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Bhavan Australia 3.

1 July 2005

An evening with Dr Ashok Chakradhar

Legendary Hindi Humour & Satire Poets Sydney Appearance

Dr. Ashok Chakradhar, the world renowned satirical Hindi poet, is a multi talented personality. He is Professor at
the department of Hindi, faculty of Humanities & Languages, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Among numerous
Kavi -Sammelans he presides all around the world like USA (where he visits regularly every year) UK,
Australia, Singapore, UAE and many other countries of the world, he has presented programs on All India Radio,
written and directed many tele-films like Gulabri, Jeet Gai Chhanno documentaries like Vikas Ki Lakiren,
television programs & tele serials. He has published many books of poetry, childrens and adult literature, literary
criticism, screen plays and dramas. He has been recipient of numerous awards in the field of his poetry, folk
literature, books and mass media and to name a very few, Best Writer & Director Award for the film on the
handicapped Pangu Giri Langhe by Directorate of Film Festival of India in 1992, Kavi Samman in 1996 by
President of India Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, Baal Sahitya Puraskar by Hindi Academy of Delhi in 1991, Samaj
Ratna, Kaka Hathrasi Hasya Puraskar and more. He recently completed 156 episodes of Wah Wah a popular
poetry sammelan on television on one of Indias leading channel.
Sydney residents had the opportunity to spend a beautiful evening
with the Ashok Chakradhar who was visiting his son in Sydney and
very kindly agreed to spare Bhavan Australia an evening and recite
his poetry. The event was organized at Concord Community Centre
on Saturday 18 June 2005 by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Australia.
Considering the short two weeks in which the program was
organized, it was an overwhelming response from the audience who
came to listen to their favorite poet. It is indeed heartening to know
Manju Channan, Rekha Rajvanshi, Gambhir that Sydney houses so many lovers
Watts, Ashok Chakradhar, Om Krishna of Hindi poetry.
Rahat, Abbas Raza Alvi

After a short tea session the program was commenced. Mr Gambhir Watts,
President of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Australia welcomed the Chief Guest and
said it was a privilege to have such a talented poet from India with us for the
evening. He requested Mr Ashok Chakradhar to come on stage and Mr Om
Kishan Rahat, an eminent senior poet in Australia to accept the Sadarat of the
session and take the chair. Bageshree Chakradhar, Om
Krishna Rahat, Ashok
Mrs Rekha Rajvanshi a hindi teacher and well known local poetess and writer Chakradhar
gave a brief introduction of Mrs Bageshri Chakradhar and Ashok Chakradhar.
Mrs Bageshri Chakradhar recited Laxmi Vandana and entertained the audience
with her creative humoristic poetry. Ashok Chakradhar took on the stage after that
and began enthralling the audience with his humour and unique poetry. From
women, to politics, to men, to Indian Australians, Ashok Chakradhar recited
poetry on a wide range of topics. He also kept narrating hilarious jokes from
everyday life situations throughout the program which compelled the audience to
smile and often laugh. Even though his poetry was humorous and satirical yet it
touched great depths of human life and struggles and carried with it a meaningful Gambhir Watts, Abbas Alvi,
Om Krishna Rahat, Ashok
message. His zest for poetry could be easily observed as he held the stage and Chakradhar
recited poetry non-stop for more than two hours and the audience was willing to
stay longer still in the late chilly winter night.

Mr Om Krishan Rahat also recited his sensitive and freshly created poetry which
was very well appreciated by the audience. Mr Ashok Chakradhar was given
many requests by the audiences who did not want him to finish but he finally
concluded his poetry at 10.00 pm by
reciting a beautiful poem. The evening
was finally concluded with vote of thanks Om Krishna Rahat, Ashok
by Mr Abbas Raza alvi, a well known Chakradhar
Sydney poet & Artist and Director,
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Australia and presentation of a momento to
Ashok Chakradhar by President Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Australia
Gambhir Watts.

Bhavan Australia 3.1 July 2005

A Conference of Hindi & Urdu Poets in Australia

In sequence to Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Australias An Evening

With Dr Ashok Chakradhar legendary Hindi humour & satire poets
Sydney appearance on 18 June 2005, a program Kavi Gosthi for
the local Hindi and Urdu poets was organized by Bhavan Australia
on 24 June 2005. Ashok Chakradhar was the Chief Guest for the
evening accompanied with his talented poetess wife Bageshri
Chakradhar (daughter of Kaka Hathrasi). The program was
coordinated by Abbas Raza Alvi renowned poet and Director O m K r i s h n a R a h a t , L a l l i S e t h u r a m , A s h o k
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Australia and Iqtedar Abdi conducted the Chakradhar, Bageshree Chakradhar,
Gambhir Watts, Abbas Raza Alvi
program as the Master of Ceremonies. Iqtedar Abdi introduced the
poets by reciting couplets of poetry by some of the famous poets
like Neeraj, Ashok Chakradhar and others. Various talented Indian Australian poets and poet from Pakistan who
attended were, Arif Sadik, Riaz Shah Australias well known singer and poet, Dr Shailja Chaturvedi, Anil Verma,
Kailash Bhatnagar, Raza Kirmani. Poet Subhash Sharma accompanied by his wife traveled from Melbourne to
attend the event. Senior poet Om Krishan Rahat, recipient of many prestigious awards including Nishan e - Urdu
Award from Urdu Society of Australia also participated and recited some of his excellent works.

Gambhir Watts, President Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Australia welcomed

the poets and the guests and gave a brief introduction on Bhavans
activities in Australia. He told that The Gosthi was organized with a view
to bring together Hindi and Urdu poets in Australia and provide a
platform for regular Gosthis. He also announced 43 entries received from
the local poets and invited further contribution of poetry for the
publication of a poetry book by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. This
Ashok Chakradhar, Bageshree
publication will be a unique poetry book in which Urdu and Hindi poetry Chakradhar, Gambhir Watts
by poets of Indian / Pakistan origin in Australia will be transliterated and
published together. The English summary for the poetry will be available in the same book as well.

All the poets shared some of their poetry with the audience and fellow poets. Abbas Raza Alvi
evoked patriotic sentiments of the audience with his heartfelt recitation of his freshly created
poem in remembrance of the country of his love and childhood. Senior poet Om Krishan Rahat
deeply touched the hearts of the audience with his extremely sensitive and intense poetry
revolving around pain and struggles of human existence. Shailja Chaturvedis recitation of
Iqtedar Abdi , MC poem on Ma- mother, made obvious the value of Janani- the one who gives birth. Kailash
Bhatnagar beautifully depicted in her poetry the identity crisis faced by many women (as a
daughter, wife and then a a mother). Bageshri Chakradhar surprised the gathering with her sensitive poetry and
melodious and well trained voice. Ashok Chakradhar showed a deeper side to his poetic talents by narrating some
thought provoking poetry though it was difficult to leave the gathering without reciting humorous poetry. Even
though some of Ashok Chakradhars poetry was satirical and humorous, it displayed a sound observation and
humane concern for his countrys social and economic situation.

Iqtedar Abdi and many other poets thanked Bhavan Australia for initiating such a good cause to preserve and
revive Hindi and Urdu language in Australia through Kavi Goshti. The evening was concluded by recitation of
poetry by senior poet Om Krishan Rahat. Lalli Sethuram, Director of Bhavan Australia gave the vote of thanks
followed by an interactive get together of the attendees over tea and snacks.

Kailash Bhatnagar Riaz Shah Subhash Sharma Arif Sadiq Anil Verma

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