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Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusions, methodologies and
others. Those that were included in thus chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and
similar to the present study

2.1.1 Foreign Related Literature

Sales & Inventory Monitoring Systems

by Audra Bianca, Demand Media

Data Collection for Decision-Making

Using this type of system, a company makes strategic business decisions regarding raw material
purchases, production scheduling, pricing, logistics and other decisions in the supply chain.
Sales and inventory data enables the company to increase or decrease production in the factory
so the company won't have too many finished goods stored in its warehouses.

A sales and inventory monitoring system collects data to aid in production scheduling. For
example, some systems use recent sales data to forecast how many of a type of product will be
needed to meet consumer demand in the near future. This includes monitoring the levels of a
product at all locations. A good example is a global company with customers all over the world.
The customer may live in Japan, but the system must see if the warehouse in Canada has a
product available to ship to Japan.

How it Works
The system compares current inventory levels of a product and the number scheduled for
production with the number needed, and determines if the level of production must be
changed. If necessary, the system sends a message to the master production schedule to
increase production. Also, the inventory monitoring system slows down production when a
product's retail sales levels don't meet the sales forecast and the company overproduces the

Competitive Advantage
Automated sales and inventory monitoring gives a company a competitive advantage by linking
different automated processes within the supply chain. For example, automating the ordering
process for customers and the production scheduling, then adjusting manufacturing based on
up-to-date inventory levels, makes a company more flexible, capable of deciding how to best
satisfy customer orders. When automated activities are linked -- ensuring information flows
rapidly from one part of the supply chain to another -- a company can exploit these linkages.
Management can make rapid decisions to increase revenues, such as ramping up production
immediately in one location because of a sudden surge in demand in another part of the world.


By Celkon Mobiles

Celkon is one of leading manufacturing companies in India. We have pioneered mobile phone
solutions and wireless technologies in India. Celkon caters to the increasing smart needs of
mobile users across the world.

Our forte lies in providing innovative mobile technology to every customer. At Celkon, we
believe every user needs an experience more personalized than ever. We are dedicated towards
manufacturing customized user friendly phones. Our value added features ensure the
personality of the phone matches the taste of the user.

The wide range of products available at Celkon ensures that there is a phone for every pocket.
Every Celkon product undergoes stringent quality tests at every stage of production.

Our main focus is to excel and provide the user with best designs paired with unmatched

Monitoring Sales for Accountability

By Sales Creator

Measuring Sales Performance

Most companies have the problem of measuring the performance of their sales staff because
each salesperson is different and they work in varied methods. Because a sale involves
customers, there are other factors impacting sales, as well. Customers and their needs are
different, business conditions vary, individual customer bases differ and the product mix offered
to each customer can vary. What are the important components to track to determine sales
success? The factors can be tangible and intangible. When examining the tangible side of the
sales ledger you need to consider methods for targeting, frequency of contact, message and
presentation, and communications. Some intangible factors that can be difficult to quantify are
the salesperson's ability to build relationships and "connect" with customers, and whether or
not there is a clear purpose of the call or meeting. The reason for contact can be to help the
customer, or sometimes it is to help the salesperson's quota.

Effective results from measuring the performance of each salesperson should have a purpose:
to help them be more profitable to your company. When this occurs they have more worth
through additional pay and incentives, and they receive a value, and that is a good feeling about
doing a great job. There are three steps in bringing about the improvement of an employee
when a problem is identified: measuring, correcting with training, and planning to make the
change permanent.
Measuring the Performance
The ability to measure performance depends on the use of success-based criteria as a model to
compare daily, weekly and monthly numbers. Here are some of the criteria that Sales Creators
uses when designing a monitoring system for their customers:

1. Time spent selling, time spent in administration, time prospecting

2. Number of calls made on existing accounts
3. Number of calls made to new customers, and number of new customers
4. Promptness in submitting reports and sales orders and accuracy of reports
5. Volume of sales, number, size, product mix and repeat account
6. Accuracy in quoting prices and delivery information with approved margins to customer
7. Method of call backs set up with the customer
8. Cost of customer to company
9. Marketing and promotional time, specific areas
10. Improvement areas where time is being invested on the part of the salesperson and
management; this includes topics such as behavior modification, appearance, schooling and
other personal issues

Measuring must start with standards that are compiled from the averages of all employees who
are doing the same task. Then review the progress for the last 12 months and determine how it
compares to the budget compliance standards. If the performance levels do not meet the basic
standards set by the company, or if their performance falls more than 10 percent from last
year's numbers then it is time to move into a corrective step of action.

Training and Process for Correction

This is a positive step for improvement and it starts with management reevaluating the sales
and marketing systems. Is there a need to increase promotional campaigns, change or add
prospecting methods, establish tighter controls with price variances, or get input to problems
from the sales staff? Management's first duty means time spent working on fixing the systems;
then it is time to provide help for the salesperson. They should have daily direction and support,
be provided with proper coaching by role-playing on specific areas of weakness found in the
'measuring performance' section. Make mentoring time available with best salesperson and the
salesperson that needs help and have them observe and listen to their instructor. Daily progress
must be recognized and acknowledged until the problem is resolved by noticeable improvement
in a given area.

Planning for a Positive Change

Once a problem has been found, management must help get it corrected. Once it has been
corrected it is time to outline an agreement to reach the stated goals. Planning in its final form
should be in writing with the steps needed to reach the final destination. Then the time must be
allotted to put management's system changes into effect by introducing them to the employees
at a meeting.
2.1.2 Local Related Literature

Inventory Ordering System

By Globe Business Philippines

With just a few keystrokes, track your supplies using Globes Inventory Ordering System. The
cost-effective and highly innovative inventory management system gives you instant access
to stock levels, allowing for timely orders and zero wastage.

Get real-time reports

What the inventory system does is allow you to order supplies based on the most current
data. This minimizes overstocking and at the same time, frees up resources for more urgent

Cut through red tape

The Inventory Ordering System gives you better control over your supply chain, affording
you the convenience of being able to place orders online or via SMS. And because the
system automatically generates inventory and sales reports, your employees will have less
paperwork to file and more time to focus on operations.

Perfect for businesses with franchise operations, this user-friendly inventory management
system can be customized for any multi-site company, commissary, or warehouse backend
ordering operation.

Features & Benefits

Registration Module
Order Management
Inventory Management
Sales Management
Reports Module
Text Broadcast

Online Sales Monitoring and Inventory System

Jan 2011

The problem of the conducted research is about the companys sales monitoring and
inventory system. Keeping records of sales and inventories manually are the current method
used by the company. Due to this current method of inventory system, the company has
encountered several problems regarding the monitoring and stocks checking.

KONEK.COM management once said, Manual method is very hassle and time
consuming process of inventory. It has many drawbacks as there are many mistakes while
recording large data and it disturb some important transaction sometimes.
Upon hearing this, the researchers developed a system which will help the management
keep record of inventories in systematic way and help them produce report about the inventory
or stock currently available in their store in automatic way. Through this the hassle and
committing mistakes while recording large data could be avoided. Also the work of the
management and the time consume during inventory will be minimize.

KONEK.COM is a hardware store located at Mabini St., Molave Zamboanga del sur. It was
owned and managed by Mr. & Mrs. Roy Megapatan. They started at a very small scale business
selling cell phone accessories. But because of the companys dedication for hard work and
determination to rise among others, the very small hardware store becomes one of those who
are trusted when it comes to supplying electronic devices such as computers, computer
accessories, cell phones, cell phone accessories, flash drives and etc. in its community.

Today KONEK.COM, having three branches with in the municipality, boasts its tag as one
of its communitys leading hardware store.

Sales and Inventory System

By eahm05, Jan 2013

Computerize sales and inventory system

Computers began from a wild imaginative idea to the worlds highly prioritized tool. Computers
today are now used as a substitute to manual processes and other past inventions like the radio,
television, etc. It is now used by people for much simpler, easier and faster way to do things.
Some used it as a hobby, and some use it as a job.

Technology has never stopped from advancing through the years. Its new innovations helps
answer the peoples further complex questions. Why not use these advantages to benefit

Many people use computers in their daily lives. Some use it for transactions, some use it for
educational purposes and others use it for data storage. Though it might sound unnecessary but
in some cases when storing a file for such a big company, can you manage it properly?
Organizing, finding a file, etc. With computers, it can help you simplify the process of storing
and managing the files you need for future use and make finding files easier than the manual

A Proposed Sales and Inventory System

In business like merchandising, Sales and Inventory system plays an important role. It is used to
track all the transactions made by the business and responsible for monitoring the items
supplies. All the business transactions must be properly recorded and must be fully secured by
password. A Computerized system is the best solution and most innovative answer for their
The researchers had been motivated to do a study on this topic according to the above
observation. The result may help others to understand more about computer-generated data
processing, especially on how to deal with computers in terms of speed, accuracy and data
security. Monitoring the transactions and other significant information regarding the customer
is the main concern of this study.

2.1.3 Foreign Related Studies

Thailand Implementations Inventory System


This survey-based research identifies the different inventory models in use by multinationals
operating in Thailand. Unlike many of the newly industrialized countries, Thailand has received
relatively less attention in the international operations management literature. This article
highlights key factors affecting the type of inventory systems implemented in Thailand, which
can be of value to developing countries making the transition into newly industrialized ones.
This study shows that inventory systems in Thailand are affected by the type of production,
location of the multinationals' headquarters, demands, supply base, and the extent to which
materials were either exported or imported.


Like any other country, Thailand is characterized by a unique set of infrastructural, regulatory,
legal, and economic conditions. Cheap labor coupled with a relatively stable economic and
political climate has attracted Multinational Corporations (MNCs) to Thailand. As multinationals
invest billions of dollars into Thai operations, it is essential that they design and manage systems
that are congruent with the local needs. One key operational area of interest is the
management of inventories.

Inventory systems can be affected by a host of international, product, and supply factors. In this
research we attempt to empirically ascertain how inventory systems are influenced by industry
type and look for interactions with cultural, infrastructural and economic issues. This research is
expected to be of value to MNC managers in designing inventory systems that work more
effectively in Thailand. In addition, it could also provide direction to nations making the
transition to Newly Industrial Countries (NIC) status from that of developing one.

A significant amount of literature is available on inventory systems. A majority of the findings

are derived from experiences in the US, Japan and Western Europe. Some inventory systems
however, can be affected by variations in local conditions such as infrastructure, customs,
duties, and regulations. Hence, it is essential to view such systems in an international context.
To frame this research, we will examine the literature on operations in NIC countries followed by
an analysis of local conditions in Thailand.

A number of articles are available that examine the inventory setups in Singapore, Hong Kong,
and Korea (Amsden, 1989). For example, Cheng (1988) and Hum and Ng (1995) examine the
workings of Just In Time (JIT) systems in Hong Kong and Singapore, respectively. Other studies
related to inventory management include facility location decisions (Sisodia, 1992; Nambiar,
fielders, and Van Wassenhove, L. N, 1989; Mathews, 1997) and distributed systems. These
studies indicate that Thailand is not as industrialized as the other NIC countries such as
Singapore, and infrastructure shortcomings play an important role. Next, we will examine the
literature on the quality of infrastructure in Thailand.

Infrastructure affects both the productivity and effectiveness of manufacturing companies. It

has a direct impact on the distribution of raw materials, parts, and finished goods to customers.
The few studies focused on Thailand have primarily addressed infrastructural problems in
Thailand (Chalamwong, Chalongphob and Wattanalee, 1994; Chalamwong, 1993). In identifying
the infrastructure-related problems, Yukio (1990) calls for the Thai government to pay closer
attention to transportation systems in their effort to attract more Japanese and foreign
investment. Sibunruang (1986) also points to infrastructural constraints having a bearing on the
development of the Thai economy.

The present government, however, does realizes the importance of infrastructure for the
country's overall economy. In its efforts to improve infrastructure, the Thai government has
privatized telecommunication service and has started seeking help from private local and
foreign companies to cope with the road shortage.

2.1.3 Foreign Related Studies

Sales and Inventory System

By jamjam123456, Mar 2011

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, Inventory refers to stocks of anything
necessary to do business (U.S. Small Business Administration, 2010). The U.S. Small Business
Administration publication describes what constitutes successful inventory management
(balancing cost versus benefits of inventory), including;

1) Maintaining a wide assortment without spreading the rapidly moving items too thin,
2) Increasing inventory turnover without sacrificing service,
3) Keeping stock low without sacrificing performance,
4) Obtaining lower prices by making volume purchases,
5) Maintaining an adequate inventory without an excess of obsolete items.

Anyone in business must understand the business of inventory. Below is a look at six different
inventory systems as well as a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages.

Wal-Mart Inventory System

Wal-Mart runs its stores on a perpetual inventory system. This system records the quantity of
items sold as items are purchased. The computer system at Wal-Mart constantly keeps up with
additions or deductions from inventory and tells management what items are on hand. The
organization also conducts counts of employee manual counts of inventory periodically. When
an item arrives at the Wal-Mart distribution centre it is scanned into the inventory system.
When the items are purchased by the consumer, the point-of-sale system reduces the inventory
from that purchase. According to Wal-Marts Gail Lavielle, a leaner inventory will help clear out
store clutter and help Wal-Mart focus on specific brands and products that consumers want
(The Associated Press, 2006).

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Wal-Mart Inventory System

The advantages of a perpetual inventory system are that inventory is quickly updated in real-
time, which gives a constant picture of the inventory status.

Automating the purchasing and inventory control functions.

Factors involved in computerizing the purchasing and inventory control functions in hospital
pharmacies are described. When initiating an automated purchasing and inventory control
system, a feasibility study should first be conducted to determine the extent of automation
needed to develop a cost-effective system. The design of the system will depend on the extent
to which the department of materials management is involved with other hospital departments.
The advantages and disadvantages of decentralized versus centralized systems are discussed,
and criteria for selecting hardware and software vendors are presented. A return-on-investment
analysis should be performed to validate the benefits or savings expected from implementing
the new automated system. Factors to consider during implementation of the new system and
future developments affecting purchasing and inventory control systems, such as bar coding,
are discussed. With the current concern about rapidly rising health-care costs and the need to
enhance productivity, the development and implementation of automated purchasing and
inventory control systems are important strategies for institutions to pursue now.

CISS (Computer Inventory System Specialists Ltd.)

Purchase Order Management

Inventory Pro's Purchasing System allows you to order, track, and receive both inventory
items and assets. It also provides the ability to browse purchase orders, list currently
outstanding purchase orders, and generate reports based on purchase orders. Like most parts of
Inventory Pro, the Purchasing System can be customized with logos, messages, fields, and terms
to adapt it to your specific business.
Purchase Assets or Inventory Items
Purchase Order Approvals
Delivery Schedule (Blanket PO's)
Inbound Appointment Scheduling
Supplier's Catalogue
Supplier History
Term Agreement (Supplier Contracts)
Automatic Generation of Purchase Orders
Accounting Software Integration
Cost History of Purchased Items
Receiving (Partials and Complete Orders)


- Sandycap: Chapter 2 Related literature and related studies
- Taguig City University Online Medical Inventory System (2014) Thesis

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