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Outcome of primary root canal treatment:

systematic review of the literature Part 1.
Effects of study characteristics on probability
of success

Y.-L. Ng1, V. Mann2, S. Rahbaran1, J. Lewsey3 & K. Gulabivala1

Unit of Endodontology, UCL Eastman Dental Institute, University College London; 2Department of Medical Statistics, London
School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; and 3Clinical effectiveness Unit, The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, UK

Abstract given; at least 6-month postoperative review; success

based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria (strict,
Ng Y-L, Mann V, Rahbaran S, Lewsey J, Gulabivala K.
absence of apical radiolucency; loose, reduction in size
Outcome of primary root canal treatment: systematic review of
of radiolucency); overall success rate given or could be
the literature Part 1. Effects of study characteristics on
calculated from the raw data. The findings by individual
probability of success. International Endodontic Journal,
study were summarized and the pooled success rates by
40, 921939, 2007.
each potential influencing factor were calculated for this
Aims The aims of this study were (i) to conduct a part of the study.
comprehensive systematic review of the literature on Results Of the 119 articles identified, 63 studies
the outcome of primary (initial or first time) root canal published from 1922 to 2002, fulfilling the inclusion
treatment; (ii) to investigate the influence of some criteria were selected for the review: six were random-
study characteristics on the estimated pooled success ized trials, seven were cohort studies and 48 were
rates. retrospective studies. The reported mean success rates
Methodology Longitudinal clinical studies investi- ranged from 31% to 96% based on strict criteria or
gating outcome of primary root canal treatment, from 60% to 100% based on loose criteria, with
published up to the end of 2002, were identified substantial heterogeneity in the estimates of pooled
electronically (MEDLINE and Cochrane database success rates. Apart from the radiographic criteria of
19662002 December, week 4). Four journals (Inter- success, none of the other study characteristics could
national Endodontic Journal, Journal of Endodontics, explain this heterogeneity. Twenty-four factors (patient
Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Endodontics and operative) had been investigated in various com-
Radiology and Dental Traumatology & Endodontics), binations in the studies reviewed. The influence of
bibliographies of all relevant papers and review articles preoperative pulpal and periapical status of the teeth on
were hand-searched. Three reviewers (Y-LN, SR and treatment outcome were most frequently explored, but
KG) independently assessed, selected the studies based the influence of treatment technique was poorly
on specified inclusion criteria, and extracted the data investigated.
onto a pre-designed proforma. The study inclusion Conclusions The estimated weighted pooled success
criteria were: longitudinal clinical studies investigating rates of treatments completed at least 1 year prior to
root canal treatment outcome; only primary root canal review, ranged between 68% and 85% when strict
treatment carried out on the teeth studied; sample size criteria were used. The reported success rates had not
improved over the last four (or five) decades. The
quality of evidence for treatment factors affecting
Correspondence: Dr Y.-L. Ng, Unit of Endodontology, UCL
Eastman Dental Institute, UCL, 256 Grays Inn Road, London primary root canal treatment outcome is sub-optimal;
WC1X 8LD, UK (Tel.: 020 7915 1233; fax: 020 7915 2371; there was substantial variation in the studydesigns. It
e-mail: [email protected]).

2007 International Endodontic Journal International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007 921
Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1 Ng et al.

would be desirable to standardize aspects of study Keywords: outcome, root canal treatment, success,
design, data recording and presentation format of systematic review.
outcome data in the much needed future outcome
Received 27 March 2007; accepted 6 July 2007

influence of study characteristics such as radiographic

criteria for determination of treatment outcome and
There has been a surge of interest in formulating year of publication, on the data heterogeneity.
clinical guidelines for optimal treatment of diseases In the absence of sufficient gold standard level data,
based on properly conceived and executed research. there is a need to synthesize sub-standard data but
The gold standard for informing clinical practice is there is a lack of formal guidelines to achieve this. In
putatively the randomized controlled trial (RCT); how- the absence of such guidelines, the authors proposed
ever, neither medical nor dental practice has been the use of a process of triangulation of different
generally well supported by such evidence. Sackett analytical approaches as a sensible strategy. The
et al. (1996) now famous definition, the conscientious, purpose of this systematic review and synthesis was
explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in to: (i) identify the probable dominant factors influenc-
making decisions about the care of individual patients, ing outcome; (ii) help prioritize the questions that need
not only embraces the notion of grades of evidence but to be addressed; (iii) inform the design and data
also recognizes that optimal levels of evidence may not collection protocol for future RCTs. The outcome of
be available for all situations. There is therefore a need this analysis will be presented in two parts.
to synthesize an objective over-view based on available The aim of the first part of this paper is to present
evidence. Depending upon the quality and quantity of the estimated pooled success rates of primary root
the data, systematic reviews can be of several different canal treatment by aspects of study characteristics:
kinds: traditional reviews; meta-analysis leading to an decade of publication, study-specific criteria for suc-
estimate of effect size; best evidence synthesis; and the cess, unit of outcome measure, duration after treat-
hypothetico-deductive approach, in which the effort is ment, geographical location of study and qualification
directed at evaluating the evidence for and against a of the operator.
given theory, in an attempt to solve the problem of why
contradictory results appear, rather than simply aver-
Materials and methods
aging often incompatible data (Eysenck 1994).
For the outcome of endodontic treatment, there are
Literature search
eight published systematic reviews, which have used
different approaches in synthesis of information from Longitudinal clinical studies investigating the out-
the literature. Basmadjian-Charles et al. (2002) and come of primary root canal treatment that were
Paik et al. (2004) used a systematic approach for published up to the end of 2002 were identified
literature search but a traditional approach for evalu- electronically (MEDLINE database 19662002 Decem-
ating the variables impacting on the success and failure ber, week 4) using six keywords (root canal treat-
of the root canal retreatment. Two reviews (Hepworth ment, root canal therapy, endodontic treatment,
& Friedman 1997, Peterson & Gutmann 2001) calcu- endodontics, treatment outcome and success) and
lated the weighted-average success rates by each factor eight strategies (1 AND 5, 1 AND 6, 2 AND 5, 2 AND
under investigation. Neiderman & Theodosopoulou 6, 3 AND 5, 3 AND 6, 4 AND 5 and 4 AND 6). A
(2003) estimated the number needed to treat when Cochrane Library search was also conducted. PubMed
comparing two types of treatments. Three reviews was independently searched using the related articles
(Lewsey et al. 2001, Kojima et al. 2004, Sathorn et al. feature. Four journals (International Endodontic Jour-
2005) estimated the size of effect of individual factors nal, Journal of Endodontics, Oral Surgery Oral Med-
which included presence of preoperative pulpal and icine Oral Pathology Endodontics Radiology and
periapical status, apical extent of root filling & number Dental Traumatology & Endodontics) and bibliogra-
of treatment visits, using meta-analysis. Except for phies of all relevant papers and review articles were
Lewsey et al. (2001), none have investigated the hand-searched. Unpublished studies were identified by

922 International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007 2007 International Endodontic Journal
Ng et al. Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1

searching abstracts and conference proceedings. Per- Meta-regression models (Thompson & Higgins 2002)
sonal contacts were also used to identify ongoing or were used to explore the potential sources of statistical
unpublished studies. Full articles were obtained for all heterogeneity and to assess the effect of factors on
relevant titles identified through either electronic or estimating the pooled success rate. Factors related with
other search methods. study characteristics considered in the meta-regression
analyses as covariates (and their sub-categories) were:
decade of publication, study specific criteria (radio-
Study selection, quality assessment and data
graphic, combined radiographical & clinical) for suc-
cess, unit of outcome measure (tooth and root),
Three reviewers (Y-LN, SR and KG) independently duration after treatment when assessing success (at
assessed and selected the studies based on the following least 4 years or <4 years), geographical location of
inclusion criteria: the study (North American, Scandinavian and other
1. Clinical study on primary root canal treatment. countries), qualification of the operator (undergraduate
2. Stratified analysis of primary root canal treatment students, postgraduate students, general dental practi-
available, if root canal re-treatment cases had been tioners (GDP), specialist or mixed group). If either the
included. estimated proportion of total variation because of
3. Sample size given. heterogeneity across studies (I2) or the estimated
4. At least 6-month postoperative review. between-study variance (s2) from the meta-regression
5. Success based on clinical and/or radiographic model without covariate in the model was reduced
(strict, absence of apical radiolucency; loose, reduction substantially (>10%) when a covariate was included
in size of radiolucency) criteria. into the model, the respective covariate was considered
6. Overall success rate given or could be calculated to be a potential source of heterogeneity.
from the raw data.
7. Presentations in English, German, Chinese and
Japanese languages were accepted.
Disagreements on study inclusion were resolved by A total of 119 papers were identified in the initial
discussion. The reasons for study rejection at this or search, 51 articles were excluded for the reasons given
subsequent stages were recorded. in Table 1. Some papers presented different parts of the
Data were extracted by all three reviewers indepen- same study, so their data were combined for analyses in
dently using custom-designed data collection forms. this review: (i) Heling & Tamshe (1970, 1971); (ii)
The data collection form was piloted on several papers Barbakow et al. (1980a,b, 1981); (iii) Morse et al.
and modified for optimal utility before final use. The (1983a,b,c); (iv) rstavik et al. (1987) & Eriksen et al.
data extracted could be classified into six groups; (1988). Conversely, Kerekes (1978) presented two
success rates, study characteristics, demographic data separate data sets in their paper, and were therefore
of patients, pre-, intra- and postoperative factors. Any considered as two separate studies in this review. As a
disagreement was discussed and data were excluded if result, 63 studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria were
agreement could not be reached. selected for this review. The year of publication of the
selected studies ranged from 1922 to 2002 with the
highest number of studies published in the 1980s
Estimation of pooled success rates
(n 16) (Table 2).
stata version 9.2 statistical software (StataCorp, College Each reviewer had entered 174 data points per
Station, TX, USA) was used to perform all statistical selected study and the initial agreements amongst the
analyses. Un-weighted pooled success rate by each factor three reviewers were moderate (j 0.570.61). As
was calculated by dividing the total number of successful per protocol, following discussion about any disagree-
units with the total number of units within the respective ments, there was 100% concurrence on used data.
category (according to Hepworth & Friedman 1997). In
addition, the weighted pooled success rates were esti-
Methodological characteristics of included studies
mated using random effects meta-analysis with DerSi-
monian and Lairds methods (DerSimonian & Laird Of the 63 studies included in this review, six were RCTs
1986). Statistical heterogeneity amongst the studies was (Table 2). Others were cohort studies (n 8) or
assessed by Cochrans (Q) test (Cochran 1954). retrospective observational studies (n 49). Although

2007 International Endodontic Journal International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007 923
Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1 Ng et al.

Table 1 Reasons for exclusion of the 51 articles

Article Inclusion criteria (16) not fulfilled or other reasons for exclusion
Grove (1921) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Hinman (1921) Sample size given
Overall success rate given or could be calculated
Grove (1923) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Coolidge (1926) Overall success rate given or could be calculated
Rhein et al. (1926) At least 6-month postoperative review
Puterbaugh (1926) Sample size given
Overall success rate given or could be calculated
Hall (1928) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Appleton (1932) At least 6-month postoperative review
Buchbinder (1936) Stratified analysis available
Macphee (1936) Overall success rate given or could be calculated
Strindberg (1956) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Frostell (1963) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Nichols (1963) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Grossman et al. (1964) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Engstrom et al. (1964) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Ingle et al. (1965) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Curson (1966) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Oliet & Sorin (1969) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
Storms (1969) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Ratliff (1973) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
Cvek et al. (1976) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Adenubi (1978) Same data set as Adenubi & Rule (1976)
Taintor et al. (1978) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Vernieks & Messer (1978) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Kerekes & Tronstad (1979) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Markitziu & Heling (1981) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Hession (1981) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Thoden van Velzen et al. (1981) Same data set as Kerekes & Tronstad (1979)
Ashkenaz (1984) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
Seto et al. (1985) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
rstavik et al. (1986) Overall success rate given or could be calculated
Teo et al. (1986) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Kullendorff et al. (1988) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Molven & Halse (1988) Stratified analysis of one RCT available
Same data set as Halse & Molven (1987)
Augsburger & Peters (1990) At least 6-month postoperative review
Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
Stabholz (1990) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Wong et al. (1992) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
rstavik & Horsted-Bindslev (1993) Overall success rate given or could be calculated
Gutknecht et al. (1996) At least 6-month postoperative review
Friedman (1997) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Ricucci & Langeland (1997) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Weine & Buchanan (1997) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Shi et al. (1997) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
Weiger et al. (1998) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Caplan & White (2001) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
Oliver & Abbott (2001) Clinical study for primary root canal treatment
Waltimo et al. (2001) Overall success rate given or could be calculated
Lazarski et al. (2001) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
Lynch et al. (2002) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
Caplan et al. (2002) Success based on clinical and/or radiographic criteria
Murakami et al. (2002) At least 6-month postoperative review

924 International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007 2007 International Endodontic Journal
Ng et al. Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1

nine studies (Grahnen & Hansen 1961, Storms 1969, presented the success rates stratified by both strict and
Selden 1974, Heling & Kischinovsky 1979, Pekruhn loose criteria.
1986, Sjogren et al. 1990, Friedman et al. 1995, After combining the data from the two examination
Chugal et al. 2001, Hoskinson et al. 2002) had included methods, the pooled success rates estimated by meta-
previously root-filled teeth in their sample, they had analyses were 74.7% (95% CI: 69.879.5%) from 40
provided stratified analysis for primary treatment. studies using strict radiographic criteria and 85.2%
The recall rates (percentage of patients attending for (95% CI: 82.288.3%) from 36 studies using loose
follow-up after treatment) were reported by 39 studies radiographic criteria. The estimated success rates by
and ranged from 11% to 100% with a median of individual studies as well as the weighted pooled
52.7%. Either root (27 studies) or tooth (36 studies) success rates by the two radiographic criteria are
was used as the unit of outcome measure. The sample presented as Forrest plots in Figs 1 and 2. Meta-
sizes ranged from 22 to 2921 teeth or 38 to 2921 regression analyses showed the reported success rates
roots; some studies only included single-rooted teeth, based on strict radiographic criteria were 10.5%
hence the number of teeth and roots were the same. (4.416.7%, P 0.001) lower than the success rates
The treatment outcome was determined by radio- based on loose radiographic criteria. The radiographic
graphic examination alone (27 studies) or in combi- criteria were also found to be responsible for part of the
nation with clinical findings (36 studies) (Table 2). statistical heterogeneity, therefore the estimated suc-
Different radiographic criteria of success have been cess rates by individual factors were calculated sepa-
used and these were divided into: strict (complete rately for data based on the use of strict or loose
resolution of peri-apical lesion at recall) or loose criteria.
(reduction in size of existing peri-apical lesion at recall).
For the radiographic assessment of the outcome of Duration after treatment completion
treatment, only 19 studies (Table 2) employed at least Most studies did not standardize the duration after
two observers to carry out the assessment. Observer(s) treatment completion when the outcomes were
were calibrated prior to evaluation of radiographs in reviewed, which ranged from 6 months to 30 years.
eight studies and intra- or inter-observer reliability tests Only 15 studies (Table 2) followed-up all the cases for
were carried out in nine studies (Table 2). at least 4 years. Attempts to pool data on success rates
Different studies have evaluated the influence of a by different follow-up durations are confounded by the
range of different clinical prognostic factors on outcome relatively small study numbers in some groups and
but the combinations of factors reported vary (Table 3). may have produced distorted results. When strict
The statistical methods used for analysing the associa- criteria were used, the pooled success rates increased
tion between potential influencing factors and treatment with longer follow-ups; the substantial increases were
outcome were the chi-square test (31 studies), relative between 6 and 12 months and between 24 and
incidence distribution (two studies), logistical regression 36 months after treatment (Table 4). However, there
models (three studies), anova (two studies), survival was no obvious trend in success rate by duration after
analysis (one study) and logistic regression models using treatment when loose criteria were used.
generalized estimating equations (one study) (Table 2).
Twenty-three studies did not analyse the data statisti- Year of publication
cally or did not present such information. The pooled success rates based on loose outcome
criteria for each decade since the 1920s appeared to be
similar with the highest pooled success rate at 88.2%
Success rates by study characteristics
during the 1980s (Table 4). However, the pooled
Outcome measure used success rates based on strict outcome criteria for
The reported success rates of root canal treatment studies published during 1960s (79.7%) and 1970s
ranged from 31% to 96% based on strict criteria and (79.0%) were the highest. More importantly, the
from 60% to 100% based on loose criteria. The expected trend of progressively increasing success rates
weighted pooled success rates from studies using strict over the last century was clearly not in evidence.
criteria (data available from 40 studies) were about
10% lower than those from studies using loose criteria Geographical location of study
(data available from 38 studies) regardless of exami- About one-third of the studies were carried out in the
nation method used (Table 4). Some studies (n 14) USA or Canada (24 studies) and the rest were carried

2007 International Endodontic Journal International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007 925
Table 2 Study characteristics

4 year
Geographic Recall follow-up Radiographic 2
a b c e
location of Study rate after Unit of Sample Assessment criteria radiographic Reliability Statistical
Author (year) study design (%) treatment measure size of success of success observers Calibration test analysis

Blayney (1922) USA R 28 T 104 C&R L

Auerbach (1938) USA R 22 T 211 C&R L
Buchbinder (1941) USA R Ro 245 Ra S
Morse & Yates (1941) USA R T 265 Ra L
Castagnola & Orlay (1952) Scandinavia R 68 T 1000 C&R S
4 4
Grahnen & Hansen (1961) Scandinavia R 44 Ro 1277 C&R S
Seltzer et al. (1963) USA C Ro 2921 Ra L
Zeldow & Ingle (1963) USA C T 42 C&R L

International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007

Bender et al. (1964) USA R 30 Ro 706 Ra L
Engstrom & Lundberg (1965) Scandinavia R 74 Ro 181 Ra S
Harty et al. (1970) UK R 60 Ro 1139 C&R S v2
Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1 Ng et al.

Heling & Tamshe (1970, 1971) Israel R 27 T 213 C&R S

Cvek (1972) Scandinavia R Ro 55 Ra S ANOVA
Selden (1974) USA R 11 T 556 Ra L v2
Werts (1975) USA R 23 T 47 C&R S
Adenubi & Rule (1976) UK R Ro 870 C&R S v2
Heling & Shapira (1978) Israel R 17 T 118 C&R S
Jokinen et al. (1978) Scandinavia R 45 Ro 2459 C&R S v2
Kerekes (1978) Scandinavia R Ro 379 Ra S v2
Kerekes (1978) Scandinavia R Ro 188 Ra S v2
Soltanoff (1978) USA R T 266 Ra L
Heling & Kischinovsky (1979) Switzerland R 13 Ro 202 C&R L v2
Barbakow et al. (1980a,b, 1981) South Africa R 60 T 335 C&R L v2
Cvek et al. (1982) Scandinavia R 83 Ro 45 Ra S v2
Nelson (1982) UK R T 299 C&R L v2
Boggia (1983) UK R T 52 Ra S
Klevant & Eggink (1983) Holland R 76 T 319 Ra S v2
Morse et al. (1983a,b,c) USA R Ro 458 C&R L v2
Oliet (1983) USA C T 338 C&R L v2
Swartz et al. (1983) USA R Ro 1770 C&R L v2
Pekruhn (1986) Saudi Arabia R 81 T 925 C&R S v2
Bystrom et al. (1987) USA C 56 Ro 79 Ra S v2
Halse & Molven (1987) Scandinavia R 63 Ro 551 Ra S v2
Matsumoto et al. (1987) Japan R 38 T 85 C&R L v2
4 4 4
rstavik et al. (1987) & Scandinavia RCT 36 Ro 289 Ra L RIDIT
Eriksen et al. (1988)
4 4 4

2007 International Endodontic Journal

Safavi et al. (1987) USA R T 464 C&R S v2
Akerblom & Hasselgren (1988) Scandinavia R 73 Ro 64 C&R S
Shah (1988) India C 70 T 65 C&R L
4 4 4 4
Sjogren et al. (1990) Scandinavia R 46 Ro 573 Ra S LR
Murphy et al. (1991) USA R T 89 Ra S
Cvek (1992) Scandinavia R 76 Ro 610 Ra S v2
4 4
Reid et al. (1992) Australia RCT 44 Ro 74 C&R S v2
Jurcak et al. (1993) USA R 58 T 102 C&R L
Smith et al. (1993) UK R 54 T 821 C&R L v2
Peak (1994) UK R T 136 C&R S v2
Friedman et al. (1995) Canada C 78 T 250 C&R S v2
Calisken & Sen (1996) Turkey R T 172 C&R S
4 4 4

2007 International Endodontic Journal

stavik (1996) Scandinavia C 81 Ro 599 Ra L RIDIT
Peretz et al. (1997) Israel R T 28 C&R S v2
4 4 4
Sjogren et al. (1997) Scandinavia C 96 Ro 53 Ra S
Lilly et al. (1998) USA R T 22 C&R S
4 4 4
Trope et al. (1999) USA RCT T 102 Ra S v2
Ricucci et al. (2000) Italy R T 110 Ra S v2
Weiger et al. (2000) Germany RCT 92 T 67 C&R S LR
4 4
Chugal et al. (2001) USA R 75 R 322 Ra S LR
Deutsch et al. (2001) USA R 42 T 153 C&R L v2
Heling et al. (2001) Israel R T 319 Ra L ANOVA
4 4
Peak et al. (2001) UK R T 406 C&R L
Pettiette et al. (2001) USA RCT 66 T 40 Ra L v2
Benenati & Khajotia (2002) USA R 29 T 894 Ra S v2
Cheung (2002) Hong Kong R 28 T 282 C&R S Survival
4 4 4 4
Hoskinson et al. (2002) UK R 42 Ro 413 C&R S GEE
4 4 4
Peters & Wesselink (2002) Holland RCT 100 Ro 38 C&R S v2
R, retrospective study; C, prospective cohort study; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
T, teeth; Ro, root (unit of measure was recorded as root for those studies which has only included single rooted teeth in their sample).
C&R, combined clinical and radiographic examination; Ra, radiographic examination only.
S, strict criteria; L, loose criteria.
LR, single level logistic regression; GEE, generalized estimating equations; v2, chi-squared test; RIDIT, relative incidence distribution; ANOVA, analysis of variance; Survival, survival

International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007

Ng et al. Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1

Table 3 Clinical prognostic factors included in studies

Tooth type
Pulpal status
Periapical status
Lesion size
Rubber dam
Apical size
Canal taper
Culture test
RF material technique
RF extent
Quality of RF
Acute flare up
Apical disturbance
Visits of treatment

Author (year)
4 4 4 4
Blayney (1922)
4 4 4
Auerbach (1938)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Buchbinder (1941)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Morse & Yates (1941)
4 4 4 4
Castagnola & Orlay (1952)
4 4 4 4 4 4

International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007

Grahnen & Hansen (1961)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Seltzer et al. (1963)
4 4 4 4 4
Zeldow & Ingle (1963)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Bender et al. (1964)
4 4 4 4
Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1 Ng et al.

Engstrom & Lundberg

4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Harty et al. (1970)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Heling & Tamshe
(1970, 1971)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Cvek (1972)
4 4 4
Selden (1974)
4 4
Werts (1975)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Adenubi & Rule (1976)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Heling & Shapira (1978)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Jokinen et al. (1978)
4 4 4 4
Kerekes (1978)
4 4 4 4 4
Kerekes (1978)
4 4 4 4
Soltanoff (1978)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Heling & Kischinovsky
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Barbakow et al.
(1980a,b, 1981)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Cvek et al. (1982)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Nelson (1982)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Boggia (1983)
4 4 4 4 4
Klevant & Eggink (1983)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Morse et al. (1983a,b,c)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Oliet (1983)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Swartz et al. (1983)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Pekruhn (1986)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Bystrom et al. (1987)
4 4 4 4
Halse & Molven (1987)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

2007 International Endodontic Journal

Matsumoto et al. (1987)
4 4 4
rstavik et al. (1987) &
Eriksen et al. (1988)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Safavi et al. (1987)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Akerblom &
Hasselgren (1988)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Shah (1988)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Sjogren et al. (1990)
4 4
Murphy et al. (1991)
4 4 4 4 4
Cvek (1992)
4 4 4 4 4
Reid et al. (1992)
4 4 4
Jurcak et al. (1993)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Smith et al. (1993)
4 4 4 4 4

2007 International Endodontic Journal

Peak (1994)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Friedman et al. (1995)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Calisken & Sen (1996)
4 4 4 4
stavik (1996)
4 4 4
Peretz et al. (1997)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Sjogren et al. (1997)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Lilly et al. (1998)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Trope et al. (1999)
4 4 4 4
Ricucci et al. (2000)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Weiger et al. (2000)
Chugal et al. (2001)
4 4 4 4 4 4
Deutsch et al. (2001)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Heling et al. (2001)
4 4 4 4 4
Peak et al. (2001)
4 4
Pettiette et al. (2001)
4 4 4 4
Benenati & Khajotia (2002)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Cheung (2002)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Hoskinson et al. (2002)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Peters & Wesselink (2002)
Total 8 13 4 13 51 49 6 33 2 1 2 32 20 14 38 25 29 7 0 5 35 8 2

RF, root filling.

International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007

Ng et al. Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1

Table 4 Estimated success rates by study characteristics

Strict radiographic criteria Loose radiographic criteria

Estimated pooled success rates Estimated pooled success rates
studies No. No. No. No.
c d c d
Factor/categories identified studies units Un-weighted (%) Weighted (%) studies units Un-weighted (%) Weighted (%)

Outcome measure used

Radiographic 27 17 4745 74.4 74.1 (66.981.3) 14 (13)b 7177 83.4 84.1 (79.089.3)
Clinical + radiographic 36 23 10799 72.8 75.0 (68.481.7) 24 (23)b 10430 82.0 85.8 (81.889.9)
Duration after treatment (months)
6 4 2 1120 17.3 29.6 (14.273.3) 2 4633 89.1 89.1 (78.899.5)
12 9 5 2080 68.6 67.7 (39.096.4) 4 798 76.7 69.5 (52.386.6)

International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007

24 6 3 2328 75.8 67.3 (43.890.9) 3 1103 82.7 82.5 (75.289.8)
36 5 2 941 80.4 80.6 (78.083.1) 3 254 69.3 66.6 (36.195.9)
48 6 5 2931 84.5 83.8 (79.388.3) 2 301 93.5 61.7 (25.096.0)
Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1 Ng et al.

>48 9 8 1162 86.8 85.4 (80.390.6) 1 821 84.3 84.3 (81.886.8)

Year of publication
Before 1960 5 2 1245 68.2 68.2 (65.670.8) 4 1580 82.2 84.2 (72.296.1)
1960s 5 2 1458 81.3 79.7 (74.085.4) 3 3669 80.4 80.4 (79.281.7)
1970s 12 9 5468 69.8 79.0 (66.791.3) 6 (5)b 4400 77.0 84.0 (71.396.6)
1980s 16 9 2834 77.8 74.8 (62.587.0) 10 (9)b 3770 89.7 88.2 (85.091.4)
1990s 14 10 2007 83.9 76.9 (69.784.1) 8 2271 83.3 85.5 (80.290.9)
2000s 11 8 2532 65.2 68.0 (60.575.4) 7 1917 85.2 85.1 (78.092.3)
Geographic location of study
USA or Canada 24 9 2412 67.5 74.1 (64.983.2) 20 (19)b 9393 86.5 88.1 (84.991.2)
Scandinavian country 15 12 6435 71.5 80.5 (71.189.8) 3 (2)b 3347 70.4 70.3 (61.379.2)
Other country 24 19 6697 76.9 71.2 (64.478.1) 15 4867 83.4 84.5 (80.488.5)
Qualification of operators
Undergraduate students 21 14 8306 68.4 74.8 (67.082.7) 11 (10)b 7808 79.9 83.3 (75.890.9)
GDP 7 6 1353 64.4 65.7 (56.375.1) 5 1228 85.5 86.2 (82.989.5)
Postgraduate students 4 4 1336 82.9 77.2 (64.589.8) 2 959 93.1 93.1 (91.594.7)
Specialist 23 11 3288 87.6 84.8 (80.189.4) 17 (16)b 6368 84.7 87.6 (83.991.3)

GDP, general dental practitioners.

Total number of studies identified for the respective study characteristics is equal to or smaller than the summation of number of studies under strict and loose criteria as some studies
reported success rates based on both criteria.
Number in bracket indicating the number of studies included in the meta-analysis after those studies with 100% rates by the respective factor under investigation have been excluded.
Un-weighted pooled success rates were estimated based on the Hepworth & Friedman (1997)s approach.
Weighted pooled success rates were estimated using random effects meta-analysis (where there was only one study, its reported success rate and confident intervals were presented).

2007 International Endodontic Journal

Ng et al. Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1

Figure 1 Probability of success based on strict radiographic criteria.

Figure 2 Probability of success based on loose radiographic criteria.

out in Scandinavian (15 studies, Sweden/Norway) or Switzerland (one study), Australia (one study), Ger-
other countries (24 studies) including: UK (eight many (one study), Hong Kong (one study), India (one
studies), Israel (four studies), Holland (two studies), study), Italy (one study), Japan (one study), Saudi

2007 International Endodontic Journal International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007 931
Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1 Ng et al.

Arabia (one study), South Africa (one study) and Table 5 Results of meta-regression analysis to account for the
Turkey (one study) (Table 2). The studies performed in source of heterogeneity
the North American countries reported the treatment Strict Loose
outcome data more frequently based on loose radio- Covariate included I 2
s 2
I2 s2
graphic criteria than on strict criteria. In contrast, most
No. covariate 0.985 0.0247 0.973 0.0085
of the outcome data from the Scandinavian countries
were based on strict rather than loose criteria. Based on Year of publication 0.983 0.0265 0.971 0.0098
the loose criteria, the pooled estimate of success rate of (before 1970s, 19701989,
treatment carried out in Scandinavian countries 19902002)
(70.3%) was much lower than for those in North Geographical 0.984 0.0244 0.952 0.0069
location of study
American (88.1%) or other (84.5%) countries; how-
(USA, Scandinavian
ever, the pooled estimate for the Scandinavian coun- or other countries)
tries, only consisted of two studies. In stark contrast, Unit of measure 0.984 0.0253 0.961 0.0081
the pooled estimate of success rate from outcome data (root or tooth)
based on strict criteria from the Scandinavian countries Qualification of operator 0.979 0.0209 0.974 0.0073
(specialist, postgraduate,
(80.5%) was the highest (Table 4).
undergraduate, GDP or
mixed group)
Qualification of operators (undergraduate, postgraduate, Criteria for success 0.986 0.0254 0.974 0.0088
GDP and specialist) (radiographic vs. combined
Only two studies compared the outcome of root canal radiographic & clinical)
Duration after treatment 0.985 0.0228 0.973 0.0085
treatment by qualification of operators. Ingle et al.
(at least 4 years or shorter)
(1965) (a study excluded from this review; Table 1), Recall rate 0.986 0.0218 0.975 0.0117
found no significant difference in success rates of 2
GDP, general dental practitioners; I , proportion of total varia-
treatment carried out by undergraduates or private tion due to heterogeneity across studies; s2, estimate of
practitioners, in agreement with Cheung (2002) who between-study variance (if the I 2 and s2 values were reduced
reported the qualification and experience of operator by 10% after including a covariate in the regression model as
compared with the values estimated without any covariates
had no influence on treatment outcome. entered, the respective covariate was considered to be a
The majority of the reviewed studies classified potential source of heterogeneity).
operator qualification as: undergraduate students (21
studies), GDP (seven studies), postgraduate students
(four studies) or specialists (23 studies). In five studies,
treatment was carried out by a mixed group of
operators and three studies did not provide this Most of the selected studies were prospective cohort or
information. From the results, treatment carried out retrospective studies, therefore the levels of evidence
by postgraduate students and specialists had the provided by them are grade B (levels 2 or 3) based on
highest weighted pooled estimate of success, regardless the criteria given by the Oxford centre for evidence-
of strict or loose criteria (Table 4). based medicine (Phillips et al. 1998
net/index.aspx?0=1025). There were only six random-
ized trials investigating different aspects of root canal
Source of heterogeneity
treatment procedures on outcomes, including
As the radiographic criteria for success have already the effects of sealers (AH26 [DeTrey AG, Zurich,
been shown to have a significant effect on the pooled Switzerland]; Procosol [Star Dental, Conshohocken,
success rates, further meta-regression analyses were PA, USA], Kloropercha) (rstavik et al. 1987); root
therefore carried out, separately on success rates based filling materials (Hydron [Hydron Technologies,
on strict or loose criteria, to explore which of the other Pompano Beach, FL, USA], gutta-percha with AH26
study characteristics were potentially responsible for sealer) (Reid et al. 1992); single-visit versus multiple-
the statistical heterogeneity. None had significant visit root canal treatment (Trope et al. 1999, Weiger
effects on the success rates reported by the studies or et al. 2000, Peters & Wesselink 2002); use of Ca(OH)2
could account for the heterogeneity (Table 5) in dressing versus no medicament in multiple-visit treat-
estimating the pooled success rate of primary root ment (Trope et al. 1999); and the use of stainless steel
canal treatment. versus nickeltitanium hand files (Pettiette et al. 2001).

932 International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007 2007 International Endodontic Journal
Ng et al. Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1

The Cochrane Oral Health groups current guidelines cases, the source of errors were easily identified and
for a systematic review states that the scope of the corrected.
review is to include all RCTs, where RCTs are inappro- The un-weighted pooled success rate by each factor
priate, rather than unavailable, other levels of evidence was calculated based on the approach used by Hep-
may be considered ( worth & Friedman (1997). However, this approach
forms/writing_review.pdf September 2006). However, does not take into consideration, the within and
the authors decided that the numerous observational between study variations as opposed to the study
studies, whilst not having the feature of randomization design-specific weighted pooled success rates estimated
or control groups, represented useful and useable data using random effects meta-analysis. The discrepancies
that could not be deemed inferior by any other criteria. in the success rates estimated using the two approaches
Instead of using exclusion rules to control the heter- are well demonstrated in Table 4. Therefore, the results
ogeneity of design, this systematic review followed the based on the un-weighted pooled success rates were not
recommendation by Stroup et al. (2000). Broad inclu- considered in the following discussions. The estimation
sion criteria for studies were used and analyses were of pooled success rates for some sub-group analyses
performed to investigate the effect of study character- within some study characteristics were based on small
istics on the estimated pooled success rates. Despite data sets, restricting their value.
using broad inclusion criteria, several well designed The significant difference in success rates judged by
and executed studies such as those by Strindberg strict or loose radiographic criteria has already been
(1956), rstavik and Horsted-Bindslev (1993); rsta- iterated but in addition, the data based on strict criteria
vik et al. (1986) and others (Table 1) had to be revealed a clear trend for differences in the pooled
excluded. success rates from studies adopting different follow-up
The goal was to explore the available data and durations; for example, 6 month follow-up compared
partition it to reveal the effect of study characteristics, with longer duration. It should be mandatory to state
general patient factors, individual pre-, intra-, and the criteria for success as part of the methodology of
postoperative factors on treatment outcome, whilst future clinical root canal treatment outcome studies,
triangulating the outcomes of different approaches of preferably stratified by both loose and strict radio-
exploration. graphic criteria. The European Society of Endodontol-
Preliminary data collection was carried out by ogys (2006) suggest a clinical and radiographic
two authors (Y-LN and KG) to explore its diversity. follow-up after at least 1 year with annual recall for
Amongst the studies reviewed, there were substantial up to 4 years before a case is judged a failure. The
variations in study characteristics such as sample American Association of Endodontists suggests clinical
selection, definition of successful cases, duration after and radiographic evaluation for a 4- to 5-year period,
treatment, type and strategy of data collection as with the additional proviso of determining the func-
well as data analyses. Some of the potential clinical tionality of the treated tooth (
prognostic factors (tooth type, age grouping, size dentalpro/guidelines.htm). The origin of this is proba-
of apical preparation, definition of apical disturbance, bly based on the work of Strindberg (1956). From a
apical extent of root filling, quality of root filling research perspective and based on this review, the cases
and quality of coronal restoration) were sub-classified should be reviewed for a minimum of 1 year and
differently between studies. Therefore, a strategy preferably for at least 3 years, after completion of
for pooling the data by recalculation of the avail- treatment. It would be preferable to standardize the
able figures was derived. Based on this strategy, a duration after treatment for all the patients or at least
data collection form was designed, tested, refined to include the duration as a covariate into the statistical
and adopted. Despite this, disagreement amongst model to account for any variations in the success rate
the reviewers existed (j 0.570.61). The disagree- because of the different follow-up times. The best choice
ment could be traced to a lack of clarity in the of statistical analysis would be to analyse time to
presentation of methodology and results. For healing (success) with survival analysis techniques,
some studies, data had to be extracted from the however, it would require regular follow-up of all
discussion section where it was sometimes first patients. The reality is that the longer the duration of
introduced. When there was a disagreement, an follow-up after treatment, the greater the drop-out rate
agreement was negotiated between the examiners by at recall. Therefore, a balance has to be struck between
presenting the case for each view. In the majority of these competing ideals in both the medical and dental

2007 International Endodontic Journal International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007 933
Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1 Ng et al.

fields, although the use of financial incentives may help more, the adoption of strict radiographic criteria and
improve recall rates (Wang et al. 2004). microbiological awareness in their approach appeared
This review also highlighted two important method- to bring better results in studies performed in the
ological shortcomings in published root canal treat- Scandinavian countries. This speculation is important
ment outcome studies. The variability in radiographic because it centres around the debates that raged in the
assessment because of subjectivity in radiograph read- 1960s and 1970s about the value of the microbial
ing is well recognized (Goldman et al. 1972), yet the culture test in informing the progress of treatment, a
good practice of employing at least two pre-calibrated practice, long as abandoned as unnecessary (Engstrom
observers with intra- & inter-observer agreement tests, et al. 1964, Mikkelsen & Theilade 1969, Oliet & Sorin
was not adopted by most of the studies (n 56). In 1969, Morse 1971, Sims 1973, Frank et al. 1978,
addition, the statistical methods used for analysing the Molander et al. 1996a,b). This ultimately led to the
association between potential influencing factors and adoption of single-visit treatment by many endodontists
treatment outcome, did not take account of the effects on the basis of the cost-benefit analysis (Spangberg
of potential confounders. 2001) an issue that will be explored further in the
The overall success rates were not affected by year of second part. The historical importance of this biological
publication or geographic location of study. In the versus technical debate is important to appreciate,
former category, the measure of relevance should really because it fundamentally changed the way root canal
be the year in which treatment was carried out but treatment was conceived and practiced; from a micro-
few studies provide this information. Nevertheless, the bially aware post-focal infection era, to one dominated
absence of obvious improvement in success rates by the by a technological awareness but relative microbiolog-
year of publication suggests that the advances in ical ignorance. The problem of geographical location
technology and materials used for root canal treatment also merits close inspection, as sometimes, a single
do not appear to have influenced treatment outcome study may report pooled data from multi-centre eval-
significantly. Such a suggestion is strongly refuted by uations (Friedman et al. 1995).
endodontists on the grounds that the apparent lack of Although the educational and experience back-
improvement in success rates is a function of more ground of the operators had no significant influence
adventurous case selection fuelled by confidence in on their respective success rates in individual studies,
better skills and outcomes. The validity of this propo- the estimated pooled success rates for endodontists or
sition is explored further in the second part. For the postgraduates were higher than for other dentist
present, it is argued that the lack of improvement in groups in this review. The important influence of the
success rates could be attributed to the fact that, whilst background of operators on the technical outcome of
technology has improved instruments and materials to endodontic procedures has been demonstrated in lab-
achieve a set of goals, the principles underpinning oratory studies (Gulabivala et al. 2000, Van Zyl et al.
those goals have not changed over the duration 2005) but there is a lack of appropriate tools or
covered by this review (Hall 1928). This brings to the methodology to objectively quantify operator skills. The
fore, the classic debate about the relative value of role of such refined technical skills must surely be
biological versus the technical principles in dentistry balanced against the overall understanding of the
(Noyes 1922, Naidorf 1972). Noyes (1922) lamented problem and the motivation and integrity with which
that dentists were not trained to think in biological the procedure is performed.
concepts but to act in mechanical procedures; whilst
Naidorf (1972) applauding the technical excellence
achieved by the pre-occupation of dentists with this
element, deplored the lack of biological awareness of The estimated weighted pooled success rates of treat-
the basic pathology of the problem or the biological ments completed at least 1 year previously, ranged
consequences of the treatment. The clinical academics between 68% and 85% when strict criteria were used.
in this discipline would probably sustain the validity of The reported success rates have failed to improve over
these assertions, even today. It is interesting to note the last four or five decades. The quality of evidence for
that the success rates of studies from the North treatment factors affecting primary root canal treat-
American countries, where the use of contemporary ment outcome is sub-optimal; there was substantial
technology is probably most widely recommended fared variation in the studydesigns. It would be desirable to
no better than those from other countries. Further- standardize aspects of studydesign, data recording and

934 International Endodontic Journal, 40, 921939, 2007 2007 International Endodontic Journal
Ng et al. Outcome of primary root canal treatment Part 1

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