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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.7 and ANSI Z359.14
Rick Maurice
Craig Firl

June 17, 2016

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.14 Self Retracting Devices Effective August 20, 2012

New terms
New classifications
Class A, Class B
New requirements
Visual Indicator required, new test weight - 282 lbs. for SRL performance test
Leading edge classification and testing
Specific test criteria,
Average arresting force
Measured during testing, labeled on product
New inspection requirements
Factory authorized inspections, more frequent competent person inspections

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.14 Details

New terms
SRD = Self Retracting Devices, includes SRLs, SRL-Rs and SRL-LEs
SRL= Self Retracting Lanyard (or Self Retracting Lifeline)
SRL-R= SRL with integral rescue capabilities
Examples of models: Sealed Bloks with retrieval winch
SRL-LE= SRL with leading edge capability
Examples of models: Ultra-Lok 3504500 and 3504600

Note- ANSI Z359.14 does not address SRLs with RSQ feature,
tie-back SRLs or twin type SRLs

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.14 Details

New classifications
SRDs with dynamic performance as follows:
Class A= maximum arrest distance of 24 inches. Average arresting force not
to exceed 1350 lbs.
Example : Nano series
Class B=maximum arrest distance of 54 inches. Average arresting force not
to exceed 900 lbs.
Example: Ultra-Lok web and cable models, Sealed Bloks, Talons,
User instructions and markings on product will identify which class
Importance of classifications
Help select appropriate SRD for the application. Clearance concerns and
anchorage point strengths are important issues to address.

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.14 Details

New requirements
Visual impact indicator
Now required for all ANSI Z359.14 compliant SRDs. Indicator shall be readily
ALL DBI-SALA and Protecta SRDs have visual indicator
New test weight
Test weight for dynamic performance test is now 282 lbs. The old test weight
was 220 lbs.
282 lb. test weight represents a 310 lbs. person
282 lbs. represents a conversion ratio of human weight to test weight of 1.1:1
(220 lbs. represented a conversion of 1.4:1)

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.14 Details

Leading edge classification and testing
Test set up

Markings on products include minimum set back

distance and required clearance when falling over edge

Compliant models: Leading edge Ultra-Lok models 3504500 and

3504600 (contain larger diameter cable and external energy absorber)
Drop test video

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Leading edge video

i) Learning objective

3M 2016. All Rights Reserved. 3M Confidential. 7
Leading edge video

i) Learning objective

3M 2016. All Rights Reserved. 3M Confidential. 8
Leading edge video

i) Learning objective

3M 2016. All Rights Reserved. 3M Confidential. 9
New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.14 Details

Average arresting force
What is this? Average of every data point over 500 lbs.
Why is it important? Average arresting force more closely represents
what the attached user and the anchorage point are subjected to.
Compare this is maximum arresting force which includes one time spikes
or peaks in the force measurement.
How do you know what average arresting force is for a particular
Labeling on product
User instruction manual

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New ANSI Fall Protection

Average arresting force- data points over 500 lbs.

Peak Force

Average Force

500 lbs.

>500 lbs. time frame

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.14 Details

New inspection requirements
Before use inspection same as before
Competent person inspections
Frequency based on type of use and conditions of use.
Ranges from quarterly to annually.
In the past, the competent person inspections were done annually

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.14 Details

New inspection requirements
Factory authorized inspections
An in depth internal inspection by a factory authorized inspection entity
This is in addition to the competent person inspection
Requires specialized training by the factory
Frequency is based on type of use and conditions of use. Ranges from
annually to every 5 years.
In the past, CSG policy was to inspect device at least annually by competent
person. If device passed inspection, no factory inspection/ recertification was
To comply with ANSI Z359.14, SRDs must have factory authorized
inspection performed!

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New ANSI Fall Protection

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.7 Qualification and Verification Testing Effective October 3, 2011

SUMMARY (one year to comply)
Requirements of ANSI Z359.7 must be met before any product can be marked as
ANSI Compliant. Plus applicable Z359 standard for that item
Test laboratory must be in compliance with ISO 17025
Complete standard must be complied with- not just selected sections
Three ways that fall protection products can be tested to meet requirements
Certification will be available on-line
Detailed proof of compliance to standards will be available upon request
Verification testing every 5 years if mfg. has registered Quality program

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.7 Details

Product must comply with Z359.7 and applicable Z359 product standard
Example = SRLs must meet Z359.7 and Z359.14
Example= Harnesses must meet Z359.7 and Z359.1
Note- Product must be marked with compliance to applicable ANSI product
standard ANSI Z359.14, or ANSI Z359.1 for example.
Note- CSG has determined that CSG product will also be marked with the
following - ISO 17025 accredited verification to ANSI Z359.7
Product must comply with complete standard
Cannot pick and choose which portions to comply with
Must comply with everything- performance, design, markings, inspections,
instructions, use, maintenance, etc.
Product must comply with most current edition of the standard
Example= Cannot indicate compliance to ANSI Z359.1-1992 version if we made
lanyard with non-3600 lb. gated hooks.

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.7 Details

Test lab must be in compliance with ISO 17025- General Requirements
for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories
Audited annually
Accredited by outside agency
The structure and all measuring equipment must be in compliance and
calibrated annually
Test stand must meet stiffness and frequency requirements
Test instruments must have correct level of sensitivity

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.7 Details

Qualification and verification testing must be done by one of the

Third Party organization with compliant lab
At manufacturers accredited lab if witnessed by representative of accredited
independent lab
At manufacturers accredited lab and signed off and stamped by a
professional engineer and qualified person.

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New ANSI Fall Protection

ANSI Z359.7 Details

Certification from Capital Safety will be available on line. This will be

signed and stamped
Example : See next slide

Upon request, we will provide proof of compliance

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New ANSI Fall Protection

Certificate of Compliance

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New ANSI Fall Protection


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