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Corporate Governance Question Bank

LO.a: Describe objectives and core attributes of an effective corporate governance system
and evaluate whether a companys corporate governance has those attributes.

1. The least likely objective of corporate governance is:

A. to eliminate or mitigate conflicts of interest, especially between managers and
B. to have well defined manager and director governance responsibilities.
C. to ensure that the companys assets are used efficiently and productively and in the
best interests of its investors and other stakeholders.

2. Which of the following statements is least accurate?

A. One system of corporate governance applies to all firms.
B. A corporate governance system requires a comprehensive collection of principles and
C. Different industries, cultures, economic system and legal environments may influence
a companys corporate governance system.

3. Which of the following is not a core attribute of an effective corporate governance system?
A. Clearly defined guidelines for how company assets must be utilized.
B. Clearly defined governance responsibilities of managers and directors.
C. Transparent and accurate disclosures regarding operations, financial position,
performance and risk.

LO.b: Compare major business forms and describe the conflicts of interest associated with

4. Owner expertise is least important for which business form?

A. Sole proprietorship.
B. Partnership.
C. Corporation.

5. The disadvantage in a corporation especially from a corporate governance perspective is:

A. that corporate investors may not be experts in the business of the corporation.
B. the difficulty owners face in supervising the firms management.
C. that corporations have unlimited life because of transferability of stock ownership.

LO.c: Explain conflicts that arise in agency relationships, including manager-shareholder

conflicts and director-shareholder conflicts.

6. Which of the following decisions by management will least likely result in a conflict of
interest with the shareholders? Managers use funds to
A. expand business size to increase their control and job security.
B. invest in high risk projects to increase the value of executive stock options.
C. invest in projects with positive expected net present value.

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Corporate Governance Question Bank

7. Which of the following situations will most likely cause a conflict between directors and
A. An independent board.
B. The board members do not have consulting agreements with the company.
C. Generous remuneration paid to directors irrespective of firms performance.

LO.d: Describe responsibilities of the board of directors and explain qualifications and
core competencies that an investment analyst should look for in the board of directors.

8. All of the following are responsibilities of board members except:

A. to set up clear lines of responsibility and a sound system of accountability.
B. to ensure that a companys monthly targets are met.
C. to establish corporate values and governance structures for the company such that
business is run ethically and professionally.

9. The most likely factor that indicates a lack of independence of Firm As board is that:
A. no board member has any personal relationships or affiliations with the firm.
B. one of the board members of Firm A is the CEO of Firm B and the CEO of Firm A is
on the board of Firm B.
C. no board member has ever been a former employee of the company.

10. In assessing the skill and experience of the board of C&G Corp., a large consumer goods
company, it is:
A. essential that some members of the board have relevant experience in the consumer
goods industry.
B. essential all some members of the board have relevant experience in the consumer
goods industry
C. not necessary that any member of the board have industry experience because
management has this expertise.

LO.e: Explain effective corporate governance practice as it relates to the board of directors
and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of a companys corporate governance practice.

11. Company Y supports election of its board members on a staggered basis. Corporate
governance best practice is that the board of directors be elected on a(n):
A. annual basis.
B. staggered basis.
C. quarterly basis.

12. The corporate counsel of Shezin plc. a food and beverage company has the added
responsibility of advising the board on matters pertaining to the companys compliance with
regulatory requirements. As per effective corporate governance practices, Shezin should:
A. hire an outside legal counsel for advising the board.
B. continue with the existing corporate counsel for advising the board.
C. have one of the directors assume the role of the legal counsel.

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Corporate Governance Question Bank

13. The compensation committee of Melon Inc., a publicly listed fashion apparel company,
grants stock options as performance-based compensation to its senior management. This
practice will least likely align the interests of managers with those of shareholders if:
A. appropriate accounting of the expense of stock options, with assumed conversion to
stock in the earnings-per-share calculation is done.
B. grants of stock options are awarded to executives after seeking shareholder approval.
C. there is a provision allowing repricing of stock options, with a downward
adjustment of the option exercise price relative to current stock price.

LO.f: Describe elements of a companys statement of corporate governance policies that

investment analysts should assess.

14. A statement of corporate governance policies of a company should include all of the
following except:
A. statements of managements responsibilities to provide complete and timely
information to the board members before board meetings.
B. statements of managements responsibilities regarding meetings with analysts.
C. statements of directors responsibilities regarding monitoring, and review, covering
internal control, risk management, audit and accounting disclosures and other

15. In evaluating the extent of disclosures provided to investors, indicators of good quality
financial reporting are:
A. aggressive assumptions used for employee benefit plans.
B. conservative estimates regarding revenue and expense recognition.
C. maximum capitalization of interest and overhead costs.

16. The regulatory filings of the company should also have clear and complete information
regarding the following items except:
A. governance procedures and policies followed by the company.
B. compensation policies and amounts awarded, including perquisites, for important
senior managers and directors.
C. organizational culture and supplier contracts.

17. To analyze related-party or insider transactions involving senior employees or directors of

the company, an analyst should research the:
A. company website.
B. financial disclosures and regulatory filings.
C. company announcements.

LO.g: Describe environmental, social, and governance risk exposures.

18. The risk not related to a companys exposure to ESG factors is:
A. operating risk.
B. legal risk.
C. credit downgrade risk.

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Corporate Governance Question Bank

19. The risk of a decline in market value of a company relative to other companies because of the
managements lack of concern for managing ESG factors and mitigating risk exposures is
best known as:
A. operating risk.
B. reputational risk.
C. legal risk.

LO.h: Explain the valuation implications of corporate governance.

20. Strategic policy risk is:

A. the risk that the financial statement recognition and related disclosures of a firm, are
incomplete or misleading.
B. the risk that the firms assets will be misused by managers or directors giving
themselves excessive remuneration and or perquisites.
C. the risk that managers of a firm may enter into transactions, or incur business risks
which are not beneficial for shareholders, but lead to large payoffs for management or

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Corporate Governance Question Bank


1. B is correct. Choices A & C are the two major objectives of the corporate governance
system. B represents a core attribute of an effective corporate governance system. Section 2.

2. A is correct. A single system of effective corporate governance does not apply to all firms in
all industries worldwide. Section 2.

3. A is correct. Options B and C represent core attributes of an effective corporate governance

system. Option A does not. Section 2.

4. C is correct. Owner expertise is unnecessary for a corporation but essential for sole
proprietorship and partnership. Section 3.3.

5. B is correct. The disadvantage with a corporation is the difficulty that shareholders have in
monitoring management and the firms operations. A sole proprietor directly oversees day-
to-day business. However, a shareholder of a large corporation cannot possibly monitor
business activities and personnel, and exert any control over the firm. Section 3.3.

6. C is correct. Managers making business decisions, such as investing in highly risky ventures,
or increasing business size that benefit them but do not increase the wealth of the companys
investors result in a conflict of interest with the shareholders. However, investments in
positive net present value projects that are beneficial for a firm will not cause a manager-
shareholder agency problem. Section 4.1.

7. C is correct. Generous compensation paid to directors can create director-shareholder

conflict. Excessive compensation may cause directors to align their interests with the
management instead of the investors. Section 4.2.

8. B is correct. Board members are generally concerned with the long term interests of
shareholders. Ensuring that short-term targets are met is the responsibility of the management
team. Options A and C reflect responsibilities of board members. Section 5.1.

9. B is correct. Interlocking directorships as described in Option B show a lack of

independence. Section 5.1.1.

10. A is correct. The board should have some members with expertise in the consumer goods
industry. Section 5.1.3.

11. A is correct. Corporate governance best practice generally supports the annual election of
directors because this makes it easier for investors to change the slate of directors. Section

12. A is correct. To hire an outside counsel is important since the board of directors oversees the
management on behalf of the shareholders. If the corporate counsel is from within the firm,

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Corporate Governance Question Bank

he cannot be wholly independent with regard to the advice provided to the directors as he is
on Shezins payroll. Section 5.1.10.

13. C is correct. Repricing of stock options is when the company with the boards approval
adjusts downward the exercise price of option grants relative to current price of the stock.
This typically happens when the stock price has dropped making the options out-of-the-
money. After repricing managers may have at-the-money options, but investors are left with
losses. Section 5.1.9.

14. B is correct. Meeting with the firms analysts is not part of the statement of corporate
governance policies. Section 5.1.11.

15. B is correct. Section 5.1.12.

16. C is correct. Reporting organizational structure should be mentioned in the regulatory filings
and not organizational culture or supplier contracts. Section 5.1.12.

17. B is correct. Financial disclosures and related notes in regulatory filings are a source for
analysts for assessing insider or related-party transactions involving the companys
executives and/or directors. Section 5.1.13.

18. C is correct. Section 6.

19. B is correct. Reputational risk is the risk that companies whose managers have shown a lack
of concern for managing ESG factors in the past, so as to mitigate risk exposures, will suffer
a decline in market value relative to other companies in the same industry. Section 6.

20. C is correct. Strategic policy risk is the risk that managers might enter into transactions, such
as mergers and acquisitions, or incur other business risks which are not in the best long-term
interest of shareholders, but benefit management or directors in terms of large payoffs.
Section 7.

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