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I completed my medical graduation from India in the year 1988 and completed my Masters in

Public Health from Belgium.

I have completed my Masters in Public Health with Health projects Management, outbreaks
management, Malnutrition, health Policy Making, Immunization and health governance as one
of the main subjects from Antwerp, Belgium.

I have been managing complex emergency and developmental programs in Asia, Africa,
Balkans and Middle-East countries since 28 years.

Presently I am working in Yemen Managing the Cholera emergency and also the hospitals
and ensuring the provision of Trauma management for MSF as a Country Medical Coordinator.

I worked in South Sudan in the year 2000 for 2 years and again in 2007.

I worked in Ethiopia for WHO (seconded by GOAL) as a Sub-National Health Cluster


I worked as an acting Country director during the absence of the country Director while
working for MSF and Merlin during 12 years.

I was responsible for Security, HR recruitment and budget while working with MSF, Merlin,
MDM during 12 years.

I worked for the IDPs and refugees in South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kosovo, Iraq, Turkey (For
Syrian refugees), Liberia (For Ivorian refugees) and Yemen.

Studied the trends, Identified the gaps, priorities that have to be addressed for children and
their families and proposed the evidence based interventions (ICCM, Neonatal resuscitation,
IYCF, FP PAC, SGBV, Bemonc, NCD etc) and replicated the interventions.

Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of reproductive age,
Pregnant women and children in Yemen, Iraq, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Liberia and
among Syrian and Ivorian refugees.

I was responsible to undertake vaccination campaign for measles, meningitis, cholera in

different countries Like South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Liberia etc.

Since there was no operational Director at the country office level in MSF, Merlin, MDM, IRC
the operational aspects of the programs were taken care by the country Health Director. So I
was also managing the operational aspects of the immunization programs.

I worked with MSF for 10 years. Worked as a Medical Coordinator for 8 years with MSF in
Somalia, South Sudan, Liberia, Iraq, Yemen etc.

Responsible for the implementation, management and providing operational and technical
support for the provision of qualitative health services in the projects like epidemic outbreak
management (Influenza, Cholera, measles, meningitis and Whooping cough), HIV/AIDS, TB,
Nutrition, Primary health care, Reproductive Health projects, EPI, Neonatal and child Health
projects etc. including Health Policy making as a Health Cluster Coordinator, Country Health
Director and Senior Public Health Specialist in different developing countries in Africa, Asia,
Balkans and Middle east.

I worked as a Field Coordinator in MSF and was responsible for operational and technical
aspects of the field operations.

Response to Epidemic diseases in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Somalia, Kosovo, Liberia, Ethiopia, India,
and preparing EPREP as a contingency to respond to epidemic prone diseases.

I have been working in missions like Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Kosovo, South Sudan, Somalia, Liberia,
Ethiopia and India as a Country Health Director to provide operational and technical support
and to develop and Manage the different Health, Nutrition, WASH and protection programs of
different International NGOs since 28 years.

I offered my services with different INGOs like MSF, MDM (Greece), IRC, Merlin, Save the
Children and GOAL during the last 28 years.

I have been designing health and Immunization programs and implementing them in refugee
and IDP settings and also re-aligning the projects as per the evolving needs during 28 years.
((12 years with MSF), Merlin, IRC, Medecins Du monde, Save the children and GOAL (WHO).

I was responsible to recruit the medical HR and provide them the necessary trainings.

I was responsible to represent the organization at the level of Health Minister and UN

I developed Infant and Young child feeding program in Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia,
Liberia, for the refugees of Ivory coast and Syria.

I was the first to start an emergency intervention to respond to the emergency caused due to
the cyclone in Puntland as a consequence Alzajeera news channel has interviewed me to know
the health intervention implemented by me(16th Nov 2013).

I was responsible to ensure that the projects are compliant to Donor requirements.

As a Country Health Director I was analyzing the social, political and economic issues in
different countries and tune programs accordingly

I was responsible to recruit Health coordinators and training them on different topics like
Immunization, HIV/AIDS, TB, Nutrition and reproductive health, while with MSF.

I developed Community based therapeutic care program in Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia,
Ethiopia, Liberia, for the refugees of Ivory coast and Syria.

Attending Donor meetings for fund raising during the last 28 years.

I developed Neonatal ward, women health unit comprising of Adolescent clinic, ANC clinic, STI
clinic, SGBV clinic in the rural hospital of South Sudan, Somalia, Liberia, Ethiopia, Yemen and
I am the Co-chair for Health Cluster and Acting Health Cluster Coordinator for Somalia since
Dec 2012 onwards for WHO till date.

I have been working as a Health cluster Coordinator for Somalia and Ethiopia.

Studying the trends of health indicators pertaining to outbreaks, HIV/AIDS, TB, Reproductive
Health and Nutrition in different countries, identifying the gaps, advising on the best practices,
policies, to come up with quality health programs and advising on priorities to the MoH and to
different international organizations.

Analyzing the different problems in the health systems of Somalia, Liberia, Kosovo, Iraq,
Ethiopia, South Sudan etc and finding a solution which is evidence based and influencing the
policy decision making and advocacy with MoH as a Co chair of health cluster.

Writing Sitreps and High lighting the major burning issues in Somalia, Iraq, South Sudan,
Kosovo and influencing, donors, MoH and the international organizations.

Providing technical assistance to health & nutrition sector working groups such as
Reproductive health, HIV, TB, MDR TB etc.

Analyzing the HIS data, performance indicators, defining outcomes and impact of the health
interventions and sharing the analysis with donors.

Writing health proposals, designing MEAL, and preparing budgets for OCHA, JHNP, SIDA, OFDA,

Conducting assessments, data analysis on the country specific issues and influencing the stake
holders and the government in policy making.

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