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The Unofficial Elder Scrolls RPG

3rd Edition

Core Rulebook
This book is Version 1 of the UESRPG 3e Core Rulebook.
The latest version of the game can always be found online through our file/link compendium.
You can contact us by emailing [email protected]

Project Coordinators Contributors Special Thanks

Seht Anerso Bethesda Softworks
Anon133 Baragei Our many beta testers
bored_1 Russ
Designers Caladbolg Shor
blindhamster chromeliger Happygrunt
Brimcon eygrima /tg/
DJ-Sheoth ezioauditore1017 /r/teslore users
Madmartigan LordPariah You, for your support!
Redoran MyLittlePuny
TheSeventh NullCascade
Vonfossen QuantumRipple

Intellectual Property The Elder Scrolls

The authors of this book do not claim ownership of any of the Copyright 1993-2016 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax
intellectual properties found within. This is a purely unofficial, Media company. The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda Softworks,
not for profit, fan made work, and its commercial distribution ZeniMax and their respective logos are registered trademarks
to anyone under any circumstances is strictly prohibited. of ZeniMax Media Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Art Other Games

The authors of this book do not claim ownership of any of the This game draws inspiration from a number of other role-play-
images that appear in this or connected works. All art is used ing games. In particular: Dark Heresy (Fantasy Flight Games),
without permission. All credit goes to the respective owners: Eclipse Phase (Posthuman Studios), and Runequest Sixth
Edition (The Design Mechanism). The authors of this book do
not claim to own any of these games, or any of the mechanics
1Rich1 hyperionwitch mospineq drawn from and/or inspired by them. All credit goes to the
Adam Adamowicz hieronymus7z nikoladun respective owners.
adrianexile iriserelar pusiaty
aihito Izz-noxfox Ray Lederer This Book
alteya KoTnoneKoT RisingMonster The elements of this work that are not the intellectual prop-
arankin jedi-art-trick shinigamiwyvern erty of any of the aforementioned groups/individuals, or
Bethesda Softworks jorsch swietopelk any groups/individuals not mentioned, are licensed under a
cohenr laamdt TheMyzel Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
foolishlittlemortal leksotiger tigr3ss 3.0 Unported License.
ghostfire Lelek1980 Voltriobix
greyannis Michael Kirkbride z0h3
Go ye now in peace. Let thy fate be written in the Elder Scrolls...
The Elder Scrolls: Arena

W elcome to the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Role-playing Game!

Known as the UESRPG for short, this is a fan made
role-playing game designed for play in the Elder Scrolls setting.
With that in mind, it is also worth noting that canon in this
setting is a rather fuzzy concept. We have tried to build an inter-
pretation of the setting that is generally agreeable. Fortunately
it should be quite simple for one to expand or alter the game
Purpose to fit their own vision of the Elder Scrolls universe.
Rather than attempting to focus on a particular era or region
within the greater Elder Scrolls setting, we have chosen to take Using this Book
a toolbox approach. This means that instead of using a specific This book contains all the information needed to create charac-
story, location, time, or place as the focus of the game, we have ters, and role-play in the Elder Scrolls setting. It includes all of
provided a set of tools to allow players and their game master the mechanics of the game, and is intended for use by players
(GM) to work together to create their own adventures in the and GMs alike.
world of the Elder Scrolls.

Weve provided you with rules and content, but its up to each On Roleplaying Games
group to decide how to use it all. In many other role-playing This rulebook assumes that the reader is familiar with
games, the players are agents of some group or organization how role-playing games work, including concepts like:
with an explicit mission. However, the UESRPG provides no the distinction between players and Game Masters,
such context, simply existing to give you the tools you need the difference between PCs and NPCs, and basic dice
to create the story you want. Admittedly we have had to do terminology. If you are not, we recommend you do some
some framing: we assume that most campaigns will take place cursory online research before proceeding, or ask your
in Tamriel, probably during the third or fourth eras. But there GM to help you.
is no reason that you cannot explore other parts of the setting.

Whats New in Third Edition? But the UESRPG is not just one book! Three books make up
Third edition has been our opportunity to polish and streamline the core of the game: this book, the GM Handbook, and the
all of the cool, but awkwardly executed ideas from second edi- Player Handbook. These books offer optional rules, additional
tion. Youll find the game is simpler, more streamlined, better character choices, and advice for both players and GMs.
balanced, and generally easier to understand.
On top of that we have planned a total of seven supplements to
Lore, Design, and Canon expand upon the core books. These books are entirely content
The guiding principle of all our design decisions has always focused, and are packed with rules for monsters, strange magic,
been the spirit of Elder Scrolls lore. Due to the nature of video and powerful artifacts! These supplements are: Arcane Arts,
games as a medium there are a number of holes in our knowl- Planes of Oblivion, Tamrielic Artifacts, Secrets of the
edge about the setting. Unfortunately there is no official Elder Dwemer, Inhabitants of Tamriel, Heroes of Tamriel, and
Scrolls role-playing game and so most of those holes will remain, Dark Paths.
officially, unfilled.
Finally, because we plan on consistently updating and expanding
Because of this, and because of the level of detailed knowledge the game, your feedback is critical in helping to make it the best
required to create a role-playing game for a specific setting, we it can be. Drop by our file/link compendium if you want to
have had to build our own interpretation of the Elder Scrolls. find the latest version, have questions, or want to get involved.
Conflicting game mechanics, contradictory lore, and differences Thanks for your support, and enjoy the game!
in themes and presentation are all obstacles to any unified vision
of the setting. We have had to make many tough choices about Seht
how we want things to work in our Elder Scrolls, and you may
disagree with some of our decisions. Thats okay: just understand
that everything in the game is the way it is for a specific reason.

Table of7 Contents
Chapter 1: Getting Started Chapter 3: Skills 38
Core Mechanics 8 Skill Descriptions 40
Making Tests 8 Acrobatics (Str, Ag) 40
Degrees of Success 8 Alchemy (Int) 40
Difficulty & Modifiers 8 Alteration (Wp) 40
Critical Successes & Failures 9 Athletics (Str, End) 40
Types of Tests 9 Combat Style [Field] (Str, Ag) 40
Characteristic & Skill Tests 11 Command (Str, Int, Prs) 40
Defining a Character 12 Commerce (Int, Prs) 41
Characteristics12 Conjuration (Wp) 41
Attributes13 Deceive (Int, Prs) 41
Skills14 Destruction (Wp) 41
Talents14 Enchant (Int) 41
Traits14 Evade (Ag) 42
Magic14 Illusion (Wp) 42
Stamina15 Investigate (Int, Prc) 42
Stamina Points 15 Logic (Int, Prc) 42
Spending Stamina 15 Lore (Int) 42
Luck16 Mysticism (Wp) 42
Spending Luck Points 16 Navigate (Int, Prc) 43
Luck Tests 16 Observe (Prc) 43
Burning Luck 16 Persuade (Str, Prs) 43
Rest & Travel 17 Profession [Field] (Varies) 43
Rest17 Restoration (Wp) 43
Travel17 Ride (Ag) 44
Items & Encumbrance 18 Stealth (Ag, Prc) 44
Character Advancement 19 Subterfuge (Ag, Int) 44
Survival (Int, Prc) 44
Chapter 2: Character Creation 20
Chapter 4: Talents & Traits 45
Peoples of Tamriel 21
Altmer22 Talents46
Argonian23 Awareness46
Bosmer24 Combat47
Breton25 Crafting50
Dunmer26 General51
Imperial27 Intellectual51
Khajiit28 Mobility52
Nord29 Resilience53
Orsimer30 Social53
Redguard31 Spellcasting54
Generate Characteristics 32 Weaponry55
Rolling Characteristic Scores 32 Traits58
Determine Birthsign 33
The Warrior 33
The Mage 34
The Thief 34
Spend CrP & Purchase Items 35
Generate Lucky Numbers 35
Finishing Touches 36
Chapter 5: Combat 61
Combat Overview 62
Free Actions 64
Combat Styles 65
Attacking & Defending 66
Special Effects 67
Melee Combat 70
Ranged Combat 72
Combat Example 73
Physical Health 75
Damage & Hit Locations 75
Movement & Size 80

Chapter 6: Magic 81
Casting Spells 84
Conventional Spells 85 Chapter 7: Economics & Equipment 109
Spell Attributes 85
Alteration 85 Pricing & Acquisition 110
Conjuration88 Weapons111
Destruction89 Weapon Qualities 111
Illusion92 Ranged & Melee Weapons 112
Mysticism94 Armor115
Restoration95 Armor Qualities 115
Unconventional Spells 97 Worn Armor 115
Creating a Spell 97 Shields117
Magical Mishaps 98 Goods & Services 118
Spell Backfire Tables 98 Arcane Items 121
Alchemical Backfires 101 Common Potions 123
Alchemy102 Crafting124
Alchemical Ingredients 102
Creating Poisons 102 Appendix 125
Creating Potions 103
Enchanting104 Spell Making Reference 126
Souls & Soul Gems 104 Spell Attributes 126
Cast Enchantments 105 Spell Forms 126
Strike Enchantments 106 Spell Effects 127
Constant Enchantments 107
Spell Scrolls 108
Chapter 1: Getting Started
First thing, pilgrim. Youre new. And you look it. Heres 200 drakes. Go get yourself a decent weapon. Or armor.
Or a spell. And second thing... you need a cover identity. Around here, freelance adventurer is a common profession.
Sign on with the Fighters Guild, or Mages Guild, or Imperial cult, or Imperial legion, advance in the ranks, gain skill
and experience. Or go out on your own, look for freelance work, or trouble. Then, when youre ready, come back, and
Ill have orders for you.

Caius Cosades, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

A s is true for most roleplaying games, the goal of the Unofficial
Elder Scrolls RPG is to provide a framework for game
masters and players to craft and enjoy characters, stories and
You make tests by making a percentile roll and comparing the
result to a Target Number, typically a value between 1 and
99. If the roll is less than or equal to the target number,
adventures in the Elder Scrolls setting. In order to achieve this, the character succeeds. If the roll is higher than the target
a flexible set of core mechanics are needed, something capable number, they fail.
of handling a number of different scenarios with ease. This
Chapter will introduce you to these core mechanics, as well as Example: A character is attempting a very difficult task at which
the basic concepts necessary to understand the rest of the game. he is relatively skilled. After accounting for modifiers (more on
these later), he determines that his target number for the test is
The Two Golden Rules 37. He manages to roll a 32, which is below his target number, so
This book contains quite a few rules, and its easy for one to get he succeeds!
lost, especially if one isnt used to role-playing games of this
type. In other cases, certain rules might not fit well with the Degrees of Success
way your group prefers to play. Both of these cases can slow Sometimes knowing whether or not your character succeeded
down, or otherwise harm, the gaming experience for a group. a test isnt enough; in some cases you may also want to know
how well they performed a particular action. Each successful test
To combat this, keep in mind these two golden rules above all also produces a number that represents how well that character
others. First, if a certain rule is slowing play down too much, succeeded on the task they were attempting.
just stop using it. Second, if you want to change something,
do it. While we have done our best to provide a ruleset that It is not necessary to calculate degrees of success on most tests,
should be acceptable, nobody knows what works for your group but certain tests (such as attack and defense rolls) require it,
better than you do. and it can also be useful if the GM wants a measure of roughly
how strongly a character succeeded.
Core Mechanics
A characters Degrees of Success on a test, simply equals the
The goal of most people who play Role-playing Games is to 10s digit (the first number) of the result of their d100 roll. A
experience exciting, stressful, or dramatic situations in another character always achieves at least one degree of success if they
world or time through the eyes of their character. Invariably, the pass a test, even if they roll a single digit result.
players will want to know how well their characters perform
certain actions in these situations. They do this by making tests. Example: A character succeeds on a test with a target number of 47,
and they rolled a 32, so they achieved three degrees of success. If the
Making Tests same character were to pass that same test with any roll ranging from
A Test is a d100 roll made to determine whether or not a 40 to 47, then they would achieve four degrees of success instead.
character has succeeded or failed at a certain action, and to
what degree. Characters will be called to make tests during a As characters improve their target numbers for common tasks
number of scenarios, but its important to remember that tests by increasing their skills, then higher and higher degrees of
are not required for every action. Theres no need to make a success naturally become possible for them. A character with
test to have your character take a few steps across a room. If, on a TN over 100 adds the 10s digit of their TN to their DoS.
the other hand, you find your character forced to walk across
a tightrope suspended above a lake of molten lava in order to Difficulty & Modifiers
escape angry Dremora (or something equally dramatic), then Not all tests are created equal! Modifiers are adjustments made
you will probably want to know if your character manages to to a tests target number (not the roll itself ), that make the test
cross in time. It is recommended that the GM only require tests easier or harder for a character to pass. Bonuses are modifiers
if one or more of the following conditions hold true: that increase the target number and thus make success more
likely, while Penalties are modifiers that decrease the target
 activity is unusual for the character, and not something number and thus make success less likely. If a test would be
they attempt routinely. subject to more than one modifier, simply add their values
The character is lacking the time and/or tools necessary to together to determine the net modifier for that test.
complete the task.
The circumstances and environment impose stress. The Difficulty of a test is the base modifier applied to a test
There are meaningful consequences for failing the action. simply based on how much more, or less difficult than that
particular action usually is.

One of the most important jobs of the GM is to determine If a character rolls one of his Lucky Numbers then the test is con-
the difficulty of tests. The test difficulty table below provides sidered a critical success (regardless of the target number). On
guidelines for recommended modifiers given particular levels the flip side, if the character rolls one of his Unlucky Numbers
of difficulty. then the test is a critical failure (regardless of the target number).
A critical success is a dramatic, stunning success.
Once the difficulty has been decided, apply the modifier to the
tests target number and roll the test against the modified target GMs should reward characters with circumstantially appropriate
number. GMs who desire more finesse should not be afraid to effects whenever they roll critical successes. Though in the case of
assign test difficulty in increments of +/- 5. particularly difficult (or nigh impossible) tests, a critical success
might simply represent the fact that the character managed to
Example: A character attempts to break down a wooden door in a succeed normally against all odds.
dungeon. The GM decides that this task would be relatively easy
compared to breaking down a normal door, as the wood is aged A critical failure is an abysmal, terrible failure. GMs should
and rotting, and so assigns a difficulty of Easy to this test. They punish characters with circumstantially appropriate effects
also tell the player which Characteristic or Skill to use to determine whenever they roll critical failures. Though in the case of par-
the target number (more on this later). When making the test, the ticularly easy tests, a critical failure might simply represent the
player would increase their normal target number by 20. fact that the character managed to fail normally despite all
of their advantages.
Test Difficulty Levels
Difficulty Modifier In combat, critical successes and failures have specific effects
Effortless +40 for attack and defense rolls that are further explained in the
appropriate section.
Simple +30
Easy +20 Types of Tests
Ordinary +10 You wont always be testing your character in the same way every
Average +0 session. There are four different types of tests that a character
Challenging -10 can be called to make, each reflecting a different circumstance.
Difficult -20
Standard Tests
Hard -30
Tests without any opposition are known as Standard Tests.
Very Hard -40 They measure how well a character performs an action in a
particular situation. Standard tests are handled as described on
Note that the GM should feel free to impose modifiers on tests the previous page: a result less than or equal to the modified
beyond +/- 40 if it would be appropriate for the situation. This target number is a success, and a result above the target number
range is not meant to be limiting, it simply reflects the most is a failure. The GM can call for the character to calculate their
common difficulty levels that will likely see use in an average degrees of success on the roll if it is required by the test, or if
campaign. they just want to have that additional metric.

Critical Successes & Failures Teamwork

Sometimes a character succeeds or fails a test in particularly Two or more characters can work together on a single task. The
spectacular ways. Such dramatic successes, or abysmal failures, character leading the effort is the one who makes the actual
are referred to as Critical Successes or Critical Failures. test, and as long as having someone to assist them would be
productive then they may re-roll the test once if they fail initially.
A characters chance of rolling a critical success depends on his The helper(s) do not need to be trained in the skill being used
five Lucky and Unlucky numbers. A character has a number as long as the GM decides that they can follow directions, or
of Lucky Numbers equal to his Luck bonus (a concept we will make themselves useful in some other way.
explore later), and a number of Unlucky Numbers equal to five
minus his Luck bonus. These numbers are chosen randomly at
character creation.

Example: a character with a Luck bonus of 3 might have 7, 63, and

89 as his Lucky Numbers, and 16 and 44 as his Unlucky Numbers.

Opposed Tests
Whenever a characters action is directly opposed by that of
another character, the GM can call for an Opposed Test. Both
characters make a test against each other, with the result deter-
mining the winner. To make an opposed test, each character
rolls a standard test as appropriate to the situation. If only one
of the characters succeeds, that character wins. If both succeed,
then the characters have tied. If both fail, then nobody wins.
Note that both characters do not have to actually roll the same
test: characters making different tests for different actions can
still be acting in opposition to one another.

Opposed tests that result in a tie (both characters succeed) are

typically broken by comparing degrees of success, with the
character who has the greater success being the winner. Further
ties can be broken by having the characters reroll. But sometimes
the GM may rule that the test has simply resulted in a tie and
the two characters remain locked against each other until one
of them gives up or another opposed test is made.

If a character rolls a critical success during an opposed test, they

automatically win the contest regardless of their opponents
degrees of success (unless both rolled a critical success, in which
case the tie is broken by a roll off).

Extended Tests
Sometimes the GM may rule that a single task may require more
than one test to achieve. An extended test is simply a series of
one or more tests made by a character where each successful
test adds to the characters total degrees of success. Once their
total reaches a threshold decided by the GM, they pass the test.
Group Test This can be used to simulate tasks like breaking down a door.
Sometimes the GM may call for multiple characters to attempt
to accomplish a task where each member of the group is expected Most extended tests are also performed under some sort of time
to perform. In these cases the characters who are more skilled can pressure. With infinite time it is assumed the character could
help cover for their comrades. To make a group test, everyone eventually complete the task. But if the task has a time limit
in the group rolls the same test with the same modifiers. If at then failure is simply represented by not achieving success
least half of the group succeeds, then the whole group does. in the allotted time.
Otherwise the group fails. This can be used to represent things
like a group of characters attempting to navigate dangerous Example: An Imperial soldier is attempting to bash down a door
terrain, or avoid detection by enemies. to help his comrade on the other side, who is beset by foes. The
GM rules that this requires an extended test, and that each turn
Simple Tests the soldier can make a Strength test to attempt to damage the
In many circumstances there is no chance that a character will door. The GM has decided that 10 degrees of success are necessary
fail a particular action, but the GM wants a simple gauge of to overcome the door. On his first turn the soldier succeeds with
how well the character performs. In this case, a Simple Test 5 degrees. On his second, he fails. On his first turn of the second
may be employed. This is handled just like a standard test, but round he succeeds with 3 degrees. And on his second turn of the
rather than determining success or failure, the result of the test second round, he succeeds with 4 degrees and finally smashes the
determines whether the character succeeds strongly (passes the door down. Fortunately his ally is still alive, and at the start of the
test) or succeeds weakly (fails the test). third round the soldier draws his sword and rushes into the room...

Characteristic & Skill Tests Once the governing characteristic has been determined, add
Until now, we have simplified the concept of tests. Characters the characters skill bonus (equal to ten times their skill rank)
are largely defined by their characteristics, which provide the and any other applicable modifiers to the characteristic score.
base target number for almost all tests. Characters also have skills, This value is the target number for the skill test.
which can affect tests different tests in certain circumstances.
All tests (regardless of the tests type) can be divided into two Example: A thief attempts to leap delicately between two rooftops.
categories based on whether a characteristic or a skill is used to The GM rules this requires an Acrobatics test of Challenging dif-
determine the target number. ficulty (-10). The thief has the Acrobatics (Str, Ag) skill trained
to the Journeyman rank (+20). The player chooses Agility as the
Characteristic Tests are tests made with a target number base characteristic for the test as it is higher than her Strength and
based on one of a characters characteristic scores and modified better fits the task at hand. She applies a net +10 modifier to her
as appropriate for the difficulty of the test. These tests are used Agility score of 43. She then rolls a 37, which is a success (with 3
when a character is performing a task that does not require degrees) against her target number of 53.
or benefit from specialized training and relies only on their
natural abilities. Limited Skill Tests
In some circumstances the GM may rule that a characters skill
Skill Tests are tests made with a target number based on one in one area is limited by his lack of skill in another. For example,
of a characters characteristic scores and their relevant skill level. a character fighting while balancing on a moving surface is
Like characteristic tests, skill tests are also modified as appropri- limited by his ability to balance himself properly. In these cases
ate for the difficulty of the test; unlike characteristic tests, skill the character may not take advantage of any of his ranks in the
tests also take into account a characters skill at whatever task primary skill that would exceed his ranks in the limiting one.
they are attempting. Skill tests are used when a task requires
some form of specialized training or skill to perform well. Example: A smuggler is dueling with a pirate on the deck of a ship
on the high seas. The ship is rocking heavily in the waves, and
Each skill has an associated set of governing characteristics unfortunately for the smuggler he is not able to balance himself
(listed in parenthesis next to the skill, typically) which are the well enough to fight to his full potential in this environment. His
characteristics upon which that skill relies. Typically the player Combat Style skill, normally rank 3 (+30), is treated as being rank
chooses which characteristic to use, but the GM may require 1 (+10) because that is his Acrobatics skill rank.
that they must use a particular one if they feel the circumstances
dictate it.

Defining a Character Characteristics
The eight Characteristics are values that define the broad
In game terms, a character is simply a collection of statistics physical and mental capabilities of each character. Characteristics
and other information that help define and accurately represent have two pieces of information associated with them: the char-
a being in the Elder Scrolls setting. This same system is also acteristic score, and the characteristic bonus.
used to define the various people, monsters, and other beings
that populate the setting. From this point forward, the player A given characteristics Score is a value, at minimum zero with
characters will be referred to as PCs, while non-player characters no ceiling, that represents that characteristic. The scores tend to
will be referred to as NPCs. Even monsters and other creatures hover in the 35-45 range on average. Higher values are better.
are classified as characters! Characters, particularly PCs, can A given characteristics Bonus is a value equal to the tens digit
be divided into two main parts: the character concept and the of the associated characteristic score, and is used for certain
character profile. calculations where the full score is too large. Below is a list
of all the characteristics that define a character, how they are
Character Concept abbreviated, and what they each represent.
A character concept simply defines who the character is within
the context of the game setting. This can range from a simple Strength (Str / SB) measures a characters physical prowess,
idea in a players head (a dashing rogue who fights with a rapier!) and their ability to employ that prowess and push themselves
to an in depth back-story written before the game begins. to their physical limits.
However extensive it may be, all characters should have a basic
concept associated with them, even the NPCs that the GM Endurance (End / EB) measures a characters physical health,
creates for the party to interact with. stamina and toughness, and their resistance to damage.

Character Profile Agility (Ag / AB) measures a characters physical speed, reflexes,
A character profile defines who the character is within the and coordination, reflecting their overall ability to move quickly
context of the game rules, providing a suite of stats which can and gracefully.
be used to resolve a variety of dramatic scenarios in which the
character may find themselves. These values are the focus of the Intelligence (Int / IB) measures a characters mental prowess,
majority of the rules in this book, and will be the focus of the problem solving, reasoning, ability to recall information, and
rest of this section as well. understanding of the mysteries of magicka.

Each character profile is made up of the following elements: Willpower (Wp / WB) measures a characters mental control,
resilience, and their ability to control and shape magicka.
Characteristics: Eight values that represent the broad
physical and mental capabilities of the character. Perception (Prc / PcB) measures a characters physical aware-
Attributes: Derived statistics that represent more specific ness, as well as the accuracy of his gut instincts and intuition.
measurements of a character capabilities and their current
resources. Personality (Prs / PsB) measures a characters natural charisma,
Skills: A set of categories and associated ranks that reflect presence, expressiveness, and social abilities.
a characters ability to perform certain actions.
Talents: A set of unique abilities the character has come Luck (Lck / LkB) measures a characters good fortune: how
to possess through training or experience. often events tend to go their way. See Luck in Chapter 5.
Traits: Rules that reflect inherent physical facts about the
character, certain abilities they naturally possess, or partic- Favored Characteristics
ular features of their personality. Not all characteristics are created equal! Some characters excel
Magic: The set of all magical abilities the character possesses. in certain areas over others, beyond a simple difference in raw
characteristic score. Favored Characteristics are those char-
The primary means by which characters progress is through the acteristics a character is naturally gifted in: improving those
accumulation and use of Experience Points (XP) awarded characteristics, or skills and abilities associated with them, is
by the GM. XP can be spent by the players between game easier than usual. Each PC has two favored characteristics.
sessions in order to improve or change their characters profile Advancing or learning skills or talents governed by a favored
in a number of ways. characteristic, or advancing that characteristic, costs 75% of
the usual XP cost (round down to the nearest multiple of 5).

Attributes Carry Rating ([4 x SB] + [2 x EB])
A characters Attributes are statistics derived from a characters A characters Carry Rating (CR), equal to the sum of their twice
characteristics that represent more specific measurements of their Endurance bonus and quadruple their Strength bonus,
a characters capabilities. While characteristics reflect general provides a measure how much weight they can carry, lift, or
aptitude in a certain area, attributes measure specific values push. For information, see Items & Encumbrance at the end
with very precise meanings used for particular game mechanics. of this chapter.

Health Points (Endurance / 2) Action Points

A characters Health Points (HP) maximum is equal to half their A characters Action Points (AP) maximum, based on the sum of
Endurance score (round up) and reflects how much damage their Agility, Intelligence, and Perception bonuses, determines
they can withstand before they die. Damage that characters how often a character can act in a combat round. Spent AP
take reduce their current HP by the equivalent amount. For regenerates at the start of each new round. Consult the table
information, see Physical Health in Chapter 5. below to determine this value. For information, see Combat
in Chapter 5.
Wound Threshold (EB + SB + WpB)
A characters Wound Threshold (WT) is equal to the sum of their Max. Action Points
Endurance, Strength, and Willpower bonuses and reflects the AB + IB + PcB AP
amount of damage an attack must deal to wound the character. <= 16 2
For information, see Physical Health in Chapter 5.
17+ 3
Stamina Points (Endurance Bonus)
A characters Stamina Point (SP) maximum is equal their Luck Points (LB)
Endurance bonus, though it may be modified in other ways. A characters Luck Point (LP) maximum is equal to their Luck
When characters reach zero SP they gain a level of the fatigue Bonus. LP can be spent for a number of unique effects, and
condition. For information, see Physical Health in Chapter 5. return to full at the start of each game session . For more infor-
mation, see Luck later in this chapter.
Magicka Points (Intelligence)
A characters Magicka Points (MP) maximum, which is equal Lucky/Unlucky Numbers
to their Intelligence score, is a measure of how much magical A character has a number of Lucky Numbers equal to their Luck
energy (known as magicka) the character is naturally able to bonus, and a number of Unlucky numbers equal to five minus
draw upon from their reserves. For information, see Chapter 6. their Luck bonus. These numbers determine when they critically
succeed or critically fail, and are determined at character creation.
Initiative Rating (AB + PcB) If a characters Luck bonus drops by one or more, then change
A characters Initiative Rating (IR) is used when making initia- one or more of their existing Lucky numbers (players choice
tive rolls, and is equal to their Agility bonus plus their Perception as to which ones) into Unlucky numbers so that their total
bonus. For information on initiative, see Combat in Chapter 5. number of Lucky/Unlucky numbers remains the same. See
Critical Successes & Failures for details.
Size Category (Standard by default)
A characters Size Category reflects their physical size, and the Experience Points
effects thereof. All roughly human sized characters are Standard The characters current amount of Experience Points (XP), which
size, but some characters can be larger or smaller. For informa- increase throughout a campaign. These can be spent on advance-
tion see Movement & Size in Chapter 5. ments. See Character Advancement at the end of this chapter.

Speed (SB + [2 x AB])

A characters Speed, equal to the sum of their Strength bonus
and twice their Agility bonus, is a characters movement budget
for each combat round. Every meter that they move during a
given round comes out of this total, and once a character has
used all of their movement for the round they cannot voluntarily
move any further. For information, see Movement & Size in
Chapter 5.

Skills Skill Ranks
A characters Skills are a set of categories and associated ranks Skill Rank (Value) (Bonus) Equivalence
that reflect a characters ability to perform certain actions. The (Untrained) (-20) No knowledge.
ranks reflect the characters experience, training, and overall
Novice (0) (+0) Rudimentary knowledge.
ability to perform these various actions. Skills are either trained,
or untrained. Each trained skill has a corresponding Skill Rank, Apprentice (1) (+10) Basic proficiency.
which has an associated value from 0 to 5, which reflects how Hands on experience and/or
Journeyman (2) (+20)
capable the character is at utilizing that skill. Each skill has one some professional training.
or more Governing Characteristics: a set of characteristics Extensive experience or
Adept (3) (+30)
that reflect the different ways that a character can utilize a training.
single skill. Expert (4) (+40) Professional level ability.
Master (5) (+50) Complete mastery.
Skill Governing Characteristics When a character makes a skill test, he applies a bonus equal to
Acrobatics Strength, Agility +10 times the value of his skill rank (starting at +0 for novice
(rank 0), and up to +50 at master (rank 5)) to the base char-
Alchemy Intelligence
acteristic. Typically the player chooses which characteristic to
Alteration Willpower use as the base, but the GM may require that they must use a
Athletics Strength, Endurance particular characteristic if they feel the circumstances dictate it.
Combat Style [Field] Strength, Agility If a character attempts to use a skill that is untrained instead of
Strength, Intelligence, trained, the test suffers a -20 penalty instead.
Commerce Intelligence, Personality Specializations
Trained skills can also have accompanying Specializations,
Conjuration Willpower
which represent areas of concentration and focus in a characters
Deceive Intelligence, Personality training and experience with that skill. A character may take as
Destruction Willpower many specializations as their rank in a given skill. When making
Enchant Intelligence a skill test in the listed area of specialization, the character gains
Evade Agility a +10 bonus to the test. A character may not benefit from more
Illusion Willpower than one specialization bonus on a single test.
Investigate Intelligence, Perception
For more information on skills, see Chapter 3.
Logic Intelligence, Perception
Lore Intelligence Talents
Mysticism Willpower A characters Talents are the various unique abilities the char-
Navigate Intelligence, Perception acter has come to possess through training or experience. They
Observe Perception
include everything from passive bonuses to activated abilities,
and can even modify how the character uses certain skills. For
Persuade Strength, Personality
information, see Talents in Chapter 4.
Profession [Field] (Varies)
Restoration Willpower Traits
Ride Agility A characters Traits are rules that reflect various natural facts
Stealth Agility, Perception about the character or certain abilities they possess. They include
things such as the ability to fly, inherent physical weaknesses,
Subterfuge Agility, Intelligence
personality traits, and so forth. For information, see Traits in
Survival Intelligence, Perception Chapter 4.

A characters magic encompasses the spells, rituals, powers,
and other magical abilities they possess. For information, see
Chapter 6.

Stamina Spending Stamina
A character can choose to spend SP in exchange for a number
Stamina is a unique attribute compared to HP or MP in that of effects, though doing so can cause a character to reach 0 SP
it represents the characters ability to push his physical limits, and gain a level of fatigue. Characters may spend Stamina for
and can be spent for a variety of effects. Stamina is what allows the following effects, but cannot spend for more than one effect
characters to trek for multiple kilometers through difficult ter- per player turn (they can either modify an action on their turn,
rain, land killing blows, and push themselves to new heights or a reaction on an opponents turn). A character cannot use
of physical strength and endurance. A characters Stamina is both Luck and SP to modify the result of a single test:
represented primarily by their Stamina Points, which measure Physical Exertion (1 SP, spend before test): Gain a +20
how often they can push their limits in this fashion. bonus on the next Strength or Endurance based skill or
characteristic tests (except for Combat Style skill tests).
Stamina Points Sprint (1 SP): Cause the characters dash action to triple
A characters Stamina Point (SP) maximum is equal their their base Speed for the round instead of merely doubling it.
Endurance bonus, though it may be modified in other ways. Power Draw (1 SP): The character reduces the reload time
When characters reach zero SP they gain a level of fatigue. for the next shot with his current weapon by 1. Reload 0
means the reload is free, unless the weapon has a minimum.
A character may still spend or lose SP even if he has none Power Attack (1 SP, spend after initial roll): Roll again
remaining, but each time he does so he gains a level of and take the higher value when determining the damage
fatigue. This can cause him to eventually exhaust himself and of a melee attack. If an effect (such as Proven) would cause
fall unconscious. you to already do this, add one to the damage instead. This
cancels out the effect of Primitive, or any other effect that
Regaining SP would cause you to roll twice and choose the lower result.
A character regains all of their lost SP after a long rest, and Improve Success (Varies, spend after test): Upgrade the
regains only 1 SP after a short rest (or removes a level of fatigue). characters level of success on their next attack (melee or
Stamina points may be lost as the result of certain effects, or thrown weapons only) or defense test:
spent by the character in exchange for other benefits. (1 SP) A failure becomes a success with 1 degree.
( 1 SP) A success gains the degrees of success necessary
to exceed the opponents degrees of success.
( 2 SP) A success that already exceeds the opponents
result becomes a critical success.

Luck Burning Luck
The player characters are the heroes of the story, and fortune
Luck is unique amongst the other characteristics in that it favors heroes! Characters may choose to permanently reduce
represents something more abstract than a characters physical their Luck characteristic score by one or more points in order
strength or mental resilience. Luck reflects the tendency of to benefit from a number of different effects. This is known as
events to work out in a characters favor. This can seem to Burning Luck.
represent nothing more than coincidence or good fortune, but
destiny and fate play a role as well. Luck that a character burns never regenerates naturally. A char-
acter may burn any amount of Luck at any time.
Because Luck governs no skills, a character will not be called
upon to test it as often as they might for another characteristic. Characters may burn Luck for the following effects. If they do
Luck is used in several ways: it determines a characters chance not have the required amount, simply burn all remaining Luck:
of critical success or failure (as detailed earlier in this chapter),
they can spend Luck points for certain benefits, they can attempt Burn 1 Luck: Add a degree of success to a successful test.
Luck tests in certain circumstances, and they can burn Luck This can be done multiple times for a given test.
permanently in exchange for a number of powerful effects. Burn 3 Luck: Re-roll a failed test. This may only be done
Characters cannot advance Luck at any time. once for a given test.
Burn 5 Luck: Negate the effects of a critical failure. This
Spending Luck Points must be done immediately after the test is rolled.
Each session a character is afforded a number of Luck points, Burn 10 Luck: Ignore the effects of a wound (though
(or LP, see Defining a Character in this chapter). A characters they still take the damage). Alternatively, and with GM
LP max is equal to their Luck bonus, and they begin each permission, this can be used to allow a character to survive
new game session with this many LP available to them. death at great cost (they are removed from play until the
Characters may spend these luck points in order to influence end of the encounter instead). Some GMs may not want
their characters fate: players to have the ability to extend the life of a character
this way, depending on the tone of a campaign.
C haracters may spend a Luck point whenever they fail a
test. If they do so, the character may immediately reroll
that failed test. This may only be done once for a given test.
Characters may spend a Luck point to add a degree of
success to a successful test (including one passed using
spent Luck points). This can be done multiple times for a
given test. Once a character has used all of their LP for a
given session, they can resort to burning luck (see below).
Characters may spend a Luck point in order to modify the
narrative in some way, such as retroactively remembering
to purchase something that would be helpful for the party.

Luck Tests
In certain situations the GM can call upon the character to make
a Luck test in scenarios when he needs to determine whether
or not some random event happens to work in the characters
favor. For example, if a character is knocking on doors during
the night trying to find someone to help them, the GM could
have the character make a Luck roll to determine if someone
happens to be at awake to hear them. These tests function just
like any other characteristic test.

Rest & Travel Short Rests
A short rest is an hour long period of downtime in which the
This section describes the rules for how characters can recover character performs no strenuous physical activity. At the end
when resting, and how to handle travel across long distances. of a short rest, a character regenerates one Stamina Point or
removes one level of fatigue, and regains IB Magicka Points.
During their adventures characters will often spend long periods Travel
of time in dangerous environments and situations, and will Adventurers are often wanderers, traveling far across Tamriel in
typically need some time to recover afterwards. One way to do search of fame and fortune.
that is by resting. There are two different types of rests: long
rests, and short rests. Travel pace
A character, or group of characters, can travel at either a slow,
Long Rests normal, or fast pace. This determines how far they can move in
A long rest is an 8 hour long period of downtime in which the a given period of time, and how taxing the journey is.
character performs no strenuous physical activity.
Travel Pace
At the end of a long rest, a character regenerates all of their miss- Pace Speed Effect
ing Stamina Points or removes any levels of fatigue and regains Fast 7 kph / 56 km/day -20 to Observe
1 missing Stamina Point, heals an amount of Hit Points equal
Normal 5 kph / 40 km/day -
to their Endurance bonus (as long as they have no untreated
wounds), and regenerates all of their missing Magicka Points. Slow 3 kph / 24 km/day Can move stealthily
Many powers also recharge at the end of a long rest.
Characters traveling through particularly difficult terrain
Their natural healing is doubled if the character is focused travel at half the normal pace for their given speed.
entirely on healing themselves (or if another person is caring
for them). Travel and Exhaustion
The travel pace assumes that characters travel roughly 8 hours
A character cannot benefit from more than one long rest in a 24 in a day. For each hour traveled beyond this the characters
hour period, and must be conscious at the start to gain it benefits. must make an Endurance test (starting at +0 for the first
hour) with a stacking -10 penalty for each hour beyond this.
On failure, the character loses 1 SP.

Items & Encumbrance Encumbrance Levels
The number of times that a characters total ENC (the sum of
Encumbrance represents the mass and bulk of the items the the ENC of all the equipment they are carrying) exceeds their
character is wearing, wielding, or carrying on their person. The Carry Rating determines their Encumbrance Level. Higher
Encumbrance Value (ENC) of an item is a single digit number encumbrance levels apply specific penalties:
that represents this. Items with an ENC of zero are, on their own,
inconsequential. But if a character is carrying a large number  est Penalty: A penalty to all physical and movement based
of these items, treat every 10 zero ENC items as having a total skill and characteristic tests.
ENC of one. Speed Penalty: A reduction of the characters base Speed.
Stamina Penalty: A reduction of the characters SP max.
If a character is carrying an item in such a way that the space it For each level this would reduce it below 0 the character
takes up isnt an issue (such as inside a pack or container), its gains a level of fatigue.
ENC is halved (round down).
These penalties represent the raw difficulty of carrying some-
When worn, the ENC of a given piece of armor is halved thing too heavy for your character. Thus they can stack with
(round down). Shields do not benefit from this effect. penalties for wearing particularly heavy armor, which represent
the difficulties of fighting while weighed down.

Encumbrance Levels and Effects

Level (Value) Total ENC Test Penalty Speed Penalty Stamina Penalty
Minimal (0) <= 1 times Carry Rating No Penalty No Penalty No Penalty
Moderate (1) > 1 times Carry Rating -10 -1 meter -1 SP max
Severe (2) > 2 times Carry Rating -20 1/2 Speed (round down) -3 SP max
Crushing (3) > 3 times Carry Rating -40 Immobilized -5 SP max

Character Advancement Character Advancement XP Costs
Advance Type Cost
The primary means by which characters progress in the UESRPG Characteristic Advance (+5 score) 150 x (Current Bonus) XP*
is through the accumulation and use of Experience Points
Learning a Skill Varies by Skill Rank**
(also known as XP) awarded by the GM. XP can be spent by
characters to purchase characteristic advances, train new skills, Novice Rank 100 XP
increase skill ranks, gain specializations, learn new magic, and Apprentice Rank 200 XP (300 total)
purchase talents. Remember that learning and ranking skills Journeyman Rank 300 XP (600 total)
or talents governed by a favored characteristic, or advancing Adept Rank 400 XP (1000 total)
that characteristic (increasing its score by 5), costs 75% of Expert Rank 500 XP (1500 total)
the usual XP cost (round down to the nearest multiple of 5).
Master Rank 800 XP (2300 total)
Gaining a Specialization 100 XP
Optional Rule - Training Time Expanding a Combat Style
25 XP
If the GM decides they dislike the idea of characters (adds one piece of equipment)
gaining skills and talents instantly during downtime, Learning a Talent Varies by Talent Level
they can impose a training time upon their players. We Novice Level 100 XP
recommend a rate of 1 week per 100 XP spent, though Apprentice Level 200 XP
this is only a rough guideline.
Journeyman Level 300 XP
Adept Level 400 XP
Keep in mind that this table is different from the CrP table Expert Level 500 XP
found at the end of Chapter 2. Once characters are past character Master Level 800 XP
creation, they are more restricted in what they can purchase Learning Magic Varies by Magic
(hence why CrP is slightly more flexible). Learned during downtime
Learning Conventional Spell
from books or a teacher.
* Minimum base cost (before % mods) of 100 XP.
Creating Unconventional Spell Created during downtime.
Characters cannot advance Luck.
** Skill ranks must be purchased in order (see Chapter 3)

Chapter 2: Character Creation
Ah yes, weve been expecting you! Youll have to be recorded before youre officially released. There are a few
ways we can do this, and the choice is yours.

Socucius Ergalla, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

L egendary heroes fill the history of the Elder Scrolls setting,
but even the greatest heroes need to start somewhere. The
world of Tamriel is a vast and diverse one, and there are an
Step 4: Spend CrP & Purchase Items
Next, you spend your remaining CrP on any characteristic
advancements that you desire. Any CrP remaining after this
enormous number of potential characters a player may want to process is over is converted to XP. Characters also start with
create. However there are some things that all characters have a budget of drakes which can be used in this step to purchase
in common, and it is on this common ground that we can start equipment and other items that the character will begin the
to build up a new character. game with.

After character creation, character advancement is accom- Step 5: Finishing Touches

plished through the use of experience points (see Character Finally, calculate your characters attributes and finalize any
Advancement in Chapter 5 for information). But during char- remaining aspects of the character sheet. Youre good to go!
acter creation, players use Creation Points (CrP) to create
and customize their characters. Step 6 (Optional): Elite Advances
In this step you may also choose elite advances: changes that
CrP is very similar to XP in that it can be used to purchase dramatically alter a character beyond the scope of the other
advancements that would cost XP (and converts over at a 1:1 options explored so far, or life paths that a character must
ratio), but it is different in that a number of things can be only either be born into, or dedicate themselves to. These cannot
be purchased with CrP. When character creation has ended, be purchased without GM permission, as they represent very
any remaining CrP becomes XP instead. powerful and specialized character paths, and generally a char-
acter should not be allowed to have more than one.
Standard character creation is a five step process. It is neces-
sary to go through these steps in the correct order, and it is This book does not contain any elite advances, but they may be
recommended you read through this list before moving on in found in one or more of the supplements! Elite Advances may
order to inform your future decisions. When you actually start be purchased with either CrP or XP, as specified.
building the character, write down the details from each step on
a character sheet as you go along so you dont lose track of things.
Peoples of Tamriel
Step 1: Race
During this step you will choose your characters race. We have The races provided in this book encompass the core races por-
included the core races featured in the games in this book, trayed in the Elder Scrolls games. Additional races can be found
though additional races can be found in the Players Handbook. in the Players Handbook. Each race comes with their own
You should ask your GM which era the game is taking place in, characteristic baseline used to generate characteristics for mem-
and which races are allowed for the campaign, before you pick bers of that race, and many races have bonus powers, starting
one. Each race comes with their own characteristic baseline used skills, or traits. You should ask your GM which races are allowed
to generate characteristics for members of that race, and many in the campaign before you pick one.
races have bonus powers, starting skills, or traits.
Some races have unique racial traits that are defined in their
Step 2: Generate Characteristics sections. Racial powers can be found in the Powers section later
During this step you will get to choose your characters favored in this Chapter.
characteristics and generate your characteristic scores using dice
and the characteristic baseline appropriate to your choice of
race in the previous step.

Step 3: Determine Birthsign

Next, you determine your characters Birthsign, choosing the
charge of the warrior, mage, or thief and then rolling on the
appropriate table. There is a chance during this step that the
character will receive the Star-Cursed version of a sign instead,
reflecting the threatening presence of the Serpent sign at the
time of their birth.

The Altmer (or High Elves, as they are also known) are a race
of Mer that make their home on Summerset Isle, an island
off the south western coast of Tamriel. Many races of Tamriel
consider the Altmer to be quite beautiful due to their fair, golden
skinned complexion and the dazzling gem like colors of their
eyes; as such, the Altmer are welcome guests in most parts of
Tamriel, save for the Black Marsh and Vvardenfell. However,
the combination of their fair appearance, long lives, propensity
for magic and resemblance to the Old Elves of Tamriel tends
to give Altmer an elevated sense of their own importance. This
can sometimes impact diplomatic relations with the other races.

The use of magic is heavily emphasized in Altmer society, given

the latent magical gifts of the Altmer race. Those Altmer that
rarely or never leave Summerset Isle are used to a culture in
which Magic permeates every level of society. Unfortunately, the
natural affinity of the Altmer race also leaves them vulnerable
to magical attack; however, most choose to pay little heed to
this drawback. Aside from their dependence on magic, Altmer
also tend to place a high cultural value on living for as long as
possible, often using magic to extend their longevity. Altmer
born and raised on Summerset Isle tend to be haughty and
more out of touch than those raised in other areas of Tamriel.

Altmer Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
20 23 23 30 28 25 25

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

D  isease Resistance (50%): Characters with this trait have
a chance to resist diseases. Whenever the character would
be infected by a common disease, roll a d100. If the roll is
less than or equal to 50, the character doesnt get the disease.
Power Well (20): Characters with this trait have more
magicka than usual. Increase their MP max by 10. This
trait can stack.
W  eakness (Magic, 2): This character increases all incom-
ing magic damage by 2 after mitigation, and suffers a -20
penalty tests made to resist non-damaging magical effects.
This trait can stack.
(Racial) Mental Strength: Altmer ignore penalties to
Willpower tests made to resist paralysis.

During character creation, Altmer characters may pick
one of the traditional magic skills (Alchemy, Alteration,
Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Illusion, Mysticism,
or Restoration) to begin trained at Novice rank for free.

Argonians are a race of reptilian humanoids native to the land of
Black Marsh in south-eastern Tamriel. In Jel, their native tongue,
Argonians refer to themselves as Saxhleel (meaning People
of the Root) to show their absolute reverence towards and
dependence on a the Hist, a species of sentient trees that share
a singular and extremely intelligent mind. The Argonian people
owe the entirety of their life, culture and shape to the Hist, as
the sap of the trees is a necessary catalyst for the metamorphosis
of young Argonians into their humanoid form. Traditionally
minded Argonians also believe the Hist is a repository for their
souls, reincarnating them after death.

Argonians are naturally suited to the dangerous environment

of Black Marsh and are resistant to most diseases and poison.
Additionally, Argonians have the ability to breathe indefinitely
while underwater, as well as formidable resistance to many kinds
of damage courtesy of the Hist. In their homeland, Argonians
tend to live in either desolate, scattered villages or within the
ruins of great cities of stone, remnants of the Elves and other
extinct denizens of the Black Marsh. Given the necessity of
the Hist to their lifestyle, most Argonians rarely leave Black
Marsh by choice; however, some have been known to aban-
don Argonian society and venture out into the wider world
as adventurers and hired workers. Unfortunately, others are
sometimes forcibly removed from Black Marsh by slavers and
sold as chattel across Tamriel.

Argonian Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
25 24 28 27 24 25 22

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

D  isease Resistance (75%): Characters with this trait have
a chance to resist diseases. Whenever the character would
be infected by a common disease, roll a d100. If the roll is
less than or equal to 75, the character doesnt get the disease.
I mmunity (Poison): The character is immune to the effects
of poison.
A  mphibious: The character can breathe water, and ignores
the skill cap placed on his combat rolls by his Athletics skill
when fighting in water.
(Racial) Inscrutable: Argonians receive a -10 penalty
to Persuade tests made to interact with non-Argonians.
However, Observe tests made to try to distinguish their
motives are made with a -10 penalty.

The Bosmer (or Wood Elves, as they are also known) are a race
of forest-dwelling Mer native to the province of Valenwood. In
their own tongue, the Bosmer refer to themselves as the Boiche,
or Tree-Sap People, a reference to their pact with the Aedra
Yffre. Like other elves, the Bosmer were originally from the
Summerset Isles; however, the Wood Elves scorned strict and
formal lifestyle of their Aldmeri ancestors, choosing to travel
to mainland Tamriel and live more carefree and simple lives.
Chronologically, the First Era is officially marked as starting
when the Bosmer united under the rule of the King Eplear, the
first of the Camoran Dynasty. Bosmer are known across Tamriel
as competent and deadly bow users; some rumors even claim
that the Wood Elves were the first to have invented and used
the bow as a weapon.

Despite the high status granted to Auri-El by most of the

Merish pantheons, the Bosmer hold Yffre in the highest regard.
As the first of the Aedra to help stabilize Nirn by becoming
an earthbone, Yffre helped the Wood Elves maintain their
shape during the Dawn Era. The grateful Bosmer accepted
his patronage, making an oath known as the Green Pact and
vowing to never eat nor harm any vegetation that grew within
Valenwood (though other plants outside the province have no
such protection). Because of their oath, those Bosmer native
to Valenwood (and even some who leave) are carnivorous, even
engaging in cannibalism on occasion.

Bosmer Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
21 21 31 25 23 26 24

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

D  isease Resistance (50%): Characters with this trait have
a chance to resist diseases. Whenever the character would
be infected by a common disease, roll a d100. If the roll is
less than or equal to 50, the character doesnt get the disease.
R  esistance (Poison, 1): This character reduces all incoming
poison damage by 1, and gains a +10 bonus to tests made
to resist non-damaging poison effects. This trait can stack.
(Racial) Natural Archers: Bosmer add shortbows to any
combat style they use, and this does not count towards that
combat styles five trained equipment types.
( Racial) Beast Tongue: Bosmer can speak to, and under-
stand the speech of, animals. How exactly this functions is
left to the GMs discretion, though it is recommended the
GM call for a Perception test when the Bosmer encounters
the speech of an unfamiliar animal to determine if they can
understand it and communicate back.

The Bretons are a race of men native to the north western prov-
ince of High Rock. Bretons as a whole are generally dark-haired,
tall and gifted with a rare amount of intelligence and willpower
compared to the other races of men across Tamriel. Despite
their height, Bretons tend to have a slighter build, being less
muscular than Redguards or Nords. Bretons are descended
from both Aldmeri and Nedic bloodlines, giving them a unique
combination of abilities that both enhances their innate Aldmeri
talent for magic and suppresses their vulnerability to magic,
thanks to their Nedic heritage.

Culturally, Bretons possess a great love of art and philosophy,

as well as an innate connection with magic; this leads many
to scholarly pursuits, becoming great wizards and sorcerers.
Bretons are also prone to engaging in knightly pursuits, driven
on by a quest-obsession to do good deeds prevalent throught
Breton society.

Also worthy of mention are the Reachmen, a splinter group

of Bretons inhabiting the western reach that joins High Rock
and Skyrim. Violently opposed to the Breton kingdoms and
infighting of High Rock, the Reachmen have formed a tribal
society based on hedge magic learned from Orcs and bird-
witches known as Hagravens. Though far more ferocious than
their cultured cousins, the Reachmen live far more primitive
lives, trading the steel blades of High Rock for stone and bone,
the castles and towers for natural caverns.

Breton Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
23 21 22 28 30 25 25

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

Resistance (Magic, 2): This character reduces all incoming
magic damage by 2, and gains a +20 bonus to tests made
to resist non-damaging magical effects. This trait can stack.
Power Well (10): Characters with this trait have more
magicka than usual. Increase their MP max by 5. This
trait can stack.

During character creation, Breton characters may pick
one of the traditional magic skills (Alchemy, Alteration,
Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Illusion, Mysticism,
or Restoration) to begin trained at Novice rank for free.

The Dunmer (or Dark Elves, as they are also known) are a race
of xenophobic Mer native to the province of Morrowind, a
land dominated by a wasteland of dust and fire. Like other elves,
the Dunmer were originally from the Summerset Isles; however,
they are descended from the Chimer, a tribe of Aldmeri exiles
who fled Summerset to worship the Daedra, who they title
Our Stronger, Better Ancestors. An agile and graceful people,
the Dunmer use their natural magical and physical abilities
to their advantage in combat. Physically their swordsmanship
rivals that of the Redguards of Hammerfell, while their natural
affinity for Destruction magic is rivaled only by their distant
cousins in the Summerset Isles.

Dunmer society is divided into two distinct areas: the more

civilized Great Houses and the nomadic Ashlanders. The Great
Houses of Morrowind behave more like nations than states,
divided as they are by both culture and politics. The only things
which unite the Great Houses are the temple and an almost
universal distaste for outlanders.

By contrast to the more civilized and political Great Houses,

Ashlander society is more tribal-oriented and nomadic. The
Ashlanders split from the society of the Great Houses over the
validity of the Temples doctrine, a conflict which has divided
the two sectors of Dunmer society ever since. Those who have
met the Ashlanders describe them as ferocious, chitin-armored
savages who are wary of strangers; however, beneath the xeno-
phobic surface of Ashlander society lies a deeply spiritual and
disciplined lifestyle, a vital key to the survival of the nomads
in the harsh land of Morrowind.

Dunmer Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
25 24 29 25 24 25 23

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

Resistance (Fire, 3): This character reduces all incoming
fire damage by 3, and gains a +30 bonus to tests made to
resist non-damaging fire effects. This trait can stack.

Powers (see the Powers section later in the Chapter)

Ancestor Guardian

During character creation, Dunmer characters may choose
to begin with the Destruction skill trained to Novice rank
for free.

Imperials (also known as Cyrods) are a race of men descended
from Nedics who settled in the province of Cyrodiil, most
notably Nibenese and Colovians. From the time of the Merethic
Era the Imperials were held in slavery by the Ayleids (also known
as the Heartland High Elves) until a Nedic woman by the name
of Alessia organized a successful slave revolt with the help of her
champion Pelinal Whitestrake and demigod Morihaus.

Following the revolt, the Cyrods set up three different empires

under three different factions: Alessia and her followers, the
Reman Dynasty and the Septim Dynasty. Though the empires
had internal differences, more stark differences arose between the
more mercantile Nibenese and the rougher Colovians. Where
the Nibenese Imperials were skilled at trading the creation of
wealth, the Colovian Imperials were influenced by their northern
Nordic neighbors, turning to more physical pursuits such as
farming and war. In fact, such differences kept the Imperials
from becoming a unified people until the arrival of Reman
Cyrodiil in the First Era and Zero Cuhlecain at the end of the
Second Era.

Due to the central position of Cyrodiil in Tamriel, Cyrods have

learned to become shrewd traders and diplomats. As well, their
former status as slaves have left them rather gregarious and
willing to accept others.

The more Nordic Imperials, Colovians are rougher and more

physical than their Nibenese counterparts. The Nibenese are
more cosmopolitan than their Colovian bretheren, and have
excelled in trade and other such pursuits.

Colovian Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
26 27 24 24 25 25 25

Nibenese Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
24 23 23 27 23 25 28

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

( Racial) Star of the West: Imperials increase their Stamina
Point maximum by 1.
(Racial) Voice of the Emperor: Imperials speak with a
small bit of the power and majesty of the Emperors. They
may choose to use Willpower in place of the base char-
acteristic for a Persuade, Command, or Deceive skill test.

During character creation, Nibenese characters may pick
one of either the Commerce, Persuade, or Deceive skills
to begin trained at Novice rank for free.

Khajiit are a race of feline humanoids native to the province of
Elsweyr in southern Tamriel. In their native tongue of Taagra,
the word Khajiit means desert walkers, a fitting epithet for
the nomadic race. Unlike the other races of Tamriel, there are
variety of different breeds of Khajiit, ranging from bipedal
to quadrupedal, the size of tigers to the size of house cats, and
many in between. Some are even unable to speak, while others
are hard to distinguish from elves. All of these things and more
are determined by the moons, cementing their place at the center
of Khajiit society. Aside from determining a given Khajiits form
and abilities, the moons also form the basis of the Khajiits
governmental system.

Most Khajiit value agility and cunning above brute force, as

these traits are valuable assets for survival in the harsh deserts and
tropical jungles the Khajiit call home. Their natural acrobatic
ability, intelligence and unmatched agility make the Khajiit
excellent guerrilla fighters, adventurers and thieves.

Each Khajiit breed counts as its own unique race, but only the
Suthay-Raht are presented here. Additional subspecies can be
found in the Players Handbook.

Similar in height and build to the race of man, the Suthay-raht
are one of the most common breeds of Khajiit. Their coloring
ranges from dark brown and orange, to light yellow, both with
and without stripes and spots. Suthay-raht are often referred to
as JaKhajiit (meaning kitten) by those of other races; this
appellation often strikes the Khajiit as odd, said title being one
of their names for Mehrunes Dagon.

Suthay-Raht Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
22 22 29 25 21 28 24

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

Dark Sight: A character with this trait can see normally
even in areas with total darkness, and never takes penalties
for acting in areas with dim or no lighting.
Natural Weapons (Claws; 1d4; Slashing)

The Nords are a race of tall, fair haired men hailing from Skyrim
but found all along the coasts of Tamriel. Originating from the
continent of Atmora, the Nords are a fierce and proud people,
known for their natural aptitude as both warriors and seafar-
ers. Possessing great physical strength and endurance, Nords
also enjoy impressive resistance to magical frost and lightning.
Natural conquerors, the warlike and enterprising spirit of the
Nords has greatly influenced the history of Tamriel since their
arrival from Atmora in the late Merethic Era, with their armies
driving the Snow Elves into ruin and providing the strength
and impetus to forge the first empires of man.

The Nords consider themselves the sons and daughters of Kyne,

formed when the great Northern Winds broke upon the ground
at the Throat of the World. As such, they consider their breath
their very essence, and are able to channel their strength and
power into their voices in magical shouts known as the Thuum.
Though all Nords possess the potential to use the Thuum, it
has become increasingly rare since the fall of the first Empire
of the Nords when it was deemed it should only be used in
times of great need.

Honor and heroism are important virtues to a Nord, for they

believe that an honorable life or a valiant death will grant them
access to Sovngarde, Shors Hall. This belief makes Nords all but
fearless in battle, making war with an energy and enthusiasm
that terrifies their enemies. This leads many down the path of
the warrior; consequently, most Nords encountered outside
Skyrim pursue some martial enterprise, be it sellsword, brigand,
or wandering adventurer.

Nord Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
30 28 23 21 24 25 23

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

Tough (1): Increase the characters Wound Threshold by 1.
R esistance (Frost, 2): This character reduces all incoming
frost damage by 2, and gains a +20 bonus to tests made to
resist non-damaging frost/cold effects. This trait can stack.
Resistance (Shock, 1): This character reduces all incoming
shock damage by 1, and gains a +10 bonus to tests made
to resist non-damaging shock effects. This trait can stack.

Powers (see the Powers section later in the Chapter)

War Cry

The Orcs, sometimes known as Orsimer, are barbaric tribes
found in the north of Tamriel, concentrated in High Rocks
Wrothgarian mountain range and with settlements in High Rock,
Skyrim, and Hammerfell. Known for their ugly appearance
(including but not limited to green or red skin, prominent tusks,
and unusual facial bone structure), propensity for violence,
and skill in metalcraft, the Orcs are commonly held to be the
least of the races. Although officially accepted as citizens by
the Cyrodiilic Empire after the events of the Warp in the West,
Tamriels populace still holds them in low regard, especially
in the northwest. With the few exceptions of those living in
cities or camps, most Orcs hail from Orsinium or a Stronghold,
where they are raised from birth to defend their clan and family.

Orcs have been bred for centuries to survive harsh conditions

and constant assault, and as such have a natural proficiency in
hand-to-hand combat. Their sheer physical strength makes them
formidable opponents when wearing heavy armor and wielding
two-handed weapons, especially when using products of their
own design. Most Orcs learn to work metal from a young age,
and even those who do not choose the smithing profession have
better skill to maintain their equipment. Orcs hailing from
wilderness Strongholds are generally more ferocious than their
Orsinium cousins, who tend to have more skill as craftsmen.

Orsimer Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
28 30 22 23 26 24 22

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

Resilient (3): Increase the characters HP maximum by 3.
Resistance (Magic, 1): This character reduces all incoming
magic damage by 1, and gains a +10 bonus to tests made
to resist non-damaging magic effects. This trait can stack.

During character creation, Orsimer characters may choose
to begin with the Profession [Smithing] skill trained to
Novice rank for free.

The Redguards originated from the continent of Yokuda, far to
Tamriels west. They are renowned sword masters and forged an
empire on Yokuda to rival Tamriels own. Following a disaster
which destroyed most of their homeland, the emigrated east
to Tamriel, where they landed on Hammerfell. In Hammerfell,
Redguard society split into two main camps; Forebears, those
who had come in the Warrior Wave to purge Hammerfell of
inhabitants, and Crowns, the upper-class who had followed.

The Redguards maintain a strong tradition of sword-mastery

and honor to this day, though the significant Redguard piracy
presence suggests interesting definitions of honor. Redguard
warriors are at their best when using their famed scimitars,
typically singly with a shield (though there are those who fight
with two scimitars, known as dervishes). They prefer lighter
armors and cloth to heavy metal, allowing for freedom and
rapidity of movement. Redguards make for strong individual
warriors, though only rarely does one find a Redguard who is
not part of a society or band. They are known for their strict
code of battlefield ethics, preferring to fight honorably even
against creatures they see as below them.

Redguard Characteristic Baseline

Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs
27 28 26 22 23 25 24

Traits (simplified: full rules can be found in Chapter 4)

D  isease Resistance (75%): Characters with this trait have
a chance to resist diseases. Whenever the character would
be infected by a common disease, roll a d100. If the roll is
less than or equal to 75, the character doesnt get the disease.
 esistance (Poison, 3): This character reduces all incoming
poison damage by 3, and gains a +30 bonus to tests made
to resist non-damaging poison effects. This trait can stack.

Powers (see the Powers section later in the Chapter)

Adrenaline Rush

During character creation, Redguard characters may choose
to begin with a Combat Style [Field] skill trained to Novice
rank for free.

Generate Characteristics
During this step you will choose your characters favored char-
acteristics and then roll for your characteristic scores, using the
characteristic baseline appropriate to your choice of race.

Choose Favored Characteristics

Not all characteristics are created equal! Some characters excel
in certain areas over others, beyond a simple difference in raw
characteristic score. Favored Characteristics are those char-
acteristics a character is naturally gifted in: improving those
characteristics, or skills and abilities associated with them, is
easier than usual. Each player can choose their characters two
favored characteristics (they must be different characteristics).
before they generate their characteristic scores. Learning and
ranking skills or talents governed by a favored characteristic,
or advancing that characteristic, costs 75% of the usual CrP/
XP cost (round down to the nearest multiple of 5).

Rolling Characteristic Scores

Once you have chosen your two favored characteristics and
have a characteristic baseline from your race, you can generate

Roll 2d10 seven times and once this is complete assign

each of the resulting two digit values to one of your char-
acteristics (except Luck). Add each roll to the characteristic Strength (Str / SB) measures a characters physical prowess,
score of the assigned characteristic that is listed in your and their ability to employ that prowess and push themselves
characteristic baseline. to their physical limits.
Roll 2d10, add 30 to the result, and assign the resulting
two digit value to your Luck score. Luck cannot exceed Endurance (End / EB) measures a characters physical health,
50, and cannot be advanced. stamina and toughness, and their resistance to damage.
If the GM allows it, you may reroll three of the sets of
2d10 from amongst the pool of rolls (but not the one for Agility (Ag / AB) measures a characters physical speed, reflexes,
Luck) after all rolls are completed but before you assign and coordination, reflecting their overall ability to move quickly
the results. The new values are final. and gracefully.

Intelligence (Int / IB) measures a characters mental prowess,

Optional Rule - Point Buy Characteristics problem solving, reasoning, ability to recall information, and
Instead of rolling for characteristics, with GM permission understanding of the mysteries of magicka.
players can instead choose to distribute 90 points amongst
their various characteristic scores (including Luck, which Willpower (Wp / WB) measures a characters mental control,
has a baseline of 30). No more than 20 points may go to resilience, and their ability to control and shape magicka.
one characteristic.
Perception (Prc / PcB) measures a characters physical aware-
ness, as well as the accuracy of his gut instincts and intuition.
For convenience, all of the characteristics are reprinted here.
For more information see Defining a Character in Chapter 1. Personality (Prs / PsB) measures a characters natural charisma,
Additionally, from this point onward throughout the process presence, expressiveness, and social abilities.
a player may choose to permanently reduce their characters
starting Luck score for certain benefits. These will be explained Luck (Lck / LkB) measures a characters good fortune: how
when they come up. often events tend to go their way. See Luck in Chapter 1.

Determine Birthsign The Warrior
The Warrior is the first Guardian Constellation and he protects his
Next you roll for your characters Birthsign, choosing the charges during their Seasons. The Warriors own season is Last Seed
charge of the Warrior, Mage, or Thief and then rolling a d5 when his Strength is needed for the harvest. His Charges are the Lady,
the appropriate table. There is a chance during this step that the the Steed, and the Lord. Those born under the sign of the Warrior
character will receive the Star-Cursed version of a sign instead, are skilled with weapons of all kinds, but prone to short tempers.
reflecting the threatening presence of the Serpent sign at the
time of their birth. Those born under the sign of the Warrior increase their
SP maximum by 1.
Bonuses granted by birthsigns that modify attributes, like S  tar-Cursed Warrior: As above, but also gain 5 Strength
HP, always apply even if the base characteristics that govern and lose 5 Willpower.
that attribute change. Powers granted by Birthsigns can be
found in the Powers section later in this Chapter. The Lady
The Lady is one of the Warriors Charges and her Season is Heartfire.
Those born under the sign of the Lady are kind and tolerant.
A player may choose to permanently reduce their char- Th
 ose born under the sign of the Lady gain 5 Personality.
acters Luck score by 5 in order to choose a Birthsign of Star-Cursed Lady: As above, but also gain 5 Endurance
their choice (10 for the star-cursed version) either before and lose 5 Strength.
or after rolling on the table. Alternatively, if the player
decides to roll on the table and rolls a non-star-cursed The Steed
sign, they can choose to permanently reduce their charac- The Steed is one of the Warriors Charges, and her Season is Mid
ters Luck score by 5 to take the star-cursed version. Year. Those born under the sign of the Steed are impatient and
always hurrying from one place to another.

Warrior Birthsign Table Th

 ose born under the sign of the Steed increase Speed by 2.
Roll Result Star-Cursed Steed: As above, but also gain 5 Agility and
1 The Warrior lose 5 Willpower or Perception (pick one).
2 The Lady
The Lord
3 The Steed The Lords Season is First Seed and he oversees all of Tamriel during
4 The Lord the planting. Those born under the sign of the Lord are stronger
5 Reroll, take the Star-Cursed version of the result and healthier than those born under other signs.

Mage Birthsign Table Those born under the sign of the Lord double their natural
Roll Result healing rate.
1 The Mage S  tar-Cursed Lord: As above, but also gain 5 Endurance
and the Weakness (fire, 2) trait.
2 The Apprentice
3 The Atronach
4 The Ritual The Stars of Tamriel are divided into thirteen constellations.
5 Reroll, take the Star-Cursed version of the result Three of them are the major constellations, known as the
Guardians. These are the Warrior, the Mage, and the Thief.
Thief Birthsign Table Each of the Guardians protects its three Charges from the
Roll Result thirteenth constellation, the Serpent.
1 The Thief
The Firmanent
2 The Lover
3 The Shadow
4 The Tower
5 Reroll, take the Star-Cursed version of the result

The Mage The Thief
The Mage is a Guardian Constellation whose Season is Rains The Thief is the last Guardian Constellation, and her Season is
Hand when magicka was first used by men. His Charges are the the darkest month of Evening Star. Her Charges are the Lover, the
Apprentice, the Golem, and the Ritual. Those born under the Mage Shadow, and the Tower. Those born under the sign of the Thief are
have more magicka and talent for all kinds of spellcasting, but are not typically thieves, though they take risks more often and only
often arrogant and absent-minded. rarely come to harm. They will run out of luck eventually, however,
and rarely live as long as those born under other signs.
Those born under the sign of the Mage gain the Power
Well (10) trait. Those born under the sign of the Thief roll an extra lucky
Star-Cursed Mage: Gain Power Well (25) instead, but number that they never lose regardless of their Luck score.
lose 5 Perception, Strength, and/or Personality (pick one). S  tar-Cursed Thief: As above, but the character replaces
their rolled Luck score with 50, gains the Akaviri Danger-
The Apprentice Sense power, and the Running Out of Luck trait. Characters
The Apprentices Season is Suns Height. Those born under the sign cannot spend Luck to choose this birth-sign. Instead, it is
of the apprentice have a special affinity for magick of all kinds, but available as a choice for any character who naturally rolled
are more vulnerable to magick as well. the Thief sign.

Those born under the sign of the Apprentice gain the The Lover
Power Well (25) trait and the Weakness (magic, 2) trait. The Lover is one of the Thiefs Charges and her season is Suns Dawn.
S  tar-Cursed Apprentice: Gain Power Well (50) and Those born under the sign of the Lover are graceful and passionate.
Weakness (magic, 3) instead.
 ose born under the sign of the Lover gain 5 Agility.
The Atronach Star-Cursed Lover: As above, but also gain 5 Personality
The Atronach (often called the Golem) is one of the Mages Charges. and lose 5 Willpower or Strength (choose one).
Its season is Suns Dusk. Those born under this sign are natural
sorcerers with deep reserves of magicka, but they cannot generate The Shadow
magicka of their own. The Shadows Season is Second Seed. The Shadow grants those born
under her sign the ability to hide in shadows.
 ose born under the sign of the Atronach gain the Power
Well (50) trait, the Spell Absorption (5) trait, and the T hose born under the sign of the Shadow gain the
Stunted Magicka trait. Moonshadow power.
S  tar-Cursed Atronach: As above, but gain Power Well S  tar-Cursed Shadow: As above, but also gain 5 Perception
(75) instead and lose 5 Agility or Endurance (pick one). and lose 5 Personality or Strength (pick one).

The Ritual The Tower

The Ritual is one of the Mages Charges and its Season is Morning The Tower is one of the Thief s Charges and its Season is Frostfall.
Star. Those born under this sign have a variety of abilities depending Those born under the sign of the Tower have a knack for finding
on the aspects of the moons and the Divines. gold and can open locks of all kinds.

Those born under the sign of the Ritual may choose to Those born under the sign of the Tower gain the Treasure
gain one of the following powers at the beginning of each Seeker power and 5 Perception.
day: Blessed Touch, Blessed Word, Maras Gift. They have S  tar-Cursed Tower: As above, but also gain 5 Agility and
this power until their next long rest, when they can make lose 5 Willpower or Strength (pick one).
another choice if they wish.
S  tar-Cursed Ritual: Instead gain all the powers perma-
nently, but lose 5 luck. Optional Rule - Player Chosen Birthsigns
Some groups may not like the random element intro-
duced by rolling for birthsigns. It is acceptable to simply
pick birthsigns without any Luck cost if the whole group
agrees to do so.

Spend CrP & Purchase Items Character Advancement Costs
Remember that learning and ranking skills or talents governed
At this point it is time to build the bulk of the character. During by a favored characteristic, or advancing that characteristic
this step you may spend any of your Creation Points on any of (increasing its score by 5), costs 75% of the usual CrP/XP
the advancements or other items listed on the table below and (round down to the nearest multiple of 5).
apply the changes to your character sheet.
Elite Advances found in other books can be purchased with
Campaign Power Level Starting CrP CrP. At the end of character creation, excess CrP becomes
Power Level Starting CrP Your characters CrP is depen- XP instead.
Low 1000+ dent on the Campaign Power
Level: a category chosen by Gear & Equipment
Medium 2500+
the GM that provides a start- Every adventurer needs equipment! The budget of drakes that
High 7500+ ing baseline for the power and your character has available to purchase gear before the start of
Legendary 12500+ experience of the characters. the campaign is left to your GM, but we have provided some
rough recommendations for their use below:
Character Advancement CrP Costs
Advance Type Cost Campaign Starting Wealth
Characteristic Advance (+5 score) 150 x (Current Bonus) CrP* Power Level Starting Drakes
Learning a Skill Varies by Skill Rank** Low 0-1000
Novice Rank 100 CrP Medium 1000-2500
Apprentice Rank 200 CrP (300 total) High 2500+
Journeyman Rank 300 CrP (600 total) Legendary GM discretion
Adept Rank 400 CrP (1000 total)
Expert Rank 500 CrP (1500 total) Obviously these numbers can vary drastically depending on your
campaign. Some legendary games will begin in prisons! It is
Master Rank 800 CrP (2300 total)
also worth noting that you should run your final gear selection
Gaining a Specialization 100 CrP by your GM for their approval: simply having enough money
Expanding a Combat Style to theoretically buy something does not mean your character
25 CrP
(adds one piece of equipment) could reasonably acquire it. The specifics will come down to
Learning a Talent Varies by Talent Level where your campaign is set, and the tone and power level your
Novice Level 100 CrP GM wants to set.
Apprentice Level 200 CrP
Journeyman Level 300 CrP Generate Lucky Numbers
Adept Level 400 CrP
Expert Level 500 CrP Before finishing off the character, it is time to decide which
Master Level 800 CrP numbers are tied to your fate! Each character has a set of Lucky
Learning Magic Varies by Magic and Unlucky numbers that, when rolled as a test result, result
Learning Conventional Spell in a critical success or critical failure (respectively). To generate
5 x (Spell Level) CrP your Lucky and Unlucky numbers, follow these steps:
(no tests or costs are required)
Creating Unconventional Spell
(no tests or costs are required)
5 x (Spell Level)CrP A character has a number of Lucky Numbers equal to
their Luck bonus. Roll 1d100 this many times, rerolling
* Minimum base cost (before % mods) of 100 CrP. any duplicates. These are your Lucky Numbers!
Characters cannot advance Luck. A character has a number of Unlucky Numbers equal to
** Skill ranks must be purchased in order (see Chapter 3) five minus their Luck bonus. Roll 1d100 this many times,
rerolling any duplicates (and rerolling any of your Lucky
Numbers). These are your Unlucky Numbers!

If a characters Luck bonus changes later, then convert Lucky

into Unlucky numbers as appropriate.

Finishing Touches Complete Character Sheet
Once you have calculated your attributes, you should complete
Youre almost done! All thats left is to calculate your attributes your character sheet: noting any aspects that still need to be
and make any last minute touches, then youll be ready to go! finished. Do not forget to fill out relevant aspects of the character
state, including things like equipment, magic, encumbrance
Calculate Attributes level (taking into account everything the character plans on
The player should now calculate all their attributes based on carrying), and so forth.
the finalized values of their characteristics. Some of these have
already been determined. The player should calculate the fol- Finally, make sure you are prepared to role-play the character
lowing attributes and note the values on their character sheet: themself. Having a character name, a sense of their backstory,
and a picture of their personality will help you have as much
Health Points (HP): Endurance / 2 (round up) fun as possible with your campaign. Enjoy your adventures
Wound Threshold (WT): EB + SB + WpB with the UESRPG!
Stamina Points (SP): EB
Magicka Points (MP): Intelligence
Size Category: Standard by default. Yes. Youre in Morrowind. I dont know why youre here. Or
Speed: SB + [2 x AB] why you were released from prison and shipped here. But
Carry Rating (CR): [4 x SB] + [2 x EB] your authorization comes directly from Emperor Uriel
Initiative Rating (IR): AB + PcB Septim VII himself. And I dont need to know any more than
Action Points (AP): See the table in Attributes. that. When you leave this office, you are a free man.

Sellus Gravius, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Powers The circle follows the character, but only remains as long as
they continue to speak the words and take the Cast Magic
Powers are magic abilities inherent to certain people that cost action each turn, and it can be sustained for at most 1 minute
no magicka, but whose use is limited. They are typically granted (10 rounds). This power can only be used once until after the
by virtue of a characters race, or the sign under which they were characters next long rest.
born. Some provide passive effects, while others are activated
abilities. Maras Gift
This character can speak the word of the divines for an hour
Adrenaline Rush in order to remove a single wound and all of its effects (not
The character may choose to gain 1 SP at any time. If the including lost limbs) from themselves. This also restores an
character is fatigued when this power is used then remove a amount of HP equal to the amount of damage dealt to cause
level of fatigue instead. This SP persists only for that encounter, the wound. The character may choose to burn 2d6 Luck in
and this power may only be used once until after the characters order to allow this power to also restore lost limbs. The character
next long rest. must remain still for the entire duration while they perform
the ritual. This power can only be used once until after the
Akaviri Danger-Sense characters next long rest.
The character may make a Luck test in order to avoid surprise.
Ancestor Guardian The character possesses a simple form of innate shadow magic.
Each Dunmer is capable of invoking a guardian spirit of one This power may be activated once a day with the use of the Cast
of their ancestors and can, through the use of the Cast Magic Magic action. The character becomes Invisible for 18 seconds
action, bring that spirit into the Mundus to aid them. The spirit (3 rounds). The character may spend a Luck point, or burn one
counts as a ghost (see the Inhabitants of Tamriel supplement) Luck, to extend this duration by one round (this may be done
which, if killed, is sent back to whence it came. Otherwise, the as many times as the character desires). This power may only
spirit persists for half an hour until it must leave. This power be used once until after the characters next long rest.
may only be used once until after the characters next long rest.
Treasure Seeker
The GM should remember for roleplaying purposes that spirits The character has a knack for finding treasure, and overcoming
are capable of communicating with mortals, and that Dunmer the obstacles that protect it. At any time the character can choose
are likely to know the name of their own ancestral spirit. The to reroll a failed Subterfuge test made to pick a lock or disarm
GM should also feel free to customize the profile of the spirit a trap, but only once for a given test. This power may only be
beyond that of a generic ghost. used once until after the characters next long rest.

Blessed Touch War Cry

This character can speak the word of the divines for an hour Nords are able to call on a very simple form of the Thuum and
in order to remove a single wound and all of its effects (not harness it to frighten their enemies in battle. As an action, they
including lost limbs) from another character. This also restores can issue a mighty war cry that forces all enemies who hear it
an amount of HP equal to the amount of damage dealt to cause to make a Panic (+30) test. If a character passes this test, they
the wound. The character may choose to burn 2d6 Luck in are immune to the effects of this power for the remainder of
order to allow this power to also restore lost limbs. The target the encounter. This power may only be used once until after
character must remain still for the entire duration while the the characters next long rest.
character performs the ritual. This power can only be used once
until after the characters next long rest.

Blessed Word
The character may begin speaking the word of the divines
through the use of the Cast Magic action. This has the effect
of creating a circle with a radius equal to their Willpower bonus
in meters. Characters with the Undead or Undying traits must
flee the circle and no characters with those traits may willingly
enter it unless they can pass a -40 Willpower test (which may
only be attempted once per round).

Chapter 3: Skills
To achieve true mastery, you must understand what it is youre doing. It aint simply enough to perform a
perfect thrust of a blade -- you must also know what you are doing and why.

Seryne Relas, Breathing Water

M ost tasks that a character can perform are measured by
their skills. Skill ranks reflect the characters experience,
training, and overall ability to perform these actions. Skills
Skill Rank (Value)
Skill Ranks

XP (total) Equivalence
are either trained or untrained. Each trained skill has a corre- (Untrained) (-20) - No knowledge.
sponding Skill Rank, which has an associated value from 0 to
Novice (0) (+0) 100 Rudimentary knowledge.
5, which reflects how capable the character is at utilizing that
skill. Each skill has one or more Governing Characteristics: a Apprentice (1) (+10) 200 (300) Basic proficiency.
set of characteristics that reflect the many ways that a character Hands on experience
can utilize a single skill. Journeyman (2) (+20) 300 (600) and/or some professional
When a character makes a skill test, he applies a bonus equal to Extensive experience or
Adept (3) (+30) 400 (1000)
+10 times the value of his skill rank (starting at +0 for novice training.
(rank 0), and up to +50 at master (rank 5)) to the chosen Expert (4) (+40) 500 (1500) Professional level ability.
characteristic. Typically the player chooses which characteristic Master (5) (+50) 800 (2300) Complete mastery.
to use, but the GM may require that they must use a particular
one if they feel the circumstances dictate such. If a character Skills
uses an untrained skill, the test suffers a -20 penalty. Skill Governing Characteristics
Acrobatics Strength, Agility
Alchemy Intelligence
Trained skills can also have accompanying Specializations,
which represent areas of concentration and focus in a characters Alteration Willpower
training and experience with that skill. A character may take as Athletics Strength, Endurance
many specializations as their rank in a given skill for 100 Xp Combat Style [Field] Strength, Agility
each. When making a skill test in the listed area of specializa- Strength, Intelligence,
tion, the character gains an additional +10 bonus to the test. A Command
character may not benefit from more than one specialization Commerce Intelligence, Personality
at once. Example specializations are provided for each skill, but
Conjuration Willpower
players should feel free to create their own with GM permission.
Deceive Intelligence, Personality
Skill Types Destruction Willpower
There are two types of skills, Standard Skills and Field Skills. Enchant Intelligence
Standard skills function as described above, but field skills are Evade Agility
different, and can be identified by the [Field] in their name. Illusion Willpower
Investigate Intelligence, Perception
Field skills are collections of related skills that all function inde-
pendently as standard skills. For example: Profession [Smithing] Logic Intelligence, Perception
and Profession [Medicine] function as separate skills that must Lore Intelligence
be trained and ranked up independently. Both skills have their Mysticism Willpower
own separate skill rank, though they function similarly because Navigate Intelligence, Perception
they share the same parent skill. Sometimes the fields will share Observe Perception
governing characteristics, but sometimes each will have its own.
Persuade Strength, Personality
Learning and Advancing Skills Profession [Field] (Varies)
The XP cost to learn a skill (upgrade it to trained, novice rank) Restoration Willpower
is 100 XP. From then on, the cost to advance to the desired Ride Agility
rank varies. Skill ranks are advanced in order. Stealth Agility, Perception
Subterfuge Agility, Intelligence
Favored Skills
A characters favored skills are those skills that are governed by Survival Intelligence, Perception
at least one of the characters Favored Characteristics. Favored
skills cost 75% of the usual XP to advance in rank (round down
to the nearest multiple of 5).

Skill Descriptions Athletics (Str, End)
Example Specializations: Running, Swimming, Climbing
This section gives an overview of each skill, what it represents,
its governing characteristics (listed in parenthesis), and some Athletics represents a characters ability to perform physically
common applications. taxing activities, often under stress or with little to no prepara-
tion. Your GM may ask you to test Athletics when you try to
Acrobatics (Str, Ag) accomplish tasks like the following...
Example Specializations: Contortion, Balance, Jumping
J umping a particularly long distance through brute strength
Acrobatics covers the spectrum of physical activities involving Walking a long distance without stopping
explosive body movements and feats of flexibility and balance. Lifting a heavy object
Your GM may ask you to test Acrobatics when you try to accom- Climbing up the side of a cliff
plish tasks like the following...
For more information, see Movement & Encumbrance in
 eaping deftly between rooftops or over an enemy
L Chapter 5.
Escaping from bonds
Squeezing into a small space Combat Style [Field] (Str, Ag)
Balancing on the edge of a cliff Example Specializations: Dueling, Mounted Combat, Formation
For rules regarding jumping, see Movement & Encumbrance
in Chapter 5. For the purposes of game balance, players should get GM
permission before specializing in the use of specific weapons.
Alchemy (Int)
Example Specializations: Healing, Fortifying, Poisons Fighting skills are packaged into Combat Styles, which represent
the complete package of training, tactics, and experience that
Alchemy is the arcane art of brewing potions and poisons by constitutes a specific style of combat. Combat Styles can be
combining ingredients in order to exploit their magical effects. associated with culture, careers, or even schools of combat.
This skill can be used to create a variety of concoctions with
dramatic effects ranging from potions of levitation or healing, to Specifically, individual Combat Styles are represented by the
magical poisons. Your GM may ask you to test Alchemy when Combat Style [Field] skill, where the field represents the name
you try to accomplish tasks like the following... of the combat style. This skill is used to make melee or ranged
attack tests, and defense tests, in combat when using the equip-
 rewing a potion or poison
B ment associated with the style.
Identifying magical ingredients
Identifying the effects of an unknown potion For full information on Combat Styles, see Combat Styles in
Creating alchemical explosives Chapter 5.

The rules for potions are found under Alchemy in Chapter 6. Command (Str, Int, Prs)
Example Specializations: Battlefield Commander, Inspiration
Alteration (Wp)
Example Specializations: Shields, Flight, Weight Manipulation, Command measures a characters skill at coordinating allies,
Spell Creation inspiring them and, if necessary, instilling fear in order to moti-
vate them. Your GM may ask you to test Command when you
This skill influences the use of spells from the school of Alteration. try to accomplish tasks like the following...
As a school, Alteration focuses on altering the physical and
magical properties of things. Your GM may ask you to test  iving effective orders during a battle
Alteration when you try to accomplish tasks like the following... Organizing civilians to defend their homes
Riling up a crowd with an inspiring speech
C ast an Alteration spell Convincing cowards to stand and fight
Identify the effects of Alteration magic

For detailed rules regarding the use of this skill, see Chapter 6.

Commerce (Int, Prs) Deceive (Int, Prs)
Example Specializations: Haggling, Acquisition, Sales Example Specializations: Blathering, Impersonation

Commerce reflects a characters ability to engage in business Deceive measures a characters aptitude for fooling others into
related activities and covers anything involving the practi- believing something that is not true. A Deceive test should only
cal application of economics. Your GM may ask you to test be required if the character believes that he is lying. This test
Commerce when you try to accomplish tasks like the following... can be opposed by a Logic test or an Observe test, depending
on the nature of the deception. Your GM may ask you to test
 aggling for a better price on an item
H Deceive when you try to accomplish tasks like the following...
Locating an item for sale
Running a business Pretend to be someone you are not
Appraising an item  alk your way out of trouble
Lie about something
The rules for using the Commerce skill to buy and sell items Pretend to be an expert on a subject
are handled in Pricing & Acquisition in Chapter 7.
Destruction (Wp)
Example Specializations: Pyromancy, Electromancy, Spell Creation

This skill influences the use of spells from the school of

Destruction. As a school, Destruction focuses on harming
targeted objects and beings through the use of various kinds
of elemental and magical attacks. Your GM may ask you to
test Destruction when you try to accomplish tasks like the

C ast a Destruction spell

Identify the effects of Destruction magic

For detailed rules regarding the use of this skill, see Chapter 6.

Enchant (Int)
Example Specializations: Destruction Enchantments, Enchanting
Weapons, Creating Scrolls

Enchanting is the arcane art of creating enchanted items by

binding the energy contained within soul gems to another
physical object. Your GM may ask you to test Enchant when
you try to accomplish tasks like the following...

Conjuration (Wp) Create an enchanted item

Example Specializations: Atronach Summoning, Spirit Summoning I dentify the effects of an enchantment
Learn how to use a mysterious enchanted item
This skill influences the use of spells from the school of Repair an enchanted item
Conjuration. As a school, Conjuration focuses on calling upon
and and interacting with various otherworldly entities. Your GM The specific uses of the Enchanting skill for creating enchanted
may ask you to test Conjuration when you try to accomplish items are handled under Enchanting in Chapter 6.
tasks like the following...

C ast a Conjuration spell

Identify a summoned entity

For detailed rules regarding the use of this skill, see Chapter 6.

Evade (Ag) Logic (Int, Prc)
Characters may not acquire specializations for this skill. Example Specializations: Puzzles, Gambling, Riddles

Evade measures a characters ability to escape from observed, The Logic skill represents a characters ability to think logically,
impending danger through the use of fluid movement and quick solve puzzles, and dissect information rationally and quickly.
reaction times. This skill is most often used to defend against Your GM may ask you to test Logic when you try to accomplish
attacks in combat, or to avoid other physical dangers. Your GM tasks like the following...
may ask you to test Evade when you try to accomplish tasks
like the following... S olve a puzzle or riddle
Perform mathematical calculations
 uck beneath an incoming spell
D Make sense of a confusing situation
Dodge a sword swing Realize something simple you may have overlooked
Avoid falling debris Improve your odds in a game of chance
Stay out of reach of multiple attackers
Lore (Int)
For rules regarding its use in combat, see Combat in Chapter 5. Example Specializations: Art, Daedra, History, Magic, Legends,
The Black Marsh, Warfare, Altmer
Illusion (Wp)
Example Specializations: Visual Illusions, Auditory Illusions, Mental Lore represents a characters ability to recall information of all
Manipulation, Spell Creation types. This includes any knowledge that they would possess
due to their education or experience and is meant to represent
This skill influences the use of spells from the school of Illusion. a characters general knowledge.
As a school, Illusion focuses on manipulation and deception
to affect the minds of targets and the light around them. Your Specializations in this skill reflect a characters focus on one
GM may ask you to test Illusion when you try to accomplish particular subject. Remember that general knowledge and
tasks like the following... education is a relative term: no matter how smart a character
is, they shouldnt be able to roll to recall an obscure fact about
C ast an Illusion spell unless they would have reasonably encountered the fact before.
Identify the effects of Illusion magic
Your GM may ask you to test Lore when you try to accomplish
For detailed rules regarding the use of this skill, see Chapter 6. tasks like the following...

Investigate (Int, Prc)  emember specific details about something you learned
Example Specializations: Canvassing, Research Identify a creature that you have only read about
Reconcile new information with what you already know
Investigate reflects the characters skill at conducting an inves- Find similarities between two ancient legends
tigation. This encompasses everything from simple inquiries to
coordinating a complex investigation and searching through Mysticism (Wp)
piles of clues to find an answer. Your GM may ask you to test Example Specializations: Telekinesis, Detection, Spell Creation
Investigate when you try to accomplish tasks like the following...
This skill influences the use of spells from the school of Mysticism.
 ather information from a crowd
G As a school, Mysticism is a rather obscure discipline focused
Sift through an archive searching for information on manipulating magicka itself to produce a number of exotic
Locate a person or place in a large city effects. Your GM may ask you to test Mysticism when you try
Use clues to solve a mystery to accomplish tasks like the following...

C ast a Mysticism spell

Identify the effects of Mysticism magic

For detailed rules regarding the use of this skill, see Chapter 6

Navigate (Int, Prc) Profession [Field] (Varies)
Example Specializations: Cartography, Marine Navigation, Profession [Field] represents the characters formal or informal
Direction Sense training and experience in a specific profession. It is used to
perform work related tasks, or to reference specialized knowledge
The Navigate skill reflects a characters ability to plot and follow a that someone trained in that profession might have. The follow-
course from one point to another, as well as the ability to provide ing table contains a list of common fields and their governing
directions and lead others along the plotted course. Your GM characteristics. Feel free to invent your own with GM permission.
may ask you to test Navigation when you try to accomplish
tasks like the following... Profession Fields
 ind your way out of a dungeon
F Field
Plot a course for a ship Acting Personality
Create a map of a mountain range
Animal Trainer Intelligence
Lead your party through a forest
Art Personality
Observe (Prc) Bureaucracy Intelligence
Example Specializations: Awareness, Scrutiny, Searching, Hearing, (Physical Crafts) Agility
Smell, Sight Engineering Intelligence
Linguistics Intelligence
Observe represents a characters general awareness of his sur-
Medicine Intelligence
roundings and his ability to notice things that others might
dismiss. Your GM may ask you to test Observe when you try Musicianship Agility
to accomplish tasks like the following... Seamanship Intelligence
Smithing Strength
S pot an ambush before it happens
Identify when someone is acting strangely For information regarding the use of the Profession [Medicine]
Locate a hidden switch or trap in a room skill to care for injured characters, see Physical Health in Chapter
Notice a strange creature in the distance 5. For information regarding the various crafting oriented pro-
fessions, see Crafting in Chapter 7.
Persuade (Str, Prs)
Example Specializations: Charm, Intimidation, Seduction Restoration (Wp)
Example Specializations: Healing, Wards, Fortification, Spell
Persuade is a measure of the characters knack for influencing Creation
people through strength of personality or threat of intimidation.
Persuade tests are most often opposed by Willpower tests if the This skill influences the use of spells from the school of
target wishes to resist. Your GM may ask you to test Persuade Restoration. Restoration is focused on healing and restoring
when you try to accomplish tasks like the following... targets, and harming the undead. Your GM may ask you to test
Restoration when you try to accomplish tasks like the following...
I mpressing others with tales of ones accomplishments
Intimidate someone into doing what you want C ast a Restoration spell
Making a new friend, or seducing a person of interest Identify the effects of Restoration magic
Convincing others to agree with you
For rules regarding the use of this skill, see Chapter 6.

Ride (Ag) Subterfuge (Ag, Int)
Example Specializations: Horse Racing, Mounted Fighter Example Specializations: Lockpicking, Sleight of Hand, Traps

The Ride skill is a measure of your characters ability to control The Subterfuge skill is a measure of the characters ability to
various mounts. The difficulty is associated with the demands use artifice, guile, and manual dexterity to circumvent normal
being placed upon the creature, and its level of familiarity to limits and restrictions. Your GM may ask you to test Subterfuge
the rider. Your GM may ask you to test Ride when you try to when you try to accomplish tasks like the following...
accomplish tasks like the following...
 isguising yourself as someone else
P ush a horse to ride faster. Picking a lock on a door
Leap over an obstacle on a mount. Palming a small object unnoticed
Attempt to ride a strange beast. Disarming a trap

Stealth (Ag, Prc) Survival (Int, Prc)

Example Specializations: Camouflage, Shadowing, Infiltration Example Specializations: Desert Survival, Foraging, Tracking

Stealth is a measure of a characters ability to remain unnoticed The Survival skill is a measure of a characters ability to subsist
in a variety of settings and environments through the employ- away from civilization. The difficulty is associated with the
ment of specific techniques. This test can be opposed by an local environmental constraints. Your GM may ask you to test
Observe test when appropriate. Your GM may ask you to test Survival when you try to accomplish tasks like the following...
Stealth when you try to accomplish tasks like the following...
Gathering food and water from the environment
S hadowing someone through a marketplace  racking a person or animal through the woods
Sneaking up on an enemy camp Identifying dangerous plants
Camouflaging yourself in the undergrowth Applying first aid to a character in order to stabilize them.
Sneaking past a sleeping monster

For rules regarding the use of Stealth in combat, see Combat

in Chapter 5.

Chapter 4: Talents & Traits
Like a sudden, violent snow squall that rends travelers blind and threatens to tear loose the very foundations
of the sturdiest hall, the Snow Prince did sweep into our numbers. Indeed the ice and snow did begin to swirl and churn
about the Elf, as if called upon to serve his bidding. The spinning of that gleaming spear whistled a dirge to all those
who would stand in the way of the Snow Prince, and our mightiest fell before him that day.

Fall of the Snow Prince

S kills are not the only way a characters abilities can be mea-
sured. Talents and traits are important parts of any Character.
Talents are the various unique abilities the character has come to
Learning Talents
The XP cost to learn a talent is based on that talents level.
Characters must fulfill all requirements for a talent in order to
possess through training or experience. They include everything learn it. Learning talents governed by a favored characteristic
from passive bonuses to activated abilities, and can even modify costs 75% of the regular XP cost (round down to the nearest
how the character uses certain skills. Traits are rules that reflect multiple of 5).
various natural facts about the character or certain abilities they
possess, such as the ability to fly or see in the dark. Awareness
Awareness talents focus on enhancing a characters ability to
Talents perceive their environment and glean information about others.

Most talents have a Governing Characteristic on which Combat Senses

they are based. Talents governed by one of a characters favored The character has keen combat instincts.
characteristics cost less. Some talents have more than one gov- Novice (Perception)
erning characteristic, in which case only one of them needs to The character can choose to use twice his Perception bonus for
be favored to reduce the cost (there is no bonus for having more his Initiative Rating instead of the usual value.
than one of them favored). Some have none, in which case the
character does not need to meet any characteristic requirements, Honed Senses
and simply pays the base cost. The character has honed their physical senses beyond the capabilities
of the average person through training or experience.
The following sections divide talents into categories and offer Apprentice (Perception)
descriptions and prerequisites for each. The character has honed their senses so that they can partially
compensate for the loss of one with the others. Halves all pen-
Talent Levels alties imposed on any tests by the loss or impairment of one
Each talent has an associated Talent Level. Talents of higher sense (bad lighting, blindness, deafness, and so on) as long as
levels have more powerful effects, as they represent more pow- he has the others to fall back on.
erful abilities that are more difficult to acquire. The level of
the talent determines the XP cost of that talent. The level also One with All
determines a talents characteristic requirements. A character The character has honed their senses to the peak of their capabilities.
must meet the characteristic score requirement of at least one Expert (Perception)
of the talents governing characteristics before he can purchase Requires/Replaces Honed Senses
it. Some talents have additional requirements, which will be The character has honed their senses so that they can entirely
listed with those talents. compensate for the loss of one with the others. Negates all
penalties imposed on any tests by the loss or impairment of
If a talent has no listed governing characteristic, then there is no one sense (bad lighting, blindness, deafness, and so on) as
need to meet any characteristic requirements, and the talents long as he has the others to fall back on.
cost is simply the flat cost associated with its level.
Talent Costs and Requirements The character can spot threats coming at a distance.
Characteristic Expert (Perception)
Talent Level XP Cost The character can treat his Evade skill as also being governed
Novice 100 25 by Perception, and reduces the penalty to evade ranged attacks
to a -10 when he uses it in this way.
Apprentice 200 30
Journeyman 300 35
Hyper Awareness
Adept 400 40 The character uses their extreme awareness to dominate combat.
Expert 500 45 Master (Perception)
Master 800 50 Requires Observant
When the character passes any Combat Style or Evade skill
test he can choose to take the number of degrees of success
that he rolled, or take a number equal to his Observe skill
rank instead.

Invisible Brawler
The character is aware of every leaf and branch around him as he The character is used to fighting in chaotic brawls, and can use that
moves, and rarely makes a sound or leaves a trace. chaos to his advantage.
Journeyman (Perception) Novice (Strength, Agility)
Survival tests made to track the character suffer a -20 penalty. The character adds a bonus degree of success to any successful
Combat Style or Evade tests made while within melee range of
Keen Intuition two or more opponents.
The character has a powerful intuition developed through experience,
and rarely misses important details. Gladiator
Expert (Perception) The character is accustomed to fighting outnumbered, and can
When the character passes an Observe skill test he can choose easily defend himself against multiple opponents.
to take the number of degrees of success that he rolled, or take Adept (Strength, Agility)
a number equal to his Observe skill rank instead. Requires Brawler
If the character is the target of a melee attack while within the
Light Sleeper melee range of at least two opponents, then he make a free
The character is a particularly light sleeper, and seems to be able defensive reaction against that attack, but only once per round.
to sense danger approaching.
Novice (Perception) God of War
The character always counts as being awake for the purposes of The character fights best when surrounded by foes, and is at home
making Observe tests and determining surprise, even if asleep. in the swirling tide of battle.
Master (Strength, Agility)
Danger Sense Requires Brawler and Gladiator
The character has a sixth sense that allows them to anticipate When the character passes a Combat Style or Evade skill test
danger. made while within melee range of two or more opponents
Adept (Perception) (and made against those opponents) he can choose to take the
Requires Light Sleeper number of degrees of success that he rolled, or take a number
The character can always test Perception to avoid surprise, equal to the corresponding skill rank instead.
regardless of the circumstances.
Note: The Brawler talent only applies to the rolled DoS.
Combat talents improve a characters ability to successfully Combat Flair
engage and triumph in a variety of combat scenarios. The characters natural sense of style and presence manifests itself
in his fighting style, and makes him a more formidable opponent.
Arms Master Adept (Personality)
The character is skilled in the fundamentals of combat and is at The character can use his Personality bonus in place of either
home using all sorts of weapons. his Agility, Intelligence, or Perception bonus (pick one) when
Adept (Strength, Agility) calculating his Maximum Action Points.
The character never suffers the usual -20 untrained penalty for
using weapons not included in one of their Combat Styles. Crippling Strikes
The character can direct and focus the force of his blow to inflict
Berserker bone-shattering injuries.
The character can psych themselves up into a frenzy. Apprentice (Strength)
Novice (Willpower) The character treats all enemy Wound Thresholds as being one
The character may take an action to gain the Frenzied condition. lower than normal when making melee attacks.

Controlled Anger Killing Blow

The characters rage burns hot one moment, and vanishes the next. The character can put all of himself into a single attack aimed
Adept (Willpower) to end the fight.
Requires Berserker Master (Strength)
The character may remove the Frenzied condition as a free Requires Crippling Strikes
action. When the character spends a Stamina point to make a power
attack, he maximizes his damage dealt instead of rolling twice.

Dauntless Bulwark
The character positions himself at the front of any fight, and strives
always to protect his allies from harm.
Journeyman (Strength, Endurance)
Opponents within the characters melee range cannot make
attacks of opportunity against this characters allies.

The character is willing to step in and take a hit for his allies.
Journeyman (Endurance, Willpower, Perception)
As a reaction the character can switch positions with an ally
within 1 meter if that ally is attacked, become the new target
of the attack, and either block or parry it (does not require
another AP to be spent).

The character is used to fighting one on one, where he can focus
entirely on his opponent.
Novice (Strength, Agility)
The character adds a bonus degree of success to any successful
Combat Style or Evade tests made while within melee range
of only one opponent.

Exploit Advantage
The character is a fearsome foe in duels, taking maximum advan- Dual Fighter
tage of every mistake. The character is particularly skilled at fighting with two weapons,
Journeyman (Strength, Agility) fluidly weaving attacks and parries together.
Requires Duelist Master (Strength, Agility)
When the character takes the Press Advantage or Overextend The character does not need to spend a Stamina point in order to
Opponent special effects he may choose to double the penalty/ trigger an attack with his secondary weapon when dual wielding,
bonus (respectively), but only as long as there are no other and can spend a Stamina point to make a free attack with the
characters within melee range of either the character or his non-parrying weapon on a successful parry while dual wielding.
opponent. The effect is lost if at any time another character, This attack cannot win special effects.
friend or foe, would enter melee range of either one.
Eye of Vengeance
Champion The characters well aimed shots can inflict terrible wounds.
The character fights best one on one, where he can take the full Apprentice (Agility)
measure of his opponent. The character treats all enemy Wound Thresholds as being one
Master (Strength, Agility) lower than normal when making ranged attacks.
Requires Duelist and Exploit Advantage
When the character passes a Combat Style or Evade skill Intimidating
test made while within melee range of only one opponent The character is an intimidating foe, whose forcefulness and presence
(and made against that opponent) he can choose to take the allow him to dominate his enemies.
number of degrees of success that he rolled, or take a number Adept (Strength)
equal to the corresponding skill rank instead. The character can use his Strength bonus in place of either
his Agility, Intelligence, of Perception bonus (pick one) when
Note: The Duelist talent only applies to the rolled DoS. calculating his Maximum Action Points.

Fearsome Sneak Attack
The character is an imposing presence in a fight, and he uses this The character takes advantage of stealth to set a deadly strike.
to make his enemies think twice about confronting him directly. Journeyman (Agility)
Expert (Strength) The character adds his Stealth skill rank to the damage of suc-
Requires Intimidating cessful attacks made if they were hidden from the target when
The character may use the Persuade (Strength) skill in place they made the attack.
of the Evade skill when taking the Evade reaction against
melee attacks. Shadow Strike
The character can strike and melt back into the shadows.
Lightning Reflexes Master (Agility)
The character reacts rapidly to danger. Requires Sneak Attack
Expert (Agility) If the character makes an attack while hidden (melee attacks
When making an initiative roll, the character can roll twice and made this way must kill the target in order to benefit) then
choose the higher of the two rolls. Additionally, the character they can attempt a Stealth test opposed by the Observe of
can attempt to parry ranged attacks (but not spells) at a -20. any enemies who would reasonably be able to notice the
attack. On success, or if they roll more degrees of success,
Mighty Cleave they remain hidden from those enemies.
The character cleaves through multiple targets in one blow.
Expert (Strength) Thunder Charge
While wielding a weapon in two hands the character can, as part The character rushes his opponents with a wild charge.
of an All Out Attack choose to forsake the +20 attack bonus Journeyman (Strength, Agility)
and instead spend 1 Stamina point to strike two viable targets The character can make a free All Out Attack without the usual
within his melee range. Each target must be within 2 meters of +20 bonus whenever he takes the dash action if his movement
another target. The character still only rolls once for the attack, would carry him into melee range with someone he did not
but each defender has an opportunity to defend normally. Roll begin his turn within melee range of, and as long as he moves
damage separately for each target hit. This attack cannot win at least half of his base Speed towards the target in that turn.
special effects.
Tricky Fighter
Perfect Hit The character uses deceit and trickery to his advantage in combat.
The characters attacks land exactly where they need to inflict the Expert (Intelligence, Personality)
most damage. When the character passes a Combat Style skill test made against
Master (Perception) an opponent in melee range he can choose to take the number
The character adds their Perception bonus to the damage dealt of degrees of success that he rolled, or take a number equal to
by Precision Strike attacks (either melee or ranged). his Deceive skill rank.

Precise Rapid Reload

The character is precise in their every attack. The character is able to quickly reload to take a second shot.
Adept (Agility, Perception) Journeyman (Agility)
The character suffers no penalty for Precision Strike attacks. The character reduces the Reload quality of any ranged weapons
he wields by 1 (to a minimum of 0, a free action).
Quick Draw
The character is able to quickly ready himself for combat, drink a Teamwork
potion, or switch out weapons. The character is able to coordiante their efforts with their allies.
Apprentice (Agility) Novice (Perception)
The character can take one Ready Weapon / Drink Potion action The character adds a bonus degree of success to any successful
as a free action each turn (but not in order to reload). Combat Style tests made to attack or defend against opponents
in melee range as long as that opponent is also within melee
Skirmisher range of an ally who also has this talent.
The character is able to fire on the move.
Journeyman (Agility)
The character can make a ranged attack as a free action whenever
he takes the Dash action but at a -20 penalty.

Back to Back Crafting
The character fights best with allies, each watching over the other. Crafting talents improve a characters ability to create items,
Journeyman (Perception) including those produced through the arcane crafts.
Requires Teamwork
The character can make an attack of opportunity whenever an Alchemist (School)
enemy within his melee range makes a melee attack against The character is particularly practiced in creating efficient potions
an ally who also has this talent. with effects from a given school.
Apprentice (Intelligence)
Unarmed Prowess The character increases the strength of alchemical ingredients of
The character is a master of attacking while unarmed. the chosen school by 10% (round down to the nearest whole
Journeyman (Strength, Agility) number).
The character adds his Strength bonus to his unarmed damage.
Manifold Enchanter
Unarmed Defender The character is able to craft enchantments with more than one effect.
The character is a master of defending himself while unarmed. Expert (Intelligence)
Expert (Strength, Agility) The character can create cast, strike, and constant enchantments
Requires Unarmed Prowess with up to three effects/spells instead of just one.
While unarmed the character can attempt to parry attacks
made with weapons with an equal or longer range than his Master Alchemist
own (instead of merely longer ones) if he is within his own The character knows when to bend the rules in order to get results.
melee range of the attacker. Master (Intelligence)
The character increases the strength of alchemical ingredients
Unrelenting by 10% (stacks to 20% with Alchemist [School]) and never
The character is relentless in his assault, and few foes can escape him. suffers from alchemical backfires.
Journeyman (Strength)
Enemies within melee range of the character cannot take the Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
disengage action. The character knows when to bend the rules in order to get results.
Adept (Intelligence)
Unstoppable Might The character can choose to disregard normal safety procedures
The character is capable of wielding the mightiest of weapons in when creating a potion. When doing so, they gain a +20 bonus
only one hand. on their Alchemy skill test, but the potion backfires if they roll
Expert (Strength) doubles. If the test fails it automatically backfires (roll a d4 on
The character can wield two handed weapons in one hand (but the appropriate backfire table and add the highest included spell
cannot dual wield them), and can dual wield hand and a half level). Ignore Master Alchemist when using this effect.
weapons using the two handed damage value, but when doing
either of these things his Combat Style skill is limited by his Trial and Error
Athletics skill rank (if he has a higher Combat Style rank, he The character learns from every mistake they make.
treats it as having his Athletics rank instead). Journeyman (Intelligence)
The character gains a cumulative +10 modifier on Alchemy tests
Wrestler made to brew a potion if their last Alchemy test was a failed
The character is particularly skilled at subduing his opponents. attempt to create the same potion (max +30).
Adept (Strength, Agility)
When the character passes a characteristic or skill test made Salvage Energy
to grapple, restrain or entangle his opponent he can choose to The character carefully untangles the magicka woven into a failed
take the number of degrees of success that he rolled, or take a enchantment, recovering the lost energy.
number equal to his Combat Style skill rank. Expert (Intelligence)
When the character fails an Enchant test to create an enchant-
ment he can make another Enchant test at a -40 penalty. On
success, the soul gem is not destroyed and maintains all of its
soul energy. Alternatively they may attempt the test at a -20
penalty, but only success the gem survives but with no energy.

General Blending
General talents are those talents that are widely applicable or The character is able to use his knowledge of an area to help him
do not fit in any other category. blend in with the locals.
Apprentice (Intelligence)
Expert (Specialization) The character can choose to use the Lore skill in place of the
The character is an expert in their area of specialization. Stealth skill when shadowing someone through a crowded area.
Expert ([Skills Governing Characteristics])
Requires the skill to be at adept rank Interrogator
The character chooses one of their existing specializations when The character is a skilled interrogator, able to pry information out
they purchase this talent. The character may reroll failed skill of most people with ease.
tests made with that specialization (but only once for a given Journeyman (Intelligence)
test). This talent can be purchased multiple times for different When the character passes a Persuade skill test made to interro-
specializations. gate a character he can choose to take the number of degrees of
success that he rolled, or take a number equal to his Persuade
Grandmaster (Skill) skill rank instead.
The character is the absolute best at what they do.
Master ([Skills Governing Characteristics]) Prediction
Requires the chosen skill be at master rank The character is a cunning warrior, able to deduce when danger
The character chooses one of their existing master ranked skills might arise and determine how to best respond.
when they purchase this talent. The character may reroll failed Journeyman (Intelligence)
skill tests for that skill (but only once for a given test). This The character can choose to use his Intelligence bonus in place
talent can be purchased multiple times for different skills. Does of his Agility bonus when calculating his Initiative Rating.
not stack with other talents that would allow rerolls.
Untouchable The character is a burgeoning academic, capable of learning about
The character is extremely lucky, and always seems to escape the most many subjects in great depth.
difficult situations unscathed. But how long can it last? Apprentice (Intelligence)
Master (None) The character halves the base CrP/XP cost required to gain
The character replaces their Wound Threshold with three times Specializations for the Lore skill (50 instead of 100), and may
their current Luck bonus. take twice the usual number.

Intellectual Smart Fighter

Intellectual talents grant a character different mental feats and The character prefers to fight smarter rather than harder, making
can enhance his abilities in various intellectual pursuits. best use of each move.
Adept (Intelligence)
Attention to Detail The character can use his Intelligence bonus in place of either
The character is always scrutinizing those around him. his Agility or Perception bonus (pick one) when calculating his
Apprentice (Intelligence, Perception) Maximum Action Points.
The character can use the Investigate skill to oppose attempts
to deceive him. Tactician
The character is a skilled tactical commander, able to make sure
Businessman his allies are all in the right place at the right time.
The character is a shrewd businessman, and experienced in the art Expert (Intelligence)
of commerce. Allies of this character may use his initiative result in place of
Adept (Intelligence) their own when determining initiative for combat as long as
When the character passes a Commerce skill test he can choose the character is leading the group.
to take the number of degrees of success that he rolled, or take
a number equal to his Commerce skill rank instead.

Mobility Hard Target
The mobility talents improve a characters ability to move The character can move fast, ducking and dodging without slowing.
through his environment quickly, effectively, and without Journeyman (Agility)
harming himself, both in and out of combat. If the character takes the Dash action and moves at least half of
his base Speed then any ranged attacks made against him until
Assassin Strike the start of his next turn suffer a -20 penalty.
The character can strike rapidly and then fall back.
Journeyman (Agility) Leap Up
If the character successfully inflicts damage with an attack (after The character is able to quickly leap to their feet in a smooth motion..
mitigation) then the target of that attack cannot make an attack Novice (Agility)
of opportunity against the character during that turn. The character can stand up from prone without spending any
movement, and without triggering attacks of opportunity.
The character can fall a surprising distance without harm. Nimble
Apprentice (Agility) The character is exceedingly quick.
Reduce the distance the character falls by a number of meters Expert (Agility)
equal to his Agility bonus when calculating fall damage. The character may use his Agility bonus in the place of either
his Perception or Intelligence bonuses when calculating his
Ghost Maximum Action Points.
The character can move both quickly and silently.
Expert (Agility) Step Aside
The character moves at his normal speed when hidden. The character can easily dance through a swirling melee unharmed.
Expert (Agility)
Evade reactions made against attacks of opportunity are free until
the character fails one, at which point they must pay 1 AP for it.

The character is able to fight well in a number of unconventional
situations (such as swinging, climbing, on wobbly or slippery surfaces,
and so forth).
Journeyman (Agility)
The character ignores any limits placed on any combat related
skill tests by his Athletics or Acrobatics skill ranks (except for
when fighting underwater).

Unnaturally Agile
The character is so fast they can even dodge arrows.
Master (Agility)
The character ignores the -20 penalty for attempting to evade
ranged attacks as long as he is aware of the attacker, and not
within melee range of any opponents or otherwise distracted.
Additionally, if the character successfully evades an area of effect
attack then they may immediately move a number of meters
equal to their Evade skill rank. If this move would allow them
to escape the affected area, they take no damage from the attack.
This movement still counts towards their total movement for
the round.

Resilience Wall of Steel
Resilience talents enhance a characters raw survivability. The character and his armor are one, and he is able to fight in
conditions that would easily tire others.
Die-Hard Master (Endurance)
The character is able to shrug off the effects of many wounds. The character reduces the weight class of any armor he is wearing
Adept (Endurance) or shield he is wielding by one step. This does not stack with
The character can re-roll failed Endurance tests to resist the shock weight class reduction from superior armor.
effects of a wound, or to avoid death, but only once per test.
Unstoppable Social talents improve characters abilities to conduct themselves
The character is able to soldier on even when heavily wounded. amongst others, to lead them, to deceive them, or to sway their
Master (Endurance) opinions.
The character halves the passive effects of wounds.
Big Words
Enduring The character can flood a conversation with technical jargon to
The character is able to push on even when exhausted. befuddle others.
Adept (Endurance) Journeyman (Intelligence)
The character halves the penalties imposed by levels of fatigue. The character can use the Lore skill in place of the Deceive skill
in appropriate situations (GM discretion).
Iron Jaw
The character is hard to knock down or stop. Charlatan
Apprentice (Strength, Endurance) The character is an experienced con-man who can make a pretty
The character is always entitled to an Endurance test to avoid penny on the market with his skills.
being knocked back, knocked down, or stunned. Journeyman (Personality)
The character can use the Deceive skill in place of the Commerce
Iron Will skill.
The characters mind is a fortress protected against manipulation.
Adept (Willpower) Into the Fire
The character may reroll failed Willpower tests to resist any form The character inspires those around them to fight on even in the
of mental manipulation or coercion (but only once per test). face of fear.
Journeyman (Personality)
Meditation As long as this character is leading the group then they, and
The character is able to quickly recover his strength in a short time. their allies, roll twice on the appropriate table on a failed Fear
Adept (Willpower) test and use the lower result.
By spending a short rest in uninterrupted meditation the charac-
ter doubles his normal Magicka and Stamina point regeneration. Inspire Heroism
The character can inspire their comrades to acts of heroism in battle.
Rapid Recovery Adept (Personality)
The character has seen their share of wounds, and heals more quickly. By taking an action and making a Command test the character
Journeyman (Endurance) can inspire an ally within range to gain a +10 to their next
The character doubles his natural healing rate, and heals 1d4 combat test.
HP on a short rest.
Stubborn The character is skilled at drawing information out of others.
The character is used to the sight of mundane horrors. Journeyman (Intelligence)
Apprentice (Willpower) When the character passes a Persuade skill test made to try to
The character may reroll failed Panic tests. elicit information from a character through conversation he
can choose to take the number of degrees of success that he
Fearless rolled, or take a number equal to his Persuade skill rank instead.
The character is able to withstand even the most unnatural horrors.
Expert (Willpower)
The character may reroll failed Horror tests.

Spellcasting Force of Will
Spellcasting talents improve a characters ability to channel and The character primarily relies on efficiency to be able to cast spells,
control magicka through spells. harnessing and exploiting magicka by sheer will alone.
Master (Willpower)
Bend Reality The character cannot take the Depth of Understanding talent.
The character is able to use simple Alteration cantrips in order to The character improves his Willpower bonus by 1 for spell
perform otherwise difficult physical feats. restraint purposes.
Novice (Willpower)
The character can use the Alteration skill in place of the Athletics Magicka Cycling
or Acrobatics skills, but each time he does so he must spend 1 The character is able to recapture some of the magicka used to cast
magicka point. a spell, but doing so can be risky...
Expert (Willpower)
Creative The character can choose before casting a spell to double the
The character takes joy in the experiemental side of magic, and is amount of magicka that will be conserved via spell restraint,
more efficient when not bound by traditional rules. but if he does this then the spell automatically backfires if he
Apprentice (Willpower) fails. Roll a d4 on the appropriate magical backfire table and
The character cannot take the Methodical talent add the spell level to the result.
The character improves their Willpower bonus by 1 for spell
restraint purposes when casting unconventional spells. Master of Magicka
The character is able to recapture magicka expended when casting
Cryomancer spells without blunting the effect of the spell itself.
The character prefers the cold of elemental frost, freezing his enemies Master (Willpower)
in their tracks. Requires Magicka Cycling
Journeyman (Willpower) The character can overload a spell with the overload attribute
Whenever the character casts a spell that deals frost damage, even if he restrains that spell.
increase the amount dealt by 1.
Flow of Magicka
Control The character understands the ebb and flow of the forces of magicka,
The character is able to control their expenditure of magicka in and can manipulate it to disrupt other mages.
order to limit the possibility of backfires. Master (Willpower)
Adept (Willpower) As a reaction to a spell cast, the character may make a -20
The character can test Willpower to negate a magical backfire. Mysticism skill test. If his degrees of success exceed the spell
level of the spell being cast, then the effect of the spell is negated.
Depth of Understanding
The character primarily relies on the depth of their natural magicka Healer
reserves and their understanding of the magical arts to cast spells. The character has learned to use restoration in order to treat the
Master (Intelligence) damage caused by more severe wounds.
The character cannot take the Force of Will talent. Adept (Willpower)
The character adds his Intelligence score to his maximum The character can make a Restoration test and spend 10 magicka
Magicka points (changes to his Int will also change the pool), to perform an hour long ritual in order to treat a wound that
but he cannot utilize spell restraint. they or another character has so that it can begin to heal naturally.

Electromancer Methodical
The character is a natural with electricity, blasting his enemies with The character is most effective when given rules which they can
aetheric lightning. master, and learn to work within.
Journeyman (Willpower) Apprentice (Willpower)
Whenever the character casts a spell that deals shock damage, The character cannot take the Creative talent
increase the amount dealt by 1. The character improves their Willpower bonus by 1 for spell
restraint purposes when casting conventional spells.

Weapon talents are distinct from general combat talents, which
Sheathe your swords. Lay your shields on the ground. You will are mostly concerned with general styles of fighting, in that they
need no weapon and no armor, for the Magicka within you reflect an advantage that a character has when wielding a specific
will be your guard and your guide from this day forward. weapon in a particular way. They are intended to enable specific
play-styles based around the unique features of a given weapon.
Raminus Polus to a group of Mages Guild initiates
Bearded Warrior
The character has learned to make the best of his beard. The one
on the axe, of course!
Overcharge Expert (Strength, Agility)
The character can overcharge an elemental spell by expending extra When the character makes a melee attack with a battle axe or
magicka to produce a more powerful effect. war axe that his opponent successfully blocks, then the character
Expert (Willpower) can spend a Stamina point to immediately make an opposed
The character can double the cost they pay for a spell (after spell Strength test against the target. If the character wins, the target
restraint) in order to roll damage twice and use the highest when drops his shield to the ground. Additionally, when the character
calculating that spells damage. deals at least one damage after mitigation with either a battle
or war axe then he may choose to move the target one meter
Pyromancer closer to himself.
The character has a gift for using fire, and wields it to burn his
enemies to a cinder. Beast of Steel
Journeyman (Willpower) The character has mastered the fickle flail, and wields it to deadly
Whenever the character casts a spell that deals fire damage, and terrifying effect on the field.
increase the amount dealt by 1. Expert (Strength)
When wielding a flail or great flail the character can spend
Spell Sword either an action or a Stamina point to wind up Momentum as
The character is able to perform the minimum necessary motions they begin to spin the flail. Maintaining momentum is a free
to manipulate the forces of magicka. action. On the first attack the character makes with momentum,
Journeyman (Willpower) they roll an additional d4 (flail) or d6 (great flail) for damage.
The character only needs one free hand to cast spells without Flails the character wields gain the Concussive quality, and
penalty instead of two. the character gains a +10 to Persuade (Strength) checks when
wielding a flail or great flail.
Thought Caster
The character can cast a spell purely by thought. Blademaster
Master (Willpower) The character has mastered the many forms of the longsword.
The character does not need to speak or have hands free in Expert (Strength, Agility)
order to cast spells. The character knows how to leverage his strength with a long-
sword, using the hilt of his weapon or a well placed thrust
Trickster to overcome his foes armor. When making Combat Style
The character has learned that even the simplest of illusions can (Strength) tests to wield a longsword in two hands the character
have practical, everyday applications. may choose to replace the Slashing quality with Crushing (1).
Apprentice (Willpower)
The character can use the Illusion skill in place of the Deceive The character also knows that speed often triumphs over strength,
skill, but each time he does so he must spend 1 magicka point. and can take maximum advantage of quick precise blows to
bring down an opponent. When making Combat Style (Agility)
tests to wield a longsword in two hands the character may choose
to use his Agility bonus in place of his Strength bonus for the
purposes of the Slashing quality.

Additionally, when the character takes a Defensive Stance action

while holding a longsword in two hands they gain a +10 to the
next parry attempt made before their next turn.

Bruiser Halberdier
The character fights with simple, repeated, crushing blows. The character can use his halberd to drag his opponent about, or
Expert (Strength) use its weight to penetrate armor.
Making throwing attacks with hand axes does not provoke Expert (Strength)
attacks of opportunity, and thrown axes can be retrieved as a The character can choose to replace his halberds Splitting qual-
free action if the character is able to make his way to where ity with the Crushing quality instead. Additionally, when the
they landed. Drawing hand axes does not provoke attacks of character successfully hits a target with a halberd he can spend
opportunity. Additionally, maces the character wields gain the a Stamina point. If he does so he may move the target and
Concussive quality and their All Out Attacks cause the target himself up to one meter in any single direction.
to lose one stamina if they successfully hit.
Cleaver of Men The character can use his hammer to rattle the most armored foes.
The greatsword can be used to sweep through numerous opponents. Expert (Strength)
Expert (Strength) When the character lands a hit with a warhammer or maul
When wielding a greatsword this character may choose to replace he can choose to either cause his target to lose one Stamina
the weapons Slashing quality with Crushing (2). When making point, or to force the target to make an Endurance test opposed
All Out Attacks with a greatsword the character may strike one against the result of the original attack roll. If the target fails
additional target within 2 meters of the original target. This this test, he gains the Dazed condition. The target may attempt
only requires one attack test, and both targets defend normally. one Endurance test on his first turn each round to remove the
Roll damage separately for each target hit. This attack cannot condition.
win special effects. This talent can stack with Mighty Cleave.
Knife Fighter
Dart Thrower The characters motions are so quick that their foes often dont register
The character can throw two knives or darts at once, and places his the knife until its too late.
throws for maximum damage. Expert (Agility)
Expert (Agility) The character can draw daggers and shortswords for free at any
The character increases their damage with all thrown weapons time without provoking attacks of opportunity, and does not
by their Agility bonus. Additionally, whenever the character provoke them when throwing daggers. The character can also
makes a ranged attack with a throwing knife or throwing star, choose to use their Agility bonus in place of their Strength
he may choose to make this attack at a -10 penalty and expend bonus for the purpose of the Slashing quality when wielding
another thrown weapon of the same type in order to cause two daggers or shortswords.
hits on a successful hit instead of just one.
Point Blank
Executioner The character is able to fight well at close range with a short bow.
The characters sweeping blows are fueled by a savage brutality. Expert (Agility)
Expert (Strength) When using a shortbow the character never provokes attacks
The character adds 1d4 to his Strength bonus for the purposes of opportunity when using it to make attacks within melee
of the Splitting quality when making All Out Attacks with range of an enemy, and can use the weapon to attempt to parry
great axes. Additionally, this characters foes suffer a -20 penalty attacks. Shortbows the character wields gain Exploit Weakness.
to Shock tests made because of wounds inflicted by greataxes.
Failing such a Shock test due to a head wound causes the target Power Draw
to die instantly as their head is separated from their body. The character is able to aim his arrows with the mix of precision
and strength required to potentially send his targets sprawling, and
Firing Line can even make the bow itself a weapon in dire situations.
The character is adept at firing from a fixed position. Expert (Strength, Agility)
Expert (Agility) Before making an attack with a longbow the character can
When the character makes a ranged attack with a Crossbow choose to spend one Stamina point. If the attack hits the target
after taking the aim action, he adds his Perception bonus to and deals damage (after mitigation) the target must make a
the Crossbows Crushing value for that attack. Additionally, if Strength test or be knocked prone. Additionally, the character
he has a tower shield he may set it up as an action and use it as may use the longbow as if it were an Unwieldy wooden quarter-
cover. While behind the shield the character can take a single aim staff in melee, and longbows they wield gain Exploit Weakness.
action as a free action if he does not move or reload that turn.

Red Legion Throw Simple, Yet Effective
The character is skilled in the use of the javelin, and knows the The faithful broadsword shaped the empire. As the weapon of choice
value of a well aimed throw. of Talos and his Red Legions, this reliable weapon has a legacy that
Expert (Strength, Agility) cannot be denied.
When a character throws a Javelin and successfully causes Expert (Strength, Agility)
damage to the target (after mitigation), the target location The character can re-roll failed Combat Style tests made with a
(either a limb or the body) is Speared. A speared hit location broadsword (or broadswords, if wielding two weapons).
is treated as crippled until the Javelin is removed, and until it
has been removed the speared character loses 2 HP at the start Staff Mastery
of each round. Through long hours of training your defense with a staff is instinctive.
Expert (Strength, Agility)
If the Javelin is blocked instead the shield is Speared. A speared When the character takes the defensive stance action while
shield requires the wielder spend one Stamina point in order wielding a quarterstaff he receives a second, free action point
to even attempt a block with the added weight of the javelin. that can also be used for that purpose. He also makes Precision
Removing the javelin from a shield or limb requires the character Strikes with a quarterstaff at only a -10 penalty, and quarterstaffs
to take an action in order to make a Strength test. he wields gain Crushing.

Riposte Vipers Eye

The characters reflexes are as sharp as their blade. The character uses a spear as a tool of precision and speed instead
Expert (Agility) of merely a brutish thrusting instrument.
After successfully parrying an attack with a weapon that has the Expert (Strength, Agility)
Dueling Weapon quality (such as a sabre), the character may The character makes Precision Strikes with a spear at only a -10
discard a special effect that they won in order to immediately penalty, and spears he wields gain Slashing. When wielding a
make a retaliatory attack with that, or another weapon against spear in two hands it loses Unwieldy and its range is simply 3m.
their original attacker as a free action. If the character did not
win any special effects on the parry, they may instead spend a
Stamina point to perform the attack.

Traits Diseased (+/- X)
Characters with this trait are diseased, and if they deal a wound
Traits are rules that reflect various natural facts about the charac- to another character with their natural weapons then that char-
ter or certain abilities they possess. They include things such as acter must test Endurance +/- X or contract a common disease.
the ability to fly, inherent physical weaknesses, personality traits,
and so forth. They are typically the result of birth, upbringing, Flyer (X)
or racial circumstance but may be gained through other means The character can fly. He has a Speed equal to X when flying.
later in life, though rarely by choice or without the use of magic.
From Beyond
Amphibious The character is immune to the effects of disease, fear, poison,
The character can breathe water, and ignores the skill cap placed and any magic that would affect his mind (all illusion magic).
on his combat rolls by his Athletics skill when fighting in water.
Immunity (*)
Bestial The character is immune to any of the effects of the thing spec-
The character has no need to make Survival skill tests in their ified in parenthesis. The character may have multiple instances
natural habitat, but must test Willpower to avoid fleeing combat of this trait for different effects *.
if the GM feels that its appropriate (for example, if the creature
would feel intimidated by its foe). Incorporeal
Incorporeal characters are spirits, faintly visible and capable of
Blind moving through objects. They gain the Flyer (Speed) trait and
Character has the blinded condition while they have this trait. may use it to freely move through solid objects. They can be
targeted by attacks, but cannot suffer damage except for magic
Bound damage, or damage from attacks with the Magic quality.
Character is bound to this world, or simply bound together, by
magic. They must obey the verbal commands of their master, Incorporeal characters do not normally affect the world, but they
who bound them. Bound characters cannot attack their masters can use magic and make attacks that are capable of damaging
unless it is to defend themselves. If this character is killed, they non-incorporeal beings. Attacks from Incorporeal characters
do not die in the conventional sense: instead they are banished ignore all AR from any armor that does not have the Magic
back to their realm of origin, or the magic animating them ceases. quality, and cannot be blocked by shields without that quality.

A character with this trait crawls rather than walking. Halve its
normal Movement Rating (round up). It takes no penalties for
moving through difficult terrain.

Dark Sight
A character with this trait can see normally even in areas with
total darkness, and never takes penalties for acting in areas with
dim or no lighting.

Character has the deafened condition while they have this trait.

Disease Resistance (X%)

Characters with this trait have a chance to resist diseases.
Whenever the character would be infected by a common disease,
roll a d100. If the roll is less than or equal to X, the character
doesnt get the disease.

Resistance (*, X)
Characters with this trait are resistant to a certain damage type.
They reduce damage of * type by X after any other mitigation,
and gain a +10 bonus per X to tests made to resist non-damaging
effects of this type. This trait can stack.

Resist Normal Weapons (X)

Characters with this trait are resistant to mundane weapons.
If the character suffers damage from a weapon/attack without
the Magic quality reduce that damage by X after any other

Running Out of Luck

The characters luck is running out. Whenever they would burn
any amount of Luck, burn twice that amount. If the character
does not have this much Luck remaining, just burn all remaining

Characters with this trait have purely skeletal forms. Attempts to
hit them with ranged weapons suffer a -20 penalty. Characters
with this trait also automatically gain the Undead trait as well,
and are immune to the Burning (X) condition.

Silver-Scarred (X)
Any damage inflicted on a character with this trait after mit-
igation by an attack from a silver weapon is increased by X
(round up if X is a percentage) before calculating the effects
of the damage.

Natural Toughness (X) Spell Absorption (X)

The character with this trait is naturally tough, and reduces Characters with this trait absorb a portion of the magic directed
incoming damage by X. This functions like physical AR but at them to fuel their own magicka reserves. Whenever magic
does not count as armor. with another source character affects them, roll a d10. If the
value is less than or equal to X the magic has no effect on them
Natural Weapons (*) and instead they regain missing MP up to the cost of the magic.
The character with this trait has unique natural weapons of
some kind. * specifies the complete profile for the characters Stunted Magicka
natural weapons. Overrides the default natural weapons profile. Characters with this trait do not regenerate magicka naturally,
Cannot be disarmed. and cannot benefit from spell restraint.

Power Well (X) Summoned

Characters with this trait have more magicka than usual. The The character has been summoned into this world through
size of their Magicka Pool is increased by X. If the character magic. They must obey the verbal commands of their master,
would receive this trait twice, combine the X values. who summoned them. If their master is killed, they are banished
back to their realm instantly. Summoned characters cannot
Regeneration (X) attack their masters unless it is to defend themselves. If this
Characters with this trait heal very quickly. They may make an character is killed, they do not die in the conventional sense:
Endurance test at the start of each round to heal X HP. instead they are banished back to their realm of origin, along
with any items that may be on them at the time.

Sun-Scarred (X) Undead
Any damage inflicted on a character with this trait after mit- Characters with this trait are mere walking corpses. They do not
igation by an attack that counts as sunlight is increased by X breathe, or require organs or correct pressures to function. They
(round up if X is a percentage) before calculating the effects are immune to things such as disease, poison, passive wound
of the damage. effects, aging, fatigue, and a number of conditions including
but not limited to: burning (X), dazed, deafened, and organ
If this character is exposed to normal sunlight they lose 1 SP damage. Use common sense when deciding what can and cannot
each hour. Cloud cover or other such weather halves the rate of affect characters with this trait.
SP loss. The character must spend an hour in a dark place before
they can remove levels of fatigue/regain SP lost in this manner. Undying
Characters are free from most concerns of the living. They are
Telepathy (X) immune to disease and the effects of aging.
Characters with this trait can communicate with others tele-
pathically. They are capable of broadcasting thoughts to other Unnatural Senses (*, X)
characters within a number of meters equal to one hundred The character with this trait can perceive its surroundings using
times their Willpower bonus. They must have line of sight to additional and/or different senses than the usual. Their Senses
the character to whom they are broadcasting, unless the target allow them to detect the things specified by * within range of X
character has this trait as well. meters (even through solid objects). If * is all, then their Senses
have been replaced entirely and they can simply see normally
Characters with this trait can make a Perception test as a free through solid objects up to X meters away.
action to attempt to locate other characters with this trait within
their broadcast range, though this test can be opposed by a Weakness (*, X)
Willpower test if a character wishes to remain hidden. Characters with this trait are weak to a certain damage type. They
increase damage of * type by X after any other mitigation, and
The strength X of this trait determines the complexity of the suffer a -10 penalty per X to tests made to resist non-damaging
thoughts they can broadcast. effects of this type. This trait can stack.

Telepathic Strength
X Maximum Message Complexity
1 A single word
2 A short sentence.
3 A full sentence.
4 Up to five sentences.
5 As many words as the character desires.
6 Images.
7 Complex feelings and concepts.

Telekinesis (X)
Characters with this trait can move objects with their mind
within a range of 10 * X meters. This can only be used to move
fairly small objects (at most a large crate or barrel) at a speed of
about 1 meter per second (6 per round).

Terrifying (X)
The character is terrifying, and any character who encounters
them must immediately make a Horror (X) test.

Chapter 5: Combat
We dont have shields in our culture. It seems strange to my boy, I imagine. In our country, if you dont
want to get hit, you move out of the way.

Akaviri Potentate Versidue-Shaie, 2920, The Last Year of the First Era
I n most adventures there is conflict, and this conflict is often
physical. After all, the world of the Elder Scrolls can be a
dangerous place. Wars, strange monsters, criminals, mercenaries,
Combat Overview
Combat encounters can be resolved by following these steps:

faction infighting, and any number of other scenarios can all Step 1: Determine Surprise
force a party to use violence to accomplish their goals, or simply If one or more characters arent expecting an attack, or aware of
force the party into dangerous situations. This chapter contains their attackers intentions, they have been surprised. The GM
mechanics for resolving combat, as well as other game mechanics should determine which characters count as being surprised
to handle the variety of situations the players might encounter for the first round of combat. Surprised characters do not roll
during their adventures. 1d10 for initiative, they simply use their Initiative Rating. They
also may only take reactions after their first turn has passed.
A Note on Time
The UESRPG divides time into two categories: narrative time Step 2: Set the Scene
and structured time. Narrative Time is meant to be used in Before the characters can begin taking their turns, the GM
any situations that do not demand the time-sensitive resolution should outline the parts of the scenario that they are aware of,
of tasks. Functionally this means that almost any non-combat including the combatants they face, the positions of everyone
situation will use narrative time. In game terms, narrative time involved, and the environment theyre fighting in. If the group
is a period in which the GM can freely advance time at any rate is using a battle map or grid, this would be the time to set it up!
based on the needs of the story and the players. This could mean
briefly describing the partys long journey across a vast desert, Step 3: Determine Initiative
or playing out an important conversation minute by minute. To determine the order in which characters take their turns
during each round of the combat, all characters involved must
Structured Time is used to handle time-sensitive events in make an Initiative Roll (1d10 plus the characters Initiative
which every second counts and the exact order of actions is Rating, rolling off if two characters tie). The GM rolls initiative
crucial. Combat almost always takes place in structured time, for any NPCs involved, and should roll once for larger groups
which is the rules of this chapter are intended for, though the of similar NPCs.
GM could decide to handle it in narrative time instead.
Note that a characters initiative can potentially be modified by
Combat events that occur within the encounter itself, so the GM should
always be keeping track of initiative. If new combatants enter
The largest unit of structured time is called an encounter. An the picture, simply have them roll and take their place in the
Encounter represents an entire sequence of dramatic events order as appropriate.
that make up a unified block of structured time that may be
contained within sections of narrative time, or followed up by Step 4: Round Start
another encounter. Encounters focused on a particular combat Starting with the character with the highest initiative, each
scene are known as Combat Encounters. character takes one turn. During each Turn, the active character
spends 1 AP to perform a combat action and resolves its effects.
Encounters are broken down into Rounds: periods of time in The character currently taking a turn is known as the active
which characters take actions, representing roughly six seconds character. Once their turn is over, the character with the next
of real time. The core of each combat round is the Cycle: the highest initiative takes their turn, and so on until all characters
countdown through initiative order so that each player has a have taken their turns. If any characters have remaining action
chance to take a turn. There can be several cycles per combat points after each character has taken a turn, the cycle begins
round. During each Turn, the active character spends 1 AP to again but only with those characters that still have action
perform a combat action and resolves its effects. points remaining for the round.

Effect Durations Step 5: Round End

Effects that last for one or more rounds last for the remainder of Repeat step 4 until all characters are out of action points: the
the round in which they were triggered, and then for a number round is now over. Any effects or Conditions that specify a
of full rounds equal to their listed duration. For example, a duration of until the end of the round end now.
stunned character only removes the condition at the end of the
round after the one in which he was stunned. Step 6: Encounter Ends
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the combat is finished, or the event
that triggered the switch into structured time is resolved.

Mapping Combat Movement
This chapter assumes players are using some sort of grid or battle During his turn a character can move before or after taking his
map to track the positions of characters. For ease of use, each action (or both). Every meter that a character moves through
grid square in such a system should represent a square meter. normal terrain costs 1 meter of their movement for the round.
More details on using a combat grid, or advice for playing the Moving through difficult terrain (water, climbing, dense forest,
game without one, can be found later in this chapter. etc) costs 2 meters of their movement for the round for every
1 meter that they actually move unless the character passes an
Actions, Turns, and Cycles Acrobatics test before moving (does not affect swimming speed).
Combat Actions represent all the things that a character can
do during an encounter. The maximum number of times that a Actions
character can act during a round is determined by their max AP. The following combat actions are all actions that a character can
Characters may normally only take one combat action during attempt on his turn by spending an action point.
a given turn, and if they dont take an action they still use up
an AP for that turn. There are three types of combat actions: Aim
actions, reactions, and free actions. A character can spend a turn aiming in order to gain a +10
bonus to their next ranged attack. This bonus can stack if the
Actions can only be taken during the characters own turn character extends this action across multiple consecutive turns,
(meaning only once per cycle). They are combat actions where but only up to three times (for a maximum bonus of +30).
the character is the instigator. An extended action is simply
an action performed back to back across more than just one Attack
turn, thus requiring more than just one AP. The character can make an attack with a melee or ranged weapon.
Alternatively, he can use one of the three optional variations.
Reactions are actions that are taken to counter or resist other A player must declare if his character is choosing one of these
characters actions, or other events, that the character is aware of. variations before the attack test has been made.
Only one reaction attempt is permitted for each threat or event,
but any number of reactions may be made per cycle (provided All Out Attack: When making an all-out attack, the char-
that the character has action points left for that round to spend). acter sacrifices their ability to defend themselves in order to
better land an attack or gain an advantage. The character
Free Actions can be taken at any time during the combat makes a normal melee attack with a +20 bonus, but he may
round, and cost no action points to activate. not make any reactions until the beginning of his next turn.
Coup de Grce: The character can make a killing blow
Example: A Nord warrior (initiative roll 17, 2 AP) faces off against against a helpless target. A helpless target is one who is
a distant goblin archer (initiative roll 13, 2 AP) and a closer either unconscious, both restrained and prone, or otherwise
goblin warrior (initiative roll 14, 2 AP). The Nord warrior acts incapable of defending themselves. The GM may rule that
first, approaching the goblin warrior and using an AP to attack, certain characters cannot be killed in this way depending
bringing his mighty axe down upon his enemy! The goblin warrior on the circumstances. This automatically kills the target.
spends an AP on a reaction to defend himself, raising his shield in Precision Strike: A character attempting a precision strike
a pitiful attempt to survive. The attack is resolved, and the goblin is aiming to hit a particular part of his opponents body, and
warrior lies dead on the floor. thus suffers a -20 penalty on the attack test. If successful,
the character may choose the hit location of that attack in
Next, the goblin archer takes his turn, and uses an AP to fire an addition to resolving any other effects the attack would have.
arrow at the Nord warrior, who uses an AP on a reaction to defend
himself as he attempts to evade the shot. The attack is resolved, and Bash
the Nord manages to barely avoid it. The character can use their weight to attempt to shove another
character within 1m. Cannot be used against a target of larger
At this point the cycle is over, as each character has taken one turn. size. The character makes a Combat Style test against his oppo-
However, because the Goblin archer has an AP left (whereas the nent, who can use a reaction to oppose it with either a Combat
Nord spent his last one on a reaction) the round does not end! The Style, or Evade test. If the attacker wins, or passes with more
cycle starts again, and the Goblin archer takes another turn, which degrees of success than his target, then the defender is knocked
he uses to quickly fire off another arrow with his bow. This one back one meter plus one meter for every three degrees of success
finds purchase in the Nords leg, and he howls in pain! The round the attacker rolled. If the target is forced back into an obstacle
ends, and the next one begins... than they must make an Acrobatics test to avoid falling prone.

Cast Magic Reactions
The character casts a spell that they know using the rules for Reactions can be used at any time during the combat round
spellcasting found in Chapter 6. in response to a threat or event that a character is aware of by
spending an action point. Reactions can be triggered by other
Delay reactions: if this happens, resolve them in whichever way makes
Characters can choose to delay action until the right moment. the most sense.

 elay Action: The character declares an action to delay, and

D Attack of Opportunity
the circumstances in which they will take it. The character This reaction allows a character to take advantage of an opening
then skips their turn, and may perform the delayed action to make a melee attack against an opponent when they are
as a free reaction if the conditions are met. If the delayed vulnerable. Attacks of opportunity are resolved before the action
action is not taken before the characters next turn, then they are being made in reaction to is resolved. This reaction may
the action point is lost entirely. be triggered by the following conditions:
Defensive Stance: The character assumes a defensive stance,
ready to react to incoming threats. The character then skips Retreat: When an opponent moves out of the characters
their turn, but does not lose an action point. He may spend melee range without taking the disengage action.
this saved AP on a defensive reaction any time before his Approach: When an opponent moves closer to the char-
next turn, when the AP is lost. acter within their melee range (such as from 3 meters away
to 2 meters away against a 3m range weapon).
Dash Spellcast: When an opponent casts a spell within their
The character can use this action to gain extra movement, dou- melee range (unless the spell counts as a melee attack).
bling his Speed (after any modifiers for things such as armor Standing Up: When a prone character stands up within
weight class) for the remainder of the round. their melee range.
Ranged Attack: When an opponent makes a ranged attack
Disengage or reloads a weapon within their engagement range.
The character can use this action to retreat from combat with Ready: When an opponent readies a weapon, reloads a
an enemy. If he moves out of an enemys engagement range weapon, or drinks a potion within their melee range. If
during this turn the attack of opportunity reaction may not the opponent does so as a free action, it does not allow for
be taken against him. an attack of opportunity.

Hide Block
The character can use this action to attempt to hide themselves The character tries to use a shield to block an incoming ranged or
from enemies. If anyone could reasonably detect them while melee attack. See the Attacking & Defending section for details.
they do this, they must make a Stealth skill test opposed by the
Observe of anyone who might spot them. On success, they gain Evade
the Hidden condition.  e character attempts to dodge an incoming ranged or melee
attack. The character suffers a -20 penalty if the attack is ranged
Ready Weapon / Drink Potion unless the character chooses to end his evasion prone. See the
The character may draw, sheath, withdraw, or reload a weapon. Attacking & Defending section for details.
This action may also be used to drink a potion (but only one
per turn), assuming it is accessible to the character. Some missile Parry
weapons may require several turns to reload, in which case this The character uses a shield or melee weapon to defend against
action must be extended across the requisite number of turns. an incoming melee attack from an opponent he is aware of
through the use of his Combat Style skill. See the Attacking &
Trip Opponent Defending section for details.
The character can use this action to trip up or throw his oppo-
nent to the ground. Cannot be used against a character of a Free Actions
larger size. The character must make a Strength, Agility, or Free actions can be performed at any time during the combat
Combat Style test (if it includes unarmeed combat), which his round and cost no action points. They include things like talking,
target can spend a reaction to oppose with either a Strength, signaling, observing ones surroundings, dropping items, and
Evade, or unarmed Combat Style test. If the attacker wins, or so forth. Use common sense when deciding what is and isnt
passes with more DoS, his opponent is rendered prone. a free action.

Combat Styles
Fighting skills are packaged into Combat Styles, which repre-
sent the complete package of training, tactics, and experience The Princes longblade slashed across the Akavirs chest and
that constitutes a specific style of combat. Combat Styles can the sudden, intense pain cuased him to drop his weapons. In
be associated with culture, careers, or even schools of combat. a moment, it was over. Savirien-Chorak was prostrate in the
dust with the Princes longsword at this throat. The games
Specifically, individual Combat Styles are represented by the over! shouted the Emperor, barely heard over the applause
Combat Style [Field] skill, where the field is the name of the from the stadium.
combat style. This skill is used to make melee (or ranged) attack
and defense tests in combat when using the equipment associ- 2920, The Last Year of the First Era
ated with the style. The character may use either his Strength
or Agility as a base for the skill test when making melee attack
or defense tests, but must use his Agility for the test when
making ranged attacks. Utilizing Untrained Weapons
Occasionally characters may be forced to use a weapon that
Rather than creating preset combat styles we have allowed play- they have not specifically trained to use. Characters who use
ers and GMs to invent their own to more accurately reflect the weapons that they are not trained in suffer the usual -20 penalty
characters they wish to portray. Each combat style should be for using an untrained skill.
accompanied by a list of equipment it incorporates (see below),
and a description of the style of fighting that it represents (see Combat Style Examples
examples to the bottom right). Below are some example Combat Styles to use for inspiration
in your campaigns.
Trained Equipment
Each Combat Style has an associated set of weapon and shield Combat Style [Cloak and Dagger]
types. A character with that Combat Style is capable of using The character is trained to use small, concealable weapons in close
that equipment effectively in the situations the style is designed quarters against single, typically unarmored, opponents.
for. Combat Styles may encompass up to five different types Equipment: Dagger, Shortsword, Throwing Dagger,
of equipment to start. Unarmed combat is included in this Unarmed Combat.
category as well, reflecting that the character is trained to fight
with only his natural weapons. Combat Style [Imperial Legionnaire]
Legionnaires are trained to fight in battlefield formations with sword,
Each styles associated trained equipment is chosen when the spear, and shield, using javelins to soften up the enemy.
character learns the style, and it can be expanded to a maximum Equipment: Spear, Shortsword, Javelin, Tower Shield.
of eight different types of equipment. Expanding a combat
style by adding a weapon or shield type to the list of a styles Combat Style [Knight]
trained equipment costs 25 XP. Knights are masters of chivalrous combat, preferring to engage their
opponents in duels of honor and skill. In open battle they wear
Fighting in Unfamiliar Circumstances heavy armor and fight primarily from horseback.
Occasionally characters may be forced to fight with familiar Equipment: Lance, Shield, Longsword, Mace.
weapons, but in strange circumstances. For example, a noble
duelist who is used to fighting honorable one on one fencing Combat Style [Argonian Guerrilla Fighter]
duels might somehow find himself in a bar brawl with his The Black Marsh is known across Tamriel for its guerrilla fighters.
sword handy. Or perhaps a battlefield soldier used to fighting Argonian warriors fight in light armor with short blades, spears,
on horseback finds himself face to face with a lone assassin in and at range, engaging their enemies in small skirmishes.
close quarters. Equipment: Shortsword, Spear, Short Bow, Javelin,
Unarmed Combat.
Generally most characters are trained to use the weapons in
their style in widely applicable circumstances, but in certain
cases like these the GM shouldnt be afraid to impose a -10
penalty (or more, if appropriate) on Combat Style tests made
by a character who is out of his element.

Attacking & Defending Critical Success/Failure
Combat is resolved blow by blow, with each attack and defense If one character critically succeeded, treat it as if they succeeded
representing a single swing with a sword or block with a shield. with more degrees than their opponent (if their opponent suc-
This exchange is simulated by the Combat Roll, in which a ceeded at all) and then apply this additional effect:
pair of attack and defense tests are compared. Attacker Crit: The attacker may choose to either deal the
highest possible damage or gain another special effect.
Step 1: Attack Defender Crit: The defender gains another special effect.
The attacker first chooses his target, weapon, and combat style
for the attack before making the attack test and applying any If one character rolls a critical failure, and their opponent passed,
relevant circumstantial modifiers. Weapons not included in the then their opponent counts as having critically succeeded. If
characters combat style impose a -20 penalty to all attack both sides roll a critical success, then nothing happens as perfect
and defense tests. attack is met with an ideal defense.
Melee Attacks: The attacker makes a Combat Style test
using either Strength or Agility as the base against a target Step 4: Resolve Attack
within the listed range of his weapon. Finally, resolve the attack based on the result.
Ranged Attacks: The attacker makes a Combat Style test
using Agility as the base against a target within the listed Attacker Won
range of his weapon. The attack hits the target and deals damage. If the targets armor
values differ across hit locations, then check to see where it hit
Step 2: Defend using the ones digit of the attack roll or a d10 (count 10 as 0).
The defender then picks his method of defense and combat style (You can often skip this step entirely or delay it until it is necessary).
before making the defense test. A character must be aware of an
attack to defend against it, and must choose to defend before Hit Locations
the attacker has rolled. Result Location Hit
Evade: The defender rolls an Evade test (Agility). Evading a 1-5 Body
ranged attack imposes a -20 penalty unless the character
6 Right Leg
chooses to end his evasion prone.
Parry: Melee weapons or shields may be used to parry 7 Left Leg
melee attacks. The defender makes the Combat Style test 8 Right Arm
using Strength or Agility as the base. 9 Left Arm
B  lock: Shields may be used to block ranged or melee attacks. 0 Head
The defender makes a Combat Style test using Strength as
the base. Next, resolve any special effects gained from the combat roll.
Then roll the damage of the attack and subtract the Armor
Step 3: Roll Tests & Determine Result Rating (AR) of the hit location struck. Reduce the targets HP
If one character is able to gain a significant advantage over the by the remaining amount. Some types of AR only mitigate
other on either attack or defense, they have the opportunity certain types of damage. If the damage dealt after reduction
to gain a Special Effect. See Special Effects for details. Note exceeds the targets Wound Threshold, the attack has also caused
that if a defender does not try to defend, or cannot do so, he a wound. See Physical Health for details.
is treated as having automatically rolled a failure.
B oth characters fail: Nothing happens and the turn ends. D
 efender won
One character fails: The winner receives a special effect. If the defender won a special effect, resolve it first:
A  ttacker wins: The attack is successful, and the attacker E  vade: If an attack is evaded it is negated entirely.
picks a special effect then resolves the attack. Parry: If an attack is parried it is negated entirely.
Defender wins: The defense is successful, and the Block: If an attack is blocked, roll the damage of the attack.
defender picks a special effect then resolves the defense. If the damage exceeds the shields Block Rating against that
Both characters pass: No characters win special effects. damage type, then the character takes the full damage to
Attack vs. Block: The defender blocks the attack his shield arm unless the character chooses to spend one
regardless of attacker degrees of success. Resolve the Stamina point to protect. Attacks dealing magic damage
block using the rules in Step 4 as if the defender won. treat BR as half (round up) unless the shield has a spe-
Attack vs. Parry or Evade: The defense is negated if the cific BR for the damage type.
attacker has more degrees of success. Resolve the attack.

Special Effect Quick Reference
Special Effect Rule Summary (see complete rules for details)
Arise Stand up from prone.
Bash 1m range, cannot be used on Evade. Knock back an opponent 1m + 1m/DoS on attack/defense test.
Blind Opponent Opponent makes Evade vs. original attack/defense test or is blinded for 1 round.
Compel Surrender Attacker Only. Compel the surrender of a helpless opponent: Wp test vs. original attack test to not surrender.
Disarm Cannot be used on an Evade. Opponent makes Str/Ag test vs. original attack/defense test or be disarmed.
Force Failure Combine with another special effect to make opponent auto-fail an opposed roll from that effect.
Force Movement Character and opponent 1m in any direction (must be the same for both, characters choice).
Overextend Opponent Evade/Parry only. All characters gain +10 to melee attacks against opponent until the end of his next turn.
Penetrate Armor Count full armor as partial, and partial as unarmored, for resolving attack. Does not actually lower AR.
Pin Weapon 1m range, cannot be used on Evade. Pin enemy weapon so it cannot be used. Opponent can resist on his turn.
Precision Strike Choose hit location of attack before resolving its effects.
Press Advantage Melee attack only. Opponent suffers -10 to attack or casting tests until.
Rapid Reload Crit success only. Attacker reduces reload time for the next shot by 1. Reload 0 means the reload is free.
Redirect Target Evade/Parry only. Attacker hits someone else nearby (defenders choice).
Reposition Character can freely move AB meters without attacks of opportunity. Counts towards total round movement.
Slip Free Escape being restrained or grappled or free a pinned weapon.
Parry/parried attack only, free hand, unarmed combat needed. Opponent makes Combat Style vs. original
Take Weapon
attack/defense test or the character takes his weapon in his free hand.
Trip Opponent Combat Style vs. Athletics, Evade, or unarmed Combat Style. If opponent loses he is rendered prone.

Special Effects Arise

Fighting is more than simply injuring or killing an opponent: The character quickly rolls to their feet in a single movement.
there are many ways to defeat ones foe. Special effects represent Effect: Allows the character to use a momentary opening to roll
the many techniques that can be utilized in combat. During back up to their feet, removing the prone condition.
combat rolls, it is possible for a character to receive one or
more special effects. This reflects a combatant maneuvering his Bash
opponent into a disadvantageous situation that can be exploited The character bashes their opponent off balance with their weapon,
for further gain. If special effects are won during an exchange, body, or shield.
they must be selected before damage is rolled and resolved. Requires: Target character cannot be of larger size, and must
be within 1 meter. Cannot be used by a defender if they evaded.
Certain special effects have unique requirements for their use. Effect: Knocks the characters opponent back one meter plus one
When two or more special effects are gained on an attack or meter for every three degrees of success on their attack/defense
defense, the character may freely mix and match which ones test. If the target is forced back into an obstacle than they must
are selected provided he meets the prerequisite conditions for make an Acrobatics test to avoid falling prone.
each one.
Blind Opponent
Finally, it is important to use common sense when deciding The character blinds his opponent with sand, reflected light, or
when a given special effect can and cannot be used. some other trick.
Effect: The opponent must make an Evade test (or a Combat
Style test, if wielding a shield) opposed against the original
attack/defense test. If the target fails he becomes blinded for 1
round. Use common sense when deciding if this special effect
is possible.

Compel Surrender Overextend Opponent
The character compels the surrender of a disadvantaged opponent, The character sidesteps or retreats at an inconvenient moment,
such as with a blade to the throat. causing the attacker to slightly overreach himself.
Requires: Attacker only. Target is a non-player character, and Requires: Can only be used on an Evade or Parry.
either helpless or otherwise disadvantaged. Effect: Until the end of the characters next turn, any melee
Effect: Damage is not inflicted on the target, they are only attacks (by any character) against his opponent gain a +10
threatened. Assuming the target is able to understand the bonus to hit.
demand, they must make a Willpower test opposed against
the original attack test or else they capitulate. This does not Penetrate Armor
work on characters with no fear, or who cannot understand. The attacker finds a weaker point in the defenders natural or worn
armor, which can be exploited.
Disarm Effect: The attacker counts the armor on the attacks hit location
The character knocks or twists an opponents weapon from his hand. as being partial instead of full, or unarmored instead of partial,
Requires: Target cannot be of larger size. Cannot be used by when resolving damage. This does not actually reduce the AR
a defender if they Evaded. Cannot disarm natural weapons. of the hit location, it simply enables certain weapons and effects
Effect: The opponent must make a Strength or Agility test (such as Exploit Weakness and/or Slashing) to bypass armor
opposed against the characters original attack/defense test. If more effectively.
the target of the disarm attempt loses, his weapon is flung 1d4
meters in a random direction. Pin Weapon
The character can pin one of his opponents weapons or shield using
Force Failure his body or positioning to hold it in place.
The character has an extreme advantage that he can leverage. Requires: Cannot be used on an Evade. Character must be
Requires: Character also won another special effect. within 1 meter of his opponent (effect ends if he leaves range).
Effect: This character may combine Force Failure with any Effect: An opponents weapon or shield of the characters choice
other special effect which requires an opposed roll (assuming cannot be used. On his turn, the opponent may attempt to
they achieved more than one special effect in the first place) to wrestle or maneuver the pinned item free in place of their normal
cause the opponent to fail that roll by default: meaning he is action: both characters make either an opposed Strength or a
automatically disarmed, tripped, etc. Combat Style (if it includes unarmed combat) test against the
other. If the victim wins, they break free.
Force Movement
The character uses the momentum gained from his successful attack Precision Strike
or defense to shift the location of the fight in his favor. The character is able to land his attack exactly where it can do the
Requires: Target and character within melee range. most damage.
Effect: The character can force his opponent to move 1 meter Effect: The character may choose the hit location of his attack
in any direction, and mirrors that movement himself. If this before resolving any other effects the attack would have.
would push an opponent into an environmental danger (such as
off a cliff) that they are aware of, then they are moved elsewhere
instead (GMs choice based on the circumstances).

Press Advantage Trip Opponent
The attacker pressures his opponent so that his foe is forced to remain The character attempts to trip up or throw his opponent prone.
on the defensive. Requires: Cannot be used against a character of a larger size.
Requires: Attacker is using a melee weapon. Effect: The character must make a Combat Style test opposed
Effect: Until the end of the characters next turn, his opponent against his opponents Athletics, Evade, or unarmed Combat
suffers a -10 penalty to any attack or casting tests on his next Style skill. If he succeeds, his opponent is rendered prone.
turn. If this special effect is taken by the same character more
than one turn in a row against the same target, then the pen-
alty increases by -10 each time (-30 max) until the chain is
broken or the attacking character is forced to react to a third
characters attack.

Rapid Reload
The attacker takes the time to quickly reload for a follow-up shot.
Requires: Won on a critical success.
Effect: The attacker reduces the reload time for the next shot
with his current weapon by 1. Reload 0 means the reload is free.

Redirect Target
The defender may maneuver or redirect the blow such that it hits
an adjacent bystander instead.
Requires: New target must be within range of the attackers
weapon (if melee) or range and line of fire (if ranged). Can only
be used on a Parry or Evade.
Effect: The character chooses a new target for his opponents
attack. The attack automatically hits that target, who cant
defend, but gets no special effects.

The character quickly repositions, dodging in or out of range.
Effect: Permits the character to make a free move a number of
meters up to his Agility bonus in any direction either before or
after resolving his attack/defense. This movement still counts
towards his total distance traveled for the round, but opportunity
attacks cannot be made against him.

Slip Free
The character takes the opportunity to break free.
Effect: The character can escape being restrained or grappled,
or free a pinned weapon.

Take Weapon
The character yanks or twists an opponents weapon away.
Requires: Character has at least one free hand, and his opponent The best techniques are passed on by the survivors.
is wielding a melee weapon. Can only be used on a parry, or
on an attack that was parried. Character must be trained in Gaiden Shinji
unarmed combat (must be included in the Combat Style he
uses for the test).
Effect: The opponent must make an opposed roll of his Combat
Style against the characters original Combat Style test. If the
character succeeds he takes his opponents weapon and may
use it.

Melee Combat Multiple Opponents
Melee combat is any combat that happens within several meters, Facing multiple opponents can be dangerous. While a character
where participants fight either with wielded or natural weapons. suffers no direct penalties for doing so, he can soon become
The melee weapons a character can use are listed as part of their swamped and run out of action points with which to defend
Combat Style skills. himself. Remember that once all his AP for a round have been
expended the character is treated as having failed his defense roll
Melee Combat Circumstance Modifiers against any subsequent attacks, meaning he quickly becomes
Like all tests, tests made in melee combat should always be vulnerable to the others.
subject to difficulty based on the environment or circumstances
in which the combat is happening. Disadvantageous circum- Dual Wielding
stances can be rated in a simple scale by the GM, and should Some characters fight with two one handed weapons at once
not usually be worse than -30. The table below provides the as a part of their Combat Style and may choose to attack or
scale and some examples. parry with either. When making an attack with two weapons
the character chooses a primary weapon and makes his attack as
Melee Combat Circumstance Modifiers normal. If the attack successfully hits, he may choose to spend
Modifier Common Examples a Stamina point when resolving its effects in order to cause a
Minor Disadvantage (-10) Fighting in poor visibility. second automatic hit on the target with his secondary weapon
against a random hit location (unless the attack was a Precision
Disadvantage (-20) Fighting from lower ground or prone.
Strike, then the character chooses).
Major Disadvantage (-30) Fighting blind.
Cover is used by characters to obstruct attacks against them,
Mounted Combat either in ranged or close combat. This occurs by either physically
Mounted combat functions like normal combat, but with a blocking a blow, or by obscuring the exact location of the target.
few key differences:
If the character is incapable of seeing their target, they simply
 characters can evade ranged attacks but only while cannot attack them unless they have another way of knowing
moving. They cannot evade melee attacks (except those that they are there. Otherwise they suffer a circumstance penalty
from other mounted characters), though their mount can. to attack targets who are trying to use cover that their attack
Mounted characters may parry attacks against their mount. cannot penetrate based on the GMs judgment of the level of
Mounted characters use their mounts Speed. the cover.
The GM may rule that ranged attacks that miss the char-
acter or their mount hit the other target instead. If the target is protected by cover that the attack can penetrate
with relative ease, the attacker suffers no penalty to hit but rolls
twice and chooses the lower value for damage.

Improvised Weaponry test (the style must include unarmed combat) opposed against
In certain cases a character might find themselves forced to fight either a Combat Style (with unarmed), Strength, or Evade test.
using improvised weaponry. Attacks with improvised weapons On success, the target gains the restrained condition. The target
suffer the usual -20 untrained penalty unless the characters may attempt to escape by using an action on his turn to attempt
Combat Style includes improvised weapons. The table below the opposed test again. On success he breaks free.
provides a set of guidelines for the GM.
Characters suffer a -30 penalty when attempting to grapple
Improvised Weaponry Guidelines characters of larger size than them, and cannot grapple characters
Type Damage Range of two or more sizes larger. While he has an opponent restrained,
Tiny 1d4 1m (gain Small quality) the character may not move but may take the following actions
on his turn in addition to his normal choices:
Small 1d6 1m
Medium 1d8 2m Trip: The character may render his victim, and himself,
Large 1d10 3m prone. He suffers no prone penalties in relation to any tests
Huge 1d12 4m made against his target.
Move: The character may move himself and his victim a
The GM should feel free to give certain improvised weapons number of meters up to his Strength bonus in any direction.
appropriate weapon qualities based on the type of object. Attack: The character may make a normal attack against
his restrained victim, who cannot defend himself. He must
Unarmed Combat use a weapon with a 1m range or less. If the target is both
Unarmed combat is when a character fights using their natural prone and restrained, and the character is armed, this can be
weapons. Characters are always capable of attempting to fight a coup de grce. If the character is unarmed, then they can
in this manner, even if they do not have a Combat Style skill choose to instead cause the target to lose 1 Stamina point.
that includes unarmed combat, they do so by rolling a test
against their Strength or Agility, with the standard -20 penalty Unusual Combat Scenarios
for using an untrained skill. There are several odd combat scenarios characters may find
themselves in.
A characters natural weapons use the profile specified below
unless the character has the Natural Weapons (*) trait (which Climbing
overrides the default profile). If a character has a Combat Style A climbing character has all of this combat skill tests limited
that includes unarmed combat, that skill can be used for attacks by his Athletics skill rank (if he has a higher Combat Style rank,
with the characters natural weapons. Natural weapons ignore he treats it as having his Athletics rank instead). Characters are
rules regarding one, two, or hand and a half weapons, and limited to fighting with a single limb, unless they have extras .
cannot be disarmed. Enemies wielding weapons can make
opportunity attacks against unarmed characters the moment Slippery Surfaces
that they enter their range. A character fighting on slippery or wobbling surfaces has all of
this combat tests limited by his Acrobatics skill (if he has a higher
Default Natural Weapon Profiles Combat Style rank, he treats it as his Acrobatics rank instead).
Type Damage Range If the character fails a combat roll in these circumstances, he
Punches/Kicks 1d4 1m must pass an Acrobatics test or fall prone.
Claws 1d4; Slashing 1m
A swimming character has this combat tests limited by his
Parrying while Unarmed Athletics skill (if he has a higher Combat Style rank, he treats
If an unarmed combatant is facing an opponent with a weapon it as his Athletics rank instead). Attacks deal half damage.
with a longer range and he is within his own engagement range,
then he can attempt to parry that weapons attacks. Otherewise Swinging or Jumping
melee attacks cannot be paried by unarmed characters. A character swinging or jumping into (or out of ) combat has
all of this combat tests limited by his Acrobatics skill (if he has
Grappling a higher Combat Style rank, he treats it as his Acrobatics rank
In place of making a normal attack a character can choose to instead). If the character fails a combat roll he must pass an
attempt to grapple his opponent. This requires a Combat Style Acrobatics test or fall prone, and suffer appropriate fall damage.

Ranged Combat Ranged Combat Circumstance Modifiers
Ranged combat is any form of combat that happens at a distance Modifier Common Examples
with weapons which must be shot, thrown, or slung at their Minor Disadvantage (-10) Firing in light wind
target. The ranged weapons a character can use are listed as part
Disadvantage (-20) Firing in moderate wind, target prone
of their Combat Style skills.
Major Disadvantage (-30) Firing in heavy wind or low visibility
Ranged attacks are resolved similarly to melee attacks, except
they cannot be parried. Ranged weapons have unique attributes
that distinguish them from melee weapons: Firing while Mounted
A character can use ranged weapons even while mounted, how-
Range for ranged weapons is defined in terms of three numbers ever their Combat Style skill is limited by the Ride skill of the
instead of just one, representing the maximum close, effective, personal controlling the mount (if their Combat Style rank
and long ranges of the weapon or its ammunition. Attacking exceeds their Ride skill rank, use their Ride skill rank instead).
targets in close range provides a +10 bonus to attack tests with
the weapon, while attacking targets at long range imposes a Area of Effect Attacks
-20 penalty. Some ranged attacks, typically spells, affect an area. Area of
effect attacks that cause damage can only be defended against
Reload represents the number of turns required to reload a by evading or blocking, and only if the character is aware of
weapon which fires ammunition. This requires the use of the the incoming attack. Evading such an attack is done without
ready weapon action. the usual -20 penalty for evading ranged attacks.

Ranged Combat Circumstance Modifiers On a successful defense, either a block or an evade, the character
Like all tests, tests made in ranged combat should always be takes halves the incoming damage (round up) before resolving
subject to difficulty based on the environment or circumstances the effects. Area of effect attacks are always resolved against
in which the combat is happening. Disadvantageous circum- the characters least armored hit location (otherwise they hit
stances can be rated in a simple scale by the GM, and should the body).
not usually be worse than -30. The table below provides the
scale and some examples.

Combat Example The troll then takes his turn, and attacks the hero with his large
This page contains an example of a short combat exchange using claws. He passes his attack roll with 3 degrees of success, while the
the rules discussed thus far: hero (who chose to defend with his last AP) passes his Combat Style
test to Block with 2 degrees of success. However, this means that
The Scene the hero still successfully blocked. The troll rolls low, rolling only
Deep in a frozen cave in the northern reaches of Skyrim, a lone 9 damage, which does not exceed the Block Rating of the heros
hero squares off against a mighty troll. The hero is lightly armored, shield. The claws scrape across the surface of the shield but the hero
wielding only a simple broadsword and shield. is unharmed and the attack has no effect.

Round 1 It is now the end of the first cycle (both characters have taken a
Both characters roll initiative. The troll rolls a 12, and the hero turn), and of the round (no characters have AP left). A new round
rolls a 15. Both characters have 2 maximum Action Points. begins, and both characters regain their 2 AP.

The hero has the first turn, and moves forward a few meters so that Round 2
he is within his two meter melee range (determined by his broad- The hero has the first turn still, and once again swings his broad-
swords range stat) of the troll. He decides to take the attack action, sword at the troll, passing his Combat Style test with 1 degree of
and rolls a Combat Style [Nord Champion] test with a +30 bonus success (roll of 18). The troll again attempts to evade, but fails the
(for a TN of 75) due to his rank in the skill. The troll attempts to test. The hero is able to turn this to his advantage: not only does he
evade the strike, and rolls an Evade test (with a TN of 45). hit, but he gains a special effect because his opponent failed while he
was successful. He chooses to Press Advantage (which penalizes the
The hero passes with 4 degrees of success (roll of 43), and the troll trolls next attack by -10), hoping to keep the troll on the defensive.
passes with 2 degrees of success (roll of 26). No special effects are
won, but the hero is able to land a hit before the troll can dodge He then resolves the hit, and chooses to spend a Stamina point to
backwards in time (due to rolling higher DoS). He resolves the make this a power attack: he rolls damage twice, choosing the higher
effects of the hit against the trolls body (due to the 3 in his roll) result. The troll roars in pain as he takes 12 damage to his right arm..
and rolls damage. The troll takes a total of 8 damage from the strike.
However, the beast is far from finished...
At this point one character has attacked, and the other defended,
so both characters have spent one AP.

Running Smooth Combats
This page provides some visual examples to help players under-
stand how they might utilize battle grids and other tools to 1
make combat run as smoothly as possible.

Using a Grid
The creators of the UESRPG highly recommend the use of a
battle map or grid when running combat encounters. A grid
helps players to understand their own situation, assists the GM
in keeping track of the big picture, and makes understanding
the consequences of combat ranges much easier.

The easiest way to use the UESRPG with a grid is to assume

that each grid square represents a square meter. Two characters 2
cannot share the same grid square, though characters can be
allowed to pass through another characters square if both parties
are willing. The system also functions just fine on a hex grid.

If you are using an online grid or map system that supports

auras (as displayed in the example pictures) then using auras
can be a good way to help players visualize their weapon ranges.

Tracking Initiative & The Cycle Visuals Examples

One of the hardest ideas for new players to understand is the Above, the red mercenary wields a 2m range weapon (yellow
Cycle, and the AP system. We advise GMs track the cycle by aura) outside the 2m range (green aura) of the blue mercenary.
simply tallying next to each character (PCs and NPCs) name He then moves into the edge of his/his opponents range. Both
on an initiative ordered list/table each time that character makes mercenaries can attack the other at this range.
an action or reaction. This allows the GM to easily see which
characters have acted twice (or three times, in rare cases), and Below, the red mercenary wields a 1m range weapon at the
start a new round when no characters have AP remaining. edge of the 3m range of the blue mercenary. Stepping any
closer triggers an opportunity attack from the blue mercenary,
but doing so is necessary for him to enter melee range (right).

1 2

Physical Health Death
If a character is reduced to 0 Hit Points remaining then they
During the course of the players adventures, it is very likely fall unconscious. A character who is unconscious at 0 HP must
that they will suffer injury of some kind. The following sections pass an Endurance test each round. If they fail a number of tests
explain how to handle damage, fatigue, wounds, and death. in excess of their Luck bonus while unconscious, then they die.
Taking damage at least once causes the character to fail the next
Damage & Hit Locations test. If an effect would Stabilize them (this can be done with
Damage represents the ability of an attack to harm a character. a Survival or Profession [Medicine] skill test and a healers kit)
Attacks against a character always strike a particular hit location or bring them above 0 HP, then they stop testing.
(determined by the 1s digit of the attack roll, or a d10 counting
10 as 0), and the damage of that attack is reduced by the Armor
Rating (AR) of that hit location. The characters Hit Points (HP) Youre not gonna kill me!
are then reduced by the remaining amount.
Lokir of Rorikstead, moments before death
Hit Locations
Result Location Hit
1-5 Body Wounds
Wounds represent devestating injuries caused by more damaging
6 Right Leg
attacks, and not just simple cuts and bruises. If a character ever
7 Left Leg takes damage from a single attack in excess of their Wound
8 Right Arm Threshold (WT) then they take a wound. Record the amount
9 Left Arm of damage and hit location, then follow these steps:
0 Head
Shock Test
Damage Types First, the character must make a special Endurance test known
The above rules hold true for all physical attacks and physical as a Shock Test, which represents how well the character fares
armor. However, some attacks and effects can deal other types against the initial effects.
of damage that can only be resisted with certain types of armor. If the wound is to the body, the character loses an action
Broadly, damage can be divided into two overall types point. If they have none remaining, they begin the next
round with one less. If they fail the shock test then they
Physical Damage also suffer the crippled body condition.
Physical damage represents physical cuts, jabs, and blows that If the wound is to a limb then the character suffers the
harm a character through force of impact or blood loss (or crippled limb condition (blows to the head instead stun
both). All normal weapons deal physical damage, and physical for 1 round). If they fail the shock test then they also suffer
damage is reduced by normal AR. the lost limb condition (lost ear or lost eye for the head).

Magic Damage If the wound was caused by magic damage, the following applies:
Magic damage represents damage dealt by magical or elemental If the wound is from fire damage, the character also must
forces, such as burns from a fire ball spell. Poison is included pass an Agility test or gain the Burning (1) condition.
in this category, though it is not always magical. There are If the wound is from frost or poison damage, the character
sub-types of magic damage, each reduced by a corresponding also loses a Stamina point.
armor type (and also reduced by generic magic AR). If the wound is from shock damage, the character also loses
Magicka points equal to the damage inflicted.
Magic Damage Types
Sub-Type Armor Type Passive Effects
(Any) Magic AR After the shock test has been resolved, the character suffers a -20
to all tests and a -2 to future initiative rolls until the wound is
Fire Fire AR
fully healed. The character has 30 seconds (5 rounds) before they
Frost Frost AR drop to 0 HP through blood loss. These effects can be removed
Shock Shock AR by first aid (a Survival or Profession [Medicine] skill test must
Poison Poison AR be performed, which takes 1 turn and requires a healers kit or
other supplies), or delayed with magical healing (see below).

Healing Conditions
There are two means by which characters can heal damage and Conditions are things that externally affect the character and
wounds which have been dealt to them: natural healing, and their capabilities instead of features of the characters nature.
magic healing.
Restoring HP The character loses all vision and suffer the following penalties:
Both magical and natural healing can restore missing HP. Cannot see anything.
Suffers a -30 to tests benefitting from sight.
Magical Healing Automatically fail any tests that rely solely on sight.
Magical healing will always specify an amount of missing HP
that it restores, and this happens instantly unless otherwise noted. Burning (X)
The target is engulfed in flames, with the intensity of the fire
Natural Healing determined by a number X.
Characters naturally regenerate a number of missing HP equal S  tart of Turn: At the start of each round, a burning char-
to their Endurance bonus each time they take a long rest as long acter suffers a single hit of X fire damage to the appropriate
as they have no untreated wounds. This amount is doubled if hit location (body is the default). Then increase X by 1.
the character is not doing anything strenuous, and is focused S  tacking Burning: If a second instance of burning is
entirely on healing themselves (or if another person is caring inflicted on a character, simply combine the two X values.
for them). T aking Action: A burning character must pass a Willpower
test with a -20 penalty at the beginning of a turn in order
Healing Wounds to attempt any action other than putting out the fire.
In order for a character to begin to heal wounds, those wounds Putting It Out: A burning character can attempt to
must be treated first. If a wound is not treated within a number extinguish the flames on their turn by spending an action
of days equal to the characters Endurance bonus, the charac- point and making an Agility test with a +20 bonus, and a
ter becomes Maimed: any body parts crippled by the wound -10 penalty for every point of the X value beyond 1. The
become crippled permanently and count as being lost. burning character becomes prone and, if the test succeeds,
loses the burning condition.
Healing Untreated Wounds
Characters cannot regenerate HP naturally while they have Chameleon (X)
untreated wounds. In addition to restoring HP, magical A character with this condition blends into his environment.
healing done while the character is wounded temporarily Sight based tests to detect this character are made with a -X
removes the passive effects and forestalls unconsciousness for penalty. Only apply the highest value version of this condition
a number of rounds equal to the amount healed. If a char- if a character would receive it more than once.
acter ever heals to full HP while he has an untreated wound,
he becomes maimed as the wound has healed improperly. Crippled Body Part
A piece of the characters body has been rendered temporarily
Treating Wounds useless. Multiple instances of this condition can affect a character
A wound can be treated by a successful Profession [Medicine] at once as long as each affects a different hit location and/or the
test, which takes approximately an hour. Once a characters body parts associated with that hit location. Any body part that
wound(s) have been treated, they can begin to heal naturally has been crippled suffers all the same penalties as if it had been
again. lost, using lost eye if the head location has been crippled, and the
organ damage condition if the body location has been crippled.
Curing Wounds
Once a wound has been treated it can be properly healed. After Dazed
treatment if a character regenerates HP (by magical or natural The character gains one less action point at the beginning of
means) equal to or in excess of the damage that caused the each round, to a minimum of one.
wound, then the wound and all of its effects are removed. The
one exception is that characters cannot heal lost limbs in this Deafened
fashion. The character loses the ability to hear. deafened characters cannot
hear anything and automatically fail tests that rely on hearing.

Fatigued Invisible
When a chracter gains a level of fatigue, he acquires the Fatigued Invisible characters cannot be seen. Characters fail all sight
condition. If he gains additional levels of fatigue, the effects related tests related to spotting the character, and attack him
worsen. Fatigue is most typically gained when a character falls at a -30 penalty, assuming they can guess where he might be
to 0 SP, or spends/loses SP when they are at 0. in the first place.

Fatigue Effects Lost Body Part

Levels Effects The character loses a part of his body. A character can have
Fatigued (1) -10 penalty to all tests. multiple instances of this condition at once, each affecting a
different body part. If an attack would hit a body part that has
Exhausted (2) -20 penalty to all tests.
been entirely lost, the attack hits the body location instead. This
Drained (3) -30 penalty to all tests condition applies additional penalties that vary based on the
Unconscious (4) Characters falls unconscious body part. In the case of the head, there is a choice between
5+ Character dies an ear or an eye (GMs decision).

Frenzied Lost Ear

The character is flung into an uncontrollable rage. Frenzied The character has had his ear removed or destroyed, and his
characters gain the following rules: hearing damaged. He suffers the following penalties:
Must attempt to attack the nearest enemy in melee combat All tests that rely on hearing are made with a -20 penalty.
each turn if able. May only make All Out Attacks. If both ears are lost, the character gains the deafened con-
If not in range of the nearest enemy, must move towards dition permanently.
that enemy. May not attempt to flee the fight.
Increase WT by 3, and SB by 1. Lost Eye
Suffer a -20 penalty to all skill tests based on anything The character has had his eye removed or destroyed and suffers
except Strength, Agility, or Endurance. the following penalties:
Gains an extra SP, which can exceed his SP maximum. All tests that rely on sight are made with a -20 penalty.
Immune to the effects of the stunned condition, fear, and If both eyes are lost, the character gains the blinded con-
passive wound effects. dition permanently.

Once the encounter has ended, the character snaps out of his Lost Foot/Leg
frenzied state and loses 2 SP (this cannot kill him). The character The character has had his leg severed somewhere between the
can also test Willpower at a -20 as an action during combat to ankle and the hip, and suffers the following penalties.
attempt to snap out of frenzy, which ends the condition. Gain the slowed condition permanently.
All tests that rely on the use of two legs are made with a
Hidden -20 penalty.
The character is hidden from enemies and moving stealthily. If both legs are lost, gain the Immobilized condition per-
Characters must spend 2 meters of their movement for the manently and fail any tests that rely entirely on movement.
round for each 1 meter that they actually move while hidden,
and cannot Dash. Enemies cannot attempt to defend themselves Lost Hand/Arm
against the attacks of hidden characters, but attacking causes a The character has had his arm severed somewhere between the
character to lose this condition immediately afterwards. wrist and the shoulder, and suffers the following penalties:
Can no longer use two-handed weapons, shields (if the
If a hidden character would enter line of sight of at least one whole arm is missing), or one handed weapons in that arm.
character from whom they have not previously hidden, they All tests that rely on the use of two hands are made with
must make a Stealth test opposed by that characters Observe. a -20 penalty.
On success, or if they achieve more degrees of success, they If both hands are lost, the character cannot wield weapons
remain hidden. Otherwise that character becomes aware of them. and automatically fails all tests that rely on the use of hands.

Immobilized Organ Damage (Lost Body Part: Body)

Immobilized characters cannot move. They may still attack and The character has had an internal organs damaged. Characters
take other actions, and can defend themselves. with this condition heal damage at half speed and reduce their
SP maximum and WT by 1.

Muffled (X) Fear
A character with this condition is harder to hear. Hearing based
tests to detect this character are made with a -X penalty. Only When a character is confronted by such a frightening event or
apply the highest value version of this condition if a character adversary they must take a Fear Test. There are two types of
would receive it more than once. fear tests: panic and horror tests.

Prone Fear tests are Willpower tests that use a special notation, either
The character is prone, and every 1 meter that they move while Panic (+/- X) or Horror (+/- X), where X is the bonus or penalty
prone costs 2 meters of their movement for the round. They applied to the test. If the character fails the test, they succumb
also suffer a -20 penalty to all combat related tests, and count to the effects of fear.
any full armor they are wearing as partial (to represent that it is
easier for characters to take advantage of gaps in their defenses Your GM may call on you to make a Panic Test when you are
while they are down). confronted by mundane shock or horror. This is represented
by the Panic (+/- X) notation, which is simply a Willpower test
Dropping prone costs no movement, but standing up requires with a +/- X modifier.
that a character spend movement equal to half of their base
Speed. If the character does not have this much movement left Your GM may call on you to make a Horror Test when you
over to use, then they cannot get up. are confronted by supernatural terrors. This is represented by
the Horror (+/- X) notation, which is simply a Willpower test
Paralyzed with a +/- X modifier. In general, horror tests with any sort of
The character is frozen, unable to move any part of their body. penalty should be reserved for the most terrifying monsters and
They may only cast spells that do not require speech or motion. mind melting terrors.

Restrained Fear Effects

The character is restrained, and thus unable to move. They also If in combat a character fails a fear test he must immediately roll
cannot attack or defend themselves. They may only cast spells a d100 on the appropriate table on the next page. The effects
that do not require motion. listed are applied immediately to the character.

Silenced If in a non-combat situation the character fails a fear test, the

Magically silenced characters believe they are making sound, character becomes unnerved and suffers a -20 penalty to any
but in reality their words never pass their lips. They suffer the tests that requires concentration on his part. This penalty lasts
usual -20 penalty for being unable to speak when casting spells. while the character remains in the vicinity of the object of
At the start of each round they can roll a Perception test to see their fear.
if they realize what is happening.
Characters may be able to shake off some of the effects of fear
Slowed after the initial shock has worn off. The table below will specify
The characters Speed is reduced by half (round up). certain cases where a character can make a Willpower test when
it is his next turn to snap out of his fear. If this succeeds then
Stunned he regains his senses, shrugs off the effects and may act normally
The character immediately loses all remaining action points from then on. If he fails this test, the effect continues and he
upon becoming stunned. Stunned characters do not regain may try again when it is his next turn.
action points at the start of each round.

The character is knocked out and loses consciousness: they fall
prone if the circumstances allow it, and may not take action. If
a character gains a level of fatigue while unconscious, they die.

Combat Panic Test Results
Roll Effect
Startled: The character is startled by the source of panic. He jumps in his boots and pauses for a brief moment as he
struggles to reassess the situation. He may not make any reactions until the beginning of his next turn.
Spooked: The character gets the shakes from the source of his panic. Fretting, nervous, and full of doubt, he suffers
a -10 penalty to all tests for the rest of the encounter unless he snaps out of it.
Frightened: The character is taken aback and his teeth clatter in his skull as he inches back from the source of his
61-90 panic. The character cannot willingly approach the object of his fear, and suffers a 10 penalty to all tests until the
end of the encounter.
Lost Composure: The character loses his nerve and freezes in place. His will to act is decimated by the stress on his
91-95 mind from the source of his Panic. The character may take no actions until he snaps out of it. After snapping out of
it, the character will make all tests at a 10 penalty for the rest of the encounter.
Running and Screaming: The character breaks down with fear and flees. He must immediately flee directly away
from the source of his fear as fast as he can, which includes ditching equipment slowing him down. He must do
everything in his power to accomplish this, and is at a -20 penalty to all tests. Once away from the danger he must
successfully snap out of it to regain control, or the encounter must end.

Combat Horror Test Results

Roll Effect
Momentary Blackout: The character is so overcome with horror that their mind fails them for a few precious
1-50 seconds in the face of this horror. The character drops to the ground unconscious for 1 round and has a -10 penalty
to all actions afterwards for the rest of the encounter.
Uncontrollable Vomiting: The characters own body reacts with a gut wrenching sound as the characters innards
41-60 empty themselves and they start vomiting uncontrollably. The character bends over and vomits for 1 round and is
considered helpless during this time, afterwards the character is still nauseous and loses 1 Stamina point immediately.
Manic Terror: The Characters mind cracks like a fragile glass sculpture and they begin to laugh maniacally. Turning
upon the closest nearby friend or foe they start attacking them with whatever weapon they have in their hands at
the moment. The character can attempt to snap out of it at the start of their first turn each round or be knocked
unconscious to stop their manic rampage. Afterwards the character loses 1d4 Stamina points immediately.
Hopeless and Despairing: The character falls to the ground and cries out in despair and terror while shutting out all
81-90 other sounds, babbling and mumbling to themselves for comfort for 1d6 rounds and when they regain their senses
they immediately lose 1d4 Stamina.
Blackout: The characters Mind snaps like a twig, unable to truly process the horror of the situation and collapsing
instead. The character goes catatonic for 1d4 hours and cannot be roused by normal means during this time.
Mind Break: The characters will bends as their mind shatters, they drop to the ground while stuttering and mum-
bling incomprehensibly for 1d6 rounds, also the characters mind is irrepressibly damaged and they lose either 1d8
Willpower or Personality (players choice) permanently from the harrowing experience. Afterwards for the rest of the
encounter the character cannot attack or approach the source of horror.
Scared to Death: The character is so immeasurably overcome with terror and horror that their heart stops beating,
100 they must make an Endurance test or die on the spot, should they succeed they instead fall catatonic for 1d4 hours as
with Blackout.

Movement & Size Size
Tamriel is home to creatures of many shapes and sizes. A char-
This section contains more detailed rules for movement, and acters size affects them in a number of critical ways. There are
rules for encumbrance. seven different size categories.

Movement P  uny: This category is reserved for the smallest of creatures
During his turn a character can move before or after taking like kwama foragers, rats, or mice.
his action (or both), though he may not move further than his Tiny: This category includes smaller characters like cats
Speed in meters during a single round unless he takes the Dash or large cave rats.
action. Characters move at half speed through difficult terrain Small: This category includes everything ranging from
(water, climbing, dense forest, etc). quadrupeds like wolves to smaller bipeds like goblins.
Standard: Standard sized characters fall fairly close to the
Jumping average size for man or mer. There are no effects associated
A character may also make an Acrobatics test to jump over or with this category.
up to an obstacle, either horizontally or vertically. This can Large: This category includes characters that are substan-
represent either completely clearing the obstacle, or just jumping tially larger than average, including quadrupeds like horses
high enough to grab it with both hands, depending on what the and larger bipeds like trolls.
GM feels is appropriate. If the character does not spend several H  uge: This category includes very large characters such as
seconds running or otherwise preparing (approximately a round) giants or larger dwemer constructs.
before the jump then they suffer a -10 penalty to the test. Enormous: This category is reserved for extremely large
characters, like dragons.
When jumping vertically, each meter they wish to jump beyond
the first imposes a -20 penalty on the test. When jumping Size To-Hit Effects
horizontally, each meter they wish to jump beyond the first Size Combat Effects
imposes a -10 penalty on the test. Critical Failure results in the Puny -30 to hit by characters of larger size / at range
character tumbling to the ground.
Tiny -20 to hit by characters of larger size / at range
Falling Small -10 to hit at range
Falling even a relatively short distance can be quite dangerous Standard -
if a character is unlucky. Falling inflicts 1d10+[meters fallen Large +10 to hit at range
beyond 2] damage to the body. This damage ignores armor. Huge +20 to hit by characters of smaller size / at range
Massive +30 to hit by characters of smaller size / at range

Chapter 6: Magic
The Charm is intensified by the energy you bring to it, by your own skills, just as all spells are. Your imagination
and your Willpower are the keys. There is no need for a spell to give you a resistance to air, or a resistance to flowers, and
after you cast the Charm, you must forget there is even a need for a spell to give you resistance to fire. Do not confuse
what I am saying: resistance is not about ignoring the fires reality. You will feel the substance of flame, the texture of it,
its hunger, and even the heat of it, but you will know that it will not hurt or injure you.

Sotha Sil, 2920, Last Year of the First Era

V ery few can master it, but all are touched by its presence:
magic is the general term used for the focusing of the raw
energy that flows from Aetherius into Mundus by way of the
There are a number of ways that any given magical effect can be
manifested. The main four methods of using magic (listed below)
are the focus of this chapter, as they are the most common
sun and stars, into various properties and for various purposes. means of manipulating magicka.
This energy is often referred to as magicka. All magical energy
comes from Aetherius and from its magicka Mundus was created. Spellcasting allows characters to draw on their own
Magicka comprises every spirit, it is the energy of all living magicka reserves in order to generate an effect in the
things and can be harnessed in a variety of ways. This chapter physical world. Spell casters cast spells using the skill cor-
contains rules for magic in its most common forms, as well as responding to the school of magic that the spell is associated
other aspects of the arcane that may be relevant in the course with. Casters either learn spells, or create them from ones
of the players adventure. they already know, though this can be risky.
Enchanting involves using the magicka from souls them-
The various magic effects are divided into parent Schools of selves to fuel magic stored within an object. Enchanters
magic. Exactly which schools are recognized, and how theyre can use the Enchanting skill to create a number of different
organized, varies from era to era in Tamriel, but for the sake items with many possible effects.
of simplicity this rulebook will utilize the following schools: Alchemy uses the magicka trapped within different things
as power to fuel potions with magical effects. Alchemists
The school of Alteration revolves around altering the can use the Alchemy skill to create a variety of potions.
physical and magical properties of the world. This can Ritual Magic is a form of spellcasting that, while it often
be used to augment the self and allies, or hinder enemies. requires extensive preparation, can produce potent effects.
The school of Conjuration focuses on calling upon oth- Thus Ritual Magic uses the six standard spellcasting Skills,
erworldly entities. These entities can manifest in a number though the amount of power involved means that rituals
of different forms. can prove quite dangerous if botched.
The school of Destruction centers on harming targets in
a variety of ways. Either through direct damage, or sapping Racial and Birthsign powers can be found in Powers in Chapter
their abilities and defenses. 2. Other advanced forms of magic exist as well: their rules can
The school of Illusion focuses on affecting light and the be found in the Arcane Arts supplement.
minds of sentient targets. Illusion can be used to manipulate
an enemys perception of reality, or augment ones own.
The school of Mysticism is a more obscure school, and
its spells manipulate magicka itself. Mysticism can be used
for many effects, including binding and trapping souls, or
reflecting spells.
The school of Restoration revolves around augmenting
and restoring the abilities and body of a target. It also
contains effects that can be used against the undead.

These are not the only schools of magic in the UESRPG either.
Certain supplements contain more obscure or dangerous rules
for characters wishing to harness unique varieties of magic.

Note - Schools
The makeup of the schools of magic have varied drastically
over the eras. The division portrayed here is the one
utilized in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. If playing a
game in a different era, it is possible to simply regroup
the spells and effects to reflect the historically correct
school-division. Alternatively the group can simply leave
things as they are for convenience.

Spellcasting Spell Schools
Each spell has one or more associated schools of magic. These
Spellcasting is the act of drawing on ones own magicka reserves reflect the type of effect the spell generate, and also determine
in order to generate some sort of effect on the world. Spells can which skill(s) the character must use in order to cast it.
be used to create, change, destroy, or manipulate the world and
the beings within it. Spell Types
In addition to whatever school it is associated with, spells fall
Spell Components into one of two types: Conventional or Unconventional spells.
Casting spells requires a combination of physical components
(typically precise hand motions), verbal components (incan- Conventional Spells are tried and true spells that fall clearly
tations or words of power), and the mental component of within a single school, and produce only a single effect. They are
channeling ones magicka into the desired effect. Characters spells that have been refined over generations by the mages of
can combine all three of these components in order to produce Tamriel: simple incantations and patterns that produce reliable
a magical effect, which is known as casting a spell. effects. In game terms conventional spells are premade spells:
they exist as a set of easy premade options to choose from.
Spell Levels
Each spells Spell Level is used to determine how much Unconventional Spells are spells that produce more than a
magicka it costs for a character to cast (the specific cost will be single effect, can be classified as belonging to more than one
listed with the spell). Higher level spells produce more powerful school, or are simply a unique variation on a standard effect.
effects. Each level of a spell is its own distinct spell, and must These spells are considered the realm of over-eager apprentices
be learned separately. Some spells have fewer than 7 levels. and learned masters: experimental magic that can bring great
risks and great rewards. In game terms unconventional spells
Spell Levels/Names are custom spells: they are how players can tinker with magic.
Spell Level Name
1 Novice Spell Attributes
Many spells have attributes listed in their profiles that modify
2 Apprentice
their rules or clarify how they function in game terms. The
3 Journeyman effects for these attributes are detailed in the Conventional
4 Adept Spells section later in this chapter.
5 Expert
6 Master Effect Durations
7 Grandmaster
Effects that last for one or more rounds last for the remainder of
the round in which they were triggered, and then for a number
Learning a spell takes a number of days equal to the level of of full rounds equal to their listed duration. For example, a
the spell, and typically requires a character to study from a stunned character only removes the condition at the end of the
spell tome or learn from a teacher. round after the one in which he was stunned.

Casting Spells Attack Spells
In structured time, characters use the Cast Magic action to cast Spells with the attack attribute count as attacks. They are
spells. Follow these steps to resolve spellcasts: resolved as appropriate for an attack of that type (either ranged
or melee):
Step 1: Caster Declares Spell and Targets The casting test for the spell is also the attack test, and the
First the caster must choose a spell to cast from among those casters degrees of success are compared to the defenders.
he knows. If the spell has a target (or targets) other than him- Spell casting tests can suffer from circumstantial modifiers
self, he must choose them now provided they satisfy the spell that the GM rules are appropriate.
conditions (range, etc). Spells cannot gain or benefit from special effects.
Spells cannot be parried, only blocked or evaded.
Step 2: Casting Test Critical successes cause spells to deal maximum damage.
The caster makes a skill test with the skill corresponding to the Spells cannot benefit from Stamina points.
school of the spell (the Destruction skill for Destruction spells, Spells with the AoE attribute are resolved as AoE attacks.
and so forth). This test suffers a -10 penalty for each point by
which the spell level exceeds the characters rank in that skill. If Spell Restraint
the character is untrained in that skill, they cannot cast the spell. On a successful spellcast, a mage can use his will to limit exces-
sive use of magicka. This is known as Spell Restraint, or
Spell Components restrained spellcasting. A character can choose to reduce the cost
If the character cannot speak he suffers a -20 penalty to the of a successfully cast spell by his Willpower bonus (minimum 1).
casting test. He suffers an additional -20 penalty to the test if
he does not have two free hands, either because they are holding While typically this is desirable, sometimes not holding back
items or because their movement is restricted in some way. with a spell can have extra benefits. Some spells have the
Overload attribute, which will state certain extra effects the
Step 3: Resolve the Spell character can benefit from if they choose not to restrain the
Pass or fail, the caster reduces his magicka by the listed cost of spell when casting it.
the spell. If this would reduce the characters magicka to below
zero, then the spell is not successfully cast. Magical Backfires
If a character critically fails when casting a spell, or fails normally
If the caster passed the test, resolve the effects of the spell as when casting either an unconventional spell or any spell with
written. If the character is casting a multi-part spell then resolve a spell level above his skill rank in the cooresponding school,
each part of the spell simultaneously (meaning that none of the then he suffers a magical backfire (add the spell level to the
parts benefit from the effects of any of the other parts). result of the roll).

Conventional Spells Alteration
 school of Alteration revolves around altering the physical

Conventional spells are tried and true spells that fall clearly and magical properties of the world. This can be used to aug-
within a single school, and produce only a single effect. They are ment the self and allies, or hinder enemies.
spells that have been refined over generations by the mages of
Tamriel: simple, elegant incantations and patterns that produce Armor
reliable effects. This section contains rules for using conventional Normal physical armor is far too bulky for most mages. This spell
spells, and a full list of them. magically reinforces ones being to be on par with even the most
well forged steel.
Spell Profiles Upkeep

Each conventional spell profile listed here includes the follow-  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
ing: the name of the spell, its school, its spell level(s)/strength,  Cost:  7 12 17 22 27 32 37
corresponding magicka costs, spell attributes, and rules for
[Spell Str.]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
resolving the spell. The spell strength (SS) of a spell is simply a
variable that is used to quantify the strength of the spell in its Caster gains [Spell Strength] AR for 1 minute.
rules entry, and that is based on the spell level.
 Spell Levels/Names All that armor that bandit is wearing looks pretty heavy. And now
Spell Level N
 ame its twice as heavy. Proof that Alteration is the best school of magic.
 1 Novice Upkeep, Direct
 2 Apprentice  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

 3 Journeyman  Cost:  6 9 12 15 18 21 24

 4 Adept [Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40
 5 Expert  arget character within 50m must make a Strength test with
 6 Master a [Spell Strength] modifier or raise his Encumbrance level by
 7 Grandmaster
one for 1 round.

Unless otherwise specified, spell effects do not stack with Feather

themselves. All that loot gets pretty heavy. And now its not. Even further proof
that Alteration is the best school of magic.
Spell Attributes Upkeep

Many spells have attributes listed in their profiles that modify  Level:  3
their rules or clarify how they function in game terms. The rules  Cost:  12
for spell attributes apply to all types of spells, but are included
in this section for convenience:  aster lowers his Encumbrance level by one for 1 round and
Upkeep: The caster can refresh the effect (including any treats his armor as being one weight class lighter.
required tests or rolls, using the original target(s)) and
duration of this spell when it ends by paying the original Jump
cost that he paid for the spell. Leap towards the heavens! Bound for the sky! Remember to pack
O  verload: The caster benefits from an extra effect (as spec- your slowfall amulet!
ified) if not restraining this spell.  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
R/M Attack (range): Spell counts as a ranged/melee attack  Cost:  3 4 5 6 7 8 9
with the listed range.
[Spell Str.]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
AoE (range, form): This spell counts as a ranged, area of
effect attack of the given form/radius. The next time the caster jumps within 1 minute he may jump
D  irect: This spell has a target or targets, but is not an attack [Spell Strength] meters higher or further.
and cannot be defended against by normal means.
Reaction: This spell may be cast as a reaction when specified.
[Variation]: This spell has multiple variations, each cor-
responding to one of the listed items. Each variation is its
own spell that must be learned separately.

Levitate Open
Because sometimes just jumping does not cover it. Try not to abuse Why bother fiddling around with flimsy lockpicks when you can
this and get it banned in every civilized province again. pop just about any lock with this spell?
Upkeep  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Cost:  3 6 9 12 15 18 21
 Cost:  8 14 20 26 32 38 44 [Spell Str.] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
[Spell Str.] 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
The caster chooses a locked door or container within 1 meter.
The caster gains the Flyer ([Spell Strength]) trait for 1 minute. If the extended test threshold to unlock it is [Spell Strength] or
lower, then it instantly unlocks itself.
A useful but often overlooked spell, allowing one to magically seal Repair
a door or container with a simple incantation. How many backwater village blacksmiths would you trust to repair
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 your masterwork ebony scimitar? I thought so. Use this instead.
 Cost:  3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Upkeep
[Spell Str.] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  3 6 9 12 15 18 21
The caster chooses a door or container within 1 meter, which
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
immediately locks itself. Defeating this lock requires an extended
Subterfuge test with a success threshold of [Spell Strength]. Removes [Spell Strength] levels of the Damaged (X) quality
from a piece of armor, shield, or weapon within 1m of the caster.
Magic Armor
A generic protection spell against all forms of magical damage. Shield
Upkeep Eventually, you may slip up. This spell makes sure that your mistakes
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 only cost you your dignity, instead of your life.
 Cost:  8 14 20 26 32 38 44 Upkeep
[Spell Str.]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  5 8 11 14 17 20 23
Caster gains [Spell Strength] magic AR for 1 minute.
[Spell Str.]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Magic Shield Caster gains [Spell Strength] temporary bonus HP against
I am sure you are starting to realize just how powerful magic can physical damage for 1 round. Any damage the caster takes
be. This spell is for when your enemy does too. reduces this HP first.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 This bonus HP can exceed his HP max, and if any remains at
 Cost:  5 8 11 14 17 20 23 the end of 1 round then the spell is free to upkeep (the bonus
HP refreshes entirely). If all of the bonus HP is lost by the end
[Spell Str.]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
of the round then the spell cannot be refreshed via upkeep and
Caster gains [Spell Strength] temporary bonus HP against magic must be cast again.
damage for 1 round. Any damage the caster takes of that type
reduces this HP first. Slowfall
Maybe you did not watch your step. Maybe you got carried away
This bonus HP can exceed his HP max, and if any remains at with your levitation spells. Keep this handy so you have time to
the end of 1 round then the spell is free to upkeep (the bonus rectify your mistake before you splatter all over the ground.
HP refreshes entirely). If all of the bonus HP is lost by the end Upkeep, Reaction
of the round then the spell cannot be refreshed via upkeep and  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
must be cast again.  Cost:  3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[Spell Str.]  2 4 6 8 10 12 14
The next time the caster falls within 1 minute he may ignore up
to the first [Spell Strength] meters when calculating his distance
for fall damage. May be cast as a reaction if the character falls.

[Type] Armor
If you know ahead of time what sort of energies your enemies will
use against you, this spell proves to be invaluable protection.
Upkeep, [Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison]
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  6 10 14 18 22 26 30
[Spell Str.]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Caster gains [Spell Strength] [type] AR for 1 minute.

[Type] Shield
Use this in conjunction with the appropriate armor spell and laugh
in the face of that cocky Pyromancer as his spells dont so much as
burn a hair off your head.
Upkeep, [Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison]
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  4 6 8 10 12 14 16
[Spell Str.]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Caster gains [Spell Strength] temporary bonus HP against [type]
damage for 1 round. Any damage of that type that the caster
takes reduces this HP first.

This bonus HP can exceed his HP max, and if any remains at

the end of 1 round then the spell is free to upkeep (the bonus
HP refreshes entirely). If all of the bonus HP is lost by the end
of the round then the spell cannot be refreshed via upkeep and
must be cast again.

Water Breathing
Ah, the spell made infamous by Breathing Water. Please test
your mastery of this spell in a wash basin at your local mages
guild before you go pearl diving in the ocean.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Another reliable method to reduce all the hard work an enemy puts
The character can breathe water as if it were air for [Spell into killing you to nothing.
Strength] minutes. Reaction, Ward is also a Restoration spell
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Water Walking  Cost:  4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Its so calming to walk along the surface of Lake Rumare early in
[Spell Str.] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the morning on my way back to the university.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  ay be cast as a reaction to an attack in place of the characters
 Cost:  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 normal defense. Caster generates a magical ward that reduces
the amount of damage the attack deals by [Spell Strength].
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The character can walk on water as if it were land for [Spell
Strength] minutes.

Conjuration is currently a work in progress, and will not be
in this version of the book until weve released the Inhabitants
of Tamriel supplement, as it includes the rules for the various
creatures conjurers can summon!

Destruction Drain Magicka
 e school of Destruction centers on harming targets in a variety
Th A waste of good magicka. Drains the target of their precious energies,
of ways. Either through direct damage, or sapping their abilities rendering them nothing more than a man in a dress.
and defenses. Upkeep, Direct
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Chain Lightning  Cost:  5 7 9 11 13 15 17
The satisfaction of popping your enemies heads off with a well-placed
[Spell Str.] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
chain lightning is a feeling that is quite difficult to capture.
Direct, Overload (+WpB to Dmg)  arget character within 50m must make a Willpower test or
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 lose [Spell Strength] MP.
 Cost:  8 9 10 11 12 13 14
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
If for some reason you do not want to kill your target, you might
Fires a bolt of lightning at target character within 50m. Deals opt to reduce their combat effectiveness in the hopes of getting them
[Spell Strength] shock damage. The bolt then jumps to another to surrender.
target within 10m and deals damage (use the first roll). Repeat Upkeep, Direct
this for a third and final target.  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  5 7 9 11 13 15 17
Disintegrate Armor
[Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40
Nevermind the danger! The embarrassment alone of suddenly
finding oneself denuded in the middle of battle can cause even the  arget character within 50m must make an Endurance test with
most stalwart opponent to reconsider and flee. a [Spell Strength] modifier or lose 1 SP.
R Attack (100m)
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 Poisonbloom
 Cost:  6 10 14 18 22 26 30 A vile spell by most standards. Magicka derived poisons are an
excruciating way to go.
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
R Attack, AoE (2m, sphere), Overload (+WpB to Dmg)
 ires a bolt of energy at target character within 100m. Instead
F  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
of dealing damage, this attack applies the Damaged ([Spell  Cost:  8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Strength]) quality to the piece of armor on the location it hits
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
(or shield, if it is blocked by a shield).
Target point within 100m explodes with poison gas. Deals
Disintegrate Weapon [Spell Strength] poison damage to all targets caught within 2m.
Thats a nice weapon you have there. It would be a shame if some-
thing happened to it. Sunbeam
R Attack (100m) When you are dealing with a den full of vampires, accept no
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 substitutes.
 Cost:  6 10 14 18 22 26 30 R Attack, AoE (30m, beam), Overload (+WpB to Dmg)

[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  9 11 13 15 17 19 21
 ires a bolt of energy at target character within 100m. Instead
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
of dealing damage, this attack applies the Damaged ([Spell
Strength]) quality to weapons the character is wielding. Deals [Spell Strength] fire damage to all targets within a 1m wide
line 30m in a chosen direction. Damage dealt counts as sunlight.

[Type] Bolt
Whether it is the wrath of a Firebolt, or the chill of a Frostbolt.
When your average citizen thinks of the Destruction school, these
are the spells they imagine.
R Attack (100m), [Fire, Frost, Shock], Overload (+WpB
to Dmg)
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
Fires a bolt of elemental energy at target character within 100m.
Deals [Spell Strength] [type] damage.

[Type] Cloak
Like the spines of a Durzog, Cloak spells warn everyone that if they
get too close they will regret it.
Upkeep, [Fire, Frost, Shock], Overload (+WpB to Dmg)
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
S wirling elemental energy surrounds the caster for 1 round,
dealing [Spell Strength] [type] damage to all targets within 1
meter at the end of each round.

[Type] Cone
Point in a direction you do not particularly care for. Cast spell.
Cackle madly as all burns, freezes or disintegrates before you.
[Type] Ball AoE (5m, cone), [Fire, Frost, Shock], Overload (+WpB to
Crowd clearing at its finest. Just try not to hit your friends. Dmg)
R Attack, AoE (2m, sphere), [Fire, Frost, Shock],  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Overload (+WpB to Dmg)  Cost:  8 9 10 11 12 13 14
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 [Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
 Cost:  7 8 9 10 11 12 13
 stream of elemental energy hits all targets within a 5m cone
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
originating from the caster, dealing [Spell Strength] [type]
 arget point within 100m explodes with elemental energy.
T damage to all targets caught within it.
Deals [Spell Strength] [type] damage to all targets caught
within 2m.
Ha! I caught that snooty Breton girls hair on fire today, and
[Type] Bite managed a little lightning bolt. Even hit the target! I cant
A staple in the spellswords arsenal. Simple and efficient. believe it; those books were just what I needed. They seemed
M Attack (1m), [Fire, Frost, Shock], Overload (+WpB to really hard, but it was all about clearing out my head and
Dmg) not letting nerves stop me. And Guzgikh? Turns out he
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 started the same wayhe didnt cast a spell for years, but
 Cost:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 before long could destroy a whole village! This is great!

[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10

Oshguras Destruction Journal
 ires a burst of elemental energy at target character within 1m.
Deals [Spell Strength] [type] damage.

[Type] Rune
If you are feeling tactical, a magical rune cunningly placed can be
a far more effective use of your time and magicka if planned well.
[Fire, Frost, Shock], Overload (+WpB to Dmg)
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  8 9 10 11 12 13 14
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
 reates a magical rune on target surface within 1 meter. After a
1 round delay the rune becomes barely visible (-20 to any vision
based tests to spot it). The caster chooses one or more conditions
upon which the rune detonates. The rune persists indefinitely.

Proximity: The rune detonates whenever a character comes

within a certain distance (chosen by the caster).
 ime: The rune detonates after a set amount of time.
M  anual: The caster can detonate the rune manually from
any distance by using the Cast Magic action.

 hen the rune detonates it does so in a burst of elemental

energy, dealing [Spell Strength] [type] damage to all targets
within 3 meters. This counts as an area of effect attack and can
be evaded, but only if a character is aware of the rune.

[Type] Storm
For when collateral damage is a non-issue.
R Attack, AoE (7m, sphere), Upkeep, [Fire, Frost, Shock]
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Weakness to Magic
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
For when you want to cause the utmost suffering.
 arget point within 100m explodes with elemental energy.
T Upkeep, Direct
Deals [Spell Strength] [type] damage to all targets caught  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
within 7m. Leaves behind a persistent zone in this area for  Cost:  6 9 12 15 18 21 24
1 round that deals the same damage to any characters who
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
pass through it (or end their turn in it if they started there).
Upkeeping the spell does not let you move the storm, it  arget character within 50m gains the Weakness (magic,
merely refreshes the effect and duration. [Spell Strength]) trait for 1 round.

Weakness to [Type]
Sure a Fireball hurts, but what if you want it to hurt even more?
Upkeep, [Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison], Direct
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 arget character within 50m gains the Weakness ([type],
[Spell Strength]) trait for 1 round.

Illusion Charm
The school of Illusion focuses on affecting light and the minds of Despite its use in almost any social situation being considered a
sentient targets. Illusion can be used to manipulate an enemys faux pas at best, and illegal at worst, it remains one of the most
perception of reality, or augment ones own. commonly used and taught spells of the Illusion school.
Blind  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
You cant hit what you cant see.  Cost:  5 7 9 11 13 15 17
Upkeep, Direct
[Spell Str.] +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  6 9 12 15 18 21 24  arget character within 50m becomes receptive to others, and
the next character to attempt a Persuade or Deceive test on
[Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40
them within 1 minute receives a [Spell Strength] bonus.
 arget character within 50m must make a Willpower test
with a [Spell Strength] modifier or be Blinded for 1 round. Courage
Some naysayers claim this is actually nothing more than low level
Calm induced insanity on the casters part. And no, a shot of brandy does
Suppresses most higher level emotional responses. Negotiations not double as a potion of courage in a pinch.
between certain hostile parties will sometimes require this spell be Upkeep, AoE (7m, pulse)
cast on every participant to ensure reasonable discourse.  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Direct  Cost:  7 9 11 13 15 17 19
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 [Spell Str.] +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 +35
 Cost:  6 9 12 15 18 21 24
All willing characters within 7m of the caster receive a [Spell
[Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40
Strength] bonus to any Fear tests within 1 minute. Characters
 arget character within 50m must make a Willpower test
T under the effects of fear can make a Willpower test with the
with a [Spell Strength] modifier or be calmed for 1 minute. A same bonus to snap out of the effects.
calmed character loses the will to fight. While calmed, they
cannot willingly attack any character unless that character Frenzy
attacks them first, at which point they snap out of the effect. If for whatever reason the situation calls for all the tact of a drunken
Nord, this spell will always deliver.
Chameleon Direct
Easier than full blown invisibility and not nearly as fragile of an  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
enchantment. Allows full use of ones abilities while still retaining  Cost:  7 11 15 19 23 27 31
an element of stealth.
[Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
Target character within 50m must make a Willpower test with
 Cost:  5 8 11 14 17 20 23 a [Spell Strength] modifier or gain the Frenzied condition.
[Spell Str.] -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35
 aster gains the Chameleon ([Spell Strength]) condition for
C An enemy that is too scared to fight is not an enemy you have to
1 minute. worry about.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  10 14 18 22 26 30 34
[Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40
 arget character within 50m must make a Horror ([Spell
Strength]) test.

Invisibility Panic
The iconic spell of the Illusion school is remarkably fragile as almost A slightly less drastic version of the horror spell. Only induces mild
any vigorous activity will break the spell and leave you exposed. to severe panic as opposed to outright life threatening fear.
Upkeep Direct
 Level:  4  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  14  Cost:  5 7 9 11 13 15 17
[Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40

Caster gains the Invisible condition for 1 round. They lose this
condition if they attack or cast another spell during this time.  arget character within 50m must make a Panic ([Spell
Strength]) test.
One of the simplest cantrips an Illusion apprentice will master. Paralyze
A fuel free light source on command is an under-appreciated A real fight ender if you can get it to land. This spell is taxing to
convenience. cast, but well worth it.
Upkeep Upkeep, Direct
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  3 4 5 6 7 8 9  Cost:  11 19 27 35 43 51 59
[Spell Str.] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 [Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40
Creates a light orbiting the caster that illuminates an area within  arget character within 50m must make a Willpower test
[Spell Strength] meters for 1 minute. with a [Spell Strength] modifier or be Paralyzed for 1 round.

Muffle Sanctuary
Commonly found as an enchantment on the gear of less than repu- Unlike the brutish methods of Alteration, this spell takes the path
table individuals. Makes one harder to hear in almost all regards. of least resistance and subtly alters the actions of those around you
Upkeep to simply decrease your chance of getting hit in the first place.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 Upkeep
 Cost:  5 8 11 14 17 20 23  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
[Spell Str.] -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35  Cost:  9 16 23 30 37 44 51
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 aster gains the Muffled ([Spell Strength]) condition for 1
minute. Caster gains [Spell Strength] additional degrees of success on
successful defense tests for 1 round. They can also move 1 meter
Night Eye further than normal to avoid AoE attacks on a successful evade
Why waste the magicka on casting an expensive and fragile invis- test.
ibility spell when a mundane patch of darkness and the use of this
spell allow for much of the same benefits? Silence
Upkeep As amusing as this is to cast on long-winded individuals, Its ability
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 to cause even an experienced mage to trip up casting at least one
 Cost:  5 8 11 14 17 20 23 spell is not to be underestimated.
Upkeep, Direct
[Spell Str.] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Caster gains the ability to see in the dark up to [Spell Strength]  Cost:  6 9 12 15 18 21 24
meters away for 1 minute.
[Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40
 arget character within 50m must make a Willpower test
with a [Spell Strength] modifier or be Silenced for 1 round.

Mysticism Dispel
The school of Mysticism is a more obscure school, and its spells Undoes both harmful and beneficial magical effects from all
manipulate magicka itself. Mysticism can be used for many schools of magic.
effects, including binding and trapping souls, or reflecting spells.  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  6 10 14 18 22 26 30
Absorb Life
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A notoriously hard spell to pin to just one school. The schools of
Restoration, Necromancy and Mysticism have all laid claim to it Removes all magical effects of [Spell Strength] level (either
at one point or another. Save this for when youre feeling vampiric. potion, spell, or enchantment) or lower from the caster.
M Attack (1m), Overload (+WpB to Dmg) Constant enchantments reactivate after 1d4 rounds.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Ethereal Form
Before you get any ideas, the ladies dorm here on campus has been
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
warded against such spells. So unless you want to explain to the
Saps the life of target character within 1m. Deals [Spell Strength] Archmage why you are stuck in a wall, please use this responsibly.
poison damage. The caster regenerates HP equal to half (round Upkeep
up) of the damage dealt (after any reduction).  Level:  4
 Cost:  12
Absorb Magicka
Ultimately a net loss for all involved when cast normally. However, Caster gains the Incorporeal trait for 1 round.
when enchanted into a weapon, this spell is essential for those born
under the sign of the Atronach. Mark
Direct, Overload (+WpB to MP lost) You know the saying: Home is where your mark is!
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Level:  2
 Cost:  3 6 9 12 15 18 21  Cost:  7
[Spell Str.] 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 2d10
Places an invisible, magic mark at the casters current location.
 arget character within 50m must make a Willpower test
T Use common sense when deciding how many different marks
or lose [Spell Strength] magicka. The caster regenerates MP a character can keep track of at once.
equal to the magicka lost.
Detect [Type] Good for a quick escape, or to simply make life easier.
The intent and use behind an object actually changes its magical  Level:  3
signature. This allows one to detect and distinguish between objects,  Cost:  17
such as a key from a dagger.
Upkeep, [Life, Undead, Magic, (other)] Instantly transports the caster to the location of one of their
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 magic marks placed with the Mark spell. Cannot be used to
 Cost:  7 12 17 22 27 32 37 travel between planes.
[Spell Str.] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Caster gains the ability to see objects/effects of the chosen [type] A difficult spell to cast, but worth it to give your enemies a taste of
within [Spell Strength] meters as a faint, shimmering outline their own magicka.
even in the dark and through objects, even if blind, for 1 minute. Upkeep
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  5 8 11 14 17 20 23
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Any time the caster would be hit by a spell (after any defense,
but before resolving effects), roll a d10. If the result is a roll of
[Spell Strength] or lower, instead resolve the spell against its
original caster. Lasts for 1 round.

Soul Trap Restoration
A rather morbid spell, even if used ethically on white souls. Traps The school of Restoration revolves around augmenting and
a beings soul energy on death into a naturally-occurring soul gem. restoring the abilities and body of a target. It also contains effects
Upkeep, Direct that can be used specifically against the Undead.
 Level:  1
 Cost:  12 Cure Paralysis
Paradoxically, early versions of this spell were self cast only. Which
 arget character within 50m has their soul magically tethered
T raises the question of how one casts it when its most needed.
to an appropriate empty soul gem (only black soul gems can Direct
hold the souls of men, mer, and the beast races) of the casters  Level:  2
choice within 1m of their person. If the target dies within 1  Cost:  8
minute, then their soul is trapped within the gem and it gains
soul energy equal to the size of their soul. Removes the Paralyzed condition from target character within
1 meter.
Spell Absorption
Why waste perfectly good magicka when your enemy is so intent Fortify
on throwing it at you? Magical enhancement is almost as old as the study of magic itself.
Upkeep We have since condensed its use to the major attributes.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 Upkeep, [Strength, Endurance, Agility, Intelligence,
 Cost:  5 8 11 14 17 20 23 Willpower, Perception, Personality]
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  10 18 26 34 42 50 58
The caster gains the Spell Absorption ([Spell Strength]) trait
[Spell Str.] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
for 1 round.
Caster increases their [characteristic] score by [Spell Strength]
Telekinesis for 1 round. This affects all attributes derived from that score.
Many a supposed poltergeist hauntings are actually nothing more
than a bored apprentice practicing his telekinesis spell on the Heal Ally
unwitting locals. For when you want to help someone, but theyre all the way over
Upkeep there!
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 Direct
 Cost:  5 8 11 14 17 20 23  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  Cost:  5 7 9 11 13 15 17
[Spell Str.] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
The caster gains the Telekinesis ([Spell Strength]) trait for 1
minute. Target character within 50 meters regains [Spell Strength] HP.

Telepathy Healing Touch

It is theorized that the Dwemer possessed a low level telepathic As a rule, reduced range makes for a more efficient spell. Restoration
connection, allowing them to communicate across great distances. is no different.
The rest of us have to do it the hard way. Direct
Upkeep  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Cost:  2 4 6 8 10 12 14
 Cost:  5 8 11 14 17 20 23 [Spell Str.] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Target character within 1 meter regains [Spell Strength] HP.
The caster gains the Telepathy ([Spell Strength]) trait for 1

The iconic spell of the Restoration school.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  4 6 8 10 12 14 16
[Spell Str.] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Caster regains [Spell Strength] HP.

Cures the weary aches and pains of a fatigued body.
 Level:  3
 Cost:  20

Target character within 1 meter regains 1 SP or removes 1 level

of fatigue if they have any.

No, its not efficient, but sometimes they need it more than you.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 Cost:  3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Stabilize
A spell I hope you never have to use, but will be thankful for.
[Spell Str.] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Target character within 1 meter regains [Spell Strength] MP.  Level:  1
 Cost:  1
Resistance to [Type]
You would not believe the number of young summoners coming in Stabilizes target dying character within 1m.
here asking for fire protection.
Upkeep, [Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison] Turn Undead
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 Despite what many disappointed would-be liches initially think,
 Cost:  4 6 8 10 12 14 16 this spell is for repelling the undead.
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 aster gains the Resistance ([type], [Spell Strength]) trait for
C  Cost:  6 9 12 15 18 21 24
1 round.
[Spell Str.] +20 +10 +0 -10 -20 -30 -40
Resistance to Magic  arget character with the Undead trait within 50m must make
Generic as opposed to specialized resistance will cost you more a Willpower test with a [Spell Strength] modifier to not imme-
magicka, but sometimes its better to be prepared for anything. diately flee the caster for 1 round.
 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 Ward
 Cost:  6 10 14 18 22 26 30 Another reliable method to reduce all the hard work an enemy puts
into killing you to nothing.
[Spell Str.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reaction, Ward is also an Alteration spell
Caster gains the Resistance (magic, [Spell Strength]) trait for  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
1 round.  Cost:  4 6 8 10 12 14 16
[Spell Str.] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
 ay be cast as a reaction to an attack in place of the char-
acters normal defense. Caster generates a magical ward that
reduces the amount of damage the attack deals by [Spell

Unconventional Spells Spell Attributes
Spell attributes are tags that modify the rules of a spell, or
Unlike the tried and true conventional spells, unconventional clarify how they function in game terms. Effects and forms each
spells are the realm of unique, experimental, and potentially have spell attributes associated with them that are combined
dangerous magic. when the complete spell profile is created.

Unconventional Spells are spells that produce more than a Reference Materials
single effect, can be classified as belonging to more than one A complete list of effects, forms, and spell attributes can be
school, or are simply a unique variation on a standard effect. found in the Appendix along with examples of the process.
These spells are considered the realm of over-eager apprentices
and learned masters: experimental magic that can bring both To create an unconventional spell, follow these steps:
great risks and great rewards.
Step 1: Create Spell Parts
In game terms unconventional spells are custom spells. There First pick the combination(s) of effects and forms that will make
is no list of them, it is the catch all term for the unique up the various part(s) of the spell.
spells that can be created from the various magical effects
and forms that exist within the system. This section contains Step 2: Determine Spell Parameters
rules for creating and using your own unconventional spells. Next, decide on the parameters of each effect/form. Each effect
and form have associated parameters (spell level and magnitude)
Creating a Spell that determine the strength of the effect, and the size of the
Creating an unconventional spell is a matter of putting pieces form, respectively.
together to make a functioning spell that can be used like any
of the premade conventional spells. Step 3: Determine Spell Cost
Once the spell parameters are decided, simply plug in your
The Basics chosen values into the effect cost and form cost formulas pro-
The two pieces that players can combine to create spells are vided for your chosen effect(s) and form(s). The total cost of
called effects and forms. all these values added together for each spell part is the total
magicka cost of the spell.
An Effect is the actual content of a spell: the fire effect causes
fire damage while the heal effect heals it. A Form is the shape Step 4: Determine Spell Level & School
of the spell. Some spells are cast across wide areas (like a fireball, The spell level of an unconventional spell is equal to the highest
which uses the ball form) while others are cast only on the spell level used in one of that spells parts. If the parent spell has
caster themself (the self form). multiple parts, increase this level by one for each part beyond
the first. The school of a spell is the school of its highest level
Creating a spell is a matter of combining effects and forms spell part.
that are allowed to fit together, setting the parameters of each,
and then writing down the combined result so that you can Step 5: Create Spell
reference it during gameplay. To create a spell a character must pass an extended skill test using
that spells school. The success threshold for the creation test is
Multi Part Spells three times the spells level, and each test the character makes
Unconventional spells can also be multi-part spells, which simply represents a day of experimentation and study. For each test
means that they contain multiple spells in a single spell. For the character makes they must also consume experimental
example a character might create a spell that when cast allows materials worth approximately 25 drakes. This represents the
him to both jump further and walk on water, which are two unpredictable nature of magical experimentation, and the fact
separate effects. These distinct parts are referred to as Spell that creating a spell requires both time and resources.
Parts, while the spell containing them is referred to as the
Parent Spell. Step 6: Finalize Spell
Write down the details of the new spell somewhere you can
Learning Effects & Forms reference it, including its cost, level, attributes, and various
A character can use any form when creating an unconventional parts. Add this spell to your characters list of known spells, and
spell, but may only utilize effects from schools of magic in which be sure to give it an appropriate name!
they are trained (meaning the skill is novice rank or higher).

Magical Mishaps Conjuration Backfire Effects
Result Effect
Magic has the potential to be dangerous not only to its target, Otherworldly Voice All characters within a few
but to its user as well. When a magical process Backfires on the 1-2 dozen meters of the caster hear strange voices
one directing the process, refer to the next section to determine whispering.
what happens. Alchemical backfires work differently and are Magicka Leak The caster loses 2d8 magicka.
handled later. The GM is free to invent their own backfire effects. 3
Who knows where it went?
Whats That? An item of alien origin falls through
Spell Backfire Tables a hole in reality nearby. The item can be any item
Backfire effects are divided by the school of magic of the effect of the GMs choosing, but it appears to be made
that backfired. By default you should roll a d4 on the appro- 4
of strange, otherworldly material. Whatever it is,
priate table to determine the effect. You will typically be called it doesnt agree with Mundus, and only survives
to add the spell level of the backfiring spell to this result. The 1d4 rounds before vanishing.
exact amount will be specified in the relevant section. Unbound If the spell would have summoned or
bound an entity of some kind, it works but they
Alteration Backfire Effects enter the world without the Summoned or Bound
Result Effect 5-7 trait or quality (as appropriate), meaning they are
free to do as they wish.
Breeze A light wind whips up within a few dozen
meters of the caster.
If this does not apply, use the result below.
Magicka Leak The caster loses 2d8 magicka.
3 Backlash The entity the caster is attempting to
Who knows where it went?
- contact mentally lashes out against them. They
Swap The caster and another random character lose 3d10 magicka.
within 30 meters switch places instantly.
Mental Visitor A strange entity slips into the
Crushing Weight All characters within 30 meters mind of the caster unbidden. It remains there for
5 (including the caster) feel weighed down. They 8
1d6 rounds, impeding their actions. They are at a
suffer a -10 penalty to all tests for 1d4 rounds. -10 to all tests while it is present.
Lurch The world seems to stretch for a few Suddenly Scamps! There is a flash of light and
seconds before hurling people and objects to 2d6 Scamps appear from a rift in reality. They
6 new locations. Each character within 10 meters 9
instantly scatter, intent on causing as much
(including the caster) is thrown 2d10 meters in a mischief as possible.
random horizontal direction.
Rift A strange rift opens in reality at a random
Slip and Slide The area within 20 meters of the point within 10 meters of the caster. Gravity
caster becomes an extreme low friction zone for shifts, slowly pulling all characters within 2d8
1d4 rounds. Characters in the zone must make an meters towards the rift as if they were falling.
Agility test each round to not fall prone. 10
Hanging onto a nearby object or the ground
Chronological Disturbance For the next 1d4 requires a successful Strength test. The rift persists
minutes, all spells cast by the caster take effect for 1d4 rounds. Those who pass through are sent...
8 1d4 rounds after they are cast. A Perception test somewhere else...
is required to notice the sudden appearance of a Schloop! The character must make a Willpower
spell or else characters cannot react to them. 11+ test or be sucked into another realm with a
Uncontrollable Levitation The caster suddenly sudden squelching sound, never to be seen again.
hovers towards the sky. He levitates 1d12 meters
9 above the ground and floats there for 1d4 rounds
before falling. He is at a -20 penalty to all actions
as he spins uncontrollably.
Gravity Unbound All characters, the caster
10 included, within 10 meters of the caster fall
upwards 3d8 meters before falling down again.
Force The caster must test Willpower or be killed
instantly as incredible forces tear him apart.

Destruction Backfire Effects Illusion Backfire Effects
Result Effect Result Effect
Mysterious Pain All characters within a few Ewww! The magic does nothing except leave
1-2 1-2
dozen meters feel a strange prickling pain. behind a terrible smell in the area.
Magicka Leak The caster loses 2d8 magicka. That Totally Worked The caster believes that he
Who knows where it went? 3 was successful in casting the spell, but in reality he
4 Drained The caster loses 1 Stamina point. was not.
Energy Burst A wave of energy issues from the Thick Tongue The caster cannot speak for 1d4
caster, knocking everyone (not including the 4 rounds as their tongue feels thick and heavy in
5 their mouth.
caster) within 20 meters prone unless they pass a
Strength test. Darkness All lights within 100 meters go out for
Hoarfrost In a sudden surge of cold, all non-liv- the next 1d4 rounds.
ing matter within 30 meters is covered in ice. Bang! There is a flash of light, and the caster and
Characters moving within the frozen area must 6 all characters within 20 meters suffer from the
make an Agility test or fall prone. Blinded and Deafened conditions for 1d4 rounds.
7 Weary The caster loses 1d4 Stamina points. Scherioussshly Iam Soobear The caster loses 2
Lightning Rod Lightning strikes from above, 7 SP. They feel extremely intoxicated for the next
hitting a random target within 10 meters of the 1d12 minutes.
caster (they are a viable target too) and dealing My Own Worst Enemy Any character who
2d8 shock damage to the body location. 8 makes eye contact with the caster will appear to
Redirected If the magic that backfired is a spell them as an enemy.
9 with a target, it is redirected and resolved against Seeing Double A double of the caster appears in
the caster. Otherwise, use the result above. 9 front of them, and seeks to destroy them for 1d6
Power Overwhelming Caster must make a rounds before vanishing.
10 Willpower test or die instantly as he burns up Mental Prison The character is trapped within
from force of the power he has summoned. 10 his own mind for 1d4 days. During this time he is
Boom! The caster must test Willpower or explode, unconscious and helpless.
11+ killing him instantly and dealing 4d10 fire Just Gone Caster must make a Willpower test or
damage to all characters within 2d8 meters. 11+ his mind becomes a blank slate. This character
must be retired from play.

That was only part of it. Magic as we know it today comes

from Vanus Galerion. He restructured the schools to be
understandable by the masses. He invented the tools of
alchemy and enchanting so everyone could concoct whatever
they wanted, whatever their skills and purse would allow
them to, without fears of magical backfire. Well, eventually
he created that.


Mysticism Backfire Effects Restoration Backfire Effects
Result Effect Result Effect
Sight All characters within a few dozen meters see Flinch All characters within a few dozen meters
1-2 1-2
glimpses of random events. twitch slightly.
Magicka Siphon The caster loses 1d8 magicka Magicka Leak The caster loses 2d8 magicka.
3 and a random character within 30 meters gains Who knows where it went?
the amount lost. Blight Plants around the caster wither and die
Forgetful The next time the caster attempts within 50 meters.
to cast a spell within 1 minute, he finds he has 5 Out of Breath The caster gains loses 1d4 SP.
forgotten how to use it and cannot remember it
Localized Aging One of the casters limbs, chosen
until the duration is up. 6
at random, becomes crippled for 1d8 rounds.
Twister The character perceives time in a non-lin-
Newfound Strength For the next minute the
5 ear fashion for 1d4 rounds, and must make a
character gains 50 Strength, but if he takes any
Perception test to successfully take any actions.
7 actions except to stand still he must make an
Endless Sight The caster can see multiple planes Agility test at a -40 penalty or fall prone instead,
of reality, and cannot process the information as he is unable to control his body.
at once. He gains the blinded condition for 1d4
Not Right... The casters characteristics are
switched around as their body morphs and
Warp The caster vanishes and reappears at a warps. Roll 1d10 for each characteristic, on a six
random location within 300 meters. or higher the characteristic score switches place
Involuntary Chat The caster is telepathically with the next one on which the result of six or
linked with a random character within 100 higher is rolled until none are left to roll. This
meters. They can each hear the others thoughts happens every hour for 1d4 hours, after which the
for the next 1d4 minutes. Each must make a character returns to normal.
Willpower test each round to act during this time, Contortions The casters muscles begin to spasm
as it is difficult to focus. 9 uncontrollably, he is rendered entirely helpless for
Spell Reversal For the next 1d6 rounds, spells 1d4 rounds.
that the caster casts have the opposite of their Overgrowth One of the casters limbs, chosen at
usual effect. Exactly what this entails is left to the random, begins to grow uncontrollably. The first
GMs imagination. round it becomes crippled for 1d4 minutes, and
Anti-Magic Zone Creates a zone of anti-magicka the character must make an Endurance test with
within 25 meters of the caster. All characters a -20 penalty. If he fails, the limb is lost the next
within lose all their current magicka, all constant round as it explodes in a burst of gore and he
10 enchantments stop working until they leave the takes 3d8 damage that ignores all armor and miti-
zone, all other enchantments lose all charge, and gation. After the duration it returns to normal.
all potions lose their effects permanently. The Adrenaline The casters vital systems kick into
zone lasts for 1d4 minutes. 11+ overdrive, and he must make an Endurance test or
Soul Fire The caster must make a Willpower test die within seconds.
11+ or his soul is destroyed, rent apart by magical
forces. This kills him instantly.

Alchemical Backfires Potion Backfire Effects
Backfire effects for potions are divided into two types: creation Some results on the above table indicate that the potion itself has
backfires and potion backfires. By default you should roll a backfired: this means that the potion has gained some additional
d4 on the appropriate table to determine the effect. You will (typically negative) effect beyond what the alchemist intended.
typically be called to add the level of the backfiring effect to this Mark the potion as backfired on the characters sheet and roll
result. The exact amount will be specified in the relevant section. 1d10 on the potion backfire table below when it is consumed:

Creation Backfire Effects Potion Backfire Effects

Result Effect Result Effect
Nothing! The potion seems to be fizzling with no Could be Worse! Roll 2d8 on the minor effects table
1-2 sign of stopping, but is otherwise fine and can be below and apply the result along with the normal ones.
used normally. 4 Nothing! Nothing happens.
Nothing! The potion is created, and apart from Yuck! The potion applies its effects as usual, but it
3 being thick, brown, and smell, it appears fine. The tastes terrible! The character must pass a Willpower
potion counts as backfired. 5
test with a -20 penalty or vomit uncontrollably,
Poof! The potion suddenly erupts into a semi- rendering them helpless for 1 round.
4 solid pillar of foam, making a huge mess. The Poison! When a character consumes the potion they
potion is lost. 6 take 2d10 poison damage to the body (ignores armor)
Whoops! The potion has congealed into a solid, in addition to the usual effects.
rubbery mass and has potentially ruined the I cant See! When a character consumes the potion,
5 tools used to make it. The potion is lost, and the 7 they gain the blinded condition for 1d5 hours in
character must make a Luck test or the toolset addition to the usual effects as their vision goes dark.
used to make it is completely destroyed.
It Burns! When a character consumes the potion they
Yuck! The potion smells awful, and seems to be 8 burst into flames, gaining the burning (1) condition
slightly chunky. The potion counts as backfired. on the body in addition to the usual effects.
*Fizz* The potions begins boiling uncontrollably, Paralysis! When a character consumes the potion,
filling the air with terrible smelling fumes. The 9
7 they are also instantly paralyzed for 1d5 rounds.
potion is lost and everyone in the area must pass a
Lethal Poison! When a character consumes the potion,
Willpower test or begin vomiting.
10+ they take 3d8 poison damage to the body (ignoring
Poison! The potion begins giving off toxic fumes, armor) in addition to the usual effects.
and is now obviously poison. Everyone who
breathes the fumes takes 1d8 poison damage to Minor Effects
the body (ignores armor). Anyone who drinks Result Effect
the potion takes 3d8 poison damage to the body 2 Characters eyes turn blue for 1d5 hours.
(ignores armor).
3 Characters breath is minty fresh for 1d5 hours.
It Burns! The potion has turned to a boiling acid,
and burned through its container onto whatever 4 Character gains a strange scar at random.
9 lies below. The character must pass an Agility test 5 Character is invisible to himself.
or take 1d6 damage to a random hit location. The 6 Characters hair turns green for 1d5 hours.
potion and the tools used to create it are lost.
7 Characters skin turns transparent for 1d5 minutes.
Wh-What? The potion has turned black, is
8 Characters breath stinks for 1d5 hours.
bubbling uncontrollably, and is giving off steam
10 9 Character smells smoke for the next 1d5 hours.
in a way that sounds like inhuman screaming. The
potion counts as backfired. 10 Character sweats profusely for 1d5 minutes.
Boom! The potion explodes, dealing 2d8 fire 11 Character becomes extremely thirsty.
11+ damage to anyone within 5 meters. The potion, 12 Character begins to itch all over for 1d5 minutes.
tools, and a fair amount of hair are all lost.
13 Character experiences a strange aftertaste.
14 Characters voice grows deeper for 1d5 hours.
15 Character smells great for the next 1d5 minutes.
16 Characters hair grows rapidly for the next week.

Alchemy Gathering Ingredients
Anyone with a cursory knowledge of Alchemy can identify
Alchemy is the mixing of ingredients, natural and unnatural, in the most common ingredients, but more skilled alchemists
a way that produces a potion magically infused with a particular know where to look for higher quality ingredients. To search
effect. Alchemists take advantage of magicka stored within the for ingredients of any type, a character must make an Alchemy
ingredients in order to create potions that can replicate many of skill test for every four hours they spend searching (a maximum
the same effects that can be achieved via spellcasting, or deadly of 2 tests per day of downtime spent gathering). Compare
poisons to quickly bring their enemies to their knees. their degrees of success to the table below to determine what
they find. Characters may choose any school they wish for any
Potions are one-use vials of alchemically prepared mixtures, ingredients that they gather.
created from alchemical ingredients, that can grant particular
magical effects to characters. A list of common potions is pro- Ingredient Gathering (Quality)
vided in Chapter 7. Potions have an ENC of 0. DoS Maximum Result (any school)
8 Ubiquitious Ingredients OR
Alchemical Ingredients 1-5 4 Plentiful Ingredients OR
The potential power of any potion is limited by the strength 2 Common Ingredients
of the ingredients used to create it. Alchemical Ingredients 6-7 1 Uncommon Ingredients
have three primary attributes: their school, strength, and depth.
8 1 Rare Ingredient
The School of an ingredient determines which types of effects 9 1 Very Rare Ingredient
it can be used to produce. For each effect a character wishes 10 1 Legendary Ingredient
to include within a potion they must use an ingredient corre-
sponding to the school of that effect. A character may also choose to downgrade a result to a lower
roll (for example, choosing to find 2 common ingredients instead
The Strength of an ingredient determines the amount of stored of 1 uncommon one with a roll of an 11). If a character rolls
magicka within it. The cost of the effect an alchemist wishes to a critical success when gathering ingredients, they count as
create with those ingredients is limited by the strength of those having rolled the highest possible degrees of success for their
ingredients. Higher quality ingredients have higher strength target number (for example, 7 DoS for a TN 74).
values, allowing for more powerful effects to be stored.
Creating Poisons
The Depth of an ingredient determines the complexity and Alchemists can also create poisons which can be applied to
power of effects it can be used to produce. Effects created with weapons in order to give ones weapon an extra bite. This requires
this ingredient may not have a spell level above this value. a single unit of destruction ingredients, 1 hour, and an Alchemy
test to create (this test suffers a -10 penalty for each level by
Ingredient Quality which the poison exceeds the characters Alchemy skill rank).
Higher quality ingredients have higher strength, allowing for Poisons can be applied to weapons using the Ready Weapon
more powerful effects. The following table lists the various action, and last for 1 minute (10 rounds). Characters who take
quality levels and costs of alchemical ingredients of any given damage from a poisoned weapon must make an Endurance test
type, and their corresponding strength and depth values: or suffer poison damage that ignores armor.

Alchemical Ingredients (any school) Poisons

Type Strength Depth Price Level Ingredients Used Damage
Ubiquitous 2 1 1 1 Ubiquitous 1d4
Plentiful 5 2 5 2 Plentiful 1d6
Common 10 3 10 3 Common 1d8
Uncommon 15 4 25 4 Uncommon 1d10
Rare 25 5 100 5 Rare 1d12
Very Rare 50 6 250 6 Very Rare 2d8
Extremely Rare 100 7 500 7 Extremely Rare 2d10
Legendary 200 8 1000 8 Legendary 2d12

Step 1: Choose Ingredients
First, decide on which ingredients you will use for the potion.
Each ingredient included allows for a single effect to be added
to the potion, and no more than three ingredients (and thus
three effects) can be used in a single potion.

Step 2: Pick Effects & Determine Parameters

Next, pick the effect(s) (maximum 3) that the potion will
produce, and decide on their parameters. Only effects with
the potion attribute may be used.

The school(s) from which effects are chosen are limited to the
school and number of ingredients used in the potion (for exam-
ple, one destruction and one alteration ingredient would allow
for one destruction and one alteration effect).Each effect has an
associated value, called spell level, that determines its strength.
The chosen spell level may not be higher than the depth of the
chosen ingredient.

Step 3: Determine Spell Cost

Next, simply plug in your chosen spell level values to the
effect cost formula provided for your chosen effect(s). If the
cost of an effect is higher than the strength of the corresponding
ingredient, then you must reduce the spell level of that effect.

Step 4: Create Potion

To create a potion a character must pass an Alchemy skill test.
This test suffers a -10 penalty for each level by which the
potions highest spell level effect exceeds the Alchemy skill
rank of the character, and an additional -10 for potions
Creating Potions with more than one effect. Creating a potion takes a number
This section contains the rules for creating potions. of hours equal to the total of the spell levels of its effects, and
requires a set of alchemical tools. Ingredients are lost on failure.
The Basics
Unlike spells, potions do not have forms. Creating a potion If a character critically fails this test, or fails normally when
is simply a matter of choosing the desired effects, setting the creating a potion that either includes multiple effects or an
parameters of that effect to determine a final cost, and then effect with a level above their Alchemy skill rank, the potion
writing down the effects of the potion for reference. backfires. Roll a d4 on the creation backfire table and add the
highest spell level included in the potion to the result.
Multi Effect Potions
Characters can create potions that impart multiple effects when Step 5: Finalize Potion
consumed. Creating these sorts of potions can prove more Write down the details of the new potions effects somewhere
difficult for the character, but is not much more complicated you can reference it, and then add it to your characters gear list!
than creating a normal potion.
Duration: If you choose an effect with the upkeep attribute,
Learning Effects then the base duration of that effect is multiplied by an amount
A character can use any effect from any school when creating equal to the strength of the effects ingredient divided by the
potions, but attempting to use effects of a higher level than the cost of the effect (rounded down to the nearest whole number).
characters rank in the Alchemy skill can be difficult.
Example: If the duration of an effect is normally 1 round, and the
Reference Materials effect costs 3 magicka at the chosen spell level, then that effect would
A complete list of effects can be found in the Appendix. last for 3 rounds if created using an ingredient with a strength of 10.

Types of Soul Gems
Enchanting is the act of endowing objects with magical prop- Type Soul Types Max. Soul Energy Price
erties through the use of the trapped energy of a soul, and a Petty White 100 25
number of arcane rituals.
Lesser White 250 100
Souls & Soul Gems Common White 500 250
Every being in the Elder Scrolls has a soul. The soul of a being Greater White 1000 1000
is their essence: it animates their physical being. There are two Grand White 1500 4000
types of souls: black and white souls. Black Souls are the more Black Any 1500 7500
powerful souls of higher beings, such as men or mer. White
Souls are the souls of lesser beings, such as animals, or Daedra. Item & Material Enchantment Level
The soul energy stored within a soul gem is not the only limiting
Powering an enchantment with a soul first requires that the soul factor on the strength of an enchantment: different items can all
be trapped within a Soul Gem, a naturally occurring magical support enchantments of different strengths. Enchantable items
crystal. This is accomplished through the use of the Soul Trap have an assigned Enchantment Level (EL), or the maximum
spell, which binds the target to a soul gem. If the target dies soul energy that may be used to enchant that item. Any excess
while under this effect, their soul is captured within the soul is simply ignored, and lost at the end of the process.
gem and converted to soul energy.
Treat all items without a listed enchantment level as having an
Soul Energy reflects the amount of magicka stored within the EL of 10. See Chapter 7 for details.
soul that can be used for enchanting. Once a soul gem has been
filled with any amount of soul energy, it cannot have any more
added to it. Black souls always have a soul energy of 1500. Dangerous knowledge is still knowledge and therefore useful.
Usually turns out to be the most useful, in my experience.
There are a number of different soul gems, each of which has
its own maximum soul energy and can only hold certain types Mage Lord Neloth, Master of Sadrith Mora
of souls. A soul may not be trapped within a soul gem whose
maximum soul energy is less than the soul energy of that soul.

Cast Enchantments Follow these steps to imbue items with cast enchantments:
This section contains rules for using/creating cast enchantments.
Step 1: Choose Item
The Basics First the enchanter must pick an item to enchant. Cast enchant-
Cast enchantments are spells stored within an item. A char- ments can be applied to any item, but only some items will have
acter wielding such an item can invoke this magic through an enchantment level high enough to reasonably support more
the use of the Cast Magic action, which allows them to cast powerful enchantments. Items without a listed enchantment
the stored spell exactly as if they had cast it themselves (but level have an EL of 10.
with no casting test). The spell stored in the item can be either
conventional or unconventional. Instead of being paid from Step 2: Choose Soul Gem
the users magicka pool the cost of the spell is drawn from the Next the enchanter must pick the soul gem they will use for
items soul energy pool. Upkeep spells can be maintained by the enchantment. This gem must contain stored soul energy.
paying their cost from this pool. Once a soul gem has been used to create an enchantment it is
destroyed and any excess energy is lost.
The user counts as having passed the casting test with a
number of degrees of success equal to the binding strength Step 3: Choose Enchantment Spell(s)
of the enchantment. A cast enchantments Binding Strength Cast enchantments can be used to store either conventional or
represents how well the enchantment was woven: stronger unconventional spells. In the case of conventional spells, simply
enchantments are more responsive to their users, and enable pick from the list in this chapter. Unconventional spells will
them to more easily shape the spell to their will. need to be built using the effects and forms provided in the
appendix as normal (though the enchanter does not actually
Soul Energy Pool & Recharging need to spend the time or money to create the spell, and no
Cast enchantments do not last forever! Each cast with the item test is needed).
pays its cost in soul energy from the items Soul Energy Pool.
If this would reduce the size of the pool to below zero, then Once the enchanter has chosen the spell they will use for the
the enchantment can no longer be cast and must be recharged. cast enchantment, note its spell level and casting cost for the
next step. If the enchanter is imbuing multiple spells into the
Recharging an item requires that the character be trained in the cast enchantment, note the details for each one.
Enchant skill (though no test is required), and that they have
a soul gem with energy stored within it. A simple minute long Step 4: Create the Enchantment
ritual is required: on completion the soul energy inside the gem Now the enchanter can attempt to create the enchantment.
is transferred to the items pool. Any energy that would exceed This requires a ritual that lasts approximately eight hours, and
the pools maximum size is lost and the gem is destroyed. consumes materials worth approximately 100 drakes.

Multi Spell Enchantments The enchanter then makes an enchant skill test with a -10 penalty
Characters can create cast enchantments that have more than for each level by which the chosen spell level exceeds his enchant
one spell stored (to a maximum of 3) but these enchantments are skill rank (if applicable). Test again for any additional spells
more difficult to create, and characters require a talent to attempt being added, if necessary. Failing a test means that spell is not
it. When used these function like normal cast enchantments, successfully enchanted.
but the user simply chooses which spell to cast and pays the
appropriate soul energy cost from the items pool. Step 5: Finalize Enchantment
Regardless of the outcome of the tests, the soul gem is destroyed
Learning Effects & Forms and its energy is lost. If the enchanter passes a test then he suc-
A character does not need to know a particular spell in order to cessfully creates the enchanted item. Write down the following
imbue an item with it. Enchanters can also use any combination details somewhere you can reference them:
of effects and forms availible during the spell making process,
and they do not need to be trained in a particular school to Spells: Add the details of any spells included in the cast
use effects from that school. Note that using a spell with a level enchantment, including their cost, spell level, and effects.
above the characters Enchant skill rank may be more difficult! Binding Strength: The binding strength (min 1) of the
enchantment is equal to the Enchanters enchant skill rank.
Reference Materials Soul Energy Pool Max: The items soul energy pool max is
A list of effects and forms can be found in the Appendix. equal to the soul energy in the gem, capped at the items EL.

Strike Enchantments Step 3: Choose Enchantment Effect
This section contains rules for creating/using strike enchantments. Strike enchantments use a unique set of effects drawn from
the table on the right: choose the desired effect (at most one,
The Basics though some talents allow for more) and spell level. The total
Strike enchantments are augmentations applied to weapons that cost of the effects chosen must be equal to or lower than the
grant some sort of offensive effect when the weapon is used in soul energy contained in the chosen gem.
combat. The effects of strike enchantments are applied on
any successful hit with the weapon. Strike enchantments do Step 4: Create the Enchantment
not need to be recharged like cast enchantments and have no Now the enchanter can attempt to create the enchantment.
soul energy pool. Ammo enchanted this way only works once. This requires a ritual that lasts approximately eight hours, and
consumes materials worth approximately 100 drakes.
Learning Effects
Strike enchantments use a unique set of effects drawn from The enchanter then makes an enchant skill test with a -10 penalty
the table below. for each level by which the total spell levels of all chosen effects
exceed his enchant skill rank (if applicable). Failing the test
Step 1: Choose Item means that effect is not successfully enchanted.
First the enchanter must pick an item to enchant. Strike
enchantments can be applied to any ranged or melee weapon, Step 5: Finalize Enchantment
but only some weapons will have an enchantment level high Regardless of the outcome of the tests, the soul gem is destroyed
enough to reasonably support more powerful enchantments. and its energy is lost. If the enchanter passes a test then he
Ammunition can be enchanted in batches of 25 shots (use successfully creates the enchanted item. Write down the details
the EL of one shot). Items without a listed enchantment level somewhere you can reference them later.
have an EL of 10.

Step 2: Choose Soul Gem Optional Rule - Strike Enchantment Charges

Next the enchanter must pick the soul gem they will use for If you want strike enchantments to function like cast
the enchantment. This gem must contain stored soul energy. enchantments, divide the final cost by ten and use the
Once a soul gem has been used to create an enchantment it is Soul Energy Pool & Recharging rules on the last page.
destroyed and any excess energy is lost.

Strike Enchantments
Name Effect (SL = Spell Level) Cost
[Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison] Weapon deals SL additional [type] damage. 375 x SL
Fatigue Weapon causes the target to test Endurance with a (30-[10 x SL]) modifier or lose 1 SP. 200 x SL
Sunlight Weapon deals SL additional fire damage. Counts as sunlight. 400 x SL
Drain Magicka Weapon causes the target to lose 4 x SL MP. 200 x SL
Elemental Weakness
Weapon causes the target to gain Weakness ([type], SL) trait for Y rounds. 200 x SL x Y
[fire, frost, shock, poison]
Weakness to Magic Weapon causes the target to gain Weakness (magic, SL) trait for Y rounds. 300 x SL x Y
Paralyze Target tests Willpower at a (30-[10 x SL]) modifier or is Paralyzed for Y rounds. 300 x SL x Y
If a target struck by this weapon dies within 1 minute, its soul is trapped within an appropri-
Soul Trap (counts as SL 2) 500
ate soul gem of the wielders choice (soul energy cannot exceed the max size of the gem).
Absorb Life The wielder regenerates SL HP, capped at the damage dealt for that hit (after mitigation). 375 x SL
Absorb Magicka Weapon causes the target to lose 4 x SL MP, wielder regains MP equal to the amount lost. 300 x SL
Dispel Dispels magical effects of SL level or lower. Constant enchants return after 1d4 rounds. 1000
Disintegrate Weapon applies Damaged (SL) to armor struck, or weapons used to parry it. 500 x SL
Turn Undead Target w/Undead trait tests Willpower with a (30-[10 x SL]) modifier or flees for Y rounds. 150 x SL x Y
Silence Target tests Willpower at a (30-[10 x SL]) modifier or is Silenced for Y rounds. 200 x SL x Y

Step 1: Choose Item
First the enchanter must pick an item to enchant. Constant
enchantments can be applied to any item, but only some items
will have an enchantment level high enough to reasonably
support more powerful enchantments. Items without a listed
enchantment level have an EL of 10.

Step 2: Choose Soul Gem

Next the enchanter must pick the soul gem they will use for
the enchantment. This gem must contain stored soul energy.
Once a soul gem has been used to create an enchantment it is
destroyed and any excess energy is lost.

Step 3: Choose Constant Effect(s)

Constant enchantments are not created using the normal spell
making rules. Instead, the enchanter simply picks the effect(s)
they want and compares the combined spell level(s) of their
chosen effects to the table below.

Soul Energy and Enchant Levels

Total Spell Level(s) Minimum Soul Energy
1 500
Constant Enchantments 2 600
This section contains rules for creating and using constant
enchantments. 3 800
4 1000
The Basics 5 1200
Constant enchantments are passive enchantments that can be 6 1400
applied to any sort of item, and that constantly affect the wearer 7+ 1500
or wielder of that item. In game terms, constant enchantments
apply their effects to the character wearing/wielding them at
the start of each round (regardless of their normal duration). The chosen effects must have the upkeep attribute, and must
If the effect is dispelled, it returns to full functionality after 1d4 have a specific listed duration.
rounds. Constant enchantments do not need to be recharged
like cast enchantments and have no soul energy pool. The wearer If the soul gem has enough energy to power the enchantment,
or wielder of a constant enchantment can willingly disable or then they can attempt to create it, otherwise it is impossible as
re-enable its effects at any time. the enchantment cannot sustain itself on so little energy.

Learning Effects & Forms Step 4: Create the Enchantment

A character may attempt to create a constant enchantment Now the enchanter can attempt to create the enchantment.
using any effect from any school. It is not dependent on their This requires a ritual that lasts approximately eight hours, and
knowledge of any spells. consumes materials worth approximately 100 drakes.

Multi Effect Enchantments The enchanter then makes an enchant skill test with a -10 penalty
Characters can create constant enchantments that have more for each level by which the total level of the chosen effect(s)
than one effect (to a maximum of 3) but these enchantments exceeds his enchant skill rank (if applicable).
are more difficult to create, and characters require a talent to
attempt it. Step 5: Finalize Enchantment
Regardless of the outcome of the tests, the soul gem is destroyed
Reference Materials and its energy is lost. If the enchanter passes a test then he
A complete list of effects can be found in the Appendix. successfully creates the enchanted item. Be sure to write down
the effect(s) of the enchantment for reference.

Spell Scrolls Follow these steps to create a spell scroll:
Spell scrolls are another form of magic item that can be created
with enchanting. Spell scrolls are a hybrid of the spellcasting Step 1: Gather Materials
and enchanting arts, allowing mages to store their spells in an Creating a spell scroll consumes materials worth approximately
easily accessible form: a scroll enchanted with magic runes that 25 drakes, and an hour long ritual.
reproduce the effect of the spell when read.
Step 2: Create Spell Scroll
The Basics The character picks one of the spells they know and makes an
Spell scrolls are single use items that a character can activate by enchant skill test penalized by -10 for each level by which the
using the Cast Magic action. This allows them to cast the stored spell level exceeds their enchant skill rank. They must pay the
spell at no magicka cost automatically: they count as having cost of the spell as if they had cast it, either from their own
passed the casting test with a number of degrees of success equal magicka pool or by subtracting the cost from the soul energy
to the Binding Strength of the scroll. This represents how of a soul gem in their possession.
effectively the magic of the spell was imprinted on the scroll.
Step 3: Finalize Scroll
Learning Spells On success, the character creates the spell scroll. The binding
A character can only create a spell scroll for a conventional or strength (min 1) of the scroll is equal to the characters enchant
unconventional spell that they themselves know. Using a spell skill rank.
with a level higher than the characters enchant skill rank can
be difficult. Write down the effects of the spell somewhere you can reference
it, and add the scroll to the characters gear list.

Chapter 7: Economics & Equipment
So many people simply buy the items they need at the price they are given. Its a very sad state of affairs,
when the game is really open to all, you dont need an invitation. And it is a game, the game of bargaining, to be
played seriously and, I hasten to add, politely.

The Buying Game

Pricing & Acquisition
I n a normal day, despite the dangers of the world around them,
most of the people of Tamriel live fairly safe lives. Tamriels
many thriving economies have resulted in a continent linked Not all prices for one item are going to be the same: regional
through trade and commerce. There are a vast number of goods price variations are to be expected. Some things are simply
and services produced by these systems that characters might harder to get a hold of in some places, and easier in others.
need to survive, or might encounter, during their adventures. Additionally, item price will vary drastically with the quality of
This chapter is concerned with the economics of the Elder Scrolls the item itself. We have intentionally left item rarity up to
setting, as well as detailing the various items players use or buy. the Game Master for the majority of items in this section.
These guidelines should help the GM produce prices that are
Currency acceptable for game-play purposes.
The main currency of Tamriel in the time during and after the
Septim Empire is the Septim, a golden coin around the size A Note on Rounding
of a quarter. Named after the dynasty that ruled the Septim If an item ever ends up with a fractional price for any reason,
Empire, it features a bust of Tiber Septim and a depiction of simply round up to the nearest whole number.
Akatosh. The inscription on the front reads: The Empire is Law.
The Law is Sacred. And the reverse reads: Praise be, Akatosh Availability & Cost Modifiers
and all the Divines. Although many provinces issue their own In order to locate an item for sale, a character must make a
provincial currencies these can all be converted to Septims. If Commerce or Investigate test. The difficulty of the test should
you are running a campaign in an era before the Septim Empire, be determined by the specific item the character is looking for.
simply use an alternative name (such as Remans). And while The GM should use their judgment and lore knowledge in equal
we have no information on the way that the Empire handles measure when making their decision. The following table can
its monetary policy, the authors are making the assumption provide some guidelines:
that there are different types or denominations of currency in
existence within the empire. In game terms, this means a few Availability Modifiers
things: Item Availability Modifier
Extremely Rare -40
This Chapter will use the more Era-neutral word Drakes
Rare -30
for currency. Gold is an acceptable substitute, though
the authors would prefer not to assume that every coin Scarce -20
actually contains gold. Uncommon -10
Coins have no in-game weight unless the GM decides a Average -
character is simply carrying too much money to ignore. Ordinary +10
This is done for simplicity. Common +20
Rather than making players keep track of the different kinds
Plentiful +30
of coins they have, it should be assumed that characters
can carry as much money as they want, simply making use Ubiquitous +40
of more and more valuable denominations.
Likewise, it should be assumed that there are enough coins
of the various denominations floating around that indi- Item Quality Level
viduals can always complete transactions accurately and Items can also vary drastically in quality based on how well
receive change. they were made, or some feature inherent to the item. This will
modify their price and their availability. There are three quality
In short, dont worry about how many of which types of coins levels for most items: inferior, common, and superior. Exactly
youre carrying. Just keep track of how many Drakes you have. what measurable impact this has on the item (if any) will be
This is to save time and accounting for both the players and explained in the appropriate section.
the GM.
Item Quality
For groups that enjoy this sort of thing, it is easy to convert the Quality Availability Price
system into one based around different types of coins. Simply Inferior 2 steps more common -50%
use the value of a single Drake as the base for the lowest value
Common No change -
coin and scale things up by multiples of ten for more valuable
coins as you see fit. Superior 2 steps rarer +100%

Weapons Other Weapon Qualities
Listed below are many of the other qualities weapons may have.
Conflict and danger are constants in Tamriel, and it is wise It is important to be familiar with the qualities your weapons
for adventurers to arm themselves. Weapons in the UESRPG possess, and how they interact with one another!
are divided in a number of different ways: First, there are two
classes of weapons: melee and ranged. All weapons are defined Complex
by a Weapon Profile, which contains all the information A character cannot move on a turn he is reloading this weapon.
necessary to use the weapon.
Weapon Qualities The weapon causes heavy impacts, and can send opponents
Many weapons possess special rules, known as Weapon sprawling: when used to trigger the bash special effect, this
Qualities, that represent factors that set them apart from other weapon knocks opponents back 1 meter for every 2 degrees of
weapons in some fashion. success (instead of the normal 3).

The Big Three Damaged (X)

Below are the three most important weapon qualities. Most Weapons with this quality are damaged. They deal X less damage.
weapons posses one of these qualities, which are critical to their If this would ever render a character incapable of dealing damage
identity. Their effects can stack. with the weapon, even with the maximum possible roll, then
the weapon is destroyed. Instances of this quality do not stack,
Crushing (X) simply apply the worst one.
Weapons with this quality can crush metal and bone alike. They
deal bonus damage equal to the wielders Strength bonus (or X, Dueling Weapon
if another value is given), capped at the AR of the hit location Weapons with this quality add an additional degree of success
or BR of the shield. to successful tests made to parry with them.

Example: An Orc swings his mace and smashes the chest of a rival Entangling
Orc warrior. He rolls an 8 for damage. Normally, this damage Attacks with this weapon cannot be parried or blocked. Instead
would be reduced by the AR of the armor his enemy is wearing (3, in of dealing damage, a successful attack with this weapon forces
this case). But the attackers Strength bonus of 4 means he ignores it. the opponent to make a Strength or Agility test. If they fail,
they suffer a -20 penalty to all combat tests as they become
Splitting (X) entangled. They can use an action to repeat the test and free
Weapons with this quality can deal savage wounds when properly themselves on success.
brought to bear. They deal bonus damage equal to the wielders
Strength bonus (or X, if another value is given), but only if the If this effect was applied by a melee attack, then if the target
initial damage result causes the target to lose 1 or more HP. character leaves the melee ranged of the Entangling weapon
then the character wielding the weapon must choose to either
Example: A Dunmer mercenary brings her war-axe down upon let go of his weapon (maintaining the effect on the target), or
the shoulder of a bandit, dealing 5 damage. This is not enough to keep his weapon (removing the effect from the target).
get through the AR of his arm (6) and it glances off. Had she dealt
7 damage instead, just enough to cause him to lose HP, she would Focus
have also dealt bonus damage equal to her Strength bonus (3) as Character treats the hand holding the weapon as a free hand
her axe cut deep into a gap in his defenses. for the purposes of casting spells.

Slashing (X) Exploit Weakness

Weapons with this quality tear flesh with ease, dealing extra These weapons are small and able to slip into gaps in a targets
damage equal to the wielders Strength bonus (or X, if another defenses. Attacks with this weapon treat full armor as partial
value is given) against unarmored hit locations. armor, and partial armor as unarmored. This can be used to
trigger effects, such as Slashing, that interact with the level of
Example: An Imperial scout encounters a wolf in the woods. He armor the target is wearing.
lands a blow with his shortsword, which cuts into the flesh of his
unarmored foe, dealing extra damage equal to his Strength bonus
(3, in this case).

Flail Ranged & Melee Weapons
Weapons of this type are able to strike unpredictably. These There are a vast number of weapons that characters might
weapons cannot be parried, but cannot be used to parry either. encounter during their adventures.
Additionally, if an attacker with this weapon and a defender
blocking with a shield both pass their respective tests, and the Weapon Attributes
attackers degrees of success exceed those of the defender, then All weapons have most of these attributes associated with them:
the defender does not block the attack as he normally would and D  amage (Dam): The damage dealt by the weapon. Typically
the attack is resolved as if the attacker had won. If a character expressed as a die roll to which a value may be added.
critically fails an attack with a flail they hit themselves. Handedness: How many hands the weapon requires.
One Handed: Weapon can be wielded in one hand.
Impaling H  and and a Half: Weapon may be used with one or
If this weapon is used to make an attack of opportunity against two hands (cannot be dual wielded). When using it in
a character who is approaching the wielder, and that attack two hands, use the larger damage value (in parenthesis).
causes the target to lose HP, the target does not advance and Two Handed: Weapon requires the use of two hands.
instead halts their movement for the turn. Reach: A melee weapons range in meters. Represents
effective threat range, and not merely the length of the
Magic weapon. Weapons with a minimum range (such as 2-3m)
Weapons with this quality are able to harm targets that would cannot attack targets below their minimum range.
otherwise resist or be impervious to damage from normal weap- Range: A ranged weapons short, medium, and long ranges.
ons, such as ghosts. Attacking targets in close range provides a +10 bonus
to attack tests with the weapon, while attacking targets
Mounted at long range imposes a -20 penalty.
Weapons with this quality can only be used while mounted due ENC: The weapons ENC value.
to their weight and balance, and only if the character moves. Qualities: Any weapon qualities the weapon has.
Price: The base price of the weapon in Drakes.
Roll twice and use the lower value for this weapons damage. Weapon Materials
Every weapon is made of something, and the material of a
Proven weapon can dramatically improve its effectiveness. When pick-
Roll twice and use the higher value for this weapons damage. ing a weapon from either the ranged or melee weapon tables,
you must pick a material for that weapon as well from the
Shield Splitter appropriate table below.
If an attack from this weapon is blocked and deals damage in
excess of the shields block rating, the blocking character loses A weapons material determines...
that much HP in addition to the 1 SP he would lose. E  nchant Level: The maximum soul energy of any enchant-
ment that can be placed on the weapon.
Small Price Modifier: Modifies the base price of the weapon to
This weapon is relatively small. It cannot be used to parry attacks determine the final cost (quality modifies this value).
from 2 handed weapons, but it can be drawn as a free action. The Any modifiers to damage or range the weapon receives.
wielder may make a Subterfuge skill test to conceal the weapon Any additional qualities the weapon has.
entirely. Enemies wielding non-small weapons can opportunity
attack characters with this weapon who enter their range. Weapon Quality
The overall quality with which a weapon is crafted can have a
Thrown (X/Y/Z) dramatic impact on how effective it is in combat. The following
This weapon can be thrown as a ranged attack against a target table details what each quality level does to the weapon profile.
within X/Y/Z meters. Resolve this like a normal ranged attack
(though Strength can be a base for the test), dealing the weapons Weapon Quality
normal damage and ignoring Slashing/Crushing/Splitting. Item Quality Profile Changes Price
Inferior Weapon gains Primitive quality -50%
Common No change -
Attempts to parry attacks using this weapon suffer a -20 penalty.
2 handed unwieldy weapons impose a -10 penalty to Stealth tests. Superior Weapon gains Proven quality +200%

Melee Weapons
Type Dam H Reach Qualities ENC Price
Great Sword 1d12 2H 3m Slashing, Unwieldy, Concussive 4 300
Longsword 1d8 (1d10) 1.5H 2m Slashing 2 175
Broadsword 1d8 1H 2m Slashing 1 100
Sabre 1d8 1H 2m Slashing, Dueling Weapon 1 125
Shortsword 1d6 1H 1m Slashing, Exploit Weakness 1 75
Dagger 1d4 1H 1m Slashing, Exploit Weakness, Thrown (5/10/15), Small 1 45

Great Axe 1d12 2H 3m Splitting, Unwieldy, Shield Splitter, Concussive 4 250

Battle Axe 1d8 (1d10) 1.5H 2m Splitting, Unwieldy 2 125
War Axe 1d8 1H 2m Splitting, Unwieldy 1 100
Hand Axe 1d6 1H 1m Splitting, Thrown (5/10/15), Small 1 40

Great Flail 1d12 2H 3m Crushing, Flail, Shield Splitter, Concussive 3 300

Maul 1d12 2H 2m Crushing, Unwieldy, Shield Splitter, Concussive 4 250
Warhammer 1d8 (1d10) 1.5H 2m Crushing, Unwieldy 2 175
Mace 1d8 1H 2m Crushing, Unwieldy 1 120
Flail 1d8 1H 2m Crushing, Flail 1 180

Halberd 1d12 2H 2-3m Splitting, Impaling, Unwieldy 3 175

Pike 1d12 2H 2-4m Impaling, Unwieldy 4 80
Lance 1d12 1H 2-3m Splitting, Crushing (3), Mounted, Unwieldy 3 140
Spear 1d8 (1d10) 1.5H 2-3m Impaling, Unwieldy 2 40
Quarterstaff 1d6 (1d8) 1.5H 2m Concussive 2 35
Javelin 1d8 1H 2m Thrown (5/15/25), Unwieldy 2 40

Net - 1H 2m Entangling, Thrown (3/4/5) 1 10

Parrying Dagger 1d4 1H 1m Exploit Weakness, Dueling Weapon, Small 1 50

Melee Weapon Materials

Name Dam Mod Qualities ENC Enchant Lvl Price Mod Special Melee Weapon Materials
Chitin - - - 100 0.8 x Price Wood (0.5 x price, 100 EL): No modifier
for Quarterstaffs and Maces. Halves damage
Iron - - - 200 0.8 x Price
of all other weapons.
Silver +1 Silvered - 300 1.3 x Price Bone (0.5 x price, 0 EL): Weapon deals half
Steel +1 - - 300 1.0 x Price damage.
Dwemer +2 Magic - 400 6.0 x Price
Moonstone +2 Magic - 500 5.0 x Price Special Melee Weapon Qualities
Orichalcum +2 - - 400 4.0 x Price
Certain extra qualities that can be used to enhance
an existing weapon. Often only provided by skilled
Adamantium +3 - - 1000 8.0 x Price
craftsmen. Price modifiers are based on the final
Malachite +3 Magic - 200 7.0 x Price price of the weapon after material modifiers.
Stahlrim +3 Magic - 1000 12.0 x Price Runed (+20% Price): Gains Magic.
Daedric +4 Magic +1 1500 15.0 x Price Silvered (+30% Price): Gains Magic, counts
Ebony +4 Magic +1 1250 10.0 x Price as silver for damage purposes.
Spell Focus (+50% Price): Gains Focus.
Dragonbone +5 Magic +1 1500 30.0 x Price

Ranged Weapons
Type Dam H Range Qualities ENC Price
Arbalest 1d12 2H 20/150/300 Complex, Reload (4, min 1), Crushing (6) 2 700
Crossbow 1d10 2H 20/100/250 Complex, Reload (2, min 1), Crushing (4) 1 500

Longbow 1d8 2H 10/250/350 Reload (2), Unwieldy 2 200

Shortbow 1d6 2H 20/100/200 Reload (1) 1 100

Throwing Star/Dart 1d4 1H 5/10/15 Thrown, Small 0 10

Ranged Weapon Materials

Name Range Mod EL ENC Price Mod Special Ranged Weapon Qualities
Wood - 100 - 1.0 x P Certain extra qualities that can be used to enhance an existing
weapon. Often only provided by skilled craftsmen.
Bonemold +5m all ranges 300 - 1.5 x P
Spell Focus (100 drakes): Gains Focus.
Chitin +5m all ranges 200 - 1.25 x P
Dwemer +5m all ranges 800 - 6.0 x P Ammunition
Orichalcum +5m all ranges 400 - 4.0 x P Most ranged weapons use ammunition to reload: either arrows
Moonstone +10m all ranges 500 - 5.0 x P (bows) or bolts (crossbows). The material of the ammunition
Daedric +15m all ranges 1500 +1 15.0 x P
modifies the damage of the weapon on the shot its used for. The
material of the ammunition can also impart certain qualities
Ebony +15m all ranges 1250 +1 10.0 x P
to the attack, and determines the enchantment level of the
Malachite +15m all ranges 200 - 7.0 x P ammunition. Ammunition is priced per 10 shots, and each
Dragonbone +20m all ranges 1500 +1 30.0 x P shot is ENC 0 (so 10 shots is ENC 1).

Bolts have no unique rules associated with them, and their

Ammunition Materials rules are built into the profile of the crossbows above. Arrows,
Price per on the other hand, come in one of two different types, each
Name Dam Mod Qualities EL corresponding with the way that type inflicts damage. There
10 shots
Chitin - - 200 16 are no cost differences between these types:
Iron - - 200 16
Arrow Types
Silver +1 Silvered 300 20 Bodkin: The shot gains the Slashing quality.
Steel +1 - 300 20 Broad-head: The shot gains the Splitting quality.
Dwemer +2 Magic 400 120
Moonstone +2 Magic 500 100
Orichalcum +2 - 400 80
Adamantium +3 - 1000 160
Malachite +3 Magic 200 140
Stahlrim +3 Magic 1000 240
Daedric +4 Magic 1500 300
Ebony +4 Magic 1250 200
Dragonbone +5 Magic 1500 600

Armor Worn Armor
Worn armor encompasses anything that a character wears to
There are many styles and types of armor that the people of protect their body from harm.
Tamriel use to defend themselves. This section provides rules
for the use of both worn armor and shields. Armor Rating & Hit Locations
A given piece of armor protects a single hit location on a charac-
Armor Qualities ters body. The standard uniform of the Imperial Legionaire, for
Many armor pieces and shields possess special rules, known example, is a steel breastplate (body), helmet (head), pauldrons/
as Armor Qualities, that represent specific effects, or certain bracers (arms), and greaves/boots (legs).
differences between armor types.
A piece of armors Armor Rating (AR) is a measure of how
Magic much protection it offers to that hit location: any physical
Armor with this quality is magical and provides protection attacks that strike that hit location have their damage
against certain attacks, such as those of incorporeal beings. reduced by its AR. Some armors also have additional AR values
Shields with this quality can be used to block such attacks. that protect against other damage types (such as magic AR).

Damaged (X) Armor Classes

A piece of Armor or a shield with this quality has been damaged. Instead of trying to keep track of the myriad styles of armor
Reduce its AR or BR by X. If this would reduce that value to that exist, all armor in the UESRPG is divided into one of two
0, then the item is destroyed. classes: partial and full armor.

Weight Classes Partial Armor is any piece of armor that does not entirely
Most armors and shields have a weight class, reflected by one cover the hit location it is protecting. As a result it typically
of the qualities below, that represents how heavy and restrictive offers lower protection than full armor, but weighs much less.
that armor is. When wearing multiple different types of armor
and/or carrying a shield, the character always uses the effects Full Armor is any piece of armor that almost entirely covers
of his heaviest armor piece. the hit location it is protecting. As a result it typically offers
improved protection at the cost of increased weight.
(No listed class)
The armor is light enough it imposes no penalties on its user. The combination of an armors class and material are what make
up its complete profile. It is these combinations that characters
Light choose from when picking armor. Unlike the weapon tables on
Light armor imposes a minor penalty on a characters mobility: the previous pages, the armor tables on the next page have
The character suffers a -10 penalty to Acrobatics skill tests. already factored in the effects of an armors material. Simply
pick the one you want, and youre ready to go!
Medium armor imposes a moderate penalty on a characters Example: The Imperial Legion armor described above would be
mobility: the character suffers a -10 penalty to Agility based tests classified as partial steel armor given its material and level of cov-
(except Combat Style skill tests) and reduces their Speed by 1. erage whereas a suit of plate armor would be classified as full steel
armor instead. These classes were designed to be somewhat abstract.
Heavy armor imposes a substantial penalty on a characters Armor Attributes
mobility: the character suffers a -20 penalty to Agility based tests All armor pieces have these attributes associated with them:
(except Combat Style skill tests), and reduces their Speed by 2. Armor Rating (AR): Any ARs the armor piece grants to
the hit location that it covers.
Super-Heavy Qualities: Any armor qualities the armor has.
Super-Heavy armor imposes a staggering penalty on a characters ENC: The ENC value for a given piece of armor. ENC is
mobility: the character suffers a -30 penalty to Agility based tests halved when armor is worn (but not for carried shields).
(except Combat Style skill tests), and reduces their Speed by 3. Enchant Level (EL): The maximum soul energy of any
enchantment that can be placed on the piece of armor.
Price: The price of the armor piece in Drakes both for an
individual piece (for one hit location) and the full suit.

Partial Armor Types
Type AR Magic AR Qualities ENC/Piece (Suit) EL Price/Location (Suit)
Partial Chitin 1 1 fire - 1 (6) 200 30 limb / 60 body (210)
Partial Leather 1 1 fire Light 2 (12) 150 25 limb / 50 body (175)
Partial Fur 1 1 frost Light 2 (12) 100 20 limb / 40 body (140)
Partial Netch Leather 1 1 shock Light 2 (12) 200 30 limb / 60 body (210)
Partial Bone 2 - Medium 3 (18) 100 25 limb / 50 body (175)
Partial Bonemold 2 - Light 2 (12) 300 50 limb / 100 body (350)
Partial Iron 3 - Medium 3 (18) 200 50 limb / 100 body (350)
Partial Moonstone 3 1 magic Light, Magic 2 (12) 500 90 limb / 180 body (630)
Partial Dreugh Hide 4 1 magic Medium, Magic 3 (18) 300 100 limb / 200 body (700)
Partial Steel 4 - Medium 3 (18) 300 75 limb / 150 body (525)
Partial Mithril 4 1 magic Magic 1 (6) 900 300 limb / 600 body (2100)
Partial Dwemer 5 1 magic Medium, Magic 4 (24) 400 150 limb / 300 body (1050)
Partial Orichalcum 5 - Medium 4 (24) 400 100 limb / 200 body (700)
Partial Adamantium 5 2 magi Medium, Magic 4 (24) 1000 500 limb / 1000 body (3500)
Partial Malachite 5 2 magi Magic 1 (6) 200 750 limb / 1500 body (5250)
Partial Ebony 6 3 magi Heavy, Magic 5 (30) 1250 1500 limb / 3000 body (10500)
Partial Stalhrim 6 6 fros Medium, Magic 4 (24) 1000 2000 limb / 4000 body (14000)
Partial Daedric 6 6 magi Heavy, Magic 5 (30) 1500 3000 limb / 6000 body (21000)
Partial Dragonbone 7 7 magi Heavy, Magic 5 (30) 1500 5000 limb / 10000 body (35000)

Full Armor Types

Type AR Magic AR Qualities ENC/Piece (Suit) EL Price/Location (Suit)
Full Padded 2 - Medium 3 (18) 50 20 limb / 40 body (140)
Full Hide 2 2 frost Medium 3 (18) 50 30 limb / 60 body (210)
Full Chitin 3 1 fire Light 2 (12) 200 60 limb / 120 body (420)
Full Leather 3 1 fire Medium 3 (18) 150 50 limb / 100 body (350)
Full Netch Leather 3 1 shock Medium 3 (18) 200 60 limb / 120 body (420)
Full Fur 3 1 frost Medium 3 (18) 100 40 limb / 80 body (280)
Full Bone 4 - Heavy 4 (24) 100 50 limb / 100 body (280)
Full Bonemold 4 - Medium 3 (18) 300 100 limb / 200 body (700)
Full Iron 5 - Heavy 4 (24) 200 100 limb / 200 body (700)
Full Moonstone 5 2 magic Medium, Magic 3 (18) 500 180 limb / 360 body (1260)
Full Dreugh Hide 6 2 magic Heavy, Magic 4 (24) 300 200 limb / 400 body (1400)
Full Steel 6 - Heavy 4 (24) 300 150 limb / 300 body (1050)
Full Mithril 6 2 magic Light, Magic 2 (12) 900 600 limb / 1200 body (4200)
Full Dwemer 7 2 magic Heavy, Magic 5 (30) 400 300 limb / 600 body (2100)
Full Orichalcum 7 - Heavy 5 (30) 400 200 limb / 400 body (1400)
Full Adamantium 7 3 magic Heavy, Magic 5 (30) 1000 1000 limb / 2000 body (7000)
Full Malachite 7 3 magic Light, Magic 2 (12) 200 1500 limb / 3000 body (10500)
Full Ebony 8 4 magic Super-Heavy, Magic 6 (36) 1250 3000 limb / 6000 body (21000)
Full Stalhrim 8 8 frost Heavy, Magic 5 (30) 1000 4000 limb / 8000 body (28000)
Full Daedric 8 8 magic Super-Heavy, Magic 6 (36) 1500 6000 limb / 12000 body (42000)
Full Dragonbone 9 9 magic Super-Heavy, Magic 6 (36) 1500 10000 limb / 20000 body (70000)

Armor & Shield Quality Shields
The overall quality with which a piece of armor is crafted can Shields are defensive weapons used to protect their wielders
have a dramatic impact on how effective it is in combat. The from enemy attack. They are considered a type of armor in this
following table details what each quality level does to the profile. system, but do not follow the normal rules for armor.

Armor/Shield Quality Block Rating

Item Quality Profile Changes Price Instead of an AR, shields have a Block Rating (BR), which
Inferior Increases weight class by one step. -25% reflects a combination of the shields coverage and toughness.
Common No change -
If a character blocks an attack with a shield then the attacker
Superior Decreases weight class by one step. +100% rolls damage with the attacking weapon. If the damage result
is less than or equal to the shields BR, nothing happens. If the
Special Armor Qualities damage result exceeds the shields BR, then the character takes
Certain extra qualities that can be used to enhance an existing that damage on his shield arm unless he chooses to spend a
weapon. Often only provided by skilled craftsmen. Stamina point to push himself in order to fully block the attack.
Runed (+25% price): Gains Magic and 1 magic AR. Shields count their BR as being half as much (round up)
against attacks that deal magic damage unless they have a
Tower Shields unique BR listed for magical attacks.
Any of the shields below can be purchased as a tower shield
instead. Tower shields are 1 weight class heavier (to a maxi- This reflects the way that, while a shield can protect its user
mum of super-heavy) than a normal shield of their type, have from harm, using a shield to block repeated heavy hits can
1 higher ENC, and cost 25% more. Tower shields have the quickly drain a defenders energy even if they are still able to
Tower quality: Shields with this quality grant the wielder a +10 avoid direct harm. Eventually they will find themselves tiring,
bonus to tests made to block attacks, but carrying one reduces and unable to maintain their defense.
a characters Speed by 1.

Shield Types
Magic BR
Type BR Qualities ENC Enchant Lvl Price
(1/2 value base)
Hide Shield 6 (3) 4 vs frost Light 2 50 40
Chitin Shield 7 (4) 5 vs fire - 1 200 70
Leather Shield 7 (4) 5 vs fire Light 2 150 60
Fur Shield 7 (4) 5 vs frost Light 2 100 50
Netch Leather Shield 7 (4) 5 vs shock Light 2 200 70
Bonemold Shield 8 (4) Light 2 300 120
Iron Shield 9 (5) Medium 3 200 120
Moonstone Shield 9 6 Light, Magic 2 500 200
Dreugh Shield 10 6 Medium, Magic 3 300 220
Steel Shield 10 (5) Medium 3 300 170
Dwemer Shield 10 6 Medium, Magic 3 800 330
Mithril Shield 10 6 Magic 1 900 650
Orichalcum Shield 11 (6) Medium 3 400 240
Adamantium Shield 11 8 Medium, Magic 3 1000 1100
Malachite Shield 11 8 Magic 1 200 1700
Ebony Shield 12 9 Heavy, Magic 4 1250 3500
Daedric Shield 12 12 Heavy, Magic 4 1500 6500
Stalhrim Shield 12 (6) 12 vs frost Medium, Magic 3 1000 4500
Dragonbone Shield 13 13 Heavy, Magic 4 1500 12000

Goods & Services Lodging
Often on the road an adventurer wont have the option of
This section contains prices for all the common, everyday things choosing where to spend the night. But when they do, theyll
that characters need to survive, the luxuries that separate the quickly discover that luxury is expensive. This section contains
rich from the poor, and all the various properties and services prices for a single night of lodging in an inn or other temporary
that adventurers might need on their journey. accommodations, with more comfortable lodgings costing more
while offering their own advantages.
Lifestyle Expenses
Lifestyle expenses are a simple, average number players can Lodging Prices
use to track their spending during downtime, and reflect the Type Price Per Day
average amount a character spends on a daily basis to maintain Squalid Free
a lifestyle of a certain comfort level. More comfortable lifestyles
Poor 3
are typically more expensive, but bring potential advantages in
ones status and perception. Modest 6
Comfortable 10
These expenses include housing, food, entertainment, and all Wealthy 25
the other costs a character might accrue during normal daily life. Aristocratic 50

Lifestyle Expenses Common Services

Type Total This section contains rules for basic services a character may
Squalid 2 need, including transportation and message delivery.
Poor 5
Common Services
Modest 10
Type Price
Comfortable 25
Errand Runner (per task) 1
Wealthy 50
Courier (per 5 kilometers) 2
Aristocratic 100
Post (letter/province crossed) 1
Food & Drink Post (box/province crossed) 5
The various cultures of Tamriel eat many different foods. For Uncomfortable Transport (land or sea, w/food) 10/day
convenience, simply assume that food purchased reflects the Comfortable Transport (land or sea, w/food) 40/day
food of the local culture unless the character goes out of their
way to find something els. Superior quality food tastes better, Hirelings
but otherwise there are no game effects. This section contains prices for hiring NPCs to perform partic-
ular tasks. This can range from legions of hired mercenaries and
When consuming alcohol, every drink a character consumes servants, to the services of a single skilled enchanter or smith.
in excess of their Endurance bonus causes them to lose 1 SP.
Food & Drink Type Price per Day
Type Price Slave (food/upkeep) 3
Ale (mug) 1 Laborers 5
Ale (gallon) 3 Servants 7
Meat (serving) 4 Thugs (enforcers, thieves) 8
Wine (common, pitcher) 2 Guard (sentries, town militia) 10
Wine (fine, bottle) 100 Ranger (scout, guide) 20
Bread (loaf ) 1 Craftsmen (smith, tailor, jeweler) 25
Cheese (hunk) 2 Apprentice (spellcaster, alchemist, enchanter) 30
Trail Rations (1 days worth) 20 Mercenary (professional soldier) 50
Scribe/Clerk (lawyer, bureaucrat) 75
Mage (spellcaster, alchemist, enchanter) 100

Adventuring Gear Type ENC Price
Between tools and supplies there are plenty of things that an Oil (flask) 1 1
adventurer might find themselves needing on the road. A supe- Paper (10 sheets) 0 3
rior quality item provides a +10 bonus to any tests associated Parchment (10 sheets) 0 2
with it, while an inferior quality one imposes a -10 penalty.
Pick (miner) 1 20
Containers like the sack, backpack, or chest hold the listed Pole (3 meter) 1 1
amount of ENC, but halve the effective value of the ENC Pot 2 30
contained within them as long as the objects could rea- Pouch (holds 5 ENC) 1 10
sonably fit. Quiver (holds 30 arrows/bolts) 1 15
Rations (2 days) 1 40
Clothing & Gear
Rope (hempen, 20 meters) 2 10
Type ENC Price
Rope (silk, 20 meters) 2 100
Abacus 1 10
Sack (holds 30 ENC) 1 1
Backpack (small) (holds 10 ENC) 1 20
Scale (merchants) 1 65
Backpack (large) (holds 20 ENC) 2 30
Shovel 1 20
Bedroll 1 20
Spyglass 1 1000
Blanket 1 10
Survival Kit (tinderbox, knife, etc) 1 50
Bottle (glass) 0 20
Tent (per person) 1 35
Caltrops (bag of 20) 0 10
Torch (includes oil) 1 2
Candle 0 1
Vial (1 potion) 0 10
Case (map/scroll) 1 10
Water-skin (2 liters) 1 3
Chain (3 meters) 1 50
Whistle 0 1
Chalk (piece) 0 1
Chest (holds 20 ENC) 6 75
Climbers Kit 2 150
Crowbar 1 35 Some characters need specialized tools for their profession. Some
Flask 1 5 of these can be easily carried, while others cannot. A superior
Grappling Hook 0 25 quality tool set provides a +10 bonus to any tests associated
Hammer/Saw/Mallet/Chisel 1 15 with it, while an inferior quality one imposes a -10 penalty.
Healers Kit 1 75
Holy Symbol 0 40
Type ENC Price
Hourglass 0 250
Alchemist (Field) (max depth 4 ingredients) 1 500
Hunting Trap (small cage) 4 40
Alchemist (Lab) * 500
Hunting Trap (large jaws) 6 80
Smithy * 200
Ink (bottle) 0 50
Delicate Craft (jeweler, cartographer, etc) 1 300
Ink Pen 0 1
Simple Craft (potter, carpenter, etc) 5 100
Iron Spike 0 1
Thief (lockpicks, probes, etc) 0 25
Jug 1 1
Cooking (travel) 3 30
Ladder (rope, 3 meters) 3 20
Lantern (bullseye) 1 120 *This tool set is too large for one person to carry, and instead
Lantern (hooded) 1 60 requires a small space of its own.
Lock (per success threshold) 0 25
Magnifying Glass 0 800
Manacles 1 30
Mirror (small) 0 45

Entertainment & Recreation Livestock & Pets
The prices here are for books, games, and other assorted rec- Livestock is critical to the survival of many communities. The
reational or entertainment items. Most of these have no game cost to maintain livestock (grazing is usually free, but it is
effect, though the GM might rule that characters can learn important to have food stockpiled) for a week is roughly a
certain things by reading books, or give them bonuses on tests twentieth of the animals price.
for referencing them. Superior quality might reflect nicer looking
materials, or, in the case of books, that the book itself is a rare Livestock
edition. Type Price
Cow 500
Entertainment & Recreation
Horse (draft) 600
Type ENC Price
Horse (riding) 500
Dice 0 1
Horse (war) 1000
Game Set 1 10
Guar 450
Deck of Cards 0 5
Guar (war) 900
Tickets to local Event 0 15
Chicken 10
Book 1 100
Pig 300
Lute/Harp 1 80
Sheep 150
Drum 2 30
Slave 400
Flute 1 50
Horn 2 100
Property & Transportation
Some adventurers are not wanderers, and own property of their
Clothing & Jewelry own. For some this takes the form of a small home, while others
As with food, clothing varies drastically across Tamriel. As such own and operate entire ships! Maintaining a property or means
the items in this section are meant to be generic, and apply of transportation costs 1% of its total price every month.
regardless of culture. Superior quality clothing or jewelry looks
better, or is more durable, depending on the item. Clothing Property & Transport
items have an ENC of 1, and jewelry an ENC of 0. Type Price
Hovel/Shack 100
Clothing & Jewelry
Cabin/Cottage 1000
Type Price
Apartment 1000
Common Clothes (EL 100) 20
Small House 2500
Fine Clothes (EL 400) 100
Large House 5000
Travelers Clothes (EL 100) 80
Villa/Mansion 10000
Robes (EL 400) 40
Estate 50000
Ring (simple, EL 250) 100
Ring (fine, EL 500) 300
Cart (small) 60
Ring (jeweled, EL 1000) 1000
Cart (large) 120
Ring (extravagant, EL 1500) 5000
Wagon 250
Necklace/Amulet (simple, EL 250) 200
Rowboat 100
Necklace/Amulet (fine, EL 500) 600
Sailboat 500
Necklace/Amulet (jeweled, EL 1000) 1500
Silt Strider 10000
Necklace/Amulet (extravagant, EL 1500) 7500
Ship (small) 30000
Ship (large) 60000
Warship (small) 50000
Warship (large) 100000

Arcane Items Enchantment Services
Enchanted items can be extremely powerful, and extremely
Tamriel is a land of innumerable magical wonders, many of expensive. Characters can hire enchanters to create items with
which find their way into the markets and guild halls of average enchantments of all types. Their cost is determined by the
Tamrielic cities. This section contains prices for those items. following formula:

Soul Gems Enchanted Item Price: Soul Gem + Item + Fee

Soul gems are gems that can be used to capture the souls of men
and beasts. There are a number of different soul gems, each of The formula above assumes the character is paying for the soul
which has its own maximum soul energy and can only hold gem, the base item, and the enchanting service. If the character
certain types of souls. Black souls are the souls of men, mer, and is providing either the soul gem, the base item, or both, then
the beast races. All other creatures have white souls. ignore that portion of the cost. The fee the enchanter charges
should be based on the total spell level of the enchantment. The
Types of Soul Gems table below provides a guideline for the GMs use:
Type Soul Types Max. Soul Energy Price
Petty White 100 25 Enchanter Fee

Lesser White 250 100 Spell Level Cost

Common White 500 250 1 100

Greater White 1000 1000 2 250
Grand White 1500 2500 3 500
Black Any 1500 5000 4 1000
5 2500
Characters can also purchase soul gems that are completely, or 6 5000
only partially, full. The price of filled soul gems can be deter- 7+ 10000
mined with the following formula:

Filled Soul Gem Price: All of these prices assume a Binding Strength of 3 for the purposes
Gem Price + (Gem Price * [% full, as decimal]) of cast enchantments. Higher/lower binding strengths require
more/less skilled enchanters, which increase/decrease the total price
Enchanted Items by 20% for each step (max 5).
Finding an enchanted item for sale can be difficult, and when
they are for sale they are often extraordinarily expensive due to Spell Scrolls
how rare skilled enchanters are. Only mages regularly traffic in Spell scrolls are single use items that have had a particular spell
these items, and they know their true value. The price of the item bound to them through the use of enchanting. By reading the
should incorporate the price of the base item, and the strength magical inscription on the scroll the character can invoke the
of the enchantment. The GM should feel free to select from the stored magic without the difficulty of casting it themselves.
prices below based on what they feel is appropriate, but note
that these prices are just estimates and are not as accurate as Spell Scroll
pricing the items using the rules in the next section. Spell Level Cost
1 30
Enchanted Items
2 45
Spell Level Rough Cost
3 90
1 100-250
4 150
2 250-1000
5 300
3 1000-2500
6 600
4 2500-5000
7+ 1500
5 5000-10000
6 10000-25000 All of these prices assume a Binding Strength of 3. Higher/lower
binding strengths require more/less skilled enchanters, which
7+ 25000+
increase/decrease the total price by 20% for each step (max 5).

Spell Tomes & Training
Spell tomes are one of the ways that characters can learn conven-
tional spells. Spell tomes are books (despite their name, they can
be fairly small) that contain the knowledge necessary to use a
given spell. They not only contain practical instructions for using
the spell, but a history of the evolution of the spell, alternative
forms of casting, mnemonic devices, and other information that
can help a character attain a full understanding of the magic
they are learning to use.

Learning a spell takes a number of days equal to the spell

level. This time must be spent in practice and study.

Spell Tomes
Spell Level Cost
1 25
2 50
3 100
4 250
5 500
6 1000
7+ 5000

Alternatively, a character can be taught a spell. This takes just

as long as it would take to learn the spell normally, but also Alchemist Services
requires a teacher. Use the costs above as the training cost. Potions can be quite useful when employed correctly. Characters
can hire alchemists to create potions or poisons with effects of
Alchemical Ingredients all types. Their cost is determined by the following formula:
Potions are created using alchemical ingredients. Higher quality
ingredients have higher strength, allowing for more powerful Potion/Poison Price: Ingredient + Fee
effects. The following table lists the various quality levels and
costs of alchemical ingredients of any given type, and their Determine the effects of the created potion using the normal
corresponding strength and depth values: potion or poison creation rules found in the Alchemy section.
The formula above assumes the character is paying for the ingre-
Alchemical Ingredients (any school) dient and the alchemy service. If the character is providing the
Type Strength Depth Price ingredients, then ignore that portion of the cost. The fee the
Ubiquitous 2 1 1 alchemist charges should be based on the total spell level of the
potion. The table below provides a guideline for the GMs use:
Plentiful 5 2 5
Common 10 3 10 Alchemist Fee
Uncommon 15 4 25 Spell Level/Duration Mod Cost
Rare 25 5 50 1 5
Very Rare 50 6 100 2 10
Extremely Rare 100 7 500 3 25
Legendary 200 8 1000 4 50
5 100
6 250
7+ 500

Common Potions Potion of Magic Armor
This section includes a list of commonly used potions, their Character gains [Spell Strength] magic AR for 1 minute.
effects, and approximate prices for your convenience. The
potions on this page all have a single effect: simply pick the  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
desired spell level and use the listed price below in combination  Cost:  15 35 75 150 200 350 1000
with the listed effect strength (which is only listed up to spell
[Spell Str.]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
level 7) or duration (if the spell does not have a scaling level).
Potions have an ENC of 0.

Potion of Healing Potion of Levitation

Character regains [Spell Strength] HP. The character gains the Flyer ([Spell Strength]) trait for 1 minute.

 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Price: 6 15 35 75 150 350 1000  Cost:  15 20 50 100 200 350 1000
[Spell Str.] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 [Spell Str.] 3 6 9 12 15 18 21

Potion of Replenishment Potion of Rejuvenate

Character regains [Spell Strength] MP. Spell Level 3, Cost 75 drakes

 Level:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 The character regains 1 SP or removes 1 level of fatigue if they
Price: 10 20 35 75 150 350 1000 have any.
[Spell Str.] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

The variety of items found in this Chapter do not simply make Daedric Weapons and Armor
themselves: someone has to gather the materials and create the The Daedra are undisputed masters of craftsmanship, and
item. This section contains rules for characters wishing to create it is possible for mortals to utilize many of their secret
items of all types. ritual techniques to create Daedric armor and weapony,
which draw power from a Daedric soul consumed during
Step 1: Determine Item the creation of the item itself. However, detailed knowl-
First, the character must choose the item they wish to create. edge of the specifics of this process can be hard to come
Some items cannot be created, such as those that only occur across. While this book contains prices and AR values for
naturally, so the GM should use discretion when determining Daedric weapons and armor, expanded rules for creating
if a character can craft an item. The character must also choose and using these powerful items can be found in the
the quality of the item, if applicable, which when combined Planes of Oblivion supplement.
with the items base price will allow them to determine the
approximate market value of the item.

Step 2: Gather Raw Materials Step 4: Make Crafting Test

Next the character must gather the raw materials necessary to Next the character makes the actual crafting test using the diffi-
create the item. Exactly what this entails will vary from item to culty determined in the previous step. The skill that the character
item, but as a general rule of thumb if the character wishes to tests is based on the item they wish to craft. Creating weapons
purchase all the raw materials it will cost roughly one third or armor uses the Profession [Smithing] skill, while other items
of the items price as calculated in the last step. will usually use some other variation of the Profession [Field]
skill as appropriate. Failure produces no item, while critical
Step 3: Determine Test Difficulty success halves the time required.
Third the character determines the difficulty of the crafting test.
The difficulty of the crafting test for most items is based solely Creating any item requires the appropriate craft tools. In the
on the quality of the item, and modified further as the GM sees case of smithing, the character will also need access to a forge
fit. When creating weapons or armor the material also provides (along with the related facilities and tools) in order to complete
a modifier. See the tables below for test difficulties. the product. The actual act of crafting can take anywhere from
a few hours to a few days (and sometimes even longer). During
Crafting Difficulty this time the character must be focused on creating the item.
Quality Difficulty The duration required is left to the GM, and should be based
Inferior +30 on the complexity of the item in question.
Common +0
Runed Weapons/Armor
Superior -30 Characters with knowledge of Enchanting can imbue weapons
and armor with magic runes that make them effective against
Material Difficulty (Smithing) certain types of enemies. The character must pass an Enchant
Material Difficulty Material Difficulty test when creating the item (there is no penalty for failure). On
Adamantium -20 Leather +10 success add the Magic weapon/armor quality.
Bonemold -5 Malachite -20
Bone +0 Mithril -10 Repairing Weapons & Armor
Chitin +0 Moonstone -10 Much like people, gear does not always survive combat.
Dragonbone -40 Orichalcum -10 In the event that a weapon or piece of armor is damaged,
Dreugh Hide -10 Padded +30 a character can attempt to repair it with a Profession
Dwemer -10 Silver -5 [Smithing] skill test. This takes about an hour and
requires raw materials worth five percent of the price of
Ebony -30 Stahlrim -10
the item. Given a successful skill test, the character can
Fur +10 Steel +0 reduce the X value of the Damaged (X) weapon/armor
Iron +20 Wood +20 quality on the damaged item by his degrees of success.

Spell Making Reference Spell Forms
This page contains a list of spell forms. A Form is the shape
The reference materials in this section are for players to use to of the spell. Some spells are cast across wide areas (like a fireball,
create their own spells. See Unconventional Spells in Chapter which uses the ball form) while others are cast only on the
6 for details. caster themselves (the self form). Most spell form have a base
cost associated with them, and a single parameter (which is
Spell Attributes represented by the variable Z) to determine their size. Many

Many spells have attributes listed in their profiles that modify also have attributes associated with them: these are imparted
their rules or clarify how they function in game terms. The rules to the final spell.
for spell attributes apply to all types of spells, but are included
in this section for convenience: Self
Potion: A potion can be created with this spell effect. Potion
Upkeep: The caster can refresh the effect (including any Cost: 2
required tests or rolls, using the original target(s)) and Affects the caster.
duration of this spell when it ends by paying the original
cost that he paid for the spell. Touch
O  verload: The caster benefits from an extra effect (as spec- M Attack (1m)
ified) if not restraining this spell. Cost: 0
R/M Attack (range): Spell counts as a ranged/melee attack Affects a single target character within 1m of the caster.
with the listed range.
AoE (range, form): This spell counts as a ranged, area of Bolt
effect attack of the given form/radius. R Attack (100m)
D  irect: This spell has a target or targets, but is not an attack Cost: 0
and cannot be defended against by normal means. Affects a single target character within 100m of the caster.
Reaction: This spell may be cast as a reaction when specified.
[Variation]: This spell has multiple variations, each cor- Target
responding to one of the listed items. Each variation is its Direct
own spell that must be learned separately. Cost: 3
Affects a single target character within 50m of the caster.

 Attack, AoE (1 + Zm, sphere)
Cost: 5 + Z
Affects all targets within 1 + Z meters of target point within
100m of the caster.

R Attack, AoE (10 + 10*Zm, beam)
Cost: 5 + Z
Affects all targets within a 1m wide line 10 + (10 x Z) meters
in chosen direction from the caster.

Cost: 5 + Z
Affects a single target within 50m of the caster. Then affects up
to Z additional targets, each within 10m of the previous target.

Cost: 5
Affects all targets within 1m at the end of each round.

R Attack, AoE (3 + Zm, cone)
Cost: 5 + Z
Affects all targets within a 3 + Z meter cone (a cone with a
length of 3 + Z meters, and the same width).

 Attack, AoE (1 + Zm, sphere)
Cost: 5 + Z
Affects all targets within 1 + Z meters of the caster.

Cost: 5 + Z
Creates a magical rune on target surface within 1 meter. After a
1 round delay the rune becomes barely visible (-20 to any vision
based tests to spot it). The caster chooses one or more conditions
upon which the rune detonates. The rune persists indefinitely.
Proximity: The rune detonates whenever a character comes
within a certain distance (chosen by the caster).
 ime: The rune detonates after a set amount of time.
M  anual: The caster can detonate the rune manually from
any distance by using the Cast Magic action.

When the rune detonates it affects all targets within 1 + Z meters.

This counts as an area of effect attack and can be evaded, but
only if a character is aware of the rune.

Enchant, Upkeep, R Attack, AoE (1 + (3 x Z), sphere), (loses
the Overload attribute)
Cost: 5 + Z
Affects all targets within 1 + (3 x Z) meters of target point within
100m. Leaves behind a persistent zone in this area for 1 round
that causes the same effect to any characters who pass through
it (or end their turn in it if they started there). Upkeeping the Spell Effects
spell does not let the caster move the storm, it merely refreshes The next page contains a list of spell effects. An Effect is the
the effect and duration. actual content of a spell: the fire effect causes fire damage while
the heal effect heals it.
Enchant, Upkeep, R Attack, AoE (Z, wall) Most spell effects have a cost determined by a static multiplier
Cost: 5 + Z times the chosen spell level (SL). Many also have attributes
Creates a wall 1m wide and 1 + (2 x Z) meters long within 100m, associated with them: these are imparted to the final spell.
with an orientation chosen by the caster. Affects all targets within
the area of the wall. Leaves behind a persistent zone in this area Unless otherwise specified, spell effects do not stack with
for 1 round that causes the same effect to any characters who themselves (multiple fortify spells do not stack on top of
pass through it (or end their turn in it if they started there). one another, for example).
Upkeeping the spell does not let the caster move the wall, it
merely refreshes the effect and duration.

Alteration Spell Effects
Effect Rules Attributes Cost
[Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison],
Elemental Armor Affected target gains SL AR of the chosen [type] for 1 minute. 4 x SL
Upkeep, Potion
Magic Armor Affected target gains SL magic AR for 1 minute. Upkeep, Potion 6 x SL
Armor Affected target gains SL AR for 1 minute. Upkeep, Potion 5 x SL
Affected target must make a Strength test with a 30 - (10 x SL)
Burden Upkeep 3 x SL
modifier or raise its Encumbrance level by one for 1 round.
Affected target lowers its Encumbrance level by one for 1 round,
and treats its armor as being one weight class lighter.
Feather Upkeep, Potion 10
Note: This effect always counts as being Spell Level 4.
Affected target gains SL temporary bonus HP against physical
damage for 1 round. Any damage it takes reduces this HP first.

Physical Shield This bonus HP can exceed the targets HP max, and if any Upkeep, Potion 3 x SL
remains at the end of 1 round then the spell is free to upkeep
(the bonus HP refreshes entirely). If all bonus HP is lost by the
end of the round then the spell cannot be refreshed via upkeep.
Affected target gains SL temporary bonus HP against magic
damage for 1 round. Any damage it takes reduces this HP first.

Magic Shield This bonus HP can exceed the targets HP max, and if any Upkeep, Potion 3 x SL
remains at the end of 1 round then the spell is free to upkeep
(the bonus HP refreshes entirely). If all bonus HP is lost by the
end of the round then the spell cannot be refreshed via upkeep.
Affected target gains SL temporary bonus HP against damage of
the chosen [type] for 1 round. Any damage it takes reduces this
HP first.
[Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison],
Elemental Shield 2 x SL
This bonus HP can exceed the targets HP max, and if any Upkeep, Potion
remains at the end of 1 round then the spell is free to upkeep
(the bonus HP refreshes entirely). If all bonus HP is lost by the
end of the round then the spell cannot be refreshed via upkeep.
The next time the affcted target jumps within 1 minute it may
Jump Potion SL
jump SL meters higher or further.
Levitate Affected target gains the Flyer (3 x SL) trait for 1 minute. Upkeep, Potion 6 x SL
Affected door or container locks itself. Defeating this lock
Lock requires an extended Subterfuge test with a success threshold - 3 x SL
equal to 2 x SL.
Affected door or container within 1 meter unlocks itself if the
Open - 3 x SL
extended test threshold to unlock it is 2 x SL or lower.
Removes SL levels of the Damaged (X) quality from affected
Repair Upkeep 3 x SL
piece of armor, shield, or weapon.
The next time affected target falls within 1 minute it may ignore
Slowfall up to the first 2 * SL meters when calculating fall damage. May Upkeep, Reaction, Potion 1 x SL
be cast as a reaction if a character falls.
Water Breathing Character can breathe water as if it were air for SL minutes. Potion 1 x SL
Water Walking Character can walk on water as if it were land for SL minutes. Potion 1 x SL
May be cast as a reaction. Reduces damage dealt by an attack
Ward Reaction 2 x SL
against the affected target by 5 + SL.

Conjuration Spell Effects
Conjuration is currently a work in progress, and will not be
in this version of the book until weve released the Inhabitants
of Tamriel supplement, as it includes the rules for the various
creatures conjurers can summon!

Destruction Spell Effects
Effect Rules Attributes Cost
Disintegrate Armor Armor piece on affected hit location gains Damaged (SL) - 4 x SL
Disintegrate Weapon Weapons held by affected character(s) gain Damaged (SL) - 4 x SL
Drain Magicka Affected target must make a Willpower test or lose 4 x SL MP Upkeep 2 x SL
Affected target must make an Endurance test with a 30 - (10 x SL)
Fatigue Upkeep 2 x SL
modifier or lose 1 SP.
Affected target takes (die) fire damage.

Fire Note: The SL determines the size of the die used, starting with a 1d4 Overload (+WpB to Dmg) 1 x SL
and stepping up one size for each SL beyond the first (1d6, 1d8, 1d10,
2d6, 2d8, 2d10).
Affected target takes (die) frost damage.

Frost Note: The SL determines the size of the die used, starting with a 1d4 Overload (+WpB to Dmg) 1 x SL
and stepping up one size for each SL beyond the first (1d6, 1d8, 1d10,
2d6, 2d8, 2d10).
Affected target takes (die) shock damage.

Shock Note: The SL determines the size of the die used, starting with a 1d4 Overload (+WpB to Dmg) 1 x SL
and stepping up one size for each SL beyond the first (1d6, 1d8, 1d10,
2d6, 2d8, 2d10).
Affected target takes (die) poison damage.

Poison Note: The SL determines the size of the die used, starting with a 1d4 Overload (+WpB to Dmg) 2 x SL
and stepping up one size for each SL beyond the first (1d6, 1d8, 1d10,
2d6, 2d8, 2d10).
Affected target takes (die) fire damage. Damage dealt counts as
Sunlight Overload (+WpB to Dmg) 1 x SL
Note: The SL determines the size of the die used, starting with a 1d4
and stepping up one size for each SL beyond the first (1d6, 1d8, 1d10,
2d6, 2d8, 2d10).
[Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison],
Elemental Weakness Affected target gains Weakness ([type], SL) trait for 1 round. 1 x SL
Weakness to Magic Affected target gains Weakness (magic, SL) trait for 1 round. Upkeep 3 x SL

Illusion Spell Effects
Effect Rules Attributes Cost
Affected target must make a Willpower test with a 30 - (10 x SL)
Blind Upkeep 3 x SL
modifier or be Blinded for 1 round.
Affected target must make a Willpower test with a 30 - (10 x SL)
modifier or be calmed for 1 minute.
Calm Upkeep 3 x SL
A calmed character loses the will to fight. While calmed, they cannot
willingly attack any character unless that character attacks them first,
at which point they snap out of the effect.
Chameleon Affected target gains the Chameleon (-5 x SL) condition for 1 minute. Upkeep, Potion 3 x SL
Affected target becomes receptive to others, and the next character to
Charm attempt a Persuade or Deceive test on them within 1 minute receives a - 2 x SL
+5 x SL bonus.
Willing affected target receives a +5 x SL bonus to any Fear tests
Courage within 1 minute. Targets under the effects of fear can make a Upkeep 2 x SL
Willpower test with the same bonus to snap out of the effects.
Panic Affected target must make a Panic (30 - (10 x SL)) test. - 2 x SL
Horror Affected target must make a Horror (30 - (10 x SL)) test. - 7 x SL
Affected target must make a Willpower test with a 30 - (10 x SL)
Frenzy - 4 x SL
modifier or gain the Frenzied condition.
Affected target gains the Invisible condition for 1 round. They lose this
condition if they attack or cast another spell during this time.
Invisibility Upkeep, Potion 12
Note: This effect always counts as being Spell Level 5.
Creates a light orbiting affected target that illuminates an area within
Light Upkeep, Potion 1 x SL
10 x SL meters for 1 minute.
Muffle Affected target gains the Muffled (-5 x SL) condition for 1 minute. Upkeep, Potion 3 x SL
Affected target gains the ability to see in the dark up to 10 x SL meters
Night Eye Upkeep, Potion 3 x SL
for 1 minute.
Affected target must make a Willpower test with a 30 - (10 x SL)
Paralyze Upkeep 8 x SL
modifier or be Paralyzed for 1 round.
Affected target gains SL additional degrees of success on successful
Sanctuary defense tests for 1 round. They can also move 1 meter further than Upkeep, Potion 7 x SL
normal to avoid AoE attacks on successful evade tests.
Affected target must make a Willpower test with a 30 - (10 x SL)
Silence Upkeep 3 x SL
modifier or be Silenced for 1 round.

Mysticism Spell Effects
Effect Rules Attributes Cost
Affected target takes (die) poison damage. Caster regenerates HP equal
to half (round up) of the damage dealt (after reduction).
Absorb Life Overload (+WpB to Dmg) 3 x SL
Note: The SL determines the size of the die used, starting with a 1d4 and
stepping up one size for each SL beyond the first (1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 2d6,
2d8, 2d10).
Affected target must make a Willpower test or lose (die) magicka.
Caster regenerates MP equal to the magicka lost.
Absorb Magicka Overload (+WpB to MP lost) 3 x SL
Note: The SL determines the size of the die used, starting with a 1d4 and
stepping up one size for each SL beyond the first (1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 2d6,
2d8, 2d10).
Affected target gains the ability to see objects/effects of the chosen
[Life, Magic, Undead, (other)],
Detect [type] [type] within 10 x SL meters as a faint, shimmering outline even in 5 x SL
Upkeep, Potion
the dark and through objects, even if blind, for 1 minute.
Removes all magical effects of SL level (either potion, spell, or enchant
Dispel level) or lower from the affected target. Constant enchantments Potion 4 x SL
reactivate after 1d4 rounds.
Affected target gains the Incorporeal trait for 1 round.
Ethereal Form Upkeep, Potion 10
Note: This effect always counts as being Spell Level 5.
Places an invisible, magic mark at the affected targets current location.
Use common sense when deciding how many marks a character can
keep track of.
Mark Potion 5
Note: This effect always counts as being Spell Level 2, and can only be used
with the Self form.
Instantly transports willing affected target to the location of one of the
casters magic marks placed with the Mark spell. Cannot be used to
Recall travel between planes. Potion 15

Note: This effect always counts as being Spell Level 3.

Any time affected target would be hit by a spell (after any defense, but
Reflect before resolving effects), roll a d10. If the result is a roll of SL or lower, Upkeep, Potion 3 x SL
instead resolve the spell against its original caster. Lasts for 1 round.
Affected target within 50m has their soul magically tethered to
an appropriate empty soul gem (only black soul gems can hold
the souls of men, mer, and the beast races) of the casters choice
Soul Trap within 1m of the caster. If the target dies within 1 minute, then Upkeep 12
their soul is trapped within the gem and it gains soul energy
equal to the size of their soul.

Note: This effect always counts as being Spell Level 2.

Spell Absorption Affected target gains the Spell Absorption (SL) trait for 1 round. Upkeep, Potion 3 x SL
Telekinesis Affected target gains the Telekinesis (SL) trait for 1 minute. Upkeep, Potion 3 x SL
Telepathy Affected target gains the Telepathy (SL) trait for 1 minute. Upkeep, Potion 3 x SL

Restoration Spell Effects
Effect Rules Attributes Cost
Affected target loses the Paralyzed condition.
Cure Paralysis - 8
Note: This effect always counts as being Spell Level 2.
Upkeep, Potion, [Strength,
Endurance, Agility,
Fortify Affected target increases their [characteristic] score by 5*SL for 1 round. 8 x SL
Intelligence, Willpower,
Perception, Personality]
Heal Affected target regains 2 x SL HP. Potion 2 x SL
Affected target regains 1 SP or removes 1 level of fatigue if they have any.
Rejuvenate Potion 20
Note: This effect always counts as being Spell Level 3.
Affected target regains 2 x SL MP.
Replenish Potion 3 x SL
Note: This effect cannot be used with the self form.
[Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison],
Elemental Resistance Affected target gains the Resistance ([type], SL) trait for 1 round. 2 x SL
Upkeep, Potion
Resistance to Magic Affected target gains the Resistance (magic, SL) trait for 1 round. Upkeep, Potion 4 x SL
Affected target is stabilized if they were dying.
Stabilize - 1
Note: This effect always counts as being Spell Level 1.
Affected target with the Undead trait must make a Willpower test with a
Turn Undead Upkeep 3 x SL
30 - (10 x SL) penalty to not immediately flee the caster for 1 round.
May be cast as a reaction. Reduces damage dealt by an attack against the
Ward Reaction 2 x SL
affected target by 5 + SL.


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