Doctrine of Rarest of Rarest Case

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Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?



Submitted by:

Akanksha Madaan

B.A.LL.B (Hons.) (VI Semester)

School of Law, DAVV, Indore (M.P)


Adv. Sonal Gupta


Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?


This Research is a presentation of my original work. Wherever contributions of others are

involved, every effort is made to indicate this clearly, with due reference to the literature and
acknowledgement of collaborative research and discussions1.

  !       "   #   $ %   &  "          !        ' 

this Centre Adv.Sonal Gupta.

Name: Akanksha Madaan Signature

Place: Indore Date: Jan, 2014


I certify that that this research is from the intern own work and effort, and all other sources
used have been acknowledged. This research has been submitted with my approval.

Mentor: Adv.Sonal Gupta Date: Jan, 2014


( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 7 - 8 9 : ; < , ; = > ? @ A B , ; = - , 9 C - D , B 9 D : ; ? 8 9 B < 9 ; B > ? = 9 D * D - 8 + - D , ? @ A B E ; - F G B H = + ; D ; < - 8 / , * E I 0

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Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?


Pursuing a Research internship is a very enjoyable experience. It is just like climbing a high
peak, step by step, accompanied with hardships, encouragement and trust of my mentor on
me. While working, I realized that it was not possible without my mentor guidance and others
who supported me. Though it will not be enough to express my gratitude in words to all those
who helped me but I would like to acknowledge them.

In a worshipful manner I am grateful to

Honourable Adv.Sonal Gupta

CEO at Prof.Ranbir Singh Legal Research Centre, Shajapur, Madhya Pradesh, who accepted
me as a Research Intern under his Legal Research Centre. He is the best Researcher and one
of the smartest people I know, I hope that I could be as lively, enthusiastic, hardworking and
energetic as my Mentor. In between the intern he offered me so much advice, patiently
supervising me, and always guiding me in the ri X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ Z \ ` a b c d e Y ^ f ^ a Z ` ] g h ` a Z Y ^ Z ` i \ _ j


My especial thanks goes to Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh (Chair Head, PRSLRC & Vice
Chancellor of National Law University, Delhi) without the permission of whom, this
institution may not have given the present name.
k k

b l c ` Z Y b a m Z ` b l l Z Y ^ Y ` a g n l ^ _ ` l l ^ X ^ o b _ p l Z q r ^ r n ^ ] c ` o s _ Y ` ` l ` o t b u h a [ ` ] ^ v f w x y w

Thank you for guiding me. Especially to Dr.Himanshu Pandey, Nidhi Tiwari Sir, Sangeeta
Mam, Padma Mam, Deepmala Mam for their motivation and Goel sir (Librarian) for their co-
operation in all my library requirements.

My special thanks to all my friends who guided me especially Yogendra Malviya. And last
but not the least, to my beloved who inspired me and was there with me on each step, thank
you for your love and care. Thanks to my Mom, Dad and my brother for their love and

Akanksha Madaan

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

I dedicate this research to Almighty, My Mentor (Adv. Sonal Gupta),

My beloved, My family and

My friend (Yogendra Malviya),

for their constant support and unconditional love.

I love you all.

z {
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

Contents Pagination

Abbreviation 1

Cases supporting Research 2

Abstract 3

Chapter 1 } 4-8


1.1 Poem ~ Justice

1.2 Introduction

1.4 Domain of Capital Punishment

1.5 Present Study

Chapter 2 } 9 - 11

Research Methodology

2.1 Statement of Problem

2.2 Terminologies regarding Capital Punishment

2.3 Object of the Research

2.4 Research Methodology

2.5 Data Collection

2.6 Coverage and Scope

2.7 Hypothesis

Chapter 3 } 12 - 15

History of Capital Punishment

3.1 Primitive Period

3.2 Ancient Period

3.3 Ancient Egyptians

3.4 Pre Columbian Period

3.5 Greeks

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

3.6 Roman

3.7 United States

3.8 Modern Era

3.9 Types of Capital Punishment

Chapter 4 16 - 18

Review of Literature

Chapter 5
19 - 20

Approaches and Indication

5.1 Religious Approach

5.2 Indications

Chapter 6
21 - 22

Statues Regarding Capital Punishment

6.1 International Statues

6.2 India Statues

Chapter 7
23 - 29

Doctrine of rarest of rare Case

Chapter 8 30 -33

Verification of Hypothesis

Chapter 9
34 - 36

Conclusion and Recommendations

Bibliography 36 - 37

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

"There should be exemplary punishment in view of the unparalleled brutality with which
the victim was gang raped and murdered, as the case falls under the rarest of rare
category. All be given death."

- Additional Sessions Judge Yogesh Khanna in the infamous Delhi gang-rape case2

Delhi gang-rape case. (2013). Death sentence for all four convicts. Times of India Sep 13, 2013. Retrieved
January 15, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?


Abbreviations Full Forms

A.I.R All India Report
Cr.PC Code of Criminal Procedure
Cr.LJ Criminal Law Journal
ECOSOC Economic and Social Council
HR Human Rights
ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political
IPC Indian Penal Code
SC Supreme Court
ST Schedule Tribes
SCC Supreme Court Cases
UNECOSOC United Nation Social Economic Council
UN United Nation
UNHR United Nation Human Rights
US United States

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?


Name of Case Citation Page No.

Absar Alam v. State of Bihar A.I.R 1985 SC 48 29,35
Alok Nath Dutt v. State of 2006 S.C.A.L.E 467 28
West Bengal
Bacchan Singh v. State of A.I.R 1980 SC 653 5, 18, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29,35
Deena v. Union of India A.I.R 1983 SC 1155 30
Dhananjay Chatterjee v. (2004) 9 SCC 757 19
State of West Bengal
Gregg v. Georgia 428 US 153, 163 (1976) 23
Jagmohan Singh v. State of A.I.R 1973 SC 947 24, 27, 30
Uttar Pradesh
Kansas v. Marsh 126 S.ct 2516, 2543 23
Lockhart v. Mccree 476, US 162, 164, 173 23
Macchi Singh v. State of A.I.R 1983 SC 957 9, 25, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34
Mahesh v. State of Madhya (1987)3 SCC 80 19
Menka Gandhi v. Union of (1983)2 SCC 277 30
Mithu Singh v. State of A.I.R 1978 SC 597 22, 30
Rajendra Pradesh v. State A.I.R 1979 SC 916 31
Ramnares & ors. v. State of A.I.R 2012 SC 1357 26, 27
Rooper v. Simmons 543 US 551, 2005 16, 23
Shiv Balakal v. State of A.I.R 1985 SC 48 29, 35
State of Uttar Pradesh v. M.K A.I.R 1989 SC 142 29
Triveni Bai v. State of Gujrat (1983)2 SCC 68 31, 36
T.V Vantheswaran v. State of A.I.R (2005)3 SCC 114 31
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh v. Satish (2005)3 SCC 127 28
Uttecht v. Brown 127 S.ct 2218 (2007) 23

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?


Death penalty is one of the most debated, ancient forms of punishment in almost every
society. Awarding capital punishment on rarest of rare cases includes a lot of controversies in
different judgements. The intent of study is to find out that awarding such type of punishment
in rarest of rare case is just and fair? also have to identify on what basis our judiciary use to
term a particular criminal act in rarest of rare case. The study for the research adapted is
qualitative based on the decisions of different cases related to brutal acts. In the 1 st two
chapters are intended to provide introduction, history, reasons and present study to capital
punishment on rarest of rare cases in India and in different countries of the world. The
succeeding two chapters deal with the review of literature, indications of awarding capital
punishment. Last but not the least the main body or the heart of this research which were
based on the Doctrine of rarest of rare case deal with number of cases so that we may find out
the object of the study. The study tested that all the decisions taken by the jury in the heinous
crimes were pronounced keeping in mind the public at large which conclude that yes
awarding capital punishment on rarest of rare case is just and fair. The study marks that
though the judiciary has the discretionary power to award capital punishment but by
following the public demand so that one may live safely without fear.

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?




1.1 Poem on Justice

1.2 Introduction

1.3 Present Researcher Interest

1.4 Domain of Capital Punishment

1.5 Present Study

1.1 Poem

Introducing the research on Capital punishment on Rarest of Rare Case is just and fair? With
a poem by Farhan Akhtar based on Current Brutal Delhi Gang Rape Case topic Justice:

What is this country that I live in?

With no equality
And the quality of life
Differs from husband to wife
Boy to girl, brother to sister
Hey Mister, are you the same?
Contributing to the national shame
Replacing your mothers
With the bent ideology of another's
perception that women have a particular role in society
Fills my heart with anxiety
Where is all of this going?
What will emerge from these seeds that we're sowing?
It makes my head spin
But I'm not giving in
Will keep asking the question
What is this country that I live in?

Luther, M. (1967): About quotes on Justice: American Baptist Minister and Civil Rights Leader (1929 1968).
Retrieved January 12, 2014 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

What is this country that I live in?

That takes away her right to love
Brutalises her with an iron glove
Rapes her without fear
of there being justice for her tear
W demeaned our goddesses

Gone back on all our promises

Become a gender distorted nation
Given our conscience a permanent vacation
what do I tell my daughter?
That she's growing up to be lamb for the slaughter
we've got to make a change
Reboot, reformat, rearrange,
and never give in
no matter how much our head may spin
Just keep asking the question
What is this country that I live in?
Here to help (Akhtar, 2012)4

1.2 Introduction:

India being a democratic country which guarantees Human Rights to its citizens, the debate
on capital punishment gathered much heat in present time. While the awarder of death
sentence in Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab5 Supreme Court (SC) held that capital
punishment must be sentenced in brutal murder case or in most heinous crimes where
doctrine of rarest of rare case apply, but in a country which use to advocate human rights how
can it award capital punishment as it is violation of basic human rights. To support or abolish
capital punishment many debates were happening over the world between jurist, lawyers,
administrators, social activist, law commission and legal reformers (Ahmed, 2002)6. In India
death penalty used as an effective weapon to end heinous crimes against society. According
to deterrent affect of capital punishment the fear of being awarded with death punishment
which keeps an offender away from criminality.

In International Scenario of United Nation (UN) Assembly stated that there is a need of fair
justice in capital punishment all over the world. Procedure which must be followed should be
fair, just and reasonable (UN Charter, 1948)7. For example United Nation Economic and

Retrieved January 06, 2014 from

Bacchan singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1980 SC 653. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Ahmed, I.G. (2002). Death Sentence and Criminal Justice in Human Right Perspective. Published in
University of Calcutta. pp. 1-4. Retrived December 28, 2013
International Scenario of United Nation Charter. (1948). Retrieved December 28, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

Social Council (UNESC) in its resolution no. 15 of 1996 encouraged its member to abolish
capital punishment and recommend those countries that use to provide capital punishment
had a speedy and fair trial to accuse (UNESC, 1996)8. Article 5 of Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, 1948 provides that no person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman
or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 21 of Indian Constitution provides right to life
and personal liberty to the citizen of India also stated that every citizen of the country has
right to live and not to die. Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, 19669 provides that no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment. India is a member of the United Nations. On the basis of
the appeal made by the United Nations, 120 countries have abolished this punishment and a
few of them stopped the practice of continuing the execution, but we are in the company of a
minority. There are 73 countries in the world which are still continuing capital punishment in
the statute book and India is also one among them, though it does not provide death penalty
only in rarest of rare cases.

The concept of capital punishment is an ancient one which uses to found in almost all
cultures of society. Capital punishment in ancient time use to be providing on normal
mistakes against society. In the beginning of human civilization human being fought with
each other for food, sex etc because of which they provide harm to humanity through eye for
an eye, tooth for a tooth or blood for blood was the common practice which is very ancient
understanding of law. Gradually, the world changed with the thinking and customs of the
society. In England death sentence awarded to a servant if he or she stolen a petty thing.
There was so harsh attitude in those days (Agrawal A. , 2000)10.

ten countries of the world. Legislature has enacted many laws also number of types of
punishment so that from the fear of punishment one does not commit crime. The most savoir
punishment use to award is Capital Punishment. After many judgments India does not abolish
death penalty but the jurist brought a slight change in the concept of death penalty, they use
to award death sentence in a case where doctrine of rarest of rare exist. The researcher in its
research is trying to focus on the nature of death penalty. By this project researcher will try to
elaborate the matters decided by the Honourable Constitutional Courts of India related to the
title of study. In this research, the researcher will try to find out whether the capital
punishment given on rarest of rare case is just and fair also why capital punishment uses to be
given and in what manner a crime term to be as most heinous or rarest of rare as on the one
hand our Constitution guarantees Human Rights under Fundamental Rights.

United Nations Economic and Social Council. (1996). Retrieved December 28, 2013 from
International Convenient on Civil and Political Rights. (1966) Adopted and opened for signature, ratification
and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of December 16, 1966. Retrieved December 28,
2013 from
Agrawal, A. (2000). Abolition or retention of death penalty in India - A critical Appraisal. Published in Gujrat
National Law University, Gandhinagar (India). pp. 2- 4. Retrieved December 29, 2013

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

1.3 Researcher Interest:

In Morden era where almost all the countries talking for Human Rights, the important debate
that occurs is on capital punishment in which where some arguments were based on either
moral principle or some on social issues. The concept of capital punishment is highly
controversial. Certain countries like India where the awarding of capital punishment is
deliberate on rarest of rare cases or on most brutal and heinous crime. Being a member of
Union Declaration on Human Rights which No one shall be subject to torture or cruel




not abolished Capital Punishment.

section 303 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 or on the crimes which punishes for death penalty

but it award death penalty on rarest of rare case. Researcher had gone through many cases of
capital punishment found in history through news, novels, interacting with friends and
family. She founds that in ancient era the punishment was extremely brutal in simple offences
but in modern era many countries abolish death penalty. Many reforms and revolutions were
done in numerous countries like in Australia through its citizens for abolishing death penalty.

Mahatma Gandhi who uses

said that an eye

for an eye one day will make whole world blind (Krishnan and More, 1978)11. But the
question arises in a country where many people follow the non violence theory why our
judiciary is violent with the criminals of our country?, why the guardians of our constitution
use to provide capital punishment on rarest of rare case and if they were providing it then is it

just and fair?. Because of all these q s youth, researcher got

highly interested to find the logic behind awarding on rarest of rare case so that she may
conclude that is it fair and just with the prisoners?. Researcher is a law student perusing
B.A.LL.B (Hons.) from School of Law, Indore and in her winter vacation she got selected for


going on under the guidance of Adv.Sonal Gupta, the pioneer in the field of research and gold
medallist from National Law University, Delhi in 1st convocation of LLM and the CEO of
Prof.Ranbir Singh Legal Research Centre, Shajapur.

Capital Punishment is a serious concern which not only ends the life but also effect the
Human Right. Students who choose the field of capital punishment either they are in support
of death penalty or they want to abolish it but yet no one thought that the condition on which
our constitutional courts awarding capital punishment is fair and just. As being a member of
United Declaration on human Rights India award capital punishment on rarest of rare cases.
This requires some extensive research by focusing on cases where constitution court awarded
capital punishment.

1.4 Domain of Capital Punishment:

Researcher is working on broad domain of rarest of rare cases and focusing on capital

punishment, it is suitable to know what the focus of dis


Krishnan, R. and Moore. (1978): A Source Book in Indian Philosophy - A commentary on Laws of Manu.
Central Law Publication, Delhi. pp 648 660 

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

According to Oxford Dictionary, Capital Punishment is the legally authorized killing of

someone as punishment for a crime 12(Kindersley, 2011) !

Capital Punishment is the death sentence awarded for capital offences like crimes involving
planned murder, multiple murders, repeated crimes; rape and murder etc where in the
criminal provision consider such person as a gross danger to the existence of the society and
provide death punishment13. Capital Punishment or the death penalty is a legal process
whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime.

Capital Punishment use to impose on the person found guilty of crime.

Crimes are wrong whose approve is disciplinary and is no way remissible by any private
person but only by crown, if remissible at all (Bhattacharya, 2013)14.

According to Blackstone crime is done against violation of public law through committing
any act or omitted (Bhattacharya, 2013)15.

1.5 Present study:

In the present research, the focus is on the different Constitutional cases and the logic behind
it that on what circumstances these courts awarded death sentence to the accused. Although
in our country the capital punishment used to be penalized on rarest of rare cases. From the
study researcher through its own observation and from the different literature, cases and
research papers will going to understand the interpretation of rarest of rare cases. Hence the
present research will have a study on the topic weather the capital punishment on rarest of
rare case is just and fair?

Kindersley, D. (2011). DK Illustrated Oxford Dictionary. Dorling Kindersley Limited and Oxford University
Press. ISBN 978-0-1434-1621-0.
Retrieved December 29, 2013 from :
Bhattacharya, T. (2013). The Indian Penal Code (ed. VII). Central Law Agency, Allahbad: pp 8 10
" #

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?



2.1 Statement of Problem

2.2 Terminologies

2.3 Object of the Research

2.4 Research Method

2.5 Data Collection

2.6 Coverage and Scope

2.7 Hypothesis

2.1 Statement of Problem:

Under certain condition of Indian penal Code provide imprisonment for life or death penalty
as alternative punishment. Section 303 of Indian Penal Code does not provide any &

guidelines as when should the guardians of constitutional courts impose capital punishment
or award life imprisonment or lesser than that. The judicature is allowed to exercise its
discretionary power and reasoning but by following the guidelines of rarest of rare case
provided in Macchi Singh v. State of Punjab16. The researcher is trying to analyze the cases
regarding important issue on capital punishment is it justifiable with law and instead of death
penalty can jury penalize accuse with another form of punishment which is as severe as death
penalty, Who all accused should be penalized, does the criminal does not remain human after
crime as to those judiciary giving such a tough punishment?

2.2 Terminologies:

Definitions regarding some important terminologies supporting the topic are:-

a) Crime: ' ( ) ) * + ) , + - . / / 0 1 2 3 4 5 + ) ( / 6 7 8 + 9 + ) : 5 5 : ; < 6 ( ( 5 - 4 , : 4 4 / = ( 6 + ) ( 7 8 + 9 ( + - : 4 : - 0

which so far has not being satisfactory accomplished by any writer. In fact criminal
offences are basically the creation of criminal policy and obtained from time to time by
that section of the community who are powerful or clever person enough to safeguard
their own security and comfort by causing sovereign power in the state to repress conduct
which they feel may endanger their position. At another occasion Kenny again says that
crimes are wrongs sanction is plenitude and is in no way remissible by crown alone if
remissible by crown alone if remissible at all (Kenny, 2010)17.
Macchi Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1983 SC 957. Retrieved December 31,2013 from pp 958
Kenny. (2010). Outlines of criminal law (19th ed.). (J. C. Turner, Ed.) New delhi: Cambridge University
Press, U.K.

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

b) Punishment: Any fine, penalty or confinement inflicted upon a person by the authority of
the law and the judgment and sentence of a court for some crime or offence committed by
him or for his omission of a duty enjoined by law (Black, 2009)18.
c) Capital Punishment: It is a punishment executed for a person proved guilty of
committing a crime or a legal cause of death as a penalty for violating criminal law
(Iveren, 2011)19
d) Death Qualified: In USA jurist who are not opposed to death penalty religiously and
ideological manner (KLein, 2006)20 .
e) Reprieve: It refers to cancelation or to take back or postpone of capital punishment (Law
Commission of India on Code of Criminal Procedure, 1969)21
f) Respite: Instead of death penalty it award lesser sentence or we may say rest of relief in
death sentence (Law Commission of India on Code of Criminal Procedure, 1969)22
g) Remission: It refers to pardon of sin or forgiveness of offence. It reduce quantum of
sentence without changing character (Law Commission of India on Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1969)23 .Example Rigorous imprisonment for 5 year change to 2 year. @

h) Commutation: Change into lighter penalty (Law Commission of India on Code of

Criminal Procedure, 1969)24. Example Death into life imprisonment. @

i) Pardon: A B C D E F (Law G H I J H B K E B L M J E H E N J H D G F O D I J E B K N J F E M B P C F B G G B K J H N Q F C D K R J F B

Commission of India on Code of Criminal Procedure, 1969) .

2.3 Object of the Research:

Many debates and research has been done by different jurist, researchers, administration and
legislation but no one properly conclude to favour capital punishment or abolish it. According
to the Indian Law capital punishment use to be given on rarest of rare case but this logic

The objects of research are:

1. To study the meaning, extent and principles of rarest of rare crimes in India.

2. To identify that Capital Punishment is the only reason to create fear in mind of public, so
that they stop doing heinous crimes.

3. To find that does death penalty should be abolished in India also according to Human

Black. (2009). Law Dictionary (8th ed.). Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Iveren, O. (2011). Justification for and the Abolition of Capital Punishment under Human Right Law.
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. pp 28 45. X

Klein and Richard. (2006). An Analysis of Death Penalty Decisions from The Supreme Court Team. US
Supreme Court. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Law Commission of India. (1969). Report on Code of Criminal Procedure. 41st Report. Ministry of Law.
Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
> ?
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

The researcher started this project to find out through analysis that weather the capital
punishment which uses to lay down on rarest of rare case basis is it just, fair, and reasonable
for public at large and to humanity.

2.4 Research Methodology:

The research method that has been adapted is qualitative, in which the comparison of
different judiciary decisions and analytical methods are used for the research project.
Comparisons are done with respect to the various landmark cases and their judgments and
analytical method will come with an outcome of result done after research. As it will going to
be the 1st research of researcher hence, the idea for making this research has been taken from
Z [ \ [ ] Z ^ _ [ Z ` \ a [ b c d Z

e Partner Violence26(Gupta,
Z [ \ [ ] Z ^ _ d b e ] f [ g h ^ c h a h \ ] c h d b i j k b c h a ] c


2.5 Data Collection:

All the data collected for study are secondary and are analyzed. The review and the study
occurred from the various books from School of Law library and Central Library of DAVV
also e-books and various cases from e-data source that is from Indian Kanoon and various
research papers also from e-data.

2.6 Coverage and Scope:

The various cases studies or mentioned for the research are mostly landmark cases of India
and foreign countries which establishes history in the title of just and fairness of rarest of rare
cases. Many old and latest judgments were also included in project. Analysis of topic based
mostly on comparison of death penalty laws in different countries.

2.7 Hypothesis:

1. The principle on which Supreme Court of India award Capital Punishment i.e. Rarest of
rare case does not violate the constitutionality of Article 21 of the Constitution of India. l

2. Though Capital Punishment to accused violates Human Rights in India but it is beneficial
to the society.

3. Judiciary in India while awarding death penalty use their discretionary power keeping in
mind the welfare of public at large.

Gupta, S. (2013). Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in some rural part of India m

An Empirical
Study. Unpublished LL.M. research project report. National Law University, Delhi.
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?




3.1 Primitive Period

3.2 Ancient period

3.3 Ancient Egyptians

3.4 Pre Columbian people

3.5 Greeks

3.6 Roman

3.7 United States

3.8 Morden Era

3.9 Types of Capital Punishment in Ancient Civilization

Capital punishment was term to be oldest trend to punish for a crime arrived from ancient
time, the only difference is in modern era death penalty use to be given on rarest of rare case
and in ancient period it use to be given on petty offences.

3.1 Primitive Period:

Law at the time of primitive people was oral, there were no written codes. The punishment at
that time was awarded in arbitrary manner by king. Death penalty was usually found in
primitive period for murder, theft, trespass and misuse of valuable things (Death Penalty
when generates death legally, 2006). 27

Death Penalty was also found in 14th century B.C. in Draconian Code of Athens, they made
crime only to be punished through death penalty. Same as in 5th century B.C. Roman law of
twelfth tablets (Death Penalty when generates death legally, 2006)28.

3.2 Ancient Period:

The root of death penalty laws was traced as for back in Babylon law. Hammurabi who was
first metropolis, the king of Babylon issued a set of law to his people called Hammurabi
Code. Babylon civilization started in XIX Century B.C. till VI Century B.C. Hammurabi was

Michigan State University and Department of Information Centre. (2006). Death Penalty When Generates
Death Legally. Michigan State University Press. Retrieved December 29, 2013 from
n o
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

the first written code (Agrawal, 2011)29.Hammurabi Code provide harsh standard by which
Babylon could order their lives and treat one another. The establishment of death penalty
were initiated through Hammurabi Code of Babylon in 18th Century 30(Death penalty when
life generate death legally, 2006). In Hammurabi Code crime against high class people
having a large amount of money considered more serious then poor people (Death Penalty
when generates death legally, 2006)31.

In Hammurabi arbitrariness has been erase due to written law but the punishment of death
was normal in crimes like murder, wrong at work, trespass etc.

3.3 Ancient Egyptians:

North African people who were now resided in Egypt come under ancient Egyptians. Their
civilization indicated in IV Century B.C. and ended in IV A.D. Death penalty in Egyptians
awarded to those who break universal law. The universal law in Egypt include crime such as
theft, misuse if precious things, pharaoh32 and spying. The law applied to all, absence of
arbitrariness through king (Death Penalty when generates death legally, 2006)33

3.4 Pre Columbian People:

These people originated from Central America. Now they use to originate in Mexico, Belize,
and Salvador. They ruled for XVI Century B.C. till XVII A.C. and defeated by Spanish.
Adultery, murder made punishable with death in pre Columbian period. Husband in adultery
use to kill by means of throwing big stone on his head (Death penalty when life generate
death legally, 2006)34

3.4 Roman:

Jesus Christ was awarded with death penalty by roman through crucifixion between VI
Century B.C. and IV Century A.D. Romans accepted the deterrent value of death penalty (Dr.
DP and Dr. MP, 2012)35.

3.5 Death Penalty in United States:

European Settler introduces death penalty in America. The 1st execution was by Captain
Kendal in the Jamestown colony of Virginia in 1608. In 1612 Virginia Governor Sir Thomas
Dale rises to award death penalty on less serious offence. Death penalty for offence as

Agrawal, H.O. (2011). A book on Human Rights. (ed. XIII). Central Law Publication. pp 62 68.

Michigan State University and Department of Information Centre. (2006). Death Penalty When Generates
Death Legally. Michigan State University Press. Retrieved December 29, 2013 from
Guardian of Law
Michigan State University and Department of Information Centre. (2006). Death Penalty When Generates
Death Legally. Michigan University Press. Retrieved December 29, 2013 from
Sapre, DP and Karmarkar, M.D (2012). Capital Punishment. Journal of Sapre forensic, medica karmarksl,
science and law. Volume 21, Number 2. pp 28 -36

q r
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

striking father and mother or damaging true God was to be punished with death (Randa,

First state to abolish death penalty was Michigan except treason in 1846. Rhode Island and
Wisconsin later abolish death penalty for all crimes. By the end of 18th century Venezuela,
Portugal, Netherland, Costa, Rica, Brazil follows for abolition of death penalty (Bohm, 1999
and Schabas, 1997)37.

3.6 Modern era

In Mugal period power of pardon use to be granted to accused. In proper cases it exercised as
an act of grace and humanity. In early year of East India the mercy petition use to be granted
by British king emperor. Power of mercy granted to governor general in council of fort
William general and the governor in council of Bombay and Madras presidencies. (jain,

After establishment of Sardar Nizamat Adalat the governor general in council gets the power
to pardon (jain, 2005)39

Further in 1860 v 1861 the clemency power to provide in IPC40 and Cr.PC41 (Bhattacharya,

Capital punishment was the very hardiest punishment in the world, about 250 people were
sentenced to death in row and 35 were executed in between 1976 1955, 314 people pushed v

to death in US43, 179 effected through lethal injection, 123 through electrocution, 9 through
gas chamber and one through firing44 (Iveren, 2011). The reason to abolish death penalty in
US is that it was cruel and unusual punishment (Iveren, 2011)45.

In China Tang the common form of death penalty was through strangulation46 (Iveren, 2011).
Chinese people prefer this method as they feel that body is gift from parents and to kill w x y z {

body is disrespect towards them also this method of execution were done in front of public,
so that they may get warned47 (Iveren, 2011).

Randa, L. (1997). Society final solution: A History and Discussion of Death Penalty. University Press
America. pp 235 - 239
37 | } ~  ~ } } } ~ ~ } } ~  ~

Anderson Publishing.
~  ~ } ~ } ~ }

Jain, M.P. (2005). Outlines of Legal History. (ed.V). Wadhwa and Wadhwa Co. Publisher, Nagpur. pp 80 -
Indian Penal Code, 1980.
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
Bhattacharya, T. (2013). The Indian Penal Code. (VII ed.). Central Law Agency, Allahbad. pp 8 10.

United States
Iveren, O. (2011). Justification for and the Abolition of Capital Punishment under Human Right Law.
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. pp 28 - 45
t u
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

Many unsuccessful attempts were made by India to abolish Capital Punishment Bill which
was introduced in Lok Sabha in 1956 for abolishing death penalty but it was rejected by
house. In 1958 and 1962 many efforts made in Rajya Sabha which was unsuccessful. Under
chairmanship of Justice J.L Kapur law commission of India in its 35th report, 1967 support
continuing of death penalty for serious offence (Agrawal A. , 2000)48.

3.7 Types of Death Penalty in Ancient Civilisation:

The execution of death penalty punishment was differing from one civilisation to another. A
brief explanation of these executions is:

Death by boiling: - In 15th century the legal method of execution of death penalty was
boiling of accused in England. The accused was dropped in boiling water, oil or tar until
dead49 (Ghatate, 2000)
Crucification: - This was the most common and painful practice practiced in 6th century
B.C till 4th century A.D. which was usually found among Seleucids, Carthaginians,
Persians and Romans. In this person was tied on cross and hanged till death. This practice
of death penalty was done with Jesus Christ also50 (Ghatate, 2000).
Flaying: - This method was practiced in middle age. In this accused tortured by removing
skin from body. This practice was commonly found in Middle East51 (Ghatate, 2000).
Disembowelment: - This was practiced mostly in England, Netherland, Belgium and in
Japan against the prisoner held guilty in adultery. Under this method the accused vital
organ uses to be removed52 (Ghatate, 2000)
Breaking Wheel: - This practice of punishment found in ancient Greece. In this a wooden
wheel use to stretch accused and one use to hit on limb so they may break their bone also
hits use to did on stomach and chest (Iveren, 2011)53
Crushing: - In roman civilisation the accused used to be crushed through elephant
(Ghatate, 2000)54
Slow Slicing: - This was usually practice around 900 A.D. In this the prisoner was
awarded with numerous cuts till death. The idea behind is to humiliate prisoner with slow
and painful execution. The cut was done through knife (Ghatate, 2000)55.

Agrawal, A. (2000). Abolition or retention of death penalty in India - A critical Appraisal. Published in
Gujrat National Law University, Gandhinagar. pp. 2- 4.
Ghatate, N.M. (2000). Consultation paper on mode of execution of death sentence and incidential matter. Law
Commisiion of India, Ministery of Law. pp 5 13.

Iveren, O. (2011). Justification for and the Abolition of Capital Punishment under Human Right Law.
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. pp 28 45.

Ghatate, N.M. (2000). Consultation paper on mode of execution of death sentence and incidential matter. Law
Commission of India, Ministry of Law. pp 5 13


Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?



There are lots and lots of books and write ups on capital punishment. The review has been
aimed to analyze what has been done by other scholars and to know who has been undone so
that being researcher I may contribute my ideas and findings.

In (ICCPR, 1979)56, the concept of most serious crime rose during drafting of Article 6 of

ICCPR which provide right to life it has vast interpretation and says that capital punishment
should be provided only on most serious crimes but only minority of states abolished capital
punishment till 1954.

(ECOSOC, 1984), According to safeguard guaranteeing protection of right of those facing

execution of death penalty of 198457the death penalty should not go beyond international
crimes with lethal or another extreme consequences. United Nation Secretary General in 6th
report says that offence should be life endangering in the sense that it is likely consequence of
action58, 46 countries abolish death penalty in 1986 for ordinary crimes (Amnesty
International Report, 1987)59. After 16year the rate almost double.60

(Mahapatro, 2013) Roscoe Pound gave the theory of social engineering based on doctrine of
rarest of rare cases. The aim of this theory is to want of maximum satisfaction toward society
as possible also proving justice to build as efficient structure of society. It says to balance the
interest of society as well as individual and public at large61.

(International commission against death penalty, 2010)62 Capital Punishment in US was

suspended between 1972 to 1976 after the SC decision in number of cases of death penalty
and declared capital punishment as unconstitutional. In April 2013, 18 states repealed death

In Rooper v. Simmons Court held that cruel and unusual punishment were prohibited by the
US government63.

International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights Charter. (1979). Article 6. Comment 6 of ICCPR

states India has steadfastly refuses to alter its sentencing policy. Retrieved December 30,2013 from
UN Economic and Social Council Charter. (1984). Resolution 1984/50. Retrieved December 30, 2013 from
Capital Punishment and implementation of safe guards guaranteeing protection of right of those facing death
penalty. Retrieved December 30, 2013 from :
Amnesty International Report. (1987). The death penalty. United States of America. pp - 228 (appendix 12).
Mahapatro, S. (2013). Rarest of Rare doctrine and Concept of Social Engineering. A global society for
Multidisciplinary research. Journal of international academic research for multidisciplinary. Volume 1. Issue

5. ISSN: 2320 5083.

International commission against death penalty. (2010). How state abolish death penalty. United States
Rooper v. Simmons, 543 US 551, 2005. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

(Agrawal A. , 2000)64When we talk about the Capital punishment there exist two types of
opinion one group argue to support capital punishment while another argues to abolish capital

(International Commission against Death Penalty, 2010) says that Argentina execution of
abolishing death penalty was started in 1916 and under mitre government in 1970. It
abolishes capital punishment for law and ordinary crime in 2008. In 1994 death penalty
prohibited for political crimes also. On the other hand Cambodia along with Philippines, this
is one of two associations of South Asia abolishes Capital Punishment. It had the longest
period of abolitions. Death Penalty in these countries prohibited in 1989 through amendment
for all crimes. In France, death penalty for all crimes abolish in 1981 thus joining hand with
the thirteen other European countries that already abolished death penalty. With 2006
amendment to constitution Kyrgyzstan abolish death penalty for all crimes. Mexico abolishes
capital punishment in 2005 for all crime in law. Capital punishment in US were suspended
between 1972 and 1976 after the SC decision in number of cases of death penalty and
declared capital punishment as unconstitutional. In USA on April, 2013 eighteen states
repealed death punishment65.

(Maharashtra Prisons Rule, 1971) There are different methods of execution of death penalty.

person awarded death penalty. On admission of convict in prison regarding date of his
execution and entry in prison he will inform to state government and will take solicit order
from state government for execution convict person should be kept in especially trail after the
mercy petition has been rejected state government will choose the date of execution of death
penalty and will inform to his family member66.

number of culprits by capital punishment, affords security and pleasure to entire society.

Garofalo, and his teacher, Lombroso, sociologist, strongly supports the capital punishment.

preserved only if they can fight with anti social elements.

Mahatma Gandhi was the foremost proposer to abolish the capital punishment in India. He


From the theories of punishment Deterrent punishment says that severe punishments,
intended to prevent the offender from again committing crime. The theory of deterrent
punishment hopes that by imposing the severe punishments, the person will fear and thus

Agrawal, A. (2000). Abolition or retention of death penalty in India - A critical Appraisal. Published in Gujrat
National Law University, Gandhinagar. pp. 2- 4.
Sapre, DP. and Karmarkar, MD (2012). Capital Punishment. Journal of Sapre forensic, Medica Karmarksl,
Science and Law. Volume 2, Number 2. pp 28 -36

Krishnan, R and Moore. (1978): A Source Book in Indian Philosophy - A commentary on Ahimsa. Central
Law Publication. pp 500 - 550

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

abstain from criminal behaviour. Thus the criminal rate and behave are decreased and the
peace shall prevail in the society

(WGHR, 2013) After fast track court award death penalty to the accused of the brutal Delhi
gang rape case December 16, 2012 which was opposed by Working Group on Human Right
(WGHR) they think that the death penalty in retributive form is as violent as offence
committed. WGHR commented on Justice Verma committee on amendment law relating to
rape and sexual assault that there is no scientific basis to claim capital punishment that there
is no scientific basis to claim capital punishment as deterrent affect, studies shows that
punishment become stricter. The awarding of death penalty will increase impunity and
reduce convict. According to ministry of home affair it was stated that death penalty is not
deterrent to murder. SC in Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab68 pronounce that death penalty
will award on rarest of rare case and that too will decide on given principles. During 2 nd inter
governmental review of Indian Human Right known as universal periodic review, 2012, UN
Human Right made 169 recommendations in which 18 were related to abolish of death
penalty in India but not of these were accepted by Government of India69.

Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab 1980 SC 898. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
WGHR. (2013). Capital Punishment not a deterrent: WGHR demands Abolishment of Death Penalty. Working
Group on Human Right in India and US. Retrieved December 30, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?



5.1 Religious Approach

5.2 Indications

Approaches regarding capital punishment are as follows:

5.1 Religious Approach:


for an eye,


shall also be killed by God (Bahati, 2005)70.

According to Hindu Teachings a criminal should be punished if it became harm to the society
and that to will depend on the king (Bahati, 2005)71.

5.2 Indications:

There are many factors which supports death penalty and some indications regarding
abolishing death penalty those are:

Appropriate Punishment Needed: - In Mahesh v. State of M.P72 court held that giving
lesser punishment to accused in such a brutal case will make to be beaten faith in         

courts and justice and law is liable to provide justice to society .

Fair Justice: - As per the retributive theory of punishment all guilty deserved to be
punished and they deserved to be punished in proportion of their crime.
Example If guilty person commit murder he must be punished with highest degree i.e.

capital punishment74.

In Dhananjay Chatterjee Alias Dhanan v. State of West Bengal75 Justice A.S Ananand and
N.P Singh SC of India said that the measure of punishment depend upon the gravity of
crime, so that the victim must be provided with fair justice.76

Bahati and Honorable Justice Anthony. (2005). The death penalty debate. Amnesty International Report.
Retrived December 30, 2013 from
Mahesh v. State of M.P AIR 1987 SC 1346 (1987) 3 SCC 80. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
BBC Ethical guide. (2010). Argument in favour of death penalty. Retrieved December 31,2013 from
Dhananjay Chatterjee Alias Dhanan v. State of West Bengal (2004)9 SCC 751. Retrieved December 29. 2013

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

! " # $ % ! " & ' ' & ( ) * " # $ % $ + % ' $ , & " - ! . / + % ' ! ' - " ( 0 $ " ' 1 2 - 3 * * $ 4 - $ % - + % & 1 5 - 6 " 5 + & * - ! 7 $ %

raping the rapist. Awarding of death penalty to criminal is an improper punishment (Death
Penalty When Generates Death Legally, 2006)77.

Death Penalty is a means of retributive justice which says to balance crime with
punishment. Many use to state that death penalty will teach society the seriousness of
crime, but by following retribution principle we cannot teach society to end violence by
violence it result more violence (Bishops, 1999)78

Michigan State University and Department of Information Centre. (2006). Death Penalty When Generates
Death Legally. Michigan State University Press. Retrieved December 29, 2013 from
Bishops. (1999). To end death penalty. A report of national jewish/ catholic consultation. Retrieved on
December 30, 2013.

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?



6.1 International Statute

6.2 Indian statue

The statutes under which death penalty has been awarded are:

6.1 International statue:

1. ECOSOC, 199679 in its 15th resolution of encourage the countries who are their members
to abolish Capital Punishment also recommend that they provide speedy and fair trials to

2. UDHR, 194780 ; < ; = > ? @ = ; A B C D > E F > = G E = H I J J < C > G E B B K C > L K M C A = C N = J = J @ = L @ C E < N A @ L C B

; < G L O E < E < N N C P @ E N ; < P = @ C E = O C < = E < N Q L < ; > G O C < = R

3. ICCPR, 196681 > E F > = G E = H I J J < C S G E B B K C > L K M C A = C N = J = J @ = L @ C T A @ L C B T ; < G L O E < E < N

N C P @ E N ; < P = @ C E = O C < = E < N Q L < ; > G O C < = R

4. UNECOSOC, 194882 says that :-

- The member countries that had not abolished capital punishment may impose it only on
most heinous crimes.
- Death Punishment should not be awarded to pregnant women or insane.
- Minor below 16 year of age should not be awarded with capital punishment
- According to Article 14 of ICCPR capital punishment only awarded after fair procedure.
- There shall not be retrospective effect of capital punishment.
- One must get the right to appeal in upper courts.
- Capital Punishment shall not be executed in appeal or pardon.

6.2 Indian Statute:

1. Under Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860 the sections under which death penalty use to be
awarded are:

- Section 120- B Punishment for Criminal Conspiracy U

- Section 121 Waging or attempting to wage war or abetting waging of war against the U

Government of India.

United Nation Economic and Social Council [ECOSOC]. (1996). Resolution No. 15. Retrieved December
31,2013 from
United Declaration of Human Rights. (1947). Article 5. Retrieved December 29,2013 from
International Covenant of Civil and Political Right. (1966) Retrieved 31,2013 from
United Nation Economic and Social Council [ECOSOC] (1996). Resolution No.50. Retrieved December
31,2013 from
8 9
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

- Section 132 Abetment of mutiny W

- Section 194 Giving or Fabricating false evidence with intent to produce conviction of

capital offence
- Section 195A Threatening any person to give false evidence W

- Section 302 Punishment for Murder W

- Section 303 Punishment for murder for life convict. It proves unconstitutional and held

its a violation of Article 14 and 21 of Constitution of India83

- Section 305 Abetment of suicide of child or insane person

- Section 364 A Kidnapping for ransom W

- Section 396 Dacoity with murder. W

2. Other legislation in Indian Law related to armed force:

- Air Force Act, 1950

- Army Act, 1950
- Navy Act, 1950
- Indo Taliban Border Police Force Act, 1992
- Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe (Prevention of Auto cities) Act 1989
- Prevention of Terrorism Act, 1987
- Defence of India Act, 1971
- Explosive Substance Act, 1908
- Arms Act, 1959
- Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, 1967 (amended 2004)

3. X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` ` ] a b ] c Y ] a b d \ e \ ^ f g h d ] Z Y c i d Y j f k j l X Y ^ [ Y ^ Z Y ] a c Y f [ m [ ] n Y submitted by
Court of Session a ] d Z ] ^ a \ d e f [ \ ] ^ o

Mithu Singh v. State of Punjab, (1983)2 SCC 277. Retrieved December 31,2013 from
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?



To understand the principle of rarest of rare case is the main body of this research which only
will conclude the objective of research. To understand this doctrine researcher had gone
through many cases those are as:

In Rooper v. Simmons case84 Supreme Court prohibited the awarding of death penalty less
than 18 year of age and sets minimum age of death penalty.

In Uttecht v. Brown case85 US86 Supreme court judgement was proved an exception
regarding death penalty. Supreme Court in his judgement ordered for the formation of trial in
two phases for death penalty. In its 1st trial the jurist will find whether or not the accused is
guilty of crime of murder and in the another trial the jurist will decide whether to penalize
guilty with death penalty is appropriate or not only if the accused proved guilty in 1st trial87.
As to award penalty Supreme Court requires to jury consider aggravating factors and that
through the evidence presented in case which include aggravating and mitigating
circumstances88 s t u v w x w y x z { | y } u { w u } | w u { ~ |  w y u x u | w v w } | }  u { | v z x u z v z x u

mur } | w x |

and that to will be judged on criminals violent past acts, if

w  }  z u z u  | y

accused had long violent and criminal record or several people killed at the time of accused
committed murder or murders90. But if an accused is guilty of mitigating factor which are
those in which the accused had never been convicted for any crimes in the past and the act
that was done by him might not been significant, then he must not be punished with death

Under Lockhart v. Mccree91, Supreme Court judgment uphold the constitutionality of state
procedure regarding the jurist of death qualified and it was held that the jurist who will sit in
any part case related to capital punishment for the determination of guilt or innocence as well
as to determine whether death penalty should be awarded or not must not be ideologically or
religiously oppose to death penalty and these jurist will find the aggravating and migrating
factor in that case and on that basis only death penalty should be awarded92.

Roopers v. Simmons 543 US 551, 578 app. 579 580 (2005). Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Uttecht v.Brown 127 S.Ct. 2218 (2007). Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
United State
Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S 153, 163 (1976). Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Proffitt, 428 U.S at 248. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Kansas v. Marsh, 126 S.Ct 2516, 2543 (2006). Retrieved December 31,2013 from
Gregg v. Georgia 428, U.S . Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Lockhart v. Mccree476, US 162, 164, 173 (1986). Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Gregg v. Georgia 428, U.S. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
p q
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

In landmark judgement on Texas Case of US in which Supreme Court restores the death
penalty in 1976, through which 388 accused who had received the death penalty have been
executed (Death Penalty When generate Death legally, 2007)93.

The Above cases were of United States but when we will have a look on Indian Cases we will
find that:

Section 302 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 prescribe death penalty or life imprisonment as

penalty for murder. It is not possible to hold that the provision of death penalty as an
alternative punishment for murder is unreasonable and not in public interest. The deprivation
of freedom consequence upon an order of conviction and sentence is not a direct and
inevitable consequences of law but is merely incidental to the order of conviction and
sentence is not a direct and inevitable consequences of the penal law but is merely incidental
to the order of conviction and sentence which may or may not come into play, that is to say,
which may or may be passed. Thus section 302 of Indian Penal Code does not have to stand

the test of Article 19(1) of Constitution of India, 195094.

Supreme Court from Bacchan Singh V. State of Punjab95 improve the statue by the ruling that
death penalty will be awarded only on rarest of rare crimes, where other remedy is
unquestionable96. Till 1970 constitutional court require to mention the reason behind
awarding imprisonment for life rather than death sentence in capital offence97.

In Jagmohan Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh98 Supreme Court by supporting constitutionality

of death penalty held it does not only prevent the crime but also it prevent the society.
Honourable court also held that India could not take risk by experimenting with the abolition
of death penalty but court clear a standard that death penalty will going to be an exception
and not the rule in sentence. The circumstances of case will decide the awarding of capital
punishment which is only to protect state security, public order and interest99.

Therefore when we have a look on bare reading of Section 235 of Code of Criminal
Procedure (Cr.PC) and Section 354 of Cr.PC it gave a right to accused for hearing of pre
sentence under section 235(2) and compel the court to specify special reason for awarding
death penalty rather for awarding death penalty rather than the alternative imprisonment for
life section 354(3)100.

Michigan State University and Department of Information Centre. (2007). Death Penalty When Generates
Death Legally. Michigan State University Press. Retrieved December 29, 2013
Bacchan Singh v State of Punjab, 1980 Cr.LJ at pp. 653- 657 (SC). Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1980 Sc 898. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 2012 SC 1357. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Jagmohan Singh v. State of U.P AIR 1973 SC 947. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

In 1980 again the constitutionality of death penalty came as a question before court in
Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab101 Supreme Court emphasized on two question to be
considered that:-

- Was there any uncommon about the crime?

- Circumstances of crime show its brutality to such an extent that accused must be penalized
with death penalty102.

After this emphasis court describes the doctrine of rarest of rare cases which require
uncommon crime and brutal circumstances of crime. Also while interpretation of section
354(3) of Cr.PC103, under special reason requirement court came on conclusion that:-

through laws instrumentality. That ought not to be done save in rarest of rare case when the
a .

Honourable court more clarify the Doctrine of rarest of rare case from the landmark
judgement in Macchi Singh and ors v. State of Punjab105, this case reflects the brutality of
crime. It is a case of extraordinary brutality where due to family dispute Macchi Singh along
with 11 other, killed 17 people in a single night through raid a number of homes for no
reason. The court itself in the position of supporting public at large whose response is so
shocked that they want the award of death penalty against the accused through the power
holder of judiciary irrespective of their personal opinion106. Also court in this judgment
mention the condition to be fulfilled for awarding of death penalty along with illustration
those are107:-

a) When the murder was extremely brutal in nature which arouse intense and extreme
indication of the community.
b) When the murder is committed for a motive which evinces total depravity and meanness.
c) Dowry deaths or killing due to infatuation with another woman, of a member of a
scheduled tribe or scheduled caste on grounds of his caste/tribe; offences to terrorize
people to give up property and other benefits in order to reverse past injustices and to
restore the social balance.
d) In cases of multiple murders of a members of a particular family, caste, community or
e) Where the victim is an innocent child, helpless woman, aged or infirm person, a public
figure whose murder is committed other than for personal reasons.

Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1980 SC 898. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Code of Criminal Procedure. (1973). Easter Book Company. Bare Act
Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1980 SC 898. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Macchi Singh and ors v. State of Punjab AIR 1983 SC 957. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

According to court the five category of murder through which the doctrine of rarest of rare
case shall be considered are108 :

a) Motive
b) Manner of commission
c) The extent of crime
d) Anti social or repugnant nature of crime
e) Personality of victim

On the above provided guideline court will decide the punishment109.

In Ramnares and ors v. State of Chhattisgarh110 Supreme Court asked to award death penalty
to accused for his brutal act done by gang rape and then murder. The victim has been raped
by brother in law and his drunken friends and while gang rape she was been strangulated to
death. The court while discussion imposed the principle of rarest of rare case for awarding
capital punishment. Supreme Court while awarding death penalty focuses on the nature of
(Mahapatro, 2013) offence, its circumstances, extent of brutality, motive concluded that it is
essential for the court to examine the cases on their facts in light of announced principles. But
apparently when we reflect these principles it says merely because a crime is heinous it may
not be a sufficient reason to award capital punishment as the fact of both cases are different.
The term rarest of rare focuses to be imposed on exceptional case with special reason. This
principle has been divided into 2 parts i.e.111:-

- Aggravating Circumstances
- Mitigating Circumstances

The above term means112 (Mahapatro, 2013):

Aggravating Circumstances113: - A court may impose death penalty under his discretion only

If the murder has been committed after pre planning and involve brutality.
Murder involve exceptional immorality
Murder is of member of armed force of union or of police or of any public servant
committed which such member was on duty.
Any consequence done by public servant in discharge of lawful discharge duty under
section 43 of Cr.PC, 1973.

Macchi Singh and ors v. State of Punjab AIR 1983 SC 957. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Ramnares and ors v. State of Chhattisgarh AIR 2012 SC 1357. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Mahapatro, S. (2013). Rarest of Rare doctrine and Concept of Social Engineering. Journal of international
academic research for multidisciplinary - A global society for Multidisciplinary research. Volume 1. Issue 5.

ISSN: 2320 5083.


Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

Mitigating Circumstances (Mahapatro, 2013)114: - Court shall take following circumstances

Offence committed under mental or emotional disturbance.

Young age accused shall not be penalized with capital punishment.
Probability that accused would not commit crime against society
Through fact and circumstance it was believe that the accused was morally justified
while committing offence.
Act was done under duress.
Condition of accuse prove that he was mentally weak.

Supreme Court clarify that in mitigating circumstances the bench shall not provide death
penalty under rarest of rarest case.

After balancing both aggravate and mitigating circumstances and by following the principle
court came on conclusion that the guilt must be provided life imprisonment. This decision
was based on 3 important reasons115: -

- Accused were young

- Death caused by strangulation
- Victim was not a lawful married wife but having extra marital affair with accused i.e
brother in law

While correlating the two landmark judgment of Bacchan singh v. State of Punjab116 and
Jagmohon Singh v. State of U.P117 where capital punishment applied on principle of rarest of
rare case was to protect the power from arbitrariness. In Jagmohan singh v state of U.P 118 the
purpose of death penalty should be established on the principles also mention that exercise of
discretion on the principle is the safest possible safeguard for accused. In Bacchan Singh v
State of Punjab119 it was held that in section 354(3) of Cr.PC the special reason is very

loose and hence needed an odd and random interpretation. But according to court establishing
a standard is a policy matter to be done by legislation. Earlier in Jagmohan Singh v State of
Uttar Pradesh120 it was held that the awarding of death penalty will be court discretion by
following the recognized principles.

Mahapatro, S. (2013). Rarest of Rare doctrine and Concept of Social Engineering. Journal of international
academic research for multidisciplinary - A global society for Multidisciplinary research. Volume 1. Issue 5.

ISSN: 2320 5083.

Ramnares and ors v. State of Chhattisgarh AIR 2012 SC 1357. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1980Cr.LJ 653 SC. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Jagmohan Singh v. State of U.P AIR 1973 SC 947. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1980Cr.LJ 653 SC. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Jagmohan Singh v. State of U.P AIR 1973 SC 947 .Retrieved December 31, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

The critics on death penalty by the court were found in Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab121
case by justice Bhagwati gave a strong prudence on the doctrine given by justice that it may
led to rise of greater amount of prejudice in decision making and a person life use to be
dependent on the decision of bench which was violation of Article 14 and Article 21 of
Constitution of India. Honourable justice raised an essential point by the term brutal , cool
blooded etc describing the crime are not clearly specified categories it only express the
intensity of judicial reaction to the crime which may not be uniform for all judges. Thus the
decision of death penalty by one justice may not be considered by other122.

Another case in Alok Nath Dutt v. State of West Bengal123 victim while sleeping was being
murdered by his brother through strike on the head with harder substance over a property
dispute. Abundant of cases were cited in which Supreme Court awarded either death penalty
for imprisonment for life in similar situation. After a large discussion court finally awarded
death penalty to accused specifying the reason that the nature of offence was cruel but the
method applied will not be termed as cruel and the act of murder was committed due to bad
habit which arises greed of money and the accused though that there was no other option to
kill his brother124. The decision of death penalty was based on circumstances evidence and
not on precedent125.

In Macchi Singh v. State of Punjab126 court while pronouncing the principle of rarest of rare
case also mention some illustration which include crime against women . Women and
children considered to be the weakest section of society and crime against women are very
shameful toward society. In this case the illustration given also include bride burning commit
in demand of dowry cold blooded murder where one can trust on murderers where murder is
occurred by cruelty , torture or inhuman acts awarded with death penalty. Crime against
helpless women and innocent child against women felt in rarest of rare doctrine example rape

In State of U.P v. Satish128, court awarded death penalty to accused who raped a 6 year old
girl. Court in conclusion after considering Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab129 and Macchi
Singh v. State of Punjab130 held that rape become abnormal and inhuman when it was done
with an innocent child where the child does not even know that what is happening even
known that what is happening with him/ her and which requires to the lowest level of

Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab. AIR 1980Cr.LJ 653 SC/. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Alok Nath Dutt v. State of West Bengal 2006 S.C.A.L.E 467. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Macchi Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1983 SC 957. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
U.P v.Satish AIR(2005)3 SCC 114. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1980 SC 898. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Macchi Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1983 SC 957. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

humanity when followed by heinous murder. Then act it become sinful or cruel when done
with child.

On other hand Surrender Pal Shiv Balakal v. State of Gujrat131 in which another bench refuse
death penalty where a teenage girl were raped and then murdered. The circumstantial
evidence clearly providing accused did not had previous criminal record and he was a
migrant labour from U.P and nothing establish that he will going to become a trouble for

In Absar Alam v. State of Bihar132where the accused killed his mother by chopping her head.
High Court considers it as an inhuman nature of crime and awarded death penalty but
Supreme Court set aside the HC133 decision and held that accused was a cultivator residing in
village that is illiterate and had no control over his emotions and situations.

In State of U.P v. M.K Anthony134 where accused killed his wife and both children as he was

with life imprisonment as the accused commit crime due to poverty.

In Azmal Kasab Case who was caught in 26/11 Mumbai terror attack case where the accused
was awarded death penalty by Supreme Court by observing that the whole crime was planned
in Pakistan. To deal with this case court applied the guideline which was established in
Bacchan singh v. State of Punjab135 and Macchi singh v State of Punjab136

Shiv Balakal v. State of Gujrat (2005)3 SCC 127. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Absar Alam v. State of Bihar AIR 2012 SC 968. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
High court
State of U.P v. M.K Annthony AIR 1985 SC48. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1980 Cr.LJ 653 . Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Macchi singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1983 SC 957. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?



Hypothesis No. 01 The principle on which Supreme Court of India award Capital

Punishment i.e. Rarest of rare case does not violate the constitutionality of Article 21

of the Constitution of India

In Jagmohan singh v State of U.P137 the constitutional validity of capital punishment was
challenged in SC. It was argued that right to life is basic fundamental right and capital
punishment violates Article 21 of Constitution of India but court rejected the arguments and
help capital punishment could not be said as violation of Article 21

In Deena v. Union of India138 the execution of death penalty was brought before court and it
was held that hanging is not a cruel method of executing sentence and thus not violate article

In Mithu Singh v. State of Punjab139 SC declared Section 303 of IPC is unconstitutional

because it is in contradiction to Article 14 and 21 of Constitution of India but capital
punishment still remain in force in rarest of rare case. Article 21 of Constitution of India
guarantee right to life to live and personal liberty includes right to live with human dignity.
Further it says that no person shall be deprived of his right except according to procedure
establish by law. It states that state may have right to take away life in name of law and
public at large.

In Menka Gandhi v. UOI140, SC states that awarding death penalty of taking away of life
must be just fair and reasonable. Every accused has right to be fair trial and hence depend on
Natural and Procedural law states as:

Death penalty should be awarded only in special case

Death Penalty shall be treated as exceptional punishment which will only be imposed on
special reason
Accused has right of hearing
Individualisation of sentence must be present considering individual circumstances.
Death Penalty must be properly conferred by HC
Right to appeal
Accused has right to pray for pardon under article 72 and 161 of Constitution of India
before president and governor
Accused must not be tortured

Jagmohan v. State of U.P AIR 1973 SC 947 Cr.LJ 3301973 SCC162 Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Deena v. UOI AIR 1983 SC 1155. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Mitthu Singh v. State of Punjab (1983)2 SCC 277. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Menka Gandhi v. UOI AIR 1978 SC 597. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

Accused has freedom to speech and expression in trial custody

Accused has right to appoint qualified lawyer.

In Rajendra Prasad v State141 of U.P Justice Iyer was favour in abolishing [of capital
punishment and retention must only for white collar crimes.

But in Bacchan Singh Case SC by majority overruled judgement of Rajendra Prasad 142 held
21. India is a member of

international convention civil and political rights in 1979 but it does not abolish death penalty
but award only in reasonable manner and not arbitrary.

In T.V Vantheswaran v State of Tamil Nadu143 the question arises whether delay in execution
of death penalty sentence is violation of article 21 and on that condition whether death
penalty should e replace with life imprisonment. Court held death penalty execution must be
delayed in reasonable manner.

In Triveni bai v. State of Gujarat144 court held that there must be a procedural fairness in trial
and delay in death sentence till last breath of accused.

Thus, it can be concluded that above hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis No. 02 - Though Capital Punishment to accused violates Human Rights in

India but it is beneficial to the society

Article 5 of UDHR, 1948 says that no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment145.

The United Nation General Assembly documented in death penalty that there is a need for
high standard of fair trial which use to be followed by every country and the procedures to be
followed must be just, fair and reasonable.

European convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in their
13th protocol which was open for signature of member states provides for the total abolition
of death penalty in all circumstances. Capital Punishment has been recognised as cruel,
degrading and inhuman punishment which infringes upon the basic human rights of the
accused as expressed in article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 3 of

Rajendra Prasad v. State AIR 1979 SC 916. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
T.V Vantheswaran v State of Tamil Nadu (1983)2 SCC 68. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Triveni bai v. State of Gujarat AIR 1989 SC 142. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
United Declaration of Human Rights. (1947). Article 5. Retrieved December 29,2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

the UDHR also provides for right to life, liberty and security of human beings 146 (Ahmed,

There are several theories of punishment such as deterrent theory, preventive theory, retributive
theory, reformative theory and rehabilitative theory. Deterrent theory of punishment emphasises
more on protection of society from offenders by eliminating offenders from society. According to
this theory there are certain objectives of punishment that criminals should be deterred from
breaking the Law. The deterrent punishment such as death penalty should be an example to
society and persons who have tendency to commit similar crime and that if any one commits
such a crime, he will be punished in the same manner. In this way it prevents people from
breaking the law and it reduces crime rate in the society by elimination of criminals. Therefore,
this theory has four justifications (1) Prevention, (2) Isolation, (3) Elimination and (4) Exemplary
threat to potential criminals in the society147 (Bhattacharya, 2013).

In International glance Article 5 of United Declaration of Human


Whereas United Nation and Economic and Social Council provide the guidelines regarding
awarding of Capital Punishment those are149:-

The member countries that had not abolished capital punishment may impose it only on
heinous crimes. And in India capital punishment use to awarded on rarest of rare case as
we were following the guidelines of UNECOSOC.
Death Penalty should not be awarded to pregnant women or insane.
Minor below 16 year of age should not be awarded with capital punishment.
According to Article 14 of ICCPR capital punishment only awarded after fair

There shall not be retrospective effect of capital punishment.
One must get the right to appeal in upper court.
Capital punishment shall not be executed in appeal or pardon.

As per the guidelines provided under UNECOSOC Indian judiciary uses to award death
penalty only on rarest of rare case as it affect public at large and this rule does not violate the
UNECOSOC guidelines.

Article 21 of the Constitution of India provides Right to personal life and liberty also it says
that no person shall be deprived of his right except according to procedure establish by the

Ahmed, I.G. (2002). Death Sentence and Criminal Justice in Human Right Perspective. Published in
University of Calcutta
Bhattacharya, T. (2013). The Indian Penal Code (ed. VII). Central Law Agency, Allahbad
United Declaration of Human Rights. (1947). Article 5. Retrieved December 29,2013 from
United Nation Economic and Social Council [ECOSOC] (1996). Retrieved December 31,2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

law. It means that if a person has been punished by the law even for the death penalty, it will
term to be as just and fair150.

the constitutionality of Article 21 of Constitution of India nor it term to be unfair according to

Indian Constitution as in India public at large prevails which only says that if any person effect
public at large again and again by his criminal nature his life should be taken off only if it seems
good to the guardians of constitution because here not only the accused human rights has been
violated but we have to also think from the victims point of view. If victims realise that the state
is unenthusiastic to punish the offenders in the name of reform and correction, they may take the
Law in their own hands and they themselves may try to punish their offenders and that will lead
to mayhem. Therefore, to avoid this situation, there is a great need for prescribed and
proportional punishment followi
             !   "       #  $         "           %  

should be higher than pleasure he enjoys by commission of the crime 151(Ahmed, 2002).

Thus, it can be concluded that the above hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis No. 03
( ) * + , - . ) / 0 1 , 2 3 / 4 - , 5

- -

Judiciary in India while awarding death penalty use their
) 0 6 ) 0 7 ) 0 ( . 8 - 4 - 9 : 1 , - / : 3 ; < 9 ) + 1 . 9 1 , 6 - =

In chapter 8 of rarest of rare case above it was already discussed how the capital punishment
takes place by the guardians of constitution. In Macchi Singh and ors. V. State of Punjab152
where the court itself in the position of public at large whose response is so shocked that they
want to award death penalty to the accused as they affect public at large . Also court in his
judgement mentions the condition to be fulfilled for awarding of death penalty along with
illustration. According to court the 5 category of murder though which the doctrine of rarest
of rare case shall be considered are motive, manner of commission, extent of crime, anti
social or repugnant nature of crime , and personality of victim. Jury has discretionary power
to award death penalty by keeping in mind these principles which support the public welfare
and security.

Hence, it was concluded that hypothesis No. 03 has been proved.

The Constitution of India. (1950). Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.
Ahmed, I.G. (2002). Death Sentence and Criminal Justice in Human Right Perspective. Published in
University of Calcutta .
Macchi singh and ors v. State of Punjab AIR 1983 SC 957. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

Chapter 9 @


Preamble of India which says directly indicate it as a democratic A B C D E C F C G F H C G I J K L M N O

country where public at large prevails. Laws are made for human beings so that one may live
their life with dignity without affecting others right. When any crime committed by accused
he must be punished by the state through law as it effect public or the innocent victims.
Capital Punishment is the most severe punishment of the society. As being a member of
Universal Declaration of Human Right, our country did not abolish capital punishment but
they limit its scope by awarding capital punishment on rarest of rare cases. As per the topic of
research that capital Punishment in rarest of rare case is just and fair? Answer is yes it is fair
on the basis as -

Capital punishment which is seen as a cruel and inhuman in some jurisdictions is

constitutional in India and some other countries, and the right to life and human dignity as
provided by the Indian Constitution does not prevent an offender from being executed if
found guilty of certain crimes by a Court of competent Jurisdiction. In other words the same
constitution that has provided for these rights has also provided death as a penalty for certain
criminal offences. In India the issue of death sentence is hotly debated and has attracted the
attention of general public as well as government and non-governmental organisations.
Though India is an active member of the United Nations and has signed and ratified most of
the International Instruments on human rights, capital punishment still remains in our statute
book. According to our judiciary it must be imposed in exceptional cases i.e. in rarest of rare
cases with special reasons.

India is a nation of different culture, different types of people having their different way of
thinking and living. The acts of crimes are not the trend of modern area but it has taken place
from ancient period. Though in ancient period death punishment use to award on small
offences but the only logic behind it to save the public at large and create horror in their
minds so they stop doing crime from the fear of capital punishment. As the time changes
many countries abolishes the death penalty. Our country did not abolish death penalty; the
only reason is public at large.

Death penalty in rarest of rare case does not affect the human rights principles. As per the
guidelines provided in ICCPR for those countries which does not want to abolish it says that
one may award capital punishment but have to follow certain conditions.

According to the time the mentality of human beings also gets changed. As Mahatma Gandhi
P Q R S T Q U V S W U S X Y T Z R [ \ R ] U V W U ^ ] S W R _ P ` Z Y \ U Z Q T W R P Q R S T Q U V S W U S a R V R b T ^ U [ R V R ] U c R Q

R X R ^

t time the conditions and circumstances of crime were not as brutal as

V T [ R ` Z Y [ d e ` P S S W U

now in modern area. Delhi Gang rape which was termed to be as the most brutal case in
history, where because of this country gathered together and demanding justice for the girl
Damini also demanding to save the future of nation. This revolution opened the eyes of
judiciary and they amended the criminal law.

> ?
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

As per the deterrent theory imposing the harsh punishment will create fear and desist from
criminal behaviour which will help to decrease the crime rates. In India deterrence theory has
its existence. The scene of rarest of rare case to award death penalty in India came from the
Macchi Singh v. State of Punjab153 case where on the demand of public at large the accused
was awarded with death penalty and SC laid down some principles to judge whether the act
comes under rarest of rare case or not. The judiciary has discretionary power to decide that
one must be sentenced with the death penalty or not but by following the guidelines provided
in Macchi Singh Case154. Thereafter in Bacchan Singh Case155 the SC laid down two
questions to judge the gravity of case which says how uncommon the crime is and does the
circumstances of crime showing the brutality of the case to award with death punishment.
h i j i j i k i l j m n i j o i l p q r s n t l u v m l k i k l w x y i r u s n i z l j s { | l j i k s x } j l j i m l k i ~ s n i j i l j i t l u v

cases which are brutal but they were not awarded with the death penalty as the only reason
given by the judiciary that the accused will not going to harm public at large. Therefore
instead of capital punishment they were awarded with life imprisonment. In case Shiv
Balakal v. State of Gujarat156 where accused was held guilty of committing rape of a teenager
girl where court considered it as inhuman but does not provided capital punishment as it
stated that the accused was a labour and the facts or circumstances nothing established that it
will going to be a trouble maker for the society. Same as in Absar Ahmad Case157 where
accused chopped his mother head where court held that as this act was committed due to
poverty and he is not trouble for society so should be award with life imprisonment. There
are many cases discussed above which were favouring public at large.

From the overall study hence, it was proved that awarding capital punishment on rarest
of rare case is just and fair as it were laid for the welfare of public at large which
prevails in India.

So, the one who is doing an act which is so brutal and will going to affect public at large such
accused should be awarded with capital punishment as by eradication the waste only one can
keep the place clean.


After the study, the researcher humbly submitting some recommendation regarding death
penalty before the law commission which was found lacking in judiciary. These are:

1. Proper law should be laid down: Many statues provide awarding of Capital Punishment.
As it was found that there were many laws present for awarding death penalty but no one use

Macchi Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1983 SC 957. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from:
Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1980 SC 653. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from:
Shiv Balakal v. State of Gujarat AIR 1985 SC 48. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
Absar Ahmed v. State of Bihar AIR 1985 SC 48. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from
f g
Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?

to provide the grounds under which such punishment should be penalized in rarest of rare
case, which in result creates a lot of confusion in the mind of jurist that on what ground the
same punishment should be awarded to the accused.

2. Decision must be taken with due care: India is a democratic country where public at
large decision prevails. The guardians of constitution has discretionary power to award the
death penalty by following the precedent decisions of constitutional court, but it was
recommended that while awarding the capital punishment the Jurist should keep in mind that
although the accused has committed brutal act but if there are some percent conditions
indicating that the accused will not going to harm the society, on this ground he must not be
awarded with death penalty and this will be decided by his past behaviour in the society
before committing crime.

3. Death Penalty should not be delayed after its pronouncement: In Triveni Bai v. State of
Gujarat158 SC held that death penalty execution should be delayed on reasonable grounds, so
that the accused may get fair trial. But here the researcher recommend that the jury shall not
delay the death penalty after its pronouncement and this method should be abolished by
imposing the duty on the constitutional guardians to properly analyze the act relating to the
offence so that the accused may have fair trial and after analyzing only the Jurist must
pronounce the death penalty which should not be delayed. Here the researcher does not mean
that the accused should not get the right to appeal but that right must be provided for a
specified period.

4. No age limit must be prescribed for awarding of death penalty: In our country no law
permit to award death penalty to the juvenile but if any juvenile commits heinous crime like
rape, murder etc which falls under the category of rarest of rare case it means that while
committing the offence he has sufficient amount of understanding for the act he was
committing and on this ground he must be awarded with capital punishment.

5. No pardon power for terrorist: Our Constitution grant pardon power to the President and
Governor but if the accused found terrorist who affected public at large, then he must not get
the right to appeal for the pardon.

6. Death Penalty must not be providing in haste: The constitutional courts before awarding
death penalty should properly analyze each and every aspect of act by a panel of Jurist and
shall not provide death penalty in haste.

7. Punishment should be according to the act: Judicial hanging is the only procedure in our
country for executing death penalty. In India death penalty does not awarded on petty
offences but it use to be pronounce only on rarest of rare case. The execution of death penalty
must be according to the gravity of act committed by the accused which will create a fear in
mind of criminals so that they may not commit such type of offence and harm the public.

Triveni Bai v. State of Gujrat (1983)2 SCC 68. Retrieved December 31, 2013 from

Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?


Capital Punishment in Rarest of Rare Case: Is it Just and Fair?






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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: 9 : ; < ; = ; > < ? : ; < @ = A : > B C D E F A G H I J K L G B > F M E N A > O P Q R > A S T U V D K W > X Y @ U L @ X Z : [ \ Z > F

W \ (The Mentor of this research) for his instructions provided regarding American
= \ > U ] : P \ X A U \ O L : > ^ > _ E U `

Psychological Association Style (APA) for preparing footnotes and bibliography.

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