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Class: ___________ Name: __________________________________

A. Count (C) B - Much or many? Use many with count nouns.

or uncountable? (N) a. Use much with non-count nouns.
1. Oil _____ Use much with non-count nouns.
2. Stuffing _____ b. Write Count (C) or uncountable (N) in 2nd blank.
3. Silverware _____ 1. How ________ potatoes did you buy? ____
4. Tomatoes _____ 2. How ________ sugar do you want? ____
5. apple _____
3. How ________ children do they have? ____
6. Water _____
7. potatoes _____ 4. How ________ bananas are there? ____
8. Ketchup _____ 5. How ________ money does he have? ____
9. Onions _____ 6. How ________ glasses are on the table? ____
10. oranges _____ 7. How ________ cookies do you want? ____
11. glasses _____ 8. How ________ milk does she want? ____
12. Soda _____ 9. How ________ shirts does he have? ____
13. cookies _____ 10. How ________water do we need? ____
14. Tea _____
11. How ________ ice-cream did she buy? ____
15. Coffee _____
16. Beer _____ 12. How ________ pie did you eat? ____
17. forks _____ 13. How ________ stuffing is left over? ____
18. Rice _____ 14. How ________ coffee do you want? ____
19. Sugar _____ 15. How ________ sweet potatoes do you want?__
20. Ice-cream _____ 16. How ________ friends do you have?__
21. book _____
22. Cheese _____
23. Fridge _____ C. Use a lot of for both count and non-count nouns.
24. Table _____
25. counter _____ a. Write a lot of in the blanks
26. Pizza _____ b. Write Count (C) or uncountable (N) in 2nd blank.
27. Bread _____
28. Butter _____ 1. She baked ____________ cookies. _____
29. bowls _____ 2. We ate ____________ rice. ______
30. Corn _____ 3. I have _____________ coins. __________
31. dishes _____ 4. She sold ____________ CDs. __________
32. Ice _____ 5. We did _____________homework. _____
33. Pie _____ 6. They have ____________ cars. ____
34. carrots _____ 7. You drank _____________ coffee._____
35. Soap _____ 8. They drank _____________ soda. _____
36. napkins _____ 9. I ate ______________turkey. ______
37. salt _____ 10. We camped for __________ days. ______
38. peas ____
39. Sweet potatoes ____
40. Money _____

E. - Use any in questions or negative answers. Use

D. Use a few for count nouns some positive answers.
a. Use a little for non-count nouns
b. Write Count (C) or non-countable (N) in 2nd blank. 1. Is there __________ coffee on the table?
1. Do you want ______ grapes?___. No, there isnt ______ coffee but there is ______ tea.
2. I would like _______ sugar. ___ 2. Are there _____ cookies left? No, there arent
3. He has ______ cars. _____ _____ cookies left. There is _____ cake though.
4. They have ______ money.____ 3. Is there any milk in the fridge? Yes, there is _____
5. She wants _______ potatoes. __ milk but there isnt _____ cream.
6. She cooked _______porridge.__ 4. Do you have ____ money? No, I dont have ____
7. We want _______ water._____ money but I do have _____ credit cards.
8. They took _______cookies.____
9. She asked for ________ paper._
A. Count (C) B - Much or many? Use many with count nouns.
or uncountable? (N) a. Use much with non-count nouns.
1. Oil __N___ Use much with non-count nouns.
2. Stuffing __N___ b. Write Count (C) or uncountable (N) in 2nd blank.
3. Silverware _N____ 17. How many potatoes did you buy? C
4. Tomatoes ___C__
18. How much sugar do you want? ___N_
5. apple _____C
6. Water _____N 19. How many children do they have? ___C_
7. potatoes ____C_ 20. How many bananas are there? __C__
8. Ketchup ____N_ 21. How much money does he have? __N__
9. Onions _____C 22. How many glasses are on the table? __C__
10. oranges _____c 23. How many cookies do you want? ___C_
11. glasses _____C 24. How much milk does she want? ___N_
12. Soda _____N 25. How many shirts does he have? _C___
13. cookies ____C_
26. How much water do we need? __N__
14. Tea _____N
15. Coffee ____N_ 27. How much ice-cream did she buy? __N__
16. Beer _____N 28. How much pie did you eat? __N__
17. forks _____C 29. How much stuffing is left over? __N__
18. Rice _____N 30. How much coffee do you want? __N__
19. Sugar _____N 31. How many sweet potatoes do you want?_C_
20. Ice-cream ___N__ 32. How many friends do you have?__C
21. book _____C
22. Cheese ____N_
23. Fridge _____C C. Use a lot of for both count and non-count nouns.
24. Table _____C
25. counter ____C_ a. Write a lot of in the blanks
26. Pizza _____N b. Write Count (C) or uncountable (N) in 2nd blank.
27. Bread _____N
28. Butter _____N 1. She baked a lot of cookies. ___C__
29. bowls _____C 2. We ate a lot of rice. ___N___
30. Corn _____N 3. I have a lot of coins. ___C_______
31. dishes _____C 4. She sold a lot of CDs. _____C_____
32. Ice _____N 5. We did a lot of homework. __N___
33. Pie _____N 6. They have a lot of cars. __C__
34. carrots ___C__ 7. You drank a lot of coffee. _N____
35. Soap _____N 8. They drank a lot of soda. __N___
36. napkins ____C_ 9. I ate a lot of turkey. ____N__
37. salt _____N 10. We camped for a lot of days. __C____
38. peas ____N
39. Sweet potatoes ___C_
40. Money _____N

E. - Use any in questions or negative answers. Use some

D. Use a few for count nouns positive answers.
a. Use a little for non-count nouns 1. Is there ANY coffee
E. - on
in questions or negative answers. Use
b. Write Count (C) or non-countable (N) in 2nd blank. No, there isnt ANY coffee but there is SOME tea.
1. Do you want a few grapes?_C__. some positive
2. Are there ANY cookies answers.
left? No, there arent ANY cookies
2. I would like a little sugar. _N__ left. There is SOME cake though.
3. He has a few cars. ___C__ 3. Is there any milk1.inIsthe
there __________
fridge? coffee
Yes, there on the
is SOME table?
4. They have a little money.__N__ but there isnt ANY cream.
5. She wants a few potatoes. _C_ 4. Do you have ANYNo, there isnt
money? No, ______ coffee
I dont have ANYbutmoney
there is ______ tea.
6. She cooked a little porridge._N_ but I do have SOME credit cards.
7. We want a little water.__N___ 2. Are there _____ cookies left? No, there arent _____
8. They took a few cookies.__C__ cookies left. There is _____ cake though.
9. She asked for a little paper.N
3. Is there any milk in the fridge? Yes, there is _____
milk but there isnt _____ cream.

4. Do you have ____ money? No, I dont have ____

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