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Interme iate

, Min Jin-young, Ahn Jean-myung

* Many grammar points and expressions appearing on the TOPIK

Intermediate Levels 3 and 4!
* Detailed explanations of grammar points and practice exercises for easy
self-study of Korean!
* Comparisons of grammar points with similar meanings and forms to
highlight their differences!
* Grammar patterns and practice exercises specifically designed for
preparation for the TOPIK Intermediate Level!

Preface . ....................................................................4 tj-~ Ar~~ ~011+ ~% ~--~ Ull
Citir1g the Speech or Writirlg of Others
How to Use This Book ....................................... 6
01 - Cr 11 R? ....... ... .............. ...... ...... ... 94
02 - cr.i!. <5rf::!c11 ........ ................ ......... ....... 98
03 -Cr'21.A.iR? . . .... ..... ....... ......... .. .... 103
t ~ill- OllJ-J% Y-Et~ 1Il1
Expressing Conjecture and Supposition 04 -CrLIR? ... ........... .. .. .... .. ....... .......... 107
01 -Or/Ol ~OICr.... .. ...................... ........... 14
02 -(2.)L/E 2.~0 ICr ..... ......... ............... 17 1Il1
03 -(2.)2 ~c11 .................................... ... 21 6 ~ ~{Ji!} ~~ Y-Et~
Expressing Resolution and Intent
04 -(2.)2 EJILl77r ..... ................................. 25 01 -( 0 ) 2 77 r 0rcr ....... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... . 114
05 -(2.) 2 ~R ................. . ....................... 29 02 - Br ...................................... ...... .. 117
06 -(2.) L /e/( o ) 2 ~ ~iNcH:~cD ..... 34 03 -(0)2~12:! :go1cr .............................. 120
01 -(0)2x1.s:. cr2cr .............................. 37 04 -(0) 2 ~ -(0)2 ~ ..................... 124
05 -Or/Ol O~/:::IR .... .................................. 127
1:ll ~~ Y-Et~ n:ll
Expressi.I1g Contrast
?~ill-~~% Y-Et~ n:ll
01 -7 1::: <5rXl'2.!. -71 ::: - /:::1'2.! .......... 42 Givi.I1g Recommendations and Advice
02 - (2.)L/E ~'21011 ...... ... .. ... .. .... 46 01 -( o) 2 '2! 0 rcr ..................... ...............132
03 -(2.)L/ec11.s:. ............. .... ................ 49 02 -.s:.~ arcr ....................... .... ............... 135
03 -/:::I .:12.HR? ......... .......................... 139

Ai~-*~l.21- ~~7.ll
Narrative and Informal Forms s ~ ~J-J% Y-Et~ trll
E>..'}Jressmg Recollection
01 .A.i~jil .... ".............................................. 54 01 -12:! ...................................................... 144
02 ~Wjil .................................................... 58 02 -Ci 2.r 11 R ........ .............. .............. ...... 148
03 -12:! C11R ... ......... .. ... .. .. ........... .. .. .. 152

1*~ Y-Et~ trll ni~ .g Y-Et~ II1l
Expressing Reasons Passive Expressions

01 -7~ :::R ........ . ...... .. ....... .......... ....... .. ..... 66 01 80! 111 (-o I/ c; l/2.l/71-) ................ 158
02 -f~O rR .... ...... ........ ... .... .......... 70 02 -Or/OlXICr .......................... ............... 162
03 -~2.r.i!. ....... ........................................ 73 03 -7il 1Cr ........ ......... ........ ........ ...... .... 165
04 ::: tl rEt011 ..... .... .. .. ... ....... ..... ... . ...... 77
OS -(2.)L/::: ~OJI ..................................... 81
06 -.i!. oH.A.i ............. :........ ......... .... ............ 85 10 ~ Al-~ ~ 1-l-Ef~ II1l
Causative Expressions
01 -( 0 )27Jr ~r .......................................... 88
01 80! .A.~ (- oI/ ol/2.l/71/~/~-) ..... 170
02 -111 <S"rcr ....... . ................................. 175
~~% l.f"El-~ 1Il1 ~zj_.l!} ~ J7~-~ Y-1*1& 1Il1
Expressing Conditions Expressing Discoveries and Results
01 -Or/010~ ............... ........................... -182 01 - .:LL 5:1_ LI .. .... ...... ..." .. . .... .... ... .... .. .. .258
02 - 71 ::: ................................................. 186 02 -Cr .5:1.LI .............................................. 261
03 -Cr .5:1.'i:! 265
04 - Ci LI .............. .................................... 268
~7~ l.f"El-~ 1Il1
Expressing Additio11al Iriformation 05 -rxl/91 C-j LI .. ............................ .. ..... .... .273
oG - cr7r::::: .......... ..................................... 21s
01 -< 0 ) 2 ~ orLI 2.r ........................... 192
07 -{Q) L/:::: ~OICr .................... .... ....... 283
02 - (0 )L/:::: Ci1Cr7r ....... ............... .... -- 196
03 ~~r .................................................... 200
04 ~ oH.S:. .......... .. ............... ....... ........ 203 -"J-Ell~ Y-1*~ 1Il1
Expressing Situational States of Being
01 -o r/Ol ~cr . ............. ............ .. ..... 288
-6 ~ l.fEt~ 1Il1 02 -or/Ol .!:i=-Cr ........................................ 291
Expressing Mid-Action
01 = .. ....... .................. ....... ...... -208
~ Oji
03 -{ 0 ) L ~H. ." ............ .. " ................. 294
04 -{Q) L/E CH. ................................. 298
02 -cr7r ................................................... 21 1

;AJ~ LfE}~ 1Il1 -"J~.l!} ~-"J% Y-1*1& 1Il1

Expressing Attributes and Characteristics
Expressing Degree
01 -( 0 )L/:::: 1t10ICr ........................ . .. 304
01 -{Q) 2 ~ s= ~ ....................................216
02 A~Cr .................................................. 308
o2 0rcr . .. ....... .. ... ... ... .. .... .... .. ........ .. .218
03 igcr ..................................................... 311
03 - (Q)L/::::/(0) 2 ~E ....................... 221

7J-~~ 1+1*~ 1Il1

~ t3l % l.f1*~ 1Il1 Expressing Emphasis
Expressing Choice
01 or!f.+(ol)Lr / or+.s:. ....................... 226 01 ~ orLr -< 0 )L;::::: ::.x:: 1 s:i 2 cr .. .. ........ 316
02 (Ol}Lr ...................................................229 02 -( o) 2 4-\:t~Ojl fil Cr .. ..................... 320

03 (o 1)2r.s:. ......................... ....................232 03 -( 0 )2 01Cr ................................... 322

04 (01)0 ~~. ..................................... ....... 325
04 :=::.x:: 1 :=::.x::1 .. ..... ... ....... ................ ... .. 236

05 -{ 0 )L/:::: CH~Ojl .......... ............. ....239

.!i!..;A--1 _Q_ 1 l-cl Ul rrlJ
...., ...., a "1 '-I 2 "'11
Expressing Ai111s ai1d Intentions
J-l{}-0 11..f ~7-}~ t>~:g ~ l.f"El-1& 1Il1 01 - 7il ....................................................... 330
Expressing Time and Sequential Behavior
01 ~Oji .. ....... .. .. ...... .. ...... ..... ... ... .... ......... 244 02 -.s:.~ ...................................................333
02 - or/Ol 7r::.X::l.:L!. .................................... 241
03 -or/Olcr7r ..........................................2so
04 - .:L!..A.i .................................................. 253
~li~ Y-1*~ IIl1
Expressing Completion
01 -~/<ii c~7 ~ ................ ... ...... ................. 338
02 '2! ... " ... ....... " ........ ".. "........... "342

o3 - o~IOi l:fi 2.I c~ ....... .............................. 347

04 - Jl 'kc~ .. ........... ........... ................... . 350

~%~ g ~ Y-1*~ rrll

Expressing Futility
01 -{O)L~ O~L~ ............. ....................... .... 356
02 -0~/0i .!A:~ .........................................360

7r78 AJ-~% lfEf~ rr11

Expressing Hypothetical Situations
01 -{.!:::.) L ........................ ............. .... 366

02 -~/<ii [;j 2.~'2'.J . ". ..................... "..... 370

03 - ( )2 ~~o~C~ ........ ... ................. 373

~~~ Y-1*~ IIl1

Expressing Regret
01 -()2~ .:J.~C~ ........... .... .......... ...... 378
02 -WciiOiO ~ it!:=c~I ......... .................. .. 382

~{!-JI} Ell~ Y-1*~ rrll

Expressing Habits and Attitudes
01 ~ 0 ~[.~ ...... " ..... ". ".... ... .. . ... .. " "" .. 388
02 -7 I:=R .......... ...... ............................. 392
03 -()L/:= ~o~C~ ............. ......... ...... 395

Answer Key . . ... .. ........ .. ................. ... 400

tH~~ ~<>t ~11~.a.? .. ... .. ............... . ... 412

Grammar Index ................................... 431

7~ Dl-3 -1, ~~o l J.Il-E-i>fl ~<J:lA.
1f 2 ~ ~ e>-liL?
Mark, you look tired. Did something happen?

L~ e>-l/\il ~/\il<)}2:::_2-}.:Jl {J-% * ~71-:-Jl..

I wasn't able to sleep yesterday because I was trying to
~.:::;;;;::S:Z~ get my homework done.

7~ O }7 lcf -1 , /\il 7} ul Cl _2_ 0 J~ ti }}9_-E "Gll e>-l ~ Jl.?

Akira, I changed my hairstyle. How does it look?

You look much younger now that you've changed your hairstyle.

OI 1:~~ ~ 0 ~ ~ [H o-J't! ,A.~~1 f:t~OIL~ .gEH ~~~{:!OIL~ '12.I .gEHOil CHoHLJJ~l'l7~L~ ~~.s:1::::: ~~

1:~~ [H A~~gJ-Llc~.
This expression is used to indicate one's conjecture or feelings based on the outward appearance of a
person, thing, or event.
fli0$ r-,.,~~1;1<t'"ftl''l:'''r
. Q:Jl!:~;v;: J
. . - ...-. -,..,,~--~-, - A . ._,,..,........., - . .. - .... ,'!':"'""I', .. '".x

' . -0 ~/Q:I S! O IE~ . ' . . . :

-.~zu-,-~ . . .. ea:Caa:c~ - 'W'!K"4t s:-w-.. .,.w;s: 'i~~::l,.-tsa~ . se~!'e~;~r,.,.a~,;.<'f~...,...,,>!OOC.. .
' '
'' ''
' '
'; .'' Li CL
2t1 I
- - --------------------------------------- --- --- ----------- ------------ ..... .
.' ~O~ .!i!.OIC~ .
A .'
.' '2~ <>I .!i!. oIc~
. --- . ..... ..... ,. ....... ......
....... ... ........... ... --- ----------. ~-
.... .... . .... -' . ... .... -... - - - ---------- -- -
..... ...... . ............... , .............................................. -
~O ~ !i!~ ~OIC~
-0~/0i !i! ~ ~OIC~ ~
' .'

~ <>I .!%!.~ ~OIC~
_ _x__ _________.__.!'____,_ _ _ _ _ _ _.._ __._.. _____ _______________________,____ _...................................................................,,..... .... ------ ----~------------------------ ------ ..---....... - -....................._.....__.__,_ _____

7~ Wo}tJ1::z], 7-~ ti}.::Z] <fJ.Q.~tj]Jl. Grandpa, you 're wearing blue jeans.

L~ ~ti}.A]~ <?J.Q.y77} tj -d"l JJ!Ol::Zl? Don't I look younger now that I'm wearing blue jeans?

7t o] %~ ~ fil-o] uR%l JJ!Oli::-t:ll JtB.~~lit? This food looks really spicy. Is that okay?

L~ o].::<1] uR.,:t. %~~] ~~oR::ZiJ.i JtB.?--}ol-.iL. I'm used to spicy food by now, so I'll be fine.

14 Korean Grammar ul/ Vs& Intermediate

7~ ~ ~ -l ~"Ell If(: ~ ~ 01.fL? Did something happen to Yeongjin?

Lr QH.fL? Why?
7r s:..A-1-t:l-~Oil.A-l ~--E-c11 W-0 1~%c5fl .!i!.9l<>lil.
I saw him in front of the library, and he looked really sad.

- - - -- ---- -- - - ----------------------~--------

1 01 1:~~ ~g.Aror.J::!.[!- M~Llcr. [[r2.r.Ai ~.Ar7r <f!Oll 2'21 ~iC! g:go1 ~Lier.
This expression is only used with adjectives, so combining it with verbs results in grammatically incorrect
I' sentences.
0}7]c.} -]1]- ~R~% ~<5~ ~o:J_R. (x)
- 0}7]c.} -]1]- ~R~% ~t>t-C ~ 7cfo}_R. ( o)
: '~o tCr7t -5.A.tOICJ ? '- Ot/01 ~0 1 cr ~ ~~ ~~LI Ct .
~o tCt is a verb and thus cannot be combined with - Ot/01 ~O I Ct.

I 2 '-7il .!:2.o 1cr .Args:171~ gtLlcr.

I -711 ~Ole~ is an alternate form of this expression having the same meani ng.

\ :J. * <?J_!2_y 77}

~ 1@-~-5~ ~o:j _R_

= :J.* <?J _!2_y77}
~ 1@-~<5}7j] ~o:j_R,

- - --- - -------.--- --------- - J

1 7~ 9~ -1 7} Ji_~ ~~1511 li!.0 li::-cll 1T' ~ ~ <V_ e>i.fL?

.u. 2.fijI 7': ~ ~Ct

Lr n:l~ ~011 \f:A} {1-=f-~FllJ-i ~Cl-*~~ W'.U--cRiL. to receive a marriage proposal

~~o tCt to be hospitalized

o = oH.!:i:!. - LeLI
-LL.CJ o-, 0 I IJ:j~ ~OU 'ct:Ar ~-TL~E:ll.A.i .11.2.17':~ ~Cr

02S. 151.!::.CL
..u..o = 2 I '
.' OJD1Ll7r ~~Oil ~~or.A. l cr
. -A~OI ~.s=. filOI *~Ml S(~ ~.Jl Lr7rCr

2 7r 7}BJol 1f-7-lq.~ li!.Ol~tjl ~61 177}.fL?


Lr ~7l~tj- 7}~~y77} :@_~o}.fL.

7 r~o 1.!:f.'f;l er / ~ 01 c: 2.I er 7 H:i:J.~Ll7Jr -ttif:.tcr

/ ~OJ7rcr
:Al.s=.011.A.i ~ 7f-7~cr DiLl7Jr l:tjA~ Er~ Jll ~~Cr
~01ri1cr1 .g. s=2r 2.lcr I'l:AI <cl0 Ll77r S:2.r2?-:AI <[!Or. 1Cr
..............----"" -~ .....................-.........7 )/"",,;:r'?
. o~
a..: AoH
1:1 .!i!.17t.R.?
C! .. .. .. . .. --............ ....., _...... .... -
.. -- -- ..........~
......... // 7

-----...-.-- ....... ---..... ., ....~- ........

[.~~.:I~~ ~ "j1 '-0~/0i S!Olc~~ A~i>H.Ad Cff.2.~ ~~o~AilR.

7~ ~~ \fBJ-ol 'Cl J.l-%J_~7J}J1?

(1) L~ i>}~-~ \fBJ-ol ~Z}-~ \:fBJ-_!i!L:} tj f..!Rd,t>tt .!:lot.Si..
i>} ~ ~ \fBJ-% A}l-ilJl.
........................................................... ............ ~- - .......................,,,...........................................................................

7~ ~l 0 l 0d -1~ BJ-ol U}3. -1 BJ-_!i!q .e-7}J1?

(2) L~ 0}YOiliL, ~11d -1~ BJ- 01 77TI-3:-t>TIJ.i u}a -1~
BJ-_!i!q tj - - -- -- -
......................................................................................................... ~ , .,-,,.-. ~ .................................,

7~ ~~ *Ol tj LfO}Jl?
(3) L~ 7l}li}~ -<f:l ~ ~~ OJ Sl_ Y77} tj - -- - -- - -
77}1i}-~ -%1~~~ OJSl..-"iliL.

~ -. " " .... ~ .

7~ 0}712-} -l~ A}%~}7} 78~ ~tjlJl.

L~ 0}712-} -1-i=- ~01 - - - - -- -

........................... ~ -.~ "

0 l ~ll_Q_
-, '- 0
A.4 0 l-
2. - - - - - - - -

7~ .g-"611 -17} 71~ 0 1 - - - - - - -

(6) ~.g_ ~ 0 1 ~Lf ~Jl.
L~ tjl, AJ-~ri% 1iJ-~~J1.

16 Korean Grammar <~,,, 'lLw Intermediate

0 L

[ 03 )

Wei Ming didn't come to school today.

L~ ~ :A1l %0 l ~ ~q -=v_ "9:V:E1:11 wo l Or~

.2_OJ=o l011..fL.
Yesterday she said she didn't feel well. It looks like she's really

There goes Akira!

L~ %~~ ~ <?:].g_ ~ y77} ~Oil 7}-E .2_0J=0 l011Jl..

Judging from the hiking clothes he's wearing, it looks like he's
heading to the mountains.

2~g ~f:JAHL~ 2.~~ ~o~::: ~ 01 .R~Oil.A.i::: .gEH . ~-\::!~ 2.IDl~C~Jl 'M ~LIC~. [[~2.r.A.i 01 E~ *
g ~AH2.I Oiiti .g:&OIL~ ~'r:1.g~, ~~17 1 ~ !i:!7~L~ @Jl L~.A.i o-Jiti ~OI ~OiL~Jl ~7~L~ Oiiti .gEH~ ~012.r

Jl ~~~~''"ITH .A.~~gtLIC~. o-j~ ~~ t:?!l ~~o~::: ~Ol 0 CE '-( 0 )L/::: 2.~0IC~' ~Oil ~~2.J 27~7r

IE- E~<2.! '-(O)L/E ~ !i:!Ll77F~ ~~7r 1J'~LIC~.

Meaning "shape" or " appearance", 2 <&" is used here to express a particular condition or state. This
expression is thus used when attempting to infer or guess the circumstances of a particular situation after
directly seeing it or hearing about it. It is often used together with -{.2..)L/E ~ ~Ll77~, which comes earlier in
the sentence and expresses the basis for making the inference or guess.
--- ----.-- - - - - - - - - ----- - -- - - - -- .

- (.2.)L '

------------ -- --
D-l L
-- - ~
, ,_
D-l .Q. :!
........... . ... ............... ,'
i \ 7~C~ i. 7~ !.
v L-... . .


. :
. :
. , .!::.
D-l ,_ ::
~ .. -------............ , ...------- ........... ... .............. ...... ....... --- - ...... .. .......... - - ......... . ......... -- ... .
' t ,

7 ~
l -(.2_) 2 [ L . D-l 0 :

............ ............._.. __
,~--- ________ i' ,,._

----.........................._.i ___
________!le,... ._.,. _______ ___ ... .._
-.2- ---- ......-------;!'

. o~.AH QjOiC.i
. ... -.o ML.:
NOIC~ .......... . ...... .... .................... ... ............ ...... .... ---- - ~- -- ....................................... ............ ---..-- ... ---
2.IA~O I C~ ''
' 2-IA~~
'' <5~.AH O I
2.t~OIC~ '
-, 0 L...:
-- -- ---

7~ .:{:~ -17} ~Al~ .=L.1i}f-Sj_r.}1?1J,i.fL?

I heard that Soyeong quit working for the company.

L~ 1.:ll, ~A} ~ 0 1 ;<aw ~%'Ji~ .!2. J= 0 0 le>ll.fl.

Yeah, apparently the jo b was really difficult for her.

Has Jena not woken up yet?

L~ BJ-Oil ~~ DVD7} '.V:E ~ .!i!.Yll} W~7-ll77}:Al ~~ ~ ~ .!2.0J 0 lofl.fl.

Seeing that there are some DVDs in her room, I reckon she watched movies until late at night.

Do you know what Juyeong is doing during vacation?

Judging from the fact that she reserved a plane ticket, I'm guessing that she's going to her hometown.

1 01 .R~~ ~~2.I -271 7~ ~1-2 ~~ 5:!.71L~ -71Lr ~ ?.i~ t:l~@ 0 ~ oHAi Alor71[Hg011. ~1-E
A~~o1 ~~ ~giccJ- ~ou cHoHAi~ Alo~AI ?~Lier.
J Because this expression is used to express the speaker's inference or guess based upon having seen or
heard about the situation being discussed, it cannot be used to describe something the speaker did himself/

AH J-~ {l ~~oJ]-"i 12:li ~-Ei:1] %~ 0 1 3{li~.g. .2.0J 0 1oJ]Jl. (x)

- AH J-~{l ~~ol] Ai 11:Ji ~!:"Gl1 %~o] 3{R~.g. ~ 7c[o}Jl. ( o)


18 Korean Grammar ,;// U e- Inter1nediate

~*01 .::i7J7L 7H.:L:!.~-"-lOl"AI OJ:O
I - . - ' - - I f -, i...,;-, US2
ITH , = DH?'1o - L7JI 12.,i"1.ll .AH7h=;-o
- , -,i...,; I I --1. c:; /J 0 1
I I =?~A-IOI jiC*O I
I i....;-,i....; I -.2
_AL.Q.<5~ A
10 2 -r

o-t .A. LI c L
t1A t:::I I.

This expression cannot be used when the basis for the inference is not an objective fact, that is, when the
I speaker is simply describing someth ing he or she only thinks, or subjectively believes, to ~e the case.
'-H ;.~ zte>11 7<171 ?0 } ~ ~ o:J 7-} ~ ~~ -%):-t>}i= .2. 0J= 0 l011.R. ( x )
I - '-H J.~zte>ll 7-17] ?:,to} 'V_-E- 0:17-}~ -%~ -%):-~ 1:1 ~o}Jl. (o)

LrErLH-E '-(0)2 ~ ~c.F~ A ~gi)"LIC.r.

Here, because the speaker is expressing a subjective feeling, - (o )L / :: 2.YO I C.~ cannot be used.
Instead, - (.2.) 2 ~ ~er can be used to express such subjective notions.

1 7r 0 l ~~~if] ~l-e J-}rgo l

A l~ facilities
Lr J-}rg0 1'P:},-_g. ~ .!i:!_y J-11i 0 1 ~ ~ .5!.0J0 l01lA. !i!~ %7H real estate agency
LHLH throughout (a time period}

)..!~ OI ~Cr

01; r~cr

Q.!=4:;-o 1 ~cr

2 7r ~j Jf- -17} 7ll:}2.l::z.l w2 1?}::z.1 ~_Q_tR.fL.

Lr 7ll:}2.l::z.l WJI ~::z.1 ~_Q_c.t-e ~ .!i:!_y77} ~~l ~ .5!. 0J0 leilA.
71Cr2.l:AI ~Jl ~Ai i;tj 0 2.r.J1. f>rcr ~/ii 2.~Cr

ci-g. .z;s.Oll '2._l-Lr:Ar.J1. orCr o1~ .z;s.Oll ~o 11Jcr

2.-" f> r~ -@~ ~ 712.rJl orCr ~~Ol1;..1 1~01 n1-2%!cr
- -

1 '-(.2.)L/-E 2.~0lc~~ A~c5HAi c~.g cH9~ ~ ~~o~AilR.

(1) 7~ o};rlc.} -1-E ~~% 7-}~ ~e>iJl. (~~% ~o}o}q)

L~ -,~t::lJ-% J.r-* ~le- ~ .5!..L-~ -,~t::lJ-% :tor5r.!e- . JOlotl.2... 0

(2) 7~ _g."611 -1~ {] ~Oil {l.g.01 ~Ci ~tjlJl. (n:l~ 01<5~% {(q)


(3) 7~ -&-raOil 7 ~ 0 1 W-01 7lle>i ~tjlJl. (i:E- 01 -2-~1*)


(4) 7 ~ ~AJ-Oil J-}~ 0 1 i1cllJl. (q3::}7} AH 0 1~q)


(5) 7 ~ ER~ -1~ ~~ If-Aa 01 ~ ~tjlJl. (0l1tl_Oil ~~% *~1*)



--........................_..,,, ___________
. ________ _................
..... ____________________....,......................................_.
.._.._ .,. _______..........._.................._..
~-~---- --------- ---- ..---......-.. ..........._..... ................

Jl-% 7.l o}~OilJ-1 .!c!_y77} J-}~% 0 1 ER ~~ PC(tablet PC)~ i1ol 7}7.lJI c}t4Jl. Jl-%
ER ~~ PC7} (1)~t5~0J .0 JOlotl.2... 0}.!f!- tjlJ-111- TV, ~E-11:J! 0 1 ~JI ~7.}~ ~% *
~e>iJ-1 }9- (2) . A11 {1-7- u}=i -1 ER~i5:! PC~ o}t-1-
(3) . Jl-% 7-1141- ER~~ PCOil ~t>H ~o}.!c!_JI :U~-E-Jl. ~ ig-
~--E-1 }.Stl}ol:_~ oHJ-1 ~ 3!ll (4) . -=z.~tjl e>i~ A11 ~ ~
J-}Of ~7.l (5) . A11%u}q AJ-~J1} 1i:l-~01 c} c}.S~-E-Jl. 7.-]
0 1-Y- -7- ~o}Jl 117-lrn- 0 1-~_g. 3!ll Bl-l-Jl. .:Z.CllJ-1 7}Z41 ~~~ rrfl77}7.l % El 711*~ 0 1=

20 Korean Grammar ;,,/ 9Ls(t/Inter1nediate

0 2: FJlEll
1 T

1~ e}w 0 l ?1 l --l:llJl.
It's really windy.

L~ l:l}WO l ~~ 4-% lfiltjl rrfx-O}Jll <?j2 7}-E Jll

If it's windy, it should be cold, so it's good to wear warm clothes
when going out.

- --

Did Wei Ming say she would come to the alumni meeting today?

L~ _2_E_.3:Y_"1Jl. ~JA1 ~r:B7-J-% ~<fl-% lfiltjl <?:!_l21-0 1

I'm not sure. She should have received the invitation, but I
haven't heard from her yet.

a:., 1:1 2
iC! 12- I .

OJ.H.~.g ~~OJLr 9.J:A:I~ LrErLH::: '--( 0 )2 EiOJcrOJ1-g~oJLr <!QI ljH~~ LrErLH::: '--( 0 )L/i=-CiJ'7r cgf~~
W~LJcr. {!Worlll ~~0p~ '--(o)L/eci10 1~~ ~~ oJ2.H~ R~~ ccH Alol-E 3:!0J2.r.JJ. ~ ~LJcr. *
~~~OJI::: 01~ A~oJLr -g%~1 cH~ ~~ ~~oJLr oJ2.H~ LrErLH::: wo1 211 ,Sf-?:\l~OJle ~?:\l~:llr ~~1

7~ Lr tt.tcH 7 r 1 ::: wo 1~LI cr.

This expression is a combination of -(0)2 Ei O I C~, which expresses a particular future situation or intention to
do something, and -(o )L/ C:-c-H, which expresses the background situation or state of affairs related to what is
to follow in the sentence. As such, it is used to express an expected or intended future state of affairs. In the
first clause of the sentence, a strong intention or expectation about a future event or situation is given, and
in the second clause (following -(0)2 ~c-JI), a statement either related or contrary to the first clause is given.

-()2 ia!til
.... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . ...... . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . ... - --~... . -..... ....~ .-............. .;.... - .. - .......... .- . . . - . . . c..:: ... ~ . . . ~""" ..................... ~. ~-~ . . ;.Jll' . .. . . - ~-~- .. . - ~ ~ .. .-A....~'- ........1ro: .~ ~ . )'t I;
' ' '
: ; -BCL ;
I '
; -<;J./<J).~ ~[ii ;
' I

1 ~cr ~<;).~ ~ru =
A/V ................. - --;______ ------------- ----- ------ ----.. ;---. . .... -- ,.... . ......... -- ------ ------------------------- ------- -------- . .
~Cr ~~~[ii
-()2 ~c~I
~~-- ...... ____,_ ,_
..._ _________ ____. _. ________ ___________
~Cr ................. _ .._.....___.. ...
~-------- _...
~~~[ii ___
_________________ __________ ~-----

.AA 2
i...:.: I ;
.!:f!:A:rOICr j

.!:f!:A:r~~ ~Cil
. Ol'J).~ ~Cil . l. t~OJCr .i
NOIC.~ .
. .!:f!:A: r~ ~Cil

---------. --------........- _,___

~~ ~~[ii _
7 . Al~._:g-_!f-~ ~ -6~ ,Al ~~ 0 ll1Jl.
I'm in big trouble because I haven't studied for the exam .

Me too. If we don't do well on the test, we won't advance (to the next level/grade), so I'm worried.

I'm expecting a delivery this evening, so please make sure that you receive it.

Lt Al.5:. Al~ll-E {JOil ~% lfilt:il Ol~o}7-l.fL?

But I also don't expect to be home this evening , so what should we do?

7t OlA~l 0 f-2o}~t.l-Jl 1?J"0 1 II1~"91% lfiltjl _2_--..g_ ~:zj %0l7}"-il.fL.

You must be exhausted after working late yesterday, so please go home early today.
LL ~7.J-..61 l r l _Q_.hs:_ ol-..::Lt>l- .. (?J..61 l r l
I ~ 1.-0 1::1 '-1 '-1 . 2. I 1- 2. ' /'>" 1:::1 '-1 '-1 .
It's okay. I can work late today, too.

I - - - ------- - - - - - - - - ------- - - --------~

l I
Ol J~:= '-( 0 )2 tj!c-JIR'.2.I ~EH g~ MOil .A.I~* 'Xl:=c-11 01rrH:= ~at:= .AtEt 0
.g~~ LtEtLH7 l5=. ~LICt.
This expression can also be used at the end of a sentence in the form -{0)2 'E!,!CilR, but, in this case, it can
also express the speaker's supposition or assumption about the situation being discussed.

7t ;z1JY- ~]oj];zj] 7c{o] 9<5~ 7]-.A}.Jl ?J-77}.B..?

Shall we ask Jena to go on the trip with us?

Lt /Z1]t-l- ~J-E- ...% 1:1~ 1illr:1].B...

I think Jena is busy these days.

7t 7J9 ~]7]- ...~ J.j~ -e.1:1] "5"]-~2.} 1:1}~~.B...

I heard Gyeongsu is busy trying to prepare for his exam.

Lt 0 11tioJl-E- ~ ~Z=l~R 0 J: Wlfiltj].B...

He really has to pass this time.
7t El1%o] Q}J-.1 1:1] <5~7]7} .2...!f- ~~<)iOi.B...
All the flights were canceled because of the typhoon.
Lt Cl1%o] _2_.Aj i'J'.iltj2.}~ l:lj<5~7]7} ~_~.A] ~J"'.il% lfilr:1]....
They wouldn't have been canceled if there hadn't been a typhoon.

--------------- ----------~- ------------- - -- - _ _.J

2? Korean Grammar iffi CZ/.v.e; Intermediate

'-{ 0 )L/::c11'2.r '-(.2.)2 ~C11':: ci-g~r ~::: ~Oil.Ai 5::rO l7r ~LICr.
The differences between -{)L/~cH and -{0) 2 'E!]Cil are summarized below.

-(.2.)L [ti
-()2 ~[U

~xH ~~I ctti!" t1H~ ~~OIL~ 10!1 L~ LHOll ctt~ ~XHL~ 01~H {t~I cttoH ~1-E .AfWQI ~~~IE~~ ITH
~~ Xii.Al~ ITHAf-~LIC~. Af-itLIC~.
Used to provide background information about Used to express the speaker's supposition or
the current topic under discussion or to introduce assumption about a current or future situation.
information about what follows in the next clause .

(.A]-ii-) 1:117} .2..-e-r:-J1 ? ~ 7}7-1.TI. 7}l--J1Jl. (.2..4-<>ll) t117} % 1illt;J] ~}% 7}7-1.TI. 7}l--J1Jl.
It's raining (now), so please take an umbrella It's supposed to rain (in the afternoon), so
with you. please take an umbrella with you.

~ t:il7~ 911 ~71 ClHgO!j '-{o)L/ECij' ~ ~ <i{O? t:il7~~ '3;!0 171 ffHg()jj '-{0)2 'E!)Cij'~ I
Af-o ~.=i:!. ~~Lie~. Af-o~.=i:!. ~~Lie~. I
-{ 0 )L/~Cil is used because it is currently -{0)2 'E!]Cil is used because the speaker 1
________ _____ ___ -----
expects it to rain later.
.. ,

---- - - - ----- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - -

1 7~ 7-1~ ~~ ?1l~il?

Lr 7-lif ~~~ 0 1-J-11H {}01 ~ % lfiltjl ? R~ -Ailil.

7-Jill ~{!- .2f..A.1Cr

AIE- 71n1~ or.A.I~ ~I-QI <2! 2cr / er~~ or.A.~2.r
.2f.~Oll ~2~011 ~o 17rcr ..' A-ti~ 8012.r Arwo1 'Cicr / c~011 7rAr
.!fi!.A I~ '%'::i].r LF~ .!:2.2.i 7rcr .' ::i .!fi!.A1~g ~Mi ~~cr / cr= ~~~ .!i!.Ar

2 7~ _2_~<:>11 ~01 EllL-16 ~771-il?

Lr _2_~<:>11-E "J-171- 37}1 r1% lfilt:il..9...

2~011 yo1 E-JILIA ~1cr .2.~0ll ~ ~Ml7 r IilH El Cr

2~ ~ 71n1.g.011 7r.A.i ~-5rcr 7-Julg~ .A.ITIEJCr
or7 l2.r Mli6" ~o 1~2~ .! or7l2.r Ml ~ .:L!.~Oll --or~cr
. ........
~ -- .

- . -

1 .,~_o ) 2 ~ IC
~ I
= .A lL.Q-o-H
JI , 2. o A~
I CL.<? o c5~ ~:ic ~ o :;::a a~ c: JI
f L-::12 a...; &..:...C>-.:C. L...:-A l ..u...,

(1} BJ~-8}~ 11 11~ 7l <:r11Jl. + Jf--t.1 ~Oil ~Cl .2.-"ilJl.

_. 1::1J-c5-t5~ "~"~a,.t :c!J~I Sf-~ "J.JOil ~~ ..2.1--il.2..

(2) 1:1~7} .JJ..~ 7-1<:r1l.R. + 0 1~ ~ ~-"il.R .


(1) 7~ 01 ~% a}3. -l~Ell ~al.JJ.. -6}-E-Ell "lu:R.R? (~~~~Ell "1~-cf)

L~ 0l ~.g_ .Q.t~OJc5Jelj Oi~~ :qt~j q~ ~% .J-}i::- 711 "1 u:R.R?

L~ .g_"611 -1 7} ul~Oil .J-1 10}J.1 - - - -- - - - -

.g_-811-l Oil711 lf-12:}-t>R

(3) 7~ Al ;( g ~lti ~"1 ~77}.R? (Al ;( ~ ~q)

L~ -cf-e _ g ~ "1 _!i!_.Ail.R.

(4) 7 ~ fr-n1 u}~Oil ~q %711.R. (~ g ~~q)

L~ Al~~ fr-lll u}~ 0 1 - - -- -- - - - -- ~~ 7}i::- 711 ~{\1.o-1.R.

(5) 7~ OJ=7J -17} 7:J~:a% )X-c}1Jl. (~ Al ?~-cf)

L~ ::1.J-} ~ l>}~J.1 -t1--lf-<5}7l7} - -- -- 78~ -c}11d-8~Jl.

- -- - - -

-- Korean Grammar i.r1 </lse Intermediate

[ 07 ] 1
7~ Bl'iJ~e>il-E ~~J-% ~~ot 131-~7-lJl?
Doesn't bibimbap need red pepper paste to taste good?

L~ 111, -0}7-l~ ~~J-% W- 0 1 ~_2_~ 0 B% EllY7!l-

~~~ ~-2--"ilJl.
Yeah, but it will be spicy if you add a lot of red pepper paste,
so only put in a little.

I wonder if Mark did well on his interview.

I'm sure he did well, so don't worry.

01 .R~g ~~= .ArEJ-2.1 ~~~ LrErLH-E ~ ~~OILr 1:AI'~ LrErLH-E '-{.2.)2 EiOICf'Oll 01~~ LrErLH:::
'-{.2.)Ll77F7t ~~ ~~LICt. ~~~Oil:::.??- ~re .ArEJ"OI All~t71Lr ~ore ~Ol .2.~ t!~~Oil-E .:J.~lll
JloL=L J L
};I L!Or71L1
r>.1-=-LL- 0
~L.!Oit:::" 10=1T2
;;;::;:;;:;=Ln-11-1 c~.;~LI
I -,O('i:'.:!AI 2 t::1
C1 .
This expression is a combination of -{0)2 EiOICL which expresses the speaker's supposition or intention,
and -{ 0 )Ll77~. which expresses a reason. In a sentence with this construction, the second clause contains
the speaker's suggestion or statement of advice to the listener, while the first clause provides the speaker's
reason for giving such a suggestion or advice.

. ..
. . ' . .
. - - - - - -- . ..... " - - -'- ... - -- _..,._ - - .. - - - - - ,..,. . -<- ....-,- ..,...... -~ --~-~~_........................_ ,,..,...,.___.,...._~-..- -.-........ - ... . .,-,. .. .._...._..__.._,. _....-.... - - - ------- -- - --- - - - ---- - - _... - __.,. - - - _,__...... - - _,...._ - ....__ ......:.;. - '- ~-.;. - - _,.. - - ..... . - - -...__..; .-:.. -.-.. - - -- .

. i i 7 ~Cr : ~~ EilLl77~
:i2~71 . -'Jlf<JJ.~ Ei1Ll7lt
,.! i i
A/V .-.. ... ... ~ .......__ .. ... -.,. ....-----.;---------- --- . . .--.. --.. --... ...... ..... --.... ...........:i.. ----.---.......' -....-...;:...-.-.........'fill
--~~ Eil-..LI--...
--... --... 77t-...............
1 7~cr : ~ EilLl77r
~;;:HI tllaH. . .i' -(.2.)2 Ei1Ll77r .

'a~~ Eil Ll77f
- -.._.,...._--;---t-'-"-,-- '
-~-4--~------ . .- -......
-- - -----....----.----
---------- - '
: 1 oro 1o1cr : 0ro1 ~~ Eil Ll77r
i ~~/Ol'JJ.~ EilLl77r 1 i
N01CF .... : : 2f~OICr i 2t~ Ol'Xt~ EilLl7Jr
o . - .. . , . . .. - - . :.; . . .. .... ... ... . ... . ---- -- .. .... . ....... . -- . . ; ... .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. - .. - .. : .. . . . ... . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . - . . .. . .. .. .

. i : OrOIOICr OrOI ~ EllLIJJf

~:X:H / Dl2.H 1' ~ EilLl77r i
' _________.. ....__.................... . ____...._.....__..__ ...... ........ _ ...___ _____
----------.- . _ ............................................._ _ __ ___________________________ .___
. ..
. i
I :
.......-............... _._ _._' __._ , ..
.__ _.. ._,__........_...__ _.....__ __.. .

-- -- - - =--~itt %:::---0'-:... "r "rJ1~-~ % "r 7t77l-.R?
:: =-. s.:-: E..::;:; es s nee Mary likes fruit?
_::_~ ~- ~o ~ ~717} -}Jl 1)1-~% Ellt-17!} 1$f7l~ J,.} 7}.R.
~.:-::s ~s sa.vberry season now, they should be cheap and taste good, so let's buy some strawberries.

"J ~ ~~% ~Y-Jl 1J.g.t:il e>i r:ie>il 7-ll"li=-7-l 0

:1ant to meet with the teacher, so do you know where she is?

4 "}~ Oil 7-ll~ 'Ellt-17!} 7171. 7} -"il.R.

She should be in her office, so go and check there.

7~ o}~ ~~ rrfl %li9~ --el<S"l-~ ~77}.R?

Do we only need to prepare drinks for the morning meeting?

L~ ~ 1T ~ 0 1-~% ~ ~ ~% Ellt-17!} ~_i:=_~7.l 7tf0 l ~l:llo~ ~l ~~e>i.R.

Most people probably won't have eaten breakfast, so preparing some sandwiches too is probably a good

-- -- -~ --- -- ------------- - - - - - - - - ---------- - --1.

1 01 .H.~2 '-( 0 )2 EllLl77rR' 0 1~ EH g~ -IOll ,.\lor71 gJ-LICt.
This expression can also be used at the end of a sentence in the form of -(.2.)2 E:llLl71~..

9J~ ~~~}J.i].fL. ~.fL9Jo]2.} 7cJo] 9{-%1 E]]L-] 7.7}.fL.

Leave early. There w ill be a traffic jam since it's Monday.

2 '-( 0 )2 EllLl77F9.I ~~~Oll-C 'Cj~OICF, '.:!!.~Cr', 'Dl<2..l-otCt'9.I ~O I ~ * filLICL

Expressions such as ~~OICL .i!.%J'C~, and oim~~ cannot follow -(0)2 E:ilLl71t.

t1}~1l E1JY7lr {}-6:l<5H 9-AiJ.i 7r]-J.}~Yr:l-. (x)

-B}~{J "@1:1] -%-6:l<5H 9-AiJ.i 7r]-J.}~Yr:l-. (o)
IL]~~ Ej]yll} 9J~ Y...2.2.}.:il oHA-1 o]<i}<5H.fL. (x)
- lL] ~W 1illt:Jl 9l~ L-}..2.2.}.:il oH J-i 0 J<i!oH.fL. ( o)

3 01 .H.~.g ~o~ .A.tceJOI Di~~~ ot~Ct-C 9.IJ::ILt 9.1~ LtEtLH71 o~C11 Ol[[H::: ?Oi7r 1<2J~
121 ~*~~Li er. ~~~011::: ? ~::: -"rcet0ll7il Oi~711 orJ::r7iLr Oi~711 or2.r-C LH~o1 ~Lier. '

01 .H.~2 '- (0 )2 EiOICt'7r 9.IJ::I~ LtEtLH.:1!. -!Oil '-( 0 )Ll77F7r ~.g

EilLl77F <f!Oll::: ~-"tl21 ~ * ~o~ :ilr7i~2 ~ * filLICt.
~~Lier. 01 ?3~ '-(.2.)2
This expression is a combination of-(.2.)2 E-j OIC~, which states an intention, and -(O)Ll77 ~, and is also
used to state the speaker's will or intention. As such, it can only be used when the subject is in the first
person. The expression is then followed by the speaker's suggestion or request to the listener to do '

something. Additionally, only verbs can come before -(.2.) 2 E-1ILl77t, and they cannot be in the past tense.
- -----J

26 Korean Grammar ;,, Us.e Intermediate

7~ ARc:3 -1, <if.2.. 01 ~ ~1 91 S:f<5}1tl ~ 77}_g_?
Jaeyeong, how should I contact you from now on?

L~ :Ail 01ai1 ~ 2f'-~~ 7}.S~ E.~ EJ]l-]7!} l7]. 91_S:f 2f'-,l.i].fL.

I'll give you my email address, so you can contact me that way.

7~ ~'81 -2-A1l-J7lt ~21 ~ ~ -AJ21t>R 0 J:5!)01.R.

I've got to clean up the house fast because some guests are coming .
L~ :A1]7} 7i1l% 7821W EJ]l-]7!} 'c[{l.g. BJ ~J~ % i>R ~cH.fL?
I'll clean up the living room, so will you clean the other rooms?

, ~ l..2.~~ fn} .ft_?

~ . . '

'-( 0 )2 t!!ci1'2r '-( 0 )2 E.-JI Ll7JF~ ~er~~~ [[tt or~ wo1;;:1'2J- c~2r ~.g ~OJIAi ~rol7r ~Li er.
Although -{.)2 ff!!C-ll and -{.)2 EilL'77~ are used to express supposition, they differ in the following respects .
...___________.,..___ ___ _______________ . ......
_... ...----------...-----...
- ------ - -------- -----~---

~- -.-.-----------.-.-----..---- ...--..---------------.....----------...-

- (2.) 2 ti! C:il . j - (2.) 2 Eil Ll77~

--.. -------- ....... ------------ ..........-------- .......... ... ........... ---------- ... _.......
.~ ,. ' _,. ............................................................. .............................. --- .... _. ....... ................. ..

;;<;::<:01 A.~.f-,g 01 01 s~LjCL : =7= ~Ql O I B~ 0 !Dlg]Ljc~.
I -.,-=-) O o 2 - E:i I.

Refers to the actual situation related to the .: Refers to the reason for the speaker's supposition
supposition or assumption. ~ or assumption.
You must be hungry, so please have '
(Because) you must be hungry, please have
something to eat. something to eat.
________ ____
... .. .. ........ ~ -~ -------.....----- .....----.-.-------.---- -...............____
._._.. ..... __.. _,, ________ ........ _______ ....
......__ -.........-------.-.- ............
~-- -


[ 08] 1
1 7r ~;_l A~lY- -1 ~~~i 0 1--"11.fL?
Lr 'ZJ -17} ~ Ell'-1771- 'ZJ -1~11 %~ -"11 .fL .

:AilL~ Ml <cJ~~1 ~Cr .s=.~ AAl7r ~cr / .s=.~ AAl~Eil ~Oi~cr

~ ~'cJ7Jll-"i <i:!:Ail ~OiAle:AI ~cr -a-ig ~OiAlcr 1~:zioJ71c~21cr

.A~ AAl7r OiCI ci..!e:AI ~Cr 6J'a0ll cue~ I 7171 7r ~Cr

2 7r 7-1~11 ~-T?J- o):-=r- .!i!t1 7}71 ~~.fL.

Lr .::l~ , 7}cl~% 7}7-lj]_ 7}i::- 7-ll ~{l}_ ~ .fL. 7-1~<W ~~%[ Ell'-177}..fl.
:Ai~OJI ~-11~ Ohl ~2.i 7~C~ 7rcl.:c!~ 7r:Al.Jl 7~cr / :Ai~~ -w~rc~

LH<I o~ BAIOJI ~~rcr :Alo~ ~ Ercr / ~2 -"ILl-012~ ~01 'CJOI 9.101cr

~~011 nrEI~ -orcr ~~ J:01~1::110rcr1 ~~0 1 2r -"rEt~o1 'CJ-01 2cr
_ -- ........ ........

(3) ::i ~~ ~lfo~~c~. .2~ ~ ~ *l;_ilR. r
(4) .A. lgj~.!:j:!.0~.!:::.2-~
- -------------..-....... .............. .......
~----------------- - --..._... ,..
@ c~.e ~ 7~-E 7~1 Oj[[HR?
. ., _.._ ,. _..
. --. --.....-.................._______________ .._....................... _.........._..______________ _______ ........ _.. ___________ ......... _.. _ ........................




2 '-() 2 EilLl77V~ .A.~f>H.A.i [.~~ CH 9~ ~ ~~i>~AilR.

(1) 7~ <21=% 12:1 )j,-E-t:ll 7-ll~ 0 }~tjlJl. (~ 0 }7-lr.})

L~ ~~ '.U~~ ~or"J.~ =t:11~11 r % f-%1A-1 4lAil.R.

(3) 1~ 0llti :g:.7}011 %t>R. ~77}.R, Ait>R. ~77}.R? (At~0 l lf:J-1*)

L~ %t>R-E- Al t>R. 7}-E- ~l <>1 u:fl.R?

L~ ~~1t} ~.AilJl.
- - -- -- -- - --

(6) 7~ 17'~1 ~2-1 ~% % ~ 9 '.V,%77}Jl? ({}-6:1% ~q)

L~ 7--1 ~-6:1% ~ t>RA-1 %2fJl. ~11.:ii -17} - - -- - -- - -
~lo l.:ii -1 ~Eil ~l ~All il.

---.: Korean Grammar u1 C/&e Intermediate


[ 09]1

Did you happen to see Mark?

L~ o}u} ~IIlirll ~%~A. 0 }77} ~IIlirOil tftj-.:JI

He's probably at the coffee shop. I heard him say that he was
going there earlier.

------------------------------------------ ------------------

7~ OiAil 0
J=7J -1~ 1111 ~ ~lei n-%77}_9_?
Do you think Yang Gang went to play tennis yesterday?

L~ o}u} ~ ~%~A. <:xll~e>il 11 11~~ * ~tj-.:Jl

~lfl -5! ~o}Ji...
I doubt he went. I think he once said that he can't play tennis.

01 R~.g o~ ~OiL~:;t;:I ?J":= ~OIL~~ c:;:i2-E ~Oll cHoH ~1-E .A.fMOI ~~~~ =7=~~ 010~71~ rrH ~Lie~.
~~Oll.A.1-E .A.lo ~XI ~.JI ~~Oll.A.1'21 ~2~ .A.~OIOll .A.f~LIC~.
Th is expression is used when t he speaker states an unconfi rmed assumptio n o r supposition about a
future event or something he or she is not sure about. It is used only among close friends and appears in
conversational form only, not in written form.

. . . ........... . ................... ...... ... . ... ....... ...--...... ..... ... - _,, --
.. ..
~ .. ..... .. .. - ---- - -~-- ""- - ~ ~ ~----.... - - -~- -=- - ~ - -~'" .......--'--""--"" ... ~- _,..-xv.._ .....~ .....,., .... ..

... .

. .''
A/V - . ..... . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , ~* - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . . .. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - -



0 lot c:> 7..f 0

M 2 2 .LL.
....,............. ............ ...... ................. ............ *------- .. --..................................................... ..... ....
. ......... ... .......... - - ... - ... ........ .
~..A.~O j c~ ~:2:.A.~~~R


_____ _____ ..._....._


.t~O j c~ 2.t~ ~~R

_ ._.
- :::~-~0- 71_~~ 'l>}~ Ell J-}~01 ~%77}Jl?
- ;;ia'"'"' '19 to go to the department store, but do you think there will be a lot of people there?

_. ~ ~oly77} ~%~A.
:s right before Chuseok, so I bet there will be a lot (of people).

7 {) ~Oil '.il-E 0 }..7} ~ J-lll i-E:Al 0 }J..1lS1?

Do you know when the little mart in front of the house opens?

L~ o}o} lOJ-1 ~ ~~A. q~ D}..~ 01 tjl lf ~ lOJ-lll ~7~--Jl.

I think it opens around 1O because most of the other marts open at 10.

7~ Q.f4j- J-1~% ~ ~~jl 1J..g.tjl :A}0l= -17} ~~-~%77}..fl?

I want to change our meeting to a later t ime, but do you think Jaya has already left (her home)?

L~ ~-1 *~~%~A. :A}of -1 {) 0 1~~}Jl.

I bet she's already left. Jaya's house is far away.

-'(j '-{0 )2 ~ .:J.~CFOll.Ai '.:J.<H!Cf7~ ~~. '-{0 ) 2 ~:: .J:!.l-7iOll ~ ~Oii CH'BH ~~I~%{ CQI .AlfilLIC~. IIl-2.t.Ai ~~I<! CQl-E ~~~
L~r~ CQl.21- ~.!~ LtEt'l IIHQI ~Elf7~ ~1D~;i;:1~ ~~2.IA:I U~ .~:~otAil. (25;g ~.! ~ LtEr~ IIH'QI 01 '-{ 0 )2 ~ .:i~cr
The expression -(0)2~ can also represent the contracted form of -(.2)2 ~ .::i~cf, in which .::i~cf has been omitted. As such, it can also
be used to express the speaker's feeling of regret about a past event. For this reason, you must pay special attention to this form when it ls
used informally because it can mean either supposition or regret depending on the situation. (See Chapter 25 Expressing Regret, 01 -(0)2
~ .::l.~Cf.)

- ----

1 01 R~~ ~cH~1 1~0!1 Q{orlll 'lf"cH~ aH~ .A.lg)"Llcr. 01uH ~ctt~o1 ~.JI~~;..~~~ ~cH~2..I
7I CH 7~ ~2.l7~Lr ~r~ .A.riS:L!.~ CrE.Cr~ ~~ LrEr~LICr.
This expression can also be used to softly disagree with the listener, that is, to express the speaker's
belief that the listener's statement or expectation is wrong or different from his or her own.

7~ 0 1-~ *~W7lr.?
3;..J oil
Shall we leave at 8 in the morning?

L~ ::J.. ;,.l ;Q-1] ~ ~ 0 1 W-0 1 ~W~..

The traffic will probably be bad at that time.

7~ 01-714 -111 ~1 78~i1-% .::r-78;..Jr-1 ~llr -5H..

I'm planning to take Akira sightseeing at Gyeongbokgung.

L~ o}7]2.} -1~ 78~.:;?-oj] ~ V4-1 7} ~%~.. .2.1~~%ol ~Rll -2..'tl A~l~ !{!.Ai 7~
I think Akira has already gone to Gyeongbokgung. It's one of the first places foreigners visit after
coming to Korea.

30 Korean Grammar ,;1 </he- Intermediate

--- l
2 01 R~.g iyo~E A~i2j'2! .::J.~711 =}~ore 2-71~ 7~:A ljJ_ ~~ LIC~. [[~2.~Ai iyor-e A~i2j:il~ ~ A~i2jOI

=} ~or~ 2-71~ ~~w [[H~ Arw * filLlc~.

This expression is used when only the speaker has knowledge to back up a supposition or assumption.
Accordingly, it can't be used when both the speaker and listener share the same information.

7t ~WllJ-7.l ~-1 H~l~l:Jl.B...

It's already sold out for the entire weekend.

Lt .:Lc-j~].B... OJl-7] :Afl a] 'X,l%~.B... (x)

- .:z. ci ~l.B... ca ::J-71- AHo1:uLJ- li!l-R. ( o)
Yeah, that movie seems popular.

: ~~2.1 2717~ 1::: .A~(~~ 1:7~ ~~7J~X I oH~1 ~ c:.~) ~ .!:f- .A~'Et c:.~ ~.Jl ~7 1 rrHgOJI '-( 0 )2~2~
J..~g%1" * fil~LI C:.~.
The basis for the assumption that the movie is popular-that is, the fact that the tickets are sold out
for the entire weekend-is shared by both people, and therefore -(.)2~. cannot be used.

7. o] ~ 1-7]- :Afl a]'.V_%7J]-.B..?

Do you think this movie is interesting?

Lt .ft~ !~ 1~2.}JI -&-]-l-]7!]- :Aflo]'X,l%~Ji..

Well, it's number 1 at the box office these days, so I reckon it's interesting.

: 01 ~~7~ ~~ 1 ~2.~.Jl o~::: ~.!:2.~ 'Lf'2! 7 ~Xl.Jl ~ 71 rrHgOJI '-(.)2~2 ~ J..~%1- * ~~LI C:.L

Here, only L~ (the speaker) knows that the movie is number 1 at the box office, so -(.) 2 ~. can be

The intonation of sentences using this expression rises slightly at the end.

7t 7J-%1i=- ig-.]7] Oilfl7.] 0]-J.i ].B..?

Do you know what t he weather's like in Gangwondo?

Lt ~Qioj cq- ).-j %~c]- ~%~

Since it's in the north, I bet it's colder than Seoul.

4 '-(0)27~0=
- 2 ....LL L- '-(0
)2 7Jl).jlo'Hc.L=
I V1 ..LL ~ I L- ~~ru1
I -. V J
cH -5~
.2.hA.IO I ot.;~Llc.L
--, L..: t::::I
--, I

In terms of strength of conviction, -(0)2~. expresses a weaker belief t han -(0)2 7-l ~IR.

(1) 7t *~ -]7]- ~11% i;t]~%7l]-.B..?

Do you think Suyeong has had lunch?

Lt i;t) ~%~.B... 7.]if 3-A]~o}Jl.

I reckon she has. It's already 3 o'clock.
2) 7~ *~ .]7} ~41% ll:J~%77]-iL?
Do you think Suyeong has had lunch?

L~ ll:j~% ~~]it. Oj-77]- -6.l~Oll ~ ll:j..Q..cj Z}tj-.:il ~}t;j2.]-J1 g.

Yeah, I'm sure she has. A while ago, she said she was going to the cafeteria to eat.

: (1)~ S!~ cH'T ~2.l .A.~~--01 3.A.l~Oll:: ~{:!~ 12:1.g. ~EHLl77~ *~ J..q~ 12:1~~ 7i2.~jl ~~o~jl ~~.Ai
'-()2~.' W~1J:j (2):: '*~ JJ.17~ 'gt 12:12.i {.!-C~jl ~CF2.l--E % Ci .:;:i~~l~CCJ ~~ 0 1 27i~ CHjl
~o D. '- ()2 7i0ll.' W~~LIC~.

In (1 ), - () 2 ~. is used because L~ (the speaker) is basing her assumption on the fact that most
people have normally eaten lunch by 3 o'clock in the afternoon. In (2), -(0)2 7iOllR is used because
L~ (the speaker) is basing her assumption on the more concrete fact that Suyeong actually said she
was going to eat.

1 7~ %~ -17} Al-B- {16il ~%77r.fL?

~;x;:i~ reproduction
Lr 0 1 .Al<!-6il~ ~.!8- ,<ti~ ol-11771- {16il ~%{IA.

g..2. .Ul7~ A.IE- ~Oil <;le~ 0 1.A. ILl-Olle.!i!~5:~ o~Ll7J~~Oil file~

"A1.:iEl o I 1::11.u~e~ -~.::\ilO I Ll77~ 1::11.U~"AI ~e~

2 7~ ~Ci 1-H~ .A}~~ 7t[ rrR ~* -1 lf-~771-.fL?

L~ ~* -1~ Al{}ol ~%~A. l:lJ-~ 1-Hi-H ot.J:J}Ol.. ~tj-jl ~7-1-E.fL .

.A.lllOI file~ I ~Qt LHLH o~g_1::1~01.s ~C~.:il 5~c~

o~o~ ~ 7~c~ 1011~011 .A.~-tJ01L~ .:iEJ011e--E-~01 filcr.:L!. "B~c~

.:il~Oil ~~~[.~I "Al'cl4-0il .:il~Oil lle~.:il 5~e~

-- Korean Grammar of/ C/.Lre Intermediate
- . .. -
. '- - . -- . ..... .... ....




-----.............- -------......------..........._._--..-......------...........____.. _,. ______ .........._.. .......__............-- .. ---..........------------- ----- - ...............-.----- -


- ---
... ... -....... ------............. -~ - ..............- ...............------.................. --.........---. ..-...... --.........---.....-.....-- .--...._...............--...........
---. --~ ...................-- ~- ........- -~- .............--- --........-

7~~2.I ~~ -1, 0 1 -2-~1011.A-1 _2_~ .A}1f.7.lJi.?

:A1l 7} ol -2-~l o}nf__.. ol.A~ _2_ 24 j]_ t>l-i::-"Gll ol~ o}nf__~ "1 u:fl _g_?
.~ ol~ 0 }n}..~ 9-~011 ~{11 1?J-0 }.A1 .7.1~011 -E (1)f..l11C1~'!2-.
7~~2.I i~Ji.? i~ ~9-o}n}..-f= "lu:flJi.?


7 ~~ 2.I t:f .7.l .Q_ ~ 1E .Al z_}o l :Ii1ll ~Cl ~ l:fl Ji..
~ -i=-211-n}..011 ~itJ. 7} .!2--"11.fL. ~71-f= ;z.1..g. .7.l ~ 0 1- Cj- RJ-1 JJ~x-Ol-Jl {1
~ 71-E-Ji.. i {1..g. (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
0 L 0
1 a

7~ 7-}0 t h'l, 2ll ~:Ail ~ -tl--il ~_fl?

Jaya, why didn't you do your homework?

Lt _2_~ ~:Ail 7} ~51~ii.? Ali=- ~:Ail7} ~~ W

%~lit. ~:A1l71- ~~ w ~<V:<>lJl..
Did we have homework for today? I didn't know we had
homework. I thought we didn't have any.


7~ .g-~1 h'l iJIB_ !2_17,~il? 78W 13!~1dEll il.

Did you see Eunhye's husband? He's really handsome.

Lt .g-~1 h'l7r ~~%~~_fl? Ali=- _g-"511 h'l7}

~~~ w%~lJl. ~~ ~ ~ w~~<>lil.
Did Eunhye get married? I didn't know she got married. I was
under the impression she wasn't married.

'-(o)L/f=/(2)2 ~ ~~cfe cg[O!-E ;,.~01 {:!~~QI 010~71011 cHaH ~~7-ILr Oll.g EEe 7lcH~ o~:A:I ~~~

rrtt .Algl-Ll c~. ~2-1.:JJ. '-( 0 )L/'c./( 0 )2 ~ ~cfe {:!~~1 LH~o1 g{cr.:JJ. ~:z{~'c.ci1 ~~01 ;,.~01 0~1c1~

~7-11 1<It~ [H.AlfilLI er.

The expression -{2.)L/f::/(2.)2 ~ ~~c~ is used to end a clause stating something the speaker was not aware
of or did not anticipate. -{o)L/';::./(0) 2 ~ ~~c~, on the other hand, is used to end a clause stating what
the speaker had assumed to be the case; therefore, it expresses the speaker's realization that his or her
assumption was incorrect.

- (.2.)L/f=/(.2.)2 ~ ~~C~(<&t~C~)
. ... ...... ... ...... ~,~ -

.' .. -~ "' . . . ....... .. . . ..... -.~ .... -~ .o.. . .. -- .

......... \, .. ...... \,
--- ~

.. Oll~
-(.2.)L ...' .

A ------------ ....... - ----- ---------
.. -------
___ _. ___ ..... ------ ----- ... -----
--- -- ..... ------ ........ ..
. ' '
. Oll~Cr . ''

; -()2 '

~c~ .

- - - - 1----- - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - -
' -- -- -~----

7~Cr :.
+ ~~~c~
-()L '
' ...., .Q.
D-1 .._
-- .. .. -
- -- .. - - ...... ...... - ... ................ ..... ....... ........... .. .... ....... .. ........... ..

v L....
' ............. - .......... .... ----
. ..... -- ... .... ... - .. ....... .. .. - .......... ..... ----- .. ----

-(.2.) 2

- Korean Grammar ut l'8e Intermediate

: - - - - - . , . . . -............

.............--------.... ____________
...,.... . ...........

-.___,....... .. _~ ....~ ______ _,______

: :' OjOi..!:::. :: or.AH :: .; ~AH O I ~..!::::.

I M 1- -, 0 -, 0 ""'-
I ~~
:: o:I..!:::.
!: 01 1 L
!: 0 11 Lo:!..!:::. ~:
I------- --- ----- ----' ------ AAL- -Al - AI M
. ' -------- -------- --- -.
------- -- ---- ----



or.AHO I

. ' -,o - , 0 L-;

NOIC~ ~.AH :' 01 i
f i ~ : 2.l.A.~
t............................ :................................... :.......... -...... .. .................. :..................... ............ -....:
2.l.A.~cc.! .
-- ! . OI
.; r.AHO I
-.o =
I ="=" ; : . :

~-------!__ -----1-----Ql~.~-------j------2_',A_t~---- ----l--------------


I =-- l_____
~Ll -17} .2_~ ~.ll!.e>i] .g. ~~~~A. ~-.ill.~] .2_::z.l ~.,g_ ~%~~.fl.
I thought Andy came to school today. I didn 't know he didn't come.

1:1}%f0 1 ~ 0 1 ~e>-lJ.1 \t-17} {- ~ ~ ~..J~.fl . .::::Z.~tjl 14[~] L}.2.yll} ~::z.l ~o}Jl.

The wind was blowing so hard I thought it was cold. But now that I am outside, it's not cold.

: z.1 -E -?~ -17} -6' ~ J.}%1-~ ~%~~.a. ~R J.}rg~ ~ ~~~A.

I didn't know Juyeong was Chinese. I thought she was Korean.

1 7~ ~* h\l, %Qf ~ cl % ~Ci -?J.ilJl. 0 }717} A}Jl <U'lJl.

L~ o}, ~%-BRJl. o}7l7} 7-H;:- * ~~OiA .
;:;Q,1- 2.I~ @O IC~
to turn down the volume (sound) of music

~Q.f ~2.I-- ~Ole~ I 0~717~ ;x::~11 ~c~ '
0t717~ AtC~ I ~2.I~ ~OIC~
~2:111::!1~~ net I .A.lgJ~Ef.0~11 ~er .' .A.l~~!Ff>~t I ~2:111::!1~~ JlCt
~.g.51 o~t I ~-=?-2.t ~.~ .go1ct ..''' ~-=?-2~ ~.2:~ .go 1c~ / ~.g.01 o~c~

2 7t u1~ h\l, ig-h\17} 1{.g_tjl Qll Jf..AJ% 7}Al.Jl *"'lJl?

Lt 0 }~ 011 ig-h\17} ~21J.1 l:Jl7} ~ ~ ~~oJA.

'l'AAl7 ~ ~~ C-1 12.11 -Sf-~~ 7rA111 2.C~

~R~ou::: 2.,1-.ii!. ~ia-01 ~~ ieec-11 2H 7 ~cr : ~R~Oll.5=. 5=..A.i~OI ~Ol.A.i ~gs=_~~ ~er

~* AAl2.j ~~ II.j-Ele LH~<2.! c-11 2.ll 7110 l.3.~ o~77~ 2.t2.r AAl7 ~ ~* AAI0111i1 -t:! a~ %1.A.i
.A.r 2.Cr ~~ IItEl 7~ .2--0!Ct
...-. -
- -
. - - - -.

- -=-~-0~ ~J-~ "5ll Jl . .:=z.~tjl :Ai -e .!f--AJ-S:. A1%~-1~ %r:.}.:ll J-~2.l-~~Jl.
-+ ~JOI U{-~"61 ~ ~~.2. . Jf-~& ~i%7-i~ ~ ~ ~ 0J.OJ01.2..



(1) 7. ~ A11 ltj E-1 -17} ltj-1011 <(} ~7-l Jl?

L~ tjl, Al-e ltj-l -17} ltj-1 ;AJ-~~ ~~~Al ltj-1011 % ~ OJ.<'JOi.2..

(2) 7 0}3 -17} {i{J% <{l-1l ~ Al BR7} J7:IIt:RJl. 11% 71 ~..2..-"ilJl?

L~ o}yJl, 0}77} 0}3 -1~ 61rt011A1 ~Al 0}3 -17} {i{J%

(3) 7~ lil~ -1.2} 1i}7-l -17} 7-}uR ~il.

L~ .:=L~Jl? .!f- A}~ol _ __________ .

t>J-,AJ- 7cfol r:.}~Al ~Y<=<l ~ ~~~Jl.

(4) 7~ .2R 0 1~~l <fJ ~ -2.11. ~ _g_?

L~ Jl <fJ O 1cf ~ O l <fJ ~ ~~~ ~ .:-Jl.

.:=z.~tjl ~ 0 1 -6}l-}-S:. <{} Qf0:1Ai <fJ~ S:.-3}~~Jl.

36 Korean Grammar u1 ~ Intermediate

Honey, take an umbrella with you.

L~ ~-17} ~i..g.ql.R. But the weather's fine .

;. ~
.i I ~.. 7~ :AJut~ 0 1~0 1-.R. :AJul-~11-E 7t:}-:::z}7l Bl7r %:::zl.:s:..
It's the rainy season . In the rainy season, it might start raining
'> -':.~,.:.-... .:~::,::
~ ; ~. . suddenly.
k"~ .

........................,,................................................................................................................................ -~- -- -

7~ U}3_ -l7r ~Dr ~11 ~ ~% q ~~~:::Zl..fL?

7'117} ~ ~ 21).i ~_Q_t.1 J7 g.
Don 't you think Mark has finished reading that book he bought

L~ ..ft% ~Ol wot,Ai q * ~ ~%7-1 ~ct.fl.

There's so much to do these days that he may not have finished
reading it yet.

OI .H.~g Oi'tl <IOI ~~ 7t~~~ ~:Al'2! ::i. <IOI <!Oil 4-~ <Xlg~ ~~~ [H .A~@filLICt. '-(.2.)2:AI

9 2 Ct'~ er W~ -9- exlLI Ct.

Th is expression is used to indicate the speaker's view that something might happen or could possibly occur.
The form -{0)2 A:I cr2c~ is also used.

-(2.) 2 XI 9 2 ct
.. ----- ...... - .. ....:.---....... - ----- -- ~ - - . ........ _.,......._..__ ---43"'---.. -~---. ----~..,.- ~... ~~- -
~-~-.. ..
...._..,....__~~--.,,.,..- -~ - ~ .~...~~;J'.'~~- _.,.... ~...... - ..-~- .........~.,.. .:;,,_...~. . ~
7tCt i

:il~:AI i

.t- . . -fiCt
A/V ........................ ;................................. : ............................ ----: ........ ... - ............ ---
; . 7~Ct l ~:Al
~AH I oI2H i; -(2.) 2 :Al :
:' .!:z=.ct '~
r C> Tl
' ~ =A
+ ' - - ~ '
,..--....-......_,.__J_____,____ _________ ...__L... _____________....... _, ......._______ ... _:..____ .........._ .._ _,,,.............- -...- -- ................ ~-------..--------....--...- ----......._ ___....~

! o:t
2 :AI '

! j.:1.:::io1ct
L..:-. [

! j.:1.:::io:t2:AI
L..:-. AA2.

J!t7~ : ; !
Ol~~:AIS:. ! ~'EtO I Cr ~'EJ"Ol~~:AI l
NoIc~ -- ........................................ . . ._..........._..............................._:... ..... ---..- ......---- :.. - .......................--- ........-.....:
l ~.:::io1ct ~.:::i~:AI
I 9:1 H
~A o1 I
2A . ---. . ---. .
: : .!:c.C.~O
C> Cl
IClf :
.!:c.C.~0 I Tl r:-
C> Cl 2.A ~
_ ___...................__ J ------~- . .------- -..---------- --- -----------..!... '
--~--------- --- ------ ------ -- ..!. . . . . . .......________________________.;____. . . . .- ---- -- -
; . ~:.:. .17} OlL:l ~-E:;zl ~J-1 o}J.11...?
:Jo you happen to know where Sato is?

4 J-}~ -l-E .!I!.~ ~ Oil ~~ 7}.7-l1t} ~~ J-1~ 0 1 ~.Q..y77} s:_;_l~l ~%Al_5:_ ~~Jl.
Sato normally goes home early, but he's got a test tomorrow, so he might be in the library.

; i ..Al?J" t1l T ~ 1* 1i1.:ll..8... ~~ 0 }5-0il 311* .2fol=~e>l.B...

.~!e' re all out of toilet paper and soap. It looks like we'll have to go to the mart tomorrow.

4 ~ ~.!f.E-1 ~ ~%Cl-J.-l !I~ <?.}- ~Als:_ %~.fl. .2..~ 311* .2..-E 711 % ~ ~ ~o}.fi..
Tomorrow's the first day of the Chuseok holiday, so it might be closed. I think we should go today.

7~ :A~l7} *~ -l~ ~~-Etjl t:Ria-% <?.}- o}Giel-J1 fi . Al~El] ::}7} );1"%77}.fi.?

I tried to get Sujin's attention, but she didn't answer. Do you think she's mad at me?

Lr ~ 7 ~ 0 12J- 0 1l=7lt>}~Cl-Jl *~~%Al %~A. 1=1 ~78 !t./\l o}J.1].B...

She likely didn't hear you because she's busy talking with her friends. Don't get too worked up about it.


1 01 .:II:.
n9':1QL..: L--
I 0 0 L-- 7Jo1
I- 01x101-...,
L..: -1. 2
2 v I2 I.:c. 01ct..!=
..' AA I L-- a:o1os=
.A.. vrurr1~o.;~010
I L....: <...>..u.. L..: 2 2 o~s...l..!..77
J:[ I

or.J1. ~:::= A-rEtOil711A-1-or~ ~2.~l7r ~ * ~~Lier.

Because this expression indicates something that is possible, but unlikely, to happen, it can come across
as rude to a person who is worried about an event that is important to him or her.

7~ 0 1~ J.l~oJl ~ i}-~()H 0 l= W

I I've really got to pass this exam.
L~ <11}'6"1..:g.lf-~_2.1-]7!} W~~.Al %2.}..
You've studied really hard, so maybe you'l l pass.

7~ -12.} )1 G? J.117} ~ Oi~ 71'oAj 0 1 t:.1 W-t:fi=- 0 fl7l O!

What? Are you saying it's more likely that I'll fail?

: -gr~~AI g2.~R'2.~.::i1. ~~ o~'2:! gr~~ 7'"3{301 0~4- ~Alir!-&.A.I 92Ll7J~ 7ICH~ oH 5!.2.~e ;..:01 H.A.i ~::::
.A.~iS 0 1 7 1 ~01 L~~ * <ll~LI C~. 01ccH ::: .::i~ 71 ~{301 0~4- ~c~::: ~~~ 7~0llR'2.~.L!. ~~ o ~::: '3;!01 c1 ~~
The phrase ~~~A l --2.~R means that the speaker thinks the hearer might pass even though the
chances of doing so are slim. Naturally, the hearer would feel bad upon hearing such a statement. In
this case, therefore, it is better to use the phrase fil'~~ 7~0llR, which expresses the speaker's belief
that there is a very high probability that the hearer will pass.

2 OI .:n:.L..:-
TI9':10 l .JIL
1 oL--
AA AA2"' .:c. .22.LO'OILICL
2 1..u.. 1::1 1. 2. 1..u.. =
'.22.Lo' = '.E2.2Jf\.J0'2.L...l..!..71
2AAv1..u.. 1
20-Ll,J=lfL..: =
1::1 1.

The past tense form of this expression is -~/~ ~Al g2.~R. It is incorrect to change --2.~R to g~~R.

~1151 .]7} :rr}~oJl {}qJJ. ~.A]~~ ~%.Al %X( (x)

- ~1 151 -17} :rr}EjoJJ ~tj-2 ~.A]~~ ~%.Al %2.J-.R. (o) l
_ _J

38 Korean Grammar u1 tzls& Intermediate

1 E-Lj Ci Oi-5~ 7}l:lJ-% q ~Ci.ft. .~
L~ Bl.A}ol:.:s:_ ~ q] A-1 .fL?
01 OA"~I
7~~ .Ujc.~ to pack a bag~
t:! I~ first -aid medicine
~7 IC~ to tidy up; put things in order

tJI~-{ ~c~ ~A~71 O~B.C~ IQ{.~ ~7IC~

,!;f.7Ji.g ~ ~c~ 'E:tOll-E C~ I ,!;f.7Jl.g ~ ~ ~7 IC~

2 7~ r1l~ -17} ~~% '6"}-E- J-}1=}-0 1 }\:ltjl -2..~ ~ ":fRil ~ ~%77}.fL?

L~ tJl/Z~ ~;AJ-c5H 0 1= ~LJ-2 ~_9._t-177} ~OJ~~t.l"'r--~il ~%7-1 ~c.tA.

tl IA~ <c!lfoHO ~ i!"C~jl it!0 Ll77~

~~~-E!-2.l.A.~J?.~Oll 7 ~c~

Q,1'1;~ ~Oitfi2.le .A.!-WOI O~t:!Cil Oj.Xil .2.fl <2{1;~ R8 Ol.A.~o~L2.~jl ~~OI filOi.A.i
~ Oi t:ti 2.I c~ Q,1'1; ~ ~ Oi t:ti 2.Ic~
E~ ~OI ~!= .A.!-WOI O~t:!Cil .2.fl ~..Ui EOI OI~ ~Oll ~~OJI.Ai}::!~ ~L2.~jl
c~ ~OiAIC~ E~ c~ ~c~

-- ....
. -

(1) 7~ <Jl:A~l .g_;z} lr!.1;&-2-tjllfJ":AJ- ~ i>}it<Jlk? (7-}t:f)


L~ <Jl~W ~~l _g;z~ ~71-E:-k. i J.l:QOil ~19- -17} f-J:J.I~ ~Cf-~i ~~Olk.

(2) 7~ LB 9J. ~~ .:g-~ Oil t:f".)! ~ 7-}2-l~ 91Qft>}1t! 1~7-lk? (-~ -2-t:f)
L~ :A~l y- -1 i::- 0 1-.~..13l-0 l.S. rrR .g-Oil t:f;_l ~1ti ~Cj -5B
(3) 7~ 01 %~% _2_~ ~_2..y77} ~Oil .!f-Ol-5:. ~~~7-lk? (.AJ-t;}q)
L~ 1 ~ 0 lc} %~ 0 1 . ~:AJ-j]_Oil ~-2- ~l ~~Olk.
(4) 7~ LH9J. ~.llLOil 71-1?! -& ~"'~16% ~ig- 9- ~~7-lk? (~ Ll--2-J-lt:f)
I 0

1 .A.O:I
..,.- o MIJLI j:H..2..
-, 2 L.A.
A 1-i-
2. .::C. -, 2 oJ-OI
HLl77LI j:HO Lo
OIL- 00~01ru10
21 L- .:C. C> v I ..J...L...

CD :31J % W0 1-%-0 } t>R -9.. @ ~% W-0 1 ~iY- ~_9_

@ ~% l-}i::- ~ %~1-9.. @ ~% W-0 1 ~i%7Zl5:. %2}-9..

CD t_Re>l~ 78W {[t>R-9.. @ t_Re>l~ ~-O}Jl 1{e>lt>R-9..
t_Re>l~ ~-o}~JI -=g-Jf--o}JI ~l-9.. @ t_Re>l~ ~~c}JI ;_~zr9:\!-EE1l 0 rY<Jil-9.. ''
' '
.' 3
R .A~Et~OI 01 ~~~ I'JOI ~.Jl C~LIL:llR. '
.::J.2-i 7ilR. o I ~ ~o I
- - - - - - - - - - - -.
' '
' '
' '
., . CD <{1717} W-%~-9.. @ <{1717} W%7Zls:. %2f-9..
..'' '
@ <{1717} w-.g. _2_ Oj=o l<Jil_9_ <{17l7r w.g. ~ ~~l_R
' @
'.. "''
'. '
' '
. 1 '
' '''
"'' 4 7~ LH~ ~~30il 7~2-~.Jl 5HR.

"' . '
L~ .:i2HR? ?~Oil-Cg~ ~-cc11 ? %0il-C o~EF- *1-C ~01 ~OiR. '
"' '
"'' LH~ Dl2-I ~<2_!5H !:2..A.ilR. '
I: '

CD ~ ~ <{}- ~ 1illEll @ ~ ~ <{}- ~ E1lY77}

' . ''
; -I

- ~ 'i
@ ~ ~ <{]_- ~/ZlS:. 5-y77} @ ~ ~ <{]_- ~i::-7Zl %~-2-y77}


5 7~ LH~ ~R~ ITH ~-9-~77~ 5!~ :z:j~OIOilR.


' L~ :z:i~0~-;;..1 o~A.ilR. ~~01 ~1:il~QLl77~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _. ''
' '
.... .
- ' J'
'l CD ~~ 7-1 etllk @ ~t>R .!i!- ~ _g_ ''

@ ~~ _2_ OJo l <Jil_R @ ~~7Zl5:. %2}-9.. '
'' '\

6 t
CD 0 1~
-17} l;z~l "'1~% ~:;;zls:. %~1-9...
@ o}{J<Jil ~-17} .::.~J-l _2-~<Jili::- ~ 0 1 .g_ ~ ~~l-9...
@ w 0 11:1t~1! 1illr11 J-11111-0il {J-~t>R 9-~"'1 {fl-}~Yrf.

''' @ ~AJ- <if<Jil l-}W 0 1 w.g. ~ .!I!-y77} ~~7} ;zRul ~% 0J 0 l<Jil-9... .. ..

' .

'' , .
' '

1 a
1 a

7~ 160ifa1J-1 q~ *.g_ ~~o}_G_?

Is the place where you hurt yourself when you fell okay?

L~ 0}~71-E '5}Al~ %% 9 ~Oi-9...

It hurts, but I can bear it.

--- ~--- .. -------------

? 7~ Oi 7'~1 /dl-~ \3 o l ~i _Q_ ctj l <5}-B ~% q ~ ~ Oi _g_?

Have you read the book that the teacher told you to read yesterday?

L~ ~i 7l-E ~i 9J.Al~ ~ ~ ~ S'..E..~OiiL.

I read it, but I didn't quite understand it (the content) .

OI R~~ ctt~2.I 5-:~ LrEr~ [H .AriJ"LICr. '-71=: "5t:Alir.!"' 0 s= .Afot7-!Lr '-71-C -Xlir_t'j:-JE1 ~.g @-.ArLr
~.A~ Ei=- ~ .Af"Bt71.s:. gj"Llcr. 01ccH-c 1::1~~2.I LH~ <2.l~ otXl'21 cr-E 2.l~o1 <ll~ ~ LrErLH-C ~~OJI
This expression of contrast can be expressed with two forms: - 71::: fi~A:l'2..!" and - 71::: -Xl'2..!". Note that the
latter form uses the same verb or adjective twice. The expression is used when the speaker recognizes or
acknowledges the content of the first clause but then wants to express a different view or stance in the
following clause.

'', 3.7l-C ~:A l'2!

. 9:171-C ~:A l'2!

--- - -
3.Ct 3.7lf:- ~:Al'2!
-71 1-. '-- - N..~/0i:Al

9:JCr 9:17lf:- 9:j ~:A l'2!

A/V :_- - - - - -- - -- - --- - - - - -- -- - - -- -
3.71-C c5~:A l '2!


' 9:171-C c5~:Al'2!

- -------- ... .... ----------- .. - .. --------- .............................
------------ ...... ... ............. -- --
. '
3.7lf:- 3.:Al'll

i 9:17lf:- 9:l:Ale!

___..______ --------------------- ..... ----- - -.---------------------- ------------- -------- - ------------ --

42 Korean Grammar UI/ et\e .Intern1ccliate

' '' '
----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------
3 7 le t>t~Al[!
Q:J 7 If::. t>r~AI[!-
A/V '

- --- .. . -----. - - - ... . ----------------------- ----------.------------ -... .. .. . -- - .. .......................... .. .. .... --- --- ----------
..' 3 7le 3.~Al'2.!
... 9:J 7le 9:J ~Al'2J
"'-----------~ ----- ----------~------------'"-"------------------------------ -..--.- ___________________________

J ~~Ol ~71~ ~7.llfr t=l.!f- Bl.}J-~ * J-}~"1Jl.

Those shoes are good, but I don't think I can buy them because they're too expensive.

~ 7 ~ q}-L-}71~ "l7.llfr .2.~ 0 1F7l"6'} ~['.V,-~t-11*.

I met my friends, but we didn't talk for very long.

01 _Q_.J.l_Q_
o -, 2 ai
f 'M u}ol
1 L:.
oJ-_Q_ 7Jr-MjJl
'-- US' 2. 11 .
I will have some of this food, but I won't eat very much.

-- - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - - -

1 Ol .R~~ ~~ ccH::: '-71::: otAl'2J', '-71::: -Al'2l'~ ~O=l.Ai '-?..! <5rA1'2l', '- ?..! -Al'2l' 0 s: 'CtOI .Arg
This expression is often used in its contracted forms in conversation. -71::. 5~A:l'2J' contracts to - -(J o~A:l'2J',

and - 7 I::. - A: I'2.l' contracts to - -(J - A: I'2.l'.

2 il.r7i~ ~~[[HE '-71-E ~Al'2l' 0 s: .Argorj],. -~/~71::: ~Al'2l' 0 s: .At<5rAI t>t~LICr.

The past tense form of this expression is -71-E ~.A l '2J', not -~/~ 7 1::. ~.A l '2J'. I'
~All g;-7 ~ ~71~ ~7-11?} .2.Cll 0}7-l~ ?J<X}:1=tl-]q. ( x )
- ~;z1J &J7 ~ -6-}7]~ ~7-11?} .2.Cll 0}7-J~ ?l<Xl.-~Yt:l-. (o)
- - --- - - - - - ____________ - - - - - - - - -- - ------ - - - ,I
~ l.2..~~ , ,
fn'f- .ft_?

'-Xl~.fJl~ '-71-E o~:Alir!'~ C~Jl~ ~~ ~~017~ <Xl~LIC~.

The two forms -A:l'2.! and -71~ '6 ~A: l'2.! are different in the following ways.

. I
- -- ----~ --....-----.. - -............- . - - .i-. - ........ . ....... . _,..,._..,_, - ..~-- ... -#,._ - .,__ _ - ........................ ............. - ......... _....__ - -- - -- ..... ---- - ......................... _..... - ---- - - - - - - - --- - - ............ .. I


i (1) ~~~m .l?-~~Q.I ~Oi7 ~ ~OfO~ ~LIC~. I
The subject of the preceding clause can be .
'' The subject of both the preceding and following

different from that of the following clause. .
clauses must be the same .

.. '


<i!Y-E- 7]7} .3.7]-E- 3..A]~ %J-~..g. 7]7}
Z,l-o}.R. ( x)

............................... ................ .......... .... . .......... ............................ --- - - ... ------- ........... -- - -
! (2) ~~~Q.j LH-~ ~.:il '2.!~:'. '6~A:l'2.! .l?-~~Q.I CH ~

Used when the speaker wants to express a ..' ~~~ c1~ .Y~oH.A.-1 ~~ rrH J..~g~Ll c~.

simple contrast. ..

. Used when emphasizing a contrast. In the
..' preceding clause, the speaker states something


that he or she acknowledges or knows to be true,
and then in the following clause emphasizes a I
o~.:il <1[-LI C-~. contrasting fact or situation.
The speaker is only stating the simple
contrasting facts about the subject under
discussion. ~2.I LH~ ~2 '2.!~oP2J.>-i ;;:~~2.I ~zt~ ~~O:lAi
,Y~o~.:il <1[~LICt
While acknowledging the preceding statement,
the speaker emphasizes his or her belief about
the subject under discussion.

---------- - - --------- - - ---

__ ___________ -- -

, ,

,[H~.E. _a ~.E..01
.- , 2 ,
~ 11~.R.?
,' 2 a..;

1 7~ OiA~l ~ ~~7r Oi~OiJl? [ 16 J

L~ ARDl '.V.71-E "91Al1ll- .2..- 0 1-&Rt>l-Ali=- *~OiJl.

Of~il _g ~:2:~7~ Oi~C~ :AHDl~~c~ I 2..!:f. Ol5Ho~:x1::: ~~c~
:Ai 7 T ~ -"l-E 711 Oi~C~ o ~I -c~ / Li.!:f. .3.C~
.2.~ '@A.q7~ Oi~C~ g.c~ I Oi:Ail~ct ::: ' g.c~

44 Korean Grammar 1/1 'lk~ Intermediate

2 7~ ~T-7} mlJ-fJ.i ~~;zlJl?
. -

~-T7~ [[iL~A.i ~!!.Cr


~rrcr / crA.1 12.!'t <Ucr *
Ol't! O:!~Oil.s:. *7~ ~ A.ll!-OI filer .''' A.ll!-O I filer I 4-~0il W.7-11 c~t.:12.12'.! le~
.''' Eicr 1011oi~o 1<Ucr

. -.-.--... ............. ... 7'/, ;y- .......~ .-

..... ----.. - : -~ .. ....
.........,... -
/ /"'

.. .--- .....--................,... .
--- ..... . ._.....____ ,_ ..,............ --""'""'''''''"''

(1) 7r 7-l~.:S:. i ~J.l-6il 1*G1R?

L~ 111' t:fl-{l l.!e c5ff.I DJ- c5~%ot.2..
(2) 7r ~7-l -le>il~l <ti~t>TI ~~R?
- - - - -- - - - - - - - ~~ ~ ~ ~o}R.


(4) 7r 7-i J.}~% ~~~R?


(1) 7r 011ti ~%.g_ :Aj~ %7-lR?

Lr %11.!e %J.IDJ- ~-;.~~.2.. ::z.~1 JI~J.g_ "Gi %7-l-ER.

(2) 7r --~ ~ ~~ ~R xcfl7l- ~~R? ~

Lr - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - ~*~ClR.

0 lt>R~
- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~ ~~R.

(4) 7r JI~Je>ilJ.i.:S:. ~R~~ ~.lf-~7-lR?

0 L 1 7

How do you like your current company?

L~ ~_g. t1J-_g. lftrtie>ll ~if-i?:- ~O-lJ.l ~J-1 ~ %~77}

There's a lot of work to do, but the pay is low, so I'm considering
changing jobs .

..... ......... ... ..--.........................................................-........ - ................................ .......................................................

- ~

7~ 0 J7J -li=- AjW ,?_ ~ ~ ~o}~liL!

Yang Gang is really good at sports!

Ha-ha! While I am good at sports, I'm not a good student.

01 1:~~ ~~~:v.t ~~~2.ILtt-01 "'i~ ~ctt1 ::: "'~~~ LrEt~ rrtt .At-grLlcr. Oict! ~OJI ctt0H.Ai
~.g ~~ WC5t'2'.!.Ai Lr~ ~.s:. ~OI Wot:L!. ~~ cctt.s:. .Ar~* ~~Lier. ~At 'OJI'~ .Ar-@-otAI ?l:i!. '-(.2.)L
;::: ~'2'.!'2.I ~EH~ .Ar-@-ot7 l.S:. gj'LICr.
This expression is used to express the fact that two things are opposites. It can also be used to state both
the positive and negative characteristics of something together in the same sentence. It can be used with
the particle Oii or in the form -(o)L/ ~ 1tl'2'i.

~ ~~Oii
~g. lti'l!Oll

. .
v -

o 0 o + o .., __ _ _ _ o - - ~- - o ' M . 0 o o O oo

+ - + - ' ' ' o + 0 0 0 0 0 ' ' o oo - - + o 0 o MO + O 0 o o O HO o

. . . OO o o 0 0 O o ooO o o o o 0 o o o H 0 o

o o O + o O oo o 0 O o ' ' " ' ' "" 0 O o 0# 0 0 o # 00 ' . . . . . . . 000 . . . . . . . . . . 00 o ..... , 0 0 0 0 .. ' 0 0 o ' 00 0 ' 0 00 .. < 0

. j 7tCt j
--E ~~Oii . :
'.' ~Cr ; o1::::1I.!:::. 1::1 ~ r;J=I
~ I...;
.' . ___________________ ..___ ____________________________________________________________._-------....------___ .._..... .
46 Korean Grammar u//V..ff!/ Intennediate
7-l t>}~_g. ill}-E:- lft~<>ll ~1-2- "'l;Q-e>il-E "'rlfJ- 1i't-'8'-Llcl-.

While the subway is fast, it's crowded during rush hour.

7}~ cl -1 ~ ~~71~ ~}c'.>1- !::: lft~<>ll W-0-}71~ ~ *oR.fL.

Kylie is good at reading, but on the other hand, she's not good at speaking .

While that actor has received a lot of praise for his acting, he has also been criticized a lot.


~~~:c_~ ~~~OI ~CH1-C ~~ LrEr~ [[H'-{.2.) L/::: C11 ~H~ .A.~~ *5:. ~~Lief.
When the preceding and following clauses represent opposites, the form -(2.)L/~ Cil ~oH can also be used .

:i ~ .g. l:l]Jtl- cl] 1{1-0Jl ~~ :@-~.g. ~~ ~ w~ ~ ~~Yt:l-.

That house is expensive, but on the other hand, the surrounding environment doesn't look very good.

it-- 9~.g. %7}cS-}-e c-n 1tl-<SR 9~.g. 7cJ-~ o}.JI '.V:'ErYt:l-.

In contrast to the recent increase in imports, exports are decreasing. '

1[ 18] 1
1 7r -171- lf-~% w-01 o}i:- ~ ~o}it.
~~ ------~

.s!E[ worth, benefit

Lr lf-~% w-01 ol ~ lft~ofl 5:_%5:_ w-01 ~ _fl .

~~ .u17 r .!=f.S:t~ ic~o 15'rcr .!:f.S:t~ 10rcr / @-.s::. '[io 1?cr
7 rE.j:I~ ~O I 1401 gj~~Cr gj~cr / !i!Et.s::. rricr
.S::_~ ~-=fl7r ~~ 'G{OrAICr ~~ ~-T7r ~~ ic~orAlcr / ~a. .A.rEJ-.g ~~ ~~ <;lcr

:::i ~~ cr ~~~cr o1~.g ~Jcr / LH--o 1012.1 ~ "'i ~~!:I!cr .2.2.H ~ 2.I cr

:::J.. ~gOJI Al-? 7rCr ~01'3!"<1!cr1 lA7r er! ~or.A.i er! 7rcr
J!IOl3~ Ar? ~Cr 1i1013~ 9-!"<;lcr / ~i5'01 ~or.A.i Ar? er! ~cr
7} 01 *Ol <Jittj1Jl? (~l~tj-)

L~ otl~ l::IJDJ.otl % ~_g. ~ 7c{o}Jl.

- - - - - ----
1-1 _!f- 1:1l-}_g_.

- - - - - - -- - ~~ ~ * {=lJl.


(1) 7~ ~~ -17} J-1~% ~ J9:1Jl? (~71-i::- ~ J9:tj-)

L~ OJ,ljJc- ~l Jt- l::IJDj_otj ~71-i::- ~ * J9:<JiJl.

L~ tjl, - - - - - - - -- - - .J27li::- ~ ~ <JiJl.

(5) 7~ ~S}~ %7}7} i1.fol %59:A1Jl? (%~.g_ t:1 ~ ~o}Altj-)

L~ tjl, %7}-i::- i1.fol -2--E ~ 7c{o}Jl.

48 Korean Grammar in C/tfe Intermediate

0 L

7~ 9, '11% * 1i>}L-}.5:. ~l"'-1


~ ~ J-}o~~liL.
Dear, I'm all out of clothes to wear, so I should buy some more.

L~ *7.J-~l *Ol 0 1~~1w-.g.tjl 3:: :~ ~tj-JL?

You've got all these clothes in the closet, but you want to buy

........ .....................----.. - ........... ............-------- ...................- .......---- .. -- ..................................................

7~ ~~ 0 1 :rrl~-5R 0 ll:lliL. cl/\11 ~% * ~liL?

You look tired. Were you not able to sleep last night?

Despite getting a good night's sleep last night, I'm really tired

L:.. 1:1 2
c 12 2
I .

01 E~g .g~ ~~~ c;~~ '-( 0 ) L / ~c11 '0ll ~.!i!. -&~ cH~1 ~~ J:l'd -o ~/Oi .!:e'7~ ~~i.1- ~~Lier.

a{2~Ai 01 R~~ ~~~Oil ~~~1 ~OILr .g~OllJ-i 7ICH~ * ~~ ~JJ.~ C~27iLr ~[H 1 J-l{JOI ~ [[H


This expression is a combination of -(O)L/:=cJI, which describes the situation under discussion, and
-o~/Oi.S:., which indicates concession or contrast. Thus, the expression is used to introduce a clause that
ndicates an opposite or an unexpected state of affairs when compared to the information given in the
preceding clause.

-- - --- - , - -....~--'-=... --- -----~~--~--- - ~ .........----.. ---------~-- --- -.._.,,, -.. ---~--"--'

i:J l.U~Cr . i:J lflt=C:il

JJ.~ 71 -'1!/~ECil.!:e
~Cr . ~ ~ec:11
.... ... . --------- ........... ......... .- . - ... .
A ~- -
-- -~ ................ ......... .... ... ... ~- --- -- - .. .

.'' '.. til~Cil
-(} L C:il : '

.: ~g.C:il

Q:J ~ec:11
v ............. .................... -- - -------- -- ......................
.' '' .'
i ! 7 ~Cr i 7 ~C:il
l -!::C~I ~ l
, . .l Q:J er ~
. .
-- -- - - -- -------- --

---- -

__ ..... _ ___
.. ___ ......_......................._

-----.. ~-'"- --------
. ~-ecu.s:. .2.~0ICr
. .2.~ ~-ec:11.s:.

ol~-Ec-11.s:. .2.~0ICr .
2~ 01~-ec:u.s:.
NOIC~ ..


. .2.~0ICr ..
- ------- .....--------------------........_..--
..---------- ----..... ----------~ - -. . -.....................-.----------....... ._..._ _ .___________ ______.
. ,.

A~l ~ 7 ~ ~-8- 0 1 ?J-.g.Cll :Q:l.Al ~ .:Z.'i}f-.J:L 1ll-5RJl.

Despite getting a good salary, my friend wants to quit his job.

0 }~0il 78~--~ ~-Er:iJ ~Oil ~7-17} ?J-0 }Jl.

Although I cleaned my house this morning, there's still a lot of dust.

zr:-w<llr:-11.:s=. ~~~01 ~7}il}l;flJl.

Even though it's the weekend, the department store isn't very busy.

'-( 0 )L/:::c11.s::~ ~~oHJ...i R~or.J::LAr <M rrH !f!OJI ~7or.JJ.' ~ ~D=l '-( 0 )L/:::c11.s:. ~7or.JJ.'~ ~Lier.
To further emphasize the contrast or unexpectedness of the situation indicated by -( 0 )L/:::cil.S::, the phrase
~70~.:il can be added to form -()L/:::c-fl.S:: ~73~.:il.

).}%1--5li=-tjj ~=f-5}.Jl i>JllAiO~ ~oj.11,

Even though they were in love, they had to part ways.

l:l}~~l:1] ~ 7-ii}.JI ~ ?Ai"i tr"rWL-Jt:f. Il

Thank you for coming despite being very busy. I

1 7Lr ~01
o JJ-1 , L-}3f;l"';1l
a "L.:...1'-f P A Ol~
I,_ 2. JJ-1-~.JN

L~ 7-~17} ~~J1l {)~~% o}j]_ ~i::-tjl.

\___ ~o~~ easily, often, prone (to)

'cl-I(l.g_ ~ell Bl~1?} li!_Bfo}iL .

Ail7t ~~7il ~~~~ otjl exlc~ / 'c/'1t'.!g. ~2.-111:11~'2! .!x!.ct
{:!j~l:ll7t ~3:;atct I ~7~0ll7il @~:AP?- A.t ~ct

'EJ"OI ~~Ct I ~0-Pi:!'.! ~7~~ ~Oll Cil2.ljl 2.Ct

2 7t ~?:J- ).~~%~.Al 1!ll ~~.Q.y77} ~% wo1 2 011_~0liL.

Lt o}y~liL, ~?:J- ).~~%~.Al 1!ll ~ ~i::-1:-fl. ~% l1J-0 1 * .2.C:U-OliL.
'2J"OI oH ~ 0 Ll77t OIAil ~ ~2.l:AI ~ct ~CC!~ ~OI5H .!i!.Ct I !f.cHOll ~ crttotct '2J"OI ~2.ICt

~gO-j~ 6877t:AI ~.!:f.~OLl77t OI~ ~g A.1-Etj:-J~ ~g01~ 6877t:AI ~.!:f.otct I ~ii rrH7t ~ct

50 Korean Grammar iFt C//.,,e Intermediate

-- . -

- .

(1) ~~Oil 2~H ~<XIOiR. ~-------~ ~:g011 .A.rEto 1~o rR.

(2) ~-=?-7r ~~cl <IOIOilR. . @ cl~ ~-=?-7r i't:AI l'!OrR.

(3) ~<lo IOilR.

. .A.r:il~ CCI oHR .
(4) ~~ or:AI ~CXIOJR.
@ ~l~or717r 012-~Sf:JR.
(5) :Ar~~o1 ictor.a. @ {::j~OI ~OrR.
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------





2 '-(2.)L/E[~I'~ A~i>HAi [.~ [H:~ ~~orAilR.

(1) 7~ :J_ E_2fu}~li::- *~~ BB~% 0 l i'J-0 1 L}-2..:AlJl? (-R-~~ BR~% 0 l BJ-0 1 L}.2..q)
L~ tjl, "6"}:Al1i} .if.~c5_t ~ttlf.%01 ~I L.f.2.-!e"G!l:k. ~7li::- Bcf:Al ?J-0 }Jl.

L~ ~~ ~ ~l - - - - - - - - -- ~a:lJl.

(4) 7~ ~J-} -17} ;Aj1%( {=-_<f-1 ~<JiJl. (~c})

L~ :J_~~lJl. ~-17} 0 1~~1

- - - - - - - ~.g_ ~1u~ <iJ.JI ~Li]Jl.

y-ol7} ~-o} 7}7-ljl
(j) ~ Y- 0 17} ~% EilY77r
'' @ Y- 0 17} ~_g.r:llS:. ~ =f <5}.Jl @ Y- 0 17} ~% ~ ~~i=-t:ll
' '''
1*-E -Al~_g. <iif7-l1ll-
(j) ~ 1*-E -Al ~_g. %~ 1illt:ll
@ 1*-E -Al~_g. ~71-E- -6"}7-l1ll- @ 1*-E -Al~_g. ~.g. .2_OJ=Cj t:ll
3 QI .A. I c.~ .2...A.
-, 0 = -,Io I a ~o Iru
v t..u..

(j) 13!-~-E-1:115:. 7}~ 0 l %51lJl ~ 1)!-~7l i:=- <5}7-l1ll- 7}~ ol BlJA}_9_ '''
@ 131-<iii-E- 1il-~ Oil 7}~ 0 l Ll-1 ~ lJl @ 1)!-~71 -E- 1)!-~::z-11?} 7}~ 0 1 .}_9_ '
4 17-1.Q 2S.Q 0?
L-=-H..U... ''
7 Il Cl T
= 10 '
TrA 22. ''
L~ Li I, .::1 ~A I'2_1- ''
- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - --
(j) ~o}t>}y77} -Al{l-0 1 <iif "1A1 ::z-}9 ~_g_ * '

~ ~ 0 }W lfilt:ll -AlZl-0 1 <iiil).1 ::z-~ ~_g_ * '

@ ~o} .!i!_oly77} -Al{l-ol <iif lA1 ::z-}9 ~_g_ * '


@ ~o }i>}i=-tjl 5:. ~ =f <5}jl ).1 {1-o l <iii cl ).1 7-~ * }i!}_g_ '
5 (j) ~% ~71-E- <5}~7-l1ll- W-0 1 ~7-li=- ?:J-% 71011Jl. ''

~ =1- OJ~7} ~*71-E- ~~Al1ll- =i_~ s:_ {J-%.?tj 0 1$ilJl.

@ ~=r ~ 1ll-)7li=- ~7-l1ll- 0 1}71-E- ~ 0 1 -6-}7-l ?:J-~lJl.
@ .2.~ ig-JAl 7} 4:-J:l7li=- -6-}::z-11ll- l .: <11.!i!_1*-E- ~ 4:-~ l Jl.

6 (j) l ~ 0 l f-7Jl-&7l-E- -6}7-l1ll- Ll-1 ~ 41%1Jl.


~ ~ nl~ RfO l u}-xti:=-t:llS:. ~ =f-6} jl 7-il-4f- ~CiJl.

::z-1i=- jl7l~ Cj- ~ 0 rw 1il-~e>il :7.R~-E- ~0 r-5RJl.
@ ~11-E- 01l~-E-1il-~e>il %"'~.g_ ~ ej- 011~ ~ ~o}Jl.
.. ... -- -.... -- - - ......... -.. -.. -
..... --
------- - --


10~ 1 <J
.~.,& ~ WJJll ~;_~Oil 3J:q . ixe>ilJ.1 .Jli>J=
Oil 7}7-l.Jl ~ ~ ~ ~ J-}.Jl ~~7-l ~ u}itrl-. .:Z.Cl.Jl
CjJ-}%~ t%Cj ~lElS:. J-}J.1 ~ ~G-. CjJ-}~ ~ ~7~
2-17} i1J-~7-l1?J- ~~ J-}tg-ol i1J-o}J.1 *{l-'9"lrl-. ol'ti?
~Oil~ \:1--cB~J-l:AJe>il 7} ~ -5! 0 ltj-. t.~e>il _g. 7-l 1\1 l
c} ~~7-l1iJ.- 0 }~5:. \:J--cB.g.J-l:AJe>il 7} ~71 ~.g.e>il 0 } *
? 71 "Cl17} ~rl-.
ryl/ei Ming's diary)
October 1 Weather: Sunny
Today, I went to lnsadong with my friends. We bought gifts to take
home and drank some traditional Korean tea. We also tried a special
snack product of lnsadong, hoddeok. There were a lot of things to see
in lnsadong, but it was really confusing with all the foreigners there. This
weekend, I plan to go to Namdaemun Market. Even though a year has
passed since I came to Korea, I still haven't gone to Namdaemun Market,
so I'm really looking forward to going there.


01 f:~~ ~@-OILr ~llAi ~g "OflAi "~ ~E AfifilOI Af=t!2.I LH-~ ~tt~ 0 ii! LrEr~ [[H Af-gLICr.
EE0, <171~ ~ [[H.!i. Ai~~11~ ;._f-~Llcr.
This type of expression is used when writing diaries or reports to describe situations and events objectively.
................................... .._...
- ---- --------..----------------.-...-___..._............... ...,._.__....,._...,....._..................................._..__..._................,_.. ____ ______ _
.._... . ~------------ -------------------------

Jlr71 -~/'ltcr
] 'i ~Cr
A .'
.I '
~- -- ~~ --- --- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -- -- -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - -- ------ - - - -- - - - -- -- -- -- - --- -- - - -- - - - - -------- - ----- -- - ------- ---- - -------- - - -- --
. l
..,_,_..._.__ .... '
~--------------..-.~- --~------------
- - - -..-
--------- --....----.. . .. .
--.. _,., _...,. ___.._. _.._.._......._...._ ____________ ______ _ .

i ! 7 rcr ~
: -~/'lt ct : ;
i. i' Q:j Cr ; D-l <>i CLI
. ....... ........... .............. .... .. ... .. ................. ...-.. - -
--- - -. --- ----------.... , -........... ... ...... .. -.... .. .. - -----. -...
' - ----. - ... - ... -.... --.. -....................



7 re~ :

v : .
~XH -(!:=.) L c~ 1
: Q:j Cr
: -, ..!:::.CL
.;- ---:-- .. -....... ,, ___ .. ........... . .--. --... -- -- -.. --. -.. - ... - - . -... -... . ;' ... -................ . ......................... - . .- .:... -.... ---...... . .... . ... . ........_-- ...I- . - .. . -... -... . -.. --- .
~ -- -~

: : :
7 rcr :

i Dl2.H i -(.2.)2 ~OICt i i

Q:j Cr :
_.., ___ ____ __- ------------- ' -...................
., ..._
I .........................
..__.... _...~_.__.._ .
. __.I
.......______ ____ ________________________ I

54 Korean Grammar ul/ 9,{,re, Intermediate

- - - ,..-- - -- - --- .-------

- -- - - - ---- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - --
. ~-1101Cr ~.;i~c~
{:j~'cJO ICt {:j~'cJ Ol~Cr
NO ICt ~- - ............ ... ....... ...... - ....... ------ ................. ...... -- ---- ---- ...... --- - - ... ------- .. .. .-.

. L..:OCJ
,__ - -- - ------------- -------~---~........ ---- - - ----------- ---- ----- - - ... ...

~ 8 il O l cfAi 7cJ O l EfO l ~Ji>l-r::J-.

The traffic is bad because it's Saturday.

LB %).~..g. ~%~ ~tql.!i!_c} "8_L}i=- ~ell~ W.-0 l ~ ~t:l-.

My younger brother/sister listens to upbeat , cheerful songs more than soft, q uiet ones.

I am a student who studies Korean.


1 crter~ -5-Ar .f-1011 ~ 0 ~ -5-At2~ ~::: ~~ f>rjl ~Ar .!f!Oll ~ 0 ~ ~Ar2r ~g ~~~Lier.
When ?JCr follows a verb, it is conjugated as a verb, but when it follows an adjective, it is conjugated as
an adject ive.

2 '{Jer2~ ~ere ~Aro 17 I [[Hg011 -er' ~ErLl er.

Because {:lcr and ~cr are adjectives, they end in -cr.

3 Ai~jil~ Al%! rrHe Ai/Ai.2.1'2.rjl Jl~orAI 'CJjl 'L~/~2.1'2.rjl !:~~Lier. .::12.ljl Ai'~ 'LF.
1 1

Ai~'g ' L~~'. ':X:il7F~ 'LH7F. Ai.2.l7F~ '~2.l7F Al~Ller.


In the narrative form , Lr/~2.I is used in place of Xi/Xi.8:1 to express "I/we". Similarly, Lr is used for Xi, Lr:::
is used for Xie. LH7r is used for Ail7r, and ~2..J7r is used for Xi~l7 r.

4 Ai~j11011Ai~ ~g ~EH~ 7i2-I A~f5~x1 ?JLlcr. .::12.iLr ~g ~~ 0 5=! ~ M11 {J~ [[H ~ ~s
8~10l1Ai tiHg '-( 0 )L7r?' ~EH~ ~OI Al~Ller.
Sentences are almost never written in the form of questions in the narrative form. However, to express a
question in this form, YOU Can USe the ending - ( 0) L 7 r? that We learned in the beginning level.

~Gl<il~~ .2ll jl~~ ,Al-1:-f~ 0 1 W"-:-71-?

Why are there so many lonely people today?
~2.J ~ .2ll ~-73.g.;;~J~ .J1.'Il-6Rol=~ <5l-i=7l-?
Why should we worry about environmental problems?

11-~ .2lJ 0 1?;;~J oJ1 i::R-6Rk] {}4~1-791 -"~ 4<5]-.J1. <V_-E-71-?

Why am I thinking so seriously about this issue?
--- .
. -- - .. .. . . . .. . . .-

::~ ~ ~ Ai~j:~I. t:l ~J,l-AilR.

(1) ;z.1-E 0 }.SJ:i}0 l5-t1l~ 9:4::?9:40il ~ ~~ ~~Yrl-.

-+ L.fJc- Or.E.l::ltol~l::ll~ OJ_~OJ.011 c5j blj_.4-_\ bl!Jc-t:{-.


(3) t.R ~2fu} ~ .!c!_7l ~'5R t.Rl~ ~{1 t>l i?-9:\1.~Y rl-.

(4) Al 7}9~ ~r.H-E ~717} t1% ~~Yrl-.

2 c~~ ~ Ai~j:~l7~ ~Olf: '~~Lie~. Ai~j:~I. t:l ~J,l-AilR.

(1) 9:471

2.~ ~.JJIOJIAi ~o ro r ~ C:2.ror011 cttc5HA1 ~R~ CD~E-Llcr. C,g)xil7r ~oror-E Et~

t5Jit:{- -+ -+

I r~ ~S!cr 'cJ"A:r'2.rc E2.ror~Llcr. 01 E2.ror~ ~.g:ilr ctt'2.!"0Jl.A.1.s=.



~----------- ,...- ---~--..-..----- .. .... --

.. -~ ------ ~

-00,...,. Korean Grammar v1 l lse Intermediate

(2) J.2-l ttj
0 "\.!...
. . . . ._. - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - 0 0 4 0 L O . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . o o 0 - - - - - - O . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -. 0 0 0 0 0 ............... - - . .
. .. O .. O .. 0 . . . 0 0 .... O ....... O .. .__. - - - o o o o o ............ 0 .. 0 0 0 - -- - - - - -- -O O 0 O O O 0 O 0 --- o - - ooo o - - o o o o o O .... 0 ... O O 00 O - - - - - -- - - --~-

---+ A-1Ltoli::t-
2.~ cl At2.IOll ~2. 'f:l LI Ct. ~I Ot~Oll ~ ~Oi.~7Jil .A.iltiH ~ otf=Cil .A.iltiH ~ ig;g

---+ I
.............................. - - - -.... __ ..... _ .............. - - ................* ............ ~--- .......- ---....................... -. - -------..---..-........ - ......._......... --- ~ ~
--.... .......... --- - - -- - - ...... -~ ...................... . .. - - -- - v ........ --- -- - --------..-..- ...... ... J

- o,i-q-
-"t-E -"1'2.J--2.I 't~~ 2.2.~ ~~~ ~filLI Ct. -"i~Oll.!i. 7l~Oll -"i~%f~OI ~~.:l1.

1'2\ [[H~o1LICL
~ I..!... 1::1 I . -'- L...: I
-.2.iCJI Oj.:L!.f\JI
.A. v I
.:!L!.t:1 ~:ilL 1::1.A. c:::C> A:Ai-
:::><: E. I &.!.. I o 2 .:...i...:. o 0 I V'1
LA-i -"lo1so1
= I.!:J::. L...:
Oj2.C.~ A
C> 2 -r 017JI

-.. ------- - --... . ._. . . -----------~. . . . .-.-.-.----.. . . - - . ... .----- . . . ------- -.. ---. . --.. . ---.~---. . . . . .--.. . . J
---+ I

. -----.. -------------. . . . . . . .........-----_..,-_..................------------------.-...............--------------- ..... ---------.............................------ ................... -..--..-------. --1

~.:l1.71~ '2l~2.~~ '2:!Ai ~.:l1.71~ ~ia-Et 3-7 1 ~J7il CD~Llcr. =i.2.l.Jl n:g. ~'Et. 11r. 1

--+ ~~-ct-

DI~. ~~7r.Ef.. ~71--~ ~~Di-"i ~Ei:g~ ~'2l-8Llcr. 01 ~E1:g011 ~.:l1.71~ ~j]_


Eunhye, are you doing okay?

L~ %, ~ Al ~<>l . 1::1 -e?

Yeah, I'm doing fine. And you?

.................. ---- - - -------- ---

7~ %~ 0 1-, ~-1 ~{J.Al{}- 0 11=. ~{J ~_Q_Cl ~lll-?

Donghyeon, it's already lunchtime. Shall we go to lunch?

L~ :Al-ii- 7}tB .A}~o l i7% ~of. ~"ii- o ltcl-7} 7}-A}.

There will be a lot of people if we go now. Let's go in a bit.

7~ -=z. ~ . -=z. Cl -A}.

Okay. Let's do that.

- . -- ; -
' Cl t:li 0 c 0t()~],]L~? ..
'. ~ ..---
a:.... .... 2:_;...
-~- - -
~ .' 1-~2 ..1.J:L..
... ;_:~ -~--- _-.,
: .
.. . -:. ' ' '... '....-
' -

. - - ..

't!W~ ~0 ~-=?-Lr ~~tjH -"rOIOll-"i 4- -"r~~ LI Cr. '-Or/OiR'~cr ' ~3f>r71 [[HgOJI .gcH~OI
-"rOI, 7~

Oi2.lci2.r.s:. ~o rx1 ?J-.g ~~OJI M'2'.1 ~2.~l7 r ~Lier. cH ~:I -or/OiR'Oll-"i 'R'~ ~~-"17~-"i -"~orXl'2l g
~ ~EHOll ITr2.r ~2.r7'1 7 l.!i. gj-LICr.
The informal form is used mainly when talking with close friends and classmates and among family
members. Because it is less polite than the -0~/01.B. form, if you use it when speaking to someone with
whom you are not familiar, it can come across as rude even if the person is younger than you. In most cases,
the informal form is made by omitting .B. from -o~/0-1.B., but there are exceptions depending on the sentence

1 ~.-'ig:Llr 2-I ~~: ~.-'ig:Llr 2-I:=:=~ ~AH~:Llr :Llr7~~ 2.~ 2,1-2,1- '-Or/OiR', '-W~OiR'9-I ~EHOll-"i 'R'~
~~-"IZJ ~EH7r 1G4 012.H~~ OiTIOJI '-( 0 )2 7~0~~ ~'f:JL!cr.
Declarative and Interrogative Sentences: The present and past tense forms of declarative and
interrogative sentences in the informal form are made by removing .B. from the ends of -o ~/0-1.B. and -<tl./9J.
01.R The future tense form is made by adding -(0)2 710~ to the stem.

G =: Grammar in CZ'8e Intem1ediate

: - - - - - - 1........,...._.____... _,_ _.,... __ _ _ _ _ _..._______. ., .. _..._........,... _ __ _ _ ..............- -----------
.. ---- - -----
-. ---- - -- -
I l
Jlr71 ~


------ ...... -- .- - . -- -- - - ~ ... -- ------- .... - ............... ... ........ - ... ... .
A/V i -Or/Oi
..'. ~Cr ~ Oj
- - - - - - ....... -- !. . . . ...... . . . . . . - - - -
- - - -
........... ..

i ilrcr : ~ 71 o~
DlcH / ~~ ! -(.2.)2 710~ l
~Cr ~~ 710 ~
1- -- - ..1--------....--.. '
-------~------ - __________._._. ._.._ .......' _______ ..........._________,....................
. .;
_________ ...................__. ., .. _..___._. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... ~---

1 ~Di 1 1.Aro 1cr : 2.l.Ar~Oi



01~0! ; _f~o 1cr i

NO IC~ --------- -- ...... .....' ... .... ....... - - - ...... . - ......... --- ............ .............. - -- ........... ... .........
f i 2.l.Aro 1er
.1 (Ol)OF .i
_ __ _.._ __ ..
--"--- ---- ----------------- - - ------- ------ - - --
---------, -------- - ------------. ---.. _________ .._......-------------------..........
_..... ...-. - -....-------- ... --- __ _
1 _O~/Oit'\J? ~0-1 ?. ~LI ?

.'''' _o~/OiLI? ~ ~0-1 ?. ~. .~LI?

. .. . , ...... .

. --- .. .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ...... -- .. . . . -.... -. . . . ... . ..-

A/V i -0~/0i?, -LI? i

i' ' ~c~ ~ Oi ?. ~ LI ?
---- - - - -~ - - ... - - - ............ ....... ....... ............. ..... . ..... -- - ~-

: -(.2.)2 7~0~?. j 7rCr ~ ~ 710F?. ~ 71LI?

DlcHI~~ .
i -(.2.) 2 71LI? :
----- - + - - -------'-'. . . .-----. . . . . . . .--------.. --- -
~~ 710~?. ~~ 7~LI ?
' '
;' ~o-i?. ~LI? 2.l.Aro1cr \

2.l.Ar~Oi ?. 2.l.Ar~LI ?

: 01~0-I?, Ol~LI? : ~~OICr j _f~ O l ~Oi ?. _f~Ol~ LI ?

No1cr . .... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . -... -. . . . . . . .. --. . . . . .. ... ... .. . . . . . .. ... . . . .. ... .... ...... . . . .. .. . ..
.' ...
. ' ..

___l._ __. ----------..!-

..i {Ol)OF?, (Ol)LI?
_,.,...,_.,,....,._______..__;.' ____
-. o 0 1 0 r~?. o~AH
-. o O I LI ?.

(1) 'OrLICr'2.I ~~~AH~ 'OrLIOF'. Jlr71~ 'OrLl'Xt0-1'7r ~Lier. EE.~ Qjcg~ [[H 'L:fl'~ ''OILr 'Oi'. 'OrLIR'
~ 'OrLl'7r ~LI Cr.
OtLICt is written as OtLIO~ for the present tense and as OtLl~Oi for the past tense. When answering a
question, ~ or Oi is used for Lil, and OtLI is used for OtLIR.

Wanna see a movie on the weekend? Are you going to the library tomorrow?

Lt %, J ell.
Sure. Sounds good. No, I'm not going.

Who was that just now? Is Kylie American?

My little brother/sister. No, she's not American. She's New Zealander.

(2) '-Or/Oi?' ~ ~~ ~A~Oil7i l5:. .Al-~* CU 0 Lr, '-LI?' ~ ~Ar~Oil7il~ .Al-~ * fil.JJ. ~ ~ ~=i2Lr
Or~.Ar~Oil 7il~ .Al-~* 'll~ LICr.
Whi le -0~/0i? can be used w ith superiors and those older than you if you are on familiar terms with
them, -LI? cannot be used in such cases.
..:. - ---
- -:;:.-c:
- o ~
. ci 1'-11?. / ol
-, 01 oJ?
ci ~t .

Sa-,..u,: Beomsu, are you reading a book now?

tH A _Q_ _:7.lJ 0 l oJ
c:::r-r o , -, ci ~I .

Beomsu: Yeah, I'm reading a book.

(~~:llr .!:rLr Aro D

~~ f-L}, A] ~ -1 c5ll ? (0) I Al~ -1 i5]-y? ( x)

Little Brother: Sis, what are you doing now?

-r 1
Ol t'\l
:c1 ..... 1.

Big Sister: Reading a book.

2 ~~g: Oil.k)JI '-Or/Di ' ~ ~017-JLr '-Or/Oi2.F~ ~~Lier. ~ ~~::'.~ '-J;:I or EE~ '-J;:I Dr2.F7r ~Lier.
Imperative Sentences: For imperative sentences, either -O~/Oj or -O~/Oj2.~ is added to the verb stem. To
make a negative imperative sentence, either - .Al o~ or -.Al D~2.~ is used.
~- --------,- - ------- ---------------............ ----~--- ____....._..._ ............-....._..._... _____________ ________
,.. ,,, ..

Ii .=l.}.:-j
0 C>
1 -or/Oi. : 7rcr :

~~ ~
t v ....................... .... - --O~/Oi2.~
....... ----- -~Cr j
....... : ..........~. . Oi..... .~. ..Oi2.~
. .. -----------
I ~~
- Al a~. i. 7rC~ : 7rAI a~. 7r:AI Dr2.r
l II ~C> :

----------------- _ __________-:Al
, ... ........
~---------------- ........................ _.._..__ - - --

It's raining, so take an umbrella. Don't be late tomorrow.

L~ ~<lt<Ji , 7}A] JI 7c{-~] . L~ .::Z.Cll, ~ ~ ~~] .

Okay. I'll take one. Okay. I won 't be late .

.::i~c11 '-Or/01'~ 7r7Jj-g %!ArEfOll711~ Al~* ~ 0 Lr '-Or/012.F~ .::ii * fil~LICr. ~. '-Or/012.F~

CH~ 0 t=i! ol-E ~cHig1 LrOILr Ar.2.I~ .!f-1~1-E '-Or/01'~[.r Ci Or2H~LI Cr.
Note that while -0~/0i can be used when talking with those older than you or superior in social rank if
they are close acquaintances, -O~/Oj2.~ cannot be used in such cases. In other words, -O~/Oj2.~ is used
with those younger or of a more inferior social status when compared to those with whom -0~/0i can be

(~:llr .2.HHr ArO I)

~~ _2_llll}, o]~ "* 7}E.~ ~. (o) / 7}..~ ?-lc.t. (x)
Little Sister: Big Brother, teach me (how to do) this.

HU~ .:1ell, 7}..~ ~ ~].

Big Brother: Okay. I'll teach you.

60 Korean Grammar m, ~ Intermediate

3 ~c;:?5:: Oi:cJOJI -or/Oi'Lr -;;:r~ ~~ Lier. ~5:~ -;;:1 w;;:r~ ~~Lier.
Propositive Sentences: For propositive sentences, -Or/Oi or -Ar can be added to the verb stem.
To make a negative propositive sentence, -Al ~A r is added to the stem.
- -- ~
. - ---- --..--------------------------------- ------------........-..........
.......--... .......
..._ ___________________ ... . -------
7r. 7rAr

00 J
-or/Oi. -A:r
~ Oi . ~ Ar
o 11 LL v I .. ....... ------ ------------- - ..... .


I:::! .A-I
i 7rAI ~Ar
! _____________________ __________________ - .. ~ Al ~Ar
- - -- -- - - - --

Let's go to the beach this summer. Let's not exercise today.

Lr .::Z.~, .::I.ti.At. Lr .::z.~, -1 W77l-?

Okay. Let's do that. In that case, what shall we do?

'+ 8 0i2.I ~.2.r Word Variation

'A:i/Ail'::: 'Lr/LH'7r .S:ljl. 2'2.1~~ LrErLHe w~ 'L:i/Lil'7r ~LICr.

In informal Korean, the 1st person pronoun .Ai/Xii changes to L~/LH. The 2nd person pronoun is L:j/Lil.

i....; 2 0L...:1*C>1

A:ie Lre L:1 :::

Ail7r LH7r Lil7r
Ail (A:i2.I)
LH (Lr.2.1) L.:11
(Li 0 1)
------- - -- - ........

I'm going to have doenjang jjigae to eat. What will you have?

Lr Y.S::. i_:AJ~l7H ~%~ . I'll also have doenjang jjigae.

7r o 171 bll %1il ~~ o l-Y o l=? Isn't this your mobile phone?

Lr ~o}, ~ %1il~~l=. 971 ~Si-TY-. Yep. It's my phone. So this is where it was.

5 er= J..rcet2.I 01;.:; ~ ~ ITH Calling Others by Name

cr-E J..rcet2.I 01 ;.:; f lOJI ~~Lie~. 01 ;.:; 01 2- 0 CE ~Lr'i:! or~. ;;:~ 0 CE
01;.:;~ ~ITH ~Ar or/o~ ~

~Lr'i:! 'OF~ ~~LIC~. .:J.2.iLr ~~ 01;.:;01 Or'd 21~ 0 1~'2.1 ~~OJI 'Or/or~ ~Ol'i:! Oi6llorlll ~;gLICr.
The particle O~/Ot is added to the names of others when calling out to them verbally. However, it sounds
strange to add this particle to the non-Korean names of foreigners.

q3? 0 l=, -2.~0ll ~~77}?

o}~o}, ~o l :A1~ ~:A}.

3- cl~ 1tl 0 l-, "1 :A1l .::Z. E..c}ol- ~"1? ( x) - 3- cl ~ 1tl, "1 :A1] .::Z. E..c}o l- ~"1? (O)
: 21~ .A.~Et Ol~OJI ~ o~;or~ ~Ol.AI ?J~LIC.L
O~/ot is not added to the names of foreigners.

--::=: -=--=. : 1 ~~ ~ cQI =i )..~01 ~~Al-OIL~ L~Ol7~ OiiC:J ~~Ai-go? ~LH= OI- .!f-1011 'OI'~ ~~
~~-=--. =-==-._.- ~ )..~ 01~011~ 'OI'~ ~OIA I ?J~Llcr.
-.=- ~=s-.....'lg
to a person by name, if the person is a close acquaintance or is younger than you, then
- s-.,::_ c oe added if the name ends in a final consonant. However, OI is not added to the names of
- --
-- ' -_..,.ers
' .

~<g_g. (x) - ~~ol-E ( o) 3..c.1 ~1(11-E ( x ) -3..2.l ~rr! ~ (o)

~q:} % (x) - ~ ~ol~ (o ) 3..2-l ~rr! ol~ ( x) -3..c.1~1(1,g_ (o)

o ~Al12! ~A~ 01~~ ~~ <cl-A~ Ol- 0 ? IJrf:l ~ [H~ 01~ ~<fjLICr. Oll~ ~Oi. ')..F.2.~(1J 4):)'2.I ~~
~Oi ~go s= $2AI ?~.:LL~~ ~A~gos= ~g c;~f2'.! '_g'OI 1~Cil ')..F.2....:1' .!f-1011 ~ '01'7~ ~Al ~.:LL

'_g' C~011~ 'OI'~ ~<fjLIC~. =12.l.:ll O I ~~ $~ CCH.!I. ~~~Ai-go s= $711 1'2'.! 'O ~/OF'~ ~<fjLIC~.
Note, however, that for Chinese names in Chinese characters t hat are pronounced according to the
Korean readings for the characters, OI is added when the name ends in a final consonant. For example,
the Chinese name .A~.2~ (1j\~) becomes .:1:~ when read according to the Korean readings of the two
Chinese characters. Thus, while .A~.2.~ does not take 01, .:1:~ does.

,_.....""" . . " "' .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . l

. . . . """'--.,._,~:-1.

Af.2.~g ( O) _gOl-C ( O)
AF.2.~0I ~ (x) .~ ~ (x) I
AF.2.Jt!O~ (x) _go~ (o)
------------..----..--.. .- -......_______ ............ __._._.__ ________J..__. . ____________ ,,_~------- .. ---------

[ 23 )
1 7~ EH~ 0 t. -2..-- ~J-t%01l 7}~ ?
L~ %, :g ~ 0 1 ~ -5:_ J-lZf ~~~ ~Ol 7}:A}.

EH'2..! / .2:~ <2..!J..1%~ 1 7~cr
J..l{_I- <i1~ ~O I 7~Cr

'2..!. I II.IA~ Al~C~ . ~{d <2J 1j~O~ ~Ol 1lC~

~.g I ~'tOll :AH~o I '2.J'tg 7~c~

<2:1LI. .:::if:! LH 7~ or7JI~ 7~c~ / c..r. j:1or !!~ ~er

~.2. I AIE 4rITiOll 7~Ai 2.~~ .g. A~ .2.C~ .!:r-Lr. ;;:1a- Lr~~ .go1cr 1~a-01c[r7~ A~ 2c~
~~ / 2~~1 lfil!1:1H7~ 2~ Lil7r .g. 'E!o~ ~er .2.HHL 2~~1 ~ Lr~ ~Oii file~ I <2:1Ll~l 7il !f.~H ~c~

62 Korean Grammar 1,t C//.,e- Intermedjate

.......... ~ ......_..
-. ......... ...... . ... . ... -- - ..- ---
"-4 -
. . . . . . . . . ._ - ' +

~- ..... ~ m ,..,,~ . , , . . . , _.,... - -

--+ L~

(3) 7~ %~ -1 , 0 l Jf-.AJ %~ -1 710:11.fL? -- 7~

L~ o}y.fL, All 71 O}L-1 ~l.fL. ___. L~

(4) 7~ _2_~.g. 3-.g. .:Y-~ ~:Al u};,11.fL. -- 7~

L~ ~.fL? _2_~ ?:J-01~<:>lot ~.fL? --. L~

(5) 7~ _2_~ 131J~li=-1111t!% ~%J-1L!-. -- 7~

L~ ig--]7} 1- ? Y 77} 11}1t!% ~:Al ~J-lL!-. -- L~

(6) 7~ Aj::l -1, 6l:::z1] ~~ -1 ~)61.fL? -- 7~

L~ i:ll, ~)61.fL. _i~tjj ~.fL? -- L~

EH~OIL11 !

--------- ..................................- ---------------------------------.---.................... ~- --- ----------------- --- - ................................

~ -- - - - --- ------------------ - -- - -

!;=-L~. (1) .2~ O ~E.l:l~Ol..oHA-i ~8 ~~OiR. (2) .2~ Ai~Oil ~Oil ~~ ~ 7i~IR?
-- b1J:OJ01 --
1 (3) .2~ Ail7 ~ ~~~7ilR. (4) %1 {i!OiR? (5) lLIAr ~.2.2-i ~JJ~R? (6) Or, ~ R~
-- -- ---- I
1 !r-Lr~ cro 101._ :go1;;:1R? (7) -=i~. rr1;;:r-e ~A l ~A- l cr. (s) ~~~ ~~A- lcr. l
-- -- --

L__ -=----------------------------------- -- -- ----..------------------------------------------j
---- -- -- ------------- -- ---- --- ---

1 ~L~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?
. .=z. iCj C~I 2H?
CD ~ ~ J-lZ} <V.l ~ ~ J-lZ} ~y
. '
~ ~ {l.::rz- ~ig- 71F @ ~ ~ {l.::rz- ~ig- 71 Dll.fL
'' ::Z.2.H o2..M.VI,
~o ~ru
'' '
78~~}~ ~ % 2.}?-l 78~~}~ ~ % Q.}?

CD '

@ 78 ~-B"t:E- ~ % 2.}?-1 cf 7-a~-B"t~ ~ % ~ 9 <V.l ?



'' '

' 3 CD ~2.IMl-C cl~011 .g :XI 1t:!OI 1<X;t-Cc~. 1t:! ~<21 ~~011 ~~:Xl'2l o~~.!I. ~~

~~g .:g:x1 'Cd"-C-Ct. @ .=z.~g cl~~OI Ot~ .A.1~7-lC~.@ ~~~~ c1 ~{:Joi t5- '
$f>H.A.1 ~~ .A.tEJ"~-1~ ~o~.:JJ. {1ct. '

' I

' I

4 CD Rg "g $2~01 OtOI~~ 2.1~ 0 ? ~2t ll:!.LHC~. Oii ITH ~2,1'~ 7~~ 2.l~Oi

~ c-j ~ 1:1tt~ * ~c~jl>H.A.1ct. @ .=z.c.H.A.1 :Xi Oii [[H 01~ 0 ? ~2,1-~ llct.
@ o~:Xl'2l ~71 ~t:= :g~ cc~:xl'2l 8~ IY-gc~. '
' I

' ''
5 '
CD ~ y . t:i.e- _2_~ B}lIB}? ''
-2.lIB}, -2.~.g- {J ~l ~~ 7}7-}. 'I
' I

@ Ell 'II F. lrtj-7} ~ Al ~l
0 ~ Y-?
@ ~~oF, ~J-1 All ;z;l{f * ~l? I

'' '



. _____ ...... ....... ------------- .................. ..
- --
---- --
- ......

-7-l Cjl_ 1 a

( 24) 1
7~ :A}o ~ .l , .2.~5:. o l ~ ra-Oil 7 }ti j]_Jl?
Jaya, are you planning to go to this restaurant again today?

L~ tjl ' o:17l 7} 7:jW 132-~ 7-l.e-A.

u}=i .lS:. 7t0 l ~tli.R?
Yes, (because) this place has really good food.
Do you want to go, too, Mark?

........ -' ........................................................................................................................ ........... - ....................... ......... .

Why do you look so tired today?

L~ ~ ::z11 ~ ~ ~ -5!2=.Cl-j]_ {}% * ~7-l .e-A.

I didn't get a lot of sleep yesterday (because I was) trying to
watch a movie.

01 E~~ ~cHigo1 i!" ~go1Lr

.g<r.J 0 1~~~ w~ ccH .Arg~Llcr. 01rrH2.I Ar~o1 Wi!" LHg011 cH0H 01~Lr

Ol~Lr .A~g ~CH'2:fOI i;:i2::: ~~Lier. '-7i~5l'-E ~WOil.Ail21 .ArgorD=l ~WOil.Ai::: .ArgorAI t>c!"~LICr.

EE.i!" ~.:12.r ~~ 2:1~~<2.J Ar2.IOil.Ai::: .ArgorAI t>c!".:Ll !:2.~ ~i!" .ArOIOil.Ail2.I" .Arg'EJ"LICr.
This expression is used to respond to a question or to add to a statement the speaker has already made to
provide the reason or thinking behind the answer or statement. The listener has no knowledge of the reason
or facts being stated by the speaker. Note that the form -71::: is used only in conversation, not in written
Korean. Moreover, it is only used among close friends or those on familiar terms with each other. It is not
used in formal situations, such as when giving a presentation.

- 7-1..R
. ... . ---........ ,.__--.1 ... . ,. ....., . ..-....... ~------ ~-- . - -~~- . - -
or- . . ..... - .. .... ...... ,,._ _ .. - - . -- ,,__~ .... 11: . - - - . T'.- n . '""' = -- . - . . --- ..... ~ . --~-- . "!;... - -~ , . _""'._....._._ _.;;;...._, , ........_.._. _ _...._ ~ <:!ooi....... . ....: ......-...s;;.r.. _...,;,,, ,; . .
. . . . -....... ~ ..
. i : 7LCL j lt7JS.H_
JlL7J ; _O~/Oi/JSO j I I j IL-
. r I : AA AA JL-..u.. ; .;1.=.cL : .;1= o;7JSO
: c:::i2 I : o 2 AA Jr.......u..
W R W ~ ~ -
o o -

. - - -

: : 7rcr :
A/V ; - 7-l.R
- - - - - - - - - - - - _ ..,.._ . - - - - '
-- t -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - -

~ 7-17-1.R
~~ 7-17-lR
_ _...;>..___ __
---------- - ---------- .- ....... ------------------------------------------:
66 Korean Grammar ,;,,, u\'.b. Inter111ediate
-- -~------------------------------.. ..-------.......---------.................. --..- .......---------..----------
_...._ . -...-
I .Jlt7-I :l D:17.JB_
AA. , ._
L..:I I
L..: I AA. , ._

.................... ----:
l 01cxt7ifR [ 0H'2Jo1cr ~ oH'2J O l ~7ifR
...................... :.................................. :...................................................... .
: ~.:;:io1cr ~.:;:i7ifR
.i (Ol)7i{R

- -- --------- -------- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -------- - - - - - -
7~ A~]?e>i] 31% uR ~l-cf~l-ol] %2f7}itl.R?
Did you go up Mt. Halla when you went to Jeju Island?

L~ o}y.fL, * 311.fL. \t-]7} ~ ~~7-]-EJl..

No, I didn't. (Because) the weather was bad.

You must be tired, and yet you're going to yoga class?

L~ ~]. Jl7~ <5}.:Jl. Lf~ %0] 7}B:l~A] 7-]-EJl.. .::J_Cl1J.1 lll~Z>R Jl7~ t>}C1 7}.R.
Yes, (because) I feel so relaxed after yoga class. So I go to yoga class even when I'm tired.

It's really been raining a lot recently.

L~ Jl~ 7-J-o}~ o17-]-EJl.. ~ ig- %~.g. 7-11~ % 7-]~l.R.

(You see,) it's currently the rainy season. It will rain for a full month.

. t:1 oJ-otfn} _ft_?

1 2.101 .Ar~ [[H'7ifR'7r <ll:::= g~.g cHrOJl.A.-J :Ail~ <i:t"Oll ~ fil.:Ll..

0 1~2.1 * ~51-E .A.r<eto1
~~ g~ ergo ILr .gcHigJ-2.I ~g011 CH~ cH'8" 0 5='2J" .A.r ~ <ll~ LI Cr. *
When 71!2. is used to indicate a reason, it cannot appear in the first clause of a new conversation. It must
come either after an initial statement made by the speaker or in response to a question asked by the listener.

J~ ~o}<)~ 7}9 '.V_~.R?

Is there a singer that you like?

L~ l:l1. xcH ~ ~<)}71-E-.R. 7}4- '1:11'~ ~o}<>H.R. ( x)

-+ xt'.Jl~ 1-5H.A1 7}* '1:11'~ ~0 rt>H.R. ( o)
I like the singer Rain, because he sings well.

7~ : i 7}*~ QJ1 ~o}-5H.R?

Why do you like that singer?

L~ 7ciW X.t'.]l~ 1[<)}71...R. ( 0)

(Because) he really sings well.

2 01 R~.g Wl-E ;,.~0 1 ~:::= .A.~Olllll ~'t~ ~01'll71Lr 010F7 l o r.:Ll. ~.g ~0 1 <ll~ [[H. ::i ~~
5r71 ~011 .~ 0 ~ .A.f5r71. gi-L1cr. [[r2.r.A.-J 1011 ~1~1:::= 010F717r <llcre ~~ fil.A.l5r.:Ll. <ll~Llcr.
This expression can also be used to preface, or introduce, something the speaker wants to tell the
listener. Thus, it provides a hint to the listener that the speaker has more to say.

Ji ~*~EllJ1.. 0 1 -2-~1oJJ .g.~o] e>-lt:-1oJJ '.V.e>-1..R?
Excuse me, but do you know if there's a bank nearby?
Ll o] 7cJ ~ 7}A] ~ ~Qj{1o1 Y..2-7-1-e-Ji.. J?j_Q]{j {}i:]J?j_oj] .g.~o] '.V_e>-lJi..
If you go straight ahead on this road, you'll see a convenience store. There's a bank across from the
convenience store.

7~ %~ .], A~j7} .2-~ 9-~ -1~ ~t-l-7] ~~-e-J1.. %~ .]. 7.{oj 7}~~it?
Yunho, I've arranged to meet with Juyeong today. Do you want to go, too?

L~ 7-1. 9-~ .]7} .!il..-1l 1l~~tj1 ~ ~l;j] Ji.. iJ-oj 7}J1..

That's great because I also wanted to meet with Juyeong. Let's go together.
---~- ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__J

1 7r ~-&-J-e>il f 2 91 7}
Lr -2-~ --.2..18 l t_Re>il -2-J.17-l ~Jl.
2.~ $2.'EJOI ~~Oil 2..A.ICr
21! Ol~lll ~~ ~O I ~l::llorCr . ~OJI ~ ,' ~o 1'Qio 12cr

7-Jul~ 21! er! Dr.A.lcr i 7-J III ~ Dr.A.1'2'.! .g~ ~ :A ~r

2 7~ ?~Oil .:z. ~2.}u}~ .!!!_1]_"lR?

:A~l7 ~ filC~

Lr o}y.fL, * ~"lR. ~-l1-~ Q.f4fol ;u ~7-l~Jl.

to have no empty/available seats
g~ .!:2.C~ to shop at a market

4-~0ll =i. C2.rD~ .5:!.Cr

0-IJ:il!"Oll.>..i ~Ef!.arcr ~ f>rCr I .A.I~ rrtt2.r :Ar2.l7 r filer

O-IJ:i! ia~~ ~o 1:g~ .5:!.cr ; O-JJ:il::: ~:Ar-~ .5:!.cr / ia~o1 ~~ 7rcr

68 Korean Grammar UI u~(!/ . Intermediate

. ... ... ----- ...........
- ---- . ..

--. --------

~--------------------- ---- ---------- - - ------------

!fJIO I ~ -?~~l -1 <S-1-11 "lR?

o~712.~ ~%~1 o-i Di Y 11 ! ~ J-}21 ~e>-lJl. -c.}% -?~l JLZ>J~l (1 )lfr1!5-.2..
!fJIOI~ -?~~l JLZ>J~l 7}J-li::-~R . .=1.rjtjl ~;: 11~ ~ J-}11"1Jl?

o~7l2.~ 7t:J~l~ it"liL. e>-luiY7JllJ.1t_R7t:J~l~ (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

~101~ .=1.ttitjl dl:19%f ITll t_R~% ~ *<5}Y7!} ~ ~:Al ?1_Q_11"1R?

o~712.~ lil. ~%:Al ~S101R. R% ~% 7}7-ll~l-E- ~~o-i~ ~-<S-}i::- J-}w~ol
(3)_ _ _ _ _ _ .

!fJIOI~ o}, i ~~R. _=i_rjtjl 7t:J ~l1il- J-}11 OlR?

0~712.~ 0 }Y~lJl, ~7~ -?~JL clJ.93:.S: ~ ~ ite>-lJl. t_R0 1 ~~~r:f *~0 1 W-0 1
(4) . !f-ll 01d -1-E- BJ-~ trR Jf-AJ~l {}-r:fJL ~:AlR?

!fJIOI~ t:il, 0 }~ Jf-AJ~l ~ 1 (5) .

0~712.~ i~~R. Jf-AJ~l 7}J-l~ t>R-&-cR~l ~ 7} ~J.ilR. Aj~ o}%r:f%1Jl.

!fJIOI~ t:il, ;z.4s:_ t>R-&-cR ~l 7}~JL ,A~Zf<S-}JL '.il e>-lJl. ~ 7 ~ 0 l <5R-&-cR ~l ~
(6) .
7~ A4 7}9~ 2-R ~o}oR iL?
Why do you like that singer?

L~ ~t:Bs:_ ~o}.Jl ~~~o}Ji..

He sings well and (as you know) is good looking, too.

- - . - #' . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . - . - -- ---- - --- ...... . ............. . ........

7~ 7}~ t:q ~17t ~~l~ Aaw ~-tt~liL!

Kylie is really good at Japanese!

L~ 7}~ t:q ~1-E ~~llJ.l _:g-.lf-~~o}Ji.. Al\tit! ll

7}~ t:q ~17} W9J-E"Ell .A~Zf ~ 1+iL?
(As you know,) Kylie studied in Japan. Don't you remember she told
us that the last time we saw her?

. 1:1-1..Q. 01'()~771._a?
&:..t:1 2 2 12 I .

1 01.H.~::: ~~ "'r<Mo1 0101 't.:Jl cii~ 01~~ ~~ rrtt ~E- ~cH~o1 01iti "'11:!~ <5JOitti2.~Ai =i~~ cr.AI
7 l~Lr7~1 3r2.~.:Jl ~ [[H A~gjLICr. ~~Oil.Ai~ A~3rlJ:j ~~Oil.Ai~ A~3rXI OJ-A.LICL
Le; l::::l I. c:ca-~ 7=1.A.l.A-10 I
-'- L...: - , - , - , L..:

Xr2.IOil.AiE- A~orXI t>~~LICr.

This expression is used when the speaker wants to state a reason that the listener should also be aware
of or when the speaker wants to remind the listener of a reason that he or she has apparently forgotten.
It is used only in conversation, and not in written Korean. Also, it is not used in formal speaking situations.

- -- ~ _.,.., .......... ..... .


.' ..... .v

... ......

"--,#._:.,..,.-.......- . . . . - . . ... ~.~~ .. -
. ... '# ....


_Ot/0-IA:tQ LO :
No. No.~ r..u.. :
.. 510-l.:ittQLO
= 2 >A L.i; r...u..
... .. .. ----- . ......... ,_ ....... ------------ ..... ............. - ---................... - .... ...................... ,.. ....... ......... ....... .
~ .......... ........... ... .
A/V oc:J2
1.:it}O Ln
L:o I.LL
--------- ..... - . _.... .... ......... ............ - ... .......... ............ ......... .
................... ......... ................ ....... ...........
- - -
. '

-----------... ------------,...,.,.-----------------_.....-__________ ........... ,._... --------- -----

.. -
- -----.. .............______________ -............---- - ------. -....................
~fiO~R ~~~fjO~R
......... .... .... .. ... ... . ... ........... .. .... .... . . .... ..
>A Lo
NOIC.r . ....... ............ ...............
. .... ........... .... ........ .... ..... .

~. ~~OICr ~. ~~fJOrR


oH '2.! o1cr :.


70 Korean Grammar ;,, C/t.\e Intermediate

7r 0 11ti0il. 0J=7J- -17} 1~ ~ ~tjlJl!
Yang Gang got 1st place again this time!

Lr 0J=7j- -li:- ~cf)-cf ~{J i>l r

.:g-Jf-t>}~ Jl.
(As you know,) Yang Gang always studies hard.

7r tjl, ~O}Jl. J= J- -li:- <8A11Lf ~{J i>l .:g-Jf-t>};z,lJl.

0 7

You're right. Yang Gang studies hard all the time.

7r *~ -17} <8:Ai] .Jl~j=O ! %0}7}/Z.lJl?

When will Sujin go back to her hometown?

Lr ;z.j1d_-? 50 f? 9:J.Oi] %0 }'.il~}.fl.

(You might recall that) she went back last Saturday.

7r 0 }, ~o}Jl. *~ -1 tiH%-5}t1 .:g-~J-Oil. ~ 0 1 n-Si;z.]Jl?

Oh, you're right. We went to the airport together to see her off, right?

7r "'ilq3 .]7} {]Oil .g.q.JI -5B;,1 ~ 15 1~ ~ ito1Jl.

I bought some peaches because Seyeong said she's coming by the house.

Lr ~_!!!., .:z. ~ 7-:: ~ c5ot ~C1l._7]7} ~?tot.

Dear, (perhaps you've forgotten that) she's allergic to peaches.

7r o}, .:z.~~? 7tf~~tj]Jl.

Oh, is that so? I totally forgot.

2 Ol li~.g ~cH~Oil7113-_J}_L~ ~_J}_~ ~EC11.!r. ~cH~OI ~Al ?~O~ ~Al?~~ ~OI ~{J ~~Oil ~cH~Olllll
~H~ ~~OI ~~ ITH.!r. .A~@gJLIC~. OliE! ~~ 5!~ ~g:z:v_~ i,1"7Jil A~@~ g[LIC~.
This expression can also be used to scold or rebuke the listener for not heeding the speaker's advice or
for allowing something bad to happen even after being warned about it. In such cases, this expression is
often used together with a statement indicating what was previously said or advised.

7 r <?::1 ut. o1 ~lll -5BJl? -&ilLOil ~~ o1 Ji..

Mom, what should I do? I'm going to be late for school.

Lr .:Z.cR Al o1 :Ai] 9J ~ :7-}2}.:il "l~}.

Now (you should know) that's why I told you to go to bed early last night.

7r .:z. 18-:7-}7} ~JI ]:2_Li ~a~ 1-f~ ;,l-lf::l-01Sio1Jl.

Once I got to know him, I realized that guy was really a bad apple.

Lr .;::i71 :!i!l-Jl, LH7l- -12f.:i1 ~o1Jl . .:z. ;,}lf::l- 1-f~ ;,}lf::l- ~q.:il "l~t.a..
Look, now what did I tell you? (Didn't I say that) he seemed like a bad person.

1 1 7-111~ -17} _a~ Jf-%-BTI<5TI.f?... 1[ 21 ) 1

.2Ilil2.~ opera
i~ 7-111~ -leJ- 7t4- 1 -2-TI:ll~ .!!!_~ 7}"'il.f?...

7-llol~ -17} -2-TI:ll ~ ~o}-O}~o}..fL.

...._ _____
1::1 IE~l2J vitamin

7ilo 12 J.q~ ~o 12.rril2.~ !2.2.i 7 rcr / Jilo 12 JJ.17 r 2.Ilil2.~


b'710ll ~2.~.A.i gj~Cr 2.~:AI ?A~ irio1 or;..1cr / t1IEr'2J C7r ~7 IOll ~cr
t:!IA:r -tl~f>~ 7il L:J ~lforcr ():j~,A..rOJI ~7 ICr I ():j~,A..rOJIAi CH~ oH ?Cr

2 7r J-1~011 ~ "1~01.f?...
Lr -=:lcHAl :A~l7} ~c}.::il ~Ol.f?..? .A.lgjOll ~Oj:A I C~ to flunk a test

~Oll always, as part of one's daily routine

;..lgJOll t~Qi:AICr ~.1:.0ll ~~;:; 1 ts.!:f.o r2.r

t:itt~o 1 Lrcr Li.Ef. ic~o 1 11-E -3:! ~er

~~tll~ Cr JJ.i ttJ2.ICr

O~-'~H ..!i!..77L_g_? . - ............. . -

. L.;;l::t - i:! I

(1) 7r ~woi1 Aa%~ll {(q %211.f?..? (~rt)

Lr 72%~.g_ t:llf- i").j0~.2.. 7}7!}-& I:il 7}~ ~~~.fL.

(2) 7r ~1Jll ~-01 %~til ~ ~%7!}.fL? (* ~c})

7-ll ~~ ~.fL .
(3) 7 r {17 ~JI} ;Q-o l \:f O l~ ll ~211 _g_?
BJ-~i>} ~ ({(q _2_ q)

Lr Al\:!- BJ-~lJs:_ \:f 0l~ ll . :Q-.g- .AJ-~ W.::il L}-E

* ll 7}~ ~~~.fL.

- 0 1-71 2.} -17} _ _ _ __ _____ . %<?{CD~"'}~~ ~~7!}.fL?

Korean Grammar uz r;(.~e Intermediate

Jaya, why didn't you do your homework?

L~ Ci 11 W~l ~ 7-~ .!ii_~Cl-j l ~::z11 ~

I couldn't do my homework last night because I was watching a
* ~Ci Ji...
soccer game.
........ ..................................... ...................... ...,.........- ................... --- ........................................... ................

7~ 9-W~l -1 -5-}jJ_ Ci Ji..?

What did you do over the weekend?

L~ ~.AJ~e> ~.AJ-% -5-}~crj l Ajw ~~Si e>

I made kimchi. (Because of that,) I was really exhausted.

010F71~01 ~Lier. --'=-2.r'2.r.JJ. Ar-aH.!:C. .!Lier.

This expression indicates that the statement given in the preceding clause is the reason for, or cause of, the
~allowing clause. In most cases, the following clause is negative in nature. This expression is sometimes
shortened to - '--21

------.,._----------------------~----.,,------------~~ .- - -----.. . _--..... ------

"' . . .. .. ,...... ... "" ...... - ..... . -..... - -- ....... --~"'
~-~~- ------- ~--;i. ---------~--..-.,r;,r;;..:_.~=~---=s .. ..-i.- . . - .. - -... ....- . -------~---

7 .!:::: 2.~.Jl
___ __.._ ______________..,....,.._____________ __
' --~---- __ .__________________
.. ...
.!:::: 2. .:il

......... _ ~ ~

7~ ..9..-- 7}~ Cl -l-2 Cl ~~l How's Kylie doing these days?

L~ ~~ -e-l:ll~ -B'}~i!}.Jl ;<d~O l ~-2 -31 7c{o}.fL.

She seems really busy due to preparing to get married.

7~ .Al~ ttjl{t-Oil WOl l:l}~.::z.l .R? You're really busy because of all your tests, right?
L~ ~l, .fL-- .Al~~lf-~ -B'}~i!}J!. ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ 1If):tOl.fL. *
Yeah, these days I haven't been able to meet my friends at all because of my test prep.

7~ Qll ~~ 01.R? Why are you late?

L~ ~%<5R.R. ~*El~ .JJ.J-12-l ~q 9 Li!} ~~01.R.
I'm sorry. I'm late because I went to get my computer fixed.
- - - -- - - - - - ----~

1 -~2.r.::L1.' ~ <i:!2.I ~~OI ~1~.1Cr7r~l2.I ~~OILr ~EH2.r ~~~OCF z::: ~j11~ 0 CF ~~ ~Oi Lr,
!f. ~~O I ~:ilr~ 0 ~ ~AIOil -t1~.l.::L1. <1!g~ LrEr~LICr.
The phrase -.!:::.2.~.:il expresses the fact that the action or behavior in the preceding clause continued to
occur either partially or completely simultaneously with the action or behavior in the following clause.

~~~~cjA}-.}f-ojj 7}~2.}2 ~JRoJl * n-<>1 ..

,\asn't able to go to school because I went to the immigration office.

: *~ .A.Ill ~<2.!" ~~~tl-2.l.A.~!f..1:0!1 'll'Xt.:il .:J.2.H.A.i *~ .A.ILfOll ~ * fil'X;!~Llc~.

I was busy going to the immigration office during class time, so I therefore couldn't attend class.

2 '-L2.r.::L1.' ~ A~~ ITH 'CJ::: XilQ{O I <1!:;LICr. crg.l:!.r ~::: ~~ ~ 0 loHOF gLICr.
There are a number of restrictions on the use of - L2.~.:il. It is important to remember the following points.

(1) -~2.r.::L1.' ci-g0il1=-~~<2.! OIOF7l(Clr~Cr. ~~Cr, lll-2-orCr. ~orCr. <2.!-C>rCr ~)~Ol .271
[[H~Oil ~~~Oil ~~~<2.! 010F717r 2~ Oi~gLlcr.
Because the clause that follows - L 2.~.:il is negative or undesirable in nature, it sounds unnatural for a
clause that is positive in nature to follow it.

i:;]lol..~ -&-}-~2.}2 7 l~ol -f'O]-.. ( x)

- t:ilol..~ "6lj).i 7]~ol ~o}-.R. (o )
- tj] ol ..~ -&-}~cj-2 _g_~ ).jzi-oJ ~<>1.R. (o )

In addition, -L 2.~.:il is also used idiomatically with verbs such as .:il~o~C~ and *.:il o ~C~.

0 l=-2--&-l-~ 2.}2 ~2-&-}~ <>1.R.

.:J..%~ ~2.l~ 7}E..7-]Al~2.}-2 2;.~ i'J.-..2..~<>1.R.

(2) -~2.r.::L1.' <i:!Oil1=- .A.FU. ~. ~Oi2.I 2.IA:l7r ~R~ ~Ar7r ~Lier.

Only verbs that require the will of the subject, a force of energy, and time can precede -.!:::.2.~.:il.

_ll!.~).}-27} 1-}-~2.}2 ::l,A}-ojj AlZfJ,1!<>1.R. (x)

tll7l- wol 9 '-2.}2 %~;; * J,1!<>1.. (x)
tl}mt'-2.}-2 Ci~%* n-<>1.R. (x)

: '.lil~.A.~.:il7~ L~C~', '1::117~ .2.c~::: Al.(!O I L~ gj, ~Oj2.I 2.1 }::17~ ~R~ ~.A.~7~ O ~ LID=I. '1::1~.!:!!!CfE ~.A.~7~ O ~Ll 71
rrHgOJI ~ * fil~LIC~.
In .lil~A~.:il7 ~ L~c~ and 1::1I7 ~ .2.C~, the verbs do not require the will of the subject; in the case of l::l ~Ill:! c~.
it is not a verb.

74 Korean Grammar ~ U <P Intermediate

(3) 01 f:.~~ 'ft g~:l!r 1 g~1 ?Oi7r ~o~~ filLlcr.
The subject must be the same in both the preceding and following clauses.

* ~9J"'fY 1*. ( O)
:A}F -1~ ~-% :A1-~c.lJl (:A}F -1~) ~~~
:A}oF -1~ ~-% :A}~2.}Jl o}3. -1~ ~~ ~ * ~9J"'fY1*. ( x)

(4) -~2.r.:il' cr:;Oll-E ~~~:!!r ~~~O I ~*~~Lier.

The propositive and imperative forms cannot follow -L2.~.=il.

~~ ~~2.}Jl '-1 0 1 ..~~oJ1 7tfJ-1r.}. I 7}{JJ-l-2... (x)

--. ~~ ~2.~ '-1 0 1 ..~~oJ1 7t]J-11*. (o)
k~% <S-}~c.1-JI -E-% ~J-11*. I ~{JJ-1.2... (x)
- k~% "6}~2.}Jl -E-% 1* 1ie>i.R.. (o)

(s) Jlr7~ AIAil -cxt/<Xi-~ ~ * ~-LI er.

The past tense form -91/~- cannot be used with - L2.~.=il . l
iAi1 ~Ai1~ ~~2.}Jl ~% * ~iJl. ( x )

- i::<i1 ~::<11~ -5"}~2.}Jl ~% * ~e>iJl. ( 0)


c[ 29] 1
1 7~ R~ ~ 0 1~111 l:JrlffirR?
~Qt .A.-j.ff. (school) admission forms
L~ orE_l:1rOl ...-5}~c.}Jl 1:1rlffirR. ~-t)O I file~ to be extremely busy; at wit's end

tel 11 Ai report

1::1 r1:n:1 er or21::1ro1.o rcr ; 1::1 r~cr

~-t!o I filer
~2,1- .A.i-W~ ~1::11orcr / ~-t!o 1 filer

.A.1-lJ"O I filer , l:;:lll.A.i~ Mer / .A.1no1 filer

~~ 7Ji ~c~
to turn off (power to) a phone

~orcr ; ~ '2cr
a!?orcr; ~~ 1Ji ~er
~0rcr; ~r 21~ ~~er

4 . o ] oII 2
, t-J.u< -'!
~ C. 2. -
.. ... ..
- - . -- .-...,? -

_....... .... ...

-- .. - -


- ; - o-1;(11 2ll II}~c:>il ~ ~~Jl? (~-%lc:>il {tq _2_1:-})

~$!0\l 1,tq 9 L-~:lJ_ :rr\-E1~1~311Jl.

(2) 7~ AllLf -17} Jl-@- t1J"Ol l:l}~7} ~Jl? ( ~-%lc:>il qyq)
L~ 1.=l , AllLf -1-e- Jl-@- l:l}llli}Jl.

L~ l=ll, - - -- - - - - - .2.l ~ ~ 7-l~ * "5~Jl.


Oi~'gJoJI or.3. JJ.I ~OllAi rrrEl7r <Xl~~Llcr. or.3. JJ.I ::: rrrEI frl:ll [[Hg011 ~{d.s:. ~ ~~
-BLI er. nrEI ccH ~ ~~:i!r @-~~ ~o 1 ArAi g .s:. er ~-BLI er. ~'" igJoJI::: nrEI 011 cHt>H
~2./"orCr 5!LI :gs:_ 2Al~~~Oll ~~~Lier. Dr.3. JJ.1-C ~Ororc ~~ JJ.l7r .2.71 ccHgoJI '3::!~

urEI~ ~Jl {i!~~LICr.

.=z.E!c~1 rrrEl7r Al-Q1xrorxr or.3. JJ.I::: ~~ rrlEt>HAi :go1 ~JI w~~Llcr. .=z.2.HAi ~~
JJ.1-C rrrEI LHLH or7l2.r JJ.I~ 010~71~ ~~Lier. or.3. JJ.l7r ~ Oi~ ~ rrH-c 2- or~ol~Jl
~7~.g Cr -0r7r.Jl fil~-BLICr. Dr.3. JJ.I::: ilrEI ccHg011 XIA:i~oH~ ~~ A:li?:IO~ 5HAi S?.tiil

011.s:. ~~~Lier. ~iilOll 7rLl7Jr ~.:r ~o1 ~~ JJ.I~ or712.r JJ.l7r ArT-171 Al-Q%!cr::: o"71 ~
t>H ~~~Lier.
_... _ _____.._______..........._ ._ _____...._..________ __________ ____.._..........________...........____
\.----- --- --- -------................--.-----------........ _____ ......................... .. _
... ., .., .,

7 6 Korean Grammar m, Vs.e- Intermediate

1 T

I hear that Mark is in the hospital.

L~ tjl, .ill.~J-}27} l{-E l:l}if}-ofl tj-~Al 111-%J. ll

Yeah, he was injured in a traffic accident and went to the hospital
(as a result) .
.-..... -. ,.,........................... -............................................
,,_ ............................................................... ............

7~ :i 1197} i5-Dilig-% ~ ~ ~'.)1-~tjl .2R * '9J:-AliL?

I thought that athlete would win the gold medal. I wonder why he

L~ ~ 71~ o}tj-7} 16 ~ -Al-E l:l}ifJ-011 i5-Dilig-% *

He had a fall during the match and didn't get the gold medal (as a

_gt1-f..Q.. Ot()L~771._g_?
a.:.t:12 2 I I.

01 E~.g {:j~~O I 10ll .2.-C ~2.1 -f?:!'tJOIL~ Ol~7r ~ [[H Al~LICr. ~~ {:j~~2.I ~~OI 12.I ~--Oll
<2! ~::: ~~~ ~7~L~ -f?:!2.H 2.J.s:.~'C! 3:!2~::: cr-E ~2r7 r ~~~ rrH g;::: -f?:!or:AI cri::: ~2r7r ~~~ rrH Ar
This expression is used when the preceding clause describes the cause or reason for the statement in
the following clause. Usually, the preceding clause describes a situation or circumstance that negatively
rnfluences the following clause or that causes an unexpected or unwanted result.

_,._,.,.,., . .--~~--., .~ . . '\: .~..

~o;,:--. . -~.--i.~o;
::: t:t
~"""=-~-.._,,,..;i_.......,_ _ ,,.._......F.>-~ "'-~'~-~--- --~~_.,J
' 7 re t:t r;goi1
j ::: t:1 r~oi1
,___ _ ______ I
.__ ..
~-- _______________
.._ _.............. _____ ------- -----------~-
~ e t:1r~<>11
-----------------------------'-............................ ____ ............. _...._ ,,__

%tj1~~7} {J-7<}71 _j]_Aef Lfi=- tJ}~t:>Jl ~~% *~OlJl.

My mobile phone suddenly had a problem, so I couldn't contact you (as a result).

There was a typhoon , and the flight was cancelled (as a result).

I ate in a rush and got indigestion (as a result).

4 01 011 2
( 2
__ ~- Orl\JIL .s=_ 1 LO~ .2. A Ol.A. LI CL
- - =- ::::::v1rc- o A [ L...: 2 - , .M. t::l 1.
~ 7"'.- ~:7-t7' "} ~ l:!}'if'' ~7''' ~~l.R. (x)
- ~~7r 7J:7-t7\ zr%1~ tl)'if'I 7J7)') ~51<>\.R. (o)

: ~cf~ ~~.A.~2.~.A.~ ~ * fil 00 ? ~.A.~~ ~~:.X::ICV. l::lpj1o-j0~ ~LIC~.

~c~ cannot be used because it is an adjective. It must be changed into its verb form ~~:.X::ICL

2 01 r.~~ 0101 C!Oi8 ~.Jll-011ctt~01~~ ~~o~71 [[Hg011' ::: ~rW011' crg.011::: -gr~ .J!.~7~~01
Because this form is used to describe the reason for something that has already occurred, the following
clause must be in the past tense.

l:l]7} wol .2.{::- l:l}~oj] :S:1'7} 'it~ 7c[o}Jl. (x)

1-7~ LfC~ to flood
- l:l]7} 1?.J-o] .2.{::- l:l}%J'Oil :":1-7] ;d-OiJl. (o)

3 ' ::: ~rW011' ~~ .Jlr7~

A.IAilrrl .271 rrttg011~~gO I L~ ~7?~01~4- fil~LIC~.
Because only past tense forms can follow --E l::l~~Oll, imperative or propositive clauses cannot be used.

AJ%7}t::.g. ~Oil:l-Jel-E- l:l}~oJl .g_i>~ oj] 7KJJ.].2.. I 7c{77}Jl? (x)

- ~%7}~ ~'ll:l-J 2.J-E- l:l}'ifoJl .g..~oj] {(~t.irJ-. (0)

This expression is mostly used in a negative sense, so it sounds unnatural to use it to describe positive

13-7-} ~T-7} ~g ~A} -f ~ l:l}~oj] 7]if:.o] ~o}~~Yt:f. (x)

-. \:)7-} ~T-7} ~ g ~ J-} -?'lk] 7]if:.ol -f o}~~yc}. ( o)

.:Z.2.iLr 7fg ~~~cc.! ~~011A.i ~71~ ori=-C11, Ol[[H::: t:!o~ 7ICHor:AI ~~7~ Lr ~I~ ~~1 ~.Jlr7r
~~~ ITHA~~ * <;}LI C~.
However, in some cases, this form can be used to describe positive situations, but they are limited to
cases in which something completely unexpected or unintended has occurred.

7~ ~ -f .], 7jif:.oj i:-O} _5:!.0JLi]Jl.

Yunju, you seem to be in a good mood.

L~ <tiY7} {17-}7] .!j!-AJ-~ OjJ.~ 7}{::- l:l}~ojj BJ% ~7-} ~;7jj ]')i:Ji.Jl.
My sister suddenly moved to Busan, and I've got a room all to myself (as a result).

-- ~- -- - ---------

78 Korean Grammar i}b C/t re,Inter111ediate

-- -- ~--- ----------------------- - - - - - - -

'-Or/OiAi'2r' ::: l:lr~Oll'E ~Cr OI~~ ~or:A:l'2_!- Crg:L!.r ~~ 0

1Dl~2.I .XrOl7r ~~Lier.
While both -0~/0iA.i and ::::: t:l~'EJOJI are used to express reasons, they are different in the following respects.

.. --..--... ----- .. _____ ... _ .... - ... --- .. . ........ --" ........................

..... ----- ----~ ----- . ----- - .. ---- .. . ... .... ------- ... --

8=ol ~~~01 {!!717il !El 01~[!' ~~Li e~.
.i ~~~01 {!!7 17-ll !El 01~2~ gt-7Jll ~~~~ ~ 0

Indicates simply the reason for what follows in the i O~LI~~ QjDlgfLIC~.

next clause. i Indicates not only the reason for what follows

in the next clause but also that the result was

~4f 0 1 ~~ll).i {]oj] ~~o-J..9... Q.):~01 ~~1-2 l:l}-1:}-oj] {]oj] ~~o-J.... !

I was at home because the appointment was An appointment was canceled , so I was at I
canceled. home (as an unintended result).
_. ~OJI cxi~e! OI~[!' ~~Lie~. _. ~OJI cxi~e! Ol~S?.1- gj-7Jll !f:lctt::: ~OJI cxi 0 2.~e! ~OI i
This statement only provides the reason that O~LI~~ QjDlo~.J1 cxi~LIC~.
the speakers was at home. This statement provides not only the reason

- -- -------_._.._......... ...
that the speaker was at home but also the fact

______ __ ___________________ ____ __

that he or she had no intention of doing so.
~---------- ..........__ ............... .. _...... ..............
_ _ _ _J

[ 31 J
<tEt Al7417~ <2t ~2.IC~
(the) alarm clock does not ring
*2.I ~Ei repair center; service station

~o 19{01cr ; ~cr

~Et -"llll7r '2.!' ~2.lcr / ~7il ~<:r!Lrcr

j:r7r .JJ.~ Lrcr; *2.I ~EiOll ~cr f0t t>rcr

2 7 r 01 A1l .!2. <iJ <Jil ~ ~ Y-_2_11.01 _g_?

Lr ~-T7} 7t}7-l-7l ~0 }-2-i=- Bl-~ofl * {(01_9_.
Qi::\il 2.~Oll .2lJ '2J' L~.2.C~ ~-117 r -fJ'A~7 I ~o r.2.c~ / ~ 7 ~c~
o~Oll J: cs 0 r2.i 2H '2.!' 2cr orol7~ crj:lcr / ~.!f:!Ol l 7f0t 0~cr
Alt:!'~ AilDILrOll 2H ~6io~AI 'GiCr
-- - ..... -- -

==-~= ~ A-~ <5'fiJ...i c~ ~ cH:2:~~ ~{1-0~AilR.

-. o= ~~' o}tj-7} E% ct 1ie>lii_? (~-l1-2J- W~7ll77}Al ~ ~ u}J-lc}-)
- ..,_~=t~ 'd~~f\\Tl\-f..\ ~~ tl\-f-.\~ 'dfCt<>\\ ~% q ~01._.


(3) 7~ 0}l:Ji7-l7J1l BJTI:f trll 4'5"~ {}-tj--E ~'b' ~ E-51e>lii_? (011ti J-l~~lJ-1 F~ ~tj-)
L~ 0~ 7l ~ 7Jlt.B7-l *"91e>lii_.

(4) 7~ ~{JJ-1~ ~ ~Olii_? (~{] ttjl Z};AJ-t>}tj-)

L~ o}yii_, - -- - - -- - - - - -- - ~o}t:.lS:. * "91e>lii_.


(6) 7~ 2. ~ -17} Tif..llL~ .=z.1?.}f-1..fii_? (0 ll:Ji7-l J-}<fj 0 1d--Ol-c}-)

L~ l;n, Tif_lli_~ .=:L1?_}f-7ll l~~Ji_.


- - -- - - - - - -- - - ~<tl.% .!ttj-7} Lf~e>lii_.

80 Korean Grammar ub 'llsi!/ Intermediate

0 L
1 a

7~ OJ=7J- -17} ..2_~5:_ J.i.W- i>}Y-~ fill}~ ~jl

~q1BJ.i .fi.?
I understand Yang Gang forgot to bring one of the documents again

L~ l;ll , .Aj~ 0 1 -B-tl ~011 1197} ~.g. ~ ~0 }-9...

Yes, it seems he frequently makes mistakes due to his hurried
- - -- ------ ----- ---

7~ Bl7} ;AjW W-0 1-2.~l-9...

It's really raining hard.

L~ Bl7} w-01..2_ ~ ~011 ~7J- q~ ~ 7B7} ~Ail1~

Apparently, a number of bridges over the Han River are closed due
to the heavy rain.

~tl-1..Q.. Ot-Ot~J]Ljl?
i:..t:l2c I

'--' ~01
I 0
2 101 AH7l7JI
O I .s=.1 L......:L...:
I lt:::t ;;c A1 5H:A-l
I.- , L....:02 [[H~(l.]I =5H:A-IOI
L.:...VI - ro2 011'\.JL~CLL- ..A.:2 -0101 o
2 v l .M. IL- 7;2 ~LICLI .

~e word ~roughly means the cause or reason why something bad is occurring. Thus, -{O}E ~toll indicates
:nat the preceding clause is the cause or reason why the negative event described in the followi ng clause
occurred. In other words, the following clause happened due to or because of the preceding clause.

- ( ) L /E ~Oil
t:! Ifi'2.! ~Oil
_o.M.~/0-1 C-J
.M. '--'
-"'- Vl

A ............... ........................... -- - .... -- --- - ;

..!:x:.O ~C-:1 E~n..11
.M. L..:. -"'- Vl '
-- .... -- -- - .... .. . ........ ..........
t:! It!" ~Oil
-(2.)L ~Oil
--.....---.... ---
... --------- - - -...--------.----------. -----------------
' .......---.----- .. ---..- ... ~--------......
ii ~ ~Oii
---. ...
......._.. ____.._ _________..........
{.!- ~Oil
-(2.)L ~Oil
~ ~ ~Ofl
v ---- -- .. - --- - .... --- ---
---~ - ... -- .... - - - -
7bE ~Oii

~---------+--~-------------"--------- ---------

______ - --------
.......-.. ~----------"-""""'"'
~E ~Oil
..... ________................
.,_. __

O:t E~n.11
.M. '--' A Vl
C-J %.:llOICr . %.:ll~tj ~Oii
' .

Ol~tj ~Oil : 2.t~OIC~ .; ~AH QIO-l
-, 0
.M. L..:
NO ICt ~------ ---'
....... - .. ' ---- - -
-- - - -- - - .....
-- ..

' %.:llO ICr i

! ___ ____ '
...._...... , 2.t~OICr _______ ___________

...... l

%~ ~1-e ~-f}Ci~l<fd% ~~l7Jr7(.l -6"}~ ~1 A1Zf% "6}~ 78Jf-7} FJ-tj-.
Dongho is often late due to his playing games until late at night.

ol7-11 - ~ W-0 101-"8 ~ll -2-~ 01-~ll oit.17} 0 ffie>-1Jl.

I had a bad headache this morning because I drank a lot of alcohol yesterday.

It rains often because it's the rainy season.

1 Ol .H.~~ 'N ~Oii', 'A/V-( 0 )L/'c:_ ~O I Cf.9.I ~EH~ cr .Al~4- 'llLIC~.

This expression can also be used in the forms N 5:!'0!1 and A/V- (o)L/.C 5:!'0I C~.

ig-.]7} "GJ-8:- ;!-oJ] ~ojj ~%*.A~ J.}~%0] ?J"0}-8...

= t:i-& 1Et-1 ;!-oJ] ~oj] ~~ * ::<}~ J.}rg-%0] ?J-o}.G...
A lot of people have trouble sleeping at night due to the hot weather.

::J.. l:llJ~7l- ~19:1-oJl ~~ ~..g. lf}l:llJ~ W-0 1 n:J-& ;!-<f:]yq_

= ::J.. l:l J ? ~ TJ-l:llJ~ W- 0 l n:J-& ;!-oJl ~19:1-oJl ~ Xl ~ y q.
That actor got lung cancer from smoking a lot.

2 '-(~)L/E ~oll'E ~:i!t7t L~~ ?3~0!1121 .Al%%!'* 'll71 rrH@Oll ~:er7t ~~ ~~Oii .Aror~ OI~
Because -(.2.) L /';::. 5:!'0!1 can only be used in the case of a bad or negative result, it sounds unnatural if
used when the resulting situation is positive.

~ ;:z ~ oJ s:.~ '5!-oJl t.R ).~~% ~w 9- '.?J~e>-1.G... ( x)

- ~ ;:z ~ oJ s:.~ ~~oJl t.R ;.~~~ ~~ 9- <V.~e>-1.G... (o)
- ~~ ~ oJ ~71 a:11~oll t.R ).~~% ~w 9- <V.~e>-1.8... (o)
Because my friends helped me, I was able to adjust well to life in Korea.

82 Korean Grammar m/ Ure, Intern1ediate

OI~~ LrErLHE .R~~g ~OI <X}J:j'2._I- crg.:il~ ~~ j:rOl~~OI <X}-Llcr.
Many expressions are used to express reasons. Here, we note some of the differences between them.

-71 Clfl-Oll ]'
-~ l:ltEf:Oll -
i. - (.2.}L/ E ~Oii
j. .-(.2.}L/E 9:1~0!1
'. ..
- .,; - - i - - - .. . - - - - ...... -- - - - - - ..... .,.,,, _ __ _ _ __ - . . . . . . . . . _ _ - - - - ........... -~ -' - - . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . ..,._ __ _ ..,. _ _ _. ......._ _ _ ..- - - - J ...._ ___ _ _ _ --~ -'- -- _ _._ .............. ~.. - - . - - - .............................__.,.._ _ ..., ,. __ . . . . . . . .


i ~.g. ~:i!}2}
L~~ ~:il}.1 -f:!'2.) L}~ ~:il}.1 -f:!'2.) ~:: ~:i!}.1 %!'2.!
~:c.~2.I ~'2.! : L}~ ~:i!}l -f:!'2.)
Cause of Cause of Cause of
Good vs. Bad Result ~ Cause of a good
a bad result a bad result a good result
or bad result
.. - .. .
.... ......... ........................

-- - ..... . . ..... .. -- .......... ------- .... ------ ... ... .......... ........... ... ..... .-----

--- -----------
1 21.!:f.~. Ojllfo~XI :

. .

;, .20
........._L..: .!j?.JO I
i.......:: L..:
: ' '
Cause Type >'

All OK '. External, unexpected 1 All OK 1 All OK
' ..
- - ~-- - - -- ............ . -........... ia ........ - - ...... ! . . . .......... . ...... - .. . . ~ - - ... ... .. .. . ..
cause . '
.. .. ........ .. . ...... . . . ! . .. ....
.. I
- --- -

:t .

. .
Tense of Preceding 1 ..'

: All tenses OK . Past tense All tenses OK All tenses OK
(:i!~71 ~;;t:H oIcH) .j .
- .... ... . . ~ .. . -~
& '
. -- -~ - - - - - -- -~ - - - - -

'. .
Tense of Following 'J

2.::: .A.l;;t:il 7ro J:l.}71 2.::: ;._1;;i::i1 7ro 2.::: .A. l;;t:il 7 Hs-
All tenses OK Past tense All tenses OK All tenses OK
.... .... ------ ..... ... ......... ... . . . . ... .' .... - - . . . . . .. . -- - - ..... ........



''' ! %.A.~12.!' 7~~ 2.~ 7~~ !'
Parts of Speech j 2.~ 71~ 2.~ 7 1 ~
' '
Used w ith All OK Verbs only All OK All OK
(~.A.~ . %;._~ . ~~.A.~) l - - _____________ ____
- - ---------------
' - - - -- -- - - - -

1 7t 6...ell 6~ 1'.J-0 l ~ -e 51-e>ll Zl 7J- l <?J- ~o }~ 01 it.

AE 2.ilA~ ~c~ to relieve stress

Lt 6._Cll6~ ~ 9 ~5:.~ 2Mol ;_~~% -5R ~J-ilit . lt'!-6.lo~~ to eat an unbalanced diet

. ~jl~ evenly; well-balanced

AECllA~ ~01 igJ-ct / ~~01 '2! ~~ct


AECllA~ ~ oH .5:!.Ct * <X,.!.s=.~ ?101 ~~~

OiAil ff-01 'QtOI ~Ct I ~OI DITI~Ct At.JJ.7} Lt:x I Bt.s=.~ ~{JoHAi .g~~ 'CitCt
OtOl7t E'.!61~ otCt / 7l7 t ~cr 7'17t ~ * <l.!EC.~ ~~ ~Jl~ ~O I Ct
2 7t it-@- 0121.g. ~ {fo}it.
2M~i>}7l 7}
~7~7~ 92C~ to go up in price
Lt .=l.zJ 7iJ All7} Cj- ~_g. 51-0139.~. ~ ~~~ a number of months (in a series)

71- drought
R~ ?j~'Cit717 t Oi'E'.!Ct ~Ail7 t '2! ~Ct ....__~~~~~----------
~IC!.5:!.Ct ~oH ~~l:ll7t ~ a!"OI ~Ct ~IC!.5:!.Ct ~7}7 t 2C>k>Lt ~~Ct

0 ~jH~O I 'G{O I 1:1 IJJ.~ Ct ~ 'MH7~01 7-114i1~Ct

4 0 1011 22 = ='
,...,____ - , 7. -
.. -- .
... .
- - - - .. - .

2 : 00

1-fJl. ~711 (3)- - -- - - - - - 0 }}ol.:_e>il 7-}-9- ~~Jl. 0 }E.t1}0 1.:_e>il 7-14

(4) ~% W-0 1 ~ 7-l * <5TiiL. ~% W-0 1 (5)

EH~ rrHgo11
1"7~ ~LIC~.

84 Korean Grammar ul/ Ue Intern1ediate


You're tired, so why don't you take a taxi?

L~ 1-:ll, 7tJs:_ ~Jo}.:Jl '5l1J.i Al<3"}~-- Ef-E ~l

-%- ~Ci _g_.
Well, there's a lot of traffic and all, so I think taking the subway will
be better.
.... ... ...-..----.. .... ... ... -......-...........- ..... ...... ............ -.......------... .............................-.......................................

7~ Al ~ 7t 0 1~~_9_?
Would you like to have dinner together?

L~ ~ {] s:_ ~:711 ~ j l -6"~ J.i Al ~ _g. ~ ~ _Q_ ~ j1_9_,

I had a late lunch, and that's (one of the reasons) why I'm planning
to skip dinner.

&.:..t:l2 e
.0 tot~]]I.I .R?
. . ' - .

01E~.g ore 0:!2.i 7r:A:I 01~ -5-9.I orLr<fd~ L~E~~Llc~. ~r;t::: A.rEto1
-t:-!@~9.I LH~o1 ~@~9.I @::5~

~@~9.I @C~ ot::: C~. O l~.!r. ~:A:l'2J' {:!@~ [Hg011 ~{j~OS? :1 ':! ~ ~ere ~~ 9.IDlor.:C. ~~LICL

7I E~ 0 1 Cr Ol~7r ~ere~~ ~J-.1'2! ~ ~ 010~71::: or:A:I '24-LICr.

This expression means that t he reason g iven in the preceding clause is just one of a number of reasons for
the behavior described in the followi ng clause. The speaker uses this phrase to state t he primary reason for
doing the action in t he followi ng clause wh ile also indicating t hat there are ot her reasons. In t his way, the
speaker only hints at the other reasons and does not explicitly state t hem .

~'-'--- ---~-- .. -~- ---- . . . . . . . ~---.Iii' >A>: ..:;n.,.. _ ...................... -~--. <r - - "" ~---~----~;/' ' -- - -...
.. - - - - - --
-- -

: n.1~0rcr n.1~0r.:LL c5HJ-.i

.: .. ___ __ .........
: '2J'LrCr
-- --- - - - '2J'Lr.:il i5HJ-.i
- --
~.:;io 1er 1 ~.:;io l.:LL c5H J-.i
NO IC~ ; ..

~ ~-t}Jl iill'-i Q{~ ~ ~~~irYLl-.

I was tired (among other things), so I cancelled the appointment.

~s:_ <Bi.Jl iill'-i _2_-.g. {]Oil <V_-2- ti Jl. ~y q .

I don't have any money, for one thing, so I plan to stay home today.

. ~if5:_ E}Jl '8ll'-i ~ 7 ~ Oil -11 ~lEJ :&"lii..

I got paid, and that's (one of the reasons) why I t reated my friends to a meal.


1 0 I R~. 'N.S:. V-Il oHAi, AN-7 1.S:. oril oHAi'~ er

This expression can also be used in the forms N V-IJ...
* ~~LIC.r.
and A/V- 71 "6~IJ... oHAi.
~%~JI. <'>H).i -B-~% ~Oi it. = ~ ~JI. -6H).i -B-~ ~ ~Oiit.
= ~% ~7] -0}.Jl ~Ai {}-~% ~"1Ji..
ig-.]7} ~JI. -6H).i {]Oil ~~ ~o}3:(0i it. = ig-.] ~JI. ~Ai {]Ci] ~~ %o}3:(0iit.
= ig--]7} %71 <S"J-.JI. -oH;,.i {] Oil ~~ % 0 1-310iit.

2 'N.S:. A/V-Il N.S:. NV-Il oHAi' ~:::

'AN-7 1.S:. oril NV-71.S:. oHAi'~~~ Alor~ ~~~O I ~~
~2.1 ~6~ or::: c~1 ici::: 01~7r ~Al'2l .::i% ~ 7rAI 01~~ cHR~ 0 ? WorIL ~er::: -3:!~ LrEr
't!1 LI c.r.
When used in the form N A/V- IJ... N A/V- IJ... oHAi or A/V- 71 o~IJ... A/V-71 oHAi, this expression
indicates two representative reasons among many for the action in the following clause.

~2-1 o]-E-.JI. {l-7(1- *]JI. ~71 -oH;,.i .:g..!f-<S"}i:.J-7} ~~Jl:lJ~% ~e>iJl..

~2.17} o}E-7] <5}.JI. ~7(1- *]JI. ~ 7] -6HAi .:g..!f!-o}i:.]-7} ~~] 1:1] ~% ~o-]Jl..
: igi2.ill::ll~~ .g 01~7~ 0:12.i 7~:Al7~ cuecil .::i 0 1~~ % ~2.I ~ 7~:A I ~ cH.H.~.2. Wo~IJ... CUE-Lie~.
There were various reasons why the speaker watched TV, but the speaker is only stating two
representative ones. I

1 7r 0 1-.SOil 7}-"l 1-f }i!}it. O~E mart; grocery store

~~ ~c~ to go to the market
Lr tjl, ~181 ..2..JI <5ll"1 ;zd-% _!i!_c1 7}Jl.. 7 I~~ t he price of gas
fill:IH~ "[tC~ to quit smoking

~'clo 1.2cr; ~~ !:c!.2.-1 7rcr

7IWtJ01 2 2cr; R~ ~-- <2! 5rcr
-5-0fl <2! ~cr; ia1:1H~ a~cr

2 7~ o l 1ti %0 }cl MTC>il * {}-q~Al iL? ~~2.I (school) club

Lr tjl, o}_g_B} 0 1.S <5]-JI *lf-5:. -5R 0 1= t>}JI i>ll"i * 7}..ft. MT membership training
Al~ the countryside

0I~ -0 r2-I MTOfI ~ 7rCr Or2l::lrOIES: orCr I ~$.S:. oHOF orCr I~ 7rCr
A.I~ 01A.~ 7rcr ~.g.5rcr / ~71 ~cr 101A.~ 7rcr

R~ ~.6.~~0fl CrLICr :c!~.s:. <2! ~cr / ~.s:. ;u;1cr / crLlcr

86 Korean Grammar ,;, Ute- Intermediate

..... . ... .. - ...
...... .

7~ 7}~2.l -1-2- ;tl ~ .A}? :=.J-.l-2- -51 7t0 }Jl

1) L~ 1=11, c5JOI .f-2 -OttA-i .7.}9- o}J-.iJl.
%0{1.~. -f-2 11~ .f-Of}.12 -OttA-i .A}-f u}J-.iJl.

................................. .................................... ---


~Ol .U~R.

7~ .A}O~ -1-2- ~"Ci e>llJ-.i k~% <)}J-11_8_?

2) 7~77~~.R. L~ Al-2- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

%i:H.g.J-.l7-J-e>ll .A}? 7}Jl.

.......................... ---

7~ 0
J 7J- -1-E {:J{J e>ll lf-<3i% :=_1f ~_8_?
3) 9:17 I L~

. -...... ..--.......--.....-...... ......... .--... .. ........ .......... ..... ...........................................-....................-......- ..........

21~0~ 7 I
Tl~~R. _-ii~I
7~ 0 }712.} -1, ? ~e>ll 2R %7ol-:1 e>ll ~ .2.-:}i ~ Jl?
4) L~

t?!l ~OlE..


7~ _g.i>il -1 , 2R 0 lJ-.~ <)}31 "5"}).11..9..?

(5) L~

@-L117 ~
~ - - - - -~ -- - ~

7~ ~Jolud -1, .Al\:t~e>ll 1?}\:t \:f.A}Qf J-.}~ 31 "5"}_A1]Jl?

(6) L~ t=ll, :J.. \:}-;z}7} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

J-.}-11 ~ <5R ii..


4 OJ o II
a '
t e i:....: -'.
J ~
c[ 36 ] 1

Are you planning to go mountain climbing while it's snowing?
0 '

Lr o}y it, ~ ~ .g-011 7tJ 01 IIlTic.-1%71} Yl- %{1-~ ~

~ .:L!.. Lf7 }Ci .:v__g_.
No, I put on my mountain climbing boots to go out because I was
afraid the ground would be slippery.

7r u}3- -1 , "'l~ ~ ~Oiit?

Mark, did you do well on your exam?

Lr o}y it, tj .!f- * ~Oiit. J-1~011 ~ "1 ~77} ~

~ Aa Ol 011Jl.
No, I didn't do well at all. I am so worried that I failed it.

01 !:~ ~ ~~~ 0 1 ~ti-. ~~O!Lr <JOI ~Al <JOi~71Lr <JOil *5:. ~er:: ~2.~~ ~ ~ ~~ [[Hg.OJI ~~
~2.I ~ 6~ ~71Lr or.JJ. ~er:: -3:!~ LrEr~Ll cr. '-{2)2 71r !i!.r'2.I ~cr.c 'Oll~orcr. ~:z.torcF~ 0 101g1-L1cr.
'-{2 )2 71r !i!.r.A.1 '~cr A~~ * ~~Li er.
Th is expression indicates that the speaker did, or is doing, the action in t he follow ing clause out of worry
or fear that the situation or action in the preceding clause has occurred or w ill occur. The .5:!.Cr of -{)27Jr !tr
m eans to guess or th ink something. This expression can also be used in the form -{ 0)27Jr !2.~.A.i.

-(2) 2 77r 5!1-
.. --- ... ... ..........
' ............. . .'-"- ... - ;r..........
,...,._...,___.7Sl';.~-'"'ll~ -~...... - - .,. --- - -'---
,,.~ ~

-~1~~7Jr ~t i
A/V ~ -- - -
. ... ....... ............. - ........
-- -
..... ... .... i - ..........
. ------ -... . ------ ... ..................................
=5.t-77t ~t
~77r ~r


---..--------------.--------- ----..-----;---------- -_......

___ ..
.,_.._ ______
.., __
~~77r !lt ...
~-:ri~-:7Jr !l~
.'. Ol~~77t !lt .. OH~ Ol~-7Jt !l~
...... ----- --- ' ... -----
. ......... ... --
,' ~-=fO !Cr ~-=f ~77~ !l~
. oH~o 1cr .''' OH~ ~77~ !l~
-----.~-------- - - -- - - - -- - - - ------ - - - - - ----------

88 Korean Grammar i'1/ Use Intermed iate

7~ <Ji:Ail -?q3 -17} ~ : ~ <fJ<Ji ~~t:i] 0}9~150 }R.
Yesterday, I tried on the clothes you (Juyeong) gave me, and they fit really well.

L~ *-0l ~ ~%77} ~ Z:l72~~"Gll ~ 15~qy t:f-5~o lillR.

I was worried they'd be a little small, so it's great that they fit well.

7~ T-1111~ W-0 1~J-lillR.

You sure do drink a lot of coffee.

L~ tl], 0 lu:} ~~ J-]nOiJ .g77} ~ o}J-]~ 71<:xl]R. %~ ~ ~~o}Jl.

Yeah, I'm drinking it now lest I get drowsy during the meeting later today. I can't get drowsy
(as you know as well).

7~ 95!.-AilR? ~ 0 }, t:H.::rz-Oll 7~ 7l;t~ ~ ~<JiR.

Hello? Mom, I (successfully) boarded the train to Daegu.

L~ .=I.~? t:.}-5~olt:f. 7ciO] ~<S:lJ-i Li]7]- 7];t~ \=-~%77} ~Ai Z:l.Aj~71--.

Really? That's good to hear. I was worried you'd miss the train because of the traffic.

'-(.2.)277~ !i!r'::: {:!~~OJI cH~ ~~ rrH.gOJI Oi~ ~~ %!7~L~ Oict"! ~~ o~.Jl <;le~:= ~~ .u10~ ~Lie~.
Dl2HOll CH<2! ~I~~ M~ g!'A:I ?.t~ LI CL
Because - ( o) 2 7J~ !r!.~ refers to the speaker's worry about what is stated in the preceding clause, the following
clause must state the action that is, or will be taken by the speaker. A clause in the future tense about a plan
of action yet to be taken cannot be used.

J.]~o] 01~%77} 12}- ~{li>] -%~ ~oj]R . (x)

- -']~o] 01~ %77} 12}- ~{li>] -%~01R. (o)
- -']~o] 01~1 %77]-12}- ~{lo] -%.lf--6'}.JI '.ile>iR. (o)
- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - ---- - - ---- ---- -~
1[ 37 ] 1
1 7r ?~011 Ci~~ 7}~q~J.1it?

Lr l=ll, -=:I.~l:il ?~011 ig-~17} ~71} 1* ~.Aa 0 101lit. IDt ct W2.IC.t

(the) tickets sell out

~~OJI CFJ~ 7rcr ~~OJI IJJ.17 r LrlJIJ cr

~ill:fJl7r Ml7r ~~ 1.A.rOJI ~~~cr El"~ 1.A.rOJI ~g~ ~ 0rcr

.H.7 r er ~~ cr

2 7r *{j 011 -&-J-.AJ ull-2.-0}J.l l=llit.

4-~0ll aJl2<5fC.t to write a

Lr t=ll, ~_fL~ ~ % ~ ~ B-l i@ 7!} !4 9~ 011 -&-J-.AJ ull Y i>~it. note in a daily planner
1:.~ ~otct to buy a ticket
7 I ~ :.:X:: let greasy; fatty
*~OJI gJ"~ [}ll25rcr %RE!"'!~ ~(}it:Ji2.ICr

t:Jl~71 JI~~~ ~IDH~cr ~7~01 2.r JI~~ -=?-5rcr

71~-t! ~~ ~ Q:Jcr ~

~o I JAi Cr

90 Korean Grammar 1,, <ilse Intermediate

- - --
. -~

--- - ..

(~------------ - -- --
..-..... .... ............................. ______________________________________________________
_ ___________________________________________________________

I (1) 0~717~ 1~-* <Xl~R. @ ~~ ~.~ <21- !i!~R.

(2) .710
I 0 ~ c; I
I 2
0 11"\.J 0
AA v l...L..L.. @ ~~ &~2.1 ~oHR.
(3) tgtOll fil~ ~-* <Xl~R. Xlo~~~ ~~R.

(4) C~2.l7~ O~ * <Xl~R. @ *cH~.2.~~ lJi ~~~R.

(5) -*~Oll '2:toH 7 ~ -gJ -* <Xl~R. . g.-5~~ ~~~R.





2 '-()271~ .ttV~ A~~t>HAi cl-% cH.2.~ ~~o~AilR.

(1) 7~ f -t_ Z::l 7?1 ~~J-il.fL? (~}c})

L~ :Ail7} 6::~ ~l~Ell Bl~% <)}Y-1%{~7-l-E-.fL. 6::~ ~17} c}~ A}1%f0117ll

DJ:"5.t7J~ jif- 2=l .Aj Ol Ql.A1.fL.

(2) 7~ e>i.!2..J-il.R? ~9 ~1. f-t. ~. ?d_~<)}Jj_~.R? (Q{~ ~ ~~tt151c})


L~ .R% .AJu}~ o l~o}.R. - - - - -- -- - - - Jf-AJ% 7};z.lJl -%l-~ .R.

(4) 7~ 0 }0 17} ~ ~ ~tjlJi.. (% 0 1 <?.ft>R;})

L~ -=z. cB ).l - -- -- - - - -- - 2=l .Aj o l011.R.

(5) 7~ <?:[1%1- .AlJ-ll7} 37~1-l- ~tjl.R. (~1%1- 6::tq ~ %c}) *

L~ {[% ~Ol ;z.}-E ~Ole}
- - -- - -- - - - -- ~1%f ).lJ-il~ 121 7ij

15J-~ -WJl ;z.}.R.

A Oj 0 2 L.}-'_:,,, -
~ II 2 C- 2. _,11
.. -... --- -- - -
-------- ------- --------- ----- - -

CD ER% tq1.g.~l ER% 0 l % 1illEll

ER% 01 -2...31 t>BJ-i @ ER-% 01-2..71-E 0 l-:Al1?}

'' 2 7~ Ai~Oil 7 rAilR?
'' L~ Lil, erg ~OJI AlgjOI ~71-R.

CD J-1~ 0 1 ~~J-i-9.. Al~ o l ~% lfiltjl-9..

@ J-1~ 0 1 ~%7!} !i!l-J-i-9.. @ J-1~ 0 1 ~%:Al %c}J-i

3 7~ OrOI-- ~~ 'ClOI Ar~LilR. '
L~ ~o I ~OiR.

CD ~~~ 0l ~7Jl- !i!l-J-i ~~~01 -"il~ol-.31 t>BJ-i ''
~ ~{:} 0 1-"il ~ o}-E 1fl-~ ~l @ ~~{:1 1 xl]~W:A1 %c}J-i '

4 '
'' '
CD l:lB7l- .3lw7l} !i!l- l:lfl7l- j]_~~c}j]_

' t1B7l- .31.~JI t>BJ-i @ l:lB7l- .31.IL} 71-:Al.31



5 CD ~ ~- ~ ~~c}.31 -5tlll 1?1-1cl-;_lq. ''

.:g:.~~~71- %.31 ~~l ~~7} :A}-? ~7i J1.

: i l:lTI~7l- .2R ~71 71- EfLt.31-9..? ~J-~31~ 0 1--9... ''I
.' @ l:lB ~ 0 l L-}-E tl}lf=}-~] ~% *
11 ~% ~ ~o}Jl.

6 CD -5t711 ~ ~ Y-~ c}.31 "Q{.lli. ~l :Al Zf~ ~ Jl. l

~{:Jo] ~--~ ~~j AJ-~ tj% ~-'.)t~Jl .

@ ig--17l- ?%7!} !i!l- ttj-~~ 3- g ~ -E Jll ~ trl1 _g_?

@ :Al-%:7.}71- {f:A}7l j]_:AJ- Y--E l:l}1if~l .2. <fJ ~l 31-~ Jl. *
-- -_
- -_---_~----
-----~ --- ---
- --~--~-~ ,..._,~~~~--~--~~~~~~~~~~
___ .. ___ _ ____ .. ~

-------- - ~-~



-ct.v. B.?

Hey, it's raining outside.

L~ Bl7} .g_q Y Q? ~71 Efcl 7}t1Jl 9:1l~Ell

* 7}~tjliL.
Did you say it's raining? I was planning to go skiing, but I guess
I can't now.
- - ~ - -- - - - +

Let's meet at Shining after class.

Where did you say to meet?

7~ 'J-l= 0 17J'o1Jl. ~.llL ~Oil ~~ 71TI1% 0 10iliL.

Shining. It's a coffee shop in front of school.

'-'- Ar[Ht:ll-OI
01.1:. .;~o o C>
.;~ oro cLt A11 g(\j!i:!.
'--' 2 2. c:::V I 2.
1LQC>l-LICLt. Ar[Ht:ll-OI
llH Ato1::::1 C> C>
t:Jr.:::i.. a-~ 01-0 :Ar E2. .s.0-17JLL
C> Cl '--' 2 2. 2
2. J..A I I 2. ' - C>
I A.

~7 1 ~~Oi .gr'2.J0r2.i.::L1. ~ rrH A.r-0r::: 3:! 0 ?. ,gcH~2.I ~~ crA.I ~or'i:!A.1 ~Oi.!i!.::: 3:!'f:JLlcr. [[r2.rA.1 01

I:.~~ ,gcH~OI 0 ~ 0 1 g~ %-*Oll [[r2.r 12.r:AllJ:j ~EH::: {!~ <2.15:011 '.'~ ~01'2'.! ~LICL
This expression is used when asking for clarification or reconfirmation of what another person has just said.
The speaker repeats what the other person just finished saying as a way of asking for clarification about
something that was not understood clearly or that was hard to believe. For this reason, the form of the
expression depends on the form in which the first speaker originally made the statement. Then, because the
speaker is asking the other person for clarification, the particle .: is added to the end of the indirect citation

(1) ,gcH~O I ~A.iif O? ~~~ llH When the other person uses a declarative sentence:
----~----- --------------- ---------

.i' .. ............____ ______ -----.-----.......__,........._..~--... . ., _______..

,.. .._....__ _.. _
.. ............,.... ...............
.: .::L!.r 7i
: - 0 r/O! Cr.: L1. o?
l , JoA JoA ......_. 1lCr ~ ~C.JIR?
A/V 1..... . .. . .. ----. -.... ..... -- ~ ! ........ ............. ............. --......... ........ : -........ ~ - -- ....... -- .... :.......... .-........... ........... ..... ---- .-----... .-- -.-....... -----------.........--- .
? ..U~Cr ~ 712.~JIR?
i DlcH / ~~ ! -()2 712.~.::Ll.R? !
1, ;' ; ~Cr 1j~ 712.~I' fl.?
'------------------~---- .
~----- ---- ----------'---'-'----
'' '
. .

.. i : M~Cr .
A ,
. -Cr.::Ll.R? .
- - ----- .
----------------- -- --------------------------

v i'
- ----.....- ......

94 Korean Grammar UI/ u~(!/ . Intermediate

- - ---- -- -----. ,...,.. ____ .............__............................................................-.........................._______________

_ --------------------- -------------.............................................._..
~Ct.JlR? '' 2.IA-r~Ct!1 R?

Oj~Ct.::iIR? . . Q{{!!Ol~C~.JlR?
- - --- - - - - '"t ..... ... ....... ... ... .. .. ... ... ..
' - .... ... . . . . ....
. ~
....... .. . - - . . . . - .... - --- .... -- . .. . - -- - - . . . . - - . .. .. .. .. ... - . .. . . ............ .

t 2.rJIR? 1. 2.IA-rOICr .
Ol2.t.J1R? .
l .......... ....... - - .............. -- . ! . -- -... -- .. - ... --- .. - ... -- ..... ... -- - -... . : .. . - ... - .... --...... . - ........ . : ....... -- -... -- .. - ... . - .... ....... ......... .... ,. .. ... .... ,. ........... -~ .... . -- . --.

2.IA-rOICr 2-IA-t~ 7~2.~JIR?

Q.J-,gio 1er o~AH
---, o ~ 7J2,L.J1
i r O?
. . __________ ___ __,. ,.,... ......_.....__.......................................-........................................................................................................
,~- .............................. _.. ___ ______ __.. _______ _
__,_ ____________________________________________________________
E:; ..&..L

2~ ~cHigJO I 2.I 5:'. 5:'. 0 ~ ~~~ [[H When the other person uses an interrogative sentence:
----~----------------.----- ------ ------ --- ---- -- -- --- --- ----.- -

..-------------------------------.------------.....-...- . - ......_........--.--........,_... .....__............__,..............__...... ___ .........


A/V .1


;'""; Ct
' ___ ___ ..... . _.. ___. -----. _,_ ____.. .. ---..... ------- -. ------ -. --........ ----. - .. . .. . ---. -..... ......... .... .. --

.... - - - - -- ... - ... . ... - .. -- .. . -... . -... - . ---. .. . -. ----. ---------- ..

1 Dl2.H I?~ [ -( 0 )2 7~Lt.J1R? :


__._ ___ _________________ __ . __________________ . _._____,__..._,__.__.__._.. __. . .__~-- --- - - ---- -------- __._.__.__ ______ ___ . ...... _.__._._,_,_._._____
.___. _______________
l .' - LtJIR?, sL~.:ilR?, ?!fL~.JlR?
A 1' ''.
'' -Lt.J1R? .:s,i-L~JIR?, .:s,i-L~.JlR?
__.____! ..._......_._ _ __.._.___._._._

______________ ______________________ ~_._ ....._._.__......__..._
. .
_________ . .._______.__._._._......_._._._._____.____________
________________ ____________ . . ~ ---- ----'-'---'- --- ---- -- - - -- - --- - - ---- -

! '
- - ---l----------------.---.--.....!--------------------------- -------------...----------.--......................................................... _..,______ .,. . ___...........................-........................................................................................
l 0 ~LtJIR? 0
1A-ro1cr 1A-t~L~.J1R?
O l~LtJIR? Q{{!!OICr Q{,gj 0 l~LtJIR?
''~---------------------- - -- - -+ --- - - - ---- - --------- -- - - --------
. - ---- - ----- - ------ - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -
- -- - -- - .

i L~JIR? i 01A-ro1cr :
~AH : :
OIL~JIR? Q{{!!OICr !.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------.. ......................... _...............................................
T ~-" ~ ~;;:w~o 1 ~.!f. '-L~11 g72~ - 0L~11<r??' 2.Ef-7 ~ 7f-5o ~IJ:j. ~.A.~.1 ~AH~~ '-L~11<r??'2~ '-LL~11<r??' 2.Ef-7~ 7f-5i!"Llc~.
~adjectives in the present tense, both - LtJI >?and -.2.LtJI >?are acceptable, while for verbs in the present tense, both -Lt~.>.? and

~Lt? I=?? are acceptable.

3) ~CH tgJO I ~ R 5:'. 0 s= ~~ ~ [[H When t he other person uses a propoitive sentence:
---------- - - - -


.............................-....._..........................-............................................ ........_... ____._____
. ..::::Z.:A-j j -J;:Ljl.9_? ! 7LcL ,
~ o 0 ; I . ; I I : D-l J;:L -;i 0?
' ' . . --, 1~...u...
: :
v l' - - -~ .
- .. -.. - .. . ~ .. ... .... . ... ,..... . ..... ........ ..... . .... .. " . . ... ... .. . -
' ..
.. ... ...... - .... - .. -- . . .. . -- . - ... - - . - . ... . . - . - - - - ... -- - . . - . - -- ... .. .. -- - - - - . - . -- -- .... - ... - . ... . ... ... .. .. .. .
- - -............ ..,........ __ _ ___________ _____ __________________________________
............_.__. _._ ._ ~
.............................................................. ._..._................:.............................................................. _. ________________________________________

~) ~CH tgJO I ~~gos= ~~~ [[H When t he other person uses an imperat ive sentence:

. .._......_ .......__... __ - - -- - -- --- ------------------ - ---------
~ 2.t?R?
v ~-
...-. -- ----------- -.. . ---.. .. -........ .. " ...... .......... .... ,, ........................ ... -- .... -. --- .... - -- . -....- ... ... ---.. . -- . . ... ---- . -... ---. --. ------.... -... . .... -. . . ... . . . . . . .. ... .
_ -~
! '
I ' '

1 : : 7rcr : 7r:x1 ~2.t.JIR?

i .!?~ 1 -:XI ~2t11R? ! :
~r;t ~ :xi
' ,..___ ___ ...._... .__._ __.._.._ ______________---------------------------

. ................................................................................................
. ----------------------------------- - -

7 ~ ~Cl -l, -0}~7} -17} ~Olit. Allie, Haruka's here.

L~ ~7} ~tj-J7 Q? Who (did you say) is here?

7 ~ -0}~7} -lit. Haruka.

5 t:L_E_ D ~O jt..l -, 0 Oj..Q.;t- ;:r!

I ,_ I o 2 I 2 2 '-' o :.
-- 2..~-:A' l? JI Al~ ~AJ-5}.:S:..~ i>}J..ilii.. Please try to finish the report by today.

-- ~~-:Al ~Aj5}2.}J7 9? e>i;zil-E *}Al i>}c}.=il -&-}11.~l-o}

~:: , ou say by today? Didn't you say yesterday that it was due on Wednesday?

7; 9}l * c:3 -1~ ).}2cftTiii.? Why do you love Suyeong?

4 ~ J,.}2c}--&-}LfJ19?, ~~"5}71 ~~tjlii..

Why do I love her (you ask)? Well, it's hard to explain.

------------~-- ------------- ----~ .. --~ - - ------ - - - - - -

1 TJlo~.; ~
Ai ~ 2
[H 1 LQ 0- LL '-(o) 277 to7017~0L ;;::10CJ:L!.L 7E~o ~EH:=i
Al o re - 1...u... . - o 1 ._ o 1 1 &..!... r ._ o .::c. }-_L2
ro 0- rt09 1LjcL1.
~ t:::1

The citation form for propositive sentences should be used when responding to a suggestion ending in
- (2.) 2 77~R?

7~ ~2.l .2..~ <?J;.l-%011 ~77}.R? Shall we go to lnsadong today?

L~ <?J;.l-%011 7}.7.} JI g? Did you say we should go to lnsadong?

2 Ol .H.~.g ~1-E A.rEtOI 0101fil<213:!~ ~<2.!A.l717~L~ ~~~ [[H A.l--'Or715=. itLICr. Ol[HE ~g
~EH7r OrLl2.~ ~A.ig ~EH fil'EJ"LICr.
This expression can also be used by a speaker to restate or emphasize what he or she has previously said .

7~ ~;.]-~ .:Z.1?.l.!f-9].o-J.R. I quit my job.

L~ 1f-1c.}J1.R? What did you say?

7r ~A]~ .:Z.1?.l-.!f-91t:.} JI .9. I said I quit my job.

L ____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ______J

1 7~ ~-9.17} '.V,-2-i.177} 3J-l77}7-l ).ilnll-f~. _2_).ilSL.

L~ ~ ~ . _2_e}- J1 Q ?
L~ ,,\il 0 ll-f~ o liL.
.2.12.17 r ~Ll77~ 3.A.lll~A 1Ailo 1Ll1:! 22.r OiCI I 2-2.r
.JJ.:g ~Ll7Jr ~.A.r71~;~;::1 ~2.~ -!?-~/ .A.l'6r:AI ~2.r
.::1.--'2.!' -9-.JJ.- 'C.skULl77~ 12 ~011 .2.l~o~:Ar ~Ail / 1~'6r:Ar

2 0~ <?J 0 }{1 5J-l Oil <?J ~ l-fJ-i
0~ <?J 0 }{1 5J-l Oil <?J ~ l-fJ.i

att~ o~ 5.A.IOll ~OiLr.A.i ~6~ c;~cr ~~ :AliC!'6r.A.lcr


o PMOi~ 1:1ttg ;::13'.:101 1~cr oPMOi~ ~r.A.l~cr

Ltl'.:1011 ctt2..f"-'l:!Oll.A.i li./".A.r ~~ ~ 7~cr

LH'.:!OJl-E t1r.!!!!..A.1~cr

96 Korean Grammar In Us:e Intermediate

........... .- .. -- .....--- --
..- .. - --~-
-. ...... -.-. ........ -~ -.... ......--...---- .....,,........--.............__,_

(6) 7~ Oi-1i!., 0}0 1- ~-~:o}~ J.l~e>ll-"-1177}.R?

L~ 0}0 1 ~~15}~ J.l~e>ll-"-1

? J.l7} {Jo-111o-l.R?

(8) 7 ~ /-J-~ ~.H.~7} ~ J.l e>ll J.l.=3}<5}.7-l.R?

L~ /-ef~ ~lf_~ 7} ~ J. l e>ll
- -- - -- -- - -? _2_-0 l 0}Y cf tj-% zr-
::}_8_ ~ 0 l?'.J:"O}Jl.

(9) 7L
0 A
I '-
0l 0 l ("..]Ji_? l ll J:!..-5ll
2. M ~ I . -'-'-! '- 'n -1i!_ n4
Ji_ .

7~ ~7Je>il"'-l ~ ~ ~ 0 1~.A1l ~ titj-JJ.. <5}1fltjl
~ 0 1 0 ~cRJl?
I heard (from someone) that there's a fireworks display at the Han
River, so would you like to go together?

L~ t:ll, ~o 1-Jl. 7<j~ 1)!7-l ~ 1.:llJl. 7t0 l 7}Jl.

Yes, that sounds nice. It should be awesome. Let's go.

.......... ...................... ............................................................................................................................................

....... .. ..

~ 7~ {i7-}J-}{i% J-.}t.~Jl t>l--E-t:ll Ci Ll Oil 71-~ *~ 77}Jl?

I'm planning to buy an electronic dictionary, but do you know where
I should go?

L~ {l =( ~ 0 l {i-7-} All~ ~ JA}71l J-.}~ ~ %-AJC>il

7 }c}JJ.. <S"}lfl Ell 7-l 7 lOil 7} ~J-il Jl.
My friends said that if you want to buy electronics at a good price,
then go to Yongsan. So you should go there.

OI :!~~ crJgfE-2.I ' :::er~ otCfOll j-g~ LtErLHe '-'2!C11 ' 7~ ~~ fil. er:= .Ar~Oll 7il.Ai Oj~Oll ~~
O!Ot71Lr ~!2. ~ :2.lifotD=! ~<2.!~ ITH .AfgJ"Ljcr. ITt2.r.Ai Oj IE~ Q:l.AI O l ~Oll - ~ fE.~2.I %.WOii ITt2.r ~ EH 7r
~2.~ LICt. ~~~011 ::: filo~::: .Ar~2.I 2.j~OILt ~fE-. ~er:!. T:!~ot::: fil ~O I ~LI Cr.
This expression is a combination of ~C~.:il o~C~, indicating a citation, and -'2:!C~ I . indicating recollect ion. It is
used when recalling or conf irming something you heard somebody else say previously. Thus, t he correct
form of this expression also depends on the sentence type of what was heard previously. The clause that
follows this expression can indicate the speaker's opinion, question, advice, or invitation with respect to the
topic under discussion.

(1) Oj.Aifl..lj
=o oA~Oj
2 L- 1 1 0
:mt i-1001
0Al1 1 2
When what was heard previously was a declarative sentence:
,..------....------ - - -- ---------- -- ---------..-------~------

.' ~Ct.:il 5t'2! t:11
1j ~Ct.::il 5t:!Cij
-/V ---- -- -- ----- ~--

- -- - ----- ... --- - ---
~ 7i 2.~.::il 5t:! Cil

- :::iu
4 j I **
( --.

11 ~ 7i 2.~.::il 5t'2! r.:11

98 Korean Grammar in <tt~e Intermediate

----~...----- -----------------------------------------------...- ----- ------ .....----........-................................... -.-.~--------------


AArcr.JI or!:! c11
A .

~C~.Jl ott:!Cil


ct 1 I
. . .--.............._....,._..._.,..._______________ - - - - -

1 I '

l : : 7 rcr 1
v ;
<2_1AH -(.!::.)LCt.:L!.ott:!Cil
--------- .'
------~---- , .~-------------...... ....---...----~ --------------
.' '
' ~er.JI or!:! c11 : 0 1A.ro1cr 2-IA.r~Ct.Jl o~CC!Cil

'.' ,1-~01~cr.JI o~t:!cu
Oj~Ct.:Jl ott:!Cil
'''' .
................... ---.. ......,...............................................--------------- ----------- -.. .. ---- . ----.. . --.................................. -------. -... -.. - --- ------ .. ----------.-----. ---------.... ...

'> - . - - - - - - - - - -- .... . ... . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . - ................ - . . . . .. . . . -- -
'( .'
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - --- . . . . . . . .. . . . ......... ,. - - - . - - - - - - - --

f : : 2-IA.rOICr :
1 4-~ f>tt:! Cil
: :
~ 712.~.:i1 :
1 : : ~~Oler ~
-- --------~
1 _______________________. __.................-............ ...........__..__________________ __ ___ .....
' _..._.. : : . . ._ ~ ......................................---------------- --- ----------

(2) Ol~Oil --~ ~~OI 2-15:5:~ [[H

When what was heard previously was an interrogative sentence:

' ., .
- - - --..------...' ----------------------------------....................................-.-.......--------------------------------------
.. .
........................... __ _______________________________ _
._ .

L .

: ~c1 : I -

j Ilt7i -~/~Lt.:L!. f>rt:!Cil . '.

!' ~Cr :..
A/V ..... -- . - ...... -- ... . . - .. -... ...... -- ...................... ...... ........... .... - ... . .- .. . .. . - ... _, ___ .. .... ................... ....... ........ . .... . ... . ..... ... - -
-- -... -- -- - ....
-- ~- .



. '


i 012tt ; 4-~ ! -(2)2 7iLt.:L!. ott:!Cil : ~cr l:


...._._.. ___________ - ---------

' ............................ ....--- - - - - - - - - - -

-Lt.JI ott:! Cil, ~Lt.JI ott:!Cil, ~~Lt.JI ott:!Cil
A j
- .2.Lt.JI ort:!c11 ~Lt.:L!. ott:! Cil, ~.2.Lt.Jl ott:! Cil
__ .
.........................,..._.,....~ ..---------------------
-------_;_------------....---....... .............................................
j j -Lt.JI ott:!Cil, : : 7rCt
v : C21AH : : :
-.!::.L~.Jl ott:!Cil ~Cr
___ _
t ..,..
: :
........... ............................................________________________________. ________ : : _..__ _ ..........................
........._._............................ __.. ...._........



~Lf.:L!. 2-IA.rOICr 2-IA.r~Lt.Jl o~t:!Cil
' .
Ol~Lt.Jl ott:!Cil Qt~o1cr ,1-~0l~Lf.Jl o~t:!Cil
No1cr ' -- ------
' - - ---- -- - - - --- - .. - .. - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - -
.''' Lt.JI o~t:! Cil
OILt.JI ort:!c11
__________ ...... .........._.. __________- . --- - - - - -
* ~g.A~ ~AH~2.I ~~'-Lt.JI o~t:!C-11'2-~ '-OLt.Jl o~t:!C-1 1 ' 2.!i=- 7"5f>~IJ:j, .A~Qj ~AH~:: '- Lt.JI o~t:!Ci l '2.~ '-.'=.Lt.JI o~t:!Cil' 2.!i=-
7"5 g[LIC~.
For adjectives in the present tense, both -L~.:il '6~'C! C
il and -o L~.:il oft! Ci! are acceptable, while for verbs in the present tense, both -L~.:il oft!
C:ll and -L- L~.:il of'C! Cil are acceptable.

(3) 0 IA:if\.11 =
L...;VI 2
'- 1 A:~Q
I ji'::-j 0
Cl 0
11 t..!... 2
When what was heard previously was a propositive sentence:
______________ _._,,,,_.__.___..._ ............

. .

:: .::::z. A:-!
.. 00

v . .
;. .... . ..----- -- -----.. ~. ~ ..--.... -....--

+ -- ... ... . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . .... . . .. .. ~- - -~-- - . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . - : ..... . . . . . ... -~ " ....... . . . . ..... . . . . . . '

' '
1 i 7 rcr 1
; ~ -Al ~A~.Jl o~t:!Cil : :
!. ~Cr j
---------.-.... ~~- --....................................................................
................. _.....
. .
............................................................. - .------------...............................................- --------------------------------------.__...
.......__.. ____

5. c}2 J,t21-01 al-o]Ll o

't:' l o - 2 12 2
o~o: ~
, .ren what w as heard previously was an imperative sentence:
- - - - -- - -- - - - - -------------~- ---~-- - ----- - --
7 ~2..:11. c5~12j Cil


lj .Q 2..:11. c5::! CiI
-------- . - ------
. ..
. -1- - - - ---- --- -- - - -

----- -- -- - -------- - .... - --- -- ---

i -A:I ~2.~.:11. c5~t!cil ;
f :
~--....:.__ _ _ _ __ .i..
- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - ---- - -------- -

7~ .fL~ n1c.l7r im}:J1)i ~ .Aa 0i oJl.fL.

I'm worried because I've been losing some hair recently.

L~ ~ ~ "g O l ~oJl ~tj-JI <5}1flt;ll ~ ~ "g ~ ~ ~ "1 ..1:i!.-"i].fL.

I heard black beans are good for curing hair loss, so why not try eating some black beans?

7~ _2_~ ~{J.g_ <>1t:loJlJ-i ~%77}.fL?

Where shall we eat lunch today?

L~ ~A} <ifoj] ~s:. ~18-0l -"R~ ).~~tj-JI <5}1fli::il ~7loJl ~'ti 7} ~J-lti-.
I heard a new Indian restaurant opened in front of the office building, so let's go there.

7~ Allti JJ.j7} 7-}7] -"~~ nfEioJl _2_2}JI <5}lfltj] ~ ~~l.fL?

Jenny invited us to her birthday party, so are you going?

L~ :Ai]Y JJ.j ).~~~Ell 18-<tlt>l 7}ol=7-].fL.

Of course I can't miss Jenny's birthday.

1 OI R~. '-.:11. o~~ ~O=l.A.i ~~ W *.S:. <llLIC~.

The - .:L!. ol- of this expression can be omitted.

( l..~ ~ ?%J{lq.Jl -5J-1rlt:i1 1-0 1~0 1 t}-7lail ~~77} ~- Z:l 781ail.R.

= \.fl il.!f-EJ ?-%1{li:f1tl t:il 0 1- 0 1~ 0 l t}-71 ail ~ ~77} 51} Z:l AJ 0 lail.fl.

~.:r1-7} -%t:Jl <?ai17}Al-.Jl 5}1flt:i1%~ -1-E 7} ~ ~ol <Jl<:>i.fl?

= ~.:r1-7}-%Gl <?ail 7}7-}1tit:il %~ -l~ 7} ~ ~ 0 1 91'1.R?

2 01 R~~ gg -!flOJl.S:. ~ * <llLICr. 01rrtt::: ~[H~2.I 2.l?10ll ~[H1-E ~~ W~71Lr ~::: .A.rEf2.I
~g~ 7lcHc5~12:!.A.i 01~0J1 ~.g Ltt~ 1lfoH.A.i wi-E ~~Lier.
This expression can also come at the end of a sentence. In this position, while still expressing something
that the speaker heard previously, it also indicates either the speaker's disagreement with the other
person 's opinion or the speaker's expectation of a response from the other person.

100 Korean Grammar Ul/ Us{'/ . I ntertnediate

7~ 9Aa -l~EJ1.:s:. 7cf0 l <?1.~ .!:2-:::z}2 W7!}..R?
Shall we invite Sujeong to go to see the play, too?
Lr 9 Aa -1~ ..R~ 1:1t~q-2 t>}ir!r:-Jl..R.
(But) Sujeong said she's been busy these days.

Do you know where Mark is right now?

Lr o }7!} ~ A~'f"l 011 {1-q .J1. <3"}1ti "GJ1 Jl..
A little while ago , he said he was going to the health club. I

1[ 41 J
1 7r "'B ~71611-2 ~~ 0 1 i'J- 1~01-"i
0 ~~01-9...
Lr ~ tj 1jl 611-"i -l1-<fJ <5}1B tj .}tj-JI i>}~ Ell
~ tj 1Jl% l%t>TI .!!!_"'11 R .
0 to look older

AH 2t71011-e ~~01 rr~o1 ~OJA.i iJ~cr

R8 .g~ ?lo 1~ ::x::rA.i rr1E-a-~cr .g~ ~ ::x::r2.1'r:! ::x::r7 1-t:i011 ?B~ orA.12.r / ?B~
~~ or;,.1 li!_cr
R8 LrOl7r ~Oj -5:!.~C~~ w~ I1l"OI ~OlA.i 0121 2~'2.t tt r--J.s:. 0121-5:!.olcr 1 01212~
~c:::tC>rcr ~~ t:!PflCr

2 7r 1.!i!_, ?1%f61l 0 t0 1~3* 01~ .:g-c-1 7tf77r?

Lr ?~611 i\:3tjl7} Jf-2.l {1611 i>}~Efl..fl. ~iaL-JI
one's older brother's family

~'tOll orol~:il~ Ojcl ~2.i 7~C~ . ~'tOll ~1aLil7~ ~21 ~011.gc.r


01c1011A.i l~orcr
2~ ::x::i~Oll oro1~01 0:1~ -t:!.!:F-E:i ~.::iJ.71 ~.2.i 7~::X::r

~212cm'2.t011 1~~ 0 Ll77r .g. C:J ~cr7r ~011 oro 1~o1 -t:i:roHA.i ~xii ~011 ~ OJ.2.L~

5 cL..E.
J..L2l-2] cl-o] L --, 0 OJA"&"'-=:.!
Io 2 "1 2 2 t..:0 c:
.............- .......---~ --- ................... 7//-:
-1::1 .!i!.71~k?
a ..
. . ... .... .... .... .
~ ' . ' .
~ . .... - .........__ ...................--- ......... -"-----

u}3.. -17} <5j~Oj..!g=-~f...l~OI 0Jf.il4.Jl c5r-C"j."{;tl ~Al
(1) ~XiiOUR? ~o}Jl?

ct% ig- 15 ~ 0 l Oi]Jl.

lfll 5 EJ" 0 1o~

t!llOJ7~ O~?
~ Y- -1 , ~ ~ BJ-"fOil ~ cl. Ci -5"~ ~77}Jl?
(2) _<f-11 l 0d -17} - - -- -'---- - - - - - - -
- - - - - -- - -- - - 717l Oil ~771-Jl?
........ . . . . . .. .. . + o o +o o o - ~M oo +o o o o + o o o o oo o o o + o o+ o o o o o o o ' o oo ooo o o + o o o ++ o o o o o o ''"' o o oo oo o o O 0 0 -~ - ' o o o o 0. 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 . . .. . " ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 0 -~. . .-.~ . .... ~ 0 '

AilAI ;z.}oF-17} %O }~ {178 <5}~ ~ - - - -- - -

(3) ~0~2.I ~~<5~2.~~ ~-"~~~o J ~cl Oil '.V_ ~Jl?

~~ OJ7J- -17} - - -- - -- - -- -- - -
~?Oil ~OI
(4) ~2.i fl.A.IC~. Al Oil -15:_ 7tfol ~cflJl?
AIOI! ; Jl-% ~ol i'tO}-"l ~ -3:i 7t4-o}Jl. *
.,..,,..,,,,. ._..,. , > r '

__________ 9-WOil J-1{!- '.V.~Jl?

'a~ ~l, '.V.~Jl. 9-~0il 0 } 0 1~ 0 1~ ~ 0 1.:g.-%10il 7t 0 1
--------- ----- '-'-----

lr;!R~Oll ~.2:1 Elly -1, LB ~ ~ 9-i7-0il 7tfo l ~77}Jl?
*IOiR. ____..>
(6) C11LI tB~ 0 1 ~Jl~ 0 1~ 0 }Jl? ~q3 ~17} ~9--37-_g.

- - - -- - -- - - ::}Jl ~Oil 7}~.

.l<t! .g.~1 -1, 0 }712.} -17} - - - - -- - - - -

Xii OJ.g~OI - - - - - - - ~J-1 ~Li-~ u}% '.V_~Jl?
.<511 .UIO!IR.
g~1 }712.} -17} ~~} :J..~~Jl? ;z.1s:_ J-}1J_.g. ~\t--E1
0 }712.} -l~E1l ~111 '.V.~~Jl.

102 Korean Grammar ul/ its.~ Intern1ediate

:AIO~ .Ul7t
'cl':At ~-=i12t

Jaya, is it true that you broke up with your boyfriend?

Lt 111, .:z_ tti Ell Oi ~ ~l ~~Oi Ji_?

Yeah, but how did you find out?

I heard about it from Mark.

.... ........................ ....-.............. .. ......................... ............................................... ..........- ..............----...

7t 7-liJ: ~WOil ~~-UOil 311* ~OiJl.

I went to Mt. Seorak last weekend.

Lt Jl- ~ ~-Uol 7-jW o}%1fttj-~A-lit?

Is it true that Mt. Seorak is really beautiful these days?

7t 111, 78W 0 1-~lfl-r~c}JlJl.

Yeah , it really was beautiful.

Ol .:1~ ;:: ~5~ .A.~WOI Ail3i\k}il7il.A.i Ol~Oil ~7~L~ OIDI ~.:LI. CX)~ LH @~ .gcHig{Oil7il ~<2.!~ [[H .A.~itLICL

~el .A.rWOil7il-E 'cr~?'S: s= ~~ * CX);:;LIC~.

This expression is used to confirm with another person something that the speaker heard previously from
a third party or learned about from some other source. The shortened form c~IJ:j? can be used among close
friends and acquaintances .

... :,;....... -- ---- -....... .........

..-..-...;..... ....- -- .... ~ ..-"--------- ~---- ............

... ..._.... ___ -

' ~J:lC~'2'.!.A.iB.?
!. -<It/<XtC~'2'.!.A.i.?.? '.

. ~ <XtC~'2'.!.A.iB.?
A/V .
..................................... - ---- ---- -- ----------
--- ~- -- -- - -- - - -- - ... ----- ---~ - -- - .... .. .... .

---------.................- -


v i -(.!:.) L C~'2'.!Ai.1? :
__ __
., ,_ - ________. ''
'' _____......_.........
..._ ..., .
________ ___ .. ______________________________ ------ --~--- ...----------.- ........ ___________.,. . . _________ - - -

5 cl_g_
;,1.21-01 oto] l-}
le - 2
? o
j...a" ~ ---
-- ~
------..,..-------------------- - - ''
- - -- - - - - - ~----

~C~'i:!AiR? 11rE101ct '

IlrEl ~Ct'i:!J.:iR?
Ol~C~'l!AiR? ~~OICt ''
~~ Ol~Ct'i:!AiR?
................... ..... ....
-... - ... - . . . ---.... --- - ...... - ........
' -- ...... --- - ---- .... -- .. .. -. - .............. --... -...... .
'' ''
: IlrEIOICr l llrEl ~t'l!AiR?
'' o 2 I 0 I~ rLr;J:f
.A.HO ,AJ., ..........
- - - - __.,__ .'
..... ------- - - ---

---~-- --

7~ -al]1! -], \:f:A.t ~-=j1-7t 7]7t 3-tj-~.Ai..fl? Hyeseon, is it true that your boyfriend is tall?

L~ tj] , .:L ~ -c;J] Ci~ Jll o }11_Ci J1? Yes, but how did you hear about that?

7~ ..u] -l~Ell ~Si"l.... Tommy told me.

7~ B ~ -]7} ~~~ ~;,.{r:.'f-ti:l? Is it true that Taeyeong got a bonus?

L~ %, .:L~tjl, ~.Ate>iJ.Al ~% ~{J<S-1 ~L-1- ~.

Yep, that's what he said. Looks like he worked really hard.

7~ * :A.l -]7} 1t!~.A}i!f~.Ai..fl? I heard that Suj i is a lawyer. Is that so?

L~ .:L~Jl? :A.1.:e- *Al -17} -T lf <?] ~ ~-~o-]Jl. Really? I thought she was a homemaker.


01 R~::: mi-E Arceto1~~5:!7~Lr ~~~ ~ou cHoH.A.i~ .A.lfir:A:I crI 0 o:j, .gcHmo1 ~ ~~ ~~~
[[H.!r. At3r:A:I <(l~ LICt.
I This expression cannot be used to describe something that the speaker directly saw or experienced, nor can

I it be used to restate or reconfirm what another per.son has just said.

---------- ------~--- --... ------------- --.. - - - - - -
-............. ...
0}7]2-} .iA]7} 7]% ~ .74.R. ( 0 )

I o)-7]2-} JA]7} 7]% ~ ~t:f~J-i.R? (x)

: '~i>JJ'~ 0~7'12.~7 ~ 7I E}~ J::l.:!1 ~~ -?,.-!~ .{71 CQl@Oll


'-(O)L/ ::=c~'C!.AiR?'~ .ArW * filLIC~.

' Eunhye personally saw Akira playing the guitar, so
-{.)L/ ~C~'C!.Ai.? cannot be used .
- - -- -- - - --- - ' -- ~ -- - - --- - -- ------ --------- ...

D ~.3. .Al t} ~ ~ o-j .fl..

7~~2.I u}.3. .iAJ, ~-~~t:f JI.R? ( o)
u}.3. JAi, t}~~t:f~J-i.fl.? ( x)

: 0~3.i]"Ei l ~~ -- ~ OIO t71 ~ 0~3.i!"Eil C~.AI ~01~ [[H

~ '-C~ il <r? ? ' ~ .A~@~LIC~.

I Kylie is reconfirming what she just heard from

I -C~il't?? should be used.
Mark, so

l- ------------------------------
-- - - ----
-- - - -
- -- - - ------ - -- - ---- --------
~--- ....-..--- ____ ..___ ____ _________.........-
........___ ..__.., .,. .,.

104 Korean Grammar u1 U e- Interrnediate

1 7r ~~ -17} ~~~t:}-E- ~-6.1 -7d"liL?
Lr l=ll, -~"1iL . ~~04~.g. ~~LilJ-1} ~C-1

to appear (in a movie or TV show)

7r 1=11. i ~ rlliL.

~~0rcr ~~~~g <2.1.s:.L:lJ.A.Jor 11"2.J~ 7rcr

.gQt 7rcr 4'2! ~a~ ~~1 1~cr

D J~ C2.rDrOll ~<.:!~ 7~Cr

2 7 r Ci :A1l %~ -1 ~ - 0 l Oil t:}11 *""1 iL.

Lr Ci"} -17} ic-1-E-Ell %~ -1 ~ 01 i1*711 ~r:l-1ti"iA?
stir-fried octopus
7r 1=11. i ~ tj ctJl.fL.
. -~ Ml ~o 1 .::::i~~I ~cr
'::i!~::?:; 6~~012r::: ~2~ 5:!.cr .'' .::::i ~r7r .::::i~7~J ~7 Jcr

I.A.IJ L~ AI,t;;!, C> 2 cl ...

o fiI:'VI c::::J r\J
-, c::t
C> o-t
-, I ..' ~.Al$1~0J .::J.~~I ~cr

- ~
- ......
-~ - ~- I - .. ..

(1) 7r ~q~l "1i=- 9 ~~1 l:j11r l01 !E-qoj."'i-2.?


Lr i.:11, :AJ-u}7} '.V. ~ J.1 tJ l7} W-0 l Q}.fL.

(2) 7r 7-l\:t?~l _ ___ _______?
Lr i.:11, tj-%~17J-Jf:l~1!7}Jl 1{~Jl.

(3) 7r ~q \:f.7-}~.g. .2-f- _ _ ___ _ ___ _ ?

Lr i.:11, ~2-1 _2_llli} ~~~l ~tj- ~~Jl.

(4) 7r ~~ -1. ~~1ti~7} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ?

Lr i.:11, l:l}~ )j_~Jl. l:l}l:l lfl~~ 7}5_~ 1@7J}Jl?

(1) Xl'd 1~ 4'1 -"i~ Xl~Oll 'Ci~ ~O I LH~8LIC~. (2) LHi2! ~2.I ~.g 41cm. 41 'L:!
'2.!"0ll 7~~ 'CJOI LHi2! ~~LI C~. (3) fl6.j-A~7il LHiC! ~~. ~2~ -"112..!~0I ~ ~~~
~IL ~8Llc~. ?if ig.u1 LHiC! ~01 ~01-"i .li!~-"~IL7~ ir.to1 ~~5H ~.s:. 'Qt"OI 9-tolIL

~8LIC~. (4) '2! -"112..!~ 40iEOl'2'.! ~iEol ~ "*- ~E ~~

3-"ll!-OI E17il ~~c~'2'.!-"i
~2~2.I IL~~ ~~8Llc~. (5) 71.g~~ <{ 0 . 10~2omm2.I ~OI c1 LHi ~.
011.g0~IL ~8LI c~. j I

- - -------....................................
----..---..................................................... ........................" ...........-.............................................................. ................. ...........-. ............ ___..............

~?:t _,g-~1 -l, "1 All Al %011 1r0 l tiJ-o l (1) L{{~~f..iS?_ ?
g l5il tjl, :Aj ~ ~o l -2- cl cl-:U.Jl. 1r0 l 4 lcmY- LH 5:l "1 ii..
41 \:1 1H-Oil (2)_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ?

0 ~7~
0 0 1r0 l ~Ol _2}J-l ~2-6}~ J-}11-~ 0 1 (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
gl5il 7tJs:_ 0 ln~-%1J-1 .nL~J-}:U.7} 1?1-0 1:d-7-1-E-ii..

~?:t if~~ ~YJJl- 40~ 0 l 1i! ~ 9 '.V-~ 7-12-1~ 3"'1Zl- 0 l 187-ll

(4)_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ?

00 :l_~tjl ~_Q_. 1r0 l (5)_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ ?

106 Korean Grammar u1 Use Intermediate

' I
That person is our company president.

L~ Al ~o l J-}:AJ-\:] 0 1J-l ~yJl?

":1 e~ o}7<-l -1 o1-Y~Ci R?
He's the president? Not the deliveryman?

.......... ..... .......... ..... ............................ ......... ... .... .......... ........... ....... ......... ........ ........ ................... .................................. .

Akira, it's late, so let's go.

You already want to go? It's just now 11 p.m.

rrc;~o cLE.
I .___
I CJ -
2 2
..=....l!..--;i []~0-LL
= 2 f'i:::"
.A.,,CJ- OIQJ2.L.A..J
I I 2
I I I c: 2
-r OiO
ITH 9 0
-, ' -
71-E~a l- [[H
CJ i....: =.

.A.ffilLlcr. ~cH~QI ~~ er.A.I ~ rr:i ~t>r'C!.A.i ~01-E .A.rcet 01bf-~01Lr Lli?:J~ LrErLH ~ 3:!~LJcr. [[r2.rAi
~cH~o 1~~QI g~ ~.w-011 rrr2.r ~EH7r '2.r~Llcr. n~ CZJ :::CQJ ~EH 1011-LIR?'~ ~~Lier.
This expression is used when the speaker is surprised by or cannot believe what another person has said.
It indicates the speaker's emotion and feeling of surprise or disbelief while repeating the relevant information.
Thus, the form of this expression depends on the type of statement used by the other person. Specifically,
the form -LIR? is added to the appropriate indirect quotation form of the other person's statement.

(1) ~CH~OI ~.A.ig 0 ~ ~~~ITH

When the other person uses a declarative sentence:

.' '

~ ~CrLIR?
..... ... .. ..
AN .........

................. ~ . ......

.. .


.. . ... ... ... .... ..
. . . . .. . . . .

' ' ~~ 7-j2.~LIR?

Dli!HI~~ .:.. '

' i;tj~ 7-j2.~LI R?

- -- -- - ------
. -

--'------------_.............~------------------------- .......... ... ---------------------------~-------------------~--------~...................._~_._.........
...- ----

5 cL....
I c
c -, 0 OJA51- i::.ti
I 2 2 co c
{lc~LI R?
v ;
-(!:::.) L C~LIR?
___________________ 1!-E;C~LIR?

- '

...~----- -..._-----
- --- ...- - ------ ------ .
_ .... ...
__,..,........ ________.. _ _
_ . -- - ~- ------
IlrEIOICr :.

IlrEl ~C.~LIR?


02 'Ol<>ICLLIR?
AA I ,
I' - '
" .... .,, . ,,. ... .,,.
- t - - r"
, . . . ... . . .. , - . . ... . . , , . . , , . , ,,. ..

! j llrEIOICr ~
~AH : (01)2.rLIR? !
. ~<JOICr :
.' .. --............... -- .. --............. ' . --- -- ... ----- . - -... -... ...------ ......

--- -- .... ---....... .. . -.- ----' .... ---- --- ..... ----... - ......-.. -......... -----.-............ . .
' ''

- - .. ' 1cr
.1.A.r~ 7-i 2.rLIR?
-,--, == . ~ 7-f 2.rLIR?
.f~o 1cr


.[~ ~ 7-f 2.~LIR?

(2) ~CH igo I .1~~ 0 s= w~~ ITH '

When the other person uses an interrogative sentence:


--------- - - . -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -
. .



-- ...... --- --- ... --- .'.' ----- -... ---- ----- -.... --- ------- ... -- .------...---.
' '
--- ---- ... .. --------- ... -- ----... .... ----- .. -- -
A/V '

. -. ------ ...
- ---- ... -- ........... ...

' '. ~ Ct :
;. Dl2.H/~~ 1

- -- - - ------ ----:-----
- -- - - ---- --
' -LtLIR?, MrLtLIR?
.' -.2.LtLIR? s LtLIR?. ~ 9L~LIR?
- ------- -"...- ----------------.._ ..- .- -..-----:----..--------------:---....... _ ___________ ____________ ----------
--. _.__ .., ,_
. ' '
~ -LtLIR?, i 7tCt :
V ~AH !
-LLtLIR? :
----- --- --- - - ---
' ...-------------------------- ---------------------------

. '

. .
.. '
'' .
- - - ....... . . - - . ........ - . .. . . . . . . . . . . . -- -- - . ............ - - ' ; ~. - -- . .. . . . . ...... . - - ---- - -- - -- - - - . . - - '


_____ _____ '

' _________
........... __ .._~-
.. .... . . ____. ____

__ ..._______ ____________ ___________________ ______
_______. ________________ .._____ '
.......,, ,..
.,....,,,... .,...

* ~~)..~ ~XH~2.I ~~ '-LtLl?'2~ '- 0 LtLI?' 2.!f-7 ~ 7 f-5o ~al. ~)..~2.j ~J::H~~ '- LtLl?'2J- '-LLtLIR?' 2.!f-7~ 7 f-5filLIC~.
For adjectives in the present tense, both -L~LIR? and -2.L~LI.?.? are acceptable, while for verbs in the present tense, both -L~LI R? and
- !::.LtLIR? are acceptable.

(3) A~[Ht:l~OI ~~ocioc;= o~c,Ho

0 0 0 11 LL 2 AA2
When t he other person uses a propositive sentence:
-------~ - ------ - - ----- - -- ----- - - ---- ---

v ''
---- ... ---- - .............................................

........ ... ....

...... ........................................

-- -- .... .................... -
: 7 rcr :
'------~------ ..- - . ------ ----- --- ---- - - - - - - -- - ' -- ---------

10 8 Korean Grammar ifb 'l,/s,e, Intermediate

(4) ~cH '2{0 I ~~~ 0 ~ ~%!~ [[H
When t he other person uses an imperative sentence:
---~ -----------......... ----------------------..------------.................,._,___....--------------------------------------- ----------------------
. :

:v '~ - ~- !-

' - -- -- :--- '= - r~" -

; i 7 tCt ~
j ~ i -J:I fil2-~LIR? i ~
__.___.__ J ---
__ _ _ __;._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _..______ ............_
: 9:jCt :
.._ , _ _ _ . . . . . . ._ ____:__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:__ _ _ _._.............................._.................................................. - - -- -- ----------------

7~ -&"011 -171-*l.e>il t:J-~~Si111Jl.

I heard Eunhye won the lottery.

L~ *1_ Oil t:J-~ ~ S1tj-y A? .=1:711;_}i{ olOilJl?

She won the lottery? Is that true?

7~ ~Z}J-1~ 0 1 ~:A~l~.Al 0 1-J-il.R?

Do you know when the midterm exams are?

L~ ~:A~l~7-l o}t.fyA? t.B~~r:il %5J:D-l...?

When are the exams? They're tomorrow. You didn't know that?

7~ ::lJ-l-Oil ~7lJ-il7l-1?i0 1 Lf-2..Y7l} -2..~ 5J-l 0 l~Oil-E- e>il D-1~% ~7-l u}J-il.R.
The company's electric bill is really high, so please don't use the air conditioner after 5 p.m.

L~ 5J-l 0 l ~Oil e>ilD-17d% ~ 7-l ~2.}L-1.fL? 7-~~uTIS:. ~u}l-f "Gi.g_r:il....

Don 't use the air conditioner after 5 p.m.? But it's really hot in t he evening, too.

r-- ------- ----------------...----,


t' 1 ~.Aig.1 ~XH~:i:!.t :i:!.t7~ ~. D l 2.H ~~ 2.Ej=. '-ctLIR?'~ s= fil~ * ~--LI Ct. I
This expression can be used in the form -C~ LI R? not only in the present tense but also in the past and
future tenses.

7~ 7-i{::- :J.. J-}~-% %2.f.R.

L~ :J.. J-}~% S!.~c}l-].R? ~2-j 3l} ::B-T~:o}.R.
= :J.. J-}~% .2..Sc}l-].R?

7~ t~ -17} ~Sf:le>ll ~Sf:l~e>-1.R.

L~ i;'~ -17} ~Sf:lll ~Sf:l~c}l-].R? {f7.}7l ~.R?
= t~ -17} ~Sf:loJl ~Sf:l-6}c}l-].R?

7~ ::z.1\:1-ig-ll - E 0 1 1T ~~e>-1 .R.

L~ 7.l\:!-ig-e>ll %~ 0 1 41-~c}l-].R? e>-ldJl-]7} ?J-0 1-?11-2J-o}.R.
= ::z.J1J-ig-oi1 *
0 11T ~-6}c}l-].R?


5 t:l...E_ _Al.21-Qj DtOj l.) -, 0 O].fLtl} n'.l

1 '- I a 2 I 2 2 L: o 2 ~,j
2 : ~~ '-C~Ll'l ~EH. MQ:j g~ g{!Oil ~
r..s expression can also be used mid-sentence in the form -c~LI .
* ~~ LIC~.

7} %~ ,l,l.]7} ~A]-~ .:l~.!j=-~t:H Jl.

I heard Yunho quit his job.
L~ 72woJJ1? %~ ,l,l.]7}- ~A]~ .:l~-~ctti ~ ~ 97} ~ 01..fL. Jf-2.] ~l-}oj]Ai -2.~%<(} ~-8-}.Jl
~ctIL "9Y.~i;:-t:-jJJl.
Really? I can't believe Yunho quit his job. He said he wanted to work here a long time.

Tomorrow will be a new year.

L~ ~)).1 l-H-5H2{-L.] AJ{} 0 ] :AJW ~2.] 7~ ~ 7cf0 rJl.
(I can't believe) it's already the new year. It seems that time really flies.

3 Ar[Ht:Jrf\.llJJIA-1
o =. L- $.ArO
o v i 1 I ..s.o '-'- o
I 0 1>00
o L.!.. 1 .7~or
o .,.-..::c. --'-
01> 001f>:IEH 2.L 7~.Q.
L..: o L.!.. - o r E L- $'-'- .Ar
o f>:l.Alo
o --, c;= -cLLIO?' =
1 ...u... 2

When repeating what the other person just said, the same sentence form used by the other person is
also used before -C~LIR?

Minjun said he's returning to Korea. <declarative sentence>

L~ ~)).1 ~oJ-.g.ctyJl? ~~oj] 1\:1 72.S:. ~~ct.JI ~?Jo]-Jl. (~A-1~)
He's already coming back? (Don't you recall that) he said he'd be in England for a year.
<declarative citation>

7~ ~J\:)oj _.2_~ Of-2-<S"}~Jl. (!:~~)

The department head said to work overtime tonight. <imperative sentence> I

L~ -2.~.S:. oJ:-2--8-}ClYJl? OlAi].S:. ~i;:-t:-jj E:. t>}~Jl? (!:~~)
He said to work overtime again tonight? (We) worked overtime last night, and now he is telling us to l
do it again? <imperative citation>

-------~ - -

110 Korean Grammar ,;, ezts~ Intern1ediate

1 7r LB~ ~o l -i?:-l:}lil.
Lr 4~011 ~ 0 1 ..g.t:}-1..lA? Ji.-- ~JA17} :Aj~ 0 1.AJ~tjlil.

LH <! -EE-o 4~011-EE-01.gcr1 R~ ~Ml7r ~~ 01lforcr

.::i 1:1H~7 ~~- ~er ~~~ ~Cr I :A l t:.l-~12..t oH.S:. ig--OJl.A.-j O:l:Ar ~-=fl-7r filCr.:Jl

2 7r 9-~
JA1-9-l \:f7-} ~-T-7} *~~ ~<:xll<?J 0 1Cl-1tl."iA?
~ Q:!;: o~C~
Lr ~<:xll<?.112.l-Yil? ~ ~~ ~).~ 0 1~ tjlil. to be apt, prone (to do)

~~ Ml.1 Et:Ar ~-=fl-7r ~~~ ~0!1<2.!0ICr .. ~ot1<2.!01cr

/ .::i~ ~~~ 2.1"~01cr
7ilttJ Ml7r or~ ~~arcr ~~i>rCr I :Al.z.t.Jlr ~~- ~ ~'.;: ofer

EH'2J .u.17 r O:l:Ar ~.:ri-2r 01101~cr

. .... .... .. ... . ... .. ..,,../.,,/~/

~,,,,, .._... ~

..L ~
-. . -..
- _ ........ -- .. f
. . ...
.... ---...-- -- . ...
--- .. -

(1) 7r ?q:] JAl, ~/Z~l ~~-ollil?

Lr 0Ji11 ~OJ-Or4t-l.2.? -3f\:l ;z~l ~~~011 .2..-Xl-Et=ll 71 ~ <?.1- ti-J-11-R?


(3) 7r 9~ -1~ J-}c.Jo}-E ~ ~o}..L.

Lr - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- ? *~ -1-E ~~~ OiA}~o}..L.

Lr ______ _____ _? tjlf- BlJA}tjlit.

5 ct.E
1 ,_
...., o
'I 2 2
t..: O E

' Lt r
G).g_qy.R ~ .g_q.Jl "6"};z.1 ~2.}.Jl.R
@ .g_q-.JI ~~-Et:il ~0}_9_ @ %;z,ls:_ .2_-f-c}i=- ~l ,A,}1l o1~1.R
'I 2 7~ .@ ~OI M~Ai AE2.il6 tg!O~..
'' ''
Lr ~H~~ 0~'2'.! ~01 uu~~c~jl 0~1[:!c11 ~H~~ cl~ 5H ~Ail.. '
G)ifo 1 W-01 llli};z,lY77} ~ if01lllil-~ 78~ 0 1 ~~-Et:il '
@ it01 llli};z,1-E 711 ~1l"6"}y77} @ 1[01 llli}~q--E 0~71~ ~~-Et:il

3 7r Oi~tgd"OJI ~o I ~Lil.. ''
' '
? =.At 7L2,..jjl 5HL-[JI Ot '
Lt ..2~
o i...: r 'I AA L- -1
l.7~ 1 f\J.B_
AA v 1 '
- - - -- - - -- - - -- . i::::; i...:
G) i:E-O l ~qj1_9_ ~ i:E-O 1~rf~Al-9_

@ i:E-O 1 % ~ ~'.lll _9_ @ i:E-O 1~rf.JI o}lfl tjl-9_ '
4 7r -f:t7 IOJI ~2.~-"i 'EJ~Oi.. '

Lt .2.~XI ~6~ '[J"OI D~A~ ~Ail..

- - - - - - -- - - -- - ''
G) t1l1-'il C7} 7r:}-7l ~1 *
~ 77} !i!}J--1 ~ t1l1-'il C7} {1-71~1 ~q.JI o}lfl Eil

@ Bll-'il C7} {-1-71~1~o} 7};z.l .TI. @ Bl1-'il C7} {-1-71~1~71-E0};z.l'i}- '


5 '

G) 7t o 1:A~1 ~ ~ -zl ~ o l ~ ~ Y cl-.

Lt ~ ~ 01 ~ ~rf.JI-9_? q:J9~o 1 ~i=-tjl5:. ~ Q1_9_?

~ Jr ~-2-o}.JI tl}q ];!!_~ {[77}.R?

Lt l:l}q ];!!_~ 7};z.}.TI..R? ~A}71 2R.R?
:;: Jr 4194 A1~ 0 1 l~Jf-q.TI. o}iflr:il ~1101 -t?-Jf-o}J-11.R.
4 Lil ' ~~ l iL.
~ 7t --7-J-~ , 41 ~ ~.ff.~ :A~] 7} ~ -oR 0 1= ~y-.R?
4 ~ <SH 0 1= ~qy.R? ;z,11d-1tie>il %Jf- -17} 0}71. ~7<j9:V.~~o}.R. '

- ------ -------
~- #" - -'"

-- - ---- ---- - _ _ ;;.i; _______ -

7~ 0 l-7lct -1, ~Wll -1~7-l<:xlliL?
Akira, what will you do this weekend?

L~ .:=I.%~ <Ji-8-7} <iii OlAl ~t:l * ~~i=-Ell

~~lli::- ~{f-Ei~l~% i>}1EJ-l % .g71} i>flit.
I haven't had any time to have any fun lately, so I am thinking of
playing some computer games.

7~ Al~ ll ~ ~% 71 <:xll.fL?
What are you going to eat for dinner?

L~ ~-=(-~JI} ~ol 1}-~{J-% -=(-~ ~ %711- i>fliL.

~ q3 -15:. ~o l ~ %Cli iL?
I'm planning to have some Korean barbecue (pork) with some
friends. Do you want to eat w ith us, Hoyeong?

t:1-t.Q.. 01-() L~77L.R_?

. .. a.:..
_;._. - .l:le C! . 1-- ' '
. .
~-' -

rrH .AlgrLI c~.

This expression is used to indicate the speaker's vague intention or rough p lan that has yet to be finalized
and could therefore still change.
-------~----- ~~
- ~-~-- --.~~ ... ...

- . . .. .. _..... ~ ............"" .. , ...-.. -"' i.......... ~-.: ..
.r."' .~ -~. ..... '.:! ... .... .. ~
...... . . . -- - -- -- -- - -- --- - - --- - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - .... . . . .. .. ... .

. 7~C~ ; ~7}~ ~C~
.il~7~ -(0}27J~ ~c~ .
.i Q:Jc~ ~ Q:J ~JJ~ ~c~
... --------- .-. ...,. . . ------ '.. -. ----.... -----..... ------- . -- ... ----. -- ....--------- ------------ -- .. -- .....- ... - ...... .. .. .... ... . .... .. . ,. ... ......... ..................................... . . ... .... .. - . .

v .
l '
,'.\ .


~ - ~ ~

i ~J:H i -() 2 7J~ t;~c~ ~ 7

~c~ l
. 9:l c~ i

----------~--------__,_,_~_,__~ ---......-~--...--.------'-----................-.--.-------- ------

Lf% .fL7l ~ 1:3~~77} i>fl.fl.

I'm thinking of learning yoga from next month.

.2_~1Ll-oll ~ ~ BJ~l ~7lf <5l- ~Ell 7tl-0 l ~cR .fL?

I'm thinking about going to the sauna for the first time in a while, so would you like to go together with me?

~).~ ~i:l7lr "j-Er:ll ~-B- 0 1 %ctJ.1 =z.1cf i:ft-171 ~"1.fL.

I had been considering changing jobs, but I got a raise, so I decided just to stay here.

11 4 Korean Grammar in CZ/se Intern1ediate

- - - - ---.----- - - - - - - - ------- .------- - -- -------------- .

1 01 r.'21::: ~.Ai-'2l 7l~or.Jl 2-l:I:IOILr ~~-. ~~:r011::: .A~~* fil~LICr. EE~ Dl2.H~._O_c;:!~
.Ar-~ * filLI Cr.
This expression can only be used with declarative sentences and not with interrogative, imperative, or
propositive sentences. It also cannot be used in the future tense.

I:f% 1---E:J .:?OJ~ W77J- iH.R? ( x ) 1:}% 1-.!f-E:j.:?OJ% W77]- "5}J-ilR. ( x)

.:?OJ% W77]- ~All:}. ( x )
1:}% 1-.!f-E:j cJ-% ig.!f-E:J .:?OJ% W77} VJ 71cxJlR. ( x )
-- cJ-g ig.!f-E:J .:?OJ% W77} iHR. ( o)

2 01 R'21~ .!:p.~~Oi;:! .Al~ [[H::: ''2J"-( 0 )27Jr C5rCF, '-Al fil7J r orCr' ~ .Ar-~LICr. .:::Z.2.i Lr ~
- (0 )211r 0rcf~ .Ar-~* fil-SLlcr.
When using this expression in a negative sentence, either the form '2! - (.2.) 2 77~ o~C~ or - XI ~lJ~ o ~C~ can
be used. The form ~ -(.2.) 2 77 ~ o~CL however, cannot be used.

~~ail~~"'~ ~~ail"'1~%*12:]%77]- <5Hi?... (x)

-+~~ail~~"'~ ~~ail"'1 ~% ~ 12:]%77} i>Hi?... ( o )
-+ ~~ail~ ~A~ ~i::.Jail"'i ~% 12:j:A] W77J- -6Hi?... ( 0)

~: ti
l ;:, .:.
ll i.,,i. ? .
i! .. r..u... .

,. "' .. . . . . '

012.H.9-I 711~~ fil~ [H .Ar-or::: '-(2)2 7iOllR'. '-( 0 )2.~.Jl 0rcr'. '-(2)211r C5rcf::: 1:11~~ 3:! ~Al'2.I
cr.gJir ~::: J;:rOl7r ~Lier.
The expressions -{0) 2 71011.. -{.2.) o~C~, and -{0 )2 77~ o~C~, all of which indicate a future plan, may appear
to be similar, but they actually have the following differences.
_ __._ ___r--- -------.. ................-..----.----- ---...............---.---- - - ..- ...........-. ............................,"':'I"""-.--.----.....,

. ~


-() 2 7iOllR ! -()2.~.:il C5rcr ;: - -() 2 n~ ()~er

'- . ,...:_. - ._....,...-. .. ,... _
...-. _.._ ,, __ " ...... ~ .... ,, - ,,_ .. "" ., __ ,..,.. " .,., ,.,,. _,,. ,.,.., ~ ,,., .,.....,.,,..,,..,. .,.,., ~.,.;..,...--.-Yr .,..,.,.,. .. .,. .. .. ..... - - - - -~ - ., _ _ -" ,., ' ...-..... -~ ._ v 4'-
' .
' ,. . . . .. ,. - - .... ~-"' , . _ . ~ -

.,., .S.::ic-1
:' DI 2.H 0 I ~ fil~ [[H
C>C> Cl ;
Refers to a future plan
- ...... ............... - - .<> . , ' .. . . . .. - - .... . . .... . . .. .. . . .. .. . . ..... .. . ., ~ . . . ...... ... ... . . ....... . . . . ....... . . . .... . . ... . . . .. . . . ....... ... . . ..... . . . . . . . - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ~ - . . . ... -.

A 0 I!= rl 1.1.2.
~ 71.1 ~~i!"711~~ ~5 -=jl~~l~<t.1 711~~ 1:J It..:P-1
2 -Y- AA<-- /1 - , 2

fil~ [[H fil~ llH D ~.; ~

': Refers to a virtually Refers to a somewhat Refers to a plan that can
definite plan concrete plan still be changed
i Xi~ ?~OJI O=l~~ Ai~ ?~OJI ():j~~ Ai~ ?~OJI ():j~~
~ 71011.. 7 ~2.i.J:!. 5H.. 7~77L
2 I oHo -LL.

I'll go on a trip this I'm planning to go on a I'm thinking about going

weekend. trip this weekend . on a trip this weekend.
------~------------------------------------'---------------------------------------..__ .' . . -
............ ' ............................................................................ .......-....... ....---------------

- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - ----- --

-~ l
7~ 1T ~ ~% ~%
[ 47 ] 1
1 7191.ft?
L~ _2_rm_~~l ~~-~% ~ t:4);~ ~i %JJ} i;~.fl.

~~~Cr . '2__1-.1-7'.ll~ ~ 2-=j.A.1 ~Cr

~2r ~ _5:!cr ... .no 1c1~.~ !
o c;: o -=-L L
o..!.. 0 2 o,c, . ~-115rJ:I. ~OI E-!ILI A ~ j:ICr

2 7r Al~ ~Ar ~~l ~ W 7191.ft?

Lr Al1d ~~~l * i>RJ-i ~ ~ 1-~~ %fJJr '511A. ~2.I C~
to be left undone, to be overdue

.. Alld ~.IOJI ~ 7~.A.1 J:I.~toil 7rCt

' 0 1.A.~ oHot oH.A.1 AH 0~~ ~ ~10r!


- . .. - ...
-- . ...

(1) 7r ~~01 '3"~ % ~cl 7cl- rl<:xlliL? (-61-.2.1-0 1 7}r:f)

Lt or~ ~ ~~7.l 1il '5r.2t01~ 1 ;t11r t>tt..2..

(2) 7r J-1~ 0 1 ~11-1?1 ~ W rl <:xlliL? (~-11- {J~l ~Cl 7}cf)

Lr ~..ell ~~ ~:J]_ ~~).l ________ ___ _ _ .

(3) 7r {J e>ll.Ai ~.liL7J}Al ~Al ..fl? (o 1J-}-6}cf)

Lt tjl, J~.Ai ~jjl -2-.7.1 - - - - -- -- - -

(4) 7t -!f-Aj-7J}:Al ~ ~711 7cl- 71 <:xll..fl? (Bl '3"~ 7l ~ Efcf)

Lt J-l{}-0 1 f:l0 1 ~..Q..y 77} _ _____ _ ___.

(5) 7r --\3 7Jll ~~ 1!% Jf-<31% 1l- 7-l<:xll..fl? C<=<l1J-% J-}r:f)

Lt ~Re>ll.Ai i}~-6}y 77} _ _ _ _ __ ___.

116 Korean Grammar i,, <Ilse Intermediate

7~ 0 1 ~J-}~l 7-l-%1~ 0 1%7} lf-~0JY77r?
Why did you apply to work for this company?

L~ All7} "1~% ~Jf-tj 7}7-l.JI ~lfl .:g-% ~~

5!.J!.A} 7-l.5f:lt>}J-il l~~Yt:i-.
I applied because I wanted to realize the dreams I've had ever since
I was little .

.............................. ......... ......................................................................................_____________________ , ..... -

7~ J J -1! 0 1J-lzte>il 11 ~
0 7
Yang Gang, why are you calling at this hour?

L~ Al, 121-% %- ti.:TI.A} ~~ ~~Yt:i-.

I'm, um, calling to ask you a favor.

t1i.Q. Ol-()t~7JLJL?
&.:.t::l22 I

= ~~O JLr ~!lg:ilr ~~ t5-~~'2J WOJLr ~OJI~ A~orD=I ~WOJLr ctJ:z:j~~'2J ~~OllJ-.i Aror~ ~E

:- _:;filLJCr.
-- s expression indicates t hat the preceding clause contains the speaker's intention or purpose for doing the
..:--:'on stated in the following clause. It is mainly used in official situations, such as when giving a speech or
-"lg a report. Thus, it can sound a bit awkward when used in casual conversation or in informal situat ions.

-- ,V\l'_',,..,_,_,....,
__ ,....
c..:--""l..__ ..P__ _ _ _ ~~ ~ - -"-'~-----'

.. '2JLr.::i1.:Ar
--------------....--------.._______________........................ ----- -----~- ---~- ..............-.....-.-...--.-.--------------------

~a ~ -"R ~.g. ~-A}Cl~ 7cJ-~t-}JL:A} ~1Jt-l ~~ t-}.=il ~l:trYLl-.

The government is working hard to create new jobs.

lf-.2. ~JJll .i=.Cl jl;At 0 l %:8% -l1-il~if11Ll-.

I bought this item to give to my parents.

-- Y-21--E- ~..g. ~7:11~ %-Alt-}j!;A} -"R~.g. ~Qf% ~~irYLl-.

The two countries signed an agreement to maintain good relations.
- - ----- - - -- - ---------1
The subject of both the preceding and following clauses must be the same when using this expression. I
Y-*=- ~~-&-}.JI7-} %J-~ 0 1 ~{l-&-1 -%~ ~irYcl-. (x) I
- Y-*=- ~~-&-}.JIA} ~{l-&-1 -%~~if Yet. ( o)
2 '-.J:LAF ~Oii::: :i!t712.t Dl2.H~ LrErLH::: -~/~-':i!t -~-~ ~OI ~ * fil~LICr.
The forms -91/c;}.- and -~-for expressing the past and future, respectively, cannot be used together
II with -j]_:A~.

LH~771-7'1 :i ~% ~~.Jl7-} ~{)o1 ~~cJ-. (x)

I! LH~77}7-1 :i ~% ~LH~.JI7-]- ~{lo] ~~ct. ( x)
- LH ~77}7-] :i ~% ~LH.JI7-]- ~{)-&-] ~~ct. (o)

3 '-.::LI.A:r orcr'1 ~EH w~ ore;:! Wore .AriS1 1.s:.~ LrEr~Llcr.

The form - j]_:A~ f>tCt expresses the speaker's intention.
o] :A1]% 0 ] 7-]4{-~-2-. -W.g.1il-g g_ ~.Jl '.U 0 1;,i .A~{!-%1=% ~2.j.Jl7-} ~Ycl-.
This product continues to get good reviews, so we plan to increase production.

When used in this form, the negative particles <2l and~ cannot be inserted.

Jf-2.j*=- :i ~;,}.2.l- 7il<2.J=% -&-]-.JI7-} ~~Yet. (x)

Jf-t-]~ :i ~;,}~- 7il9.f% "5"}.JI7-} * ~L-]cl-. (x)
- Jf-2.j*=- :i ~]J,}.2.} 7il9.f% ~ -&-}.Jl7-} ~y ct. (0)
- Jf-2.j*=- :i ~J.}.2.} 7il9.f% -&-};;z] ~.JIA} ~y ct. (0) !
- - - - - - ---- ---------- - - ---------- --------- - - - - - - - -- - ~------------'

. . . ~
1 7~ ;~;,r tj-yi:- Arif:l-~.g_ ~~ wol u}J,17.l..9..? ( 49 ] 1

L~ tjl, ~5-cfl~% ~JI.7.l- ~ ~ W-0 1 u};,li:- ~ ~~Yrl-.

.1.A.r CrLI~ A~~~:= E~ liOI Dr.A.ICr ~er / E~ irJ01 or.A.lcr

~.21 >...q; r ~OJ~ ~-:=J"OI ~!f-f>rcr ~~.A.t.7t 1cr I ~-:=Joi ~!f-orc~

~-9- J..J..le Ai~Oil ~~ AtCt : oFc:JOil ~~ ~OJLr.A.i :r3~ orcr / ~~ Arcr

. . .

2 7t ~?ll 7tl- ~ f ~ 7lj,l ~ E}alJI ~1-1771-? . . .

~'a~~ ctt~otct \
Lr ;,l-7-J-\:1% ),lJI 71-71 ~~ll KTX% E}JI.7<1- ~Yt:l-. to receive/entertain guests

-51-~0il Y [[H 'T 2 7 l~t~ Ere~ .A.r~'cl ~ 2..A.l.:il 7 r7 I ITH@Oil KTX~ ErCr
::i ~Al~ T70i1Jil ~er ~~~ Q:jA~ ~-7-0ilJil ~Cr
-?-~~ l.JJ.71 9::!~ orcr Ai~Oil R2.I~ oH.A.i e'cl~~ cH~orcr

11 8 Korean Grammar f'l/ u~~ . Intermediate

.. . .
. ... - .-- ....
....... - -- - . ... .
..... . ...... ... .. ... ...... . .-- - . . - - ..

(1) 1~ Jl% J-}7-J-\31 .lf-<31% .5fio~ 2r-~-O}Jl J-llJ-11Jl? (::lJ-} ~.5fi7l~ ~~l 1tl-%ti-)
L~ 9.1 A-r Jt-9-111 ~ ~111 !%jl7-r 2r_ ~ -otJI 7-ll {1 Li ti-.

L~ JIZ!l%01l~l ----'-- - -- - - - ~J-AJ- 2r_~-0}7l u:fl~<il ~ ~%Yti-.

(3) 7~ 0 1 ~.g. J-lZl-011 ~~ {!~ ~ ~e>-lJl? (?J ii~ ~ 0 1 S1e>-lJ-1 % Oi~q)

L~ {!::l-~%Y ti-.

(4) 7~ Oi7l J-l:AJ-0 1S1i=-tjl %tjl~77l-Al 7}aiJl -6RJl? (Ei ~_g. %~ 0 1 S1i=-Al ~l-o}tj-)
L~ 7}~Jl ~Yri-.

(5) 7t .g.ts~01l ti-G1~e>-1Jl? (~~% % -O}tj-)

Lt tjl, tj-G1-{%Litj-.

(1) 7t lf-<3!011LR~ 0 1F7l~ -O}CiJl ~Y77}? (~R~ 2r-<i} ~A1101l t:BoR 0 1F7l-O}tj-)
L~ -2-~.g. -5!~21 ~oJ ~;.11011 "Qic5tt 010~11c5rjl7-r "5J-L-fct.

(2) 1~ .2TI ~Re>-l~ ~{1-ol ~~Y77}? (~R01l S1i=- t:H~.ill.011 ~~-o}q)

L~ ~Re>-l~ ~{J-Ol ~lf-"6RJ-1 -----------'------------

(3) 7t ~% W-0 l 1$1 e>-lJ-1 e>-l ~~l ~CiJl ~y77}? (-8-tj-)
Lt % 0 1 ~Jl~ J-}~~ ~ _________ .

Lt - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -

Lt _2_ ~ i'.:_


' '

7t Al 8~7} /\R 0 l~V:c}JI i>}-E-Ell Al 81 ~

People say that movie is interesting, so do you want to see it?

L~ ~ 0 }-9.. . .=:L~Al ?J-0 }5:. LfS:. ~ al~ ~ 0 l~<>lil.

Sounds good. Even if you hadn't asked , I had been planning to see
it anyway.
.......... --......................................................-.................................... ........ --..... -..........................................

Jaya, what are you doing?

L~ BR7} JI:rrl-A1 2}~% ~o 1 61~ ~Cfltjl 7t 0 l

u1 .Q..::il] _g_?
-, 2 L-fl
I was just about to cook some noodles. Do you want to
have some with me?

Cl tti..Q... 0 to L.!i!..77L n?
a:.. t:1 e e I e 1.J:L . .

01 .H.~~ ere Ar~o1 ~'3:!~ <S"r:Ar~ xil'2..l"ci 't:tr. :::i .A.Ill-Oji' EE~ '7r7Jfg 01cH'Ojl Oi't! ~~ ar2-~~ 7~1~~

ar7~Lr 2-I~~ or~~~ [[H .A.rggi-L1cr. o1.gig;J ~ -.A.r'2l .A.rg~ ~~Lier. *

Th is expression is used to express the fact that not only had the speaker been intending to do the very
thing the other person is suggesting , but that he or she was either just about to do it at that very moment or
intended to do so very soon. It can only be used with verbs.


7 r2.~ '2! ~o 1 er
9:j .22.~'2! ~OICr
___ .... ___ _ _____ ..._________________________._____________________________________________
._. _.. ._ . ___________________________________

7t ~~ lf..Aa o l 2B -=z.~Jl? Why such a (surprised) face?

L~ Il~-5R;.-l -WTI ~ Dl~ ~~r:il ;.}.AJ-~ 0 1 %"1-2..;.9;.4 ~%-5R;.i icR.fL.

I was tired and about to take a break, but the company president came in, and I was taken by surprise.

7~ ~% ~0 }oF ~~Gll 11.Ef- B}llli}).i .f-~e>ll ~ ;.l:U-0 1\1i"lJl.

I need to withdraw some money, but I'm so busy that I can't get to the bank .
L~ -=z.~Jl? A~l7} 7-l"i} .f-<5Ee>ll 71-Dl~ %~ell ~l-o}q E-T77}.fL?
Really? I was just about to go to the bank, so shall I withdraw some money for you?

1 20 Korean Grammar i,I/ Use- Intern1ediate

7~ -9-~ -1 !f-1 -o}.JI '.V, e>l.R?
What are you doing, Suyeong?

L~ ~TI-1~ u}.A1 Pl1fl ~01~-Et:il 7t0 1}1Jc}].R?

I was just about to have some coffee, so would you like to have some with me?

--------~~------------ ----

1 '-( 0 )! :go1cr'2.r '-()! :go1~cF ::: ~0 1 .Al--oH.S:. ~fl-Llcr. =i.~:Al'2! '-( 0 )! :go1crs
::: ttr :Al-5 ~~or2.i.::L!. ~er:::"'~~ LrEr~ [[H. '-( 0 )! :go 1~crs-e ~l~!f.Ei =i.~7il ~ ~.z,i
~ 7r:Al.::L!. ~~g~ LrEr~ rrH .Ar-~LICr.
While both -( 0 } 2.~'2! :go1c~ and -( 0 } 2.~CC! :go 1~c~ are acceptable forms of this expression, -(.2.)2.1'2! gOI
c~ is used to indicate that the speaker was just about to do the action at that very minute, while -( 0 }2.1 '2!

gOj~c~ is used to indicate that the speaker had already been intending to do the action .

CD -A1-5- ::i :fill% J-}21~ ~ 0 1011 .f?...

:i :fill% J-}21~ ~0 l~Oi.fl.
: 01 ~~ <D ~ ::i. ~~ 1:! ~ x1-a- .A.~2.~.=L!. 0~::: ~~ L~E~LHjl <X,!.=L!., ~ Oll~.!:f.Ei ~~ .A.~2.1::: {!l2,I-~ o~jl <X,!~

c.~e ~~ L~E~~Ljc.~.

Here, <D means that the speaker was just about to buy the book at that very moment while ~ means
that the speaker had been planning to buy the book from before the time of the conversation.

2 (}j'lJ ~~ or2.i.::L!. ~.z,i-or.::L!. ~~:::c11 =1_[[H er~ -"rEto1 =i.~~ ~01 or:Ar.::L!. x11'2!"~~ [[H ' o r~'. =i.~
:;i: 1 cc.tor.s:.'. ' 21" =i.2H.s:.' ~~ .Al--oH.Ai cHEt~ 0~::: ~!:f.7r 1i~Llcr.
This expression can be used along with phrases such as o~~. :J.~X I ?.,tO~S::.. and~ :J.2.HS::. when
responding to someone who has suggested doing something that the speaker had already intended to do.

7~ 7.01 6jJ-}W~iL?

L~ o}~ ~% 9:J_Q_21~ ~ol ~Oi ii..

'll" ::i~s::. ~% 12:J_Q_21~ ~0 1011.R.

:J.~.A] ~o}s::. ~% 9:]E..21~ ~0 l~Oi.fl.

3 01 E~- Dl2.H .AIXile .Al--or:AI t>l~LI Cr.

This expression cannot be used with the future tense.

_g."6~011 ~~o}21 7}21 ~ ~~ 7iollil. (x)

-.g.~oil ~~-5}21 7}24~ ~o1~0iil. (o) I ~-5~011 ~~-5}21 7}21~ ~-oloj]il. (o)

4 ~~~OJI -- [[H::: '-()2.i t::! -NOJr Ci:! s= .Al~ * ~~LI er.

When used at the end of a clause that is followed by another clause in the same sentence, the form
- (.2.)2.1CC! :gOJI can also be used.

~7} ~:2:1 ~ -5}21 ~ ~011 OiDiY7} ~~-~ -5}1te>i.f?...

When I was about to make a phone call to my mother, I got a phone call from her. I

- ----- - -- - -

'-(.2.)2.~.:il 0~e~2~ '-(.2.)2.~'C! ~Ole~~ erg~~~~ A:~Ol7~ ~Lie~.

The forms -{0)2.1 o~c~ and -{0)2.1'2! Ol e~ have the following differences.
~-----_....._... _____________ _ -- .------ - - - -
. -(.2.)c~.:il f>~C~ i.. -(.2.)c~t! ~OIC~
. . . ..... . .. ... ;,,. ____ __ ____ ..... -- .- ~ .............. .. .................... ..... ........... ... . . .................... . .
--~ {,. - -- ~ - ... ....... - - -~ - --- ................ - .............. ... ............. ______ __......... ----- - -- - - ~-


.l :Al5 l:l~2.I <! ~~ 7~77ig Dl2.HOll .Al~ . :Al-5- t:l~ 0 1<!~~7~77ig Dl2.HOll .Al-~4-

- . M. t:::l
AAt:::l I.
: Can be used for actions the speaker will Can be used for actions the speaker will do

i do from now or in the near future . from now or in the near future.

- . .. ----- .... .......... ----- --- ........ ...... ........' .. - - ..... ------ -- -------- ................ --- ... ~ - ...... .

~ o l2.H2.I <10!1-E .Al~ 4- filgLIC~.
j Can be used for actions the speaker will Cannot be used for actions the speaker will do
do in the distant future. in the distant future.

. Y-~ Lfl \:! oJl

0 1~ o:j-5~% ~}C;j.IL '5RJl. L}-~ Lfl\]oj] oj~ o:j-5~% i>}C:j~ {fo]oj]Jl.
! ( 0) (x)
' - -.......... --~--- ~-- ...

1 7~ E-lJf-L-177} ~ g * < [ 51 J

L~ .:I_~-7-l ?:J-o}-5:_ ~ g ~ r41tl ~OlOilJl.

CJ o O=l[.L
LL2 2 I

~~orLl7Jr ~2.ilt:1I~~ ~ .!i!cr ~2:111:11~~ 7'4cr

"'ll!'o 1 ~Ll77r ~ "'i.!:f.2 er "Ala- Lr7rcr

2 1r Q.f4f J.lTI-01q ~-2-r:H 7-l~ ~~%f77}it?

Lr ~ 0 }it. <{!- .:z_~s:_ 7-l~ ~~o}al1tl %Ol~c>lA.

Q{4i- .All!'OI er ~~c11 x1a- ~~0 rcr

~*Ml. 7'illl ~H Dr.Al2.i 7rCr 7'iIII ~~OI Lr.Ai Dr.Aler
~~ .2.I~ t:tHSf-2.i.:il 0f-EC11 ~o I t:tHSf.Cr :Ai ~~ .2.I ~ t:tHSf:l .!i!C~

122 Korean Grammar in <Zlse Intern1ediate

' / / / ,,,.
- . , . J. -~ -~./"'

- - ~

(1) 7t ~;,~16 . ..2.- ~Ail-E %1~1..R? (01F7l<5}tj)

L~ ~ .:12}1.5:. Al~ OIO~ll<5~t:;J "">-~1011.2..

(2) 7t ~Cl _2_~1t}~l ~ 7-<5}21 7t{77}? (~ :ig ~ <5}tj)

Lt ~o}. t-1- - - - -- - -- --

(3) 7t ~~F, ~4-E-1711 <tJ .:I.1r}<5}.Jl 0lAil -=g-Jf-<5BF;z.l . (~-#-cl~ Tiq)

2 .M ~I
Jl . Al.:1
0 - - - - - -- -- -

(4) 7t ~~t:il 211 ~~~ ~OiJl? (~-Al ~ E}q)

Lt ~~7} Qf-"l .:llcf ~OiJl.

(5) 7t 018 -li>l-.Jl 7t0l 171l ~'.:d.Oi..R? (01-"}i>}q)

Lt l=ll, u}~ u1 8 -l.5:. O1-A~ <5}711 ~7-l ~Jl.

2 '-(.2.)2.~'2! ~01~c~~ A~f>HA-J c~~ cH:2.~ ~1:1o~AilR.

(1) 7t 111~ Qfi; ~ *Al~~ 7t{_g.~n Oil-711 i>}AlJl? (Qf4; ~ Dlf-cf)

Lt iB_~o}Jl. Y-.5:. it~ ~ 0l ;,~ 7=l -"i 0-t-1; ~ Dl5f.~l::"j_ "">-~I '101..2..

(2) 7t 01 ~~ % q 0 l<5B~Oi..R? (~~<5}q)

Lt o}yJl, ~ %t.l--"l - - - -- - - - - -
(3) 7t 8* -1 ~::1-ltl~~ 0} (1*-E ~.;7-~1711 %0i~1*)

Lt o}yJl, Al %cf)'l - - - -- - -- - -- - - - -

(4) 7t 7t{.g.1il- ~-l1~ 0 1~ ~ 1* ~~j]_ <V_OiJl? (.:g.~~l ~1*)

Lt o}yJl, q- * ~%1-"l - - -- - -- - -- --
(5) 7t BJ-~~l All~.5:.~j ~ 7t{2}1Jl? (q% BJ-~~l 7}r.})
Lt ~AlJl . .:l ~Al ?J"0}.5:. _____________ _ .
0 0

Why did you come to Korea?

L~ t_R ~.:rs:. At~ ~ t_R ws:. BB % ~ ~Roil

I came to Korea to make some Korean friends and also study
Korean .

........ .... ............ ....... ....... ....... ......- ... -.. ................- .....- ............... .................................

7~ _g_~ EB .:ris:.~ BB ~.J:L 9J Oi-9..?

Are you learning taekwondo these days?

L~ l=ll, ~ %.5:. w~ t_R~ ~ ~ ~ ~.5:. BB% ~ "311).i

BB~.J:L 9J Oi-9...
Yes. I'm learning it to get some exerc ise and also learn about
traditional Korean culture.

0111~~ 7rA:I 01.g.2.1 -~o lLr ~- ~ or.JJ.A:r or~ 2.l.s=.~ 7rA:l.JJ. ~ ~ rrH A~~Ll cr. 01 t.~ ~
w~ [[H~ 'N5=. -()2 -E3 N5=. - ()2 -f3'. 'N5=. -()2 -f3 N5=. - (0 )2 -f3 oHA.i'2.I ~EH 1101A.r-~LI Cr. .
This expression is used to indicate the speaker's intention to do at least two actions or behaviors. It is most
often used in the forms N -{0) 2 .f3 N -{)2 .f3 or N-{0) 2 .f3 N -{0) 2 .f3 5HAi.

-(.2.) 2 ~ -(.2.) 2 ~
~---~-~---~--~-'!mo: """~ '3 lt:t~~-::o.~~-,,~~~~-~~-- ~-- J
_ __,..---.,_........___..~.---...-......,.__~.-.;;'""_. __.__ -~....Ao..~~--.&1 r ,..,.. .,..,_._,.,... __ ~"'-'- ............... ~.._.111 r Tli~ 'F"'.,,~1'UI ~~- ~~

v l -() 2 -f3 -(.2.) 2 ~

:. '2.!"Lrcr. .fr~-orcr :
..~ ~~ cr. t5o rcr .'~
0 l.Q. 7:1 ,, t:I<;~ 7::1
l 21 2 c:i o - r 2 d
j , . , , . , , , , _ , ,..r-ooO O , , .. , , oo'

"' ' o o o ,
~ _ o
oo 000 -

... ...
N ' j Or~. ~~ .~
Q IL* I 7:1 .A-IA I
. CJ c:i c::i CJ

,___ __ ________ ______ - '

._...' .. -


~s:. ~ % ~ ~--s:. w~ S:.J-i~e>il 7}31.:II t>R.R.

I'm planning t o go to the library t o read some books and also study.

. 71 ~ ~~s:. w~ 11:~5:. w~ ~%Oil 31"1.R.

I went to Myeongdong both to relax and do some shopping .

.R~e>i]i=- 0 }~ ~ {i{]% ~ % 4- ~-E 61 ~~ 0 l 1?i0 r11"1.R.

These days, the number of restaurants w here you can eat both breakfast and lunch has increased .

12 4 Korean Grammar "''Use Intennediate

: .H:~:= V-()2 f3 (oH.Ai)'.2.l ~EHCE s= .Al~* <U-cc11 01rrH-C ::i <!~ ol-E O=lci 7~;;:11.s=. -5 ~ 7~;;:1
3~ ~~aH-"'i ~~ .A~g,t-Llc~. ::i.~:A I~ ~~ .A~<gg c~:= 2.l.!r.7 ~ 'X,!c~~ ~~
rrH =f~''- * 'X,!~Llc~.
""11s expression can also be used in the form V- ( o) 2 i3 (5H.A.l), but in this case it means that the speaker is
:1oosing only one of two or more intentions to do something. This expression allows the other person to infer
:."'at the speaker has other intentions even though they are not explicitly stated.

.B..%-1Js_ ~ ~ "5~J-i ~ 'g ~ ot.Jl '.V_~.B...

: 01 ggg Wo ~ ::: J.. ~WO I ~~ u~ 1.!I.'21~ W~Xl'21 ~-E J..~W~ ~~ u~ 1.!I. 2.IOll.!I. c~:= 0
1.!I.7~ ~:g ~

~~~.:? ~LICL
Here, the speaker has only stated one reason for exercising, but the hearer can infer that there are other \
reasons besides just losing weight. \

1 7~ ~u l -1 , Jl~ o}E_B}ol..~ i>RiL? [ 53 ]
~ ~Cf to make some spending money
L~ ti], ~ ~ ~ 7CJ~ il"~ ~ ~~~ ~Cf to accumulate experience

1:1 f'E:t~ !elCf to enjoy a cool breeze

o}E_B}Ol..~ <)}.Jl ~OlJl.

0~2l::l~OIE~ "5~C~ ~c~ / ~~ ~c~ / 0~2 1::1~0IE~ ei~c~

g~ 1:1H~c~ .~ ~~0~::: g..s=_ 1:1H~c~ I AE2.ilAS: ~c~ I @;i l:!H.5f.c~

6 'f:!Oll A~~ 7~C~ 1::1~E1"~ ~c~ / ~~ ~2.l o~c~ / x~~ 7~c~

2 7~ 0 l {} -1 <:xllJl?
L~ ~.AJ- ~ ~l2f_2__ ).r--<)}-E 7-l <:xl]Jl.
0 II! -JO IC~ ''
~~ / ~~os= ;\~ "5~::: ~OIC~
OI~~ ~c101c~ ' 71~ / ~~ 0 ? .Alol-E ~0 1 c~

J.:1 .A~El".g 770IC~ 0

1.A~ I 7 l:A~. ~"51-E A~E!"O I C~
- -- .....

. .. . . - . . . ... ....-.. ..
. -- - .... .

(1) 7~ *q3 -1, ~::}~Oil 7}al:il t>RR? (-11-7SS:. t>}q I {].-11- A~~ /tl%S:. J-}q)
L~ 111. .:r-~ '5.t ~ 7-J.;i- .t..~0J. ~'j.% ~i ~ 71-al:il oRR. ~0 1 7t[~R?

(3) 1~ 711I~ ~TI.}~ %~1.R? (~~71 1:1}.J?-q I 781' x t>}c})

L~ lll, ~~1 ~ 1:1}]9_ cl.fL.

L~ lll , :::<~1 ~3J-O l 7S :::<~] ~O 12-}Al - -- -- - -- -- - - - - - .!i!_jl

(5) 1~ x~<'.>}7] ~Oil ~ ~ w-01u}J.=l iL? ({l.Aj-s:. ~q I -&s:. --~rJ~l -t}q)
L~ lll, W- 0 1u}J.=l.fL .


.... - . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. ... . . . ... .. . -. . - . .... .- ..

. . . . . . , r . .... -

(1) ! ~~ 77HC~ ~7Z!" *I C~

+ W+

opo' ~-

o o o o o o +o o o o o oo o ooooo >oo o o o o '
O O O - O o 0 0 0 0

OOPOOOOO +o + ooo o o ooo +oo o OO 00

(2) i g-5- ~ C5rC~ i Q:j7r All!-~ ~7IC~

------'' ... . ... . - --- ... . .. ---------
' ... . ...... - -- ..... .
(3) : ~7 ~ ~L~cr ~~~ 5rcr
--------- ... ... .. . .. . .... ----... . . . .. . . .. .. . . ........ .. .. . .. . . .. . - .. . . .. ... . ...... .
' ''

(4) . <J~ 1.C~ ! t_l--N~ orCr

- - - . ''
...' ...... ... - -.- - ............ -- ..............
..... ........ - ~ ..... .... ...... . ........... ... . ... ............ ........ ... -... .. ... .... ................ ... . "

' '

(5) ! ~~w ~ t1H.5f-c~ .: ~~ ~-=ri~ "'r11-1cr





126 Korean Grammar ut ' Intermediate

[ 54 Ji
JI-<3-J %~ 01 tj.Jf- ~JI 1it:f.
t:f% BJQ:}~l -E JI-<3-J~l 71-J.1 ~u}7} i>R ~~
%~ % ~~ ~ <>lOfAl .
I really want to eat some food from back home. During the next
vacation, I'll have to visit home and stuff myself with mom 's
cooking .

........ --------........- ... .... . ............................. -. - --. ... ..... ......... -... -............... ----------------...............---- ..

7~ -3f\:i~l .llL%~~~ ~~Al ~"ii-% W0 1 ~7-l.R?

Last year, you ran a traffic light and paid a big fine, right?

L~ ~l. %i>R--E1-E .ill.%~~~~ 7-l ~01=Al.fL.

Yeah. From this year I've got to obey traffic signals.

.,5!_1::1-f ..Q.. 0 tot..!i!..

I!. t:12 ie I

~ L~E~~ ITH .Af-~LIC~. ~A~~~~ o~7~L~ ~~~~ ol-E ~~Oll.S:. A~o~IJ:j OlrrH::: !i!~ '-0~/~0F:Al'2~

~Ol 12.!"~ .A~filLI Cf. '-0~/~0F~' ~():j.Ai .A~o~7l.S:. filLlc~.

This expression is used when the speaker is making a promise to oneself, making a decision to do
something, or simply expressing such an intention. It is also used when thinking or speaking to oneself,
but in such cases the informal form -O~/OJOtXI is used. This expression is also used in the shortened form


-- ... --. -'"'"'~ ..,_.,_......,_,__.,.....................,.,..

~~- .=
............. ...,...,
.. ""'
,.,..,,_,.,..,~ . - ..... ..... ....................... .

..::z.;i.;:; .


. . . ..... - --.
v '----------

...... .

, ..... .. ......... - -
' '
... .
- - - -

1 7~C~ . 7r:AI ~O~O~:AIR

: ~ -:Al ~O~O~:AIR
~ :Al ~O~O~:A IR
..-------------- __ . _______._____ ......................----------..- .... ......_. ________ ,..................................__________ .. ...
. ____ ..,. .__ .._


7~ Ci All '~ 0
5! '2}-E- ca .l ~ q Al ~.~:c11 72 wATI lc;u SiCi . lJ

Yesterday, I saw the movie "The Way Home" again , and it was really good.

L~ 1d o}~ * ~-E-tjl .:Z.~711 :1<Tiu1c;uo-17 .:Z.Tf:] ti- !i!}ofAl .

I haven't seen it yet, but is it really that interesting? If so, I'll have to see it, too .
7r .:Z.~ll] .APf- .Alzfi>]-q7J{:- %~i>l-7] Ol C:l% 7-lOf.
It'll be difficult to get a promotion if you keep coming in late like that.
Lr 4l ~--~-C ~tj] ~J-toi1 .Alzfo}.A] ~l-o"J-01=.AlJl..
Starting tomorrow, I won 't be late to work under any circumstances.

7r J.i]o1Y-C>Jl ~ 7}01= ~?
Do we absolutely have to attend the seminar?
Lr .:z.~.B.., ~Cl .ill.?1601 ~lf~ t>}J-1ti7lt ~ 7"J-Ol=7.lJl..
Of course. Our professor is giving a presentation, so we have to go.

- - - - - - -------- 1

0I IE~- Arcel"O !Lr Cr~ Arcel"O I 011 '?:l~ ~ oHO~ ~Cr~ 3:!~ LtEt~ [[H Algj"LiCr. :llr7~
~~ ~EH

~ -~/~010~J: I' Alo r~ 011 '?:l~ oHO ~ "Bt~ C~I 5rJ:I t>J~~~ .itJ&r~ L'~OI <llLICt.
This expression is also used to indicate that the hearer or some other person should perform some action
or behavior. Moreover, when the past tense form -<.?l/~OjO~XI is used, the expression conveys a sense of
scolding or rebuking the other person for not doing something that should have already been done.

7r it-'- 017} .Al-? o}n:.}.B.. My teeth really hurt these days.

Lr .:z. ~, ~2.j .7.1JI}011 7}oJ:.Al..8._ Then you'd better go to the dentist promptly.
7r %01<i!- ~.g.i::"J1 ~ ~ 0 1 ~oJ.A1 ~% ~tjl-J DJ2.J s:. oJ.Al T:Jjl AJw ~E.t;J1..e..
I wasn't feeling well, and then I stayed up all night to get things done, so now I feel dizzy and am
really tired.

Lt %0 1 <i!- ~_Q_'I! .Ef-2.ji>}.Al 1?:fj]_ <?J~ojoJ:.Al ..8.. I

If you weren 't feeling well to begin with, you should have rested instead of pushing yourself too hard.
' - - - - - - - - - - -- ---v ----- ---- --

1 7t %tB ~ tB 0 t-~t:}Jl
.A~Zf~ ~e>-lil? ~ 01 c[ 55 J

Lr '%tB-E- ~ i}~.2.. B~\f0it>~% 7}0fAl'2fJ1 .A~z_,l-~e>-lil.

~~ o;:;; tiH'ctO=l~~ 7rcr
'atJH ~ ~cr

~2.ill:l l t:J .!i!:~ .Al~ ~OI Cr

2 7r --1cl 01 ~Re>il _2_J.l~ }p-7} <i}L}l~ W ~9lil?

Lr --1cl o l _2_J-l ~t:ll ~<{1 <51 ;<117} <il-111 ~ iiflOfAlR.
$2.'c!OI E_~l 2.AI'~ .!;=-7r <2._l-LH~ i>rCr !2'clo12.Al~ci1 'aCC!ol -Xil7r <2JLH~ 0rcr
LH~ 2~oi1 ~-~ ~.:L!. 7rcr %R~ 2~'2.Jcil 'aCC!ol ~:g~ ~ct

.2.-- .2.~0JI ~ *1 Cr .2.~ -"Iii~ ~~E:Cil 'aec!ol *!Cr

128 Korean Grammar ~ Use- Intermediate

. -- ----
.. -- --

-"H<>H7~ Al~.IOiAi A~~--01 c~~:i!~ ~OI ~~~~@Lie~. Oict! Cr~~AI [5!7l]<>UAi ~2.rAi
---- _____________ ______ ----..
., ., _..___
....................................._.. ____..........__.__ __.. ..............
............ ._ _,. ______ .................-



- ..... ............. .............. ........... . .. ..... .............. ...........................

..Q._(5112=_ :J:i1.
E 0 '- I - -- - -- -- - - - -- -

-, - - - - - - - - -- -
.............................. ................................................... ........... ........ .............................. - ... ......

~R ~ -"r<Yll zrl~"6}.JI 1il.

%0]~ ~ - - - - - - -- -- - - --

2 c~~ [5!7l]OUAi ~~g .H.~~ ~o~ '-0~/0iO~AIR'~ A~<>HAi [H:2:~ @~o~.AdlR.

------------------------.--.---. . . . --.. -.. . . .-.. . . . . . ----.---.--...-.-.-. . . . . . . . . . . .--.. .--.---------------.--. . . . . . . . . . . ----------------..-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .---.._.__. . . .--1
~-- .

(Jb ~7Jr/\I oH.!i!.Cr ~ Oi .!i!.Cr 2~ ~ .!i!.OI Cr ~o rCr

(1) 7~ ~ 0 1 ~ ~ -51 {J--Al ?J-~I:il .:L~1f ~ 711 %--Al ?J-%77}.R?
L~ icH.:s:. J-l~~-2..L-177} ~11rJ.I "5tt ~~J.1.2..

(2) 7~ J-}.AJ-\=1 l ~711 ~ 2 "6}-"l Y 77} ~ Sf:l~.:s:_ .2.-f- ~/Lll ~ 2 t>N=- -51 {J-0 } .R.
L~ %1J-}w 0l 1?j_fi-l . . .:LcH Of o}~-"}W~.5:. lI}c.}i>}-Al-9...

L~ -- J-}w 0 1i=71 ~ .2.-f- - - - - -- - -. tt- -"rw ~~%.JI :1-BZ>t1B

~ ~-9...
- .....
- ~
- --------- -- ----- - _ _ _ ,. ...... ,._............ "' ... 4;};;i2l:l'"'" r._.-,.. ..,

CD u}1J ~ U}Al~Lf ~tjl

@ u}1J -3! :Q-_g. Ell @ U}Al ~jl -5}-Etjl

' CD 78~ ~2 ~.: ~71 ~i>TIJ.i
78~% ~~~~ E 01 ~iti>TIJ.i

1 (3"-'4) c~~ % ~~ ~ ~Oii CH'Et~ filg ~g<5~AI u.g CH'Et~ .:il~AilR.


3 7r 1.A.~ ~:c! c~c-J LI -=i.~ -=i. 1.A.~O!I c~Ll.i!. ~ OiR?

Lr - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -

CD ::lAl ~ %~77} ~-Et=ll ~iJ ~ %~?-lJ-i i1c,F tj-y7l. ~lit

~A}~ %7l~1ti ~~l ~ H ~ %~?-lJ.i .::I1cf tj-y7l. ~lit
@ ::lA~ %71 ~.Jl ~-Et=ll ~if% %ci?-1J-i .::I1cf tj-y7l. 9:1Jlit
@ ::lA} ~ %71.Jl 1l_g. lfr~~l ~if% %~?-lJ-i .::I1cf q-y7l. ~lit '
4 7r oI ~g .A.l?.!O!I ~~~ ~:2:~~ ~OiR?
Lr ~1-0~x1'2!. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CD~%~ ~Ell~~~ ~ifytj- '


~% % cl.J17-} ~~ ~ ~ifytj '
@ ~% % 2.l~.Jl ~~ ~ ~ifytj- ''

@ ~% * -5}.Jl {lOiJ.i ~~ ~ ~ifytj-


i t:f% 1-lf-E-1 it7~ % BB%1 ~771- ~ 71~lit.

@ %1~~1 Oi-3"~% 7t{77} ~-Etjl ~Ol 7}-E Jil lIT1J-ilit?
@ 011ti e ~~l-E ~ 7 ~J!l- ~0 1 %7-1~% ~~ 7tf77} iJ-1-itj-.
6 CD ~t{l- Al~TI ~.g. ~77}7-l <)TI ~ 0 }7-lit.
~.AJ-~01 ~~y77} " ~ u}J.:17-1 wo}Of7-l .
%01 ~ ~~~ -!f-C-1-5}7-l W.Jl :J-1%1F7-lit.
'' @ LB~ A}.AJ-18% ~L} ~-Et=ll t:J-~-51 .Aj.AJ-% ~lF7-l it.
.. ........ _____ ... .. - -
~ - ~-- - ------ --

( 56] 1
7~ ~~11-"i 7t ~ 1Il-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~"BR
9-.Al ~e>-lii.?
Can you recommend any places in Korea worth visiting?

L~ 1l ~11-0 l e>-l u}lii.? 7-l-5" 71-~ 0 lt.}-"i t:l-% 0 l

o}~~ ~llii..
How about Mt. Seorak? Since it's autumn now, the fall foliage
should be really beautiful.


7~ ~11d -l7t 1Il--E- %~ 0 1 l~e>-lii.?

How's the food Wei Ming made?

L~ ~l 0 l0d -17t ii.~~ ~"BR -"i .2_ .!f- 131-~ <;)_7-l ~

~ol ~\:[!}-.g_ AJ~ ~ % 1li-~"1A.
Wei Ming is a good cook, so all of it was good, but his Vietnamese
rice wraps are really worth trying.

L:.. t::I e
02 tot~771.I .R.?.

OI R~.g Oi'ti .A.~'EJ-OIL~ .A.~OI .:Z.2.i~ ~ ~ ~ 7~}::17 ~ ~7i L~ Oi'ti ~~OI Olf"\.JL.~ 01.-5~
2 v 12 L...: L...:
IA r 0100
AA c::J 2

L~E~~ [[H .A.fgLIC~. .:Z.2H.A.i .~..~ L.~e .A.~'EJ-Oll7il ?~%t ~ .A.lgLIC~.

This expression is used to indicate that something is worth doing. Thus, it is mostly used to recommend
something to someone else.

-{.2.) 2 ~tc.t
----- - -="-..-~------_,..-------------------------


' . ..
- --- ----~- - ----- - - - -- -- - -- ~ --- -~---- -- --: ...................... ........ :
.... - -- -- -- - -- - -- -

:, l ; 7~C~ .
v !
: -(.2.) 2 '2!i>~C~
--'- - ........ ...
~ -- - -- - ~-- ...... ~
........... -- - -- .... - ................. ............ - -- ................... -- ...... -- .... -- - ...... ... -..... -- .... - .................. .. .. .

I l I i

t : 7~C~ : 7c!' '2!~ ~OIC~

! Dl2H I ~~ ;. -(.2.) 2 '2!~ ~OIC~ ~ ::
: . D-1...,CLI o-J.2. a~c5~ 7.:iOICL
{ :

1 2 L...:c::!. ~ r

q3* -li=- 1iJ% ~~ J-}iff0 1Yll} ~-E- ~ 0 1 ~..Q..~ --~R ~;_~l-9...

Yeongsu is trustworthy, so you can ask him to help you out with difficult tasks.

132 Korean Grammar t"rb Us/!/ Intermediate

: i ~..g_ JIJ.~%{ 1ll~ 7}7-17} ~_Q_y77} il}:Al ~~ ~] ~?&<>lR.
That job's not worth the effort, so you probably shouldn't do it.

~ 7 ~ Oll~l JI<S-J:Oll ~t>HJ-i ~7H%f 1ll~ -511 ~_Q_~ t>H ~J-ilR.

If there's anything about your hometown that is worth telling your friends, please do so.

, c1 oJ-o}fn}_fl_?

: .:H.~ ~ EE~ oi-g011 .gr~ 01 s . E- ~ ~ orLI A1'21 .:::z.iE:! cH. ttlfJ"~ ccH ~.g cri If! ~~ A~ 0r7 I011 or~
=.-~} 0
-l..S 2
ITHA 101:::1

-,is expression is also used to indicate that while the speaker is not completely satisfied with something,
: s still worth doing or paying attention to.

::zR~% ).jl~oJ1 7}~ o}~ ~ 1il"~ %JI 7}~::Zi1% 0 1 fl 0 1 ~13-L-Jti-.

If you go to the recycling center, there are a lot of serviceable used appliances.

0 1 :: ~ 10\1 ~oJ1 ~ *~1:~1 }~5:. <i:J% 1i}i>Jl;.i <?l aJ ~~.R.

I bought these clothes 10 years ago, but I didn't throw them out because they're still worth wearing. I

This food was made a few days ago, but it still seems edible. \

n ?~.. project
~t():J.Al7 IC.~ to make (someone) participate
{:i~ofe~ to be sincere
L~ ~~ -1-E .Ad {I-BR Ai ?~ %f 1i!-~ ).}1ifol011 .fl.

Ol't:! II;~EO!I ~*Ml~ ~~A.l7IC~ ~* ..u1e {:i~oHA.i -?~arcr ; ;,.~~o 1cr

01't:! ~~Oii EH~ 0 ? ~~~ 1rcr EH~@ ~j:l7r o~cr.5f-JA.i ~~ ~ 1rcr; ~01cr
erg ~WOii -cHgA.1~ 0 ? ~-g;j~ 7rCr -cHg;,. 1 ~~ ~Z:!o1 crlorA.i ~~ 0 rcr; ~01cr

2 7r AR. 1fl J8-~ ~ ~7} ARol <V_L}l?:!Ai .fl?

7H*ofe~ to release (a movie)
Lr tjl, 78~ ~ 1i!-t>l1Jl.. ~~ ~Ail .fl. B<ofe~ to be useful

>-H. 7H~~ ~r7 r xH01~cr .! / ~it:! .!

x~1~1 ro~'Ber -=ri~0rcr ; v't:! 1 r .!
~ ~o~E.go 1 R0rcr A.l-oH .! ; v't:! A.l-oH .!
......... ..

-- - - ... -

1 '- (.2.) 2 '2!<5~c~~ .A.~f>H.A.i c~~ cH:2~ ~~t>~AilR.

(1) 7~ Al ~::}7} "1 Irll.R? (~1t! .!2.t:})

L~ -? ~ b ~ Ol ~ ~ "1 Al ~jbti ~ OJ'5tt.2..

(2) 7~ e>-lq. Oi-8-~% 7}~ *g7l}.R? (7} .!2.t:})

L~ ~-?7} <2:1J-}~~ .J-lc.}J.1 - - -- - - - -

(5) 7~ ~~ ~\:1% ~t:H~-2-t:1l "11t:l %~% t:H1J-Ot~ ~ g7l}.R? (~q)

L~ ~.::i17lLf 7tJ:"t1l7} .

L~ tjl, A~~ -------

(7) 1~ 01 ~% -f-.:Y-~l ~l W7l ~ ~ g77}.R? (~t:f)

L~ 9~ -17} . ~1t! W~ .!2.-"11.fL.

(8) 1~ 0 } 0 1~ 0 1 .!2.~ ~..g_ ~::1- % {:-{]t>R -?-"il.R. (.!2.t:f)

L~ 01 ~~~ 0}01~0 1 .~% -0}--E- Ol Of7l2fJ.l 0}01~01 - - - - - - -

134 Korean Grammar ;,,, C/he Inter111ediate


- nj-3. .Ul 7~ .:i:!.gfOUAi ~-117 ~ gc~~Ai ~OI ~ [!"~ ~ ~ ~~i>H ~2.~.:i:!. ~LIC~. c~ [!2.7l]Of1Ai
~gtg 8 0f ~ ~o ~ '- () 2 E!"o~c~~ A~@oHA-1 cH:2:~~ @{:1o~AilR.
----------.. . . --......................-...."*..............-.........-....... _.... ~--------~--------- --------------- - __.__-~---------------------------------- ------~--1

G> .;:i~0rcr Arcr ~er .!l:!.cr ~Oi .!l:!.cr


~-......................... _________~-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------- ......-.,--------...)

1 __ ~-1, .JI<5JOilJ.i ~-=r1-7} -2-i:-Eil J.i%011J.i -=r-~w 1il~ 0 l e>-1cl7} ~%?JrJl.? *

LI- \:f--'L}~~u}~ 0 1 e>-lrrTIJl.? ~R~ ~~ {]% 0 1 ~e>-lJ.i (1)=f-'3"5,t DjOtt.S!..

7~ .=:LtllJl.? i~ ~li}~ -t}-<?J__g. -17} ~e>-lJl.?

'B-El-'.e e>-lrrTIJl.? ~JI ~_2.i:tl %01 Lf-J.i Aaw (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

7~ i ~ ~Jl.. i ~ ft~ .g. e>-1 cl Oil 7}J.i t-}It! %~ 77}Jl.?
Lr CjJ-}%0 1 e>-lrrTIJl.? ~R~ ~~ 71Clc}J.i (3)- - - - - - %Zl 0 1 ?J-0 }Jl.. ;

7r i~~Jl.. ~11 ~-=r1-7} ~_2.I{!J.i 0 11=71-t}i:- ~% ~o}t-}i:-Eil ~71011 ~_g. ?:J-~i:

e>-1 cl ~l Jl.?
I have a fever and (resulting) headache because I caught a cold.

Please take some medicine, and then get some good rest for a few
days .

........................ .... .................. ........ -

7~ Qf~ .AlZl-0 1 ~:A1l c}.ll 0}11,7-l.R?

When did you say the appointment was?

L~ Ll-% ~ -fi"Jl ~ 2.Al <J:llJl. %-Ji_~ Qf~O l Y 771-

~ 7-l ~~ i>}-AilJl.
Next Friday at 2 o'clock. It's an important appointment, so p lease
don't forget about it.

01 3~~ ~::: .A.t<MOJl7-ll Oiiti ~6~ ~~ o t71Lt T:!~~ uH .A.lgtLlct. -or/Oi .!i!AilR'~cr::: ~-B ~r7-ll.

'-(~)J-ilR'.5:!.ct ::: ~E Ef!.C~711 ~'2:! ~ or71Lt T:!~W UH.A.lfilLI CL

This expression is used to instruct or suggest a course of action to someone. It is stronger than -0~/0i .!:V-il
. and is used when a person wants to give advice or make a suggestion a bit more softly than what can be
expressed using the form -{O)AilR.

.. ..;c....... :.-;, .. ...... .. .. . . .... . ~ .,.. ..__..... .,~......-..:..
(<........... ~.. . .... -~ .... -- - - .........w.... - - -~ ~-;;;-.... - --- - ~ ........ -
7 tCt i
. -5:.~ c5rCt ~
l ; ~ Ct i'

0000000000000~ 0 00 0 000 -

0 000000 0 0 00 00000 00000 0 0 00 0000 00 0

00 000.00

0000 0 0 0+ 0000 00 00 0 0 0 ;
.. + 0 0 0 0 00 0

........ . . N -- -------NOO 00o N , ..... . .. ......... . ... . . ........ .


l . -J:I ~Er_~ c5rCt j
_______ __ .._.. _______.......
......... ~---


Z:1 7de>il ~ ~2-1-l77r 1ffeH~ ~.s:.~ "5"1--"ilA.

Please stop smoking because it's not good for your health.

-=z.r;3 L}] ~ lOJ-le>il ~ .Q.jt>}.~ ~J-lt:l-.

So let's have the meeting tomorrow at 1O o'clock .

Lll<?J--E-1 ~.Jl!.e>il -7.lz.ft>}-7.l ~.~ t>l--"11Jl.

Starting tomorrow, please don 't be late to school.

136 Korean Grammar m U..e Intermediate

01 ti21::: ~~~01Lr ~~~011121 .A.l~Llcr. -=:z.~71 rrHiEOJI 01~~ wru- [[H ~~~011 -or/Di.Ai'~
.A.rot:AI ?i~LICt.
This expression is only used in imperative and propositive sentences. Thus, it cannot be preceded by
-0~/0i.Ai to express a reason in the same sentence .

7] {) 0 l 1]"51JJ.i Qf% 1]~ 15}J.i].R. ( x)

- 71 ~o11]15}l-] 77} Qf% 1]~ a}J.i].R. (o)

2 01 Ri21CE ~~ [[H -~~ otl!.!~LICt'2.t.:L!. CH'B~ * <U:::cil OlrrH::: -=i~7il orl!.!cr::: 2-l:AI~ LrEr
When instructed to do something in this form, the hearer can answer using the similar form -.s:. ~ o~~~
Li e~, meaning that he or she will do the action being requested.

7r 71WJ.]~% ~ ~~ {1-E-W * <Jl_Q_l-]77} ~{]15] .=g-.J:f-15}~ 15}J.i].R.

You have to do well on your final exams to advance to the next grade, so please study hard. I
L~ tj], ~{115] _:g-lf-15}~ 15}3!J.~l-Jtj-.
Okay, I will study hard. I
_ _JI
--- - -- - - - -

7r ~Ol~ A}...t:.}7} ~Oil~% ttll~"l-9...

~~ tlJIOIC~ to cut one's hand

Lr U:l~ %~ Qf% E_)-lJI ~JI~ .AJ7-10il <c!.:il~ l:l ~5.C.~ to apply ointment

~17~ M2.IC~ to have heartburn

A}-? ti}...~ "5}-"il..fl. ~1=<21= medicine for an upset stomach

*J-.1 frequently; often

~01~ 7'r2Cr7r ~1-0ll .e~ till~cr ~ E.Al.:il '2:1.:il~ ~j:iOJI 7'r~ l:lr2 cr
Sfl7r 7~ ~2.l.:il o~ncr Sf.I~~ E.Al.:il ~A~ :AilJ-ll_l-OJI orCr
-B:-o 1 7 r~.lJ. ~...,I:~ 4--J-1 -5:-0JI ~er

7 r ~ell 611 % )j,-E"Gll ~0 l ~ lf- 7 }t.i ~ -9...

~2.ilOll ~2.IC.~ to be bitten by a bug
Lr ~JI~ E-1. EllY7ll- Bl-...JI itAl ~~ "5}-"~A. ?,C~ to scratch

f:IA~ olC~ to wear a cast

~2.ilOll ~5:-1~C11 ~OI L:jff. 7r~ Cr '2:1.:il~ C C EJILl7Jr l:lr2 JI ~cr

<s7 ~ '6rcr7r crj::jJ-i ~0 1 Ef-2.+~cr f:l~~ or.lJ. LrJ-i ~ '' %~~~~er

~~OJI O:IE.~ 0 I ~o I ~Cr ; 2~ j:I~ ~.:il LrJ-i IJ:l~ %~ r~ eircr

(1) 7~ ~% .2_.Q_jl -}l.g_tjl C>-l~Jll "8"}1?1 :t ~77}.fL? (u~~ .g_t>~Oil Al~"8"}tj-)

L~ ~-ii-~ 012.f.: Dttq _g.t>~otj f-i~"f5r!C.~ "f5rf-1j.Q..

(2) 7~ ~7-1 Cl Oil 7-~ l-il~Al ~4;-~y ti-. (2f:-7-}AJ-Oil 7-~ J-ilJf-tj-)
L~ ~~i=- ~ - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- -

(3) 7~ ~ ~9~ Z>R),1 AJ~ 0 1~-E>R . (~{Jt>}tj-)

L~ <i{_Q_.~ - - - -- - -- -


(5) 7~ o}Itj-s ~%-Oil A}i=- ,A}tg-%ol ~.!- AlTic-1~.fL. (olA~ o}tj-)

L~ tj--E l:lJ-~01 ~_Q_1?1 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ .

(1) 7~ We>ll ~o l ~ ~ Q},A1 ~ Al{}-e>ll ltj~Z>R.fL. (~~% 7-}tj-)

L~ !{~~~ f.rf.I o~~ arf-11-2..

(2) 7~ /\1171- ~w rrR 2f:-~Z>Rol= w~01 ~%Y77}? (A}-61~ -%.stj ~ t>}tj-)

L~ -2-.!f- AlzI-Oili:=- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -

(3) 7~ Jf-AJ-~. ~ ~C>-lAi ~4;-wy c}. (~1*)

L~ ~~lf-~i:=- ~~ - - - - -- - - -

(4) 7~ .fL% 7}-:g- ~ 0 1 ~21.fL. (~tj-)

L~ ::L1%i, 1l~Z}- PJj7-1Y- ~ %~ % _ _ _ ______ .

(5) 7~ 7-1 ~ 7--l --AJ-~ % 1i}y-21 7}i=-tjl ~ ~ A 1- 7}0F%}77}.fL? (l-1- 7}tj-)

L~ -2..Z>R1i!% 9 ~_Q_ y 77} 01-.!f-~S:. - - - -- - - - -

138 Korean Grammar ;,,/ Jnterinediate

This grammar point is so difficult to understand.

In that case, why not ask the teacher?

- ------- - ---- - - - ~

7~ J. ~ ~-E"Ell ~;<} ~ 0 1 We>ll ~ ~OiiL.

I bought some clothes, but I don't care for the design.

L~ .=z_ ~, q~ *_Q_. l:lt-1fL71 y- ~ ~ ~ 6}7-l .:Z.i!ll.fl?

In that case, why don 't you exchange them for something else or
get your money back?

01 .R~g Cr~ ArEJOil7il Oi~7il or~ 3;:!0 1~~CrJl T:!~~ [[H AlfilLICr. 01 R~~ -~~ 5rCr'.!:2.Cr -ii~
:_~ !p.C~Jl Q{~ R~~LICr.

nis expression is used to suggest that someone do something. It is a much weaker and softer expression
:nan -.S:.~ o~C~.

i 7rAI .:J.2.HR?
v I
I' - A I .::icHR?
g -5-orAI .:J.2.HR?
---~--- ------~---- - -- --... - -

7~ ~-1% 7}i=- ~ 0 12.l-J.1 01~~1 7}o~ W7-l ~ 2 2 ~01.fL.

It's my first time to go this way, so I don't really know which way to go.

L~ ~% ~ 2 2 '?:i ~J.1~ ~7.l .::Z.~A?

If you don't know the way, then why not take a taxi?

7~ *t:R~~7} 7-8J- j]_.AJ-01 ti-.fL.

My cell phone frequently gives me trouble.

L~ 7-8J- j]_.AJ-o l Y-1?:! *t.11?1 "5}7-1 ~-j]_ J.R ~~ l:llJf17.l .::Z.~A?

If it gives you a lot of problems, then why not just get a new one instead of getting it repaired?
7~ ~=? ~ 1tl-\-c-1 ~%'1 7}o~ o}~"Gl1 7-}7} "llf~J-1 Qf4f- J-1Z}77}:A1 * ~ ~ ~ t. 0

I've got to go to Myeongdong to meet a friend, but I don't think I can get there on time due to the traffic.

L~ ~ 0 l 2.l-J--1 -=z.tS ~ ~.g.tjl Qf'.'.t; ~ ~7lo}Al .:z.:cll?

\\he trathc's) probab\y due to the snow, so why not postpone your engagement?

-~~-------------------------------- ----- ------ -

1 Ol .t.~~ ~~~OJI OI~~ fil%!" rrH:::

'-Or/OiJ..i'~ J..1--or:AI l'.4".JJ. '-( 0 )Ll7JF~ J..1--itl.-.ICr.
When stating a reason in the preceding clause, - (2.)Ll7Jt is used, not -Ot/Oi.A-1.

tj%JJ.i %:I~ ~7.] .:it!lJJl? (x)

~ -ciJf-Y7Jl- ~J:r ~ ~7.l .:it!lJiL? (o)

2 ~r7~ r.~<2.1 -x1 .:i~OiR?'-C Girt! ~~ 0r-c ~01 c1 Lr~:::c11 2H .:i~Jll 0rx1 t>RtLL~ <2.fl!-1
<2.fEr7J~ ~ .H.~or7~Lr t:!B~ ~ [[H J..r~g[LICr.
The past tense form -.Al .:J.~Oi.R? is used to express one's disapproval or regret about the fact that
another person did not do something despite it having been the preferable course of action.

0 ]-~i:-J] ~.Q_~J.i 7-l1 4f ~% ~ 71ojJJ1? W-0 1 ]-E.~ % *)7.l .::Z.~<>iJl?

Did you keep working even though you were in pain? If you were in that much pain , why didn't you get
some rest?
: OI g~.g 'G{OI Ot.gCil 2Jl *!XI ~~Lt:= <2_1"Et7Jjg Dtg ~ LtEtLH.=il 'U~Ljc~. I
This sentence expresses the speaker's feeling of pity about why another person did not take a break
despite being in a lot of pain.

1 7t ~~ %~ W% -"R~~-"1 ~% t>RJ.1 1-l-- Iii~t>RiL.

~~ ~DIC.t
Lt :1~, ~7{1-ol c}. % ~ Al .:Li!ll..B..? to decorate a house
~f;JC.~ to be bland

O:J~ ~CCI 'E:t~ AH~'C!J..i ~~ oHJ..i L:J!?- rrlEotCt ~lz.!-O 12.~.S:.-- *IC~

~~-- .J?-D=!Ot o!ECil ~{:!~ )..~2.i ~ J..lltOI file~ <2_!Ei~O'! ~5:~ o~C~

~OI L:J!?- ~74gcil .~:501 filCt n~o12r.s:.-- ~er

2 7r ~w ~ ~.Q. c:l.TI. ~-2-tjl -2-~s:. 3:. ~l ~ ~ e>l.B...

Lr :12.lY77} {J<Jil,Al % <?J~ ~~i>}Al .:L~e>l..B..?

~OllJ..i -- ~~ ~~~c~
LH~ 7rA l.J17f0~ ~ ~:g~o1 ct ~2.ICt -- J..i-2.iJ..i ~~ J..rC~

OiAil -5-0I CCI ~~~ cil .2.l~Oll ~c1LI e:i CCI ~0~;;:1cr -5-0I CZ! ~C~.Jl ~r.Jl 7rAI ~Cr

140 Korean Grammar ul/ Zl.s<!/ Inter1nediate

. . - -
..... .._,.,. .. .. ... ...... ---
~- '" ...- ............. . ... .. . 4"""" ""'""

(1) 7~ 9t>~-- 7}Bc}-% J-j-.Jl 11.g.tjl ~cle>llAl J.}i=- ~l -%-O}.fL? (\:fr:H.g_J-l:Ac}-e>ll 7}q)
L~ -}~l TI}~ 7}~17} i1J"_Q_y77} L-t"Cttlt-f--l~JOll lf'fI .2~.2.?

L~ .::::Llf=i Bl7} ..2_~ ig-011~ ___ _ ________?

L~ .::::Llf=i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________?

(4) 7~ 011t! 1 ~~ % W-01 ~tjy E 0l .2.A}t!f.R. (--.2.~lfll ~~g E-2-]q)

L~ .:::1 if:1 ?

(1) 7~ ~:A~l Cj- <?J~ Jg q 78 2.l -&-HJ.1 Bl 5:1 ~.R. (~Al :AHir!-e>ll 71%-o}q)
L~ o r~~l r.r tt1 5:1 ~ .R? ~f.I J.ttttotl 11%c5rf.I .:i~Oi.2.?
(2) 7 ~ ::l~W u:fl Be}-<?]-~ ~71 7]- ~-"*o}J.1 .::::L5&i=-Al -&0] ~Jf- 01-11}.fL. (~~ g ~ ~q)
L~ .:::1 Cl~ %-:Qe>ll ?

(3) 7~ <?J5!-01 ~i=-tjlS:. W- 0 111~tjy 4r01 Cj- ~01-.R. (~if1t} 11 -c})

L~ O}ol .:11, ?

(4) 7~ <f3u}, r:H"& q t@ rrR ~--~ ~{lol Cj- ~ ~ol ~::17} ~.R. (~--~ ~{]0-1 t>}q )
L~ .::J_ u:fl ?

L~ ?


' CD ..2..%0}iL <?J~ %J-11*
@ 9J ~ ..2..J-1liL @) -& .2_ Oef O111 _fL

3 ~~~CC! 'E:t~ AH~A1 <!~ %!C1LI L:J~ n1~0HR. '
=iE!. g1zto1c.~.s:. .
- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- .
CD ~77} i>RiL ~::<l i~.R? '

@ ~21~ {}0llliL
@fd ~ ~~61.R '
4 7~ AH 7H*<21 ~2~7~ XHDl~C~'21A1R? '
L~ '

CD tjl, A
aw ~ 1il-i>RiL '
0 }YiL, 78W ~7-l .f:..R ''
' tjl, 7<R 0 l ~%::<1 %c.}.R @ 0}11..fL, Aaw :AR 0 1~% ~ ~~liL '


5 CD 71 ~ 0 1 {}i>RJ-1 ~-%1 11 7}~ ~}J-1]Jl.

~ 0 1 W-01 t.i-J-1 7c}~ ~ ~ ~::<l i~iL? '
-AJ7--] 7} B * ll <?:i_.::u.~ ::<}9- l:l}.S::<l i~HiL? ''
@ ~ 0 1 1?01 }~71 trll{E-11 ~Qf% *J-1.. ~l]
~~ ~}J-1liL. ''

6 CD 1-B <?J--Ei ~ ::<l z,1-~}-& ~}J-1liL.

l :A~l 1?01 }*61..fL? i~ ~::<1 i~lJl?
@ ~J-}%11 7}y77} .;7-~"91% 1i}~ *Ol 1?~1..fL.
@ 01 J ~ 10\:i {! 11 -U- * ~ ~n <?d ::<1 ?% 1il-i>RiL.

' ... _____ .....

' - __ .. ---------- -- -- ... ......... _-- .... .. .. ... ..


7~ TI:}.iiL011 _2_ tli zJ-~011 -?f~l iL!

Oi ~ 7}J-1 l@_ ~ ~ %771-iL?
It's certainly been a while since you came to school! Shall we go
somewhere to get a bite to eat?

L~ TI:f.iiI.011tj-1@ rrR ~Cl7} 7-}9- 7}lfl ~ t:J-011

71- ~77}_fL?
How about going to the restaurant we used to frequent when we
were in school?

......... - ~--- ........;... ................ .. ............ ... .....- -...............----...-.... ...............-....................-........-........................----.

7~ 01 OJOi ~.g. o}? -2-tli B ~ {[o}_fL.

This English book seems really old.

L~ ~O}_fL. All7} JI%TI:}J-~ rrR ~lf-o}lfl ~ 0 1 01liL.

You 're right. This is a book I used to study when I was a high school

01 E~ ~ :t!r7i0ll ~~~ 71{1- ~'2.t ir!~.!E! ~~O I Lr ~ TI~ .2.llfoH.A.i ~~ [H .A.l~LI Cr. orA:l'2l :I ~OI :i!r7i
Oll-E ir!~1~ 0 Lr ~XH77rA: l-E A: l~1A: I ?le 3:!~ ~~Li er. ~Af <itOll .A.l~LICr.
This expression is used w hen recollecting a behavior or habitual act that was repeated regularly over a
certain period of time. However, it must refer to something that happened repeatedly in the past but has not
.. c ontinued until t he present. It is used in front of nouns .

- .... ... - . - ' - -------~--~-- .....~-..........--~

' 7P2:!
v -C.i
. L..:
~~----~ ~--~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

<ii~oJl {[1i}_ J-}ift.g_ 7-l\t .:?WoJl 0 l J-}~~ .fL.

The person who used to live next door moved last weekend .

1 4 4 Korean Grammar in.t C/,/.s17 Intermediate

01 %Q.f.g_:Ail7} .31%~.:ii!.. rrtl7-}9-%-ifl 71 oJl.R.
This is a song that I used to listen to a lot in high school.

0 }tJ-17-lJJ11Ai t:l-YAl lfl cR~.:ii!..~] 7-1. r:.}y.31 ~~Yt:l-.

I attend the same university that my father used to attend.

---. ~AfOll '-ICj'O I ~~~EH~ 22~ '.g_l-li~ L~E~~
102 -~/<t:;!ICj'~ ~~o~AilR
[[H' 0

See Chapter 22 Expressing Completion, 02 -~/~'2:! for information about the - '2:! form attached to adjectives.

- - - - -- - ----- - - ..-----..---- - - - ---- - -- -~-------------

1 o1 .H.~g 2r7i0il~ xr? ~x 1~ x 15~ 0rx1 ?ct~ ~~ .H.~~ [H J..l"Br7 l.s:. grLlcr. ol[H-E '(2r7i0iD
~2.i 'ti', ':Ar?'. '71-E5"', '8-g' ~ 'tl&~ LrErLH~ .H.~J:!r g.1"7Jll J..l~LICr.
This expression is also used to indicate something that was often done in the past but is not anymore.
In such cases, it is used together with expressions of repetition such as ()::j2.1 it:!, X ~~. 7Pc5. and ~,g .

~2-1 7]- 7-1-? 7]-\:i 7']-nj]oj] q J-j 7} _!j!JJ. {to-l Jl.

I want to go to that cafe that we used to frequent.
: 0 1 3;!~ i!.~710i l -l= ~ 7'~IIil Oil X~~ ~Xl'2.l" X l-5 ~ X~~ 7~XI ?.{e c~ ~ 1017~ <llt:l LICL
Here, the expression refers to the cafe that the speakers used to go to often but do not visit anymore.

2 01.H.~~ 2r7i0il A.l~g ~x1121or~1?:Lrx1 ?4~ ~~ 1lfor~ f:.~~ [[H J..r-or71.s:. g[Llcr.
O l [[H~ ~~ 'Xl'd"''. 'Xl'd"?', 'OiAil'. 'Or7JF, 'Xi~Oil' ~ J:!r7i 0 1~ A.l~O I Lr [[H~ LrErLH-E ~J:!r gj-7J11
J..lgJLI er.
This expression is also used to indicate the recollection of something that was started in the past but has
not ended yet. In such cases, it is used together with a word indicating a specific time or day in the past,
such as Xl'dl. Xl 'd~. 01t.:il, 0 ~7Jt and Xi't:! Oil.

Did you throw away the coffee I was drinking earlier?

: 013;!~ o~~ 7'1 ul~ c~ D~A I XI ?.t~c~{::- 0
1D l <fuJLlc~.
Here, the expression refers to the fact that the speaker had not finished drinking the coffee.

3 "H ~01 orLl2.r x1511rx1 J..lEt %.:LI.1 10 1 ~ LrEr~ [[H.s:. J..1-gJLlcr.

This expression can also be used to indicate that something is not new but rather something that has
been used from a certain time in the past until the present.

0 ] ~.g. :::<1] ~7'}7} 9=1 \:i *9Jtj] ;<1] 0 }0 1 011 ~1 ~o-JJl.

These clothes are what my nephew used to wear, and (now) I've given t hem to my son.

oj 7-}%::Z.}-E o}J:Ji7-]7} E}J,j\:i 7i ~]Jl. This car is what my father used to drive.

This expression is not used for things that have only occ urred once and do not repeat.


- - - -..--.. - - ---- ---------- - - -- - ---- _ _ _ _ J

- --- ----- - - -- --- ---- -- -- --- - -- --------------:

5 Ol R~:= :i!t7i2.I Oi~ .Al~Ei =i. ~OI ~I~ '2!&~10i ~:;~ LtEtLH71 ~L!Ct.
This expression is also used to refer to a behavior or act that has often been repeated from a certain
point in the past.

Let's meet at the cafe where we've often met.

: Oi?A!:= .iJl7-j!j:!.E-j :X ls77 ~:XI lll~ : i 7' ~1Iil0ll A~~ 7 ~.Jl ~c~~ 2.IDl~LIC~.
Here, the expression means that the speakers have been going to the cafe often from some time in the


'-t!':i!t :i!t7i .AIJ.:11~ LtEtLH::: '-( 0 )L':= C~:l!t ~::: ~tOl7t ~~L!Ct.
l The differences between -12! and -{o)L, which expresses the past tense, are summarized as follows.
1- ..........,.......,..,..,..........,,.-.-.. - .- -
I . " -- ~~
. .._
- --~
- .. .
. . ...,._.....,........__.,..............
. __
.. . . -C.~
i: .
. ' . . . ' . 0

_;,_. ~ ,.,.,.,. _,:..,;,,.;.;;, ,.,!.~ .... :_c._,. ,."_. ._... ,;. -' . :.. ,;. ..-. -~ _ ._._ - -. _ ,,.__ , .,....,._., ,." .,,... .. .,.,...,._-.;.. ....,..... ,. .. ...,..., ~- +-' - - - - .r. :.._. .. -~-- .>-....-.. ...... .-,,._,. ." o .,.,. - - - - - - - . -. 4 ,I "'" .,-.,-, . ._:.,. .. >- .......- .... ~-..!-,..,. ~.._..,_':....: ...... ~.;,<

.. . )
. 'II 55_7;;-'I :
a o. ' c:i i
, I
Indicates a past fact in the present.
. i
... ..___......... . ...... ..... . - -..... - . ... .... ---------------.... - . -. -- ......... .... ......... . .... -... -.... -... -. . -. - .... - -. ............ .......... .... - ...... --------- ... . -- --- ..... . .. -. ... .
. . .... . ....,. '
' - ~ - -
. ~



i (1) :c.~7-lOll ~li.X.l:XI ?J:= ~25~ L~E~~ ITH ; (1) :Xis ~;x:H .g~os= ~~ rrH :c.~7-lOll ~li.
~ ~

{ Ai-g.<gj"LiC~. :

Expresses a past behavior that has Expresses a past behavior that has ended
; .'''
not yet come to an end. '
when viewed from the perspective of the

... '


<gj"LICL -+ ~~ c~ ~~c~~ ?,:!~ 2.IDl<gj"LIC~.
The speaker has not yet finished The speaker finished reading the book
reading the book . yesterday.
. . .. . . - ~ - . - . .. ..
.. . . . ..... . . .. . . . - .. . ... . .. - - - - - - - - - - - -

- -

- - -- - - - - -- ---- - - - - - - - - . . . .. . . . . . . . .... . . . .. . . . .... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . - . . . .. . . . . . . - - - - - -

(2) Jll-7-lOll it!-&~ 0 s= ~ ~~ .2.llfoHAi i (2) 8~E!" J:!.~7-j A~~ 010~71~ ~ .2.j.g2.j .1Dli::
Dt-5~LICL '
. i 2 l:::l I.
.'' t1A t:::f I.
. Expresses the recollection of Expresses only the simple past without any
. . ''
. .
' something done repeatedly in the meaning of recollection .
.'' lEJ-*oJ-E ~q~] 1[ rrJ1 q;j~
l -+ l!:-l*OI~ 0:!2.i it:! ~~~:XI~~* fil.JI 8~ol
%-61 l~l.R. ~g ~OI ~c~~ A~~~ W-0~.Jl ~Lie~.
l' While it is unknown whether the speaker

-+ E!"~Oll ~ITH l!:-l*OI~ 0:!2.i it:! ~~c~
.' ~ ?,:! ~ 2.1 oI<gj"LIc~. ate ddeokbokki many times, we know
. ''' The speaker ate ddeokbokki that the speaker has the experience of
. ' many times while living in Korea. eating it (at least) once.
.~~'-----,..-----------------.--.---------------------------------------------------------------------'---'--- ..,., . . . . .. ...................
--. .............. - ................................................
------- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -

146 Korean Grammar irl/ ~ Intermediate

! nl'l'rl_g_ D 1--.~ ~7JL.R_?
. ~2 a..; 2 -1 . I

Jl .A}%7-} J.TI. -ile>-1..fL?

~* netbook
Ll o}y..fL, 0 }tJ1.Al7} Et-"llfl ~~l..fL.

:;x;:~j:r AH .>-rcr orl:tlA:IJr Er.Aler / 7icr

sc~ AH .>-rcr ~LIJr ~er / ~01cr

ix! 5:1 ~ AH .>-rcr 2uur7r ~cr / 71cr

7r 0171 ~lfl ~.g. ~e>-1..fL? *

Lr .Al-9- -17} 1fl 7-1 ~"1..fL? All 7} tJlX!-et=ll..fL.

7 r o ln:l-7 t ~ j l "9:11-e Ell .

0:!71~cr1 ~g ~ ~cr .. ~Cr
0:!71 ~cr / ~ ~ ~cr ...' Q'.f Cr
0:! 71~cr1 ?R ~~er . DrA.I Cr

- -- ---- - .. -
,.,... , ,. . - ---
~- - ...--

(1) Jr 0 1A11 ~Clll:ll~ cr0~ ~ !2}-9..? (ATI 0 l~~l ~q)

Lr 1.:ll, 7-ttDl 0Jl11 _!:lt::-"j_ 2}0}7} 7-l\:l-9-~l -?-L} tJl5j_7-1~ii..
(2) Jr o}ol~Ell 7-J\:l-{[% -gfol J-} ~L} ~Jl. (~.:r- o}Ol7} 7}7-lJI .g-q)
Lr o1-Y ~lii.. 7-J\:l-7t:f% w.g. ~ <:xllii..
(3) 7r 0 1 3f1-% Aa~ ~7-lii.? C~11 rrR 7-}9- %1*)
Ll 1.:ll, lff%O l~lii..

(1) J~ 01 ~IIl o}J-4~ sRiL? (=z.{! All7} 01--"lct / ~IIl 0 lc})

Lr :r.'i 7-illr TtIL(L177r .AB.~~ El- 11~1-9.. .
(2) Jr 01 J-1Zf~l 1ff% .Ailii.? (0 } 0 17} ~q I lft0 lc})
Lr 1.:ll. ~~ \:f0}J-1 ~JI ~~ii..

8. ~JAJ% t.j-Ej-t.~ 1IJl 14 7

0 0
Wei Ming, are you cleaning up again?

L~ ig-~171- r:-l%1J-1 7-J-{E-~ ~Oi .!f-Y77} ~.Al7} W- 0 1

%0i _2_ tj erJIA.
When I opened the window because of the hot weather, {I witnessed
the fact that) a lot of dust came in (the room) .

.. ... ............... - ................... .................................... ........................ - .....................................................


Did you happen to see Kylie?

L~ t:ll, 0}77} Q}~ol :ilT:fj]_ i}~}~l L-}7}tji!}JIA.

Yes, I (personally) saw her leave in a hurry saying she had to meet

OI f~.g ~rE AfE!OI :ilr7~0il ~~ ~7~Lr ~7~L~ ~.g L 7 ZJ ~~ .2.l~rO:J Xl-5 Cr. AfE!Oil7~1 ~~~ITH
This expression is used to express the speaker's recollection that he or she directly saw, heard, or felt some
prior event or action .

AN i
! ~ Ci2.r!1 ?
,... ... i- .......................... .. ....... -- ... ....... . .--- ........... ........ ....... .................... .
2.lArO Ic~ i. 1ArCi2.r.:ilR

~~Oler : 2,1-~o 1ci2.r 11 g

~Rll.Ai Ci~% -6R ~Yll} ~Rlli=- 72'?:l- ~0 1 ?J-"Glctv 9 .

After traveling around Korea, (I directly saw that) Korea really has a lot of mountains.

~;(11 {J_ 7 ~"Q}j]_ ~Ol ~ 7 ~ 9:),i=-tjl ~ 9- JAl7} ~ 1g ~ 78~ ~-O}"Glc}J7 9..

Yesterday, I played basketball with some friends, and (I witnessed the fact that) Heesu can really play well

~.lll. ~ll J-H~ l-~{} ~Tilif-~ ~ill 13!-0 1~ ~U-"Glc}J79 .

(From direct experience, I know that) the coffee at the new coffee shop in front of the school is really gooc

1 48 Korean Grammar 1~ Cf_/.s~ Intennediate

l:~ i tt 'r_ft_?
0 1

1 01 ~::: ~~~ AtE'Ol .5!7~Lt ~::: ~OJI cHoH A~ot71 rrH~OJl .5!~ ~~7t 1<2.!~<c.! ~Sf.OJI~ Atg
otAI t>~~LICt.
Because this expression refers to something the speaker directly saw or heard, the subject of the
sentence cannot be the speaker. That is, the sentence cannot be in the first person.

4-C "6ll.2.J~ o:J99% 7}tj2.l-JI 9 . (x)

-- t+~ -o-H.2.J ~ o:J 99% 31-~R. (o)

2 01 f:~ ::: filorc AtE'OI AHlil fil7il .!El A~OJl'2! A~"Ot.Jl 0101 fil.Jl ~~ A~OJI~ A~"OtAI ~.g.
This expression is only used to state something the speaker learned for the first time, not something
already known .

A~j JI-0-}g- 7J-oj 1?J-tj2.l-JIJ1. (x)

_. A~j JI"B"J..g. 7J-oj 1?J-o}J1. ( o)
: OIDI <M.:i:!. ~~ J-~0 1 ~ '-C12.~ Jl R'~ A~W-=? filt'.;iLICL
The fact was previously known by the speaker, so -C12.r.:L!.R cannot be used.

3 AtE'-2.I f:t~OILt 71~. o~g ~EH~ LtEt~ ITH~ 1<c.!~ ~~.!:C. Ai'~* ~-LICt. 3<c.!~2.l ~Sf.OJl-E
' ~At + Ot/~otCt + -Ci2.tll R ' .R~oHO~ gi-Ljct.
The first person subject can be used when expressing a person's mood, emotions, or feelings. When the
third person is used, the form A+O~/Olorcr must be used.

l:l]7]- -2-tr! %;.~..g. .!f-%'5}tj2.l-JI 9. (x)

-> l:lj7} -2-1E (;z_~-C) .!f-%'5}Ci 2.l-JIJl. ( 0)
i o j oj:7j ~ %JI ~o-]L.] 7]- ~J-6}Ajt:ii!i"JIJ1 . (x)
- i ojoj:7j~ %JI o~a-lL.]7]- ~J--0-H~J-;.Jciel-JI 9. ( O)

4 01 f:~::: '-Ci~R}'Lt '-C:j2.f2.t ~ ~~ l7t filOI A~~* ~OIJ:j Q.f-l!" Ci f:t~orc 2.IDl7t ~-LICt.
otAl'2! ~<Ed'tOILt ~filOJI 2.!f. A~~ .:::f ~~ '-Ci~(R)'2.~~ '2.I '-Ci2.f ~ ~fil0Jl'2! A~~ .:::f
.......... t::I (.

While roughly equivalent in meaning to -Ci~(R) or -C12.r, this expression carries a slightly stronger
sense of emphasis. However, while -Ci~(R) can be used with both honorific speech and familiar speech
styles, -C12.~ can only be used with familiar speech.

\:}-;z_j- ~T ~ J,j-l1jc} ~L.j77j- 7ffi..g. ~J-~9J J.~7j t:j c}JIJ1.

= \:}-;z_]- ~ 7 ~ J,}l1lq- ~L.]77]- 7ffi..g. ~J-~ 9:! ;.~71 ci~Jl.
= \:}-;z_} ~y~ J,}l1jc.} ~L.j77j- 7fg._g. -j:;;.J-~ ~ ;.~7jtj2.l-.

---- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - ----- -- - - ___ __,

------ --- - -- -- - - --

5 :il~7i Oil .gj-li. <!Oil cH oH.A.i ::= '- '11/'Ji c12-t 11 R ~ A.I grLI ct.
To refer to things that completed in the past, - c:;J_/c;J.. Ci 2.~ J7 g is used.

-------- - ----- - -- - --- - - ----..-----

--------....----- ----- - --

ii~Oil .:3{"5"}L.j77} ~0 1 .Q.-c-jel-J7 B. . ii~e>il :?,}"5"}Y77} ~o l ~'Cl 21- JI .fl.

It was snowing when I arrived in Japan. It had snowed when I arrived in Japan.
. -- - .

: ~01 .2.C-j2.~ J7R'e ~OI 9J7 ~::: 2.~~ .2.llfoHAi ~o r::: ~Ol.:iJ., ~01 ~C-j 2.~.:iJ.R' ::: ~O I 0101 ~.JJ..

I .:::z. g),.1 .:::z.~ ~EH~ :2:1~'5HAi, ~ Oi't"! 3.;!0I ~li. ~~ .2.l~oHAi ~ o~ ~'fJLIC~.
The phrase ~OI .2.C-j2.~ J7 $1 refers to the recollection of seeing snow falling, while ~o I ~C-j2.~11 R
refers to the recollection of seeing that snow had already fallen, but had stopped at the time of
being observed by the speaker.
[_______=------------------------------------ ----=------------------------------------~~-=--------------------~-

1[ 65 ] 1
1 7~ 01:::z11 ~ l 01~01.R?
~~ 0
= :Alj:I

O }? A~ D l ~ tj cfJlJl..

Lr first-birthday party


OiAil g ~'2':! or~ :x;Ho1~cr

OiAil 7r g ~~l.!J6?:! ~~ 'fill~ "~o 1 ~er

OiJ:il n ~.::r or71 ~E~I

2 7r 0 }3. -1 ~01.R?

Lr ~l , 0 1-77}5:.Ai~e>ilAi ~Jf-<)}tjc}JIJl..

or.3. ..u1 Ai~l-'i ~t>rcr

~<5~1-0ll-'i ~7 ~i!r ~7t>rcr

150 Korean Grammar in 'llse Intermediate

- ..

0~712.~ Ml7~ OiXil ~<c!ol g~I ill.2.I 'c:t:A~ ~7~ ~-LIC~ . .:12.l.:ll .2.~ :A~~ Ml.2.~ g~I Ml.2.I
'cj":A~ ~:r10il [Hf>HA-f OI0~7lo~.:ll ~-LIC~. c~* .:IE:I~ !i!.:ll '-C-f2.~!JR'~ A~f>HA-f [H:~

Ato~ o}7}c} -1, lA~l .g_~l -1 \:}-A} ~ Y ~ ~q1?}

Ot7l2.t l=ll, \:tA} ~-11-7} 0}9- (1)D,!OJ.f11 ~~)i~Cf.11 9. (13!'.V,711 J.~3ir:})

Ato~ l ~ 11-c.f J-}~~ -3! ~orJl?

Ot712.t %l~Al -E ~~-Et:ll (2) _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ .

Ato~ 7li:- l

Ot7l2.t o}, 71-E ~B" (3)- - - -- - -- - -. (~q)

Ato~ /i: ~ l ~711 'fJ $j_ l-9..?

Ot712.t <3"}~~ \:J-l:lJ-011 ~l~ 7cjl:l}Al ~ (5)- - - -- - -- --
. ('fJ:i1 '.V_q)
Ato~ f J-}1&-01 .1'.f-<3i% <3"}:i1 '
Ot7 12.t ~7-lc.le>llJ-l (6)- -- -- - - - -- . (010f7l<3"}q)
Ate~ f J-}~ol ~ "

Ot712.t Lil, o}? ~ (7) . ("

Ate~ .=:l~~Jl. f J-}~01 ~~<3"}1?}
1[ 66 ) 1
{d 01-6f0}J-1 r1 1,AJ- %~% ~ Ell7} ~e>lJ-1
JJ_ ~ 0l e>iliL.
I'm worried because my house is so small that there's no more
room to put anything else.

But it looked real!y big when I went there last time.

7~ _2._-~_g. J-}~J1E=) 7lit-01% J{li~0}7-l11e>liL?

Is the (company) president feeling better today?

L~ o}y_9_, 0}77} ~y 77} _2_~~ ~~ _f_~jol

~ ~_2_J-l 1fl Ell-9...

No, when I saw him earlier today, he still didn't look good.

<.. c
tJ-1 o Otot.st17.Ln?. '
t:1~ a . 2 . 1.J:L .....
. .,
- -
. . . - - -

01 f:~~ 21.g~
LrErLH::: '-Ci- '2r tiH~OILr .g~~ :Ail.A.lor71Lr 'eJ'CH, ~~~ LrEr~ [[H '-( 0 )LCil.'
7r ~it.!! ~EH~Llcr. ccr2.r.A.i 2r71 ~011 ctt~ ~7~0ILr ~~. 01ct'! .g%J~ :Ail.A.I~ [[H ~~ .gcH'2t2.I ~2r 'eJ'cH1
:::: ~~ ~~ ([H .Ar g/'LI er.

This expression is the combined form of - Ci- , which indicates recollection, and -{2.)LC~ l2., which indicates
background information and a contradictory or surprising situat ion. Accordingly, it is used when expressing
something contrad ictory to what the other person has just said or when expressing the speaker's feel ings of
surprise toward a past event or particu lar situation .

-- - ..- -- - - ~ : ... . .. . .. . -. . , . . . ,, . .. ,. . ~... ~..v.~ . . ~. "'""""..i;. ,.,, ,.. . . ~ ...
'-"" - ~-- ~~
....-..'l:l'P-... ~'.:...,."'. ~ ~
.. ...
A/V !
9:j ~C'flR
- - - - - - - -- - - - -.... -
.. - - .. ~ ... . ........ . ,. . - -- - - . - - - - - - - - * - ~ -

'' 2.l.A.rt:! C'flR
No1cr :
.' .f~O l ~C'flR
- - --------------------
' -------.-------.-.-............--.. ~ . --.--.------ -------------------------------------------
......-.--...... -.-.-......--.---.- --------- - -.----.-- --.--..............-......-.~...............-....................

1 52 Korean Grammar tJI/ <ils.e- Intern1ediate

7~ 0 11tl Al~ 0 1 }9- ~~.Al.ft?
The exam (this time) was really easy, right?

L~ o}y.ft, .Alf=- 7-l\:1- ;_l~.!2.rf Gl Oilfl"'ti-Cil..fl...

No, I actually found it harder than the last exam.

7~ Oi:A~] u}.=z. -]-5}.Jl ~J,}-5}~.A].ft?

You ate with Mark yesterday, right?

L~ 1=11. u}.=z. -171- ~R %~% 0 }9- ~ ~ 'iit:ll..fl...

Yes, Mark can (surprisingly) really eat Korean food.

7~ 7-}0f -171- ~).~Ol.Al.ft?

Is Jaya a student?

L~ o}y.ft, _g.~-%1_ 0 11i!-Cil..fl... ~.ill. <ii-_g."5~on).l ~"5}Gl2f J7 g.

No, (apparently) she works at a bank. (I observed that) she works at the bank in front of school.

--- - -

1 01 .H.~ ~ g~ %l.l"Oll M71 o!-E-Cil O l[[H~ 2~7121 ~~~ Ail.A.lor71L~ 2~71.2.~ ~[H1-E ~~~
This expression is also used mid-sentence, but in such cases it is used to indicate a past situation or the
fact that the present situation is contrary to what the case was in the past.

Dj-.3. -1~ ~_g. J-j-~ 7cfoj- Ji!.Ol1t:lI:I] {[~ ~l-} .!i!_J-11.R.
Mark seemed like a good person, so you should meet him.

:1. *o1 7.l-oF-10117-11 o-J %2-1 1ti I:i1 .2R ~ ~o-] .R?
That outfit looked good on you, Jaya, so why didn't you buy it?

o-j~~1~ i&oJ ~1t:li:i1 .Q.~ .g_ ~5]Li1.R.
Yesterday, it was really cold, but It is warm today.

2 2~710ll Bli-E! ~OJI cH0H.A.i~ -~/<X;tt:Jcil' ~ .A.l-gLlcr.

When referring to things that ended in the past, -it/~ t:! CilR is used.

7~ .g.~] .] 7]- ~ 7.] t.HJL <;U7.].R?

Is Eunhye faring well?

L~ t:J1, ~oj- ~oj] ~).~ %3'j,1t:It:i].R.

Yes, I heard she recently changed jobs.
------------------ - - --------- ---------

-2.I~~ LtEtLH~ '- Ci2.tl1R'2r '-'C!C~IR'~ ct:;J:!.r ~g j:r017r ~~ LI C.t.

The differences between -C-j 2.~!19 and - e!Cil.s:i, both of which express recollection, are as follows.
____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__ _._ __________ .--~-------

------.---------.----:---------.-.,. . . . . . . . . . . ,.._--;_..,_.";"'_. __
.' "'
~-:----- . . ..-.. . . . . . .__":. .

. r.
. - c..J2.l
7J R
_ . ;....
- ___., ... - ~ ......;.--..:...... ..,. .... ,. ..; . .---..... ,,.:._. !~---
.. .... - --- . --. - ,.._ .. ,.-... ,...... ..... .- --.... ..... . .:... ,. ...........................;.; ........1' ... .,. .. -... :.. ... -....,; ..-~ .. .._ ........ "..............: .. .. : .. -- ~-~ - .. --..... -........ _,
. ' '
i!.r7i ~9.I 1:g l l
~ A~7~ : Af- 7 ~
Recollection of
' . I
Can be used
a past event
' ..; Can be used I'

. ,...__. .... .....,. ......... ~':"' ................................ '.!:..-.. -.........- ~ ~-

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : . - - - . - - - - - - - -- - - . - - . - - - - - -
. '
" " '
Af-7 ~ i
Cannot be used Can be used :

2 1....-' 7-lJ:!.L
.A. [ 7~ i oa~ ;<J~ ;;<H oJ<iif)j_ii:?
~ctt 1-E ~:z,i-o IL~ L~ o}l-JJl, .7.i~ J.H o]~Gj2-}JI R . (x) .[ L~ o}l-JJl, .7.i ~ J.HoJ~i:clt;J] Jl. (o)
1Z1~ ~~ [[H '

-+ ~cH~1 1 ~J:J.~ ~cH11 :: 1~ ~ Wit
Expression of an ''
"' ''
~ '2.J Ci l O I ~~ '-e! ':il~ ~~it '-(O) L Cil'
opinion or thought '
..' Cannot be used to express an '' OJI 012.i it ~~O I ~7 1 rrtt@~ Ll c~.
about a 'Pa$t .e vent '(
' opinion contrary to that expressed '
Can be used to express an opinion
that. is contrary
to '
. )'
by another person. contrary to that expressed by
that expressed by '
,'' another person. This is possible
another person. . ''
because of the combined meanings

______________ __..._.., __ .... '

._____.. '' .............
~.~ ________________ ,
of -e! and -(9.)LCil.

---- ---- - - - - -.. ... . ------------------------------------------- ----

.Cff .x.r2
*L.E. a
&!L ce ~
~1 =
. .!i!.111.1.R.?
... .
- .. . - ' -

. . - . ~
[ 67 )
1 7~ EB~s:.~ BHJf-7171- ~~Al.fl?

L~ o}y .fl, BH~ yy77} J.~Z{yq ~ 1t!CllA.

EHT:!.S:.~ l:lH~7 l7 ~ Oi~C~ l:lH~ !I!.Ll 77~ ~z.j"!I!.C~ .:gc~

-f:l~ l 7 ~ ~c~ Q:!Oi !I!.Ll77~ ~z.j"!I!.C~ 8 ~C~

i l:lH~7 ~ OJI1:11:1 c~ ~:X:il. !I!.Ll77~ t:!l~ 0 ? ~ ITH!I!.C~ Oll!!!!:AI \?lC~

3:; bl' Oll~4-A~ flu shot
Ot~ night view
~d Oll'bf'-2?-A.~ gJ'.Q.2.i ~%!OJI C~L=j.2.C~ ''
Oi:X:il 'a~~I ~2.~7 ~C~ .'
' 'aHOllA.i g A.i~ ot~O I 0 ~4- o~gc~

.2..5f-Oll ~SI .Mlo~-2 ~7 ~ ~IC~
~SI Ml7~ ~7 ~ ~~ ~ ~IC~

154 Korean Grammar in CZMb Intennediate

. - - .. . ;.;-: 7~
.. - - ... . .. . . .. - ... .

1 '-12."!c-flR'~ Al-oHAi c.~~ cH:2.~ ~{:1<5~AilR.

(1) 7t ?7-17} Qll o}~S:. {Jil <a -2-7-l? (~0 1Eii1Al ~JI '.V_tj-)
Lt o}77} {J il _2_tj- .!2_Y77} ~Ol=t;;!Oij/---j ~:L!_ OJ_"BJ.t;ij.Q.,

(2) 7t OJ7J -17} ~{J "Cl -H-lf--0}7-lJi..? (12.Al77}7-l '*lf-<5}tj-)

Lt l:fl, l~Wil .

Lt 7-1 ~ .2....~lJi... - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - .

- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -

- - - - -- -- - -- - -

7t 7-l1J 2rWil 0 }3- -1 {Jil 1*1-4-k7-lJi..? u}=t_ -1 {J..g. 7}77}%1..9..?

Lt o}yJi.., J.~z,l-.!2_tj- (1 ) ~"C"j_t;il.Q. . 7-1<5}~ l.Al.:Q--Aj ~~lJi...
7~ .=:I.cRJi..? 7-l<S-}~ilAl ~3J,Al {J% ~7li::- ~~lJi..?

i ~-ii:-Ji... {J..g. l rrflJi..? 77Rx<5l-~?

tjl, 0 }2r (3)_ _ _ _ _ _ __ .

Lt Lil, -AjW (4)_ __ _ _ _ __ .

7t D t3- -17} Ji.. Ci i=- ~-5R Ji..?

Lt tjl, 0 }2r (5)_ __ _ _ _ _ .

CD 0l~ .g. 7-il 01-0l7l- ~l ~ <>ll 9~ ~ <id ~Ci Ji.

CZ) ol-3i.g. 7-il 0}0l71- ~l ~ <>ll 9~ ~ <?J ~Ell Ji.

''' @ ol ~.g. 7-il 0}0l7} ~l ~ <>ll 9~ ~ <?J Gl 2f.::LLJi.
@ 01-3i.g. 7-i] 01-0l7l- ~l ~ <>l1 J= 0l<>l1 Ji.
9~ ~ <?J .g. 0 t


' ''
' 2 '

CD 4fAJ~ ~ .:S::. .A~ 71 r:1 ~Ji. '
I '
CT> 4fAJ~ ~.:s::. .A~~ * 6Ril


' '
'' .:i:!.Ofl ''
' 3 I c::1 ~Cl~
CL.2. ~I
<-> E: c::: L..: A
--, C> f OJ-.2.
Le; ' -
l::f 2
'""""-- I _._._. t

' ''
' '
+ '
t ''
' '
' ''
'' '
.. '
W-01 1-~~EllJi.

CD t'J-ol o}~tj~Ji. CZ) '
. ''
' @ wo l 0l-~ tj 2fjlJi_ @ W-ol o}~~r:12f.::LLJi. '

' ''
' .:i20fl
' 4 CLO ~ Cl~ ~I
I =
<...> E: c::: L..: A
c~~ cttc:.~o
A '- l::f 2
I .........

7~ A:i ~Q,1-~ 'ClOI ~Dig ~ ~gcil ~Al T:!A:I OtLI? ''
' '
L~ Oi ~ [[H LH 7 t -------~--------
. ''
;z}? -Sl_ ci ~ l~o 1-
CZ) '
Pi\ ;zt~
r c o
e e
o}<S-} ..Q..ol-ol.A}ol
a ---, l.Z> I @ ;zp -~%;zl.:s::. ~ %Q.fol~o}
l.g) I L.:. L.:.



5 CD Al1d-?<>l1 7} ~~ i?--%l<>ll ~77}.? ''

CZ) 0l-771- 7-il 7l- 0 l-11 ~ ~ Tii ~ Bi~ Ci Ji_?

@ tjl~.ill_ trll ;zp 71-~ ~~<>ll q.J-1 7} ~jl 1ie>i..

@ ~* 0 1-i::- ~R<>ll ~$1% rr}1 ;zp ~-i::- %~ 0 lc>llJi..

6 CD ;zli=- e>i7-i1 ~.::LL7l~ ~ ~r:12f J7 G.

CZ) i 0 11=71~
e>iuiY7JllJ--l 4fAJ<5}r:12f J7 G.
@ 7-i17} Ci 7-il 0}7l2f -1 {:] <>l1 7}Y77} ~ -1 .Jl<S-J<>l1 7}tj 2f )1 G .
@ {:] -2-7-1<>l1J-R~ ;_~zi ~~ 7}711~ ~~01 ~ 3tR~Gl2f.JiiL.

~ 06
7~ o}o 17} ~-f % ~Or.fl.
The child hugs a doll.

The child was held by the grandfather.

...... .. ...-........................................................... ..................................................... --..........................................

7~ o}-=i -17} .g.% ~ <>lA.

Mark opens the door.

The door opened. I The door is open.

01 .R~g 2?0i2.I ~-501 Cr~ .A.rEil- 0 1 ~-5 llHiE-011 Ol-9-0i:A:l7~Lr 2?0i7~ ~~ ~ ~OI O~Ll2.r Cre ~OI Lr
.A.rW [[HiE-011 ::i_ iC:! ~~o 1~~ rrH .A.r~LI er. o1R ~g ~ -5.A.~011 -o 110 l/2.l/71- ' ~ ~O:l.A.i '2J-E-LI er.
This expression is used when the subject's action or behavior occurs either because of an action performed
by someone else or because of some other indirect action performed by some person or thing. It is made by
attaching -o l/ol/2.l/.7 1
- to the verb stem. Note that only some verbs allow this affix.
- -
-5-A~ + -01/51/2.l/7 I- ---+ Ill~A~
. . . -... -. ... ---- -------- .. ------ .... . .. -=. - .... . . ---- . .. . .. .. .. . - .. .. - -- . -- . ,. .... --
~' ... ..
~c~ + - 01- MOier
21 + - 51- ~ii>I Cr
wcr + -2.I- W-2.l cr
~Cr + -71- ~71 Cr
_........,._.....,..,... __ _,._...., __ ______.. __ .. _____
----- __.,_........... --~- -----

158 Korean Grammar ;,, 'lt,& lntern1ediate

--= ..,ost common passive verbs are as follows.
01 2.I 71
. .. .. ... . .. - .
. . . .. ..........
~,.~ .. ..._
- . ... - ... -. . ........ __.,, ....
~er ~01 cr gcr ~ '2<51cr ~cr ~ 2.I Cr "[tCr a 71cr

:o put to be put to shut : to be shut to hang to be hung to cut (off) to be cut


.. ....................... - ..
. .... ......... . .. -- -- -- ------ ... . ... . ... .... ..... - .... ---- -- ------ ...................................... .

21 I ~~ <51 Cr ~Cr ~Cr ~71 Cr
-: change to be to read to be read to listen to be to hold to be held
changed heard
oo """ """" o o o.-.-.,.;o" '- "' '

Q{Cr Q{c51Cr ~Cr

:o see

to be to block to be to open to be to pursue to be

seen blocked opened pursued

... ... ... ... ............. - .............................. -- - ........ .. ... .. ... .. ..... .... ... ... - - ..
..... ---- --- ---

............. ... ..

~Cr ~<51 Cr wcr -W2.l c~ ~c~

~o use/write to be used/ to grab to be to sell to be to tear up to be torn
written grabbed sold
... ............. ... . ..............................................
. - -- - .......

...... > ......... .


Q:j C~ '. Q:j <51Cr ~Cr ~ 2.I Cr ~Cr l ~ 71 Cr

to lock : to be locked to eat ..: to be to push to be to wash to be

..: eaten pushed/ washed
-----------~------ -- - ------------
.....~...~-----'------------------ .... --............._________________.. ___
O'-- IE r 7E~o
cLO.J:!.L '-- E=IEH:=:>
C> ~
l "ot:::1
-, ,
n20JI Oil-
..x.._-, l-S:E:IOl
AA'-- OC>C>
c::li;:J;:f Ql~Oll
.:LL..: L...:-i
Oil- .9.:Al-0 1
AA'-- W-C> =t

-iiese single word passive expressions are used in the following forms. The original action form is shown on
:.1e right , and this is changed to the passive form on the left.

(1) -1.s:.
il C)

. ...... - - --- ... ---~ ... ..... .. ... ..

.. . . . .......................... ................ ..... .. ... . ... .. .. ........ --- ... ... .. . . ......... ... ............. . . . . ..... ....... . . . .. , .......... .......... .

The criminal was caught by the police. The police caught the criminal.
............................... - - - ...... .. ................................ - - - - , ....... .

The mouse is being chased by the cat. The cat is chasing the mouse.
-------........-......... .. .._ __________ _ _______ .............................. ...........................,.._ _____
~-- ------ ------.-

01 ~EH ~OI ~ exl~ -5.A.~~ ~71Cr, Q:JolCr, lfolCr, <C.!'7IC~. ~<51Cf ~OI exl~LIC~.
Some of the common verbs that take this form of the passive include ~71Ct ~<>let lfolct <2J"7IC~. and
---------------------_,.................,...._,,.,...........,,....,,..... . . . . . ,.... . -..,.._---
----- --------------
.. --.-----------.--. . . .-.. . . . . . ._..._ _.."""'..........'"ti...,...... .......
. -------. .---.. .
~--:t~-- -,;--- ---... -- - --- - ---,--- ---- -- --- - ---- . . . ----- ---------.. . .. .-
n1.s:. . . . - . . . . .
. ...
. . 0 .
... - - - .... . ........ ___.;:;;.._ ,...,..._......-.>..........__..-.. . .:...._.. ~..........- .....~ -- .-..... . .....:--.
.. . ....
---=- -. --- ___, - ...~ . - ------...-- . . . . . . ..~ ..._....... .. .:.,......._ .. .. . : :........ ..c'~..-....... . .. ~- .. .i. .......-.-;,
. . .w,..y.....i. ""'_................" ............................
. .
~ ... ..............;.=.:..... ~~ ~..

NOl/7~ V + - Ol/ol/2.l/71- (N~/~ V)

- - - ~ - - - - -- .. ----- --------- ------- ----- ------------- ---------------------

J-111.c-1-& %~ 0 1 ~~Jl. (J-1n c-1-& %~-% %<>lA.)

I can hear loud music. I'm listening to loud music .
. . . - . ... .. . . . .... - .. -- .. .... .. . - ...... .. . - .. ----- ... -. - ..... -- --......... ... ....... -.. --- .. .... -----.. ...... .... -.. .... . --.. ...... -... ..... - ... . - . ... . .. .. ....... .... . . .....
,. . . . ..... . ................. .

~~1 ~~Jti~7} B}fl<;;l<>lJl.

My phone number has changed. I changed my phone number.
---- - - - - ----------.- -..----....................................,._________________ _______________________._ __..............................................,...........------------------------- --------

01 ~EH ie~o1 ~ <;1-E ~-"~::: * ~2.ler. .!:2.01er. 1:1rf-1er. ~01er. -W2.ler. ~2.ler. ~7ler. ~2.ler. ~71
eLI, c.~=1eL'
c:: 0 I s.01
o o1.A..LleL
Ml:::l I.

Some of the commo n verbs that take t his form of the passive include ~2.I C~. .!i!.O I C~. tl ~i11CL Q.,1-o!Ct. W2.ICt,
~2.I Ct, a7 1Ct, ~ 2.ICt, g71Ct. and 2o1Ct.

----.r;-:- - ------ -------------

-.- ....-.. . . .. . . . ........... . . . . =---""'. . ..___F._..,__......,...__________._ __---
~ ~.,
- - - - - ---:-................................,....,................................... ,.. .,,...,.,..,_.---------- - -------- - - - - - - --~..--

~ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- - - - -

J-17-Jl 7} ~ oJl ~ ~ ~<>lA. (~ oJl J-17-11~ ~ <;;le>lA. )

The clock is hanging on the wall. (I) hung the clock on the wall.
--- -- --- - .... - - -- - -- -- - - ................. - --- -

7}tiJ0 1 ~~- ~ oJl ~~ ~<>lA. (~~J ~ oJl 7}tiJ% ~<il<>lA.)

The bag is (placed) on the desk. (I} placed the bag on the desk.
---------------------------------"-'"-'---........._... __.... ______________________________________________ _ _
_,_ _........................................................................... .._ .________________ _
_._ _._ _
01~EH uo1 ~ * <;1::: -"r-E 'MO ier. ~01er. ~01er. ~2.ler. olef ~01 <;}~Lier.
Some of the common verbs that take this form of the passive include AAOIC.t, ~O le~. ~'Diet. ~2.ICt. and

....u.. c:i
I ' - -,
j:HOI 01717Lf D}CL
L..: LS I l' 01 ~OI J..r~~Oll7il ~OI ~olCr
~.:ri-7r 2H -ti~ a~c.r '' ;;:10~ <2.!0l2.rJ..i -ti.r7r a~cr
~~Ol 2H ~er '
~~01 ~oi1JJ1 :gt:t~~ uuH~~cr

2 7r 7-l\:l-ttie>il Jf-217} 7t0 1 ~.g_ A}~ 0 1 e>-lr.le>il 5:1.e>-lk?

Lr A~l l:lJ- ~ Oil ~ Cl 9)_ "1 Jl..
7'18it:i0ll ..!?2.l7r ~O I ~g J..F~! .
' ~Oil ~2.I Cr

A!iH ~#Ei .' ~~ ~IOll ~Oler


7'18it:i0ll 'EJ::: ~
' ~:goi1 olcr

1 60 Korean Grammar irb VSR/ Intern1ediate

-- .. - ..
-.... ...-
. ... -~ - . -

7~ ~o l o}IL}.R?
L~ Lil, 0 1-~e>ll ~J~ Bl~ 'tl-e>llJ-1 ~ 0 1 ~J;61~i 01-TI-l-.R.

7~ ~ .=I.~Jll ~l-%- 0 1
(2) L~ ~ ~ e>ll Al %Qf ~ t.17} tl .!f- 3-711 - - - - - - -
-3---~ ~ 9 7} ~6i.R.

.......... ........... . ~ ....

7~ .:uLi! .1 7-J-~o l ~ ~ ~ {[o 1-.R.

(3) - -- - - --
Lt .=I.~ , All7} ~~ ~ ~%711.R.

-- ---- . ------------"'"---- ----- - -----------~----------- -

.... .._--------............... ---~-- ---..---------------

(1) 7~ ~ ~e>ll ~ ~6i7}2 exl6i.R?

Lt ~Ol 7-~7={ OJOi.2.. 7-l~ ~~7} ~OlAl ~D~ 7lti-cl2 'XJ"li?...
(2) 7~ 1il9 -1, ~ %~ :e:0 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Lt 2D}-%1Jl. q;_l %0l0~~6iJl.
(3) 7~ 7--171 1=l:le>ll '.V.~ A}~..g_ T~ A}~ 0 le>ll.R?
Lt 213-J=e>ll /-ll{l 1Jl.1cl ,A}~ 0 le>ll.fL.

(4) 7t ~-2- A1ns=. 0}1L!Ell ~ 0 l~Jll ~ 0 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

Lt Al~e>llJ-l -:g-;_1 ~ <5}2 '.V_~ ~ {[o}.fL.

_2_~ ~78% <tl- 7}7-12 .2.}-J-1 <tl- .

Lt _2_~ l:lB% ~~ 0l e>ll.R. 0llI}7} All -3-~% .!I!. Ci ~711 .R.

9. nJ '8 ~ t..}E}L~ trll 161

0000'<! Oil
.,. lit 8 G.
I I 4 5
7t Jf-t.l ~ ~-=fl-%-0}.:11. ~7-11 ~_A}~llr-9..?
e 1eci1011 12
When shall we eat with our classmates?
\:I 14 11 t& 11 IB 1P

.. ., .
Lt 7-1-E- 0 1- rrR Y- JfJ!~o 1--9... <lf.4f- 0 l AJ till :Al~ 9J-~
Anytime's fine with me. Please let me know when the details get
decided .

.. ....... -..........................................................................................................,..................................................................

Why are you having such a hard time writing?

Lt ~3til 0 1 ~ ~.g_ ~ ~Or-9... ~-17} ~ ~ -iA:lA.

I think there's a problem with my pen. It doesn't write well.

OI .:l~.!:C. 801 Ill~*~iS ?012.I ~~OI Ct-E At~.2.1 ~~ rrHgOJI Ol~01Al7~Lt ?017t ~~ ~ 3;!01 0tLl2t
ct:= <JOILt At~ rrHg011 .:J.E\ .g~OI ~~ ITH At<gJ'LICt. Til(5~ 12_!-c:::: '-Ol/ol/2-l/7l-'7 t ~Al <r~::: ~AtOll
~Q:j)..i )..t.g.<gj'Llct.

Similar to the previous passive form in which an affix was added to the verb stem, this expression is also
used when the subject's action or behavior occurs either because of an action performed by someone else
or because of some other indirect action performed by some person or thing. However, note that this form is
only used with those verbs to which an affix -Ol/ol/2.l/71- cannot be attached .

. ...
..' -0~/01~01R

' '
.' -.... .. ........ ... .- - - - - .... -- .... --- --- ..
. ............................................. .. ........... .. ......... .. ... .... ... ..... ....... .... ...' . ..... ..... .... .... ...... ... ' . ........
. .

v l C21AH j
i 7'~Ct !
..... -.......... ....... .,.___ ... . .. -.. .... .... -- --- --- --- ... - . -. -- .. --- . . ... ---...

--- ... ---. -- . ----- ... ----- ----- .. - - .. ---. -... - ... -- ... - .... -- . .... . ... . .... - .. - ... . - ... - ... .

~ l 7'~ Ct i 7~~ 7~ ~1R
: Dl2H ./ ~~ ! -0~/0i~ 7~~1R :
j .AA Ct ; JJ.i~ 7~~1R
-~ ................ . . .... .'
.._ ........:.;...._._ ....._____._______......____.__.___.__,___._.__
~ _____ _______________ ....
. ~_._ ..._ ' .__.............................................................................................................. '...................................
..................._............. ~ --- -~-- -------------- -------------------

1 62 Korean Grammar UI/ u~e_, . Intern1ediate

.:g:c:B~::}7} <?]- ~~A. .Jl;AJo l 1d- ?;! {{o}-9...
My cell phone won 't turn on . It seems broken.

711nl7} 1* ~0}~.Ai 7}l:lJ<Jil ~~0 1 ).~~~-9...

The coffee spilled out, and the bag became stained .

~~W<Jil 7<1171- ~if.El ~ <?]- TIJ!.. {J:~r:11 1-{l<Jil ~~l-)-y 77} 7Jl~ ~91"1.fl.
Last night, I went to sleep without turning off the computer, and in the morning, I awoke to find that it had
turned off.

-- -~ ------ - - - - ----- ------ ---- -- - - - - - - - - 1


1 ~ 6 ~0ll '-Or/OiAICr'7r ~o ~ crg:ilr ~.g ~ EH7r ~Li er.

When - o~/OiXIC~ is added to an action verb, it changes as follows.
- ------.- - - --.,..,,..,...--- -,----,.,--~......,.,..----------,

ll -1.s:.
. .... ...__.... --- ---
(N~/~ V)
----------- ...... ... - ---- -- .... , ... ..., -- ... . ... ......... .... . .... ........... , ... ---- - -- ........ ..

........ ... .. . .. -------- --- .. . ... ... . .................. ... - --~ - ......... .

_________ ---- - -------


2 01.t.~ ~ - 01;01/2.l/7l- '7r ~Al ?le ~ArOll 1'rgorAl'2! S180ll= -01;01/2.l/7l-'7r ~= ~ArOll
.s=. 1'r0~= ~~7 r ~LI er.
Note that while this expression is supposed to only be used with verbs to which an affix -Ol/ol/2.l/71-
does not attach, in recent years its use has grown to include such verbs.

~% ~SioJ.R. -- ~~}71- ~~oJ.R. I ~o-J1toJ .R.

The phone call ended.

~~oJI ~~l~ 1to-J.R. -- ~~oJl ~~17} ~~ ~oJ.R. I ~174 ~o-J.R.

Letters are written in the notebook.

3 ~gAr 1011-or/OiAl cr'~ AA~ -gEH1 ~2~ LrEr~ Ll cr. 013.!~ ~ 87~10111'-J tlHu 0 0 s= .::LI
or1'171 l::lr~Llcr.
The form -0~/0i .AIC~ can be added to adjectives to express a change in state. Please see in the beginning
level for more details about this form.

ojl-j- ~] 7} ; :a w~J lllij 1ioJJl.

Mina has really become pretty.

;;.a~~ ~R).-J l:lJ- 17Jfl~~R11.o-J.R. 0

I tidied up the room, and it became clean .

1 7~ %-c:R{l::}-7} ~~711 JlAJOl J:i"~ii_?

L~ ~;z} ~-E 0 l ~ ~cl ~A. C?.!j{:l liquid crystal

~-?:!~ '2_1- ;t~C~

~(}jCC2.~Ai Q!j~~ ~C~

2 7~ ];=-7} -8-2.l~d-% ~~.R?

L~ ~ ._~~.R. 0 }~0il .!i!_y7l} ll] Ai ~~"lA.

~2.I~~ 77HC~ O~OH .5:!.Ll77~ 77HC~

'c!l~~~ ~IC~ ~OJI ~ ~.~ .5:!.LI ~IC~

.:ii!.~OJI -(}j.2.Ll77~ 7~C~

.. .. ...
- . .
......-~- . _.... ----~---
_, __ ...--
._.,...., ..
.. -~-

1 '-0~/0iAIC~~ A~i>HAi c~* Cff:2:~ ~~o~AilR.

(1) 7~ 0 1*Oil ~~ 0 1 %Sj_61.R. (<?]- ;zlq_q)

L~ J-ill2}-~0il ~3'i~Efl OJ J.j9=("7jiO{Sl_.
(2) 7~ 2R -=z.~~l rj- lfAjOle>il..9..? (7Jfltj-)
L~ -8-2-l;z.J-ol rf~ l@.~61..9...

(3) 7~ \t-17} tjlf- {-? y7l} '4-2-l ~ 0 1 -2-~ ~~61.fL. (711:.l-2-11:.l-)

2 '-0~/0iAIC~~ A~i>HAi c~ Cff:2:~ ~~o~AilR.

(1) 7~ 2R 7-1-12 c}J-1 %61~.fL? (J-}14% ~- ~cl-)

L~ 91 -17} ~.:g:~q~ f...j+-,lOj 0! O~O{f.1Sl..
(2) 7~ 9~%7} n:ll 9~% ~ 0 1 7c{77}.fL? (~ 0 1 <iii61J-i 0J-1i 0 lc})

(3) 7~ .g.~ %Oil ~1 ~ ~-2.~ <?]- ~~ ~ 0 1 '.V_;zl.fL? (1tl% ~ <?]- 7-l7lc})

L~ 1:11, <5}7-l 1?} .

164 Korean Grammar in <il8e Intermediate

-7-ll let

Is it true that Jaya is in the hospital?

She got in a traffic accident a few days ago and was hospitalized.


7t ii.~1 \:t~ i>}JI J-. } 0 l 7} ~o }~ e>-1 ii.?

Have you gotten along better with your husband lately?

L~ Lil, Al. OlOf7l~ W-0 1~ ~~l Al.~

0 l"5Bt>t7ll ~ ~ "lA.

Yes, we came to understand each other better after we talked

about a lot of things.

: ~lg;j~ rr1c; ~ E~~ [[H Al-1~c11 ~it! ~01 ?~1 IA12r -t=t7~1 filo1 ~~~ [[HAl-~Llcr.
- - s expression is used to express the passive in cases in which the subject's will or intention is not
- olved.
---- - ------~------------ ib'J " . . . .,.~ .., l :rt ------ -
--- ~ . - ...-.- -~- ----
.... .. ~~~~-"'----- -- __..._

___,_ ___ --- ,__ ______ ......_.._~------~ ---- -- -....-. ~ ... -............... ~- -
7r7il 1~0fR

-7il 1~0fR

~ lil 1 ~0fR
........................................ .. ................... .. ......... ..................
' .... .... . .. . - - ----------------------- -- --- - .. .

7r7il HR
v -7il HR
~ 7il HR
.. ...... ... ..... ..... '' . - - - . -... .. ..... ... ............. . . ..... ...... .. .
.... . - -- .. .... .. ... ... ". ... ... . ...... ................ -- - --- ----...... .................. ... .......... ... ... -.... .. ~ - .... .
' 7~7il ~ 7-jOtlR
] Dl2.HI ~~ i'
~ 7il ~ 7-I OUR

~R.2..~ %~% 5*-"1 ~\1--"El -"1%e>il iflll :!9~0iil.

I came to Korea to study, and from last year I came to live in Seoul.

~.::rz-7} 01 7}7i1~ ~o}'5}y 7!} 7'iS:. 7'14 -2..lll ~A.

Because my friend likes this store, I have come to frequent it often, too.

t:f% ~7 lCi] ~ 7 ~ 0 l ~ .TIt>J= 0 ? ~o}7}.TI 7'i 1t} ~7'} ~Re>i1 'J7ll ~ ~ {:l-oril.
Next semester, all of my friends will go back home, and it looks like I alone will be left in Korea.
1 01 E~.g E1AH Ol~Ol~ ~OILr ~~~ ~Oil CHoHAi::: .:ilr7i ~EH<2.1 '-lll 1~0-IR'~ '[iOI At-filLI
Cr. '-lll 1~0-IR'-E- ~~Ai '-Jil !0!R' A~or71 itLICr.
This expression is often used in the form -7il .S:.1~0-! R to indicate a state or situation that has come to be
true in the present, or that has been decided. It can be shortened to -7il ~0-!R .

~;,.} J..j-,Ajol <i}- ~o}J..i ol1ti ig-oj] ~;,.~ .:::I1t}--!f-~J j~oJJl.

I Our company is financial trouble, so I quit working at the company this month.
2 OI EE1~ 7'r~Oil7il
<!Ol'cl ~~ ~~~017'1 t'llll .!:f.E~7il .H.E1or.Jl ~~ rrH A~f>r71 itLICr. OI
:;ll1 ~or'2'.! ~r7iLr ~~ rrtt ~~~ 0 s= R~~ rrtt.!i!.cr 1t1<21*~ ~ <ll~Llcr. *
I This expression is also used when the speaker wants to tell another person something that happened
to him or her in an indirect and gentle manner. Using such forms allows conversations with others to
progress more smoothly compared to when more direct expressions are used.

o]it! ":f7l<>ll-E A1]7]- AJ-":[15 ~ ~~] 1~%Yti-.

: 013:!~ ~Qfa ~ tgt~LIC.r.'.S!C.r !F-C~Jil t~~ 3:!~LIC.r.

This form is a gentler way of expressing ~"Qfi5 ~ tgt~LIC.~.

3 01 E~.g ~.2.r 0 1 ~.:ilf'~ LrEr~ [[H A~~LICr.

This expression is also used to express the result of a change.

~\t<>ll::: ~7 ~ <i}-o}"9j:::c1] \:f;z.J-~-T-Q.]-;z,}? S!_c]-5!.l-j 0}-&-]-~J J~e>i..R.

I used to dislike soccer, but after watching it a lot with my boyfriend, I came to like it.

~7 ~iLJ- x~l:lJ-<>Jl 7]-J..i ;z.J-? ~%-&-J-l-J77} x~~ ~-&-]-~] 1~61Jl.

After going to a noraebang to practice karaoke with my friends a lot, I (have come to be able to) sing well.

1 7r ~R<:>ll 2ll ~e>-1.R?

Lr .ill.~~A~..2- ~~-"-1 ~R<:>ll ~711 ~9:l<>lA .

.~I 2Jl .2.c.r .

.lil.&2,i'~O? ~O:j.A:j .~OJI .2.C.t

~* JJ.17 t Oi.!:::. .2.l-'k>ll ~l~otc.r C~ ~.!:f.Ei Ef!.Q:I .2.l.A.k>Jl.A.i ~EtCr

~Fr 0 1 ~7H~ ~Ct

2 7t Jf-AJ..2-. 0 lJ..~ ~ 7i <:xll.R?

Lr tjl, \:t~ ~;zJ- ~.g-011 7}Jll ~9J_<>l.fL. ~Ar7~ 8 !r.Jcr
to have poor sales
~ 0 ? 01"~ 7rcr '
'all! ~~rrH@Oll 7 rcr

7r7il 5:~ cecr
~.A.r7t ~ ~ 11.A.1 5:~ cecr
c~ ~Oil ~.A.l.2.I~ ~cr ~7~01 CX:'i'l-fr ~~OH ~Ct

166 Korean Grammar r;, </,/,ye Intermediate

.. - .... - ...... .... . .. ----- ....... .. .. ... T//,77./ /=
.....~-- I'
.... ,... ........ ....... -
- ... - - ---..... .. . - ...- ......
------- .. , .....- ..... -

(1) 7~ j,l g 1f1 ~ ~:J.} ~~1Jl?

L~ :J.l\:l-~<>11 7t 0 1 ~~ ~.;z-7} 0 1;.~ 7}J.i %J.r f-J:111 ~OJ01.2. .

(2) 7~ 1~7-n \:f:J.t ~=r-~ ~xt1Jl?

L~ t_R<>ll 1?}:J.i ..g. ~-=r-~ ~7B - -- - -- - -- -.

(3) 7t 2R i ~ b1 ~ ~~~1iL?
Lt o}ttl:J.17} -5}2f.J1 "6-}J.~J,l - - -- -- - -- -

(4) 7~ ~ -1~ JlCl~ :J.}9- -5~ ~ 7t[0 }Jl.

Lt t_R<>ll Q}J.i ~A} J.}y77} JlCl~ :J.}9- - - - - -- - --

(5) 7~ c1Dl -1~ 1~~1 ~O}Jl?

L~ :J.l\1- ~71<>11~._g.9<?j~ %1J.i - - - - - -- - - -

/""----------------------------------------------- -------------------------1

G> a7lcr A-ri5'"orcr ~er 'Jorcr -SJcr

L .-----------,.--------------------------------------------------- --------------..............................................----- - --------------------- --------)

~9 -1~ ~J.}7} ~lf- ~1J.i {J<>llJ-1 7}77}-,<:- * 0 ? (1)~11111 ~OJJ.1! AB ~J.}7} u}%<>1l

%:J.l ~'.V_-.:g.yq. -=rcBJ.1 ~~ ~-5}~ ~<>11 %-ul~ (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

u}~lil f J.}W._g. Al, (4)- - - - - -- - -- -. f J.}W._g. J-1 J.}2c{-5}~J.l

~ {J -5l (5)- - - - - - - - - -. ~~~Oil %Dl7} ~~ ~* -1~ :J.}717} -5}~

9. Ilj 'l) g LJ-EJ-L~ n:Jl 167

__ . , . _____ ___ __ ~...._s;~--~
------ --- - --- --~----~----=--~ --- --~~~


CD ~~ ~ ti~ <>l.R ~~71- ti~ <>l.R

@ ~~71- Cj- %<>1.R @ ~~ ~ * ~~<>l.R
: (2rv3) c~g % ~~~~Oil ~Oi~ ~~ 112AilR.

: 2

CD W-~<>l.R w-~o-1.fL
@ W--&17;1 <>l .fl @ 1i[.g. ~ ~o}Jl

3 7~ .A.i~. Ol.A.~ 7 ~~Cr~.A.iR?

L~ Lil. oro 1~ ~- [[Hg0i1 - - -- - - - - - - - .

CD 0l;,1- 7}5:_~ -5B.fL ol;,} 7}711 ~ )1 l.R

@ 01;,1- 7cl- ~ ~~<>l.R @ Ol},1- 7}3lit! ~Ol~l Jl

CD ~R~l -1-;,i t'i-01 ~-E- l:llw~l 6 6-5R7;:l<>l.R.
~-171- ~lf- {- ?-L-1771- uf~ ~ ~ 0 1 7li::f21Ai.R.
@ %~% 7}JL 1i7-lli} ~01 ~<>l},i 7-Pf1 DJ-~1~.fl.
' @ ~c.}a}~ {f%~t-1-8:- .AJ-~% .!t..JL ~wol %01-7;1<>1.R.

5 CLO Cl.?.:.
lc::i E =
7:f ~
C~.!::::. 7:f.2 5i: ~O IJIO
A ' - "A2 A - Al...&..&...

' CD %;_~ 0 1 i!-}7-~ l;tj-&l ~<>l.R.
l:l}lf=l-01~l;,i ~ 0 1 ~711 ~$1"


'' @ ~ 18~~ E 01~<>l~Ai q;,l %~<>1.R.

'.'' @ Ai-E- ~R~l .g. .q:.~] j,1%..2__ ~ ~~l;,i 101-7;1

CD 1:!l ~l ;,l7il7l- ~ 31 ~ l Jl.
~AJ~l ~Ol ~7.i ~<>lJl.
7}tiJ-0 l ~1 ~ <>l Jl.
@ ~-AJ- _<f-1 ~]
' @ ~-AJ- Aati~ *5RAi ~ 0 1 ~01 ~ 0~ .R.

.. I .

Why is Jinju crying?

L~ .2.Jlli}7} ~?~ %5'.71~.R .

Her big brother made her (Jinju) cry.

7~ 0}717} ~% ~%11-cl-.
The baby eats.

The mother makes the baby eat.

. . .
_-,. _ .
c 1:1-1
.... = <> fo t!ii!.
t:I ..Q.. 2
ri ?, ,
_, ........
!!!!!II .,.
----- - --- ~ ' .. -
.. .-

' .

01 I:~~ ~ 0 1 4-0i7t At~OILt :!,,A.I-- -8011 Oi't! ~~ ot711 ot7-JLt Oi't! {fEHOll 012s=~ o~~ ~~

2.IDlg)-LICt. ~!j:! -@-,A.t.2.t ~~At Oi{!Oll '-Ol/ol/2.l/71/~/~-~ ~~,A.i [!"~LICt.

This expression means that the subject makes person(s), animal(s), object(s), or other similar things do
something or come to a certain state. This form is made by adding -Ol/O'l/2.l/7 1/~/?- to the stems of some
verbs and adjectives.

+ -O l/ol/2:1/7 1/Sf-/~-
~ ~ ...c ......;:;;;....~..~...,_.;.. ..,... , .."'"' ~ .... ...,,. .vl>lt.._.. .._ .... _..._>!.:.. . --.xo- -.. -"'-- - __._.,_ "" ""'o.$-_._..,.;.. .... .)'~ ..-._. . -""'"' ~ ..,..,.,,. ...., ....,;.......,.,., ...,.,. ......-..-.:,o...... . 1.>"'11o ... _ .>$__ ~ - "' ..~ ......... ...... ......... . . .....i;.. ,.._,,,.._-,)Ok._._._..,_....- .... ,,..,.-.: , _...,._.._.,.A~ ........-~.....- ...

~Ct + -01- ~ OI Ct
<clCt + -51- eclo!Ct
~Ct + -al- ~2.I Ct
Ct + - 71- 71Ct
7JHCt + _o_
:::>C . , - Ct
~Ct + .,...-
-=- .!::.::iii1:

--- _
-------- ------------------ . ----.--.----.....-.-.--...._.....................................................................................................................................................................................-. ............._.. ....._..__.._.._,, ..........................,,............................................................_.._......__............................ . .._..... ...._ . . _ _

170 Korean Grammar ;,,,, <ilse- Intern1ediate

-4 -O J ~ ArArE CrgJ:lr ~~LJ Cr.
-...,e m ost common causative verbs are as follows.
~,,~- . .-.
.,,-,~-~--~--..---- -==----.- 1 0221:------:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,..
- --..--- ______ ,,,....,.. __ ------ ....
2.I I
... -----4-----
71 ---- ..
... ___ ___
__--- ----------- ....
------ ~......,._

-- ~--
--------- '
~Cr ~ Ol er ~~er ~~ <SI er <tcr : <t2.I er ~er : ~ ~er
' ' ''
' '
to eat to feed; read to make to [ to make to laugh [ to make

to 1 to wake to be ! to
make eat read know .: known laugh wake j (some late post-
up j one) up ; pone;

'' '
-- .' ..............
....................... .. .



... ,. 'I
'' .
-- - -

~Cr ~OI Cr \?)Cr i \?)<5JCr ~Cr ! ~2.I Cr ~er : ~71 Cr :Arcr : AH$ cr ~er : ~~er
' '
to die to kill to sit ! to seat (a to live i to let to to to .

to to be : to
person) live under- entrust sleep ~ cause low lower
take ; to sleep

- ............................. .
. . . ...... -- .............. ------------- -
________.. ,.
........................... ...................................... .....................

. '

!tcr : !I!oJcr ~er : ~<Si er ~er 1 ~2.J cr ~er 1 ~ 71 cr Ercr l EH~cr
to see to show to lie to put to cry : to make to take : to cause to ride . to give
down (some '
cry off to take a ride
-one) to off

' ........ ,. .. _,.. ---------- -
' f
. -
... -- --- -- ...
-- - . ...
- --- . - .
- - - -- -- -
......... . ... ..

~Cr ~OI Cr <fJCr <fJ<SICr -Cr ~2.I Cr ~Cr ; ~7 J Cr AiCr : AiJ Ef.Cr ..'
to be to to wear : to dress to ~ to make to wash !. to have to 1. to make
aeceived :' deceive (make listen heard ; a person stand; ~ stand
' wear) wash to i (up); to
'' stop make
1 stop
- .. . . . . .. .... ... .-.
. . ' . . .. . .-. .. .. .. .... ... . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. ... .. -- .. --- .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... . ... -' . . ... ..
'' '

~Cr : ~ 2.I Cr Mer ~ ~JSFcr
' '
to melt ito (cause become ! to make to ; to make to lose ~ to let a

to put !. to cover
! to) melt ripe; to ripe; to walk walk a meal; 1 person on; to j a thing
' '
npen; boil; to to go wear i with; to
to be cook starve hungry put on
cooked :

- ........................
- -- .............. ......
. '
-- -
- ............................................
- - .
........ ,. ...,. .........

' .

~er !' ~01 cr wcr i

Wt>Jcr ~er ! ~ 2.l cr :Yer i :Y7lcr

to boil ! to (cause to be ! to hit (the

to to let to wash '. to wash

l to) boil hit, : mark);

play play (one's) : (some-


to be : to guess hair one's)

correct ! correctly hair

... -------- -. .. ... .... . ...... ,. ...................

' - .. -- - .......... - .. .. .. ..... .. - .. --.
' ... ............ ....-..... . ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. .. .......... .. .
' '
~Cr ~OJ Cr L=1Cr

'2H<5JCr -Cr ; -2.I Cr 'ctcr : 'ct7J er
to stick to stick to be to w iden to to turn to : to leave
to; be (some- wide turn (some- remain; : (behind)
ajjzed to ; thing) to; thing) to be :
to affix left :'
(some- (behind) !
------ .. _____ ...__ __________________---------------- .____....______ ... _................. ...._ ...... ____ ____.............. --
!~ _gi~Oll ~E g;g ~EH_5;_ t:!~Jfl-1711 ~Lie~.
Causative expressions are formed in the following ways. The action, or intransitive, forms of verbs given in
the sentenc?s on the right are changed to the appropriate causative forms in the sentences on the left.
,_.- -----------~--

(1) 00

N20l/7~ N1 ~/~ V + -0 l/ol/2.l/7l/.5f/~-

~]o]ad -]7} 7-}o]: -]~ * 1f<>lA.
Weiming made Jaya laugh. Jaya is laughing .
... . ..... .. .. - ... ... .. ...... .. ....... -... ..... ..........
~ -~ ... - ....... --- -........... -- -- ........ .............. ,. ............ ---... .. ... .. . ... -... . - ... . .. . ... .........
~U}7} o}o] ~ g 77fl~<>lA.
The mother woke up the boys. The boys woke up.
.......... ....... ... -- --- ..... .......................................................... .

. *~ -] 7} ~rr]~ u}J-j ajjl ~% ~ol.Jl ~<>lA .

Suyeong is boiling water to drink coffee. The water is boiling.

-~ ....... . _. _._...............--..---.. - ........... -- --- -~-- ... --- . --------- ---- ...... . - -- . --- ... . . . . . . . . . . - .... -------.. . -- ----- .. ---

.--. ---. - .............. ..... ................ ........ --- ... ----- ................... --- ---... --.... ... . ... .-... -.. -- . --- -................... -. --.. .. ... ........-...... -....-......................-----...,. ....... - ...... - --.. .
~ ~ ~

~~ -]7} ~ =f ~ e>llrll ~~~ J.}~ ~ g ~o:l ~<>lA. (~=f ~ 0 1 J.}~% ~<>lA. )

Soyeong showed the wedding photos to her friends. Her friends saw the photos .
... -- ... - ......... --. -- -- ............. ..

~uj Y-] 7} ~J-~%ofl rl] ~% :o j ~~ iJYt:l-. ( i>l-J,U.E...0

1 zJ.l..Q..
-i e
oeil nl t'\ )
~ 1 ...11...

Yeongmi makes the students read lots of books. The students read a lot of books.

(o}o]%ol ~-o}l:tj7-].1
W0 }B-].A]7} 0 t 0 1%e>ll rll ~ 0 1}7] ~ ~ ~9-J-i]A.
Grandpa lets the children hear (=he tells) a story from a 0]0]:7] ~ ;z~7j'- ~ <>lA.)
long time ago.
The children often listen to

..... ...,........................_ ____ _ __________....__........ -----.................... ........._..__ ., ____ __

_____.. ................... ........ ___
...-.-.._._.._ .___ ----- --
Grandpa's stories.
....... ......... ....,.,_.._..._._ ..__________ -

--------...--...,.,..,.................... -~----


-- - --- ... - -- - --- --~ ... - ---.................................................................................................. ---- .................... ................... .

otol ~o] t:1J% Gj t=fl ~~Yt:l-.

The children dirtied the room. The room is dirty.
- - ---- . ........... --------- ............................................... ........................ .... ......... ......................................... .
~ -- -

o}llll}7} .17-}.1 ifo]~ ';;t~~Yt:l-. (.17-}.1 ir0 ]7} '#*tit:l-.)

Father lowered the height of the chair. The height of the chair is low.
........... ____- -.....-----------.-------..................._ _________...._................_....._
....._ ___ ........................____
, ~- -
...- ---------.. ....... ....________... _________
~ ____., .........--
,. __

... 2 Korean Grammar in < Intermediate
-----------..___ - -- - ----------------------------------- - --. --. --------1

1 ~Ar %011~ ul~:ilr J..1 ~EH7r ~~ ~o 1cu~c-11 iE~011J..1 .:;i~~ gj"Ller.

The passive and causative forms of some verbs are identical , so these verbs must be different iated by the
contexts in which they are used.

oj ~_g. W_g. ;_t~~i]7J1 ~ -~:*Y -cl-.

This book has been read by many people. - Passive

1iJ-~'S .g. ~4-il:7Jl ~ ~ ~~iJ-y q,

The teacher made Yeongsu read the book. - Causative

The ocean can be seen from our room. - Passive

I let a friend see a picture of my boyfriend . - Causative

ul~:ilr J..11~EH7r ~~ ~ %011ic~o1 Mo 1~ ~~ er%:ilr ~~Li er.

Some of the most commonly used verbs with identical passive and causative forms are given below.
........,...'""".":'?'........._._............._......,............,... ........................__......_,.,\..,....,.....................
.__........~~-""""""" """!.~- .......-~...- ........ - .................."""!......,,_.,...._.-~......-

. '
- . ..............:;_. . . ...... ........ .......... . ...... : .1 ... . ... ...::.:.. ...... . .. . . . . . . . ( .. . . :.. - - : . : . '"' - -~--
"' - " " - ....

-------- -- ... --- -- - ... -.... ...... . ... ........... ...... ........... -. ... ... ................................................. - ... ........ ......... '

.... -.... --... ... -- . --. -.. ------- ... . ----.. - -- -- ~- . . ... -. . -..... -.. ---. --. .. -- .... . -. -. .. -- ... .......
' ..... ...... ... . .. -- .. -.... -- .. -- ... -- .. -- .. . - .-.

-------- . .... ........... ............ ........ ..' ......... .... . .. .........

. ...... . .. .

' __________ _:,_ _________ - - - - - - -
-\J 9& 'II.16~ L~E~~ [[H'~ ~o ~J..ilR.

See Chapter 9 Passive Expressions.

2 J..l:ilr ul~1 ~EH7r ~g -23~0l7iLr ~~~Al cc.t~ -23~0112-r~ J..1 ~EH~ g~0r7il arjl ~ ~
[[H~ - or/01 ~er~ ~~Lier.
Regardless of whether the causative and passive forms of a verb are the same, it is possible to make it
unambiguously causative by adding -0 ~/0j -9-C~.

2.f2.f ~ G-] c1.<f-1 ~ .TI.0J=0 l~ ~ 3'i Ci ..R.

= cfcfi::- 'Cl cj _<f-j ~ .TI.O JOl ~ ~ 7-j ~ 01..R.
Lala gave the dirty cat a bath.

<?=) 0 ti=- 0 t 0 1ail:711 ~]~ .:Y-.!f-~ ~ 3'iii" Yq.

= <?=) 0 }-i::- ot0 Jci]:7J] ~1~ .:Y-.!f-~ ~~ ~iJ-Y-cl-.
The mother had the child wear some pretty shoes.
--- -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . !
. .

-.' . -
't ~ OI_-~11~.R.?
" . - ' . . .- - : .

1[ 75 ] 1
1 7~ ~~l ~~<)1l i1.f0 l ~0.-1 -~l:ll.fl.
J7 .A.. E <;J
L~ 7-1-C ~Jl~ 1j3 ~u}q ~~..<)!% ~01~.g..ft. Post-it note

~Oll :Y:AE9JOI 'C!OI ~01 ~c~ Ai::: gR~ t:;'l~D~C~ :r;IAE9J~ ~OIC~

-2?-~0ll.A.i ~o I ~.Jl ~c~ 7-jill~ D~A. l.Jl {iOi.A.i i~ ~O l .Jl ~[.~

O~Ol~OI '2:f0ll.A.i A~.Jl ~C~ ~o ~7 ~ 9.A.1'2'.:! o~o I~~ ;:x;H~c~

2 7~ ig--17} ;<jW ~i>=lJl.

L~ -=:L~Jl? -=:L 1%1 }0 l~1711 rr}~~ . g <iJ-&1l=3l'lA. to entrust

O~OIOll7il IT~~~ 5:~ ~olC~

~2.I 0 ~o IOllJil.!I. ~ olC~

ol'r::! ~~ ::r .A.PsOllJil ~7 IC~

-- .... - . ....
..... __ .... . ... ...."".....-.. ... ..............
-~ ,,.,

.......... ....

-- 1 <...,; ~ , ............,.,..,. ___ ,,.;o..v ;'' ...

. - ..........
.. ...............
..~ ............... .

(1) (2) (4)

(5) (6) (7)

. ..

(1) 7}~2.l -l-E o}~o}q ,A}i:- o}ol ~_g 77tt!f.4.2-.

(2) .::J.. tlJI ~~ Ell ~JI 7}J--~ .0 1-0 1 ~ g_ - - - - -
(3) 0 } 0 l%0il ~l ~% .
(4) *7.l-%1~ g_ ___ __JI .2_,A}. _ _ ____ .
(5) -=:LtlJI 0 } 0 1~ g_ *7.l-%1 Bl ~Oil .
(6) o}ol%ol *7.l-%l0il-"1 ~o}_2_~ t:1 ~ 4'=1~ o}ol%.1 A9 e0 ~~~~~~-

(7) .::J..tlJI 0 }0 l%0il~l ~% ____ _ .

(8) lf:J-ol ~~ ,A}AJ-7} ~ Jf-..o4 o}ol ~ g_ -:::-:-----~-

1 7 4 Korean Grammar ,:,// U '_(!, Intern1e<liate

I'm sorry for being late.

How could you make me wait for a whole hour?

---..... --..... --..-..- .-... .... ................................................, ,,..--., , .......-..-.. ------....--.---... --.............-................

I bought this flower to give to you , Jaya.

L~ 78 ~0 l.R? 0
J7 J -l-2- Al~ 11-- t>E ~o}~l till A .
Really? Yang Gang, you've really made my day.

.,5!.tli...Q.. 0 tot..!i!.77LJl.? .
1!.t:l22 21.

1 OI .R~g Ol'C! .A.r'EJ-Oil7il Ol't! i!j~ 5r5:.~ .A.IZJCre 1DI --.Ar crgOil '-7il orcr~ ~():j .A.r<gtLICr.
Af.::;..A.r~ [[H::: 'N10 l/7r N2~/~ V-7il orCr' .A.r-or.:il Er--.A.r~ rrH:: 'N10l/7r N20il7il V-7il 5rCf'
This expression is used to indicate that the subject makes someone else do some behavior. It is formed
by adding - .Iii o~c~ to the verb stem. With intransitive verbs N10l/7~ N2~/~ V-.til o~~ is used, while with
transitive verbs N10l/7~ N20ll.7il V-.til o~~ is used.
r,~~~~~,...,.,,,_-,-~---- .
"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~- .. ..
- 7il otct
.. . , r , ......,,,.................._ ........~......,...., =""
" ..,,......,.......,.->.-."'"'

... .. .. .. ""....,..~ .~-..,.._-,...,...,,,,. cc .....,., . . .. . .. ... . ~,-,,..,., ~~~..............-

Tlf~Cr TIN7il 5tct
A/V i'

-?-I Cr -?-l7il 5tct

11J-~167J]]J.1i:- ~;,~ ~ g 10~ %<?1- ~ lll -6H}.<>lA.

The teacher made the students rest for 1O minutes.

0 ]-Bl:A]i:- 9-~ 0i]?l] ~16% <fl~]J.1 Tii 0 }2:c.g. 7-]ll] -6H}.<>lA.

Juhee's father made her play the piano in front of the guests.

.llI.*\:}.g. ~;,~%0il?ll ~_g_ ~77r:A] ~:A~].g. LB ~ -5HJ,<>lA.

The professor had the students turn in their homework by Friday.

10. A}'g ~ t..}E}~ u:ff 175

2 OI t~::: ~gJ..r cr:;Oil '- 7il orCr'7r 2-12'.! ::1 J..r~ ~ Oi~ ~EH7r 17il ~er := 2.IDl7r ~Lier. OlrrH :::
'N10 l/7r N2~/~ A-7il orCr' J..rg~LI Cr.
When -7il o~C~ is used after adjectives, it indicates that the subject causes another person to be in the
state described by the adjective . In this case, the form N10 l/7~ N2~/~ A-lll is used.

u }3. -1-E ~ ~ ~ t:i lf- W-0 l oRJ-i ~ -11-l~~l i>TIA.

Mark annoyed me (= made me feel annoyed) with all of his questions.

_R~ Al~ ~%-l>}~l i>}~ ~%0 1 fil' 0 l -"~Xl<JiJl.

A lot of things have happened recently to make me feel depressed.

3 01 r.~::: Dirt! J..r~o 1 01~ ~::5~ 01-E ~~ 01~0 r71 Lr 01 ~o rAI t>J:= cr:= 2-101.s:. <llLlcr. 01rrH '- 7il
orCF 0 1'orcF::: ' o1~orCr'2.I 2.IDl7r ~LICL
This expression can also refer to a person either giving or not giving another person permission to do
something. In this case, the i'.>fe.~ part of -7il ofe.~ actually carries the meaning of o~~~c~ (permit).

Oi ~Y -E 0 1-0 17} t>J-~e>il ~ J-1~ %~.g_ 1IC1Jl:ll{!% ~~l <5~..fl.

The mother lets her child wat ch TV for one hour a day.

.!f-.2..\3.g- ;.1]7} ~-~~] * L}-7}711 t>H;lOi..fl. My parents won't let me leave the house late at night.

1 Oi~ J..r~OI Oi rt! ~ ::~ orAI <(J7il ~er := 2.IDI J..rg~ ccH::: ~ -7il orCF J..rggJLI Cr.
When used to indicate the prohibition of some action by somebody, the form~ -lil o~c~ is used .

. ~l* .]-C o}o] ~o] o}o]--"31:J% <?.}- 1j;i.J1 ~tic}-. (x)

--+ Oil*.]~ o}o]~o] o}o] A:=t 1:J% * 1]Jj] ~tic}-. ( o)
Hyesu doesn't let the children eat ice cream.

<ii Y -C {l~~ tt11-C ;z}-7] t:1Joj] <?.}- ~<>l.2..7-l] i>~-8... (x)

-> <ii Y-C {l~~ ttj1-C ;z}7j t:!Jojj * ~0~ .2..7-l] i>~-8... (0 )
When my big sister is on the phone, she won't let anyone in her room.

2 -.s:.~ orCFLr '-7il '2.!'~ Cr'.S:. '-7il orCr'2.r r11;:~ 2.IDI J..rg~LICr.
Two variants of this expression, -.s:.~ o~C~ and -lil '2.!'~ CL can also be used to express the same
meaning as -7il i'.> ~C~.

.ill.*18 .g. ~).~~11 111 ~% i i <>1 .2..lll -0-]1t<>1 -8...

= .ill.*1;:1.g. ~).~~oJ]JjJ :3!:J ~ ~i <>l .2...~ -0-}1t<>l.8...
The professor had the students read the book (before coming to class).

78ll} .]~ 0}0]7} ~;z} l:J.foj] * l-}-7}Jjj ~"1-8...

= 781l! .J-C 0}0]7} ~;z} l:J.fojj * ti-7}~ ~"1-8...
Gyeongmin prevented her child from going outside alone.

~ ~] -J-C % *
111-0-}-c l-} 1:}-0] 0 11-8...
= ~ '5JJ -1-C % *Jll 1ll<1:=.-C l-}1:}-o] oJ1.. Eunhye makes me laugh.

176 Korean Grammar 1n C/t~e Intermediate

--- ---- 1

::i ~-%)_..g. o}7'lc} -171- AH ~~~] ~ J.}/ll ~<>1.R.

= ::L ~ -%)_..g. 0}7]2} -]7} AH*~{l~ J.}/ll ~~<>1 .R.
That employee got Akira to buy a new mobile phone.

~.A.~L~ ~-.A.k>JI '-Ol/o l/2.l/71/~/~-~ *Ol7~L~ '-7il o~c~ *O:l .A.~25~ 12.!'C:-C 3!.g ~:Aler.!' c~gJl~
~~ ~~0 17~ <tl~LIC~.
While the causative can be formed by either adding -Ol/ol/2.l/71/~/~- or -7ll o~~ to verbs and adjectives,
these forms are different in the following ways.
___ ........__,.._ -"'"'- ---~---_.,... ____ . ___, ____,._...., __., _____ .. ____..,..........------------.---,......------------

_____ ______________
...__ __...._ ____
-ol/ol/2.l/71/~/~- ~ -7il 0~c:.~
. --- .......,. ... . .... . . . ..... ... ---- ---- .. .... ........... ~-- ................., _ ............... ........................... .............. ---- -- ........ .... --- ......... .......... ....
: (1) '-7ll c;~cf~ 2. 80i0il ;..~~
* CU ~Llc~.

oI/ol/2.l/71/,Sf.-, and -~- can only be used with '

-7il o~C~ can be used with all verbs and
some verbs and adjectives. ''
adjectives .
-&{l o}r:.} - -&{li>}o le} ( x) .
-&~<5tr:.} - -&~<'>}Jll <5}q ( 0)
-&~i>}Jll '6"}r:.} ( 0) ..
' <?d r:.} - <?d Jll i>}q- ( 0)

' <?di>]r:.} ( 0)
(2) ~A:~Oj :><:: f'\.J7L
o - ,-v
~o g ;.;:IOl7JLL 5H.AJ A:IA:1A:-IO I EC.A~o
I I '- 2 -, -1 I I --, t:::t-, o -, 2 ~ L....: (2) ~ 0 1.2?-0i7~ ~~ oH.Ai .=1_ A~OI ~6~ o ~~ o~
~C~ ~ 3;!~ L~E~~LIC~. E 3:!0ii! .2?-0i 7 ~ ~~ tt~lo ~~ 3:!g o~'BLlc~.
This indicates that the subject of the sentence The subject of the sentence verbally makes
performs some direct action, such as, the use someone else do something; the subject has
of the hands. no direct physical connection to the action.

7Jff~5~7i l


a a}~
'-- o]-o]..5.
_. ~0~7~ ~~%~ ~.Ai O~OI~ ~71 ~ ~~ ~<2.1 ''
_. ~DH= %~0l:AI <[.J.:L!. O ~OIOil7l l ~~ o ~~ 0~017~

5~ ~ ~LIC~.
. ~E ~ 6 ~ o ~7ll ~LI CL ~~~Ot;:! ~~o~:AI ~
The mother uses her hands to directly ''

perform the action of washing the child. '
The mother tells the child to wash himself

without physically doing the action herself;
''' the mother is not directly involved.
___ ,,,,,., __________
.. ... .._ ---....-.----- --_...----.........----

- - - - --- - --
' ....------ . . . . _....._ -- .....---- . .......... ---__ _____ ---- ---
. ..
- -
. - -- -- -. . "

[H~~~ ~~<>i ~11t..a? .

1 7~ ~ _g_~ ~~ -1~ ~ lil-1-fiL?

JAl-L~C~ to feel frustrated;
L~ -t>-J-.AJ Qf~ J-1{}% ~ 7-l~J-l Al~ ~Lf71l "6"}7-li-A. to be impatient
~~AEjC~ to feel embarrassed /
gJ-~ Q{~ .A.Ill'~ <2.! A:l7~.A.1 Al~ .2.~L~C~

L:jf. Ef!.f~ ~OI oH.A.i Al~ ;Q;f-gL~Cr

7H<2.!~<2.! ~5:~ ~OI oH.A.1 Al~ g~AE!Cr

2 7r 0}017} %01 Qf-0~}-l ~:AaOle>ll.fL. e>i~~l o}~ i= ~7!}.fL?

"-jlSF well-balanced
Lr %~% ~j]_if- ~ 711 "6"t-"ilA. .:ilf3 ~ 7J-O~~ 71~1.fL. '@ (to do something) less
7~7Jf0 l.A.1 up close

~o 1<2.forc~

~#E.17-ll<EJ~ L:J ~01 0rcr '=1~011 L~7r.A.1~cr1 ~-fEi7il<EJ~ ' 0rcr

~2.-Htll~~ 7r77rol.A.i ~~er / t:-01 c1 L~uu~A 1;::1 ~cr

1 78 Korean Grammar UI/ Us:& Intermediate

~, A.
I n-t
t:I oH ...!i!.'
~ 11f ' _miI'\f ... ... . .
.---_-- _-;_ :.':- .... -:-
.. . ...
--.......... ......_.............
- .... -... - - .. ~ -
....--- ----..- .....~ _.....................................-..77///ij

D~.3. .Ul2.I 7~~--:1!~ ~.:yi--.g 0~.3. .Ul7~ <3:!~ o~7il gj"Ll7J~? <3:!~ o~7il ~Lill~? c~~ .:IE!~
3i1 J1 '-7il o~c~~ A~~t>HAi ~~~ ~~o~AilR.



?) ~ 7 ~ _g. P}3. -1~ - - -- - - - - - - - - - -


4) l D1 Yi:- 0 t=z. -17} _ __ _ _ __ _ _ .

~:;i::~ Oj~
7~J::I Dt!

Do you
have ... ?

5) 010~71
o~AilR. ~

I~ o o ' " ' o ' > oo ' " ' " o ' " o o " ' " ' o -' o ' '

LH ~ <f:IO~

3) ~..g. u}=z. -17} _____________.

,.......,. ............,........................................................................................................................................... _........._____ _

%;.]_g. u}=z. -1~ - - - - -- - -- -- -- - -

... . ... .... . ...... ... .. . .,. ....................................... ............. ....................................... .................................. ~--


(1"'5) c.t.g [!t!.7IJ<>t1Ai ~gt.g 801~ ~2.t -ol/ol/2.l/71/~/~-Lt '-7il otc.r~ A~t>HAi cH.2.~
,---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- - -- ---- --------------------------)

Eb ~Ct ~Ct gotCt ~Ct DtAICt I

l'-------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ---------......................... ..... .-/

' 1 7t Al~ ~l },~ {i-=fLO l~ ~ _Q_ ~ ~~ l Jl.

' Lt .:Z.~Jl? .:I~ ~%~~1"'1 },~{i% 7JlY1 ~OIOffiJOi.SL.
'' - o}/<>JoF~<>J_R
2 7t .JI7l7l- q ~ ~ l Jl?

~ Lt o}y_fl_, o}~ ~ ~ ~ lJl. .JI7l ~ ~-ii E-1

1' - oj-/o-JoFW .:;:l 7c[o}Jl


3 7t 7171- t=l-- "?J-tjlJl.

Lt 01 Qf-2... 71 ~ %
t - (.Q.),1.i]Jl

4 7t 0}017} _fl_% 1fol tllf- ~lJl.


Lt .:I~ ~~l l-}7}J.1

'' -(.Q.),1.i]Jl

5 7t ig--171- t=l-- tj~J.1 ~},~~ 0 1 1tl-% W-01 %c~Jl.

' Lt .:I ~
"5-l-J,H.E..ol ee
o o A}-1'

' -~ 71] ~~<>J_R

(6"-'7) c.~ 0
CJ 0= at-=.
= L- cA~o ~1-o
I I C) = =-Ailo ..LL.

6 *
CD 0}ti-l7-li::- ;A1l7} .g_~<)}Jll <)}J.il_fl_.
(6) :A1l Y -1 i::- 0l-0l~o l 7ll <id% ~ <)}7ll -OR Jl.

@ ~ q3 -1 i::- ~11 % .JI~ Al a:}~~ %0l Lf_2_Jll ~ l Jl.

@ 3f\1~1 cfYlfl ::lJ.}~1"'1i=- ~-%1~ ~ "5-JAJ ~~7ll7!}Al ~~7ll -ORJl.
7 CD Bfl7} )7 IL~ 2.}~% ~Ci ~7J}Jl?
(6) {i},~ ~ 0l TI1-},~~~l 7ll ~% <i ~%y q.
@ 0}017} l e1J.1 ~ u}i::- 0 l-0 l~l7ll 1iJ-% ~%1-11*.
@ .:I q3:i-7} 11-- :ARul<?JlJ.1 Ali=- q3:i- .!2.i::- %~ 7-114f *3i%Y1*.

[ 78J t
7~ .g-~ ~ ~;_l 2D}-%1 . o}E_y 77} tj.!f- ~-E ~
{ {0 }. ~t-1 1& 7.5:. r:fJ.l <)}2 ~2.
Thanks for visiting me while I'm sick. I hurt so much. I want to play
basketball again soon.

- -- -- - -

7~ ~R~-% -3---~ J.lZl- 0 1 111 ~ i>R J.1 tj.!f- Z::l;<a

0 l~l _g_. .=I..~ .5:. -3---~ 7-il4fi>R F3:11 Al _g_?
I'm really worried because I don't have enough time to study
Korean. But I guess I should keep studying .

L~ .:J..~..R. ~R9!% ~"6111= ~R~lJ.1 1{717}

You're right. You should learn Korean well to live comfortably in

a.:.. t:I 2 01<>~~77~.R.?
i:! . . . . .

rrc;~ o ..A.:jC.H~O I -
01 L..: o =
.J:C. c...: L-- , o 2 - A~.2.~0
ooHA-lOI o =
I 012ruA1L
-,v I L-- [ IJI .1il
:O:I Oo ~ .A.7~0 ( 0
2 ..J..L.. c...: .:...i...;. L..: c:i 2
I I 1:::1 I.

In this expression, the preceding clause states the condition(s) necessary to realize the situation stated in
the following clause.

.... . .. -....... .,_.""., - 1~ ... ....... .. ....... . . .............. .'
~ ~-- '""""t;..... - - . .... ;.>::>_ _ _........ . . - .. . _ . .. ,,,,....-..~.... _ _ _.. __ .lSli _ .. ,,........_ ... .. . . _ _.. .. .)o'W.. - - . .... ..-. ._..... ....... . . . . . -
. . . . - - . ....... .,,,.......~.. . - . . . . ....... ..... ........ . .ls...... -._~ ..__.... - - . ....... - .....

l A 1 _ 0 L; ru o t .3.Cr ; 7~ot
~Cr ~0 ~0 ~
i 1 r v :
...... ............................!
- -:
..........~ ................................... .;................... - ........
i : 7 rcr : 7 ~o ~
iS-~ I' V : -OL/ ruoi- : :
' 1
I v I t i. !!Cr !
. Q:j {)i 0 ~
.................... .............. - .. - ... .................. .... ................... ...................

.............................. ... ........... .

7r-9-01cr .' 7t-9-0=tO~
No1cr .'
__________ :....,,..
21~~ 01cr
____________________,._.___________________ ........, .,_ __

.._...... ' .2.l~~ O I OiO ~
- -------- -- ---

-1 82 Korean Grammar uz, <llse Intern1ediate

--'' -
'' ''
' '
A i -XI <(10~0~ ;
''' ''
--- -. . . . ........----............ --- ~ "
. ...' ---- .. -- -......... ......... - ................. ................ -..... - ................ .. .....................
' - ... .............. -........................ ---- . -- -.. --- .. .
' "
'' ' .

v ''

''' .''
,.,., , .,~

.' .
- - ' 1 " ' ' ' ' ~ " ' ~ , .. t " ' ' " ' ' " '

r ., o" ' " ' ' ' ',. '

! i 7t-9-0!Ct ! 7t-9-7t oLIOiO~

NOICt : Ol/7t oLIOiO~ : 2.l~'2JO ! Ct i 2.I~'2J OI OtLIOiO~
- - -- l ------------------*'..--------------------------........_..-.
' '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .___..__. ,________________
.' _______________,_..,_____

2-2-{!% Ef.Jl 7}471- J-178<2:10ilJ-1 1~{! 0 ? 7tf0l-E}ol= ~Ci :zJ- 9 ~*t-14.

The only way to get there fast is to take Line 2 and to change to Line 1 at City Hall Station.

011ti ~-11- ~:ilf7l- ~0tol= 7-ll~-6HJ-1 4-E ~ 7 ~ w9 ~01_.

The results of the current research must be good if we are to do further research.

-?~% ~.:g-~ J-}~0 1<>11= i .g./\11~ ~ 9 <V.% 7-let11_.

Only a person who has majored in math can solve that problem.

----------- -------------- ------ - -----..-------- --'


1 '-Or/Oio~ ~ st~oH.A1 r.~otj}_ ~~ rrH-E '-X I' ~ ~():j '-Or/OiO~:.\l'Lt ~ ~ ~():j '-Or/OiO ~~os;
.Ator7l.!r. gtLICt. .:J.2.iLr '-Ot/OiO~J:l'-E ~. ~WOil-"1 ~IOI .Atotj}_ '-Ot/OiO~~~ ~.EgOILt
~II .A10il.A1 ~. .AtgtLICt.
To emphasize the meaning of -0~/0!0t, either - Al can be added to form '2.!" can be added to -0~/0IO tAI, or
form -0~/(}jO t'2.!". Note, however, that -0 ~/(}jO ~Al is generally used in casual conversation while -0~/(}j O t'2.!"
is generally used in speeches and reports.

~-;:;;- g i1J"o] i>RoJ: ~%0] ~o}{1l-Jt:f-.

= <?1-;:;;- g ?io] i>RoJ:;z] ~-%0] ~o}{1l-Jt:f-.

= <?1-;:;;- g ?io] -5Ro]:~ ~%0] *o}{1l-Jt:f-.

2 01 R~.g ~~~011~~~:11.r12:1~~~ -"~@0rx 1 U~Llct.

The clause following this expression cannot be in a propositive or imperative form.

~-=c;- 1@lti]1:1] ~% 7.)4 li]-0 ]: %7]~ ~-6}7-fl ~{J!.].2... ( x)

~R 1@lt1Jti]~g ;zJ4 lI!J-o]: ~7]~ ~-6}7-l] ~J.JL-1-. (x)
-. ~R 1@lt1J l:lJ~% ;z14 ~}ol= %71~ ~-6}711 ~ 7i~1Jl. Co)
3 Ol .:l~~ ~:cl~ .:l~ot7 1 . rrHg011 ~~~011 :: :il.t7i~OI ~ * fil~ LI Ct.
Because this expression indicates a conditional statement, the past tense cannot be used in the
following clause .

;z}-7 ~y.o]: .Aao] %~o]Jl. (x)

_. ;z)4 ~y.o]: 72 o] %o-JJl. ( o)

- _____.. - - - ---- -- -- ------ - - - __ j
~----------~- - --~-- ------~-----~

4 'OJD-lOt/~or::: 'OJ2.r0F/2.rOt'. 'OJ/7r OrLJD-lOF'-E 'OJ/7r OrLJ2.r0F' !Jr~~* exl-LJCr.

The expressions OIOlOF/O=lOF and 012.rOF/2.rOF can also be used as Ol/7r OtLIOiOF and Ol/7r OtLl2.rOF,

Jf-2.] ~iil ~-J-~ o]o-]oF 01 l-}o1..<>Jl 7}Cf:j ~- * ~13'-L-J t::.1.

= Jf-2.] ~.ii!.]: oj J-}oj..ojj 7}<?:] ~ * ~-*l-J ct.

You must be a student of our school to join the site.

5 OJ IE~ ~ {1~~0ll 0-lit! ~ ~ 3H.S:. ~~~2.I ~Jlr::: Or~ .1:~01 fillll ~~~ITH [email protected]:.
~LI cr. o r~2.J -o r/0-l.s:.. - or/D-l ~:;i;:f2r ~~ ~ 0 ? .Al'B'"LI cr.
This expression can also be used to indicate the futility of expecting the result described in the following
clause regardless of what action is described in the preceding clause.

o}.l?-2.J oJo1=7]-5Ho]: {} =r-:::: %.::Z1 U% ~o]r:.J.

= o}.I?-2.] ojo]:7J-5H.S:. ~-=(-~ %.::ZJ ?% ~o]r:.J-.
I doubt my friend will listen to me no matter what I say.

.::zj-E- .Ai%ClOf 9l-J l:lj-6~7]~ Ef7] ~ o-j aJ% 7-joj]Jl.

= ;z.J-E- .Ai %c~ 59_-;z.} 9J-1 1:11~ 7] ~ E}7]i::- o-] 2~% 7-] oj]Jl.
It will be difficult to catch a 9 o'clock plane even now.

1 1t ~16 ~ ~ W0 l .2..7-ll o-tt1 ~ o-1 ~ 711 t>R 0 l= i>Rii.? c[ 79 )

Lt lf-<3:!1* %611131-~0lOf ~\:31 W0 1QfJl.

.eia ~ ~ 1J"O I 2.Jil otct '3i~ct~ ~01 9J-<Uct / .eiao1~0 12ct
~~ ~ tg!Ct . 1~ 7t~~ otCt / ~~ '2!ct
~~o l:A:I ~j]_ ~-'?I Ct I ~.l!t2.I ~ct



2 7t :J_ ~.g. o-1 ~ J,}rgo l ~% 9 ~ o-lii.?

..,_ c:::J
._ i..!..
t hes1
Lt ~ o-i~ ~i)~Of ~% 9 ~ 6iJl. :>::il~'5H:r to submit

tci<>H:r to remit

::J. *
<lg Oi'i:! .A.tEJ"O I ~~ CU Ct
0 t.3. AAI :::::: ~Ail ~~ ~ 0 tCt t= :I~ ct AA1.A.i Ail~otct I~~~* <Uct
~l! ~ ~Ail ~LH ?Ct ~:::c1 ~ 2;ClotCt / ~l! ~ ~LH ~ * <Uct

184 Korean Grammar t/l CZ/.\e Intermediate

- -- - -~ - .. - -
- - -- - - . --

(1) 7~ ~ 1Il9 -li>}.:il 7tf 0 1 ~% ~ i>} (u}%0 1~q)

L~ Dr%01 -totoF 7tf0 1 ~% <5}.Al.R.



(5) 7~ ~Al] ~~ -E-% ~% 9 ~~.R? (0 1l{l 1f4 ~if% E}tj-)

L~ ~%~Y1*. ~% * ~% 3i 7tf~Y1*.

(1) 7~ :::zJ~ci-% ~~~l i5R 0 1= ~.Al.R? (~iiL~l ~~ <)}q)

L~ t5~_jj!_O{I ~A-~arf.I 0
.totoF :::zJ~- 6% ~% * '.V.~Y 1*.

L~ Jj9~~1 111~ - - - - - - - - - - ~{J<)l ~~i5RJ-1 ~~VJ- 9 ~%


(5) 7~ ~<?J ~]:::Zjtjl 9t>~% ~ ~.Al.R? (~q-)

L~ Lil' <5}.A11Il- ~i=-tj] ~71 ~1~1"'1 ~qj l i5RJ-1
-Cl 72 l ~l.R.
-7-l-c 1 a


' 7~ <t:J 0}, 0 *

l ~ ~l I:l t:1l ~ {0 l 7 } 0 l= ~ _9_?
Mom, do I really have to go with you in this heat?

L~ 7}71 ~ :Jl{- ~ 7}-5:_ ~ . Y- ~7-} Lf~%~l .

If you don't want to go, then you don't have to. I'll go by myself.

..........- ......................................-..--------........ ..........- ............................------..................... .........................

7~ Ci~, 1 0 * ~~ _9_? 7-1011~1 ~ ~ %2.l-E ~

Dear, how are these clothes? Wouldn't you agree they're not really
my style?

If you don't like these, then let's go to another store.

This expression has a meaning of "if the statement (in the preceding clause) is actually true, then .. . "
It is generally only used in casual conversation.
,,........ ----- ------------.---~- - --- " - ..............
~ .....
------- - --- -------- -~- .. .................,, _____________ ...... _.._,...............................-. .------------------..
__,..., ~- .,.,. _____________

A/V j
- -- ... ---------

------- .... .. .. . .. . . . ......... . .... ......... .

.. ~ 'T OIC~

NOI C~ (Ol)7i '

~~'cj O I C~


- -- - - - - ------ - -..--------................. _............... ________________.._.._................... .

__ ------ -----------............ ________ ..,

8 }~:Al ~.J-71~ ;g7(} it}'ffJ-lt:f.

If you're not busy, then let's meet for a bit.

1- o2.l-o l / l ..:s.
oMl -z.l '-- _2_~
o2.1o l .n\.-1- 'fl All
E 1....:. -,-~1
<5}J--l]'I J:L.
If you've got something to say, then let me know after work today.

~~ 0 1 ~ ~ ~ 9~~] * 77Cl% <5}C:l 7}.R.

If the cherry blossoms are in bloom, then let's go flower viewing in Yeoido.

::I J-}rgo] ~~ ~-=r-~~ 9-5~ g ~ 0 1 7}:Al.Jl <5~ .

If he/ she is a close friend , then ask him/her to come along on the trip.

186 Korean Grammar u1' Intermediate

--- --~--

01 f:~~ ~~~OJI ~~ ~olLr ~~~. 2.IAILr ~~ ~ LrErLH::: -~-'. 4)2 3:!01cF. 40)2.~~ 0rcF
I r AL~A2.~.A.LlcL
I L . : - t:::l t:::1 I.

This expression only sounds natural when the following clause contains an imperative, propositive, or a form
which expresses the speaker's will or conjecture, such as-~-. - (.2.)2 ~O l e~. or-(0)2.:j.:!l <:> ~c~.

JI<3"J=oJl ~"61-71-E:- ~~WYt:l-. (x )

-- JI<3"J=oj] ~"61-71-E:- ~~<)l-J.i]Jl. ( 0)
l:lJ~ -t]-71-E:- l:lB'<{o:J -B~% 7]-1)!o-JR. ( o)
~Jf- -Joj]~] o-J~-& ~oj J.~7]71-E:- <i:J.A1]-E:-7-] ~~] Jl. ( 0)
~Jo] 0d -]71- -2..71-E:- ~~l-f>l-~Jl ~Yt:l-. ~-6-1if 7]tj-~ -?J.i]Jl. ( 0 )

@~ {.!-Oil -"r@5r::: '-7i':i2r @~.1 MOll -"r@or::: '-7i:::(.B.)'.C ~EH.C t1l~orAl8 1ol ::: Or? er;;;
LI er.
The meaning of the -7-j := form which occurs mid-sentence is very different from the - 7-j := form which occurs
in the sentence-final position.

- ---------- - - - _.. _______________________

,...______________ --------------
-7ie 1
. - 7i e(.B.)
-------.. ............ ......
~-- ------ ..... ..... .. ....... . ...
..- ~ ~ .... - -~ - -----

... - ' ... .... . ....................
. . .. ... . -- --
---- ~ .... ........ .
(1) g.:g %?.JOJI .A.~itLI c~. : (1) ~ ~OJI .A.~-itLI CL

Used mid-sentence. Used sentence-final.

(2) ~1-E .A.~E,1"'2.! o1-E o IR~ ~~ EEH .A.~g)'LI c~.

Expresses a conditional statement. Used to express a reason known only by the

7~ ~ 'tJ-% <il- ~o-]Jl?

-+ ~ %-l.!-OJI .A.~1~.2.Q:j ~ 1-E .A.~E,l"O I ~-El"~ L~ l:IB7l- Jl~?-] ~J-7-] -E:-Jl.
er.! ~{:!~ .H.~o ~.:!l ~-Lie~. -+ g.:g.1 ~OJ I .A.~1~ 0 o:J ~~ 9:1XI ~e OI~
Used mid-sentence and expresses the OJI cttc;H cttg~ o~.:il ~-Li e~.
speaker's subjective condition. Used at the end of the sentence, here
the speaker is expressing the reason why

__ _.__ ______ _________ ___ ._. _____ _

-- - -----........:.............._
he/she is not eating.
..... ____
...... . . . . . . _ . _
1 7~ R-@- --t-1~ -5RJ-i ~ ~~ ~ 7t0 tJi..
Ll .:Z.cR.ft? ~~-6}rl~ _2_~.g_ ~~ ~ -2-o}Ail.ft.

@J:il~ oH~ol717~ Oi~cl I ~J:il:AI 010~7lolcl

~~cl I- *lc:t!Cl7l cl.Al olcl

2 7~ q~J-}~% 0 1 -2..~.2..'i:JOil Qll ~~2=:_1-f_j]_ -6}1?1 ~2-}_j]_ ~77}..R?

Ll t:.l-~ J-}~% 0 1%01rl ~ 0 }Itj-J-i * ~q_J]_ ~-5R ?Ail.ft.

Cle .Al~~OI 2.~ 2.~0H 2H <21 ~.!=.L~.::L!. olCl cl~ .Al~~o 1~Oi.s!Cl I orul.Ai ~ ~cl
~~7l ~1-0r2.Cl

~~7r I ~2.~.Ai 7iul~ .Al2.i ~cl
D 1-t:! JJ.17 r CC!.!~ ~Oi.s!Cl 01-t:! .u17r <cI~ ~cl / ~ :AILH.::L!. ~cl

.. - -- ..
. . .- .. .......
- .. ...... -- . - -

(1) cr@-011 cc.!"~011 2rR. 1:1r. ~~orA.ilR.

(2) OI ~~ ~Oj .!I. ~Al ?lOrR. @ Jg- CC!~orAl71 1:1r~Llcr.
(3) 1:1I7 r :I:X~R. ~o 1~Aror2.i f:t"'lcr.
il, (4) Or:A:I
--, Al)..~
--, 2. o~ oH OJO
i......: AA. ..J.J....
. @ ~T:!OJI Jg- 7r ~A.ilR.
...... . ..................... ................................................................................................... ________________________ .. __ .,.....
" .._.. .................................... ______________________ _.....................................- ......




-::e Korean Grammar u1 </lse Intermediate

7t u-1Cl7} 0 }~l;llJ1..
Lt D-fc.jlr OrEli!- ol Q{% ~J-i ~J-il -9...

~~ - - - -

7t J1.~_g. W-0 l l:l}llli}Jl.

......... ......... ... . ...... ... .... . ........ . .. ... .... . .... .... .. ...............-- .................. -............................ ........ ......

7t -2-~_g. W 911 ~~-"1 1]1Jt>R.R.
Lt .A1 ~ S:.~cHR?


7t .Al-1f2 7l~ol 11-.2.}-R.


................... ... ... ... ......... .. .................... ................................. --.. ..... -........ ..... ...
~- ..... .


CD ~t>R ~ ~<5}~

@ ~<5}211?1

' CD 0 l0 l=7 l-O}1?1 ~ 01l=7l-6R
@ 010J:7li>}7-l~ @ 0l0 1=71~ Ell lfl-t>R
' j
3 CL.Q.
1c::i ~
Cl ~ ~I .::i:!.n.ll :A-I
E c= L..: .A VJ -, C.~-
C> o- ILJ: I Oj-.Q.
Lo .._
1::::1 2
_.__ ..u....

7~ ;:i -9-t gxil-E ~~ Oi 2.~g. cilR.

L~ '5{0~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
'.'' CD 9~% {i~~ .Al-w011t! ~ '.V.% 3:! ~01-.fL *
~ 9~% {i~~ .A}w0lt.l- ~ ~% 3:! ~o}.fL *
9~% {i~~ .A}w01011= ~ '.V.% ~ ~o}.fL *

'' 4 c L2
I c::i
~ c1~ ~ I
~ E c= L..:
;ic-1 c.~c5 t cH c:.~
-, C> '-' I::! 2 11 2J...Jl o
I ..u....

' LH01 rric;H .71- .A. 01277to ?
' t 2 VJ 0 2 2 I"" AA2 l..U... .



CD t.R ~-=f7--0l-.J:I. 0 11=71~ t>R 01= 1%f-0-}7l ~ ~--0-}711
7-}.? ~.Al-cl-. ''

~ t.R ~-=f7-i>}.J:I. 0 11=71~ 7-}.? -oR 0l= ~}71~ ~-o-}711 ~{].Al-2-.

@ t.R ~-=f7-i>}.J:I. 0 11=71 ~ 7-}? t>R 0l= ~--0-}71 ~ ~-0}711 ~ 7-l~l.fL.
@ ~~ ~-=f7-i>}.J:I. 010J:7l~ 7-}~ 6R 0 1= ~-o-}71~ ~-o-}711 ~77} -oR.fL.
CD ~ 0 1 l:l }~/Zl ~7-l~ u}3- -l~ ~7(} 'Il-1-77}.fL?
~ ~ 0l tl}~;;zl ?~~ 0 }3- -l~ ~7(} '
@ ~ 0 1 ti} 13l:l;;zl ?J-7-1-E- u}3- -1 ~ ~7(} 'It\J-L-l-cl-.
@ ~ 0 1 tl}~;;zl ?J-7-l~ 0 }3- -1~ ~7(} 'It\f.Al-cl-.
...... --- ... -..
- ~- --- --- --- - - --



ex1)ressions imorn1ation

exr.ressic)11s, Korean n1ea11111g


7~ ~OJ -1-E- Aa w r-2- ~l ?J-.g. ~ 7tf

0 0} -9...
Hoyeong really seems to know a lot.

L~ ~o}-9... ~% wo1 ~ % ~~ o}yi!.l- uTI~ ~if:-5:.

lIB}~~Ol !J!}J,l -=z_~ ~ 7t{o}-9...
You're right. I think it's because he not only reads a lot of books, but
he also reads the paper every day without fail.

- -

7~ 7J--%1S:._ Ci~% ~77} -O-}-E-t:1l Ci ~77}-9..?

I'm thinking about taking a trip to Gangwondo. What do you think
(about such a trip)?

L~ ~7-l-9... 7J--%1S:.-2- ~0 1 1?% ~~ OtYct l:l}tj-5:_

~e>i;,-l 1i>E-0-}7l0il 0}? ~.g. 010il-9... x
I like it. Gangwondo not only has a lot of mountains, but it also has
beaches, so it's a very good place to travel visit.

Ol E~.g ~~~2.I LH~'2J"OI OrLl.Jl ~~~2.I LH~OI 7r2.l71::: -3:!77r:X:I~ CiorO:l'2.r::: 2.IDI~ LrEr~ rrH A~
~LICL ''2.!"'~ ~srorO:I '-( 0 ) 2 ~ OrLl2.r'2.I ~EH~ c;: A~~L! Cr.
This expression is used to indicate that "not only what is stated in the preceding clause, but also what is
stated in the following clause". This expression can also be used without~ as in - ( 0 )2 OtLl2.t.
-- -- . "' ---~--~ -~- ~,..,...,,,--....,.,,.,.------------ -------~--------~--

., ... . . - ---... ._ .....
""'' .. .... .... .... .
\ ~ ... , . .... - - .....
- .... - --- .. ---
__.....~ .......,........_ --- -~ .. . .... ----- . ..
.. .... ....,,,,. "............
r crL
. '' 7 1.!2. tits at 0 LLI

. ... M a ' L-'

_O~/C>i.!2. ~a~
AA M 2 L.:..L-'
f l 2.LI .
A/v .: .. '.
.... ... - . -........
----- .
...... .. ........... ----- --
.. --~ - - ..'
- -----------
' .''' ''
: '2! O~Llc~
i ~AH ! -(.2.) 2 '2! o~LI c~ ~

Q:j~ '2! O~Ll2.~
__ .

- - -!- ---- -------..-----------------~---------_...



! 7r-9-01cr 7~-9-~ ~'2! O~Ll2.~

~ 2,1-~0IC~ 2,1-~~ '2! O~Llc~

- - -- -- --.!.--- - -- - - - ---"-'----
.' .
:x:!-~r .. :X:l-~ f-'2! O~Ll2.~
N '2! o~LI 2.~ '
.........., ___

. o~~
or~'2! o~LI 2.~

1 92 Korean Grammar in 'll.le- Intermediate

7~ 7J-~~OilJ-1 't}~77l-.R?
Shall we meet at Gangnam Station?

L~ 717]-E W~1ll o}yc} .iJL~S:. ~Jo}Y77r Lr~ "CllAl 't}\fJ-li:.}.

It's not only far away, but the traffic there is really bad, so let's meet somewhere else.

7~ OJ=7J- -1-E tilA l:[l cf}~% 7-}? EfY- }i!j-Jl.

It seems you (Yang Gang) takes the subway more than the bus.

L~ 7-] o}~.g_ J-1{}% ~a~o}7~l 7-l 7i ~ ~ 0 tt-lct ~ Cli>RJ-1 ;z.14 l%~Y1*.

The subway not only runs on a more precise time schedule, but it's also more convenient, so that's why I
uses it.

Why are you eating in such a rush?

L~ 7-1~~~ o}yc} ~{]S:. iJ-~J-1 t1TI7} t:i.lf- .:JI:rrfJi..

I'm so hungry because I skipped not only lunch but dinner as well.

1 017.~ C> AioH~o I ..::::z.;;ic-t;;ic-to I

-"'. '-- L...: O = C> C> - , L...:
I i;:i::j
-, O
r ..::::Z.JC-lJC-lO
=..:C. C> C> I L...:
I LH.20
~ M 11 , Ai5H~O
L...: C> =
l:=I JC-lJC-tO I
I -, C> - , L...:

-.oHA-1 1:=1 ;;ic-t;;ic-to I LH
c::: -r
o =...:c. o -, '-- .2.o
o CE JJiO t~ c,1:::1~LI CLI
When using this expression, if the preceding clause is a positive statement, then the following clause
must also be a positive statement, and vice versa.

..<f-c.J {J-2:- ~.ii!.011 ;.1 7]-77}% ~tt!- oj-y2} oj-9 }.11121%1.R. (x)
----+ ..<f-c.J {,] ~ ":}-.ii!.011;.1 7}77}% ~~ oj-y2} o]-? ~%C>R.R. (o)

2 Ol .H.~~ '-( 0 )2 ~12.!' O~Llc~' Ef-1011 'A/V-717J~XI t>rCr', 'A/V-71.S:. orCF. 'N7Jr;;I;:I A/V' - 0 1 .H.~OI
27 l.S:. ~LI er_
The expressions NV-7 l 7J~::X::I <5 ~ CL NV-7 1 <5~CL and N7J~::X::I NV are often used in clauses following
-(0)2 ~'2! O~Ll2.~.

A]-01= -1~ oJ1~ ~tt!- 0 ]-yt:.]- Aj~ 0 1 ~7177]-A1 t>R.R.

= A}ol= -J;: ojJ~ ~tt!- oj-y2} Aj~o1 ~71 t>R.R.
= 7-}0f -1~ cxjJ~ ~1t} oj-y2} Aj~77j-7-J ~O}Jl.
- - -...- ----
tff~~~ ~.~ 91 ~71t.g.?,
. . -- .

[ 83 ] 1

El c~ I 1::11.s:. ti!O I 2.C~
.WIOl2:} J...q A.JOI 7l7r ~~ 3.C~ ''
717 t 3.Cr / ~~~cr
:Ail~.s:.::: ~j:l7~ ~~ o~~gcr ~j: I7 ~ o1--gcr / 1::1 ~cr.s=. JJH~o ~cr

2 7r :A}O~ -1-C- ~rr:RJl?

Lr Hi HiW ~1ll" 0tY~ Aj~ ~o}Jl. ~Ail::l l A "quick" courier service

~~IC~ precise

AfQ~ Ml
AH ~{l .l-"r ~01 ~.! ~Lrcr / ~.g.s=. t101 ~er
~.Ail::llA uur2cr / ~:gror7il 1:1tt~H ~er

194 Korean Grammar UI/ u~{!/ . Intern1ediate

~ A oH. .!i!.111. n ? .
&...: t::t .. a ,..a.. . .. ...

.. .. - .... .

(1) 7~ -2..~ 2ll ~~ ~-2--oRJi..? (71~ 0 1 ~ ~1* I olcls:. 0 r~t:f)

L~ l l.i:t-01 ot ~~ ~ot orL-ler nrcty or- 'i! ' J:Orf..i {l~l ~~ 7}~.Jl -5BJi...

(2) 7~ :A1 ~~ 0 1 lrrllJi..? (%~ 0 113!-:Ut:f I 7}~5:. .}t:f)

L~ :A}9 7}_R,
(3) 7~ 01*-01 :A1~17-ll ~ l%~Ji..? (~ l%cl1* I ~JtloR .!i?_olt:f)
L~ tjl' .

(4) 7~ 2ll 9q3 -1 ~ ~ ~Y-Ji..? (:A}7l 0 1 1=71~ <5}t:f I :A}cts=. W-0l <5}1*)
L~ 9q3 -1-E <5"J.AJ- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - -
u}1 lj]_ .Al:Al o}ol_R
1-!. 1.-0 f

(5) 7~ 01 7}llll~l-"1 ::1-9.1~ oRJi..? (lf-{! CdE-1~% 01%w 9 :Ut:f I S:%<5l-t:f)

L~ t:ll, 0l 7}llll-E _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __
Ci 71 ~l-"1 ::1-9.1~ :Al-? oRJi...

(1) 7~ :A1 7}1- ~ Cd7l 7} t'J-:AlJi..? (~LB I oR ~)

L~ .=z_ ~Ji... ~Lff~D! ofL-ler t>tt2.lotlf..i y Cd7l 7} t'.fo}Ji...

(2) 7~ .=z_ ~% .2.2f- ~~~ lJi..? (lf-16 I {17 ~)

L~ t:ll, 2f- ~~~l..9...

(3) 7~ f:-:Al~ .!i?_-E ~% ~0 }-ollil? (2i:.~ I*)

L~ tjl , 7}9%-9.1 - - - - -- -- - - - ~ * :U7l rrll.g.~1 :A}-f li!}_R,
(4) 7~ ?W012f-"1 .=z_~:Al 01 ~~~l J.}~ 0 1t'i"-f?:-~7t[ 0 }Ji... (?WI~~)
L~ 01 ~~-f?:- J.}~01 W-o}_R,

(5) 7~ 0 }3.. -1-E ":l-A~Cd7}Ji..? (~A~Olt:f I q3o-l {J_J-~16)

L~ 0 1715:. t>RJi...
0 L
1 a

How was your trip?

L~ ig-;;_17t ~~ti t:llrf7} l=ll7J}7-l wo l 2.1-J-i ~~Oil~

~Ci "'i AHlJl ~:ct Ci .
Not only was it chilly, but it also rained a lot, so I was bored just
staying inside the hotel.

-- -- -

7~ 2R .=z.~711 ~~ ~ ~~ %<{}- <{}- ~o}ii_?

Why did it take you so long to pick up the phone?

L~ %01 ~-E tjlrf7} {f7-t7l -i=-7} ~0}2.l-J-i *

l:J}O}r"\.l _fL
t:M~I .
The water was boiling, and moreover, I had a visitor, so I couldn 't
answer it.

01~~ ~~~9.I ~~olLr ~EHOJI ~~~ 0 1 ~~olLr ~EH7r C:JoHJ:~-"i <!Oihl~ LrEr~ rrH -"!%~Li er. '-{

L /~ C~ICr'ii! er w~ * 'll-LICr.
This expression indicates that the action or state in the following clause occurs in addition to that stated ~

the preceding clause. The form - (o) L /:: c~lc~ can also be used.

-(2.)L/E C:UC~7~
........ - ...... .... . ..-~-...:

. .. ..--....-,_ ~ -:..X:-=.<- -=-=o--- --~~-
- .._--------~~~~-~- ~-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ ___,

3.Cr -C!: c-11c~7 ~
' ~Cr ~.g c:-uc7
----------------........- -----------------------------...-.. . .. __ ~--------------------------- - -----------.. ---....-----
'j .z! C:i!C~7~
l ~ .g C:ilC~7~
v .'. .... ..-........ ... .' ... ~
. . .. .. . .... .... .
..... .. . . .. . ..... .... .. . . .. ' ...... ...

.... .. . .. ........ ........ ......... ........ - .. .. . ... . ...........................

.; .i 7~C
=-----'"'"!""'""_____ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _______.: ____ _ _ _ _ __ _
' ~~OICr ~~~ C:i lC7.
N ''
' ~~O l er 2,1-~ ~ Ci!C~7
' ---- - - - - - - -- - . - - - - - - - -- ------... ---- - - -......... ...________ _

1 96 Korean Grammar ir,, Ute,, Intern1ediate

7~ Al-ii J.1%~~~<>11 7}Ci.Jl i>l-~"GJl 7c0 1::QC}lJl?
I'm about to go to Seoul Department Store. Would you like to go, too?

L~ .=I. ~~~.g_ ~ol t:Jl-tl tjltj-7} ~s=_ ~. 0 ~o}J.l Al~ 7~~ 0 7}Jl.
Not only are the prices at that department store high, but the quality (of the products) is also not very good,
so I rarely go there.

7~ 0 }0 1%<>117-119-ci.JI i>~tj] 01~ J-~111 *~77}Jl?

I plan to give this to my kids, so which type of fish is good?

L~ 0 1J-~111 Wl7} W-0 1 <iii-E "GJltj-7} {fs=. --Et-l-9=1J.1 }0 1%0 1 ~71<>11 ~o}Jl.
This fish doesn't have many bones, and moreover, it's tender, so kids generally like it.

7~ A}F -1, .2..- W-0 1TI1~tB _!ii_OiJl.

Jaya, you look really tired today.

L~ 1:11, ~~irJ-<>11 ~% * {!- Elli:l- Jl ~s=_ t'J- }J.1 tjJ?- rr]~C>BJl.


Yeah, on top of not sleeping last night, I've also got so much work to do these days, so I'm really tired.

- - - - - -..--- - - ---- -------- --------- - ------

1 01 R<21~ {:j~~~r ~~~2.I Z?-Oi7r ~oro t gtLlcr. .::i2.l.J:I {:j~~~r ~~~2.I LHgo1 Ai. <Jtt~
~ *
7rJ;:l.JJ. 9..!0i '.::J.2.HAi'Lr '.::J.2.iLl77f'. <c!~oHAi ~-E~ fil~ 9..!0iOt gtLICr.
This expression requires that the subjects of the preceding and following clauses be the same. Moreover,
both of the clauses must be related and be able to be connected by .:12.H.A.i or .:J.2.i Ll7J~ to state a

;z11 l:lJ-_g. ~_g. tj1c}-7} 72}~.s:. ~e>-1.R. (.=z-~;,1) ~ TJ-TJ-6H.ft.

~ ;z1J t:1J-..g. ~_g. ciJcl-7} 72}~.s:. ~e>-1;,1 ~ TJ-TJ-<5H.R.

;z11 l:lJ-_g. ::Q--& ci1c}-7} 72}~.s:. ~e>-1.R. (.=z.2-11177}) ~ ig-TJ-6H.ft.

~ :-z1J l:lJ-_g. ::Q-_g. tj1c}-7} %~.s:. ~.Q.y77} ~.!f- lfl-TJ-BH.ft.

2 ~Ar. Arg~ [[H~ 'OJICr7r'~ Arg~ * 9}~C11 Ol[[H~ {:j~or~ ~ArOll er:= ~Ar7r CioHJ;:l71Lr
Sf.I~ 1~er~ 3:! ~ LrEr~ LI er.
When used with a noun, OilC~7 ~is used to indicate the adding of a noun in the following clause to that
mentioned in the first clause, as if making a list. It can also be used to indicate the location in which
something is done or placed .

..9..% ~<{}~e>i1tj-7} ~]"'} ~7l}.A1 ~j;JJ-1 ~:ge>-1 ~~e>-1..9...

These days, I'm so busy due to the combination of housework and company work.

oj %O]e>i]r}7} oj ~il} oJnJ1~ 9-~~ ~i 2JS-l-]7] l:l}~yq.

Please write your name and email address on this paper.

---- - -- --.. - ------- - --------- - - - - -- ------...----- - - -

12. -9-7}~ L}E}L~ rrfl 197

1 1r 7}771-ft- u}...5:. W-0 l <U-E"Gll Q}l 1i:l t:R~ W~ 0H7-J-77};zl ;zp:r 7}J-il.fL? 1[ 85 ) 1

Lr ~~ w~ oH-7-J-o l %{! 0 l W-.f':- Elltj-71-

large-scale discount store/ outlet


7r771@ o~Es= ~01~:=c-112H l2J cH~ ~ oH~77r:AI .. cH~ ~K2.! 0H~o1 ~I!o1 'Cler 11r~s:. MrAi
:Ar? 1rcr . :Ar? 1rcr
7r771@ ~011 l:ti.6.7r ~:=c-11 2H 12J c1171r:AI 7rAi ' . :;i;:10~01tltlr 2cr;77H~oHAi :Ar? Ercr
:;i;:10~~ Ercr '

er:= ~.5:. ~~Cil 2H ~ ~'2.t :Ar? ~Cr ..

2 1 r w-o l ~ .:g-<>J .fL?

Lr tjl, ~ Ol 1-}-E Elltj-7t 71 ~ ?.fol L-}J-1 ~%<>J.fL.

~01 Lrcr; 11~.s=. '[.{01 Lr)..i gi~cr

1-2r7r ~ '21" 1cr ~~~ 'CJ01 9:1CX,tcr; ~I~ <clor ~OiAi 1-2r7r '21" 1cr
-101 0111~cr -Ecol I11012cr; -l77r:AI ~OiAi 0111~cr

198 Korean Grammar u1 Zlse Intern1ediate

--- .. - ~ - -

(1) 7t -9-~ )Al7l- C{t7l7l- w.g- -3:! ~Ol-Jl. (~~01 ~l~et I Aj~S:. ~rJ-<)}et)
Lt -gto}Jl. e>J.~01 011~ i;tfq-lr f..(!"13,~ ~~ttA-i ~ 7 ~ 01 ~o}<5TIJl.

(2) 7t i ~01 ~C:l%1Jl? (-~)Al7l- ~et I ~:Al- wet)

Lt tjl, - - -- -- - - -- - - - - ~~%1Jl.

(3) 7r ~~Oil 71-? 7}J-11Jl? (~.g_ J-l-~% 0 1 wet I .:g-~s:. W-01<)l-et)

Lt tjl, :A}?7}Jl.

(4) 7t Jl%- {.~ 0 1 w 011det.JI <5TIJ1. (~ 0 1 ~~<)l-et I Bl .2-19!%C{t- C{t- .2-et)

Lt tjl, {_~Ol fJ-ol Lfi=- 1:1 ~O}Jl.

Lt ~7171- ~lf- ~%~Jl.

- - - -- - - - - - - -- - -

(1) 7t .2-~ :Al-9- )Al7} ~~% \Ret~AiJl? (1 ~ ~ ~et I ~ ~et)

Lt tjl. 1%~ t>J- i;tl'Cfl r %!t-~ ~-torA-i ~ ~ LR e:i v e.

(2) 7t .2-~ ~_llle>il ~~ ~~Jl? (~~ ~~:d"et I~ ~s:_ Wet)

Lt tjl, ~~ ~~Jl.

(3) 7t i ~A~ J-}C:l.JI oTIJl? (q:A}C{t 01 J-1l ~~et I ?:01- ~Y7!} 1<)1-et)
Lt tjl, 1J:-7!} oR.fL.

Lt -gto}Jl. - - - -- - - - - -- -- - --

(5) 7t Jl%- 0 }sl:l} 0 1E-~ <)}.JI ~~Jl? (J-}.Jl 1{.g_ %~ 0 1 ' I%~ ~Jl<)}q)
Lt tjl, o}stl}OlE..~ <5TIJl.
( 86 )
7~ 78W 0 1 ;_}~% S!___J-iliL?
So you don't really know who that person is?

L~ tjl, Al-E- J Ar~ o 1~3::.~} %c}Jl.

Nope. I don't even know his name .

. ...... ..-......... ........ .... ..... ... ... ............................. ....,.................................................-.........................................

........ . ... '

7~ Bl -5~71 J,rJl7} 1;d"tj--E- -fr-~ % '.)1 lJl?

Did you hear the news about the plane accident?

o}yJl, Jl-@-011 L1lf- l:l}~Yllr ~Ei:i! -i=f-~;t._7.}

~ AlZ!- 0 1 <iiilJl.
No, I've been so busy lately that I don't even have time to see the
news on the Internet.

> ..:..
Cl tli..Q..
. ;.
0 tot!i!11t.J:1..
1:1 2 a ... 2
('\?. . '

- . -
_, . -.
. .

OI ..~~ ' er:= 3:1~ ~.01.Jl 7t~ 71.go11 ~3:1~'2.r ~ 2-IDI~ LrEr~ [[H Ar-~LICr. !]:!~~or~ ArE!OI
7ICHotAI ~o t7~Lr otllfor71 ~2.~g ~82.I ~.5f.~ LrEr~LI Cr.
This expression is used to express "not only others but also the most primary one" Generally, it refers to
extreme situations that the speaker either did not expect or could not anticipate.

:. . .
~..,,....--~-------'------.-------------.-----.-,.-- ---:-..~----.....__...-~_....................~.~--..""":'"""'- ...................... ~ .....................-----------.--- """'- ----,~-~---- .. !"! .... ~~-
. . ..
.. . ~-

. ~*~ . ;- . ..,... .. . -'

~ .:...;. :./' F?-. -... :,<e>$~ " . ~- . ........ ~ ..,..... ~ -.
~- ~ . -
;.w... . _ i~ . ~-..~..... ::Ji.... . .....~ .. . . -. ~ "\...- . - ... .; t'li< c -."'il>" "'""' ' ..,,....""''....,' ~ . .,,. ...~ .:...,;._................~~-:.:tt.:-. . ..............; . .... ..;.. - - - ~
....- _:;;.... __..._.. _.... .. ...... .. _ .1....-.".... - - -

N .'
____ _._ - --- - - ------------ --------- . - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - ---........... _......... ~ .... .........._......_......_ __________
~ 0 r~} .Ai~* ~_2_),l-C 71~1Jl?
(Are you saying that) even you (my ownmother) don't believe me?

Ei ..g_ ~,l,Zl Oil OilOl {j_~} .Jl;i:j-o l Li- tJl ci Al ;i:j W~3:l 0-1 Ji..
Even the air conditioner has broken down in this heat. It's unbearable.

~-- ~~~ ~%~~} l-Y--2--C ~q-s:_ ~OlJl.

Sometimes something can be so sad that tears don't even flow.

200 Korean Grammar in Urte- Intermediate

-- - -- ------ - -------~ - ---.-------- -------- ---..- ........,
..... .
t:~ o;01-t??r.ft.?
.. :~ .

This expression sounds most natural when used with negative statements. It can therefore sound
awkward if used in positive situations.

2 o13-"!g 17~);: l'Lr .s=.2r 1:1 r~ ~ * ~~Lier. .::i ~7' 1'2! ~j:F::: ~1<2.l2-I 3-"!'o 12-r::: L'~o 1 ~~Li er.
The expressions 77~;: 1 and can be substituted for ~.l.: t. However, it should be noted that ~.l.:~ carries the
added nuance of "the worst possible case".

3 013-"!~ '0-l't! ;,.~~~or::: 3-"!~ ~-O IJ:!. .::i3-"!~cr 'or7-JLr ~0 3-"!7Jr7'1 ~or::: ~~ LrErLH
::: R~<2.! ~/:::7-J'a'orJ:!. ~01 7'r~ A.r.g.~Ll cr.
This expression is often used together with - :=/::::71'EJ, which indicates the negation of not only one thing
but also something else on an even more telling, or serious level.

~c] ~ u}-2- <5~2.l ~~.g-7-]18 ;z1J?S:.~7-l- * 7} .!1!1'to-J..

Our mother has never even traveled to Jeju Island, let alone overseas.

~% 'i 7J-E7-118 {}~~} * ~ lI~ 7} 1?-J-o}..

There are times when I can't even read the newspaper, not to mention books.

4 013-"!~ sA.r2r ~01 ;,.r.g.or'21 '-(2 )2 *~j:r ~01'2-I ~EH M~Ll cr.
When used together with a verb, the form - ( o) 2 *~.l.: t filOi.f( is used.

t:-}2-]7} 11-- 0 }n]-J-i ~o-] 11 -?~7-]- ~o-Jii..

I can't even stand since my legs hurt very much.

:Ai] ~7]--E 51t~-ci] S:. :Ai]7]- ~% -?~;7_} ~ g_ 7S S::? o}? 7-]..

Even though my nephew is just a 5-year-old kid, he's so big that I cannot even hold him.

- -------- -- - ------------- - - - - -------..- - - -------- --- -- - ----... ..------

~ --

1 7r ~~ JA17} e>-lr-1 9 "5"~% ne>-l.fL?

Lr ~-11 .R, ~~ -17} e>-lr-1 9t>~% ~-2-7-l 0 }t.B ~*t .2.-E-~.R.

~* Ml7r 0-JCI O=i~~ I{Cr ~* Ml7r 0-JCI O=i~~ I{-EJ:I OrLH

~1 Ml7 r 01 L .2.l.Al-011 CrLI Cr ~ 0 1Ml7r0-JL .2.l.Al-011 CrLl :::J:I ~ 0 ~-=?

-9-'2:! Ml7r C~ Q.l-71011~ ~ o ~:::J: I 'ctJ:r ~-=?-

12. ?7} ~ Lj-Ej-L~ n:] 201

. .::i ~ l:lH~A.i~ ~7 1 ~7115 ~71 I ~~c~
12.!? JJ..17 ~ ~~~c~ ~~~7115 OH~ I file~
OI 0112:! AH j:~ ~ * ~c~


.::i 0 ?-E AH j:l-E7115 %.Jlj:~ I A.~71 gJ~c~

- ---"..........................-------..--.................... ---------~- .. ..- ..............-....

-- ~ -------------- ..---.......... --------------- -~ _
........... ---------............................ ,

.AJ.AJ l:::l n L I
00 --*17 I .,-.::c.. Cl

-------------------------..............----------- ---......--...................... .._........... _......_...... _. ________ .,....................._ .____~------------------------------------------- .......................---- ------- .............../

(1) 7~ ~-El.011 ~~ 0 1 ~ * ~1:~77}.R?

L~ ~~~1.R, :A1~ ~-El.011 ~~~~ 91.g. ~&-~& <?I -l>TI ~~.R.

(2) 7~ :A}Of -1, Jl~ 1(01 % llli}{l ~ 7c{O}Jl.

L~ ~o}.R. :Jl<S-J01l {(-~ i=i] - -- - -- - :J-1 ~ * 91-o}~;_] r1 c.}:Jl.R.

(3) 7~ *~o}, *S:.. <?} ~o}<?J:Jl .::::iLJ= ~ 7101=?

L~ ~lf- Itj~-l>TI).1 ~0 }<?J% *7} ~Si~.R.

(4) 7~ ~71 ..2.. ~ 01 {:}{:} 1J2f-l>R:Al:Jl ~~ ~ 7c!0 .R. r

L~ ~O}Jl. .::J_ cB Al 7ffi_g. ~ ~ft- ~ it0}Jl.

(5) 7~ \:f1i}% ol El i ~ :A}? W* ~Y-.R?

L~ 0 }y .R, %0 l 1T ~l>RA1 El .9i ~ 7-l 18 - - - - - - - .2_:7.}~q j l t>R.R.

(6) 7~ o}o]~ -17} :Al\:f 9-~011 :Jl<S-J-2_. ~o}{t~.R?

L~ tj], .z}-q~ -&-}:Al ~jl ~o}{(-~Jl.

(7) 7~ :Jl%~.liL rrR 91~~~ l:J~~~:Al.R?

L~ tj], -&-}:Al~ :A]-ii-_g. A~ZfOl <?_l- Y-Jl.

(8) 7~ W0}tJl:A]7} ~"117} i'.J:'-2-).]:Al.R?

L~ tj], .::::lcBAl Y- 0 ]7}%~A-1 2.1~:Al *~qJl~TI~i>}J,i]Jl.

202 Korean Grammar u1 'Ilse rntermediate

[ 88 )1

These days, you seem to have a lot of meetings.

L~ 1.:ll, <tlW0 l~)--~ ~ W-1.:ll.R. ..2.~1if islls:. .2_ ~ 0 l

"'il 7Hy- ~e>iJ-i 1~711 -OR 0 l= W;zl .2___3:1J.1.R.
Yes, there are a lot because it's the end of the year. Just today alone
(without having to consider any other days) I have three meetings,
so I really don't know what to do.

- + ++ + >+ .......... . . .. . , . ........................... ... + + + ++ ++ + >>OO - H oo O ~ . . .......... .. . ...

7~ ~% BJ~e>il _g_lfj_Q_. BH\:f~i>~% 7}-E ~A~%Ol

WrfJl %~1.R.
Regarding going backpacking to Europe during summer vacation,
I heard a lot of students do that.

L~ 1.:ll, ~0 }.R. :A~l zj 7 ~ 1if isllS:. ~ -1 ~ c1 ~ 0 l

Yes, you're right. Even just among my friends (without having to
consider anyone else), many have done so.

_, - _:,__ ;_:.. :;:. ..

; : - ..;.; ... -
tt-1.Q.. 02 t2....f~7if.R.?~
. L:. .. t:le
o~"'"" .. ..,.,
- -. . ' . . - - . . : - . -

~.S:.', ''2! otCi 2.t.S:.'2-I 2-ID l7t ~LICt.

Th is expression is used when providing examples to explain a situation or statement made previously.
Ii is equivalent in meaning to the phrases 01 ~~12.!' !i!~S:. and 12.!' f>~C-j2.~.
- -------------.----------------------
. ____...._ ___ ......................................_.........................
._,,_...._... ,..,.__
.~ .... ...-- --.--.,. ,. ,. . _- ------------._- --------------- ---- ---------- - -

. --... - -... ... . . .- ..-----. --........ -. -... ... ,. ... -... . . ... . . ... ...... . .,. ................... - .... .........""... --- . .......... .............-........ ____.,. ,,._
-~- ~ ____ ..,_ --~- -~ --.-- -. ---------. ----------------- ---. -. --. --- -. --.. - ... - .. ...... - . --... ---.

. ~-=?- ~ -=?-'2! i>ff.S:.
N 12.!' f>H.S:. '

' .2.~ .2.~'2! f>H.S:.

lil~ -17} .B.:% ;<a~ ~ilt>l ~Jf-i>}i:- -3:! 7cJ-0 riL. ~;.~]~ "611. ~ lOJ-]77}.A] .J-1~1J-1 ~-
i>}tj Cl- J7 8 .
It looks like Minseon is really studying hard these days. Yesterday alone (without having to consider any
other days) she studied until 10 at night at the library.
_8._.~_g. ~~<)}7171- e>-l 2q%l-8... :A11 %l-]1l} i>l1 2\:1~~ ~;zJ-% 7:- -1-1-<)}.:Jl ~7-l---8...
It's hard to find a job these days. Even my sister without the need to consid er anyone else hasn't been able
to land a job for two years now.

l-]~el7l- ~ 0 1-Y- i'J-0 l E--i:-7-l %ct-8... .ilL~l:ll lfr -6TI ~ ig-~l 151ll- -%l /Zj~7l- ~e>-l-8...
The cost of living is so expensive. My transportation expenses alone (without the need to consider anything
else) cost about 150,000 won a month.

r---..---------- -- -----..----- - ---- - - --- --~--------- ..---- - - - - - - - - - -


01 j~~ .l:!.~7~2.I ~~JI~ ~CH~I::: ~~~ J~%t rrtt.s=. ;_~ggtLICr. ~Oji~ v~ Al:cl~ LrE~LH::: WOI
917 '~'2! oH.!r.'2.I ~EH I'iOI ArgfilLICL
I This expression can also be used to express a situation that is opposite to what was the case in the past.

I In such cases, a time word is often followed by ~'21 oH.S:., an alternate form of this expression .

.A]\:l_-lf4-77t.A] tll- <>H 0 1 *1 0 ~~~--E-c1] 7-jif-..g. ;Q-0 t.Ai 'fl% * 7t ~ e>l.R.

Only last month (without the need to go back further in time), these clothes fit me, but now they're so small
I can't wear them.

10\:1 {itll- <>H ~~oj] oj ~;zl] ~ ~ J-t lf:l-o] ~.A] :: ?J~e>l.R.

Only 1O years ago (without the need to go back further in time), there weren't this many foreigners in Korea.
1----- - --- ----------- - ------ - ---------........-...... .- ________ ________
........ .... . .. .... ------------

. - . . 6;aj
1 7~ Jl- ~-11-Y- ~u}~~ol -31 ~o}Jl. ~-E- c[ 89 ) 1

L~ ~O}Jl. 41 ~-11-~1ll- i>l1 -cH lf ~ q l:l}~ lJl.

R~ 77L~ AO~E.g.01 ~[.~ LH ~7~ / ctt ~ ~ c~ tt ~~c~

R~ --7~7~ 'ClOI ~~c~ . 2.~~~ I 10%L~ ~~c~

o.zs. rrlLEO
"'1"' I 2
...u... c:J
I n:~o
21:1 L::' A
-r-10 ~ CJ~OI
12 us O lc_L
l:::j I ::\ii ~-5-A~ I ~j~ ~l o ~el' ~c~

2 7~ Jl- ::g71 ~ 0 1-ft-5~ 0 l~? '

o.zs. 7171
...u- CJ s=
o ol ,.,-
t..!._ oc,HOICL
o I

~~7 ~ ~~ BtOI ~(}j~c~ 'J\l'd~Oll %!'~ [[HI O l ~7il <2.!' Q.f~~c~

~<>H 2.l~~ BtOI ~c~ ~IC! I O l ~7il 2.1~ 1::1 17~ '[J"O I ~'J\ I <cs~~c~

204 Korean Grammar r'Fb 21se, Intermediate

... ..
. .. . ... ... . ..-
... .. ....... ..

~ - - .. ..~- --- -.

(1) 7~ ~71 -2-<?31 ~~ r1 {Jzfi>RAl.Jl <Ui::- ~ .:Q-0 }R. (J,1%)

L~ ~o}Jl. l--i%DJ c5tt:!C. ~717} Lfllli}Ali::- 711 II.llf-. ~JJ-l Al~O}Jl.

(3) 7~ {] <?}~ ol AlZ}- 0 l 1?0 l ~ ~ AlR? (~~)

L~ .=7..1%;1 R. -!f- J-l{!- 0 1 ~711 ~24R.

(4) 7~ 01 lti Bl. ~61-% Ill i>R7} 1?q;zl_g_? (Jf-~ --~ )

L~ ~o}R. l:lH ~ 1-21-% t>}1-fs:_ *t>r~OiR.

(5) 7~ o}{J% ~Al ~i::- ~J-~%Ol ~~-.JI <Ui:HR. (.JI%~-"~~ All ~7})
L~ ;<a~ .=z.~ ~ {{o}R. o}~% <?} ~ OiR.

(1) 7~ ~o l .g.% ~o}til5J_1.=llR. (20~ ~)

L~ .=I. c-l 711R. 2~ ~~DJ c5tt:!C. .g.o l ~ 24 <U ~i::-tjlR.

L~ 1f-.l ~.JI? - - -- - - - -- - JI.71- <U ~i::-tjl .


(4) 7~ utt-& %~% ~ E-AlLf li!}R. (~u} ~)

L~ ~ * 12:1 ~i::-tjl Al-ii_g. ~ ~ 711 ~ ~ OiR.

(5) 7~ 0
J=7J- -17} 2l1 0 l~711 ~--~ ~ t>}AlR? (~71 3::)
L~ .=I. c-l 711R. ;<a ~ ~ {J ol ~lf-~ ~i::-"Gll _g_.

CD ~71~7-} ~ 1ti tjlq-7}

~ E1lY77} @ ~ 7 l IT1l ~<>11


'' CD .2.. \:} s:_ ~ lf-.2_\:JOlY-
@ \:1--El @ 16 7-11%i

3 7~ R~ 0~2o~~ tgOI 'Clg7~ .s!~R.

L~ Lil, .
- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -
CD 0 11 ?~-7-} tjl 1111- 0 1=2 g ~~Jl
~ 0 1J. ?OllLl-7} tjl J. 0 lY- OfC g ~~Jl
0 11 ?1il- <5Hs:_ tjl 1ti 0 lY- 0 1=2 g ~~Jl
0 l1 ?<>ll 1:11 <5H "'1 tjl 1ti 0 1Y- 0 l= 2 g ~ ~ iL

CD {1~0 1 1:11Jtl- i;l-011 ~ xs:_ ~.!f- W-0 1-"'1 .:g-.!f--5}717} ~%71~.fL

~ {l~ol til-} 7}.Al.=il ~ Xs:_ Lllf- EfO}J-1 _:g-Jf-<)}717} ~%71~.fL
@ {1~ 0 1 tilJtl- tjll:f7} ~ -xs:_ ~lf- W-0 1 -J-1 .:g-Jf-<)}717} ~%7-l~Jl
@{1~ 0 1 til-}71~ "5}.A11i} ~ -xs:_ ~lf- W-0 1-"'1 .=g-.!f-t>}7l7} ~%7-l~Jl

5 CD i J.}~_g. 7}1'~1il- 0 }Yt.l- l:l~~ 0 17l5:_ <5HJl.

~ 7tf7l7} q ~ ~1i} o}yt.1- 7l~s:_ ~o}~~Jl.
@ .A}0 1= -1 ~ ).dz=l 0 1 g ~~ 0 }y Cl- :f& Eq<5}717l}.Al <5HJl.
@ .Ai~~~~ o}yc} o}~77}.Al ~~J-1 l:l~7} ~.!f- .=ilTil-ii.. *
6 CD i o}~~ 7}~ 0 1 Jtl- tjlt:l-7} %{ls:_ wo}J-1 .A}? 7}ii..
~ lOJ-17} \S~ tjlq7} ~-ls:_ ?%1"'1 ~161 ~% 71<:xllii..
@ 0J7J -1~ --0 1 W-0 1 ~_g. tjjq7} ~;_~~J-1 <iJ.717} wo}Jl.
' @~ 0 1 W-0 1 % tj] t:f7} ~.:g=.s:_ ~7.:1"'1 ~71~ E}~ 7}~ "'}%1-0 1 W-0 1-ii..
' ' ...
........ ___ .. -- ---- - - ---- -.. ... - - ..
--- -. -
-- -
1 T

7t %if;]~~~%~ 71 <:xllit?
Are you going to take a trip to Europe?

Lt ~l, *if;] Oil 7 N=- 11 Oil %%Oil ~Cl "'1

Yes, and on my way to Europe, I plan to stop by Hong Kong to see
a friend .

. ...... .. - .... ... .... .............. ... ............ .... .................. ....................- .............. ----............................-..........- ----..-- ...

7t ~o}, Al 7-l~ ~-2-<)N::- ~ 0 10ilJl.. %1 3M.ft~ 71

~~~ J-} ~77}_8_?
Mom, I'm on my way out of the office. Is there anything you need
me to pick up (buy)?

Lt .:z_ ~, {]Oil _2_-E- ~Oil 4f-1Ii Oil 7}Al flf- ~ A} 2.1-.

In that case, stop by the supermarket on the way home and get
some tofu.

o1t.~ ~ o1--or::: :ilr~ 30il OJ ct! cr. ~ 6 ~ ~ [[H .Ar ~LI cL

This expression is used when t he speaker does an action while in the process of going somewhere.

::: ~Oii
. =
~~-=-~--~-,,_ ..,.,. .,. . . . . .,__ --- .

--- ~~

.f 7 rcr 7 ~ ~Oii
! 12-0rcr 120 ~ ~Oii
__ '
__......___................. -...- - -- -
~~-OH=- ~ ofl 7<l t>-l-~<Ji],A1 Jf-~-0-1 ~ 7 ~ 1If)l-e>-1i?...
I met a friend by chance on the subway on my way home.

{J~] %0}-2--E ~ofl ~~~],Al ~).}<5-}Jl ~"1i?...

I ate at a restaurant on my way home.

_!f-AJO ~~ 7H=- ~ Oil <{}%. ~ ~ 71<:xlli?...

I will also visit Andong on my trip to Busan.

208 Korean Grammar u,,. C/~e- Intermediate

- - - - ---- -

1 01 .ff.~. ~ ~01cfs=s= ~01 .A.lob~c11 01rrH~ Olsob~ ~01 <IOJLt.:il ~g~ LtEtLH~ ~o
Oj[[~0 <!~ ot.:il ~~ %012.t~ ~~LICr.
This expression is also used in the form ~ ~Ole~. In such cases, it indicates that the speaker is in the
process of moving from one place to another. Thus, it refers to being in the middle of doing something.

7~ oj t:.j 7}i::- 7cl o] oj].R? Are you on your way somewhere?

L~ tj], ~.:rz- 1{!-L.j-cj 7}i::- 7,J o] o]J.R. Yes, I'm on the way to meet my friend.

2 ' ~S:.%0il'5:. l::ll~~ 1Dl<2.JC-JI OI .ff.~:_: s.A.t1 P:11Q{ filOI A~f: ~7~1 .A.I~* ~Al'2.!"' ~ ~Oil'
~ ~ '7tCf. '.2.Ct'. 'Lr7tCf2r ~:.: Ol-51 1Dl7r ~~ -5.A.t2t ~7Jll M~LICt.
The expression --E S:.8-0ll has a meaning similar to ~ ~OJI, but there are no restrictions on what verbs
it can be used with. -~ ~OJI , on the other hand, is generally only used with verbs indicating physical
movement, such as 7~cL .2.cL and L~7~c~.

~<5}-E 7,Joj] ~if-E-17} 77-]Aj tii~l .R. (x)

~~-&-ti=- %oJl ~#-E-17} 77-]Aj tii~o.J.R. (o)
:' ~ ~OJ l ' 7~ '7 ~cf, ' 'L~7~c~ 2~ ~g 01~ 0 1 101 7 ~ '1!-E ~.A.~2.~ filllil MOIJ::I ~<xl 00 ~~LI CL

Here, ~ ~OJI cannot be used because the verb is not one of movement, such as 7 ~c~. .2.C~. or L~7 ~c~.

{lo]] 7]-.e %oJ1 ~~-~ 011 ~ 5:il.R. (0)

{] oj] 7}-E 7cl oJl ~~~ oj] %5:i 61.R. (0)
:' ~ ~OJl'7~ '7 ~cf, '.2.Cf, 'L~7~C~'.2.~ ~~ 01~ 0 1 1017~ '1!~ ~.A.~2.~ filllil ~~o a~ .f!!NE1LIC~.

Here,-~ ~OJI could be used because the verb is one of movement, such as 7~C~. .2.c~. or L~7 ~c~.

J~ i ?k ~ ~I1"'1 it~.R?
L~ ~ 011 _2_~ ~ ll Al AJ01l Al i(~ .fl, 712.Hj:-1 client (of a business)
~gc;fcf to visit

~ ~~ OjCIAi A~C~ ~OJI 2.C~ I Al~IOllAi A~C~

~ ~7 ~ OJCl.A.i 12.!'L~C~ 712.Hj:-J~ ~g0~2.i 1~c~ / .5f.<2:1al 12.!'L~c~

~ 7~~~ OjCIAi .!:2.C~ 2,1'.ii!.OJI .2.C~ I g7Zl' 7 ~lllOJI -2.iAi .!:2,C~

- 7~ u}3. ~1, .Al~ ~ q 011 7 }~ 7tJ. 0 l011 .fl?

L~ ~-11-7} ~%J.-5HJ-1 ~~ 7~ ~ 0 lllA .

~.:;:z.7~ ~~tiHAi {E-~ 7~C~

~OI ():j~OJIAi ~0 ~2.~.A.i 'i5-0JI D~o~2.i 7~C~

~.:L!. ~.g. ~o I '1!0iAi .!I.Ait!OJI ~ 2.l 2.i 7 ~c~

.. ... - .. .. . ...... - .
... -. .. ..
. ......
. - . -

(1) J~ 0 }{10il 0 }0 17} ~7-} ~.:iiI.011 7}.R? (~A}01l 7}tj-)

L~ 0 }y.fL, 7.~17} ~f..toil lrJe- 1 J.011 tjl ~tj- 2f=1Jl.

J~ ~NJl
L~ o - -- - - - -- - 2 M ~, .

(3) 7~ ~u}, J!l-~% ~ i~7ll W- 0 1A}ite>-1.R? ({1011 ~0 }-2-q)

L~ 7}711 011 Al .}711 ~o}Al wo l 1:1-e>i .

(4) 7~ J *~~ e>it:lAl ~~Ci.fl? (~ A}Oil ~ 2-0}tj-)

L~ ~~011Al 2-}q.2_. ~~Ci.


(1) 7~ Ci q 011 7}AilJl? (J>_ 1-0}Ci 7}tj-)

L~ %%1'~ l rJe IJ.01011.2..

(2) J~ tj-,<f:-tjl e>-lt:l01l 7}.R? (~% ~.2.c1 .g.i@01l 7}tj-)



(5) 7t ~~ -O}Ci 7}.R? (-U~-O}Ci 7}tj-)

L~ o}y.fl,
- -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - -

21 0 Korean Grammar u1 Intennediate

What did you do this afternoon?

I was reading a comic book, but then I went out with a friend .

..... -----------.--------- ...........................................- ------....... -.......- ..... -............................. --. ..............

7~ .g-~11=, _2_lfil~ 0 li:f. ~~ 0 1Y?

Hey, Eunhye, it's been a while. What's up?

I was writing an email and then thought (about you), so I just called.

1:ti_Q_ 0 l<>t..!i!..77L
L:..l::i2 C! 2 .1

: ~~g Oi'l'! ~-501 7'1~1-E %Oil =i. ~-50 1 %8171L~ c~.e ~-5~ l:l~fl:: ~~ L~E~~ rrH AjgtLjCL
-47F ~ '-CF ~~Ai Alo~71~ gtLjc~.
-- s expression is used to indicate the speaker's interruption of one action to immediately start d oing
:.1other action. -C~7~ can be shortened to the form - c~.
-------~- ..----- ---.--------------.--..--- ----,-...,,, -----------------.........-
... ...........~--- - -- - -
-C~7 ~
. -- . ... ---- ....... ..- .. ...- .......................
.. --- .. ....... ......... ... - . .. .. .....................
..... ... ...................... . ................ -- ... .
1. 7 ~c~ .~ 7 ~c~ 7 ~
v -[.~7~
' ~C~ [ j ~ C~7~
- - ----
' . ------------- - - -"-----
--...--------- - .

.- - - - - - - - -

. ~% 11471- {1:9~ ~ ~,J-if-111*.

I was eating and then answered the phone .

i1---~ -6}tj-7} ~'.ilif-111*.

I was studying and then dozed off.

~l-6}~ 1~~% EfJl 7}tj-7l- .Al~~~l].Ai 2~~ O ~O}Ef-"il.fL.

Take subway line 1, and then change to line 2 at City Hall Station.

~7-l] 0 1 .~ "Eftj-71- \:i 01~-"i -cf~ 01..9...

I was skating and then fell and hurt myself.
1 OI .H.~g -t:j?:!f~2.I ~~Ol l-11~112'.!A.i ~~~2.I ~~OI ~OiL~E ~Sf0ll A.~.g.gj-LIC~.
This expression is also used to indicate that the action in the preceding clause continues while the action
in the following clause occurs .

~% 7-}tj-7} -!f--"i-8:- :g-g )9_o-J.11.

I was sleeping and had a scary dream.

~% ~o-j7}tj-7} 7tf7-l-7l -"~zj- 0 ] L-J--"i ~~~o-J .

I was walking along and suddenly thought (of you), so I called .

~-=jl-<S-}.Jl o]oF7] ~ t>}tj-7} *~o-J-9....

I was talking to my friend and laughed. (= laughed while talking to my friend)

2 OI R~g -t:j~~2~ ~~~2.I ~Oi 7~ ~Of{)~ gj-LI C~.

The subject of the preceding and fol lowing clauses must be the same.

(417}) ~% ~r:.1-7} ~~7} ~-frlir:.1-. ( x )

- (417}) ~% ~tj-7} (417}) ~~ ~ ~'.il-~1-lcJ-. (o)
: ~.2.~7 ~ ~~Lj c~e- ~0! 7 ~ ~2ro 1ii'! ~0!7 ~ '2-~A~A-j ~~ * filLI C~.

The sentence is ungrammatical because the subject of ~.2.~ 7 ~LI c~ is ~2~- So it has a different
subject from the preceding clause.

'" 22- '~li~ LrEr~ rrH'1 01 '-~/~Cr7F~ =fil~orJ..ilR.
See Chapter 22 Expressing Completion, Section 01 -~/~Cr7 f.

1 7r ~:A1l~ q ~e>iJl? 1[ 93 ) 1

Lr 0 1-YJl, 4f:A1l~ -Ol-tj-7} {l-T-011711 ~~7} Q}J.1 Y-3:1-e>iJl.

~:x:il~ cr orcr
~"r~ cr .5:!.cr ~~ .5:!.cr / L.:t .Ef..A.ii?:l.A.i .g.~_1011 ~#E+~ 11cr

~ cr ~cr ~~ ~cr / L.:t.!?- ~2-~.A.1 :A:rcr

2 7r e>i~Jlj -0}C}7} Ciel~ q~~ Jl?

Lr .!f-7-l.g. ~% ~t:l-7} 001x~e>-1Jl. HHl~ofe~ to sprain

0~21~ crj:1cr .Ef-7~.g ~~ ~cr / HHl~orcr

Cr2-I ~ Crj:ICr

711'2~ LH2-~7rcr 101112-i:A:lcr

~7~~ Crj:ICr .

212 Korean Grammar u1 Ure- Intermediate

.. -
..... .. ....- - -
- - - - - --- - -

7t o}Ol7l-2R c}~01Jl?
Lt or1~ 1'rt:t1r ~ll w~01..a.

7t AR l:!l ~ t:ll 2R ~ 011.d-01.R?

Lt - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - ~01.R.

7t 017-ll J E_c}D~ q ~j]_ ~01.R?

Lt o}y.R, :rrl~t>RJ.i ~01.R .
...-.........------............. .............----- ....... ..................... -............................ - ................. ..--... . ..

7t {]_ =r ~ ~1.d-01.R?
Lt o}yJl, - -- - --
:21cf {Je>lj {t01Jl.

(1) 7t J-i%~ll 01~~1 7}01= ~.R? (El-j]_ 7}c})

Lt>}~ 2~k!% q2 lrt:tlr ;_178 ~ llJ.i 1_::_k!.Q_ ~o 1-El-;_lttI ~.R.

(2) 7t ~_g. 71~~ 2R ~~01.R? (W77l- W-771- 0J-~o]q)

Lt ~ ~ tJ-1Xl01 Jl.


.- --- -

CD 7}~J-1 7}L-l77}
@ 7}-E %Zl-Oil @ 7}-E t1}1f0il

CD ~c.}JL -E ~Oil
@ -E ~~Oil @ ~~ JI_ o}-e~n

3 r= ~
CL2 ""' ct~
e: c= ~I
._ A VJ -, o 0 r
~/\JI A-ic.~-
- LJ:I OJ-..Q.
Lo ._ t::1=
c.Hc.t-.Q. ...l.!.712AJIO
- I ........... ''

7~ o~~Oll ~OllJ-.i ~~
L~ O~Ll.ft, - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -
CD 2 o}~J-1 J-} 7}7-lJL 7}J-1 ~A}OilJ-1 ~lit
2?J- lfiltjl J-} 7}7-l JL 7}J-1 ~J-}Oil J-1 ~lit '
@ 2<5}-E 7cl0il J-} 7}7-lJL 7}J-1 ~J-}Oil*l ~lit


@ 2<5}-E %Oil J-} 7}7-lJL 7}J-l ~A}Oil J-l ~lit '


7~ iH.ft?
J-.i~~Oll Oi~7il 7~0~

L~ ~710l1Ai - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
CD 7-lo}~ 7_~% EfJl 7}q7} 0 14-~0llJ-1 4_~~_ 7cl-0 }E.}~ sRit '

(g) 7-1 <5}~ 7_~% EfJl 7}71-- 0 1 4-~0ilJ-l 4_~~_ 7cl- 0 }Ef~ sRit ''
@ :Al <5}~ 7_~% EfJl 7}-E 7cl0il 0 14-~0i]J-1 4~{1~_ 7cl-0 }1-~ sRit
@ :Al <5}~ 7~11% EfJL 7}71-E 0}7-11?} 0 14-~0il J-1 4~11~~ :Q-0 }c.}~ sRit


CD .J-1t!-Oi]J-1 ~% ~ ~7}:AlJL -2--E ~ 0 lOilit. ''

~.:r 171 .g-~% 7}-E ~Oil ?~~ J-} 7}7-lJL 31-lit.

@ ~ J-}OilJ-1 i3 4f-E-l ~ ~<5}-E ~Oil i34f-E-17} 711A:l B1 5'.1,lit.
@ 0 }417} Oi~Oi]J-1 ~ 0 }2.}J-1 -=g-~J-Oil 0 ~0}C1 7}-E 7cl 0 l Oilit.

6 C~~ ~~ ~ $~.1 .1Dl7~ C~.7il ~~ ~~ ~.2.AilR.

CD ~~ ~ ~q7} lllf- ~n~J-1 %:dlit.

~% ~q7} 11-9'- ~ ~ J-1 {}-7(} ~ifYti-.
~71~ E.}q7} 1Bl AiJ-1 1T ii ~ q~ifL-lti-.
' ~-% ~ti-7} ~-11-0il~l ~~ .g. ~~ ~ ~91-irL-lti-.
....... ____ ---- -
.,-' ---- --

--- - - ... - - - -... - -.. . -. ---

--- .... .,..;.-- -

0 2. A.:i I :
iI !
o a

( 94 ]

Did you get a lot of sightseeing done today?

Lt l=ll, n.l~i>Rl-i ~Cl~ ~ i'J-0 1~0 1-rt~ e>l.fL.

Yes, I was so tired from going here and there that I could have
collapsed .

.... ----- - -- ---~- -- - ---- ---

It's really raining hard!

Lt l=ll, 1=1-- W-0 1Q}J.i <i 0 1~ ~ _!:[!_~ ~5:.llA.

Yeah, it's raining so hard that I can hardly see in front of me.

L~ '-(0 )2 ~5:.0ICF2.I ~EH ~IOI .Aj-gJ'LIC~.

This expression is used to indicate that the action or behavior in the following clause is being done or is
occurring to a degree similar to what is described in the preceding clause. It is mainly used in the form
-{.2.)2 ~c;:c;:! or-(.2.)2 ~S:.OIC~.

- (.2.) 2 ~5:.
- ... - 11 - ..........
~.,,..... ,,'Ii~---
. _ye. . ...~ ... ---- . -..~'"'",... . . . . . . . . .' / . - - - - - -......- '""-; ... , - . . ..._...-,,

,lll'i'_W_- - - - ---" ,..,,..,._.,.-. . ~~ - - --~-----......_.._.

A/V -(.2.) 2 ~5:.
. 0 1.2. .?Ci r-

'--~--- -- _
..--------.......... ____ ...... .... ________________ . .... ..........___________,, .. ..............
..__. ___ ..
~------...------- -"'- .....
1::::1 2. 0 .::J:..!:I::.
-.......____________ ......._....................__________....______
... ,,

.A~ {: 0 R9J f ~ ~ ~ .A~ x ? ~ :1 ~ -W0 }t>RiL.

I like movies to the extent that I watch about two every day.

~~Oil 94 ~ cj t-Hiti ~* -17} :1~ ~ 785:? .Al? -171 Y-~ -?!% ~ 71o:ilii.?
Did Jisu do something so bad that Minsu, who normally never gets angry, became angry?

0 l1tf Al~.g. o}~ ~Sf-1,Al ~~).~_ .2-f- ~ 7<j.~0JJl.

This time, the exam was so easy that even a middle school student could have aced it.

21 6 Korean Grammar ui 2/se Intern1ediate

1 7~ ~e>1l B}~Ol it0 1~e>lii.?
L~ t:ll, .A}~o l 1i0 }~ 78 5"=. i'i-0 l ~e>lii..
~~011 1:1 rEto 1tiJo 1~cr .A.rEto 1'or7rcr / ~o 1~cr
t1H7r \?JOI jlIICr M2.i;;:1cr / tiH7 ~ j1 I I Cr
.:1 ~~ ~2.i ~ ~i~Cr cr .2.l~cr / ~2.i ~ ~exicr

2 7r :A.1 7R-=:1. ~..i:rm..g. 72~ :7.R 0 l~:A.l..9..?

Lr t:ll, ~ 1Ill 0}q ~ J?- it01*e>l.A1 l:JR7} o~ 78.:S:.c:i!l..fl .
7H.:l ns= =i~ ~ ~'!" :AHDl~Cr ''
~ [[HDrCr L:j.!:p. \?lO I ~Oi.A.i t1H7r Or.!!.Cr
J...rE!'~ 'to 1~lt uur2 er ''

Li.!:f. ~2.r.A.i ~or~717r ~~er
1.;; .A.rE!'~ E.~'1"~ ~'!" ~rcr '
or~ lfoHJ...i E.~ .A.rEtol2.r.:Jl ~~1cr

.. .. . .. ~-

. . ..
- - - -

(1) 7r *<3 JAl7} ~~ RfOl u}1,101ii.? (AJ{)_% 7.}Cli::f) *

Lr t:ll, "J.(!1--J~ ~ 1-~ "J.(!Y. i1ol u}~ -3:! ~o}.R.
(2) 7r ~1' JAl7}{{0 l i10 l 11H}~7-lii.? (* <?[0 }.!rl..q)
Lr t:ll , /\-l . {[0 l i10 l l!H}~ -3:! ~ 0 }.R.

(1) 7~ Al* -17} ~lAiJ-l RfOl r.}~01.R? (%~ 0 1/\l *"5"}c})

Lr tll, RfO l c}~Al %?.~Olf-1 ~cSl "J.(!X.011.2...
(2) 7r "'l~_:g-lf- i10 1 ~01-9..? (Dic.17} 0 t~q)
Lr t:ll , _:g-lf-~ i10 l t>RJ-1 - - - - - - - - - - -
(3) 7r 011H 0 }0 l~Ell 01~.g- ~;z~ .2.-!f- ~tjl.R! (.2.-- J-}1%f~ 0 l ~2.}q)
Lr t:ll, tj Jf- {171 t>R"'1 .
7t 4-Q.}! Al 1B-e 7-jW 3-tjl.R!
Wow! That dog is really big!

Lt tjl, 7-jW 7B7} %0 }:Al1i} c5}tjlit.

Yeah, it's as big as a calf.

........................................... -- .....................................

7t 211 %2-l~J-o l ll~~:Al? ~7} #-h:f:- 7-lOf?

How did the glass window break? Did someone get in a fight?

No. Someone threw a rock the size of a fist into it.

OI .H.~ ~ 3-71Lr * ~1 2.IDI ~ ~~ ~.ArOll ~Oi.Ai Oict-1 ~OI :=1_ ~.Ar2.r t!liili';!~ rrtt ~~ 3-7IOl7~Lr

~~ ~~~ ~ LrEr~ rrtt .A~gLICr. 'N'2! orCF ~~ 'N'2! ~ N' 0 1~EH. ~OI .Ar-gLI CL
Used with nouns denoting a size, number, or amount, this expression indicates that the noun under discussion
is approximately the same in size, amount, or degree as the noun. It is usually used in the form N'2..!' c; ~c.~ or
N12! E_1- N.
-~ "'" ------------.,......._.,.. . . , _. . ._,. ,.,.,. ,,,..,_~-C~---- -----,...,,.,_,._. _.,._...,~-~-------......._.......,.,_, . ., ._,,_ U CZ! - _ . . . _ _ , _ _ _ , , _.,_..,,_.....,..,.. - - - - . . - . , - _ . . _ . . . . , _ . . _ . ...._..

..... -- -- __ .,,_. ____..___ _______. ., __ ... ... --J----------- - ----.. -- ..... .A:..... ...... -- .......... -- -~~~..... . ...... ---------..-..... .....-..... . - --"' -----........... ,,..... .. ..____...._.______ ,.

; ~ orCr l
?l1ll2.I orcr?l1ll2.I ~
. '
Ar-LI ..... ~9::!~ orc.r
----- - -' ................................_._ ___ ------....................._
____ ________
............. ___ - - ---..---------------.................._. ________ _._ ~---

.:i!_-8J=Oll ~-E ~.5:. 7-] ~ 1[2 ~-E ~ 3.7]ttf '5llil.

My house back home is just as big as the one I'm living in now.

0 }2.l ~~ *.5:. {Jttf ~ *.g_ ~"lil. -6}7]-E -OR~ Jf-C-1 {11 ;z~]~ ~-ORJl.
No matter how comfortable a place may be, nowhere beats home. It may be small, but our house is the

~1*")i {!-~ %A~~ 7J7r ~-~ ~it~ ~ ttr "5tl=llil!

My 15-year-old little brother is already as tall as my 20-year-old big brother!

2 .. 8 Korean Grammar in Zl.~e Intermediate

'N'2l orCr'E- ~g~o s= MOI::: .:l~~o I I'tOI ~:::c11 .::i~ ~ crgJJ.r ~~Lier.
There are many idiomatic expressions that use N'2! o~C~. A few are given below.

~i}o] ?]3l2.j~ "511.R.

(My) salary is the size of a rattail. (=meager, very small)

. ~~oJ -?11~ -5H.R.

(Someone's) face is the size of a fist. (~i-O I ~c~ ~ 01 0 1)

-&~2.J 7} fo};.1 .2..7] ~2.J1Il- i>HR.

(Someone's) voice is as small as a mosquito's sound.

11-- ~2.j-J.-j 7}-;;o] ~~~ oH~<>l.R.

(I) was so surprised that my heart shrank to the size of a bean. (=be terrified; be scared stiff)

. ~~TI o}~7} ~t:.1-.

No younger brother is wiser than his older brother.

7J-o]-.A] .3.7]1i} ~?]

A rat as big as a puppy.

~o] 1i:f~7 ~~ "511.R.

(Someone's) eyes are the size of buttonholes. (= small)

o-]~ ~~~ ~ %J17] ~ ;g-~o-JR.

(Someone) caught a fish the size of a grown man's forearm. (= very big)

l::lJ-o1 ~ -g .AJ-~ -5H.R.

The room is as big as an athletic field.

1 7~ Al J-}311--i::- ;Aa~ 3.tjliL! t[ 97 ) 1

L~ Jf-.2.}! J-}311-7} 9-~l{f t>}tjlJl. ~A:l~7~ the thumb

,A.~11~~ ~'!' .3.e~ .A~.:il~7 ~ -9-1=!.t

t:1H?~ ~~OI ~'!' ~e~ ~~OI ~Q:j

%CH-tj.~~ .3.717~ ~'!' ~c~ *cH-tj~7 ~ ~J;:l-e-7~~

2 7~ 2H 01,A~ ~ 7}iL?

L~ Jf-t:q i>l-~{l 0 }9-~Y 1il- ~ 9-<?.11 ~71.iL. ic.RJ-i ~ 7}iL.

~2.I f>~~ o~~GiLI / ~~01 file~/ <21' 7~e~

I ~ol file~ I <21' Q:Je~

A:i0il7il~ igJ-

Ai0il7ile ~LH I ():j~Al7~ file~/ 1~ ():j~::: <2! 7~e~

- -- . .. -----~ --- --~~--
-- - ........................
......, .......... ......-
-. --......... ..-.........~--. - -..., ..---.--.,.. - - ..--..

r ------------------------------------------------.. . . .--.. . . . . .-.. . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --.. .-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. __. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . . . ...._. ..1
~ ~-- ~

l Eb i!*" f c E ~ ?-11.12-I ~
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .....................................................................................................................................................
01::: w~ ~

7r 1-<3!% ~Jl <V_OiR?

(1) L~ 7-l7tJ-% ~jl <V_ e>iR. f-.J%-=f ~DJ -Bl Al7tJ-~ tjl
<?} ~ 0 ltjlR .

..... ...--..........--.................-... .,..- ...........-........-................................................................ ..........................................................-.-

~4=- -1-E ~-B-% B.fol ~o}R?

(2) o}yR, ~ifo l - - - - -- - - - {[717}
e>i ~%1R.

7r o}tJ-lAl7} ~J-1% "5"}2-1 7}9- 7}-"ilR?

(3) Lt tjl, Alli 9-Wo-Jl.5:. 7}-"4-"1 - - - - - - - - -
%Jl7l~ {}-0 } -2.11 e>iR.

7r .:I~.5:. ~ 0l %;_~~q ~Jtl 1~

(4) L~ .:l~Al ~ig-Jf--1 - -- - - - -- - - %l-~ 0 l
~qJl "5"}?_4-o}R.

...... ..... . ........................ . ...... .. .... . ................... .......... ......... . ..... ......... .................. . . .......... ... ........ . . . . ... . . . ........... ...... ..... ........... ~

7r 1Ai1 ~9-o-Jl-"1 7<jW ~ Q.f17r t-1-E};i-~R.

(5) Lt Al.5:. ~1R. Qf17} t-1-E-}4-"l

220 Korean Grammar UI/ CZ6e- Intermediate

0 L 0
1 T

How much money should we pay?

L~ Zf/Z} ~ .,g. ~ii Ll1 ~ ~ 1:1 7t{o}R .

Each person should pay an amount equal to how much
he or she ate.

7~ _2_~ 7t{ol OJ:} ~77}.R?

Shall we see a movie today?

L~ Dl~"6HR. R% oal ~ ~ ~ci- TI7}o}/Zl ~ 0 }.R.

Sorry. These days, I don 't have enough free time to see a movie.

0 K>t~1Jt.R.?.

This expression is used to indicate that the action or state described in the preceding clause is similar or
equivalent to that stated in the following clause. When used with nouns, it indicates that the nouns in the
preceding and following clauses are similar in degree.

-() L /f::/(.2_) 2 '2JE

_. ..'.. .. ... .. . ... ... ..o.o,.

A -() L irJE
< - - - - -.., ___________'' ..........._..........._.._.............................____________________
' ~~---------------------------------- ....................._.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,_................ ________
- Dt..3.
................................... --------- ----------. ------ .-----.------.- -----.. - --

. .. - '
----..... -. -- . -....... -. -- ... .
! l MC~ ~
v l ~AH : ~ 121-6 .
; ..
. - ......... - --- ... ------- --------------- ------ ..................... . ... .... ... .. ... . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..
. '

'' ..''

oI2-H -(0)2
- a~..3.
&....;= ..

. '


------------- -. ---------------------------- ------~----
To the extent that you pay for it, you should receive good service.

Al !f-le>il 91-E- ).}1i:}-.5:. ~ ~ * 91% lfrci 3-/ll ~1<5H ? "'11.R.

Please speak loud enough that the person behind can hear you, too.

It is said that people mature to the extent that they've experienced sorrow.

Y.s=. ~ lfrri ~-w * 91_Q.Y7Jr Zi78 t>}:Al u}"'il.R.

Don't worry because I can do (it) just as well as my older brother.

1 7~ i ~~7} wo1 ~:&01.R?

L~ l:fl , iE-%0 11f ~ti ~~01.fl.

~ ~ .2.~7~ 'rlOI ~c~

o l~OJI cHoH.A.i 'rlO I ~c~ c~:= .A.~~0117-ll .~:a ~~t>H ~ * ~c~ I ~c~
D I ~ JJ.1 7~ 01-JJ.l.S:. ~[_~ ~~o I Oll titi c~ I o1-JJ.l.S:. ~c~

2 7~ 0}%01 717} .3..Al.R?

L~ ~l, O}Bl .Al'll% 717} rl.fl.

O ~OI 7 1 7~ .3.C~
''' 0 ~tljA:I I 717 ~ .3.C~
~o I Oll HH c~
' ~ 0 ~ I Oll.!!!!.C~
~OI es 7~ ~~c~

222 Korean Grammar ;,, </,u 'e Intcrinediate

- - -

..... .. - .-

- - - - -- - - - - - ~.g. ~Jrl-7} '.V.% 7-l ~l_g_.

(3) 7~ oie-17} ~ol o}~,Ail_9_? ({}-% 9 ~q)

Lr 1.:ll, 0}TI}J-1 ~Cl ~-%1-0il 7} ltl-F~~_g_.

(4) 7r QR tj <?I ~"'il_g_? (~1*)

Lr :Ai~ - 101 ~J-1 ~~~~ ~~ 01= ~ii..
- - ----

(5) 7r ~u}~% 7}:Al1?1 ~_g_? (7}:Al.:11 1i1*)

Lr ?J-01 '.V__2-y77} - - -- - - - -- - - 7}7<15:_ ~Y1*.

2 [!27l]OllAi ~~fil 8<>i~ ~o~ c~~ cH:2:~ ~~o~AilR.

r ----------------------------------- ..._____________ . . . ___________ ..........._______..... _..______________ .. __________ .... _____________ _

9 or'2! ~ o~712.r .u1 =z.~ .Ai~ L~o 1

L - ------..._._ ______ .._- - - ------ ---'""'"'""''"'"" -------.,,_- - ---..---- - -----... - ----------------...- -. _ .._ ______ .._________________,!

(1) 7r :ArF -1 ~~.g. Aa~ "5"}%l:Al_9_?

Lr 1.:ll, "Bf-OJ= ~DJ-% :@ -3! ~o}_g_.

(2) 7r _g_~Oil~ Y-010il Bl-oRJ-1 ~ 0 1 ~ i- J-}w% 0l w-.g. -3! ~o}_g_.

Lr icl ~l_g_. ""a ~~ ;.}~% 0 1 ~~ 0 1= wlfiltjl_9_.
(3) 7r ..2..J-}7'}~ ~ n:R_g_?


(4) 7r oJ7J- -17} ~BB~ ?J-o l TI-1-%1_9_?

Lr 1.:11, ~o l TI-1 ? ~ -3! ~o}ii..


CD J= ~ 0 1 ti-.Jl7-} f?S\ ~o l t-l- o}.3-

\bl "I.!.- -= 2. ~ 0

@ ~% 0 l Y-i::- ril i::f7 }- @ ~%ol 1- ~~ o]-yc}

. ''
' CD :i ~% Oi Cl ~ ~i lJ-1 .2.l~.Jl7-} c5Ril .
:1. ~% Oiel ~ ~clAl .2-1% .2.. 0J 0 101lil.
@ :J_ ~% Oiel ~ ~clAl .2-1% * ~clil.
@ :i ~% e>:1Cl ~ ~lJ-1 .2.1~211d ~- 0 1011.R.

L~ 1J"7 I-CR. ~80 I - -- - - - - - - -- .
CD 9-1 Jl cl~ ~tj] il ~?11ilti7-l-E:- ~~lil
@ 9-1Jlcl1Il-% W .g_tjl .R @ ?1 Jl t:q 011 t1 lt>B Al ~ .g_tjl _g_

wo~R. _________ __________.

CD 91"0 1- ~ 7l7l- ~ ~ cl F~o l 1W[t:q-.R 91"0 r~ 7l7} ~- 72 5= S: ~o l 1W2-}il

@ 91"0 r~ 7l7l- ~ .- ~011 ~o l 1W[2-}_g_ @ 91"0 }%7l71- ~- Elly 77} ~o l 1W{2}_g_
5 [.IL.2.CI=
= E2
.A. o:><:: e:2.l
2 L....:
7:f2.~ ~ 0JIO
.A.2 7':-"l ...u...

CD *<3 -li=- 94~ 0 1 ~l~ 1Il-% 0 1-%-1 .Jl-8:- ~ ~01-R.
--% W- 0 1 ~ 1Il-% ~.g_ J-1til~~ ~~il * ~--Lli::f. ''

@ {}% * <Hi%~% BR7l- 0 }Itj-J-1 ~2-l ~-%1011 7l-F~lil.

@ J-}lf:t%.g_ .}:[!_~ 0 1--E 1il-% J-j4f-5R~i::f.Jl "5"ti=-Ell ;<a~ :i~.R?

CD J-l-lf:t 0 l 1-ot7}-2- .Aa ti]-%}- 0 l t'J-0 l ~.Jl ~ lil.
0 l'tl J-1 ~.g_ 0 }? *1%1J-1*~).~.5=_1f: 78~1.R.
@ Ai .:H. 0 lt:1 <3~7} 7-R 0 l~l.A1 BB7l- 0 }~ 78 *~lil.
0 1-=z. -li=- ~R~% ~t>RJ.1 "tR J-}%1-0 12-}.Jl ).~zr~ 78~1.R .
... - ~ -- ----
- -

/ _
May we look at that newspaper over at the entrance to the subway?

L~ -=z.~.B.., lf-liYll} y..J2 4i..g. J-}1:}-..g. 0 1---1..f 7}Ai

7}5:. ~.B...
Sure. It's free, so anybody who wants to read it can take a copy.

7~ ~~ J-lzJ.-0 1 AlJJ"-EGll o}Jf-. ~~~.fl?

It's past the appointed time. Has nobody come (yet)?

L~ 1:11, o}Jf-. ~ Q}J,l Al ~A} 7ltj-t.l..J2 '.V_~~.fl.

Nope, nobody's here yet. I'm waiting by myself.

t1i.Q. Ol-Ot~771._g_?
t:..t:l2 i5! I

'Ot.Ef.'~ ~~ol Oiiti ?A!~ ~lfil!<5tAI CCJ.JI ~~ rrH .A.le>r~ ?A! 0 s= .A.tEJ"OILt .A.I~~ 7t2.I~ [H .A.r~Ll ct.
.A.l~.1-E ~.A.~I [[t2.t.A.-! g:gOJl.A.-J.9.I .9.IDl7t ~2.~A l ~C-JI .A.~Et~ 7 t2.I~ ITH-E 'Ot!f.LF EE.~ 'O t!f.'~ 1.lOI ~

LICt. 'Ot.Ef.LF~ 'Oiit! .A.tEJ"Ol.:AI ~~OI filCF~ ~Ol.JI 'Ot.Ef.'~ ~ .A.tEt filCF ~ ~OI ~LICt. 'Ot.Ef.'
-E ~~~OJI.!~ .H.~OI ~LICt.
The word O~.Ef. is used to express the not choosing of any specific thing in the sense of "any" (e.g., anything,
anyone). Depending on the particle that follows it, it can either refer to people or things. To refer to people,
the word o ~.Ef.+L~ is used to indicate "anyone" or "anybody", while o ~.Ef.+ is used to indicate "no one" or
"nobody". Note that a negative expression must follow the use of O~.Ef-5:..

' '
. ...~''"-" ..........
'"'-=--'""-~---~ .~

... -- . ---- . '- ... .......... .......~c.<c........,




Ot.!i! C-jlLt I Ot!f. ~OILt Ot C-11 I OtSf ~

Ot.!i! C-Jl.A.-! Lt I Ot ~OJl.A.-! Lt - - ,__;;_____________________
Ot.!i! C-Jl.A.-1.S:. I Ot.!i! ~OJI.A.-!
___ ____ ------ ----------- --
--- ' ------------ -- ----------
............ ---
L...: 0t7-i Lt, 0 t.!i!?A! 0ILt
.A.In . Ot.!i! rrH Lt

226 Korean Grammar in <zlse Intermediate

0 1-x.g. Cfl7d-li~ LH~ 0 t.!f-Lt %017ct 9 <U~Lli:t.
Anyone can enter this place as long as you pay the admission fee .

0 1-.!f-S.. ~~.Al *-tr~ x 0

~ 7}Jl 4t01Jl.
I want to go to a place where nobody knows me.

o}.!f-7-1Lf A}Jl 4{.g_ ~% ~2} ~.

Choose any book that you want to buy.

-------------- w----------- - ---------- - ----- ------ -- - - - - -

1 '0t.!:f.+(Ol)LF2.I 'Lt'~ ~-Y+Lt, OiCl+LL .!:f.~+O I Lt, '2:!Xil+LF2.t ~OI 2.l-CH~.A.t.2.t it7Jil M~ *
~A: l '2.!" 'O t.!:f.+.S:.'2.I '.S:.'i= 2.l-CH~.A.t.2.t it7Jll MOI~ Oi~itLICt.
While the L~ of o~.!:f.+( ol)L~ is also used with interrogative pronouns, such as in ~.:;:i+LL Oi cl +L~, .!:f.9;i+O IL~,
and '2j:Ail+LL it sounds awkward to use the .S:. of O~.!:f..S:. with interrogative pronouns in the same way.

2 'Ot.!:f.+(Ol)Lt' ct:;011~ ~~ .g~o1 911, 'Ot.!:f.+.S:.' ct:;011~ .!:f!~ .g~OI ~LICt.

A positive expression must come after O~.!:f.+(Ol)LL while a negative expression must come after O~.!:f.+.S:..

7r -1 1l%~_R?

Lr 7-l-2- 0 }.!f7-] '-1- 3l:!!~lo}_R. ( o)

7-i-2- 0 }.!f~. 1).JI 4l7.l ~0 1-_R. (O)
- ~---------- -- ------------

7 r *7}Oil <>1 q . 9 <5"~ % 7}j]_ 1i <>1.fl.?

Lr ~%~ -3!:- 0 1~ 0 }.!f- EllY- 3B1N}.fl..

f;-7 k>JI (}j Cl ():j fill~ 7rCt ~~ ~o 112'.! or c-11 I ~flcr

T7or.JI ~2r~ !i!cr .:ao1c1 ~.2.~ ~oroli=- .A.r~Oll2'.! or I ~cr

9;!~ Dt.A.ICt .A.If:!~ ~0112'.! or7i / ~ttfilcr

2 7r 97le>il"'1 Y:ftJB~ lll% 9 ~V:2 -3!:- 0 1 51<>1.fl.?
Lr 0 1 Z=i%0il"'1-2 }.!f- EllJ-1. Y:ftJB~ lllJf-~ ~ ~Llrl-.

O=l 7IOil.A.i @t:tH ~ 111~ * ~::: ~ 0I l!~Oi l .A.i ~ 0t-!?- C-11.A.i I @t:tH ~ Ilj~Ct
LH~ 4-~'2..!C-11 4-~%t [[H77tAI ~~ * ~-E ~ *~%t [[H77rA1::: or~ / ~cr
Ct2.l7r L~ [[H77r/\I= Or :I I orCt

(1) 7~ ~:A1l ~ 0 r!i!l~ ~7!}.R?

L~ -2..~011-2- .J-lZ!-01 3tB.~_Q_Y7Jr orlf- ~Lt -2..Ail.R.

(2) 7~ ?-2 ~W.~ig77}.R?

Lt q 011!!!!. Y77} - - - - - - - 9AilJl.

(3) 7~ -111%~.R?
L~ ~}::Z.l %f.g_ %~ 0 12.}~ - - -- - - - 3tB_~o}Jl.

(4) 7~ ~.J-}71 .J-l--<5}-2- BJ1fj% 2f--=j1-01lJll %~~~ ~Jl?

L~ .2..!f- ~ o}y77} %~~Ail Jl.

(5) 7~ <t}o}, e>9 71 '.V.-2- %~ 11 ~S:. ~.R?

L~ %, e>97l-2- lf-l1fll~ra-oly7!} - - - - -- '1~ ~ .

(1) 7~ 7}BJ ~011 Jf-17} ~~ '.V_~~Jl?

L~ orlf-~ fil~~t-11*.

(2) 7~ {} ~ Cl~. -2..~ :A117r ~7-J Zl- .J-}01011 ~0 }.g_ .J-}~ fil~~.R?
L~ o}y, ~~~~Ell .

(3) 7~ 1f ~ 011=71 ~t:il .=:L~Jll 0J~ e>9.R?

L~ 01 OlOf7l-2- Bl~oly77} ~ ~ - -- - ---
~}::z.l o}).ilJl.

(4) 7~ 2l1 .R-@- ~ 0111?} '.V. ~ .R?

L~ ~Dr ~011 i:fc.l~ q~;_l - -- -- - - ~ *7} fil~Jl.

(5) 7~ ~.J-} ~ t>R.R?

Lt ::Z.l -E" l:lR7} * 0}1tj-.J-1 - - - -- - - -!:- 11-3:11 ~.R.

228 Korean Grammar in C/lse Intermediate

1[ 102] 1

Akira, it's really been a long time.

Lt .:1 Cl ~l ii.. _2._ cR ~-O l ~l _fi_. Jf-t.1 _2._ ~ ~~l ~1;d-i=-

t:ll 7-}L-l- ~ n o}Al~Al 0 1t7l~7l}ii.?

You're right. Long time, no see. Since it's been so long, why don't
we go and catch up over some tea or something .

r o

~-. .

- J

~ Mom, I'm off to play with my friend.

Lt O lAll .:1~ ~Jl ~ Ol Y- ~ ~ Cl.

Stop playing and read a book or something.
-- ~~o r711 { ~~ ~01 fil~ ITH. or.Ef-7~L~ {:i~f>H~ {!!~~ ITH Alor7 1~ ifLlcr.
This expression is used to indicate that although something is not really one's first choice, it is fine as the
second-best option. This expression is also used when the speaker wants to express a view that anything is
fine because he/she does not have any particular preference in mind.
5 I :U X t=x I J Iii Ii 1411&11 ;ao;s ' ll\di c -~ l

~~ . .......,,. ..
~ ~. . .... .. .. ... . ,.... ... """"'; "r ..,....:O?.~nr o l"!ll''ft"'!llV
. _
N (Ol)Lr
~ O I Lr

. w~ ~~t:ll ~-:3.11 1 11- ~77}?

We've got nothing to do, so how about taking a walk?

.-0 1 'T ~<3-}L-177} 7}nJlc.l-rril ~~Oil 0 r~l ~7}xt1- 0 }J.i 0 l=~~.R.

I'm low on money, so I think I'll have to drink an Americano or something rather than a cafe latte.

_2_~ _Q_~<Ji] J-j{} 9J__Q_tB ~Aro<Jilti- 7t}-A]tj-.

If you 've got time this afternoon, let's go somewhere like lnsadong.
1 .Al:c! c~gO{l-E: 'O{!Lr'~ A\%o~O~ or~. ~~ CrgO{l~ '(Ol)Lf2.r 'O{lLf % (}\L ~~ 1'-~o~~ :illi~~~
When attached to nouns indicating a particular time, OllL~ must be used, while both {Ol)L~ and OllL~ can be
attached to nouns indicating a place.

.2.~oj]i::- ~~ l:l}~l-]77} o]n:} ;zl~oj]L.} ~'t;j-J-]tj-.

oj~.g. l.;j.!f- oil-]77} 7}77}-& ~~oj]L.} tj-l-=j.2.:A}. = o]~ ~ l.;j.!f- Di l-]77] 7}77}-& ~~o]L.} tj-t;j.2.:A}.

2 '(Ol)L~' crgOJI~ :i!r7~~0I .g.::? fil~LICr. .:J.2.l.:il ~~ ~~~OILr ~~~o 5:! ~LfQ~ A f<i:!A~s
LI Cr.
The past tense cannot be used after (Ol) L~. Moreover, sentences that end in the imperative or propositive
form sound the most natural with this expression.

I 3 01f.~g2.IAILr 2.l.S:.~ LrErLH~ f.~OI 2ro~ Af<c!A~8LICr.

This expression should be used together with an expression indicating one's intention or will.

(7-l ~) e:J~oJL.} ~.R. ( x) - (;z1-E-) O:J-6~014 Wl41.R. (o)

(7-1-E-) O:j-6~ 0 11-}-&-}Jl 1il.R. (x) _. (7.1-E-) O:j~ 0 l'-1- "6"}21.Jl <5H.R. (o)

..til -on
::i ~ll ..!L,,f
e b? .

'(Ol)Lr'E Crg:l!r ~OI 1.4"::: 2.IDl7r ~ 00 5:! ~~2.I AI ?l.S:.~ ~2.lor.Al7 1 ~r~LICr.
The expression {Ol)L~ can carry a number of different meanings as described below. It is important to learn
them well to avoid confusion.

(1) ~ 01.g2.1 cH.g~ Lr~or7~Lr .:J.%0il ~it!~ ~ ~~gt~ LrEr~ CCH .Ar~gj"L\Cr.
Used to enumerate or express a choice between two or more things.

7-]i::- ~ 0 1 ~..2.~ ;QJ 0 ] '-} CD A]~ 51 g ~o}~Yti-.

I like to buy books or CDs when I have money.

(2) .::i ~01 Oll.g1e ~.s:.~ 'a<X27~Lr ~2,1-~cr icJg ~ LrEr~ ITH ;._~gi-L1 cr.
Used to indicate that the amount of something is more than expected.

~fl 71 Jl!tj-J-i ~% 3i*o]L.} 1;!:j ~lit.

I was hungry and ate (as many as) three bowls of rice.

(3) ~IAi0\
7,:i.S:. OLLl.:il
.,.... r -.-1:::1 '-- oLJ-A\or
, or~A2.-iAIL
L..: o
L..: '-'-'
.A-io1 -:rLAij:Ho1
'-- o-=- ""'' 2
1 1=
L..:-, CJ
_ALQ C.~L\cL
lo 1::1 1.
Used to indicate that while something may not be the best choice, it is satisfactory as the second-best
option .

~2.] {]{]~-c-j] ~~1-] ~J-]ti-.

We're bored, so let's go to see a movie or something.

- - ..---- - - - - ------ - ---

230 Korean Grammar ;,// et.\e Inter111ediatc

1 7~ %~CJ.i;H -1 t>}7-l?
L~ .:L1cf ~OlLf 7-}7-}. 1:11cHtt~
L..; ...,

bindaetteok (mung-been cake)

~<!Oler '. ~I :AIL~


~~0rcr DVD I S;!C~

~ctt~ / ~~Oi Q:!cr

2 7~ ~ 0 l <iji~tjl Ci ~~l W77l-?

Lr ~Ol <iji-2._~ c.l-~OlLf ~7-}.

tgJ-o 1 filer tgJ-o 1 fil 0 ~ 2.r~ / Q:! er

7iIIl7r filer 7iIIl7r fil 0 ~ ~ / orA.lcr
Ail~0ll 7 f-E l:l 1~71 .H.7 r filer A11~011 7f-E l:ll~7 I IE7r fil 0 ~ .!:f.H / 7rcr

~ ..-

.!:2. 2-I cr.~.5:!..o

-,,, I
(1) 7r ~ ~ 0 1 ~-Etjl ~ t>}7-l?
Lr W ~ 0l ~_2_ ~ ~~OI Lt J.lt1 7}i:=- ~l <Ji Till?

(2) 7r Al~ J-l:{}-0 1tj- ~'.)1-Etjl -l % ~%77}..9..?

Lr B~7} ~.. ~ .Jl~tjl J-}tj- ~%77}_9_?

(3) 7r _2._~~0il ~{}El ~l <iJ % t>}al.Jl "9:11-Etjl ~{f-El 7} .JlAJ Y- tJ-l ~ l-9...
Lr i cR -9..? i ~ .Al <5}J1. 7c{o l ~ c.1 7tfCll -9..?

(4) 7r ~* -1<5}.Jl cij~ Jil~Oil ~"5~J-i 9.l~"5~0f W lfiltjl ~A~l ~11-7-l..9..?

Lr 0 11ti -J- ~ J-l:{}-0 1 ~..Q..y77} ~\tJ-11*.

(5) 7r ~* 0 l=, _2_~.g_ ~u}7} ~Oil ~~l % ~ 7c0 } .

Lr .=z_ Cll _9_? Al _2_~.g_ _2_ ~~Oil ~\[77} "9:11i:=-tjl ~ ~ tjl Ji...
7~ \:f3B. 0 l 11 ~ ~ :A}? -BBiL?
Does your husband buy you a lot of gifts?
,,. J

L~ o}11.fL, z@.~-O}Jl ~ tti~ 11~ ~ ~ 0 } ~ ~ 0 1

~01-Ai AJul~ TI %0 lct ~0 } ~ ~~OiiL.
0 No. I haven't received a single gift since we got married. It would be
nice to get even a rose sometime.
............. . - ........... . -- . ....... --

7~ 1T ~ ~<jtjl o}~.!f-E-1 ~9~ ~ ~11?

What brings you to call me in the morning?

L~ 7-12-l -BB FWifTI ~ 0 l ;_~ Xl.e-c1l ~ %1~o l x -"!f-

* y..g_-c}l. -=z.~y77} tj c]- Q}-Ai % ~Q}~.
An urgent matter came up, but none of the employees can come in.
So I want (even) you to come in and help out.

t:ti.Q. OtoL~77L.R_?
1.:..t::1 2 C! I I.

'(0 1)2.~'-C 0=!2.i 7 ~/\I %0JIJ-i J~OI 7~~ O ~Ojl ~:A l ::: I>J 0 L~ J~[H ~:tl:= ~~ {j~~ cctt A~i[LI C~.
''t!O l2.~', '.!:f-Ei2.~', '( 0 )2.~', 'Oll7il/~Eil2.~', 'Oll 2.~', 'Oll.Ai2.~', 'o~.::L!.2.~~~ EJ ~.A~2~ fil7Jil .A~~
.A.. Ol~LICL
--, "" t:::l I.

The expression (01)2.~.S:. is used to indicate the speaker's choosing of something that will suffice even thougr
it is not the best option among the available choices. It can be used in combination with a number o:
particles, such as in 12.J"Ol2.~.S:.. .!:f. Ei2.~.S:.. ( 0 )2.~.S:.. Oil7il/V'Ei l 2.~.S:.. Oil2.~.S:.. Oil J-i2.~.S:.. and o~.:Jl2.~.S:..

-~-----------~- -~---------- - - - - -- -- ---------

........ -- - - f

.-. ... -
.' . -
- ____ .........,. ....... --- .. ...... --- ..
~-- ---..


N '

*H .... ~ 012~

{11 L-1.!f- ~o-JJ-1 % .Jl7-}t} ~ Ll1 J-}ot~o-J.R.

My house is so far away I think I'll have to buy a used car (or something).

.=:I.~/ll *lAl %f.IL ~'t} <5}~ o-J~/l] -<>R.R? 9 71 ?l0 }J-1 {}--tf0 1tl- % *1J-i].R.
How can you work all the time and never take a rest? Please have a seat here and rest (even for) a little while.

~{1 <5] ~.!=f-~q.IL -<>R "*.IL _2_~S:. ~0 } Bi~o-J.R. ~<?J.!=f-E-1 4 ~{J<5l -<>R 0 t~o-J.R.
I said I was going to study hard, but I played around again today. I'll have to work hard from tomorrow.

232 Korean Grammar in U \e lnter1ncdiate

- - - - - - --- ------- - - - - - -

. J" 0 tt''r.ft_?
'f\.JL' 'QLD' 'DC>-J' 'DA' 'L7' .S..Jll c;~n11 ALQ(>Lr;J=l f\.l[[i 7=102.L_s=.
'-VJ-, r-.. "'I .A, IL-, I 0 f=''' ro Ji......:VJi......: o-r I 0Lj;~7L_A1010
Ii....; r CJ2
I It::! I.

When (01)2.~ is used together with (}jL, o~~. ~<3:!. 2. or .!:r-=?-. the expression means that something is the
case no matter the circumstances or situation.

o-]~ *o]C}. J.}2cfi>}E J.}~:i!} W7JJ] <V.% * <V_q~ 7-~i::- .).J-~o] <iiio-J-8...
If I can be together with the person I love, then the location doesn't matter.

0 }lf- ~ 0 ] er. ~..~..l-] 77} ::<~] l:f:t -cH TJ- ~ "5fl ll-"il ..9...
It doesn't matter what you say, I'm begging you to please respond .

. q3* -Ji= ? (:: ~o]C}. ~- * <V_~ J.}'Efo]Oi]-8... icjy77} ~.Jl 1i7-j ~;.iJ..9...
Yeongsu is someone who can do any job no matter what. That's why you should trust him (with this job) .

.!:y=-.Y.,2.] <?:l~o] 'ii7-] 1-E J.}-'Efe>i1711 1]:7]~ o}c1JI ityq-,

I intend to talk to whoever I reach first. It doesn't matter who (that person is).

0101 trllCJO
T - V1 L- L!..
7~7~ 'f\.JL :A~A' 'f\.JCI:i o~ 'f\.l[[-j OI' 'L 7c-r l'
I I v I- C>.:..i...;.. v IL.....: 2 , v IL.....: 2 ' ... c_-" oc otj;~7L
.::::c.-. Ii....;
0 ~
l:IA IL-

The examples above mean "no matter what place", " no matter what one says", "no matter what the task",
and "no matter who", respectively, and thus they all basically mean "the same (result) regardless of ... "

t:!~~ ~ [[H Alor:= '(ol)Lr'2r '(ol)cr.s=.-e cr~.Jlr ~~ J;:rOl7r ~~Lier.

The expressions ( O l) L~ and (0 1)2.~. both used for expressing a choice, are different in the following respects.
- -- - - ------ - - - - -
(O l)Lr
------ -- .. - ................................. ...................... -------
~ - .....''' .
~l-t!2.I 3:iO I fil 0 12'.! L~GiA:I := 2.~ ~7 1 ccHgOJl .::J. c~ i ~l -t! 0 1 3:iO I fil71 ccHgOll .::J. c~ocg ~~ 3:i~ -t!fil!~ UH
Al~LI c~. ~. o~OJI c: := 3:i0ll cH Et Ai~~ L~E~~ cctt
This means that if the best choice is not available, Alof-E 3:i%JLIC~.
then all the other options are basically the same, This is used when choosing the next best option
so any of the available options are fine. when the best choice is not available. As such, it is
used when ranking the available options.

l:ll-oj ~ 0 t;i:j t;'_lt;i:j oj 1 l a-1..2..::iU

1::1 ..,.,- c I c '1 1 2 '11 .

... :-i;:1=
o 7L:x:~
r6 Oi71
-,-i...;... AIC> ~ L-
2.AIOl l:l~OI OlOD'j
c i --, L.: l::j t:lA- L.:
I L...: L- -+ tgJ'OI fil.12'.! .::J. c~gocg ~.JI {l~ 3:iOI 2.~12'.!0lc~:::
1 Dl%JLI C~. '2JQ{Oll 2.~12:! fil.JI .::J. C~OJI Q:j.Jl {l~
1 Dl%JLI C~. 3:io I ~ o I2.~12:! '2.~12'.!.s=. fil 0 12:! ~ o 12~.s=. 11 ~ 2.H .' 2.~.JI
This means that if the item the speaker ~~ * ~~LIC~.
most wants to eat-rice-is not available, then This means that if rice is not available, then the
noodles or something else will be fine. Thus, speaker wants to eat noodles as his/her second
the speaker is simply stating an intention to choice. If, by chance, noodles are also not
eat noodles. available, then the speaker could say 2.~12:! fil
oc.::! ~ 012.~ ~~2.H to ind icat e a third choice.

. .

2 Dt.5:..n.I ~771-..9_?
L..-:a-1 1 .

. .

1 7~ tli~ 7~~~~1 J.}1::}- 0 1 ?J-0 1 Q}o} ~ 1i11Ell ~ ~14l-~l ~~ 0 1 ~~Al

2:1 Aa O l~l.fL.
L~ .:Z.lfJ, ~~~ J.}1::}-ole:J- ~ _2._c}.JI o}-"iliL.

LH~ 7H~~Oll A~OI 'QtOl 2tDt 'M EC!!C11 ~ ~~-tOll

<C!~O I <2l IC~

~2.I O~OI DH~ ~/ii ~Oi.2-C~ ~OJI ~711 ~o+~ [[H~ -tj.2.~ I o~2.~.:i1 o~C~

~7~ 2.<EdOll 7-ll~ ~ ~E-c11 LH~ ot2~ oHot 0~c~ ~~ Al{.!-/ nc~.:il 0~c~

2 7~ _2._~ _A}.lf-{J J.}1::}-~JI}

{[0 1 ~J.l-~ * ~q~J.i.fL?

.2~ A~.!:p.~ A~~:LL~ ~OI ~A~~~ o~C~ D 1<2.!0HAi 7'-IIII I A~C~

OI~ s=c;:;>~OJI ~o~ AAl2.l ~~~OJI~ 7~C~ ~6~ 7'~C: I ~LHC~

__ .... .... . - . .. - - --" . ----~

_,..................... ~
-. . ..... ...... - ..... - -

(1) 7~ 0 l lti ig- E% q -1 Bl 21 Al A~~Bl 7} .2.7-}c.}~tjl Jf-.2_ ~ JJ1l W1'-E ~ 717}

~%-oRiL. (7tt.g_ ~ ~-=t-)
L~ -=z.~' '~% bl! ?.J.:rotllil~!i::. ~ 21ig-c.t.:il -OR .!i!_J-iliL.
(2) 7~ -ii-~-6i.g_ .2.f- {}.:il %~-6i~ 1ti:A}~7} ~~"GlliL. (%~-6i :A}~)
L~ ~ 9 ~:AlJl. -=z_~ ?-"ilJl.

(3) 7~ 72W -2..?dl~e>il ~)i-~tj] 0~71W J.]Zl-0 1 ~lAi Aaw 0 }41-?=liL. (~J.})
L~ w9 ~:A]Jl. 1i-%e>il ~Y-1?1 "8-}~J.i 0~71-0RJl.

(4) 7~ Al~ ii-BJ- ~A}~ "t}.:il 2}J.i BR7} lf-~Y7J} lJ.i E-"i]Jl. (~ii-)
L~ -=z.~5:. 7-}0 ~ -17} AdAd~lfJ~l ~-:- 71Y7l} E~ .!i!_J-iliL.

(5) 7~ 9q3 -17} J.l{}- 0 ] ~ O-lJ.i ~ "Gll~ * 7}~~.fl. (7}77}-& tj])

L~ -=z.~, q~~J.lq.

234 Korean Grammar in Ur.& Intern1ediate

(------------------ ........-------------------.....-..--- ______..........___..___ ~-----...-------------- ______.._______________
.......... ... ., ___ ____ _
1 o~.3.7~ ?'MOfl o~.:c. 14.g ~2.I ~Ai

j <D ():j:A~ ~~o~Jl c~IOIE0~71 ~ <y~ AAlo~Jl ~:2.~ ~71 ~~~Oii 7~71
1 @ Ai~ AILH ~~0~71 @ ~OllJ..i ~*Ei7~l<Edo~71
l --- - ----- ---------------- --------------- -------- . ------- ----- - - --------.. . . . ---.. . . . .- ---. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . .-.. . . . . ..._. . .______./
Al-Ot a }3.. -1, 9-We>il -1 -0}3l 1i l Jl?
0~3. o:l.A} ~-:i1--0}3l tjl 0 l..-0}3l 1il.R.
Al-Ot o:l.A} ~-:i1-7} tl}~q3l -0}1t1_ ~ WcH.R?
0~3. 1.A} ~-:i1-7} tl}~c}3l -0}1t1_ (1 )OJ=IJ" ~lcSr.Jl. ~:2fet ~~.sf..

Al-Ot q3 ::1- IE7 t ~.2-1tl l ~ ~1 w cH Jl?

0~3. i~ (2)

Al-Ot ::L\t ~7 ~ 717} ~.2-1tl.R?

0~3. i~ (3)

Al-Ot ~Qfe>il tl l7} -2.1t1_ Ci ~ ~l w 7-i ~l.R?

0~3. i~ ::L\;f (4)
7~ 0 l Al TI~ lf-'3l_Q_. h\1 l= ~y 77}?
What should I use to fill out this paperwork?

L~ ~~_Q_. ~~Al ~~.~~Al u}g -cB. i>}-"ilJl.

You can use whatever you want, such as a ballpoint pen or pencil.

- .......................................... ....................... ......................................

7~ ~ol t=ilf- l:llh\}rci Ol~7il i>l-AlJl? .=z.~s:_ J.}q

What if the book is too expensive? Should I just buy it for you?

L~ 1:11, l:llh\H:-Al hl-}-EAl ~Jl~ ~oly77} ~ J.}tj

Yes, I need the book regardless of whether it's expensive or cheap,
so please get it for me.

OI E~.g (}jL ~OI ~~10-l.S:. Ot~ };:rO l7t fil~ ~ Ol.g2.I '!~ Lt~~ [H ~E ctt~1 7iLt .g~1e ~ 7tAI
8011.Ai (}j.!:::. otLt~ ~~f>H.S:. .gt:to I fil7iLt ~~g ~ LtEt~ [H .AffilLlct. := := 0 s= ~~Ai Al-~ *
t:::l I.

This expression is used when expressing that any of the stated choices are fine. In this case, there need to
be at least two choices given. They can be either a simple listing of two or more choices, or they can be two
opposing or contradictory options. This expression can also be shortened to -~ - -..
.- m , .. - - . . . . . - - - - . . - too= WP-. MCJij "' .... _ otls;;cuo - &-'*" ,... .. ---------~~, --~_..,,,-~-0-

. . ... ~ "

~ .. ... - ~\ - . :Yl:.- ....~'4 , \:: ... i.- - . ......... ~ "''"" '- - ~ -

.. . . . . .. ,;. , , .. , , . ..
- .. -. ";.~:w.i. :.J. . -j-, ...,. ...... ~- .... ~ ..~~ ..."'

. .

A .


-......----- -------..-----------.......l-----..
- .. -...-.--...........~.-- ..............................__ .____.._____

..............._ ___ __.... _.____., _ ___ ............._.......________,......._ __ ..............._ _________

l :LL~7i : -~/~Al -~/~Al :.

Q:Jcr I or.Aler :.
v ..--... ... .... ,. ... ... ----- -........... .-- ......... ............ -- ... ........ ..... -- .. ---- ... .......... -------

... .
. .. . . .. ... . .. . .. .. ------- .. .. .. ... -----

- ----------------_... . . . ........- --------.._..... ________ ........... ________

, _ __________

-------......................... _ ----------- ......................- __
- .....------ .................

igJ'OlXI ~o lXI
N j (Ol)XI
7i.u.lXI ~AX I
_...._ ........__ _ ______ _ __
.... ___..._... . ___ - - ------------ - - - -
... ----- - --- ------- - ---

i!:-0 1_2_{-Al l:ll7} _2_{-Al LB~ _:g.<ii.g_ 91 72~~ ~~~ 7tjt-1I:l-.

Regardless of whether it rains or snows, tomorrow's performance wi ll continue as planned.

236 Korean Grammar ul/ Z/.ie,, Intern1ediate

0 l:A~l ~R ~ .g. J-E.Al ~}~ .Al .2..!f- ~%-* <V.~.R.

I can now eat all kinds of Korean food, whether spicy or salty.

:A~l \:f~.g. ~~ 0 1-E.Al ~~ 0 1-E.Al J-lZ}~ Y-~ %~% 7tJ-L1q-.

My husband goes hiking whenever he has time, no matter if it's the weekend or a weekday.

1 01 R~g cH~1i:: ~~ ~~or71 ~loHAi

~6j 0 s= Ar or715:. ~LI Cr.
To emphasize the contrast between two choices, the forms - =:Al 8' -=:Al, -=:Al W=:AI, and =:xi
~ -:Al are also used .
l=J]7} 7}-7.J ~-7-J L-J--E ).J-~~~Yll} u}%i:H <5~ .
It doesn't matter to me whether you go or not, so do as you wish.

.:Z. .A}~o] ? ]7} .3.-e-7-J <i} .3.--/Z] ~B- ~it! 911-] ]il_J-i].B...
Regardless of whether he is tall or short, just meet him.

2 Dl2.H2
=2.i ~.A~OI 1LICL
L...:2L...:L!.. 0 l:::::l I.

This expression cannot be used with-~-. which indicates a future event.

4l ~..g. ~ 7 ~ 91-L-J-~-e-7-J OJ~ ~ ]il_~-e-7.J ~ oj].B... ( x)w

- 4l~..g. ~:r ~ 'tlL-J---7-] OJ~~ ~--;;zJ %l 7i oJl.B... (o)

1 7r \:f:A} ~-=fL lf-.2.\37Jll 1@ 11% Jf-17} *~77}.R?

~~ red ginseng
Lr -%-AJ% J-}!: :Al ~% J-H-:Al ol-J-il.R.
2?-~ !j.::\~ investment in stocks

'a:Ar ~-=fl- .!:f.2.'cJ7Jll c~ {:!~ ~7r ~Cr ~~ .A.rcr / ~~ .A.rcr

~ ljJ 0 2.l '21 Oi it! ~~ o1~cr :=~Oil 011ci ~ 0rcr / ~ :A~ 0rcr
Jl~1=011.A.-i ~-=fl-7r 2:::cil .ff.9:!~ or'i:! ~cr
N.A.-J~Er.$f-!Oll ~2.r7 rcr / ~~~ ~ ~<5rcr

2 7r :A}O~ -lo}_JI ~lo lPd -17} :A}T -}? ~ ql 0-1 ~J1l ol-7-l.R?
Lr -%lcR :A}~ -14Y77} -}? !::Al 9J".e:Al ~78 ~:Al u}J-il..9...
XfO~ MIC>rJl .!f.UOI~ Ml7r :APf- Mr~cr f:!2.ff x14 Mr~Ll77r Mr~cr 1~cr1 -ti~ ~1 ~cr
~2.I oro1::: 2.e ~~AA? or2.~Jl 0rx1~cr LrOl7r ~'21 AA? C>r7il 1Ll77r x1a-:= ofer I
~cr / 7r'2.!ol .!f:I ~cr
~'cl7Jil.A.-J 2~ LH~ Ei!Ll77r cr ~er 1~~cr1
.A.!{J-o 11'21 .::z.'cr J::il~e>rcr
.- .............,_....- ............-- -
- ........... ___........... ...........
.. - .. ---~- -.....'"............. ...... .............. . .. .-..... .......-....,,__.. .. ..... _..
~ ,;,

(1) 7t 01~ Y-2-l- %-6l% ~ 1il-J-il.fL? (~R %-6l / ~~ %-6l)

L~ <51~ %1--~0IJ-J.I ~~ %1--~0IJ-f.I q ~ ~%01.fL.

(2) 7~ :A1l7} 1-B~i?:- B}~tjl Q,l=~ ~ % olf-1 ~77}.fL? (~~-O}q- / <;171-0}q)

L~ Nol B}~1t! ~2:;- ~ o}%~~ -O}J-il.fL.

(3) 7~ T?J4-oF, ~t:q ~0111-J-1 o}{J 9:101oFAl. (o}~% 9:11* / ~~% A}q)
L~ _2_~.g_ ~_!f- rq~-O}y77} Jd~ ~Al



(1) 7~ ~2-1 {} 0 1% ~01J-1 -=ici~tjl 0 1'3:! % BRroR % 4- <V.01.fL? (~ 0 1 ~q I 7}~q)

L~ N l J-}~~tjl {} 0 l ~f.I 1~77J-J-f.I ~ BRig--oR ~FA1Jl.

(3) 7~ Al~%-&% ~77} W77} .JlT?l %-Ole>il.fL. (%"&% 7}q I~ 7}q)

L~ -=i{l ~~ tjl .g.:AilY77} ~ A~4-0RJ-1 ~~-OR .

(4) 7t 4-~ -1~ (3-J.AJ ~ ~2-1~ ~~ ~ ~~ '3:! 7t0 }.fL. (<iie>il J-}~0 1 <V-1* I ~q)
L~ -=:l Ci 711 Jl. Jd ~ % ~ ~El 2f.Jl.fL.

(5) 7~ ~-O}J-l~t:il A1::1% 0 l BJ-OR7} ~01.fL? (t1-7}q / ~%-Ol <V_q)

L~ -=rcH. ~~ AlTic-l~Y77} -OR2f.

238 Korean Grammar u1/ 'llse- Intermediate

0 L 1

7~ u}3_ -1 , ~{J u:R ~Ell 0 l 3- ~%7l}R?

Mark, shall we have steak for dinner?

L~ _2_~.g. ~O l <iiJ.i=-"Ell ~Ell O l 3- 111~011 <@B-17~ ~

~_Q_~ Oiu:Rii.?
I'm broke today, so how about we have hamburgers instead of

It's uncomfortable wearing glasses because of the heat.

L~ i~, ~7iJ% ~~ t:ll~Oll ~Z:~ 71-1 ~"'ilii..

In that case, wear your contact lenses instead of your glasses.

LrEr'EJLlcr. 'OJI'~ ~~or.JI ~ cH~ 0 ~ A.rg5H~ .!Lier.

This expression indicates that the action in the preceding clause can either be replaced by another action or
that another action can compensate for the action in the preceding clause. The particle Oii can be deleted , in
wh ich case the form becomes ~ CH~.


. _ __________ ___ __, .. ......... - ... --------- -------- - \ - ................ --- .... ...... #---=.....rl'<'-~ -- ........... _,, . --- ---------- ....

. ~ CH~O!I
A - ( 0) L CH~O!I
l[J". CH-t!O!I
------+-----------------------..-. . . ~----- -- -------------.. ' '
---~ ---- ~

........................_..______ ----------------------
7rcr l 7r-E cH-t!O!I

~er ~ ~ ~ cH ~O!I
--- -----

71nl .''
' 71n.I CH~O!I
N ctt~O!I '
0 ~.7:l .

'2!~ CH~O!I

-- --
.......... .. --------
7~ o l 7}BJ-.g_ -1JW l:ll.}t.ilJi..
This bag is really expensive.

L~ l:ll.}zj_ '8}7<1~ 1:11~ tjl~<>ll %~01 i:"~O}Jl.

It is expensive, but (wouldn't you agree) the quality is good.

15. J.j~% L}E}lfJ !Ifl 239

7t o}.::z_ ~l . :A1l7} ~~e>-l ~:A1l~ ~7J}Jl?
Mark, would you like me to help you with your Korean homework?

Lr ;<_j~OlJl? J~ 4:-~ ~17} :A1l ~:A1l~ 2}-f ~ tjl~ :A1]7} 7-i~% if7jlJl.
Really? Well, if you (Sujin) help me with my homework, I'll buy dinner in return .

7t 71TI-l J.l~0-1Jl?
Would you like some coffee?

Lr 71 TI-l ~ 01-J.l1i1 ~0 l ~ Q}J.iJl. 71TI-l Gl~ ~J,~ 9-J.l~e>-lii.?

I won't be able to sleep if I drink coffee. Can I get some green tea instead?

,- - -- - - - - --<----------------------------------- ------------- - --------------...- ------ -

...... - -

' '

. t:j oi.o}fn}_ft_?
oI .ff~~ :i2~7~0ll ~~~OJI cHaHJ--1~ ' :: cH~OJI' ;_~~LJc~.
This expression is used in the same form, ::: cH~Oll , even when referring to something done in the past.

1 <>1;<11-E {j oj]J.i Jl2.j~ ~~ ~-011 1-}7}J-i Q.J.J% ~<>l Jl. ( x)

]-E {joj]J-i Jl2.]'5}-E ~ ~ 14foj] L-l-7)-k] Q.J.J% ~<>lJl. ( 0 )
-> <>l::.Z1
I!_______ - - - - - - -
- - - - - --.------------------- ---- - - - - - - - - - ----- - - - -- - -- - - --- -

1 7 r ' ~ ~ l:lr H: 1*Jl -5}tj y l:lf-1r-1l Ci _B_?

A ~O l :;:r;:: size
Lr o}yJi.., ~-E A}Ol~7} ~"iA-11:1}=) ~ tjl~Oil 1
AO~ E .g smartphone

7 l-5- function
~"9& Cl Ji...

sc ~ tl ~ct.:Jl 0tc-1 LI ti t.J?-Ct ~E- J-rol37r fil01J-i t:1r.J?-cr / ~~0rcr

MP3~ -t:!Ct.:Jl orC-ILI AtCr AorE.011MP371~01 ~"1Ai MP3~ J-rct /
ADrE.~ ArCr
ti 17t 2rJ-i @@f:!oH 7rcr 11;:!,1--@-t!'OJI ~ct 2cr

. . - .

2 7t ~Y, ~~~ L}17} :A1~% -BlW1il.

2~g LH7t x-1'd!~ frtllarcr xi'd!~ frtllorcr / ~7ix le LH7r otcr

Ltt'l ~2r t:= LH7t OJloHo-rcr ~.2.r t~ OJ10H0rcr / ~~g LH7r J-rcr
~~OJI ~~~ [ [H .AH H LH 7rnJl2.~ ~2.=! ~cr 7'rnJl 2.~ ~2=1 ~cr1 LH7r ~'ElOJIJ-i OJI~ 7IEJ6~
At 2.Cr

2 __:8 Korean Grammar m ~ Intermediate

(1) 7~ 5:_7-J-% <t}- 7}:Al ~-EEll ~~lil -O}:AlR? 5:_7-J-% ~ ~01~ -0}1-fR?
L~ ~~J-~ -;q.~Je- 'QiA-JOil -A1~% -O}J1S:. ~R.

(2) 7~ ~"{iiL~ ~~-0}1ti ~~W 71<:xllR?

L~ o}yR, 1:ll~-%lil ~~-0}~ -O~R.

(4) 7~ 01 {11 ~J-117}-'tl-Ell JilQ.,~77}-9..?

L~ 01 ~.g. - -- - - - - -- - j)L*Ol <t}- ~o}.Al ~~ -2--0}717} ~ % ~

(5) 7~ o}~ ~ ~.g.tjl ~-%1~1 7}:Al i~R?

L~ W- 0 1 o}E:Al @-2.-Y77} - - -- - -- - - - ~% ~JI_ ~~l.A1 ~ ~

71 <:xllR.

- - - - - - - - - -------------- - -
___ _____ ___.. __.._... ____


.. . . -- - -- --- ..... ... . .... .. .... ..

(1) l. Ol01Ll2.I ~~~ ~2.r E.2.171 ~Cr . .g~ ~2.~ 471 or~cL

(2) . EJ-#Ei711~ .A.I{!~ ~0171 ~cr. ~1~ EJ#Ei ttr~ 471 or~cr.
(3) *2{ Jlr~Oll.A-i A~ 'gJ7 I ~cL 7 r~-:11r *c1 1~c0J1 ~01 7r71.~ or~cr.
(4) -~2.I E!!~ ~2.r47 I ~Cr. ttl~ g-~ .A.r 47 1 0r~cr.




1 ~~
i.....: L.!..
I L-
01-711;1=1 7'rc5r
( .:C. E L.: 2 2
-r 01..=.
--, C> 0
f 74.A1 I I ...1...1.....

11\ OA 01011 l f"J'I O A 0 l O }.3..

\.!.) 1 '-- '2. '-1 \bl I '-- '2. L...:. o
@ lf-2 ~<Jil-c.}7} @-2- ~ 0 171-E-
:' 2

CD .fl. Cl ~-E "GH . @ .fl.t.l-5}.Al ~jl
@ .fl. Cl -5}-e- "Gll q ~~ 0rY2f

3 .A.l~.5=. ~'AIC-c~I ~ ~ 7-J~IR?

IJi2.l.s=. 6.J%l ~ tire~ ~2.i
- -------- .g. crL~~]}r c5HR.

CD 0 } "GllY- 01~ -xs=-

@ O}Jf- tjjc.}. @ 01~ x 01-E-.A]
: 4 7~ ~~ tl~CrC-JLI tlrflOiR?

L~ OrLIR, ~~ .A.rOl.6.7r filOi.A.i .

- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -
CD ti~ 78 .. tS ~ @ tiM1-.A] ~jl @ 1ffi ~"
@ti} 1j1 ~ tj1 ~Oil :@ ~ ~ @ti~ 9 ~ e>-1 J.i -@ ~ ~

5 CD 011ti ?We>il-E 04%7} % ~_2..y77} Oi-5JJ 01Y-}.

@ o]1tl ?W<:>il-E 1%7} % ~_2..y77} o:j-5JJo]y.
011ti ?We>il-E 04%7} % ~-2..y77} 04"5"~01y. {{77}.fi.?
@ 011ti ?We>il-E o:J%7} % ~_2..y77} o:}"5"~01y. {{77} i>
6 CD ~% 11 $1-E-.Al <?l 11 $1-E-.Al 011:1 % tj ~;,i].fi..
@ 41 ~.g. .J.i~e>il 7}~-E-.Al ~~ ~~-E-.Al
@All %J.~.g. ~~ 0 1-E- ?W0l-E- A]{!-1i}- Y-~ %-B-~ 7}.fi..
@ 0l:A1] ~R %~.g. ~t-E-.Al UJ-E-.Al .2.-f. 11% 9 ~711 ~


', ---... ---- ..... ------------- - -- - -- - -- --- ---
------- - --

r.H~ii!.ll ~tj-~ Al ~ 0 } ~ll ~~o}~~Jl?
How long did it take you to graduate after entering university?

L~ r.H ~% q Yq 7} 0 }ill-J.l 11d% ~ 517l ~ .goi1

~~~Al 51d 1ll-011 ~<?:;]% ~~Jl.
I took a year off due to illness, so I graduated five years after
enrolling .

................. .......................................------- ~ ...... ......... ..... . ..................

7~ J.1%~1J.1 KTX~ tj-y7!} 3J.lZ} 1ll"e>ll .!f-AJll

~~-"6"}E-l 2}.JlJl.
I took the KTX from Seoul and arrived in Busan in three hours.

L~ KTX7} .AjW llli}E.LilJl!

The KTX is really fast!

t1i..Q.. Ot-()L~771._g_?
a.:.. ti 2 i:! I I

01 Oi't! <IOI <!OiLr.JJ. Lr.Ai ~Dr{_l-.2.J .Al{J-OI .2.E ~I EE Cr-E <IO I <!Oi'ct~ LrEr~ [[H .A~itLICr.

:1~7 I rrttgOJI !!!~ {:j~~2.I --~OI .gj-li.!E! .gEH7r .Al{_l-~o ~ ~Dr7r Al~cr::: ~~ LrErLHE '-(2.)L Al'

-or.JJ. ~o 1.Ar.g.itLI cr. -1210J1' ~OJI::: ~.g 7 In~ LrErLH::: ~Ar7 r ~LI cr.
This expression is used to indicate that something occurred a certain amount of time after a previous event
occurred. Accordingly, the preceding clause normally includes the phrase - (.)L :Al, which indicates that
the action described in the clause has been completed in a certain amount of time. A number denoting an
amount of time is used in front of -121011.

.. ... . . ... . . . . . . ..

2t:! 2t:! '2.!'0ll
N '2!0!1

Ail I Ail I '2.!'0ll
- - - ---------- - - - - - -----------.. - - -

~% ;;l7l ;,l6f~ .Al 3\:1 Tll-~l tj- .Al9JoJJl.

The house was finished (being built) three years after it was started.

o}ol7} {fol ~.Al 3~ Tll-~l q;,l ~o]Jl.

The child woke up again 30 minutes after falling to sleep.

? A A Korean Grammar ,;,_, eus~ . Intermediate

~D} 1itll ~~Oil c}Al _2_jj_<J-1Jl?
How long has it been since you last came to Korea?

'l2_!-0il'2~ til::;::o~7il ~OI~ '~<2_!-':i!~ '~Oil '~ C~:i!~ ~.g ~~017~ ~~LIC~.
The expressions -'2.!" and --011 are used in ways similar to '2.!"011. Their differences are as follows.
-- ------~-~-~~----------~------,-------- ------,-------.----.--.-- ............-..... ...,,._,............................................~~-----
C> i....:

'OJ L i_l-ITH011J..1 C~ i_l-H 77~XI J..l:cJ- 0 1 'OJ't! <10 1<!OJ \:i XI ~ D ~ 1011 EE .; ~o~:cJ- 0 1 J..l:c!O I Xl'd 1011 '2.~

~01'~ O!DlitLIC~. c~::: <101 <!OJ~'~ L~E~~LIC~. ...

Refers to a span of time from one Refers to an event happening a

Refers to a point in time

specific point to another. certain time after the occurrence . after some previous event

of a previous event.
. or time .

~% <i~71 J.16}~ 7-1 3J.1:Q '.

1tl-Oi1~% c} <ii~ o-JiL.

filj]_ 8XI 3J..l:cl"Ol2.~ J..!:c!.1 ~O I -+ ~~ 3J..l:cl"OI ~2.~J..1 c~ ~ic;(;!c~::: -+ Xl-5-!f.Ei 3J..l:cl"OI X I L~'i:!'.! ~
'2!~ L~EP2JL! C~. 2.ID l~L!C~. ~ ~i~ 7-12.~ 2.IDl~L! C~.
It simply means that the person It means the person finished It means the person
read the book for 3 hours. We the book in 3 hours. will read the book three
do not know whether the person hours from now.
finished reading the book.
------------------------.-.-- ................................. ___________
- -- - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------- --------

. .

.tH:Q:~~ 'Ll"~OI ~11t.a?

''. - . ' . . -

. Track

1 7t ~~-.ii!_ rrR {17 ~ ~u} ~ll ~\:!- 71011.R? I 111 I

L~ 71~ 11 ~ Vl-ll ti-J.l ~B 51 ~0}.R.

-2,!. [[H ~7~ ~D~ reJ'Oll reJ'LrC~ '
{J t:! / c~A1 reJ"Lrc~
oH.2.l():ji!J~ ~Dr reJ'Ojl C~L=j.2.C~ .2 'Cl I C~L:j.2.C~

~Dr reJ'Ojl 1:1I7 ~ .2.C~ ~~I 1:117~ .2.C~

2 7t 4-~ -17} 0 }71~ 51ti-~J-i.R?

L~ ~l. ~~TI : z.1 2~ Vl-ll 0 }71~ 1i511il.R.

0~7 I~ ~Sic~ '
' ~~~XI 2'C! I 0~71 ~ ~c~


-6.j ~ ~ .=:1.re_!-~ <X.t c~ '

6-l ~~ c~t:! x 157 H~ /
~ A ....H.!i!.77~_g_? .
L.; t:t 2 . .. .
- . . "

(1) 7~ %Ol q;,l Lf..2_JL <V_~Jl? (~ J,1{1-)

L~ l=ll, ~ f..llJ DJOtl q;,l Lf_2_tjlJl.

(2) 7~ %i>Ri=- .=z.c.i~u}~Oll iE-01-2-Yll} 721if ~0 1-il. (5\:!)

L~ ~o}Jl. .=z.c.i~u}~e>il if-ol -2-Yll} 7l~ol ~o}Jl.

(3) 7~ % ~ ~ ~ 721if Bl7} ~01 _2_7-lil? (100\:!)

L~ l=ll, ~JI_ ~_g. OJ=~ Bl7} _Q_JL <V_-cHJl.

(4) 7~ : z.1 7}97} AR %1il-% 1ii~il! (3\:!)

L~ Lil, AR %1fr% 1ii-E-cil lfr%0l 0}~ ~I:Hil.

(5) 7~ OJ=7J- -171- _2_~_g. "&.iiLC>il ~~Jl? (5~)

L~ tjl , "&.iiLOil ~~.fl_.

(1) 7~ %-cH~~7l- 3:. JL/ZJ- ;;i:~il? (2:7-lq I 3~)

L~ l=ll , 2 7-J 7-I 3J DJOtl q;,l JL/ZJ-o l ;):~ il.

(2) 7~ -"R_ 1-f.g. ~u}._~% ;,}CiJL <:xllQ,~ Al-lfJ-01W-I:Hil. (<:xllQ.f% ;,l-3f-&-}q I 9;,lzr)
L~ l=ll, 7-15:. %9i ~Jl. 10~ ~OlLf <:xllQ.f% ~-cHJl.

(3) 7~ i ~~7} i~7ll ;ARul<V_~il? (1.~ 1-71 ;,l-3f<5}q / 30~)

L~ l=ll , ic.RAl 0R~~I:Hil.

(4) 7~ 9~ -171- Ii-% ig-011 ~.g:% ~I:Hil. (\:f::z.l- ~.:Y-.2.l- ;,}~q I 10\:!)
L~ 7-15:. ~:d~Jl. - - - -- -- -- - - - -- - - --

(5) 7~ u}ol~ -171- <(i;A1l ~-%1~-cHil? (~-%le>il <iJ-%1-t}q / 5~)


?..16 Korean Grammar ti1 ' Intermediate

7~ 0 l 7-B~-e- o-i '%1711 ~77}it?
What should we do with these vegetables?

L~ lii:Al 7t:Al.JI ~/ZJ.JI~l ~o-i :?-"ilit.

ct~ "1
AJl c1~-e- :i:.:S- ~~l ~~ 7-l <:xllit.
(First) tidy them up and then put them in the refrigerator.
(We'll) make the salad a bit later.
...-o oo o ' ooo oooo >oooo - ' o I ,,,,,.,, oooo 'I'' ' ' '' o oo '

7~ 0
J7J -1' :Al .:s- %1c5Bit?
Yang Gang, what are you up to?

L~ ~cR~ c5fl 7t:Al.J1 ~JI 9)_ lit.

I washed my clothes, and (now) I'm hanging them out to dry.

01 E~~ {1~~2.I ~~I ~ ~~Oil ::J. ~.ill~ t:lr'Et 0 s= oHAi ~~~2.I ~~I~ o~::: ~~ LrEr~LICr. ~WOii
Ai CCtOI Ar-or~ '-Or/Oi S:!".:L!.' ~O=! Ai CCtOI WfilLICt. ~Ai~ Wol-E 01 !:~~ -Aror.:L!.~ Af-%t * ~~
This expression indicates the doing of the action in the following clause based on the result of completing
the action in the preceding clause. It is often used in conversational speech and is sometimes shortened
to -o~/Oi ~.JJ... Because it indicates the order of two or more actions, this expression can only be used with
verbs .
....,.,. ~

----- - -~~---

-'--- --------~ - ~- - -~-~------- __ .,.._, ______
. ~- -~----- ------.__.~~-- -- -- ------- ----~~--------~
- ~ - ----------- - - - ------~---------- ---- -~~

. : Arcr :


-------....----------.- - --...........-.........._________..........
........ ._.. _________ .. ..-......------------_..........
. _..._............... _. ....__ ....____ .._ ____ _______

~% ~c.1 .2..0} 7}AlJI 7.}%j.l ~ J-}Jl 1t"l.R.

I want to quickly save up some money and (then) buy a car.

%{1-~ n:fl ;<1]71- ~OilJ-i 7t:J~% ~~Ci 7}7.lJI ~~l.R.

When we go hiking, I'll make some gimbap at home and to take along w ith us.

~l-o}-tli7.]lfl]J-i ~A}~~ ~ 7}AlJI 02% ~"l.R.

Grandpa called over all his grandsons and (then) gave them some spending money.
- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -

1 Ol .i~~ ~IOil ~Oi'd ~O I L~ ~EHOil ctt~ O J~~ L~E~~ [[H A~o~7 J_[I_ gj"LJ C~. OJrrH::: ~gAl-o~JlS:
Ar~~* ~~LJC!-.
This expression is also used to indicate the speaker's reason for a certain action or state of affairs. In this
case, it (this expression) can be used w ith adjectives.

~o}.".~% J.}.Jl i!.g.t:-l] 1:11-l- 7}7-].Jl * J.}~~.R.

I want to buy a smartphone, but (because) they're expensive, I can't.

7<]\:1-oHoJl 1:1]<5l] % 7}-7} 1?.J-01 %2.J- 71-7<1.Jl A~ ~-1:1] 7!- f.J"O] ~~Jl.
Compared to last year, the cost of goods has gone up, and (therefore) my cost of living has greatly

-=z.2.i LI- ~Ai~ L!-E!-LH::: '- o1-/0i 7 \-:A J.::il'21- oI~~ L!-E~LH ::: '-o1-/0i 7 \-:A J.::il'::: er~I- ~~ ;;:1-0 J7 l-
o l.A.LJCLI.
AA t:::1

However, the form of -0~/0j 7 ~.Al.::il that expresses order and the form of -0~/0j 7~.Al2 that expresses a
reason are different in the following respects.
- --- -- - - --------

-------- - ....... - -- . ...

; --~~Oil ~~~~~ ~~~~ .A.~ ~ 4- filsLJ C~.
The propositive and imperative forms can be used The propositive and imperative forms cannot
in the following clauses. be used in the following clauses .

J-j~ ~ .~iil] 7}7<].Jl ~.. .!I!.~J.]cj-_ (o) -2% cj-7;] 7]-7<].TI. ~-%loJl 7}J.i]Jl. ( x)
11 i g .AJ-iil] 7}7<].TI. -} '.. ~ 4]J.i].R. ( o) -2% c]-7;] 7}7<].TI. ~-%loJ1 {f;.jq_ ( x )
11i ~ .~iil] 7]-7<].TI. -}. ~~77}.R? ( o) -2% t:.};7;] 7}7<].TI. ~ -%loJ1 7cl7J].R? ( x)
-2% t:.} ;7;] 7 \-7<] JI ~ -%1 oj] 3'..(e>l Jl. ( 0 )
...... ........ .......... ---- .. -- --- - .................... -. ... ...... ...
.. ... .. -- --- .... .. .............. ... .. . ------ ..

'-0~/0j 7 ~.Al2' ~Oil ~.A.~8 .A.I~ 4- ~8 LJC~. : -o~/OJ 7 ~x 12 ~Oi l ~.A.~2.~ ~.A.~ 2.~ .A.I~

.' 4-
Only verbs can come before -0~/(}j 7 ~.A J .::il.
~sLJ C~.
' Both verbs and adjectives can come before

-0~/0j 7~.AJ.::il.

: . 9=1.0] t![o]- 7}7<].TI. * 7].R. (o) ~ oj] 9=1.~
.. 11 ~

. fi.oj 7}7<]Jl ..:::<}2}Jl. A} ~oj (0)
- - -

- - - ------- -------- ---- - - ---.....- " ' __
2 OJ .i~g ~Ai~ L\-E~LH ::: .i~CZJ '-01-/0i.A.i'.2.~ Clr~Ai A~~ * ~~LJCr.
This expression can be replaced w ith the form -o~/OJ.A.i, which indicates the order of actions or events.

3 OJ .H.~~ AJX~I~ L~ErLH::: '-'ll/~-'OJLr -~- ~~!-~O J Ar-o!-:AJ ~~LJC!-.

This expression cannot be used w ith the tense expressions - ?J./<tl.- and -~-.

~=( ~ ~~ 7}:::<1.TI. 7-]n:J~ u}11_e>l.R. (x)

{1 7 ~ ~l-f~ 7}7-]Jl 7-]rr] ~ 0}1:10-J.R. (x)
-+ ~ =j1 ~ 1t}-l-f 7};i.] Jl 7-] llj ~ oJ-11e>l.R. ( O)
? ...:g Korean Grammar uz 'll.~e Intermediate
1 7~ ~ 7 ~ e>il71l r.}J-1 ~~o}a1.JI.fl?

L~ 1-=ll, ~ 7 ~ ~1711 ~st-a~ 7}AlJ1 Q{~ J-lzJ.-% ~ uliF-31.JI t>Ril. .A l~~ O j~c~
to postpone; to delay J
~7 ~Oll~I <2'.!~~c~ IQ{~ )...l{J-~ o l.EFC~
t'!OI '2.!'~ c~ I ~7~0ll7il ~c~

' ~~Oi ~ ~~ol ~.!:fit~c~ I '21-~ .1)...~I ~l~o~c~

2 7~ Y~ ig--171- ~.2..~ ~ t>Ril?

L~ 14t~l 1+7} 7}Al.ll .:Z.~% .:Z.~Jl. ...,

wantonly; without discretion


'2'AAl7~ ~c~ '

~{OJI L~7 ~c~ / .:J..~ ~ .:J..2.I c~

7 l ~OI ~c~ .''

~ 7 ~ '2.!'L~C~ I -fu"O I ~.~ .!J:!C~

' :il~:A~ 'r!O I )...~c~ /~:A~ Q.J Q:jc~

.......... .. .

(1) 7~ 91TI1 ~~ ur{.1771-il? (J-1-1*)

L~ %-O}.fi.. A117l- .A17l I!:i~~OilJ-i f.-r lr7-l.Jl

(2) 7~ 0 } 0 1~ 0 1 e>-lt10il :ile> (~.A}Oil ?;fq) 1

L~ .Al 71 ~% ~.TI :ile>

(3) 7~ .g-"511 -12-} .}~e> (.g-~1 -]% ~Y-L-1-)

L~ tjl, .:::I tB ).i J.}JI~ ~ ol-t1.Jl t>Hil.

(4) 7~ 0 1-cg-~% e>-11-711W77}.fi.? ({J-q)
L~ 21-01
rl=l .

(6) 7~ ~~1lud -1, lf-'3!% ~.Jl ~e> (~.A}7l ~.g_ J-~2f 0 1 41*)
L~ *~ Oil ul] R_ o}j l :ilo-) K.
1[ 11.;}
7~ <i:]o}, JI}~~ :Ue>i-9_?
Mom, is there any fruit?

L~ %, ~;Aj-jl~l :U_Q_y77} ~ Lfltj-7} 11 e>i.

Yeah, (it's) in the refrigerator, so get some (out) and eat it.

- ~ -~ - ....

Are you going to the bank?

L~ 1-:ll, ~% ~ ~o}tj-7} -Ol ~l:ll~ t.RC12 -oH_g_.

Yeah, I plan to withdraw some money and (then) pay for my room
and board.

CJ 1:1-1..Q. OtoLli!.77~_g_?
a.:..t:122 =1.

01 .H.~.g ~~~QI ~6~ o~.JJ. 'cl Ef.IOil ::i ~:!!~~ 7~7'1.JJ. ~~~QI ~6~ <>b::: 3:!~ L~E~~Llc~. 01[H:::
~~~QI ~-501 M'cl ~Oil A~2.I~ a7~.A.i ~~~QI ~6~ i)"LIC~. 01 .:l~~ '-O~/OiCF ~O=l.A.i .A.~~*
AA 1:::1 I.

This expression indicates that the action in th e following clause is done based on the result of first
completing the action in the preceding clause. Moreover, it also indicates that the speaker performed the
second action in a different location than that of the first action. The shortened form -0~/0jc~ can also be

-_. -..........----- :--- --- ~-~--.. . ...._...-- - ..._.__,,.__ .... _________ ,...., ------ ....
- - ~......-.;. ~... ~----- -.--------------- ........ ....
..__ ~ - ._.-,~--~_.-..-.. -...-------"-""'" ..____,, __ ......... ________ ... ,,..._.................. ___
'. .

.A.~C.~7 ~
v l -0~/0iC~ 7~ ;
'. ~O~C~7~
--------..........--... ~------- ......_... ...__ _...... _
. __...___........ _ ___..:____ .............. __________.. ....______________.. _..__________........... _.._____________________________________ ______
. ,.

"lA~l J-l:AJ-Oi]J-l ~Sf-~ J-ttj-7r ~~ift-irt.

Yesterday, I bought dumplings at the market and then ate them (somewhere else).

Jll-;zl ~ ~"ltj-7} ~.iil ~ 7 ~ 0 1~ 7tf0 1~~e>i Jl.

I made some sweets and then (later, at a different place) ate them with my friends from school.

OJ 0 1t-, Jf-~Oi]J-1 :A~1t} % 7}741* ~~?

Yeoungmi, would you mind bringing (and then giving me) a tray from the kitchen?

'""' ~ ,..... T.T

/0\.; ~orean Grammar m, C/1.fe Intennediate
'-Or/~Cr7 r-E :ilr7~~0 1Lr D l2.H~ 0 5=! A~~* fil~ LI Cr.
-O~/(}jC~7~ cannot be used in the past and future tenses.

';:t.g. %~% .AJ~q7} ~ojjJ.-j tl:j~~..9... (x)

1;:1.g. %~% .~t-}~q7} ~oj]J.-j 12:j~~.B.. (x)
- 'tt.g. %~% ~.AJ-o}Jtj-7} ~ oj]J.-j tl:j ~ ~.B.. ( 0 )

01 R~~Cr. J-.rif10il7il ;!'~ [[HAf~~ [[HE- '-Or/~ Cr ~Cf7r 1-ECil 01~.g '-Or/~ ~Cf or.J1.
~EH~ 0 :! 1::11;:f>rx1'2l .2.lo l7r cr 2 0 ? ~.2.loHoF gj"Llcr.
The form -o~/(}jc~ 4-C~ is used when making a request to someone, but note that this form is different in
meaning than -0 ~/(}j 4-C~. which looks similar.
-~--------- - -------- - ---- --------------------

-- _ .__.,... _____ ... ... ____
..._ . ,. . . __._

-or/ <>i ~er

g~ o}.3. -], ~2.]~ oj] 7}-E ~oj] ~llj ~ g~ o}.3. -], Aj{f% ~ 7}7<j ~~-cl] ~llj ~
A}tj- ~211..9..? {1- ~.A} 9-.Ai].B..
.... 01~::: :::::: :::~017~ LHjl D~.3.E .it'!1~0l1Ai 71III ~ .... 01~::: D~.3.7 ~ ~ LHAi g~Olllil 71III~ A~ ~=
A ~Ai .~Olllil SJ"C~ ~= ~~~LIC~. ~~~Li e~.
Eunyeong intends to give Mark money to go Eunyeong is asking Mark to buy her a cup of
to the convenience store and buy some coffee
coffee with his own money.

to bring back to her. :

1 7~ ~-11- ),~~~ Ell ~-17-<>ll~l.lf-<3!% {1%"6}31.TI. "BR.R? .

L~ ~-17-7} ~Ol--61--E 2r_cfl~ CD<>ll ~ g c5fltj-7} ~77} "l>R.R.
health food

~-11 ~~~c11 ~-l10lllll . ~-117~ ~o ~ol-E ~2.H~ CDOJI b:; gf>~c~ I ~q

Oil:fiO li@~C11 .!:f.2.'c:J7Jll ~~~ @; ~ )..~C~ I E.2.IC~

Ac!J ~t~~c11 Ac!JOll711 R8 ~~c;~::: -t!~~ )..~c~ / ~c~

2 7r ~All .=1~% .=12.llfltjl tj- .=z.xt~iL?
Lr tjl, .=z_ ~ % q- .=z.6ltj- ~_ill_ Oil ~ ~ iL.
=z.~ ~ =z.2.1~ ci1cr =z.2.1 cr =z.~~ cr =z.2.lcr / Q.fJJIOJI LHcr
J:!.71~ *~Cil Cr ~ Cr J:!.7 1 ~ * cr 1~ 7 r.A.i ~7~ o rJl ~01 ~cr

~~'cl 7Jll.A.i Al-0 ~ ..Ull ~.2l~.~ ~Oi!i!Al~Cil Al-0 ~ JJ.12.I ~r~.~ <fer / ~~'clll <f2.~ c 2.Icr
cr <fo rs:!cr

~~-- ....

- --

(1) 7r A-1 :Al-ii- J-17-J-0 11 7}-2Ell %1 --~~ ~ s:L~iL? (~~% % J-}q)

Lr .::i~. 1t0J.% % "rt:f1r 2f:-J.iliL.

(2) 7r .::J. ::lJ-}-E _!f-~ ::lA}:AliL? (i}~OilJ.l 7}BJ-% *~<S-}q)

Lr tjl, ~o}iL.

Lr 77 iL?
p:j _Q__ 1
- - -- - - - - -- -- I 2 I .

(5) 7r 01 ~~ ~ ~~s=. sRiL? (--~~lJ-1 ~q)

Lr .::J. ~ , ~.g_ 7-1 Y77} ~ ~ .

(6) 71- *~ -1-E 1il-%% 7-}2f:- ~~~iL? (<E]u}7} ~~q)

Lr o}y .fL, All7} Al.zl-ol ~. ~_Q_y77} _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ __......


(7) 7r .::J. ~::1- ~~iL? (~-=f-~1 711 DVD~ ~2.lq)

Lr tjl, ~~ Jl.

(8) 7r 01-tt1:Al 7l- "=;fJ-1 ~ :A}2f:- 7}J.iliL? (~ %.JI7l ~ ~-q-)

Lr tjl, 7ffi uR-&EJ-% ~Ci ?J.iliL.

?o? Korean Grammar r/1 C//se- Intermediate

[ 116)1
7~ _2_~ .2ll ~~ % ~ 1iC>iiL?
Why didn't you wear your glasses today?

L~ o }~ c:>ll ~ ~ % ~,AJ ~ c:>ll %c4 ~.ILAi ~Ci

Bi~ :i]_ i ~ Y-~-01 iL.
I placed my glasses on my desk this morning and then just left,
leaving them behind.

,. co- -

7~ Oi;z1l *08% ol-t:f7} ~-oil ~7} Li-"'1 1-?

Yesterday, I was swimming and got a cramp, and it really hurt.

L~ ic1Y 7l} .g-:g ~ W ~~~Bl S. 38 ~ o}.ILAi

oBo~ ~iL.
That's why you have to do warm up exercises (first) and then

1:1i..Q. Otot~77~.R.?
~ t:12 C! I

01 R~~ {:1~~2.I ~~l 7r '2:!:X:1 <!OiLr.Jl ~~~ 0 1 ~~OI <!Oi'a~ LrEr~ [H Ar~LICr. {j~~:i!r ~~~
2.I ~~I ArOIOll::: Al{.!-~<2.J ~SF- tt~l7r <;}LICL 01 R~~ ~Aror.Jl'2l ,A.I~* <;}~LI Cr.
This expression is used to indicate that first action completed before the subsequent action
Moreover, there is a before-and-after relationship between the actions in the preceding and folio\'. irg
clauses. This expression can only be used with verbs.

...............~.......................=. ..,.,............,._,_..,.
!."'-:-.~-=~ - ,..,_ __ .............
. ~~......
........= ~ ............. ...
. "'""'. .. . . . . ,. . .. ... ... ..

v 1' -.::C.Ai

7}~le>ilJ.l -E-1?]- '-BJIJ.i %Z}_g. ~ 7};z,l.Jl ti-~~Jl.

At the store, I only paid money and (then) left without taking what I had bought.
7-1-E o}~u}q ~7d% t"}.JlJ-.i ~.llLl] %1-lt:f.
Every morning, I go running (first) and then come to school.

~% ~ JIJ-.1 ~7 ~.JI}.~% ~01....

I read a book and (after that) had a discussion with some friends.

------- ---- - - - ---- ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

l 1 01 R~::: AIAil~ LrErLH::: -~/'l:!-'olLr -~- ~:11.r ~011'1%or7'1 ~gi-Llcr.
This expression cannot be used with the tense-indicating expressions -9J./9J- or -~-.

I ~J-}1i} ~.TIJ.1 ~1 o-J~o-JR. ( x )

~J-]-1i} ~}~.TIJ.1 <5l]o-J7-1t;J.TI <5RR. (x)
- ~J-}1i} ~}.TIJ-1 <511 o-J~o-JR. ( o )

2 ~Al~ LrErLH-E '-.Jl'Lr '-.Jl Lr1'1' l:lrf-1 ~ * ~~LICr.

Both the phrases -Jl and - Jl L~.A.i can be used to indicate the order of events.

----------.------- - --- - -- - - -

1 7~ 14fe>il Lf7t{ 71 ~lJl?
<d_A~l [ 111]
Ifill1:1 H
L~ ~l:lH~ ~3!.J.1 Y-7tf 71 ~l.R. home delivery

~~OJI L~7 ~c~ fill l:IH ~ 'E:tc~ / L~7 ~c~


N.A.-j~E~Sf=!Oll ~2.~7 ~c~
, 01~~~ .:;i~c;~c~ / ~2.~7~c~
Ol.A.~ o~C~ 01~ 2.t717~ ~L~c~; 01.A.~ orc~

. .

2 7~ ~~~ 0 1 W0 1%X{tjl.R.
L~ AH ~7 l 7 t ~ 17...Ai i'-J:- 0 l %5;{~ Jl. lease by deposit

~~~OI '[.{OI 22cr AH 2t7 l7 ~ .lcr; ic.:to 12 2cr

~~~o 1 ic.:to 1 ~ cr ~~ ~x~ ~7 ~ .A.R-!cr / ~01 ~cr

~ ~; c1 ~rx1cr

?o~ Korean Grammar in/ Us:t~ Intermediate

o~ A oH .!i!.11'-_g_?
a..:;t:I . e I ... ..
.. ------
--.. --- - . --------

(1) 7~ .:L A}~~E1l ~,A1l lft-.AJ- nll~% ~1i)_l.R? (Al\:1-9-0il Dll~% ~tj-)

L~ f.IY.'~011 lltl 0J.~ ~ti:!-1--i tl}.. lft-% ~1i)_.:g.yq,

(2) 7~ lA11 W;ol o}~l.R? (o}IDl}7} Al ~ <?jtj-)

L~ l=ll, .:lcRAl - -- - - - - - - - - - ~-%J_7J}Al !fll7}1J_l.R.

(4) 7~ {f7l0il ~ ~ciDl~ ~.R~ 711 .!f-1011.R? c~J-)-J- ~% ~1*)

L~ %~ % ~lOf ~Jl.

(5) 7~ 1?]~ -17} Al-ii ~JI '.V_l.R? (tj-yifl ~;_~ .:L~f-tj-)

L~ l=ll, t:.}-E ~ .AJ-% ~JI '.V_ tjl Jl,

(6) 7~ OJ 0 } -1, W;-0 1 ~%1 ~01.R. (!f-71.g_ {}% ~tj-)

L~ ~-12- ~Oil t:f11.Q}Al .:LcR.R.

(7) 7~ ~A1l ~;_}?J- 71011.R? ( ~%~Al ~li1tj-)

- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- -

(8) 7~ ~A1l i}lf} l:l~1<}-0i~% ~l.R? (tjl~.ill.~ ~ <?jt>}tj-)

- - - -- - -- -- -- - - -- -- --
'' CD ~-11-~ 10\11?1% 1?1~01.fL frS\
\6J .:7.1-:.l.=L.J..
1 e. 1OGl .:s=..o}
O 1-:. D}
U-n.lI iL
1-:. M ~
@ ~-11-~ 10~ 0l 7-ly-J.-1 1?]-~01.fL
' @ ~-11-~ 10~ ~1il- -5Rs:. 1il-1;d-01iL
''' 2

l::ll- 0 0::1 ;...l
c - '\..:. 1
,' @ ~1 ~ ~j]_ L.}J.-1

3 c~.g. % ~~ ~ ~Oii ~o~AI u.g CHEt-- "j12AilR .
7~ Dr3. ill, -r~~ Ar2-~ji oHR?
L~ L:JI, - - - -- - -- -- - ;f.7r0ll7~1 {:!~ ~ 7iOllR.
j CD%~~% J.l-J.1 J.l-j]_J.1
@ %~~% J-l-ti-71- @ %~~% J-1- 7r7-lj]_

4 Cr.2. 0:::><::
E 2
j;I .:L!.OJI
:::><:: ' -
1:::1 2
"77 2Ail0
...l!._ ..J..L..
'I 7~ A~
, . - i....;
MI L_ .Ai.::>CC>
'=i' 2.
C> 2
o~.__ 71 .71-Q
1 - .A. E
O '
' '
' L~ L:ll , o}o
Lo 1 orjl 01
AA 0i ...J....L. .s:.
0 0
' - 2.
Lo 1


' '
CD .2.0l-A:l 0l= E-l -c ~ -2.. 0lJ- l-ol-21 j]_ -5R iL '

.2..2.. y ll} E-l -c ~ -2... o lJ-}o} Ci j]_ -5R iL


@ .2. 0} 7}7-lj]_ c1 -C ~ 0 ~ 01J-l-ol-Cij]_ -5R.fL '
@ .2..2..i::- l:l}1:J-ll E-l -C ~-2... 01J-l-o}Cij]_ -5R.fL

c;,;:~= *1-0 Ailo ''
5 c ~.2. :::><::
Cl 0 Cl-.!:::.
A l - 1 C>2 =- ..J..L., '
' '
J.} 7}7-lj]_ Si 9.i 01.fL.

''' CD J.-1 ~ llJ.1 ~%

' '

11~0 1 ~ 1il-%c}7} ~-=f-%}1} ~9,i01.fL.
' '
' @ 17J%llJ.1 Jg 1*01 7}7-lj]_ ~ ll ~01.R. '
@ 3*0 1~ J.l~-~ 7-l 2J.l n ~ll c} -?l';d-01.fL.

6 c~.g % 1Dl7r Cre g~~ 112AilR.

CD ~7}~ i %1 g i31 ?Cij]_ -6RiL.

i%}% ic.iJ.-1 ~7}11711 ?cij]_ -5RiL.
i11% ieiq ~7}11711 ?Cij]_ -6RiL.
i %1% i21 7}7-lJI. ~71-11711 ?Cij]_ -6RiL.
- __
... -
............. . -.. - - - - -- --- - . --

-- ______ _
-- _..

Do you two know each other?

L~ 1.:ll, 7.-l %ll i:- 2f-~Al %59_-i:-Eil ~t-1- jJ_ ~ Y

~%~.iiL %7-Jo l Si~ iL.
Yeah, at first, I didn 't know who it was, but after meeting, we
discovered we were schoolmates in elementary school.

.....................................-- .................-..........-.......... ........ . -....... --...-----...............................

7~ 5f-1l01Ud -1, .2_-" 7l-8J ~ 7}7-l.JI. ~~_8_?

Wei Ming, didn't you bring your bag today?

L~ 7-lo}~ll ~JI. LH5J~iL. 7-lo}~ll-"1 1-Hc.lJI

.!i!.y 7}8J 0 l ~ tl cfJI.iL.
I left it on the subway. I got off the subway and found that I didn't
have my bag with me.

. .

.... C tti _Q_ 0 1-0t.5!.J].L O? ;

. a.:.. t:l 2 C!:- . 2 . 1..tL. . : .

01 E~g OJ't! ~solLr '101 ~OJLr71 ~OJI~ --~~c~1 ::J. '101 <!OJ'd ~OJI OJ't! ~~ AH--7ll 't7~1 171Lr
~~~~ [H ~~ Ol~OJI ~:z.J-~'2.! ~:LI_~~~~ [H ArgrLICr. '-.:L!. .!:i!LI'~ '-.:L!. .!:i!Ll77F AroH.S:. ~LICr.
This expression is used to indicate that the speaker learned something new, discovered some new piece of
information, or found out something was contrary to what was previously thought after some action or event
occurred. The form - .::il 5:!.Ll77~ can also be used for - .Jl 5:!.LI.

,,.,.,.,,...,._. . - :ii !i!LI _ . _ . . . . .- . : ~ .]

-----------------,------- ------------ -- ------ -------- ------------------------------------------------------ -------- --------------------------------- ------ -- --- ----- -- --- -- -- --- --
v ''

_____ ......_......................._____............. ......_......._.... _____________ _____.______________

. . ' . ___ ___.......................
, ~ ................
_..,.. _______ .
. . ___............
__...___________._,_... _._..._._ _
.........................................._............................. .....................................................................

J-il ~%%i:l-.JI i>Hl-1 Jg il:"e>-liL. i~~ll Jg "'}.ll .:~..l-l ~\:1"'J%ol'.Xie>-liL.

I bought some clothes because they (said they) were having a sale. But once I bought them, I discovered
they were last year's merchandise.

Bl-52-'8"}Jil J-~7-:lAl All{)_~~~ ~.JI {l'.Xie>-liL. J~l:ll "8.ll .!i!.1-l %!-~~ {)_~0 1'.Xi"liL.
I put the shoes on because they looked just like mine. But when I did, I discovered that they were my little
sister's shoes.

258 Korean Grammar (rl/ u~{!/ . Intern1ediate

ti-l~~ E}JI .!tYJJr lfrtj] BJ<S-J= 0 ? 7}-E- ~ 0 1Si<J-iJl.
I got on the bus to find that it was going in the opposite direction.

----- - ----- - - ------------ ------- - - ----- -- - ------ ........... -----------

'-.Jl !i!LI' ~Ofl-C ~.At'2! ~ * ~LI Ct. '~.ArLt ' ~.Af+OICf7t .2.'r:! ~iC! iE~OI ~LI Ct.
I Only verbs can come before -j]_ !i!.LI. If an adjective or noun+ OIC~ precedes -j]_ !i!.Li, then the sentence is
grammatically incorrect.

~o] ~% rrjj= %Xl--E-~ll ~o] 1?.TI. .!i!_l-] tj .2.]~Cl--E- J.~z[o] %~o-JJl. (x)

_, ~o] <iii% rrJl-E- %59,--E-r:l] ~o] 1?0}.A].TI. .!i!_l-] t:i .2.]~tj-= J.~zto] %'.Xio-]Jl. ( o)

: ~ct':= ~g.;.tOl 0 ~ '-0~/0iA:ICF~ ~~ ~J..~ l::ltJt-l;_i MiO~ gLIC~.

Because 'QtCt is an adjective, it must first be changed into a verb by adding -Ot/OiA:ICt before it can be
used with -j]_ !i!.LI.

l:lflJf--7} ~7] ~oJI= 1:1HJf--%-9.l J.~~o] lf-c1~o-JJl .

.:-r.ttl_r:l] %ft:}-E- ~% ~7-lJ ~'.Xio-JJl. (x)
1:1ttJf--o].TI. .!i!_l-] l:lflJf--%-9.J {J-o] J.~Zf1il-% "*.A]
-> .:1.~tj] l:lflJf--7} ~.TI. .!i!_y l:lflJf-%-9.J {1foj J.~Zf~}% w.A] ?:.ftj--E- ~% ~7-jj ~~o-JJl. ( 0)

: 't:tH~OI Ct' := ~J..~7 ~ O~LI 0 5'! 't:tH~7t 1CF l::l tf:lO~ gLICt.
Because t:tH~OICt is not a verb, it must first be changed into the form t:tH~7t !Ct before it can be used
------- - ------- - -- - - -...- ..---

1 7t ~ ~<3~ 7}BJ-% 1}q7} r.l-J-1 we>l.fL?

Lt 7}BJ-% -}JI _!i!y Oi<3"~~L}l~% ~ ~<;dt:1c}Jl..fL.
():j~ 7rig~ ~1Lr7r crAI ~er ..
A.!f-llEi~ <?d~Cr7r CtAI ~Cr .' A.!f-llEi ~ <?dcr / 7i.J?- <?d~cr
<2.l'~~ ~cr7r 1::1~ct . <2.1'1; ~ 0rcr / .:-z.ig er::: Q{~o 1<ller

. .

2 7r -:fjJL~ ~~"6'l-Y 77} ~ 0 }.fL?

~QFofet to take time off from school

Lr ~71-E-.fL. Q{"'J- ~-:fo}.Jl ~YJJr i;J,1-~ actually

.At~ a business enterprise )

-g~ I Ot~Ct annoying; troublesome___/

*~tcr I ~~ot.::il!.{!!~01.:-z.;gcr

Ar~~ Al-6.fOrcr Al-6.fOrCr I ~j:I o ~;:: '&:IO I L=l.!?- PJCr


Al oIArarcr 0 1 01;.r0rcr / A ITI~.::il ~~0 1 filer

- --
-~ .. .. . --
.. -- --- ....... -- ~ --.....

---.. - ------- - .. - .. .

(1) %61% Al71JL ti-,Al ~0 1 .2.A}rt:!- -3!% ~711 1'.Xil.R.

-+ %f--~% ~1-=J I J:!. .!i~ ~01 2.J.rct-t;:1~11 Q .


(4) 7}7llOilAi Y-2 )7 Y-Ai ~~~ E% 1@ ~.g. -3!% ~~Di.fl.


(1) 7~ Al\:f1ti0il ~ ~:rr}7} o}ytjl.R. (*t:f)

L~ l=ll , i ~Y-zf~ {]Oil .f-J:!. Ji~ Jf-2.l {Jj]} ~ Di%2i~ -3! ~o},Al t:f-E ~.
tJ}f}_ Oi.R.

(2) 7~ ~Ellj!i?... -T ~~ * ~i?..11,0i.R? (~q)

L~ l=ll . i~Ell ~wo1 ~~j]f t:f~tjc}JI G.

(3) 7~ %61131-0 1211 1?711 1i[7-l.R? (1:1*)

L~ ~-ii-~~ ~~~tjl - -- - - - - - ~EJ-o l )j_Oi.fl.

(4) 7~ .R~ ~~<5] ,Ai ~A}Oil qyy77} ~-5TI.R? (~~% Al~<S-}q)

L~ *
o}y.fl, ~~<5}~ g ~ <?:{~~tjl - - - -- - - - - - - - --
~s Cll A~ W-0 1 Wl=ll.R.

(5) 7~ ~.ii!.~ ~~<)}y77} ~7-l.R? (~~<)}q)

L~ o}y.fl, ~.ii!. c}' rrll~ 1W2i ~~ii}JI 1i )j_~tjl ~-AJ- ___ _ _ ___
c},Al ~.ii!.Oil i:fyJL 1ie>iA1Lil.R.

26C Korean Grammar u1/ U\'.e- Intermediate

7~ {JO l ca UJO1-=r-Y-.
This place (house) is a mess.

L~ ~A} 1(tj- ~y {J 722.l~ ~ <?.}- -0}711 ~..fL.

Once I st arted living alone, I started not clean ing up as much.

......... ... ----- ......., ............ ------

7~ A}o~ -1-2- 0j=7J -1~ {'Je>io}Al ~~OiiL?

Jaya, don 't you dislike Yang Gang?

L~ ;z~%~ {'J01"9:1i-2-Ell uB~ 7tf01 ~o}tj- .!ly 0J7J

-1 ~ ~.g. {I 0 l ~ 0 l t:-1 cf.J1.iL.
I didn't like him at first, but after working together w ith him, I have
come to see his strong points.

'-Cr .!:2.LI'~ -.Ar -1011 ~Oi Oiit! ~C ~ Ol~.!:f.Ei 7~l~or~ JIF~iOll.Ai .AH~.g A~~ ~7il 17~ Lr ~Jlr~ 0 s=
Oi1:! ~EH7r 1<Ji~ rrH .AlgtLlcr. - cr .!:2.Ll'OJl.Ai -cf'~ 'Oi1:! ~:5~ ~1~0r~ .!r.~011~ LrErLH~ -cr7F
7r ~Oi~ ~OI~ '-.!:2.LI '~ '.!:2_Cf'Oll '~{10 1 Lr ~Jlf'2.I 2.I D I ~ 7r~ '-(0 )Ll7Jf'7r ~ ~ ~O I ~Oi~ ~~LI Cr.
ITr2.r.Ai 01 j~~ '- Cr7r .!:2.Ll7JF ~~ '- Cr .!:2.Ll7Jf's= r;: ~ <llE-LICr. *
Thi s expression is used to indicate that the speaker learned something new after doing some action or
behavior cont inuously from some time in the past, or that a certai n situation has occurred as a result of
that behavior. The -c~ of -c~ .5:!.LI is the shortened form of -C~ 7L which refers to something occurring in the
middle of a continuous action, and -.!:2.LI is the shortened form of the combination of the verb .!:2.C~ and -(

Ll77L which refers to a discovery or result. Thus, the forms -C~7~ .s:!.Ll 7J ~ and -c~ .!:2. Ll7J~ can also be used -co
express the same meaning.
"""""'~--. -~--- .... ...
~.,.~ --~~ -~_,,.-, ..:'"T....._ .. .._...... - ........
~ .,..~,.,.......,.~---

-Cr S!LI
---- . . . . . .. .= '----- ,.,_.... . . .
-- ~
- -~-" --~
. . -"' ~- .....,,------ . . l"
..._.:..,_,,_1$- -"-_,,,....,.....,. . . .,,_

~ . - - " '

:. 12_1-LrC~ [.1-L~Cr .!i!.LI
v 4.'

-c~ .!i!.LI
- ----- - - ''- -- ____...,........., __________________. , _ .
....................... _________........ ____ ____.............________..__________..............
Q:j c~
____S!LI _ ____
..........___ .._ ....

;z,}-= q:j q .!i!_y 0 1~ 0 R..g. %~s=. ~ ~711 ~~~..8...

After eating (it) frequently, I'm now able to eat spicy food well.

.2..~~e>ll ql-1J ~.:r-cJ- 0101=71o}tj- .!i!_y ~ 2:::.J.R 12J-l7r 1t1 ~ G-12.} )7 R.

I kept talking to my friend, whom I hadn't met in a long time, and before we knew it, it was after ,2 o'c oc:t.
7S Ail ~~ g uR ~ ~ tj-7r ~ Y77} A}~~ 1fj 7~1 7CJ Ail Oil ~ "5R ~ ~7-ll 1 ~ e>-l.R.
After reading an economics newspaper every day (for a while), I naturally came to be knowledgeable ab.out

- - - - - - - - - - - ----- -- - --------------- - ----------------

'-Cr .!:2.LI' <itOll ~~ArLr 'OICr'7r .2.~ ~i!j~O I ~i!j~.2.I Ol~Lr ~'2.!0I !~ LrEr'tJ1LICr.
When an adjective or oIe~ comes before -e~ .!:2.LI, the preceding clause indicates the reason or cause of the
event or action in the following clause.

::L ~ 0 1 %11:::1- ~-9..t-}c} -~-.1-1 ~;z.} ~:AcJW * ~<ilo-J-9...

Given the fact that it was by nature an important issue, I couldn't make the decision by myself.

tj]~28.g- ~- Y-cJ-.2.1 tjj.E 0 lc} .!J:!.l-j 78.t-}~ J.}%)-~ 0 1 Et-% *~e>l] ~o-J-9...
Because a president is the representative of a country, it is unavoidable that he or she will be heavily
guarded by a lot of people.

I tl l..2.t~
.. . '
f 77 }l_? .:

I '-.:il .!:2.Ll'2r '-Cr .!:2.LI'::: crg:ilr ~g ~OJl)..i *rOl7r iaLICr.

The differences between - j]_ .!:2.LI and -e~ .!:2.LI are as follows.
____ ..
':""""" -----. ~---- ..--...... -----~-~-~-----:-- ~--..----- .. -
..... .........,_.,........... ' ..................

. ..
_..,.._......,....._..~ --- .....-.-------.-------------------------------------
. .

. .'
"'~ . . .. ,. ..,., .,,. ...-.... ....... ~ .-.. ... . ........ . . .... -.-.. .. - ~ -~
- - . . -. . . .. . -_..__. . ' .. . ....... -. .... .. .. ,. . . ..... -. ..... . .. .. .;. . . .... .. ,................ .. ! .. .-..... . ........ , .. . .................. ....... . ,, ...... . .......... ......... ...... . ......... ~~- .:. ........ ---.. -- ... - : .... -. ...... --- _,;..;___ .;.;.. ---
(1) ~-o I ~'cl erg : (1) ~6~ oh'= :i:!.F~OllJ.1
This occurs after an action is completed . This occurs while an action is taking place.

~;.~\=J.2.J ~~%%er .!i!.l-J 0 Jt>R1}

-+ {:!~'a.9.I ~~~ e~ ~:=~Oil OloH7 ~ 1~e~::: ]<ilcl-.
E:.O ILleLI.
.A. t:::I -+ {:!~'a.9.I ~~~ ~::: :i:!.~Oll J.1 O l oH7~ 1~e~ :::
Means that the speaker understood the cco ILleLI.
.A. t:::I

teacher's explanation after hearing it Means that the speaker understood the
completely. teacher's explanation while listening to it.
- .. ... ... -- - - - -- - - . . ... - - .... . ... - .. - .... ........ .. .... .......... .... ........ ...... .... , ........... , ................ ,., .. , ......... , ..... .... , ............. , .... - ......... ., ....

.' ~

I' (2) Olit"! ~6 ~ 0 ~ o~j]_ 'cl erg :. (2) Olct"! ~6 ~ ~2.i ~ oh'= :i:!.~OllJ.1
I .'
This refers to a time after performing an action once. ! This refers to a time during the process of
l ::L J.}%)-% ~l-j-Jl .!i!_ l-j 3t]!~.g_ A}%)- ::Q"'.V:o-J _9_. performing an action multiple times.

-+ 0 ~ '2!'cl ~Oil f!j~.g A~~8 ~~ W7il 1~ e~-E

.A. t:::I -+ ~2.i ~ '2JL~::: :i:!.~Oll J.1 :J.. A~~~ A~~o~lil
Means that the speaker realized that the 1~c~ ::: ~ ~ Lie~.
person was a good person after meeting with Means that the speaker came to love the
him or her once. person after meeting him or her a number of
- - ; w. - - ~ ; - ' "'

----- ------------ - ------ ---------------------- - - -

262 Korean Grammar ul/ Us'.e Intermediate

(3) ~~~<>lie .AHg .Al{,!~ ~Jil ~7~L~ Ol~Oll ~~~ (3) $~~<>11 .AHg .Al{,!~ ~Jil ~7~L~ ~~o~

'2! ~i!~ '~c~::: LH-OI ~Lie~. ... ~rt! ~EH7~ ~~c~::: LH-OI ~Lie~.
The following clause contains new or . The following clause contains newly learned
unexpected information learned by the speaker. .. information or information about the state of

affairs resulting from the preceding action .

-t 0~71~ 871 ~<>lie .!f-7~.g ~ ~f<]l:::Ci l 8.:il L~.Ai ... 0~71~ lll~ 80~ ::i;:::::: ~25~ ~ ~i!~ 012-17~
~~.!:2.C~ .!f.f;JXI t'l::: ~~ ~7il 1~c~::: l~LIC~. 8 ~l{;!C~ 0 1D l ~LIC~.

This means that the speaker thought the This means that the speaker's lower
baby would be heavy before holding it, but back became bad (sore) as a result of
learned that wasn't the case after actually continuously holding the baby.
holding the baby.
---------------------~----------------- -------

1 7~ O:ll{i<Jll-E- ~111~ ~ u}J-1.Al ?l51e>-l.R? *

Lt 1-:ll, <5}.Al'R ~1@ ~u}q ~111~ u}J-ltj- .!i!Y 0 1A1l-E- ~~0 1 ~e>-1.R .

71lll~ ~ ~ Dt)..ICt .g~ [[Horct 71lll~ ot;..1ct 101xi1-E ~-TI01 1ct

~ICCJ AAl2t ~ ~ t!otCr ~IE ~1:11~ ~01 otcr I t!oHJ:lct
*'"""i 7 1-1.!::. 7.~.2. AJ
.::c:;._ ......: 2
f\J..:. LcL
2;sv I 0 I I 1cl"J:r t!.::ri2t Ar~ ~71~ !:2.2-1 ctLlct / ~o ror7il 1ct

2 7t .AJ-~ 0 1 7S~ %--o}J-11.:ll.R.

Lt uR~ {lJ: ~ ~ tj- .!i!Y7Jl- AJ-~ol fi-o}~ -3:1 7c{o}.R.
~~o 1~~ ~.!:f.5tcr /
DH~ -t!J:~ ~ct ~~01 rrior;::1cr

7c:!~ ~~~~Ct . DH~ g~~ 5rct / 7c.1~ ~ ~7il 1cr

R -c!.YO I ~Ot !i!OICt

R~ ia1:1tt~ ~ lll~cr / -l:!.Yo1 ~orJ:lct
.... . ...... .
.. ... .. ... -. -,,.............
........ -- -.......
... .--... ... ....
-~. ---- ............ --- ---''' ... ~
. ....... ........ -

c~:; .> ~!"-5<2! ~ ~ Of't! ~.i!~7~ ~717il 1~E-Ll77~? .::i'EJ- 1;:t11 '-c~ .!i!.LI'~ J..~gc5HJ..1
~- -@!"{;jo~AilR.

(1) ..

J;:l ~O!R?


l:H .:;~
o ... ~-

............................................................................................... ....................................................................


.. ...............
- ~ - ~ - ..


264 Korean Grammar ubVs~ Inter1nediate

7~ 7<j~ ~%~1--11*. Jf-ti ~~~7} %2-17-J-%
I'm very sorry. (Our) Alex broke the glass window.

L~ ~U-O}R. o}ol%Ol .g.q .!i!_~ %2-17-J-% 77~ -9-s=-

It's okay. Glass windows are apt to be broken once boys start
playing around for a while.
.... ..... ......... ....... "" ............................................................., ...._........,,............................................................................. .

7~ :Ail7} 0 l ~..g. 7-1% -on .!i!~ 7-l 2.fJ-1 ~w 4- ~%7-l

This is my first time to try this, so I don't know if I can do it well.

L~ ~% -0-}tj- .!i!-1il ~BJ BJ~% ~711 ~ 7-lY77} ~.!f

~;<j-0-}7-l u}-"ilR.
Don't worry because you'll learn how to do it once you start working
for a while.

... . ci tli.Q_ 0 tofliit77~_g_? ..

a.:.. 1::1 = . e . . = . . . . .

01 t:~~ {:j~~2.I ~<5~ ~1~0r~ Lf-8011 .f-~~2.I ~~r7r ~{Jcr:= 3:!~ LtEt~ [[H A.t-itLlcr. -cr7r
.5:!.~' 0 S:: !:!:..7 l.S:. itLI Ct.
This expression indicates that if the action or behavior in the previous clause continues, then over t ime the
result in the following clause wi ll occur. It is also written in the form -Ct7t !I:!.~ .

-~~ ; ....... -~---.:~-;._~--------~~~--~.:._~~.:.~,__:..~.~-~.:.-................ __ __.:.c;;..;._.,,,__...__..,....,_.__._;....._-...____~ _ ................. _.:...__>;....;...... _..,~.--..............~-~ --~"""---: .. ;,;.3::(.:..-~..._~-.~~..:.:, .. ..:~- .,;.~ ..... -..~......... -~~-
. .' .'
o..s::_-L L
L..!.... 0 o I C1
: .g-50 rCt .!i!. ~
V -Ct .5:!. ~ .
~Cr i' ~Ct .!i!. ~
-----'------.-......,_.,_..................................._.. ..........----------------------------------------------------------------------

Mark, you 're so good at doing things around the house.

L~ -2l~ll"'i ~::z} 14 ~~ ::z-]~~ ii.els:. "6}TI ~a~s:. "6}1~1 1-C 51 :Q0 }iL.
I think I naturally just started cooking and cleaning up my place after living by abroad by rnyser =c~ a
while .
7~ 7}~ 2-1 -lo}.=11-E ~t>R.Al7l7} 01~-& ~ 7c{o}Ji...
It seems difficult to get to know Kylie.

L~ 0 }Li0il..9... .::z14 l 0 l=7lo}q .:!i!.~ ~i>R~ 9- <il% 7111..9...

No, you can get to know her better if you keep talking to her often.

7r e>i.A1l ~~ ~-=jL'5'}.=113..:Jll .}-%1;,.i 7]~ol ~ ~0 }-9...

I'm in a bad mood because I had a big fight with a close friend yesterday.

Lr 7c0 l :AlLBt:l- Ji!.tti -1-% u:R~ <il:Al-9... o}.Al'?l ~2-1 ~i>Ro}.AiliL.

Of course you 're going to fight when you're together a lot. But you should make up soon.

-c~ 5!~' <i!Oll-E :il~7~~0 IL~ 012tt~o1 ~ * fil.:JI. ~~~OJI~ :il~7~ .A.IAil7~ ~ * fil~Llc~.

I Neither the past nor future tense can come before -c.~ ~~.and the past tense is not allowed in the following
clause either.

: i ~-T ~ 7-11 41- ~1,;fc} .!tiB ~o}~ 7-]o:JlJl. (x)

I :i ~ 7 ~ 7-1141- ~1-f~:c} .!t1B ~o}~ 7-1 o:JlJl. ( x)
: i ~7-~ 7-1141- ~1-ft:f .!ttB ~o}~o-JJl. (x)
~ : i ~-17-~ 7-ll-4;:- ~1-ft:f .!tiB ~o}~ 7-]o:JlJl. ( o)

1 7~ -Ott?! t.~W-% At~!::~711 w4- ~%77}.fL?


Lr t.~ J-t~~JI} 0 1t7l~ W- 0 1-otq .!i~ 7-t<Cl_!::lfj711W4- ~%

~~~~ Ar'2:!.6.El7ll e>rcr ~~ .A.r~~.:i!/- 010~71~ ~01orcr1 ;x;:f'2:!AE!7il ~ * ~cr

~2.t ~~~ ci ~-f;l7il orcr ~~ ~7~ ~Ol .A.l-11-IOi.A.i o+~2.ICr I ~7i.!f.l:AICr

711~ <c!~orcr / ~~ * ~cr

2 7~ J=7J- -l7t 1}-l:lR~ ~lf- W-0 l ILl ? ~ ~ ~0 1-R.


Lr .::1~7111}-BR ~ W0 1IZ.lJf-t:f .!i~ {i 7J-ol Lfllli}{I lfil"Gil ~.Ajoltjlii.. CC.!~~E~~

instant food

ia1:1tt ~ L:J.!:f. ~o 1IIl~cr ia1:1tt~ 1!01 u1~cr / {:!~01 Lruur;x;:1cr

711~ 'E:J'OJI ~Jil ArCr .7=11~ ~7il :Arcr 10~011 ~~ ~Oi Lr7 17r gi~cr
..u.. c=i
741~ OIAE1EAlD~ Di[.L
1 --, L....:.- t......:- - , l;;;:J L..:. - , I 711~ <2JAE!.~~'2l 11cr / ~01 ~01 u1cr

266 Korean Grammar ,;, 9-/.\e Intermediate

.. - .. -

(1) 7~ l:Ail7} 7-lOJ -1 ;,~~ 0 l~tjlll? ~e>l~c4J.i 72W 0 1<(!--0RJl. (tl}~~l 7-l~t:f)

L~ 3tli~O}Jl. t:Jr~l11 f.IL{ll:{- E!_Oj. '5J~tJl~ *5:_ ~7-lJl.

(2) 7~ ~Oil ~7-} ~-2-1?1 {J{J-0}7-l ?0}Jl? (~if"Ei~l<i:J% -O}q)

L~ ).l{l-o l cl~ ~l 7}i:=-7-l %ctJl..

(3) 7~ lJ.lZl-011-f ~~i=-Eil ~77}7-l ~~~ 7-l<:xllJl.? (~~-01 {iq)

L~ tjl, J-~2{% ~j ~~ * <V_~J.l -W0l-Jl.

(4) 7~ ~ ~-e OJl ~ {Je>l-ORii.? (~-E OJ~~ .!i!.t:f)

L~ LfX ~nl Al Al .=J.cRJl..

(5) 7~ -%~ 01 <(!- ~~5:_ 01 ~J.}e>ilJ.l 7-11~ ~<)} ~ 1i 01~~7.lJl? (~% ~{J <)l -O}q)
L~ .=J.~Jl, t:f-e- 71~7}3:. ;,~~ {]yt:f.

(1) 7~ J-l.zl-011?01 ~~Ai;.i ~%-~Yt:f. (~~<S-}t:f)

L~ 3tli~0 }Jl. ~ .Qt<Srl:t E!.OJ. J.l.zl- 01 ~ l~ ~7-lll. *s:.

(3) 7~ 0 }~5:. ~Rl ~% ~-2-1?1 li>R<S-}7l7l- ~%~Jl. (7-11~ ~% ~it:f)

L~ 01-0R-O}7l7} ~ %l ~ ~ <:xl Jl..


(5) 7~ ~R -g:9l-~ 1?01~.JI 1t~iL. (~Re>ilJ.i 7-11~ if1*)

L~ 7-}~~~~l -g~s:_ ~~l ~ ~~lJl..
7~ _g.511 -17} 2r_~AJ% ~'.:U-ti1iL.
I heard Eunhye received a Nobel Prize.

L~ -=icBiL? 015:!% ~ --E-1 E;E; o}tjy x~AJ7!}7-l

Really? She's always been so smart and clever ever since she was
a child, and now she's gotten a Nobel Prize.

...... ... .... ........ .......-. .. ........ ...................... .. .. ....... ........... . .... ........ ..... ... ......... ............ . ......
. .. ........

It seems Akira has changed.

L~ t:il , ~o 1-iL. 0 }712.l- -17} %~ -6R 7-ltj Y 0 }~ 71 ~

You 're right. Akira became famous, and (because of that he)
became really arrogant.

t1~_Q_ 01-0t~771._g_?
&.:.. t:i2 i2 I

01 IE~~ :i!r710JI Oitt! cH~~ Bifor71Lr ~~~ ~:i!r .:::i 01~2.I ~2r LH~ w~ [[H A-rg01-Ec-11, B~~
LHgo1 01~ ~~ f.:!<2.101 10i ~xH Oitt! ~:i!r7r ~~cr-E ~~..~~Lier. 01 E~g -ciLl~' 0 ~s= w~
, - AA 1::::1

This expression is used when the speaker wants to refer to something directly seen or experienced in the
past when describing how that thing has subsequently changed. The seen or experienced content is stated
as the reason or cause for the changed state of affairs being presently witnessed. The form - C-ILl'Cl is an
alternate form of this expression.

- CiLI

A/V .

.!"~Ol er .1-~ 0ICiLI

0 1-71 n:fl--E-1 cjj ~r:-ly 1:1HJf-7} 1~ 01..8...

A.\1ays pretty since childhood, she became an actress.

268 Korean Grammar uz C/lfe Intermeruate

%1- -l 7} 1*0 l0-1 .~ o}tj y ig-Jti-5TI ~~ll .f?...
Dongsu went on a diet and (as a result) became thin.

7-TI~ -17} .fl-@- ~0 1 ~L}.Jl "6"}tjy~ 4=-~-01~5:. * Z} ~ 7t{o}.f?...

Jaehyeon said he's been broke recently, and (as a result) couldn't go on the school trip.

__ .. ---

1 01 ..~~ :v_~7~0JI ~~o~O:l ~7-11 ~ "'11:1 ~~ ~EH7~ ~xH2r cH~~~~ LrEr~ rrH.s:. "'~~Lier.
This expression is also used to indicate a contrast between what one experienced or knew to be the case
in the past and the current state of affairs .

_2_~oJl*=- ~tj LJ A-]141 ~L.]7J]- ~~}t:J]_R,

i It was hot in the afternoon, but now it's chilly in the evening .

r'1-3. .]7} ~~oJl*=- irJo] l:l}~tj LJ Jl~ ~ % ~7]oH ~ .2.ojo]oj]Jl_

Mark was so busy at the beginning of the month, but now he seems a bit more free .

~0}0]7} ~\:!Oil~ o:j~% 1?.fo] qL.Jt:iLJ1?.l- Jl~ ~ % 14}-oj] l-}-7}7.]~ ?Jo}_R_

I (My) daughter did a lot of traveling last year, but these days she doesn't leave the house at all.

2 OI ..~~ 71.g~oi;: ~~ 1~~01~*fil.Jl2 3~~'21 ~ * ~~LIC.f.

This expression can only be used when the subject is in the 2nd or 3rd person, not the 1st person.

LH 7} ~{l -&-] -%l]l-&-}G]L] 1~ g_ ~lJl. (x)

-+ ~97} ~{]-&-] -%---&-J-tjt.-] 1~ ~ ~<>J_a. (o)

.:rciLr Ar-t!~ ~~~3HA.i ~~ rrH-E 1~~ ~~.s:. -c.-JLI '~ ~ * ~.:SLlc.r.

I However, it is possible to use -Ci LI with a 1st person subject when the speaker refers to himself or
herself in an objective manner.
(L}]7}) t9~ {:ll]lE-j n]~-&-}G]LJ _2_~.g. ~S.. t-}-.:il o}-n}it.
I haven 't felt good for the last few days, and now I have come down with a fever.

(L}]7}-) ~~%rr}]~ J-}"Ef~ o] ;;~ ~7] Q:jo}ciLJ _a~~ %7]Q:j%*<5l-~<>J_a.

I I remembered people's names very well when I was young, but now I can't remember them.

3 -c.-JLl'2-I ~~~:v_~ ~~~2-I ~~ Jr ~o ~o~ or.Jl, ~x11.s:. ~o~o~ ~Li er.

Both the subject and topic of discussion of the preceding and following clauses - C:.iLI must be the same.

~1' .]7} xcH ~ <5]-ci LJ J-}%1%o] 12l9~ ~o-]St. ( x)

: ~~~.l!t ~~~ 2-I ~Oj 7~ Ai~'~~ ~ ~ g~~LIC~.

The subjects of the preceding and following c lauses are different, and thus the sentence is
grammatically incorrect.

181' .]7} xcH~ <5}r:-]LJ 1:1H ~o ] )<>JR . ( x)

: ~~~:ilt ~~~Qj ~J::il7~ A-j~ '~~ ~~ g{;t~Ljc:.~.

The topics of the preceding and following clauses are d ifferent, and thus the sentence is
grammatically incorrect.

- ~-
------------- ---- --------- ------------ - - - - - - -----------... --------

4 OI E~1 ~~~Oil~ Dl2-H .Al::\il7t ~.::? fil~LICt.

The future tense cannot be used in following clauses this expression.

2-}2-} -1~ i72'f>1 <Cl_if-'t>}tjy J-117-11 ~.JlQ.j {147} ~ ~91.fL. (x)


_. 2-}2-f -1-E 1i12-51 <Cl.if-o}r:--1 y "117-11 ~.JlQ.] {147]- 1 ~ Oi.fL. (o)

5 OI E<21g 2t710il 01't! ~-5-0ILt ~-&~ -Et-~~~ -2.llfot~ W~ rrH~ .Alo~Cil, OlccH-E 01't!
~-5- ~g ~~Oil l::lt. ~10101 ct:= .A~OILt ~~OI ~01'i=tLICt.
This expression is used when recalling an action or state of affairs directly witnessed in the past, with the
succeeding action or state of affairs occurring directly following the first.

I ~<Cl_ 0 1-E \f7<} ~-T-tl-'EJ1 ~ 4l tj y ~_Q_. l-j-7} Bi )1 Oi.fL.

f Soyeon got mad at her boyfriend and then (soon after) went outside.

I %l-~-f- ~oJ1 ~Oi-2..r:--jy 7t}7<}71 %71 J-1~~0i.fL.

My little brother/sister came into the house and then suddenly started crying.
I '- CiLl'7t ctt~1 IOI~ cctt-E '-( 0 )L/i::Cil'2t l::lt-I ~
When used to indicate contrast, -c-j LI can be used in place of -( o) L
* 9]Al'2.! /-2-Cil, Ct~:L!t ~~~Oil-Ai
but note the following differences.
j:t017t 91~LICt.

,-----------------'---:- -------~-:---------'---~._._._._._._-~....,.--

. .. .....----;
: '
.. ......__............~....,. ......-.---,.,-...................,. ..................... ... ,.,..... ...... ..
~- --;--'"',-- - -,- -----.---------:------~----

. ~ . ; -(-2.)L/i::Cil ~ -CiLI ..
-- o --- -~ - o o
...... o o
o -
---- o - O oo o o ---
O o - - Oo " o o o - - --
~ 0 - - ' o ... o o _ .. ...... - .... - .... - ... - ... .. H .. - .. _ . .
... ... ~
................ ~ . . . . . .- . . . ' '" ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . ... .........

' ... '
. . J:!~712~ J:!~71 ~EH CH~

.'. Contrast of Two Past xcJl-C ~~-Etj1 x

'' Situations .Ai o 1- ..
o E A
2,) ......J _fL
M.~I .

................ ... . ........ ..... .. ..... ... ... ... ... . ... . ... . .. ..... .................. ....... ... ... .. . ...... ... . ..............
.... ...... .. ....... ........... . . ... ............. .... .........


! : !
' '
C:H~ ~%!" . ~ J:!.~712~ ~AH ~EH CH~ 0-1)1% IIJ1-E 7 171-~,J-EGJ1 ~ 0-1)1% IIJ1-E 717} ~r:--jy
. . . :
Type of 1

Contrast of a Past and 7<1-6--f- ~ 7 ~ -'6-oJ]J-i :A11 7<1-6--f- ~-T-~ -'6-oJ1J-i
Contrast -~ Present Situation
:A11~ 3-tjl.fL.


- - ........ .. ......... .. ... ....................... ... ....... ... ....... .................................................................................................. .
. '

~AH2~ ~AH ~EH cH~ ; ~~ -1-E xcJl-E
'' ..
Contrast of Two x
i .
. ! Present Situations :
' .:

__________ :.___________:._.
' ________________ , ......_..__,_.............................................................................:. ............................................................................................___________________ ______________ ;'

-- - - - - - - -- -
---------- _.__.,. .._.___ ------- -------------------- - ~-~------ --------------..:

? -, 8 Korean G:rammar in </Lse Intern1ediate 1

. - ---

, ..

..' '
OJ{l Y-17} ~\Jll-E- .' oa{l M17r ~\Ji1~
Ai. c:o6H.A-I :><:o-j Olj:I




L...: . - 0 2 -r

Preceding and
2 '
ItjO]S-~ * ~~ tjj .'

ILJ 0 J.~:c:~ .:Z.1ciy
(OJ{l Y-]7}) 7-1 -ii-~ (oa{l Y-17}) 7<]-ii-.g_
I ..

Following Clauses .
. Have the Same Subject .

2 7;j ..9.. .

2 7;j.R.
~Oi -----------

................................. ........ ..... . -- --------------------------------

......... ----------- ---------- --- ... ..... .
Subject .
-t! . ~~~ 2?0i7r

~2.~.S:. ~ .


l Preceding and x

Following Clauses can

1' Have Different Subjects
. . - - -- - - - ___ _____ ______ __________ _ _______
., ,

1 7~ 11~ -17} ~ AJ t:iA}olll7} ~~t:BJl.

~ 0~77IC.~ to be frugal
Lr '11 u:R--1 nll 11011 ~{} 0 l Wt:l 11 .Ai~o~~ to save (money)
~ ~~Jl. fast food
t:iA}o l ll 7}

o-Ji uH.!:f.Ei nH{!OJl t!-~01'CJ-er1 c1;i::rolLi7r s:.1cr

~~OJI ~ or7Jl.:i:I. ;i::-J~eircr / ~~ ;..rcr
lll~ rrHAEC:~ ~cr / f:IJ::r7 I ~01 ~01 :0:1cr

2 7r Al'ii-5:.. 7r1l W0 1~ol t-1-Jl?

Lr o}yJl, -2..~01l i::- W0 l ~ol t:lY -2..~7} ~~Al JtliU-o}~'lJl.

J::l-55=. ~O I ~OI ~olCr 2~oi1-:::- ~01 Q,t-ei1cr / 2~7~ 1rc!Ai .f!!~i-o ~cr

R;;.s=. orol7r fdj:I~ ~ ~ ~cr Oi~~ rt!! ~ ~ ~cr / 32.fiilOJI ~o-J7rrc!Ai.!:f.Ei ~~er
or~.s=. ::i 7r.::?7 r '2.1717 r 'C.tcr j:+~oi1 ::: '2.J717r ~cr / ~~~ cl-@-.!:f.Ei '2.1717r ~01 '!Oi~cr
..... ... ......... .. ... . .
.. .. .. -
........ ... ..~

- -- .. .. ... ....... -- -

(1) 7~ 94-~ -17} ~7J-i>TI~ ~ ~Alit? (~ :1(;-0}q)

L~ 1=11, u~ ~ %%t5~~ l-{ ~ 7J-i>TI ~ ~ ~o l-it.

(2) 7~ ~Jf- -17} 011tj_ TI? ~..~ ~J1l l~t:}Alit? (~{J -61 x~-t}q)

(3) 7~ ~u} ~Oll .!i!.Y Jf-~ -1 ~ oal 11~ 0 11? 0 1 ~~q c-}v8 . Coao-i ~-?:lll qyq)
L~ o}{}u}q 1J~ol 1fol "*ol-~1-f li!}it.

L~ 15J-o}it. _ _ _ _ __ __ ___ ~llftll~ ~ ;Q-0 1-it.

2 c~.g A~~~.g ~'gj!~ ~AH.2.I .2:801 Oi~ 7il ~2.~~-8-LI JJ~? '- Ci LI '~ A~~f>HAi ~~~ ~~o~
~- ...... _,_,,..,,.._.-.;:l:"T\' ~'..,_ _ _ _ ___ .___ _,, ...._..~-~---..--'O'l!\'t':'M __,_,,,, ., ..--.-"...,.____ _ _ ~-~----- ...,.,-
i ~XH
- ' C.~......... ;' '" . .\;:,.~\. ......................~,

?l~or71 ~: ?l~orjl Lr.A.i:

(1) ~~
~~ b'O I ~~Cr. ~~b'-0 I ~oH~Cr.
-- - ---------- ----.................... ------- - - -----..... ______ _ ., .......
_... -------.... -~- .. -~- --- ..... .. ............- -- - -

~~ ~: ~~orjl Lr.A.i :
(2) :tr<J2.I
R2.I~ ~~~Cr. R2.I ~ ~r7~ 1 1~Cr.
- -- - ---- - ............................ - .- - ........_ _ _ _____ ___.!.,_...............................- -- _ _____ ___ .,._,,,_________ -...........................__ _ _ ......................... . .... __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1~ ~~~ or71 ~: 1~ ~~~ orjl Lr.A.i :
(3) ~IO I~ D}O I E~C L
IA~ 0
C::I CJ C>
2 Lc; I. AA -, -, -, 0 ljl ,2Jl:::I ~ 0 ~ AIL2.~0 I 1 o-t cIL.
:A:-1.:::Z.:A:-I 2 2 ~ Cl AA

-- ---------- - ---:----- ------- - -- - --~-- -- -- -----

11 ~ ~!i7 [[H: cH 2,1-.:i:il~ ~~orjl L~Ai:
'' '
- , oo~o ~OLoHcL
CJ-i2 c::. I AA I. ~2.rE g<2,1-~ ~oro r7il xl'Itcr.
- -- ---- - - - ____ _
__!___ __...,..........------,-- -- - - - - - - - - -- -- --.--..- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- ..- -- - - -------

- - Korean Grammar Ul '/ue .Intermediate

7~ .g.-Bll -1, ~~ 0 1 ~ ~ 0 } ~OiJl..
Eunhye, you don't look good.

L~ a:l ~ Op2 ~ ~tjy -@-AJ-0 1Xl_-01Jl..

I worked late for a few days straight and fell ill as a result.

... ................................................... -- -------

Aren't you sleepy, Jaya?

No, I drank some coffee earlier, so (because of that} now I'm fine.

01 .H.~.g ~b= .A~Eif-01 Ojitj ~(5 ~ ~LH71L~ Ojitj fil~ ~ ~IOJI ::J. ~:iJ.~ Ojitj ~OI {!j~g ~ L~E~~ ITH
A~-'8"LI C~. :1!~71011 A ~~O I ~-~ 3:!0 IL~ fil~ 3:!~ 1.go ~O=I OIOF7l ol-E 3:!'f:JLICL
This expression is used to indicate that something happened as a result of something the speaker did or
said previously.
---~-.~---- ----------.........,,..-----..-- -- ~----

-<;l/<;l C-f LI
. . . . . . . . . :.. ... . . . .. 7r.'" \'.,, ,_.,.,.,.,,,....,.,==..r...-... ..
"~ ~,.~-~;,_,......,,...-,~ ... - . .~. =--"""""",...,..
....,.,,~.,, , r+o .,__."7T= o


v - <;l/<;l Ci LI


. --------------- ---.......- ------- --..........------ -----...............-------- ----- -..........._--------__
. . ..._,, ......-. --
----------. ------- ~-............. -- ___________ _

7~ {{7li:=- ~ OirrlliL?
How's your cold?

L~ Qf% 11 ~ tj Y ~ WO}~ <JiJl.

I took some medicine, and (because of that) it got a little better.

7~ ~R<Jl7} l1J-o] .Al<?:l~c~~ ~tj]Jl.

Your Korean has gotten a lot more natural sounding.

L~ .Jlo}~Jl, ~R} ~ 1,1~ -51 ~tjy .A}'?:i~c-J~ ~ 31 7c{o}Jl.

Thank you. It seems to have gotten better because I watc hed Korean dramas nonstop.

7~ 4l ~ ~ 1- -1 Ci ;:z.} ~.:;i.5:. -5:'_ ~ Oil _2_Y-Jl?
Junsu , will your girlfriend come to the get-together tomorrow?

L~ 0 }YJl, Oi;:z.} ~.:;1-0il71l ~0 1 7};:z.}JI "9ltjy {Jq.JI o}r1c.}v 9.

No, I invited her to go, but she said she didn't want to.

- - -- - - ---- - - ------ - -- - -- - - - -- - - --------- --- -

. :c. j.
.0 i -~. t .::.
. !::I
l;o ,
"t'...u.;.(,.? .~}'..
. . . ' " ' . ... '. , .-.::

1 01.H.~g -t:i~~2.I ~6~ ~ -5F- -5F-~~2.I ~~ ~-l1or711 1~~ [tt.s:. .A~~* ~E-Ll cr. '-()Ll7JF
I ~ s= 1:1r-J ~ * ~~Llcr.
This expression can also be used to indicate the speaker's discovery of what is expressed in the following
clause after doing the action stated in the preceding clause. In this case, the expression -(.2.)Ll77 ~ can
also be used to indicate the same meaning.

~:l-~ojj n-r:-ly A}~oj 1?J-~lJl.

= ~:l-~ojj 7}y77} A}~oj Ef~lJl.

I I went to the department store and (found that) there were a lot of people .

. iif:.~ rt!-Y- ~r:-ly o}-? :tl~TI i:f:.o11llJ1.

= .::Li:f:.% f{}l-]- ~y77} 0}~ :tl1i~ ~Ol1llJ1.
I met that person, and (I discovered that) he/she was very kind.

2 '-0~/<>IC...JLI' O~f\JI
:x:t v I ..::r:._ L - o I- oHs=
o o 2
0 o~
I c:i L - H
..:C:. o
'--' o '--'I 'Ll'OILICL
I 1:::1 I.

When an action is described in the preceding clause, the person who performs the action must be Lt,
that is, the 1st person .

(LH7}) _2._l:flZ}rt!-oJ1 ~ -g ~ ~tjy 7ji:f:.oJ .AJ~-5RJl.

(LH7}) 1\:1 %<{!- ~RoJl il-~tjy 0 l:A~1 ~R J.~foJl ~~<5RJl .

.::Z.2-i Lr Cr~ .Ar~O I w~ ~~ Cr.Al '2.l~oH.A-J w~ cctt ~ ?017r 3'2.1~ 0 ~ M~ .::?.S:. ~E-LI Cr.
However, when the preceding c lause is relating what someone else said, the subject of the clause can be
I in the 3rd person.
I ...-- . ---".. ..... .. .. .. . . ... - ....... .. .. . - .. -- .. ... .. - .. -. ------ . --.. ---- . -.. --.... .. ..... ... ..... .. .. ... ...... .... --- -- - .... . . . . .... . .. . .... ..... .. . ... . ... . ... . ... .


.. ... --- - ... ~ - - - * - - - -- .. ... - .... --. ---- ---. - .. -- -----............ .... .... .... ......... .......... -- - .. --... -.
- --- ------- ------ --------------- -

2 f 4 Korean Grammar UI/ <t/se,, Inter1nediate

- ---w--- ---- - --- ------- - - -- -------------------- - - -- - -

3 ~~~OJI 3<2.1~ ~Oi.!:C. .2.-E ~~s=_ ~ec11 Ol[[HE 'to~::: -"PsOI c~::: -"FS-1 ~01 .g_I-.~ ~~
.2.lifor~ 'to~-E ~~Lier. 01[[H::: ~~~JJ.r -Sf-~~1 ~017~ -"i c~.s~ ~~~1 ~OJI cH~
~:;01 -Sf-~~OJI 2::: ~~7r 'Cl-Llct.
There are cases when the subject of the preceding c lause is in the 3rd person. In such cases, the
speaker is recollecting the, completed action or behavior of someone else. In addition, the subjects of
the preceding and following clauses are different, with the following clause typically describing a reaction
to the action or behavior described in the preceding clause .

o};;r]cj- h\]7]- lijo}~~ :;alll-] J-}~~o] iaf-4-~ ::a-trl-Jcl-.

Akira played the piano, so (in response) the people (crowd) applauded .

J-}~%0] *~r:-11-J r11012 hZl ~~01 ~7R~o-J.R.

Everyone laughed, so (as a result) Keiko's face turned red .

Aj~ h\]71- ~~q.Jl ~IlY *~ h\]7} ~ ~o-J.R.

Jeongho said he'd be late, so (upon hearing that) Sujin got angry.

t1) ;.'> ..:11n i..;,1
...- . . -
.- '
a . r..u..? ...
' . , ' . ..-.. ' .. .
' '

'-CiLl'.2.~ '-~/exiCiLI'::: 1Dl7r l::ll5:o~:Al'tl c~gJJ.r ~::: ~OJl-"i }:~Ol7r 'BLICr.

While - C-jLI and -<U'/~CiLI are similar in meaning, they are different in the following respects.
____ ...........................................-.._,.._....,,..... __..,.,,.,.. .
_____________________ ._~---
___________________ ........

..''' - Ci LI . . . -'U/'Xi Ci LI
. --- -- . -... ---- . _,. . . .. ,. .. - -~ - ... ' - ..-~. -.. ...... . ....... . . ...... ........ . . . ........ .......... --. . . .... . . .... . - ---------... -...... ......, .............. ..... .. --. --- ... ---. -.... - .... --.. -- .. - ___ --- . -. --- . -.. -.. _,,,.. -_,. -... ..
- -~ ~ ~ .,, :.- ~ ,. . ~ ". --- .. -. -.. .

2 3~~ ~Oi7~ ~LIC~. 1 ~~ ~Oi7 ~ ~LI C~.

(1~~ ~Oi7 ~ A~~~ ~-El-2~5H.A-J '!"%!' [H (CD Xil3J:~7 ~ J:~~Olllll ~Oi'd ~~ '!"~ ~~ C~.AI
-E 1~~ 71:;) ~g.%1' [H ~ 3~~ 7 I:;
<6) 3~~ ~Oi2.I ~-01.g_i-.. ~OJI cH~ ~ol
The 2nd and the 3rd person subjects
~Of2.I (The 1st person subject possible --i:!l~Oll ~ [H ~ 3~~ ~Oi 7 I:;)
i....: C> when the speaker is objectively The 1st person subject
Person of reflecting on oneself) ((j) The 3rd person possible when the
the Subject speaker is relating what someone else said to
. .
(2) The 3rd person possible when the following
clause expresses the speaker's reaction to the
completed action of that 3rd person)
. - . -.... . . .... ...___ .,,._.__.. .... . .-.' ----... -- . . ... -- ........ -... --- . ... .. ... -... -... -.. - -- -.. - -- - .. ... -... . -- ... -... --- - . .. .. .. ... ... - . .... . ... --... -.... . ... -.... -... ----- --
.. ,,, ~

' vi

{:ji:!j~.l!.~ --~~.Q.j ~Oi7~ ~OfO ~ ~LIC.t


{:ji:!j~.l!.~ --~~ 0 1 ~Oi7~ .A-j '2.~ ~ Lie}.

Subject '
;' The subjects of the preceding and The subjects of the preceding and fo ll0\\~ ,..,9
Agreement :
:' following clauses must be the same. clauses can be different.
between . .
Clauses .'
... ., , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .. ...... .. .. . ....... ...... .. . . . .... . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..... .. . . . . . . . ..... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .... . . . ..

. . .... . . . . . > . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. ,. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .

:, .AL
o I,
o o I, o EJ:!.ALI cLI 7 ~,;~LICL
re>~ I.

Parts of Verbs, adjectives, and nouns can be Only verbs can be used.
Speech. used.
I .... __ _..,. . .... .... . .. ....... ,:,. . . ............... . .. .. ,. . ... .... .. ............ .. .... .... .......... .... ..... . .... ... . .. ... ... ~ .. - - -.. --.. . . ... . ........ . ............ .. ..... ........... ... .. ... .. ... > - - - - . ... --- -- -- - - -- - --- --- .. . .
L -- ---- - -- ------ -- - ---------- - -
- -- - -- -- -- - -- - -- --------
...._ ..__ ....... ---........................

.................. .. . ............................ .......................... -
,. ..... ... ~ ~ - - - - -


: CD :i!~7-l0ll ~0-j'd ~Oll CHE!- ~:i!~ CD ~7-lOll ~Oi'd ~Oll CHE!- ~:i!~
: result of a past occurrence result of a past occurrence
:i!~7-j.2.~ ~AH~1 ~EH ~cH ~(~ Et 10ll 0-l't! ~EHL~ ~OI {!l~g~ ~-cl~.

contrast between past and discovery of a fact or state of affairs after

. . present situations performing an action
. . . : 1
~eantn~ 1 @0-l't! ~OI ~0-l'd ~ l:l~ c~ = ~OI
. . . .. ..'' 010-l.A.-J ~0-l'ct.

. . ' occurrence of something

. immediately following the
I '.
I ~' conclusion of some other
... occurrence
. . . .''
-'--------''""' -----'-'--'-'-'--......... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'--------~---- - - -- ------ - - - - - --------- ----

1 7~ JI<S-J=~l
.~cf .2:.ilq 1t!;.1 _g_?;

L~ 1.:11, _2_ ~ Z}q}e>il

:U-"Gl Y j l<S-J=o l wo l ig-t:q-~ Ll t:q-j1_9_.
.:l:!.~Oil ~C~ .2.C~ .22.Hl!-'2.!0il 7 ~c~ I .:l:!.~O I '2J'O I ~2.~c~
2?-~0il $~~1Ai Ai~77~:AI .g~~ o~.:l:!. 7~C~ 5All! -<2..1" g~~ t>~c~ / o~2.l7~ L:J o~,gc~
2?-~ AAIOilJll ~~o I~ -t!~t>~c~ ~~01~ -t!~o~c~; 2?-~ AAl7~ ~~ ~o~t>~c~

2 7~ 7-l ~ -15:- '.2-~e>il 7tf0 1.~~~Cl - . 7fL-}-Jl?
. .

to attend

2~011 ~o 1~.~ .!:i:!.2.i 7 ~er ~o I ~.~ !i:!.Ar I Q.f~o I cue~

LH~ AilDIL~I ~1o~c~ AilDIL~I ~~o~LF / gJ~~c~

.2~ *~~I-OJI 2.C~ ~OI 7~A~ I A~71::: 7~71 {lC~

?76 Korean Gram.mar in Intern1ediate

. ,_................ . . .--- ... .
- -. ...
~ - .. - . - ..... ..............-- --.

,...... - ----- ---- .. -- ---- - ---- -- - -- - ------ ---- --------- - -

! (1) 7~:z=i~ !jliiloH ~OiR. @ ~~~ ~ <tO~!i!~Ci2.~11R.

(2) ~7~ 2.cHl!-CC!Oll CC!':d-OiR. @ <2.JEi~OI C:j ~OiR.
(3) tg4"~7il 7~7il 0il ~OiR. O~LH7~ .2.~ '&C~.

(4) 2.112.t~ ~c~. @ go1 '261 ~~OiR.

l- ..._.. _
............................----- --- -- .. ---- ---- -- ....~.......----- --- --......... ~ -----......~..... --.----............... ---...........____ -... ------- ....... ........--..............~- - ..- ........................ ---- ..................... --.-----.. ....................................~- --./
------.. ._




(1) 7~ BB o}~ ~ ~ ~rrTI.R? (Qf-& ~q)

Lt o~~ DJ,OJ.~'-1 ~ Y-o}~~.R.

Lt - - - - - - - - ~ 0 1 ~tjl.R.

(3) 7t {l{J ~-2..21 <{}- 7}l-1l.R? (o}~ % ~/Z1l ~q)

Lt o}~ BB7} <{}- .J1.Itj-.R.


- - - -- - - - -- o}~e>il ~~% ~~.R.

7t ~o}, 0 l=jB-E- {ie>-1.fL. ~ 9--"'ilJl!
Mom, I hate vegetables. Give me some ham!

Lt 0 i ~111 3B.~% <)}-cl-7r~ 7171- -=i;z.1 U% 7-l 0 i=.

%~% ~2.f- ~e>-l ol= 717} 3-7-l.
You won't grow any taller if you keep eating such an unbalanced
diet. You'll only grow tall if you eat well-balanced meals.

......... .......... .............. . ................... ..... ......... ....... ...... ....

7t ~ ~'ll- u}11-2-Y 77} -&-~i>Bs=- ~~7-l .fL?

I only had one drink, so it's okay to drive, right?

Lt ~~ D}J-12 -8:-~<)}q7H=- -e-~ LfJl.

_2_~.g_ ~J-1 Ef2 7}-"'ilJl.
Drinking and (then subsequently) driving is no trivial matter.
Today, you should take a taxi.

OI R~~ {:!~~ 0 1 ~--OI L~ -gEH7~ ~1~1'2'.1 .:1 ~2~ Dl2.HOll ~;;:I <[~.g ~ OI ~OiL~7iL~ '2.! ~.g -gEH7 ~

~ 3:!~~ w~ [[H .A.rifLIC~. {:!~~ 0 1 ~O I 0101 Olt:\.!:f-Ei oH 9Jl <ll::: 3:! 0 l2.~'2j 'Ol~7il, .:1~7i l. Ai ~ Jll'

2.~ ~~ wo1;;:~-9- -GLlc.~. ~.Jio~7i L~ 3 .JIW rrH ![Joi .A.rifLlc~.

This expression is used to express the speaker's view that if the action in the preceding clause continues,
then an adverse result or state of affairs will occur in the future. If the action in the preceding clause has
continued from some time in the past, then the phrases O l ~Jll, .:J.~7il, and Xi~7il are often also used. This
expression is usually used to warn or admonish another person .
, , . - - - - - - -- - - ----..............
. --..-.. ........._ :T'........ :'.'..~'O~..~-------------- .... ~-- -- - -- - -- ~..~......._ ~-,,-~~~~-~=~--- - - . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ~.--- -- ----. . . . . . . . . . ..

- - - - --- ---------.........---------------.-.......................... ________________ -... .....
~.....------_:___---~---- -
.... ....................--. ..... __ - -----....-------- -

2- 3 Grammar u1 <l/.s,e Intermediate

7~ ~ ig-~~ ~-1 71-1-=l..!f- * 111.R.
It's been so cold for a month now.

L~ Ol~ 7-11 ~-17} * tj-7N=- 7tf7l ~;;z}%ol ~o-i ~ 71 Oil.fL.

If the cold weather continues at this rate, the number of people who catch colds will increase.

7 ~ ~J.-j -17} 0 1~.:S:. r:.f% 9-<>ll -6}3)1,tjl.fL.

Minseo said he would do this job too next week.

L~ :J_ ~7ll ~% ulf-tj-7N=- ~<>11 ~~"0}7ll ~ lfiltjl..8...

If he keeps putting work off like that, I think he'll come to regret it later.

7~ ..2..~ ~ ~~<>11 7}J.-j 7}l:lJol2J ~~% 1}-o-1.R.

Today I went to the department store and bought a bag and some shoes.

L~ ~ ~~~ 011 Itr:t ~o-i.R? 7<1~7-1 ~ 7l-~~ w- 1~rt7H=- -%1-H-.:s:. .2.7<l-cr7ll ~;;z1 .:s:. -ct.R.

You went to the department store again? If you keep using your (credit) card as much as you have been,
your salary might not be enough (to cover the bill).

r------- --------- - ---------- ------

t:~ . 0
ro l._!L,,t ? .
e ..F
... 2 :...;r..u-.
' . . . '... ''.".. .

1 '- [.L7LL 'O zs:;::.. 1Oj-

I I L. L. e>
Lo L.
Ar.2.~f\.1 1
o =VI
1:::1 I.
-I ~:A:-l :A:-10 1 Al-.2.~f\J I
o o -, L..: o =VI -ML .D:j /"\J.A.Hol-LICLI.
. : v I -, 1:::1

The expression -Cr7ri:::- is used in negative circumstances. Accordingly, it sounds awkward when used in
positive sentences.

.:J..~/11 -ti--!f--6]-tj7}-C J-]~ 011 ~~~ 7-1 cxJ1Jl. (x)

I __. .:J..~7-11 ir-- tr.t7~ A1~ 011 ~01~ 7-ioi1Jl. ( o)

2 '-Cr7 r::'~ 7~~<2.1 2.IDl7 r <;171 rrH~Oll ~~~011:: D l 2H~ ~~ o r:: ~<2..1 '-( 0 )2 7-JOllR, - ( 0 ) 2
~CilR. - ( 0 )2 :A l.S:. ~2.rR, -~OiR' ~OI ~LICr.
Because - Cr7 r::: has a hypothetical meaning, the following clause ends in a phrase indicating
supposition or conjecture, such as - (0)2 71011., - (0)2 'E!JCilR, - (0}2XI ~2.r., or -~(}j..

. i~ ~-2. -&-~ o}r.}7}-C .A}.TI.7} ;<>liL. (x)

_, -=z.~ ~-2. -&-~o}r.}7~ .A}.TI.7} ig- imi:::HiL. (o)

3 o~
'--' XH .2.o
--. L. Dl2Hol
- o10
2 2 7L:A:-loH
Io A.-1I a1-2
2 2 or
2 [[H , A.
- 'A.I
-.., Ai
'--' oH
o -A-t
2 -ol o1
2 01 AH717J
o II 1D=l'ol o101:=i
L..: - -
2 2 ITH
::: '-<Xl/~cr7 r:::o 5=! ~Lier.
When speaking hypothetically about the present or something that is going to happen in the future, as in
"If something was to occur... ", then the form -~/~ Cr7 r ::: should be used.

-------------"-------- ---- ---

~1.2.~~ fn}.ft..?

Even though the expressions -c~ .!i!.LI, -c~ .!i!.'i:!, and - c.~71-E- are similar in that the action of the preced irf
clause is repetitive or continuous, they are different in the following respects.
--------- ------~---------...

.....---------.... - ._.. .. . ......_......__
.......... _______


______ ~ ---- -.-,......------.. ......--
. -c~ .!i!LI ~. -c~ .!%!~ :
.. ............ - ......... -

................................... . .
. ......................
-- "'- ------ .. ---- .. ...... ... . .. ... .. .. ................ .

; ~ OI ~I~@. ~OI ~I~@ . ~ O I ~I~@ .
Continuation of action Continuation of action Continuation of action
Preceding 0H~ ~ir-&-J-q- .!r!..y oH ~ ~iril]-c}-.!r!_~ .=L i:B -il] s9
c .9. . . a0 0} o]-rl-

Clause ~'6]-Ji] ] ~ o-JJl.

. ~-&-J-7-ll ~ 7-jojJJl.
0 ri

7}-E t:H ~ oJl

~ 71oj]Jl .
* '-'-

! ........................... . . . ... ............... ... ........ . .. .......... ..... ...
....... .......

.... .... - ........... .................... ... -

.............. ......... .... .. ... ............. .

CD AH..g A.11:! ~?1 ! L~~ ~I!~
Discovery of something new Discovery of something new Negative result
-t1-.!f-il]-q ~y ~;,} ).j{j-oj .z-d~-5H;.-J ~.!f--&-}c]-
.!r!..1?:1 .=L~Jil 91;z.1 ~j]_ ~"&"]
7-JxtGl 2.J- JI e . ~;,} ,Aj{j-oj 7-]X;l-% rrJl7} cj-7}-E %oJ1 t- ~ 0 l ).~
7ci 7-j oJl Jl.
~~ ~~/L~~ ~~
~g ~i!~/L~~ ~j!~
LH~ Positive or negative result
Content of j
7-}? 1i}-L-J-c} .!r!.. y ~.g_ Positive or negative result

Following ~o ] .!i!_o]G12.]-JI g . 7-}'f 1i}-L.}-c} 5!_ ~ ~.g_

Clause (~ ~ ~it}) ~ 0 l .!I!_~ 71 oj] Jl.
(~.g_ ~IL]-)
*1;z.J U.Jl ~ il}cJ- .!r!.. L-1
%oJl t- ~o] J..~3io]Jl. t1J-~7il ~ti] il]-cj- ~ ~

.. l!H}-. 2.] ~ 7-ll <V_~ 7-1 ojJJl .

(t..]-~ ~:i!.}-) ..

. (L-J-~ ~:i!.}-)

---~ - --- -- -- --- -
........ .. ... ..... ... ... ... .... - .. ........ . . -- - - ......... - - .. - ------ .. .. ..... --- .. ------ --- -- ..........

CD ~AH (~~~~ ~~) CD ~AH (~~~~ ~i!D

(OID I Ol~Oi~ ~I!~) Present (general result) Present (general result)
. Past or present tense (result

9-] ~oj] i[q- .!r!.. ia j]_ -6J % 7-}9- ~C}-7}~ zJ7J-%
. already completed) ~o] J..~Z{~ rrJl7} 1iifo}Jl.
oH ~ ~7-ll ;z.J-q .!r!.. L-1 ir{!f
Al Ail o] j~o-J Jl.
~~ Dl2.H ~~
Tense of (Oll~xl:= ~i!~) (Ojl~xl-E ~i!~}
Following oH~ ~;;iJJ 7-J-ct .!r!..y ~~
Future conjecture Future conjecture
Clause ~o] L.}- ~ }]] ~%o-JJl.
(expected result) (expected result)

! 2.]~ojJ 11-ct .!r!..1?1 j]_~J .=L ~ 7-1] 7-]? ~cj-7 }-e
. ..Q..).J o] J.l:i2l-U- rr1j7l oJ-..Q..
i::i - r 01 2 r 1'1.o a .zJ 7J-% -5~ 7-J1-n ~
. ..
7-1 oj]Jl . 71 oj]Jl.
____ ----- ... - - - ------------
-------........-- -- - - --- ___ _______ , ___

28C Korean Grammar i/1 9/.se Intennecliate

1 7~ ~ca -17} iL% ~}~ g wo l tfl-E :;i 7t{o 1-iL.
Lr .:z. ~ 711 ~1 ~ g N l tfl q 7 H=- ~ :r g 0l t:.1- rri Y- Bi 1 lfil t;ll R .

JAr~ ~ 1io 1 LH er JAr~ ~rrJ-o 1LH er / ~ 7 ~ o1er [[i Lr t:li 2.I er

*~ .A.lclOll :xP?- -er *~ .A.lclOll :xP?- -er / ~~ {:1~~ ~~*filer
R~ cro 101 Eor~2.r 1fI ~ 9:Jcr

2 1r iL% -78:A1l7} 1-=l-- ~ ~lilR.

Lr 0 1?@711 J-:ll4f 7CJ:A1l7} ~ ~tj-7t~ ~~-0}71 7} ~'a~OI Cf ~(}iA~ Lf7fCf ~
customers leave (to lose business)
tj ~-gel ~ 7<1 %ctiL.
R~ ~Xil7 L.:j.!:f- ~ ~Cr ~Xil7 ~ ~~Cr I ~l~ o~l llr c-j gj~01:AICr

01 ~gg L.:1 ~~~arcr ~~~arcr / ~ia~o1 cr 'ifil01:x~ Lr7 rcr

R~ ~o I L.:j.!:f- ~Cr ~o 1~cr / 2.!:f.~ 21.A.r~ .::i'2J-.!

.. . . .... ..... ..... ....

~~off ~11~.R.?

.. . ............... - ...

... - .... _ ~ __.......... - -

_..,.. ..- .

(1) 7~ l:ll7} ,Aj~ W- 0 1 .2..~llJi...

Lr 01~7il 1::1 11r 0~1 .2."Cflr-'e- %1-7} ~7<1-" %2-l-Ji...

(2) 7r o}{loJl-"2-}~% ~~"1.fL.

Lr - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - ~7J% i>R.7-1711 ~ 71 ~lk.

(3) 1r t:q;,} --17} .2..~s=. ~.ill.oJl ~~~Ji...


(4) 7r Ji..- %~ -17} uR ~ ~ ~ o}.Al~ ~ 7t:{o}Ji...

Lr ~.Il.% b Si 0 1 ~Al %2fJi...

Lr - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- %~<3"}71 ~- l@r:-llJi...

2 c~g A~Et--OU7il Oi~ ~~..~ o~~~LIJJ~? .:J.E!~ . ~{:jo~AilR .
!i!il '-C~7~~-- A~g<5HA1 ~~--

ot~Oll 5.A.ll!"
OI~ Jil~:;; oHR.

2~1il 1il 0~% 0JOI c5r"Ctlr.!e- ~~% ~<?;]<5}71

~% 71 <:xlliL.

- -
-. ---.. --.. ---. - .. . --- . ... . . -. .. --- . --. -.. . . . .... .. -..-. -... -.---- ............................................................................................... ......
;i;:J.!::. C.~A~ .S?.o~o
I ' - OC> C t 2 .

.3.7il ~OlR.


:x-1::: *1:::

(3) --------------- nil~Oil

:Ai::: 'cl":At
aHo2 I

? 22 Korean Grammar ,;,, U <Y Intermediate

0 L 1 .

7~ J-}tf:J-~ 0 l -af0 l ~;_d ~Y-.9..?

Did a lot of people agree (with you)?

L~ t:ll, lOt ~ 9t 0 l ~J-j~-2..Yll} 7-1~ q

~-J-j TI J.J} 0 ltjl..fl.
Yes, 9 out of 1O people agreed, so you could say almost everyone

. .. . . .
......... ......... .... . ................-... .... ........ ....... ..... ... ......................................-..........-............. .. ......... .......-....---....-.....

Did you live a long time in Seoul?

L~ t:ll, 20\1 1J-J {J-7U--2..Y7l} J-1%0 1 j]_"5"J= ~

J.J} 0 l 011 A .
Yeah, I lived there for over 20 years, so it's practically my home.

. - .. - -.....--- '- ..
- - -

; ... ' - ... ..: ..

~~~ ia-ot*17~Ji?.~_;;.

01 .:1.~~
A.11:1 ~ =i.~;;:1~ ?lA:ll2! 'tor~ .Ar~o1 0:!2.i 7rA:I ~%'"~ jl2.~~ ~ ~~~ 0 ~ 8t~ ~~~ 0 ?
=i_iCj ~.s=.o 17-!Lr =t2.i~ ~:Llr2.r~ ~o cg A~gfLICt. '- 2r/:Llr D r~7rA:ICf' 2.t~ QID l~LICr.
This expression is used when the speaker, after considering a number of possible situations, concludes tha:
something could be considered more or less the same as the topic or subject that has been mentioned. I:
has the same meaning as the expression -2~/21- o~~7~XIC~.

l:ll~ ~Oler

.........__ ~------............

-- -~- - ..
.... ~ ---
- -------- - -- - - - -
~ O l er

.... ~ ~OICt
.'' ~g ~OICr
v ''

7r-E ~O I Cr

. ~i:: ~O I Cr
- - - - --.. ---------~---- - -- - ---...------- ---------------- - - ----.-... ~ ....................... - - --

. .
~------ ----...._ ________
.. ...

AA r......:
c:J i .!?- o 1cr :. .!?-li~t:! ~01ct

Ol~t:! ~OICr : .J:l~O !Cr : .J:l~O l ~t:! ~OICr
NO Ic~ :...............~ ...... :...................... - ..............:............. - ~~ + .: . ......... - ............... - ...........................
.!?-lio 1cr .!?-'l! ~o 1ct
.J:I ~o 1cr .J:I ~'l! ~ o1ct
---~------ .....----- _._.............---- -----~-------------- ...--....------

7~ 971 -11-T ~ 1*-E ~A}-11-f-~q l:ll.}tjl-9...

These shoes are more expensive than other brands.

L~ %~Jlf All:ll ~~ J-~Zl-<51-~ l:ll.}.1Zl ?j.,g_ J-~ olo]lJl.

But when you consider the quality and service, then they're not (considered) expensive.

7~ ~J-~% 0 1 9~9t>~% i1J0 1 7}1-]--9..?

Do a lot of the students go on the school trip?

L~ Jf-2-l ~.ill.~).~ 95%7} 7}y77t 7-l~ q 7H=- ).~Olo]lJl.

95% of the students at our school go, so you could say almost all of them do.

7~ 01:::<1] Al ~ 61)-}~_g. 2.l-7-} ;&o-l-9..?

Did everyone pay their share at dinner last night?

L~ o}y-9.., J:fJ-J\30] 200,000-%1 41)-lJl Jf-cli::-10,000-%1~1t} ;&01-9...

No, the department manager paid 200,000 won, and we each paid 10,000 won.

7~ J~ J:fJ-J\:17Jj]Al q 41{1 ).~Ol tjlJl.

In that case, it's just like the department manager paid for all of it.

1 7~ 01 *ol -%1~ 30~ f:l<'.{Jt:ll J-il~-5H.A1 5~ -%10il -illJl.

L~ -=:L ~ 5?_ ~ 7i ~ .:g-h{} ~ A~ o ltjl.fl..

oI ~o I %12.H 30'2.t %!<2.J c11 J.-11~5HA.i 5'2.t %10!1 A.~c~ .. 5: ~ 7i.1 t5-:U~. ~c~
~8~ 103~~0!1 CZ! ~~::: c11 ~1r::: 200k>Lr 22cr .. ~801 9 2 J;I ?a~Ct

8-.:L!. ~#Ei ~ 10'2.t %10!1 ~::: c11 *2.l l:f I7 ~ c1 ti.JO I ~Ct .' 8-.:L!. ~49-Ei 7t AH~#Ei.5:!.C~ Ci l:f l.UtCt

2 7~ 7r~77l ~ ~ts~% :A}9- 7}J-il-S-?

L~ ~ 1t10ll ~ 1tl ~as:. 7}11 771- 74~ ~ 7}i::- A~o1l1.a.

7~7712.I ~~~ ;;~~ 7 ~Ct ~ 'C!Oll 0 it! ~.'I. 7~Ll77~ 7i.1CZ_I-7tC~

7'illl ~ 'ClO I 0 tA.ICt ~~~Oii ~ B ~.i:c. D~A.ILl 77~ 7i.1 CZ! DtA.IC~
7~~:il~ 2.I~ ~ A:t~ o~C~ A:l'c_l-'"g Ct~ it!. Ol't! '"~ 1'11 it! ~ 0 Ll77~ ~~~Oii 0 it! ore}

284 Korean Grammar u1 </he Intern1ediate

- - --~

... --
- -. . --:..-.... ... ... _. .. *" * ..

(1) 7~ 011ti ~~.g_ ~J-}~l.Al 4;-~Bl.2-} 61J-}t1l ~ ~ -2--cR_fi_, (712l .!f-li0lr:f)

L~ .=z_~_g_? i ~ 0l 1tl ~-t~ .g. rt~ Jf..5i_OJ f..'MOIL=ll.Q..

(2) 7~ J-1% .:r-~ .g. W- 0l o}il "l_g_? (~~-E 1* 7} ~1*)

L~ J-1 El .!f-01 Bl~~ El-Jl -=?-~% ~-2-Y 7!} - -- - - - - - - - --

(3) 7~ l:fJ )1 J-1-E q ~;"lii_? (~Y-1*)

L~ ol :A~l o}.!f- 2.l~ o}~ ~Y lll-1* ~~~~~~~~~-
(4) 7~ 011tl ~71 J-1 ~% ~ ~r:f~ .A1 ii_? /-j~ 0 1 %~~l;ll ii_, (_2_.S::Zl i>J-~-)
L~ ~71 .Al~i?:- ~ ~-Etjl ~}71 J-1~% * !2f.Al ~~~l /-j~.g.

~~IOI~ 0}3- -1, o}~ l;tj$i"lii_?

0~3 ? R~ o}1j_.2-y7l} (1)0J- DJ,% f.."MOIOil.Q..
~JIO I ~ 0 }~ ~1 til-~1J."l ii_?
0~3 Lil, ~ "Bo}r:f7} ~Y77} J-l{}-0 1 W-01 {(01ii_.
~ %~ ::z}9 o}-"ilii_?
~-?~ ~l 5~61tl o}y77} 71 2l o~ ~ (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

~JIOI~ {}-, 0 11tl ~l ~71 J-1~ Olifl::Zl ~)t"l ii_?

~-=?-% rR 1T ~ 0 l 50{1 l01~ 1i!S1-cR ii_,
0~3 .=z_~_g_7 i~ ::z-1-E J-1 ~ % (3) . ::Z-1-E 60{1% 1i$171~R.
~JIO I ~ .=:LTtiEll nll 0 l ~ G; ~ ~ ~ '6"}J-lti- !2fii_. ~-=?-% 0 1 }3- -1 nll 0 1 ~~ 0 l _fi_--
7-ll4f- ~Ell 0 1~7} ~ ~ Cl ~tjJl '6"}L:1c}Jl_fi_,

- --
.. .


CD ~ Ail-Eig--17} ~.ftj y ~ ~Ail-E ig--171- ~.fsttj Y

@ ~Ail-E ig--17} ~{JI .!I!.y @ ~ Ail-E ig--17} ~i-51% ~l Y

2 I L- 9iLl
,x.J.!::::. L..:
2J 1::1~.Q. 7E~o1 -
C> C> 2
M-;-J I 1::1~0
- ' - AA- 1:!A L- A~
C> L- Oi.!::::. CJ
1 01ru 1q
VJ ~.


CD Ail BJo l '.V__Q_ ~ %-3;1}_ ~Ji.. ~ Ail tiJ_Q_~ ~ 1f ~ ~JI '.V_ ~Ji..
@ Ail tiJ.g_ rr}~ 1if% 7-il ~ olOil Ji.. @Ail eJ.g_ ~-E 71lf or~7}:AloJ1Jl

3 7t .g~ot-E 711 L.:j!f. (}j2.~.5f=IR. .71~77~ !i!~R.

. Lt !r-=?-Lt };:i g Oil-E Ct .::12.HR . - - - - -- - - - *Ii>=!~ 7iOllR.


I CD 7-il~ -&~<'.>}.::il .!i!.Y ~ 7-il ~ -{:-~<'.>}q .!I!.~
. l

I 7-il~ -&~6R ~tjy @ 7-il~ -&~<'.>}t:f .!i!.Y77l-

' 4
'' 7t .2.~ 2H 2 'EdOil ~711 .2.11crJR?

Lt 7~E lfjA'2_! ~ ~.:L!. X;li=C11 ~CH 7~::: lfjA
- - - - -- - - -
' I

' I
CD 81!::~ ~q~ ~ Bl!::~ El-JI .!I!. y
l-tj yli} @ 81!::~ El- ~tjy


@ 81!::~

CD ~Ail L@%e>il 7}tjy A}wol ~~~ W-S1~Jl..
~ uR-& %~%;<}~~cl- .!I!_~ ~~6R1f ~Ji...
@ ~~ -17} ~e>il-E ~ *tjy Jl.%-g_ <ll- *-Et:f. *
@.=L ~~l ~<'.>}q-7}-E ::lA}OilAi ~tiJ ~~ o}~l ~ 71 oJlJi...

' -.... __ .,..___ --- ------- ---- - - .... -- ---



-....~ *$} F@
tl.f-%f;t!f7~ ~~
~---.r- -
.....,,.,..;;i - - - - ........,_, ~~ ~
cliaRter, exRress1011s

rest1lti11g ren1a1ns
inaicate si1nr.Ie contir1t1atio11
so111etl1ing l{oreans
7~ 0}77} ~;<} ~i::-tjl * ~.2..~01-8..?
I sent a text earlier. Didn't you get it?

L~ 4-<?J ~ 0 1$101-8... 4-<?J ~~1-E %1il~~ ~

7Jl ~rl i-A.

-- , - --- . ....................... ..

Dear, take a lunchbox with you.

L~ 2L-All2f% ~7<11 -1- ~~"lA? _2_~ ~~ ~ 01~Y

.5!_lil _8_. ~ 11 % ~l _8_. .JltJ l--%1 _8_.
When did you prepare a lunchbox? You must have gotten up early
today. I'll have it for lunch. Thank you.

~l:li_g_ Ol-()L~77L_g_?
1.:..t:i2 iC! I I.

01 R~::: Oiit! ~6~ Mid! 1 =i ~EH~ ~I~ ~:AIW ITH .g,g 0101 01~0i~ ~EH ~ ~I~ ~:Alo~.:il:A r wITH
This expression is used to indicate either the continuation of a state after doing an action or the maintaining
of a previous state of being .

.. ... ... .. .. ~~--_.,. ,.,... ~~------~-~-

. .,._-._,.-,.~-

- --
. ~-=' ....
- ... ...-. --.,..
' .,. ~_.'-. .-. =~=~...~:.:.~.~~::....:.!
Arcr A~ ~c~

v .1 .f
~~Cr i ~-Oi ~c~
' --

---~------- ------ -----------...-----.__.. ..._........_..........-............................ ~---------- .

____ ..______ _______
..._.._ .. ___..._.. _____
ig-.]7} tjJf-1-177} /(~]7} ~~~Oil ul c.l 7}-"1 e>i]e>-1~% ~<>l ~~~lJl.
Since the weather's hot, I'll go to the conference room in advance and turn on the air conditioner.

~-17-e>il 711 -"1 ~.g. i ~ % ~Oil ~ <>l ~'.il<>l .f.l.

I hung the painting I received from my friend on the wall.

OiA~] ~-- Itj~i>R-"1 {1717<]~ ~ "8ll *JI ~OiJl.

Yesterday, I was so tired I went to bed without washing the dishes.

238 Korean Grammar u1 Use- Intermediate

1 OI .H.~ .!f-IOll '-0~/0i'. Al=Q-51-E '21~ OiDl(Oll: -<X,t/~Oi.B.. -0~/0i.B., -0~/0iAi )7~ .2.!!1 '-0~/0i
~!-'. ~Q,'=~ * ~~ Lie~.
When this expression is followed by a connective ending that begins in -0~/0j, such as -~/~012., -0~/0j
2., and -0~/0j.A.-j, it can be shortened to -0~/0j .!i:~.

%.6.J \!j J-fl 7} ?J-ol l-}J.i 7cf~ ~ ~ Ci ~~Oi Jl.

= %.6.J \!jJ-fl7} W- 0 1 l-}J-i 7ol- ~ ~ ~Ci ~OiJl.

-%~% oJl Q.f-6fl ~o}J.i ~ ~ 7]-.1(.1 ?J-o}s:_ llJ1.

= -%~% oJJQ{"5fl *).i ~~ 7}.l(.j ?J-o}s:_ llJ1.

2 ~A~ ~cf 01 ~ ? ~ ~o~ ~Cf. o~A I ?i.JJ. ~o~Ej=-C~(~'Edlt: ~~Ej=-C~)'. A~filLIC~.

In the case of the verb ~CL the verb ~O~.!:f.C~ (abbreviated form: .!i:~.!:f.CD is used instead of ~o~ ~c~.

:AJ'd-~% 0 }.!f-tj]l-} *.!f.1E Oitf7l] '5}'-J?

~ r:fl ~ ojj ojj~ ~ ~ ~ ~O}.!f.~%'-Jq.

'-<U/~-:il~ '-0 ~/0i ~c~~ c~~:il~ ~g j:~Ol 7 ~ ~.g.LIC~.

The differences between -~/~- and -0~/0j ~c~ are as follows.
- - --- ---------------....- -----------
' -------------- - - - - - I'

-o~/<>i ~c~
- ----- .......... - ......-,,. .............. .
.._ --......................... ~ ---~ - :
........... ........ _.,..,.,. ............ . .... .. -- .......... ..............

--. -
- ............................................................. ........................................... ..... ..................................... ---......... ........"'-........
i Oj ~ ~~O I ~L~.=il =i ~EH7~ lll~ ~:X l1.=il ~~ Lie~.

The resulting state of an action after it has been
The focus is on the performance of an action. completed is maintained.
It is impossible to know whether the result of the
action continued following its completion.

""---..... -
1 7~ 01~7-11 -BR.R? ?~ ~ ~ {f.=r.-2- ~. 7tf~~Oi.R.

' Ac;==o
I A-22 2
7~A ~~TIC~
:Il.7 I~ ~~:Il.Oil ~c~ '

2 7~ <i3o}, 1-}.7}1'1 ~o} Ql.R?
L~ tjl eJ% :Aa ~ ~ Y? eJ% :Aa ~ i>ll *JI ~0 }0 1=7-l .

L~7~Ai ~C~ Lil ~~ / ~c~

~Cllt:tl~ !i!C~ ~Ail~ c~ Ci~c~ / ~Cllttl~~ !i!C~

C~e ~-- 77~LH !i!C~ !i!.'2:! ~~ ~~OJI c~ / c~~ ~~ 7~LH !i!C~

-- ...................--- ..- ............... . -

. ........ ; ,,..- .... ---
----- - .

-......-.,.._____ ,_______,,,, ........ ..-.... ---- .., ...---.:..--

(1) 7~ o}~e>il .!2_y77} ::}/ZJ-~Ol J:I_/ZJ- xt"lflEfl.fL. (})

L~ Cl At -17t L}Z}- ;,.to l<>11 3- -17t 2 -}.:j W-0,101.2.. or
(2) 7~ 0171 @ ~rrl~lR? (E}q)
L~ ,Aljl_ 1t.Q.~ ],iliL. 7-il7t l:lJ-"fi- - - ----
. ~rrl~liL.

(3) 7~ 4.!2_, 2-.,. ~ ~JAi L}{l- 71 ~liL? (~jS::-ttq)

L~ tjl , BJ-% L}7t2-l-jl_ ~i:-Ell .:=llcf L}7 l=l-1 ~Ci _fL. r

(4) 7~ ~ ol'%1~1 ~ ol 4'-i>=liL? (nq)
L~ 7-il7t -2l~W ~-E \BJ--& - -- - -- - .:=:Lc}liL.

(5) 7~ 4.!2_, 12:11 ~ 0 1'%!~1 7-l7-1~t>RR? (.:=iC-lq)

L~ - - -- - - - i ell iL.
0 t77t 1;;:!-<>11 to l~o l 12:1 <>11 i ~ %

?9C Korean Grammar in <ilse Intermediate

c[ 134J1

7~ 7-J- ~ ~ ~--771-.R?
Shall I close the window?

L~ 01-Y .R, E-1~y771- i 1<f ~ <>l .!f--"ilA.

No, you can just leave it open because it's hot.

---..-- ......... - ........................,............ --..

How did you manage to buy a car?

L~ .=1.%~ _g."5~~1 Al~i>ll ~ ~~. 1{e>i.fl.

I bought it with the money I had been saving in the bank.

1 OI R~~ -11.gEH L~ ~:il~7~ .:icH ~Al17il

~~ ~< ~ ~ ~c~::: ~o Ci=!, <iOilA.i tiH.g '-0~/~ ~c~

2~ ti 1 ~~ 0 101~ 7F~JLlcr. ~A.rl21 'iiOil ~ <Xl-BLlcr. *

This expression refers to the continuation of a particular state of being following the completion of an
action. Thus it is similar in meaning to the abovementioned -0~/0i ~c~. Only verbs can come before this
~- -- ---- -------.....,--,--- - -------- - --
-0~/0i J:f.C~
= ............=~='-~ = ... .... ---

. g7 ~ J:f.C~

~ Oi !f.C~

Al~- <a011 %-.~- ~ 0 1 W-0 }J-i ~J-.AJ-{f7t wYI:}.

There are a lot of important things in the drawer, so I always keep it locked.

I lost my pocket book in which I had written down the phone numbers of my schoolmates.

7.~ J-11~ -- x 0 l ~ q <:xl1.fl?

Where did you park the car?

2 01 R~. Crf: ~~ ~l:llo r7 1 5floH0-lit! ~25 ~ '2jJ;:i O-r7iLr ~ .gEH. ~~ UH Af~g,i-LI Cr.
This expression is used to indicate either doing an action in advance to prepare for some other event or
action or the fact that something is already in such a state.

.2.~.g. ~;Aa 0 1 ~J-otJ-i {]{:) ~% J-l{}-0 1 <iji%::z.1s:.. --2.f.R. 0 12.l ~% ~ ~ --i?4.Jl t>R.R.
Today, I have a lot to do, so I might not have time to eat lunch. I plan to eat lunch early (in advance) .

~lEVJ- rrll 1!*--&-}::z.l ~_Q_a:l~ ~:~ ~ 1?0 1i>fl --J-ilJl.

If you don't want to make any mistakes when giving your presentation, then practice a lot in advance.

'-Or/0-1 FCFE- '-Or/0-1~Cf2r7i9.J 1:11~0-rlll M~LICr. .:J.2.HAi 01 ~~ Ai. l:lr%1 AAi.S:. ~ .g-E:tOI fil~
~~7r ic~~LICr. .:J.iE1C~I '-Or/0-1 FCf'7r '-Or/0-1 ~Cf'S!Cr ~~OI ~J;: l1 ~ J-l{_l-OI f.l ~~7r
{ 'CJ'~Llcr. .:J.2.HJ-i o-iit! ~~ 5!.'.E!O-r7i Lr ;;:i~~ UH -or/0-1 Fcf'7r ci iciol ~~ Lier.
The expression -0~/0l .!:f.C~ is used in almost the same way as -0 ~/0l ~CL and therefore in many cases the
two expressions can be used interchangeably. However, compared with -Ot/Ol ~ct, -0~/0l .Cr is more often
used to indicate that a relatively long time has passed since a particular state of being came about. Thus,
-0~/0l .!:f.C~ is used more often in cases describing the storage or saving of something .

CJ:l71-E- ~~ A1t:R ~{1% li!.~-5H T ~ *<iJY1*.

This is where we store items from the Joseon Dynasty.

uj ~ ~ ~AJ-31.0ll ~aj .:!f-31. ~_R~ trl]u}q 7Jl4l -iJi..

(I) freeze (and keep) garlic in the freezer to be used when necessary.

1 7~ 41~ ~IE ~til q ~"lil? ( 135) 1

Lt ~l, ~IE 41 ~ ul~ 9-1%1 ~..Q.t-lllr ~Aao}7-l u}J-ilJl.

~R LH ~ Dl2.l 2.l~Ct

~R~ A.-1.ff-~~ Dl2.I ~t


~.g Dl2.l 2.CXiC~

2 7~ ~~011 7}~ o},A}.:R {J Oll;_i Di~ 51 ~ 7-lc}~,Ai.fL?

Lt ~l, .::z.~;_i o},A}_TI -1 lf-.2_ \37Jll ~.A}c} ~ 9- ~711 ~q

~A}~~ ul~ -=&lf-"5fl --al J1 9 . to stay (overnight)

~)..~2.~!C. ~ * ~:tll ~)..f.J~ 0 I2.I ~!f.i>~C~

~*i>~A:I ~7'11 ~~ @9t~ Dl2.I ~c~

C2.J:tll ~~ ~~ ~{:!~ Dl2.I frl::Jli>~~

292 Korean Grammar m Use- Intermediate


- ,_.......... . . ... ..__. .. -- . --


------.... ... ..........' -.'.....--...........-- ....................--..............

(1) 7t 01.!x!., ..2_W 7J}~~ OJ=~~ <iJ.:il 7}0f "5N=-tjl J.ilef~lJl?

Lt "til, ~11=e.t5tt Jf.OJ..Q_l-(77~ <iJ .:il 7}J-i1Jl.

(2) 7t {J BlJ-l, ?~Oil CJll_"_~O? ~?:J- 7N=-tjl ~~% ~lQ.f~Y-Jl?

Lt "til, -Al 111 ~ ~.?_ .

(3) 7t 111~ :i~Oil {]-~"5"}1J_ ~%0il711 q ~~~e>-lJl?

Lt "til, ~?~ {!Oil - - - - - - -- - - - rf {J-~i>}1J_ ~~lJl.

(4) 7t 9~0il irJ-AJ- ~7~ uil.2.:o}-AltjlJl.

Lr "lil' Jl% {:l PJ-~0 l 1J <5~ 71 J-i - - - - -- - ?J-_Q_ ~ Al-12 ~ "1 l=li tq "lil ii..

(1) 7t -ef% ig-Oil <?:ftq -171- 7~J1} itll11 ~ROil .g.~Jl. (.:r1-i>}q)
Lt .::Z. ~ Jl? .::Z. ~ <?:f tq -l 7}~0 l o-1 % ~ ~ D121 =i1-t5tt Jf.01 O~'JJ.01.2...

(2) 7r c.}~~01 -2--EI:f~J-iJl? (-Al-1*)

Lr .::z.~Jl? .::z. ~ 7}7-=1 l -2-.S.71 {!Oil ?0l - -- - - - - - .

(3) 7r %-ii.~ %-tl% 0l -gf_g.r:ili>}:AliL? (W7l1*)"1~711

Lt .::Z.~, ~~OilJ-l :Alt.Bi::-%<?}~~ .!I!_~~~l _ _ _ __ __ .

(4) 7t ~?:J-.:i17} ~ia. J-l~~l-E {l~l~ "1~711 .!I!.~9:1ie>-1Jl? (%1*)

Lr US% nf-J-l {] ~1 ~ US~l ~ ~ lJl.

(s) 7r 11ig-Oil lf-\37l1l ~1@ ~~ ~ it"liL? (~~"5-l-I:f)

Lt "lil' :Al B?~l %.:G:~ ~l - - - - -- - - - 11ig- {! ~l Jf-.2.18 ~Oil
5:.~~ ~ ~lJl.
7~ 1T 2 ~ ~.g. ~ ~ e>i.fL?
Did something bad happen?

L~ 0}712} -171- Wu}q ~0 1 ~~ ~~ Al e>il711 ~91 ~

~ e>iJ-1 ~l ~o l Y-.fL.
I'm frustrated because Akira calls me every night drunk.

It looks like Akira likes you, Jaya.

................. ..... ........ ......... ............. .... ..... ............ .... .... ... ..................... .......... ... .... .............................................. ......

Why are your clothes so wet?

L~ ~ca~ ~ ~ 7}Al.Jl .2fJ-1 : ~ OJ.g.. ~~ ~ca%

i>~J-1 .:Z.~ .fL.
0 I didn't bring my swimsuit, so I went swimming with my clothes on.
C> 0

01 .:i:r..L....:,_
n9:1 0 AioHA:-101 f\.J[[.-j A~EHLL <5H..S:. 0 '5~ A~EHf\.11.A...J =oHA:-101 <5H..s:.01 01 -.vlc:J2
2 f\.J.:;i;:JO LLELl::t! [H .A,L!2.o~LICL
L....:o2 - VIL...: o I 00 2 L....: o VJ I . - 0 2 - o o I I= 101::1 I.

'-( 0 )L jH.' ~Oil ~AH~OILr Dl2.H~Ol 2.:AI '[l~LICr. ~.A.r ''~ ~~or.:il '-(2.) L jH' ~ EHG=!s= .A.I~*
t:::! I.

This expression is used to indicate that the action in the following clause is performed while in the state, or
under the circumstances, described in the preceding clause. The present and future tenses are not used
before - () L j:H. This expression can also be shortened to -(2.) L j:Hby omitting the particle .
. .......,,...... ------- ....- - - ~
- -----~ r - .,-- ----~-

.. .... . ... -.. ......... ......... .. .......

~ ~

_.._~ ..... --..... - -~-- -- ---- .........
. ______ __ ,.
.,.., ..... .. .. -- ------,, _. .. . . . . ..... -- --.. ---. ........... ....... __________ ......,.__
-- --- _________..........
. '
' t:- j:ff~
v -(2.)L :X:ff .. .'

...' 1!g. j:H

- -- - - - ------ --

294 Korean Grammar i'n Ztre Intermediate

-&0 11-=l.!f- ~cfAl ~7-JJL ~ ~ ~<Ji ~.g_ 7.n._ ~ ~ ~% t:f o}1j,~Yt:f.
I was so thirsty that I drank an entire bottle of water with the refrigerator door open.

Al-E ~7J% ~ ~~._ ~7J % ~-E 7J~7} 7}=g- ~<Jik.

I sometimes start looking around for my glasses while I have them on.

_g_~ -1-E --nc-1~ * 7-ll4f JL7R~ ~~ ~ 0 11=71~ ~Oik.

Eunyeong, seeming embarrassed, kept talking with her head down.

1 '--( 0 )L ~H' <iiOll~ '7~Cr'Lr '.2.Cr' .A~ A~orAI <[~~LIC~.

The verbs 7 ~c~ and 2.C~ are not used before - () L *H.

~.ill.oJJ ~ ~R.. -5---~~Jl. ( x)

- ~.ill.oj] 7}J-.i -5---~~Jl. (0)

2 <ii ~--0 1 'Ef<C!ol ~Ol 1d ~EH OllJ.-i ~OjL~ ~ o~~ ~--Oil~ .A~o~A I t'~LIC~.
This expression is not used to describe situations that are naturally expected after the preceding action

7}~ ~ g z:J. ~R 2.J-~g ~S10iJl. (x)

- 7~~ ~ g 7i.:il 2-]-~% ~S1~Jl. (0)
: 2.~rt!~ ~O l7 1 S?-l oHf-i ~ 'a~o l ~~ ;;i~o~ o~71 rrHfE-011 A~o~rt! Oi~~Llc~.
Because it is obvious that heat is required to cook noodles, here the use of -( o) L *H sounds

3 Ol .H.~~ '-0~/0j ~~ ~H'Lr '-0~/0j -E }:H '2.I ~EHii! C:C 1101A~grLICr.

This expression is also often used in the forms -o~/Oj ~g. *H and -0~/0j ~ *H.

5: ~ ~.g. ~R. Jl2-]~ ;R;.i ~<i}oJJ ~J.fl7} 1J'5'}/Jl 4-Jl.

= 5: g ~ 0 } ~.g. ~fl Jl2-] ~ -5RJ.i ~<i}oJJ ~J.fl7} 1J'5'}/ll 4-Jl.
= :I. g ~ 0 } if- ~R.. Jl2-]~ -6flJ.i {J<i}oJJ \!Jl-fl7} 1J'5'}/Jl 4-Jl.
The house reeked of cooking because I cooked with the door closed.

-- -- ---- ---
'-Or/Di ~er'~~ '-Or/Di Ef.Cf'2.r '-( 0 )L jH'~ Di~ ~~OI ~Al1-E ~~ ~Al'2! [.~Jlr ~g ;i;:rO l7r
0 1.:::::::. LI [. L
.M t::::t I.

While -0~/0j ~CL -0~/0j s;;.c~, and -(.2.) L *H all refer to the continuation of a state or action , they have the
following differences .

............. .. .....:........--!.--'-. u... . .... . . . ~ ............. - .... .......... .. ............ .,. ...... --- - .......... - .. -.... ... !-. - . --- - . ..._ _--- -~ --- ,, __ . . --- ... ..... .. .......... ,;....... --- --. ...... .. .... . ....... - ... .... - - - - - ~
: (1) <if1 ~EH7~ ~Al1e ~OJI ~~O I <X,!~LIC~.
The focus of meaning is on the fact that the The focus of meaning is on the fact that the
action was completed. resulting state is maintained.

7cf~ ~ ~<:>i .!f-JI. .:g-~%Y-cf. 7cf~ ~ er! ~R .:g-~%Y-cf.

-+ ~~ ~e ~~OI @E1.J:l ~@OI ~2.~ <Ue -+ ~@OI ~2.~ <X..!e ~EHOll ~~~ Ef..J:l <X,!L.IC~.
~EH7~ ~Al1e Cil ~~OI <X,!LICL Focus on the fact that the window is in a
Focus on the fact that the action of opening state of being open.
the window was first completed, and then
that state continued .
........... ........... ... . .. ............. .... . ...... ....... ...... ... . ....... . ... .. ....... ......................... ........ ... .. ...................... . .............. ... ... .... .. ...... ~ --- - --

(2) <if! ~~OI @.Si.1.J:l \:!" .!f-1.:J. ~EH7~ ~7'1~LIC~. (2) <if! ~EH7~ ~Al. ~EH~ L~E~LHCJ? <if1 ~ 6~
rrj-2.~.A.-f Oi~ ~~ ~ o~~7 ~ '2.t ~i-EHOll ..u121 Oi~~LIC~. o~C~7 ~ '2.t ~EH~ }..j-~ * <X,!~LIC~.

The previous action is completed, and the The previous state is simply maintained, and
resulting state is subsequently maintained. therefore the expression of incomplete actions
Thus, it sounds awkward when used to describe or states is possible.
actions that are not completed before doing
something else.

-+ .J:l71~ ~olC~7~ '2.t ~-&oii=:i? Oi~itLICL -+ C~ ~Al~::: .J:l71~ 9:j~c~~ 1Dl~LIC~.

The meat was not fully cooked, so this This sentence means the meat was eaten
sentence is awkward. whi le it was not fully cooked.
. ... . .... .. .... ...... .. .... . ............ .. ........ ... .... ...... . ~ .. .. "'"" ...................
' ........... ......... .... ~ - - .... . ... .. ..... ..

(3) Oj~ ~~OI @. ~!~l"i MJI ITH@Oll (3) Oi't"! bl'~OI ~A l1~ ~EHOll.A.-f c~.e ~6~ ~ ccH
Oj~ bl'~OI ~Al1e ~EH~ ~I ~~Lie~. .A.I-~* <X,!LIC~.

Because it expresses the completion of an This can be used to express the continuation
action, it cannot be used to express the of a certain emotional state while doing
continuation of one's emotional state. another action .

............ ....... - - ... . ......... .... ..... ..... ......... .......... ............... ... ......... ..... ............. .. ... ..... ............... .... .......... ........ ... .......... .......... .... .
'. (4) ~6.A.~~ .A.I-~* <X,!~LIC~.

This should not be used with verbs that indicate .. This can be used with verbs that indicate the
the wearing of things on the body. .' wearing of things on the body.



__ ____ .. -------~---- .._., __________ _.,..,_......................

----------..---------------'"'--..----- -------------------------

-~ -------- --------------- --------------- - --- ---- - - -----------__;

296 Korean Grammar u1 C/.lse Intermediate

1 7~ 71 ~ o l {Jo}t:llL.
- - -- -- - -
L~ 01~~011 ~~ ~ ~01 -%=-.g. ~TI nElti ;'rOI ~~IC~ eyes become bloodshot ~ ------
~WiF.Al7~ L~C~ to break out in a (skin) ra~
:tf7 l 011 ~~ ~ 7tf0 } ii..
71~01 ~o~C~ Oj~'gJ"OJI ~~ ~OJ ~c~ I ~C:JLI ~7IOJI ~21c~
f!:OI ~~c~ OjAil ~lfilj..~~~ 77IC~ I*~~ ~C:JLI f!:OI %~IC~

~~ ~~ IIl2oH.Ai .2.!{t~ :x:1~:x:1 <[le~/ ~ciLI .!B!.-9-:Al7~ L~c~

2 7~ ~R01lJ.1 01~~Jll-
~~ u}1} ITlli .Al~ol= ~ .

~l~ 0 l <V. Oiii.? Oi := adult, elder

.::L!.7H ~ ~2.IC~ to turn one's head (to the side)
L~ j]_7fl~ ~~--2..~ ~~ ~TI ~ ~ u}J.iol= ~ii..

.:LL7H~ ~ 0 ? ~2.IC~ I@~ O~.A~O~ IC~

c~.e .A~Et ~OJI ~ rrtt ~~~ ~c~ / ~LHOJI ~0!7~'2:! <21 IC~
-6.j.A~ %t ITH ~~~OJI ~c~ I 010~71~ Ci~'2:! <21 le~

___ ....,_.................... ......,,.?;/

.. -- ""' ' ' "" " __.........._........ -................... ................. ,
...... _ - . _. , ~ . - , - . , . ~ . - - . - ., ...........- ...... oj- 1 . -

(1) 7~ ~lY--"1 1l=7lW77}.fL? (?;1-q I 0 1l=7li>}q)

L~ o}y.fL, ~?3}~y77} .::Z.\:}= o~ it{. OIO~ll()l-1'11.2..

(2) 7~ -2..~ ~J1L01l \:f1=1J0 1 ~ ~~1*1tl-"1iL? (~f-~ <fJq I 9~% %Cl-)

L~ tjl, .::Z.~Al -f- 0 }? ~~~l.fL.

(3) 7~ ~~ ~BB7} 71~ 0 1 Y-llli} li!_<Ji.fL. (?~11011 ~% ~q I 0 11=71~ %1*)

L~ 1=117} .::Z.~7.l.

(4) 7~ ~u}, BB7} o}TI}.fL. (~-~% ~7.l ~q / ~q)

L~ .::Z.lti7 f li!_tj-.

(5) 7~ .::z. q3~7} .!f-J.1~"1.fL? ( ~~ ~~% 1}t-lq I q35tj ~ li!.q)

L~ tjl, .::Z.~Al - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - -

0 L 1 z

7t ;z}o~ -171- ~-e %~ 0 1 :AjW 131-511.:llii..

The food you {Jaya) made is really good.

Lt Rc.l~Oil ~o:i 51-E tjl. ~-c1 y %~ 0 1131-51711

I made it according to my cookbook, and it turned out well .

.. ... .... ... .. .. ..... ... .. ....... ... .. .. ... ... ................. .............. ....... ...... ...., .....................- .......................................,,..., ..................

Which team won the soccer match yesterday?

Just as expected, our team won.

, t

[[H~ ''bl:Oll .2.~ ~Ar.2.1-:C.r ~OI ' EE~ ''bl:Oll .2.~ ~Ar 0 1 :,:~ [[r2.rAi '2.I 2.IDI. AlitLICr.
This expression indicates the doing of the following action in the same manner as, or in accordance with,
the preceding action. In these cases, it is used together with verbs. It can also be used with nouns to mean
"just as" or "in accordance with" the preceding noun.
----------:-:..-----=-'"="--- ----------""'.,. ---------------------------:---------------------------------------------------------------------.. w....._ __._......_
....~...........'"':"'!'..................,..,..............................,.. .,...............................,. . . . . ... .

. .
. --------------------------------.-----------------.- ... ----- -- - . ------... ------- -- --- ----.--- -- _..,. _. --- ... -- __.;.. . -- ...... --. -- .. __ . -- .
------- ---------------------------------
-~--- . .... -~ .. -- . ....__... -- ..--........... ~ ..

-(.2.)L CH

~i-E c:tt
---~----- ~ ~ _
-- --- -.--------- ......................,_,._._..............._....................,.................. ....................................................................... ......................................... _,. .... ------ --.-- -._.__._.........................................................................................___ ............................................................................................

~Ai CH
----------------------.------.--............_............. ~
........................................................................ __
........_.,_...................._........ _
........................... ......................__...............................................
~ .......... .. .. ..........................-........................ -.-.---.-

?95 Kor~n 1
Grammar U1. 9-/se Intern1ediate
7-l-ii ;_~zr0 l Y-~ t:ll.. -=z.~% ~1ti -=r.Ci _!i!
Please draw a p icture based on whatever comes to mind.

lIJi L-17} 7-l\:f :Y~ll ~4j-~ 111 17'11 ~~~ll 7}l-i AH Jg J-1-:y11,o-1Jl.
Just as she promised last weekend, yesterday Mom went to the department store and bought me some
new c lothes .

Oi7lll '.V~ %~_g_ D}%t:ll .!r_f- 1ll ~Yrf.

You can eat any of the food here as much as you like.

--- - - - - - - ----- ------ -------.... - ------ ------- ---- - -- -- -- -~--

1 .5:!.~ -5.A.rLr ~.A.r2r gi-7711 .A.l-~Llcr. :r2.iLr ~~Ar -1:10rcr'. ~cr'2r -.:L!. ~crLF 0 1 ~~ I
~ gj-7Jll Ar~~* ~~LICr.
This expression is normally used together w ith verbs and nouns. But - .::Ll {icr can be combined with the
adjectives -itl o~cr and ~ er .

o}Jl {t.g. r:H .2. ~ 91% 1* W 9 ~-9..~ %~"1 .R.

I w ish I could do anything I want.

Tomorrow you can wear anything you want.

w.g. r:H ~72 o}J-i1 .R.

Decide whatever you want.

2 '-( 0 )L/~ cH' <fi'OJI ~ ~ .li~o1 ~*~~Lier.

Negative expressions cannot come before -(O) L /:::: CH ~.

:A--1-E t!-l'-7} t>l-.:.zJ ?J--E r:H ~crl .R. ( x)

-> .A-] ~ t!-1'-7} "l>}-e r:H ~"1 .R. (0)

3 L
L- cH;::::i'L
.::c. L- AioH;;i;:-101.s:..At-OI
o 2- o-,
-,-v I L- -,A.A.I r=oH;;i;:-101.s:..At-OI
-o 2- o-, ~ruLLL
=v I IL- 710
I I = [H _A.L.Q.
l o 0 L7I

.!I. gj-LI er.

Th is expression is also used to indicate that the following action occurs or is done immediately upon the
occurrence of the preced ing action.

E2J-~oJ1 J-i ~ 0 }-2--E r:H ~~-2::.2-l ~ifYcl.

I wi ll contact you as soon as I return from France .

. t fli oJ1S:.-3J-t>}-e r:H. 0 1ni191% _!]!~ ~J.1 71 l:l}'ffyt:}.

Please send an email upon your arrival in New York.

0 1<?J-t>}.A11ll- J 91% ~~-E r:H Al -% S:.Q}9-J.i).R.

I'm sorry (to bother you), but please lend me a hand once you finish doing that.

----- ~ - ------ .. ~---- - - - - - - ... ...... -------- - . . ----------

.gEH~ LrErLH~ '-{2.)L 5:H'2.r '-{ 0 )L/~ CH'~ c~~ ~~ j:~Ol7~ <li~LICr.
The differences between -(.2.)L j:H and -(.2.)L/::::: CH, both of which express states of being, are as
-(Q)L jff. ..

........ - - ... ~ ... __..........- . . ...... . . _ ....... .i-..........."~........... . ... - - . . ................,._.,..,.,. ........... . ... -- ....... -
.. . - .. - ... ---"'>; .._ _ _ _ _ - - ........ - ........ ~.......~.... _._............. __,.. . . ..... . . ..- . . ..._ _ ______ .., ...... - . . .... - ..

Olct! ~~ ~Al~7~L~ Al~!= ~EH7~ 't!o ~AI u:;: ~ 'Olct! ~OI ~~ore 2.~J21- ~~01'2.l ~~ L~E~~LI C~.
LtEt1E:I LI c~. This expresses the fact that an action is done in
This expresses the fact that an action has stopped exactly the same way as another action.
or that a certain state continues.
~7} ~_,1.J- ~~Ai%~ :AJ2.1~ ~ ~~ 0 1
Ai%~ ~,,1.J- ~011 -&31 ~_g. ~H ~ 2 g ~<>l.R. :AJ c.1"611 9'J.i1.R.
I left the documents on my desk when I left Please tidy up the documents just like I did on
work. my desk.
-------------------- ___. __.. .......................... ____________ ..........______
___,__ ___ __ __ _, . ,...._. ____________..__ _..__......... .........
................._.,..... ... ..,,.._

___ - - - - - -- -- - - -
, ------- -----

1 7~ 1 1i:f0i ~% % 7}..~ ~Ail.ft.


L~ 5:-ii Oi ~Jf-Y77} ~7} ~%'5"}:E tjl. rrfct<'.>~ ~Ail.ft.

OI 801~~-7~2j:~ ?C~ ~-a 01~~Ll7lr LH7r ~@-6~~ / u:f2.roH !]:!c.~

0I *.t @:Xii - ~01 ?C~ LH7 r @:xii~ ~c~ / [[r2.r ~01 !]:!c~
~7H~ c;~::: iz:tlE;l- ~2.~ ?er Lr~ ~'6'r:Al'2! LH7r '6'rCr I oH !i!Cr

2 7r .Al\~<>ll J-l.:3f~ ~~~__~ ~ ~~ 4- ~Oi.ft?

Lr 111. 7-ll~ t:ll. ~ ~~~.:iL ~-r-Yct.

! 7-11~ / ~ ~~1~ ~cr

2~ 'Ml7~ ~ <2! ~.gc~1 t11~717r :xilJ-.l:C..~I ..i:c.~~cr Oii~ / 10J-.l0il ..i:c.~~ ~o 1cr
0 I 717-11.1Aj- 'Z:tlE;l ~ ~2.~ ?C~ ~~AiOil ~::: ~~ / J-.l-5r'2'.i 1cr

. . . ,. . . . . Grammar ir1 'llse Intermediate
~- -~ ..... .. . . ~ - - -__...-- ... ---

-.--.. . ........~-.. ..----.. ........

-~ --

(1) 7~ 1il~o~. 7l-7ll0ll q~~Y? (J-l7lJ-lt:f)

Lt Lil, f..j=j jf..J l:ff~ Lf J-lli~.fl.

(2) 7~ *
7-1% 71{:- 01S~~:E-t:ll ~ ~0 1-{t~? C~-=t-7} Wt>R 9-r:f)
Lt %, ~0}7}Y77} ~~Al %f~~ .

(3) 7~ ~o-1. ~l:ll~% ~~~~.R? (.Rtl~Oll)~ S!q)

Lt tjl, ~~~-Etjl 1)!"'.V_%:Al 2 2

(4) 7~ .7-}71 ~ ~{] ~~~ 5!y77} ~rrll.R? (7}..~ 9-t:f)

L~ ~0 1 ~31% ~ ~.J--Et:ll ~"'~\31 - - - -- -- i>}Y77l- ~~I:-lc}Jl 9.

Lt - -- -- -- - - -- -- ~% q w* '.V_*lir:f.

(1) 7t -E% rt -1 B151t:fj1 lf-\37Jll W%E-):!~.R? (J-}1l)

Lt tjl, 7-l-?!W% W77l- <S"}tj-7} ii.a= 1-.t"f..J.i:tt~ W%E-51~.R.


(4) 7t r:f% 9-0ll 7}71 ~ ~ ~;AJ-ol (~l;Aa)

Lt o}y.R, ~;AJ-% ~ {iYr:f.

(5) 7~ ~u} ~Ol] J-R~ J-1~~ J-}~.g. ~~jl '.V_~.R? ("'~zt)

Lt o}y.fl, ~ ~ ~tjl.fl.
' 1

CD 12l 2 ~ -2.. 1i! 12l j l ~_2_ y 77}

12l2 ~_g. ~% @ 12l2 ~_g. t:B~~l

CD ~e;l2 ~Si"G-1 11
'' ~~ *jl @ ~~ ~-2- J-J~.



CD ~7} ~%W ~-oR__e_ ~71- ~%<)}q! ~__e_

~7} ~%w 719l__e_ @ LB7l- ~l--2- -cB. rr}c.} <)l--"il_B_

'' 4 cL2
I c:i ~
cE '~ ,j;I
c::: L,,.;
.A. VJ
--, C> o- LJ:I
f oLJ-o
c; ' -
1::1 2
I ...u...

L~ :Ai-E - - -- - -- - - - - - ~AtW7ilR.
CD o}ol~ ;zR~jl (6) o}ol~ ;zR-%1 "*jl
o}ol~ ;zR? ~ 7.R. @ o}ol~ ;zR~jl Li-J.1

5 CD _2_~ ~-.ill.~l {} 7.R. -%--~ "91~__e_.

78 {} -l-2- 91.@- t:B _ ~ 7l7} 1?0}__e_.
0 1 *~_g. ~J-J ~~l "*0 } "*-2- 711 ~~~__e_,
@ \=1-A} ~.:r7-2-l- ~_g. J.}{1% ~~l ~ ~ f-2~2 <5E__8_.
6 CD 7}~ ~ ~ z:!_
7.R. ~ ~ ~51 ~ii..
(6) 7-lol-~ <?J~ *jl A}~71~ X}-~__8_ ,
@ Al\::!-lti ~l ~l~<)}-2- t:B. ~% ~<5~~}-2- 711 ~~~__e_,
@ ~% {}.=:LAl ?J-_g. 7.R. Y-.g_ ~ 0 1 A~ZfY--"1 q;_l {1~1 i::i-11~~__8_.

0 L

7~ ~l 0 lud -l 1cl-7-} ~7-~ ~il~ 0 l e>-l~Jl?

Wei Ming, what does your boyfriend look like?

L~ All 1ci-7-} ~-7--E 717} 3-:Jl ~-ii 1818~ ! 0 1011Jl.

My boyfriend is tall and a little on the chubby side.

......... ...........------------------------------------"-

7~ 0 }712} -1-i=- .:Q--i?:- ~ ~ 7 ~ ll Bl-ORJ-1 ~RW%

tj ~i>}-i=- ~ .:Q-o}Jl.
I think Akira speaks Korean better than his classmates.

L~ 15J-0 }Jl. 0 }712} -1-i=- t_R ~ 7 ~ 0 1 "Rf0 }J-1

=r.tti_7-l 1*-E ~~ ~}.~ ~.!i1..q t_R1?:f%
~o}!: !~ ~ ~o}Jl.
You're right. I don't know if it's because he has a lot of Korean
friends, but his Korean seems better than most of the other foreign

a.:. t:i 2 C!
0 tot~JJLI .B_?.

01 t.~~ Ol~ .A.11:1~ 8~~o ? ~~71!2.c~::: cH:X~I. Ol~ ~Oll 7~C~7~L~ ~~c~-E ~~ ff.~%t ITH .A.I
gj-LIC~. 0:!710ll.A.i 'Jt!'g '0:!2-i t:;=if[ 30ll Ol.!:=. ~ ~Oll ~gt~ 2.IDl5~71 rrHgOJI 'cH:X~l~ 0 ~ .:::z.~cF::: ~OI ~

LI c~.
This expression is used to state a characteristic in a non-decisive way, that is, that something is more a
certain way than another or is closer to one characteristic than another. Here, ~ refers to belonging to one
category out of a number of possible categories, and thus it means "generally so".
E z :as
w 1111 4 MQC ii lct ''IC liflt l JJ< J

- (} L ~OIC~
~ ~OIL.~
~g ~OIL.~
----'------- - - - -----... -~--- ----.. ~------------------------


' .A.f-E ~O I L.~
v l

j ~e ~Ole~

~Cl %1:11~ 1*-E 7<l~Oil Blt>R}.1 {]~ 0 1~ii-~ 3M ~Yr:l-.

The home prices in our neighborhood are on the cheap side compared to other areas.

304 Korean Grammar u1 'lt\e- Intern1ediate

Ali=- o}~ .!2.t:.}-E Al ~ ~] cl t'-J-0 ] ~ i::- ~ ol011..fl.
I tend to (be among those who) eat more in the evening than in the morning.

Al {17 ~ 01 ~ ITR-E-C- ~ 0 191-Etil A]-fi-..g.J.~7~] ~ 0 1Al Ul=fl-9...

That friend was one of the bigger kids when (we were) small, but novv he doesn't look that big.

-- ---- -------------------------------------------~ - ---------------- -----,


. i
. . -
- . 2 ..
. ' . ' . . .

1 01 E~::: <t0il sAr7r ~ [[H::: !.~ sA~ *~0r::: !:f-.Ar7t cuOlo~ gtLlcr_
When a verb precedes this expression, an adverb that modifies the verb is normally necessary.

7~ .g.51] -] ~;,} J-}%f.g. ~~ g ;z}? oRiL?

L~ !;]], ~?~ 01] ~ 1t!_~_g. ~ ~}y 77} .A}? ~}-E Jtl oj;z].fL_

2 !;f-~ 0 s; ~ rrH::: '<2.t-(.2.) L /::: Jt!OICfLr '-(.2.)L/~ Jt!OI OrLICr' 1:.~g[LICr.

The negative forms of this expression are V -(O)L/f:. -\::'!Ole~ and -(O)L/f:. -\::'!O J O rLIC~ .

_;z.l' I ''-- D} O ] 0 } o-l '- :ipj 0 ] nlj _fL

l-0 L:. I ' - \...:. - 1 .

= ;zl ~ $0] i;tj-C 35 o] o}y oj]iL.

3 ' :::/e ...:!Oler' ::: .!:r7t !i!r-5:. ~.gro t.Jl .gr~Er .g~OILt .A~~ rrH::: .AlotA:I t>ct~LICt_
The expression-~/~ -\::'!O ler is not used when the characteristic or quality is an obvious or objectively
verifiable fact or state of affairs.

~ %"'~.g. 7]7} 185cm <j Jtl o]oj]SL. (x)

-- ~ %"'~.g. 7]7} 185cm~]R_ ( o)
.A1 -C~J-~ o] o}1d_ 35o]oj]SL. (x)
..- .A1-C ~J-~ oj o}y oj].fL. ( O)

4 011:~::: 2-IDl.g :ilr712r ~AHl2! .Al5t.Jl DlcH I:~::: At-otAI t>t~LI Ct_
This expression is only used with reference to the present or past, not the future.

.A1-C k~% .A}? t>}-C 35~ 740il R/~ o] ~OliL. (x)

-- .Al-Ck~ % 7-}? <'.>}-C 3t! OJ'.:d~ ..L. (0 )
.A1-C k~% 7-]--T t>}-C 3t!o] oj]R. ( o)

5 :ilr712-I ~ ~ .Al~O I Lt orLr2-I .Ar?:\~ E~~ rrH::: '-( 0 )L ~OICt'~ .At-oHO~ gtLICt. .::I2.1Lr :ilt71
2.t.S:. :ilr710il ~~ 7Fcl Al~- ~Ol 71Lr ~~~ '2.! ~Oil-E ' ::: Jt!Ol~Ct'~ .u10~ gtLICt.
When used to describe a particular event or point of time in the past, the form -( 0 )L Jt'.!O !Cr is used. 1:
However, in the case of past events vvhich continued for a particular period of time or which occur
regularly, the form-~ -\::'!O ler must be used. l
_2_~ ..Q. r l..E_
2 ' - '-1 '-
u:fl ~ t:.l.1 O2 l hi.]
0 l t'>.l U
2 -1i....:.
FJ 0 J0 l-I.

_2_~ ~ C J-j;joj]-C 7clOJ Ccl- Q{~ 35ojoJ:.

: O I ?.\!~ '2.~ ' 0 12-r ~ ~~ J..l~OI
Here, -(O)L Jt'.!OICr must be used because the word
<;171 rrHg011'- (0 )L .tt!O ICr'.
AAi O ~ A:r<z:!.6. 'E"j ~ LICr.
indicates a specific time.

- - --------- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -----..----------- ...- --- - - _ ___,


19 J..-!Al J:!L ~-1 ..Q.. t-LELt.H

0 2 1 -, 02 1 12
tcff 305
------------~ ..,.__ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - -- _u,.~-- -

: Ol-3:!::: 'Oj~~ [[H'2.~~ Al~O I ~71-E O~A l ir! Al4fO I L~ ~-!2-I 2-IDl7~ ~71 rrttg011. ::::: ~01~c~' .UiOt ~LIC~.
Here, even though Oj~~ ITH indicates a time in the past, ~ Jt!Ol~c~ must be used because there is a
meaning of a regularly occurring experience.
- - - - - - - - - - ------

1 7~ ~~ J-}T6-~.g_ ~ILl~ t'0 1 u}J-l;zlJl?

L~ 1=11, ~7-}<Jil Bl -5TIJ-i ~ Itj~ t'0 l u}J-1-E ~ 0 1e>ll.fl.
~];:f-Oll ttloHAi 7~rr.1~ ~01

~oH tgJ.AI~ ~'C!.5:!.C~ ' ~c~

o o
.AHO o c;: o
2 0I I
- LcL

2 7~ ;zl\:l-ig-7J};zl 4-~o}ifl ~.g_ ~ ~ $i OlR?

L~ 0 1-YR, 2:c~ti '5! 0 11 Bl-5TIJ-i ~31}7}
~~o~~ to push ahead
i%i~l ~7-li::- <(J-.g.. ~ ~t11*.

!c.~~ ~OH ttloH.A.i ~JI~7~ .:::z.~7il ~AIE <Qtc~

ROll-E e.iao1 ~ fil~Ai Al'dig011 t!loHAi

.:::Z.~ 7il ti r1:11:1 AI titc~
'.'' ~2.I 7 ~~::: ~OllAi 1! ~ ~ ~ ~o ~oH.Ai 2-I~:::
' A~~ o~J::I <Qtc~

306 Korean Grammar ,;// u~(J/ . Intermediate

.....-- -
--- .. -

(1) 7r 1i}9 -1-E ~717} i'.f.g_ -3! 7ttO}it. (~ %19-tj-)

Lr l=ll, 1il9 -1-E -!f-<311-E- --~% -O}~ t-J: %011- ': ~01ct-~i {17 ~ 0l ~o }i>Rit.

(2) 7~ ~~ -1 1-~.g_ 3~~Eil W% ~-o}~ -3i 7tt0 tit. (W% ~-otq)

Lr l=ll, tj-~ 0 1-0 1%~tj- e>-1~% 0 1 ~ 0 1--0}J-ilit.

(4) 7r T' ~ %Qf% ;;z}~ %lit? (~cB~ %Qf% ;;z}9- %Ii-)

L~ ~%~ -3!% ~ 0 1-i>RJ-i - - - - - - - - - - - - ----

(5) 7r 9~ -1-E \:f%J-~ 0l e>-1 iii Ell 7-}9- -}-?=lit? (\:f%J-~ 0l .AJ-iJ-0l {J-O}tj-)
Lr A }9- .l-Jf-Jll Hit.

(1) 7r 01 if:~% 0 li>Ri>}7l7} e>-lDl-?=lit? (l'f17-l ~q)

Lr o 1-Y it, i ~111 01~J.I 0J% ~01ct~i 0l-5TIW 9 '.Xl lit.

(2) 7r 9~ -17} ~ ~7lil ~~tj-~J-iit? ({:!7J--O}tj-)

Lr J ~ tjl it. -0} A 11(1- *~ -1-E - - - - - -- - - - -ii-BJ- Y-% 71 011 it.

(3) *
7r uR ~ B}IDl} ]I!_01-EEil 9-Wil-E % ~ '.Xl lit? (~7}i>}tj-)
L~ l=ll' .::z_ cB 9-Wil-E % - - - - - - - -- - -- ~iii ~cR 4
78 ~~ i5Rit.

(4) 7r 9~ -1-E *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 }-0}J-il it? ({11 i'.ft:l-)

Lr l;;ll, *~ ~}~ *~it.

(5) 7r 5t~E11 J-t-!f-1lil ~ ~ ~ ~_2-J-ilit? (J-}-!f-111 l~t:i-)

Lr l=ll, -&-J--AJ- ~ ~ ~ *01-0 Hit.
7~ :A}Of -1, ~~. _2_~ 7-lu}~ tJ<)ilJl?
Jaya, why did you wear a skirt today?

L~ ~-ii- Oi-"d.6.Cl%l ~O l :Jl .:Z.%~ l:l}:Al

~ OJSiGi Y l-}~~ 0 1 Al~ \f:A}. ~i;lel-:Jlii..
I wanted to look a little more ladylike. After wearing only jeans
recently, people started mistaking me for a guy.

~- ~ --....................................... -- -

7~ 0
J7J -1~ %oB 5:%1..g.
Yang Gang, what's your New Year's wish?

L~ %oB-E ~R l-}~~Jlf ~R<Y-1. :A}<ti-6.~lll

0 11=71 ~ ?J-9 9Jlll 1~ ~~lii..
This year, I want to become able to talk fluently in Korean with

~t:li.Q. Ol<)L~771._g_?
L:...t:lcC! I I .

- 1::1 1 ._ o 1v1 =v ' ., :o:-1 o
o:t)..Lf\JI .g(\J)....J o~o o:t)..L2.L7~0 L77IOILL1 "
1 r E1- - o
o+ 7 rL 01cL'.!=. c:c:o
1 ._ .A..2 AA
1 12
llH )..LQC.~Ll cL
101::1 1.

The phrase A~ct is attached to a noun and means having a feeling or quality just like the noun.

N '
. tit~~ iE:1 Ct
--- -~---------------------------.....;...._- - - - - - -- ----------------
D}Ol~ -li=- oi::Z.l- ~-=jL~ ~~~ AlcJ-~1tl-c:ti=- x 0 l l:l}Cl-~'.V_-~yq-,
Michael looked at his girlfriend in a loving manner.

-=z_~J-ll <5}-E 11.g. l:l}~~~.g. ~%9=1'-lti-.

This kind of behavior is silly.

:Ail ~-11-i=- ~7<111-f 7}~e>il i:R<5R ::z.}cJ-~1t17ll ~RiL.

My friend always speaks proudly of his family.

308 Korean Grammar 1i~ 'lher Intermediate

------------ ----- - -- - -- - - - - - - ---------- - - - -
. : 1... ...-, .. . ._:. '."..
- : .., .=-ll ~ :Lb '
tJ ~ 0 ri '
a"r~?. .. ->...
... .... ' .,

'.6.~Cf2.t tti~ot711 MOI::: W. ~cf7t <U:::c11 01 .!:i=- RC21.g Ct~:ilt ~.g 7:tOl7t <U~LICt.
The phrase ~c~ has a meaning similar to that of .6. ~ c~. Their differences are summarized below.
. .. ----------------------.,.--.-.-..--.-----.----~-
. ' .
' .
. .

'' .
. .
- .. ..._ . . ..... ....... ..... .... ~....- - ..; .- - . ..... . ~ ...... ..... ..; .. - ............... - . ...... . .. ..; .......... . .................... ,.;~ ...... ;. ....... -4..... ' ....... .......... ...;.. ._ .:-.~-- .... ~ .,,., .. . ~ ...: ....... ..-.. . ..... :. . :. .. ............~. -....... . ......._........-....-......... ".:.-..-...-..--.-. -- -~- J

. . . . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . :..... . - ....
- . _ _..,.._,._ - . . , , ; . _ _ _ . .-.

; '

j 'CJ:lA_L.2_l 7~0 L 77IO ILL OA7l OICL'.!=.
o 1- r e L- - o 1 r AA 1 L -
.' ' ---L
2.JI o ~ ;.:17~0 C5
L....: o 1 2
LL - l 7l:A
f l.. J. !.71 o1cL '.!=. o10 12
AA. I L- - 2
i .
2.IDI j L~E~~ rrHA.i'~LICL '
Olt::I Cl~;ii::IO I Oi.!=.
U""J 2-r c c:i t!A1- o
CJ:IA_l.t\.110 ~ l=l.A.LI CL
I VI L...: E t::1 I.
.' Used to indicate a sufficient amount of a
..' Used to indicate that something has the
' '

'' same feeling or quality as the preceding ' certain quality and is only used with some
;'' '
: noun.
nouns without final consonants.
. ~
' .'
~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # ~ - ~ ' ~ A o '"'vOOo~~
'' ...
.. J .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .... .. .... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


! l-j-~~lfl t:f. l:lj-lJlA'flt:f. O~Aj~lflt:f. : ~oj]~t:f. {ll:l] ~t:f. ;<}R t:f. 18-Jl~t:f.
otl i
1 Z::J~~lfl t:f. 7-}~-~lfj q ~
:J_ %~-:- :Aj~- {11:11~~ {,I- y q-_ :i %~ ~ ~W {11:1J ~~Y t:f. l:
That cave real ly looks mysterious. That cave is really mysterious. I
'' l
: -+ ~1::11 ~ ~j:-JEj ~~ cf ~ 2.I D l<f:I LI C~. -+ ~ w ~l::llo~Cf~ 2.ID l <f:ILIC~. l
It means that the cave "appears
It means that the cave is " really
mysterious" .


________ ____... ..........-.......----- -------------------------

----- -- --- -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ----------- ----- -~


. tH~f~ ~~ <>f ~11tA?.

. . . Track

1~ Lli~ ~~% Yti ztq~J-1.R? c 143

L~ ~l . ~JJ-J ~{d% Yel 7}1tl Z}7:J 0 1 ~ 0 1 ~J-1 019 ~'2:!{,f
Best Leading Actress Awar0
Lli~s:. ~w 9 :u-&.Al 21/(a ~r:l.!f-lA.

AA2 1 7-l.A;O
- , C> ICl

~7 I ~ .g~ ~7il 101.A:j ~'!" f:f~O IC~

.2..~Ol l .A=l 0rLl77r ~'!" !f.iao 1er

~AEjC~ pleasant

ir:!9:1:6:.El c~
capricious, unpredictable
~*M l $ 2.'cl::: IJ:jL5;!f{ 0 ? 01't! ~A~~ ~Oro~.A.IC~

<!~0 1 ~1 ~A~ ~oro r.A. l cr
<?31 Ml=. 01't! 'cf:A:~ ~010rcr '
'' ~~01~~ 1 'ct:A:r=. ~cr
01 't! sc ~ .A.rJl ~cr ''
~-5 01:= / ~0 1 ~ sc~ .A.rJl ~er
-- - - .
.. .. .- - ~

................- ........... _.. _... _........ _..............................................._....________________________ .............._.....___________________.........................._____________.. _______.......................... ....-------..............

t:::I c.~ A 2.i [.L c.~~ A 2.i [.L

-r CJ - l:::l I o =- l:::l I

~- .. ---------........................________._____ .....................----- - -------................. _. _________________ ............. -------~---- ---~

(1) 7~ t.B<?Jol ~-=(- J.~~~Ell 1~ 1li~ i>}1E ~~771-R?

L~ ~~11R, 1-=llf- jf..ql:::.~~f.I ~.g. ~. i>}-E -3i 01 ~ ~ -3i ~0 1-R.

I -7J,2;-t"Jl~
Al ,_. ~, ~ ~o;z..ol--o-1 A
'l.=i.. o
t:I "L: -;-Jll;t
-'{:!l n
} o lI ..i:L,
- -- - -- - -- -

(3) 7~ Jl-- .Al l:l~_<f-71- ~71 ~ ~"5}-E- ~ ~.AlR?

L~ tjl, ~~% i>}L:1Y ~ 71 7} tj - - - - - - -- -

L~ ~O}Jl . ~i} _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ~ ~O}Jl.

(6) 7~ o}~ 01 ~%~J.~Ol.A1Jl?

L~ tjl, 6}.7.l1i} ~i>}-E ~.g. o}~ - -- - -- - - - -

7t1-~ ~~ ufl7}
~ lR.

(7) 7~ q3~ -1-E t>J-AJ- 0 1~4.A1~q i>HJ-1 ~}-%-11-R.

L~ ~o}Jl. ~utY- .A1 ~7} 1:- n:}l7} ?o}Jl.

(8) 7~ A-1 .7.}717} o}~ til-} ]5i_oltj1Jl.

L~ _<f-2.l o}~.7.17} 0}7JlJ-l -E 7~2.l-Al Al 1i}.Al7l7} - - -- - -- - -- .

(9) 7~ 2ll : i 2..~ ~ <fJ~~.JI i>H?

L~ 0 l:A11-E i}t>~ 0 1 .AlY-J-1
- - - -- - -- - - ]5i_ciJJ-1R .

3 .. 0 Korean Grammar UI u,.e,.Intermediate

1[ 144) 1
7~ _2_~ Al 1197} .2R Al~7ll 7871~ xo}ft?
Why isn't that player competing well today?

L~ J 21711 Jl. _2_~ ~ 7l _2_~.g. All 7-11-61 Cj ~T 119

1if:Al 7} ?l~l-9...
I know. His play today is unlike that of a world-class soccer player.

....................... .............. ....-.........-..------.----.......................................-.............................-....... .....

Mom, how are these clothes? Do they look good on me?

What's that you're wearing? Students should wear something fitting

for students. Put on something a little more modest.

. . . -. ....... : .
.. - ,. ;, .:~--~::.'.'. - ; -

~l:li..Q.. Oto~77~.R_?
~ t:I 2 C! " ' ' ' .. - ... .. .

igcF-E: ~A\-0\\ ~01 =i ~Ar7r A:\L\::: ~~O\Lr ~~O\ ~er::: ~~ LrEr'i [[tt Ai%~L\Cr. ~. 01it"! ~O\ .!f:!
7rA: I~ ~D-IOF ~ Af~~ 7rA:I~ ~Crf: ~OI ~LICr.
The expression 'BC~ is attached to nouns and u sed to indicate that something has the qu alities or
characteristics of the noun. Specifically, this expression refers to having the qualities that are typically
expected in the particular noun.
___ <II,_,, .. ............-.----- _ _ _ _ _ _,,,.,..,_..,......._ _ _ ="",......,.,._ _,__ __ _ ____________ ___

- - .. .. ................_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . ~ ... " . . . _ . . .. . . - . . . . . ...~.. - -...-.~............. ,.,...... 4"-.. . - . . . . . _ .... - .. _ . . - . _ _ ;;;.:i; ... . _i:-. . ......... - ................................................ " " - - - -... - - - -- - - - - - -- - .. ~ -~~-- .... - . ....... . ........... ......... .



- - - - - - - --------- ............ _.. ...

_....,._~-.-- ~-- --'--- ----------------- - . _-.............
... _
_,. _,_ .._____.___ .. _____ ...............................
,, _,,,,,, ..._..... _...........____....__. _ .....

t41~ M-1i::- Ci.A}~ r:1j7} "6"}4 fili=- -3! 7t01-Jl.

Hyejin doesn't seem to have any womanly qualities at all.

%J-~Oi17-11 -=z.~7-1111~ ~% "6"}i::- -3!.g_ ;;zj~ ~ "'i}-.Al ?J-.g_ ~%0 lo~.

Speaking so harshly to your little brother like that is not becoming (behavior) of a big brother.

-=z. ::1"'1-0ili=- ~Lll ~Jl~ ::l"'}lft:Jll ? 1'~ 61.!f:l.% 0 1W-0 1 ~l:~YLl-.

That company has a lot of outstanding employees, which is typical of a top domestic corporation.


~c.~'~ 'A~c~~ C~:Llt ~~ *tOl7t <Xl--LIC~.

The differences between EJ"C.~ and A~C.~ can be summarized as follows.
-. - --- ....,.--- ------------------
..... .... -- . ------- .. -- ---.-- --- ... ... .. -- -- -. --- .. --. -- _____ ,. ..... ... . - -- ------.---- -- ---- ----- ............. .. .. .... .. . . . -- . ----- . ---- ---- -- __... ..... .. .. .... . .. . -. -------

I ~2.1 ~)..~7~ XIL10t t>~::: ~OIL~ A~~. 2.IDI~ ~2.1 ~)..~7~7~X I~ ~:::~O IL~ :A~~~ 7 ~X I~
j 7~XI~ ~CrE 2.IDl~ LIC~. ~::: ~.X~Ei !i!,<2.Jc~::: 0

Meaning Something has all the qualities and Something appears to have the qualities
characteristics that the preceding noun and characteristics of the preceding noun.

I should have .
..... .............. ................ ... - .
~L~ 7 I~ ~)..~ !f-1011 A~oH.S:. :A~<i:!A~~LIC~. ~)..~ 3011~~~ crL~ 'Qtl!IA~CF.X~ Ei ~L~

Can be used after nouns denoting places 7 I~ ~)..~ -1011 A~o~<i:! ~~g,t"LIC~.
and institutions. Sounds awkward when used after nouns
Restrictions i denoting places and institutions, such as
~A~C~ and 2.!'!11-"--~C~.
. ------------------.....- ......................... .. ... ~ - - ......................................................
~-- - - ............... ............... - .............................. .

.. .. ......... .......... ....................... ....... -- ............. - - -- *-- .. - .. - ... - - ...... .

: Oi c~ o-j ~c}~o]: i>R.R. (o) : o}oJ.e- o-] ~~ 21~.R. ( o)
x1oJ-01.e- o-] ~cl~.R. ( x) :.. :A1 1 :::~ o-i ~~ c1%1.R. (x)
-+ ~=OI ~=Og)..i 7~X~O~ o~ ~OIL~ A~~. -+ ~-E-O I 7 ~XI~ ~:::~~OIL~ :A~:z:j ~ 7~XI~
Oii@ 2.IDI~ Xl1c]c~::: 2.ID IOl 0 ? 0~0 1 0117-H::: )..~ ~E ~.X1Ei !i!.<2.JCrE 2.IDIOl 0 ? Oi-E-011.lil
Example 15~
, <>t::~LICL
t1A t:::1 I. )..~ ~-<? fil~LI CL
Sentence Because this refers to having the exact Because this refers to having qualities
qualities required of an adult, gc~ or characteristics like something else,
cannot be used to describe someone ~-E-~~c~ cannot be used to describe
who is not an adult, such as a child. an actual adu lt.
I ---- ---------..--- ______ . ....,, ______.._..__.._ ..__
.,__.,__.,_.. -- ------------------------.-.-.-- ............... ~-------- _

L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- -----

. ~
1 7t :J_ \:f7-}7} :J.~ 711 ~0}__8_? c[ 145] 1

Lt 1;Jl, ::<j~ "8J-}~7ll ~%ii}7-l ~R . ~::; o~C~ competent

~~A~C~ reliable

::i'c1At7t I ~Ct ~w ~At / ~-5-otct

A1 ~J..t7~ I ~-5o ~ct 2~ ~~ ~g7t I~ .x~2lotct

e-0 1 ~ I 'E:!::;~A;g7il ~-5-o tct

3 2 Korean Grammar 1/1 U\e Intermediate

2 7~ Al 1}~7} o~ t:f-E .?(J7l.5:- ~"
~ El team (of association)
L~ ~l, Al 1l-(~ ~715:- ~-0}.lL ~4,:- ~ Ol~C~ to lead
Qj"Q1 villain, bad guy role
t.ltj 1if~l ~% ~ 0 l~tj2.}
21-o l C~ to torment, to harass

xi ~*7~ 01-E c.~~ ~71 .!:2.c.~

:Ai t:IH~7 ~ L~.2.-E [.~. 1=.2.~0 ~ .!:2_[.~
:Ai 7'-jul-Oll.Ai 7'-jIII~ D ~.A1 .!:2.C.~

-- ------
- - ----

___________________...._.. .._,___ ,. ,_
------------------....- .................... ....-----------------..-...---.._
AL.....;I01:::1I A IL-i?:j

--------------------------------. --.--- .... . .... ..----------------------------- ................................... .......... ---. ------------------------------..--- .. ...- ------------------------------...............................-.-._____/

(1) 7~ 0 l-7l 2f -171- 't.RW% ~-otAlJl?

L~ l=fl, ~}71 tj]::1~l-"l 1%% ~J ~1"95q711

(3) 7~ W0 1-tilAl7Jll-"i 7d~~11 ~l-"i ~ 0 1-71-11 e>-lii.?

L~ l=ll, .!f-cl W0 1-tilAl-2- 't.R7d~~~l-"i - - -- - - %{{--Ol -l-.!f-1*

~o}7 }1J.if y q .

(4) 7~ .g_~ -1-E "1 lfl \fAl ~ i:-0 1--0l-"ilJl?

Lr Ji..%~1-E OiA} {f.g_ -2.1.~ 7}~ \fA}7} i1J"O}J-i Ali=- _ _ _ _ _ _ _

;_~ z.l \fAl-71- ~o}ii..

(5) 7~ %i:}17dl ~ ~ "1~5J.-2-"GH ~~-o}l=llii..

L~ tjl, 0 1%i:}17d:"f~ *~~ ~~~~--~~~~~

JI.7-Jol ~~ Y.Ji...
(6) 7r _2_~lf-El ~-Ol-7ll B ~<id -"H:l 7J~9-<?JY1*.
Lr _2_~Jf-tj -2-2f-~ Al~~~y - - - -- - -- - - - .if-O? ~{J-01
~t>~ Zf--"l7l l:ll-1rJ-Llq.
- -- _____ ,.
- ___ __ __ ___ ... __ __ ___ . - -- -


: 1


CD if-0l Al-2r- .2}_g_ if-0l 7-l ~ <?]- .2}_g_

@ if-Ol .A~1- .2..1B ~~~ . @ if-ol ~ 1ti -2..Al <(lo}it


' CD l:l}yyq t:1~ l:l} yyt:} 1 ~
@ l:l}t? ~ct*~ @ l:l} 7--l ~ y 0l-2

3 7~ :Ai ~'a-OllA.i ~A.~oH lOiR?

L~ Lil, - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -

CD*~ ~ 61 l:JLB. -E:- %61 l l)l-~ I1 2-}.JI.fL
*~ ~ 611:J-1ff711 -E:- %61 1 l)l-~ tj 2-} 9 JI

@ *~ ~ 61l:J~~711 -E:- %61 1l)l-~tj c.}.Jl.fL

@ *~ ~ 611:J-012-} -E:- %61l 13]:-~t:1 2-}.JIE..
: 4 7~ o~~ Ml~ ~~ :A~~ D~A.=t~-?
L~ L:ll. :A~~
- - -- - -- - -- ----- 71-i3 ~OI O~Il~R.

CD 0 }--8 ~ 012fJ-i o}J-1-2 ~ 0 12fJ-i

@ <?l o}J-1 ~ ~ 0 1 2fJ-i @ 0 }J-l.Al ?~ ~ 0 1 2fJ-i

CD A~l %.A~.g_ %.!f-7117} 80kg~ ~ 0 1 011 .fL.

7--l-2 ~ ~ ~ Al-2f- D}J-1-E ~ ~ 7J 01].fL.
@ Al-E ~%~.A~ rrR ~ 1g ~ ~<3"}-2 ~ o 1~~ ..
@ -2..~.g- ti--E 1-y q ~~ ~~ ~ ~Y--E ~ 0 1011 .fL.

W -, o l
.A-o:-1 7=l l:i="I ci A ::U ~ ;_l e.1-_Q_
'\....:. -, - '- I 1..!... I o '- 7<-l
o u2.l- .A] nJ _g_ .
i:!ii I

1~ -17} BlJt} ~ ~ ~ ?-lJ-i ~~ --~~C-1-9=1 ..

@ -*012fJ-i Oi.Aj ~C-1 .g- ~7?1 1 L-1--E J ~ J-}.Jl {t~ Jl.


@ A~l ~ 7- ~ .A}7l 7~~011 -cB"6R "3-J.AJ A}--8~~ 711 ~"6Rii..

31 4



--a -:

0 L

How was your trip to Tokyo? Was it interesting?

L~ .5:_jil9-l % 7}7} ~P}ti- Bl-tl-:Al

~l , .:Z.~:Al ~
%er.fl. %7}7} BlJA}y 77} .fr~% u}%r.B ~
* o~ Al o}~-%1_8__ .
Yes, but I can't tell you how expensive things were there. The prices
were so high that unfortunately I couldn't shop like I had wanted to.

-------------- -- --- ...... ..... ........ ......... .... ........... ... - ~- ......... ..

7~ 2R .:z. ~7-11 ~ii:l- .ii.72 le>ll..8__?

Why do you look so surprised?

I was reading a book, and the door opened suddenly and really
surprised me.

o1 .H.~g :i .g-&o 1Lr .gEH~~~ ~%t rrH "'-r-itLI er. ~"'-i~ 0 Ci:! irI "'-r-fil * ~.:il. ~"'-r2r ~-"'-rOJI
2~ A.~iJ'LI Cr.
This expression is used to emphasize the degree of a particular situation or state of affairs. It can only be
used in declarative sentences and can be used with both verbs and adjectives.

.. .. .... "' .. -- . ..... . ......... .,.. ..---~ - -

...-.:; ... ~.... ~ - ~-~... .......Q<:di>-1.'l<.< .....
~.....\luo:.:.._i:-.-.....:- :.:.:::i,~......,_..,,_. .......,
A/V i ~DrL~ -~/~E:Al !

___________________ _____ . ,_..
9:1 ~e:XI
________________________ _
---~--------------...__.. .._..,.._...
011 ~ :x1
A : '

OOoOOOOOO oOOoo00o oOooooo oo OO '
oo oop # ~+P + + ........ ....... .. .



. ------

3 ~ 6 Korean Grammar In Ure Intermediate

~ qj hZl7t ~ )j,% rrR ~ 7 ~ e>i]71] ~D}Lf <{17l7t i1-.f~~:Al ~ct.fl.
Hoyeong was very popular among his friends when he was growing up.

~~ 0 t 0 l7t 710 1ltjl-] ~u}L} ~% ~ ~ ~7.l .~111:}.

I can't describe how disobedient our son became as soon as he turned seven.

~~B-1~ 7j-0}7.j ~ ~if" ~Ci] ~~~Jl. 7J-0}7.l~ tj-J-1 ~1-o}!-l ~D}Lf 7]~7.l ~ct.fl.
I found my lost puppy a little while ago. I'm so happy to have found my puppy again .

------- ---- - __
_____.. - - - - ------ ..--..
---~--~~--- ----

When used with a verb, this expression must be used together w ith a degree adverb such as ~~o l , ~,
fltO I, or~.
.A}O~ .]7} ~o}Lj- -t'--&-H::-.AJ %2-fJl. ( X)
-> .A}O~ .j7} ~o}Lj- ~{j-&-j -t'-1Jl<5} ~.Aj %2-}Jl. ( 0)
: O l -3.'i~ ~~ol'7 r filO~ ~~~AILI" or:::::AI <!"*file~::::: 2.IDtOIDc;:! ~.s:.~ L~E~ LH::::: .!:f.A ~.2.~ g7Jil ,u~o~
Here, without the adverb ~~o l , the sentence means that the speaker does not know the amount of
time that Jaya studied. Thus a degree adverb is necessary.

2 otJ::l'2.! 'M!-gOI LrC.t', '.2-t7t LrC.r', 'f:totC.f'~~~ ~ot-E AtW1-'=. 7i?:JO I Lr7lfE-~ ~~ [[H~ ~~~
LrErLH~ .!:f,A~ A[gotJ::I I'lOt~ ~LIC.t.
However, it is unnecessary to use a degree adverb when expressing the speaker's feelings or attitude
toward something, such as with the expressions u~O I L~cL .2.r7r L~CL and ~-5-o~C~ .
7r:J.o] ~~J-i ~o}y- ~l-%0] L-]-~7-] %2-fJl. ''
You can't imagine how upset I was because of the traffic jam. ''

:i 8~ ~ ~.Jl ~o]-Lj- -tl-%99_~7.] %2.fJl. !

I can't tell you how much I was touched after seeing that movie. I
3 :v.t7~1 ~%1-0 I Lr ~EHOJI cHaHAi ~~ [[H~ -~/~~Al -2-rR'~ Ar-gj'Llc.t.
When used to refer to past situations or states of affairs, the form -~/~-EAi --2-~ is used. 1
o-J::<i]~ l:l}~o] filo] ~o-lJ-i ~o}Lj- ?~~7-] %X{o-1Jl. ( x ) \
- o-l::<i]~ l:l}~-oJ ir~o] ~o-lJ-i ~o}Lj- ?~~7-] %2.fJl. ( o) '

--- - -- - - -- -- -- - - - -- -- _____ _____ ,. -------------------~--~


~* ..V.17~ R~Oll -5~ ~~al 0~c~ R~Oll /~~al -5.!:F-o~c~

L~9TJ Mli:: 1~ A~Ef~C-11 oHg ~~ -fil Q:jc~ oHg ~~ / -fil Q:jc~

:Xis ~OI t'~OI ~olC~

2 7~ Cit>~% ~77} oH=-Ell 1i Q.{-~0 l 01 rrllit.?

L~ 1iQ.f~..g_ 78J-l7} ~utt.l- o}~qif:-7.l ~tiA. ~ 7} 5!.S:.~ o}J.ilit..

O:I~~ ~77~ or:=c-11 ~Q,l"H ~Q{1j.g ~:Xl7r I or::;gcr I JQ- 7~ .!:2.C~

.11:.~~ ~77~ or:=c-11 CH-A.l:g cH-A. l :g~ --.c!o11..v.~.:il t'~c~ 1JQ-7~ .!

~2.l~~~ *~~ ~~77~ or:=c-11 ~ i11*1a~ *~ ~ _ii1*'c:J~ *~OI / AHDl~C~ I JQ- ~Oi .!:2.C~

3" 8 Korean Grammar u1 9!se Intermediate

. ~ ... . -
i " . ... . . . . . .

- "

(1) 7~ ig--17} 1?01 -!f-~;<lJi..? (ig--17}-!f-lflq)

Lt t=ll, .AJo}~olc.}J-i r.-tu.11r OJDrLf Jf-t::l%t-I ~er.Si..

(2) 7~ ;<l9-l-EJ-j7=1l Oln:HJi..? (~.IL ~cJ"i>}c})

Lt .::z.19 -l~ J-j~._g. - - - -- - - - - - - -- -

L~ *~-2- J-lZ}e>il-2- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

(4) 7r i ca~~ ]i!_~J-i -&Sj_l:f~J-iJi..? (<Ji;<} ?~~01 J-otrt)

Lt tjl, J-}2J"c5}-2- J-.}~o l ~Oil ~~Al -----------~---

(5) 7~ ~.;;-01~ BRJf-1*7} 7l~l:f1?1J-i.R? (~.::z.~ ~-2- .3:1_ol e>l if11*)

Lt tjl , .

(1) 7t ~.;;-o *AJ n-l:f Ol;(~l %0W-2-tjl ?~Oil Bl7} ?01%1:f1?1J-i.R? (1?01_2_l:f)
L~ t=ll, :::<l\l ?~Oil Bl7} "JDrLf ~I ~f-1 ~er.Si..

Lt t=ll, %7-1-%1}0 1%~tjl - - -- - - -- - - - - - -

(3) 7r <i:]o}, ~~s:. ~ 0 1 ~~1 %012-1-J-i ~-t--oR.R. (~Aj% W-01-o}q)

Lt tjl7} ~~1771-:::<l ~ ~012-}J-l .
(4) 7t \:f.::z.} ~.::r1-e>ll:7ll .AJol *~ 100%01l-f 1?J-S11:f1?1J-i.R? (7t:f ~ ~ i>}q)
Lt tjl, . ~%O l rf ig- Ad ~ Cl Ji...

Lt %, :J.~J-l - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
ie1y7l} ~Cl ~-t--o}q.IL <SR.

7~ Ci~, . ~ .!f_ J-}212?

Dear, are you planning to buy any more clothes?

L~ %-5Ee>il 1~17-17-l ?J"_Q_t:i~ J~ 7-}~ 1f 4-~ll

If I am to keep up with fashion trends, then I have no choice but to
buy clothes often .
.................................................................................................................. ...............................................................
_, , ,

7~ ~78_2_ ~ ~/\117} 1313 Gl {J4-0R;z1 2 ~ <>l-"1

~ ~ 0 1 ~1.R.
Environmental pollution is getting worse, and it's a big problem.

L~ ~ 0 }.R. ~78% ~~-0}7-l ?J"_Q_~ 'if_Q_. ~IT ~

~Def~ 4-~ll ~% 7-loflJl.
Right. If we don't protect the environment, mankind will be unable
to avoid extinction.

t1i.Q. Ol<>L~77L..R_?
a.:.. t::12 C! I I

01 .H.~~ Oi't! .g~OI ~I~~ ITH er::: ~fill1 ~/\l7r filO I =1.~'2!~ oHO ~ EtCr7iLr ~2.i 7r/\I ~Af 0 s= !i!r.Ai
=i_iE:j ~~r7 r Lr.2 ~ ~OI 'a'C!orCr ~ ~~ LrEr~ [[ H .Al~LI Cr.
This expression is used in situations in which there is no other choice for the subject but to do the preceding
action (in the case of a verb) or to be in the preceding state (in the case of an adjective) .

....,.,.,.,...,...... -. """"''"""- -

7~ ~if- 0 ? 41 ~ J7 9? Are you planning to pay with cash?

L~ 017}~1011-"1 .f=- {1%7}E.7} <?} Bq.JI -5}y 7!} ~if--2-.?. 1M ? t-ll ~tjlJl.
This store apparently doesn't take credit cards, so I have no choice but to pay with cash.

7~ =l ~ .2..~.5:.. o 1--2-W 71 ~lJi.? Dear, are you going to work late tonight, too?
L~ J.J-"l ~ 0 1 .!f- 0 1=2 ~ 5}y7!} 4 Oj-2 ~ W?1#011 ~'l.fl.
All of my superiors work late, so I have no choice but to work late, too.

320 Korean Grammar ,;,, 21.~e Intermediate

7~ 7-l-9- -1 1-0l7t .Aj~ :& E&<)t;z.lJl? Is Jisu's kid really bright?
L~ lf-.2.7t q- :& Eii<)t1177l- 0t01. :& :& ~- ?~Oll ~7-lJl..
(Her) parents are bright, so she couldn't help being bright herself.

1 7~ _2._~rr}t-1- 7.1121 ~J-}7} 13!-0 1 ~~lJl. 1[ 149J 1

L~ {:j {J ~l i ~Jil l(jO l ~ )j_-2_ Y 13!-0 l ~% 9-141-<>ll ~7.l..fl.

;;c-LA. lrul
--'-cs/ oJ-o
I Lo
j o-JOioLI
- , AA-
t:IA I

;;c-jo~ olE.[.L
0 2 CJ2 I ~~ Dj~C.~7~ !'77i't!Oll o ~Lj77~ gj--C.~

~~~ ~ .2.1.A~j.A-j '2:1~~ ~71 !' ~O I Ll77~ *7.'o~C.~

2 7~ 9~ -17} ~ 7.l~Jil ~~% Ai.:Ef-__7-lJl?

L~ {J-7.}71 %<)R W~l -8--~% 7}Jil ~Ai Alf~ 9-141-<>ll ~% 7-1011..fl.
-*'2:1AAl7~2.H :A-j~7il ~~~ .A-j!:f,2[.~ -f:tx~7 I ~oH ~Oii ~!'~ 7 ~7il H-"1 .A-J!:f,2 c.~
j:H:1:~0 I 2.H o l~7il 'rJO I ~~c.~ B.8 7~1~ l:ll7~ .2.~ l:l~E/'Oll 1-~0I ~o-j:A~.A-j 22c.~
-fd :c.~ia o I 2.H ~ ~ W2.~.:il o ~c.~ -f:t:A~71 0~017 ~ O~il~.A-j 01 'rJOI ~B.o~Ll77~ ~~ ~c.~

_. ... - .... . . ...........- ...- -

... -...
- - -...._..... . . . . . ... - - ,.,,,._

(1) 7~ :Q-~ 0 l ~o l 1-ftjlR. (:Q-i'- 0 l 11-1*)

L~ ~ %~% t'.J- 0 l 121Sj,-2..Li77} 1 i%OI I{ lj::.l::l,l;Oil OJ.7-151. r

(2) 7t 90J -1-E 1Ef7-l ~ .2.-f- ~ 7tf

01 (1c[7-}~ ~0 }-6}-E 0 }R. 0 11tf-5}q)

Lt AJ 2=l Ol ~i.:J1 ~ cJ-6}Y77} ~.;;---,.-:--'--"-'----''---'--;.._;....;;::.;. ._.;;.,.;;.._...;;.

: . . ; ;. ____ .

(3) 7t 2B ~ 7li:}t.17-l ?i".JI t>J-J-J tjl7} 17-l <?ii2f% -5}y? (l-117} ~7-l <?ii2f% -6}q-)
L~ .J_ J-}rgo1 <?1T2f% <?} <)}y77} ___-'--------- - -- -
(4) 7~ 2B .::z.~711 rt~% <5RR? (i:J~o}-c})

L~ {[7-}71 1-fol-@- %l~Y77} -----~----

(5) 7~ 7-l<?i -1.9-1 lf-ef-% <?} %l~i:f~AlJ1? (7-1~i>}t:f)

L~ tl-!f- tl}lffi}Al 7-l<?i -1.2.l lf-J:f% - - - -- -=--.....,..------ -

i- r I

. '

0 ~ol ct

7~ 7-}0~ -1, ~ ~ -1~ ~o }-0}:il. ~7-l Ji.?

Jaya, you like Hoyeong, right?

L~ 1:11, -0}7-l1If :ll.~W %717} ~~Al 7-li}.g. B}c.}

7l1If W~ 0 lofl.fl.
Yes, but I don't have the courage to declare my love, so for now I
can only watch (him) from afar.

.. .. ... .. ........................................................----- ... .... ........ ... ........... ... ....... ....... ........ -----.......,.... ......

7~ _2_~ ~~ ~ 8Al{!-0ll.f ~-eEll ~72 -8 3"!.g_ ~:ll.

J-l{!-1If ~% ~Oltjl.fl.
Today's meeting lasted a whole eight hours with nothing getting
decided. We did nothing but waste time.

You're right. So do we have to hold another meeting tomorrow?

. ..:i!-1:1-1.Q.. 0
a.:.. t:I 2
C! I
.a? .

OI R~::: Oi~ ~-S-OILr .gEH'2l ~~Cr~ ~.g filg~ LrEr~ rrtt A.r~filLI Cf. O=l7IOllA.i ~::: '2.~1'1 IOI
This expression is used w hen there is only one available course of action or state of being. In such cases,
~ has the same meani ng as 2.~ (solely, m erely, only).
_____ .._ ____
...._ ...,.._,...,...,..... ____ _.__
... .,___..__.,._ _
... ..______ ~-..---- - -..------ ________________,___,_...,

-------- -- ....... - ----- <> -- ...........

'"'~T..~-- - ........ ---~~
....,,_ --------- --- --- . ,,.,.,,

=..,,..,.,,. . -- .... ... ..
" " '.......

. .. ~I~~ ~Ole~

:-~~ ~0 1 ct
A/V . . ....... "------- -. " - """""''''
- - '"''"'" '' " "" '"" ' """'' ... -- ...... .................. ... .. ........... .... .. ....... ..... -------- - ... , ..
~I ~ O l e~

__ ________ .___ _____,.,

:-~ 01Ct
_.._...--. -- --
, ..........
- - -- - -- -- - - ___;_.__........ . _..

. .
~-TOI Cr ' ~-=?-~ 01Ct
NOiet i
-t:!~ia o1er {:!~'cJ ~ 01Ct
_ ________ _ _ __ -- -------

- ---- - ---------.. -- - ---- ----- - ------
7<1-6-.g. 0 }.:!f- ~~ "5}.TI. ~7<1 ?J-0 }Jl. ~~ 7<}.Jl 11% ~0 1
Right now, I don't want to do anything. I only want to sleep.

322 Korean Grammar u1 <//.se Intern1ediate

~* -loj] ~~ O]Of7]-e ~_g O ? 1t} %91% ~0 1<>11..fl.
As for the news about Jinsu, it's merely what I've heard from rumors.

Jisu is simply a friend in my department, but other people think she's my girlfriend.

--- ---------1

Ol .H.~~ Ci ~~c5HJ,.i .A~~ [[H::: .5!~ ~OJI 'N'2.!-(.2.)2 ~O l e~' EE::: 'A/V-71'2.!-( 0 )2 ~Olc~'2.I
~EH .A~~Ll c~.
This expression can be made even more emphatic by using the form N'2J -(0)2 ~Ole.~ or A/V- 71'2J -(0)2
~OIC.r .

7--j~ .:I'o1' .:I ).1-"EJ-~ ~if1I} ~ ~<f:ll-Jt:.}.

I really only know that person's face (and nothing else) .

.:I ).}-"EJ-~Ej] ~ ~o] _2_7]1I}% 7]t:.}21.:il <V.% ~o]oj]A.

I'm just waiting to hear from that person. \
- - - - - - - _J

1 7r y-.2-51 -1~ ~~ ~1B ~ t>~ ?J.iliL.

Lr :A1 ~ ~c.}R. :i1<'.f 0 1~1tl- ~ ~~Yr+ .

Lr9 Tl Ml~ <1"'2'.! ~JH oH ~Cr

' A:i ~ 9 2 cr / o1-121 <tcr

'C.{OI Orilf2'.! -?\Cr t!!~~r / 71g121 ~-a filer
~* Ml;A::1E! ~2.I .g.~~ * <;1~ l::l l~~ <1"2.~ ~cr --.Uilcr / A:ie .:i'cJ' ~121 ~~01 0rcr

2 7r ;<a~ [email protected]>R:Al~1llil. r+ 0 1"1.~"lil?

Lr o}yR, o}{Ju}tj- {i7l ,<1_ 1t} 30~~ ~% ~oloTIA .

~~ l"~oH~cr / cro JOiEorcr O~DrCr -E!7 1 2[2)12.!"3~~ orCr

~o 1~~ 77H:-oH~cr / cH~~i>rcr .:i'cl' ~2.112.!" orcr
-v~ 9:1.A.IOll cHoH.A.i ~ <tcr / ~-!:F-i>rcr 9:1.A.r~rcl ~ T:! ~er
.... ~
- -
. -- .
... - . ........ ' ..............-
.......... - --

(1) 7~ .2ll ~:AR -1~ <{} ~ 0 l-oR.R? (W~ <S"}ct)

L~ ~ ~ 15~ %~ <5}.7-l ?i2 t>"j-.AJ- D;tDJ -5,t ~Ojli.!-51 .

(2) 7~ -&0 1 ut-Et=ll ~:AJ2<>1l % ~ 7Ue>-l.R? (? R1il- 7Uct)

L~ ~ ;(J-2 <>11 ~ %.g_ ~ ~t=ll l ~ J-11 <5l-Al?

(3) 7~ 1i}. -171- i %~% %7.l.7.l ?~ct~ 1?:}-% AjW ~e>-l.R? ( i At1it 1?:}-% ~tj-~
L~ i Atw0 l .:z. ~ 711 1?:l-~_Q_Y 7ll- _____ _ _____ .

L~ ~-il.fL. 71- 7} - - - - - -- - - - --
3tfl~ {1-.g_ ~.g_ ~-&1
~ tjl .R.

(5) 7~ 0 1A1l i'.: ~ ct 1i~t:il 7}:AJ- -0}2 1i.g_ Jf-lCJil.R? (*12 1ict) ~O l
L~ .::z.1-E-.g_ 0 1-.!f- -"~Zf ~ol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ .

(1) 7~ "1~711 <5l-1tl .:z.~711 *~% ~%f * 7Ue>-l.R? (1:1R.g. ~. '?1~<51-t:f)

L~ Al~ .:Z.V titt~ t:t{ ~-{;-ti~ ~Oj0{151 .

L~ ct-e- ~.g_ Cj- <5}2 - - - - - - -- - - - {] '{]_- ~~l 7l7l- ig-2.}itl .R.

(4) 7~ .:Z. 0 1 ~71 71- ).l-~ 0 1 <>11.R? .5:.A1<5l ~% *7} ~o-1 .R. (~.g_ ~% ~-6R 2::.~q)
L~ Al~ iv - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- -
(5) 7~ 0 1-B-lAlJJllAi .2ll .::z.1~711 ::}7} Y-11Y? (Al-E-771-Al -"~Zf-6R ~1d ~% 1?:l-%2::.~q)
L~ Al ~ i\f _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ .

324 Korean Grammar ut <fhe Inter1nediate

1~ ~R~ ~~ ~ ~ y_Jl 1J.g_Ell e>-1-cl . 7}~
o 2
o 77LI _g_?
I want to see the traditional side of Korea, so w here should I go?

L~ rLE._
'-1 1 - .::.s:_ o};zlol-
_,..._ 1:-0 L.:.
"5"L=z_ ol.~ 0101-ul-;=r A1.. n
L.!_ -', L.:. I 1- r '2. ..::C. L.:. 0

% Y 7l Oil 7}AJ ~.g_ --0lOil.R. LLJ~~e>il 7} Y-"11.R.

While there are a number of places you could go, the Korean Folk
Village is just the place to see traditional Korea. So you should
check it out.

1-a , r..._,l_s /-1 1 o 1 o}
-ill ul_Q_t"\ll
L.:. 2 L.:.
ol rl
..._, r L.:.l.Q.
;zlo ~ 1-

01 rri -"11 Jl?

Miss, if there is nothing else that you like, how about this design?

L~ i q;z}~ olol=~. Ail7} ~~ 71~1.R.

~1tl "8 e>-1 ~111 Jl.
That's exactly the design I was looking for. I'll try them on.

- - - -- . .
. CJ 1:1i 0 0 tot.!:a . .. .....
. .
t:t2" e . 277~Jl?
-- - - ' -' ' '

OI ..~~ <f!Oll Lr.2.::: ~.Ar 0 1 :.:~.!ii.Cr C:j ifor7~1 ..~~ [[H .Arg~LICr. ~. er:= 3:!.S:. 'Cl;: I ~ fil.9.I ~.Ar7r

~-;; 2l::: 3:!~ :si-~~ ITH .Arg~L! Cr.

-~5 expression ls used to strongly emphasize the meaning of the preceding noun. That ls, lt emphasizes the
noun as the prime example among a number of other possible choices .
.. ...
~----.~ ~~~ -~------.--- ---- - - -----~~~-----~~---- ....,........... ____
;- -- - ---~----~------,-.----.-------~.,.......,....,.,.,..., ~---~-_.,:"'.,_ .......____..,,..,.... ______________ ~---- ------------

: . , .. -, ." .. . . .
... .
o f
. . . ,
:-.; . .
. . .
:..: ~; ~ ~-- ~- _, ' . - . ... .t .
.. . :.....,.....,..,.,_.,.,.__...,,...._ _~-----=>,..__.~.----....:....-~~~-_.:.--~ ......~..........~.....- __...._~~'-""-~ ~-~-;~~:~..:::>'~~::~=-! - V. ~...~~~... ~~... . . ...... -~ ~ - ~- -~~---
. ..''
N '
,'' ..'''
.,,.,. .......---------~----- - ------------ ... - ------------"""'-...........................- ..... ______________________ .._............. ..! ______________ _____.................................... _ __ __ ___ _______ ___..........__ __ _ __

1~ ~R% -cHlEo}-E- ~~7-17} e>i-c.l<:i:lli?..?

Wh ich sightseeing destination best represents Korea?

L~ :Ail9- o}W-. ~R% -cHlEo}-E- ~3lf7-l 2.}.Jl ~ * '.V_7-li?...

You could say Jeju Island is just the place to represent Korea.
7 'I 7 ~ 7}7-J- ~7Cl~Y77r?
Who do you respect the most?

L~ Jf-.2_ \::] 010f~ 7<~]7} 7}7-J- ~78<'.>}-E if:-%<fl ytj-.

My parents are the ones I really respect the most.

7~ ~1' -]7} J-ji?--0}~ l:lj~o] lf-l~l.B..?

What's the secret of your success, Munsu?

L~ J-ji?-il}-E tjj~J-E ?J-_g. -3i%Ol ~_B_il}:Alq} -:Ifl-{C-~ ~?::1 0l0f~ J-ji?-~ l:lj~ojt.}.TI. W~
~ 01.B...
A lot of things are necessary to be successful , but I would say that persistent hard work, and nothing else,
is the secret to success.

1 7~ {17J% 7-l 7li::- ril 7}:AJ- %-Jl~ -3:! 0l ~ 2-}.JI J-~Zf-BTI.R?

L~ ~ :g olol=~. 7}.AJ %-.fl~ -3:!ol2-}.JI J-~-Zfi>RiL .

.:c!~~ A:l71-E c11 7~ 3-Roc~ ::c:; I 7~ %R'2! 3:!0IC

.1~ {!l!l"Oil ~ ~ol-E c11 7~ 3-Ro~c~ ::I L.2.. <2:i01~ li~2.l 1:1H?::: 3:! I 7~ %R'2! 3:!0IC

.2.JAfOll.Ai <2J~igJ-::: c11 7 ~ -'!Ro c ~~g,i- I .2.IAfOllAi '2J~ig::: c11 7~ ~R'2! 3:!0lc~

. . .

2 7-l~7lr7-l 59:-ifl oa~ *~lJ-i 7}AJ tti: ~~ifl oa~-e- ~~l.R?

L~ 'a}~ %~' 010f~. 7}.AJ {1--1}--3i ~ OJ~S1 Ci.fl.

0 13f-Oi~ * ~i::- J-}cJ"~l 7};; o}~71-E-.fl.

o~ 0 1 *~ / 7~ ~~'2.l ~.2.~~c~ I
01~01~ * fil-E .A~~Oil 71-- o~c~

Tifii I 7~ 7l~Oil ia::: ~01c I

c~~'2l ;_~~Jl~ ~.2.~ ~ * ~~c
~J:I71I7~ 91"~-E ~01c I
91". ~J:l .:c!~Oil. ~c~

326 Korean Grammar Ul/ Ure Inter1nediate

- .
. - -
- .. - -----

(1) 7~ 1\} ~Oi]J-l 7}AJ- 7]r}C17-J-e \t.g_ ~A~]<:xl]Jl? ().~<f:l)

L~ A~] f..~OJ.OIOfO~ 7}AJ- 7]r}C17-J-e \t0 10ilJ1.






(7) 7~ ;z}ol= -1-e 01~ ~1~% 7}AJ- ~o}oRJl? (7}%)

L~ A1-e 71-~ ~ A~l<?J ~o}oRJl. - - - - - -- - - ~% ~7l0il 7}AJ- ~.g.


CD :AjW ~1%l iL ~ ~o:i.g_Al .5.~01.fL

@ 78W ~~ Al ?:J-ol-Jl @ ~o:i.g_Al ~.Jl i!01.fL
: 2

' ~ 1? ~~ x~1?.l-%
@ .1fl-2~ x~Ol 7}:AJ

3 7r<l2-I "'' r;go1 ~w ~'~ ~ ~o rR.
~ o r7 r ~p:1t:1Ll77r r;g.s=.

CD ~l~~.fL ~ ~l lili1 0 l= ~ .fL

@ <:xl] ~AlS:. %2}.fL @ ~l ~ 9 14f0il ~Aj.fL

4 7~ Al1d~Oll !r!Ll77r Aj-0~ Mli& 0"7 l or'2!C~ I ~OI J-.rl110iR?

L~ orLIR. .:iia= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

CD ~J-} %li ~ 7101].fL ~ ~J-} %li~ ~O ]Oil .fL

@ ~ J-} %li9J,_Q_~ ~~01.fL @ ~J-1- %li ~ 9~-0il ~01.fL

5 CDd=7d- -]7} uR ~ 2J-l;j-~ ~ -5RiL. ~u}y- ~ %<5}-E:Al %2}Jl.

~ ~~ 0 1l=W. 78W 7}.Jl i!.g. 0 10iliL. *

@ D}3. -1-E \:t~ ~ ~~ t:l] ~-=f-~ ~ ~o}Jl.
@ ~ ~ Oil-E B}fill}J--1 Alli ? WOil 1t}~ 9141-0il ~ 01.R .

6 CD01:A1l-E ~% A}.Jl -it% ~0 1 0il.fL.

~ 01:A1]-E ~ 0 1 ~o}y. ~<5]-EAl %X,(01.fL.
9Jol wo}J--1 : z.J\:f ?WOils:. 9J.% w9141-0il ~ 01.R.
@ 7t:J7-l0 l=W. "tR~ ~lE~ ~ %~ 0 12}.JI w9 ~o-J .fL.

You are aware that today a special guest is visiting us from abroad,

L~ l=ll, .=:Li:f:-0 1~j_t>}7-l ~7-11 11~% ~if-Yr:f.

Yes, I'll make sure they them feel comfortable (not uncomfortable).

- ...................... .

7~ ~J-~16, ~Oll J-1-E ~ ~ ~t.:lJl.

Teacher, (we) can 't hear you well in the back.

L~ .=1~, ~J-}1:}-~5:_ ~ ~ ~ 9- ~J-11 U}Ol3-~

Then I'll use a microphone so that the people in the back can hear,

~tfi..Q.. Ol-()t.!i!.77L..9_?
&.:.. t:12 2 2 I .

01 .R~.g .!f-1011 Lr.2.~ ~OJI ctt~ ~~OILr 71~. ~~ 7ICH1 ~ ~.J:!.r ~~ LrEr~ ITH ,A.lifLICr. ~ . ~~

~2.I ~0 1 Ol-9-0JAl71 ~loHAi~ ~~~ 0 1 ~0 1 ~J:lorCr~ 2.IDl~LICr.

This expression is used to indicate the expected result, goal, criterion , or standard of the following action.
Thus, it means the following action is necessary to realize the preceding action or state.

---. ...-..........
... -------~- -------""-- - -~ -.,.,... =-~ -~----~ ---
. . . . . - . ...... . . .. ...'. . . -- ...----.-----..-..-...-..---........ . . ..:...
~- ,.,,,..,._,.,.._~ ............ ____
' ''
' '
00 .

-7il ' '

A/V ' ............... . -.... . - ....... . -............ ................. -... -....
' . .-....
............................ ~ - - - - -.. -........................... .
I '

f EJ Cr :
.!~ -J;:I i>i711
' .
_ _ _ _ _ _.,., __,...! _______ __ _____.____________.,..______..........._ ...... .............. !... ._ _ _.. ________..______ ___ ..:. .......-.--......------ - -- - ----- - -- --- - -..................._ ..............._,_

~~ ~% 9 '.V.~l _2_~ J.illf~~j};i 0

J=J:; ~ ~1-o}q ~J.ilJl.
Please pick up my suit at the cleaners today so that I can wear it tomorrow.

~J-~% 0 l ~;zl U7TI \:!-l:lJ- _g.~~ %5J. e>-lJl.

(I) raised the temperature of the heater so that the students wouldn 't be cold.

Korean Grammar in </.fse, Intermediate

Qfi;- ~ <?.!"ltJicl;Al ~~l ~-T-011 ~1 {i~ ~ oR 0 1=~"1-8...
I've got to call my friend so that he doesn't forget our appointment.


The form -7-ll-E5- can be used as an emphatic form of -Jll.
I %.f?..TI t.H ~ ~o-JCJi c.17<] U7-ll *~e>ll nlJs:_~ -6}*11.f?...
= %.B..~- ~ ~ ~o-J1:1-12.J7-J U7-ll-B- *~oil ~1~ i>}-AiJ.B...
Please take notes in order not to forget the important points.

2 '- 7-]]'7} .fPJ- ~oj] .2.}-Ai !t:~ *~ <U~yc}.

-711can also be used at the ends of sentences.

Please dress warmly in order not to catch a cold.

% ~%ts] <5H. t:f-E "'r'T:J~oJ .:g-_!:f-<5J-7-Jl.

Don't make any noise in order to allow other people to study.

Lr 0J=7J -17} ~ 0 l J-}~% 7}7-l.:Jl t:}y Tl 2.}.:Jlil..
71Ill0il0 171
coffee maker
7r icRiL? -=ii%1 it!-~~ ~ti ~% 9- <V.111 ~7-}J-l-~% J-} ~ll}iL?
.go1.A.r~~ 7r:Al_jl crLlcr
7-Jrr.1~ :Ar4- or.A.lcr ~Oll.A.-j.!I. 7-J II.I~ o~ *~Cr I 7-jII.IDllOl7-l ~.A.rCr
'.:1:.L9.A.lcH'~ ~o ro!Cr '.:1:.L=J.A.lcH' t}~~ ~~~*~er / ~.A.iE Ii~ .A.rcr

2 7r 9-~ -1, -=i~~l nl~~ o}ol7l- ~% ~ 9- ~%o}Jl.

Lr Dl<?}-5~Jl. O}Ol7} ~% ~ 9- <V.i!l ~%ol ~~lJl.

.'' orol7r g~ ~ * ~er / ~g.01 0rcr
::;Q.f~ .3.JJI ~'2:! er:= .A.~011711 ~H7r 1Cr ~H1 :AI ~er / o101.g~ 171cr
~21 filer'2:! 21~ ~ 7 ~o I oloH'fil * filer

21. 5j ~% t-}E}~ trJl 331

__. ..
- ..

(1) (2)


.. .... ... .............. ....... ... ... ..... ........... . ~ .......... .... .... .... ....... ........................:. ...... ...................... ... ..... ...... ..... ..... .... ...... ... ... ...... ..... ....... ....................

.. Ml7H~ ~Oj Q1
. 2.~~ sHR. .::i~ ~
r-t....~ s,tc.~ ?AilR.
(3) ~ (4)
~ 7 ~ I:[! "'j1
~OiR. TV~
7:j ?AilR.


(1) 7t ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~77}.R? (J.}1:}-~ 0 1 ~~-2..;zl ?J-q)

Lt t-.f%%OI %0i.2.f.I 0J1il ~-& .

(2) 7t 01 %~-g. llH;zl-E ~ '?JY77}? (7!H;zl;zl ?J-q)

Lt tjJ. .=z. c-i Li 771- BR ig-w nf1 ~~ -5H ? R.

Lr .=z. ~ , - - -- - - - - - - - O l 7-l ~ ~J.4 ~A-ll.R.

-- - :Korean Grammar in ' Intern1ediate

7~ %~% ~u}l-} -2-Bli5R 0 t W77}ii.?
How much food shou ld I prepare?

L~ %~ o l .2_7-}2.}7-l ?J-~ %~ol -Blol-J.ilii..

Prepare enough so that we don't run out.

# . - - ~ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... . ....... .....

J7J hZl , Ai%7} 7<j2-l7} ~ QlJ,i .lf-<3! 0 1 1Ll ~l


~-e-Al 5J-% 4-7} Wl:llii..

Yang Gang, these papers aren't organized well, and I can't figure
out where anything is.

L~ ;_i%~ ~J-11 ~- * ~.!C..~ 7}1-}q ~_2.__

7<j 2-l ~ i>l-~%1--lr:t.
I'll put them in alphabetical order so you can find things easily.

01 1:~~ -t!~~.Q.I ~-01 ~~O I Lr O l~7r 10i ~12.I ~:ilr7 r Lr.2.7~1 w~ [[H -Ar-itLICr. '-7~1 '2r tJr.JflOi
--,- M. 1:::1
o 1.A.. LI cLI.

When using this expression, the action stated in the preceding clause is the speaker's goal or reason for
doing the action stated in the following c lause. It is interchangeable with -7il.

, =.-.,"'"""'""..,,,...,.,.=,,,,,w~..,.
~--~-.,-----.,,..---..,,,. ~=:"-~~-------........,_,..""'Q;'. =
p. ,,..,,~,~--~:--------,-~-.,---.----------,c-~------~~
< --
. ':~.--
. -. -.-_-1
, .. ~.: ~ . . .. . .

.. ...-. - -' '"' .. ... . . . ,. : .- .< --~--- -~
-EE;~ . . .-... .. .. ... ""'- -~-~: -
i ::><:: 1:::1 - LCL
! : C5LL0 1 I
.:::J..A-1 _ r- ~ .
. 00 ~ . .
~ '. ~Cr .
A/V .~ - - -:--
. . ..... ......... ................. .~ ... . . ............................... ........................ .~ . . ... . . ................................................ .... . .... . ..... . ... _..... .... . .
1 ! : ~~0 ~cr -, -, 0- L
1::::1 ZS. rA I 0-'" [""" ~
Lo .::I:. -,=

j ~ : -:Al ?~.S:.~
.............. ...__............
; :
... ___ ...________ ______________ __ _ __ _______ _______________________________ _______ ________________________ ___ __________ ___________________
~Cr .!:c.J;:
~ ---,- -.-..-..
Le;~ -,
......................................._.._................................._...._ __

7~ ~ 11 uB .TI71~ 1?J-0 1~OlJ.1 -=z.~.A1 4i-0 1~J?:lt>R.R.

I think eating a lot of meat for lunch may have given me an upset stomach .

L~ -=z.Y:3 .Ai~ l1-E- 4f0 1~-0-}!C..~ ~7c 0 1 .!f-E..~-{t- %~% E..J-i1.R.

Really? In that case, please eat something light like porridge for dinner to go easy on your stol'112Ch.
7~ it% ~~ 0 1 %-5E 0 lellit.
I heard that eye infections are common these days.

L~ ~~~l ~Cl :Al %~ .e-&

~ ~<>lOF~tjl Jl.
(Then) we've got to wash our hands well to keep from catching an eye infection.

7~ ~l-}~l ~Q.jt>}.TI ~..g. ~ 0 1 '.U~Y77}?

Do you have any suggestions for the company (to consider)?

L~ tjl, l-}lf=t-0 1~t>}tj-7} ~ * '.V.~ %~1~ 01 '.U_Q_~ ~~~Yt:l-.

Yes, I think it would be nice if there were a rest area where employees could go to rest while working.

r----------- ----------- -------- - ------- . -- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------------- --------1

The expression -.s:.~ is also used to express a time limit, degree, or method related to the action stated in the
following clause .


I I waited with a craned neck for the phone call, but it never came.

My little brother/sister didn 't come home by midnight, so I became worried.

While - 711 and -.s:.~ are very similar in meaning, their precise differences are as follows.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -
- --- - - - - - - - --- - --- - - - - - - - - - --- - - --- ---

. _.......
---__.. --. ---_... _---. ---.. -----. -- .. .,~ .. --.~ --....,........... -., -............... , ....... ~--- .. ,. ... -........... ,. ... . . ...... ......... ,....... }' ....... -......... , ... _..................... ~ ....... . . . .......................... ;,,. .. ................ . . . ..................
..;.- ~ ~ ................. ;, -.........--.. _,. -.... ~- -- _,.:

~ ~~~c~:= Oict! ,gEHL~ ~.S:.7~ !:= ~OJI - C-j ~~~

-SLI C~.
The goal or purpose is more certain. .;.

: The focus is more on the surrounding state or
degree of something rather than the goal itself.

0}0]7} ~% ~ ~/tj] ofl..g. '3i% 1i1A] o}l-i]..8-.

-+ 0 ~0 1 7~ ~:= ~OI ~~
The goal is to get the child to eat. The goal is to make the food such that the
child can eat it.
-----------------.--....................................................... ...... . .... ______________________________________________________________ ... .. . -.. _
__ _____
~ ~---- ---- --.. - ~---- -~-

I ---------
.__ - - - --------------~----
- - - - - - -......__.._..._.... _........... .. _ ___JI

334 Korean Grammar ;,,/ </~"'.(!/ Intermediate

1 7~ 0i~, e>-llfl {J_Q_~ 0 1J-}i>}~ %'=
o~g'3j to one's heart's content
L~ o}ol7} u}%~ ~e>-l~ 4- <V_~ u}rtol A:~<c!~ :X~l~o~~ to experience nature

Oitt! ~ 0 ? Ol.A.~o~C~ of.g~ ~Oi~ * ~c~ / o~OI ~E ~ 0 ? Ol.A.~C;~c~

01~ ?~OJI OiCI. ():j~~ 7~c~ :A~<c!~ ~~lgj~ * ~c~ /.A.I~ -s-:g011 7~c~

0~010111il Oitt! {:ja~ A~ ?c~ ~~~~ ;?I~* ~c~ /~~~~.A.~ ?c~

2 7~ ii.~ J-lZ} ~ ~ ~ * i>}-E -51 7c }J-i


L~ J-1{}% 1cf1:1li>}Al <Gf.~ ~1~ % ~ ),~l~ .fi..

household account book

.A.I{.!-~ 'ctt:tlo~:AI catc~ I 7111~ ~ Ail~c~

.:J.~<z! :Ai~~ .01 f;~L~~ file~ ~ Q-ic.1011 M~:AI ~ * ~c~ / 7~711~ MC~

7~7-11011 e'cl~OI ~Oi~C~ e'cl~O I C~AI ~ * ~c~ / 7~7-ll 5:'.?171~ l:tPflC~

(1) 7~ 1!J-~16. 0 1~~% ~ .s~~R. C 0 1"6R~ 9 ~q)

L~ i~. 0JY~ t:fJ-1 ~lti ~~<5R ~711..



21. S: ~ ~ t..j-Ej-LJl 1Ifl 335

-- --- ----------- --~...._;,.. - -- -~__,,-.;..;...:..;_.:_:;.;.,;_;__,---
-------- -
r---~----~- --- -

CD OiJ.j~c-1 %1 0 1~1 CZ> OiJ.j~c-1%1 ~tj-Tti

Oi).a~ c-1 %1 ~ EllY 77r @ 01J.j~c1 %l olY- o}Y-

7~ LH <! ~.l~ ~~ * <;lA:IR?

L~ Lil. ~.l ITH~*O~A I ?llll .frijl~ ~OI ~OiR.

CD 1I-9-W77} li!l- 1I-9--0l-7-l ?j~

@ 1I-9--0l-7-l ?j_Q_Cirtl @1I-9--0l-7-l ?i7l ~ 0R).i

OI .'Jg .AiijlA7~ ~g ~ ~L.:JIR.

b'"-Ati.1-Llcr. -e ia~o1 ~ o r711 ~-------~
~I~~ cror.=il <11-B-Llc~.

'' CD Al~ itn i:i] (Z> 7-l ~ .:::<j 5:__

~JI t>R).-l @~-9-~~

CD <5J-J-J ~~% tj-'91~ o}-ol ~ g 7}.S~ti-.
(Z> _llL1lo] A]11lfi7-] *-0-r.5:--& -7-J-~ g ~~<Ji.R .
@ -%.lf-01l l:lJc5H7l- ~ ~ ~_g. -&~~. 0 1F7l~<Ji.R.
@ CZJ 0J 0 1 1113';-0}7-] ~-&"~ %~% ~Jlf- 110-]oF WY rl-.
' 5 cLO
f c:i Cl
E =
~"' '
A '--
1:::1 2 AAAJIO
- I ...........
7~ -tj{!j'cJ, ~JJ.l7r ~O ~.Ai '2_1- ~O:IR.

L~ .::icHR? .::i ~ ~ 71IR.

'' --------~

~0 1 ~012cr 1 ~01 01n~cr / A~Et~o 11E10i7' 17'1 ?lcr / ~~ j:1~cr

-+ (

7t tj~Ell ~J~ ~ ~ 9:17l}Jl?
It's hot, shall I open the window?

Lt l{fo l ~ lf- J-- l n ~ tj 2-1-JlJl.

.:Z.Cl1"'1 ~.g.% ~ <Jitj-7} c}J--1 1i!~OiJl.
It was really noisy outside. So (earlier) I had opened the w indow,
but then I closed it again.

-~ . - - - ----- -

Do you have any special plans for the weekend?

Yes, I'm planning to go to Busan (and then come back) with a friend.

~1:1-1..Q.. OK>t~]]L.R_?
&:..t:l2e I

0I f:.-9:10
Ai <S H~ 01 5H..S:.Q
' - O ="""-i OC>
I .2.~~ ~ C:l/'\.11
'-.:CC.'- TJVI
cs<SH~ <SH s= 01
.;~ 0
- r - o = - OC>2 c:J2 -
0101 o ~LICLI . 0IITH
_o ~/Ol
cLI 7 1L' -01 _o ~/Ol-'.Q.
AA AA '-

':i!r71 J..l/::il'~ LrErLH::: ?A!OI OrLl2.r '~01 ~li'~ 2.IDlfilLICr. ~~~Oll-E :i!r71, ~AH, Dl2.H J..l/::il7r Cr
~ * <ll 0
~ -~/~Cr7F::: -~/~CF~ s= ~'M * <llLICr. J..r'2l 'b!"Oll ~ <li~LICr. *
This expression indicates that the subject performs the action in the following clause after the action in
the first clause is completed. Note that in this case the - <;}:/ <;:}.- part of -<;J:/<;:icr 7r does not indicate the
past tense but rather the completion of the action. As for the following clause, all tenses can be used,
including the past, present, and future. The phrase -<;J:/~Cr 7r can also be shortened to -~/<;lcr. Finally, this
expression can only be attached to verbs .

. . . '. . . . . . . f<"H'---"""""'-...-.----------

________________________ .........;...______ - - - - - - -

=fl E ~ -:iltj-7} u}%e>il ~ %iAl :@!~iii..

I bought a coat but then returned it because I didn't like it.

l:ll~7l .E~ 011<2,~tj-7} {f.A}7l <?:11 J-~7=1;,l ~~~iii..

I had reserved a plane ticket but then cancelled it because something suddenly came up.

338 Korean Grammar ri1 <its~ Intermediate

{}7(!- Jf-~1l~e>ll n-q- %71]Jl.
I'm going to make a quick trip to the post office.

1 01 H~~ ~~~i!.r ~~~2.I ?OJ7r ~o~~ ~Li er.

The subjects of the preceding and following clauses must be the same.

OJ7J -1-E 3tJ.;z1 ~ -nq-7} ;z}ol= -17} ~~o-J.R. (x)

-> Ocf7cf -1-E I[j_;z1 ~ -nc.}7} (Ocf7cf -17}) ~ ~ o-j_8_, ( 0)

2 .!i!.~ ~~~i!.r ~~~Oii~ .A-j ~CH1f= ~:5~ LrErLHf=-:5-.Ar7r E-LICr.

In general, the actions described by the preceding and following clauses reflect mutually contrastive or
opposite situations.

.:i'.L..~ '?J ~q 7} ')! ~ o-J .R.

I put on the coat and then took it off.

@1 ~ :d t:.17} o-J.!f-%Jl--] qJ.1 3'i o-J.R.

I turned the lights off but then turned them back on because it was dark.

I woke up but then went back to sleep because I was sleepy.

3 01 .R~- Olit! ~:5~ or-=tl ::J_ ~-501 741~ ~A l1~ ~EHOll.Ai Olit! ~~ ~~or71Lr ~~ 7ICH5rAI
'2!- ~O I ~~~ [[H .Ar-~*~ ~Lier . .!i!.~ ~~~2.I ~-5~ ~ -5F-Oll 741.giorAI <CJ~ ~O I
~CC!t> I ~7 l7il 1~~ [[H .g}Llcr. ? i!.r710ll ~018 ~OJI cHoH.A-J~ "'~t>r[]:j .!i!.~ 7rcr. 2cr. Ercr.

-2cr' -CS-.Ar2r ~01 ~Lier. 01rrH-c -~;~-ccil'ii!s= t1r%1 ~*~~Lier.

This expression can also be used to indicate the speaker's doing of some action and then experiencing
something noteworthy or unexpected while doing that action. In this case, it usually refers to the
occurrence of an unplanned event after doing the action in the preceding clause. It is mainly used to
refer to past events and is used together with verbs such as 7~CL .2.C~, E~CL and ~ 2c~. When used in
this meaning, it can be replaced with the expression -~/~ec~I with no change in meaning.

~~~<>J] '.Qi:.]-7} ...<f-<?!"6"1 TI%~jil_ trlJ ~ 7 ~ ~-X):o-J.R.

= ~~}~<>11 '.U--Er:H ...<f-<?!o1 TI%~jil_ trlJ ~7 ~ ~-X):o-J.R.
I went to the department store and happened to bump into a high school friend.

;.-J~<>ll %5:it:.l-7} :ARo1'.XJ-E ~% ~~~o-J..a.

= J--]~<>11 %5:i-Ec-n :AR 0 l'.Xli=- ~ ~ ~-~~o-J..a.
I went by the bookstore and came across an interesting book.

..-~ 13- '6 ~ LfEf~ rrH'2.I 02'-cf7f'~ ~~0~).dlR


See Chapter 13 Expressing Mid-Action, 02 -C~7~.

'-Cl7Fr '-21/~Cr7F::: ~EH~ 0 s=::: tJl;::orXl't! 2.IDl~ 0 s=::: ~g j:r017r ~~LICr.
While -C~7~ and -'1!"/~C~7~ are two similar forms, they have a number of differences as shown below.

-------------- -
~- ..... ~ ... - --------------------------------------------------------.....................''. ........... -- -- .............. ................................. ___ ,.___........ ................ ............ ----
(1) Oi't"! ~OI ~OiL~.JJ. ~~ %Lf0ll C~-E ~O I ~OitgLI C~. (1) o~L~ 0 1 ~~O I %li. ~IOJI c~:= ~(;~ ~LIC~.
The second action or event occurs while the The second action is performed after the first
first action is still occurring. action is completed.

J-i~oJl 7}r:j-7} ~ 7 ~ q}~e>ik. J-i~oJl :Qr:j-7} ~-7 ~ q}~e>i.R.

I met a friend on the way to the bookstore. I went to the bookstore and met a friend there.

... .A.i~Oil 71-e %Lf0ll ~7~ ~~c~~ 1 Dl~LI C~. ... .A.i~Oi l ~H.Ai. ~ .Ai ~Oil ll ~~OI %li.
Here, the speaker met a friend while going ~Oi l ~7~ ~~c~~ 1D l ~LIC~.
to the bookstore. Here, the speaker met a friend after the action
of going to the bookstore was completed.
....... ........... . .............. .........................'
................. -- - - .. ... ........... .
(2) '-'1!"/~C~7f~ 4- ~cHl 2.JDI ~ 7 ~:AI~ ~.A~OI
- c~ 7 ~ can be used with all verbs. ~~ ~~~:u.~ ~~~Oil ~Lie~.

-'1!"/~C~7~ is mainly used with verb pairs (in

.. the preceding and following clauses) that form

opposites or contrastive meanings .

----------------------------.........- -

1 7~ ~ Qf~ ~ 41~~t11 '1 iL?

L~ .=:1.~ ~~01 ~tjc}J7 g . .=:1.c~l-i Qf~ ~ ":ltj-7t 41~~'1.fL.

--, - , 2
T .:..i...;.
f I =i'g!' 1~01 ~c~ / Q.!=:1;~ o~c~ / ~ol-C~

.x10~ yo~~ c~ . l:l~:Al7~ ~ <2! Oi~2.IC~ I l:l~:AI~ ~c~ / .x10~ yo~~c~

C~J...I ~Oii ~Oi.2.C~ :Alf:t~ <2! 7~:A~~c~ / L~7~c~ / ~Oii c~.A.I ~Oi.2.C~

340 Korean Grammar r/i- u~(!/ . Intermediate

2 7~ l/\11 <?1~1~% ~tj-~J-iJl?

L~ tjl' ~%Oil Y-~t:f-71- OJQ}BBJf- '~ ~'% ~lJl .

0-jJ;:il ~Oll<2.J-- 5:!.C~ ..'' ~~OJI Lt7~C~ I ~:2ll:IH~ '~'t.J~ 5:!.Ct
ia:x~ ~7~ ~~OJIJ..i '2J'L~c~
~~OJI ~~OJI ~~o~2.i 2.c~ / ia:x~ ~7 ~ '2J'L~ct
~~ 7~J..i .JJ.~~ ~OI 'O~c~
. {10JI ~O-l7~c~ / 1::111~ ~012~ 1::1~EtOJI .JJ.~~ 0~c~

.......... .... . . . ..... -r--- ---~ --

. . ..---
. . - ..................... ... ..... .... ' ... .........
'" .. .................-

...------- --------- - ----'---------------~

(1) 1~ ,'.L %ol-ci y-Z}q.JI

0}7-l ?J-'.ile>l.R?
Lt 14f0il L..f'J:i::t1r l:ll7l- 21-J-1 t:l-J-1 wl~l.R.
(2) 7~ Ol/\11 ~e>l);:{e>lJl?
Lt 0 }y Oil.R. 0 }77} - -- - - -- IIl~-5RJ-1 t:l-J-1 *e>l.R.
(3) 1t -15-717} <?]- ~.g.tjl ~7{} 7-J.g_ % ~77}-9..?
L~ ig-JA]7} 4=-Jf-Y7J} ~~ tj-J-1 ~-0 1- ~J-11.fl.
(4) 7~ l q t:l-19-2-J-l Ci y 9?
L~ tjl, ~~ o1 ~cl Al _g.<S-~ Oil - -- - - - - _2_ Ci J7 9 .
(s) 1~ 211 B-l~OilJ-1 LB )j_ e>l.R?
L~ 1:1-l ~~ - - - -- -- J-}%)-ol tj.!p- i1,fo}J-1 t.B):le>l-9...

~~Oil ~-=t-21- ~o l l:l}tj-Oi] ~21 31-e>l.R. l:l}tj-Oil (1)~Ci 1 ,,ti::tlr ca~ ~Odo}-E ~% ~

lJl. Od~BRJf--- 0 ] :Aj~ ~l~Gic}.JI-9.. . .=z_~.Jl Bfl~

X{e>lJl. .=z_~tj] Bfl~ (2)- - -
1?J0l~ {Jol-711 -5RJ-1 tjlf- ~%Sj,OiJl. icflJ-1 ~% J-}t114f0il Y-31-e>l.R. i~tjl 14f0il

(3)- - - - - - - Oil-@:- 047-l ~ 59:1.R. icflJ-1 i 047-] ~ rr.}2-}3'.,l-e>l.R . .=z_~tjl i

047-l ~ (4) ~% ~lctl ~Al _JlJ-~%] ~clJl.

( 160)

Where shall we meet?

Let's meet at that coffee shop where we met last time.

Oj Cl?
.. -- - .................................................. ..........

Those are nice c lothes. Are they new?

L~ O }7 lCl- -1 ;,~ ~ Itj-Ei rrR 'fJ 9j_ Tfl * <?_l t:il 7 l ~

<?]- 1..fJ-11.fl?
These are the clothes I wore to Akira's birthday party. You don't
remember them?

01 J~g Jl~710il ~018 ~OIL~ ~EH~ .2.I~~ rrtt Alol--E ~ ~XHOil~ :1 ~OI A: l~1A:I ~.Jl <ll~~

L~E~~LIC~. OI J~~ .gt~ 2.ID l o ~~ '-91/c;}-':il~ .2.I~~ L~E~LH ~ 'tj'OI gj"~~ 3j O:! ~A~ ~Oil ~LIC~.
This expression is used when recalling a past event or state of affairs that has not continued to the present.
It consists of -91/CJJ..-, indicat ing completion, and CC!. indicating recollection, and is used before nouns.

'' ""'--- ----

_ ___..__~---- - ,.......,..,... .... __, ~..:..---
M ML..:
.... --~-- .. -...

-~~-~-"'"..., __
A/V 1 _O~/OiC-j
M ML..:
-- ._ __
...,...................... ''' ------ -
--.....---- ----........................--- ----.-......................... ..-.----...

.........................---------- ..............................
D-I OiC-j
- , ML...:
---.............................-..------.----. -"'"...............--.--............... .......
~ ~- _--
...... .. . ~. -- ...
' Q:I C-f
MI...; 1J-.~o Ic~ :. 0 M :!
NO I C~ :
OICJlt! 2,1-~0IC~ ; 2,1-~ 0 l ~t!
~-~~~~~~~~~~~- -~

Yunju , who used to be modest when she was young , now has an aggressive personality.

o-J:A1l 1:111 ITH ~ ~~ %~ 0 1%0 1-1/Zl..8..?

What is the name of that food we had for lunch yesterday?

~\:! 01%011-@-t:i ~~ -x011 q-;_1 7 }.Jl 1lo-J.B...

I want to go back to that place we went to last summer.

-\J s:g '.2.I~~ LfEf~ ffH' 101 '-\::!'~ -~o ~Ail.Si..


See Chapter 8 Expressing Recollection, 01 - '2!.

34 2 Korean Grammar ;,,, 9,t\e- Iu terin cdiate

-- --- - --- -- -

1 Ol t~::= (}jL ~~:Al~~~ 7r:AI= -.AK'~Cr', '2Ef.orCr', 'CrLICf'. '.AR-ICf ~)2r ~~.A!-2 -er
o c;: l:lr-f-1 AAi~ :1 ~OJI ~ Cr ~ }:r017r filE-LICr.
For adjectives and some verbs that express a certain degree of a continued state such as ~CL 2.!:f.o~CL
c~LICL and A~-t-IC~, the expression -~/~t:! can be replaced with -'Cl without a change in meaning.

oj {J.g_ AiJ7r i5:ig n:lJ 1(~1r! {J<?Jt..Jtj-.

= o] {l.g. ~1] 7r i~% rrlJ 1[1r! {j<?Jt..Jtj-.
This is the house I lived in growing up.

.JI%~iil n:lJ 6 6~1r! %~ o li::- ~ ~iilOil Q}Ai 1f% ~ 0 1 llllfl ~ oH 11:<8-t..J q-.
= .JI%~iil n:lJ 66"5r1r! %~o]~ ~":fiilOi] Q}A-j 1(% RfO] llllfl ~ii~1J:~t..Jcr.
Yujin, who was chubby in high school, went to college and became thin after losing a lot of weight.

2 ~~.ArOll -~/~t:!'~ ~OI~ -.ArOll ii~ [[H2!-E ig2.l .llr7-J2.I .gEH7r ~AH21-E ir.tcH~t:! ~.5f.2r
.llr7-J2.I .gEH7r ~AH7Jr:AI :Al~1 = ~.5f. ~ Cr A~~* <llE-LICr.
Unlike the case with verbs, when -~/~el is attached to adjectives there are two possible interpretations.
It can refer to cases in which the present situation has become the opposite or contrary to a past
situation or state of affairs, or it can refer to cases in which a past situation has continued in the same
state until the present.

.::t:.%":fiil n:lJ ~ 7] 7r ~~!fl r

~ 0 ] 7 7<] ~.g. nH ~ ~% ~ 78 . 3'.i r:H ..9...
Doyeong, who used to be short during elementary school, is now so tall she could be a fashion model.
: 2~712.I ~EH2.~ ~XH.Q.I ~EH7~ ~ cH <2.J ~-$

The past and present situations are contrastive.

iTJ rrlJ--E-1 EiEi~1d 78-1'~ ~":l-iilOiJ 7}*1 .s-J-"'J 1~ g ~r:H ..9...

Gyeongsu, who was always bright as a kid, is always first in his class (even now) in college.
: 2~711 ~EH7 ~ ~XH77 ~XI :AJ~.x.I ::: ~-$
The past situation continues to the present.

:r.~!:-: .-:.;.-.:..:

. .

1 '-t:!'.llr -~/~t:!::= ~EH-E l:ll~or:A lirl c~.llr }:rOl7r <ll~Llcr.

While -'Cl and -~/~t:! are similar forms, they have the following differences.
_ _ __ _______ ___ ____ .. - - - - - - - - ----...---- - - --- - - _____,.

_______ ___________...
'' _O~/OiC.-f
'' AA AA L..:
- -- - - - - - - ------- - ------~- - ~ # ~- - - - - --- - --
.. ----..-----------
-- -- ,, ......... -~ -- -- - - -~-- - - ~ ~----~- -- -- -- - - - ~ -~ ... - ......... -
~710ll AIZoHAi o~ ~LlAI ?J~ ~. g;~ 2~710ll ~710ll AIZoHAi OIDl 2~710ll ~Ll ~XH77~AI Ai~1AI

:A~-9- ~ ~Oll ~~Lie~. ?J-E ~Oll M~LI Cl.

This is used in cases in which a past action or This is used in cases in which a past action or
event has not ended yet or in cases of a past event ended or was completed in the past and
action or event that was repeated often. does not continue now.

- -- ------- -

o-J5'1% rrlJ ~1d g~ol ~ JI i!o-J.fL.


. o-J Al] ~ ~ 1d %~ ~ ..2---.5:. ~JI -i o-J .fL.
I want to eat the food I used to eat when I '
I want to eat the food I ate yesterday again
was small. .' today.
-+ :i!~71 0JI :A~ i! ~~ 1:~ : -+
:i!~710H OIDI i! 't! 0 ? ~'d ~

This expresses an action often done in the ...' This expresses an action that ended after
past. .. one occurrence in the past.

Al]7} oj-7!} li!.1d '8~% 0~7]0i] lf-~~Ci]

oj -B :I ~ 7<1]7]- o}7J} ~1d {itj] t:}~ '8~

~Al * li!.~o-]R?

. 'iii oj .fL?
I put the newspaper I was reading earlier This is the (same) newspaper I read earlier.
here. Did you happen to see it? Do you have a different one?

-+ :i!~710l l J... l ~HJ...-1 O~-Q ~L~:A I ?lg~ ~ 1:~ -+ :i!~710ll J...l~HJ...-1 0101 ~'d ~
This expresses an action that started in the This expresses an action that started in the
past but has not ended yet. past and already ended .
------------------------------------.---.------ . .. ......................................................................................................................... ............... ___.. ____________________________.. __ .. ___.......................................... ...........................................................................
....__._ .__._ _.

2 '-( 0 ) L '~ 8~ol Oi~ ~~OILr A[{:!OI :!lr7~0il ~Oi';vtg~ LrErLH7~Lr :1 Ar:c!Ol .gfli~ ~ ~AH7Jr
Al A l~1::: 3:!~ LrErLH -~/~E:!':!!r j:[Ol7r ~Lier.
The phrase -( o) L can refer either to the fact that some action or event simply happened in the past or to
the fact that the completed state of an action or event has continued to the present. Thus, it differs from
-~/~~in the following ways.
_______ . . ......
..,._.._._ .............,..,.. ~ ..---.__......,,...-------.......__----------------------
. - ------------.------........
- ()L ' _O~/OiC;
M Mi...;

- -.... -- - - . . ...... . ...... "'' .... ... .. ...... ...... ~ ...........-.; .. -.... . ........ . ... .. -- ..... ... .... - .. - - - . - . . - - - . ~- - --! -- . . ~- ~- . .......... . ,. .................. ........ ....... ... ..... - ..... .,,, . .. ...... . ~- - . . - .... ... . . -. ... . ....... - .. . . .,, .... _.
The place J imin went to is the U.S. The place Jimin went to is the U.S.

-+ :i!~710ll D l~Oll ~jl :J.. Olq. /.ll4i- D l ~Oll '1!-E:AI -+ :i!~710l l D l ~Ol l ~jl. :J.. Olq.:= Dl~Oll '1!:AI Bt:;
fil:=:AI fil.::? fil-LI C~. ~ .2.l lfo~Q:f O IOt7 l o ~jl '1!~LI C~.
Jimin went to the U.S. in the past, but J imin went to the U.S. in the past, but it is
whether he is still there or not cannot be understood that he did not subsequently
determined. stay there.
- - -- - - -------------------......................... .._____________ ,.._

a :il~7~~ LrEr~ rrH ~A~::: '-( 0 )L':ilr '-t::!' 2~~ Afgfil ~::: c~1 't. _1-0H ~gArLr 01cr'. orLlcr'2.I ~ *
Cf::: -~/~'C!'~ AfgoHO~ gJ"LICr. Ol[[H::: -~/~t::! ~ '-t::!'~ AfgoH.S:. 2.ID l~ 0 s= ;R:~O l 7r fil~LICr.
When expressing the past with verbs, both -(2.) L and -~ can be used, but in the case of adjectives, oIc~.
and O~LI CL the expression -~/~8 must be used. However,-~ can also be used in place of-~/~~ with
no change in meaning.

10\:1 ~Oil %~;,~~ *~o]7l- ojxl] 7.fJ~o}e>i oH 9Ju}7} :j~o-J.fL. (x)

-10\:1 ~il %~;,~ o]~~ *~0 ]7} ojxl] 7.fJ~o}e>i oH 9Ju}7} :j~o-j _,<i.. (o)
__. 10\:1 ~il %~;,~o]~ *~ 0]7} o]:A1] 7.fJ~-6}01 oH 9Ju}7} :j ~o-J .fL. (o)
Sugyeong, who was a middle school student (only) 10 years ago, has now gotten married and
become a mother.

o-J 51% rrlJ ~%TI ? 0 joj ~ JI ~~NOi] % o-J7}1?1J-i ~~TI o}oj. ~~o-J.fL. ( x)
- o-] ~% rrl] ~%~~?do]~ JI~~NOi] %o-]7}1?1l] ~~TI o}o]. ~~o-J.fL. (o)
- o-J51% rrlJ ~%'6'}1d ?do]-2 JI%~NOi] ~ 0]7}1?1J.i ~~TI oj-o]. ~~o-J.fL. (o)
Juyeong, who was quiet as a child, has become a lively kid since entering high school. I
!L___ _ -- --- ---- - -- --- -- ---- ~ ------------ ------ .__ I

344 Korean Grammar in, u'.(!/.Intermediate

1 7~ 0 11ti O:l*47}i::- lr:l. ~77}R?
L~ ~lfl Oi*Oil ~1tf ;AJ-~? tj-J-1 7}~ l trllil?
Oji~ {):j~*71-E OjCj. 7~C~ ~t:! ():j ~ Oll 7 ~[.~ I ~.{-. CE [.~A I 7 ~[.~
2:~ :A-j~Oll Oj CIOll.A.-J '2_.1-L~[.~ .5f.2.l7~ ~~~ '2._l-L~C~ I ~f:!Oll.A.-J '2_.1-L~[.~
A 18 .16.J [[H -9!- 2 [.~ I .S:.2.H ~ [.~.A. I -9!- 2 [.~

2 7~ _2_ ~ Al~ Oili::- {f7-fl1ff% ~_Q_ ~ l trllii.?

L~ {i{Je>il ~ ~1iJ_ 71~Al tj--E ~ ~.::il ~lit.

2.~ :A-j~Oll::: ~711'&~ Q:jc~

2-g n~EIOll ~ [H oI f:!11l.6.~ ~c~ :x18~0ll ~c~ I c~.e ~ ~c~

OI D~ ~2.IC~ ~t:!Oll .!:2.C~ I [.~= ~.2.~ .!:2_[.~

- .. ..- .
- - -*--~ .......
... . . . .. .
- - .... - - .... ..

(1) 7~ {!J-~16. 01-g.~%~ 2 2 3)1.o-l__e_. (eB~q)

L~ Al1d- ~71 ~l ~tt~-C:"j_ ~Ell 71 ~ o l ~ Y-).il_R?

(2) 7~ A}~ -l ~ ~2-1 ~J.}~l -2..71 ~~l lq~l).l ~<5}17-l_R? (~<5}tj-)

L~ A~l7} X_g. -3}..g_ 3l:f.::il ::1;.}~ clJl.

(3) 7~ ol ~.g. -2..cH!El -3:! {fo}Jl. (~q)

L~ 1.:fl, A~l 7} cl Jj_% trll - -- -- - - ~ <?_l Ell Al-ii-_g. A~l ~o l ~~ j]_ ~cl Ji...

(5) 7~ '?iY, 0 1~~ltS~Cll ~~ ~a} 7-1 o}yol=? (~q)

L~ %, ~U}7} ~~<5}1I trll ------- ~Ell LH7l- tj-Al <?J_Q_2:l.::il.

--- -
- -

~--------------------------- ------------------------- -- ------------------ ---- - --- - ------ - ------------------ ----- ----- -- ------------ ---- ------------------_.._ --- -------- -------- - - ------ ----- - - - --- '" ------ - - -'" -
/ \
Eb ~~~01cr ~er .;E--orcr :x1:z..i-0rcr ~:go1cr
l__,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _____ ___ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ ___ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __
_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

o}Ol7} f ~Oll-f <V_~ 9:Ju}7} ~Sj_ir-Licl-. .:Z.ClJl ~~l ~Oll-f -3JAcf (5)- - - - - -

- - - <?:!-!' ~ i~~ lJ-lZl-0 11..-f ~~ 2.l- <V.~ir-Licl-.

346 Korean Grammar u1;1l/se- Intermediate

Jaya, why are you so angry?

L~ 7'117} J-}q ~.g. 711Ol3.~ %}.~ Ol q ~ 01

1 ~ 7-l
My little brother ate all of the cake that I had bought.

----- ..... . ........................................ ......... ................................................... .......... . ... . ........ -

7~ -3f\:1 Oil l-}..g. ;z11% ~ ~ 0 1~111 -o};zlJl?
...... .
... -
...... - -:.:. "!"'
What should we do with last year's products?

L~ r l_Q_
'-1 t::I
l:::I ci Al A} IE 0 mo lo 1- -OL1 1771 .Al-1:1
I '-I L:. 0 a 2. 2. I r r '-1 I ' L:. ;zJl'I -a-

~.g. -}711 ~or til ~Al tj-.

We've got to sell the new products from next week, so let's sell off
last year's products at cheap prices.

~t:ti.Q. Ol-Ot~7JL.R.? ..
L:.. ,t:i 2 e . I

01 R~g 0-lct! ~O I ~~ol ~~Cr~ ~~ 0 1D l or~ ~ 0 ?, ::i ~:ilr Or~ ~.s:. hl:AI l'l~g~ LtEtLH71.S:.
orjl. 0-lct! ~OI ~8 Cil CHoH Wob~ AtiM.2.I ~2.i ~2.I ~EH~ LtEtLH71.S:. gtLICr. ~. Or~jl ~~~ org,
<2J"Er7Jfg org ~::: ~ctt.?. .!:f.'a~OI filo-j:A~ .A.I~~ Drg, r7r Ltjl 0-IOl7r fil-E Dtg~ LtEtLH71.S:. gtLICr.
.A.r12J" 'i!Oll ~ .::?- ~-LI ct.
This expression refers to the complete and thorough finishing of an action or event. It can refer to the fact
that nothing remains after the completion of the event or action, and it can also express a variety of feelings
and attitudes toward the completed event or action. For example, it can express the speaker's feeling of
regret, sorrow, and lament at an unfortunate result, the speaker's feeling of relief about a positive change
of events, or the speaker's feeling of anger or surprise about how a situation turned out. Only verbs can be
attached to this expression.

-----=---..,. . . __ . . . . . -~- -~~~ ....

---~-- ... ..~--- . . . "' . ~ . -------- . . ~ ~ - .. - - _ ___ :.m. ....

v '
---~------ ___
................................................. ________,..
.........._ : ' ___________ ...........
-........---... - - --------................................

. *~ 0 l Al Y- <?J Al ?J--E : ~ g q 7-l-%1 ~ ~ DlJI <5RiL.

I plan to get rid of all the clothes that are no longer popular and aren't being worn.

- -
~-]7} ~JI "l>R-"1 olel~ -W-711 ~2f l:ll}1c>fJl.
It was so hot (and all) that I cut my hair short .

l()if:-~c>ll ~ ~~~t:i] ~ 7 ~ :A4~ 7] ~-Cl:A] ?:[JI 7} l=ll~c>fJl.

Even though I was only 10 minutes late, my friend took off without waiting.

01 t.~g ~f>r::: Ar~9-I er~ ~ 2.I ~EH~ LrEP~Llcr. [[r2.rAi g Q!j ~OJIAi ::i ~2.I ~EH~ nrQ,tOf-E
~OI %R~LICr.
Because this expression can indicate a wide variety of emotional states, it is important to understand the
emotional state of the speaker from the particular context.

=i J.}1fo] ~~ trit-J- l:l-J'10ill. (.:z.~;,i tjlf- o}~JI J.j1;loHJl.)

In the end, (s)he left for good. (So I am very sad and miss her/him.)

=1. J-}1[ 0 ] t: t:.J Cl IEJ y- l:l-J '1Olil. (=i_~;,i tj .!f- Al 5i:J.-5Hil.)

(S)he eventually left. (So I'm very relieved .)

.:I. J.}'foj ~~ %~ojj ~~ ~ ~Oi B-J'10lJl.

(S}he hung up the phone in the middle of the conversation.

(.:I. J.}if=j-o ] ~-7]- 1[.fo ] ;tt.-]- !t}Jl. /.:I. ;,}if=j-.g. 1:1-j ~~JI Jf-aj] o};;tl] "8'~%"9101-9.. )
(Thus (s)he must have been really angry. I (S)he was very rude.)

- -- ------


things/belongings to be moved

~2H 7 ~ '[Jo I ~K_G! c~ 2~ .:z.~'2.!' ~ ~'2:! ~2H ~ cr o ~cr

oI ~o I CJ:l~MH 'c!j:g.::ilOJI ~c~ :Ai~ rrH ::::i ~~ cr 9::1cr

o1-'Q o I~~ ~2.17 ~ '2.!' 1~c~ opti ~~011 01~~ ~2.I ~ cr 5rc.r

2 7~ \:f;z} ~-T~ i>ll~~q~).1 R?

L~ tjl, -=:I.~ ).l -=z. ).}~ 0 1 ~ %zJ g ~ ~ 7 g ~lJ-11 q ~ l:il~OlJl..

::::i A.~OI fr~{:!~ ~ ~ 7~0ll7il c~ ~c~

:::J. A. ~O l .5:!.lcl! g:AI ~~ c~ A: l~Cr

::::i ,A.~EJ':i!r ~0 1 ~ ~ A.r~~ ~ cr ~cr

348 Korean Grammar utUs<~ Intern1ediate

-- -
..... -.
. r

(1) 7t Ell~ ~1CJ- ~-t>H"9llJ1? C?J-1*)

Lt ~<5Hol-~.JI ~~"9l~En Ell~ ~171- ~~ ~ ~ot ett~ot-2..

(2) 7t Al-0t ~l . ~7-ll Qfl-1 l~<5H.R. (~q)

Lt 01-3. ~1 7} ~J-11 .2.l-Al %~ 0 1 c} - - - - - -- -

(3) 7t 0 7
J d ~l CJ- f-t_ ~ ~ 511.R? ~~ 0 1 ~- ~0 1- ~9 Jl. (~- ~ LB1*)
Lt 0
J7J ~17} 7-l-r Al~ ~~Al :A1l7} - - - - - - - - -

(4) 7t .Al\:t~<:>ll {*~~Oil ~-t>H ~~ol-7-ll W-"9llJ1? (~o}q)

Lt ~~ol-J-11 q l-}y77} TJ-TJ-"9l1fl o}%ol Jtl-t>H~lJl.

(5) 7t lolY, ~%El ~;_11.R. (~q)

Lt ~ ~ Al7l- ~o} ~~~Ell ~~1 q - - - -- -- - - o-1 ~7-ll o}y?

r--. - ------.-.-.----- -. . - -. . --------- -- -----------.-.---------- --- -------- . . . .- . . . . .-.. .-...- .---------------------------------------- --

Eb ~1~0rcr 7rcr ~er :Arcr Lr7rcr
\ ------ ___...... _. ...................--- ---------- -----~_....................-................................................. .. ----------------------------------------------------..-..................

.g.~~ ~1~ %111~ BHif-~-Yrf. J~ Al cjE.-1-W-Y-

8~ ~8 o? ~J.AJ l:l}lftl v cj71 ot~ ~if-Y1*.
-=:Ltt}t:11.Aj?=l 0l 72~ ~Al i'.fif-Yrf.
.g.~::1 ~1~ 71Al ~~ cjE.-l-W-ol-71 o}.JI ~El-W-

lW ~Oil 7tJ.Al-7l Q.f1;- g (1)~!.L:ott ett~ Ull ~jl.

8 ~ ~ ~Lj-71- 71.ff-0 1 Y-~~ 14{-_Q._ (2)- - -

- - - -- - Ull ~if-Y1*. Ai--u.g. Qf-4f- Aln <:>l 7-l--r- ~Al~ t::i--E J-l-w 0 1~_Q_~

5~ 7lrfc1A] ?.f.JI (3) . ~..Cll ~7} ~~ Ull~ ~~~Oil

- -- - - - - - - -
7}l-1 e % ot.:rz- (4) . -=:Lcl.JI l~ 1_-.g. ~_g_~ ~7-11~ 0 1

~o-1 ~~Oil f-Sf-1 ol-f- %-~ (5) o}~ Al-w~ Y1*.

7~ o }3. -1, ;_l~ ~Jf- W 0 l ~ l _9_?
Mark, have you studied hard for the test?

L~ o}y-9.., 1 0~~ ~q-E- ~l .=L1TI- o}~ 77}7-l 7-}Jl

1?4-~"l il.
No, my idea of sleeping for just 1O minutes turned into sleeping until
the morning.

........ .......... ....... - ~ - ....... ........... --

7~ 7-} 0 ~ -1, 0 l JI}?-~ q 11 ~ e>-l-9..? qo l Cl..~q.JI

-0}7-l ?:J-~01-9..?
Jaya, d id you eat all this snack? Didn't you say you were on a diet?

L~ ~ 7TI~ 1l_Q_t.1.JI ~-E-t=H 1lq .!i!_y77} jl}7-~ q

--, JI ol-o
a-1 l-Blil .
cM ~I

I was just going to eat one, but after having one I ended up eating
}l\111 11 them all.

t1-l.Q.. Otot~171._g_?
L.:..t:IC:e I

01 .H.~::: 012.I 7~l~or:A I <ct. ~01 ~OJLrA.i ~~er::: ~ 0 s= . =i_ ~Jil-E ~or:AI ~~'2! ~~ 1olgtLlcr.
~JlrOil cHoH ol-'Q.:12 {;l{;l~ or~~ LrErLH.:il <1!--Llcr. -A.r8 <ftOil ~ <1!~Llcr. *
This expression refers to an unplanned event or action that continued until it was completed or thoroughly
finished in a way undesired by the speaker. Thus it includes the speaker's feeling of regret or sorrow with
regard to the resu lting state of affairs. Only verbs can come before this expression.

. . ." .,,,. --~~~.~ . .

- ~ ~ ...........,.,,._.,,.,,.,.,..,...,'..,,.,.,.
., "''........... =--....,.;.. =............
~- . \: '
' '
:Ar.:il file~
~.:il file~
--------- - -- - ___________.. ._._ _ . . . _ ____________
.....,... _.. .................... ____
.=z.~7-11 i:9~ %<?1- W% J.H%lJ.1 <?d% t>}1E ~ 0 1 ti-JI W- 71011A.
If you keep staying up all night working for days at a time, you' ll end up getting sick.

350 Korean Grammar u1 'l.l.~e Intermediate

Jf-2-1 ~ 7 ~9% 0 1 ~{J()] ~]1:).:-z] ~J-JLR 1i:l0ll711 :-z]j]_ ~CV:"lA.
Our soccer team (players) fought hard, but, in the end , they lost to the other team.

~7.R7} L-}J.i .g.~;z.R7} ~Oll El-JI ~CV:OlA.

A fire erupted, and the cultural asset (regrettably) burned to the ground.

- ---------- ---------- -- ------ - - - - - - - -- -
i\ J '.ol- 0. lj_ lo .? :
~ ..
. '
e . f .a. ?r.J.L.
' '
. '.

Because only verbs can come before - Jl ~CL combining it with adjectives w ill result in incorrect

T:]-tiH~ filo] n] ~i:i L-1 ~7J-o ] Y-~.Jl WS1l.R. (x)

_. T:J-l:lH ~ 1i!J-o1 n] ~i:i l-J ~7J-o1 Li-ll1l]-7Z].Jl WS1l.R. (o )
: 'L~1Jt1cf::::: ~.A.rOl 0 s= ~.A.r~<2..! ' LrHHr7'1Cf~ tlrJO~ '5,!'~LICL
Because L~tllJ Cr is an adjective, its verb form LrHHr7'1Cr must be used.

2 '-.:LL filer= ~017r

01'ti ~~ ~ 0r~cr= ~i!" S?.l;;:I~ LrErLtt= ~~.s:_ ~Lier. 01[[H= '-:JI fil~
cr'~i~ ~012-I 2-IAI~ LrErLtt= -~-', '- (0 )2 E11Ll77F ~ 0 1 01Dl2r ~OI M= ~~7r ~t 0 D=l ~.
'ir.!'CJ..l'2r ~~ fil.5:_ Ar~ ~OI J..rgg)"LICr.
The expression -Jl ~er can also refer to the subject's strong w ill or intention to do somet hing. In such
cases, it is often combined with an expression that indicates the speaker's intention, such as -~- or
-(0)2 EilLl 77r, to form expressions such as - Jl ~~ Cr . In addition, these forms are oft en used together
with adverbs such as~ and '2_1-S .A.I.

1 '-
o l r'\-lr- n ..S.l:ll-7,7l;zj
.M -1..:c ..L 2. o I
oj .IL.1lJ.Jl
2. e E '11
al-:til.6.1 1.-1-
2. AX. 1=l '-1 '-1 .

I'm going to finish this job by tonight no matter what.

o]it! <>l]-E -?ff- 'iJ-Z=J <5}.Jl WEJ1l-J 7,7)- ~ 7<j c51-7-1 o )-{]A1..2..
Don't worry, because this time I'm definitely going to pass (the test).

3 '- :JIfilCf'OJI '-Or/01 tli2.ICF~ g;~~Ai '- Or/01 tli2.l.:il fil~Cr'~ J..rgor= ~~.s:_ ~=c11, 0l rrtt ~
or-'Q:JI ~~i!" L 7~~ c1 ~~oHJ..i t.~or= ~~Lier.
This expression can also be combined with - Or/Oi t:J-12.ICr as - Or/Oi t:J-1 2.IJl ~~cr to emphasize the
speaker's feeling of regret and sorrow.

@ 31]7-1 ~ ~oi l:l-J2-1.Jl ~-51oi.R.

: ~0 1 G) ~.! c1 oi-aJl {:d{:d~ L~o1 'r01 ~E'Ll cr.
Sentence expresses a stronger sense of regret than sentence G).
- - - --- ------ .._.. __________
- - - - --- - - ----- ------- --------------

-~}/01 l:fi2.I C~'2~ '- wc~'-E 011t! ~O I M'd ~EHOil CH~~~ Wo~:Al'2l 0~2.H.2.~ ~:::: j:~Ol7~ ~~Lie~.
'.'/hile both -0~/0j tJi2.IC~ and -.Jl ~c~ refer to the completion or finishing of an act or state of affairs, they are
different in the following ways.
--~--.------.-.--- ----- ----------------- --- ---- --------- ......................................................... _......,.._,..........._....,................ -- ... .,.... ... .. .....
..._ -- - --.------- -.--- --~-- ----- --- -------~-- -- -- --.-

' .
- ....... . ....... . ....... . ..-........... . . ... .. .....~ . . ............. . . - ~ . - '' .,._ . - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ~ - - - ......~ . . . . - - . . . ................ -~... .-. . . . . . . ........... - ...................... -... 1- .. - - - .... .......... . ..... . ..................... 'P~ .. . -.. ., . . . . . . ,. - _.,_,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

~Oj 7 ~ DJ2.I ~I.ii~ ~.!i. O~Ll .Jl 0 1 :A l~ 0 ~ El- ~.!i.
Mainly refers to situations that the subject planned Refers to situations that the subject d id not plan
in advance and therefore did intentionally. for or intend to do or happen.
.. .. ... . - ... --... - .. ----- - ------- - . ------ --------- .. . --- - ..... ---- ....... -.- .... --- ..............' .. -. .. .... . . ... . . . ... .. . ---. -. -- --... -... --... --.. . -. - - ----"...... - .. . . . __ . ... ... ........ ... ,.. __ ......
' f1\ 01...6.l 71 A-1.A.-t ~ L 77 I
\..!./ rt::d~ t:::1 t:::::1 L...: - ca o
A feeling of regret and sorrow A feeling of regret and sorrow

(?') .A.J~o~.Jl !?'a-OJ fil(}j~ L~

A feeling of relief from a burden being lifted

@ tl-j~OI fil.Jl lF-2.tJE!- Ll~

A feeling that someone was ill-mannered and rude

1J7-} ~-T-5* "5l]o-j~ ~ :1. J-}%)-0 1- lfr7-l ~

1:1}r:.}~1 ~Al 1:1-1 'J'.'1. o-j Jl.
. ;

. ~,z} J-}:Aaol o-JC:l%lJ-1 ~;_~ i~f-JI

Jl . ~I

.:J.2.iL~ LH0 1:Al2.~ ~t!-~OI ~OiL~~ ~QI ~Sf c~g:tl~ ~:=: j:~O l7 ~ ~~Lie~.
However, in cases of events not related to the speaker's will or intention, the two expressions have the
following differences.
------------... ----~----------------------..-----


- -..---------------------------------...------------------.--...... __
-o~/OI t:fi2.IC~ ''

.. . --.. -- .-. --... -.. ....... _..._ .... _. .-- . -....... -.......... . . . --.......-- --.. ,. . .............. -"" ..... . . ............................. _................ ............................... . .... . . ........... " .... -... . . ................... .,. ... ..... . .. .. - ...
. .
" . ~
' ~

_.. ;... ..;.., ~ ~. .., .. .. ... -... ... ...,., ............... -. -.


.. ''

Oj~ ~O J ~Jl~O ~ .=Lif:j ~EH7~ J~c.~. .=1~7iJ ~~c.~ ~OJ ~7 l :AI ?llll o ~2.~.Jl .r~~ ::: ci l.!i. .=Lif:j ~OJ
.: -=iif:j
:::: 0 1 DJ~ 7 ~~LJC~. : ~~c~::: I O I~ 71{,J LJ C~.
This refers sim ply to the resulting or final state of : This refers to the fact that efforts were made to
a particular situation. i prevent a particular result, but those efforts were

ineffective. The unwanted situation still occurred.
- . - -- --- . - - - . .. . ... . .. .. ............................... - " .. . - ... . ~- - - - -~- . - . ... . . ..... . . . . . . . .. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - " . ... . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . ~ -

J~}7} 7-lf-<S~Al ~o1 %o-J l:l-1'J'.'1_o-JJl.
~JI ~ DJ;;tj Bi 'J'.'1_ o-j Jl. :.
-+ ~Jl~O~ .g-0 1~~.Jl. ~E~ '2t~c.~::: l0J~LJ C.~. -+ :g~ :A~:A J ?l02.~.Jl. ~.:l~ ~~2.~.Jl .S::~~OL~ ~
Falling asleep and doing poorly at the Jl~O~ ::: go 1~~.Jl. ~E~ '2t~c~ ::: 9-JDJ~LJC.~.
presentation were the end results. The speaker tried to not fall asleep and do
the presentation well, but, in the end, (s)he fell
asleep and gave the presentation poorly.
--------...... .... ........_.._.._................ _ ._________
'--- -------..-- - - - -----------------
--~- ... .._.. _.~------~

_______________________ _ - - - --- ---.--.-.-,


352 Korean Grammar f,/'I/ u~~ . Interrnediate

o~~ too much, excessively

~"5~C~ to offer, to urge (a person to do)

~~f>rcr -=i1~'2! or2.i.::il ~~ c11 ouu~Ai Arcr

:x12-.f-Orcr ~:XI ~ 0 2.i .::il lfillJ.,. I ~ X:{ec11~ O I Q.j"f;:JAi J::l2-.f-OrCr
@~ DrAICr <2! DrAl2.i.::il ~~ c11 Ar'M~ OI f>r.!:C. T:!oHAi DrAICr

2 7r e>-1 :A1l -=z. c.}u1- _!i! e>-1 W~l ~ e>-1 Jl?

Lr --\:31 ~til-oTIJ-i -? ~-E- 0 1 -"t~-ot-E-97-}~ i>lle>-17-l.::il ~9le>lA.

2.'aOI ~CHoHAi 4-'rJ~OI A~r~ ():jA~ 5110i:XICr
Lr~ Ar'M~ rrHgOJI 4-'r.!~9-1 .2.IAr7r ~rcr
9..I J.,.1~01 ~1 ~~ cr~J::l'r! 4-'r.!~01 ~er

..... ~ ---
. .~--
--- .....-<---
-------- -- ---- .. ... .. . ...

(1) 7r J-il-& -17} -2-- ~-"}Oil Y-~r:f~J-iiL? (%AJ0 1 Y-1*) *

Lr 7-114f --~~ -o}tj y %1'J.OI Lt~ 0J.OJ01.2..
(2) 7r ~l<tJ-o}tj-7} ~% J-HJf--B 7-1~lil? (~% J-HJf-i:.})
Lr 30~1tf ~cfi= ~l - - - - - - - - - - - --
(3) 7r ;!::1' -li= J-l ~Oil ~5111-Jl? (~ "1 7-l r:f)

Lr o}yJl, ~1J -Ol X-~"9:1)-ET:ll S:. J-l ~ Oil - - - - - -- - - -- - -

(4) 7r 01 :Ail s:_~ -1~ .:g.~ Oil 2l1 <?l -2-11e>-1 Jl? ( 7r1*) *
Lr ~ 71-31.JI ~-Etjl ~~ ~ Ol J-~ ~Al - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
(5) 7r ~~ -li= Jl-@-5:. ~n11 1~.2} J-}0 17} <?.} ~.g.7}Jl? (0 1J-}o}q)
Lr Lil, 7-114f .}Jf-tjy ~~ tj-~ {:] 0 - - - - - -- - - - - - -
' .

(1''.J2) CLO
I c::J 0::0:::: a1=
j:.I .:::L!.1'\.11
~ .A. VJ
a~= cHc:.~.Q.
::0:::: ' - 1:::1 2
Al ..u....

1 7~ A~IEi~ ~ 712.~.:il o~A:I ~~OlR? .::z.~c11 tJ~A:I~ ~L:llR.

L~ !:::.~IEi~ o~g.Oll <2._1- ~OJ.Ai tJ~A:L~ tJ~~OlR.
CD J-l-q7} ~ i}_-q7}


@ 11:-"Ci L-1 @ J-1-ifl t:~l

2 7~ WOI 2H .::Z.2.HR? C~A:l~OlR?
L~ Lil, (}jX11 Cs 7 ~ - -- - - -- - - - 'EJ(}jA:~Ai -- C~~OJR.

CD <5}q7} ~ ~q7}

@ <5}-E- tj]q @ <5}-E- tjl.

3 c~ o
E c::::
j:.I .:::L!.1'\.11
~ .A. VJ
J;:-ic:.~-o-LA:I oJ.Q. cHc:.~o
-.., C> f L5 ' - 1:::1 2
I ..u...,

7~ *A:I JJl7~ ~~OJI ~~L~R?

' L~ ~tJI~ ~JOI ~A:l'2! ~lfo~-C tJ~?Oll Al~Oll __________.

''I CD ~ 01~01.R ~ ~ 01Ai 1:1-l ~ 01.R

1 ~ 0-1:AlJJ__ ~9101 R @ ~ 01 ~ *~;z,} ~Si 01 R

4 CD 0 l JC: ~ ~.:Y- ~ ~~ n1l <id 1d 71 <:11.R.

~ Ci 71~ 10\:1 ~ e>l] A1l7} 1(9}-ifl ~ ol e>l]R. '
J-lLBe>ll Y-~q7} <>11@ n1l ~ 7 ~ ~xt<>lR.
@ <>1 51% ITH ~ ~~lfl ~.:Y-7} :A1~ J-}JJ__~ ra--5B o}%ol o}TI}R.

' I

5 CD i'---~ ~q7} ~0 1 ~Si<>lR. ''

~ ~e>ll .:Z.%]% ~~q7} ~* ~OiJ-i rri]Si"lR. '
@ ~J-}~lfl ~~* -1~ 7-]-ii- Z=}#-1 ~J-} ~ <S"}JJ__ ~"1.R.
@ J-}.2..c.l -1 ~ Ail7} Jf-~~ ~cl~ %J)__ .:Z.'o1= 7} l=l-15101.R.

... .. --- - .. .. - --------- ..... .. ---- -- - --- - --

- -- -----
------ ------- -
r - -

I intend to wash my car on the way home.

L~ Al ~Oil Bl7} % 71tRJi.. Bl7} _2_~ 1'il7-~

t>l-Y- 0 1-Y-Yllr 1+%-e>il t>}"'iliL.
They say it might rain this evening. It's no use washing your car
if it's going to rain, so do it later.

........... - . ......., ......, ................ ... .......... .. .................... ..


7~ ~J-}0}2 30~ ~Oil Q{% 11011= oN::-r:il

~ o-i Bi~ _]l ~ 1;tj S1 l=llJi..
I'm supposed to take my medicine 30 minutes after eating, but I
forgot about it.

L~ Q{.g_ J-ltl-e>il W~"'l 11 7-l ~.Q. ~ l;tj ~Y- 0 1-Y-<:xllJi..

i Cly 77} .:JQ- "'l Zl-% 7-l ~ "'1 1'ilJi..
Medicine must be taken at the right time, or else there's no point in
taking it. So you really need to take it at the appropriate time.

. -5!-t:li..Q..
&:..1:::12 c
0 Ot..!i!..77LJL?
2 I

0111:~.g <llOJI or::: ~01 .1:.~01 filcr-E ~~ LtEt~

Oi'ti ~ ~ or~ :A I '2l or~:A I
ITH .Arg~Llcr. ~.
::i. ~:12~::: ~~ 7~2.r.JJ. w0~::: ~~Li er. ~:ilr::: cH!:f.~ ~~~ LtEtLH~ <J't.!"~ 0 s= <J't.!"~<2J ~~o ILt Oi'ti

.ArEJ-2.I ~tt~<2J ~ 0 s= 01~01 ~~ITH Oi'ti ~:ilr7r ~Al~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ITH .Arg~Llcr. .Ar.2.r *
t...: l o 1::1 I.

This expression is used when doing the preceding action is of no value of use. In other words, the resu lt
would be the same regardless of whether the action is performed. When stated, the result is expressed as
a strong, almost definite supposition. The strong supposition is usually based on general common sense
knowledge or on the consideration of someone's usual or habitual actions. This expression is used with
verbs only.

--~-- ..... .
7rLt DtLt
v '
!' - (.2.)Lt DtLt
Q:j.2.Lt D~Lt

- - -- ----- ------

356 Korean Grammar in '!/ Intermediate

0l Al zi-011-e- 7} .!i:!.4- lJl-4- 7}711 ~ g ~~% 1il -c-11 L~ ~ 7 }i:- 711 Ci u:R .R?
Even if you were to go now, the store should be closed, so why not go tomorrow?

01~..g. A~]E1 g .!i:!.L17l} ~ .Q.4- nl-4- AR1:1 l ~% ~ ,Qo}.R. C}- ~%Cll.R.

Judging by the title, I can tell this book is boring without even reading it. I'm not going to bother reading it.

0l 1t:l-0-li:- .R~Oll J.R . .A~{l ~E1 1:Jl %0ic};.i l-}~% ~0 1-.!i:!.4- 01-4- ~% 7111.R.
This word is a new Internet term that probably won't be in a dictionary even if you search for it.



1 Ol .t.~~ ~~ref, ~Oi~2.ICr', ~Oi~2.ICF2.r ~~ .!:f.~~<2.1 ~~OI ~:::-.Are~ A~orl'I ~

~LI Cr.
This expression is not used often with verbs having a negative connotation, such as ~ '2:to~CL ~o-j l:l-j 2.IC~,
and ~iOi l::tj 2.I c~.

1! J-<5j-l-}- oj-1-}- .::J_ .AJ-~% ~ ~~ ~ 91.. ( X)


~Ci ti-12.J Y- ol-Y- .::J. .AJ-~ ol ;; ~ 7] ~ * -5HR. ( x)

2 '-( 0 )Lr DrLf filOJIE- .!:f.~~ LrErLH::: '<2_!-'0ILr ~01 ~ * fil-BLICr.
The negative particles '2_1- and~ cannot be used in front of -(.2.) L~ o~L~.

~ t;t]~l-}- oj-1-}- 1:1~7} .Jl~7] ~ oj-~7}.:.Z] ~ 7-1 cxj]R. ( x)

__. t;tj~l-j- oj-1-}- t1H7} .Jl~7] -E o]-~7]-.:.z] ~ 71 cxj]R. ( o)

3 01 E~~ '-( 0 )Lr DrLrO!IR'QI ~Etts=s= .Ai'M* ~-BLICr.

This expression can also be used in the form of -( O ) L~ o ~L~OllR.

oj-3- -10117-11 .::J. 0]0]:7] ~ -5H.5:. ~ ~ ~ 71cxJlR. <S"j-1-}- o}Lj-cxj]-9...

Mark won't listen to you even if you tell him that. It's no use (even trying).
l ___ J

1 0 }71~ -le>il11l : i :A}li~ ~~-2:Al ~~-BR ~77}_8_?

L~ 0 }71~ -15:.. ~:A1l ~~l ~~{l-..Q..~77} ~~-BR .!i.L-l- u}Y- * -9!-~% 7~011_8_.
or712.r Ml. OiAil ~7il ~Oi~ 0 Ll77~ -t:!roH .!

.2.~ ~7 ~71011.A.1 Q-iL EJOI Ol~~:AI t::l-77~:AI .A.1~ EJOI %~ 0 Ll77~ ~Or.!:2.Cr
8Ei?!.! 0 s= ~"Or.!:2.Cr 1 .A.1~ EJo 1o1~cr
1::1* JJ.1011711 ia1::r ~.:r1-7r ~::::1::1 ~Oi.! !::I* Ml::: 'at::Fe0117118717r '[!OLl77~~0i.!:2.C~
1 ~Elfilo 1 ~cr

2 7r :A}%7-}7}JL7-J-0 1 Xl--2Eil JL?-121 l7}_8_?

ti' ---------\
Lr 7-}%7'}7} .2..i!B~"'1 JL7-l Y- u}Y-<:xll_g_. (fOPIK: Test of Proficiency In Korean) \
I rag, dustcloth
"'H ~~ J-}ol=~~_g_.

t::f-5-~r7r .::iJ.~01 x..i:::::=cil ~12.i ~ 7rcr t::f-5-~r7r 2.2.HxHA.1 ~1cr / AH ~~ .A.rcr

~ 2.il7 r Li.!?- C-j 2.i.g.Cil ~ ~Cr L:1 c12.i~A-i ~cr / .::z.'cf 1:1-i 2.I cr
~.EF- ~ ~ "tt.A.1 .!:2_cr / .::z.'cf c~'t! 011 _!

358 Korean Grammar i'n, </LJ,~ Intermediate

. . ' . . ~ ---

1 '-(2.)L~ o~L~~ A~f>HAi c~~ ctt.2~ ~{:1o~AilR.

(1) 7~ ~9- -lll~l % s:_2.f rg-c}_Jl lf-"}-t>R ~77}.R? (-!f-"}--Ol-t:f)

Lt :i J-1-lf=t.g. .!f-~rt-.t nrt-.t ~ ~1~ 7-l 0:11.R.

(2) 7t Qf~ J-l{}-0 17-l);t~Ell 1-}9 =fl -17} 0 }~ ~ -2..tjl.R. E-1 7lt:fal ~77}.R? (
Lt ~ % E1lY77} 7lt:ft.17-l 1ifJ-lcl-.

(3) 7t a} 0 l~ll~l 7-l~ ~~ ~ -0}~ ~%77}? (~~-O}q)

Lt 7-l~ 9-~ %- 0 lc}J-1 ~ ~% E1lY77} 0 1Itj-7} -O}J-11.R.

(4) 7t 7J-l7} 18Sii=-Ell ::i-}0 1= -1~ 7Jfl%77}.R? (7Jfl~t:f)

Lt 17-~l J.Rl:!:1 2J-l7l-180iJ-1 7-}J-1 ::i-1~.g. ____ _ _ _ _ *~Ci~

7-l CJ:ll.R.

(5) 7t %J-~ol 0 11ti 9ll ~~ J-1~% ~i:=-Ell Al~~l ~71~ -O}tjl.R. (~q)

Lt ::Lcl~l, Al~~l ~71~ -0}-E- ~ ~y 0 11ti J-l~s:_ - - - - -- --

~ Ci~ 7-101=.

--.....----- --~------------------- --------- ............-...... ___________________ .............. ____....,,............. _______..._..._...._ ________________________,


(2) %611 ~~Wll ~OiJ-1 Ciel ~ 0 1 ~_Q_~ 1i ~0 1-R.

J Cl Y 77} ~7-} .E.J-i]ii_,

(3) ii_'@- ~-17} ~ -f!- E-1 ~Al Jtl16-7li:=- . ~Cl ll1 ~%

J-}o):~ Oiii..

-- -
7~ Al~ 7}~ qfj.l ~ TJ- 4- ~%Al %21--8... ~Ci
Alo}~ ~_Q___ 7} ~J-lti-.
You might be able to catch the last train if you leave now. Please
hurry to the train station.

L~ Al~ 12Al7} ~Jtl ~ <Ji .Al Al o}~~ Oil 7} ~At

qf:A}i:- 0 lul ~~9:11% 71011-8...
It's already way past midnight, so it's no use going to the train
station since the last train has probably already left.

..........................................................................--- .. --..

You get an allowance from your parents, so why do you have a

part-time job?

L~ E% ~0t ~At Alo}~ tj-.Jl ti-11.Jl 1ff ~ 1tl

A} ~_Q_~ \:fi:- 711 ~71-E--8...
Even w ith my allowance, I hardly have anything left after paying for
my subway commute and a few meals.

oI R~ ~ {:"! ~~1 LH ~ -"l.!LoH.s=. ~~o I ~7~L~ 7 lcHOll ol~l/l::I ~gt~ L~E~~ [H -"~filLl c~. =r2.ljl ~Oi

L~/l::I cc~~ ~Oil cHoH 4-~o~'i:!-"i cgJO~-C 3:!<fJLlc~.

This expression is used to indicate that there's no use even trying what is stated in the preceding clause or
that doing so would not live up to expectations. It is used to refer to something that has not occurred yet as
a form of supposition.
-------~~------..,-,~------,-~~-------~ ,.... .. ---. ..----=,...,.._.-=--"'"'---=-~ .___,.....,

- -.. .... . .. ................ . =-'"""-

,.~ . -- '"-="'-' <.-~-- . . . --- -- .. ~ -~
... ..
t:i l,U~ ~A:~
A/V ...''
.' ~ Oi !X~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ k _ _ _ _ _ _ , ._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _.._. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - "_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . . . . . _. . _ _ _ _ _. . . . . . . . . . ..........._.__ _ _ ............................
. _ _ __ _ _
Korean Grammar iF1 C//.je Intermediate
~ito] o}Jf-2-] cj]IDJl ~At ~0] ~ ~~ ~% 71c]]Jl. A}o]: ;,z]i=- 7]7]--61-Bfo}Jl.
No matter how pretty your face, you probably can't become a model. You're (too) short, Jaya.

--7c]-1;3 _g. ~ 7} ~~ o};;ill W<5ll ~At ~ '?%~ Al ?J..2.1l 71cJ]Jl.

It doesn't matter how honest I am to the department chief. She won't believe me.

..2.~ .:Q-o] {-5'_ 1J_g. o] 9-l.!f-~ <?J <>l ~Ar ~%~% 7-lcJ]Jl. 7-}c.}~ :: ~ ~Cl 7fl <fJ-2.J.i]Jl.
On a cold day like today, it's no use Gust) wearing th is overcoat. You should wear multiple layers of clothing.

. t:) 0
e f
l- 0 .JL,,t 0 ?
I l i! I-"-

1 01 R~::: ~~~ 0 1 LHgo1 .:i~lll cH8orAI ?l7iLr ~~01 orLl2.r:: ~~ 2.101~ rrH A.rg0 r71~
This expression is also used to indicate that what is stated in the preceding clause is not that great or

:J. 9:1 1 o-JC;j %J ~-A1- 7Z]\:l-1tl <?JJI!.tj-.f=. *1% 7-1cxJJR. o:J~ ~-oJ1 it~ 4: <V__Q_l-]77J Z:j7<ji>}A] o}A-lJJl.
Even if the task is difficult it should be easier than the last one. You can finish it in a few days, so don't

o}017} J% 12:)0-] ~A} ~o J-y- ~-o] 12:)3],o~Jl? :i1c)=12:).TI. 1{.g. ~ . 12:)71] 7}1?]- %J-]tj-.
The child won't eat a lot of food anyway, so let's just let him/her eat what he/she wants.

2 '- Or/0-1 ~AV ~O I Lr ~!Oil :ilr7i ~EH 7r ~ * filLICr.

Past tense forms cannot come before or after -0~/0I ~:A~.

o:j7]oj]J--j 7-17]77}/Z] ~o-j. ~ J-1{}~ ~2.ll-]77}- 7Z1~ 3:): ~A}~~ 7-l01JJ1. (x)
o:j 7]oj]J-l 7-17]77]-Aj ~o-j. ~ J-j{}.g_ ~c]l-]77]- 7]- ~-AJ ~~o-JJl. (x)
__. o:j7]oj]Al />i7J77}7Zj ~o-j . ~ Aj{}.g_ ~2.l l-]77}- Aj ~ 7} ~A}~~ 7-j01] Jl. (0)

3 .:12.iLr :ilr7i ~~~ 7 r~oHA.i ~~ [[H:: '-Or/Oi ~Ar -~/~~ 7i~IR' ~EH. A.rg~ *~~Lier.
I However, the form -o~/OI ~:A~ -CUI~~ 7~~1. can be used when supposing what likely happened in a
I past situation.

7~ 0
J7J- -1oJ1711 :J. 9:1% t>1-7Z1 W2.l-.TI. 0fl71~o-J 0]: 1.f=.L;H Cj- ~- 711 ~~7} ~ Jl.
I should have told Yang Gang not to do that back then, and now I regret not doing so.

L~ 0 fl7J-8H ~/Z} %7Z] ?i"~% 7-101]..G... t:i 0 ],.!.J- {17S ~/Z] 0 }-"i1.R.
He wouldn't have listened to you even if you had told him back then. Please don't worry about it any

23 ~..ll.o-1 0 0 t..le;lLll m:
O\:IAC2 I 12 ~
1 7~ ~1ll -le>ll~l 0 l"'}W rrR % .s:.Q.l- ig-t:q-2 ~W77}Jl?
L~ lf-~"511 ~At ~%~% 7--l <:xllJl. ~~ -17} Jl% B}~7-l-Jl.
.:12.~0 I C~ stubborn

~'2.J AA.IOlllll OIA.~~ rrH - cr2~ '2.~.Jl $~~c~ ~~c~ I ~'2..1 AA.17~ R-- t1~~c~

A.~EJ7Jll ~g ~ ~2.i '2.~.Jl 'Y~E.2.i .s!C~ 'Y~E2'! .s!c~ / R~ .2.IA.~ A.~~o I ~ ~c~

Al* .u.10Jl7il or~~ t1Pf2~.JJ. oH7 l<>H .s!c~ oH7lo ~c~ / .JJ.~01 L:!Ef- >-ilc~

2 7~ 0 11ti e>i~e>ll lf-AJ-_Q_. Cits~% 7}.TI ~.g..tjl t'J-0 1 E-1%77} ~ * 7}~"1Jl.

L~ .!f-AJ-~ ~-17} E-1 -%l ~At ~u}Y-18~"1Jl? -=:L\3= 7}A-11Jl.

Ol't! ():jOll ~ 0 ? ():j~~ 7~.Jl ~.Cil ~OI

C-j~77~ !I!.~~ 7~C~

A:i ~o I o ~OJI Ei:=-Cil t11~77~ !I!.~ ~ A.~c~ -cHg.J...1.-gOJl..!...i ~o I t1 IAA.~c~ I A.~c~

Ai ~.2.~ l::cl 11 ~~ Cil Ef-.A.i~77~ !I!.~ ~ .s!C~ Oi iC:!O I ~.2:~7 ~ Ef-{:1 [.~ I ,S!C~

362 Korean Grammar in Intern1ediate

- ..
_... .. -

(1) 7~ {Je>ll 7}).l ~).}i>}~ 7-l~? (7}I{)
L~ {Je>l] lr ~f.~ ~% 311 }.!f-31 ~% 7-191.fl. Al2J" ~Ol Al~ ~{IcH .fl?

(2) 7~ l ~. Oi-5~% 7tJ-;z;l 0 }~.5:. ~-Aj% * ~lil. (.=il1i}i>}q)

L~ 7-ll~ Di cl1i}- 0 l-3*. i ~ ~Ci ~ 78-0H.

(1) 7~ u}ol ~ -1 017-} ~-=r1-7} 7<j~ 91!!!!-cH.fl. (91!!!!1*)

L~ O}.!f-Ci otl~ ~f.r ~9l<?J1il-% 9l!!!i~l.fl?

- -- -- -- - - ~u}Y. ~ ~~lil?

7-11 ~ ~~-5}1?1~-=r1-7}~9 ~% 7-1"11.R.

(4) 7~ <?JE-l~-2-. wz-1% "'r1?1 "'17<J~1* tj -1-~.R. (-l-1*)

L~ ~ lJ rY- .}~ l .fl?
Ll--E- ).l-AJe>ll 7}Al ~ {] li!_j]_ ).}-e- 7-l] ~o}_fl.

L~ 1)-~ -%1~}2.l}7} - - -- - - - - - ~o}y. ~~lil?

Al-Al u}"'il.fl.
.. .. .. - .. - - .. - .... - ,. - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - ~_,,
- .....
- = - ~:...;.;;..:...~'-""--..,,

CD 1% 0 1~ 0 }.fL 1%~ 71o:JliL

@ 1% ~ -"i1 l~lJl @ 1%~ ~ 0 l~l Jl


CD 2-} 1-~ "Elly 77} 0-l 21 %1 iL Q} ig-2.l-Jl_ w*1=J.f~l fil 0-l iL
' @ Q} ig-c.}Jl_ w~ ~~0-l _g_ @ Q} 1-Cl-J]_ t>H ~ s:.~ ~o:JliL

3 7~ Q:f.!i!. 8~o I -- 7JH~:AI .:::r2-HR?

L~ (}j:Xil -"H~OJI 3Al7t Ej(}j.A.i :At.Ai .

CD 77TI~ L-l77} ~ 0-i 4 _a 77TI ~1?1 9J O-l~ ~o:JliL


77TI %1 .!r!_ y 77} ~ ~ 0-i xt:O-l _a @ 77B%1 ~-::z} ~ ~0-l~ ~o:JliL

4 :Ai ~~ g~ol ~~ 9J"~(}j .!:I!Q:fR.
' :Al-5~ l:lH7t Otil~Ai Ot!f- ~. ~~ -*7t filo-JR.
'' I
- - -- - - -- --

CD 13!- ~ 0-i .!r!_ ~ 1illEil 1)!-~0-l .!r!_ol4 u}4

13!-~ 0-1 .!r!_ 0 li::- Eil ~0H @ 13!- ~ 0-l .!r!_ 0li::- -1:2_ OJ=~ r:11


5 CD i <5JO-l ~2-14 u}4 q J-l ~~J]_ 1i::zl ?J-o}.fL.
~% '
::zl~ 0 1 J-lZl-~l ~~oH .!r!_4 u}4 ~- ~% 71o:JlJl. '
@ JX~l 7}J-1 1l 0J"8-}4 u}4 Ali=- 7}:il_ 1i::Zl ?J"O}Jl. ''

' @ i UW-% ~- ~.2.4 0}4 BH7} lp-.Sy77} ~ ~%cHil. '
6 CD ~-1 7} tl.!f- Gi%1J-1 1!%71~ )j, ~-::zl- ~%fil ?iil.
r{-17} tj.!f- t:1%1J-1 1!%71 ~ ~ ~;<} ~%~Sj,o-JiL.
@ r{-17} tl.!f- t:i~~;_l 1!%71~ ~ .!r!_::Z} ~--~% 7-lo:JliL.
@ 1i-l7} tl.!f- Gi%1J-11!%71~ ~ ~::z} ~%fil% 7-lo:JlJl.

.... ...... - ----- .... - - - .... - -

-- -- ---.----

7~ ~1_ J-}11 ~l..fL.

~l_Oil ~~~~ -1 o}.Jl ~~..fL?
(I see) you bought a lottery ticket. What do you want to do if you
win the lottery?

L~ ~l_Oil ~~ltj-~ ~{! A}%j.l ~ J-}.Jl ~~..fL.

If I were to win the lottery, I'd (want to) buy a fancy car.

- -

I hear you two met in Korea?

L~ ~l. :Ail7} ~R~l -2..Al ~i'.ilt:l-~ 0 }712.} -1~

~l-}Al *~% 7~~1..fL.
Yes, if I hadn't come to Korea, I would not have met Akira.

OI E~g 7t~ ~%f~ LtEtLH~ ~ 0 ~. ~AHLt .i:!.~7~1 ~~~CH~~~ [H ~~ O~~ ~~LtAI ~g ~Oii
cHoH 010~71~ [H .A.l-~Llcr. ~~~Olli=- 7~ ~%fo1Lr ~~~ LtErLH-E ~'21 -~~R'. '-( 0 )2 7~0llR'.
'-(0)2 t!)c~1 --OI ~ ~Ll ct.
This expression is used to refer to hypothetical situations either contrary to what actually happened in the
past or what is happening in the present, or to situations that have not yet occurred. The following clause
usually includes an expression such as -~OjR, - (0 ) 2 7i OllR, or - (0 ) 2 '2JCil to denote the hypothetical or
suppositional situation being described.
~..,,,.....,-,---------------- ~-..,.--

-- ------ .. .....

. -- - - -- - -~---~-

------ __ ._,.,.,..........,..,,.
,.,. ,_. .....
. . ....,__.,__
,..;.~. ,..,.,.

~ ~- .. ~ -- ..
.. ....
_,__,.,.... ,.,,..,...,_
,.-;,- ~,~- '- \ - --- -- .


. .


A . -- ------ --- ----- ~ -- - - - - - - - ~

... ---------- -
- - -- - ------ - - --- --

Oll 1:11:1 c~~
- - - ------------------ - ------ - - - ------------- - -

366 Korean Grammar 1;1 CZl.fe Intermediate

. '
--- ------------ ----~- -
. --------------------.. .....-................................ ______________.____............_.________ _____________
..._ ......... ------------.---------- --

Jlr7~ :
: -<Jll~ cr'i:!
7 rcr :;

.. i ~Cr ..
V -- ---: .... ............ ' '
--- ... ............ :-------- . .. . .... ............. ...... --- ------------- .. ........ .. ...
. . ----- - --- -- --~

:. 7rcr :.
-(!::::) L Cr'i:! ' '

- ----------
-------------......... . ___ ._. .,_ --------

~:Aro 1cr ~Ar~cr'i:!
t~OICr t~ Ol~Cr'i:!
No1cr ' ..... ------------ . .. - . --------
. --' ...... -------- .... ... .... ... . .......... ---- .... ......
.'' ' '
(o1)2.rt.:! .

__ .......
.__._ ...___ __________ __________________ _____________ .. ............
.,, ,.. ,.., ~ .,,.._...... .,..____.,. _______
___ - ----..................._.. ____________ ........................ _,_

~-l7t ~~q-1t! ~1-tf{_l-olJ ~ * <V_~-& imi:n.

If the weather had been good, (we) could have gone to Mt. Halla.

Ol1t!oj] ~9j% *~tj-1t! J:f-.2_\=] Ol ;<j ~ ilPj-5)-il ~ 91-9...

If I don't graduate this time, (my) parents will be really disappointed.

LH7l- J:f-;z.}2f1t! 7}\~ J-}%f ~ ~ s..Q.] ~ 9 <V_% imi:11.

If only I were rich, I would be able to help the poor.

I 1 01 f:~~ 7r~2.I ~-&~ir_t OrLl2.r ~~1 ~-&~ f:~5r71.S:. ~LICr.
In addition to indicating hypothetical situations, this expression can also be used to indicate conditional
statements .

l07B 01,.l-J- A}{lq~ 10% ~ W~-BR s;_c,1~%Yct.

If you (intend to) buy 10 or more, I'll give you a 10% discount.

7.1-E---El ~{J-&-] ~~cl-tr! tjl~.ll!.oj] 7cl- 9 <V.% 7ioJl.R.

If you (say you are going to) study hard from this point onward, then you should be able to get into a

2 o~J;:H<5':tO
..... o.....I '-(L)LCLi;i:l'O
- 1..... ..... '-(O)
- i;i:l
'- ' O~ JlL7J<5':t
r 1o OI i...:
1 i...: '.Q
M M - i...:.
M M -1 1 i...: 'JlLr tJLTI.f\J
11v 1
2 I

The present tense form-(-'=.) L c.~~ can be changed to-(.)~. and the past tense form -~/~c~ ~ can
be changed to -~;~o~ or -~/~ C12.~~ with almost no change in meaning.

..2.--oJl l:ll 71 .:i~ tj-~ ,?_ " -&-}c] 7]-.R.

= -2..--oJl Cl]7} .:L~l ~ ,?_ "-&-}cj 7}.R.

Oi::<1] TV~ .!i!.7.] ~<ilq~ .!Ti.2;,i~ ~~% 7ioJ1.R.

= Oi::<1] TV ~ ~;;z] ?J'.U"-2-~ .!i!..TI.J.i ~ ~~% 7-l oJ1.R.
= Ci::<~] TV~ ~;;z] ?J-'.U"r:l~tr! 5l J7 J.i~ Tl~% 7-loJ1.R.
-\J 24:g '7~ ~~~ L~E~~ rrff' 0 102 '-W~Ci2.~'2:!~ ~~o~AilR. [
See Chapter 24 Expressing Hypothetical Situations, 02 -~/~C-j~f\:!.
24 7 1...A~
Al-21-.Q. t...1..E}\,!l
000 2 I=:
~ -
)'21':1!.r - (L) L cr121::: ~l!J:!.r 7 r~.1 .!:f. 1o1 ~ er 7 rAl.Jl ~A lrtl - ()121'::: -( L) L cr'2'.1 '.! 71-6
' -( 0

~OI It::: ~OJI Af-Er.llJ:j ~Oi~ 71-5~01 {!~ill~ [[H::: ArorAI '2~-LICr.
While both - ( o )~ and - (.!::::.) L Cr~ can refer to either a condition or a hypothetical situation, - ( o )~ is used for
things which have a higher possibility of occurring than -( L) L Cr~. Accordingly, if the event being referred to
has no chance of actually happening in reality, then -(.) ~ should not be used.
--.. ------ - -------
- - - .... ---------------- ----:-----.__.. . .,. _. _.. .,. ,.............. r_,.__ ----------.. ~----.-- . _.. .,. . . . . ..
-(2.)'i!! ! -(.!:::.) L C~'i!!
....... ..... -------- ---- - .. . ' - ... ---- .... .... - .................. '

.... ..... ................... ... ......................... ----- --- - - .. .. ... ... ...... .
Oi~ ~OI C!Oi~ 7l:;{go j rat~ [HA~or 0
ii!. 71-5{gOI Oi~ ~O I ~Oi'2' 71-5{gOI 711 fil~ 7r~ .g%f0ll '[JO I
711 fil~ rrtt-E A.~orXI CC~'SLICr. ,\~~Lier.

Used to refer to events which have a high Often used to refer to events which have little or no
probability of occurring and is not used with events chance of actually occurring.
that have little or no possibility of occurring.
~0 1 o}rl~l
'- "Lo '"1 t...:.
6 2
o i;:Jl 13-' 1I1 .

-+ O~Ot;:! ~Oj
:a: '-
L'S 12
lo o
j 01.6.Lj[.L
AAt:::1 1.
-+ 01 'CIO r~ 71-5{gOI 711 fil~LIC.r.

There is a chance that the person will have a There is very little chance that the person w ill
lot of money in the future. have a lot of money in the future.

-+ ~r~ "~01 '::51-'7r ~ 7~01 -tl<5:1 filOCI? -+ ~~:: A.r~Ol '::1-'7r ~ 7ra{gO J{j<5:f filOo? 7~ ~ * fil'SLICr.
Here, -()~ cannot be used because there is
.g%J'~ LrErLHf:: '(O 1)2.p~~ A~oHO ~ :Af~~E"J'SLIC.r.
Here, because there is no possibility of the
no possibi lity of the speaker actually turning speaker turning into Dongsu, the hypothetical
form (oI)2.r'2'.! should be used.
into Dongsu.
---------------~._ ......................__.._.. _......-. __ ___..________ ________________.____ ... . -----~-

1 i ~~ ~~e>lil? i BHJf-71- ~~W?-15:. .2.~~il.

Lr 7ZjWil? i BHJf-7} Z_~zl-tj-~ ?j.g_ Oi?-1 ~ ol 1J 0Jo}~e>lil. anniversary of the
founding of a schoc

::i. 1:1H~7r ~~0rcr ::i. 1:1H~7r ~~0rcr; icig of;i;:~o1 ~'2:f0rc.r

Ol't! 7Hiil71El~Oll ~ -*"ICr ::i.'1" *
/ li,!"~~1 ~ 7rcr
fr. Ml7r ~ oM7 17r 7~~~01cr fr. Ml7r ~ oM717r 7~~~01 cr / ~ 0 5=! ::I. A.rEt::ilr oM71a-r:.x: 1 ~ct

2 7r e>l );!% rrH ~ 0 l 1-151 e>lil?

Lr 7}-9-51 e>l-8... xcR~ ~~t:l-~ 7}97} ~ ~% 7-l <:xll-8...
7r::?o1c.r / ~2H~ ~rc.r 17r::?7r 1c.r
~2il2.ILro1cr / ~211011 ~01 ~er / ~2i1~ :J.'2l-!:f.:.x::1
&;7{:j::?o1cr18-e.tiil rrH c.r2.I~ c.rj:1:.x::1 cr;cr; &;7~ 7-ll~arcr

368 Korean Grammar ut C/ul'/ Intem1ediate

_.,....-"'' .............. _....................... _..................... .......... ..... ..----'/.~
------.... .--- -
--..--.,. ..- ..--.....--............. ..... _._.. ..-- .. -

(1) LB~ J-1~ 0 1 <>1~7-l ?i0 }Jl. + ~-~-Ol-~ J-}1if0 11&% 71~]..8...
..... 4t 0~ F--1~01 01~f.I 0J-c:r~ c5J-f3,<)rJe F--~I DJ% liotl.2..

(2) ~~171-
I "-1 '5'l-.A~olo.l1Jl
....., 0 ~I + '5'1-ol..Q..
e. l::ll-..Q.. .. 9]..Q.. ~lt;llJl
t...:. '2. 'I
t:: '2. . I /'>" '2. ~



(5) 7~ Ol:Ail 7}9- 'Bl'~~~ ~X{OlJl. (7}c})

L~ itB..8-? 7-1 Ol:A1] i?-eci7-Jojl - -- - - --
' Bl'~ 1lfX{% lfiltj]Jl.

- --
- --
What should we do? The tickets are all sold out.

L~ ic-111771- A~l7r ~luRorA}2 ~?0 }it. 0 12-l ~luR

~tj~~ -H-<?:1% ~ ~ ~51% 71llit.
That's why I said we should buy them in advance. If we had
purchased them in advance, we could have seen the show.

---- ............. .... ------- . . .... ... ..........

7~ o}7l2f ~l, ),~~ ~ort>Bit!

Akira, happy birthday!

L~ 0 }712{ ~1 ),~ ~ O l Ollit? ),~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t:l cf~

~i ~~Bl~% ~tjlit.
It's Akira's birthday? If I had known that, I would have prepared
a gift.

01 E~.g :il~710ll ~~t:! <!~ ir.tctt 7~~0H.A:i '"~ rrH -"~filLlc~. :!1~71 <!OJI ctti!' ~1Lr <t_!-Er7Jf~
LrErLH7l.!:e. o~.::il. .:J.~7il f>rXI ?lOr Cr~Ol~Cr~ ~~ LrErLH7l.!:e. filLICr. '-91/~Ci2.r~' c[:;OJl-E '-91/~~
7-iotl9-', '-91/~~ l[!!C-11'. '-(0)2 ~~Cf'7~ Xr~ *LICr. (24~ '7~~ ~%[~ LrEr~ rrH'2.I 03 '-( 0 )2 ~orCr'

This expression is used to hypothesize a past situation that is the opposite of what actually occurred. It can
express the speaker's feeling of regret or lament with respect to an event in the past as well as relief about
not doing something. The expressions-~/~~ 7~0112, -~/~~ t!JCil. and - (2.)2 M.!!:J%!c~ often follow -~/~C.1 2.~
'2.:1. (See Chapter 24 Expressing Hypothetical Situations, 03 - (2.) 2 ~o~c~.)
, . - ...,.....,......,._ .,.,,.__,~~-~-~~
" ~
~~~i-t;,; --,.'>:-I,_ ,~ ---- - --..,~-__,...,.,

~- .... -~ ~ ... ..
"- ,,,,,.__,....~ . " - -. -. - ~~~
" ... .'

- ' -. . - .~ --- '.. ~..

... . '"'--""""'"""........- ... . . . .. . -- -- ~-"---~--

A/V i


'' .
----------..... ____ _
-...._......,,..._ '
- --- ----~ .... ----------------....- -...................................

- -----------

~Ci2.t~ '
' !f.XrOlct !f.Xt~Ci2.t~
NO IC~ .

Ol~Ci2.t~ .' t~OICr ~~ O l~Ci2.t~

---"""""---------------------.------.. ._
--------~------- - --............... ------~---

370 Korean Grammar ;,,, 9Lse Tntern1ediate

;<~] 7} 7] 7} '.)j_tj 1*~ .2..~ 0 11Si% 7-j 0 1].fl.
I could have been a model if I had been taller.

0 }~ 11 ~7]o:]]~~ ~~nlct~ --8-ll 7]-7-] ?J-~% iml;n.

I wouldn't have gone (mountain) hiking if I had heard the forecast in the morning.

~~ ~-%1.ll 7}7-] ~,Jn11*~ ~~ ~ l@.~Oi.fl.

(It) would have been a b ig deal if (you) had n't gone to the hospital quickly.

o1t~ ::: -cu;~cr'2'.1'o !Lr -cu;~ 0 '2'.1 ' 0 ? 1::1r.Jfl0i.Ai ~ *.s:. ~~Li er.
This expression can be replaced with the expression -~/CXJ. c~~ or -~/CXJ. o ~ .

-2-~S:. ~J-l-011 ~~r:12f1r! --7-J-\:i~Ell 3-Jll ~1;% 7-joj].R.

= _2_~ ~J-}011 ~~r:ftE -!f-7-J-\:i ~E~l 3..Jll ~)1% 7-j ojl.fl.
= -2..~S:. ~ ;_J-011~ <X}_ _Q_ 1r! -!f-7-J-\3 ~ EJJ 3..Jll ~)i% 71 oJl _g_.
If I had been late for work again today, I would've been scolded very much by the d irector.

'-(.!::.)L Cr'2'.1'::: 7 r~ ~%1-:i!r ~{j ~~~ ~ Ct LrEr~ * ~:A:l rr_I- '-cx.t/~Ci 2.r'2'.1' ::: 7 ~ ~~rr_I- LtEr~
*~~ Li er. EE~ '-(L)Lcr'2'.1'::: ~xH . :i!t71 ~011cH~ 7r~o1 7f-6or:A:lrr! -cu;~ci2.r'2'.1 ::: :i!t71 7r~
i rr_I- 7f-6gjLICL =tOJI l::llfiH '-(.2.)'2'.1'.g 2.Ef. 7f-6gjLjc[.
I While the expression -(L )L c~~ can be used to express both hypothetical and conditional situations, -~

/CXJ.C-12.~~ can only be used to express hypothetical situations. Moreover, while -(L }L c~~ can be used in
both present and past tense hypothetical cases, -~/CXJ.C-12.~~ c an only be used in past tense hypothetical
situations. Finally, in contrast to these two expressions, -(2.)~ can be used in all cases.

------------------.,-.- ----------- ----- - --- --------


-- --
-(.2.)~ . -(.!:::.) L Cr~
.. ----- ..
~- . ...... ----- ........ .......................................
. ___...... ~. "~
,.,...,_ . .! " .___,,._. ~
"""" .. . _ .. __ ... 4o ,. ..... !~ - -'''" "'"' .,._.. ...;,..;...,.,.,. ..,. ~ --~-.-.. ....... -.;..... .. N4o

.. 7 r~ '
0 0
: Hypothetical j (7 1~ ~ 01 cu~ 71{i)
A ~-=-L
. '
.... . -- __ __.. ... - -. -. .. ----- - - . -- .. ---- - .............. .
-----' ... .........
Situation .

~?.:! '
i ..


0 x
.' Conditional
. .

___,_........_~.,._.,_ .._...........
~-- -------

_______________ --
-..--.-~ -- ---.._

.._ - - - - ------------------
.:. -

.. .
0 0

... ... -------- - .... --- -- ............... -- - ------- . .. -------- -------
. ------- ................ .
..' ..' ...'
:i!~7i '' .' 0 ..'
..' 0 . 0
(:i!j-7-j<l rrH= '-WCXJ.c~~) :
_ _._ _______,_.,..;,, ____,_...
____..___ __!...
' ............._______ ________,. _ _ _ _ _ _......___ _ _ _
-- - - - - - -- - - ----- - - - - -- -- -

- - --
1 7t ~7-l -17} ~lE~ ~ ~?-~ "?0 1 ~tj-~J.1.ft? 1[ 173] 1

Lt l=ll, '?.17-l -17} ~~ g W-01~tj2}1i! ~90}7-l ?:J-~% ~ril 0 1-~~R.

12.l:AI .Ul7r ~R%t ITH ~1-~ lfiOI orCr '2.J:AI .u17r <ci~~ 'GJ"O I f>rcr / ~*or:AI ~er

~o 1'Clo 12-Ar2.rcr ~~ ir~o 1~1:11 orcr / .2.A r2.rA1cricr

0 r7l2.r .Ul.2.I t5-<c!O I ?11' !i=ICt
Of-'11 t:ll7t .2.:AI t>d"Ct I ?11:AI ~Ct

2 7r J 1 W- 0 1 7lTixt>~].i:f7-lR?
7 0

Lt t:ll, :@-78 B-7-11~ 0 1 ~~0}7-l ?:J-~t:12}1i! -&-21 'C_li;il environmental group

.AHH~ 7 l.!:f.o~C~ to donate (one's) wealth
0 l~~l 7!Tix<5~7-l 7-l ?:J-~% 71 c.tllR.
~OI ~OI 7JH:-oH:AICt !!-~ E_l-j~1~01 .x.~or:AI ~cr 101~7-ll 7J~oH:Al:AI ~cr

.:::Z. !!-:At7r ~Ct . .2.l.A.~o 1.7 lf>rcr / .:::z. ~:;i;:~:::: ~* filc.r

Ol~Oil 7 t8~ 2,1-~~0I ~d~ ~Ct ~ .A.t~7r7t xttH~ 7l.!:f.or:AI cr.tcr 1 .:::z.2,1-~~~ tiil~
.:::Z.12.!'.!:f.OiO ~ otCt

... ........ .... .. ... .... . .... . . ...

. ... ... .... .................. ____ .........
.. .. . .. ....
--- .... - ... .. , ....

(1) 7t 011t1_ J.1~ 0 1 ~~ Olti~Alit?

Lt l-11. 1--1~01 ot~-,.1 ~J:i:::t~ J.1~ % ~ ~% im~nR.
(2) 7t Oi~itj-7} J.}_l!_7} Jl"Glit?

(4) 7r Alt.1~ 0 1 1~~1 %~o}7l ~~ ~ %X(Oii?...

Lt ~Ol-Jl, Al. 7-lt.1~ 0 1 1~~1 J-~o}7l 7}
- -- - - -- - - -- --
.2..7-l ?1~% 71 c.tllit.

(5) 7t 9l~OilJ.1 .:g-lf-o}-2- %~ Oi"8-~% i1ol o}i!OiiL? *

Lt t:ll , 9J~OilJ-i .:g-lf-o}-2- %~ - - - -- -- - - -- - ii-~ ;_~~01 Ei
~ 71~% 7101li?...

3 72 Korean Grammar in 9lse Intermediate


0 [ 174)1
) 0
7~ _2._~ 7tJ O l 11 lf- D lTI~ ;zl uo}Jl?
Aren't the roads really slippery today?

0 0 (
L~ tjl' ~o}Jl. Al s:.. 7tJ 0 l 11.!f- D ln Cl-%1 J.i ~.ill. Oil

_2._r:j-7} 1E1 Cl ~ ~~<>1.fl.
0 Yes, you're right. They're so slippery I almost fell on the way to

........ ...... ... ......... ....... .............................................................. ......... .... .................... ........ - . ........ .

We almost missed the train.

L~ 4 %.lf-E-l-E tj ~~ ~~-Q~O~~OlJl.
Then we should leave earlier next time.

01 n;;~o r\.l[[i 0101

.J:I:.L....: '-- VIL...:
I- 2 v 12 A
7rOrL-[JI .A.l.:;i::J1l.::C..__
E.NI.'-- I 2
;::::i.=. Olr\.lLL.AI
2v1 I
lot=i I.
H -i2:J 0101
.:C.o -LL...:

L~.A I cr~o~.Ai c~~Olct:: L'~ 0 CE 010~71~ g)-Llct. :i!t711 .At:c!Oil cHoH O I 0~7lot71 [[H~Oil gt~ '- (.2.)2 ll~

~Ct' ~o ~D=l .!:f-.A~ 'otD~Ei~':i!~ ~OI ~:: ~~7~ I1~-LICt. -.At'2l filOil ~ * ~~LICt.
This expression is used to indicate that some event or action almost happened but did not. In most cases,
it is used to express the speaker's relief that the event or action did not happen. Because it refers to a past
event, the form -()2 ~~c~ is always used. It is often used together with the adverb 'C>~D~Eiic! , and it or'_
attaches to verbs.

. -- . - .. ~ $ SLOC bi L4PP44 ....~~.....-

.J. '-
,_,_. .~ ~- =---- -------- --~--

. ~ o-J t:ti 2.I Ct i ~o-i t:tii 11~0-tcr

v .
... ~Ct ~ ~ ~orcr
______ ........_.........---------------------- ~ .............. _______________
. . . . . .-. .---------------.............. . . - - - - - - - - -
. ............................

~~7} i=llf- ~ThjA-j "6}u}Ei~ i.A} ~-=f- <i{~jA-j % ~"J!'lJl.

The movie was so sad I almost cried in front of my girlfriend.

~-&~JA-j 7t{.A}7] :7-}7} l{_2_~ l:l}Y:f~] .AJ-%:7-}~] lf-~~ ~"J!'lJl.

I almost hit another car because it appeared suddenly from an alleyway.
~-l1-2.l-18-~t>}q7} %~% q ~% ~~<>1A.
I was talking with my friend on the phone and almost burned all the food.

01 R~g ~~!:F~()jl :ilr7~~ 7r~or~ 1:.~~ -~1~~121'. -~/~c-12.r'2'.!'2r ~01~ ~Sf.7r ~~Lier.
This expression is often used following constructions that indicate hypothetical past situations such as ...
- 91/912. ~ and -91191C-j2.~~ .

71 7.1-JE~ 0 1c.i Aj-Al U'! Jl'f>J=Oil * 7cJ t~~<>l -8...

If I hadn't bought my train ticket in advance, I wouldn't have been able to go to my hometown.

Dj-.3. ~1 7} ~~ ~ <?J- -5H ~Llc.t~ ~j:; ~ ~<>ll:I-] ~ ~~<>lJl.

If Mark hadn't called me, I would have forgotten my appointment.
, ..
'\J 24~ '7~ ~~~ L~E~~ rrH'1 02 '-9J./91C-J2.~~~ ~o~AilR
See Chapter 24 Expressing Hypothetical Situations, 02 -~/~C-12~'2:!.

1 7~ 0 171 ~111~ ~1%~~~ 0 r110il..9..? [ 175)

L~ o}, ~o}.fL. o}u}-1~ %~~Stj ~ ~1l0il Jf-.:Jl ~ 11J!l"9"l1="flil.

017~ ~IOI~ .UI ..R-cH~.~ *cH~t~ ~'a-Oil .!;f..:Ll 7tCt

LH~O I ~.:y .UI ~~ ~.:y .UI ~~~ <s.:!~tfi2.IC.t

2.:; .2:l.2.J7 t 2.Al!f!.Ei .1.2.JOJI ~ 7 tCt

2 7~ Oi7l77}:Al ~0 }-2-~c}.:Jl ~~:Al..9..?

L~ 1=11. LBe 1 ~11 1~ 0 1 ~Sit1c}~ Aa~ j]_A~ w 11J!l"9:totil. (car) navigation

LHtJl7ilOl{:'!OI ~ct I~~ .:Ll~otct

-~7t S: S>.t~AI l'c!"Ct I trill.Ai~~ ~LH Ct

~~A.tOJI oi-E A.Fso 1~ct ; ~ -=i15tct

3 74 Korean Grammar ffb u~e .Intern1ediate

. - . ..--- .
... ...- .
.. - -- .. .
.. .. --. ........ .. - ..

1 '- ( )2 ~o~c~ ~ A~c5HA-f c~~~ ~.g ~OI 1~ l:i ~.J?-AilR.

(1) ~Ji_ 9JOil _2-7.l ?:J-o})i -=r1-78% W 9 <U~lil.

-t ~OJOil .Qj:t;i~ =f-1!~ cS~ tl:lj_5JiQ1.2_.

(1) 7~ 9-~ -1, 0 11ti ~OilJ-1 i.BG1F t>l--e 71 }\:l7}il? (7-lY-j_lt:})

L~ o}, ~11lil. 0~7l<S"}t:}7} i.B~ol= ~ ~% f.IL.f?.J tl:IJ5Jil:ll.2..

(2) 7~ 7}9Jtl -1~ 0 } 0 1-e~~tjl 211 ~-;z} 0 }0 1 ,~ J-}J-ilil? (~*J-}q-)

L~ .:z.cH_a? ~~ ~ %xrlil. ~ -17} Wi>B 9-.Al ?:J-<U-t:12.f1E J ~

(3) 7~ .:Z. Jf-% .AJ~ -3! ~..2-y77} E.J-1.Al o}J-ilil. (BH~ 0 l Y.q)
L~ .:Z.cHil? 0 1 ? R~ 0 }1{tj2.}1E __________.

(4) 7~ .:z. 7}~10ilJ-1 71-~% ~ J-}71 ~ ~~-3! ~.Alil? (~~-&-1-q)

L~ l;n, 7-l71Al 7}BJ% i{tjc.}1?! - - - - - - - -
t:}-E- tjl.!tt:} 2BHY- til1}~0 }il.

(s) 7~ ~ ~ ~ {f-2:- -3! ~.g.tjl ~~i>B .!t"'ilJl. (~91 Y-t:t)

L~ o}, ~ {f{(-11lil. ~Cl -17} Wi>R 9-.Al ?:J-<U-Gi2.f1E ____ _ _ ___.

-- -
- --
1 o.zs. T
...U..CJ -, 0 I
-L7l7Lf ;i;::;o~ olE.[HO
0 2 CJ2 ...u...

A f...u... 01-01
~ 2
I OI.!:::.
/<.AL.. =
<'>IA.LS -.01-c
12 -1.. 0ic...J2.Li;:i:!
~..,-AA -1 I~ ,..
o.j <5H.Q..
AA2 7J~10
(VJ ...u...

CD -=:L~9- c1 ~ -=:1~9-01
@ -=:L ~9-Sj, q-'?j @ -=:L ~% * ~_Q_1?1
2 OI oj.Q..A.10
0 2 L.. 200101
- , ...LL 2
L.. I
2 I ...u...

CD u-1 Cl~* ~~01Jl. n-1 Cl~ * w7-l 91 Jl.

@ n-lt.l~ -X- W~~ 01Jl. @n-1 cl ~ * .Jl W7V: -l Jl.
~} 0

3 cL.Q.-??
I c:J "-' Cl.. * I .:L!.OJI
E c= L...: .A.
- , C> I OJ.Q.
~ ._
t::1 2
I ..J...L.



' CD * %013101 ..9.. * %0131% 7-l 9lii.


* %017c{- l@.~ 01 Jl. @* %0131%7<1 %2.}Jl.

I '
@ '
' '

(4 rv5) CLI.2.-??
c:J =
'a,!. .*I t::l$OI
= c= L...: -r-a...:....
E2.I A= ;;<:A-
= L...: 7,;2 ~ OAJIO
I ........... '
' ''

' 4 CD LB 7} ~ 2.]-~ i ~ . ~ <(!- '?J % 7-l ol=. '

-=:L ~711 !fl 017}~ 1B 01 ~ ~~- 7] 91..9... '

~R~l ..2..:Al ~-l7V:_Q_~ ~~ % ~% 7-J 9lii..


71.ft-01 Aaw
@LB7} i:H~~l ~Z=l~rt-~ ~~ 1illEil. '

5 f1\ ::il1>l g o} C:)..1rlg:l J_l2_ c:c.177ln?

\!J / I -"-1 2 L.:. - L.:. '--1 L.:. 12 - 2. I ..i:1..
100~ -?:l_ol A~~r:-1 2.}~ Jf-')!% ~}~01Jl.? '
@ 01A~l 7-1 71~1 7}:Al ?~tj-~ w7V:% lfiltjl-9... '

til7J- .g.q~ %11- ~1~ %

@ LB~ ~7 l t>B 0 1=~01ii. .

.... .. - --.,,~,- ,..,.,~-~------~~---.,......,..==:-:--:r~---...-...-=rE--

-.--;,,,,:.::....----------c--------_-_-----_--_.._. .:..;;,.:.:..::..:;........,, - __ ..,_. ____ --
r.::.o =

Akira, have you arrived?

L~ o}, -2._!f-~ ;Aj;AJ-% ~~ ~tjlil. AlX ;Aj;AJ-%

~~ %~ .::Z.~l.9.. .
{Yes,} but everyone is dressed formally. I should have worn my dress

o . . . .. . . . . . ..... , ..... . ........ ... . , . ..... . .. L < o o + + ' " + + ' " + O H 00 0 . . . . . . . . . 00 oo # ..0 0 0 + oo+ + o o o oo+ o o o oo o

~*f.Ei 30% Ail'lJ

Computers are a surprising 30% off.

L~ ~~}il? 0 1~7il Ail~W ~ ~7U-.Q.~ ~-ii~

7ltj-~~ .::Z.~l.9... Al\1-?ll -il7-l -E-il.
Really? If I had known they were having such a big sale, I would
have waited a bit longer. I bought one last week.

. . ... -


.i C ti~ Ototlii11t.ft? . . ..
.. . & t:t~ i:! : . 7, . . . . . .:

01 EE1:: Wot~ J..t~OI Jit710ll 01r~ ~~~ %!71Lt otA:I l'l:: ?.:!OJI cH0H~21 EE~ Ot*I ~ LtEt~ [[H
J..tCot-E W~ LICt. Ol't! ~ ~ otA:I l'l:: ?.:!~ ~-2.I~ [[H~ '-( 0 )2 ~ J'.ll!Cf ~ J..t-o t~. Ol't! ~6~ ~ ?.:!~
~-2.I ~ ccH ~ '-A:I W~ J'.ll!Ct' ~:: '<2_1- -(2.)2~ J'.ll!Ct'~ J..tC~LI Ct.
This expression is used when the speaker wants to express regret or a feeling of lament about somet hing
he or she should have done, or did but should not have done. When referring to something that should
have been done but was not, - (.9..)2 ~ .:::i~cr is used, and when referring to someth ing that was done, but in
hindsight should not have been done, either -.Al fil~ .:::i~cr or '2! - (.2.) 2 ~ .:::i~ cr is used.

- - - .., - - -. - -. - .,,.,..,,._ ~- "-C-~: ,.,,..._.........- ............ ,...,.............."~--~....: ..........~......, ........~ .............,..':.........~ ..~:r:--'" .... ..........----.-::--<: ---........;-- :.-
-~ -~--~ . -.-;:-. ---- - ---------- --.-~-.~---~ --;-,,_""'--~..,. ~ - - - ----~ :---:o--- - ~--.; - --- -. --~ ~ -~ . ---;"":-.-~~ -- ~-:-----~--,,.. -:--.,.
"' "' - .
..:=l..A-1 ;
00 :

v '
- . . . . ... .
~ .. - - v . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . ~ . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . - - - - - - - - . - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ . . . .. . . . -- ~

I::::! .A-I
7t:AI fil~ .:J.~Ct
~ A l fil~ J~Ct

378 Kor,ean Grammar in CZ/se Intern1ediate

_2_~ ":}iiL ~A1l e>il l- 3:};-~--c11 *~~ <?1~ll- 0 1 ~cf_31 oH.R. ~A11 e>il ~~ _:i_~o]_R__
Today, I didn 't go to the school festival, but I heard that a lot of famous stars attended. I should t'J. :: ~=--=

to the festival.

J-]~ 0 1 l=i-- lei%lJ-1 J-]~% 0J~l.R. 0 1~71] J-1~ 0 1 lei%~ ~'.V_-~~ -=g-_!f- ~ r;~ ~
w~ i~<>l.a.
The test was so difficult that I failed it. If I'd known it would be so difficult, I would have studied more_

_2_~ ~-17-1% ~c1 Q-2--c1l {f/Z}7] til7} ~l.R. _2_~ 7}/Zl ~~ _:i_~o]A.
I went out with my friend today, but it suddenly started raining. I shouldn't have gone out today.

1----- - -- -- -- - -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- .... _- - - - - - - - -


i 01 IE~:: .:z.~cf~ ~~oHA.i '-( 0 )2~' ii!s= ~~*~~Lier. '-()2~.g {.]~ J..r~~ J..rOIOllA.i
it.t~ A.l--or7iLr ~-3!~ ~~ [[H A.rgil"Llcr.

This word ..:::i~c~ in this expression can be shortened to simply - ( o) 2 ~- This is an informal form of the
expression used only with those with whom the speaker is close or when talking to oneself.

7 r Ci <5"~ :zlq ~ i:11 l;j . .:Q-0 l ~tB?

-.Sf- 2-] J:!} ~ .::r-~ 0 l
Lr Ll-5:. 7}.:il 1i!.g_i:1] ~oj <ftlol. oj~ ~ ~'.U-_2_~ ~ g ~ o}7J-j ~~-

I -'Q
'-(0) 2 ~~ :{::~~ LtEt~ rrtt.s:. ~ * <U~LICt. ..::J.~J::l'2! '-( 0 )2~0 1 :{::~~ LtEt~ rrtt:= -12.I Q:j~OI ~2.t7 tD=l
! The expression - (0)2 ~can also be used to express a supposition. However, this suppositional -( 0) 2 ~ is spoken with a rising
intonation and is only used in infonrial speech. (See Chapter 1 Expressing Conjecture and Supposition, 05 -~~..)

- ------------- - - - -------- - - - - - - - - - -- ----- ------------------ - .... _ __ -

.,. -------

1 7r Ci~. %~% ~_!f- ?J-

0 1-J-l~J-l ?J- 0 1\:1-~~ii..

01't! lfOJI 7r~~ irJ01 MiJ...1 {!l~til7r ~~o-rcr 112.iltJ I ~::: [.~ lfOll ArCr
.g tlrHHrJ...1 'WO I ~01-B ~ 9 2[.r Or77r DrEOJI n~ [[H ~~ Af 2.Cr

2 2R -?~~ J-} j9:~? ~2r -17} %li-*~ ~ 0 1 7}:Al.JI j9:~tjl .


Ml7LI' c:::i=
I 2
,...l77..!.. .2.

= O f() -
2 .M.

o '22 Af 2.Cr

-- - .-J
25. -.;> ] ~ L]-E]-~ ":5
- -
- ...- .... ..
. .
.... -~ ..... .. . .... . . ... - ' . . ........ -- . " ..

(1) OlA~l ~~Oil"'l ~~ 0 1 ~i::-"Gil :A11?J- ~~<J-1~ ~u}rl *<5RAl ~-!f- 7<}-ILl~ <J-l iL.
u] Cl ~~01~ %.!:f-c5ifi 211101.2..

(3) ~~Oil <V_i::- ~-=?-~Ell ~~~ l:lR ~1i}_i::-Ell 4?7} -Al:d:i::-Ells=. 0 1-~ s=.~%
~ ~~iL.

(4) ~ -=r- {J Oil <?1121- fil 0 l ~Cl {(i::-Ell ~ -=r- {J Oil 0 }-!f-_ fil Si 01 iL.
u]t-1 .

(5) IL}~Oil ~i::-Eil 0 }i::- J-}~0 1 "t}Li- fil"1"'1 ~-- ARu]filt:lliL.

_2_~ IL}~ Oil .

1*-E "'}~~Ell i 9d% - - - - - - - -- - -

(7) A~lY -]7} _2_~ i{o] ~cl 7}-A}JL ~~"Gil ~ {(<J-liL. i~tjl {Je>il ~:A} <V__2_y77}
1}{}i>}JL :A]fi>}tjliL.
-2-~ A~l Y -12J i 0 l _____________ .

(8) :Al\:t?Oil Ji.~ -]2J ~01 <=:3~-~ ~cl {(<J-liL. i~tjl 9:A} ~.:Y-7} A~j7} q-E:-
9:A}2J ~ ~ ~ i0 l b!i-"'1 ::l-7} 1;d-<J-liL.
Ji.~ -12J ~:~ ~ ~0 1 - - - - - - - -- - - - -

38: Korean Grammar 1~1 C/,/se Intermediate

~~7}- ~-Y ARDl ~ e>lii..
(1) q~ q!~ ~Ii
01 q!~ 5!.f.I 0~'i

.. .......... ........ ......... ........... ......... --- ....... . .. .

Z2.l 01 8-11
a ol-*-l
I IJ-j

.......................................................... .


.. -- .. . ..................... .. ........... ..

7~ u}.::I .l, ~~ ~ ~ Jl~oB ~.Ailil.
Mark, please summarize the contents of the book.

L~ ~ .2...~ifY Ll-, .llI.9\3. ~% ul2-l ~e>i

~011= ~~tjl ~1?-~Yr-1-.
Professor, I don't know it (the content). I should have read the book
in advance, and I'm sorry (that I didn't) .
............ ..................... ~- - ............
cc cc .:.H

Why is Jaya so angry?

L~ Ail7} :Al-0 1= .l ~Ell %6 oB~ ~q.Jl ~7-l-E-il.

i~ W% o}:Al W~<:>l 0 1= ~~tjl ~~7} ~Jl.
I told her she looked fat. I shouldn't have said such a thing, and
now I regret it.

~l:li.Q. q_l-()t~]]L.fl?
a.:..t:12 ... . 1

01 f:.~~ ~ f>HO ~ o~~ ~-~ oti\I ~~7~ L~ (}jitj ~EH7 ~ ~ 1(}jO~ ~~C"il ::Z.~i\ I ~~ ~~ ~:2:lot7~L~

Ot*I~~ ITH Aj-~LICt.

This expression is used to indicate regret or lament about the fact that a necessary action was not
completed or that some necessary state was not achieved.

-- ---- - ... .. .. ... .............= .........---=-. --- - .. . ....

. ..
~-.......,,,. .....

.'' '

~: .:::J..A-i
C> 0
A/V ::

''' '
~ - - -- -- --

... ....... - .................................. - ................. .............................. .

3-J;:I ~~OiO ~ ~E[il
A/V ' A
' ~J;:I ?J~OiO ~ ~e[fl
--~ .......... - - .... ...... -- ..................
' ... . .-. .. . . . .. . . .. .... .-. .. . . ... . . . . . . . . .... ... ... . . . . . . .. . .. .. ... . ...... .. .

' v

, .
---- ---------~------------------------------ ~-~-~--------- . ............... -........_______................-- ____.. --. _____
....... ...................... __
7~ 01;<11 ~J.~i:- ~ 1-)0-lJl?
Did the conference end well yesterday?

No, the conference venue was supposed to be cooled (air conditioned}, and (probably) because of the heat,
a lot of people left midway through.

382 Korean Grammar t/1 C/.lse Inter1nediatc

7~ oj;,}~ ~o] ~~ .g-7-1]7} 1?J-q~;,1Ji.?
Is it true that you're having a lot of problems with your new home?

L~ 1;11, ~% Ji]Qf-5}7] {}Oil "E"E0-}7il 1f:rri~"11= "9i-Et:ll ~ 0 1 ~0 } J:2..~.A1 .::J..Ci::z] ~~l-o-lii..

Yes, we should have inspected the house carefully before signing the contract, b ut it looked so nice that vie
didn 't do so .

7~ 7rJ ~t-1. ~ o]~J-11 J:2...JI.A10il ~~ 7il 1?J"7-lii.?

Agent Kim, why are there so many mistakes in the report?

L~ ~%~Yrt. 7-117} q;,1 ~lti ~~~ "9il 0 1= ~-f:-t:-TI ~ ~tjy ~~ 7il w-.g_ ~ 7c~Y rt.
I'm sorry. I should have looked it over once more, but I didn't, and that's why there are so many mistakes.

-------- --- -----~ ------ - - -- ------ - ----------- -----


-~/2iOiO~ ~::::c11:::: g:g .!fl{}jl ~ *.s=. ~~Lie~. Ol[[H:::: .!fl(}jl L~2:::: 0 1 0~71~ {!l~CiHAi Wol-E 3:!~
The expression -~/~Ojo~ %!:::c11can also be used at the ends of sentences. In such cases, the original part
that would have followed -~/~Ojo ~ %!:::: C11is omitted.

7~ 1- 1~ <>il~1
0 0 ~ 3-2.1~ 0 1-~ 11% 1{e>lil?
j Did you buy any Christmas presents to give the kids?
i L~ o}l-Jil, _2_ ~ 7}l-j7!} {!%ol Lj- ~5j,tjc}.Jlil. oltl J,}c1 ~e>lo]: ~~tjl .. .
I No, when I went today, they were all sold out. I should have gone to buy them earlier...
: '.Ar2.i %!::: c11 crgOll 'Dl2.I <2.t l!- ~OI --.2:1HR.' -&::: ' D-11'.lor~?' ~1 ~O I {!l~1D-I ~~Lier.

! Here, a statement like o I2.I <21' l!- ~ oI ~.1 HR (I regret not going more in advance) or D-1 ii or~? (What
should we do?) has been omitted after .Ar2.1 ~o-iot %!-EC -ll.

'-(0)2 ~ (.::L~C~)'2r '-~/2iOiO~ ~=Ci!'::: 1::1l~o~7il Al1;t;:lirl' c~gjlr ~~ ~Ojl Ai 5::~0l7r ~~LIC~.
While the expressions -( o) 2 ~ (.:i~cr) and -~/~D-!Ot %!i.::-C11are used similarly, they are different in the

following ways.
I -----------------.......... - ................................... -
.....................-...,.---- ..,. - . -..... ---. ----- --..-----.---. ---- -----.---;- ________ _ -
'' ~ --.-
. -----,.--------- ----- .-- '-- __._,__....

. -() 2 ~ .::l~C~ . . :; -~/~.OiO~ ~~(:ii

~ '
. . _,.
...................... ... ...... - ........ _...................... -. - .. __ ._.,. - --- -- __ .. __ . - ......... _. __ ... -- ....... -- .. - -. -- ., ___....... ---. __ -. - ..... --........ - ---.... . '_ .,_ .... .. . . .. .. .-- ... ..... -........... _, ...... , .. ....
,;_ ;.. ,:.,
- ,. ..;. . .- . _._
~ .. .. . ..,. ---

D-lit! ~ ~ o ~::: ?,:!OI Ci ~~~er::: Or*!~ .t.~ ~LICr. :' Oiit! ~~ ~ oHO~ %!-EC-!I orAI fa~Cri.::- C-jl.Ai 2::: ~2.ILr
Expresses the speaker's lament that doing : Or.:?1 ~ .t.~~LI Cr.
something else would have worked out better than ''
. Expresses the speaker's regret or lament about not
what was actually done. ' . doing something that should have been done .
' .
- ~ .. - - - - - - - - - - - .... .. .. . . ... ... ... ... ~ .. ......... ... .... ..... ... .. ........................
------ ------ -- ----
o-J:Ai1 ~{}El~ ~}2::.C} ~r11 ~l:lY 6}f o-J:Ai1 ~{}El ~ ~l-2::.C} ~r11 ~l:l Y ~lf_~- n:l1
%~ Ii]~ oHJl. o-JAi1 ~ ~ ~~ =1.~o-J Jl. ~9~ 1?.f0 1'91o-J_. o-J.Ai1 ~~ ~o-] o} ~,e.
I've been tired all day because I stayed up -ci1 .. ... ..
late on the computer last night. I should have I made a lot of mistakes today during my
gone to sleep earlier last night. presentation after I stayed up late last night on
... the computer. I really needed to go to sleep
. early last night. ..

Expresses the speaker's lament that going ~ _. Oj;:il ~ ~~ ;i;:fO ~ ~:::cil .=:J.~7-11 o~A I t'J. -3:!~ .!?-21
to sleep earlier last night would have worked ..

. ~LI CL
out better.
Expresses the speaker's feeling of regret about
not going to bed early last night when he/she
really needed to do so .
- .
-...-................ ....---------......................................~ ---- ----~ -----~----------------

1 7~ -?W~l ~~ ~ 1*19__2_~01.R?

L~ o}y.R, IB_~ ~ ~% ~_:]]_ '.U"e>-lol= ~-E-Ell ~.g. -7--!f-~ {]__:]]_ 7}J-1

tj-- ~ ~~ e>-1.R.

~~Oii O:I~ ~ CrL1.2Cr ~~ -t!~~ -t!~ 7rcr / ii~ 7c:;= ~ -t!~ 7r.A.1 L:JEf. ~~cr
OjJ:U ~ ~ 0I :gQrCr ~~ ~Al ~7118--cr / L:JEf. oH~"'1 ~ 7 ~0 1~1lcr
OJ:xi1~~ ~ .1.A.~I ~ ~i-or7 rcr 012.1 .2.1.A.r ~.x 1 ~ ~i-o r1:2 J1 Jrcr / ~~ ~ ~ ~i-o r.A.1 30~01Lr

2 7 r J. l ~ -=g-lf- t1i-Ol ~ 01?

Lr 0}Y , ~ ~ ~ li_ tj-7} -!:- ~ 01. "1 A~l ~ ~ ~
\ to match a standard or (someone's) ability
li.7-l W~~Of ~-Etll ...... . '---

"'l~s!.F- ir~o1 orcr ~.~ .!:2.Cr7r ~ orcr / OiJ:il ~2~ .!:2.AI ~cr
~~ u1oi1711 ~~rcr ~~.x+~ --2.r.A.1~orcr 1 <2:1~.x~~ %cH~2~1 A1lfoH~cr

Korean Grammar u1 'It~e Intermediate

...--- ... o1
a..: AoH
t:I . .!i!.11t.R.?
C! .. .. . .~ . -
-. ...... _. ".. .. . .. ...... ............... .. . . . ~ --

(1) 7~ ?{71011 ~c.l~l=ll iL. (n:}~t>}711 OJq)

L~ tjl, ~All _ ~ Uf~"()f711 OJ9i_Oj0~ "5)i.!e"(;ij ~J71l t:JJl L}ytjy ?{71011 ~~ - -

(2) 7~ -"il~o}.e- ~:AJ-j]_~ J.}t-1 ncrj]_ o}tjy .:l\:,l= ~tjl.fL. (7}c})

L~ ~All _2._~ ntj Y q- ~~Cl c.}Jl.fL.

(4) 7~ Ci~. ~~711 t>};z.l.fL? ~ 7 ~ 01 {t;z.}71 {1011 ..g_t:BiL. ({]% 78~o}q)

L~ {l~}.fL? ~7<1] ~ ~tjy t=l.!f- AlA1~t>R.fL.

(1) 7~ o}i.H7} ~7} i'J-ol X{c}~J-1.? (ig-~~l>}c})

L~ tjl, 7<1]7} ~~7]18 ~% ~~tJ-1~71-E-.. ~~71~ ~%~Oil Jlf.j-5.JiOj O~ "5.Ji.!E.~

(2) 7~ 0 1-3. -1, 017<11 ~1l~Sj.q1t1_A-].? (Jll-~% t>l-;z.l We})

L~ tjl, ~:All Al~01] t=llf- ~Ol ~~71-E-.. - - - - - - - - -

(3) 7~ ~:A11 ~~~ rrll ~~717} ~ ~stt:l-~J.1.? (~~. ~!:% o}q)

L~ tjl, 7<117} .1~~~~1 711 ~RW. 7<11%~1 t:Bc5R ~~% ~Sj.71-E-..

- - - -- - - - - -

(4) 7~ 2-1"'} -]7} 0}771 t=1 rrll~~l 1l~-~Sj_q-Jl o}tj c.}. (7~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ t>J-;z.l w=-~

L~ %, l-H7} tqJ-} -1~1711 ~-B- 0 1 ~o}Y:Jl ~~~71-E-. _ _ __ __ ___.

(5) 7~ .g_-5~~1J-1 ~% -7:- ~51~.? (SJ.l ~01] 7}c})

L~ tj], 7}y77}~01 ~~tjc.}Jl.. - - - -- - - -
...__......__~--~"---, ~~,~
.. -
- - - - - - - - - ---~ --- --- -- - ------ - - ......_._.. ,.._ _...,"'"_c o<.;:.
" .=.
- ,_,:"1o.::
- ;:.. . , _ - -


'2.J.A.i Ml, ~~O I (}i[[HR?

1::;:1 o 1::::1 ~ o D-i o 7-1 -, 2.H f'\..I o
, , Cl t:::I 2 -, 2 2 _J_N.. v J...u....

CD 1fi g ~11.q tj Y-o}Jl
' @ 1fi g 1Ef~~ %611 ~~Jl

' 7~ Oi:Ail !-0011 LH2.~7~Ct7~ A:f--};:t7 t .Jl~ ~<XtCt'2'.!.A.1R?
L~ Lil, l::ltHHt.A.1 ~ ~Ci LI 0liC! <gJO I ~~LilR.

CD 7-}%7-}7} 7-}-? Jl:Aj-01 4~7-l

lf-AJC>il ~ ~1i} o}yc.} ~<5-Js:_ 7}0F o~J.l
@ Dltlultl 7-}%7.l ~ {1~~~~ 0 1= ~~t:1l
@ J.lZl- ~% rrH 7-}%7-l ~ ~ 0 m~ 0 1= ~~Ell

3 cL -?? c 1~
I c::J ~ E c::o
.A.. o 0- LAI
-,f o.J-o
L<S .__
1:::1 2
- I ..u....

- -- - -- - - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -

CD Dltl .g-;z.1~1:2..~~ i~Oi-9..

i ~ 7-l ?!0 } 5:. 1:2..LB ti ~ -{J-0 lOil Jl ''
@ ~-7-l ~Li-JI 1:2..t.B ti.JI ~~t:1l 761-im}-~tj]Jl '

@ Ci~ We>il .!2..1,& Ci 0l= ~~ r11 :Aj {l 0l ~ ~ A-1 ~Ci ti-i 5J tj] R
'' '
4 ''
CD 0}{}e>il 91~ *~~11= ~~Ell J.1~Xi-cl-.

~7-}7} EfO}J.l ~Ol ~ifl-cl-. ~ Ol ~%~ -=z_~q. ''
@ I~e>il "6}7-l ?!01-J.1 911 t'01 ~5Jq-. u] cl -fC-Bl~%~. '

@ ~-=(-~ll] t.B 91%9 ~~7-] %~~1F ~~tj] ~~tJ-i 5Jq.

OiXil -5-0~ 7tA:I 'l"Ct I l::ll7t .2.Ct I 7tCt I .A.t.J17t Lt.Jl 'l"Ct
-+ ( ).


1 T

1[ 1so]1
7~ ~{J~t:il {1~ J-il.fL?
It's lunchtime, and (all) you're having (is) gimbap?

Lt tjl, Al{}-01 ~o-iJ,-1 .fL. Al{}- 01 ~% ~-E ~<)}~kl

{1 ~ ~ ~ r -&~Jl.
Yeah, I don't have any time. When I'm pressed for time, I'll often
have gimbap while I work.

-- .. -- -- ..-- ....... -...... ..... ........ ........ ..........-.... ----. ------. ---- ......... ---------- ...... -------- .... --- -. --- .----........ . ..... .

7t ~E1~ 0 1 {}- ~0 }].7'1.fL?

Did your Internet get fixed?

L~ tjl, ll ~ ~l f=- ~E11j} 0 1 7tf7'}7l ?i7l ~ ~~tjl

01~ .=r1rl ~ 01 ~ ~ ~ l.fL.
Yes. It used to cut off suddenly, but now it rarely, if ever, does.

OI .J.~~ Olit! ~OI ~~1()-j ~ (}j' [[H ~~ Olit! .A.~EtO I Ol it! ~ @~ ~~~os= 6~71L~ ~t!-j:1EJ X~?

~ [[H A~@ gj-LI C~. ~;g, x~?'. '712l' ~2.j ~.ll~ A~? ~O l !Ji '-.JJ.-C o~CF ~ 4-.!i. <li~ LI C~.
This expression is used to describe something which occurs repeatedly or a person who performs some
action repeatedly or regularly. It is often used together with ~~. X ~2?-. or 7f-B-. The form -.i!.::: o ~c~ is a variant
of this form.


v '
... ..... .. : --------- .... - ........ -.... -- - .:- ............................ :...... .... --- --------- -.. ----- - -- --- .. .
' '
... ... ... .... ...
i ~AH
--- -...--------------- -
.. ...... ................................_.. __ _.___ __
.. ~-......... -....-......... '
~--------------- _--.
.... -~----

1~ \:[3tJ.ol {]e>l]J-1 7]-=g- JlC-1 ~ o}J-11-}-Jl?

Does your husband sometimes cook at home?

4 Lil. ?~Cl]~ \:f3tl. 0 1 Jlc.l~ -6}l c5ffil.

Yes. he sometimes cooks on weekends.

352 Korean Grammar in Us& Intermediate

7~ *Ar7leil %0 17]- ~ ~~tjlJl.
The copier has a paper jam again.

L~ *;_* TI7Jlit!Oil 1?.J- l <5]-~ ~ 171- ~C.l ~ "5ll.fl. ~~

0 0 0 ]rc]-7l- q;_l -5H ~J-i]Jl.
It often gets jammed when you try to make a lot of copies at once. Try it again a little later.

7~ 01~% rrfl-E -Aj~o] e>l~e>iJl?

How were you (personality-wise) when you were a child?
L~ 1'-8 g ~ t1J"0 l ~~O-lJl. =z.cB;_i ~~ o]-1Jr:l].5:_ ~ifOl ~7fl::Z.l .JI~ ~lit.
I was really shy. So my face would often turn red for no particular reason.


1 ' 11 0- LCL' o ~OJI~

L- I I II L-
o LO~ .2 A o 1.6.LI CL
IL.: 2 --, AAt:::::I J.
Only verbs can come before - l'. o~Ct.

2 ' ~ orCF~ Oiit! '!~ -t!-j:~i5 Af~ ~Cri=- :!:017 1rrHg011 ~12.I filOI ~~ oHOt or-E '!OJI A~or
L.: 0 IA~c5~LI
o t::1 CLI .
Because - -2- otCt is used to describe something customarily done, similar to a habit, it sounds strange
when used to describe something that always happens, without exception.

~.DL 9Cf;J.g_ 0H~ 9J-]oj] J-j z,['6"~ -OflJi.. (x) -. -ai-.DL 9<yj,:: 0H~ 9J-]oj] Ajz,ft>Hii.. (o)
:*~g ~~ 9.A.IO!I 01121 filOI Al~r71 ccH@Oil l'. o rcr~ ~ * fil~Llcr.
Class always starts at 9:00, without exception, so -l'. f>tCt therefore cannot be used.

The expression --2- '5tCt also cannot be used to describe situations that do not repeat or that continue to
a certain degree.

;z~Jy~ 31ll ~oil .:v..%~.DL~ ~'?;l'6"1~ ~o-J..9... ( x)--. ;ziJY~ 31ll ~011 .:v..%~.DL~ ~'?; ( o)
: !l~Q{iil~ ~~~ -3:!~ ~ 't!O lll .=i 01= (l~~jjl~ ~~or~ 'IOI ~~~os= fil 0 0 s=. l'. o~Ct' ~ .A.~
~ * fil-L.ICr.
High school graduation normally occurs only once in a person 's life, so -l'. orCr cannot be used .

. 2;-ai-R rrJ1i7}1'~ ~o}'6"~ ~a.iii.. (x) - .:V..%~.DL rrJ1i7}9~ i:o}~o-JJi.. (o)

: -t!'j:-JEI .=i 7r1'~ ~Orit!Cr 8' it!Ct7r ~ * filOD. At~~* fil-LI Ct.
Here, --2- otCt cannot be used because it is impossible to repeatedly like and then not like a singer as if
it were a habitual occurrence during a particular time period.

Here, --2- otCt cannot be used because it would mean the speaker worked for five years, quit the
company, and then repeated the entire process multiple times.
L___________________ .. ----- - ------ ---------- - ---

- -- --
l:::!~-4 ---= - - -= -
.A';";} ";"'l.. _~ = = ,. --=-- ~
- - --

~~Oii ~-=fl-2~ ~.~ !:2.C~ / ~-=fl-7~ ~.~ ~~ ~~ oHAi '2J-L~'2'.! ~.~ !:2.C~

2?~ [H 7~~~:L!.~ '2!7~ '2J-~c~ / 7~~~01 '217~ ~o~c;H;._i 201'2'.! '21.!:i=-~ '2J-~c~

;.x;:18 '21* [H

2 7~ J-il~ 0 }, Jf-2-l ~_ll?_ qt@ rrfl ;_~ztol Y-?

L~ -=:Ilfj, ~_ll?_ ~t:l~oJl ?;0 } WJ-fl~ 0 11=71-0}~ ~~0 r.

Ail~O ~ I Qt.ii! [.~LI[.~ Qt.ii! Bcl~Oll <(Jo~ ~AH.s:.~ 010~7lo~c~

~!:2. / '2:10H0~c~ ia~oli6'" 010~710~~ {:iOi.A.i AH'=!:l77~J::I ~.~c;~c~

~2.~ Ml I nE:Oll;._i ~c~ ~~~ .!fi.;.x;:I~~ !:22.~~ ~ .A.l.:c..!-~ 7 I C~2.IC~

- .. ...
- .. -
... ...... --.. -. . ---.. . .....
- .. . . ..
-. - ....
' . ..... .. ... ..
... . ---- .... .... ......... . . ... .. . .. .. .

(1) Bl7} -2.i:=- ig-oJli:=- :1. J-}if:l- 0 17-p J-~ZfL-fJl.

-+ ~11r ~.le l.{011.!c- 2 1--f9501 A.~'-tL.t-:g. t>tt.2..

390 Korean Grammar u'I/ 9/.)'.b Tntern1ediate

2 c~~ .::iEJ~ !2..:!1. [!2.7l]OllAi ~'5J.g 80!~ -:~~ '--2 o~c~~ A~~oHAi cH~~ ~{1o~AilR.
,.,.- --~ -- ---- - - --- - --- - --- ---- ------------------- --~---------- - -------------- ------ - --- -- -- - --- - -- - ----- --------------- -- - ~---------------~------------------------------~----~------ ..... - -
e !i:!.cr ~~cr 7rcr lECr ~~ AH! Q:!cr l
------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- -------------------------------------------"-------------------~

(1) -

7~ Al{l-0 1 '.V_-2..1?1 !f-l <5}J-ilJ1?

(2) L~ ~~e>il ~111 t1J-o}J,1 ~~ke>il

.................................................... " ................................................,..................................... ...................................... .


,. a .;;;: :;::; . :;: : ; .;; : :,_,,.

(4) L~ o}yJl, ~_ill_ qig

_ _ ___ rr~-e- ~~ ~1l~%

- - -- - _g_-@-e>il-e- ~ Al Zl-e>il ~ 1-:ilJl.


7lif:- 0 1 ~ %~ rr~-e- -1 <5}J-ilJ1?

(5) i ~ ITl1 ~ "8Lf ~ g Q{ ~ - - - - -- - -- -

....................................................................................................................................................................... ~

7 t t1J-o l Itj-E--O~ .!I!_ olAl -e-tjl 01 Alls_ W% A~ Jf-"8 71 0:11.fL?

(6) Lt 1-:il, ~9).% ITlli::- ~o}tj-7} ~~ - - -- - - --
Jl-@-_g. i>l-X~~ AR-9=1 Ylf- Itj-E-<5}1-:ilJl.
7~ ~R~% Aa ~ ~-ttJ-l~l .fL !
Your Korean is really good!

L~ ~"5}71-EA. o}~s:_ tj W-ol BB%lol=

No, it's not really that good. I've still got so much more to learn.

... . ...................... _ .... .................... .. ....... ...... - ..................................

Was the movie interesting yesterday?

L~ ;zBul <V7l-EA. .!i!.t:{-7} ~$

Not really that interesting. I fell asleep watching it.

01 E~~ ~cH'2:t2.I fil~ 7~~7~1 ~cHor7~Lr ~l:!.f%1' rrH .Al-itLlcr. cr.e -Ar~o 1 ~~~ ~~ [[H 01 1:<8 ~

.Arg0H cH'8o r'2'.! -f3:~ EH.!:C.~ .!:2.01~::: ~0 1 ~Lier. '- l1'5=!s: fil~ *~Lier.
This expression is used to politely refute or disagree with the other person 's statement. When used in response
to a compliment, it expresses the speaker's modesty. This expression can also be shortened to --l.]R.

__ :,...,, . .. - -.. ~. ,..__.~__. ...
-~>..-.~ . . .-.-.. ._ ... ___..,,,,.__:::...:;.1.r....- -..
....,... ::'.1:- ~W~~,_ ~ .. --... !!11;. , . . ....,....,_,
. .
. .J
I ' '

:. 7rcr .
1 7r71-E
c:::::; J
.:::s. I.!:::. o

. -. -.. . -. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . .. ...

. ~-=?-Oler ~-=?- 71{::
N 1
!. ,!-~Ole~ ,l-~ 0171-E:R
' ............... ~. - -------. ----...
...................--~- . -..... ...--...-.--- -----.--........................... .
_............--.- - -. ---......... ---~ -...........................................- ............... . . . . . -...-.---..--...- ................ .._.....__ ____.......

7~ Ciel 7}7-l~ s:_~J.:1"'1 jl~irYti-.

Thanks for all you've done for me.

L~ jl~7li:=-Jl.. _2_ <S"lC;j ~]1 7} 5:_ g ~ ~~-Et:il.fL.

No need to thank me. You helped me more (than I helped you).

39? Korean Grammar u1 C/ Intermediate

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