Two-Point Functions in (Loop) Quantum Cosmology: Classical and Quantum Gravity November 2010

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Two-point functions in (loop) quantum


Article in Classical and Quantum Gravity November 2010

DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/28/12/125014 Source: arXiv


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3 authors:

Gianluca Calcagni Steffen Gielen

Spanish National Research Council Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics


Daniele Oriti
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (


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Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology

arXiv:1011.4290v1 [gr-qc] 18 Nov 2010

Gianluca Calcagni
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Am
Muhlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]

Steffen Gielen
DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3
0WA, U.K.
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Am
Muhlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]

Daniele Oriti
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Am
Muhlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The path-integral formulation of quantum cosmology with a massless

scalar field as a sum-over-histories of volume transitions is discussed, with particular
but non-exclusive reference to loop quantum cosmology. Exploiting the analogy with
the relativistic particle, we give a complete overview of the possible two-point functions,
pointing out the choices involved in their definitions, deriving their vertex expansions
and the composition laws they satisfy. We clarify the origin and relations of different
quantities previously defined in the literature, in particular the tie between definitions
using a group averaging procedure and those in a deparametrized framework. Finally,
we draw some conclusions about the physics of a single quantum universe (where
there exist superselection rules on positive- and negative-frequency sectors and different
choices of inner product are physically equivalent) and multiverse field theories where
the role of these sectors and the inner product are reinterpreted.

PACS numbers: 98.80.Cq, 04.60.Pp

Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 2

1. Introduction

One of the major problems of modern theoretical physics is the resolution of singularities
in the structure of classical spacetime. In particular, the big bang problem in General
Relativity has been inspiring a steady trend of research aiming at the removal of the
initial singularity via quantum effects, i.e., by replacing classical General Relativity with
a quantum theory of spacetime and gravity. The formal development of a background-
independent theory of quantum gravity is no easy task and some physical insight is
gained by looking at a mini-superspace toy model where the gravitational degrees of
freedom are reduced to a minimum. On this FriedmannRobertsonWalker (FRW)
background, one can write the gravity and matter Hamiltonian and promote it to an
operator on a Hilbert space of states associated with the probability for the universe
to be in a given phase-space configuration. The ensuing quantum theory can then be
studied by exact or perturbative techniques and the fate of the big bang singularity
examined. While traditional quantum cosmology corresponded to a symmetry-reduced
version of the canonical quantum gravity in ADM variables [1], a new scheme for
quantum cosmology, called loop quantum cosmology (LQC) [2], has been developed
drawing inspiration from loop quantum gravity (LQG), an approach to the canonical
quantization of gravity based on connection variables [3, 4]. While the traditional
WheelerDeWitt quantization generally fails to solve the problem, loop quantum
cosmology does avoid the singularity by replacing it with a bounce at a finite curvature
and matter density. Unfortunately, the robustness of the results of LQC depend on
the yet unclear connection between the model and the full theory of loop quantum
gravity, itself still under active development and far from being complete. In particular,
concerning the full theory, most recent activities towards a complete definition of the
quantum dynamics have focused on a covariant or path integral version of the theory,
going under the name of spin foam models [5, 6]. Just as LQG states are graphs labelled
by group elements or group representations, spin foam histories are 2-complexes labelled
by the same type of data. Recently, a path-integral formulation has been proposed also
for LQC [7, 8]. The main virtues of this reformulation are the following: a) obviously,
this alternative definition of the quantum dynamics could be advantageous from the
purely technical point of view as well as offer new conceptual insights; b) it recasts
the dynamics of LQC in a form that formally resembles the spin foam formulation of
the full theory, in particular it is expressed in terms of a vertex expansion (see below
and [7, 8]), and could be used as testing ground for techniques later to be applied to
spin foam models; c) it could exemplify issues and conceptual points that one would
eventually have to address in the spin foam formulation of quantum gravity, and suggest
solutions to the same. On this last point, several interesting questions and suggestions
already came out of the work in [7, 8] and from follow-up work (e.g., [9]), concerning
the possibility of defining different types of two-point functions in LQC, which maybe
encode different causal properties and dynamical information. In fact, this point had
been raised earlier in the quantum gravity literature [10, 11] and later in the spin foam
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 3

literature [12, 13, 14].

The covariant construction of two-point functions is particularly simple because of
the close analogy between flat cosmology with a massless scalar field and the relativistic,
massive point particle in quantum mechanics [10, 15]. In fact, not only do both
systems have the same number of degrees of freedom, but they are also formally
identical. However, because of the very different physics they entail, some aspects
and consequences of the path integral formalism have not been fully elucidated, causing
some results in the literature to appear unexpected and somewhat unclear. The main
purpose of this paper is to further investigate the structure of the mini-superspace path
integral formulation, and catalogue the whole zoo of two-point functions that can be
constructed for this system. In particular, we will analyze the mutual relations between
(a) different representations of the physical Hilbert space, (b) different frequency sectors,
(c) two-point functions and the composition laws governing the evolution of the quantum
universe, (d) different time formalisms. Thanks to a complete comparison with the single
particle, the combination of all these aspects in a self-consistent framework will allow
us to acquire a precise dictionary and some novel physical insights.
In particular, and summarizing briefly our results, the single universe picture is the
analogue of the single massive particle in quantum mechanics, where the path integral
is the one-dimensional sum over histories of an individual quantum object. A two-point
function governs the evolution of the universe from one volume/matter configuration
to another. One can choose between different but physically equivalent canonical inner
products, both obtainable from a group averaging procedure, depending on whether
one uses a relativistic or non-relativistic representation of the canonical states. The
first choice (causal two-point function) is non-positive-definite because positive- and
negative-frequency sectors contribute with opposite signs; however, these sectors are
superselected by a complete set of Dirac observables and one can take either. Picking
positive-frequency modes only (thus obtaining the positive Wightman function), the
relativistic inner product is well-defined. The non-relativistic inner product (Newton
Wigner function) is always well-defined. Both restricted two-point functions satisfy an
appropriate composition law. One could also define an inner product that is positive
definite and includes both sectors, in the relativistic representation, the Hadamard
function, but this fails to satisfy a nice composition law. Moreover, one can define
proper transition amplitudes (true Green functions for the Hamiltonian constraint)
both in the full Hilbert space (Feynman propagator) or for a single frequency sector
(retarded/advanced propagator), and impose causality, by restricting the one-parameter
integral over proper time (Schwinger representation) from the full real line (Hadamard
function) to the positive half-line (Feynman propagator). All such transition amplitudes
satisfy the appropriate composition law. Also in the case of (loop) quantum cosmology,
The analogy with the relativistic particle not only holds for the symmetry-reduced theory, but also
in full general relativity [10, 11, 15, 16].
Unlike some other authors in the physics literature, we reserve the term Green function or Greens
function for propagators, i.e., two-point functions that solve the equation of motion with a delta source.
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 4

in the presence of a massless scalar field, as we will show, there exist physically equivalent
representations of the two-point functions, as well as an identical catalogue of them,
obtained in roughly the same manner, and depending on the same choices. These
results hopefully settle some recent debate about the origin of different definitions for
the inner product in cosmology, and their mutual relations. Such issues are also discussed
from the perspective of building a third quantized or multiverse theory, where the role
of different sectors and the choice of inner product are drastically reinterpreted. We
stress that our findings hold independently of the form of the gravitational part of the
Hamiltonian constraint: While they apply rigorously to loop quantum cosmology where
the gravitational configuration variable defined below takes discrete values, they can
be extended at least formally to the standard WheelerDeWitt equation, upon the
replacement of summations over by integrations.

2. Basics of (loop) quantum cosmology and particle analogy

We will concentrate on the simplest cosmological model of a spatially flat, isotropic

universe with a massless scalar field as matter. For a canonical analysis of this model,
one first fixes a fiducial three-dimensional cell of comoving volume V0 < to avoid
divergences associated with infinite spatial volume, together with a flat metric 0 qab
which may be taken to be ab in Cartesian coordinates. This model admits a precise
canonical analysis both in the WheelerDeWitt quantization and in LQC; the difference
between the two approaches lies in the choice of canonical variables and in the operator
reordering in the Hamiltonian constraint.

2.1. Kinematics
Focussing on the gravitational variables first, after a choice of orthonormal frame {0 eai }
and dual {0 eia } compatible with 0 qab one may parametrize the AshtekarBarbero su(2)
connection Aia and the densitized triad Eia by
c p det 0 q 0 a
Aia = 1/3 0 eia , Eia = 2/3
ei , (1)
V0 V0
where powers of V0 , the 3-volume of the fiducial cell as measured by 0 qab , have been
introduced to make the coordinates (c, p) invariant under rescalings of 0 qab . The
coordinates are canonically conjugate variables,
{c, p} = , (2)
where is the BarberoImmirzi parameter, and the only non-trivial dynamics of the
dimensionally reduced system is encoded in the Hamiltonian constraint of first-order
general relativity.
Here and in the following, spatial tangent indices are denoted by a, b, c and internal su(2) indices are
denoted by i, j, k.
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 5

While in traditional mini-superspace (WheelerDeWitt) approaches to quantum

cosmology one quantizes the system in the standard Schrodinger representation where c
and p are operators on a (kinematical) Hilbert space, in LQC one follows the kinematics
of full loop quantum gravity, quantizing only holonomies of the connection instead of
\ where
the connection itself. That is, instead of c and p one defines p and exp(ic),
is a function of p that may be chosen appropriately. The precise form of will not be
relevant for our analysis.
The kinematical Hilbert space Hkin is taken to be the space of square integrable
functions on the Bohr compactificationk of the real line. One usually works in a basis
where p is diagonal, with orthonomality relation
hp|pi = p,p . (3)
Since this is a Kronecker delta rather than a distribution, one is dealing with a non-
separable Hilbert space. If is taken to be a non-trivial function of p, the action of
\ takes a rather complicated form in this representation.
the holonomy operator exp(ic)
It is usually more convenient [18] to pass to a basis {|i} of eigenstates of the volume
operator V measuring the kinematical volume of the fiducial cell, V = |p|3/2 ,
V |i = 2 || lPl |i . (4)
Note that has dimensions of length. One can normalize the states {|i} so that one
still has an orthonormal basis,
h| i = , . (5)
For the matter sector, one chooses a standard Schrodinger quantization with a natural

representation of the Hilbert space Hkin , the space of square integrable functions on R,
on which acts by multiplication and p by derivation, and with an orthonormal basis
given by
h|i = 2( ) , (6)
where the 2 factor is for later convenience. The Hilbert space of the coupled system is
then just the tensor product Hkin Hkin .

2.2. Dynamics
To obtain the space of physical states, one is now left with solving the Hamiltonian
constraint which can be written in the form
C (, ) + 2 (, ) ,

where is a wavefunction on configuration space and only acts on Hkin . In LQC,
is a difference operator which typically takes the form (e.g., [7])
(, ) := A()( + 4l0 , ) + B()(, ) + C()( 4l0 , ) , (8)
k The algebra of continuous functions on this space is equivalent to the almost periodic functions on
R as introduced in [17].
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 6

where A, B, C are functions (dependent on the details of the quantization scheme) and
l0 is an elementary length unit, usually defined by the square root of the area gap
encountered in loop quantum gravity (i.e., the Planck length up to a numerical factor).
In WheelerDeWitt theory is a differential operator acting on L2 (R). The form of
the operator in either theory will not be important in the following, except for the
fact that in LQC there is an intervals worth of superselection sectors in Hkin ; namely,
preserves all subspaces spanned by {|0 + 4nl0 i|n Z} for some 0 . We may restrict to
one of these subspaces, i.e., assume that wavefunctions only have support on a discrete
lattice which we take to be 4l0 Z to include the physically most interesting point = 0.
This restriction picks out a separable subspace of the originally non-separable Hilbert
space. Our analysis will naturally apply to any with this property in the setting of
LQC, and to any differential operator in WheelerDeWitt theory in the formal sense
that we will explain below.
Moreover, the space of states solving equation (7) is reducible in terms of two
sectors of solutions satisfying, respectively, (p ) (, ) = 0, resulting from the
fact that p is a Dirac observable for the system governed by the above dynamics. This
will allow us to perform an explicit splitting of the space of physical states into positive-
and negative-frequency states.

2.3. Particle analogy

The form of the constraint (7) is that of a relativistic particle in 1+1 dimensions (with
discretized spatial coordinate in the case of LQC), where plays the role of a second
spatial derivative (up to a mass terms), and we think of a parametrized form of the
particle action
d pa xa + N(p2x p2t + m2 ) ,
S= (9)

which is invariant under reparametrisations f ( ).

In the particle analogy, the scalar field plays the role of the the time coordinate
t, and its conjugate momentum p of the energy E, with the corresponding eigenstates
related by Fourier transform. Correspondingly, the mentioned two sectors of solutions
can be understood as the analogue of the positive- and negative-frequency sectors,
respectively [19]. Defining
Z q
|p i 2|p | eip |i , (10)
one verifies
p |p i = p |p i , p R , (11)
as well as the normalization
hp |p i = 2|p | (p p ) . (12)
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 7

Alternatively, one may remove the absolute value in the definition (10), to obtain the
indefinite normalization
hp |p i = 2p (p p ) . (13)
For our purposes, the volume eigenstates |i can equivalently be understood as
playing the role of the spatial coordinates x (or of the spatial momenta p, as our
manipulations are performed always in the basis). We will make use of this analogy
to extend what is known about two-point functions for a relativistic particle to the case
at hand, in particular their composition laws as analysed in [20, 21]. We note that the
inclusion of a scalar field simplifies the formalism due to the existence of an internal
time variable, but it is also important in order to give an operational meaning to a
quantum system describing the universe as a whole, in particular in this case where
gravity is approximated by a single degree of freedom.
As we will show in detail, entirely as in the particle case, the definition of different
two-point functions is fully characterized by:
The canonical representation chosen for the physical quantum states in
configuration space (more precisely, in the space). Typically, one has three
choices. The first is a non-relativistic representationP in terms of states
|, inr |, ; +inr + |, ; inr , (14)
|, ; inr = p eip (p ) |, p i . (15)
2|p |
These states are orthogonal at equal values of in the physical inner product
and, choosing the positive-definite normalization (12) the suitable positive-definite
resolution of the identity in momentum space, they satisfy the completeness relation
1= |, ; +inr h, ; +|nr + |, ; inr h, ; |nr . (16)

This expression and the normalization factors in equation (15) depend on the details
of the normalization of kinematical states in Fourier representation. One can always
make all these definitions mutually consistent.
The second possibility is a relativistic representation in terms of states
|, i |, ; +i + |, ; i , (17)
dp ip
|, ; i = e (p ) |, p i , (18)
2|p |
P The name is inherited from the particle case, where it refers to the invariance properties of the
states under SO(1, 1) transformations. In the LQC case, due to the discrete nature of the basis, the
transformation properties under the same group are trickier at the quantum level. We maintain the
nomenclature nevertheless.
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 8

which are not orthogonal at fixed . Choosing the indefinite normalization (13) and
the corresponding indefinite resolution of the identity in momentum space, these
states satisfy the completeness relation
1= |, ; +i h, ; +| + |, ; i h, ; | . (19)

It is immediate to see [20] that the corresponding inner product, in the relativistic
representation, is not positive definite (it is positive for the positive-frequency
sector, and negative for the negative-frequency one). This would suggest that
the corresponding quantum canonical theory is not well-defined. A similar issue
is present also in the full (formal) quantum geometrodynamics in WheelerDeWitt
form [19, 22]. One can obtain a positive definite inner product in the relativistic
representation, and in the presence of both sectors of solutions, by choosing the
normalization (13) instead of (12), so that the decomposition (19) is replaced by
1= |, ; +i h, ; +| |, ; i h, ; | . (20)

However, we will show that such non-standard resolution of the identity affects
the composition properties of the two-point function defining the physical inner
Whether one restricts consideration to either positive- or negative-frequency sectors
of the Hilbert space, or works in the full Hilbert space. As we have just seen,
the inclusion of both sectors has important consequences already at the canonical
level. However, the presence of a complete set of Dirac observables induces a
superselection rule which allows one to pick only one type of modes. In particular,
taking the positive-frequency sector the three resolutions of the identity (16), (19)
and (20) collapse into two positive-definite expressions, one nonrelativistic,
|, ; +inr h, ; +|nr , (21)

and one relativistic:

|, ; +i h, ; +| . (22)

The two representations are different in many respect, but physically equivalent, as
they are related by a unitary transformation [19].+
The integration range in proper time (lapse) in the group averaging representation
of the two-point function, or, equivalently, the class of histories summed over in the
sum-over-histories formulation of the same. Integrals over the full real line give,
generically, solutions of the constraint equation, and thus true inner products for
the canonical theory; integrals of the positive semi-axis only give Green functions
(propagators) for the same constraint equation (i.e., solutions of the constraint
equation in the presence of a delta source).
This can be seen by interpreting the states in each sector as distributions over an auxiliary Hilbert
space S, and noticing that the definitions (15) and (18) involve different spaces S.
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 9

We now proceed to define the various two-point functions for (loop) quantum
cosmology, depending on the above choices, and to give, for each of them, their covariant
(spin foam) representation in terms of sum-over-histories. This will also clarify their
mutual relations, and the origin of their differences. Having done so, we proceed to
derive the composition laws that the different two-point functions satisfy, and discuss
their physical implications.

3. Two-point functions as inner products in (loop) quantum cosmology

Since one has a constrained system, the first quantity of interest is the physical inner
product between states, which is usually defined, following Dirac [23], starting from
generic (kinematical) states, labelled by unrelated and p , by inserting a projector onto
those states annihilated by the constraints. Such an inner product defines a solution for
the Hamiltonian constraint operator. It is the analogue of a transition amplitude for
systems with an external time variable.

3.1. Timeless and deparametrized frameworks

In the cosmological model we are considering, the inner product between two states
|i , i i and |f , f i can be defined rigorously in the group averaging procedure (for a
review, see [24]). In the relativistic representation (18) extended to both frequency
sectors, the inner product is
GH (f , f ; i , i ) d hf , f |eiC |i , i i . (23)

A slightly modified definition, obtained by working in the non-relativistic representation

(15) also extended to both frequency sectors (once more, leading to a unitarily equivalent
representation of Dirac observables) is used in [8], where an additional factor 2|p | is
introduced in order to simplify calculations:
GNW (f , f ; i , i ) d hf , f |eiC 2|p ||i , i i . (24)

A simple (but, in LQC, apparently unnoticed) fact is the following. For the relativistic
particle, the analogue of (23) is the Hadamard function, hence the suggestive notation
GH . On the other hand, the analogue of (24), where a factor of the frequency is included,
leads to a non-relativistic two-point function, namely the positive- or negative-frequency
NewtonWigner function if one restricts to positive or negative frequencies, or a sum
of the two if one includes both. We will show that both expressions (23) and (24)
admit exactly the same interpretation in quantum cosmology and obey the expected
composition laws. In particular, equation (24) is the sum of positive- and negative-
frequency NewtonWigner functions.
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 10

The Hadamard function has a sum-over-histories representation [20] obtained by

fixing the reparametrisation invariance of the action (9) in proper-time gauge N = 0:
GH (x t ; x , t ) = dT g(x , t ; T |x , t ; 0) , (25)

where g(x , t ; T |x , t ; 0) is a non-relativistic transition amplitude for the Hamiltonian

H = p2x p2t + m2 , in (proper) time T .
While this proper-time representation is analogous to what is done in full quantum
gravity, in the cosmological setting one can also exploit the existence of a relational time
to pass to a deparametrized formalism in which one takes the positive square root
of (7) (e.g., [19]),

i (, ) = (, ) H(, ) , (26)
interprets the system as a non-relativistic particle in one dimension with external time
(and Hilbert space Hkin ), and computes the transition amplitude
NW (f , f ; i , i ) hf |e
|i i , (27)
where we introduced the shorthand f i . Similarly, taking the negative square
root of (7) one can define the negative-frequency amplitude
NW (f , f ; i , i ) hf |e
|i i . (28)
Obviously, this interpretation goes also behind the non-relativistic canonical
representation given above.
For the relativistic particle, the non-relativistic functions (27) and (28) are,
again, the (positive- and negative-frequency) NewtonWigner functions [25] (see also
[15, 26, 27]), obtained from a sum-over-histories representation in canonical gauge = ,
where was the affine parameter in (9) [20]. This is precisely what is done in the
deparametrized formalism for (loop) quantum cosmology.
We now show that
GNW (f , f ; i , i ) = G+
NW (f , f ; i , i ) + GNW (f , f ; i , i ) . (29)
The left-hand side is equation (24). Writing the integral in the parameter as a delta
distribution and using the formal relation

2|p |(p2 ) = (p ) + (p + ) , (30)
we get
GNW (f , f ; i , i ) = 2hf , f |2|p |(p2 )|i , i i
h i
= 2 hf , f |(p )|i , i i + hf , f |(p + )|i , i i .
Inserting the decomposition (18), one realizes that the first and second contributions
involve, respectively only positive- and negative-frequency states. Carrying out a p
integration explicitly, one arrives at the sum of the definitions (27) and (28) of the
restricted NewtonWigner functions, as announced.
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 11

We will see that the inclusion of the factor 2|p | into (24) changes the character of
the inner product thus defined from relativistic to non-relativistic. In particular, we will
show that the non-relativistic two-point function (27) satisfies a different composition
law than the Hadamard function (23). Therefore, both the relativistic particle analogy
and the composition laws satisfied by the different two-point functions are consistent
with equation (29). However, starting from the two distinct expressions for the Newton
Wigner function G NW , one can proceed as in [7, 8] and derive distinct vertex expansions
for the inner product in cosmology, which we will report below. This functional difference
may come as a surprise [7, 8], but is what one could expect immediately when looking
at the two expressions (24) and (27), one involving the operator in the exponentand
the other its square root H. Here, equation (29) shows the existence of a unique
NewtonWigner function in both the group averaging and deparametrized framework,
thus settling the issue.

3.2. Vertex expansions: Hadamard and NewtonWigner functions

Evaluating the quantity (23) or (24), one observes [8] that C consists of two pieces that
only act on Hkin and Hkin respectively, so that for equation (23) the group-averaged
inner product takes the form
GH (f , f ; i , i ) d AH (; )A (f , i ; ) , (31)

dp ip2 ip
AH (; ) e e , (32)

while for equation (24) we get [7]
GNW (f , f ; i , i ) d ANW (; )A (f , i ; ) , (33)

dp 2
ANW (; ) (2|p |)eip eip . (34)

The factor A (f , i ; ) hf |ei |i i is common to both two-point functions, and

their difference lies in the p -dependent part, that is, as it was reasonable to expect,
in the different treatment of the time variable in the relativistic versus non-relativistic
In both cases, A (f , i ; ) is reorganized a la Feynman by splitting up the time
interval into N parts of equal length = /N and introducing decompositions of the
identity on Hkin ,
A (f , i ; ) = hf |ei |N 1 ihN 1 |ei |N 2 i . . . h1 |ei |i i . (35)
N1 ,...,1
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 12

One then reorganizes the sum by characterising each possible history (i , 1 , . . . , N 2 , N 1 , f )

by the number of volume transitions M that occur,
A (f , i ; ) = AN (f , M 1 , . . . , 1 , i ; ) (36)
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
m 6=m+1

X 1 NX
M 1 N
X 2 1

... (hf |ei |f i)N NM 1

M =0 M 1 ,...,1 NM =M NM 1 =M 1 N1 =1
m 6=m+1

hf |ei |M 1 i . . . h1 |ei |i i(hi |ei |i i)N1 1 , (37)

where Ni denotes the step at which the ith transition occurs. While up to this point
we have been using the LQC identity decomposition |ih| in the derivation, one
would obtain completely analogous expressions for WheelerDeWitt theory by replacing
all summations i by integrals di .
In the form (37) the limit N can be defined rigorously; the sums over
N1 , . . . , NM become integrals and one finally obtains

A (f , i ; ) = A(f , M 1 , . . . , 1 , i ; ) , (38)
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
m 6=m+1

where [8]
A(f , M 1 , . . . , 1 , i ; ) = f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i (39)
p n 1 p
eiwm wm
Y 1 k X
Qp .
(nk 1)! wk wk m=1 j=1 (wm wm wj wj )
k=1 j6=m

k l hk ||l i (40)
are the matrix elements of , and in the second line the p distinct values appearing in
(i , 1 , . . . , M 1 , f ) are denoted by w1 , . . . , wp with multiplicities ni so that n1 + . . . +
np = M + 1. It is this step that can only be done formally if the variable has a
continuous range. Our analysis, which is rigorous for LQC, will be understood to hold
for WheelerDeWitt theory in this formal sense.
In order to give the complete vertex expansion of the two-point functions, one has
to insert the above expression in equations (31) and (33), perform the integration over
, and finally the one over p .
This is, of course, the continuum limit of the discretization of the -interval, which is the counterpart
of the continuum limit of the (proper) time interval for the relativistic particle. In the spin foam analogy,
it would correspond, in the full theory, to the infinite-refinement limit of the triangulation on which the
spin foam is based. Defining this limit in the full spin foam case, or in simplicial quantum gravity, is of
course a highly non-trivial task. Equally non-trivial would be to show that this limit can equivalently
written as a kind of sum over discretizations of the same topology (here, the line interval). In the
(L)QC case this is much easier, and in fact the existence of a vertex expansion for the two-point
function, defined in the same limit, is a proof of such equivalence, at least for this simple case.
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 13

The integration over in (31) leads to delta distributions (p2 wm wm ) enforcing

the Hamiltonian constraint. One is left with a straightforward integration over p , giving
the final result
X X Y 1
GH (f , f ; i , i ) = f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1 k=1
(nk 1)!
m 6=m+1

nk 1 X p
cos( wm wm )

p Qp . (41)
wk wk m=1
wm wm j=1 (wm wm wj wj )

The reader will observe the appearance of a cosine typical of the Hadamard two-point
Integrating over in (33), one notices that the delta distributions (p2 wm wm )
appearing under the p integral are replaced by equation (30) with wm wm , so
that restricting to positive or negative p corresponds to picking out positive- and
negative-frequency solutions to the square root of the constraint (7) as one does for
the NewtonWigner function of the relativistic particle [20].
Integrating over both positive and negative p one finds [7]

GNW (f , f ; i , i ) = f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
m 6=m+1

p p
nk 1 X p
2 cos( wm wm )

Y 1
Qp . (42)
(nk 1)! wk wk m=1 j=1 (wm wm wj wj )

Once more, one recognizes the cosine factor typical of symmetrized (over frequency
sectors) solutions of the Hamiltonian constraint, and the different functional dependence
on the energy H resulting from the non-relativistic representation of the canonical
Restricting to positive p gives

G+ (
NW f , f ; i , i ) = f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
m 6=m+1

p p
nk 1 X
e wm wm

Y 1
Qp . (43)
(nk 1)! wk wk m=1 j=1 (wm wm wj wj )

This procedure provides, in the simplified setting of loop quantum cosmology, an explicit
spin-foam type expansion of the physical inner product GH or GNW , thus strengthening
(at least on a formal level and in this ultra-minimalistic model) the relation between
canonical and covariant approaches.
From the expression for the deparametrized inner product (27), it is immediate
that it can be expressed in the form

GNW (f , f ; i , i ) = A(f , M 1 , . . . , 1 , i ; )

M 1 ,...,1 ,H
M =0
m 6=m+1
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 14

= Hf M 1 . . . H2 1 H1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
m 6=m+1

p p
nk 1 X
eiHwm wm

Y 1
Qp , (44)
(nk 1)! Hwk wk m=1 j=1 (Hwm wm Hwj wj )


Hk l hk | |l i . (45)
As noticed in [7], group averaging and the deparametrized framework lead to distinct
vertex expansions. However, as we have already discussed above, the two expansions
only correspond to different perturbative expressions of the same two-point function.
This can be recognized working at the non-perturbative level, i.e., before operating the
vertex expansion, or else (if one is able to) after this has been performed, by re-summing
the whole series.

3.3. Vertex expansions: Feynman propagator

A most crucial issue in quantum gravity concerns different possible definitions for the
transition amplitudes, and in particular the difference between two-point functions
defining canonical inner products and causal two-point functions defining, possibly, true
transition amplitudes. However, discussions on the problem are usually constrained to
happen on a formal level (see, e.g., [6, Ch. 1.3.1] for an overview, [10, 11] for the formal
construction in quantum gravity path integrals, and [12, 13, 14] for tentative definitions
of causal counterparts of spin foam models for quantum gravity).
It may prove insightful to make such discussions explicit in a simplified model such
as (loop) quantum cosmology, exploiting once more the analogy with the relativistic
particle. In the latter case, one may define the Feynman Greens function in a way
similar to equation (25) by
iGF (x t ; x , t ) = dT g(x , t ; T |x , t ; 0) , (46)

so that in the gravitational context one only integrates over positive lapse. This suggests
to define the correspondent quantity in quantum cosmology as
iGF (f , f ; i , i ) d AH (; )A (f , i ; ) , (47)

where AH is given in equation (32) (no factor 2|p |). Let us stress that the restriction in
the Schwinger parameter , the (L)QC analogue of the proper time for the relativistic
particle [20] and of the lapse for quantum gravity [10] is not a restriction in any time
variable, e.g. , and it is thus fully consistent with (symmetry-reduced) background
independence [11]. As is usual for the Feynman propagator, one has to choose a contour
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 15

in the complex p plane since now the integrand has poles. We follow the causal +i
p  nk 1
X X Y 1
iGF (f , f ; i , i ) = f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1 k=1
(nk 1)! wk wk
m 6=m+1


p Z ip
X dp i e .

Qp (48)
2 p w m w m + i j=1 ( w m w m w w
j j

Performing the p integration in the complex plane, we obtain

X X Y 1
iGF (f , f ; i , i ) = f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1 k=1
(nk 1)!
m 6=m+1

nk 1 X
wm wm
ei () + ei wm wm ()

2 wm wm pj=1 (wm wm wj wj )
wk wk

Because of the open contour (or equivalently, because of the restriction to the positive
semi-axis in the integration) the two-point function GF is not a solution of the
Hamiltonian constraint equation; thus it does not define an inner product for the
canonical theory. However, it is a proper Green function (propagator) for the same
equation, i.e., it defines a transition amplitude taking into account the relative ordering
in the time variables labelling the states (and thus defining a background independent
notion of in and out).
We may also determine Wightman functions G as in [20] by choosing a closed
contour around only one of the poles p = wm wm . This obviously corresponds to
restricting to positive- or negative-frequency sectors. One finds:

X X Y 1
G (f , f ; i , i ) = f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
(nk 1)!
m 6=m+1

nk 1 X
ei wm wm

p Qp . (50)
wk wk m=1
2 w m w m j=1 ( w m w m w j w j

The choice of a closed contour also implies that the two Wightman functions, like the
Hadamard two-point function, satisfy the Hamiltonian constraint for (loop) quantum
cosmology, and thus define appropriate physical inner products for the two sectors
corresponding to positive- and negative-frequency, in the relativistic representation.
One can easily show that the two-point functions we have defined satisfy the
relations familiar from the relativistic particle case:
GH (f , f ; i , i ) = G+ (f , f ; i , i ) + G (f , f ; i , i ) , (51)
iGF (f , f ; i , i ) = G+ (f , f ; i , i )(f i ) + G (f , f ; i , i )(i f ) . (52)
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 16

Finally, we can define the causal two-point function by

iGc (f , f ; i , i ) G+ (f , f ; i , i ) G (f , f ; i , i ) , (53)
noting this gives the explicit expression
X X Y 1
Gc (f , f ; i , i ) = f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
(nk 1)!
m 6=m+1

nk 1 X p 
sin wm wm

, (54)
wm wm pj=1 (wm wm wj wj )
wk wk

where the characteristic sine factor appears.

It is interesting to note that, once more in parallel with the relativistic particle
case, one can obtain the above causal two-point function as the inner product between
quantum states in the relativistic representation (18) with completeness relation (19).
This results in an indefinite inner product, contrary to the decomposition (20) which
produces the Hadamard function (31). In contrast to the latter, the causal two-point
function Gc does not have a sum-over-histories representation [20].

3.4. A local vertex expansion?

A slightly different derivation for the inner product in loop quantum cosmology has been
recently given in [9], motivated by the following two shortcomings of the inner product
(42): Firstly, it was noted that the derivation of (42) that we have sketched in section 3.2
contains ambiguities related to a particular ordering for summations and integrations to
be carried out. Since one is dealing with divergent quantities along the way (the integral
d A(f , M 1 , . . . , 1 , i ; ) is a sum of distributions and derivatives of distributions),
there is no guarantee that the result will be independent of such choices. Secondly, the
formal analogy of (42) with a spinfoam amplitude lacks the locality familiar from spin
foam models for full quantum gravity [5, 6, 28]. These issues hold not only for equation
(42) but also for the other two-point functions.
Both issues are adressed by noting the following identity for two-point functions:
GH (f , f ; i , i ) = 2Re [iGF (f , f ; i , i )] , (55)
which is true both for two-point functions for the relativistic particle given in [20] and
for (41) and (49).
This allows a definition of the Hadamard function in terms of the Feynman
propagator, which is now computed differently. Namely, starting from equation (48),
one performs the sum over m in the second line before integrating, finding (this follows
by taking expression (3.19) in [9], substituting i i p2 and taking the complex

F (f , f ; i , i ) = f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
m 6=m+1
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 17
dp i eip
QM , (56)
2 k=0 (p2 k k + i)

where the products of differences of matrix elements in equations (41) and (49) have
disappeared. The integrand now is local, inasmuch as it features a product over
amplitudes of elements forming the particular history of the Universe one considers.
Since, in contrast to [9], we have included the scalar field , one is left with an
integration over p where one picks up residues at the poles p = wi wi , i = 1, . . . , p,
which are of order ni . It is not too difficult to see that the residue at p = + wm wm
" p #
1 nm 1 1 i eip (p wm wm )nm

(nm 1)! pnm 1 2
QM 2
k=0 (p k k )
p wm wm

nm 1 ip
1 1 ie
(nm 1)! pnm 1 2 (p + wm wm )nm pj=1 (p2 wj wj )nj p wm wm
p Q
p  nk 1
Y 1 1
(nk 1)! wk wk (nm 1)!

nm 1 ip
1 ie
nm 1

p Qp
p 2 (p + wm wm ) n m 2
j=1 (p wj wj ) p wm wm

p nk 1

 i wm wm
Y 1 1 p ie
= , (57)
(nk 1)! wk wk 2 2 wm wm pj=1 (wm wm wj wj )
k=1 j6=m
with a similar expression for p = wm wm , so that one reproduces the non-local
result (49). Therefore, while providing an interesting new viewpoint on the inner product
for the purely gravitational sector, the findings of [9] do not modify our analysis: In
the presence of free scalar matter, quantum cosmological two-point functions are always
non-local, in the sense specified above.

4. Composition laws

Having computed the analogue for (loop) quantum cosmology of all two-point functions
known for the relativistic particle, we are now in a position to verify the composition
laws they satisfy, and to interpret them in the cosmological setting. Such composition
laws are in fact crucial for using these two-point functions as canonical inner products
(or transition amplitudes). We will derive these laws using their sum-over-histories
(or vertex expansion) formulation. It goes without saying that the results match the
expectations coming from the particle analogy [20].
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 18

4.1. NewtonWigner function

Let us start with the transition amplitude (27) computed in the deparametrized
framework. By inserting a resolution of the identity on the kinematical gravitational
Hilbert space Hkin , we immediately verify the composition law
NW (f , f ; i , i ) = hf |e
iH(f i )
|i i
= hf |eiH(f ) |ih|eiH(i ) |i i

= G+ +
NW (f , f ; , ) GNW (, ; i , i ) (58)

for any given intermediate , which is the obvious counterpart of the usual non-
relativistic composition law satisfied by the NewtonWigner function,
GNW (x , t ; x , t ) = dx G+
+ +
NW (x , t ; x, t)GNW (x, t; x , t ) . (59)

This rule incorporates the requirement that any path from (x , t ) to (x , t ) that only
goes forward in time will pass through precisely one x at a specified intermediate time
t < t < t . Note that this identity is, as we have anticipated above, independent of the
form of H (or, equivalently, of ).
Using the representation (33) of the physical inner product in the timeless
framework, a composition law of the form (59) would amount to
+ +
d ANW (f i ; )A (f , i ; ) = d d ANW (f ; )ANW ( i ; )

A (f , ; )A (, i ; ) . (60)
From the definition A (f , i ; ) hf |ei |i i, it is again immediate that

A (f , ; )A (, i ; ) = hf |ei |ih|ei |i i = A (f , i ; + ) . (61)

Clearly, this composition rule extends to the case of WheelerDeWitt theory where
has continuous range. The calculations in this section can be extended to the continuous
case if one accepts the summation over M to be of formal nature.
Further evaluating the right-hand side of (60), we have
Z+ Z+
r.h.s. of (60) = d d ANW (f ; )ANW ( i ; )A (f , i ; + )

dp dp
= f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i d d (4|p p |)
M =0 M 1 ,...,1 2 2
m 6=m+1

ip2 i p 2 ip (f ) ip (i )
Y 1
e e e e
(nk 1)!
nk 1 X i(+ )wm wm
Qp , (62)
wk wk m=1 j=1 (wm wm wj wj )
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 19

where the integration range of p now depends on whether we restrict to positive

frequency or not.
Integrating over both positive and negative frequencies, equation (62) reduces to

f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
m 6=m+1

p p
nk 1 X p p
4 cos[ wm wm (f )] cos[ wm wm ( i )]

Y 1
Qp , (63)
(nk 1)! wk wk m=1 j=1 (wm wm wj wj )

which is never equal to GNW (f , f ; i , i ) because is a positive operator. If we restrict

to positive p , we will instead obtain
X X Y 1
f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
(nk 1)!
m 6=m+1

nk 1 Xp

ei wm wm (f ) ei wm wm (i )

wk wk m=1 j=1 (wm wm wj wj )

= G+
NW (f , f ; i , i ) , (64)
confirming that G+NW as given in (43) does obey the non-relativistic composition law
(59). The same result will hold for the negative-frequency function G
NW . On the other
hand, the composition law is spoiled for GNW due to the interference of positive- and
negative-frequency sectors.

4.2. Hadamard function

In the case of the relativistic particle, it is well known that two-point functions in the
relativistic canonical representation, such as the Hadamard, Feynman and causal two-
point functions, satisfy relativistic composition laws of the form [20]

G(x |x ) = c d G(x |x) G(x|x ) ,


where G and G can be different, typically c = 1 or c = i, = and is
a spacelike surface in spacetime. In the present case, where the discretization of the
coordinate breaks the SO(1, 1) isometry of a continuous (1+1)-dimensional spacetime,
we take to be a surface = constant, choose G, and try to verify the formula
Xh i
G(f , f ; i , i ) = c G(f , f ; , ) G(, ; i , i )G(, ; i , i ) G(f , f ; , ) , (66)

for some G. First, taking G = GH , we have to show that the quantity

Z+ Z+
d d [AH (f ; )1 AH ( i ; ) + AH ( i ; )1 AH (f ; )]

A (f , i ; + ) , (67)
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 20

where 1 is differentiation with respect to the first argument, is equal to Gc as in the

point particle case, up to an overall factor. Substituting explicit expressions into (67)
we find

X X Z dp dp ip2 i p 2 ip (f ) ip (i )
d d ip + ip

(67) = e e e e
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
2 2
m 6=m+1

p p
nk 1 X
ei(+ )wm wm

f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i Qp
(nk 1)! wk wk m=1 j=1 (wm wm wj wj )
X X Y 1
= f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1 k=1
(nk 1)!
m 6=m+1

nk 1 Xp

 i wm wm i wm wm
e e
p Qp
wk wk m=1
2i w m w m j=1 ( w m w m w j w j

= f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
M =0 M 1 ,...,1
m 6=m+1

p p
nk 1 X p
sin( wm wm )

Y 1

wm wm pj=1 (wm wm wj wj )
(nk 1)! wk wk
k=1 m=1

= Gc (f , f ; i , i ) , (68)
where Gc is the causal two-point function (54). This is precisely the composition law
one has for the Hadamard function of the relativistic particle [20],

Gc (x |x ) = d GH (x |x) GH (x|x ) . (69)

The reason why the causal two-point function Gc and not GH appears on the left-hand
side is again interference between positive- and negative-frequency sectors.
We conclude that the two definitions used for the inner product in cosmology, the
deparametrized definition (27) and the timeless definition (23), indeed satisfy different
composition laws, one being non-relativistic (after singling out positive or negative
frequencies) and the other relativistic and involving the causal two-point function (54).

4.3. Feynman propagator

For the Feynman Greens function, the composition law known for the relativistic
particle is [20]

iGF (x |x ) = i d iGF (x |x) n iGF (x|x ) ,


where is a derivative taken along the normal in the direction of propagation. In
quantum cosmology, its analogue should be (assuming i < < f ; one has an extra
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 21

minus for f < < i )

Z+ Z+ Z+
d AH (f i ; )A (f , i ; ) = i d d [AH (f ; )1 AH ( i ; )
0 0 0
+AH ( i ; )1 AH (f ; )] A (f , i ; + ) .
Again, we can substitute explicit expressions into the right-hand side to obtain, using
the Feynman contour in the complex plane,
+ Z+
X X Z dp dp ip2 i p 2 ip (f ) ip (i )
r.h.s. of (71) = i d d e e e e
M =0 M 1 ,..., 1
2 2
m 6=m+1 0
Y 1

ip + f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i
(nk 1)!
nk 1 X
ei(+ )wm wm

wk wk m=1 j=1 (wm wm wj wj )

X X dp dp ip (f ) ip (i )
= i f M 1 . . . 2 1 1 i e e
M =0 M 1 ,...,1 2 2
m 6=m+1
p  nk 1
Y 1
ip + ip
(nk 1)! wk wk

p 2 1 2 1
X (p wm wm + i) (p wm wm + i)
m=1 j=1 ( wm wm wj wj )
p  nk 1
1X X Y 1
= . . . 2 1 1 i
2 M =0 M 1 ,...,1 f M 1 k=1
(nk 1)! wk wk
m 6=m+1


wm wm i wm wm

X ei (f )( i ) e (i )( f )
p Qp
wm wm j=1 (wm wm wj wj )
iGF (f , f ; i , i ) , i < < f ,
= (72)
iGF (f , f ; i , i ) , f < < i ,
in agreement with equation (70).
Choosing the closed contour used to define Wightman functions G in (50), one
also confirms

G (x |x ) = i d G (x |x) G (x|x ) .


As we mentioned, the causal two-point function does not have a vertex expansion, but
from its definition (53) one sees that it correctly obeys the same relativistic composition
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 22

To conclude, the quantities that we identified as being the analogue of Hadamard,

Feynman, and NewtonWigner two-point functions for quantum cosmology satisfy the
same composition laws as one has for the relativistic particle in 1+1 dimensions,
independently of the details of the operator .

5. Discussion

In this paper, we have catalogued the possible two-point functions for (loop) quantum
cosmology, for a single homogeneous universe in the presence of a free massless scalar
field, relying heavily on the analogy of this system with the free relativistic particle. For
each of them we have constructed a covariant sum-over-histories representation, in the
form of a vertex expansion in the sense of [7]. Finally, we have derived the composition
laws that such two-point functions satisfy. Our results hold for homogeneous and
isotropic LQC in a flat universe as well as for the traditional WheelerDeWitt quantum
cosmology, although only in a more formal sense (due to the continuous nature of volume
eigenvalues). Our results hopefully clarify (or at least provide a basis for clarifying)
some issues that have been recently debated in the LQC literature.
The features that characterize the different two-point functions are:
a) the sector of the canonical Hilbert space they refer to (positive- or negative-
frequency, or both),
b) the relativistic or non-relativistic representation chosen for the quantum states,
c) their composition law,
d) their nature as canonical inner products or propagators (Greens functions).
If one restricts to a single sector of solutions, say positive-frequency, then both
the relativistic (positive) Wightman function (50) and the non-relativistic (positive)
NewtonWigner function (27) provide a satisfactory and physically equivalent definition
of the canonical inner product. In fact, they are positive definite and satisfy an
appropriate composition law (of relativistic and non-relativistic type, respectively). The
Feynman propagator (49), reduced in this case to the retarded propagator, provides
instead the Green function that propagates solutions of the constraint equation into
other solutions. Notice that all these functions are complex-valued, and transform into
their complex conjugate under switch of the ordering of their two arguments.
The choice between a relativistic and a non-relativistic representation, when
available, is then purely a matter of practical convenience, and it depends on the physical
issue one is set to address.
The NewtonWigner function G+ NW , for example, was studied in connection to
the problem of localization for a quantum mechanical particle. Its associated inner
product, in fact, allows one to consider wavefunctions whose modulus squared gives
the probability to find a particle in a volume about a certain spatial point [26]. This
result, however, depends on the choice of a frame because the NewtonWigner function
Indeed, the same vertex expansion could be derived for the relativistic particle in flat space, again
with a similar purely formal nature.
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 23

is not Lorentz invariant. In the case of G+ 2

NW in quantum cosmology, I |(, )|
would be the probability to have a universe with a given matter configuration and with
volume in a certain discrete range I. The frame choice for the relativistic particle now
corresponds to the choice of the scalar field as an internal clock. This interpretation is
apparent in the deparametrized framework. Because of the Lorentz invariance, on the
other hand, the Wightman functions are more commonly used. In the LQC setting, no
such invariance is apparent, though.
The choice of a deparametrized/non-relativistic representation, however, is only
available in the presence of a degree of freedom that could play the role of a clock.
This role is played by the massless scalar field we have also used, but clearly no similar
degree of freedom is present a) in the pure gravity case and, b) for interacting (or even
purely massive) matter fields, in the presence of a non-trivial (non-monotonic) scalar
potential with local extrema, if one wants to go beyond the perturbative regime. In
the general case, therefore, the only available option for a covariant definition of the
canonical inner product is the (complex) Wightman function defined through a group
averaging procedure.
If one does not (or cannot) restrict the attention to a single sector of solutions, and
wants (or needs) to include both of them in the dynamics, then the situation is much
trickier for canonical quantization. One simply does not have a two-point function
that can be used as an adequate physical inner product. In fact, the only two-point
function that defines a positive define inner product in the relativistic representation
of the canonical theory, the Hadamard function (31), does not satisfy the appropriate
composition law, and the same is true for the NewtonWigner two-point function (27)
in the non-relativistic representation. On the other hand, the only two-point function
that could, in principle, define a canonical inner product (since it is a solution of the
constraint equations) and that satisfies the needed composition law is the causal two-
point function (53), which is not positive definite and thus not viable either. The
Feynman propagator, which also satisfies a good composition law, is not a solution
of the constraint equation, but a Green function (true propagator) for the same. Of
course, this is well known for the relativistic particle [20], and the same issues have been
discussed at the formal level in the full quantum gravity case [22, 29].
Clearly, the notion of frequency is tied to the presence of a scalar field and is not
available in the pure gravity case, or generically whenever p is not a Dirac observable.
The natural background-independent analogue of the notion of positive/negative
frequencies, available also in the absence of matter fields as well as in the full (non
symmetry-reduced) theory is that of spacetime orientation [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 29].
The question then becomes whether there is a consistent way of dealing with
superpositions and interactions between degrees of freedom corresponding to the two
orientation sectors, in the case in which one cannot specialize to one, in a canonical
framework. The natural suggestion, also in the light of the particle analogy, is
to move to a second-quantized formalism, in which both the number of degrees of
freedom being excited at different times and their associated frequencies/orientations
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 24

are allowed to fluctuate. In fact, when considering relativistic quantum particles, one
notices that conservation of the particle number is incompatible with Lorentz symmetry
and the field theory formalism is naturally invoked. Then, the relativistic scalar
product for the field is not only well-defined but also uniquely so. Even though the
cosmological or quantum gravity analogue of this symmetry argument is unclear to us,
at present, this would suggest that also in the quantum cosmology case, as soon as more
gravitational and matter degrees of freedom enter the picture (including anisotropies and
inhomogeneities), and thus one moves closer to the full theory, the natural formalism is
that of a field theory on (symmetry-reduced) superspace, a third quantization [30]. This
had been considered also in the full theory [22, 29]. This formalism would accommodate
also another possible generalization of the framework considered in this paper, that is
the possibility of topology change. This entails the creation/annihilation of (possibly
homogeneous and isotropic) universes, quanta of the superspace field naturally carrying
both orientations (in analogy with the particle/antiparticle distinction). This framework
would represent a rather important generalization of the quantum cosmology setting
(possibly useful in addressing issues like the origin of the cosmological constant [30, 31]).
Any further discussion of this possible generalization would go beyond the scope of this
paper. However, it is natural to draw the lesson of the relativistic many-particle system
and ask ourselves the fate of the cosmological two-point functions in a multiverse picture.
In this case, the single-particle/single-universe two-point functions do not need to satisfy
any positive definiteness requirement (since they do not play the role of inner products),
the non-relativistic representation of canonical states would simply not be available, and
we would expect the Feynman propagator to be elected over the other choices by the
requirements of causal propagation (positive proper time/lapse, ordering of arguments)
and correct composition law. The causal two-point function would also play the useful
role of the mean value of the commutator of (super-)field operators in the Fock vacuum.
Thus it would encode correlations on superspace, rather than being the propagator of
particle/single-universe states. Work on such third quantized (loop) quantum cosmology
is in progress [32].

To conclude, from our results in the symmetry-reduced setting let us collect some
lessons and suggestions for quantum gravity and for the group field theory (GFT)/spin
foam approach in particular. Clearly, the step from symmetry-reduced models to full
theory is huge, both technically and conceptually. Therefore, any insight we try to
import from the former to the latter should be taken cum grano salis and treated only
as a suggestion to be explored further.
First, we have seen how important the choice of relativistic versus non-relativistic
representation is for the quantum theory. In the covariant setting, the analogue of
the spin foam constructions, this is reflected in the form of boundary states appearing
in the sum-over-histories and in the composition law chosen for the same. We have
pointed out that the non-relativistic formalism, although physically equivalent to
the relativistic one, is only available in very special cases, and thus a relativistic
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 25

representation is to be preferred. At the covariant level, this implies that one should
try to construct relativistic transition amplitudes/inner products which compose by
means of a relativistic composition law. The relativistic nature is characterized by the
presence of embedding information, i.e., of the normal to the canonical surface, in
both the definition of the decomposition of the identity and the composition law for
transition amplitudes/inner products. This is required for the correct implementation
of covariance properties as well as for the correct composition of boundary data in
the two-point functions. It is natural to conjecture that something similar happens
in the full LQG theory and in the related spin foam models, and that the needed
embedding information is to be represented by similar extrinsic data, in particular by
the normal vector to the canonical hypersurface, in turn characterizing the extrinsic,
i.e., boost component of the gravitational connection. A generalization of LQG states
to include such data has been proposed [33, 34, 35, 36] and has proven crucial also in
covariant spin foam constructions [37, 38, 39, 40, 41]. So our results seem to support
such generalization.
Second, we have pointed out that the presence of matter fields always leads to a
non-local vertex expansion. This non-locality is defined in contrast to the factorized
form, in terms of single simplex contributions, that usual spin foam models take [5, 28].
In turn, this local form translates naturally in (or can be seen as a direct consequence
of) the underlying GFT formulation of the same models [48]. There are several attitudes
one can take with respect to this fact: a) One could expect a similar loss of locality in
spin foam models coupled to matter, and thus the impossibility of a corresponding GFT
formulation; b) one can consider this non-locality as an artefact of the symmetry-reduced
context (also considering that symmetry reduction is itself a rather non-local procedure)
or of the specific type of matter considered. The second attitude is based also on the fact
that the locality of spin foam models and GFTs has a clear spacetime interpretation, in
that spin foam vertices or their dual simplices represent regions or events in a discrete
spacetime, while the vertex expansion in cosmology lacks such interpretation exactly
because of the prior symmetry reduction. The available examples of spin foam models
and GFTs for gravity coupled to matter [42, 43, 45, 44, 46, 47] seem to support the
second possibility, although the issue should be considered as still open.
Third, we have stressed that the crucial difference in constructing and
understanding two-point functions in quantum cosmology is whether one restricts to
positive or negative-frequency solutions or keeps both, and that the analogue of this
frequency condition in full quantum gravity would be the spacetime orientation. In spin
foam models and GFTs, one has to specify orientation data for all the discrete elements
of the spacetime substratum used in the quantum theory, i.e., edges and faces of the spin
foam 2-complex, or simplices and sub-simplices of the dual triangulation. Moreover,
opposite orientation data for all these elements have to be included, for consistency
of composition properties. This seems to suggest that no analogue of the frequency
restriction is available in the full theory (as in the case of general inhomogeneous or
anisotropic cosmologies, or for generic matter fields). Of course, one can still consider
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 26

amplitudes that either are symmetric under spacetime orientation (parity or time)
reversal (in analogy with the Hadamard function) or transform into their own complex
conjugate under reversal (in analogy with Feynman or causal two-point functions).
Known spin foam models [5], based on constraining quantum BF theory, seem to be
naturally of the symmetric type. On the other hand, constructions of non-symmetric
(complex) and causally restricted transition amplitudes for LQG states have been
considered in the spin foam framework [12, 13, 14], and could be useful to investigate
this issue further. In fact, quantum BF theory itself gives rise to symmetric (real)
transition amplitudes that can be consistently interpreted as covariant definitions of
the inner product of topological gravity. In contrast, causally restricted models are
associated with true propagators or transition amplitudes that have an in-built notion
of in and out states consistent with background independence (inasmuch as this notion
is encoded in orientation data only and no time variable is needed). The situation in
the full theory seems thus to be at odds with the results in the quantum cosmology
setting: while the latter would suggest that a symmetric transition amplitude that
is both positive definite and includes both sectors of solutions would fail to compose
properly, this seems not to be the case for BF spin foam models. On the other hand,
one could be tempted to attribute this situation to the triviality, in terms of dynamical
degrees of freedom, of BF theory itself. However, a similar orientation independence is
present in the BarrettCrane model which, if coming from a BF-type construction, is
not a topological model. Similarly puzzling is the situation, concerning this orientation
business, from the GFT perspective. GFTs are third quantized frameworks [48] where
the fundamental field is defined on simplicial superspace, the space of geometries for a
single simplex (a building block of a discrete space), and in which creation/annihilation
of simplices and topology change are naturally described. Hence, one would expect that
the corresponding Feynman amplitudes be naturally complex and interpreted as built
out of propagators, rather than solutions, to the canonical constraints. This is, again,
not the case for current GFT models, that generate the symmetric spin foam amplitudes
we have just discussed. On the other hand, it would be the case for any effective GFT
dynamics around non-trivial background configurations [49, 50, 51], which naturally
translates into non-trivial (and singular) free propagators, analogous to the Feynman
two-point function of ordinary quantum field theory.
Much remains to be understood about these issues, and the simplified quantum
cosmology setting could be a very useful ground for clarifying them, leading to a better
development and understanding of a full quantum theory of gravity.


This work is funded by the A. Von Humboldt Stiftung, through a Sofja Kovalevskaja
Prize, which is gratefully acknowledged. SG also acknowledges support from EPSRC,
Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Max Planck Society.
That is, amplitudes obtained by restricting the range of proper time/lapse integration.
Two-point functions in (loop) quantum cosmology 27


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