloroplast B. Chloroplast and mitochondria
C. Chloroplast, mitochomdria and muclei D.Mitochondria
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65. Bacteria, protozoa and other living plants and animals are:
A.Climatic factors B. Edaphic factors
C. Biotic factors D.Topographic factors
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66. Baldness in human being is a:

A.Sex linked character B. Sex limited character
C. Sex-influenced character D.None of the above
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67. Barely is a ______ pollinated crop:

A.Often-cross B. Self and cross
C. Cross D.Self
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68. Biffin in 1905 announced, that resistance to yellow rust of wheat is governed by ______ gene
in crosses:
A.Single dominant B. Single recessive
C. Double dominant D.Double recessive
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69. Binomial system of Nomenclature means that the name of plant is made up of two words,
which designate:
A.Family and genus B. Order and family
C. Species and family D.Genus and species
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70. Bread wheat is:

A.Haploid B. Diploid
C. Tetraploid D.Auto-allopolyploid
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71. Bulk population breeding is suitable for:
A.Fruit crops B. Vegetable
C. Small grains D.Flower crops
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72. Who suggested the imbiitions theory of ascent of sap?
A.Sir J.C.Bose B. Sachs
C. Strasburger D.Dixon and Jolly
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73. Dallus is:

A.An undifferentiated mass of cells B. A gamete
C. A tissue D.A modification of leaf
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74. Carolus Linnaeus is credited with introducing the:

A.Law of limiting factors B. Law of independent assortment
C. Binomial system of nomenclature D.Laws of inheritance
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75. Cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi and brussels sprouts have been derived from wild
cabbage that, still grows in coastal regions of:
A.Latin America B. Mesopotamia
C. Europe and N. Africa D.South Asia and South Africa
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76. Who is regarded as the father of botany?

A.Theofrastus B. Gregor Mendel
C. Carolus Linnaeus D.Oswald Tippo
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77. Who is credited with the discovery of mitosis?

A.Farmer and Moore B. Huxley
C. Flemming D.Robert Hooke
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78. Characteristic feature of xerophytes is:

A.Long taproot B. Leaves and stem with thick cuticle
C. Sunken stomata D.All of the above
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79. Characteristic feature of the hydrophytes is:

A.Reduced protective tissues B. Feebly developed root system
C. Spongy stem D.All the above
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80. Chauncey Goodrich was the first _____ to publish a paper dealing with resistance of potatoes
to the blight diseases:
A.Britisher B. German
C. Dutch D.American
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81. China rose is a :
A.Herb B. Shrub
C. Tree D.Climber
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82. Chromosome numbers in somatic cells of a maize plant are:

A.22 B. 26
C. 14 D.20
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83. Chromosome which pair at meiotic prophase and are similar size, shape, structure and
function are known as:
A.Homologous B. Isocentric
C. Isochromosome D.Acentric
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84. CIMMYT is located at:

A.Miexico B. England
C. Spain D.Nigeria
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85. Cliestogamy encourages:

A.Self pollination B. Cross pollination
C. Apomixes D.Inbreeding depression
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86. Clone in general is:

A.Homozygous B. Heterogeneous
C. Heterozygous D.None of the above
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87. Commercial banana have ______ instead of 22 chromosomes of ordinary diploid varieties:
A.13 B. 23
C. 33 D.43
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88. Complementary gene produces phenotypic ratio:

A.3;1 B. 13;3
C. 15;1 D.9;7
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89. Composites are developed by using:

Advanced generation seed mixtures
A.obtained from high yielding intervarietal or B. Hybrid directly from intervarietal crosses
interracial crosses
Recurrent selection for specific combining The hybrid of an inbred with an open-
C. D.
ability pollinated variety
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90. Conifers are abundant in:

A.Tropical zone B. Alpine zone
C. Temperate zone D.Subtropical zone
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91. Cotton:
A.Is a self-pollinated crop B. Is a cross pollinated crop
C. Is an often-cross pollinated crop D.Is an often-self pollinated crop
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92. Creation of the world by God is basis of the:

A.Theory of eternity of present condition B. Theory of special creation
C. Theory of catastrophism D.All the above
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93. Cross between cytoplasmic male sterile x cytoplasmic male fertile:

A.Produce sterile F1 B. Produce fertile F1
C. Produce fertile, sterile in 1:1 ratio D.None of the above
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94. Cross of F1 hybrid with either parent is called:

A.Test cross B. Single cross
C. Back cross D.None of them
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95. Crossing over occurs at:

A.Two strand stage B. Four strand stage
C. Three strand stage D.None of the above
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96. Cuscuta is:

A.Total stem parasite B. Partial stem parasite
C. Partial root parasite D.Total root parasite
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97. Cytogenetically, the definitive nucleus is:

A.Haploid B. Diploid
C. Triploid D.Tetraploid
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98. Date palm is:

A.Monoecious B. Dioecious
C. Polygamous D.None of the above
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99. Degenerated parts of plants and animals, which do not serve any useful purpose, are known
A.Un-useful structures B. Vestigial structures
C. Essential organs D.Unwanted structures
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100. Despite conspicuous deterioration of maize upon continuous setting, it is more tolerant to
inbreeding than:
A.Limabean B. Barley
C. Alfalfa D.Buckwheat
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101. Details of the kreb's cycle were worked out by the use of:
A.Radioactive carbon compounds B. Ultracentrifugation
C. Electron-microscopy D.X-ray crystallography
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102. Development and formation of pollen grains in anther of the stamen is known as:
A.Pollination B. Fertilization
C. Microsporogenesis D.Megasporogenesis
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103. Development of a fruit without fertilization is known as:

A.Parthenogenesis B. Polyembrohy
C. Budding D.Apomixes
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104. Who invented first compound microscope?

A.Robert Hooke B. Jansen
C. Leeuwenhoek D.None of these
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105. Development of seed without-sexual process is:

A.Apomixes B. Polyembryony
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of the above
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106. Development of the pollen tube, the seed and the 3n endosperm, double fertilization is
characteristic features of:
A.Bryophytes B. Pteridophytes
C. Gymnosperms D.Angiosperms
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107. Disease reaction is by and large, a process:

A.Physical B. Chemical
C. Mechanical D.Manual
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108. Disease rsistance in barley is:

A.Quantitative characteristics B. Qualitative characteristics
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of the above
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109. DNA exists as a double helix as a result of hydrogen bonding between:

A.Sugar molecules B. Phosphate groups
C. Nucleohistones D.Nucleosides
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110. DNA polymerase:

Helps is DNA Helps in RNA
A. B.
replication replication
Helps in protein
C. D.None of the above
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111. DPD is the index of sucking power and is also known as:
A.Suction pressure B. Wall pressure
C. Osmotic D.Turgor pressure
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112. During mitotic cell division the total chromosome number:

A.Remains the same B. Gets halved
C. Gets doubled D.None of them
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113. Each cell of the female gametophyte is hapoid except:

A.Egg cell B. Synergid cells
C. Antipodals cells D.Definitive nucleus
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114. Each gramme of water transpired absorbs ______ kj of latent heat from the leaf
and its environment:
A.2.0 - 2.1 B. 2.2-2.3
C. 3.4-3.5 D.2.7-2.8
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115. Each mature anther has:

A.One pollen sac B. Two pollen sacs
C. Three pollen sacs D.Four pollen sacs
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116. Each megaspore mother cell finally produces:
A.Four megaspores B. Two megaspores
C. Only one megaspore D.None of the above
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117. Each pollen mother cell produces four haploid cells as a result of:
A.Mitosis B. Meiosis
C. One mitosis and then meiosis D.None of the above
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118. Each stamen is differentiated into:

A.Filament B. Anther
C. Connective D.All of the above
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119. Electron microscope was invented by:

A.Jansen B. Leeuwenhoek
C. Knoll and Ruska D.None of the above
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120. Emasculation is:

Removal of male parts from a bisexual
A. B. Removal of female parts
C. Removal of male and female parts D.None of the above
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121. Embryo-sac is:
A.Male gametophyte B. Micro-gametophyte
C. Saprophyte D.Female gametophyte
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122. Endosperm is store house for germinating embryo and it contains:

A.Hormones B. Vitamins
C. Enzymes D.All the above
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123. Epicalyx is the characteristic of the family:

A.Gramineae B. Solanaceae
C. Malvaceae D.Compositeae
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124. Epistasis should be crefully distinguished from dominance, which refers to non-additivity of
alleles at:
The same locus of a homologues Different loci of a homologous
A. B.
chromosome chromosome
The same locus of non-homologous Different locus of non-homologous
C. D.
chromosomes chromosomes
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125. Who founded the cell theory?

A.Robert Hooke B. Von Mohl and Nageli
C. Schwann and Schleiden D.Gres and Malpigi
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126. Exchange of genetic material takes place between non-sister chromatids of homologous
chromosomes during the:
A.Four stand stage in prophase I B. Two strand stage in prophase I
C. Metaphase I stage in meiosis D.Two strand stage in prophase II
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127. Female reproductive organ in the flower is:

A.Calyx B. Corolla
C. Stamens D.Carpals
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128. Flower colour in plants is a:

A.Qualitative chracter B. Quantitative character
C. Both of them D.None of them
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129. Flower is specialized:

A.Shoots B. Leaf
C. Stem D.Tendril
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130. Flowers having both androecium's and gynoecium's are

said to be:
A.Hermaphrodite B. Unisexual
C. Staminate D.Pistilate
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131. For Hardy - Weinberg law to operate:

A.The population should be large B. There should be open pollination
C. There should be no selection D.ll the above
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132. Formation of new genes takes place due to:

A.Inversion B. Transduction
C. Transversion D.Mutation
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133. Fruit of candytuft is known as:
A.Legume B. Siliqua
C. Silicula D.Capsule
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134. Fruit of pea is known as:

A.Legume B. Follicle
C. Siliqua D.Capsule
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135. Fruit of sunflower is:

A.Caryopsis B. Samara
C. Cypsela D.Nut
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136. Fruits of calotropis are:

A.Legume B. Siliqua
C. Capsule D.Follicle
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137. Fusion of the one sperm (male gamete) and definitive nucleus results in the
formation of:
A.Endosperm B. Embryo
C. Saprophyte D.Zygote
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138. Who established that character is transmitted from generation to generation

through chromosomes?
A.Robert Brown B. Robert Hooke
C. Nawaschin D.Strasburger and Hertwig
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139. Generally embryosac is:

A.Monosporic B. Bisporic
C. Tetrasporic D.Octosporic
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140. Genes are made up of:

A.RNA only B. DNA only
C. RNA nd DNA D.Proteins
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141. Genetics is the study of:

A.Genes B. Gene interaction
C. Heredity and variation D.DNA
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142. Genotype x Environment interaction would take place when there is/are:
A.One genotype and two environments B. Two genotypes and one environment
Two or more genotypes and two or more
C. Three genotypes and one environment D.
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143. Germplasm means:

A.A breeding method B. A collection of genetic material
C. A new disease D.None of the above
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144. Gibberellins are now commercially used into increase sugarcane growth and sugar yields :
A.China B. Hawaii
C. Japan D.Korea
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145. Ginger and Turmeric are example of modified stem:

A.Rhizome B. Tuber
C. Bulb D.Corm
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146. Given that the somatic cromosome number of Triticum aestivum is 2n = 6x = 42, which one
of the following pairs is correctly matched?
A.Monosome B. Trusine
C. Tetrasome D.Nullisome
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147. Mendel is famous for:

A.Propounding the laws of inheritance B. Laws of limiting factors
C. The theory of mutation D.The discovery of penicillin
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148. Group of plants with similar characteristics of any rank is termed:

A.Taxon B. Species
C. Genus D.Order
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149. Gynoecium or pistil in the female whorl differentiated into:

A.Filament B. Style
C. Stigma D.All of the above
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150. Holophytes growing on muddy swarmps form special vegetation known as:
A.Hangrove forests B. Coniferous forests
C. Evergreen forests D.Riparian forests
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151. Heritability may be defined as the:
Interaction product of genotype with Sum total of hereditary material present in
A. B.
environment a species
Degree of resemblance between the Proportion of phenotypic variability, which
C. D.
original and the selected plants is due to heredity
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152. Heterosis is commercially exploited in:

A.Cross pollinated species B. Often cross-pollinated species
C. Self-pollinated species D.Vegetatively propagated species
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153. Heterosis over the better parent is called as:

A.Relative heteroisi B. Standard heterosis
C. Pseudoheterosis D.Heterbeltiosis
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154. How many cells will be produced from a cell if the cell divides meiotically?
A.1 B. 2
C. 3 D.4
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155. Hugo de Vries, who defined the 'mutation', was:

A.Dutch Botanist B. French Bacteriologist
C. English Botanist D.Russian Biologist
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156. Hybrid seeds can be produced through open pollination with the use of:
A.Inbreds B. Clones
C. Pure lines D.Male sterile lines
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157. Hydrilla is a:
A.Hydrophyte B. Mesophyte
C. Hygrophyte D.Xerophyte
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158. ICRISAT deals with:

A.Cotton B. Maize
C. Millets D.Wheat
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159. If a character is cytoplasmically controlled then:

A.The progeny resembles female parent B. The progeny resembles male parent
C. It's segregation of 3:1 is observed in F1 D.15:1 segregation in F1
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160. If a dihybrid is test crossed, the phenotypic ratio of progeny will be:
A.9:3:3:1 B. 9;3;4
C. 1:1:1:1 D.15;1
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161. If a dihybrid without genic interaction is selfed the following ratio is obtained in F2:
A.1:1:1:1 B. 9:3:3:1
C. 9;7 D.9;6;1
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162. If a membrane allows the passage of both solvent and solute molecules it is said to be:
A.Non-permeable B. Impermeable
C. Semi-Permeable D.Permeable
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163. If dissolved sugar in pure water the resulting solution will have osmotic potential than that
of pure water:
A.Equal B. More positive
C. More negative D.Difficult to measure
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164. If more solute is added to a saturated solution, it settles down but if heated the excess
amount also gets dissolved. Such a solution said to be:
A.Unsaturated B. Saturated
C. Super saturated D.Crystalloid
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165. If parents differ in ten gene pairs, no selection is done; six back crosses will produce a
population having ______ per cent homozygous and identical individuals to recurrent
parent at all ten loci:
A.65 B. 75
C. 85 D.95
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166. If the cells of a plant root tip contain chromosomes will be found in its pollen grains?
A.4 B. 8
C. 16 D.32
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167. If the particles of dispersed phase have an affinity towards the particles of the dispersion
medium the colloidal system is known as:
A.Lyophobic B. Hydrophobic
C. Lyophilic D.None of the above
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168. In ______, pollen dispersal is poor and seed set is likely to be low on male sterile plants:
A.Tomato B. Cauliflower
C. Broccoli D.Carrot
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169. In ______ , the first studies on artificial hybridization for which yields were reported were
those of Beal during the period between 1877 and 1882:
A.Sorghum B. Pearlmillet
C. Maize D.Carrot
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170. In Angiosperms:
Sporophyte is complex and gametophyte Sporophyte simple and gametophyte
A. B.
incospicuous complex
C. Sporophyte and gemetophyte complex D.Sporophyte and gametophyte incospicuous
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171. In asparagus one or more short, green cylindrical or sometimes flattened branches of limited
growth develop from node of stem, such a branch is known as:
A.Cladode B. Phylloclade
C. Stem tendril D.Thorn
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172. In bajra:
A.Cytoplasmic male sterility is found B. Genetic male sterility is found
C. Cytoplasmic genetic male sterility is found D.Self-incompatibility is found
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173. In C4 pathway CO2 combines with:

A.Ribulose monophosphate B. Phosphoglyceric acid
C. Ribulose diphosphate D.Phosphenol pyruvate
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174. In China rose flower is:

A.Hypogynous B. Perigynous
C. Epigynous D.None of the above
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175. In compositeae the gynoecium is syncarpous bicarpellary with:

A.Marginal placentation B. Axile placentation
C. Free central placentation D.Basal placentation
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176. In cotton, the popularly grown commercial hybrid varalaxmi's is the product of:
Intraspecific hybridization in Gossypium Intraspecific hybridization in Gossypium
A. B.
hirsutum barbadense
Interspecific hybridization between Interspecific hybridizaton between
C. Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium D.Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium
barbadense herbaceum
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177. In cruciferae the stamens are said to be:

A.Didynamous B. Tridynamous
C. Tetradidynamous D.Decadynamous
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178. In famtly malvaceae the stamens are:

A.Diadelphous B. Gynandrous
C. Syngenesious D.Monoadelphous
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179. In Ficus (banyan, pepal, fig) the inflorescence is:

A.Cyathuim B. Verticillaster
C. Hypanthodium D.Spadix
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180. Which sterility is exploited in hybrid seed production?

A.Male genetic sterility B. Cytoplasmic sterility
C. Cytoplasmic genetic male sterility is found D.Genetic
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181. Which one of the following is the site of protein synthesis?
A.Ribosomes B. t-RNA
C. m-RNA D.r-RNA
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182. In mass selection, plants are selected on the basis of:

A.Phenotypes B. Genotypes
C. Homozygosity D.None of the above
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183. In pedigree breeding single plants are selected in which one of the following generation:
A.F5 B. F3
C. F2 D.F
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184. In potato the inflorescence is:

A.Helicoid B. Scropioid cyme
C. Umbel D.Raceme
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185. In Primula sp:

A.Sporophytic incompatibility found B. Gametophytic incompatibility found
C. Heteromorphic incompatibility found D.Homomorphic incompatibility found
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186. In RNA, nitrogen bases are same as in DNA except:

A.Uracil instead of Thymlnine B. Cytosin instead of Thymine
C. Adenine instead of Guanine D.Thymine instead of Adenine
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187. In self-incompatibility system:

A.Pollen not produced B. Self pollination takes place
Pollen does not germinate on self-
C. D.All are correct
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188. In solanaceae, the flowers are:

A.Actionomorphic bisexual and epigynous B. Zygomorphic, unisexual and perigynous
C. Actinomorphic, bisexual and hypogynous D.Actinomorphic, bisexual and perigynous
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189. In sorghum somatic chromosome number is 20. What would be its chromosome number in
the endosperm?
A.10 B. 20
C. 30 D.40
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190. Which one f the following is not dioecious plant?

A.Datepalm B. Vallisnaria
C. Maize D.Papaya
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191. In sweet pea gene C or P alone produces white flower, where as both C and P are needed to
produce purple coloured flower. In a particular cross between two white flowered plants the
offsprings were one half purple and one-half white. The possible genotypes of the parents
A.Cc Pp x ccPp B. CCpp x ccPP
C. ccPp x CCpp D.Ccpp x ccPp
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192. In the cymose inflorescence the flowers develop in:

A.Basipetal succession B. Acropetal succession
C. Centripetal succession D.None of the above
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193. In the flowering plants the process of fertilization is first discovered by:
A.Robert Brown B. Strasburger
C. Virchov D.Nawaschin
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194. In the ovary of 'marigold' the placentation is:
A.Superficial B. Basal
C. Marginal D.Axile
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195. In the pitcher plant, the pitcher is modification of:

A.Stem B. Root
C. Leaf D.Stem-branch
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196. In the simple ovary (of one carpel) there is one common type of placentation known as:
A.Axile B. Parietal
C. Central D.Marginal
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197. In wheat and oat there are _____ genes for red versus white kernels:
A.Two B. Three
C. Four D.Five
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198. In wheat, cross-pollination is:

A.Less than 5% B. More than 5%
C. 15% D.50%
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199. In which one of the following crops maximum exploitation of hybrid vigour during the last
three decades has been done?
A.Wheat B. Rice
C. Maize D.Cotton
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200. In which part of the cell, does protein synthesis take place?
A.Mitochondria B. Nucleolus
C. Nucleus D.Ribosomes
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201. Inflorescence of wheat ear is:
A.Catkin B. Spike
C. Corymbs D.Raceme
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202. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is situated in:

A.Philippines B. Japan
C. China D.Burma
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203. It has been estimated that a miize tassel produces at least _____ pollen grains for each
A.5,000 B. 15,000
C. 25,000 D.35,000
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204. It is an established fact that higher and more complex forms of plants and animals have
evolved from:
A.Recent and simpler forms B. Earlier and simple forms
C. Recent and complex forms D.Xerophytic forms
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205. Which one of the following chemicals is used to induce polyploidy?

A.Ethyl methane sulphonate B. Methyl methane sulphonate
C. Colchicines D.Nitrous acid
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206. Johansen proposed:

A.Theory of heterosis B. Pure line theory
C. Male sterility D.Hybridization
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207. Kreb's cycle begins with:

A.Glycogen B. Lysine
C. Succinic acid D.Acetyl COA
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208. Later formed rocks show fossils of:

A.Less complex and less advance types B. More complex and more advance types
C. Simpler types D.Simpler and more recent types
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209. Leaf of the Mimosa is:

A.Unipinnate B. Bipinnate
C. Tripinnate D.Decompound
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210. Magnification of an object by electron microscope is:

A.1,000 X B. 1,00,000 X
C. 1,00,000 X D.More than 2,00,000 X
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211. Maize is:
A.Maonecious plant B. Dioecious plant
C. Polygamous D.None of the above
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212. Most of the mutation have effect:
A.Deleterious B. Good
C. Bad D.Both (b) & (c)
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213. Male gamete carries ______ chromosome numbers:

A.Non-permeable B. 2n
C. 3n D.n - 1
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214. Mango fruit is a:

A.Pepo B. Pome
C. Berry D.Drupe
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215. Mangrove plants show adaptation like:

A.Stilt roots B. Respiratory roots or pnematophores
C. Vivipary D.All of the above
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216. Mating between two individuals related by descent is:

A.Selfing B. Inbreeding
C. Outbreeding D.Maintenance of population
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217. Megaspore mother cell produces four megaspores out of which usually:
Only one megaspore is functional and the Two megaspores are functional and the
A. B.
remaining three megaspores abort remaining two megaspores abort
Three megaspores are functional and the
C. D.All the four megaspores are functional
fourth megaspore aborts
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218. Meiosis is essential for the organism for:

A.Inducing polyploidy B. Growth of the organism
Keeping the number of chromosomes
C. D.Increasing the number of cells
constant from one generation to the other
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219. Meiosis occurs in:

A.Generative cells B. New cells
C. Vegetative cells D.None of the above
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220. Which one of the following categories of seeds is the farmer expected to buy afresh every
A.Variety B. Hybrid
C. Synthetic D.Composite
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221. Which of the fruit is capsule?
A.Beans B. Mustard
C. Cotton D.Wheat
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222. Which of the following type(s) of male sterility is/are used in commercial seed production
of double cross hybrid maize?
A.Cytoplasm alone B. Genetic alone
C. Cytoplasm and genetic D.Cytoplasmic and genetic with restors
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223. Mendok is a gametocide used for inducing male sterility in:

A.Onion B. Sunflower
C. Maize D.Cotton
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224. Method of breeding can be used for studying the ancestral characteristic:
A.Pure line B. Pedigree method
C. Mass selection D.None of these
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225. Microsporogenesis occurs in:

A.Roots B. Stems
C. Anthers D.Ovules
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226. Microsporogenesis occurs in:

A.Carpals B. Gynoecium
C. Stamens D.Thalamus
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227. Modern population genetics is found on a proposition dedeced independently by Hardy in

England in 1908 and _____ in Germany n 1909.
A.Weinberg B. Pugsley
C. Briggs D.Weibe
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228. Monoploid is also a:

A.Haploid B. Diploid
C. Monosomic D.None of the above
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229. Multiline varieties are mixtures of:

Several morphologically different plants
A. B. Bulked progenies of different inhred lines
having identical disease resistance genes
Several similar pure lines having different Morphologically identical plants with
C. D.
genes for disease resistance different genetic make-up
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230. Mutation is known to be due to change in genes:

A.Loss B. Degeneration
C. Addition D.All the above
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231. Neither beginning nor end to the universe is basis of:
A.Theory of special creation B. Theory of catastrophism
C. Theory of eternity of present condition D.None of the above
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232. Nilsson-Ehle of ______ was apparently the first to use the bulk population method to breed
superior crop varieties:
A.Sweden B. Mexico
C. Germany D.France
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233. Normal female in human being is:

A.Homogametic sex B. Heterogametic sex
C. Homizygous for a gene D.Gynandromorph
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234. Nucleus seed is:

A.100% pure B. 80% pure
C. 50% pure D.40% pure
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235. Number of chromosome in endosperm is:

A.2n B. 3n
C. n D.4n
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236. Nutritional improvement for the tryptophan content has been achieved in a _____ cell-line:
A.Tomato B. Cucurbits
C. Coffee D.Tobacco
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237. Observation of Hugo de Vries were based on:

A.Pisum stivum B. Drossophila melangastor
C. Oenothera lamarkiana D.Solanum tubersoum
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238. Osra belongs to the family:
A.Solanaceae B. Malvaceae
C. Cucurbitaceae D.Liliaceae
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239. Onion and Garlic are example of:

A.Rhizome B. Tuber
C. Bulb D.Corn
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240. Operon concept was given by:

A.Watson ana Crick B. Beedle and Tatum
C. Jacob and Manod D.Mosselson and Stahi
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241. Orange or lemon fruit is known as:
A.Balusta B. Pepo
C. Pome D.Hesperidium
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242. Osmotic pressure of cells sap is high among below given categories in:
A.Mesophytes B. Halophyte
C. Hygrophytes D.Hydrophytes
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243. Oxisomes in plant cells are concerned with:

A.Kreb's cycle B. Calvin cycle
C. Photorespiration D.Photon-phosphate pathway
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244. Para-mutation in _____ is perhaps the one and only example of blending of alleles:
A.Sorghum B. Maize
C. Pearl millet D.Foxtail millet
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245. Pea has stamens:

A.Diadelphous B. Monoadelphous
C. Polyadelphous D.Gynandrous
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246. Persons with the following blood group are universal donor:
A.A B. B
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247. Phylloclade is:

A.Underground modification of stem B. Sub-aerial modification of stem
C. Aerial modification of stem D.None of all
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248. Physical and chemical properties of soil its water and air contents are included in:
A.Climatic factors B. Edaphic factors
C. Biotic factors D.Topographic factors
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249. Physiologically dry soil is:

A.Poor in moisture content B. With adequate water
C. with saline water D.Normal soils
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250. Pigment, which is responsible for skin colour, is:

A.Melanin B. Glutin
C. Globulin D.Albumin
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251. Pink (NN) flowered plants crossed with blue (nn) flowered plants gave black (Nn) flowered
plants in F1 generation. If F1 plants dre selfed, which of the following will be the phenotype
of F2 progeny?
A.All blue B. 1/2 blue and 1/2 pink
C. All pink D.1/4 pink, 1/2 black, 1/4 blue
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252. Which of the following scientists is called the father of genetics?

A.Charles Darwin B. Robert Hooke
C. Gregor Mendel D.Gregor Morgon
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253. Plants that attach themselves to any neighbouring object often by means of some special
devices and climb it are called:
A.Trailers B. Creepers
C. Climbers D.None of these
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254. Plants that grown upon other plants but do not absorb food from them are called:
A.Parasites B. Epiphytes
C. Saprophytes D.Symbionts
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255. Plants, which feed upon insects and small animald absorbing only nitrogenous compounds,
are called:
A.Symbionts B. Epiphytes
C. Carnivorous D.Nocturnals
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256. Plants that grow under average condition of temperature and moisture are:
A.Hydrophytes B. Hygrophytes
C. Mesophytes D.Xerophytes
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257. Plasmid can:

A.Self replicate B. Integrate into host genome
C. Express the genes in it D.Can do all the above
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258. Pneumatophores or respiratory roots are meant for:

A.Absorption of salts B. Absorption of water
C. Respiration D.Photosynthesis
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259. Pointed gourd is a :

A.Monoecious plant B. Hermaphrodite plant
C. Dioecious plant D.Polygamous plant
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260. Pollination taking place between the flowers borne by the same parent is called:
A.Geitonogamy B. Alogamy
C. Xenogamy D.None of the above
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261. Pollination taking place between two flowers (bisexual or unisexual) borne by two separate
plants of the same species is called:
A.Self pollination B. Cross pollination
C. Xenogamy D.Geitonogamy
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262. Polygenes affecting the same trait, with each enhancing the phenotype are termed as:
A.Amnions B. Alcaptonuria
C. Allosteric effect D.Additive factors
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263. Population improvement is used:

A.To accumulate deleterious alleles B. To maintain homozygosity
C. To accumulate favourable alleles D.To increase heterozygosity
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264. Pototo and Jerusalem artichoke are example of:

A.Rhizome B. Tuber
C. Bulb D.Corn
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265. Probably the most useful measurable property in the soil -plant-air system is:
A.Matric Potential B. Water Potential
C. Osmotic Potential D.Redox Potential
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266. Progeny of a hybrid plant:

A.Breds true B. Resembles maternal plant
C. Resembles paternal plant D.Segregation
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267. Prop or still roots are found in:

A.Acacia tree B. Tomato plant
C. Mango tree D.Banyan tree
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268. Protoplasm is a:
A.True solution B. Unsaturated solution
C. Suspension D.Polyphonic colloidal system
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269. Pseudo-fertility may also occur late in the season as in:

A.Tomato B. Tobacco
C. Tapioca D.Tea
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270. Pure line is:

A.The progeny of selfed heterozygous plant B. The progeny of selfed homozygous plant
The progeny of vegetatively progagated
C. D.The progeny of a nucleus seed
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271. Pureline selection is:
A method of accumulating favourable
A. B. Used to improve cross-pollinated crops
C. Used to improve self-pollinated crops D.Used in vegetatively propagated crops
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272. Quarantine is:

A.The name of a plant B. The name of a character
The process of observation of alien
C. D.None of the above
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273. Rainfall, temperature, light, wind and humidity are:

A.Climatic factors B. Edaphic factors
C. Biotic factors D.Topographic factors
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274. Random assortment of genes will occur if the gene are located on:
A.Same chromosome B. Different chromosomes
C. Sex chromosome D.Autosome
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275. Recessive lethal genes are carried in the:

A.Heterogenous form B. Hetrozygous form
C. Homozygous form D.Homogenous form
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276. Recurrent selection is mostly used in:

A.Cross pollinated crops B. Self pollinated crops
C. Vegetatively propagated crops D.Apomictic crop plants
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277. Reduction Division in micro-sporogenesis occurs when:

Pollen mother cells are produced from &
A. B. Sporocytes are produced
Four pollen grains are formed from a
C. Ovules are formed D.
pollen mother cell
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278. Registered seed is directly produced from:

A.Foundation seed B. Certified seed
C. Breeder's seed D.All the above
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279. Replacement of purine by pyrimidine and vice-versa is known as:

A.Transversion B. Transduction
C. Translocation D.All the above
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280. Restorer gene is needed:

To bring fertility
To make a plant
A. B. in male sterile
To make a plant To enhance the
C. D.
resistant yield
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in Forum

281. Rice varieties IR 20, IR 26 and IR 36 have shown better resistance to:
A.Tungro B. Bacterial leaf blight
C. Blast D.Brown plant hopper
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282. Root bear:
A.Unicelluar hairs B. Multicellular hairs
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of the above
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283. Root has:

A.Root cap B. Region of cell division
C. Give proper anchorage to plant D.All of the above
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284. Secondary nucleus in the embryosac is:

A.Hoplold B. Diploid
C. Triploid D.Hexaploid
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285. Seeds of monocotyledons are:

A.Albuminous or non-endospermic B. Ex-albuminous or non-endospermic
C. Both (a) & (b) D.Neither (a) nor (b)
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286. Seeds of pea, gram and beans are:

A.Albuminous or non-endospermic B. Ex-albuminous
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of the above
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287. Selfing of a plant increases:

A.Heterozygosity B. Homozygosity
C. Homogenecity D.Heterogenecity
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288. Sex in Drosophila is governed by the following mechanism:

A.XY methods B. OX method
C. ZZ method D.X autosomes ratio
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289. Single gene affecting more than one character is:

A.Polymorphism B. Pleiotropy
C. Phenocopy D.Complete penetrance
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290. Specific combining ability of the parents should be high in order to develop:
A.Hybrids B. Composites
C. Varieties D.Synthetics
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291. Spikelets are characteristic of the family:
A.Umbelliferae B. Gramineae
C. Malvaceae D.Leguminoceae
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292. Sporogenesis means:

A.Formation of zygote B. Formation of embryo
C. Germination of seed D.Development and formation of spores
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293. Stems often bear:

A.Unicellular hairs B. Multicellular hairs
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of above
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294. Sterility is most pronounced in the F1 generation following:

A.Intervarietal hybridization B. Intravarietal hybridization
C. Intraspecific hybridization D.Interspecific hybridization
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295. Sterility incompatibility of distant crosses can e overcome to produce hybrids by:
A.Pollen culture B. Anther culture
C. Explants culture D.Embryo culture
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296. Stilt roots are produced from:

A.Maint root B. Secondary roots
C. Stem and branches D.None of above
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297. Sudden and sharp change in individual and is directly inherited by the offspring is called:
A.Mutation B. Adaptation
C. Heredity D.Continuous variation
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298. Sunflower is:

A.Annual herb B. Biennial herb
C. Perennial herb D.None of the above
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299. Superiority of heterozygote leads to:

A.Fixation of recessive allele B. Fixation of dominant allele
C. Maintenance of both the alleles D.Depression of inbreeding
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300. System of classification proposed by Hutchinson is:

A.Natural B. Artificial
C. Phylogenetic D.Numerical
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301. Tetraploid potato has 48 chromosomes, whereas ordinary piploid species have _______
A.34 B. 24
C. 14 D.10
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302. Which of the following material makes the protein chain?

A.Carbohydrates B. Sugars
C. Fatty acids D.Aminoacids
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303. Which of the following leads to the cross-pollination?

A.Unisexuality B. Dichogamy
C. Heterostyly D.All the above
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304. The application of principles of genetics for the improvement of mankind is:
A.Herdity B. Linkage
C. Population genetics D.Eugenics
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305. The attraction between two dissimilar molecules is:

A.Cohesion B. Adhesion
C. Surface tension D.None of the above
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306. Which of the following is sub-aerial modification of stem?

A.Corm B. Stolon
C. Thorn D.Bulb
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307. The basis on which evolution works is:

A.Simplicity B. Complexity
C. Variations D.Adaptation
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308. The best-known artificial system of classification is that promulgated by:

A.Sir Julian Huxley B. Bentham and Hooker
C. Linnaeus D.A.P. Candolle
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309. The best method to break the unfavourable linkage is:

A.Single seed descent method B. Diallel selective mating
C. Pedigree method D.Bulk method
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310. The best method to carry forward the maximum number of genotypes/genes to the advanced
generations against the force of natural selection is:
A.Pedigree method B. Bulk method
C. Single seed descent method D.Back cross method
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311. The botanical name of the onion is:

A.Allium sativum B. Allum cepa
C. Pisum sativium D.Tagetes erecta
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312. The branch of genetics concerned with the study of frequencies of mating
populations is:
A.Quantitative genetics B. Behavioural genetics
C. Population genetics D.Eugenetics
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313. The cell sap of cell A has an osmotic potential of -14 bars and turgor pressure of 4
bars. Cell B has a water potential of -16 bars and osmotic potential of -24 bars.
The water movement will be:
A.From A to B B. From B to A
C. No movement D.None of the above
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314. The chromosomal aberrations include:

A.Duplication or deficiency B. Translocations or inversions
C. Multiplication or polyploidy D.All of these
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315. The chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibre by means of:
A.Pellicle B. Telomere
C. Satellite body D.Centromere
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316. The commonest form of the ovule is:

A.Orthotropous B. Anatropous
C. Amphilotropous D.Campylotropous
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317. The components of synthetic population would have already been tested for:
A.SCA B. Genetic advance
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318. Which of the following is ploidy level of common wheat?
A.Tetraploid B. Hexaploid
C. Diploid D.Octaploid
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319. The condition in which the anthers and stigmas of a bisexual flower mature at the
same time is known as:
A.Cleistogamy B. Heterogamy
C. Syngamy D.Homogamy
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320. The condition in which the pollen of a flower has no fertilizing effect on the
stigma of the same flower is called:
A.Herkogamy B. Dichogamy
C. Dicliny D.Self-sterility
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321. The definitive nucleus on fertilization gives:
A.Secondary B. Zygote
Primary endospermic
C. Oospore D.
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322. The diffusion of water through a differentially permeable membrane is called:

A.Osmosis B. Imbibition
C. Diffusion D.Water movement
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323. The DNA is made up of the following four bases:

A.A.T.G.E. B. A.T.G.C.
C. A.T.U.C. D.A.G.U.C.
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324. The edible part of the apple is:

A.Mesocarp and endocarp B. Endosperm
C. Only mesocarp D.Fleshy thalamus
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325. The effect of the genotype of the pollen grain on the phenotype of the seed is termed as:
A.Apospory B. Pollinia
C. Endopolyploidy D.Xenia
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326. The embroid (formed by vegetative cell) develops into a plant, which, in fact, grows out of
anther as in:
A.Tobacco B. Wheat
C. Barley D.Sorghum
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327. The evolutionary history of a species is referred as:

A.Phylogeny B. Progeny
C. Organic evolution D.Natural selection
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328. The factor that determine the movement of solutes through a membrane is:
A.Concentration gradient B. Molecular size
C. Charge and active transport D.All the above
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329. The fibrous fruit of coconut is dispersed by:

A.Air B. Water Potential
C. Animals D.None of the above
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330. The first easily observed sign of a water deficit in a plant is decrease in the tugor of its:
A.Root hairs B. Stem cells
C. Xylem vessels D.Leaf cells
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331. The first generation progeny of a hybrid are called:
A.Pure lines B. Segregates
C. Parents D.F1 plants
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332. The first inbreeding experiments with maize were those reported by:
A.Sprengel in 1866 B. Darwin in 1876
C. Sprague in 1886 D.Baird 1896
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333. Which of the following is not xerophytic plant?

A.Aloe B. Cacti
C. Gum tree D.Mango
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334. The flattened, lateral, outgrowth of the stem or the branch, developing exogenously from a
node and having a bud in its axil as known as:
A.Tendril B. Thorn
C. Leaf D.Flower
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335. The fleshy edible part of the mango fruit is:

A.Epicarp B. Endocarp
C. Mesocarp D.Pericarp
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336. The fleshy food storage tissue, lying immediately with in perisperm is called:
A.Endosperm B. Testa
C. Cruncle D.None of the above
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337. The following character in human beings can explain the sex linked inheritance:
A.Baldness B. Eye colour
C. Haemophilia D.Pattern of the hair
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338. The following organelles also contain DNA:

A.Endoplasmic reticulum B. Centrosomes
C. Vacuoles D.Chloroplast
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339. The following part of the chromosome is responsible for the movement of
chromosome/chromatid to different poles:
A.Chromatin B. Centromere
C. Chromomere D.Satellite
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340. Which of the following ions is involved in the opening and closing of stomata?
A.Mg2+ B. Fe2+
C. K+ D.Na+
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341. The fruit of Acacia is:
A.Lomentum B. Double samara
C. Regma D.Cypsela
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342. The fruit of cumin or coriander is known as:

A.Lomentum B. Cremocarp
C. Regma D.Cypsela
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343. The fruits of cucurbitaceae is:

A.Pepo B. Pome
C. Berry D.Drupe
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344. The fusion of a male gamete with two polar nuclei is often termed:
A.Fertilization B. Syngamy
C. Triple fusion D.Pollination
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345. The genes that intensify or diminish the effect of major genes are known as factors:
A.Modifying B. Nullifying
C. Falsifying D.None of these
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346. The green expanded part of leaf is called as:

A.Leaf blade or lamina B. Petiole
C. Pulvinous D.Leaf base
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347. The group of plants, which bear flowers and seeds, are known as:
A.Crytogams B. Phanerogams
C. Pteridophyta D.None of the above
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348. The haploid phase in plants is called :

A.Sporophyte B. Gametophyte
C. Zygote D.None of the above
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349. The hydrophytes float on water because of the presence of:

A.Aerenchyma B. Parenchyma
C. Chlorenchyma D.Sclerenchyma
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350. The inflorescence of banana is known as:

A.Catkin B. Raceme
C. Spike D.Spadix
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351. The initial pool of a composite population is composed of:
A.Inbred lines B. Isoline
Single plants derived from crosses and/or
C. Pure lines D.
germplasm lines
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352. The initial gene pool of a synthetic population is composed of:

A.Plants from an open-pollinated variety B. Pure lines
C. Inbred lines D.Isolines
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353. The jointed stem with solid nodes and hollow internodes is called:
A.Caudes B. Culm
C. Scape D.None of above
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354. The life first originated in:
A.Air B. Soil
C. Water D.All of the above
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355. The life-cycle of an angiosperm is consist of:

A.Sporophytic stage B. Gametophytic stage
C. Both stages D.None of above
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356. The main body of ovule is called:

A.Hilum B. Chalaza
C. Nucellus D.Integuments
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357. When the pistil has all the carpals united together it is said to be:
A.Apocarpous B. Syncarpous
C. Simpler types D.None of the above
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358. The main patterns concerning origin and domestication of cultivated plant species are:
A.Mendelian variation B. Inter-specific hybridization
C. Polyploidy D.All of these
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359. The main reason for the classification of plants is:

The difficulties arising in the study of
A. B. Their mechanical separation
plants because of their large number
C. The nature of man D.The environmental conditions
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360. The main type of endosperm development is:

A.Nuclear type B. Cellular type
C. Both (a) & (b) D.None of above

361. The majority of halophytes show:

A.Mesomorphic character B. Hydromorphic character
C. Xeromorphic caracter D.None of above
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362. The male sterile line is a cross to produce hybrid seed is known as:
A.A line B. R line
C. C line D.None of them
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363. The mechanism of male sterility in self-pollinated crops can be successfully
utilised to obtain:
Mutated seed without radiation
A.Selfed seed B.
C. Hybrid seed without emasculation D.Sterile seed
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364. The mendel's laws of inheritance were rediscovered in 1900 by:

A.Bateson and Punnet B. Beadle, Tatum and Leader-berg
C. Watson and Crick D.Correns, de Varies and Tschermak
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365. The minute scaly outgrowths borne at the upper end of the leaf sheath, as in
Gramineae are called:
A.Bract B. Bracteole
C. Stipule D.Ligule
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366. The mode of arrangement of ovules in the cavity of ovary is known as:
A.Pollination B. Aestivation
C. Placenatation D.Fertilization
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367. Which of the following breeding procedures are not used for producing new
varieties of self-pollined crop?
A.Recurrent selection B. Mass selection
C. Pure line selection D.Hybridization
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368. Which is the monoecious plant?

A.Maize B. Datepalm
C. Rice D.Mango
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369. The net movement of a substance from an area of its own high concentration into
another area of lesser concentration as rsult of kinetic energy of molecules is
A.Diffusion B. Osmosis
C. Imbibition D.Plasmolysis
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370. The normal eye colour in Drosphila is red. But mutants occur having white eye
and also different shades ranging between white and red which are all recessive to
red, while white colour is recessive to all others. This phenomenon is due to:
A.Pseudodominance B. Pseudoallelism
C. Codominance D.Polygenes
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371. The nucleus of the cell was first discovered by:

A.Robert Brown B. Robert hHooke
C. Strasburger D.Boveri
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372. The necleus of the functional megaspore divides:

A.Meiotically B. Asexually
C. Apomictically D.Mitotically
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373. The number of chromosome in common wheat is:

A.36 B. 38
C. 48 D.42
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374. The number of stamens is indefinite in:

A.Cruciferae B. Solanaceae
C. Papillionaceae D.Malvaceae
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375. The nutritive tissue, which is infact, a remnant of the nucleus to called:
A.Endosperm B. Perisperm
C. Yolk D.None of the above
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376. The seeded fruit of rice or maize grain is called:

A.Berry B. Pepo
C. Siliqua D.Caryopsis
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377. The only force responsible for the movement of water through a membrane is:
A.Molecular activity B. Hydrostatic pressure
C. Osmotic pressure D.All the above
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378. The ovary of family liliaceae is:

Trilocular superior with axile Trilocular inferior with parietal
A. B.
placentation placenation
Trilocular inferior with basal Trilocular superior with free central
C. D.
placentation placentation
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379. The particles of hemicolloides have size (diameter) round about:
A.Less than 1 mu B. Between 1 mu and 100 mu
C. 1 mu D.More than 100 mu
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380. The phenomenon is called misogamy, when the tube enters into the embryo sac
A.Micropyle B. Chalaza
C. Integuments D.None of the above
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381. The physical basis of heredity is termed as:
A.Gene pool B. Gene frequency
C. Germplasm D.None of the above
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382. The place on the stem or branch where one or more leaves arise is known as:
A.Internode B. Node
C. Apex D.Sheath
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383. The placentation is mustard is:

A.Marginal B. Parietal
C. Axile D.Basal
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384. The plant that grow in very dry places and can withstand a prolonged period of drought
uninjured are:
A.Hydrophytes B. Hygrophytes
C. Mesophytes D.Xerophytes
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385. The plant, which is growing in saline soils or saline water with preponderance of soil in it,
is said:
A.Mesophytes B. Xerophytes
C. Hygrophytes D.Halophytes
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386. The plants, which grow in water or in very wet places, are
A.Hydrophytes B. Hygrophytes
C. Mesophytes D.Epiphytes
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387. The plants, which grow in water deserts, are called:

A.Mesophytes B. Hydrophytes
C. Xerophytes D.Halophytes
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388. The plants, which occur in moist shady places in forests or in the moist soil near
waterlogged localities are:
A.Hydrophyte B. Hygrophytes
C. Xerophytes D.Mesophytes
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389. The plasma membrane is:

A.Impermeable membrane B. Semi-permeable
C. Permeable D.None of the above
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390. The point of attachment of the body of the ovule is its funicle is known as:
A.Chalaza B. Raphe
C. Hilum D.Stalk
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391. The pollen along with pollen tube is known as:
A.Microspore B. Pollengrain
C. Megaspore D.Male gametophyte
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392. Which is the dioecious plant?

A.Maize B. Marigold
C. Vallisneria D.Rice
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393. The pressure responsible for pushing the membrane against the cell wall is termed as:
A.Osmotic pressure B. Suction pressure
C. Wall pressure D.Turgor pressure
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394. The process of formation of eggs in animals is called:

A.Oogenesis B. Telophase
C. Oogonium D.None of them
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395. The process of formation of sperms in animals is known as:

A.Spermatogonium B. Spermatogenesis
C. Spematid D.None of them
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396. The process of guttation is due to:

A.Leaf suction B. Excess transpiration
C. Root Pressure D.Wall Pressure
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397. The process of making the expression of a non-allelic gene by another gene or gene pair is
known as:
A.Epistasis B. Hypostasis
C. Nobilisation D.None of the above
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398. The process of megasporogenesis occurs in:

A.Embryosac B. Egg cell
C. Pollensac D.Ovule
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399. The process, double fertilization was first discovered by:

A.Nawaschin B. Strasburger
C. Robert Brown D.Hugo de Vries
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400. The production of double cross hybrid in maize was first suggested by:
A.Shull B. East
C. Jones D.Hull
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401. The production of double cross hybrid in maize was first suggested by:
A.Megasprogenesis B. Microsporgensis
C. Gametogenesis D.Sporogenesis
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402. The production of sperms is known as:

A.Megagametogenesis B. Microsporogenesis
C. Microgametogenesis D.Megasporogenesis
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403. The proportion of one allele as represented in a breeding population is known as:
A.Gene frequency B. Gene pool
C. Both of the above D.None of the above
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404. The provision of light of shorten wavelength at the same time as longer red wavellength
_______ photosynthesis:
A.Maintains B. Enhances
C. Reduces D.Does not affect
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405. The raw materials required for photosynthesis in vascular plants are:
A.CO2 and water B. CO2, water and mineral
C. CO2, water, mineral salts and chlorophyll D.CO2, water and mineral salt
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406. The removal of apical buds and young leaves ______ branching.
A.Decreases B. Increases
C. Maintains D.No effect
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407. The replication of DNA is:

A.Conservative B. Non-conservative
C. Semi-conservative D.Direpersive
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408. Which is a common method used in cross-pollinated crops?

A.Mass selection B. Bulk method
C. Pure line method D.Pedigree method
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409. The science dealing with variation and heredity is called:

A.Immunology B. Cytology
C. Genetics D.Radiology
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410. The science, which deals with the study of interrelationship between the living organisms
and the various factors of the environment surrounding them as:
A.Botany B. Biology
C. Ecology D.Zoology
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411. The scientific name of bread wheat is:

A.T. durum B. T. dicoccum
C. T. aestivum D.T. monecoccum
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412. The scientific name of maize is:

A.Glycine max B. Hordeum vulgare
C. Zea mays D.None of them
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413. The segregation of individuals in the F2 or in a later generation of a cross, which shows a
more extreme development of a character than either parent is termed as:
A.Hybridisation B. Heterosis
C. Linkage D.Transgressive segregates
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414. The series of changes in the vegetation of a pond, lake, marsh or a stream are together
known as:
A.Hydrosere B. Xerosere
C. Biosphere D.None of above
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415. The series of changes in the vegetation of bare rocky beds, rocky hill slopes sand beds into,
extreme scarcity of water are together known as:
A.Hydrosere B. Xerosere
C. Mesosere D.Xerophytes
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416. The situation where an egg cell is developed into an embryo' without fertilization, is
described as:
A.Apomixis B. Parthenocarpy
C. Sexual reproduction D.Parthenogenesis
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417. The slender stalk by which ovule is attached to the placenta is known as:
A.Funicle B. Hilum
C. Raphe D.Chalaza
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418. The stage of prophase occur in:

A.Mitosis B. Meiosis
C. Amitosis D.Free cell formation
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419. The staminate ______ plants out yield pistillate plants by about 25 per cent.
A.Asparagus B. Lettuce
C. Spinach D.Hemp
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420. The structure of chromosome can best be observed during:

A.Prophase B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase D.Telaphase
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421. The study of ecology from the standpoint of individual species is called:
A.Synecology B. Phytogeography
C. Autecology D.None of the above
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422. The sugar found in DNA is:

A.Deoxyribose B. Ribose
C. Fructose D.Maltose
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423. When we place a living plant cell in a solution with an osmotic potential identical to that of
its own cell sap the solution is:
A.Hypertonic B. Hypotonic
C. Isotonic D.None of the above
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424. The surface tension in any liquid is ______ related to the temperature:
A.Universally B. Directly
C. Indirectly D.Does not
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425. The tap root system is normally meant to:

Absorb water and mineral salts from the
A. B. Conduct water and mineral salts to the stem
C. Give proper encharge to plant D.All of the above
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426. The term epistasis was originally used by _____ in 1909 to describe genes whose effects
mark or cover the effects of other genes:
A.Wagner B. Bateson
C. Hayman D.Atwood
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427. The term genetics was coined by:

A.Gregor Mendel B. Bateson
C. T.H. Morgan D.H.J. Mujer
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428. The term heterosis was first used by:

A.Mendel B. Shull
C. Bateson D.Punnet
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429. The term used in sugarcane breeding to denote the crossing of Sacharum officinarum with
related species followed by one or more back crosses is called:
A.Mass selection B. Crossing over
C. Cane improvement D.Nobilisation
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430. The theory explaining the cause of variation and evolution, (Continuity of Gemplasm) was
put forward by:
A.Charles Darwin B. Gregor John Mendel
C. Weismann D.Hugo de Vries
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431. The theory of catastrophism was introduced by:
A.Christian Church B. Cuvier
C. Lmark D.Darwin
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432. The theory of genes in the chromosomes was introduced by:
A.Mendel B. Morgan
C. Strasburger D.Hugo de Vries
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433. The theory of 'Natural Selection' was put forward in:

A.1850 B. 1859
C. 1869 D.1865
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434. The topographic factors include:

A.Undulation B. Altitude
C. Slope D.All the above
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435. The total volume of water on melting:

A.Increases B. Remains constant
C. Decreases D.None of these
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436. The transference of pollengrain from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the same flower
is known as:
A.Self-polliniltion B. Cross polination
C. Fertilization D.Mating
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437. The transference of pollengrains from the anther to the stigma is called:
A.Fertilization B. Double fertilization
C. Mating D.Pollination
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438. The turgor pressure is always equal and opposite in direction to:
A.Diffusion pressure B. Wall pressure
C. Osmotic pressure D.DPD
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439. The two integuments of a ovule develop into:

A.Seed coats B. Disintegrate
C. Plumule D.Pericarp
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440. The type of male sterility used in hybrid seed production in pearlmilet is:
A.Genetic male sterility B. Cytoplasmic male sterility
C. Genetic cytoplasmic male sterility D.None of the above
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441. The usefulness of cortisome for medicinal purposes led to the identification of _____ a
potentially rich source of it:
A.Discorea B. Colocasia
C. Lantana D.Canbis
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442. The various modes in which the leaves are arranged on the stem or the branch, the term is
A.Phyllotaxy B. Phyllode
C. Phylloclade D.Cladode
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443. The water potential of pure water is equal to:

A.Zero B. Always negative
C. Less than zero D.More than zero
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444. Theory of 'Acquired characters' was proposed by:

A.Darwin B. Lamark
C. Bateson D.Weismann
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445. Theory of 'Pangenesis' was given by:

A.Hugo de Vries B. Charles Darwin
C. Lamark D.Bateson
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446. Theory of Natural Selection was based on:

Over-production of off springs and
A. B. Variation and teir inheritance
consequent struggle for existence
C. Elimination of unfavorable variations D.All the above
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447. Theory of overdominance states:

Dominant homozygote is superior to Recessive homozygote is superior to
A. B.
recessive homozygote dominant homozygote
Hetrozygote is superior to both the
C. D.None of the above
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448. There are four stage of development of Genetics upto 20th century. The correct order of
their occurrence is:
Darwinism, Lamarckism, Mendelism, Lamarckism, Darwinism, Weismannism,
A. B.
Weismannism Mendelism
Lamarckism, Weismannism, Darwinism, Weismannism, Lamarckism, Darwinism,
C. D.
Mendelism Mendelism
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449. Thick and woody perennial climbers, met within forests, twine round tall trees and at their
tops produce a canopy of foliage are:
A.Twiners B. Leaf climbers
C. Hooke climbers D.Lianes
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450. Thomas Andrew Knight first noted differences among wheat varieties in their resistance to:
A.Smut B. Bunt
C. Rust D.Wilt
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451. When two organisms live together for mutual help to each other are called:
A.Saprophytes B. Symbionts
C. Parasites D.Epiphytes
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452. When two genes show independent segregation, a genotype AaBb will produce ______
types of gametes:
A.4 B. 3
C. 2 D.1
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453. To produce hybrid seed we need:

A.A male sterile line, restorer, maintainer B. A male fertile line and maintainer
C. A maintainer and restorer D.Only male sterile line
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454. When two alleles of a gene are identical, the plant is said to be:
A.Recessive B. Dominant
C. Heterozygous D.Homozygous
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455. Tomato fruit is a:

A.Drupe B. Berry
C. Siliqua D.Hesperidium
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456. Transfer of resistance gene to high yielding self-pollinated varieties is achieved by:
A.Hybridisation and pedigree selection B. Recurrent backcrossing and selection
C. Hybridisation and bulk selection D.Hybridisation and mass selection
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457. Transmission of a gene in Bacterio-phase is known as:

A.Transversion B. Transduction
C. Inversion D.Fusion
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458. Transmission of characteristics and qualities of parents of their offspring is known as:
A.Mutation B. Heredity
C. Adaptation D.Hybridization
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459. Triticale is a cross between:

A.Wheat & barley B. Barley & rye
C. Wheat & rye D.Wheat & oat
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460. tropical Evergreen or Rain Forests occur in areas with annual rainfall:
A.Exceeding 2,000 mm B. 1000 - 1,500 mm
C. 500 - 1,000 mm D.Scanty
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461. Umbel inflorescence is characteristic of the family:
A.Mustard family B. Okra family
C. Pea family D.Coriander family
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462. Unisexual flowers bear:

A.Only stamens B. Only carpals
C. Either stamens or carpals D.Both stamens and carpals
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463. When the stamens are united throughout their whole length by both the filaments and the
anthers, they are said to be:
A.Syngenesious stamens B. Polyadelphous stamens
C. Synadrous stamens D.Diadelphous stamens
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464. Veticillaster inflorescence is characteristic of family:

A.Malvaceae B. Pedaliaceae
C. Liliaceae D.Habiateae
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465. Vilmorin Principle of progeny testing stimulated _____ to devise Ear-to-Row Method of
maize breeding in 1886:
A.H.L. Westover B. C.G.Hopkins
C. W.L Brown D.F.D. Richey
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466. Vivipary means:

Seed germinates inside the fruit while it is
A. B. Seed germinates as usual
still on the parent tree
C. Seed dormancy is very long D.None of above
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467. Water potential concept was formulated by:

A.Peter Ray, 1960 B. M.H. Mathew, 1954
C. Otto Renner, 1915 D.W.C. Hoffer, 1920
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468. Wheat crop is:

A.Cross pollinated B. Often cross pollinated
C. Self pollinated D.Anemophily
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469. Oat is said to be:

A.Cross pollinated crops B. Self pollinated crop
C. Mixed pollinated crop D.None of the above
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470. When biological processes are made to occur outside the organism in test tube or vessel it is
known as:
A.In vivo B. In vitro
C. In breeding D.Complete pentrance
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471. When a cluster of leaves arises from the short underground item as in pineapple, such leaves
are said to be:
A.Radical B. Cauline
C. Pellate D.Centric
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472. When a formation is dominated by one or more species which are abundant in it, is said to
A.Association B. Climax
C. Community D.None of the above
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473. When a group of phenotypically similar appearing plant is selected and harvested and their
seeds are bulked, the process is known as:
A.Pedigree breeding B. Mass selection
C. Bulk method of breeding D.Pure line selection
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474. When a plant heterozygous for two given characters Tt Rr, both of them are completely
dominant, is self-pollinated, the resulting progeny will consist of:
A.Six phenotypes B. Four phenotypes
C. Three phenotypes D.Two phenotypes
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475. When a Tall plant (Tt) in pea is crossed with another Tall plant (Tt), the probability of
obtaining a dwarf plants is:
A.1?2 B. 1?4
C. 1?8 D.1?16
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476. When an F1 is crossed with the recessive homozygote parent the cross is known as:
A.Back cross B. Top cross
C. Test cross D.Single cross
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477. When an individual is having both the alleles of contrasting characters, it is said to be:
A.Monoecious B. Homozygous
C. Dioecious D.Heterozygous
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478. When breaks occur in two chromosomes simultaneously in a nucleus and the broken
chromosomes rejoin in a new manner, it results in:
A.Dedeletion B. Duplication
C. Translocation D.Inversion
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479. When homologous chromosomes fail to pair in prophase of meiosis, the phenomenon is
known as:
A.Desynapsis B. Non-disjunction
C. Asynapsis D.Disjunction
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480. When leaf fall of soon after it appears, then it is said to be:
A.Persistent B. Deciduous
C. Evergreen D.Caduceus
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481. When only one fruit develops from the single ovary of a flower it is said to be a:
A.Simple fruit B. Aggregate fruit
C. Multiple fruit D.Composite fruit
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482. When stamens are united with the carpals, stamens are said to be:
A.Synandrous B. Syngenesious
C. Gynandrous D.None of above
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483. When the anthers are united into a bundle or tube but the filaments are free, the stamens are
said to be:
A.Syngenesious B. Synandrous
C. Monoadelphous D.Polyadelphous
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484. When the flower can be divided in two equal halves by any plane, it is called:
A.Actinomorphic B. Zygomorphic
C. Hypogynous D.Epigynous
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485. When the leaf is flat, with the blade placed horizontally showing a distinct upper surface
and a lower surface, as in most dicotyledonous, it is said to be:
A.Peltte leaf B. Dorsoventral leaf
C. Isobilateral leaf D.Centric leaf
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486. When the leaf is kidney shaped it is known as:

A.Acicular B. Linear
C. Lanceolalte D.Reniform
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487. When the leaf surface is smooth and free from hairs or outgrowth of any kind, it is said to
A.Rough B. Glutinous
C. Glabrous D.Glaucous
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488. When the lobes of the base of the leaf partially enclose stem, the leaf is said to be:
A.Auriculate B. Amplexical
C. Semiamplexical D.None of above
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489. When the male gametes are shed into embryo sac through microphyle, is called:
A.Porogamy B. Chalazogamy
C. Mesogamy D.Syngamy
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490. When the ovary is one chambered and the placentae bearing the ovules develop on the inner
wall of the ovary, then the placentation is known as:
A.Central B. Parietal
C. Axile D.Free central
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491. When the ovule bends along the funicle that the microphyle lays close to the hilum, the
ovule is said to be:
A.Orthotropous B. Anatropous
C. Amphilotropous D.Campylotropous
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492. When the ovule is bent round like a horseshoe it is said to be:
A.Orthotropous B. Anatropous
C. Amphilotropous D.Campylotropous
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