English Lesson Plan For Year Three

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English Lesson Plan For Year Three

Subject : English

Class : 3 Bistari

Date/Day : 12 October 2016 / Wednesday

Time : 10.55 am 11.55 am

Enrolment : 33 pupils

Proficiency : Intermediate

Theme / Topic : World of knowledge / Fresh Fruits

Unit : Unit 12

Module : Reading

Content Standard Learning Standard

2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases

schooling, pupils should be able to and sentences from:

demonstrate understanding of variety of (a). linear texts

linear and non-linear texts in the form of print (b). non-linear texts

and non-print materials using a range of

strategies to construct meaning.

Learning objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Read and pronounce the words with correct pronunciation and

intonation on how to make a sandwich according to the steps given.

2. Complete simple recipe by filling up at least 5 out of 8 blanks correctly.

Language content : Word list (fruits, mayonnaise, salt)

CCTS : Memorizing, predicting.

Moral value : Cleanliness, healthy

Teaching aids : Flash cards, balloons, display sheet, worksheet 1 and text

Previous knowledge : Pupils already have information about food in their

previous lesson.

Remarks /
Stage / Teaching and learning
Content Rationale Teaching
Time strategy
Popping balloon 1. Teacher organizes To arouse

Example: the pupils into pupils interest

- I am round and groups on the topic.

orange in colour. I am 2. Teacher calls a

sweet and sour. Who representative from

am I? each group.
Orange 3. Teacher gives
them a balloon and TEACHING
(3 min)
asks them to blow AIDS:

and pop the -Balloons

balloon to get the -Clues

clue on what are

they going to learn

Showing flash cards 1. Teacher shows To get them

flash cards of the ready for the

ingredients and the lesson

utensils needed to Explain the

make fruit salad. vocabularies

2. Pupils speak about

the ingredients. TEACHING

Questions posted 3. Teacher tells pupils AIDS
What is this? the topic of the Flash cards
(5 minutes)
What are utensils that day.

we need to make fruit


Answers expected

Apple, strawberry.

Knife, chopping

board, plate
Reading text 1. Teacher gives each To check

Memorizing, predicting pupil a text on the pupils reading.

instructions of fruit To check

Moral value salad making and pupils

Importance of asks them to do understanding TEACHING

consuming healthy silent reading. over text. AID

foods 2. Teacher reads the Text 1

text aloud. (Appendix

Word list: 3. Teacher identifies 1)

Apple, strawberry, difficult words and Worksheet

mango explains to pupils 1

by showing the (Appendix

While - flash cards. 2)

reading 4. Pupils repeat

(15 minutes) difficult words.

5. Teacher gives each

pupil a worksheet.

6. Pupils attempt the

worksheet and

answer the

questions using the


7. Pupils check the

answers with

friends and

teachers in the

Post- Make use of I-think 1. Teacher organizes To teach the

reading Example the pupils into students on

(5 minutes) Precautions pairs. how to

before/after 2. Using I-Think organize the

concept, teacher main points.

asks the students

to write the things

that they should do

before and after

make the fruit TEACHING

-wash the fruits salad. AID

-be extra careful when 3. Students have to Display

handling sharp knife think and transfer sheet

the points to the I-

Think map.

4. Teacher calls a few

pupils to come to

the front and share

their answers.
Sum up the lesson 1. Teacher asks some Moral value

EXAMPLE: students to make the We must eat

What are fruits? conclusion of the lesson healthy foods to

Pineapple, apple, today. avoid diseases.

mango, strawberry 2. Teacher tells the -
(3 minutes)
Why is it important to importance of eating Te

eat fruits? healthy foods.

It helps to keep our

body healthy.

Apple cut in small
Mango cut into small
Strawberry cut into small
Grapes cut into small

A cutting board
A knife
A spoon
A bowl
A small bowl to serve

1. First, take all the fruits mentioned above and cut them into small
2. Secondly, put the fruit pieces into the bowl together with
3. Then, mix the fruits using a spoon.
4. Make sure that the fruits are well mixed with the mayonnaise.
5. After that, add a small amount of salt into the bowl and mix again.
6. Next, take a small bowl and transfer the fruits to the bowl and now,
the fruit salad is ready to be served.

Make 1

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