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Lesson Plan in Basic Calculus

I. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. solve situational problems involving related rates. Code: STEM_BC11D-IIIj-2
b. tell the importance of solving related rates in real-life application.
II. Learning Content/ Subject Matter
A. Topic: Related Rates
B. References:
Applied Calculus with Analytic Geometry-pages241-242 by Roberto N. Padua
Calculus Demystified-pages 91-93 by Steven G. Krantz, McGraw Hill
C. Materials: powerpoint presentation, manila paper, marker,balloon, measuring tape or string
and ruler, guide activity worksheet
D. Strategies: 4 As approach, experimentation, Cooperative Learning and Think-Pair -Share
III. Learning Activities/ Procedures
A. Preliminary Activity
Checking of attendance
B. Review
Recall previous lesson on the concepts of Implicit differentiation and Trigonometric function
using the following guide questions:
What is implicit differentiation?
How to solve implicit differentiation?
C. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Ask students if the size of a balloon is increasing at a constant rate when air is
being pumped into it.
Blow up a balloon.
Ask if the change in the radius seemed to be constant with each breath
Discuss why
2. Analysis
Give each group a balloon and measuring devise such as measuring tape or
string and ruler (must have centimeters).
Instruct students to have one member blow up the balloon on breath at a time
measuring the circumference of the balloon after each breath, explain that each
breath should be as consistent as possible and try to get in at last 8-10 breaths.
Monitor data collection, clarify directions if necessary.
Remind students that the circumference will be used to determine the radius of
the balloon.
After all groups have collected their data bring the class back together to have
class discussion.
How did their results compare to their assumptions?
Ask students if there are trends?


Breath Circumference, in cm Radius, in cm Increase in

Number (measured) (calculated) radius, in cm


Follow-up questions:
Does the change in the radius seem to be constant from breath five? Why do
you think this is?
How could we solve this using implicit differentiation?
Find dr/dt when r=4 and when r=12. What have you notice?
Does this confirm or contradict with your initial assumption?
Now using your calculations using implicit differentiation, divide the result of
dr/dt when r=4 by the result for dr/dt when r=12. What does this mean
Do you think that the results from your experiment are in agreement with the
results using implicit differentiation? Why or why not?

Group reporting
During reporting, the teacher will assist on the process especially on the steps in
presenting their answer to the given problem.
3. Abstraction
The teacher will lead the generalization with the students guided by the
following questions:
1. What is related rate?
2. How to solve related rate problem?
3. How implicit differentiation useful in solving related rate problems?
The teacher will add information for the steps in solving related rates.
4. Application (Think-Pair-Share)
The teacher will give a short quiz about the topic in a sheet of paper by partner. Allow
them to discuss their answers.
A 13-foot ladder leans against a wall. The foot of the ladder begins to slide away from
the wall at the rate of 1 foot per minute. When the foot is 5 feet from the wall, at what
rate is the top of the ladder falling?

IV. Evaluation
The teacher will assess students learning on the process of solving worded problem involving
related rates by using journal writing/ reflection on the guide statement To solve worded problems in
related rates, I _______________________________________________________________________

VI. Assignment
To be answered in the assignment notebook.
A camera is 1200 ft away from the base of a rocket. The rocket is rising vertically at 500 ft/sec.
a. Find the rate of change in distance from the camera to the rocket when the rocket is 600 feet
b. Find how fast the camera to the rocket angle of elevation is changing when the rocket is 600
feet high?

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