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Carledward Russell

Annotated Bibliography

NBA Officiating News, Rulebook and Referee Operations. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2017, from

This is the official guidebook with the full set of rules for the NBA.(NBA, 2017) The NBA use
these rules on a daily basis every time they have a basketball game, they try to incorporate all the
rules on this website (referees miss calls, sometimes). These rules encompass every single rule in
the league and the website gets very precise. I will use this website to show the rule changes
from the past NBA to today. This website is very useful because it is a direct source from the
association and is what all the league officials refer to. I am definitely going to use this source
simply because it is directly from the NBA, and that is what we are talking about in our
presentation. The NBA is the most credible source we can use for our presentation, because our
presentation is on the NBA.

Porter, L. (2015, June 30). How Has the Equipment of Basketball Changed Over the Years? Retrieved

July 24, 2017, from

This source will help us directly with our topic of changes in equipment over the years of the
league. The league has seen everything from goggles to shooting sleeves in recent years. This
article talks about the improvements of shoes and grips on the floor, which really helped the
players.(Porter, 2015) This article is useful because since we are talking about improvements,
this is one of the biggest improvements. This is definitely going to help our topic, because this is
one of our main points. This source is credible because Livestrong does a lot of writing on sports
and the health of people. We will use this in our paper, because it highlights all of the equipment
improvements. Livestrong is a website that promotes good fitness and wellbeing of humans.

Badenhausen, K. (2017, February 21). The 2017 NBA All-Stars: Players Who Earn The Most
Money From Endorsements. Retrieved July 25, 2017, from
In this source, it shows how the top NBA players and their endorsement deals.(Badenhausen,
2017) This source will help me because it is one of our biggest topics as well. It is very useful
because it goes in depth of the money they're making and the brands theyre using. This is a good
source because all the information is factual and recent. I will definitely use this source in my
paper because the rich information it uses and the factual information it includes. Forbes is a
money magazine that covers everything from the richest people to money in general, which is
why this topic is necessary to be on forbes.

Ziller, T. (2016, July 02). Why NBA players make more money than NFL stars. Retrieved July
25, 2017, from

This source is explaining why NBA players make more than their NFL counterparts.(Ziller,
2016) It explains the revenue differences in the two leagues and gives a great explanation of why
NBA players make substantially more than NFL players. This source is a strong source because
it gives factual information. This source will help my project, because we are doing a point on
contracts cause the NBA players get colossal contracts on the regular. SBNation is a sporting site
that covers all professional leagues, I like this source a lot because it goes in depth with the

News, E. N. (2017, February 10). NBA starts a new pro league based on video-game basketball.
Retrieved July 25, 2017, from

This source is explaining the video game leagues being created for basketball video games.
(News, 2017) This industry is a million dollar industry, very impressive. This is a strong source
because of how in-depth it goes about the industry. This will help my project because of our
coverage we are doing with video games and how they affect basketball as a whole. We might
include this in our presentation, it gives a good outlook on the banning rule. Denverpost serves
the Denver area and the world with interesting topics and great stories by awesome writers.

Wood, R. (2011, June 15). The History of the 3-Pointer. Retrieved July 25, 2017, from
This source adds the entire history of the three pointer to my project, which is a huge part of
what we will be talking about in our presentation. (Wood, 2011) This source definitely helps
support a major topic of our discussion. This source is very closely related to our presentation
and we plan to talk about this a lot. The three point line allowed teams to run the score up like
never before, changing the game forever. This document was wrote for the audience who wanted
to add to their basketball history knowledge. The sponsor of this source is United States of
America Basketball, so obviously it is a very credible source to use. I dont know much about
Ryan Wood, but after reading more of his work he does a lot for USA Basketball which is
awesome. This source was published 6 years ago but it still remains the same, no updates have
been made to the rule. The only change has been the frequency of the three point shot, it is much
more prevalent now. The source is very accurate from the standpoint of getting everything

Berri, D. (2015, August 12). Basketball's Gender Wage Gap Is Even Worse Than You Think.
Retrieved July 25, 2017, from
This paper shows the wage gap between NBA and WNBA players, and it is quite ridiculous.
(Berri, 2015) This helps my point that women need to make close if not the same then men. This
source is very closely related to my topic, because it shows how the wage gap is so different.
This was written for anybody questioning the reason men make so much more than women. Vice
is a versatile website that covers music, sports, and pop culture; I enjoy looking at Vice a lot. I
have never seen anything by Berri but after reading this, they are legit.

NBC Sports (2017, March 23). Retrieved July 25, 2017, from
After watching this video it gives you a great explanation on the banning of dunking. This is
going to help my project a lot, because we are doing a whole slide on the banning of dunking.
Kareem would have never got his famous hook shot without the banning of dunking. This is very
relevant to my topic because it goes very in depth about the whole banning of dunking, even with
the briefness of the video. NBC Sports is very credible, they cover all sports and cover them
well. The video was made this year which makes it even better.

Martinez, J. (2016, October 20). Chuck Cooper and the Little-Known History of the NBA's First
Black Players. Retrieved July 25, 2017, from
This source is very informative. This source is very relevant to our topic, because it profiles the
first black players in the league. Now the league is largely African-American so it is good to
show that switch. The audience is to educate the ignorant and to show that it wasnt always a
primarily black league. Complex does a great job of covering music and sports, I really
appreciate the stories they cover. This source is very accurate, which was one of the determining
factors in including it in my research.

Sargent, S. (2017, April 25). The Evolution Of NBA Uniforms, As Told By The Players Who
Wear Them. Retrieved July 25, 2017, from
This source directly talks about the evolution of NBA uniforms, hence the title. (Sargent, 2017)
The league has seen everything from short shorts to sleeved jerseys and everything in between.
This article is very relevant because it shows the timeline of jersey changes in the NBA. This
was written to anyone trying to educate themselves on the uniform changes in the NBA. I have
never heard of Uproxx, but after reading this article they gained a new reader. I appreciate
Sargent and although I have never heard of him, he is a compelling author.

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