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Research Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Zade Shweta1 Thakare G. D.2
Dept. of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, M. S. Ayurved College, Kudwa, Gondia, India
Dept. of Samhita, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, India

Naga dhatu (Lead metal) came into therapeutic use after development of purification
measures. Shodhan (purification) and Maran (incineration) procedures are necessary to convert
raw Naga into Naga bhasma (incinerated lead). In the present study Naga Bhasma was prepared
as per classical reference and its physiochemical properties were identified. Parad (Mercury) has
been used for maran of Naga into specific compound. The chemical analysis confirms the de-
cline in percentage of Naga due to combination with other materials. Various techniques like X-
Ray diffraction were applied and it was found that Naga Bhasma is a phase of polymers of Lead
Keywords: Naga dhatu, Naga Bhasma, Pharmaceutical, Analytical Study

INTRODUCTION stant research for Ayurvedic formulations in

Naga (lead) has been administered in major scientific and educational research
various diseases since vedic period. It has center in India. In Ayurveda, Naga has been
been used in treating diabetes, diarrhoea, used only after treatment under some phar-
spleen and skin disorders.1 Naga bhasma maceutical procedures like Shodhan and
(incinerated Lead) has shown testis regener- maran. The present study aims to study
ative potential on partially degenerated tes- Naga bhasma by qualitative and quantitative
tis.2 Metals are treated vigorously through analysis and by modern physicochemical
various consumable forms; one of such form techniques like metallography and X-ray
is termed as Bhasma3. At the end of diffraction.
processing this micro fine medicinal product MATERIAL AND METHODS
has easy digestive power and quick reaction Raw Naga was procured from the
with the bile juices.4 But several other scien- market in the form of lead rods which were
tists hesitate to recommend liberal use of chemically 99.4% pure. Naga Shodhan (Pu-
lead because of the associated toxic effect rification) as prescribed in literature of Naga
on human body. Toxicity of lead is also de- (Lead) was done as follows
scribed by Ayurvedic Authors, but also ac- 1. Samanya Shodhan (General Purification):
knowledged its efficacy in alleviation of dis- Lead was heated in an iron ladle and after
eases and its role in growth and develop- melting, it was poured thrice sequentially in
ment of human body.5 Naga Bhasma and Tila Taila (sesame oil), Takra (butter milk),
other metallic bhasma are subject of con- Gomutra (cows urine), Kanji (sour rice
Zade Shweta and Thakare G. D: Pharmaceutico Analytical Study of Naga Bhasma
gruel) and Kulatha Kwatha (horse gram de- poured in churnodak (lime water) for seven
coction).6 times.7
2. Vishesh Shodhan: For this purpose lead The loss observed in the metal at the end of
obtained from samanya shodhan was heated the process in each liquid can be attributed
in an iron ladle and after melting, it was to the handling.
Table 1: Relation between Time, Temperature, Color, Brightness and Weight of Naga after Samanya Shodhana
SlNo Media Time to melt (Min) Temp (oC) Color after Dhalana Brightness Weight (g)
1 Taila 15 350 Silver + 490
2 Takra 15 350 Bright Silver + 480
3 Gomutra 15 350 Bright Silver + 470
4 Kanji 15 350 Silver grey ++ 460
5 KulathaKwatha 15 350 Silver greyish ++ 450
Maran of Naga (Lead): Naga was incinerated in association with mercury and sulphur by puta
Table 2: Effect of Naga Maran
Sl Ingredients for the
Technique Observation Result Remarks
No preparation of bhasma
1 Shudha Naga Weight loss due to
Electric Black coloured Initial weight 300g
2 Shudha Parad evaporation of Pa-
Furnace Bhasma obtained Final weight 120g
3 Shudha Gandhak rad and Gandhak

The final product (Naga Bhasma) Analytical Study: Chemical analysis of the
was analyzed on quality control measures constituents of Naga bhasma has been done
describe in Ayurvedic texts as Nishchan- by Vogel's qualitative and quantitative anal-
dratva, Rekhapurnatvam, Varitaratvam ysis method.
(floatability test), Nirdhum Nirutha (metal
irreversibility test) and Apunarbhava.9
Table 3: Percentage of lead in sample of Naga Bhasma
Sl No Initial Materials Final Product Adopted Method Aprox. Temp % of Pb
1 Pb, Hg, S Naga Bhasma Puta by Electric Furnace 350oC 74.7
Infrared spectra: Changes taking place dur- material provides information regarding the
ing the process. Infrared spectral studies are changes taking place during processing as
generally done for organic molecular where well as helps in characterization and standar-
the absorption bonds are specific for group dization of the final product. The samples
vibrations. IR studies have also been used were carefully mounted and polished for
for minerals and silicates. Since the Naga their metallographic examination and inter-
bhasma, prepared at high temperatures pretation of the physic chemical Magnifica-
(350C) in this study are mainly the sulphide tion lOOX, 200X and 500X under a micro-
phases,the I.R. spectra are very broad signi- scope shows that there is no free lead, mer-
fying polymer sulphide phases present in cury, sulphur in the sample of Naga
this system. Bhasma.
Metallography: It is a specialized technique, X-ray Diffraction: It is a powerful technique
adopted for the study of microstructure of for detecting the presence of various phases
bhasma particles. It has been observed that in a given sample. The basic principle of the
metallographic study of the samples of the phase Analysis using powder XRD tech- IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 5; Sept Oct 2013

Zade Shweta and Thakare G. D: Pharmaceutico Analytical Study of Naga Bhasma
nique is the presence of diffraction peaks been recognized as potential therapeutic
corresponding to various interplanar (dhkl) agent, inspite of its toxic effects. Through
spacings which are Characteristics of a shodhan and Maran the toxic effects of
given material. The relative intensities of Naga bhasma are nullified. It is important to
various peaks occurring at differentd understand the structure and composition of
spacing is also different phases. The Hand- various constituents present in the bhasma
book of American Society for Testing of which suppresses its toxic effects and in-
Materials (ASTM) provides the relative in- serting therapeutic effects to the metal. It has
tensities and correspondingd spacing of been hypothesized that repeated incineration
various broad reflections of very large num- of metal with suitable raw material change
ber of compounds. the inherent quality of the metal, which
RESULTS render them non-toxic and suitable for the
Naga Bhasma- was prepared by puta me- treatment of chronic ailments. The conven-
thod. XRD pattern of it is given in fig.1 tional tests like Varitara, Rekhapurna, Ni-
and spacing of various prominent reflec- ruttha etc., performed to check the quality of
tions are listed in table. bhasma are not quite reliable. Characteriza-
It showed PbS and other phases which could tion of naga bhasma using modern analyti-
not be identified. The findings of XRD cal tools became inevitable.10All the physico
analysis of sample of Naga Bhasma is sum- chemical parameters applied to get the
marized below. values can serve as mean for standardization
Fig I- X Ray Diffraction of Naga Bhasma of Bhasma. The findings in this paper sug-
gest that Naga bhasma are polymeric lead-

sulphide phases.
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medicines is taken care of no quality control Science, 32(1), (1997), 2-14.
and quality assurance of these medicines can 5. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, 11th edition,
be ascertained. Naga is an important metal Chapter -19, Verse 19/4-5, Varanasi, Motilal
with high therapeutic value. Its bhasma has Banarasidas publication, 2004;457 IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 5; Sept Oct 2013
Zade Shweta and Thakare G. D: Pharmaceutico Analytical Study of Naga Bhasma
6. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, 11th edition, 10. Anonymous, The Ayurvedic Pharmaco-
Chapter -5, Verse 15/4-6, Varanasi, Motilal poeia of India, PartI, VolumeI, 1/e, Govt.
Banarasidas publication, 2004;362 of India, New Delhi 2001 p.143.
7. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, 11th edition, CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
Chapter -19, Verse 19/10, Varanasi, Motilal Dr. Shweta Zade
Banarasidas publication, 2004;458 Lecturer
8. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, 11th edition, Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya kalpana
Chapter -19, Verse 19/29-33, Varanasi, Mo- M. S. Ayurved Medical College
tilal Banarasidas publication, 2004;460 Kudwa, Gondia, Maharashtra, India
9. Sharma S. Rasatarangini, 11th edition, Email: [email protected]
Chapter -2, Verse 2/53-57, Varanasi, Motilal Source of support: Nil
Banarasidas publication, 2004;22-23 Conflict of interest: None Declared IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 5; Sept Oct 2013


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