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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks

Edition Section Questions Reply
9th - Feb. 1.2.1 620-I- 1: Does Section 1.2.1 prevent tanks with umbrella roofs and eccentric 1: No.
1996 10/00 cones, from being marked as being in accordance with API Standard

2: Does Section 1.2.1 prevent tanks with flat bottoms from having a 2: No.
9th General 620-I- 1. Does API 620 require that weld procedures be qualified by standard 1. Yes
09/00 qualification tests in accordance with ASME Section IX, using the
contractors actual welding procedure, without any all-weld-tensile tests,
except for the additional tests required by Question 2 below?

2. Does API 620 require or permit additional, separate qualification tests 2. Yes
for proof of weld metal strength assumed for design using the AWS test-
piece as per Figure 9 of AWS 5.11, which will be different from Reply 1
above (Since single-sided welds with backing strips are not used for
tank construction)?

3. Does API 620 allow the use of test plates for proof of weld metal 3. Yes
strength assumed for design in accordance with AWS A5-11, Table 3,
note 1, which is referred to by Figure 2, note 1 of AWS 5.11, and which
specifically permits the use of buttered carbon steel test plates?
10th - Feb. 4.2 620-I- Can 1/2 in. A 36 plate (not A 36 mod 2) be used for the shell of an API Yes. Refer to API 620 Table 4-1 and Section
2002 Table 4-1 13/02 620 tank with a design metal temperature of 53.6F?

9th - Feb. 4.2.5 For a tank design to basic API 620 requiring impact testing of plate As stated in API 620, Section 4.2.5, the direction of the axis of
1996 material per Section 4.2.5: (a) Should the long dimension of impact test the impact test specimen is dependent upon the direction of
specimen be parallel to direction of maximum stress (biaxial stresses are plate rolling by the mill. The direction of maximum stress when
not equal) and the minimum absorbed energy value per Table R-5? or; installed in the tank is not a factor. The impact test energy
(b) Should the impact test specimen be taken transverse to the final criteria applicable to either type of specimen is per Table R-2, or
plate rolling and the absorbed energy value per Table R-2? per Table R-5 where applicable.

10th - Feb. 620-I- Should the thickness stated in Table 5-1, Note 5, be in.? Yes. This was a typographical error introduced in the previous
2002 06/02 edition of the standard. This note will be corrected in the next
addendum of Std. 620.

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
9th - Feb. 4.2 620-I- 1: Is it permissible to utilize plate materials at design metal temperature 1: No.
1996 Table 4-1 06/00 and thickness combination which are outside the limits contained in API
620, Table 4-1 if impact testing is performed?

2: Does API 620 allow impact testing to be performed in lieu of 2: No.

normalizing for combinations of plate material grade, thickness and
design metal temperature that require normalizing?

3: May impact testing be utilized in lieu of normalizing for plate materials 3: No.
where Table 4-1 of API 620 and the ASTM specification require
normalizing e.g., A 516 with thickness greater than 1-1/2 in.?
10th - Feb. 5.1.1 620-I- Are umbrella roofs, eccentric cone roofs and bottoms, and bottoms Yes.
2002 05/02 sloped to one side, among those designs for which API 620 does not
present design rules as noted in Section 5.1.1?

9th - Feb. Figure 5-6 620-I- Is the width of lap of the roof panels, onto or beneath the compression No. See
1996 11/00 ring plate, prescribed in Figure 5-6 Details e, f, f-1, and g?
9th - Feb. Figure 5-6 620-I- May the lap welds of the roof panels, onto or beneath the compression Yes.
1996 12/00 ring plate, prescribed in Figure 5-6, Details e, f, f-1, and d be double-lap
welds or single-lap welds if the appropriate joint efficiency and inspection
are applied?
9th - Feb. Figure 5-6 620-I- May the roof be butt-welded to the compression ring as an alternative to Yes.
1996 13/00 the lap weld shown in Figure 5-6 Details e, f, f-1, and g, if all
requirements for circumferential butt welds are met?

9th - Feb. Figure 5-6 620-I- 1: Does the expression, wh L < 16t, apply to Figure 5-6 Detail e as 1: Yes.
1996 14/00 well as to Figure 5-6 Details f and f-1?

2: Does the outward extension limitation at a maximum of 16t of the 2: Yes. .

plate compression ring in Figure 5-6, Detail e apply as well to Figure 5-6
Details f and f-1?
9th - Feb. Figure 5-6 620-I- 1: Is the dimension, w h, of Figure 5-6 Details f and f-1, a limitation on 1: No
1996 15/00 the greatest inward physical projection that a plate compression ring
may have?

2: Is the dimension, w h, of Figure 5-6 Details f and f-1, a limitation on 2: Yes.

the effective portion of the plate compression ring that may be
considered as contributing to the required cross-section area, A c?

3: Is the dimension, wh, of Figure 5-6 Details f and f-1 also applicable to
Figure 5-6 Details e and g? 3: Yes.

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
9th - Feb. Figure 5-6 620-I- Are the roof plates of Figure 5-6 Detail e not permitted to contribute to Yes.
1996 16/00 the required cross-sectional area of the compression region because of
the lap weld between the roof and the compression-ring as stated in
Section 5.12.2 and Note 17?
9th - Feb. Table 5-1 Can the allowable stresses for materials not covered in Table 5-1 be No. See Appendix B for the use of non-listed materials
1996 calculated using Footnote 2?
9th - Feb. Table 5-1 Can Footnote 2 in Table 5-1 be used to calculate the allowable stresses No.
1996 for stainless steel material?
9th - Feb. Table 5-1 Can Footnote 2 in Table 5-1 be used to calculate the allowable stresses No.
1996 at elevated temperatures (say "t") by using the minimum ultimate tensile
strength and the minimum yield point at the elevated temperature t?

9th - Feb. Table 5-2 620-I- Table 5-2 lists single welded butt joints with backing strip as having 75% Yes, however radiography is not required for E = 0.7 if
1996 03/00 basic joint efficiency. A spot radiographed joint is also listed at 75%. nonmetallic or temporary metallic backing strips are used.
Are all single welded butt joints with permanent metallic backing strip not
more than 1 1/4 in. thick required to be spot radiographed as a
9th - Feb. Table 5-2 620-I- Does the magnetic particle examination covered by Note 3 of Table 5-2 No.
1996 01/01 in API-620 apply to the butt weld of a nozzle neck to a weld neck flange?

10th - Feb. Table 5-2 620-I- 1: Do the specified thicknesses in Table 5-2 refer to the as-constructed 1: Yes.
2002 10/02 thickness?

2: Do the specified thicknesses in Table 5-2 refer to the actual 2: Refer to Question 1.
10th - Feb. 5.3 620-I- Does a coned roof have a minimum thickness similar to that noted for Yes, see 5.3 and Section specifies the
2002 03/03 the sidewall in and bottom in minimum thickness of the tank wall and 5.3 defines tank wall
to include the roof. Therefore, the minimum thickness of the
roof is 3/16 in. for cone roofs.
9th - Feb. 5.3.3 Are there hydrostatic test guidelines for stresses allowed in API 620? No. Refer to 5.3.3.

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
10th - Feb. 620-I- 1: Does the word "local" as used in, refer to the general bending 1: Yes.
2002 10/02 stress across the whole cross section of the cylinder (normal to its
longitudinal axis) that is compressive on one half of the cross section
and tensile on the other half?

2: In Section, can the sentence For tanks full or partially full of 2: Yes.
liquid and for an earthquake induced compression stress, the allowable
compression stress need not be limited for biaxial stress as otherwise
may be required by Figure 3 1 be restated as: For tanks full or partially
full of liquid subjected to an earthquake . . .?

3: In Section, can the sentence For tanks full or partially full of
liquid and for an earthquake induced compression stress, the allowable 3: No.
compression stress need not be limited for biaxial stress as otherwise
may be required by Figure 3 1 be restated as: For tanks full or partially
full of liquid subjected to a local axial compressive buckling stress in a
cylindrical shell from a moment in the cylinder, and also for: tanks
subjected to an earthquake induced compressive stress,
the allowable compressive stress need not . . .
9th - Feb. 5.5.6 Is there a conflict between Section 5.5.6 and Section 5.6.5? No, Section 5.5.6 is in Section 5.5 and applies to walls. Tank
1996 wall is identified in A.3.
9th - Feb. 5.5.6 620-I- What is the maximum allowable compressive stress for a cylindrical tank For all combinations of design loadings per Section 3.4,
1996 09/98 subject to a combination of design loadings, including wind and seismic, excluding wind and seismic, the maximum allowable
both with and without internal gas or liquid contents per Section 3.5.6? compressive stress shall be limited to value, Scs, calculated per
Section For any combination of design loadings plus
wind or seismic, the maximum allowable compressive stress
may be increased to 1.33 times Scs. For seismic loading only,
the maximum allowable compressive stress shall be per
Appendix L, Sections L.5.2 and L.5.3. For the test condition,
API 620 does not provide specific guidance on the maximum
allowable compressive stress.

10th - Feb. 5.5.6 620-I- Is it necessary to apply an appropriate joint efficiency to the stress limits No. See Table 5-2 for maximum allowable efficiency for arc
2002 10/02 specified in 5.5.6, Q.8.1.3, and R.8.1? welded joints.
9th - Feb. 5.6.5 Does Section 5.6.5 allow an increase of 25% for seismic loading of roof No, this section addresses external structural members subject
1996 structural members? to stresses produced by combination of wind and other
applicable loads. The API 620 Standard does not address
seismic design of roof framing members, nor does it address
allowable stresses for seismic loading of roof framing.
9th - Feb. 5.7 620-I- Is corrosion allowance an absolute requirement under API 620? No. A corrosion allowance is a requirement only if specified by
1996 08/98 the purchaser. It is intended to provide for future corrosion over
the design life of the tank.

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
9th - Feb. Does API 620 have a minimum thickness for the bottom of a flat bottom Yes, see Section and Q.3.4.7.
1996 tank?
10th - Feb. 620-I- Does API 620 Section address the requirements for conical Yes. Refer to and footnote 15 for further information
2002 14/02 roofs, since one of the Rs equals infinity? on this subject.

10th - Feb. 620-I- 1: Can the design rules of Section be used to determine the 1: No.
2002 17/02 thickness of a self-supported conical roof whenever the negative
latitudinal unit force T is greater than the negative meridional unit force
T and R = R1 is infinite?

2: If the design rules of cannot be used to determine the 2: Yes.

thickness of a self-supported conical roof whenever the negative
latitudinal unit force T is greater than the negative meridional unit force
T and R = R1 is infinite, may such a roof be designed per 1.1 (second
paragraph) and 5.1.1 (second sentence)?
9th - Feb. 620-I- Per API 650 Section through, a tank with a No, the shell to be designed for the maximum liquid level and
1996 02/00 frangible roof may fail at shell-to-roof juncture before shell-to-shell joint internal pressure per Sections 1.1.1, 3.6.3, and F7.1.
or shell-to-bottom joint. Does this mean that shell should be able to
resist pressure of 0.153 W/D2 (inches of water), resulting from the
equation for A in in any tanks designed by this section?
10th - Feb. 620-I- 1: Regarding the least permissible thickness described in and 1: Spherical radius if sphere. Maximum radius if unequal
2002 10/02 listed in Table 5-6, although not specified, it seems that these are latitudinal and longitudinal radii.
intended only for a cylindrical shell. This is confirmed by comparing the
above Table 5-6 to Section of API 650 for a cylindrical shell. If
this is not correct then what will be radius of tank wall for shapes other
than cylindrical shell at various elevations?

2: Does and Table 5-6 refer only to a cylindrical shell? If not, 2: No. The radius for shapes other than cylinders is not defined
what is the definition of the radius for other than cylindrical shapes in in Std. 620.
Table 5-6?
10th - Feb. 5.10.5 620-I- What are the requirements for vacuum testing tanks built to API 620? Tanks built to API 620 cannot be designed for vacuum, refer to
2002 04/03 API 620 Section Therefore, the tanks are not tested
for vacuum.
10th - Feb. 5.12.5 620-I- Sections,, and describe the requirements for Yes.
2002 10/02 added material when the code mandates such addition. However, there
may be cases where the additional material is not required but is
specified for safety reasons. Is it required to meet the requirements in
the aforementioned sections for a reinforced compression area when
such reinforcement is not required?

10th - Feb. 5.12.5 620-I- In Figure 5-5, if Wc is greater than the vertical leg length of the angle or Yes.
2002 Fig. 5-5 10/02 thickened bar, can the remaining portion of Wc be included as
participating in the included area of the compression ring?

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
9th - Feb. 620-I- Item (c) of API 620, Section, states if the compression area The horizontal centroid of the total cross-sectional area of the
1996 02/00 required is not provided in the compression-ring region with minimum composite corner compression region shall not be off the
thickness plates, then the additional required compression area provided horizontal plane formed by the intersection of shell and roof by
in the composite corner compression region should ideally lie in the more than 1.5 times the average thickness of the shell (tc) and
horizontal plane of the corner formed by the two members. In no case roof (th). If an angle is welded to the top of the shell and the
shall the centroid be off the plane by more than 1.5 times the average roof attaches to the angle, than tc shall be equal to the
thickness of the two members intersecting at the corner. thickness of the angle and the corner is the intersection of the
angle and the roof.
Does this mean that the horizontal centroid of the additional angle
excluding the effective shell (Wh) and roof (Wc) as per Fig. 5-6 detail a,
b, c, d, h and i, or the horizontal centroid of the total cross-sectional of
composite corner compression region lies ideally in the horizontal plane
of the corner formed by two members? In addition, shall the centroid of
the composite corner compression region not be off the horizontal plane
by more than 1.5 times the average thickness of the shell (tc) and roof
(th) or of the two members of any additional angle?

9th - Feb. 620-I- Is it required to use a top angle for tanks designed per API 620 and API No.
1996 02/00 650 Section F.7.2 and F.7 3 for the case where the effective area of
shell and roof can resist the Q-force and the horizontal projection of Wh
is at least 0.015Rc according to API 620 Section

10th - Feb. 620-I- 1: Is it required to meet L < 16t in Details f and f-1 of Figure 5-6 to 1: Yes.
2002 Fig. 5-6 10/02 satisfy when the projecting part is not braced and I 1 is not met?

2: Is it correct for Detail f and f-1 of Figure 5-6 that Wh minus L should
not exceed 16t? Is it required to meet this criterion also for Detail e? 2: No.

3: In Details e, f, and f-1 of Figure 5-6, should the outer extended part
be treated as a bar, as defined in item b of,, and 3: Yes.

4: In Details e, f, and f-1 of Figure 5-6, should the outer extended part
meet Equation 28 when required by
4: No.
9th - Feb. 5.15 620-I- Does API 620, Section 5.15, permit the two openings to be one opening Yes. API 620 does not stipulate the location of the two
1996 05/01 in the roof and one opening at the bottom of the side wall? openings.

9th - Feb. 5.16.5 Does t as determined by calculation method detailed in Section 5.10 Yes.
1996 apply to roofs and bottoms as well as sidewalls with respect to
calculating nozzle reinforcement as defined in 5.16.5?

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
9th - Feb. 5.26.2 620-I- Referring to API 620, if a reinforcement pad covers a vertical or Depending on the thickness of the tank shell, or on the joint
1996 03/98 horizontal weld seam of a tank, is radiographic examination or other efficiency of the design, radiographic examinations may be
NDE required at the weld seam before installing the reinforcing pad? required. Refer to 5.26.2. However, API 620 does not specify
the timing of this examination, deferring to the practical aspects
of accessing the weld if a repair is necessary. Note, for tanks
built to Appendices Q or R, reinforcing pads are not permitted to
cross weld seams.
9th - Feb. 5.26.2 Does API 620 require full radiography of a butt-welded tank wall when 1) Yes, full radiography is required, because a joint efficiency of
1996 the wall thickness is designed using a joint efficiency of 1.0, for: 1.0 is being used, and, per Section 5.26.2, both the thickness
1) the case of wall thickness, t, greater than 1-1/4 inch and S t greater and stress level requirements are met.
than 0.1 Ts,
2) the case of t less than or equal to 1-1/4 inch and S t greater than 0.1 2) Full radiography is required, because the joint efficiency of
Ts, and 1.0 is being used, per Table 3-2. Otherwise, spot radiography
3) the case of t greater than 1-1/4 inch and S t less than 0.1 Ts? could be used, per Table 3-2 and Section 5.26.2.

3) Full radiography is required because the joint efficiency of 1.0

is being used, per Table 3-2. Otherwise, spot radiography could
be used, per Table 3-2 and Section 5.26.2.

9th - Feb. 620-I- Does Sections require that the butt joints of the dome steel roof Yes, unless exempted by 5.26.2.
1996 02/01 compression ring be radiographed?

9th - Feb. 6.4 620-I- Does API 620 require that shell plates be rolled prior to erection to the No, unless forming impairs the mechanical properties. Refer to
1996 01/00 design radius? Section 6.4 of API 620

9th - Feb. 6.4 Does API 620 allow higher allowable stresses for structural connections Yes, if the bolting material is not specified in API 620 and is of
1996 than provided in Table 5-3 (reference Footnote 13 Section 6.4)? higher tensile and yield strength.

9th - Feb. 6.5.8 Referring to the Ninth Edition - Addendum 1 of API 620, Section 6.5.8, is Yes.
1996 "D" intended to be the diameter of the roof (twice the radius of the roof),
when considering the tolerance of a double-curvature roof for a
cylindrical tank?
9th - Feb. 6.5.8 Does the term "outside (or inside) the design shape" mean "outside (or Yes.
1996 inside) the theoretical shape"?
9th - Feb. 6.13 Regarding API 620, Section 6.13, what is the interpretation of the words The smaller undercut criteria would apply for welds
1996 "longitudinal or meridional" and "circumferential or latitudinal" when perpendicular to the direction of the larger primary stress. The
applied to vertically erected and welded flat plates? larger undercut criteria would apply to the welds perpendicular
to the direction of the smaller primary stress, assuming there is
a 2:1 ratio of stress. If not, then the smaller undercut would
apply to all welds.
9th - Feb. 7.16 620-I- Does API 620 address the maximum local deviation/weld distortion on a No.
1996 07/00 6 mm thick bottom plate resulting from the full penetration butt-welds in
transverse and longitudinal butts?

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
9th - Feb. 620-I- If the requirements of magnetic particle testing of Section are No.
1996 02/01 met, is additional radiographic examination of these joints required?

9th - Feb. 7.17.3 Does API 620 require compliance with Section or for As stated in Section, the requirements in
1996 main seam spot radiography? through must be satisfied.
10th - Feb. 7.18 620-I- 1: Does API 620 contain rules for allowable stresses during a 1: No.
2002 10/02 hydrostatic test?

2: If the reply to Question 1 is no, does that mean that the unspecified 2: No, see
hydrostatic test stresses are not required to be checked?

3: If the reply to Question 2 is no, then does that mean that the
unspecified hydrostatic test stresses are to be the same as those during 3: No.
9th - Feb. 8.2 620-I- 1: Does the term erector, as used in Section 8, mean the party that is 1: Yes.
1996 04/01 responsible for field assembly will complete welds on the tanks during
that assembly?

2: For tanks built to API 620 that are completely welded out in a 2: API 620 covers field-assembled tanks, not shop-built tanks.
fabricators facility with field installation consisting of another company See Section 1.1 of API 620. Appendix J of API 650 prescribes
setting and anchoring without performing any welds on the tanks, does requirements for shop-built tanks, including testing and division
the responsibility for the hydrostatic test rest with the fabricator or the of responsibility for same.
10th - Feb. F.5.2 620-I- In Section F.5.2 Example 2, the formula for trn. Should the value shown Yes.
2002 03/04 of 29.9 lbf/in.2 be 24.9 lbf/in.2? When one solves the formula using 29.9
2 2
lbf/in. they get a result of 0.0215 in., using 24.9 lbf/in. one gets the
result shown in the standard of 0.018 in.
9th - Feb. L.3.3.1 Can values lower than given for C1 and C2 in Sections L.3.3.1 and No, not if the seismic design is to be in agreement with API 620
1996 L.3.3.2 L.3.3.2 be used by agreement between purchaser and manufacturer? Appendix L.
9th - Feb. Appendix L 620-I- 1: Is vertical acceleration considered in API 620 Appendix L. 1. No.
1996 17/00
2: If specified, should vertical earthquake force be taken into 2. Yes.

9th - Feb. Appendix N 620-I- Does API 2000 allow you not to comply with the discharge piping area No, the requirements of both standards must be met.
1996 04/02 requirements of API 620 Appendix N?

9th - Feb. Appendix Q 620-I- Can a tank containing condensate consisting of methanol and other Yes, by agreement between the owner and the manufacturer,
1996 05/00 organic compounds (methanol concentration, 20,000 ppm, i.e. not provided the tank is field erected. If the tank is shop fabricated,
flammable) with pressure range of 35 in. water column and fabricated it should fabricated per API 650 Appendix J, S, and F.1.3. The
out of SA-240 Type 304I be built per API 620, Appendix Q? minus 35 in. water column design pressure is beyond the scope
of both API 620 and 650. Additional design methods, by
agreement between the owner and manufacturer, must be used
to properly address this external pressure.

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
9th - Feb. Q.1.3 Can Section Q.8.1.3 be used for tanks covered by the basic design rules API 620 does not address the use of Appendix Q materials for
1996 in API 620 but do not require the use of Appendix Q? non-Appendix Q tanks.
10th - Feb. Q.1.4 620-I- 1: Is a roof of an API 620 Appendix Q inner tank that is in contact with
2002 16/02 LNG and is stressed by liquid and/or vapor pressure considered to be a 1: Yes. See Q.1.4.1.
primary component?

2: Is a deck of an API 620 Appendix Q inner tank that 2: The component addressed is not specifically covered within
is designed to support insulation above the inner tank product API 620; however, material must be selected for compatibility
level and is not stressed by liquid or vapor pressure with service conditions.
considered a primary component?

3: Are structural components, such as ladders and 3: Ladders and platform requirements are not addressed in API
platforms, exposed to LNG at temperatures less than -60F 620; however, attachments to walls (reference footnote 1) must
considered primary components? be considered as primary components.
10th - Feb. Q.6.6.4 620-I- For low-temperature and cryogenic tanks constructed under the No.
2002 01/02 provisions of API 620, Appendices Q and R, when circumferential joints
are welded by a technique where the weld is produced by a machine but
it is constantly observed and various adjustments are periodically made
by a welding operator, do sections Q.6.6.4 and R.6.3.4 require
production weld tests for the circumferential welds?

10th - Feb. Q.7.3.1 620-I- 1: Per API Standard 620, does stiffening ring angle that is cold formed 1: Yes. See Q.7.3.1
2002 01/04 from 9% Nickel flat sheet require postweld heat treatment when the fiber
strain from cold forming exceeds 3%?

2. Does piping that is cold formed from 9% Nickel flat sheet require
postweld heat treatment when the fiber strain from cold forming exceeds 2: Yes. See Q.7.3.1
10th - Feb. Q.7.6.1 620-I- When the operating membrane stress on both vertical and horizontal Item (a) is required by Q.7.6.1.
2002 02/02 weld seams is greater than 0.1 times the specified minimum tensile
strength of the material, which of the following does Q.7.6.1 of API 620
(a) Complete joint radiography of both vertical and horizontal weld
seams, or;
(b) 100% radiography of the vertical seams, all T-joints, and Spot
radiography of the horizontal seams, per Figure Q-2?

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
10th - Feb. Q.8.1.3 620-I- 1: Section Q.8.1.3 in Appendix Q places a limit on stress as the 1: Yes.
2002 10/02 maximum fill shall not produce a stress in . . .. Is it correct to read the
stress in the above sentence as membrane tensile stress similar to
R.8.1 in Appendix R? 2: Yes.

2: Is it true that the allowable hydrostatic test stress in Q.8.1.3 refers

only to tensile stress and not to a compressive stress?
3: No.
3: Appendix Q has not defined allowable stresses for hydrostatic test
conditions except in Q.8.1.3. Is it intent of code that the unspecified
hydrostatic test stresses are not required to be checked?
4: No.
4: If the reply to Question 3 is no, is it intent of code that the unspecified
hydrostatic test stresses should be equal to those for operating
10th - Feb. Q.8.3 620-I- Regarding the quality of test water specified in the section Q.8.3, does API 620 does not define the chloride content for test water in
2002 03/02 the test water in a tank built with 9% Ni steel have to comply with the 50 9% Ni steel tanks.
ppm chloride content limit?

9th - Feb. Table Q-3 Can the allowable stress (test) indicated in Table Q-3 be used for tanks API 620 does not address the use of Appendix Q materials for
1996 that do not require the use of Appendix Q, i.e. for the storage of non-Appendix Q tanks.
demineralized water, etc.?
10th - Feb APP Q 620-I- Does an all weld metal tensile test defined in API 620 Appendix Q Yes
05 04/06 exclude the heat affected zone?

10th - Feb APP Q 620-I- In the case of a LNG storage tank fabricated in accordance with API 620 No refer to API 620 Section Q.6.1 and Table Q-3-Note a.
05 04/06 Appendix Q using A553 Type 1 base metal, can the 2 all-weld-metal
specimens required for the welding procedure qualifications defined in
Appendix Q, be omitted when the plate thickness of the tank shell is too
10th Feb APP Q 620-I- Referring to API 620, Appendix Q .5.3 (Minimum Wall Requirements) Yes, Refer to Section
05 02/06 and API 620, Appendix Q.5.3.1 (Outer Tank), when corrosion allowance
is specified, is it required to add the corrosion allowance to minimum
nominal thickness (3/16)?
9th - Feb. Appendix R Is a tank designed and fabricated in accordance with API 620 Appendix Yes.
1996 R required to be tested per API 620 Section 5.18.25?

9th - Feb. Appendix R 620-I- Does API 620, Appendix R permit the use of the local stress-relief No. The PWHT is must be done in a furnace to achieve uniform
1996 01/99 method specified in the ASME Section VIII, Div. 1, UW-40(a)(3) for the heat treatment. See Section 6.18.2.
stress-relieving a nozzle-neck-to-shell weld in a shell plate that has been
welded to another shell plate?

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
10th - Feb. Appendix R 620-I- 1: Referring to API 620, Appendix R, do both longitudinal and 1: No.
2002 12/02 circumferential joints have to be 100% radiographed?

2: Referring to API 620, Appendix R, do only longitudinal joints have to

be radiographed? 2: Yes.

9th - Feb. R.3.4.6 620-I- 1: Referring to API 620, Appendix R, Section R.3.4.6, does lapping of 1: No.
1996 03/99 two bottom plates on butt-weld annular plates constitute a three-plate
lap weld?

2: If the answer to Question 1 is no, is there a minimum distance a two- 2: No.

plate lap weld must be from the butt welds in an annular plate?

10th - Feb. R.6.3.4 620-I- For low-temperature and cryogenic tanks constructed under the No.
2002 01/02 provisions of API 620, Appendices Q and R, when circumferential joints
are welded by a technique where the weld is produced by a machine but
it is constantly observed and various adjustments are periodically made
by a welding operator, do sections Q.6.6.4 and R.6.3.4 require
production weld tests for the circumferential welds?

9th - Feb. R.7.3 620-I- If a tank complies with R.7.3, parts a and b, but not with part c, is PWHT No
1996 11/98 required?

9th - Feb. R.7.3.1 Referring to API 620, Section R.7.3.1, is stress relieving of a nozzle No. Section R.7.3.1 requires all nozzle assemblies in primary
1996 assembly prior to installation required only if the nozzle assembly is fitted components to be stress relieved, with specific exceptions. The
with a thickened insert plate? use of a thickened insert plate is not a factor.

9th - Feb. R.7.3.1 Is local stress relieving acceptable if the above nozzle is welded directly No, the rules in Appendix R take precedence over those in the
1996 to the shell with a reinforcing pad? basic document. See Section R.7.3.1.
10th - Feb. R.7.6.1 620-I- Does R.7.6.1 apply to horizontal shell joints? Yes.
2002 11/02
9th - Feb. R.8.4 Is a tank designed and fabricated in accordance with API 620 Appendix Testing meeting requirements of both sections is required.
1996 R to be vacuum tested per Section R.8.4.4 or Section 5.18.5?

10th Feb App S 620-I- Can a stainless steel tank shell be fabricated in accordance with API 620 No. Refer to API 620 Table 5.2
05 03/06 Appendix S without radiography and a joint efficiency of 0.70?

10th - Feb. 650 APP P 620-I- Does API 620 have allowable nozzle load guidelines similar to API 650 No
2002 01/05 Appendix P?

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API Standard 620 - Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
Edition Section Questions Reply
10th - Feb. Q6.1 620-I- 1. Does API 620 require that weld procedures be qualified by standard 1. Yes
2005 06/03 qualification tests in accordance with ASME Section IX, without any all-
weld tensile tests, except for the additional tests required by Question #
2 below?

2. Does API 620 require in addition to the requirements in Section 6.7, 2. Yes a single test, consisting of two all weld metal specimen,
the testing of two all weld metal specimen that conform to the for each weld procedure is required when any of the conditions
dimensional standard of Figure 9 of AWS A5.11, to establish the outlined in Section Q.6.1 exist
allowable stress to be used in the design of the tank?
10th - Feb General 620 620-I- What is the definition of weld metal and heat affected zone? These terms are defined in API 620 Section 3.4.15 and 3.4.6
05 04/06 respectively.

10th - Feb. General 620 Does API 620 section Q6.1 require that the welding and testing of the API Section Q6.1 does not specify the party responsible for the
2005 two all weld metal specimen be performed by the fabricator. welding and testing of the all weld metal specimens required in
Section Q.6.1. The only case that would require the fabricator
to perform the test is when the welding procedure qualification
test shows the deposited weld metal tensile test strength is
lower than the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of
the base metal.
10th- Feb. General 620 Does API 620 require or permit that only the minimum yield strength of No. Both the minimum yield and tensile strengths shall be
the weld metal be determined when the specified minimum ultimate determined. Refer to Q.6.1.
tensile strength is equal to the specified minimum UTS of the base
10th Feb General 620 620- Is the term knuckle region defined in API 620? No, however, refer to Figure 5-9 Panel C.
05 I12/06

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