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Martin Brofman diagnosed with terminal illness in 1975 - Healed himself well again:

You become what you think!

When Martin Brofman was diagnosed with incurable cancer of the spinal cord in 1975, he quit his
job on Wall Street and started for the first time to live in the present moment without worrying
about anything. After a while without worries he was declared healthy, but the doctors could not
give an explanation as to why. The result of the process that made him well, he has called the Body
Mirror System of Healing.

According to the doctors, Martin Brofman was only a fit of coughing away from death in 1975. The
cancer tumor was too close to the spinal cord to be removed. By being "here and now" and live every
minute to the fullest, he experienced life more intensely and beautifully than he ever did when he
was healthy. Martin realized that there had been many "If only I had" experiences in life, and
therefore took the decision to have the largest possible "I'm glad I did" experiences - if he got a
second chance! And he did! After a few weeks, "the overtime" showed that the tumor had shrunk,
and a few weeks later it had completely disappeared! The doctors said it must have been a
misdiagnosis since no-one could explain why. But Martin knew the truth: He had discovered a way to
heal himself. He developed the healing method Body Mirror System, and has since traveled the world
teaching it to others.

Traveling around the world

Now it's been 35 years since the tumor disappeared, and Martin Brofman is alive and well. Based in
Monaco, and previously Copenhagen, he travels around the world to help people change thought
patterns that prevent them from living a full life. - We are experiencing a lot of stress in our lives
because we try to meet all the demands we feel others place on us Martin says. - If you stop being a
victim to external circumstances and take responsibility for your own life, you can let go of the
symptoms that stress triggers. Anyone can feel good. It is about being honest with yourself.
Brofman's message hit a nerve with those who heard his lecture at the Alternative Exhibition in
Stavanger. It is all so logical, yet so difficult. We are practically programmed from we are children to
think of what we should be and not what we want. Do we dare to be honest with ourselves? Imagine
how many shoulders would get a heavy weight lifted off! We meet Martin Brofman at a break
between two packed lectures at Folkets Hus. Martin is eager to tell us. - The body heals itself. The
connection between the mind and the body creates a powerful and healing effect. There are no side-
effects. Natural healing occurs when you use your mind to stimulate its own healing process.

Could die at any moment

In 1975, Martin was in hospital in Philadelphia in the United States when the doctors told him that
they had found a cancerous tumor in the spinal cord between the 4th and 7 neck vertebrae. That was
the reason for the symptoms he was experiencing. The right arm was paralyzed and his legs spastic.
When he moved his head, it felt like electric shocks went through the whole body. He was operated
on immediately and was told that he would probably be paralyzed from the neck down if he survived.
- I could die at any moment by coughing or sneezing. Of course I agreed to let them operate me a few
hours later. Life could be over in a few hours and I went through the stages that many experience
when it dawns on them that they might die. At first I thought this was just a film, it was not true.
Then it dawned on me that this was real, and that it was happening to me. Emotionally, I had to
accept that I would soon be dead. When I accepted the inevitable, my body was shaking violently as
an intense wave of energy moved through my body. I opened to it, and after one or two very long
minutes it stopped. When it was over, I was calm like never before. All my senses were sharpened,
my vision was clearer, the colors were clearer, my hearing was clearer. Things were more alive. It felt
like a gray veil, that had prevented me from life itself, disappeared, and ironically, it was the fear of
dying. I had let go of it, and now saw life more intensely. I felt more alive even though it was maybe
only for a brief moment.

We create our reality

Before the disease, Martin was not spiritual. He was agnostic and did not believe in anything. He
identified himself with his physical body. The spiritual part he got more and more in contact with
while he was ill. Even though the body dies, he believes that who we really are, continue at some
level. Since he was still alive at New Year, he decided to celebrate this with a holiday trip to
Martinique. While he was there, he became acquainted with a man who taught Zen meditation. He
told him that cancer begins in the mind, and that is where you can get rid of it. This made a big
impression on Martin. On his journey "on overtime" he continually met exciting people, who in their
own way helped him to put together the puzzle that would later become the Body Mirror System. - I
decided to work on myself using the Silva Method, relaxation exercises, visualization, affirmations
and positive thinking and by going to alpha level and imagine a future in which the doctor would
examine me and say that they must have made a mistake. The idea with this is that the images we
have in our consciousness, increases the opportunity for that happening in the future. So I visualized
that the tumor became smaller and smaller every day, and that I was getting better and better. After
two months I was going for a check-up and was told that they must have made a mistake. They could
not find the tumor anymore. I knew then that I had created this situation. I learned a lot about how
the mind affects our life, and that the body reflects the consciousness, says Martin.

Wanted to make a model

- After studying other theories and philosophies, I wanted to make a model for myself to make it
easily understandable. I based this on the chakras from Hindu tradition and made a map of the
consciousness and how it affects the body. I resigned from my job on Wall Street when I was 38 years
old, and began to teach the Body Mirror method so that others could see the connection and change
their lives. We are what we define ourselves to be. I had not been present in my life, I had not
realized how important it is to be happy and feel well. Now this became my first priority, Martin
explains enthusiastically.

The experience of wholeness

For every symptom there is a way of being. There's a cancer personality, a rheumatism personality, a
near-sighted personality and so on. There is also a way of being that is without symptoms. It is a state
of consciousness where you experience wholeness. When someone is not healed, they don't
experience their wholeness, and healing must take place to return to the experience of wholeness.
Therefore, a healer is a person who can work with someone to get them to return to the experience
of wholeness. - It makes me happy when I see a client let go of their disease. Sometimes it takes
minutes, sometimes a few days or weeks. After healing, I find the inner cause of the physical
symptom. What is the state of consciousness that has created this symptom? If you respond with
stress to a situation, you can get a symptom that you need healing to release. The healing process is
simply to do what makes you happy, and stop doing what doesn't make you happy. Take
responsibility for your life, recommends Martin. It also means that you are not responsible for other
people. You are free to think and feel what you like, and others are free as well. It gives you a
freedom to be yourself and do what you want, while others can think what they want about you
without it affecting you. Stop worrying; there will always be someone who criticize you or don't like
you, while others like you and love what you do. Such is life. You can be with those who criticize you
and feel like a weed in a garden or you can be with the others and realize you've been a flower in the
wrong garden. Therefore, be with others who are more like you and appreciate you for who you are,
he recommends.

Feelings of guilt

- I recognize the importance of the state of consciousness of how the physical body feels. It is not a
truth that a guru has told me, it's not just an idea, because I have experienced this on my own body,
Martin says seriously. - Why don't more people heal themselves and share their experiences with
others? Why is it not more common? - For some people, the process of taking responsibility for their
lives is something which they associate with guilt. If you tell someone that they are responsible for
creating the cancer, then they feel guilty about it, and if they feel guilt, they still don't do anything to
change it. In our society, no one can blame you for being ill, it is not your fault. In medicine, it is
easier to say that it is the placebo effect that helped rather than to say that it was healing. The fact is
that people get healed. They get a diagnosis with an incurable disease, and after a while they are
miraculously well again, they have been healed! It does not matter how it happened. If someone is
healed of a disease, it is possible for others to recreate this and be healed themselves, Martin points
out. There's now a movement towards more integration between classical medicine and alternative
or complementary medicine. He does not mean that you shouldn't go to the doctor, or that you have
to stop taking your medicine, but he wishes that you can have healing in addition to what the doctor
has said. It is the combination of this that can make you healthy.

The role of the chakras

The chakras are our energy centers, and each of them represents a part of the consciousness. There
are seven chakras. They are not physical, but that does not mean that they are not real. They are
aspects of consciousness in the same way that the aura is an aspect of consciousness. Chakras are
denser than the aura, but not as dense as the physical body. They interact with the physical body in
two different ways: through the endocrine and nervous systems. There are seven endocrine glands,
the hormone-producing glands, and there are seven chakras. Each chakra is associated with one of
these glands, and they control the chemical balance in the body. Imagine each chakra as a ball of
energy which is located in the body. Each chakra is associated with nerves called plexus, and each
plexus control various parts of the body and the various functions in the body. Through the chakras
we can associate different parts of the consciousness with different parts of the physical body, and it
allows us to read the body as a map of the consciousness. Things happen around you, and you decide
how to respond to this. You decide what you think and feel, and make decisions that make you stay
in balance, or which can lead to stress or tensions. If it leads to tension, you are out of balance. When
the tension reaches a certain level, it creates a symptom.

If you think about a situation or person that has created stress for you, you will feel it in a certain
part of the body, and we can then say which chakra is affected. In the western world, we are not
taught to do this, but we have learned that we have different organs of the body. If there is a
problem with some of them, we have learned that we must have outside assistance, such as taking a
pill. - Symptoms speak a language, and this language reflects the idea that we create our reality.
When we describe the symptoms based on this, a metaphor for the symptom can become apparent.
If someone cannot walk, we can say that they are stopping themselves from walking, from leaving a
situation they do not like, for example. During the interview, Martin notices that Linda has pain in her
knees. She has to admit that her knees have been painful this weekend. It feels like an acute
inflammation, and it is painful to walk in stairs. Martin nods and asks if he can put his hands on her


- Let's say you have problems communicating with a person in your immediate circle, he continues
gently. - You know that there has been a bad atmosphere every time things have been brought up,
and to preserve the peace you stop saying anything and instead get annoyed and keep this inside you
because you are not able to leave this situation. You have after a while got periods of serious pain in
the knees, and the doctor gives you analgesics and perhaps physiotherapy to curb the symptoms.
The knee pain starts giving you limitations in terms of poor mobility, you cannot leave the situation.
By being honest with yourself about the situation, you can finally move on, and the pain can
disappear. Martin continues to go into more detail about the situation by looking at blockages in the
chakras. After a few minutes he asks Linda to stand up and stretch her legs and take a walk in the
hotel lobby. The knees instantly feel light and supple, she confirms astounded.

Martin Brofman has published the books Anything can be healed and Improve your vision, which are
available in several languages, including Norwegian. In addition, he has made several CDs for self-
healing and meditation. See

For information on Body Mirror healing courses in Norway contact Mary Hvring on tel. 481 61 606
or send an e-mail to mary.hovring @

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