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Project Proposal

The impact of job rotation on employee

performance, staff retention and satisfaction

This project will analyse organisation productivity and

employee satisfaction in relation with job rotation. In customer
service department happy employees are the greatest asset
because they impact directly on customer satisfaction. The
factors which could impact on employees satisfaction and
performance are wide but we are going to focus mainly on job
rotation which can be of main importance especially in customer
service sector.
Keeping employees motivation and interest is the biggest
challenged faced by an organisation. Senge (1999) defines job
rotation as lateral transfer of staff from one position to another.
Metin et al. (1998) states that job rotation is significant in two
main aspects; accumulating experience which helps their career
development hence the greatest chance for becoming a
generalist. Schults (2010) states that job rotation is a strategy
used by companies to enhance employees productivity and
We are going to focus on benefits and costs of job rotation and
where and when can be best applied.

Many businesses, small and large, are attempting to improve work design systems by the
development of job rotation strategy. Job rotation is a strategy conducted by organizations
either private or public to improve employee performance and productivity (Schultz
We are going to focus on benefits and costs of job rotation and
where and when can be best applied.

an employee who rotates without changing the portfolio

accumulates experience more than the one who does not hence,
it is an effective tool for career development. Consequently
he/she accumulates experience in more departments hence; it is
easier to train him to become a generalist.

This project will focus on work productivity and employees

satisfaction related to job rotation and shift length. In customer
service department happy employees are the greatest asset
because they impact directly on customer satisfaction. Working
less can contribute to employees satisfaction hence to customer
satisfaction especially in jobs that implies direct interaction with
customers. Working less could also impact on employees
output. These research proposal objectives are:
Job rotation is a job design approach widely used by many organization at various
levels and departments. This job rotation is a technique followed by the organization
to improve the workers performance and make them more committed towards the
work. This acts as a motivating factor and helps in the employee development.
Decreasing monotony in work, preparing employees to cope up with the management
challenges, defining more productive positions and improving the level of knowledge
& skills in a specific field and these expectations can be achieved through job rotation
practices which will increase the motivation among the employees and it has the
positive effect towards motivation of employees and development. This study aims at
the job rotation practices followed by the hospitals to empower the nurses in all the
dimensions of workplace and helps them to provide quality service to the needy
people. Keywords: Job rotation, motivation, employee development, job skills,
knowledge, interest 1. Introduction Employees are the back bone for any organization,
keeping an employee motivated towards a job is the crucial role of the organization.
Keeping an employee interested in the job is the biggest challenge faced by the HR
teams in any organization. The top management need to find the way where they can
fulfil the needs of the employees and make them to be engaged in the work. There
comes the best solution for the problem which is Job Rotation. The Job rotation is a
mechanism used by the employer to develop employees in a particular field. Job
rotation gives the opportunity to develop employees skills and knowledge in a variety
of changing jobs. The job rotation activities are mainly followed in hospitals and
banks on daily basis which helps to make their employees more enhanced in their job.
Nurses are the backbone to doctors as well as the patients. Motivating the nurses is the
biggest challenge faced by all renowned hospitals. It is a herculean task to make them
relieved from stress as a result of their monotonous job, at this point any hospital has
to think of stress relieving techniques which can overcome this challenge. Here comes
the best solution to the challenge faced by the hospitals that is through Job Rotation.
Job rotation is the accessible technique for enhancing nurses efficiency in rendering
quality services to all needy people.
1analyse the output productivity on a 6 hours shift compared to
8 hours shifts. Working less leads to increase efficiency
employees output is
2 the more hours employees work the more likely are to
make more mistakes, elevated level of stress, sick leave,
3 looking at the downsides: recruitment expenses, training
We are going to weight the benefits with the cost to
evaluate the best approach and in which sector is more
Downside: working less could affect the employees (they
could not afford to sustain themselves financially a
possible solution might be a rise in pay sustained by
increased working productivity and less sick pay and
reduction of employee turnover
The factors which could impact on employees satisfaction are
wide but we are going to focus mainly on shift length and job
rotation which can be of main importance especially in customer
service sector.
We are also going to focus on benefits and costs of job rotation
and where and when can be best applied.
We are going to use questioners relating to work efficacy of
shorter shifts, data from organisations that already use six hours
shift pattern, questionnaires about sick leave, data from research
This research is going to look at the reasons of reducing the
work day to 8 hours. I am going to try to correlate the data from
those studies to new studies <Scandinavian movement and

Karl Marx saw it as of vital importance to the workers' health,

saying in Das Kapital: "By extending the working day,
therefore, capitalist production...not only produces a
deterioration of human labour power by robbing it of its normal
moral and physical conditions of development and activity, but
also produces the premature exhaustion and death of this labour
power itself."[4][5]
The advantages and disadvantages of introducing six-hour
working day on eight-hour salary.
The cost and benefits
For about a year, nurses at the Svartedalens retirement home have worked six-hour
days on an eight-hour salary.
Denison conjectured that a ten percent reduction in hours would result in a six percent
reduction in output.1Denison (1962)
Similar arguments are made by Matthews, Feinstein, and Odling-Smee (1982)

This paper has suggested a different reason for an optimizing employer to care about
the length of working hours: employees at work for a long time may experience
fatigue or stress that not only reduces his or her productivity but also increases the
probability of errors, accidents, and sickness that impose costs on the employer

The point at which fatigue sets in and the nature of the link between working hours
and work effort or fatigue is likely to vary across types of work and across workers.
s. In a nationally representative survey of almost 30,000 U.S. workers interviewed
between August 2001 and May 2003, almost 38 percent replied affirmatively to the
question, Did you have low levels of energy, poor sleep, or a feeling of fatigue in the
past two weeks? Full-time workers were more likely to lose productive time from
fatigue than those working part-time. In addition, in 2002, according to the Health and
Retirement Survey, one-fifth of workers aged 55 to 60 years strongly agreed with the

A number of recent studies show that accidents and illnesses follow long work hours.
For instance, an analysis of over ten thousand workers from the National Longitudinal
Survey of Youth between 1987 and 2000 found that, holding constant a number of
other factors, those who worked at least twelve hours each day or at least sixty hours
per week had considerably higher (37 percent and 23 percent, respectively) injury
hazard rates than other workers. Long hours typify certain jobs and research has
documented untoward consequences of long hours in these occupations. In a study of
hospital staff nurses, shifts longer than 12 hours and working weeks longer than 40
hours were associated with significantly heightened probabilities of error that have
raised questions about patient safety. In another study, medical interns were
significantly more likely to be involved in motor vehicle crashes if they had just
worked extended shifts.42 Similar reports have been made about airline pilots, police
officers, truck drivers, and soldiers
42 The studies in this and the next paragraph are found in Barger et al. (2005), Dembe
et al. (2005), Rogers et al. (2004), Ricci, et al. (2007), Johnson (2004), and Rho
(2010). Also see Vegso et al. (2007).

better outcomes for employers.

People who feel overworked said they make more mistakes at

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