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Judge John G.

Circuit Judge, D.C. Circuit
3832 E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse
333 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001-2866


Biographical Information
John Glover Roberts, Jr.
Born: January 27, 1955, Buffalo, New York
Married to Jane Marie Sullivan, July 27, 1996. Jane Sullivan Roberts is currently
a partner at Shaw Pittman in Washington, D.C.
Two children, both adopted
Religion: Catholic

Harvard College, A.B., summa cum laude, 1976;
Harvard Law School, J.D., magna cum laude, 1979.

Reported as excellent in March, 2001 (Judge Roberts will be 50 years old in
January 2005).

Robertss financial statement published during his confirmation hearing indicated
a net worth of $3,782,275. The only liability listed is the mortgage on his home,
$270,272. Assets are cash, securities, and real estate.


Clerkships: Law Clerk, Hon. Henry Friendly, United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit, 1979-1980; Law Clerk, Associate Justice William Rehnquist,
Supreme Court of the United States, 1980-1981.

Private Practice: Hogan & Hartson, Washington, D.C., 1986-1989, 1993-2003.

Government Positions: Special Assistant to the Attorney General William

French Smith, United States Department of Justice, 1981-1982; Associate
Counsel to the President, White House Counsels Office, 1982-1986; Principal
Deputy Solicitor General, United States Department of Justice, 1989-1993;
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, 2003-present
(confirmed May 8, 2003; sworn in June 2, 2003).

Professional Associations: District of Columbia Bar; American Law Institute;

American Academy of Appellate Lawyers; Edward Coke Appellate Inn of Court;
Supreme Court Historical Society.


The most pertinent aspects of Judge Robertss record essentially fit into three
categories: (1) service in the Office of Solicitor General; (2) private practice at Hogan &
Hartson; and (3) service as a Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia.

The most notable materials concerning Robertss service in the Office of Solicitor
General were: (1) the governments brief in the Rust v. Sullivan abortion case (see
below), co-written by Roberts, which argued not only that regulations prohibiting Title X
funding recipients from counseling patients on abortion did not violate Title X or the First
or Fifth Amendments, but also that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, and (2) the
governments briefs in Lujan (see below), upon which Roberts was attacked during his
circuit court confirmation hearings.

While in private practice at Hogan & Hartson, Roberts, for the most part, avoided
any highly politically sensitive cases. However, Roberts tended to represent large
corporate interests and oftentimes those corporate interests clashed with positions taken
by labor organizations. However, it is during this period of his career that Roberts
appears to have made himself well-liked by people on both sides of the aisle. Roberts
also authored articles which necessarily contain some editorializing and his personal

During his brief tenure on the D.C. Circuit, Robertss written opinions evidence a
strong acceptance of principles of judicial restraint. Robertss two dissents from the
denials of en ban review have attracted more attention than any of his written opinions.
Roberts dissented from denial of en banc review in the Rancho Viejo case -- a case
upholding the Department of the Interiors suppression of real estate development to
protect an endangered species -- the southwestern arroyo toad. Robertss dissent focused
on judicially conservative principles of Commerce Clause jurisprudence (but in the
context of a case involving politically sensitive environmental regulation). Robertss also
dissented from the denial of en banc review in the Administrations Energy Task Force
case, which provoked claims that Roberts unduly supported Administration secrecy.
Nonetheless, Roberts appears to have kept a relatively low profile while on the bench and
has maintained a consistent proponent of judicial restraint.


Robertss D.C. Circuit confirmation hearings provide the most obvious roadmap
for opponents attack strategies. The criticisms brought by liberal groups and echoed in
the Senate hearings, along with the best responses to those criticisms, updated to include
references to Robertss recent D.C. Circuit Court opinions where relevant, are
summarized below.

During his relatively short tenure on the D.C. Circuit, Robertss judicial opinions,
not surprisingly, concern principally technical administrative law issues and have not yet
touched on many hot-button social or political issues. Consequently, his decisions to date
are not particularly revealing. They nonetheless appear consistent with his reputation as a
moderate to strong conservative who favors judicial restraint and respects the separation
of powers embodied in the Constitution, as someone who is impartial in his application of
the law, and as one who exercises appropriate judicial temperament, rarely, if ever,
resorting to strident or inflammatory rhetoric or argument. It is a strong record that
speaks of stellar legal qualifications, is consistently restraintist in bent, leaves a relatively
small target for opponents, but also leaves some room for doubt as to how conservative
Roberts really is on certain issues.

Particular areas of potential criticism that might be difficult to rebut are: (1) that
Roberts is a conservative who will align with Scalia and Thomas and (2) that Roberts is
weak on civil rights and substantive due process rights.


Attack: Roberts is pro-life.

Opponents will undoubtedly argue that Roberts is hostile to abortion rights

because (a) the brief in Rust v. Sullivan, co-written by Roberts during his tenure with the
Solicitor Generals office, argued not only that regulations prohibiting Title X funding
recipients from counseling patients on abortion did not violate Title X or the First or Fifth
Amendments, but also that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided; (b) Roberts co-authored
the governments amicus brief in Bray v. Alexandria Womens Health Clinic, 506 U.S.
263 (1993), a private suit brought against Operation Rescue, which argued that Operation
Rescue was not engaged in a conspiracy to deprive women of equal protection rights; and
(c) hes a practicing Catholic and therefore predisposed to advancing the social policies
of the Catholic Church through judicial opinions.

Response: The appropriate approach is the one adopted by Roberts during his
confirmation process -- point out that in writing the brief in Rust, Roberts was
representing his client, the Dept. of Health and Human Services and the United States,
and adopt Justice Ginsbergs response during her confirmation hearing of declining to
answer questions on topics likely to come before the Court. None of Robertss D.C.
Circuit Court cases have concerned abortion.

Attack: Roberts is anti-environment.

Opponents will again state that Robertss successful argument on behalf of the
government in Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 112 S. Ct. 2130 (1992), indicates a callous
disregard for the environment. They will cite as support his recent decision, writing for a
unanimous panel, which included Judges Henderson and, significantly, Tatel, in Sierra
Club v. EPA, 353 F.3d 976 (D.C. Cir. 2004), holding that the EPAs actions in using
particulate matter as a substitute for hazardous air pollutants in regulating emissions from
copper smelters were reasonable, despite being arguably different than regulations
applied to a different industry.

Response: First, Robertss consistent refrain regarding Lujan has been that, far from
being the wholesale revision to the law its opponents claim, it upheld precedential
standing doctrines by requiring plaintiffs to demonstrate an injury-in-fact that was not
apparent in the record before the Court. Second, in private practice Roberts successfully
represented environmentalists fighting development around Lake Tahoe in Tahoe-Sierra
Preservation Council v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, in which the Court adopted
Robertss position against those of the developers and property owners, over the dissent
of Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas. This case cuts both ways, however. It can be used to
defend Roberts from charges that he would be too aligned with Scalia and Thomas, but it
could also be used to dampen support for him by indicating hes hostile to property
rights. The case should stand for the proposition that Roberts zealously represents the
interests of his client, regardless of his personal belief in the policy position a trait that
one wants in a Supreme Court Justice.

Attack: Roberts is hostile to civil rights and affirmative actions.

During his confirmation to the D.C. Circuit, left-wing activist groups accused
Roberts of being hostile to civil rights and affirmative action, citing the following cases
in which Roberts co-authored briefs while in the Solicitor Generals office: (a)
Oklahoma City Public Schools v. Dowell, 498 U.S. 237 (1991) (this brief, according to
the Alliance for Justice, sought to weaken the standard and limit the timeline for court-
enforced desegregation decrees in the nations schools), and (b) Freeman v. Pitts, 503
U.S. 467 (1992) (according to the Alliance for Justice, this brief successfully argued to
lower the bar for the proof that school systems that had previously engaged in de jure
discrimination had to show in order to obtain the courts revocation of a desegregation
decree.). Opponents may also cite: (a) Robertss opinion (for a unanimous panel of
Roberts, Henderson and, again, Tatel) in Sioux Valley Rural Television, Inc. v. FCC, 349
F.3d 667 (D.C. Cir. 2003), in which the court rejected petitioners claim that the FCCs
new bidding rules revoking minority and women-owned business credits while at the
same time extending credits for all successful small businesses did not have a
discriminatory intent and were not arbitrary and capricious when applied retroactively;
(b) Robertss opinion (panel included Henderson and Williams) in Hedgepeth v.
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 2004 WL 2381320 (Oct. 26, 2004), in
which he held that a 12 year old girls arrest for eating a french fry in a rail transit station

did not violate her civil rights under the Equal Protection Clause or the Fourth
Amendment; and (c) Robertss decision (for a unanimous panel including Roberts,
Randolph, and Williams) in Stewart v. Evans, 351 F.3d 1239 (D.C. Cir. 2003), holding
that a female employee did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to
certain personal notes she had taken regarding a male co-workers inappropriate behavior
because she turned them over to a FOIA representative with the understanding that they
might be further disclosed, even though the FOIA rep agreed not to reveal them within
the Department and maintained them in a locked safe.

Response: (a) Roberts was on the governments brief in U.S. v. Mabus, 1991 WL
527603, arguing that Mississippi continued to propagate a dual system of racially
segregated public universities in violation of the Equal Protection Clause and the 1964
Civil Rights Act; (b) Hedgepeth affirmed a decision by Judge Sullivan in the district
court, was decided squarely on the basis of existing precedent finding that age-based
laws are subject only to rational basis review, and deference to the officers making the
arrest where the underlying policy did not permit discretion. This case appropriately
demonstrates how the courts should refrain and allow the legislative branch to correct its
own mistakes, which the D.C. Council ultimately did. The case is also replete with
references to the fact that the judges thought the enforcement of the zero-tolerance rule
heavy-handed and wrong, but that they were obliged not to impose their personal
preference on an otherwise valid law.

Attack: Roberts is hostile to the rights of criminal defendants.

In his confirmation hearings, opponents argued that Robertss participation on

behalf on the government in two amicus briefs indicates a desire to limit the rights of
criminal defendants. See Denton v. Hernandez, 504 U.S. 25 (1992) (amicus brief arguing
that the Ninth Circuit test to permit a court to dismiss an in forma pauperis complaint
only if it could take judicial notice that the facts alleged did not occur was too stringent);
Burns v. U.S., 501 U.S. 129 (1991) (amicus brief arguing that no advance notice to
defendant was required for an upward departure from sentencing guidelines). In further
support of this attack, opponents might note two D.C. Circuit decisions authored by
Roberts for a unanimous panel: (a) U.S. v. Holmes, 385 F.3d 786 (D.C. Cir. 2004),
holding that the search of a passenger compartment of defendants car did not exceed the
scope of search incident to his arrest for assaulting an officer; and (b) U.S. v. Tucker,
2004 WL 2381324 (D.C. Cir., Oct. 26, 2004), holding that the lower courts substantial
downward departure from sentencing guidelines was not justified for the reason stated by
the lower court, namely, that the sentencing guidelines are unjust. (Tucker, of course,
involved a tirade by Judge Jackson who indicated that because he thought the guidelines-
mandated sentence too harsh, he would grant a downward departure without making the
necessary findings and admittedly invite appellate reversal. The D.C. Circuit scolded
Jackson, and reversed and remanded to give the district court an opportunity to make
appropriate factual findings for the departure.)

Response: (a) Roberts wrote for a unanimous panel (Randolph, Williams, Roberts) in
Warren v. District of Columbia, 353 F.3d 36 (D.C. Cir. 2004), holding that a pro se

prisoner had stated a 1983 claim for relief, based in large part on the fact that pro se
prisoner complaints should be liberally construed; (b) Roberts represented many
criminal defendants on a pro bono basis while at Hogan & Hartson; (c) in the case
Roberts cited first on his list of the ten most important he has been part of in his response
to the D.C. Circuit confirmation questionnaire, U.S. v. Halper, 490 U.S. 435 (1989),
Roberts represented a previously pro se appellant on a pro bono basis, arguing
successfully that the Double Jeopardy Clause barred imposition of civil penalties under
federal law against an individual who had already been convicted and punished under
federal criminal law for the same conduct. This was clearly a strong victory for the rights
of convicted criminal defendants, though applied in a subsequent civil context.

Attack: Roberts is hostile to the First Amendments Establishment and Freedom of

Speech Clauses.

Opponents have argued that Roberts supports an expanded role of religion in

schools, citing two briefs he co-authored while with the Solicitor Generals office: Lee v.
Weisman, 505 U.S. 577 (1992) (arguing that public high schools should be allowed to
conduct religious ceremonies as part of a graduation program); Mergens v. Westside
Community School District, 496 U.S. 226 (1990) (arguing that barring a religious group
from meeting on school grounds violates the Equal Access Act, while granting access
does not violate the Establishment Clause). In addition, opponents have cited Robertss
brief in U.S. v. Eichman, U.S. v. Haggerty, 496 U.S. 310 (1990), arguing that the 1989
Flag Act, which prohibited burning the U.S. flag, did not violate the First Amendment.
The Court subsequently held 5-4 that the Flag Act was unconstitutional.

Response: Again, Robertss briefs in the SGs office should not be used against him as
he is taking his clients position.

Attack: Roberts is an extremist in the mold of Scalia and Thomas.

This is likely to be the most pervasive attack against Roberts, along with his
religion, and is the underlying political subtext for all issue-based attacks (see, e.g.,
Statement of Senator Edward Kennedy on Confirmation of John G. Roberts, Wednesday,
April 30, 2003). Support for this allegation will be found in every decision or writing
that can reasonably be construed as restraintist or strict constructionist in flavor, or that
has Roberts agreeing with Scalia or Thomas, regardless of the reasoning.

Response: See discussion of Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council v. Tahoe Regional

Planning Agency above, where the Court adopted Robertss clients position against the
rights of property owners and over the dissent by Scalia, Rehnquist and Thomas. In
addition, many of Robertss briefs written while in private practice appear to defend
federal preemption (see, e.g., State of California et al. v. Dillingham Construction, Inc. et
al., 1996 WL 335322 (arguing in favor of federal ERISA preemption); Medtronic Inc. v.
Lora Lohr and Michael Lohr, 1996 WL 109618 (arguing in favor of broad federal
preemption of states product liability laws). But see Jefferson v. City of Tarrant,

Alabama, 1997 WL 401190 (arguing against federal common law replacing state law on
remedies for deceased or survivors in wrongful death cases).

Attack: Roberts unduly favors big corporations and dislikes labor unions.

Opponents may focus on Robertss private practice client base, which had him
representing many large corporations in various matters, often against labor unions.

Response: Roberts has represented all manner of clients, including environmental groups
(see Tahoe-Sierra case cited above), criminal defendants (on a pro bono basis), and the

Attack: Roberts supports the Bush Administrations unparalleled secrecy.

Roberts voted in favor of the D.C. Circuits en banc review of the decision in
Sierra Club and Judicial Watch v. Cheney the National Energy Policy Development
Group case where interest groups sought to obtain communications and internal
deliberations of the Vice Presidents group that was constituted to advise the President on
national energy policy. En banc review was denied and Sentelle, Randolph, and Roberts
submitted a dissent to the denial. The en banc vote could also be used by interest groups
to state that Robertss is willing to protect the Administrations secret communications
with energy companies over the publics right to know and environmental interests. (In
addition, this case generated controversy regarding Justice Scalias now-infamous
hunting trip with the Vice President).

Response: In a 7-2 decision authored by Justice Kennedy, the Supreme Court granted
review and vacated the district courts decision giving the interests groups access to the
Vice Presidents records. The case was remanded for further proceedings in the D.C.
Circuit. Therefore, Robertss view in his en banc dissent was ultimately vindicated.

Attack from People for the American Way: Dissent from the denial of rehearing en
banc in Rancho Viejo v. Norton.

The People for the American Way have leveled an attack on Robertss dissent
from the denial of rehearing en banc in Rancho Viejo, LLC v. Norton, 334 F.3d 1158
(D.C. Cir. 2003). In Rancho Viejo, a real estate development company challenged the
Department of Interiors application of the Endangered Species Act to stop a project that
was likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the arroyo southwestern toad. The
case principally involved an attack on Congress power to regulate what appeared to be
completely intra-state activity. The lefts attack focuses on how Robertss view of
Commerce Clause jurisprudence would have prevented the arroyo southwestern toads
protection from these particular developers. (Judge Sentelle also authored a separate
dissent to the denial of en banc review).

Response: Robertss dissent is suggests that the circuit should attempt to resolve what
appeared to be a circuit split given the opinions in Rancho Viejo and National Assoc. of

Home Builders v. Babbitt, 130 F.3d 1041 (D.C. Cir. 1997), another ESA case decided on
Commerce Clause grounds but issued before the Supreme Courts decision in Morrison
v. Olson. The decision should not be portrayed as anti-environment, but one that sought
to reconcile seemingly conflicting circuit law in light of subsequent direction from the
Supreme Court. Indeed, it is likely that there may be additional direction from the
Supreme Court on the scope of the Commerce Clause as a result of the medical marijuana
decision later this year.

Attack (from the right): Roberts may be too moderate, and could be another Souter.

Robertss doesnt have a particularly activist resume one way or the other. A
few news organizations picked up on a quote during his confirmation to the D.C. Circuit
calling him a politically well-connected moderate and more balanced than Estrada,
though there is no real evidence in the materials reviewed to support such a label other
than a record relatively devoid of extremism. It appears that this reputation arises more
out of personal acquaintances rather than his legal work.

Response: While there is little in Robertss extensive record that can ensure he is not
moderate on certain issues, his decisions demonstrate that he is a fairly conservative
judge committed to judicial restraint. Roberts has stated that the Rehnquist Court, which
many consider to be conservative leaning, cannot be considered conservative, a quote
that many opponents focused on during his D.C. Circuit confirmation hearing, and which
indicates Roberts might be more conservative than his current record indicates. Roberts
is also a practicing Catholic.


In general, Robertss written opinions reflect a pattern of judicial restraint and

deference to agencies. The panel decisions in which Roberts participated but did not
write the opinion were relatively non-controversial. The following cases are highlighted
because they touch on issues of political interest:

Criminal Issues

United States v. Stanfield, 360 F.3d 1346 (D.C. Cir. 2004). Roberts wrote for a
unanimous panel (including Edwards and Garland), upholding various procedural
rulings made by the district court in a criminal case. Specifically, the court held that
(a) allowing counsel only nine minutes to review several inches worth of Jencks Act
material was not an abuse of discretion; (b) limiting defendants cross of the
probation officer to 20 minutes (because that was the length of time on direct) did not
violate the right to confront witness; and (c) certain hearsay statements were
admissible because, although clearly hearsay, they were sufficiently reliable.

United States v. Holmes, 385 F.3d 786 (Oct. 19, 2004). Roberts held for a unanimous
panel that the search of a passenger compartment of defendants car did not exceed
scope of search incident to his arrest for assaulting an officer during the traffic stop,
and affirmed the Judge Kennedys decision below denying defendants motion to

United States v. Tucker, 2004 WL 2381324 (Oct. 26, 2004). Roberts, writing for a
unanimous panel, held that the lower courts substantial downward departure from
sentencing guidelines was not warranted on the basis provided by the lower court
that the sentencing guidelines were unjustand vacated the sentencing decision and
remanded the case. The courts position refused to adopt the results-oriented decision
by judge Jackson in light of clear Supreme Court authority requiring specific findings
for a downward departure.

United States v. Thomas, 361 F.3d 653 (D.C. Cir. 2004). A unanimous panel
(Ginsburg, Garland, Roberts) evaluated two issues regarding the Sentencing
Guidelines. The Court held that: (a) escape constitutes a crime of violence under
the Guidelines; and (b) it was plain error for the district court to rely on a
defendants arrest record in denying downward departures. (NOT WRITING)

Civil Issues

(1) Administrative Law

Sierra Club v. Environmental Protection Agency, 353 F.3d 976 (D.C. Cir. 2004).
Roberts wrote for a unanimous panel (including Henderson and Tatel) denying the
Sierra Clubs petition for review of EPAs regulations concerning certain pollutants
released in the process of smelting copper. The opinion is fairly technical, but, in

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short, the Court held that EPAs actions were reasonable, notwithstanding the fact
that the regulations were arguably different (and less stringent) than those applied to a
different industry.

Non-deferral cases. Roberts wrote for the panel in two agency cases in which the
Court granted petitions for review on the ground that the agency had failed
adequately to explain why its decision was consistent with its own precedent. See
Lemoyne-Owen College v. NLRB, 357 F.3d 55 (D.C. Cir. 2004) and Ramaprakash v.
Federal Aviation Administration, 346 F.3d 1121 (D.C. Cir. 2003).

Independent Equipment Dealers Association v. EPA, 372 F.3d 420 (June 25, 2004).
Roberts wrote for a unanimous panel that the EPA had not engaged in any reviewable
action or create new policy when it sent a letter interpreting emissions regulations for
nonroad engines. Although opponents could potentially use the decision to
demonstrate that Roberts is willing to bow to the administrations wishes on
environmental policy, the court appropriately did not frame the issue in terms of
defending a new policy, but rather held that the EPA was merely reiterating long-
standing policy and had engaged in reviewable final agency action.

National Council of Resistance of Iran v. Department of State, 373 F.3d 152 (July 9,
2004). Roberts, writing for a unanimous panel, held that an organizations
designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) based on determination that it
was an alias of another organization designated as an FTO, had substantial support in
the record and was consistent with the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty
Act of 1996.

Williams Gas Processing Gulf Coast Company, L.P. v. Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 373 F.3d 1335 (July 13, 2004). Roberts wrote for a unanimous panel
that a decision of FERC regarding gas gathering activities of pipeline company was
arbitrary and capricious. Although the decision could be used to show that Roberts
supports oil and gas companies over environmental interests, it actually stands for
nothing more than the proposition that agencies should be consistent in their
application of regulations and not arbitrary in deciding cases. See, e.g., Ramaprakash
v. Federal Aviation Administration, 346 F.3d 1121 (Oct. 21, 2003) (Roberts finding
that National Transportation Safety Board had failed to explain adequately its
departures from its own established precedent in no fewer than three respects);
Duchek v. National Transportation Safety Board and Federal Aviation
Administration, 364 F.3d 311 (April 20, 2004) (Roberts holding that FAA could not
revoke an airmans license based on his failure to respond to notice because a notice
from a designated representative was not the equivalent of direction by the
employer); but see Midwest ISO Transmission Owners v. FERC, 373 F.3d 1361
(July 16, 2004) (Roberts holding for unanimous panel that FERCs orders applying
tariff were not arbitrary and capricious). Overall, these cases taken together
demonstrate that Roberts expects administrative agencies to apply their own
procedures and policies in a fair, reasonable, and consistent manner a position
consistent with a philosophy of judicial restraint.

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PDK Labs. Inc. v. United States Drug Enforcement Admin., 362 F.3d 786 (D.C. Cir.
2004) (concurring opinion). The concurrence here argues for judicial restraint. The
majority held that the plaintiff had standing to seek review of DEAs suspension
order and then went on to attempt to interpret or clarify the statute authorizing the
DEA to forbid importation if the chemical may be diverted to the clandestine
manufacture of a controlled substance. Id. at 789 (citing 21 U.S.C. 971(c)(1)). In
his concurring opinion, Roberts chides the majority for going beyond what was
necessary to remand the case. He argues that once the standing question was
resolved, the case should have been vacated and remanded without further discussion,
citing the cardinal principle of judicial restraint -- if it is not necessary to decide
more, it is necessary not to decide more. Id. at 799. He further noted that imposing
its interpretation on the DEA violated the Chevron doctrine, because it did not give
the DEA an opportunity to rule on the interpretation issue first.

S.A. Storer & Sons Co. v. Sec. of Labor, 360 F.3d 1363 (D.C. Cir. 2004).
Unanimous panel (Henderson, Tatel, Roberts) vacated and remanded decision by the
Secretary of Labor that company had violated OSHA regulations concerning the
safety of scaffolding. But, appears to be a mixed decision from the labor
perspective, because although the Court held that one regulation had been improperly
interpreted, the Court also held that the employer had not appropriately protected
worker safety in another aspect. (NOT WRITING)

(2) Constitutional/Employment/Other

Sioux Valley Rural Television, Inc. v. Fed. Communications Commn, 349 F.3d 667
(D.C. Cir. 2003). Roberts wrote for a unanimous panel (including Henderson and
Tatel) in a reverse-race/sex discrimination case regarding FCCs bidding rules.
Petitioners alleged that the FCCs decision to revoke minority- and women-owned
business credits, while at the same time extending credits for all successful small
businesses, was unfair to non-minority- and non-women-owned businesses. The
court rejected the claim, noting that the FCC had no discriminatory intent in adopting
the change, and that it was not arbitrary or capricious for the agency to make the new
bidding rules retroactive.

Hedgepeth v. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 2004 WL 2381320

(Oct. 26, 2004). Roberts wrote for a unanimous panel, affirming the decision by
Judge Sullivan below, that a young girl who was arrested for eating a french fry in
rail transit station could not state a claim for violations of her Equal Protection or
Fourth Amendment rights, and the court could not inquire into reasonableness of
decision to arrest since the District of Columbias Code specifically prohibited
conduct in question and there was probable cause to arrest. While admitting that the
result was harsh and acknowledging that the policy was subsequently changed,
Robertss decision reflected judicial restraint, deferring to the police.

United States ex rel. Totten v. Bombardier Corporation, 380 F. 3d 488 (D. C. Cir.
Aug. 27, 2004). This is the only opinion written by Roberts that resulted in a dissent.

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The case involved a qui tam action against a contractor under the False Claims Act
for allegedly submitting false claims to Amtrak in order to obtain payment for
allegedly defective railroad cars. Robertss panel decision with Judge Rogers
determined that a payment to Amtrak was not a payment to the government subject to
the False Claims Act. Judge Garlands dissent disagrees with Robertss literal
statutory interpretation. It does not appear that there is a significant basis to attack the
opinion, although Sens. Grassley and Leahy may very well question him about it
given their strong support for an expansive reading of the False Claims Act.

Lohrenz v. Donnelly, 350 F.3d 1272 (D.C. Cir. 2003). Unanimous panel (Rogers,
Silberman, Roberts) concluded that plaintiff, one of the first female combat pilots in
the Navy, was a public figure for purposes of establishing defamation under NYT v.
Sullivan, and that she had failed to prove actual malice. This arguably could be
characterized as an anti-female opinion, since the appellee was an interest group
opposed to allowing women to serve in combat positions in the military. (NOT

Warren v. District of Columbia, 353 F.3d 36 (D.C. Cir. 2004). Unanimous panel
(Randolph, Williams, Roberts) held that a pro se prisoner had stated a 1983 claim
for relief -- based in large part on the fact that pro se prisoner complaints should be
liberally construed. Id. at 37. (NOT WRITING)

In Acree v. Republic of Iraq, Roberts wrote a concurring opinion that argued for the
result (which was the dismissal of a case involving American POWs from the 1991
Gulf War who had sued the Republic of Iraq and its president) citing the plain
meaning of the governing statutes language rather than a more extended argument
adopted by the majority. See Acree v. Republic of Iraq, 370 F. 3d 41 (D. C. Cir. June
4, 2004, rehg en banc denied Aug. 19, 2004). Robertss opinion indicates that he
has respect for Congress authority and attempts to be faithful to the express language
of a statute wherever possible. (NOT WRITING)

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Rust v. Sullivan, 1990 WL 505725 (Sept. 7, 1990). The governments brief here, co-
written by Roberts, arguably went beyond what was required by the cases merits to
state the broader policy of the administration -- that Roe v. Wade was wrongly
decided. The most controversial portion of the brief is the following quote:

Petitioners argue that the Secretarys regulations impermissibly burden the

qualified right discerned in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), to choose
to have an abortion. . . . We continue to believe that Roe was wrongly
decided and should be overruled. As more fully explained in our briefs,
filed as amicus curiae, in Hodgson v. Minnesota, 110 S. Ct. 2926 (1990);
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, 109 S. Ct. 3040 (1989);
Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 476
U.S. 747 (1986); and City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive
Health, 462 U.S. 416 (1983), the Courts conclusions in Roe that there is a
fundamental right to an abortion and that government has no compelling
interest in protecting prenatal human life throughout pregnancy find no
support in the text, structure, or history of the Constitution. If Roe is
overturned, petitioners contention that the Title X regulations burden the
right announced in Roe falls with it. But even under Roes strictures, the
Title X regulations at issue do not violate due process. This Court has
repeatedly recognized that the Due Process Clauses generally confer no
affirmative right to governmental aid, even where such aid may be
necessary to secure life, liberty, or property interests of which the
government itself may not deprive the individual. (citations omitted).
Thus, while under Roe the government may not prohibit a woman, during
the first trimester, from choosing to have an abortion, the government is
not obligated to provide the means to exercise any such right. . . .
(citations omitted).

This will be a significant, if not the primary, point of attack on Roberts. Although
Roberts, as the principal deputy SG, was a co-author along with several others (Starr
as Solicitor General, Gerson as Asst. Attorney General-Civil, and Jeffrey P. Minear,
Assistant SG, and others), and did not direct policy for the Dept. of Justice under
President George H. W. Bush, this was the focus of much of the opposition to
Robertss nomination to the D.C. Circuit, and will no doubt be the focus again.

Lujan v. National Wildlife Federation et al., 1990 WL 505743 (April 6, 1990). While
in the SGs office, Roberts co-authored the governments brief. As noted in his
article defending Lujan, Roberts argues that the decision applied established standing
jurisprudenceproof of an injury in fact. Roberts frames the issues as whether a
federal court may effectively supply the requisite proof of standing by presuming
facts that the parties did notand perhaps cannotallege on their own. This will
undoubtedly be raised again, both because of its charged environmental background,
and because Scalia wrote the opinion for the majority adopting Robertss argument.

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The media and Congressional opposition will likely cite this as an example of Roberts
being another Scalia and will use it to show that he is somehow anti-environment.

EEOC v. Arabian American Oil Co., 1990 WL 511330 (Nov. 15, 1990). Robertss
brief for the government argued the Title VII prohibits employment discrimination
outside the United States by an American corporation against an American citizen
working abroad. This brief might be useful in deflecting criticism of Robertss record
on civil rights claims.

Burns v. United States, 1990 WL 505508 (Sept. 12, 1990). Roberts argued here that
Due Process does not require a district court to notify a defendant in advance of its
intent to depart upward in the sentence prescribed by the Sentencing Guidelines. This
brief might be used in support of criticism of Robertss civil rights record and
perceived hostility to due process. Because the case relates to procedural, rather
than substantive, due process rights, however, the case should raise few problems.

Houston Lawyers Assn v. The Attorney General of Texas v. League of United Latin
American Citizens, 1991 WL 11007899 (March 4, 1991). Roberts argued in favor of
applying the results test of the Voting Rights Act to the election of state court
judges and to the election of offices that can be held by only one person. This case
could potentially be used to show that Robertss represented his government client in
an expansive reading of the Voting Rights Act.

United States v. Mabus, 1991 WL 527603. Roberts also represented the government,
arguing that Mississippi continued to propagate a dual system of racially segregated
public universities in violation of the Equal Protection Clause and the 1964 Civil
Rights Act. As previously discussed, this brief can be used to rebut claims that he is
anti-civil rights.

Astoria Fed. Savings & Loan Assn v. Solimino, 1991 WL 11007849. Roberts was
on the amicus brief filed on behalf of the U.S. and the E.E.O.C. The question
presented was whether, in a federal court proceeding under the ADEA, state agency
findings of fact that have not been judicially reviewed have preclusive effect. The
brief argues that while state agency findings should be accorded substantial weight,
they should not have preclusive effect.

United States and FCC v. Edge Broadcasting Company, 1993 WL 289152.

Respondent radio/licensee mounted an attack on Congress power to regulate the
advertisement of state lotteries over radio airwaves. The brief argued in support of
Congress power to regulate gambling and that there was no First Amendment
violation with the regulation of this commercial speech.

United States v. A Parcel of Land, Buildings, Appurtenances . . . 92 Buena Vista

Ave., Rumson NJ, 1993 WL 445385. Brief argues in support of a tough approach to
the enforcement of a civil forfeiture statute for property purchased with the proceeds
from a drug transaction(s). The governments position was that even when a person

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(here, a girlfriend) receives a gift of money derived from drug sales and purchases
property with that gift, that person cannot assert a valid innocent owner defense.

Jerome B. Grubardt, Inc. v. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, 1994 WL
249174. Roberts represented the Respondent. This suit concerned the unique
application of admiralty principles in federal court. It is unlikely that an admiralty
dispute will be used by any person to support or challenge a nomination.

First Options of Chicago, Inc. v. Kaplan, et al., 1995 WL 71517. Roberts represented
Respondent Kaplan. Roberts argued that the question of whether parties agreed to
arbitrate is a question for the courts, not arbitrators, under the Federal Arbitration Act.
Generally, a pro-business approach is one that would argue for the arbitrators, not the
courts, deciding the scope of the arbitration clause. Here, however, he was merely
representing his particular clients interests.

International Union, et al. v. Bagwell, Clinchfield Coal Co., et al., 1993 WL 417634
Roberts represented the Respondent coal companies against the unions -- seeking to
uphold the state courts method for sanctioning the unions violent activities against,
among other arguments, due process clause considerations. There is a pattern of
defending corporate interests against labor that opponents may seek to use against
him. One would suspect, however, that if the unions had merely hired him, he would
have argued the other way.

Digital Equipment Corp. v. Desktop Direct, Inc., 1993 WL 657281. Roberts

represented Petitioner in this case dealing with federal appellate jurisdiction. The
arguments were confined to the scope of the collateral order doctrine for
interlocutory appeals.

Holly Farms, Tyson Foods, Inc. v. NLRB, 1995 WL 756167. Roberts represented
Amicus Curiae National Broiler Council in supporting Petitioners. This brief merely
argued statutory interpretation principles regarding the National Labor Relations Act
in a way more favorable to the chicken industry.

Brown v. Pro Football, Inc., d/b/a Washington Redskins, et al., 1996 WL 72349
(AMICUS). Roberts represented Amicus Curiae Associated General Contractors of
America, Inc. supporting Respondents. This amicus brief supports not imposing
antitrust liability on the multi-employer bargaining process in dealing with collective
bargaining agreements. The amicus comments on the effect on industries, other than
football, if the court accepted the labor position. This is one of many briefs taking a
position in opposition to that advocated by Big Labor.

Medtronic Inc. v. Lora Lohr and Michael Lohr, 1996 WL 109618 (AMICUS).
Roberts represented Amicus Curiae Center for Patient Advocacy and the Calif. Health
Care Institute in support of Petitioner-Cross Respondent. This amicus brief supported
the position that the Medical Device Act, created by Congress to promote the
development of medical devices, preempts state common law product liability claims

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against manufacturers of FDA-cleared devices. Roberts argued in support of broad
federal preemption, calling the states product liability laws a liability tax imposing
a societal toll.

State of California, et al v. Dillingham Construction, Inc. et al., 1996 WL 335322

(AMICUS). Roberts represented Amicus Curaie Associated General Contractors of
America, San Diego Chapter, Inc. and other general contractor associations. The
general contractors challenged excessive state regulation of their apprenticeship
training programs. The amici essentially argued for federal preemption via ERISA.

Glickman, Secty of Agriculture v. Wileman Bros. & Elliot, Inc., 1996 WL 419702
(AMICUS). Roberts represented Amicus Curaie National Assoc. of State Depts. of
Agriculture, The National Milk Producers Federation, and the National Cattlemens
Beef Assoc. in supporting the Petitioner. Glickman involved a First Amendment
attack by certain fruit handlers against the marketing orders issued by the Sec. of
Agriculture requiring the fruit handlers to pay a user fee for a government program
designed to increase sales of several types of fruit. Robertss brief added an argument
in support of the Secretary that the speech at issue was government speech and not
private speech at all.

Adams et al. v. Robertson and Liberty National Life Insurance Company, 1996 WL
798905. Roberts represented Respondent Liberty National Life Insurance Co.
Roberts argued against allowing every class member an absolute right to opt out of a
state law class action and proceed with their own lawsuit. The case involved a pattern
of company-wide misconduct by Liberty Life. Roberts argued for a strong concept of
a class action in a manner that benefits and provides certainty to defendants. Roberts
also argued that the Court lacked jurisdiction because at no point did the Alabama
Supreme Court address any constitutional arguments made by the petitioners.

Jefferson v. City of Tarrant, Alabama, 1997 WL 401190. Roberts represented the

Respondent City of Tarrant, Alabama. This case concerned the interplay of Section
1983 and the Alabama Wrongful Death Act in determining the recovery by the
decedents estate. The brief argues against crafting some federal common law to
replace state law on remedies for the deceased or the survivors. These arguments are
entirely consistent with a federalism-based approach to tort law.

National Credit Union Admin. and AT&T Family Credit Union et al. v. First National
Bank and Trust Co, 1997 WL 245673. Roberts represented the Petitioners AT&T
Family Credit Union and Credit Union National Association, Inc. This case
concerned the application of the Administrative Procedure Act and the propriety of an
agency decision.

State of Alaska v. Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government et al., 1997 WL

523883. Roberts represented the Petitioner State of Alaska. This brief simply asks
the Court to overturn an absurd decision by the Ninth Circuit, which held that some
1.8 million acres of land in North Central Alaska constituted Indian Country.

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Feltner v. Columbia Pictures Television, Inc., 1997 WL 710933. Roberts represented
the Petitioner Elvin Feltner. The brief argues for a jury trial in actions for statutory
damages under the copyright infringement statute, 17 USC 504(c). Roberts also
asserted an argument that the 7th Am. guaranteed the right to a jury trial. At the time,
there was a circuit split on these issues, especially on a finding of willful
infringement where the fine increases substantially. The positions argued and the
method for reaching the desired result appear consistent with tenets of judicial

Eastern Enterprises v. Appel, Commissioner of Social Security, 1998 WL 42890.

Roberts represented Amicus Curaie, Ohio Valley Coal Company and Maple Creek
Mining, Inc. in support of Respondent Commissioner of Social Security. Robertss
brief here raises arguments on behalf of medium and small-sized coal mining
companies who supported the constitutionality of the Coal Act. Robertss clients
entered into me too agreements that bound them to labor agreements cut by the
larger coal mining companies. The Coal Act significantly reduced what these coal
mining companies had to pay for retiree health benefits. He argued that the act
survived rational basis review for regulation of commerce.

NCAA v. Smith, 1998 WL 784591. Roberts represented the Petitioner NCAA.

Roberts argued against extending Title IX to a private organization not receiving
federal financial assistance itself but having member organizations that do receive
federal funding (universities). This position is clearly conservative but subject to
attack by womens groups on policy grounds.

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Article III Limits on Statutory Standing (Response to Critics in Defense of

Lujan Decision), 42 Duke Law Journal 1219 (April 1993). As Principal Deputy
Solicitor General, U.S. Dept. of Justice from 1989 1993, Roberts had acted as lead
counsel for the United States in Lujan v. National Wildlife Federation, 497 U.S. 871
(1990). In this article, resulting from a symposium on Lujan at Duke Law School,
Roberts offers a defense against Professors Nichol and Pierce and in support of
Justice Scalias decision for the majority in a sister case, Lujan v. Defenders of
Wildlife, 112 S.Ct. 2130 (1992), in which the Court held that the plaintiffs in the case
lacked standing to sue under the Endangered Species Act because they had failed to
prove an injury in fact. Rather than being the transformation of the law of standing
that its opponents describe, Roberts sees the Defenders decision as an exercise of
judicial restraint, soundly based on precedent. Environmental lobbies will
undoubtedly argue that this decision was an attack on citizens ability to protect the
environment. The decision is easily defended, correctly, as an example of judicial
restraint, and because of the weak case the plaintiffs brought in the case, the
environmental issue is not likely to catch the public at larges attention. However, the
overall political effect of Robertss role in this decision combined with others is more
likely to be a characterization of Roberts as a defender of Scalia and anti-

The 1992-93 Supreme Court (Review of 1992-93 Term as part of Symposium:

Do We Have a Conservative Supreme Court?), 1994 Public Interest Law Review
107 (1994). Roberts reports on the decisions of the 1992-93 Supreme Court Term
with a largely neutral tone, but does argue that the 1992-93 term, like its two
preceding terms, belied the popular myth that the current Court is politically
conservative or pro-government. While most of the article simply states holdings
in a reportorial tone, a couple of statements provide subjective commentary and could
draw attention. First, in one passage, Roberts notes that many of the Courts
decisions are of scant interest to anyone beyond the parties, and cites examples
including an esoteric question of tax law, a question of entitlement to post-petition
interest, and whether a lake in Nebraska shared a priority date that would subject it to
Bureau of Reclamation diversion and storage practices. He concludes the passage by
stating, Such is the daily grind of the Court, cases as to which, in Justice Brandeiss
words, it is more important that the applicable rule of law be settled than that it be
settled right. While the passage is both harmless and an astute observation, it could
possibly be unfairly twisted by an opponent to support the view that Roberts either
finds environmental issues not worth caring about, or that he is more concerned with
certainty in the law than a case being decided correctly. Second, a few paragraphs
later, Roberts cites Justice White, newly retired at the time of writing, as plainly the
strongest advocate of congressional power on the Court, the Justice least likely to find
an impediment to upholding what he perceived to be the considered judgment of
Congress. In this regard, at least, [Justice White] has been aptly characterized as one
of the last of the New Deal liberals by commentators writing on his departure. This
quote could be used to support the contention leveled at Roberts during his

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confirmation to the D.C. Circuit that he has since law school held strong opinions that
Congress powers under the Commerce Clause should be curtailed. Again, this
would put him squarely in line with Scalias jurisprudence.

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Articles on Potential Supreme Court Nominees

o New York Times, May 1, 2005. The outsiders most frequently mentioned on
Mr. Bush's short list for chief justice and associate justice are all federal appellate
judges: Samuel Alito Jr. of New Jersey; Emilio Garza of Texas; J. Michael Luttig
of Virginia; Michael McConnell of Colorado; John Roberts of Washington D.C.;
and J. Harvie Wilkinson III, also of Virginia. All are as conservative as Justice
Rehnquist, or slightly to his right. None would substantially alter the balance of
the Court.

o Legal Times, Feb. 22, 2005. By contrast, Roberts, with 20 months on the D.C.
Circuit, has few opinions or other writings that have attracted enemies. As a
result, some conservatives have made unflattering comparisons between Roberts
and Supreme Court Justice David Souter, whose short stint on the 1st Circuit
before being appointed in 1990 by President George H.W. Bush failed to reveal
Souter's moderate-to-liberal leanings on some issues. Yet those who know
Roberts say he, unlike Souter, is a reliable conservative who can be counted on to
undermine if not immediately overturn liberal landmarks like abortion rights and
affirmative action. Indicators of his true stripes cited by friends include: clerking
for Rehnquist, membership in the Federalist Society, laboring in the Ronald
Reagan White House counsel's office and at the Justice Department into the Bush
years, working with Kenneth Starr among others, and even his lunchtime
conversations at Hogan & Hartson. "He is as conservative as you can get," one
friend puts it. In short, Roberts may combine the stealth appeal of Souter with the
unwavering ideology of Scalia and Thomas.

o Opinion Journal, Nov. 15, 2004. Two men mentioned for chief justice are J.
Harvie Wilkinson and John Roberts. Both have the intellectual firepower, writing
skills and temperament for the job; both are well-respected in liberal legal circles.
They are to the right what Justice (Stephen) Breyer and Justice (Ruth Bader)
Ginsburg are to the left, says a source close to the White House. Judge Roberts
was confirmed unanimously to the appeals bench last year.

o Yahoo News, Jan. 20, 2005. The third, Judge John Roberts Jr., 49, was
confirmed in 2003 for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. He is
thought of as one of the best lawyers ever to argue before the Supreme Court, but
less is known publicly about his views. Associates of Roberts, who clerked for
Rehnquist, vow that he is a strong and principled conservative. But some
acknowledge that the conservative base could be reluctant to support him
enthusiastically because of promises made during the nomination of Justice David

Nomination to D.C. Circuit, May 10, 2001. Upon nomination to the D.C. Circuit,
coverage was generally very favorable, comparing Roberts to Miguel Estrada and

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finding him to be, variously, more balanced [than Estrada], a popular member of
the bar, a politically well-connected moderate, and one of the two or three most
effective lawyers [arguing before the Supreme Court]. See The Star Ledger, May 10,
2001; National Journal, May 19, 2001. Articles also noted that Roberts filed a brief
opposing affirmative action in the Adarand case, and served on the National Legal
Center for Public Interests Legal Advisory Council with Kenneth Starr, C. Boyden
Gray, and Eugene Meyer of the Federalist Society.

Microsoft Litigation. There was significant coverage of Robertss argument on

behalf of 18 states against Microsoft in the antitrust litigation. Frequent references to
his being hammered particularly hard by D.C. Circuit judges about his argument
that District Judge Thomas Penfield Jacksons comments to the press did not
constitute evidence of bias sufficient to throw out the district courts findings of fact.
Also, one article referenced Robertss argument that Microsofts inclusion of Internet
Explorer with the Windows operating system constituted an illegal tying

Several left-wing extremist groups objected to Roberts and will likely do so again.
Objections came from NARAL based on his authorship of briefs in (a) Rust v.
Sullivan, in which he stated that the Supreme Courts conclusion in Roe v. Wade that
there is a fundamental right to abortion finds no support in the text, structure, or
history of the Constitution; and (b) Bray v. Alexandria Womens Health Clinic, in
which he argued (as amicus) that anti-abortion protestors behavior did not constitute
gender-based discrimination. Objections from labor groups came from Roberts
involvement in Toyota Motor Mfg. v. Williams, in which Roberts argued that an
employees carpal tunnel syndrome did not qualify her for protection under the ADA.

Nomination to D.C. Circuit (during the 2002 session controlled by Democrats). The
news stories here were principally editorials discussing the politics of stalling the
Presidents nominees. One Washington Post editorial from April 2002 noted that
Roberts had argued on behalf of environmentalists fighting development around Lake
Tahoe. (Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency).
The Supreme Court sided with Roberts client but Rehnquist, Scalia and Thomas
dissented. (A conservative editorial in the National Law Journal attacked Roberts and
the Bush Administration for siding with the environmentalist interest over the interest
of the landowners -- a property rights v. regulatory rights situation) Stuart Taylor of
the National Journal also wrote an excellent article lambasting Leahys Senate
Judiciary Committee for holding up Robertss nomination. The article describes
Roberts as well-liked on both sides of the aisle, especially by President Clintons
former solicitor general. Taylor went on to comment that John Roberts seems a
good bet to be the kind of judge we should all want to have - all of us, that is, who are
looking less for congenial ideologues than for professionals committed to impartial
application of the law.

Nomination to D.C. Circuit (post-November 2002 elections). These articles can be

broken down into: (a) immediate post-election analysis and (b) reporting on the

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Presidents re-nomination of the stalled nominees. None of the articles focuses on
Roberts other than mentioning him among the group of nominees that the Democrats
had previously held up. One Washington Post article, dated November 7, 2002,
mentioned Roberts and Estrada, describing them as both conservative Washington
lawyers. In a Washington Times article, the liberal group People for the American
Way was quoted urging Democrats to use the filibuster to oppose the Presidents
nominees. One Washington Post editorial and article argued that the DC Circuit no
longer needed 12 judges given the diminished work load and that it may be that
neither Roberts or Estrada should be confirmed on that basis. A January 2003 article
in the Washington Post merely discusses the Presidents nomination of Roberts and
others. Roberts nomination was one of the first considered at the Senate Judiciary
Committees first hearing of the year, along with Cook and Sutton for the Sixth
Circuit. The Democrats applied much more scrutiny to Jeffrey Sutton than Roberts,
although the article did provide that many committee Democrats regard Roberts and
Cook as conservatives who would tilt the courts too far to the right. (Wash. Post
Jan. 30, 2003)

Articles on Supreme Court arguments:

o HMO Case. Several articles concern Roberts oral argument in Rush Prudential
v. Moran, in which Roberts argued (on preemption grounds) to overturn an
Illinois law giving patients a right to appeal to an independent doctor when an
HMO denies benefits.

o Gonzaga University v. Doe. Roberts argued on behalf of the University in the

Washington State Supreme Court. The school had disclosed to police the name
and education records of an alleged stalker who was a student, and the student
claimed a violation of the (federal) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
During the time frame of the articles, the U.S. Supreme Court had granted cert but
had not heard the case.

o ADA Case. In Toyota Motor Mfg. v. Williams, Roberts argued that an

employees carpal tunnel syndrome did not qualify her for protection under the
ADA. Other press reports noted that this case was cited by Unions and other pro-
labor organizations in connection with Roberts nomination to the D.C. court.

o Megans Law: Roberts represented the State of Alaska in defending the

constitutionality of Alaskas sex offender registry law. Roberts argued that the
states should have considerable latitude in keeping the public at large informed of
former sex offenders in their neighborhoods. The Bush Administration supported
Alaska (and Connecticut in a similar consolidated case). Roberts was quoted as
saying It (the Megans law) is different from the historic shaming penalties
because of the purpose . . . The purpose is to inform. Scalia appeared to support
Roberts position at oral argument.

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