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Subject Teacher: _________________________________ Date: ____________ Time: _____

Subject: ____________________Grade/ Year and Section: ______________Room: ______

Direction: Please put a check mark on the box in each item that corresponds to your
observation by using the following interpretation legend:

5- Excellent 1- Unsatisfactory
4- Superior/ Very Good
3- Good
2- Fair

Area 5 4 3 2 1
1. Adequate to achieve the objectives
2. Suited to the needs of the students
3. Suited for their level of understanding and appreciation
4. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the subject matter
5. Discusses the subject matter thoroughly without directly reading from
books or notes
6. Able to relate lessons to actual life situations
7. Relate topics to global trends and issues
8. Keeps abreast with new ideas and understanding in the field
9. Gives sufficient and concrete example to create meaningful learning
Average Score
Lesson Planning
1. Lesson plan/ learning plan is well prepared
2. There is congruence between
a. Objective and subject matter
b. Objective and teaching procedure
c. Strategies and assessment
3. The objectives are clear and specific
4. The objectives were attained
Average Score
Teaching Methodology and Procedure
1. Method used was/were suited to capabilities of the students
2. The teacher was creative enough to adapt his/her method to the
students capabilities
3. There is an evidence of careful planning
4. Organization of the lesson
5. Integration of values
6. Approach is student-centered
7. Pleasant, non-threatening manner of presentation
8. Technique of questioning
9. Clear and purposeful assignment
10. Uses strategies, aids and devices that stimulates critical thinking
11. Encourage students maximum participation
12. Encourage students to clarify certain points in the lesson
Average Score
Medium of Instruction
1. Mastery of the language
2. Ability to make information comprehensible to the students
3. Use of concrete, imaginative and interesting language
4. Communicate in clear, correct and coherent English that is suited to
the level of the students
Average Score
Instructional tool
1. Preparation is economical of time and effort
2. Effective utilization
3. Adequacy in arousing interest
4. Visual aids and other examples were used to illustrate the lesson and
reinforcing learning
Average Score
Classroom Management
1. Physical Dimension: Ventilation, orderliness and cleanliness
2. Managerial Dimension
a. Humane atmosphere, friendly and conducive for learning
b. Order and discipline were present in the classroom
c. The teacher is able to anticipate or stop possible disturbances that
may disturb the discussion/ activities
3. Systematic way of checking
a. Practice exercise/ activates
b. Group work/s
c. Distributing/ collecting/ correcting papers
4. Class starts and ends on time. Class time is well used
Average Score
Teachers Personality
1. Teachers Physical Appearance
a. Neat and well-groomed
b. Wears the prescribe uniform
c. Wears the school ID
2. Free from mannerism that tends to disturb to the students attention
3. Personality is strong enough to command respect and attention
4. Show dynamism and enthusiasm
5. Has well- modulated voices
6. Shows wholesome attitude towards the students
Average Score
1. Activity , participation and cooperation
2. Evidence of critical thinking
3. Reinforcement of values and attitude
4. Manifest communication skills
5. Learning is evident
Average Score

Average Score: ______________________

Other Comments:

Teachers Evaluators Signature over Prated Name

Prepared: Quality Assurance Office

Research and Development Center

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