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Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 9 (2008) 7-13

Long Term Effects of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on

Rice under Rice-Wheat Cropping Sequence
Yagya Gajadhar Khadka1, Suresh Kumar Rai1 and Sambhu Raut1
Soil Science Division, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Khumaltar, Lalitpur
e-mail: [email protected]
A long term field experiment was started in 1989 on alluvial soil of Inceptisol at Agronomy Research Farm, Khumaltar,
Lalitpur to evaluate the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil properties and yields of rice under rice-
wheat cropping sequence. Rice yield was monitored from 1998 to 2003. Chianung-242 rice variety was used as a test
crop for all of the five years of experimentation. All the treatments manifested significant increase in rice yield over
control. Results showed highest significant grain yield of 7.9 tons ha-1 from the sole application of farmyard manure
(FYM) @ 10 tons ha-1. The long-term experiment exhibited that the balanced application of chemical fertilizers alone
did not sustain soil productivity under continuous cropping system. Application of 100 kg N ha-1 alone produced the
yield up to 7.2 tons ha-1 whereas phosphorus and potassium did not affect the yields in most of the years. None of the
soil properties, soil pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium were affected by application
of balanced fertilizers while with the application of 10 tons FYM ha-1, the total nitrogen, available phosphorus and
organic carbon contents in the soil were improved as compared to other treatments. The efficiency of fertilizers and
manure was influenced by the amount of rainfall received as reflected by the higher grain yield during the higher
rainfall years.

Key words: rice, alluvial soil, organic manure, inorganic fertilizers, rice-wheat system
Long-term experiment plays an important role in and soil health has not yet been taken seriously.
understanding the complex interaction of plants, soils, Imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers disturbs soil
climate and management practices and their effects on health. Recommendation of chemical fertilizers should
crop productivity. Rice and wheat are the major crops in be based upon soil analysis and crop response. Practice
Nepal. The area and production of both of the crops are of using imbalanced chemical fertilizers by farmers
increasing while the productivity is still not satisfactory has been posing a serious problem not only to
to the level of their potential and scope. Soil fertility and agriculturists but also to policy makers, ecologists and
plant nutrient management are key issues to be addressed environmentalists (Yadav et al. 1988).
to understand the reasons for declining crop yields.
Proper use of chemical fertilizers and organic manures The long-term soil fertility experiments, started
supports increased agricultural productivity and at the sometimes between 1843 to 1856 by J. B. Lawes and
same time, helps maintain soil fertility (Gami & Sah J. H. Gilbert at Rothamsted (Johnston & Powlson 1994)
1988). Imbalanced use of synthetic fertilizers contribute are valuable repositories of information regarding the
to deterioration of soil quality as well as environment. sustainability of intensive agriculture. It is valuable for
For recommending appropriate technologies to maintain understanding the relationships in the context of
soil fertility as well as the environment, it is necessary to changing soil and crop management practices and
evaluate long-term effects of inorganic and organic
productivity. It is also important for the reason that the
manures on soil properties. It is also necessary to meet
data collected from constantly monitoring long-term
the food requirement for growing population by
experiment could be useful for improving statistical
producing more crop yields through maintaining soil
fertility. Increment in the production of rice and wheat is and simulation tools (IRRI 2000). Population is
not only due to the increment of area, but also due to the increasing globally by about 80 million people per year.
introduction of improved technologies including the use By 2050, the world is likely to be inhabited by between
of chemical fertilizers. The effect of continuous 8 and 11 billion people (Fischer & Heilig 1998). The
application of chemical fertilizers on crop production food grain production have stagnated for both rice and

Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 9 (2008) 7-13

wheat crops for few years (Dawe & Dobermann 1999, Material and Methods
Hobbs & Morris 1996). It may include either the
A long-term fertilizer trial was start in 1993 at the
changes in biochemical and physical composition of
soil organic matter (SOM), gradual decline in the Agronomy Research Farm, Khumaltar, Lalitpur by
supply of soil nutrients due to inappropriate fertilizer Soil Science Division to study the long-term effect
applications causing nutrient imbalances (macro and of inorganic and organic fertilizers on soil fertility
micro), scarcity of surface and groundwater as well and crop productivity under rice-wheat cropping
as poor water quality or the infestation of weeds system. The experiment was laid out in a randomized
(Paroda et al. 1994). complete block design as described by Gomez and
Gomez (1984) with eleven treatments replicated four
Generally farmers use to cultivate rice times. The detail of the treatments has been presented
sequentially under rice-wheat cropping system in the in Table 1. The size of each plot was 4 x 3 m (12 m2).
same field. The productivity of rough rice under this Chemical sources of N, P and K were diammonium
system is only 2 t ha-1 (Pandey et al. 1998). A rice-
phosphate, urea and muriate of potash respectively.
wheat cropping system is widely cultivated in most
Full dose of organic manure was applied at the time
parts of mid-hills and especially in the Indo-Gangetic
of land preparation. Similarly, full dose of phosphorus
alluvial plain area of Nepal. The rice-wheat systems
of Kathmandu valley and surrounding areas are and potash and half dose of nitrogen were applied at
probably the most hunted by the modern agricultural the time of rice transplanting. The 24-day-old
technologies including the use of fertilizers. Although seedlings were transplanted at 25 x 25 row-to-rows
fertilizer use has been a prime contributing factor for and plant-to-plant distance. The remaining N was top
the increased agricultural productivity in these areas, dressed at maximum tillering stage. Soybean was
there are situations when they are not available in grown up to 15 days and incorporated into the same
right time and in adequate quantity despite high price. plot. Yield and yield components, grain yield, straw
Therefore, the use of fertilizers alone may not be a weight, number of tiller (1m-2) panicle length (10
viable solution to sustain the rice-wheat cropping plants), plant height (10 plants) and 1000-grain
system, particularly for a resource poor country like weight were recorded at respective crop growth
Nepal. The information regarding the effects of long-
stages. Composite soil samples were taken after each
term rice-based cultivation in this region is meager.
crop harvest for chemical analysis. Plant samples
Considering all these situations, this study on the
were also taken for nutrients content analysis.
long-term effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer
use on the yield of rice and available soil nutrient Statistical analysis was done with the help of
was carried out. IRRISTAT (2005).

Table 1. Treatment details of the experiment

Treatment Treatment
No. Details No. Details
1 0:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 Control 7 100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 *
2 100:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 8 50:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 + 15 cmwheat straw
3 100:30:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 9 50:20:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1
4 100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 10 FYM 10 tons ha-1
5 100:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 11 Green Manure Incorporation (Soybean)
6 0:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1

* Treatment 7 received phosphorus in successive wheat crop.

Y. G. Khadka et al./Long-Term Effects of Organic ..............

Results and Discussion the longer run, soil fertility is not sustained from the
Yield and yield components balanced fertilizer application alone while application
The yield and yield component data of rice have been of FYM helps to boost up crop yield (Lal & Mathur,
presented in Table 2, 3, and 4. The inconsistency in the 1989a, Kabeerthumma et al. 1993) and improve physical
yields of rice in different experimental years is mainly soil status (Lal & Mathur, 1989b, Kumar & Tripathi
due to rainfalls, which were erratic in the testing years. 1990). Declining yield trend at lower N level over the
Grain (5.2 t ha-1) and straw (4.4 t. ha-1) yields were much years may indicate the diminishing supply capacity of
lower in the control treatment (without fertilizer) than soil. In most of the years, analytical data of grain and
in the other treatments in most of the years. Analyses straw indicated no specific response of phosphorus and
of the mean yield of the five years data showed the potassium (Table 2 and 3) in the alluvial soil of
highest significant grain yield (7.9 t ha-1) from the Khumaltar. However, application of 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 in
treatment number 10 (10 ton FYM ha-1) and was treatment 5 in successive wheat crop might have its
significantly higher in all the years. Same treatment response on rice yield, which produced second highest
also produced the highest straw yield of 7.1 t ha-1. In yield of 7.35 t ha-1 (treatment- 5) as compared to 7.14 t
ha-1 (treatment- 3).
Table 2. Mean grain yield of rice (t/ha), Khumaltar, 1998-2003
Treatment 1998/1099 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 Average
0:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 6.07 e 5.47b 3.89 c 5.03 d 5.36 d 5.17 e
100:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 7.77 bcd 7.13 a 6.55 ab 6.38 abc 8.03 ab 7.17 bc
100:30:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 7.87 bcd 7.18 a 5.92 ab 6.31 abc 7.46 bc 6.95 bcd
100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 8.56 ab 7.58 a 6.28 ab 6.19 a-d 7.10 bc 7.14 bc
100:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 8.50 abc 7.79 a 6.43 ab 6.36 abc 7.47 bc 7.31 b
0:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 7.78 bcd 7.02 a 5.83 ab 5.74 bcd 6.52 c 6.58 d
100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 8.44 abc 7.15 a 6.94 a 6.61 ab 7.63 bc 7.35 b
50:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 + 15 cm 7.32 cd 6.89 a 5.68 b 5.49 bcd 6.75 c 6.43 d
50:20:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 7.51 bcd 7.49 a 5.97 ab 5.33 cd 7.23 bc 6.71 cd
FYM 10 tons ha-1 9.17 a 7.53 a 6.45 ab 7.71 a 9.05 a 7.86 a
Green manure incorporation (Soybean) 7.06 de 7.27 a 5.55 b 6.12 a-d 6.70 c 6.54 d
Mean 7.82 7.14 5.96 6.06 7.21 6.84
CV (%) 11.1
LSD (5 %) 1.06
S.E.D. (DF 40) 0.54
Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at the 5 % level by DMRT.
Table 3. Mean straw yield of rice (t/ha), Khumaltar, 1998-2003
Treatment Combination 1998/099 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 Average
0:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 2.82 a 5.39 d 2.99 bc 5.07 bc 5.81 d 4.42
100:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 3.38 a 9.78a b 5.31 a 5.98 abc 10.37 ab 6.97
100:30:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 3.95 a 8.69 bc 4.70 ab 7.15 ab 8.79 bc 6.66
100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 4.03 a 9.00 bc 4.68 ab 7.39 a 8.52 bc 6.72
100:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 3.39 a 11.15 a 5.05 ab 6.29 abc 9.01 bc 6.98
0:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 3.83 a 7.36 c 4.05 abc 6.07 abc 7.48 cd 5.76
100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 3.62 a 7.43 c 5.00 ab 6.65 abc 8.29 bc 6.19
50:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 + 15 cm 2.58 a 7.68 c 2.16 c 4.63 c 5.78 d 4.57
50:20:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 3.45 a 7.38 c 3.50 abc 5.39 abc 9.64 ab 5.88
FYM 10 tons ha-1 4.49 a 7.89 bc 4.73 ab 6.82 ab 11.51 a 7.086
Green manure incorporation (Soybean) 3.68 a 7.81 bc 4.50 ab 6.03 abc 7.48 c d 5.89
Mean 3.57 8.14 4.24 6.13 8.43 6.10
CV (%) 21.7
LSD (5 %) 1.85
S.E.D. (DF 40) 0.94

Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 9 (2008) 7-13

Regarding the tiller number per square meter, the highest respectively) (Table 4). Other yield components like
plant height, panicle length and 1000 grains weight were
number of 254 was observed in treatment 11 which
not likely to be distinguished from each other
were at par with treatment 10 and 4 (254 and 235 (Table 4).
Table 4. Combined mean over 5 years of plant height, panicle length, and tiller number of rice, Khumaltar,

Treatment Plant Height Panicle Length Tiller 1000

(cm) (cm) ( No. m-2) grain wt.

0:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 (Control) 112.6 a 21.8 b 220 c 34.7ab

100:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 113.1 a 22.2 ab 218 c 35.1a
100:30:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 105.9 a 22.2 ab 227 bc 34.1abc
100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 106.6 a 22.3 ab 235 abc 33.0bc
100:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 106.9 a 22.3 ab 226 bc 34.1abc
0:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 104.5 a 22.1 ab 226 bc 33.4abc
100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 104.8 a 22.3 ab 220 c 34.0abc
50:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 + 15 cm stubbles 109.4 a 22.6 a 214 c 32.6c
50:20:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 105.2 a 22.3 ab 221 c 34.8ab
FYM 10 tons ha-1 108.7 a 22.2 ab 245 ab 32.9bc
Green manure incorporation (Soybean) 108.3 a 21.9 b 254 a 34.8b
Mean 107.8 22.2 227 33.9
CV (%): 13.0 3.9 14.6 7.8
LSD (5 %): 19.5 1.2 46.3 3.7
S.E.D.: (df 40) 9.9 0.6 23.4 1.9

Nutrients Balance and Soil Fertility Status (Patrik & Tusneen 1972), and leaching (Harada &
As described by Nambiar and Ghosh (1984) and Kutsuna 1955).
Biswas and Bendi (1989), nutrient uptake by rice was
estimated by analyzing nutrient contents in grain and As compared to phosphorus, crop removal was higher
straw. Nutrient balance was calculated from the in K ranging from 90.13 to 133.67 kg ha-1 (Table 5).
particular annual nutrient addition and removal in Phosphorus was added annually at the rate 30 and 20
grain and straw (Table 5) for each of the treatment. kg ha-1 while potash was applied at the rate of 30 kg ha-
Nutrient balance for N, P and K were negative in all annually. Despite such a high negative balance of K
the treatments. The highest negative balance of N (- over the years, rice was not showing response of K
84.74 kg ha-1) was obtained in treatment 1 where no application. It appears that K is released adequately from
nutrients were added. This study however, does not minerals i.e. non-exchangeable forms in the soil.
account the losses from soil as ammonium and nitrate Ganeshmurty et al. (1985) have also reported similar
volatilization (Freney et al. 1981), denitrification observation.

Table 5. Mean annual nutrient balance in rice field

Treatment Annual N Addition (kg ha-1) N Uptake (kg ha-1) Balance(kg ha-1)
Grain Straw Total
1. N0 0 57.71 27.03 84.74 -84.75
2. N100 100 81.80 46.39 128.19 -28.19
3. N100 100 75.26 46.65 121.91 -21.91
4. N100 100 82.38 49.11 131.49 -31.19
5. N100 100 85.38 48.66 134.04 -34.04
6. N100 100 86.25 44.14 130.39 -30.39
7. N50 50 76.85 33.90 110.75 -60.75
8. N50 50 78.59 35.55 114.14 -64.14

Y. G. Khadka et al./Long-Term Effects of Organic ..............

Treatments Annual P2O5addition P uptake (kg ha-1) Balance(kg ha-1)

(kg ha-1)
Grain Straw Total
1. P0 0 24.82 21.46 46.27 -46.27
2. P30 30 35.88 30.45 66.33 -36.33
3. P30 30 42.85 41.38 84.23 -54.23
4. P30 30 33.47. 37.43 70.89 -40.89
5. P20 20 36.84 24.27 61.11 -41.11


Treatment Annual K2O addition K uptake (kg ha-1) Balance (kg ha-1)
(kg ha-1) Grain Straw Total
1. K 0 0 33.39 56.75 90.13 -90.13
2. K30 30 45.42 83.18 128.6 -98.6
3. K30 30 52.36 81.30 133.66 -103.66
4. K30 30 45.83 86.71 132.54 -102.54
5. K30 30 46.06 83.78 129.84 -99.84

Note: Among the 11 treatments 8, 5, and 5 which were treated with N, P, and K were selected respectively for the balance

For pH and soil nutrient status, surface soil (0-20 cm) observed in the plots treated by phosphorus and FYM.
was analyzed each year after the harvest of rice. Soil Phosphorus and potassium ranged from medium to very
pH was strongly acidic and no change was observed
high categories. From Table 6 it is noticeable that the
even with the fertilizer application at various doses. The
organic carbon content of soil was very low to low, regular application of FYM might significantly increase
whereas total N content was medium to low in range the available phosphorus, total nitrogen and carbon
(Table 6). Some increment in available phosphorus was contents in the soil but not the potassium level.
Table 6. Soil analysis combined mean of five years under different treatments

Treatments Soil pH Available Available Total Organic

P(kg ha-1) K N(%) Carbon
0:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 4.9 193.4 162.1 0.12 1.55
100:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 4.7 256.35 191.6 0.16 1.79
100:30:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 4.9 282.1 223.2 0.15 1.89
100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 4.7 274.7 241.0 0.16 2.02
100:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 4.8 292.4 260.5 0.15 1.85
0:30:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 4.7 284.4 279.9 0.16 1.89
100:0:30 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 4.7 279.2 237.9 0.16 1.92
50:0:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 + 15 cm wheat straw 4.8 251.9 220.4 0.17 2.09
50:20:0 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1 4.8 272.1 210.3 0.15 1.96
FYM 10 tons ha-1 4.8 315.2 243.5 0.19 2.22
Green manure incorporation ((Soybean) 4.8 248.7 200.1 0.16 1.96
Mean 4.8 268.2 224.7 0.15 1.92
CV (%) 4.7 17.6 15.9 14.7 14.5
LSD (5 %) 0.31 65.97 49.96 0.03 0.67
S.E.D. 0.16 33.41 25.3 0.02 0.19

Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 9 (2008) 7-13

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acknowledged for their precious support without which pp. 11-15.
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). 2005. IRRISTAT
this experiment would not have been accomplished. Last
for Windows, Ver. 5.0. Los Banos, Philippines.
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Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 9 (2008)


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