People Vs Taboga

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People of the Philippines vs Edralin Taboga, G.R. Nos.

144086-87, February 6, 2002

Francisca Tubon was robbed, stabbed and burned beyond recognition when her house was set on
Evidence pointed out to Edralin Taboga as the perpetrator of the crime. Hence, Taboga was
brought to the police station for investigation where he was asked by SPO1 Panod whether he was
the one who did it or not to which he answered in the affirmative. SPO1 Panod prepared a written
extra-judicial confession for Taboga. However, during the inquest, Taboga refused to sign the
confession upon the advice of his lawyer.
On April 2, 1998, Mr. Mario Contaoi, a radio announcer interviewed the suspect where, again,
Taboga admitted killing the deceased and setting her and her house on fire.
Accused-appellant Edralin Taboga raised the defense of denial and alibi.
Accused-appellant also claimed that he was maltreated by the policemen and forced to admit the
crime. Regarding his admission to radio announcer Mario Contaoi, he narrated that the interview
was held inside the investigation room of the police station where policemen were present. Thus,
he had to admit the crimes because he was afraid of the policemen. Moreover, relatives of the
deceased beat him up by kicking him, hitting him with a chair, slapping him and punching him on
the head and face.
Subsequently, Taboga was charged with the case of special complex crime of Robbery with
Homicide as well as Arson. Both cases were then tried jointly.
The Regional Trial Court of Cabugao, Ilocos Sur rendered judgment finding Taboga guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of the special complex crime of Robbery with Homicide and Destructive Arson.
Whether or not the extrajudicial confession made by the accused to a radio reporter who was acting
as an agent for the prosecution is in violation of the procedural safeguards enshrine in the
Constitution and admissible as evidence.
There is nothing in the record to show that the radio announcer colluded with the police authorities
to elicit inculpatory evidence against accused-appellant. Neither is there anything on record which
even remotely suggests that the radio announcer was instructed by the police to extract information
from him on the details of the crimes. Indeed, the reporter even asked permission from the officer-
in-charge to interview accused-appellant. Nor was the information obtained under duress. In fact,
accused-appellant was very much aware of what was going on. He was informed at the outset by
the radio announcer that he was a reporter who will be interviewing him to get his side of the
The records also show that accused-appellant not only confessed to the radio reporter but to several
others, among them his live-in partner, Barangay Captain William Pagao, and SPO1Tiburcio
The defense maintained that the confessions were obtained through compulsion. Accused-
appellant claimed that the policemen maltreated him by hitting him four (4) times on the head with
a chair and forced him to admit the crimes. However, accused-appellant failed to present
convincing evidence to substantiate his claim, other than his bare self-serving assertion.

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