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Gonzales v. GJH Land GR 202664 (November 20, 2015) in the RTC of Muntinlupa City, which is Branch 256.

which is Branch 256. This error

may have been caused by a reliance on the complaint's caption,
Doctrine: The matter of whether the RTC resolves an issue in i.e., "Civil Case for Injunction with prayer for Status Quo Order,
the exercise of its general jurisdiction or of its limited TRO and Damages,"45 which, however, contradicts and more
jurisdiction as a special court is only a matter of procedure importantly, cannot prevail over its actual allegations that clearly
and has nothing to do with the question of jurisdiction. make out an intra-corporate dispute: xxx

Pertinent to this case is RA 8799 which took effect on August 8, Held:

2000. By virtue of said law, jurisdiction over cases enumerated in The erroneous raffling to a regular branch instead of to a Special
Section 528 of Presidential Decree No. 902-A29 was transferred Commercial Court is only a matter of procedure - that is, an
from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to the incident related to the exercise of jurisdiction - and, thus, should
RTCs, being courts of general jurisdiction. Item 5.2, Section 5 of not negate the jurisdiction which the RTC of Muntinlupa City had
RA 8799 provides: already acquired. In such a scenario, the proper course of action
was not for the commercial case to be dismissed; instead,
SEC. 5. Powers and Functionsof the Commission. - x x Branch 276 should have first referred the case to the Executive
x Judge for re-docketing as a commercial case; thereafter, the
Executive Judge should then assign said case to the only
xxxx designated Special Commercial Court in the station, i.e., Branch
5.2 The Commission's jurisdiction over all cases
enumerated under Section 5 of Presidential Decree No. The procedure would be different where the RTC acquiring
902-A is hereby transferred to the Courts of general jurisdiction over the case has multiple special commercial court
jurisdiction or the appropriate Regional Trial Court: branches; in such a scenario, the Executive Judge, after re-
Provided, that the Supreme Court in the exercise of its docketing the same as a commercial case, should proceed to
authority may designate the Regional Trial Court order its re-raffling among the said special branches.
branches that shall exercise jurisdiction over the cases.
The Commission shall retain jurisdiction over pending Meanwhile, if the RTC acquiring jurisdiction has no branch
cases involving intra-corporate disputes submitted for designated as a Special Commercial Court, then it should refer
final resolution which should be resolved within one (1) the case to the nearest RTC with a designated Special
year from the enactment of this Code. The Commission Commercial Court branch within the judicial region. Upon
shall retain jurisdiction over pending suspension of referral, the RTC to which the case was referred to should re-
payments/rehabilitation cases filed as of 30 June 2000 docket the case as a commercial case, and then:
until finally disposed. a) if the said RTC has only one branch designated as a
Special Commercial Court, assign the case to the sole
special branch; or
Therefore, one must be disabused of the notion that the transfer b) if the said RTC has multiple branches designated as
of jurisdiction was made only in favor of particular RTC Special Commercial Courts, raffle off the case among
branches, and not the RTCs in general. those special branches.

The Court's designation of Special Commercial Courts (on June In all the above-mentioned scenarios, any difference regarding
17, 2003, the Court issued A.M. No. 03-03-03-SC consolidating the applicable docket fees should be duly accounted for. On the
the commercial SEC courts and the intellectual property courts in other hand, all docket fees already paid shall be duly credited,
one RTC branch in a particular locality, i.e., the Special and any excess, refunded.
Commercial Court, to streamline the court structure and to
promote expediency) was made in line with its constitutional The transfer of the present intra-corporate dispute from Branch
authority to supervise the administration of all courts as provided 276 to Branch 256 of the same RTC of Muntinlupa City, subject to
under Section 6, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution: the parameters above-discussed is proper and will further the
purposes stated in A.M. No. 03-03-03-SC of attaining a speedy
Section 6. The Supreme Court shall have administrative and efficient administration of justice.
supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof.
The same principles apply to the inverse situation of ordinary civil
The objective behind the designation of such specialized courts is cases filed before the proper RTCs but wrongly raffled to its
to promote expediency and efficiency in the exercise of the RTCs' branches designated as Special Commercial Courts. In such a
jurisdiction over the cases enumerated under Section 5 of PD scenario, the ordinary civil case should then be referred to the
902-A. Such designation has nothing to do with the statutory Executive Judge for re-docketing as an ordinary civil case;
conferment of jurisdiction to all RTCs under RA 8799 since in the thereafter, the Executive Judge should then order the raffling of
first place, the Court cannot enlarge, diminish, or dictate when the case to all branches of the same RTC, subject to limitations
jurisdiction shall be removed, given that the power to define, under existing internal rules, and the payment of the correct
prescribe, and apportion jurisdiction is, as a general rule, a matter docket fees in case of any difference. Unlike the limited
of legislative prerogative. assignment/raffling of a commercial case only to branches
designated as Special Commercial Courts in the scenarios stated
Case at bar: Here, petitioners filed a commercial case, i.e., an above, the re-raffling of an ordinary civil case in this instance to all
intra-corporate dispute, with the Office of the Clerk of Court in the courts is permissible due to the fact that a particular branch
RTC of Muntinlupa City, which is the official station of the which has been designated as a Special Commercial Court does
designated Special Commercial Court, in accordance with A.M. not shed the RTC's general jurisdiction over ordinary civil cases
No. 03-03-03-SC. It is, therefore, from the time of such filing that under the imprimatur of statutory law, i.e., Batas Pambansa
the RTC of Muntinlupa City acquired jurisdiction over the subject Bilang (BP) 129.
matter or the nature of the action. Unfortunately, the commercial
case was wrongly raffled to a regular branch, e.g., Branch 276,
instead of being assigned to the sole Special Commercial Court

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