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Classification of Crimes


Treason- any Filipino who levies war against the Phil or adheres to her enemies, giving them aid or
Conspiracy and proposal to commit treason
Misprision of treason concealing of conspiracy against the Phil
Espionage- entering warship; obtain confidential data, disclosure of confidential data to a
representative of a foreign nation
Inciting to war and giving motives for reprisals- provoke or give occasion to war or exposing
Filipinos to reprisals on their persons or property
Violation of neutrality
Correspondence with hostile country- in time of war, shall have correspondence with enemy
country or territory occupied by enemy troops
Flight to enemys country- attempt to flee or go to an enemy country when prohibited by authority
Piracy and mutiny in the high seas- shall attack or seize a vessel, seize cargo, equipment, and
other personal belongings of its complement or passengers.
Qualified piracy (and also qualified mutiny)- seize vessel by firing upon it, abandon victims
without means of saving themselves, whenever the crime is accompanied by murder homicide,
physical injuries, or rape


Arbitrary detention- any public officer or employee who detains another without legal grounds
Delay in the delivery of persons to the proper judicial authorities- there is legal ground but fails
to deliver to the proper judicial authorities (consider the hours depending on the offense)
Delaying release
Expulsion- shall expel any person from the country or compel to change residence
Violation of domicile- enter dwelling against the will of the owner or search papers/effects, or
refusing to leave (surreptitious entry) after being required to do so
Search warrants maliciously obtained, and abuse in the service of those legally obtained
Searching domicile without witness
Prohibition, interruption and dissolution of peaceful meetings
Interruption of religious worship
Offending the religious feelings


Rebellion or insurrection- rising publicly and taking arms against the government
Coup detat- a swift attack on the government or any military camp, communication networks, public
utilities, etc. by persons belonging to the military or police for the purpose of seizing or diminishing
state power. (RA 6968)
Conspiracy and proposal to commit coup detat, rebellion or insurrection
Disloyalty of public officers or employees- failure by public officers or employees to resist a
rebellion by all means within their power or shall accept appointment to office under the rebels
Inciting to rebellion or insurrection
Sedition- prevent execution of a law or election, prevent public officer from performing duties, inflict
act of hate or revenge, upon the person or property of any public officer or employee, to commit an
act of political or social hate or revenge against any private person, to despoil the gov.s property
Conspiracy to commit sedition
Inciting to sedition
Acts tending to prevent the meeting of the Congress and similar bodies
Disturbance of proceedings
Violation of parliamentary immunity- prevent a Congressman from attending
sessions or from expressing his opinions or casting his vote or who shall arrest or
search any member of Congress while it is in session except when the crime
committed is higher than prision mayor


Illegal Assemblies- a meeting attended by armed persons for the purpose of
committing any of the crimes in the RPC
Illegal Associations- associations organized for the purpose of committing any of
the crimes in the RPC or for some purpose contrary to public morals
Direct Assaults- employing force or intimidation to attain any of the objectives of
rebellion and sedition, but without a public uprising, OR shall attack or seriously
intimidate a person in authority or any of his agents, while performing official duties
Indirect Assaults- person who shall make use of force or intimidation upon any
person coming to the aid of the authorities or their agents
Disobedience to summons issued by Congress
Resistance and disobedience to a person in authority or the agents of such
Tumults and other disturbances of public disorder- (1) serious disturbance in a
public place; (2) interrupt meetings; (3) disturbance or interruption of a tumultuous
character; (4) person who, in a meeting, make an outcry tending to incite rebellion or
sedition or display emblems or placards thereof; (5) burying with pomp the body of a
person legally executed.
Unlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances (Art. 154)
Alarms and scandals- discharge firearm or other explosive, charivari, wandering
about at night shall disturb the peace, person intoxicated or otherwise, shall cause
disturbance or scandal in public places provided that Art. 153 is not applicable.
Delivering prisoners from jail- any person who shall remove a prisoner from jail or
penal establishment by means of violence, intimidation or bribery
Evasion of service of sentence- (1) prisoner who escapes during the term of his
imprisonment; (2) also applicable to destierro
Evasion on the occasion of disorders, conflagrations, earthquakes or other
Other cases of evasion- (1) violation of conditional pardon


Counterfeiting the seal of the Government and forging the signature or stamp of the Chief
Using forged signature or counterfeit seal or stamps
Making an importing and uttering false coins
Mutilation of coins
Selling of false or mutilated coin, without connivance
Forging treasury or bank notes or other documents payable to bearer
Counterfeiting, importing, and uttering instruments not payable to bearer
Illegal possession and use of false treasury or bank notes and other instruments of credit
Falsification of legislative documents
Falsification by public officer, employee or notary or ecclesiastical minister (Art. 171)
Falsification by private individuals and use of falsified documents
Falsification of wireless, cable, telegraph, and telephone messages and use of falsified
messages clarence ssc 2003
False medical certificates, false certificate of merits or service- (1) by any physician, surgeon, in
connection with their profession, (2) public officer
Using false certificates
Manufacturing and possession of instruments or implements for falsification

Usurpation of authority of official functions- misrepresenting oneself to be an
officer, agent, representative of the government, or who, under false pretense shall
perform any act pertaining to any person in authority of the Government or any
foreign government without being legally entitled to do so.
Using fictitious name and concealing true name
Illegal use of uniforms and insignia
False testimony against a defendant
False testimony favorable to defendant
False testimony in civil cases
False testimony in other cases and perjury in solemn affirmation- (1) Making
untruthful statements under oath or (2) an affidavit, upon any material matter before
a competent person authorized to administer oath
Offering false testimony in evidence
Machinations in public auctions- soliciting gift in consideration of refraining to take
part in any public auction; or any person who shall cause bidders to stay away from
an auction, with the intent to cause the reduction of the price of the thing auctioned.
Monopolies and combinations in restraint of trade (Art. 186)- (1) contracts in
restraint of trade; (2) monopoly; (3) person who conspires with another manufacturer
for the purpose of making transactions prejudicial to lawful commerce, or of
increasing the market price
Imposition and disposition of falsely marked articles or merchandise made of
gold, silver or other precious metals or their alloys
Substituting and altering trademarks, trade name, or service marks
Unfair competition, fraudulent registration of trademark, tradename, or service
mark, fraudulent designation of origin and false description (superseded by
RA 8293 or the Intellectual Property Code)


Repealed by RA 6425 and RA 7659


Betting in sports on contests
Illegal betting on horse races
Illegal cockfighting
Grave scandal
Immoral doctrines, obscene publications and exhibitions and
indecent shows
Vagrancy and Prostitution (Art. 202)


Knowingly rendering unjust judgment- judge
Judgment rendered through negligence- judge
Unjust interlocutory order- judge
Malicious delay in the administration of justice- judge
Prosecution of offenses; negligence and tolerance- prosecutors etc.
Betrayal of trust by an attorney or solicitor; revelation of secrets
Direct bribery (Art. 210)
Indirect bribery- accept gifts by reason of office
Qualified bribery- RA 7659
Corruption of public official- committed by person who offers the gifts
Illegal exaction (Art. 213)- (1) demanding payment of sums different from those
authorized by law; (2) failing to issue a receipt; (3) collecting, by way of payment,

things or objects of a nature different from that provided by law. (Note: this crime
does not apply to BIR or Customs agents because they are allowed to compromise)
Prohibited transactions- appointive public officer who, during his incumbency,
shall directly or indirectly become interested in any transaction of exchange or
speculation within the territory subject to his jurisdiction.
Possession of prohibited interest by a public officer- (1) a public officer
becoming interested in any contract or business in which it was his official capacity
to intervene; (2) also to accountants, experts, arbitrators, and guardians and
executors with respect to the estate or property within their appraisal (accountants)
or with respect to property belonging to their wards or estate (guardians/executors).


Simple Malversation (Art. 217)
Failure of accountable officer to render accounts
Failure of a responsible officer to render account before leaving the country
Illegal Use of Public Funds (Technical Malversation)- apply any public fund or
property under his administration to any public use other than for which such fund or
property were appropriated by law or ordinance.
Failure to make delivery of public funds or property
Conniving with or consenting to evasion- any public officer who shall consent to
the escape of a prisoner in his custody or charge.
Evasion through negligence
Escape of a prisoner under the custody of a person not a public officer
Removal, concealment, or destruction of documents
Officer breaking seal
Opening of closed documents
Revelation of secrets by an officer
Public officer revealing secrets of private individual
Open disobedience- refusal to execute a judgment, decision or order of superior
authority made within the jurisdiction of the latter and with all the legality
Disobedience to order of superior officer, when said order was suspended by
inferior officer
Refusal of assistance- public officer who shall fail to lend his cooperation towards
the administration of justice or other public service
Refusal to discharge elective office
Maltreatment of prisoners
Anticipation of duties of public office
Prolonging performance of duties and powers
Abandonment of office or position- - clarence
Usurpation of legislative powers
Usurpation of executive functions
Usurpation of judicial functions
Disobeying request for disqualification- any public officer who, before the
question of jurisdiction is decided, shall continue any proceeding after having been
lawfully required to refrain from doing so
Orders and requests by executive officers to any judicial authority
Unlawful appointments
Abuses against chastity- (1) the woman is the offended party to a case where the
offender is the investigator or required to make a report; (2) woman who is a prisoner under
the custody of the warden or the jailer who is the offender; (3) crime is committed upon a
female relative of a prisoner under the custody of the offender where the woman is the
daughter, sister, or relative by affinity in the same line as the prisoner. (Art. 245)

Parricide (Art. 246)
Death or physical injuries inflicted under exceptional circumstances
Murder (Art. 248)- the unlawful killing of any person which is neither parricide nor infanticide +
qualifying circustances
Homicide- unlawful killing of a person which is neither parricide, infanticide nor murder
Frustrated parricide, murder or homicide
Death caused in tumultuous affray
Physical injuries inflicted in a tumultuous affray- serious physical injuries inflicted on the victim
during a tumultuous affray but the person(s) responsible cannot be identified
Giving assistance to suicide
Discharge of firearms- unless the facts of the case are such that the act can be held to
constitute frustrated or attempted parricide, murder, homicide or any other crime for which a higher
penalty is prescribed by any of the articles of the RPC. (Art. 254)
Infanticide- killing of a child less than 3 years of age
Intentional abortion- (1) using violence against the pregnant woman; (2) without violence, he shall
act, without the consent of the woman; (3) if the woman shall have consented.
Unintentional abortion- cause an abortion by violence but unintentionally
Abortion practiced by the woman herself or by her parents
Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and dispensing of abortives
Duel- person who shall challenge another or incite or scoff at another publicly for having refused to
accept a challenge to fight a duel.
Challenging to a duel
Mutilation- intentionally mutilate another by depriving him either totally or partially, of some essential
organ of reproduction and any other mutilation
Serious Physical Injuries (Art. 263)
Administering injurious substances or beverages- without intent to kill shall inflict upon another
any serious physical injury, by knowingly administering to him any injurious substances or beverages
or by taking advantage of his weakness of mind or credulity
Less Serious Physical Injuries (Art. 265)
Slight physical injuries and maltreatment (Art. 266)
Rape (RA 8353)
(1) By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following
(a) Through force, threat or intimidation;
(b) When the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious;
(c) By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority; and,
(d) When the offended party is under 12 years of age or is demented even though none
of the circumstances mentioned above are present.
(2) By any person who, under any of the circumstances mentioned in paragraph 1 hereof, shall
commit any act of sexual assault by inserting his penis into another persons mouth or anal
orifice, or any instrument or object, into the genital or anal orifice of another person.


Kidnapping and serious illegal detention- private individual who shall detain or kidnap another, or
in any manner deprive him of his liberty --(a) if the detention lasts for more than 3 days; (b) if it shall
have been committed by simulating public authority; (c) if any serious physical injuries shall have
been inflicted upon the person kidnapped or detained; or threats to kill him shall have been made;
(d) If the person kidnapped or detained shall be a minor, except when the accused is any of the
parents, female or a public officer. (RA 7659)- - - penalty is reclusion perpetua to death.
Kidnapping and serious illegal detention for ransom resulting in the death of the victim OR
the victim is raped, tortured or subjected to dehumanizing acts (special complex crimes of
kidnapping for ransom with homicide, kidnapping for ransom with rape, kidnapping for ransom with
serious physical injuries) - - - (RA 7659) maximum penalty of death.
Slight Illegal Detention- if none of the circumstances mentioned above are present.

Unlawful arrest- any person who shall arrest or detain another without reasonable ground therefore
for the purpose of delivering him to the proper authorities.
Kidnapping and failure to return a minor- failure to return custody of a minor
Inducing a minor to abandon his home
Slavery- imposed upon anyone who shall purchase, sell, kidnap, or detain a person for the
purpose of enslaving him; if to assign the offended party, penalty is in the maximum
Exploitation of child labor- under the pretext of reimbursing himself for payment of a debt
of an ascendant, guardian etc., person who shall retain a minor in his service against the
latters will
Services rendered under compulsion in payment of debt


Abandonment of persons in danger and abandonment of ones own victim (Art. 275)-
(1) anyone who fails to render assistance to a person in an uninhabited place wounded or in
danger of dying; (2) failure to render assistance to another whom he has accidentally
wounded or injured; (3) anyone, who, having found an abandoned child under seven years
of age, shall fail to deliver the said child to the proper authorities, or shall fail to take him to a
proper place.
Abandoning a minor- under 7 yrs of age which custody is entrusted to him
Abandonment of minor by person entrusted with his custody; indifference of parents
(Art. 277)- with regard to a minors education
Exploitation of minors (Art. 278)

Qualified trespass to dwelling- (1) any person who shall enter the dwelling of another
person against the latters will (note the exception)
Other forms of trespass- any person who shall enter the closed premises or the fenced
estate of another, while either of them is uninhabited, if the prohibition to enter be manifest
and the trespasser has not secured the permission of the owner or the caretaker thereof.


Grave threats- any person who shall threaten another with the infliction upon the person,
honor or property of the latter or of his family of any wrong amounting to a crime
Light threats- A threat to commit a wrong not constituting a crime
Other light threats- (1) any person who shall threaten another with a weapon unless it be in
lawful self-defense; (2) any person, who in the heat of anger, shall threaten another with
some serious harm not constituting a crime, and who by subsequent acts did not persist in
the idea involved in his threat; (3) any person who shall orally threaten to do another any
harm not constituting a felony.
Grave coercion- Any person who, without authority of law, shall by means of violence,
threats or intimidation, prevent another from doing something not prohibited by law, or
compel him to do something against his will, whether it be right or wrong; also (1) coercion in
violation of the exercise of right of suffrage; and (2) compelling another to do a religious act
or to prevent him from exercising such right or from doing such act (RA 7890)
Light coercions (Unjust vexation)- (1) any person who, by means of violence, shall seize
anything belonging to his debtor for the purpose of applying the same to the payment of
debt; (2) any other coercion or unjust vexation.
Other similar coercions- (1) compulsory purchase of merchandise; (2) payment of wages
by means of tokens or objects other than legal tender
Formation, maintenance, and prohibition of combination capital or labor through
violence or threats

Discovering secrets through seizure of correspondence- committed by private individual
who seize anothers papers or letters and reveal the contents thereof (note: this crime is not
applicable to persons entrusted with the custody of minors nor to spouses with respect to
the papers or letters of either of them)
Revealing secrets with abuse of office
Revelation of industrial secrets

Robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons (Art. 294-298)
RA 7659 for special complex crimes involving robbery
Robbery with physical injuries, committed in an uninhabited place and by a band, or
with the use of firearm on a street, road or alley- penalty is in the maximum period of the
proper penalties
Attempted and frustrated robbery committed under certain circumstances- when a
homicide is committed
*Execution of deeds by means of violence or intimidation (Art. 298)- any person, who
by means of violence or intimidation, shall compel a person to sign, execute, or deliver any
public instrument or document
Robbery by the use of force upon things (Art 299-304)
Robbery in an inhabited house or public building or edifice devoted to worship-
robbers are armed and (1) the malefactors shall enter the house: (a) through an opening not
intended for entrance or egress; (b) by breaking any wall, roof, or floor or breaking any door
or window; (c) by using false keys, picklocks or similar tools; (d) by using any fictitious name
or pretending the exercise of public authority,- - OR IF (2) the robbery be committed under
the following circumstances: (a) by breaking of doors, wardrobes, chests, or any other kind
of locked or sealed furniture or receptacle; (b) by taking such furniture or objects away to be
broken or forced open outside the place of the robbery.
(Note: this can also be committed in one of the dependencies of an inhabited house, public
building, or building dedicated to religious worship)

Robbery in an uninhabited place and by a band

Robbery in an uninhabited place or in a private building
Robbery of cereals, fruits or firewood in an uninhabited house or private building
Possession of picklocks or similar tools
False keys

Brigandage (Art. 306)- when more than 3 armed persons form a band of robbers for the
purpose of committing robbery in the highway, or kidnapping persons for the purpose of
extortion or to obtain ransom or for any other purpose to be attained by means of force and
violence shall be deemed highway robbers or brigands.
Aiding and abetting a band of brigands
Theft- is the taking, with intent to gain, of personal property of another without the latters
consent. NO violence against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things is employed.
It is also committed by the following:
(1) Any person who finds lost property and shall fail to deliver the same to the authorities
(2) Any person who damages the property of another and shall remove or make use of the
fruits or objects thereof
(3) Any person who shall enter the fenced estate or a field where trespass is forbidden or
which belongs to another without the consent of its owner, shall hunt or fish upon the
same or shall gather fruits, cereals, or other forest farm or farm products (Art. 308)
Qualified theft- if:
(1) Committed by a domestic servant
(2) Or with grave abuse of confidence
(3) If the property stolen is a motor vehicle
(4) Mail matter
(5) Or large cattle
(6) Or consists of coconuts taken from the premises of the plantation
(7) Or fish taken from a fishpond or fishery
(8) Or if property is taken on the occasion of fire, earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption or
any other calamity, vehicular accident or civil disturbance
(9) PD 330- theft of timber or illegal cutting of logs from public forests and forest reserves

Theft of the property of the National Library and National Museum

Occupation of real property or usurpation of real rights in property
Altering boundaries and landmarks

Fraudulent insolvency- any person who shall abscond with his property to the prejudice of
his creditors


Estafa* * (Art. 315) - any person who shall defraud another through any of the means
mentioned therein: (1) estafa through unfaithfulness of abuse of confidence; (2) by means of
false pretenses or fraudulent acts; or (3) through fraudulent means
Other forms of swindling (Art. 316)- (1) person who, pretending to be the owner of real
property, shall sell or convey the same; (2) any person, who knowing that real property is
encumbered, shall dispose of the same although such encumbrance be not recorded; (3)
the owner of any personal property who shall wrongfully take it from its lawful possessor, to
the prejudice of the latter or any third person; (4) person who executes a fictitious contract;
(5) any person who shall accept any compensation given him under the belief that it was in
payment of services rendered or labor performed by him, when in fact he did not actually
perform such services or labor; (6) any person, who, while being a surety in a bond given in
a criminal or civil action, without express authority from the court or before the cancellation
of his bond or before being relieved from the obligation contracted by him, shall sell,
mortgage, or, in any other manner, encumber the real property or properties with which he
guaranteed the fulfillment of such obligation.
Swindling a minor (Art. 317)
Other deceits (Art. 318)

Removal, sale or pledge of mortgaged property


Destructive arson (RA 7659)- act of burning (1) public or private buildings or edifices
regardless of whether the offender had knowledge that there are persons in the building at
the time it is set on fire and regardless of whether the building is inhabited or not; (2) train,
locomotive, ship or vessel, airplane; (3) factory, warehouse etc., (4) any building the purpose
of which is for the purpose of *concealing or destroying evidence of another violation of the
law or for the purpose of *concealing bankruptcy or defrauding creditors or to *collect from
insurance. - - (Reclusion perpetua to death, RA 7659)- - clarence
Other forms of arson
Crimes involving destruction (Art. 324)
Burning ones own property as means to commit arson
Setting fire to property exclusively owned by the offender
Death as a consequence of arson (death penalty)

Malicious mischief- any person who shall deliberately and maliciously cause damage to
the property of another not falling within arson and other crimes involving destruction
Special cases of malicious mischief (Art. 328)
Other mischiefs
Damage and obstruction to means of communication- railway, telegraph or telephone
Destroying or damaging statues, public monuments or paintings
PERSONS EXEMPT (Art. 332) alternative circumstance of relationship in the nature of
an absolutory cause or exempting circumstance in the crimes of theft, swindling, or
malicious mischief

Adultery- committed by a woman who is married and the man who shall have
sexual intercourse with her knowing her to be married
Concubinage- (1) By keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling; (2) By having
sexual intercourse under scandalous circumstances with a woman who is not his wife; (3)
Cohabiting with her in another place (Note: hotel not included) clarence ssc
Qualified Seduction- Woman must be a virgin (but not physical virginity; it only means that the
woman must not have experience before); also she must be over 12 but under 18; there is sexual
intercourse. Who can commit this crime: (1) those who abuse their authority (any person in public
authority, guardian, teacher, or those entrusted with the custody or education of the woman seduced;
(2) those who abuse confidence reposed in them like priests, house servant, or domestic; (3) those
who abuse their relationship like the brother seducing his sister or an ascendant who seduced his
descendant whether or nor she is a virgin
Simple Seduction- the seduction of a woman who is single or a widow of good
reputation, over 12 but under 18 yrs of age, committed by means of deceit
Acts of lasciviousness
Corruption of minors- promote or facilitate the prostitution or corruption of persons
underage to satisfy the lust of another
White slavery- any person who shall engage in the business or shall profit by
prostitution or shall enlist the services of any other for the purpose of prostitution
Forcible Abduction- The abduction of any woman against her will and with lewd
Consented Abduction- abduction of a virgin over 12 and under 18 yrs of age,
carried out with her consent and with lewd designs


Simulation of births, substitution of one child for another, and concealment or
abandonment of a legitimate child
Usurpation of civil status- usurp the civil status of another with intent to defraud the
offended party or his heirs
Marriage contracted against the provisions of laws
Premature marriages (Art. 351)- (1) widow who marries within 301 days from the date of
the death of her husband or before having delivered if she shall have been pregnant at the
time of his death; (2) woman whose marriage has been annulled or dissolved, if she shall
marry before her delivery or before the expiration of 301 days after the legal separation
Performance of illegal marriage ceremony- applies to priests or ministers who shall
perform or authorize any illegal marriage- - clarence lex cervus fraternity- ssc law


Libel- a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or
imaginary, or any act, omission, status, condition or circumstance tending to cause the dishonor,
discredit or contempt of a natural or juridical person or to blacken the memory of one who is dead.
Libel committed by means of writing or other similar means
Threatening to publish and offer to present such publication for a compensation
Prohibited publication of acts referred to in the course of official proceedings- imposed upon
any reporter, editor etc. who shall publish facts connected with the private life of another and
offensive to the honor, virtue and reputation
Slander- oral defamation if it is of a serious and insulting nature
Slander by deed- performance of any act which shall cast dishonor, discredit or contempt upon
another person
Incriminating innocent person- must not constitute perjury

Intriguing against honor- any intrigue which has for its principal purpose to blemish the
honor or reputation of a person

Imprudence and negligence (Art. 365)


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