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OpenFOAM Tutorial


Simple Gas Phase Reaction

Chalmers University of Technology

Andreas Lundstrom

April 7, 2008
reactingFoam tutorial 2

1 Introduction
This tutorial is intended as a first introduction problem to the OpenFOAM
solver reactingFoam. The aim of the tutorial is to understand how to setup
a simple gas phase reaction scheme. The solver uses the CHEMKIN format
to formulate kinetics and supply thermodynamic data for the induvidual com-
ponenets. Thus a large part of this tutorial will be spent understanding how
CHEMKIN is used. The choosen sample problem consists of two simple, made
up, gas phase reactions where the rate of reaction is given on an Arrhenius form.
As a reactor the 2D pitzDaily case with a backward facing step will be used.
The reactions occuring in the reactor are:
reaction 1 A B
reaction 2 2A C

Reaction 1 and 2 are assumed to be of first and second order respectively.

reaction 1 r1 = k1 CA
reaction 2 r2 = k2 CA CA

Reaction rates are given by:

Ei 1 1
ki = Ai exp (1)
R 300 T
Activation energies, material properties and heat of reactions are given in Table

value unit
A1 0.01 1/s
A2 9E-05 m3 /mole/s
E1 33000 J/mole
E2 75300 J/mole
HR1 -20E+03 J/mole of A reacted in reac. 1
HR2 -30E+03 J/mole of A reacted in reac. 2
C pA 3000 J/kg/K
C pB 3000 J/kg/K
C pC 3000 J/kg/K
MA 44 g/mole
MB 44 g/mole
MC 88 g/mole

Table 1: Species material and reaction data

A description of the reactions and thermodynamic data of the involved species
are supplied to reactingFoam using the CHEMKIN format. The case should
reactingFoam tutorial 3

contain a folder called chemkin where two files chem.inp and therm.dat should
be placed. In chem.inp the reaction kinetiks and stoichiometry is described.
The standard Arrhenius expression used for reaction rates in chemkin is given
ki = Ai T i exp (2)
(r1) 1
The default units in CHEMKIN are cm3 /mole s for the pre-exponetial
factor 1 Ai and (cal/mole) for the activation energy Ei . There is an option
to specify which units should be used. To change the unit for the activation
energy the keyword JOULES/MOLE is supplied. Please observe that the pre-
exponetial factors in Table (1) are given for Eq. (1) and has to be recalculated
to fit the form accepted by CHEMKIN. This is done by pulling out the factor
exp (Ei /R 300). A working chem.inp file is given below:

AL => BL 6.80E+06 0.0 33500.0! 1
2AL => CL 1.16E+15 0.0 75300.0! 1

The file uses keywords to indentify involved species and elements. To make
sure that species names, i.e. C is not confused with elementary carbon, all
species except N2 have been renamed to AL, BL and CL. After the keyword
REACTIONS the identifier JOULES/MOLE is given to change the unit of the
activation energy. The three numbers given before the exclamation mark are
Ai ,i and Ei respectively. In this case the main species are made up, however
the molar weights correspond to propane and heptene, the corresponding ther-
modynamic data however does not. This is due to the fact that CHEMKIN
needs to now the elementary composition of the involved species. In order to be
able to use constant heats of reaction som care must be taken when constructing
the Thermo.dat file.
In the file Thermo.dat all information about species heatcapacity, enthalpy
and entropy is given. These quantities are supplied using polynomials as follows:
= a1k + a2k Tk + a3k Tk2 + a4k Tk3 + a5k Tk4 (3)
Hk a2k a3k 2 a4k 3 a5k 4 a6k
= a1k + Tk + T + T + T + (4)
RTk 2 3 k 4 k 5 k Tk
Sk a3k 2 a4k 3 a5k 4
= a1k ln Tk + a2k Tk + T + T + T + a7k (5)
R 2 k 3 k 4 k
where means standard state based on pressure (in our case 1 atm). If Cp is
regarded as constant then:
1 Where r is the reaction order
reactingFoam tutorial 4

a1k = Cpk /R

a1A = 3000 44 1003 /8.314

a1B = 3000 44 1003 /8.314
a1C = 3000 88 1003 /8.314
Where Cpk is molar heat cpacity. The enthalpy is then given as

Hk a6k
= a1k +
RTk Tk
and the heat of reaction as
Hr = Hprod Hreac =
i (a1i RT + a6i R) j (a1j RT + a6j R) (6)
i j

It follows that in order to get a constant heat of reaction, the sum of Cp values
between products and reactants has to be equal. In the case above the mo-
lar weights and stochoimetric coeffcients are such that this is realized. As an
example consider reaction 2 where

Hr = (a1C RT + a6C R) 2 (a1A RT + a6A R)

and since
a1C = 2 a1A
the heat of reaction is
Hr = a6C R 2 a6A R
Setting the enthalpy for species A to zero and the enthalpies of B and C to the
negative of the respective heats of reaction and dividing by R gives constant
heats of reaction.
a6A = 0
a6B = 20000/8.134
a6C = 60000/8.134

Above, the enthalpy for C has been multiplied by two since it was given as per
reacted mole of A.
The format of the therm.dat file follows an old Fortran style parsing pattern.
This means that the way numbers and words are entered is important for the
parsing of the file to be successful. The simplest way to go around this is to
use an old file as a template. Below, a working therm.dat file is supplied. For
reference about the format used see the CHEMKIN manual2 .


reactingFoam tutorial 5

200.000 1000.000 5000.000
AL SAND87O 1H 8C 3 G 200.000 5000.000 1000.000 1
0.01587000E+03 0.00000000E-01 0.00000000E-04 0.00000000E-08 0.00000000E-12 2
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+02 0.01587000E+03 0.00000000E-01 0.00000000E-04 3
0.00000000E-07 0.00000000E-10 0.00000000E+00 0.03950372E+02 4
BL SAND88O 1H 8C 3 G 200.000 5000.000 1000.000 1
0.01587000E+03 0.00000000E-01-0.00000000E-04 0.00000000E-08 0.00000000E-12 2
-0.24055810E+04-0.00000000E+02 0.01587000E+03 0.00000000E-01 0.00000000E-04 3
0.00000000E-07 0.00000000E-10-0.24054363E+04 0.03950372E+02 4
CL SAND89O 2H 16C 6 G 200.000 5000.000 1000.000 1
0.03175000E+03 0.00000000E-01-0.00000000E-04 0.00000000E-08 0.00000000E-12 2
-0.72167428E+04 0.00000000E+02 0.03175000E+03 0.00000000E-01 0.00000000E-04 3
0.00000000E-07 0.00000000E-10-0.72167428E+04 0.03950372E+02 4
N2 121286N 2 G 0200.00 5000.00 1000.00 1
0.02926640E+02 0.01487977E-01-0.05684761E-05 0.01009704E-08-0.06753351E-13 2
-0.09227977E+04 0.05980528E+02 0.03298677E+02 0.01408240E-01-0.03963222E-04 3
0.05641515E-07-0.02444855E-10-0.01020900E+05 0.03950372E+02 4

The keyword THERMO ALL is used when all thermodynamic data is taken
from Interpreter input. Line number 2 includes the temeperature ranges for
two sets of coefficients describing the polynomials. The species name starts line
number 3 where also the elemenatry composition must be declared as well as
phase and temperature range. Lines number 4-6 represent the coefficinets used
in equations (3)-(5) for two set of temperature ranges. In the example above
nitrogen is taken from a standard database.

3 Case setup
As mentioned previously the mesh used is taken from the pitzDaily tutorial just
using a larger scale i.e. x10 . Start by downloading the case to your /run/
directory and un-tar it by tar -xzf reactingFoamTutorial.tgz.




Figure 1: pitzDaily domain used in the reactingFoamTutorial

reactingFoam tutorial 6

3.1 Initial and Boundary conditions

For all the fields except those describing the species, initial and boundary con-
ditions are the same as in the pitzDaily case. In the 0 folder the files AL, BL,
CL and N2 should be present and also a Ydefault (and of course the original
pitzDaily files). The initial and boundary conditions for the new fields are given
in table (2)

field internalField inlet outlet upperWall lowerWall

AL 0.0 0.9 zeroGradient zeroGradient zeroGradient
BL 0.0 0.0 - - -
CL 0.0 0.0 - - -
N2 1.0 0.1 - - -
Ydefault 0.0 0.0 - - -
T 623 623 - 623 623

Table 2: Initial and boundary conditions for species and temperature

All species fractions are given on mass-basis. The Ydefault file is used in case
a large number of species share a common set of boundary conditions i.e. a
default set which is handy incase there are many species involved.

3.2 Enviromental and Chemistry properties

There is also a second set of files used to control the chemistry in the solver.
These are:

In chemistryProperties chemistry and turbulentReaction should be turned on

as chemistry solver use ODE. Leave the setting in the combustionProperties as
it is. In thermophysicalProperties make sure that the paths to your chemkin
files i.e. chem.inp and therm.dat are correct.

3.2.1 Effective Diffusivity

The effective diffusivity is taken as the effective viscosity which implies a turbu-
lent Schmidt number of one. The laminar viscosity in turn is caluclated using
Sutherlands law where the constants are hard coded in to the actual chemkin-
reader using As = 1.67212e6 and Ts = 170.672.

T 1/2
= As
(1 + Ts /T )
reactingFoam tutorial 7

3.3 System setup and running the case

In controlDict use the following settings:

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

application reactingFoam;

startFrom startTime;

startTime 0;

stopAt endTime;

endTime 1;

deltaT 1e-02;

writeControl adjustableRunTime;

writeInterval 1e-01;

purgeWrite 0;

writeFormat binary;

writePrecision 6;

writeCompression uncompressed;

timeFormat general;

timePrecision 6;

adjustTimeStep yes;

maxCo 0.1;

runTimeModifiable yes;

// ************************************************************************* //

Run the case by:

blockMesh . reactingFoamTutorial
reactingFoam . reactingFoamTutorial
reactingFoam tutorial 8

Figure 2: Mass fraction of species C after 0.8 (s)

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