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SALES VS SABINO As stated at the threshold hereof, the appellate

court, in the herein assailed decision dated

FACTS: January 20, 1998, upheld the trial court and
effectively denied due course to and dismissed
On February 20, 1995, in the Regional Trial petitioners recourse, explaining, inter alia, that
Court (RTC) at Pasig City, Metro Manila, herein petitioners active participation, through
respondent Cyril A. Sabino filed an amended counsel, during the taking of subject deposition
complaint for damages against, among others, and adopting it as his own exhibits, has thereby
herein petitioner Jowel Sales, driver of the estopped him from assailing the admissibility
vehicle involved in the accident which ultimately thereof as part of respondents evidence.
caused the death of respondents son, Elbert.
Before any responsive pleading could be filed,
respondent, as plaintiff a quo, notified the Whether or not the requirements of Section 4,
defendants that he will take the deposition of Rule 24 (now Section 3) of the Revised Rules of
one Buaneres Corral before the Clerk of Court, Court were satisfied by the respondent when it
RTC- Pasig City. presented a certification attesting to the fact
that deponent has left the country but silent as
On December 27, 1995 and resumed on January to whether or not at the time his deposition was
3, 1996, the deposition on oral examination of offered in evidence is in the Philippines
Buaneres Corral was taken before the Clerk of
Court of Pasig, in the presence and with the HELD:
active participation of petitioners counsel, Atty.
Roldan Villacorta, who even lengthily cross- The petition lacks merit.
examined the deponent. In the course of trial,
respondent had the deposition of Buaneres SEC. 4. Use of depositions.- At the trial . . . any
Corral marked as her Exhibits DD and EE, with part or all of a deposition, so far as admissible
submarkings. under the rules of evidence, may be used
against any party who was present or
Upon conclusion of her evidentiary represented at the taking of the deposition or
presentation, respondent made a Formal Offer who had due notice thereof, in accordance with
of Exhibits, among which are Exhibits DD and any of the following provisions:
EE. Likewise offered in evidence as Exhibit BB is
a certification from the Bureau of Immigration (c) The deposition of a witness, whether or not a
attesting to the May 28, 1996 departure for party, may be used by any party for any purpose
abroad of Buaneres Corral via Flight No. PR 658. if the court finds: (1) that the witness is dead;
or (2) that the witness resides at a distance
Petitioner opposed the admission of Exhs. DD more than one hundred (100) kilometers from
and EE and even asked that they be expunged the place of trial or hearing, or is out of the
from the records on the ground that the Philippines, unless it appears that his absence
jurisdictional requirements for their admission was procured by the party offering the
under Section 4, Rule 23 of the Rules of Court, deposition; or (3) that the witness is unable to
infra, were not complied with. He also attend or testify because of age, sickness,
downplayed the evidentiary value of Exhibit BB infirmity, or imprisonment; or (4) that the party
for reasons he would repeat in this petition. offering the deposition has been unable to
procure the attendance of the witness by
In its order of February 3, 1997, the trial court subpoena; or (5) upon application and notice,
admitted, among other evidence, respondents that such exception circumstances exist and
Exhibits DD, EE and BB. With his motion for with due regard to the importance of
reconsideration having been denied by the court presenting the testimony of witnesses orally in
in its subsequent order of March 25, 1997, open court, to allow the deposition to be used.
petitioner went on certiorari to the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 44078, imputing grave While depositions may be used as evidence in
abuse of discretion on the part of the trial court court proceedings, they are generally not meant
in admitting in evidence the deposition in to be a substitute for the actual testimony in
question (Exhibits DD and EE). open court of a party or witness. Stated a bit
differently, a deposition is not to be used when
the deponent is at hand. Indeed, any deposition
offered during a trial to prove the facts therein
set out, in lieu of the actual oral testimony of
the deponent in open court, may be opposed
and excluded on the ground of hearsay.
However, depositions may be used without the
deponent being called to the witness stand by
the proponent, provided the existence of
certain conditions is first satisfactorily
established. Five (5) exceptions for the
admissibility of a deposition are listed in
Section 4, Rule 23, supra, of the Rules of Court.
Among these is when the witness is out of the

The trial court had determined that deponent

Bueneres Corral was abroad when the offer of
his deposition was made. This factual finding of
absence or unavailability of witness to testify
deserves respect, having been adequately
substantiated. As it were, the certification by
the Bureau of Immigration Exh. BB- provides
that evidentiary support. Accordingly, the
attribution of grave abuse of discretion on the
part of the trial court must be struck down. It
has been said to be customary for courts to
accept statements of parties as to the
unavailability of a witness as a predicate to the
use of depositions. Had deponent Buaneres
Corral indeed returned to the Philippines
subsequent to his departure via Flight No. PR
658, petitioner could have presented evidence
to show that such was the case. As it is,
however, the petitioner does not even assert
the return as a fact, only offering it as a
possibility since no contrary proof had been

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