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Asian Spine Journal Vol. 6, No.

4, pp 294~308, 2012
294 / ASJ: Vol. 6, No. 4, 2012

Spinal Tuberculosis: Diagnosis and Management

Mohammad R. Rasouli1,2, Maryam Mirkoohi1, Alexander R. Vaccaro2,

Kourosh Karimi Yarandi1, Vafa Rahimi-Movaghar1,3

Sina Trauma and Surgery Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Orhtopaedics and Neurosurgery, Thomas Jefferson University and the Rothman Institute, Philadelphia, USA
Research Centre for Neural Repair, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

The spinal column is involved in less than 1% of all cases of tuberculosis (TB). Spinal TB is a very dangerous type of
skeletal TB as it can be associated with neurologic deficit due to compression of adjacent neural structures and significant
spinal deformity. Therefore, early diagnosis and management of spinal TB has special importance in preventing these serious
complications. In order to extract current trends in diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment of spinal TB we performed
a narrative review with analysis of all the articles available for us which were published between 1990 and 2011. Although
the development of more accurate imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging and advanced surgical techniques
have made the early diagnosis and management of spinal TB much easier, these are still very challenging topics. In this
review we aim to discuss the diagnosis and management of spinal TB based on studies with acceptable design, clearly ex-
plained results and justifiable conclusions.

Key Words: Spinal tuberculosis, Diagnosis, Therapeutics, Drug therapy

Introduction Recently, the development of multidrug resistant TB, fre-

quency of infection in immunodeficient individuals, more
Although the first documented spinal tuberculosis (TB) accurate imaging modalities, and advances in spinal recon-
cases date back to 5,000-year-old Egyptian mummies, the struction techniques have all changed the management of
first modern case of spinal TB was described in 1779 by Potts disease [2].
Percival Pott [1]. Spinal involvement occurs in less than 1% Advanced imaging techniques such as magnetic reso-
of patients with TB [2,3] but the increasing frequency of TB nance imaging (MRI) make the early diagnosis of spinal
in both developed and developing countries has continued TB easier and a considerable number of patients with spinal
to make spinal TB a health problem [2,4]. Spinal TB (Potts TB are diagnosed earlier and treated more effectively before
disease) is the most common as well as one of the most significant neurological deficits develop. However, patients
dangerous forms of skeletal TB and accounts for 50% of can still present late with considerable spine deformity [1].
all cases of skeletal TB. Although the thoracolumbar junc- Since the advanced imaging modalities and different
tion seems to be the most common site of the spinal column treatment protocols are developed during these years and
involvement in spinal TB, any part of the spine can be af- drug resistance mandates applying innovative strategies to
fected [5]. Furthermore, the incidence of neurologic compli- treat this serious disease, new reviews are always required
cations in spinal TB varies from 10% to 43% [1]. to assess modern diagnostic modalities and treatment op-

Received Sep 21, 2011; Revision Dec 2, 2011; Accepted Jan 17, 2012
Corresponding author: Vafa Rahimi-Movaghar, MD
Department of Neurosurgery, Shariati Hospital, Sina Trauma and Surgery Research Center, Hassan-Abad Square, Imam
Khomeini Ave, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran 11365-3876, Iran
Tel: +98-915 342 2682, Fax: +98-216 675 7009, E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright 2012 by Korean Society of Spine Surgery

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Asian Spine Journal pISSN 1976-1902 eISSN 1976-7846
Spinal Tuberculosis / 295

tions. able role in the diagnosis of spinal TB infection. The use of

The objective of this review is to discuss the diagnosis DNA amplification techniques (polymerase chain reaction
and management of spinal TB according to the recent stud- or PCR) may facilitate rapid and accurate diagnosis of the
ies published in the literature. disease [10]. Culturing the organisms is slow and may be
inaccurate. Nevertheless, it is still a precious diagnostic
Materials and Methods method in order to recognize the causative germs. In a small
number of cases with imaging and clinical findings sugges-
In order to extract current trends in diagnosis and medical tive of spinal infection, no organism can be cultured despite
or surgical treatment of spinal TB we performed a narrative multiple attempts. Mycobacterial infection as well as fungal
review with analysis of all the articles available to us pub- involvement should be considered in these cases.
lished between the years 1990 and 2011. Computed tomography (CT) provides bony detail, while
The reports about different aspects of spinal TB, with ac- MRI evaluates the involvement of soft tissue and abscess
ceptable design, clearly explained results and justified con- formation. The relative preservation of the disc, rarefaction
clusions according to the data were included in this review. of the vertebral endplates, anterior wedging, the presence of
Since, one of the aims of this review was to discuss the separate pre- and paravertebral or intra-osseous abscesses
historical aspects of TB management we included articles with a subligamentous extension and breaching of the epi-
regardless of their time of publication. dural space, concentric collapse of vertebral body, ivory ver-
tebra which is seen at conventional radiographs and refers to
Pathophysiology an increase in opacity of a vertebral body while preserving
its size and contours (with no change in the opacity and size
There are two distinct types of spinal TB, the classic form of adjacent intervertebral discs), neural arch tuberculosis,
or spondylodiscitis, and an increasingly common atypical circumferential or pan vertebral involvement, extradural
form which is spondylitis without disc involvement [6]. In tuberculoma, subdural granuloma, intramedullary tubercu-
adults, the involvement of the intervertebral disc is second- loma, and multilevel spinal TB are considered as the diag-
ary to spread from adjacent infected vertebra whereas in nostic clues for this disease in various imaging modalities
children it can be primarily due to the vascularized nature of [8,9,11-14]. Significant bone destruction can be detected
the intervertebral disc. The basic lesion in Potts disease is a on plain radiographs or CT scan (Figs. 1, 2) [15]. However,
combination of osteomyelitis and arthritis, usually affecting epidural granulomatous tissue or tuberculoma of the spinal
more than one vertebra. The anterior aspect of the verte- cord may not be detected by these tools [8]. Among the
bral body adjacent to the subchondral plate is commonly various types of imaging modalities, MRI has the ability to
involved [7]. Spinal TB can include any of the following: diagnose the disease earlier and more accurately than plain
progressive bone destruction leading to vertebral collapse radiographs [9]. Although not specific to spinal TB, there is
and kyphosis, cold abscess formation (due to extension of a decrease in signal intensity of the involved bone and soft
infection into adjacent ligaments and soft tissues), spinal tissues on T2-weighted images and the increase in intensity
canal narrowing by abscesses, granulation tissue or direct of a uniform thin rim enhancement is a pathogenomic find-
dural invasion resulting in spinal cord compression and neu- ing suggesting either caseation necrosis or a cold abscess
rologic deficits [7]. in tuberculosis [16]. In the evaluation of spinal TB with
isolated involvement of the posterior elements, MRI is also
Diagnosis useful in diagnosis and assessment of the treatment response
Differentiating spinal TB from pyogenic and fungal ver- In comparison to pyogenic discitis, the most distinguish-
tebral osteomyelitis as well as primary and metastatic spinal ing feature of spinal TB is bony destruction with relative
tumors may be difficult when only clinical and radiographic preservation of the intervertebral disc and heterogeneous
findings are considered [8]. A history of tuberculosis, a posi- enhancement. In pyogenic discitis, bone destruction and
tive skin test (its value declines in endemic areas), and an homogenous enhancement is more frequently observed [18].
elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) may be use- The presence of an abscess and bone fragments differenti-
ful in the diagnosis of spinal TB [8,9]. Biopsy plays a valu- ate spinal tuberculosis from neoplasia and if there is any
296 / ASJ: Vol. 6, No. 4, 2012

doubt an image-guided biopsy is indicated [19]. In 88.5% B consisted of patients with global lesions, kyphosis and
to 96.4% of the cases, a CT/fluoroscopic-guided fine-needle instability, and were managed with posterior instrumenta-
aspiration cytology biopsy is helpful and yields a diagnosis tion using a closed-loop rectangle with sublaminar wires
[20,21]. plus anterior strut grafting. Group C patients had anterior
or global lesions along with a high operative risk for trans-
Classification of Spinal TB thoracic surgery due to medical comorbidities and probable
anesthetic complications. Therefore, these patients under-
In 1985, Kumar [22] introduced a 4-point classification went posterior decompression with the anterior aspect of the
for posterior spinal TB based on site of involvement and cord being approached through a transpedicular route and
stages of the disease. One of the most important limitations posterior instrumentation performed using a closed-loop
attributed to this classification system was only including rectangle held by sublaminar wire. Finally, group D patients
posterior spinal TB which is relatively rare. had isolated posterior lesions that needed only a posterior
In 2001, Mehta and Bhojraj [23] introduced a new clas- decompression [23]. This classification only categorizes
sification system for spinal TB using MRI findings. They thoracic lesions which is the most important limitation of
classified patients to 4 groups according to the employed this system.
surgical technique. Group A consisted of patients with stable To overcome the limitations described, Oguz et al. [24]
anterior lesions and no kyphotic deformity, who were man- developed a new classification system in which spinal TB
aged with anterior debridement and strut grafting. Group is classified in to three main types, with type I lesions being

Fig. 1. (A) Lateral radiography shows severe kyphosis resulting from significant destruction of two contiguous
vertebral segments by tuberculosis infection in the thoracolumbar junction (Modified from Rahimi-Movaghar
[15], with permission from Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences). (B) Schematic repre-
sentation of the pathology, affecting the intervertebral disc, vertebral bodies, and anterior paravertebral region
(orange). The posterior elements are also involved. As a result of such a significant deformity, noticeable com-
pression endangers spinal cord (yellow).
Spinal Tuberculosis / 297

subdivided in to two subtypes. In this classification system, mild kyphosis correctable with anterior surgery. Although
lesions are classified as follows: 1) Type I, one-level disc instability is not seen in this type, neurological deficit may
involvement and soft tissue infiltration without abscess, col- be present. The treatment includes debridement with an
lapse and neurologic deficit. 2) Type I-A, lesions only lim- anterior approach and fusion with strut tri-cortical graft. 5)
ited to vertebra and therefore, manageable with fine needle Type III, one- or two-level disc degeneration, abscess for-
biopsy and medical therapy. 3) Type I-B, abscess formation mation, instability and deformity that cannot be corrected
exceeds the vertebra and the treatment is debridement using without instrumentation. Decompression and stabilization
an anterior, posterior or endoscopic approach. 4) Type II, of the deformity via an anterolateral, posterior, or combined
one- or two-level disc degeneration, abscess formation and approach is necessary.
Although this classification system provides a practical
classification, it has no special focus on posterior lesions
and therefore, this can be considered as the main limitation
of this classification system [25].


Historically, spinal TB was managed by rest and de-

creased weight bearing on the diseased vertebrae by appli-
cation of an immobilizing bandage, and by promoting the
natural processes of healing by general hygienic measures
Simple aspiration or drainage of the abscesses [27] and
removing the lesion through the confined posterior route [26]
were the first surgical approaches introduced for this disease
although the results were not promising enough. In 1895,
Menard used an anterolateral extrapleural approach which
had been developed and modified by other authors for the
debridement of diseased tissues, mechanical decompression
of the cord, and bone grafting for anterior spinal fusion [28-
31]. This was the first approach to provide adequate expo-
sure for the treatment of dorsal lesions [27]. The transpleural
anterior approach was initially introduced by Hodgson and
Stock [32] and although this approach requires advanced
postoperative care, it has been frequently used [28,33].
Posterior spinal fusion had been advocated and used ex-
tensively by Albee [34] and Hibbs [35] in the management
of spinal TB. Furthermore, in 1946, Alexander performed
a lateral decompression with preservation of the spinal sta-
bility by avoiding the laminae and posterior intervertebral
joints [33].
Nowadays, the systemic treatment with anti-tuberculosis
medications before and after the surgical debridement, the
careful debridement of the entire focus of infection, and the
Fig. 2. Computed tomography scan of the same case (Fig. successful method to reconstruct for spinal stability are the
1) demonstrating significant destruction of vertebral poste-
key aspects in the treatment of spinal tuberculosis [36].
rior elements (Modified from Rahimi-Movaghar [15], with
permission from Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of For decision making and management of spinal TB, it can
Medical Sciences). be broadly classified as two groups of lesions: those with
298 / ASJ: Vol. 6, No. 4, 2012

neurologic complications and those without [9]. In patients 6, 9, 12 or 18 months is the most frequent protocol used for
without neurologic deficit, medical therapy is the treatment treatment of spinal TB [9]. The proposed regimen of World
of choice and surgical intervention may be needed in rela- Health Organization (WHO) with total duration of 6 months
tively few cases. In cases with neurologic complications, consists of primary treatment with isoniazid, rifampicin,
medical therapy is the first choice again but when indicated, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol for two months followed by
combination of medical and surgical treatments yield the four months of therapy with isoniazid and rifampicin (Table
best results. Laminectomy is recommended in patients with 1) [50]. WHO does not give much attention to spinal TB
posterior complex disease and spinal tumor syndrome. Late but the American Thoracic Society recommends 9 months
onset paraplegia is best prevented by early diagnosis and of treatment with the same first drugs consumed for the first
appropriate treatment. In patients who are expected to have two months following by seven months of therapy with
severe (>60 degrees) post treatment kyphosis, one of the isoniazid and rifampicin in the continuation phase, while
surgical goals in the active stage of treatment should be to the Canadian Thoracic Society recommends a total time of
improve kyphosis [37]. treatment as long as 9 to 12 months.
It has been demonstrated that the combination of antitu-
Medical Therapy berculous therapy for 6 or 9 months and surgical excision
of the lesion with bone grafting is as effective as 18 month
Spinal TB is a medical disease and antituberculosis drugs treatment [49,51]. Moreover, ultra-short course chemothera-
have a main role in the recovery and response of patients py (i.e., treatment with antituberculosis drugs for less than 6
[9,38-43]. The efficacy of antituberculosis drugs and other months) has been reported to be as effective as short course
conservative means have been shown in several studies and standard antituberculosis treatment when it is combined
for the treatment of spinal TB in the absence of neurologic with anterior partial excisions of pathological vertebrae,
deficit, instability, and deformity regardless of presence of large iliac strut graft, and anterior or posterior internal in-
paravertebral abscess [38,44-47]. Adequate early pharma- strumental fixation [52]. After 4-6 weeks of chemotherapy,
cological treatment can prevent severe complications [44]. tuberculosis symptoms and vertebral pain improves in al-
Combination of rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol, and most all patients, and the ESR and C-reactive protein (CRP)
pyrazinamide for two months followed by combination of also decreases [53]. ESR and CRP are reliable parameters
rifampicin and isoniazid for a total period of 6, 9, 12 or 18 evaluating the response to treatment and prognosis of spinal
months is the most frequent protocol used for treatment of tuberculosis [38,54]. However, prolonging the duration of
spinal TB [9]. Tulis middle-path regimen is widely used disease or interval to obtain a negative CRP is associated
with good results [48] and short-course chemotherapy regi- with poor clinical outcomes [55]. Medical treatment alone
mens have been demonstrated to have excellent results ex- even improves the neurological deficit [38]. Thus, generally
cept in patients younger than 15 years with an initial angle speaking, surgery is not the most appropriate first choice of
of kyphosis of more than 30 degrees and whose kyphosis treatment in many instances [38].
increases substantially [49]. Some authors suggest combining hyperbaric oxygen ther-
In a randomized controlled trial conducted by the Medical apy with antituberculosis treatment to decrease the duration
Research Council of the UK, the results of surgery and anti- of treatment [41], but more studies are required to support
tuberculosis chemotherapy were compared for management this finding.
of patients with spinal TB [49]. One arm of the trial showed Craniovertebral junction TB with the main manifestation
a small but significant advantage of surgery over chemo- of suboccipital pain and neck stiffness [56] is commonly
therapy in preventing progression of kyphosis, but the other managed with prolonged antituberculosis treatment com-
arm did not demonstrate superiority of surgery over chemo- bined with rigid external immobilization [40,45]. In at least
therapy during long-term follow-up of the patients. one study, complete clinical and radiological healing oc-
Early diagnosis of spinal TB is very important as ad- curred in all patients with conservative management [40].
equate early pharmacological treatment can prevent severe Different components of medical therapy are shown in
complications [44]. Combination of rifampicin, isoniazid, Table 2, and indications of medical therapy are demonstrat-
ethambutol, and pyrazinamide for two months followed by ed in Table 3.
combination of rifampicin and isoniazid for a total period of
Spinal Tuberculosis / 299

Table 1. WHO recommended treatment regimens for different disease categories [50]

Treatment regimen
Tuberculosis patient definition Initial phase Continuation phase
(daily or three times weekly) (daily or three times weekly)
I New smear-positive 2 HRZE 4 HR or 6 HE daily
New smear-negative with extensive parenchymal
New severe extra-pulmonary
tuberculosis or severe
concomitant HIV infection

II Previously treated sputum 2 HRZES/1 HRZE 5 HRE

Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis
- Relapse
- Treatment after interruption
- Treatment failure

III New smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis 2 HRZE 4 HR or 6 HE daily

Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis

IV Chronic and MDR tuberculosis Specially designed standardized or individualized regimens

WHO: World Health Organization, HRZE: Isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, HR: Isoniazid and rifampin,
HE: Isoniazid and ethambutol, HRZES: Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, and streptomycin, HRE: Isoniazid,
rifampicin and ethambutol, HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus, MDR: Multidrug-resistant.

Table 2. Different components of medical therapy instability due to kyphotic deformity (especially in kyphotic
Components of medical therapy angles of 50 to 60 degrees or more which is likely to prog-
ress) [9,55,57-62], resistance to the current antituberculosis
Percutaneous biopsy
drugs (which is more encountered nowadays in association
Antibiotics (see text)
Brace (such as TLSO) and follow-up imaging at 8 weeks with the presence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]
to verify stability infection) [9,55], and to prevent/treat complications such as
Palliative therapy with pain medications late-onset paraplegia [9].
TLSO: Thoracic lumbosacral orthosis. If surgical treatment of Potts disease is indicated, delay
can cause severe kyphosis, leading to respiratory system
Table 3. Indications of medical treatment (note that the ma- dysfunction, painful costopelvic impingement, and paraple-
jority of cases can be treated non-surgically) gia. It is recommended to perform early surgical interven-
tion to prevent significant spinal instability and neurologic
Indications of medical treatment
deficit [39].
Organism identified Teegala et al. [63] developed clinicoradiologic grading
Antibiotic sensitivity
Single disc space involvement without significant vertebral
from one to three for craniovertebral junction tuberculosis.
body destruction The higher the grade of the disease, the more association
Minimal or no instability there is with the restriction of active neck movement, severe
Minimal or no neurologic deficit motor deficit, severe bone destruction (involvement of more
Medical co-morbidities such as sepsis or coagulopathy
than one Denis vertebral column), and cord compression.
They recommended early surgical intervention for all pa-
Indications of Surgical Intervention tients with grade 3. However, few cases with grade 1 or 2
will need delayed surgery. Employing this scoring system
The indications for surgery in Potts disease are cases for management of patients with craniocervical junction TB
with neurologic deficit [38,55], paravertebral abscess, spine is associated with rapid recovery, early mobilization, and
300 / ASJ: Vol. 6, No. 4, 2012

Table 4. Indications of surgery (note that medical therapy should always be started as well)

Indications of surgery
Neurological deficit
Emergent surgical intervention should be performed if neurologic deficit exists, unless the deficit is minimal and non-
progressive or the patient has medical co-morbidities such as sepsis or coagulopathy.
If the deficit is minimal the patient should be carefully monitored to detect any progression in the symptoms.
Failed medical therapy and progression of disease despite best medical therapy
Chronic pain after medical management
Prominent deformity
Significant instability
Selected cases of epidural abscess (see Table 5 )

Table 5. Surgical vs. medical therapy for epidural abscess

Texture of the mass Liquid-pus Solid phlegmon-granulation tissue
(Hyperintense core in T2 with ring enhancement) (Hypointense or isointense core in T2
with homogenous enhancement)

Focal neurological Yes Surgery Surgery

deficit No If an organism is found and the patient can be closely Conservative treatment
followed or if the length of involvement is very exten-
sive, conservative treatment
Consider surgery with no definite bacteriologic diagno-
sis, remaining or progression despite medical therapy
or impossible close follow-up

good clinicoradiological outcomes regardless of the initial in swallowing and breathing), drainage of a large paraverte-
grade of the disease in patients [61]. bral abscess (that does not respond to 3 to 6 months antitu-
Although surgery may not be necessary in advanced stag- berculosis treatment), persistent or deteriorating neurologic
es of craniovertebral junction disease [40], it is recommend- deficits in spite of antituberculosis treatment, recurrent
ed for patients with an indefinite diagnosis, initial severe or neurologic complications, presence of instability in spinal
progressive neural deficit, respiratory distress in the pres- column, and severe kyphotic deformity [27]. Children may
ence of documented mechanical compression, and dynamic need earlier surgical intervention compared to adults due to
instability after conservative treatment [45]. Transoral de- their growth potential in order to prevent kyphotic defor-
compression procedures followed by occipitocervical fusion mity [27].
and antituberculosis drugs have been used with good results Indications of surgical intervention are shown in Table 4.
in patients with craniocervical junction TB in the presence Table 5 shows the management of epidural abscesses.
of cervical myelopathy [64]. In the presence of atlantoaxial
dislocation, simultaneous anterior neural decompression via Surgical Techniques
a transcervical retropharyngeal approach, and posterior ar-
throdesis plus 18 months of antituberculosis chemotherapy The following techniques are currently used for the
have been associated with good long-term results in patients treatment of TB spondylitis: 1) posterior decompression
with atlantoaxial dislocation TB [65] and fusion with bone autografts, 2) anterior debridement/
In conclusion, indications for surgery in spinal TB should decompression and fusion with bone autografts, 3) anterior
be limited to tissue sampling when the diagnosis is doubtful, debridement/decompression and fusion, followed by simul-
drainage of an abscess in cervical spine (causing difficulty taneous or sequential posterior fusion with instrumentation,
Spinal Tuberculosis / 301

and 4) posterior fusion with instrumentation, followed by have shown that this strategy provides limited kyphosis
simultaneous or sequential anterior debridement/decom- correction [80]. These combined approaches can be spe-
pression and fusion [55]. cifically beneficial when doing an anterior correction of a
The posterolateral or transpedicular approach has been fixed kyphotic deformity with concomitant wedge resection
used extensively for the management of spinal TB. This ap- of the posterior elements [27]. Combined approaches can
proach is a viable and importantly a safe surgical option for be performed in two ways: 1) Anterior-posterior, anterior
ventral decompression in thoracic spine TB when followed debridement/decompression and fusion is performed first;
by antitubercolusis treatment for 18 months and immobi- 2) Posterior-anterior, posterior fusion with instrumentation
lization in an alkathene shell for 3 months [66,67]. Pedicle is the first stage. There were no differences in clinical or ra-
screw fixation has also been advocated [9,68]. diological parameters between these two groups, indicating
In the setting of non-equipped medical centers, the an- that either of these two surgical techniques may be selected
terolateral approach is feasible and safe and provides 360 depending on the patients condition [55]. One-stage surgi-
degree exposure for lesions located in the spine from the cal management in children with spinal TB by anterior de-
second thoracic vertebra down to the fifth lumbar vertebra. compression and posterior instrumentation has been shown
Using this approach, anterior debridement, decompression, to be both feasible and effective [82].
bone grafting (anterior or posteriorly), posterior implant Recently, minimally invasive spinal techniques are in-
fixation, and kyphosis correction are all options [27,60]. troduced as alternative surgical approaches to address dif-
Some authors suggested that anterior instrumentation in the ferent pathologies in the spine, even if fusion is indicated
presence of active disease can be dangerous and may fail or [83]. Such techniques including posterolateral endoscopic
be associated with additional complications [27]. However, debridement and irrigation have also been used with good
in our experience instrumented stabilization in a tubercular results for the management of spinal TB [84-87].
infected bed seems to be safe if meticulous debridment is Combined anterior and posterior fusion is sometimes
performed [69]. On the other hand, some authors reported preferred in young cases without significant co-morbidities
series of patients that underwent one-stage anterior inter- with either of the following indications: 1) Both anterior
body autografting and anterior instrumentation with good and posterior involvement, 2) More than three segments
results [68,70,71]. Regarding the type of bone graft, some involved, 3) Significant degree of kyphosis associated with
authors suggested fresh-frozen allograft and anterior instru- overt destruction of one or two vertebral bodies, 4) Thora-
mentation which is superior to rib grafts in supporting the columbar junction involvement.
anterior spinal column. Although fusion occurs late follow- Certainly, to achieve the best results, the surgical treat-
ing the use of allografts, the grafts remain stable [72]. Cer- ment of choice for each patient should be individualized.
tainly, reoperation to remove the anteriorly placed implants According to different reports, considering the following
is complex and is associated with higher risks than the first factors could be helpful in order to select the approach
operation [73]. Supplementary posterior fusion should be [26,27,55,59,60,63,67,73-75,77-82,88].
considered to prevent postoperative kyphosis when this pro- 1-Patients age
cedure is performed in children [74]. 2-Presence of medical co-morbidities
From a biomechanical view point, neither anterior nor 3-Location of bony destruction (anterior, posterior or
posterior approaches alone can stabilize the spinal column both)
as well as combined approaches in cases of spinal TB. 4-Location of the compressive lesion with respect to the
Therefore, several authors have suggested that the combined dura (anterior, posterior or both)
approach may yield better outcomes and prevent future ky- 5-Density of the compressive lesion (pus or solid extradu-
phosis more efficiently [75-78]. Performing posterior instru- ral lesion)
mentation and fusion combined with anterior debridement 6-Patients bone stock
and fusion in order to shorten the external immobilization 7-Number of segments involved
period and hospital stay, obtains good and long lasting cor- 8-Degree of kyphotic deformity
rection of kyphosis, and prevents further collapse and graft 9-Region of involvement (craniovertebral junction, cervi-
failure and has been recommended in many recent studies cal, cervicothoracic junction, thoracic, thoracolumbar
[60,67,75,79-81]. However, changes in sagittal alignment junction, upper lumbar, cauda equina)
302 / ASJ: Vol. 6, No. 4, 2012

Corrections of Kyphotic Deformity during risk signs, are likely to have progression of the kyphosis
Active and Healing Phases of Spinal TB with growth and therefore should undergo surgical correc-
tion. For the best results, surgery for preventing deformity
Spinal TB is the one of the most common causes for a ky- must be performed relatively early [91], and stabilization
photic deformity in patients from many parts of the world, with posterior and anterior instrumentation is recommended
and particularly in developing countries. There is an aver- in patients with severe disease to achieve favorable results
age increase in kyphosis of 15 degrees in all patients treated [89,91].
conservatively, and a deformity greater than 60 degrees A spinal instability score higher than 2 seems to reliably
may develop in 3% to 5% of patients. The progression of predict patients who will have an increase of more than 30
deformity occurs in two separate phases: active phase of the kyphosis and a final deformity greater than 60. This can
disease (phase-I) and after healing of the lesion (phase-II) affects the patients quality of life by potentially causing late
[89]. Development of neurologic deficit and paraplegia after onset paraplegia and other neurologic complications [9,59].
healing of the spinal TB lesion is associated with a worse Various techniques have been employed to correct the
prognosis than when these complications occur during the kyphotic deformity in advanced spinal TB. A single-stage
active phase of disease [37]. posterior Smith-Peterson osteotomy [92] or pedicle subtrac-
Severity of the kyphosis angle before treatment, level of tion osteotomy (PSO) [93] may not be useful techniques to
lesion, and patients age affect the deformity progression. correct extremely severe kyphotic deformity with a Kons-
In general, adults have an increase of less than 30 degrees tams angle exceeding 90 [94]. Vertebral column resection
during the active phase with no additional change while through a single-stage anteriorposterior approach is associ-
children can experience considerable changes even after ated with significant blood loss and morbidity with major
healing the TB lesion [89]. The severe spinal deformity in complications [95]. The traditional two-stage technique
children is likely due to the cartilaginous nature of their allows a thorough decompression with the best long term
bone. Rajasekaran et al. [90] demonstrated that consider- results, but requires two operations and has increased mor-
able morphological changes develop during growth in both bidity [96]. Therefore, recently several reports attempted to
the kyphosis fusion mass and the uninvolved levels above introduce new approaches for correction of kyphotic defor-
and below the lesion in pediatric cases with healed spinal mity in spinal TB.
TB, and these changes result in a variable progression of A modified multilevel vertebral column resection through
the deformity during growth. Therefore, they recommended a single posterior approach has been introduced for man-
regular follow-up and monitoring of these cases until com- agement of deformity. Wang et al. [94] reported results of
pleting the growth period. Progression of deformity during posterior-only multilevel vertebral column resection for
the active phase as well as after healing the lesion can be correction of severe spinal TB kyphosis with the Konstams
classified as follows: Type-I, growth causes an enhancement angle above 90. Their findings showed that this approach
of deformity. Type-I, disease can be subdivided in continu- is effective to correct extremely severe Potts kyphosis. In
ous progression (type-Ia) and after a lag period of three to another study, Deng et al. [97] reported preliminary results
five years (type-Ib). Type-II, growth causes a decline in de- on posterior en bloc spondylectomy in patients with spinal
formity. This could occur immediately after the active phase TB and angulated kyphotic deformity. They used this tech-
(type-IIa) or after a lag period of three to five years (type- nique in 34 patients and the anterior column TB lesion was
IIb). Type-III, progression shows minimal change during completely removed by an en bloc spondylectomy with au-
both active and healing phases and is generally observed in tograft being utilized to stabilize the anterior column. Also,
patients with limited disease. posterior pedicle screw fixation and fusion were performed.
In types I, II, and III progression occurs approximately in These results confirmed that their technique is safe and ef-
39%, 44%, and 17% of child cases respectively, during the fective for treatment of spinal TB with a fixed and sharply
growth spurt. Spine-at-risk radiologic signs can be used for angulated kyphotic deformity [97].
recognizing the children who are at high risk for develop- In severe kyphosis following spinal TB in children, Raja-
ment of progressive deformity. Children younger than seven sekaran et al. [98] introduced a new surgical approach. They
years of age, with three or more affected vertebral bodies described a technique of posterior closing-anterior opening
in the thoracic or thoracolumbar spine and two or more at- osteotomy, which allowed them to correct a rigid post-tu-
Spinal Tuberculosis / 303

bercular deformity as high as 118. The procedure involved are expected to be effective in the initial intensive phase
extensive laminectomy, pedicle screw fixation of three and 4 drugs that are likely to be effective in the continuation
levels above and three levels below the apex, a wedge oste- phase. Duration of the initial phase is 6 to 9 months and the
otomy at the apex of the deformity from both sides, anterior total therapy lasts 20 to 24 months. These drugs are not safe
column reconstruction by appropriate-sized titanium cage and adverse reactions will develop in a considerable number
and gradual correction of deformity by closing the posterior of patients [102]. Therefore, close monitoring of patients
column using the cage as a hinge [98]. The same approach- for development of adverse reactions is necessary [9]. Also,
es were employed in adult patients with good results. This early surgery may be indicated to confirm the diagnosis,
technique has several advantages including approaching just isolate the organism, and reduce the bacterial load [9]. The
from a posterior, single-stage correction, while allowing for determinants of a successful outcome in multidrug-resistant
significant correction and fewer complications [99,100]. TB are as follows:1) Progressive clinical improvement at 6
Careful monitoring and vision of the spinal cord must be months following chemotherapy, 2) Radiologic improve-
performed during deformity correction surgery to prevent ment during treatment, 3) Disease with Mycobacterium TB
elongation of the spinal cord. In cases of late onset paraple- strains that are resistant to less than or up to three antituber-
gia after healing of the lesion, internal kyphectomy is a cular drugs and the use of less than or up to four second-
viable option and can be performed with acceptable results line drugs in treatment, and 4) No change of regimen during
[59]. treatment [102].
In conclusion, although there is paucity of literature on the
management of spinal kyphotic deformity caused by TB in Atypical Forms of Spinal TB
children during the healing phase of the disease, combined
anterior and posterior osteotomy, deformity correction, and Atypical spinal TB is defined as compressive myelopathy
instrumented fusion have been shown to arrest progression with no detectable spinal deformity and the absence of ra-
of kyphosis and improve neurologic symptoms [101]. diological appearance of a typical vertebral lesion [9,13,103].
In other words, any forms of spinal TB that do not manifest
Relapse and Recurrence with typical clinical and radiologic features of the disease
are considered to be atypical spinal TB [14]. An incidence
Using multidrug therapy, the recurrence rate for skeletal of 2.1% has been reported for atypical TB [104].
TB is approximately 2%, although the relapse rate was Diagnosis of these lesions needs special attention with
much higher when a single drug regimen was prescribed high clinical suspicion because they are rare and difficult
[27]. Long-term multidrug antituberculosis regimens will to diagnose. Therefore, they may be diagnosed in the late
likely reduce the relapse rate of spinal TB [27]. stages. However, it has been suggested that these lesions
can have the same outcome and prognosis as typical spinal
Multidrug-resistant TB TB if diagnosed and treated at the early stages [14]. The
treatment principles for patients with atypical spinal TB are
Currently, multidrug-resistant TB is a global concern and similar to those with typical features [14].
is encountered in 3% of all new cases and 12% of retreat-
ment cases. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is defined as a Multiple Vertebral Disease
resistant organism to rifampicin and isoniazid while other
drug resistance is defined as any resistance to another drug Although the reported incidence of this atypical form of
[9]. Lack of clinical or radiological improvement, develop- spinal tuberculosis is approximately 7% [14,105], it is esti-
ment of a new lesion or a cold abscess, or an increase in mated that the incidence of this type of spinal TB would be
bone destruction in spite of medical treatment for 3 to 5 higher if whole spine MRI is performed. In a study on 40
months may indicate multidrug-resistant TB [9]. patients, Pandit et al. [106] found that multilevel involve-
For the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB, an average ment of the spine was observed in 25% of patients using
of 6 antituberculosis drugs for at least 24 months is recom- bone scintigraphy. In another study conducted by Polley and
mended [102]. The most recent WHO recommendations Dunn [107] in South Africa, an incidence of 16.3% (16 out
are now posted on their website. These call for 5 drugs that of 98 patients) was found for noncontiguous, multiple level
304 / ASJ: Vol. 6, No. 4, 2012

spinal TB. Some of the other more important factors associated with
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volvement of two to four contiguous vertebrae, or may af- course of spinal TB have been pointed out in above sections
fect different levels in different parts of the spine. The lesion of this review.
in continuity typically is seen in immunodeficient patients
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