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VOL. 182, FEBRUARY 12, 1990 91

People vs. Sahagun

G.R. No. 62024. February 12, 1990.

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs.

GINA SAHAGUN y MENDOZA, accused-appellant.

Criminal Law; Dangerous Drugs Act; Identity of the poseur-

buyer is vital where accused denies having sold marijuana to
anyone. Failure to present the poseur-buyer, in the instant case, is
fatal to the prosecution.The American serviceman who was
alleged to be the informer was not presented before the trial
court. Without his testimony, the conclusion of the court that the
accused was seen delivering marijuana wrapped in a tin foil to the
American is not supported by the evidence on hand. Who was
delivering the marijuana and who was selling it? The accused
pointed to the American as the one selling the prohibited goods.
Such testimony was not rebutted by the prosecution since the
American-informer was never presented as a witness. Captain
Arturo Castillo, the apprehending officer, was not in a position to
see or hear the goings-on at the table of the American and the
accused. The officer was five meters away from the two persons.
The place where the event took place was dimly lighted. And with
all that noise, it would be impossible for him to hear the
transactions happening at the table five meters away. There is
thus a hiatus to the evidence fatal to a finding of guilt. In the case
of People v. Ale, this Court held that the identity of the poseur-
buyer is vital where the accused denies having sold marijuana to
anyone. The failure to present the American is, to our mind, fatal
to the prosecutions case for it is presumed that evidence wilfully
suppressed would be adverse if produced.

APPEAL from the decision of the then Court of First

Instance of Zambales and Olongapo City, Br. III. Panis, J.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
Florante A. Miano for accused-appellant.

FERNAN, C.J.: 1/5

Courts must be extra vigilant in trying drug charges lest

an innocent person is made 1
to suffer the unusually severe
penalties for drug offenses.


1 People v. Taruc, G.R. No. 74655, January 20, 1988.



People vs. Sahagun

Gina Sahagun was convicted by the Regional Trial Court of

Zambales and Olongapo City, Branch III, for violation of
Sec. 4, Republic Act No. 6425 (Dangerous Drugs Act of
1972, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1675) and
sentenced to suffer imprisonment for life and to pay a fine
of twenty thousand (P20,000.00)2
pesos. She now appeals for
the reversal of this decision. 3
The information against the accused reads:

That on or about the 6th day of August, 1981 in the City of

Olongapo, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, without being
lawfully authorized, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and
knowingly attempt to sell, deliver and give away to another and
distribute one (1) aluminum tin foil of marijuana dried leaves
weighing approximately fifteen (15) grams which is a prohibited

Petitioner Gina Sahagun was working as an entertainer at

the Aztec Club in Olongapo City at the time of the alleged
which according to the prosecution happened,

Two or three days before August 6, 1981, Capt. Arturo Castillo,

Commanding Officer of the Task Force Bagong Buhay
Constabulary Anti-Narcotics Unit in Olongapo City received
information from an unnamed American serviceman that
marijuana is being used and being peddled at the Aztec Club in
Olongapo City (TSN, Dec. 21, 1981, p. 5). Upon receiving the
information, they conducted a surveillance inside the Club (TSN,
Dec. 21, 1981, p. 1).
In the evening of August 6, 1981 between 11:35 and 12:00
oclock, while seated three chairs (TSN, December 21, 1981, p. 2)
or five (5) meters from where the accused and his American
serviceman informer were (TSN, December 21, 1981, p. 6), he saw 2/5

accused handed (sic) to his American informer marijuana dried

leaves wrapped in tin foil (Exh. B-1). He thereupon arrested the
accused and confiscated the marijuana (Exh. B-2) from the
American serviceman. The scene where the incident took place
was dimly lighted (TSN, December 21, 1981, p. 2). In order to be
sure, he, Capt. Castillo and his companion conducted a body
search of the American serviceman informer.


2 Rollo, p. 14.
3 Records, p. 1.
4 Rollo, p. 64.


VOL. 182, FEBRUARY 12, 1990 93

People vs. Sahagun

Accused, on the5 other hand, presented the following version

in her defense:

Inside the Aztec Bar at 11:00 oclock in the evening of August 6,

1981, she met an unnamed American customer. She joined the
American at his table. The American ordered drinks for her and a
beer for him (sic). While thus seated, obviously drinking their
drinks, the American asked if he (sic) was selling marijuana. She
told the American that she was not. While thus talking, the
American drew from his pocket marijuana wrapped in tin foil and
handed it to her. The American asked if the same can be sold.
While in the possession of the tin-foil, Capt. Arturo Castillo
arrested her. She told Capt. Castillo that the marijuana was
shown to her by the American. The American asked her to hold it.
But she was brought to the CANU office. She did not know where
the American was when she was brought to the CANU office.
Having been found guilty by the court a quo, the appellant
questions said verdict.
A careful scrutiny of the evidence shows that the guilt of
the accused has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt.
The American serviceman who was alleged to be the
informer was not presented before the trial court. Without
his testimony, the conclusion of the court that the accused
was seen delivering marijuana wrapped in a tin foil to the
American is not supported by the evidence on hand. Who
was delivering the marijuana and who was selling it? The
accused pointed to the American as the one selling the
prohibited goods. Such testimony was not rebutted by the 3/5

prosecution since the American-informer was never

presented as a witness. Captain Arturo Castillo, the
apprehending officer, was not in a position to see or hear
the goings-on at the table of the American and the accused.
The officer was five meters away from the two persons. The
place where the event took place was dimly lighted. And
with all that noise, it would be impossible for him to hear
the transactions happening at the table five meters away.
There7 is thus a hiatus to the evidence fatal to a finding of


5 Rollo, p. 65.
6 Presided over by Judge Domingo D. Panis.
7 People v. Fernando, G.R. No. 66947, October 24, 1986, 145 SCRA



People vs. Sahagun

In the case of People v. Ale,8 this Court held that the

identity of the poseur-buyer is vital where the accused
denies having sold marijuana to anyone. The failure to
present the American is, to our mind, fatal to the
prosecutions case for it is presumed that9 evidence wilfully
suppressed would be adverse if produced.
The prosecutions evidence leaves much to be desired. If
the inculpatory facts and circumstances are capable of two
or more explanations, one of which is consistent with the
innocence of the accused and the other consistent with his
guilt, then the evidence does not fulfill the test of moral
certainty and is not sufficient to support a conviction. The
constitutional presumption of innocence stands until
overthrown by strong and convincing evidence,
one which
will prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision of the Regional
Trial Court is reversed and the appellant is acquitted on
the ground of failure of the prosecution to prove her guilt
beyond reasonable doubt.

Gutierrez, Jr., Feliciano, Bidin and Corts, JJ.,


Decision reversed. 4/5

Note.There is no better proof of corpus delicti than

appellants admission that they felt warm after smoking
marijuana. (People vs. Pelotin, 169 SCRA 722.)



8 145 SCRA 50.
9 Rule 131, Sec. 5(e), Rules of Court.
10 People v. Parayno, No. L-24804, July 5, 1968, 24 SCRA 3.
11 Sec. 14 (par. 2), Constitution.


Copyright 2017 Central Book Supply, Inc. All rights reserved. 5/5

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