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The Tale of Genji is a classic work of Japanese literature written by the Japanese noblewoman and lady-in-waiting

Murasaki Shikibu in the early years of the 11th century, around the peak of the Heian period. It is sometimes called
the world's first novel, the first modern novel, the first psychological novel or the first novel still to be considered a
classic. Notably, the novel also illustrates a unique depiction of the livelihoods of high courtiers during the Heian
period.[1] While universally considered a masterpiece, its precise classification and influence in both Western and
Eastern canon has been a matter of debate.

The work recounts the life of a son of the Japanese emperor, known to readers as Hikaru Genji, or "Shining Genji".
For political reasons, Genji is relegated to commoner status (by being given the surname Minamoto) and begins a
career as an imperial officer. The tale concentrates on Genji's romantic life and describes the customs of the
aristocratic society of the time. Much is made of Genji's good looks.

Genji was the second son of a certain ancient emperor ("Emperor Kiritsubo") and a low-ranking but beloved concubine
(known to the readers as Lady Kiritsubo). Genji's mother dies when he is three years old, and the Emperor cannot
forget her. The Emperor Kiritsubo then hears of a woman ("Lady Fujitsubo"), formerly a princess of the preceding
emperor, who resembles his deceased concubine, and later she becomes one of his wives. Genji loves her first as a
stepmother, but later as a woman. They fall in love with each other, but it is forbidden. Genji is frustrated because of
his forbidden love for the Lady Fujitsubo and is on bad terms with his wife (Aoi no Ue). He also engages in a series of
unfulfilling love affairs with other women. In most cases, his advances are rebuffed, his lover dies suddenly during the
affair, or he finds his lover to be dull and his feelings change. In one case, he sees a beautiful young woman through
an open window, enters her room without permission, and proceeds to seduce her. Recognizing him as a man of
unchallengeable power, she makes no resistance.

Genji visits Kitayama, the northern rural hilly area of Kyoto, where he finds a beautiful ten-year-old girl. He is
fascinated by this little girl ("Murasaki"), and discovers that she is a niece of the Lady Fujitsubo. Finally he kidnaps her,
brings her to his own palace and educates her to be his ideal lady; that is, like the Lady Fujitsubo. During this time
Genji also meets the Lady Fujitsubo secretly, and she bears his son, Reizei. Everyone except the two lovers believes
the father of the child is the Emperor Kiritsubo. Later, the boy becomes the Crown Prince and Lady Fujitsubo becomes
the Empress, but Genji and Lady Fujitsubo swear to keep their secret.

Genji and his wife, Lady Aoi, reconcile and she gives birth to a son but dies soon after. Genji is sorrowful, but finds
consolation in Murasaki, whom he marries. Genji's father, the Emperor Kiritsubo, dies. He is succeeded by his son
Suzaku, whose mother ("Kokiden"), together with Kiritsubo's political enemies (including the "Minister of the Right")
takes power in the court. Then another of Genji's secret love affairs is exposed: Genji and a concubine of the Emperor
Suzaku, Genji's brother, are discovered when they meet in secret. The Emperor Suzaku confides his personal
amusement at Genji's exploits with the woman ("Oborozukiyo"), but is duty-bound to punish his half-brother. Genji is
thus exiled to the town of Suma in rural Harima province (now part of Kobe in Hygo Prefecture). There, a prosperous
man known as the Akashi Novice (because he is from Akashi in Settsu province) entertains Genji, and Genji has a
love affair with Akashi's daughter. She gives birth to Genji's only daughter, who will later become the Empress.

In the Capital, the Emperor Suzaku is troubled by dreams of his late father, Kiritsubo, and something begins to affect
his eyes. Meanwhile, his mother, Kokiden, grows ill, which weakens her powerful sway over the throne. Thus the
Emperor orders Genji pardoned, and he returns to Kyoto. His son by Lady Fujitsubo, Reizei, becomes the emperor,
and Genji finishes his imperial career. The new Emperor Reizei knows Genji is his real father, and raises Genji's rank
to the highest possible.

However, when Genji turns 40 years old, his life begins to decline. His political status does not change, but his love
and emotional life are slowly damaged. He marries another wife, the "Third Princess" (known as Onna san no miya in
the Seidensticker version, or Nysan in Waley's). Genji's nephew, Kashiwagi, later forces himself on the "Third
Princess" and she bears Kaoru (who, in a similar situation to that of Reizei, is legally known as the son of Genji).
Genji's new marriage changes his relationship with Murasaki, who becomes a nun (bikuni).

Genji's beloved Murasaki dies. In the following chapter, Maboroshi ("Illusion"), Genji contemplates how fleeting life is.
Immediately after Maboroshi, there is a chapter entitled Kumogakure ("Vanished into the Clouds") which is left blank,
but implies the death of Genji. The rest of the work is known as the "Uji Chapters". These chapters follow Kaoru and
his best friend, Niou. Niou is an imperial prince, the son of Genji's daughter, the current Empress now that Reizei has
abdicated the throne, while Kaoru is known to the world as Genji's son but is in fact fathered by Genji's nephew. The
chapters involve Kaoru and Niou's rivalry over several daughters of an imperial prince who lives in Uji, a place some
distance away from the capital. The tale ends abruptly, with Kaoru wondering if the lady he loves is being hidden away
by Niou. Kaoru has sometimes been called the first anti-hero in literature.[8]
Japanese Literature
Japan Nihon or Nippon (the state of Japan)

Literature Highlights

The Tale of Genji a major work of classical Japanese Literature in the early 11th century.

The style of No drama or Noh drama derived from the Sino-Japanese word Nogaku for "skill" or "talent" a major
form of classical Japanese musical drama in the 14th century where many characters are masked, with men playing
male and female roles

Haiku a well-known 17 syllable (5-7-5) poetic form


Hejan Period (794 1185) the high point of purely indigenous prose fiction. 31 syllable poetic form waka immerged

Beginnings origin of Japanese literature lie in oral poetry and mythology.

The Kojiki (record of ancient matters) is the written compilation of those oral literature and myths.
Man`yoshu (collection of ten thousand leaves) compendium of some 4,500 poems.
Kana a syllabic writing system that suited the Japanese
The tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu
Genpei war (1180-85) the Subject of Japans Major Epic, The tale of the Heike an epic account of
the struggle between the Taira and Minamoto clans for control of Japan in the Genpei War

Tokugawa Period named after the Shogun Tokugawa Iyeyasu.

Haiku and poetic travels of Basho

The plays of Chikamatsu Monzaemon
Writings of Ueda Akinari and Takizawa Bakin

Modern Period -

Shosetsu Shinzui (the Essence of the Novel) Tsobouchi Shoyo

Mori Ogai Introduced Romanticism in Japan
Shimazaki Toson introduced Naturalism in Japan with The Broken Commandment
Tanizuka Junichiro, Kawabata Yasunari (Nobel Prize Winner), Mishima Yukio, Oe Kenzaburo

Contemporary Period - writing after the world war two

Haruki Murakami with A Wild Sheep Chase

Feminism enters Japan with The Doctors Wife by Sawako Ariyoshi
Kabuki a popular Japanese theater form where acting is combined with lyric singing, dancing and

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