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G.R. No.

L-24740 July 30, 1979

JUAN, Defendants-Appellants.

Celestino C. Juan &, Associates for appellants.chanrobles virtual law library

Solicitor General's Office for the appellee.


Appeal by defendants-appellants from the decision dated September 28, 1964 of the Court of First
Instance of La Union in Civil Case No. 1835 for the expropriation of 338.7480 hectares of land owned by
spouses Celestino C. Juan and Ana Tanseco as the site for the La Union Regional Agricultural School,
directing the plaintiff Republic of the Philippines to

... pay the legal owners Celestino C. Juan and Ana Tanseco the amount of P190,000.00 which is the just
and reasonable compensation that the Court rules in this case in favor of the defendants; and it appearing
that on May 7, 1963, P100,000.00 had already been paid, it is therefore ordered that upon this decision
becoming final the balance of P90,000.00 plus interest of 6% from May 4, 1963 shall be paid to
defendants Celestino C. Juan and Ana Tanseco," aside from the costs of the suit.

Defendants-appellants are the registered owners of two (2) adjoining parcels of land located at Barrio
Sapilang, Bacnotan, La Union with an aggregate area of 3,387,480 square meters or 338.7480 hectares,
more or less, and covered by Original Certificate of Title No. 0-420 issued on April 14, 1959 (pp, 9-14, 46-
47, ROA; Vol. 1, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Pursuant to the authorization issued on March 15, 1963 by the President of the Philippines through the
Executive Secretary (p 15, ROA), the Solicitor General filed on April 8, 1963 the complaint for
expropriation of the aforesaid parcels of land to be used as the site of the La Union Agricultural School,
which was to be established by authority of Republic Act 2692 (pp. 9-20, 43 ROA, Vol. I,
rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Before the institution of the expropriation proceedings Victor Luis, who was appointed principal of the
proposed school, recommended the property of defendants as the school site. Thereafter, together with
Mrs. Avelina L. Osias, he negotiated with the defendants for the purchase of their property (pp. 85-87,
ROA, Vol. 1, rec.). On January 25, 1963, he wrote a letter to defendant Celestino Juan, thus:

... Feelers have come to you to inquire about the price that you would be willing to sell your land. Mrs,
Pacita Gonzales and the undersigned came to you personally and you informed us verbally your least
price of P170,000.00 which you explained to us is very reasonable.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles
virtual law library

May I request your kindness to confirm the above price in writing, as your offer as the selling price of your
above-mentioned land in order that there will be an official record or basis in negotiating with authorities
concerned in the purchase of your land as school site. (pp. 43-44, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).

Defendant Celestino Juan replied on January 28, 1963.

... that the selling price of my land is P170,000.00 net to me exclusive of the amount of my obligation to
the China Banking Corporation where the property is mortgaged.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles
virtual law library
The condition of the sale is at least P90,000.00 down and the balance within a period of one (1) year.
Title to the property will be transferred to you immediately provided that an annotation of the remaining
balance of the price be accordingly made in the new title.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law

I wish, however, to tell you that presently there are no less than 23 tenants in the land and they are
harvesting or about to harvest their tobacco crops. In justice to them, they should be allowed to finish
harvesting their crops before they are finally ejected.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law

It is with deep regret that I cannot part with the land at a lesser price. There are 3 parties at least aside
from you who are interested to buy the land. One of them is ready to sign the contract for a price of
P200,000.00 payable in cash or at least a period of ten (10) days. This party, through an understanding
with a certain bank can mortgage the property for P350,000.00. As you see, if the primary consideration
is money alone, then, if I am a smart, I should mortgage the land myself. It should be noted, and I have all
the records with me, that I have applied for a loan with the Development Bank of the Philippines in the
amount of P4,102,000.00 principally to establish a dairy farm and mortgaging only as collateral the said
land. From the conversation with said bank, it seems to me that the same would be favorably considered
if not for P4,000,000.00 at least P1,000,000.00.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Kindly confirm your acceptance of the terms of this letter as I can hold the land for a period of ten (10)
days. (pp. 382-384, ROA).

After receipt of the aforequoted letter, Mr. Luis consulted his office in Manila (p. 86, ROA, Vol. I, rec.) as
well as the provincial officials of La Union and the municipal officials of Bacnotan (pp. 86,174, ROA, Vol. I,
rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

In an order dated April 15, 1963, the trial court authorized the Government to enter and take immediate
possession of the property after depositing the amount of P90,793.70 with the provincial treasurer of La
Union as provisional value (p. 20, ROA, Vol. I, rec.),chanrobles virtual law library

Defendants on April 24, 1963 filed their "Urgent Motion for Reconsideration and/or to Lift Writ of
Possession" questioning among others, the propriety and correctness of Resolution No. 13, series of
1962, of the Provincial Appraisal Committee and pointing out that "the fair and reasonable market value ...
should be at least fifty centavos (P0.50) per square meter of P5,000.00 per hectare" and prayed that the
complaint for expropriation be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction; to set aside the order dated April 15, 1963
and instead order plaintiff to deposit the amount of P300,000.00 as provisional value; and to set aside the
writ of possession dated April 16, 1963 until the court has decided the issue of jurisdiction and/or until
plaintiff has deposited the amount of P300,000.00 as provisional value of the property (pp. 22-32, ROA,
Vol. I, rec.). On the same date, the lower court lifted the writ of possession until further
orders.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Acting on the aforesaid motion on April 26, 1963, the lower court found the expropriation proceedings in
order and the provisional value made by the Provincial Appraisal Committee inadequate and ordered the
plaintiff Republic of the Philippines to deposit the amount of P100,000.00 as provisional value until the
true valuation of the lots can be determined in accordance with law and further directed "that for the best
interest of the defendants whose improvements may be vandalized for lack of protection, let the writ be
effected without prejudice to the final determination of the true value of the property to be determined in
due course" and forthwith ordered the issuance of the writ of possession after the deposit by plaintiff of
the amount of P100,000.00 is made (p. 45, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual
law library
On May 4, 1963, plaintiff Republic of the Philippines took possession and occupied the lots under
expropriation (p. 86, ROA, Vol. I, rec.) and deposited on May 7, 1963 the amount of P100,000.00 which
the appellants withdrew that same day.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

On May 7, 1963, defendants filed two simultaneous pleadings: motion for reconsideration of the
provisional value on the ground that the value fixed by the court is still inadequate; and a motion to
dismiss which likewise embodied defendants' answer to the complaint for expropriation (pp. 46-66, ROA,
Vol. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In an order dated June 13, 1963, the court denied the motion to dismiss of defendants for lack of merit (p.
66, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In order dated January 8, 1964, the trial court directed the condemnation of the property,

it appearing that the plaintiff has already deposited the amount of P100,000.00 the provisional value of
the property sought to be condemned, which amount has already been withdrawn by the defendants and
the property accordingly turned over to the Republic of the Philippines for the use of the La Union
Agricultural School, ..." (pp. 66-67, ROA, emphasis supplied).

and appointed as commissioners of appraisal (1) Atty. Rogelio Balagot, for the lower court and as
chairman; (2) Atty. Eufemio Molina, for the plaintiff; and (3) Atty. Pablito M. Rojas, for the defendants (pp.
4, 67-68, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

For a period of three days, these commissioners in the presence of the parties, conducted an extensive
ocular inspection and physical investigation of the property, after which they held protracted hearings until
June 2, 1964, wherein both parties were given full opportunity to present their respective positions with
voluminous documentary and oral evidence (p. 4, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles
virtual law library

On June 29, 1964, Atty. Eufemio Molina, commissioner for plaintiff, filed his report dated June 25, 1964
(pp. 69-78, ROA, Vol. I, rec.) recommending

... that the value of the land of defendants to be taken as the site of the La Union Agricultural School at
Sapilang, Bacnotan, La Union, be fixed at P135,000.00. which amount is the meeting point between the
government's offer of P100,000.00 and the defendants' price of P170,000.00.

Atty. Pablito M. Rojas, commissioner for the defendants, in his report of July 13, 1964, recommended

... as the price of the land to be paid by the plaintiff to the defendants the amount of P1,407,856.00 the
same to bear interest at the legal rate from the date of possession by the plaintiff to the date the amount
is actually paid.

Commissioner Rogelio F. Balagot for the court and chairman recommended:

... that the just compensation to be paid the defendants landowners be the following:chanrobles virtual
law library

Value of the Land......................................................................... P1,044,163.70

Value of Improvements.................................................................. 1,712.60

Total Amount................................................................ P1,045,876.30chanrobles virtual law library

That the balance of P945,876.30 (deducting P100,000.00, the amount paid as provisional value) earn
legal interest (6%) until fully paid.

Defendants-appellants filed their objection to the reports of Commissioners Rojas, Balagot and Molina,
claiming that the true value of the land is P1,736,208.32 or P1,693,740.00 (pp. 284, 374, ROA, Vol. 1.
rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

On September 4, 1964, defendants filed a petition entitled "Petition to Submit Case for Decision" without
any hearing on the reports (p. 378, ROA, Vol, I, rec.) chanrobles virtual law library

On September 28, 1964, the lower court rendered its decision (pp. 380- 426, ROA, Vol. I,
rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

A motion for reconsideration was filed by defendants on October 26, 1964 (pp. 426-508, ROA. Vol. I,
rec.), but the same was denied by the Court in an order dated May 10, 1965 (pp. 509-514, ROA. Vol. I,
rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Ichanrobles virtual law library

Under their first assignment of error, appellants contend that the propriety of the expropriation and the
manner in which it was conducted were in dispute throughout the proceedings in the trial court and that
they never waived their objections thereto; that the conditions precedent as provided for by Executive
Order No. 132, series of 1937, as amended, were not complied with, for no proper and valid negotiation
to purchase the lots or to have it donated to the Government was undertaken by the State before the
institution of the expropriation case in court; and that the resolution of the Appraisal Committee which was
the basis of the amount alleged in the complaint as the fair market value of the lots to be expropriated
was null and void, having been adopted contrary to legal requirements (pp. 24-46, Appellants' Brief: p. 11.
Vol. II. rec.). The same points were raised by the appellants in their motion for reconsideration of the
lower court's main decision and the trial court in its order of May 10, 1965 correctly overruled them,
stating that:

Movants start by bringing to the front the alleged lack of negotiations between plaintiff and defendants for
the acquisition of the 338 hectares belonging to the latter. Non-compliance with Executive Order No. 132
is mentioned repeatedly by the defendants as vitiating this case. It is even hinted that the best resolution
for this case would be to dismiss it because plaintiff failed to comply with said Executive Order dictated in
pre-war days. Plaintiff delivered to defendants through this Court P100,000.00 as part of the fair and just
compensation that the defendants are entitled. On May 7, 1963, such amount was received by
defendants and plaintiff started developing the area and constructing the buildings needed for the La
Union Agricultural School. This school is now in operation; and it would certainly be the most disturbing
step for the regularity of the functions of the Government to dismiss the case, compelling the plaintiff to
remove all buildings in the land that once belonged to the defendants and return the property to them.
Besides, interpreting with fair liberality the pre-war Executive Order No. 132, the court shall now state that
for the purpose of negotiations with the land owners the letter of January 5, 1963 received by the
defendants and the latter's reply of January 28, 1963 are clear and sufficient compliance with the tenor
and spirit of said Executive Order. The court, therefore, rejects any request that this case having been
filed without sufficient compliance with said administrative procedures the whole proceeding shall have to
be dismissed. This cannot be done." (pp. 511-512, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).

To begin with, it must be emphasized that plaintiff-appellee in this instant case is the Republic of the
Philippines which is exercising its right of eminent domain inherent in it as a body sovereign. In the
exercise of his sovereign right the state is not subject to any limitation other than those imposed by the
Constitution which are: first, the taking must be for a public use; secondly, the payment of just
compensation must be made; and thirdly, due process must be observed in the taking. Beyond these
conditions, the exercise by the State of its right of eminent domain is subject to no restraint. Section 64(h)
of the Revised Administrative Code confers upon the Chief Executive the power to determine when it is
necessary or advantageous to exercise the power of eminent domain in behalf of the Republic of the
Philippines and to direct the Solicitor General to cause the filing of the appropriate condemnation
proceedings in court. By this grant, the executive authorities may then decide whether the power will be
invoked and to what extent (see pp. 87-89, Political Law of the Philippines, Ta;ada and Carreon, 1962
ed., citing Visayan Refining Co. v. Camus, 40 Phil. 550).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law

Appellants in making their first assignment of error are under the wrong impression that the provisions of
Executive Order No. 132 are conditions precedent to the valid exercise of the State of its right of eminent
domain. As a whole, Executive Order No. 132 is purely an administrative procedure confined within the
executive department of the government designed merely to govern and regulate the taking of private
properties for public use which may either be by voluntary sale or by donation in favor of the government.
Nothing is provided in said executive order expressly or impliedly making the procedures therein
enumerated as conditions precedent to the valid exercise by the government of the right of eminent
domain by filing the proper action in court. As stated, Executive Order No. 132 was intended merely to
govern the taking of private property short of judicial action either by purchase or donation. Being so, the
same cannot limit or circumscribe the sovereign and inherent right of the State to expropriate private
property through the Courts.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Moreover, there has been substantial compliance with the requirements of Executive Order No. 132;
because negotiations for the purchase of the parcels were conducted between Victor Luis, the principal of
the proposed agricultural school, and Mrs. Avelina L. Osias on one hand, and the defendants-appellants
on the other, which did not result in a voluntary sale by the defendants-appellants for lack of agreement
on the just compensation for the parcels.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Paragraph (a) of Executive Order No. 132 provides that negotiations shall be conducted by the "Director
of Public works, city or district engineer, or other officials concerned ... The last term can comprehend the
principal of the proposed agricultural institution.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Furthermore, the unqualified withdrawal by appellant of the amount of P100,000.00 deposited in court by
the plaintiff as provisional value of the lots subject of expropriation, constituted recognition on their part of
the right of the government to expropriate the lots, (Republic v. Pasicolan, May 31, 1961, 2 SCRA
626).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

If the unconditional withdrawal of the amount deposited as provisional value precludes the defendants-
appellants from questioning the right of the plaintiff to expropriate, it must necessarily follow that said
withdrawal also estops defendants-appellants from raising any objection to the manner and propriety of
the exercise by the plaintiff of the right of expropriation (18 American Jurisprudence 634-635, Francisco's
The Revised Rules of Court in the Philippines, Vol. IV-B, pp. 411-
412).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

There can be no debate that due process was observed in the instant case. Likewise, education is public
use or public purpose. Republic Act No. 2692 expressly authorizes the establishment of the La Union
Regional Agricultural School within the Province of La Union and the acquisition of a suitable site therefor.
The inadvertent omission of the term Regional in the complaint for expropriation could not nullify the
expropriation of the lands of defendants-appellants. Such error in the complaint does not amend the law
and can easily be corrected without affecting the validity of the
proceedings.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

IIchanrobles virtual law library

The valuation of the lots must be fair and just, not only to the owner but also to the taxpayers who are to
pay for it. Appellants are entitled to receive only the value of what they have been deprived of, and no
more; because to award them less, would be unjust to them, and to award them more, would be unjust to
the public (27 Am. Jur., 2nd s 266, footnote 17 pp. 52- 53).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual
law library

The three commissioners appointed by the trial court to determine the fair market value of the lots did not
reach a consensus as to the classification of the land, the allocation of areas as to each class, and the fair
market value of each class of land.

Commissioner Rogelio F. Balagot found and recommended as follows:

. Irrigated Riceland 70 P8,500.00 P595,000.00

2. Upland Rice 66 3,500.00 231,000.00

3. Orchard Land 52.0785 1,200.00 50,494.20

4. Pasture Land 90.6695 1,000.00 90,669.50

5. Forestland 70 1,000.00 77,000.00

TOTAL 338.7480 has. 1,044,163.70

and, after adding to the above amount the sum of P1,712.00, representing improvements, finally
recommended the amount of P1,045,876.30 less P100,000.00 earlier withdrawn by appellants, to earn
legal interest until fully paid (pp. 271-282, ROA, Vol. I, rec.) Commissioner Pablito M. Rojas appraised the
land as follows:chanrobles virtual law library

Commissioner Pablito M. Rojas appraised the land as follows:

Land Classification Total Market Total

Hectares Value sq. meter Market Value

Irrigated Palay Land 65.0000 P1.00 P650,000.00

Upland Palay 66.0000 0.30 198,000.00

Orchard 38.0785 25 98,200.00

Pasture Land 95.6695 10 92,669.50

Forestry Compound 8.0000 30 95,000.00

Forest Land 65.0000 15 97,500.00

Barrio Compound 4.0000 .50 20,000.00

TOTAL 338.7480 1,171,369.50

and after considering some factors, like the fact that the lots are titled, said commissioner finally
recommended "the amount of P1,407,856.00, the same to bear interest at the legal rate from the date of
possession by the plaintiff to the date the amount is actually paid" (pp. 160-166, ROA, Vol. I,
rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library
Commissioner Eufemio Molina adopted the following classification and allocation:

(a) With respect to Lot No. 1 (Exh. "B"), into -

1. Unirrigated riceland with an area of 120,000 sq. meters.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual

law library

2. Upland rice with an area of 85,000 sq. meters.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

3. Pasture land with area of 2,801,695 sq. meters.

(b) With respect to Lot No. 2 (Exh. 'B-l') , into-

1. Unirrigated riceland with an area of 120,000 sq. meters,chanrobles virtual law library

2. Upland rice with an area of 85,000 sq. meters.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

3. Pasture land with an area of 175,785 sq. meters.

and making a mass valuation of the entire two lots, recommended the amount of P135,000.00 by taking
into consideration the amount which to him is the price the government is willing to pay: P100,000.00
(actually the provisional value deposited by the government to take possession of the lots); P170,000.00
which according to him is the amount for which the defendants are willing to part with their lots (actually
P190,000.00 including the bank mortgage liability of the land) and also the fact that the lots in question
were acquired by tile defendants in 1957 for the amount of only P50,000.00 fro 'm Felipe Nebrija and his
children (pp, 71- 78, ROA, Vol. 1, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Before the filing of the complaint, a Provincial Appraisal Committee composed of Provincial Assessor
Ramon Zandueta as chairman, and as members, Provincial Highway District Engineer( Oscar Data and
Provincial Auditor Gabino Ferrer, was constituted. On November 16, 1962, this committee conducted an
ocular inspection of the property, and on the same day, submitted its Resolution No. 13, Exhibit A, which
classified defendant's property as follows:

60 hectares riceland at P800.00 per hectare .I................. P48,000.00 chanrobles virtual law library

278.7480 hectares pasture land at P150.00 per hectare ...41,812.20

TOTAL................................................................ 189,812.20

(p. 135, ROA, Vol. I. rec.). The aforesaid resolution was rejected as having been done in haste (pp. 135-
136, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

According to Provincial Assessor Zandueta, the amount of P89,812.20 is the assessed value of the
property, which assessed value is the appraised value in expropriation cases (p. 141, ROA, Vol. I,
rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

La Union Agriculturist Pio A. Tadina was requested by Provincial Assessor Ramon Zandueta to appraise
the property. Pursuant to said request, Mr. Tadina went to the property thrice and thereafter submitted his
classification and valuation, as follows:

. 40 hectares riceland P60,000.00 P200,000.00
2. 20 hectares riceland 20,000.00 60,000.00

3. 80 hectares pasture land 40,000.00 80,000.00

4. 120 hectares fruit trees 60,000.00 120,000.00

5. 72 hectares 2nd growth forest 78,000.00 156,000.00

TOTAL P258,000.00 P616,000.00

chanrobles virtual law library

(p. 145, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

When the complaint was filed, the improvements on the property consisted of the following:

mango (bearing) P30 ea. P800.00

21 coconut (bearing) P5 ea. 105.00

4 coconut (non-bearing) P2 ea. 8.00

4 caimito (star apple) P8 ea. 32.00

2 Chesa P5 ea. 10.00

4 Kasuy P2 ea. 8.00

12 bamboos (heavy) P0.30 ea. 3.60

1 bamboo (light) P0.10 ea. 0.10

1 breadfruit P5 ea. 5.00

1 jackfruit P4 ea. 4.00

1 guayabano P1 ea. 1.00

6 orange (non-bearing) P1 ea. 6.00

TOTAL P982.70
chanrobles virtual law library

(pp. 16-17, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Mr. Luis Victor, principal of the La Union Regional Agricultural School, testified that there were around 30
fruit-bearing mango trees, once coconut fruit-bearing trees and banana plants (p. 139, ROA, Vol. I,
rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Both Attys. Pablito M. Rojas and Rogelio Balagot, commissioners representing respectively the
defendants-appellants and the trial court, agreed that the value of the improvements on the property was
then P1,712.60 (pp. 163, 280-281, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).

... Starting from the town proper of Bacnotan, one can reach the property by passing through the barrios
of Cabaroan, Sayoan, Salincob, Casiaman and finally Sapilang. The place is about 2.5 kilometers north of
the Poblacion along the National Highway up to the so-called Cabaroan junction. From this junction is
about a 2-kilometer feeder road going eastward. And from this lateral road is an unsurfaced road of
approximately 1.5 kilometers leading to the site of the Agricutural School. However, before the school
took possession of the land on May 4, 1963, the place was not accessible at all by any motor vehicles,
and that the only means was to hike over rice paddies, trails and
creeks.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Topographically, the property of defendant is situated on a high elevation. It consists of mountains and
hills forming a semi-circle, and sloping on the sides towards an elongated portion or valley like depression
which is level and developed into ridefields. Because of its high elevation or location, the climate of the
place is healthful, temperate and especially invigorating when one is near or within the vicinity of the
waterfall or spring. The climate is of the kind which the Weather Bureau would call the Type I climate; that
is, the place has two distinct seasons, a dry season from December to June, when there are light rains or
no rains at all and wet season, from June to December, when rains are abundant, heavy and frequent.
The soil to the place is good. It has a luxurient vegetation.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law

The property as per Original Certificate of Title No. 0-420 (Exh. '9-f') is divided into 2 lots; Lot No. 1 has
an area of 3,006,695 square meters and covered by Tax Declaration No. 33043 (Exh. 'b'); and Lot No. 2
which is under Tax Declaration No. 33043 (Exh. 'B-l') has an area of 380,785 square meters, making a
total land area of 338,7480 hectares, with an assessed value of
P42,120.00.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Aside from the waterfall or spring within the property, there are also fruit trees, scattered bamboo groves,
banana trees in patches, forest area, upland and pasture land. The bamboo and banana lands, however,
cannot properly be considered as such because the land upon which they grow is not planted principally
for such growth. The improvements on the forestry area have been introduced by the government,
notably the Reforestation Administration of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. (Exh
"D" and Exh. "I"). The other improvements on the land have been itemized in the complaint filed before
the Court. (pp. 69-71, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).

The foregoing findings do not appear to be disputed.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law


Defendant-appellant Celestino Juan himself, stated in his letter of January 28, 1963 that his property is
worth P190,000.00 (including his bank loan), which he later increased to P300,000.00 in his motion for
reconsideration filed on April 24, 1963. It should be recalled that over three months earlier, appellant
Celestino Juan, in his letter dated January 2, 1963 to the Provincial Appraisal Committee, evaluated his
property at approximately P329,374.00, stating that he spent P15,000.00 for survey P5,000.00 for
registration and P20,000.00 for bulldozing and levelling; that 60 hectares are first class which should be
worth P3,000.00 per hectare; and that the remaining portion of 278.748 hectares should command at
least P500.00 per hectare (pp. 35-37, ROA, Vol. I. rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law

The last evaluation in the amount of P300,000.00 judicially given by the defendants-appellants is a
declaration and admission binding on them (Sec. 22, Rule 130, Revised Rules of Court), there being no
showing that they were laboring under an error of fact. No compelling reason has been advanced to
justify their being relieved from the binding effects of such admission. As We ruled in the Republic of the
Philippines versus Narciso [99 Phil. 1031 (1956)], "the owners' valuation of the property may not be
binding on the Government or the Court, but it should at least set a ceiling price for the compensation to
be awarded. Moreover, the prices to be considered are those at the beginning of the expropriation, not
the increased values brought about by the improvements and actuations of the Government after
occupying the premises" (Re-affirmed in R.P. v. PNB, April 12,1961, 1 SCRA 957-
963).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library
When the defendants-appellants withdrew in 1963 the P100,000.00 deposited by the government, they
already obtained a clear profit of P10,000.00 on their alleged investment of P90,000.00 consisting of
P50,000.00, the price they allegedly paid for the property in 1957, and P40,000.00 allegedly representing
expenses for levelling, surveying and securing their Torrens title of the property from 1957 to 1959. The
balance of P392,000.00 - consisting of P200,000.00 and interest of P192,000.00 at 6% annually for 16
years from May 4, 1963 to 1979 - is all profit, even during times of inflation. From 1957 until May 4, 1963,
when the government took possession of the property, the defendants-appellants paid realty taxes on the
basis of their tax assessment of only P42,120.00 (P89,812.20 according to Provincial Assessor Zandueta
[p. 141, ROA, Vol. I, rec.]). Atty. Pablito M. Roxas and Atty. Rogelio Balago, appraisal commissioners
respectively for appellants and the trial court, conceded that the value of the improvements was only
P1,712.00 in 1963. To give them more than a million pesos - about P1,111,360.00 - on the basis of the
appraisal of P616,000.00 by provincial agriculturist Pio Tadina, including interest for 16 years at 6% per
annum, would be to mulct the tax-paying public, as the said amount is over ten times or over 1000% on
their alleged original investment of P90,000.00 from 1957, to 1959. Precisely, in their reply dated January
28, 1963, their selling price was only P170,000.00 net to them, exclusive of their bank debt of
P20,000.00.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

The appraisal of Provincial Agriculturist Pio Tadina, Chief Agricultural Appraiser Rafael T. David of the
DBP, Commissioner Balagot and Commissioner Rojas, respectively, in the amount of P616,000.000,
P1,006,400.00, P1,044,163.70, and P1,171,369.50, is patently extravagant, considering that the property
was bough in 1957 (1956 as claimed by appellants [pp. 112, 126, Appellants' Brie])) for P50,000.00 only
and the value of the improvements did not exceed P1,712.60 as of May 4, 1963, when the government
took possession. It is doubtful that the property would increase in value over 6 times or over 10 times or
by over 600% or over 1,000% in six years, from 1957 to 1963, with the expenses for surviving, securing
the Torrens title over and bulldozing said property amounting to not more than P40,000.00, already
included in the computation (p. 36, ROA, Vol.. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law

It should be emphasized that the property is about 6 kilometers from the poblaciosion of Bacnotan; that
on May 4, 1963, when the government took possession of the same, it was not accessible at all by any
motor vehicle and can only be reached by hiking through rice paddies, trails; and creeks; that it was not
fully developed: and that it was then assessed at P42,120.00 (P89,812.20 according to Provincial
Assessor Zandueta), although it has a waterfall or- spring, chanrobles virtual law library

According to Commissioner Molina, the property has 24 hectares of Unirrigated rice land and 17 hectares
dedicated to upland rice with the greater portion of 297.748 hectares as pasture land (pp, 71-72, ROA,
Vol. I, rec.). Pio Tadina reported that 60 hectares are riceland, 80 hectares pasture land 120 hectares
with fruit trees and 78 hectares second growth forest (p. 146, ROA, Vol. I. rec.). According to Rafael 'I.
David,, who was requested by appellant Juan to make an appraisal (p. 145, ROA, Vol. I. rec.), 70
hectares are riceland, 66 hectares for upland rice, 38.0785 hectares for orchard, 90.6695 hectares
pasture land, 5 hectares forestry compound, 65 hectares forest land and 4 hectares barrio compound (p.
150, ROA, Vol. I, rec.).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Even under the classification of Commissioners Balagot and Rojas, as aforestated, about 50% of the
property is not improved by man nor dedicated to agriculture, for about 95 hectares are pasture land and
70 hectares are forest land.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

The sales of farm lots in the vicinity of the property in question from April, 1959 to May 14, 1962 (pp. 74-
75, 152-153, 156-157, ROA, Vol. I, rec.), do not provide an adequate basis for appraisal of the property of
defendants-appellants; because such sales involved very small developed areas of less than a hectare
each, which small lots usually command better prices within the reach f the ordinary buyer. The instant
case involves the condemnation of over 338 hectares.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law

IIIchanrobles virtual law library

It is argued that appellants judicial admission of P300,000.00 as the provisional value of their lots, should
not bind them, because said admission refers only to the provisional value of the said lots and not as an
admission of the actual - fair and just - value of the lots. The provisional value fixed by the Court pursuant
to Section 2 of Rule 67 of the Rules of Court, is the provisional value that does not bind the land-owners.
But when the landowner himself fixes the provisional value, he should abide thereby in obedience to the
rule that admissions in pleadings bind the party making them.

Section 2 of Rule 67, New Rules of Court reads:

Entry of plaintiff upon depositing value with the National or Provincial Treasurer - Upon the filing of the
complaint or at any time thereafter the plaintiff shall have the right to take or enter upon the possession of
the real or personal property involved if he deposits with the National or Provincial Treasurer its value, as
provisionality and promptly ascertained and fixed by the Court having jurisdiction of the proceedings, to
be held by such treasurer subject to the orders and final disposition o)f the court...

Rule 69, Section 3 of the Old Rules of Court under which the present case was filed contained a similar
provision. (See also Visayan Refining Co. v. Camus. 40 Phil. 550-556 [1919] and Manila Railroad Co. v.
Paredes (31 Phil. 118-142 [1915]).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

For emphasis, We repeat that the price of P300,000.00 was the provisional value fixed not by the trial
court, but by the defendants-appellants as owners in their motion for reconsideration filed on April 24,
1963. The provisional value fixed by the trial court in its order of April 15, 1963, was only P90,793.70, the
reconsideration of which the owners sought from the trial court. In its order of April 26, 1963, the trial court
fixed the provisional value of P100,000.00. The trial court, in its challenged decision of September 28,
1964, finally fixed the value at P190,000.00, which is still more than double the alleged capital investment
of P90,000.00 allegedly paid by the owners for the purchase of the property, levelling and expenses for
survey and titling of the property from 1957 to 1959. In his own letter of January 28, 1963, where he fixed
his selling price at P170,000.00 net to him (plus P20,000.00 bank mortgage on the property), defendant-
appellant Celestino, Juan stated that the best offer he had for the property was only
P200,000.00.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

While it may be true that the value provisionally fixed by the trial court "... does not necessarily represent
the true and correct value of the land ..." it is equally true that the said amount provisionally fixed may yet
turn out to be the true and correct value of the lots approximating the "just compensation" requirement of
the Constitution. In fact, the same may also turn out to be more than the true and correct value of the
property condemned by the government (see 27 AM JUR 2nd 111, footnote
16).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Furthermore, it can be justifiably inferred that when appellants themselves proposed on April 24, 1963 the
amount of P300,000.00 as the provisional value of their lots, they were referring actually to the highest
value their lots could command at that time, notwithstanding their very speculative and extravagant claim
in the same pleading (where they made the P300,000.00 proposal) that the "fair market value of (the)
property should at least be fifty centavos . . per square meter or P5,000.00 per
hectare.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Consider the following circumstances:

1. In his reply dated January 28,1963 to the letter of Mr. Victor Luis, appellant Juan stated that the selling
price of his land was "P170,000.00 net to me exclusive of the amount of my obligation to the China
Banking Corporation where the property is mortgaged", or P190,000.00 including the mortgaged debt of
P20,000.00 (pp. 382-384, ROA).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library
2. Appellants-spouses acquired the lots in 1956 (as claimed by appellants) or 1957 (as stated in the
decision of the trial court) from Felipe Nebrija and his children for only
P50,000.00.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

3. The lots in question were taxed on the basis of an assessment of only

P42,120.00.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

4. In his letter dated January 2, 1963 to the Provincial Appraisal Committee, appellant Celestino Juan
evaluated his lots at approximately P319,374.00.

As a matter of fact, appellant should be bound by his P190,000.00 admission. In the light of the above-
mentioned circumstances, the said amount of P190,000.00 is already just and
reasonable.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Appellants' claim that they were forced to make the P190,000.00 offer because they were then under a
pressing need for money to defray expenses in connection with certain criminal case involving appellant
Ana to settle said cases, can hardly invite belief; because (1) appellant Celestino Juan did not aver this
alleged urgent need for money in his letter of January 28, 1963, and (2) notwithstanding appellant Juan's
claim in that same letter of January 28, 1963 that an interested buyer of the said lots was "ready to sign
the contract for a price of P200,000.00 payable in cash or at least a period of ten (10) days," appellant did
not dispose of the same to said interested buyer, despite the lapse of ten days - during which he could
have had the money - from the receipt by Victor Luis of said letter. Moreover, the same letter belies his
alleged dire need for money to settle the alleged criminal cases against his wife for he stated therein that
he had then a pending DBP loan application for P4,102,000.00 for a dairy farm, and that by reason of his
connection with DBP officials, his application would be favorably considered for P1,000,000.00 with the
expropriated property as collateral together with the dairy farm equipment, facilities and
stock.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Being a lawyer, appellant Celestino Juan knew that the reputation of his wife and for that matter his family
would be better protected and preserved by her acquittal after trial than by settlement of the case (see pp.
107-108, Appellants' brief). Compromise of a criminal case, other than a private offense, does not remove
the criminal liability and the concomitant stigma. Settlement of a criminal case, unlike acquittal, will not
stop the people from talking about the guilt of the accused therein.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles
virtual law library

Of course "judicial or non-judicial admissions made by condemnees as to the value of their properties that
are to be expropriated should not be deemed conclusive if such admitted value be unjust, because the
Constitution imperatively requires the payment of 'just compensation'". But in the instant case, it could
hardly be said that the amount of P300,000.00 is unjust to the appellants. The delay in the payment is
compensated by the liability for 6% .interest per annum, covering sixteen (16) years - from 1963 to 1979 -
on the balance of P200,000.00 (on May 7, 1963, appellants withdrew the P100,000.00 deposit)
amounting to P192,000.00. The total balance due appellants would be P392,000.00. The total payment to
them then would be P492,000.00. Beyond this price, the value would be excessive and unjust to the State
and the taxpayer (27 Am. Jur. 2d 52-53 266, footnote 17).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual
law library

It must be pointed out that the most reliable pieces of evidence in the records relative to the just
compensation to be paid herein appellants are those hereinbefore enumerated, namely, appellants' own
evaluation in 1963, the acquisition cost the tax assessment. This is so because the Committee failed to
arrive at an acceptable valuation, not to mention the fact that the individual reports of the commissioners
of the Appraisal Committee did not undergo the indispensable requirement of hearing before the trial
court. It must be herein stressed that almost all the evidence enumerated earlier are in the nature of
admissions by the owner, which kind of evidence under existing jurisprudence occupies a preferred
position in the realm of proof of just compensation and valuation in eminent
domain.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Even the purchase price of P50,000.00 paid in 1956 or 1957 by appellants for the lots sought to be
condemned in 1963 is generally held admissible as evidence of the lots' fair market value, unless such
purchase is too remote in point of time from the condemnation proceedings or more special consideration
induced the sale at less than the true market value (29-A C.J.S. 1203-
04).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Similarly, the assessed valuation of land made by tax assessors when required by the law, and the
owner's own valuation may be considered together with other proofs in the determination of the just value
of the lots condemned (29-A C.J.S. 1201-1202).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

As aforestated, appellants paid realty taxes on the property on the basis of an assessed valuation of only
P42,120.00, with improvements worth only P1,712.00. On January 28, 1963, appellants' offer was
P190,000.00, then P300,000.00 on April 24, 1963, as provisional value, after extravagantly claiming that
the property is worth the fantabulous price of at least P5,000.00 per hectare or a total of P1,693,040.00.
Not even the irrigated rice lands along the national highway in Nueva Ecija, the home province of
appellants, could command that price to P5,000.00 per hectare in 1963. And the lands in the case at bar
are in La Union, hilly, and away from the national highway without direct access to any feeder
road.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In our jurisdiction, the statement of the value of his property by the owner in the tax declaration shall,
since 1940 under C.A. No. 530, constitute prima facie evidence of the real value of the property in
expropriation proceedings by the Government and its
instrumentalities.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In short, it could therefore be said - taking into consideration the acquisition cost of P50,000.00 in 1956 or
1957 of the lots subject matter of the case, the alleged cost of P40,000.00 for levelling, surveying and
titling thereof from 1957 to 1959, the assessed value as well as the tax declarations of the appellants with
respect to these lots of only P42,120.00, the improvements worth P1,712.00 in 1963, and the several
admissions or estimates made by the appellants with respect to the value of the lots ranging from
P190,000.00 to P319.374.00 to P300,000.00 to P1,693,040.00 (P5,000.00 per hectare)-that the amount
of P300,000.00 is just to appellants, not to mention that in addition to said amount a considerable interest
of P192,000.00 for 16 years (1963-1979) would be paid on the unpaid balance of P200,000.00 from May
4, 1963 by the Government, or a grand total of P492.000.00, which is over five (5) times or over 500%
their capital investment of P90,000.00 from 1956 to 1959. Anything beyond this amount is grossly
excessive and patently unjust to the government and the taxpaying public (29 Am. Jur.2d 52-53 266,
footnote 17).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

It cannot be seriously claimed by appellants that the declarations of value of the lots in Exhibits B and B-1
were not made by them (pp. 346-347, ROA), considering that said tax declarations were made only after
the title over the lots was obtained by appellants. Exhibits B and B-1 clearly indicate that appellants and
no one else made the said declarations (p. 182, ROA).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law

Likewise, the valuation of Agriculturist Tadina should not be accorded too much weight for the following

1. His valuation report is based purely on his own estimate and opinion: hence in his letter to Atty. Ramon
Zandueta which embodied his evaluation, he therein stated that "... You will note hereunder the technical
analysis of the undersigned with regards to the area under consideration as a personal
opinion ..." chanrobles virtual law library
2. The factors he considered in evaluating the lots in question could hardly justify this valuation in the
amount of P616,000.00. Hence: "The 80 hectares of pasture land if properly grazed and managed is
capable of maintaining no less than 400 heads of cattle. The 120 hectares of fruit trees is suitably
adapted to cacao, coffee, bananas, mangoes. pineapple, citrus, avocado, rambutan, lanzones, The 78
second growth forest if only planted to "alnos Mirando" a Japanese kind of forest tree will also increase
the volume of spring water for irrigation purposes ... The second growth forest land has been evaluated
higher than the pasture and fruit tree lands because forest lands do not only conserve soil erosion and
soil fertility but also provide organic matter for the irrigated riceland. It will also conserve and promote the
development of spring besides the value of the, trees and other forest by-products which are now
available as sources of income (pp.39-42,ROA).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

3. Tadina is not "an experienced and competent appraiser" in the field of eminent domain or expropriation
cases. When cross-examined by the Fiscal of the Province of La Union, he declared that the appraisal he
made for the property in Damortis, La Union, and that in Aringay was only with respect to its adaptability
and suitability for agriculture and not for purposes of determining the fair and reasonable value (tsn, pp.
505-506, pp. 201, 202, ROA; see also pp. 108-109. ROA). His appointment as Chairman of the Appraisal
Committee for public lands in La Union did not qualify him as an "experienced and competent appraiser"
in expropriation cases; because lands involved therein are public lands and the appraisal or determination
of the fair market value of said lots are not for purposes of expropriation cases (p. 202, ROA). Neither
would his participation in the Poro Point expropriation add to his qualifications as an appraiser in
expropriation cases, because he was merely therein consulted (p. 202.
ROA).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

4. His classifications were made by estimates and not by actual measurements (tsn, p. 514; p. 204,

That the land "had potential for conversion into subdivision" should not be considered in the valuation of
the lots in question; because (1) the records of the case do not show conclusive evidence as to the
subdivision potentiality of the lots; and (2) as held in Manila Electric Co. v. Tuason, "agricultural land
should be appraised as such and not as potential building site" (60 Phil. 663 [1934], reiterated in the case
of The Municipal Government of Sagay v. Jison, et al., 104 Phil. 1026, 1033 [1958]).

Republic vs. Castelvi lends no support to appellants' position; because in the Castelvi case, there was a
finding by this Court that "... the lands in question had ceased to be devoted to the production of
agricultural crops, that they had become adaptable for residential purposes, and that the appellees had
actually taken steps to convert their lands into residential subdivisions even before the Republic filed the
complaint for eminent domain (p. 355, 58 SCRA).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

As already noted above, the individual valuations made by the three commissioners are of little value, if at
all; because the same were irregularly prepared, not to mention the fact that the same were not subjected
to the indispensable hearing requirement before the trial court - wherein the commissioners could have
been cross-examined on their respective reports, the bases thereof, how they reached their conclusions,
and their qualifications, and related matters-vital to the credibility, or lack of it, of their
valuations.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

It is urged that, because the value of the peso at the time of the taking in 1963 by the government of the
lots of appellants and the value of the peso today when the just compensation to be awarded to
appellants is to be paid, are no longer the same, this factor should be considered in the determination of
the final award to be given; and that even if WE consider appellants as having judicially admitted the
amount of P300,000.00 as the price of their property, the doubling of this sum at this time is
justified.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library
Actually, under this proposition, the amount to be doubled shou1d only be the balance of P200,000.00,
for appellants had ,withdrawn and made use of the P100,000.00 deposited by the government at the
inception of this case.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

It is of course true that the value of the peso in 1963 and at present is no longer the same. But this does
not justify US in considering that factor nor in doubling the amount judicially admitted by appellants;
because such contingency is already well-taken care of by the interest to be awarded to appellants. For
that is the true role or nature of interest in expropriation cases; because said interest is not contractual in
nature nor based on delict or quasi-delict, but one that "runs as a matter of law and follows as a matter of
course from the right of the landowner to be placed in as good a position as money can accomplish, as of
the date of the taking" (30 CJS 230). Stated otherwise: "Where the payment of compensation does not
accompany the taking of property for public use but is postponed to a later date, the owner of the property
is ordinarily entitled to the award of an additional sum which will compensate for delay (cases cited) or
which will, in other words, produce the full equivalent of the value of the property paid contemporaneously
with the taking" (29-A CJS 762). Under this view, the interest awarded is deemed part of the just
compensation required to be paid to the owner (27 Am. Jur, 112). This appears to be prevailing view in
the United States. As aptly and clearly explained in one American case:

Article 1 18 of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, provides in part as follow: 'Private Property shall
not be taken for public use ... without just cornpansation.' The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the
United States contains substantially the same provision, 'nor shall private property be taken for public
use, without just compensation.' In construing this Identical language of the Federal Constitution the
Supreme Court of the United States holds as follows: lt is settled by the decision of this court that just
compensation is the value of the property taken at the time of the taking (citing cases). And, if the taking
precedes the payment of compensation, the owner is entitled to such addition to the value at the time of
the taking as will produce the full equivalent of such value paid contemporaneously. Interest at a proper
rate is a good measure of the amount to be added'(numerous cases cited omitted). In these cases and
others, the proper rate of interest is held to be the legal rate of interest prevailing in the jurisdiction where
the land is located. The Supreme Court of West Virginia holds on the authority of these decisions and
also of Dohany vs. Rogers, 281, U.S. 362, 50 SGt. 299. 74 L.Ed 904, 68 ALR434, that denial of the right
of interest would be a violation of the fourteenth Amendment to the Federal Constitution, Simons v. Dillon,
119 W. VA 284,193 S.E. 331, 113 A.L.R. 787. The following texts are authority for the allowance of such
interest as part of the damages sustained by the owner of the land. Nichols on Eminent Domain 653, 216
(3d ed.); Lewis, Eminent Domain (3d ed.) 1320, 742; 18 AM JUR., Eminent Domain, 272 [State vs. Deal,
233 P 2d 242, 251-252, emphasis supplied].

This view is also well-discussed by JAHR in his book, Eminent Domain - Valuation and Procedure (1953
ed.), Chapter XXVIII - Payment of Compensation, pp. 286-301; and by ORGEL in his book, Valuation
Under Eminent Domain, Vol. I (1953 ed.) on the subject of interest as part of just compensation and as a
penalty for delay in payment (Sec. 5, pp. 19-33).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In this jurisdiction, a study of the cases decided by this Court with respect to the award of interest to the
condemnee where there is a gap of time between the taking and the payment, shows that We tend to
follow the view just discussed. The first case-it would appear-where the question of interest arose in this
jurisdiction was the Philippine Railway Co. vs. Solon, February 20, 1909, 13 Phil. 35-45. The two issues
taken there in connection with interest were: (1) From what time should interest be reckoned, from time of
the taking possession of the property by the government or from judgment of the trial court; and (2)
whether on appeal, appellant-condemnee is entitled to interest during the pendency of the appeal. In
disposing of the issues, the Court, relving heavily on American jurisprudence, appears to treat interest as
part of just compensation and as an additional amount sufficient to place the owner "in as good a position
as money can accomplish, as of the date of the taking." Thus, the Court declared:

It remains to consider what interest the defendant is entitled to from named date. It appears from the
record that thecompany opposed the confirmation of the award. Its objections were so far successful that
the court reduced the amount awarded by the commissioners. The owner was compelled to appeal and in
his appeal has been so far successful as to reverse the action of the the court below. Under these
circumstances we think he is entitled to interest on the award until the final determination of this
proceeding. What the result would be if he had failed in his appeal, we do not decide. The interest thus
allowed will be interest upon the amount awarded by the commissioners from the 2nd day of February,
1907, until payment(13 Phil. 40-44, emphasis supplied).

The Solon case thereafter became the basis of award of interest on expropriation cases like Philippine
Railway v. Duran, 33 Phil. 159 [1916]; Manila Railroad Co. v. Alano, 36 Phil. 501 [1917]; Manila Railroad
Co. v. Attorney General, 41 Phil. 177 [1920]; Alejo v. Provincial Government of Cavite, 54 Phil. 304
1930]; Tayabas v. Perez, 66 Phil. 470 [1938]; Republic v. Gonzales, 94 Phil. 957 [1954]; Republic v. Lara,
96 Phil. 172 [1954]; Phil. Executive Commission v. Estacio, 98 Phil. 219 [1956]; Republic of the
Philippines v. Deleste, 46 al., 99 Phil. 1035 [1956] Republic v. Garcellano, 103 Phil. 237 [1958];
Yaptinchay, 108 Phil. 1053 [1960]; Republic v. Tayengco, 19 SCRA 900 [1967],and many others, until the
matter of payment of interest became an established part of every case where taking and payment were
not contemporaneously made.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

And finally, We confirmed our adherence to the prevailing view in the United States when in the case
of Urtula vs. Republic, January 31, 1968, 222 SCRA 477, 480), We declared, through Mr. Justice J.B.L.
Reyes, that:

... Said interest is not contractual, nor based on delict or quasi-delict, but one that-

runs as a matter of law and follows as a matter of course from the right of the landowner to be placed in
as good a position as money can accomplish, as of the date of the taking'" (C.J.S. 230; see also Castelvi
case, supra, and Republic v. Nable-Lichauco, 14 SCRA 682).

In this connection, it must be pointed out that the judicial notice taken by this Court in the Castelvi case
(supra, 363) "... of the fact that the value of the Philippine peso has considerably gone down since the
year 1959," was premised not on the par value of the peso to the dollar, but on the dollarpeso exchange
rates at the time of the taking of the lots and at the time of the payment
thereof.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In the case of Manuel & Co. vs. CB (38 SCRA. 533-542 [1971]), We distinguished between par value of
the peso and the dollar-peso exchange rate. The par value of the peso to the dollar-two pesos to one
dollar-is fixed by law and remains intact (see 48, R.A. 265, 1948; Sec. 6, CA No. 699, 1945). Hence,
while there was a change of the exchange rate, the par value of the peso as established by law remains
unchanged.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Such par value can only be altered by the President of the Philippines upon proposal of the Monetary
Board with five members concurring and approved by Congress (Sec. 49[3] RA No.
265).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

On the other hand, the rate of exchange or exchange rate is the "price, or the indication of the price, at
which one can sell or buy with one's own domestic currency a foreign currency unit. Normally, the rate is
deterniined by the law of supply and demand for a particular currency" (38 SCRA 533-
542).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

It is submitted that the Castelvi doctrine on the value of our peso is of doubtful legality, considered in the
context of the Central Bank case, above discussed. In effect, the Castelvi ruling has devalued our peso; a
case of devaluation by judicial fiat.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

In the light of the foregoing, the de facto devaluation of our peso should not be taken into account in the
final determination of the value of the lots, subject matter of the
case.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library
In the 1970 case of Dizon-Rivera v. Dizon (33 SCRA 554-557 [1970]), WE ruled against appellants and
held that the decrease in the purchasing value of the Philippine peso provides no legal basis or
justification for completing their legitime with real properties of the estate instead of being paid in cash,
reasoning thus:

Neither may the appellants legally insist on their legitime being completed with real properties of the
estate instead of being paid in cash, per the approved project of partition. The properties are not available
for the purpose, as the testatrix had specifically partitioned and distributed them to her heirs, and the heirs
are called upon, as far as feasible to comply with and give effect to the intention of the testatrix as
solemnized in her will, by implementing her manifest wish of transmitting the real properties intact to her
named beneficiaries, principally the executrix-appellee. The appraisal report of the properties of the
estate as filed by the commissioner appointed by the lower court was approved in toto upon joint petition
of the parties, and hence, there cannot be said to be any question-and none is presented-as to fairness of
the valuation thereof or that the legitimate of the heirs in terms of cash has been understated. The plaint
of oppositors that the purchasing value of the Philippine peso has greatly declined since the testatrix
death in January, 1961 provides no legal basis of justification for overturning the wishes and intent of the
testatrix. The transmission of rights to the succession are transmitted from the moment of death of the
decedent (Article 777, and accordingly, the value thereof must be reckoned as of then, as otherwise,
estates would never be settled if there were to be a revaluation with every subsequent flucluation in the
values of the currency and properties of the estate. There is evidence in the record that prior to November
25, 1964, one of the oppositors, Bernardita, accepted the suin of P50,000.00 on account of her
inheritance, which, per the parties' manifestation, "does not in any way affect the adjudication made to her
in the projects of partition." The payment in cash by way of making the proper adjustments in order to
meet the requirements of the law on non-impairment of legitimes as well as to give effect to the last will of
the testatrix has invariably been availed of and sanctioned see Articles 955, 1080 and 1104, Civil
Code). That her co-oppositors would receive their cash differentials only now when the value of the
currency has declined further, whereas they could have received them earlier, like Bernardita, at the time
of approval of the project of partition and when the peso's purchasing value was higher, is due to their
own decision of pursuing the present appeal (emphasis supplied).

Additional distinction between the present case and the Castelvi case:chanrobles virtual law library

The proceedings before the commissioners and before the trial court in the Castelvi case were all in
accordance with the provisions of the rules, while this is not so in the present case; because the
commissioner's herein did not turn out a valid report, as the commissioners made their own and separate
reports and no consensus was reached by them on the classification of the lots, allocation of areas to
each class, and the fair market value of each class and the lots as a whole. Furtherinore, no hearing on
the reports of the commissioners was made by the trial court in the case at bar, because of the motion of
the herein appellants to submit the same without any (hearing).chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles
virtual law library

The finding of the trial court, which was sustained by this Court, that the lots involved in the Castelvi case
were residential, was supported by and based on the factual findings of the commissioners, who were
unanimous thereon, and the Provincial Appraisal Committee of Pampanga (58 SCRA 356-359): while in
the present case no one among the commissioners classified the lots or any portion thereof as residential
or one with residential/subdivision potentiality. With respect to Provincial Board Resolution No. 13 on the
report of the Provincial Appraisal Committee of La Union, the same was disregarded tor having been
passed in haste.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In the present case, commissioner Balagot classified the two lots into irrigated riceland, upland riceland,
orchard land, pasture land and forest land, Commissioner Rojas similarly classified the lands as above,
but adding thereto forestry compound and barrio compound; while Commissioner Molina classified the
lots into unirrigated riceland, upland riceland and pasture land. It cannot be seriously claimed that the lots
involved in the present case is suitable as, or have potentials tor conversion into, a residential subdivision
simply because a 4-hectare area of the same was considered by a member of the provincial appraisal
committee as residential. In fact, said 4-hectare area was reflected in the Provincial Appraisal Committee
Report, Resolution 13 (Exh. A) as grazing land, not as a residential one (see pp. 138, 173, ROA; pp. 67,
143, Appellants' Brief). Furthermore, none among the commissioners believed the testimony of the said
member on that point as no one among them classified the lots or any portion thereof as residential. The
fact that the tenants of appellants previously occupied the said area and constructed houses thereon,
does not convert the whole area or the portion thus occupied into a residential one. The residential nature
of the lot is not determined alone by the presence or absence of houses thereon (Republic v. Garcia, 91
Phil. 46 [1952]). The determination of the true nature of a lot must take into consideration, among other
things, the location topography, kind of soil fertility or productivity, and surroundings of the lot (Manila
Railroad Co. Caligsihan, 40 Phil. 326 [1919]; Republic v. Garcia, supra: Republic v. Lara, 50 O.G. 5778
[1954]). Indeed, the evidence relied upon by this Court in concluding that the lots involved in the Castelvi
case are residential and not agricultural, shows that:

... Castelvi broached the Idea of subdividing her land into residential lots as early as July 11, 1965 in her
letter to the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (Exh. 5-Castelvi). As a matter of fact,
the layout of the subdivision plan was tentatively approved by the National Planning Commission on
September 7, 1956. (Exh. 8-Castelvi). The land of Castelvi had not been devoted to agriculture since
1974 when it was leased to the Philippine Army. In 1957 said land was classified as residential, and taxes
based on its classification as residential had been paid since then (Exh. 13-Castelvi). The location of the
Castelvi land justifies its suitability fora residential subdivision. As found by the trial court, "It is at the left
side and the entrance of the Basa Air Base and bounded on two sides by roads (Exh. 13-Castelvi;
paragraphs 1 and 2, Exh. 12-Castelvi), the poblacion (of Floridablanca,) the municipal building, and the
Pampanga Sugar Mills are close by. The barrio schoolhouse and chapel are also near (Tsn., Nov. 23,
1960, p. 68).

The land of Toledo-Gozun (Lot 1-B and Lot 3) are practically of the same condition as the land of
Castelvi. They are also contiguous to the Basa Air Base, and are along the road. These lands are near
the barrio school house, the barrio Chapel, the Pampanga Sugar Mills, and the Poblacion of
Floridablanca (Exhs. 1, 3 and 4-Toledo-Gozun). As a matter of fact, regarding Lot 1-B, it had already
been surveyed and subdivided, and its conversion into a residential subdivision was tentatively by the
National Planning Commission on July 8, 1959 Exhs. 5 and 6-Toledo-Gozun). As early as June, 1958, no
less than 32 men connected with the Philippine Air Force among them commissioned, officers, non-
commissioned officers, and enlisted menhad requested Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin D. Gozun to open a
subdivision on their lands in question (Exhs, 8, 8-A to 8-ZZ-Toledo-Gozun)" (58 SCRA 357, emphasis

In the present case, there is no evidence in the record warranting a conclusion that the parcels involved
have potentials for conversion into a residential subdivision. On the contrary, the location, topography and
the use to which the lots involved were, devoted at the time of the filing of expropriation proceedings in
the lower court, indicate that they have none. In his report, Commissioner Molina described the location
and topography of the lots as follows:

... Starting from the town propwer of Bacnotan, one can reach the property by passing through the barrios
of Cabaroan, Sayoan, Salincob, Casianan and finally Sapilang. The place is about 2.5 kilometers north of
the the Poblacion along the National Highway up to the so-called Cabaroan junction. From this junction is
about a 2-kilometer feeder road going eastward. And from this lateral road is an unsurfaced road of
approximately 1.5 kilometers leading to the site of the Agricultural School. However, before the school
took possession of the land on May 4, 1963, the place was not accessible at all by any motor vehicles,
and that the only means was to hike over paddies, trails and creeks.

Topographically, the property of defendants is situated on a high elevation. It consists of mountains and
hills forming a semi-circle, and sloping on the sides towards an elongated portion of valley-like depression
which is level and developed into ricefields. Because of its high elevation or location, the climate of the
place ishealthful, temperate and especially invigorating when one is near or within the vicinity of the
waterfall or spring. The climate is of the kind which the Weather Bureau would call the Type I climate; that
is, the place has two distinct reasons, a dry season from December to June, when there are light rains or
no raisn at all, and wet season, from June to December, when rains are abundant, heavy and frequent.
The soil of the place is good. It has a luxuriant vegetation (pp. 69-70, ROA, emphasis supplied).

The presence of the houses of twenty-three (23) tenants in a 4-hectare area at the time the government
took possession of the lots herein involved, is not sufficient proof of that portion's potentialitv for
conversion into a residential subdivision, much less of the whole parcel of about 338 hectares. There was
no evidence that the houses of the tenants were there constructed because of its residential nature. In all
likelihood, the tenants were forced by necessity to construct their Rouses therein to be close to their
respective tobacco farms. The fact that under the leasehold system of land tenure, a tenant is allotted a
portion for his dwelling does not render the entire landholding no longer agricultural and thereby convert
the same into a residential land.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library



Fernandez, Guerrero, Abad Santos, De Castro and Melencio-Herrera, JJ.,

concur.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Concepcion Jr. and Santos, JJ., took no part.

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