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Boss Monsters:

Note: Boss Entrys can have underlings (Including other Boss creatures) that are not

Epic Boss Monsters -

DM-364 Yeenoghu, Demon Prince of Gnolls
DM-365 Beleth, The Witch's Viscount
DM-369 Asterion (Servant of Baphomet)
DM-370 Cadrick (Servant of Tiamat)
DM-370 Mual-Tar, The Thunder Serpent
DM-372 Generals of Bane (Servants of Bane)
DM-373 Alloces, The Butcher of Nessus
DM-374 Prince of Frost
DM-376 Turaglas the Ebonmaw
DM-378 Arantor, Remnant Dragon
DM-387 Nibenay, Sorcerer-King
DM-418 Tarrasque
DM-420 Thrumbolg, First Lord of Mag Tureah
DM-421 Lord of Chaos. Cryonax
DM-422 Hyrsam, Prince of Satyrs
DM-428 Cernnos, the Horned Lord
DM-428 Amon, the Wolf

Paragon Boss Monsters -

DM-368 Ivania and the Ghoul
DM-369 Oostarix (Servant of Baphomet)
DM-370 Ghedrin and Cyprio (Servant of Tiamat)
DM-370 Mercy Killers Leaders
DM-378 Josseth Crownblade, Leader of Platinum Talons (Servant of Bahamut)
DM-409 The Black Blade of Raam
DM-416 Lord Soth, Dread Knight
DM-417 Ysrilla Lightstep
DM-420 Carrion King

Heroic Boss Monsters -

DM-366 Red Wizards, Bugbear Leader
DM-370 Andred (Servant of Tiamat)
DM-370 Cazak the Blessed
DM-375 Lord Durven Graef
DM-375 Mournland Express Crew
DM-382 Splugg (Lvl 1)
DM-398 High Lord Tynaron
DM-419 First Weilders


Abberant -
DM-364 Skin Weaver
DM-373 Sharn
DM-376 Fell Taint
DM-382 Tainted Creatures
DM-418 Decapus, Beholder
DM-419 Oozes
DM-427 Neogi

Demons -
DM-370 Soulriders
Constructs -
DM-367 Golems
DM-370 Scythejaw
DM-375 Anaxim
DM-414 Modrons
DM-418 Magen
DM-419 Engines of War

Elemental -
DM-377 Giants, Demons, Beasts
DM-403 Giant
DM-421 Mephits
DM-424 Catastrophic Dragons
DM-425 Catastrophic Dragons

Fey -
DM 367 Hag
DM-404 Hengeyokai
DM-419 Treant
DM-420 Pixies

Immortal -
DM-377 Angel
DM-417 Angel, Devils

Player Race Humanoids -

DM-365 Dragonborn
DM-366 Eladrin
DM-367 Genasi
DM-368 Gladiators
DM-370 Drow
DM-371 Humans, Eladrin
DM-372 Humans
DM-374 Deva
DM-377 Human, Deva, Halfling, Draconian
DM-378 Human, Genasi
DM-396 Last Legion
DM-402 Iron Circle
DM-407 Exile

Natural -
DM-366 Troll
DM-367 Ooze
DM-369 Gnolls
DM-374 Orcs
DM-375 Ettin
DM-376 Rust Monsters
DM-377 Dragon
DM-388 Skulk
DM-411 Tsochar (Parasite)
DM-418 Rhagodessa, Thoul
DM-427 Urdrakes, Sea Scorpions, Urbeasts
DM-430 Kruthik

Undead (And Necromancers) -

DM-364 Ashen Covenant
DM-371 Apostles of the Devourer, Dhampyr, Zombies
DM-399 Karkothi
DM-416 Withering Ones
DM-427 Nerulls Shade

Items and Rewards:

Bazaars -
DM-365 Treasures of Ashardalon
DM-369 Mottley Assortment
DM-378 Primal Treasures
DM-380 Dragonshard Items
DM-384 Legendary Figurines
DM-386 Items of Drizzt Saga
DM-387 Ritual Enhancements
DM-391 Grifnar's Arms
DM-394 Eladrin Items
DM-402 Relics of the Divine
DM-408 Treasures of the Elemental Chaos
DM-410 Thingamijs of the Barrier Peaks
DM-414 From the Attic of Alluvius Ruskin
DM-416 In Vampiric Vein
DM-417 Magic Dice
DM-418 Tapestries of Power
DM-421 Legendary Items of Krynn
DM-428 Treaures from the Far Realm
DM-430 Its about Time

Heroic Tier Artifacts -

DM-375 Graefling
DM-382 Iron Sword of Elemental Power
DM-419 First Weapons
DM-428 Bone Scepter of Zceryll
DM-430 Rod of Kruthik

Paragon Tier Artifacts -

DM-364 Spear of the Skylord
DM-368 Broken Blade of Banarut, The Immortal Game, Figurine of Tantron
DM-396 Beast of Talagora Item Set
DM-413 Crown of Whispers
DM-414 Mimir
DM-421 Legendary Items of Krynn
DM-428 Krylanthi Cloak

Epic Tier Artifacts -

DM-368 Helm of Madmans Blood
DM-386 Drizzt Saga Artifacts
DM-406 Xraubran Crown of Eyes
DM-420 Fragarach
DM-427 Lifecutter
DM-428 Eye of Tkhaluujin

Other Items
DM-364 Undead and Wolf Sets
DM-365 Artificer, Cormyr
DM-366 Item Pair
DM-368 Gladiator's Arsenal
DM-371 Items of Hevastar
DM-375 Wayfinder Items
DM-376 Lifebane
DM-377 Familar, Quest Items
DM-380 Vistani
DM-381 Tools of Law, Defender Gear
DM-382 Moon Catchers
DM-383 Dragons Lair Items, Human Pinoneer Gear
DM-385 Shields, Warforged Components, Dwarf
DM-387 Fi Focuses
DM-388 Tools of Tymora
DM-389 Bows
DM-390 Bard Items, Drow Heirlooms
DM-391 Hunter Gear
DM-392 Syllables, Tanthriel Gear
DM-393 Potions
DM-398 Fi Focuses
DM-406 Silver Hart Clasp
DM-407 Swords
DM-412 Nature Gear
DM-420 Helm
DM-421 Hyrsam Instruments
DM-423 Cloak of the Gargoyle
DM-425 Catastrophic Dragon Eggs
DM-429 Dragon Scales, Hide, Teeth, Blood, Powder and Bones
DM-429 Magic Fruits and Drinks

Alternate Rewards
DM-386 Grand Master Training
DM-389 Origin Boons
DM-391 Battle Scars
DM-393 Legendary Boons
DM-393 Grand Master Training
DM-394 Lost Runes
DM-395 Primal Blessings
DM-395 Divine Boons
DM-397 Divine Boon
DM-398 Divine Boon
DM-401 Glory Boon
DM-404 Grand Master Training
DM-405 Grand Master Training
DM-408 Divine Boon
DM-412 Divine Boon
DM-415 Grand Master Training

Strongholds and Vehicles etc

DM-376 Astral Carrack
DM-395 Stronghold Components
DM-397 Hirelings
DM-412 Ships and Ship Components and Crew
DM-422 Whooshwagon
Other DM Stuff:

Traps and Hazards -

DM-364 Dark Sun Hazards
DM-366 Traps and Trap Making
DM-368 Arena Traps and Hazards
DM-370 Demonweb Traps and Hazards
DM-382 Dark Awakenings
DM-410 Tectuktitlay's Traps
DM-418 Tapestries

Grid Maps -
DM-366 Rose Keep, Bugbear Tribe Camp
DM-368 Arena
DM-374 White Lotus Academy
DM-375 Mournland Express
DM-376 Rust Monster Lair
DM-378 Monadhan Ruins, Monadhan Caverns
DM-423 Inn of the Welcome Wench
DM-425 Tavern of the Broken Gauntlet

Overview Maps -
DM-368 Sunderheart, The Funeral City
DM-369 Io'vanthor, Lost City of the Dragonborn
DM-372 Tarmalune
DM-375 Nehru
DM-376 Sarifal
DM-377 Tu'Narath
DM-378 Monadhan, Airspur
DM-398 Sarathel
DM-399 Karkoth
DM-400 Nerathi
DM-406 Ur Draxa
DM-418 Hochoch

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