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governance plan
Project governance is the framework that encompasses the guidelines,
processes, decision-making models and tools to carry out the project.

Each organization must adjust this general framework to the policies and
mode of government it has in place.

The project is carried out within an organization and must be aligned

with the way in which decisions are made and with the entrepreneu-
rial culture where it will be developed.

ATM ID: NAA RFT 2017/1058

Agency: National Archives of Australia
Category: 81110000
Computer services



DATE 22 MARCH 2017

DOCUMENT revision history

The document revision history is an add which includes the details about the
previous versions of the same inform. The main function is showing the reasons
why the changes were made and the person who authorized them.

DATE : 27 AUG 2015 The first Governance Plan did not include an accurate
VERSION stakeholder groups division for the development og the
Project Manager, Business Develop- different components.
0 ment Manager, Web Designer

Approval: Project Manager

DATE : 13 DEC 2015 The responsibility links between the project team and the
VERSION client stakeholders were not completely defined due to a
Project Manager, Communications delay of some of the meetings.
I officer, Archive Librarian

Approval: Project Manager

DATE : 20 APR 2016

Some escalation procedures were not detailed explained
VERSION because they were due to unexpected situations.
Project Manager, Communications
II officer, Archive Librarian

Approval: Project Manager

DATE : 17 SEP 2016 There were some changes in the steering committee becau-
VERSION se it was necessary to re-organize some staff to be able to
III Project Manager, Communications overcome the delays
officer, Archive Librarian

Approval: Project Manager

Governance relationships for the project Administrative closure

The governance plan for the STORYTELLERS project, which is carried out together with
The National Archives of Australia is based on the requirements made by the client.

Reason why the translation of regulations and the external standards are in the hands
of the executives sponsor, and the analysts, main responsible for the achievement of
the goals.

The managers of the different components of the project, and those who belong to
the Steering Committee are responsible for the definition of procedures, as well as
identifying the best way to distribute resources and delegate responsibilities using their
authority. In the same way are the accountables for each of the areas.

Stakeholders ditribution

INternal role client role

budget management budget management


Finance Officer

Business Analyst

Project Manager

multimedia database marketing

Data Manager Marketing Manager
mobile app website
App Integration Web Master Communications
Developer Database Designer
Technical Developers development design testing Database Programmer
Social Media
Web Master Web Designer Usability Tester Data Entry Clerk Manager

Data Analyst Social Media Designer

Web Designer Metrics Analyst
Archive Librarian
Interaction Information Technical Developers
Designer Architecture Designer
API Platform Guru

Technical Developers

privacy and security

Systems Security

Systems Security
Privacy Officer

Governance takes as a focal activity the development of multimedia deliverables, so

the development of the website includes the greater presence of Deciders of both
our company and the client.
On the other hand we have decided to include most Excecutors, Advisors and Reci-
pients of our company, since they will be the ones who will carry out the operational
tasks for the achievement of the project goals.

tablet of content

Introduction 3
Governance Framework and Structure 4
Project Governance Roles and Responsibilities 4
Risk and Issue escalation process 4
Project Management Documentation 4
High level stakeholder engagement process 24
High level funding agreement 2


The National Archives of Australia with the help of us as service provider, is in process
of upgrade the Destination: Australia website with the goal of improve its funcionality
and interactivity.

The new portal will enabe the National Archives of Australia to registrate the public
data and photographic collections featured on the site.

For this project the Governance Plan will specify crucial authority links between
people , necessary for some successful jobs development. The guide of the Project
managers to delegate responsabilities to the project team, stakeholders, client and
sponsor. All people involved in the project must understand how policies and proce-
dures affect the project as a whole.

project scope
This project is based mainly on the redevelopment of the website, and should include
the Content Management System software which should be shared and the relevant
documentation for them.

The prototype version of the web page must be delivered after having been tested
and even include feedback made by users of the test and content review.

They will also be given the style guides guides, master templates, user guidelines and
technical specifications, explained properly so that the assholes can follow the instruc-


Specify the organizational structure and the responsibility and authority lines in
a clear way.

Define the governance roles and the way in which the task will be delegated
to achive the goals of the project.

Establish escalation procedures to avoid future problems.

Project Components / Steering commite

website development website design database creation app development budget management
Web Designer Web Designer Data Manager App Integration CEO
Interaction Interaction
Designer Designer Database Designer Technical Developers CFO
Technical Developers Database Programmer Finance Officer
Architecture Designer privacy and security
Web Master Web Master Data Entry Clerk system Business Analyst
Systems Security
API Platform Guru marketing Data Analyst Manager
Systems Security
Data Manager Marketing Manager Archive Librarian Architect

Web Master Communications Privacy Officer

Officer website testing
Publicist Usability Tester
Social Media
Metrics Analyst
Social Media Designer Technical Developers

Steering Commite
INternal role
client role

App Integration
Developer Web Designer

CEO / CFO Web Master

Usability Tester
Project Manager
Data Manager
CEO / CFO Systems Security
Marketing Manager

governance framework and structure
The policies and procedures in the project are aimed at meeting the client's require-
ments as well as the national and international standards for the development and
operation of the new version of the web page. The governance structure is designed
so that senior executives can develop the policies for the legislation that governs
these types of projects.

The international standards are related to the creation of a universal, accessible, easy
to use and reliable Web.

W3C standards


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