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communication plan

The Communication Plan is the basis for practicing professional institutional

communication. Communication is a task that includes a multitude of activi-
ties and is addressed to many types of public with one to multiple objecti-
The communications plan is an instrument that encompasses the com-
munication program (short, medium and long term), which includes
goals, strategies, target audiences, basic messages, actions, schedu-
le, budget and evaluation methods.
This tool aims to coordinate and supervise the optimization of the
image and communication strategy of the organization, as well
as to design the main lines of information and communication
management specific to the entity.

ATM ID: NAA RFT 2017/1058

Agency: National Archives of Australia
Category: 81110000
Computer services



DATE 22 MARCH 2017



DATE : 27 AUG 2015 As this one was the first approach to the project, the lack of
VERSION deinitive information resulted in a vague communication plan.
The tasks and the stakeholders were undefined.
Project Manager, Business Develop-
0 ment Manager, Web Designer

DATE : 13 DEC 2015 The specifications of the knowledge management system for
VERSION the new ads were not completely designed. The information
sharing links between the two companies were not completely
Project Manager, Communications
I officer, Archive Librarian

DATE : 20 APR 2016

This version was needed to do some modifications to the current
VERSION feedback tool of the data entry system due to late communica-
Project Manager, Communications tions and tasks delayed.
II officer, Archive Librarian

DATE : 17 SEP 2016 The non immediate strategy to link the Systems security manager
VERSION and the Data testing and integrity technician has been causing
Project Manager, Communications some operational problems in the API functioning.
III officer, Archive Librarian


Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Validation Agile

KPIs are performance measu- Validation or Signing off The Out Of Balance action is a
rements that indicate progress demonstrates that the product, corrective action developed to
toward a desirable outcome. service, and/or enterpise as prevent the appearance and
Strategic KPIs monitor the imple- provided, fulfills its intended use. recurrence of a problem. This
mentation and effectiveness of action is based on the identifi-
an organization's strategies, cation of the causes and the
determine the gap between repercussions of the issue.
actual and targeted perfor- Work In Progress (WIP)
mance and determine organi-
zation effectiveness and opera- Any work that has not been
tional efficiency.
completed but that has already
incurred a capital cost to the
organization. Any software that Scrum is an agile project mana-
has been developed but not gement methodology or
Administrative Sign Off framework used primarily for
deployed to production can be
considered a work in progress. software development projects
The administrative Sign Off is the with the goal of delivering new
official closure given to a software capability every 2-4
project. This document means OOB Action weeks. It is one of the approa-
the finalization of the process ches that influenced the Agile
and the approval of both parts The Out Of Balance action is a Manifesto, which articulates a
of the contract. It also designa- corrective action developed to set of values and principles to
tes the initialization of the prevent the appearance and guide decisions on how to deve-
warranty period. recurrence of a problem. This lop higher-quality software
action is based on the identifi- faster.
cation of the causes and the
repercussions of the issue.

tablet of contentS

Introduction 3
Communication Objectives 4
Communication Purpose and Target Audiences 4
Communication Message and Delivery 3
Communication Message Contents 3


The National Archives of Australia, with the help of us as service provider, is in the pro-
cess of upgrading the Destination: Australia website with the goal of improving its
functionaluty and interactivity.

The new portal will enable the National Archives of Australia to register the public data
and photographic collections featured on the site.

For this project the Communications Plan will specify crucial links between people and
information, necessary for successful communication. The guide of the Project mana-
ger is to communicate with the project team, stakeholders, client and sponsor. All
people involved in the project must understand how communications affect the pro-
ject as a whole.

Project Components / Stakeholder Groups

administrative design financial database

CEO Web Designer CFO Data Manager

EA Information Finance Officer Database Designer

Architecture Designer
Archive Librarian Interaction Business Analyst Database Programmer
Assistant Archive Data Entry Clerk
Librarian Social Media Designer
Administration Data Analyst
Administrative Support marketing programming
Marketing Manager Technical Developers Security
testing Communications
Web Master
Systems Security
Publicist Systems Security
Usability Tester API Platform Guru

Metrics Analyst Social Media App Integration Privacy Officer

Manager Developer


Specify the way in which the information will be distributed and shared
between the internal and external stakeholders in order to succeed.

Develop a detailed information system to generate a complete data base with

all the documentation and evidence of every step of the project.

Keeping the personnel updated with the progress of the project with the objec-
tive of motivating the work teams throughout their tasks.

Communication Purpose and Target Audiences

Communication Matrix - Purpose and Target Audiences

The communication matrix is an assessment tool designed to

pinpoint exactly how an individual is communicating and to
provide a framework for determining logical communication
goals. It allows you to think through how to communicate
most efficiently and effectively to the various constituents.


Progress Reports, Budget Issues, Achiev ed Meetings, Company

CEO Two Months
Goals, Activ ities Stage, External Requirements Emails, Reports

Progress Reports, Budget Issues, Achiev ed Meetings, Company

EA W eekly
Goals, Activ ities Stage, CEO Schedule Emails, Reports

Archiv e Librarian Knowledge Information System Adds Status Reports Three Months

Assistant Archiv e Request of Information Adds, Reminders of

Company Emails Three Months
Librarian Feedback

Progress Reports, Changes in the Strategies Meetings, Reports Monthly

Administrativ e
Reminders of W IP Schedule Company Emails Monthly
Support Officer

Meetings, Company
CFO General Budget State Two Months
Emails, Reports

Meetings, Company
Finance Officer Current Budget Details, Budget Div ision Monthly
Emails, Reports

Financial Forecast, Correctiv e Financial Meetings, Company

Business Analyst Three Months
Actions Emails, Reports

State of the Marketing Processes, New Meetings, Company
Marketing Manager Monthly
Strategies to Apply, External Rquirements Emails, Reports

Communications Reminder of the Commnication Chanels, Meetings, Company


Officer Rev iew of the Communication Chanels Emails

Forms, Company
Publicist W IP Reports Three Months
Emails, Meetings

Social Media W IP Reports , Users Feedbak Reports, Next Forms, Company

Manager Tasks Emails, Meetings

Company Emails,
W eb Designer W IP Reports , Feedbak Reports, Next Tasks W eekly

Information Company Emails,

W IP Reports, Next Tasks W eekly

Architecture Designer Meetings

Forms, Company
Interaction Designer W IP Reports , Feedbak Reports, Next Tasks W eekly
Emails, Meetings

W IP Reports , Users Feedbak Reports, Next Company Emails,

Social Media Designer Monthly
Tasks Meetings

Forms, Company
Technical Dev elopers W IP Reports, Next Tasks W eekly
Emails, Meetings

State of the W eb Production Processes, New Meetings, Company

W eb Master W eekly
Strategies to Apply, External Rquirements Emails, Reports

Forms, Company
API Platform Guru W IP Reports, Next Tasks W eekly
Emails, Meetings

App Integration W IP Reports , Users Feedbak Reports, Next Company Emails,

Dev eloper Tasks Meetings

Forms, Company
Data Manager Data Entry State, Timing Forecast Monthly
Emails, Meetings

Modifications Database Report, Feedbacck Company Emails,

Database Designer Monthly
Database Quality Meetings

Modifications Database Report, Feedbacck Company Emails,

Database Programmer Monthly
Database Eficience Meetings

Forms, Company
Data Entry Clerk Data Entry State, Timing Forecast W eekly
Emails, Meetings

Conclusion of the Data Entry, Correctiv e Forms, Company

Data Analyst Monthly
Actions Emails, Meetings

Systems Security Security Protocols, Security Tools Manual, Forms, Company

Two Months
Manager Quality of the Security System Report Emails, Meetings

Systems Security
Security Tools Manual Company Emails Three Months

Priv acy Officer Security Issues Generated, Correctiv e Actions Forms, Company Emails Two Months

Forms, Company
Usability Tester Testing Protocols Description and Results Two Months

Emails, Meetings

Forms, Company
Metrics Analyst Testing Analysis and Correctiv e Actions Two Months
Emails, Meetings


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