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8/11/2017 G. R. No.


Republic of the Philippines

Supreme Court

ARTURO M. DE CASTRO, G. R. No. 191002


- versus -


JAIME N. SORIANO, G.R. No. 191032

- versus -



- versus -


JOHN G. PERALTA, G.R. No. 191149
- versus - 1/43
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x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x







CHAPTER, represented by its
Immediate Past President, ATTY.
latter in his own personal capacity as



8/11/2017 G. R. No. 191002





PHILIPPINES, represented by
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
GovernorSouthern Luzon), and
(IBP GovernorEastern Visayas),

- versus -


Respondent. G.R. No. 191420
x-----------------------x 3/43
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Petitioner, PUNO, C.J.,
- versus - PERALTA,
PEREZ, and
Respondents. March 17, 2010



The compulsory retirement of Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno by May 17, 2010 occurs just days after
the coming presidential elections on May 10, 2010. Even before the event actually happens, it is
giving rise to many legal dilemmas. May the incumbent President appoint his successor, considering
that Section 15, Article VII (Executive Department) of the Constitution prohibits the President or
Acting President from making appointments within two months immediately before the next
presidential elections and up to the end of his term, except temporary appointments to executive
positions when continued vacancies therein will prejudice public service or endanger public safety?
What is the relevance of Section 4 (1), Article VIII (Judicial Department) of the Constitution, which
provides that any vacancy in the Supreme Court shall be filled within 90 days from the occurrence
thereof, to the matter of the appointment of his successor? May the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC)
resume the process of screening the candidates nominated or being considered to succeed Chief
Justice Puno, and submit the list of nominees to the incumbent President even during the period of the
prohibition under Section 15, Article VII? Does mandamus lie to compel the submission of the
shortlist of nominees by the JBC?

Precs of the Consolidated Cases 4/43
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Petitioners Arturo M. De Castro and John G. Peralta respectively commenced G.R. No.
[1] [2]
191002 and G.R. No. 191149 as special civil actions for certiorari and mandamus, praying that
the JBC be compelled to submit to the incumbent President the list of at least three nominees for the
position of the next Chief Justice.

In G.R. No. 191032, Jaime N. Soriano, via his petition for prohibition, proposes to prevent
the JBC from conducting its search, selection and nomination proceedings for the position of Chief

In G.R. No. 191057, a special civil action for mandamus, the Philippine Constitution
Association (PHILCONSA) wants the JBC to submit its list of nominees for the position of Chief
Justice to be vacated by Chief Justice Puno upon his retirement on May 17, 2010, because the
incumbent President is not covered by the prohibition that applies only to appointments in the
Executive Department.

In Administrative Matter No. 10-2-5-SC, petitioner Estelito M. Mendoza, a former Solicitor
General, seeks a ruling from the Court for the guidance of the JBC on whether Section 15, Article VII
applies to appointments to the Judiciary.

In G.R. No. 191342, which the Court consolidated on March 9, 2010 with the petitions earlier
filed, petitioners Amador Z. Tolentino, Jr. and Roland B. Inting, Integrated Bar of the Philippines
(IBP) Governors for Southern Luzon and Eastern Visayas, respectively, want to enjoin and restrain
the JBC from submitting a list of nominees for the position of Chief Justice to the President for
appointment during the period provided for in Section 15, Article VII.

All the petitions now before the Court pose as the principal legal question whether the incumbent
President can appoint the successor of Chief Justice Puno upon his retirement. That question is
undoubtedly impressed with transcendental importance to the Nation, because the appointment of the
Chief Justice is any Presidents most important appointment.

A precedent frequently cited is In Re Appointments Dated March 30, 1998 of Hon. Mateo A.
Valenzuela and Hon. Placido B. Vallarta as Judges of the Regional Trial Court of Branch 62, Bago 5/43
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City and of Branch 24, Cabanatuan City, respectively (Valenzuela), by which the Court held that
Section 15, Article VII prohibited the exercise by the President of the power to appoint to judicial
positions during the period therein fixed.

In G.R. No. 191002, De Castro submits that the conflicting opinions on the issue expressed by
legal luminaries one side holds that the incumbent President is prohibited from making appointments
within two months immediately before the coming presidential elections and until the end of her term
of office as President on June 30, 2010, while the other insists that the prohibition applies only to
appointments to executive positions that may influence the election and, anyway, paramount national
interest justifies the appointment of a Chief Justice during the election ban has impelled the JBC to
defer the decision to whom to send its list of at least three nominees, whether to the incumbent
President or to her successor. He opines that the JBC is thereby arrogating unto itself the judicial
function that is not conferred upon it by the Constitution, which has limited it to the task of
recommending appointees to the Judiciary, but has not empowered it to finally resolve constitutional
questions, which is the power vested only in the Supreme Court under the Constitution. As such, he
contends that the JBC acted with grave abuse of discretion in deferring the submission of the list of
nominees to the President; and that a final and definitive resolution of the constitutional questions
raised above would diffuse (sic) the tension in the legal community that would go a long way to keep
and maintain stability in the judiciary and the political system.

In G.R. No. 191032, Soriano offers the view that the JBC committed a grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of its jurisdiction when it resolved unanimously on January 18,
2010 to open the search, nomination, and selection process for the position of Chief Justice to succeed
Chief Justice Puno, because the appointing authority for the position of Chief Justice is the Supreme
Court itself, the Presidents authority being limited to the appointment of the Members of the Supreme
Court. Hence, the JBC should not intervene in the process, unless a nominee is not yet a Member of
the Supreme Court.

For its part, PHILCONSA observes in its petition in G.R. No. 191057 that unorthodox and
exceptional circumstances spawned by the discordant interpretations, due perhaps to a perfunctory
understanding, of Sec. 15, Art. VII in relation to Secs. 4(1), 8(5) and 9, Art. VIII of the Constitution
have bred a frenzied inflammatory legal debate on the constitutional provisions mentioned that has
divided the bench and the bar and the general public as well, because of its dimensional impact to the 6/43
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nation and the people, thereby fashioning transcendental questions or issues affecting the JBCs proper
exercise of its principal function of recommending appointees to the Judiciary by submitting only to
the President (not to the next President) a list of at least three nominees prepared by the Judicial and
Bar Council for every vacancy from which the members of the Supreme Court and judges of the
lower courts may be appointed. PHILCONSA further believes and submits that now is the time to
revisit and review Valenzuela, the strange and exotic Decision of the Court en banc.

Peralta states in his petition in G.R. No. 191149 that mandamus can compel the JBC to
immediately transmit to the President, within a reasonable time, its nomination list for the position of
chief justice upon the mandatory retirement of Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno, in compliance with its
mandated duty under the Constitution in the event that the Court resolves that the President can
appoint a Chief Justice even during the election ban under Section 15, Article VII of the Constitution.

The petitioners in G.R. No. 191342 insist that there is an actual controversy, considering that
the JBC has initiated the process of receiving applications for the position of Chief Justice and has in
fact begun the evaluation process for the applications to the position, and is perilously near
completing the nomination process and coming up with a list of nominees for submission to the
President, entering into the period of the ban on midnight appointments on March 10, 2010, which
only highlights the pressing and compelling need for a writ of prohibition to enjoin such alleged
ministerial function of submitting the list, especially if it will be cone within the period of the ban on
midnight appointments.

These cases trace their genesis to the controversy that has arisen from the forthcoming
compulsory retirement of Chief Justice Puno on May 17, 2010, or seven days after the presidential
election. Under Section 4(1), in relation to Section 9, Article VIII, that vacancy shall be filled within
ninety days from the occurrence thereof from a list of at least three nominees prepared by the Judicial
and Bar Council for every vacancy.

On December 22, 2009, Congressman Matias V. Defensor, an ex officio member of the JBC,
addressed a letter to the JBC, requesting that the process for nominations to the office of the Chief
Justice be commenced immediately. 7/43
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In its January 18, 2010 meeting en banc, therefore, the JBC passed a resolution, which

The JBC, in its en banc meeting of January 18, 2010, unanimously agreed to start the process of
filling up the position of Chief Justice to be vacated on May 17, 2010 upon the retirement of the
incumbent Chief Justice Honorable Reynato S. Puno.

It will publish the opening of the position for applications or recommendations; deliberate on the
list of candidates; publish the names of candidates; accept comments on or opposition to the
applications; conduct public interviews of candidates; and prepare the shortlist of candidates.

As to the time to submit this shortlist to the proper appointing authority, in the light of the
Constitution, existing laws and jurisprudence, the JBC welcomes and will consider all views on the

18 January 2010.

Clerk of Court &
Ex-Officio Secretary
Judicial and Bar Council

As a result, the JBC opened the position of Chief Justice for application or recommendation, and
published for that purpose its announcement dated January 20, 2010, viz:

The Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) announces the opening for application or recommendation, of
the position of CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT, which will be vacated on 17 May 2010
upon the retirement of the incumbent Chief Justice, HON. REYNATO S. PUNO.

Applications or recommendations for this position must be submitted not later than 4 February
2010 (Thursday) to the JBC Secretariat xxx:
The announcement was published on January 20, 2010 in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and The
Philippine Star.

Conformably with its existing practice, the JBC automatically considered for the position of Chief
Justice the five most senior of the Associate Justices of the Court, namely: Associate Justice Antonio
T. Carpio; Associate Justice Renato C. Corona; Associate Justice Conchita Carpio Morales; Associate
Justice Presbitero J. Velasco, Jr.; and Associate Justice Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura. However, the
last two declined their nomination through letters dated January 18, 2010 and January 25, 2010,
respectively. 8/43
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Others either applied or were nominated. Victor Fernandez, the retired Deputy Ombudsman for
Luzon, applied, but later formally withdrew his name from consideration through his letter dated
February 8, 2010. Candidates who accepted their nominations without conditions were Associate
Justice Renato C. Corona; Associate Justice Teresita J. Leonardo-De Castro; Associate Justice Arturo
D. Brion; and Associate Justice Edilberto G. Sandoval (Sandiganbayan). Candidates who accepted
their nominations with conditions were Associate Justice Antonio T. Carpio and Associate Justice
Conchita Carpio Morales. Declining their nominations were Atty. Henry Villarica (via telephone
conversation with the Executive Officer of the JBC on February 5, 2010) and Atty. Gregorio M.
Batiller, Jr. (via telephone conversation with the Executive Officer of the JBC on February 8, 2010).

The JBC excluded from consideration former RTC Judge Florentino Floro (for failure to meet the
standards set by the JBC rules); and Special Prosecutor Dennis Villa-Ignacio of the Office of the
Ombudsman (due to cases pending in the Office of the Ombudsman).

In its meeting of February 8, 2010, the JBC resolved to proceed to the next step of announcing the
names of the following candidates to invite the public to file their sworn complaint, written report, or
opposition, if any, not later than February 22, 2010, to wit: Associate Justice Carpio, Associate Justice
Corona, Associate Justice Carpio Morales, Associate Justice Leonardo-De Castro, Associate Justice
Brion, and Associate Justice Sandoval. The announcement came out in the Philippine Daily Inquirer
and The Philippine Star issues of February 13, 2010.


Although it has already begun the process for the filling of the position of Chief Justice Puno in
accordance with its rules, the JBC is not yet decided on when to submit to the President its list of
nominees for the position due to the controversy now before us being yet unresolved. In the
meanwhile, time is marching in quick step towards May 17, 2010 when the vacancy occurs upon the
retirement of Chief Justice Puno.

The actions of the JBC have sparked a vigorous debate not only among legal luminaries, but
also among non-legal quarters, and brought out highly disparate opinions on whether the incumbent
President can appoint the next Chief Justice or not. Petitioner Mendoza notes that in Valenzuela,
which involved the appointments of two judges of the Regional Trial Court, the Court addressed this 9/43
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issue now before us as an administrative matter to avoid any possible polemics concerning the matter,
but he opines that the polemics leading to Valenzuela would be miniscule [sic] compared to the
polemics that have now erupted in regard to the current controversy, and that unless put to a halt, and
this may only be achieved by a ruling from the Court, the integrity of the process and the credibility
of whoever is appointed to the position of Chief Justice, may irreparably be impaired.

Accordingly, we reframe the issues as submitted by each petitioner in the order of the chronological
filing of their petitions.

G.R. No. 191002

a. Does the JBC have the power and authority to resolve the constitutional question of
whether the incumbent President can appoint a Chief Justice during the election ban

b. Does the incumbent President have the power and authority to appoint during the
election ban the successor of Chief Justice Puno when he vacates the position of
Chief Justice on his retirement on May 17, 2010?

G.R. No. 191032

a. Is the power to appoint the Chief Justice vested in the Supreme Court en banc?

G.R. No. 191057

a. Is the constitutional prohibition against appointment under Section 15, Article VII of
the Constitution applicable only to positions in the Executive Department?

b. Assuming that the prohibition under Section 15, Article VII of the Constitution also
applies to members of the Judiciary, may such appointments be excepted because they
are impressed with public interest or are demanded by the exigencies of public
service, thereby justifying these appointments during the period of prohibition?

c. Does the JBC have the authority to decide whether or not to include and submit the
names of nominees who manifested interest to be nominated for the position of Chief
Justice on the understanding that his/her nomination will be submitted to the next
President in view of the prohibition against presidential appointments from March 11,
2010 until June 30, 2010?

A. M. No. 10-2-5-SC 10/43
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a. Does Section 15, Article VII of the Constitution apply to appointments to positions in
the Judiciary under Section 9, Article VIII of the Constitution?

b. May President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo make appointments to the Judiciary after

March 10, 2010, including that for the position of Chief Justice after Chief Justice
Puno retires on May 17, 2010?

G.R. No. 191149

a. Does the JBC have the discretion to withhold the submission of the short list to
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo?

G.R. No. 191342

a. Does the JBC have the authority to submit the list of nominees to the incumbent
President without committing a grave violation of the Constitution and jurisprudence
prohibiting the incumbent President from making midnight appointments two months
immediately preceding the next presidential elections until the end of her term?

b. Is any act performed by the JBC, including the vetting of the candidates for the
position of Chief Justice, constitutionally invalid in view of the JBCs illegal
composition allowing each member from the Senate and the House of
Representatives to have one vote each?

On February 16, 2010, the Court directed the JBC and the Office of the Solicitor General
(OSG) to comment on the consolidated petitions, except that filed in G.R. No. 191342.

On February 26, 2010, the JBC submitted its comment, reporting therein that the next stage of
the process for the selection of the nominees for the position of Chief Justice would be the public
interview of the candidates and the preparation of the short list of candidates, including the interview
[24] [25]
of the constitutional experts, as may be needed. It stated:

Likewise, the JBC has yet to take a position on when to submit the shortlist to the proper
appointing authority, in light of Section 4 (1), Article VIII of the Constitution, which provides
that vacancy in the Supreme Court shall be filled within ninety (90) days from the occurrence
thereof, Section 15, Article VII of the Constitution concerning the ban on Presidential
appointments two (2) months immediately before the next presidential elections and up to the
end of his term and Section 261 (g), Article XXII of the Omnibus Election Code of the

12. Since the Honorable Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the Constitution, the JBC will be
guided by its decision in these consolidated Petitions and Administrative Matter. 11/43
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On February 26, 2010, the OSG also submitted its comment, essentially stating that the
incumbent President can appoint the successor of Chief Justice Puno upon his retirement by May 17,

The OSG insists that: (a) a writ of prohibition cannot issue to prevent the JBC from performing
its principal function under the Constitution to recommend appointees in the Judiciary; (b) the JBCs
function to recommend is a continuing process, which does not begin with each vacancy or end with
each nomination, because the goal is to submit the list of nominees to Malacaang on the very day the
vacancy arises; the JBC was thus acting within its jurisdiction when it commenced and set in
motion the process of selecting the nominees to be submitted to the President for the position of Chief
Justice to be vacated by Chief Justice Puno; (c) petitioner Sorianos theory that it is the Supreme
Court, not the President, who has the power to appoint the Chief Justice, is incorrect, and proceeds
from his misinterpretation of the phrase members of the Supreme Court found in Section 9, Article
VIII of the Constitution as referring only to the Associate Justices, to the exclusion of the Chief
Justice; (d) a writ of mandamus can issue to compel the JBC to submit the list of nominees to the
President, considering that its duty to prepare the list of at least three nominees is unqualified, and the
submission of the list is a ministerial act that the JBC is mandated to perform under the Constitution;
as such, the JBC, the nature of whose principal function is executive, is not vested with the power to
resolve who has the authority to appoint the next Chief Justice and, therefore, has no discretion to
withhold the list from the President; and (e) a writ of mandamus cannot issue to compel the JBC
to include or exclude particular candidates as nominees, considering that there is no imperative duty
on its part to include in or exclude from the list particular individuals, but, on the contrary, the JBCs
determination of who it nominates to the President is an exercise of a discretionary duty.

The OSG contends that the incumbent President may appoint the next Chief Justice, because
the prohibition under Section 15, Article VII of the Constitution does not apply to appointments in the
Supreme Court. It argues that any vacancy in the Supreme Court must be filled within 90 days from
its occurrence, pursuant to Section 4(1), Article VIII of the Constitution; that in their
deliberations on the mandatory period for the appointment of Supreme Court Justices, the framers
neither mentioned nor referred to the ban against midnight appointments, or its effects on such period,
or vice versa; that had the framers intended the prohibition to apply to Supreme Court
appointments, they could have easily expressly stated so in the Constitution, which explains why the 12/43
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prohibition found in Article VII (Executive Department) was not written in Article VIII (Judicial
Department); and that the framers also incorporated in Article VIII ample restrictions or limitations
on the Presidents power to appoint members of the Supreme Court to ensure its independence from
political vicissitudes and its insulation from political pressures, such as stringent qualifications for
the positions, the establishment of the JBC, the specified period within which the President shall
appoint a Supreme Court Justice.

The OSG posits that although Valenzuela involved the appointment of RTC Judges, the
situation now refers to the appointment of the next Chief Justice to which the prohibition does not
apply; that, at any rate, Valenzuela even recognized that there might be the imperative need for an
appointment during the period of the ban, like when the membership of the Supreme Court should be
so reduced that it will have no quorum, or should the voting on a particular important question
requiring expeditious resolution be divided; and that Valenzuela also recognized that the filling of
vacancies in the Judiciary is undoubtedly in the public interest, most especially if there is any
compelling reason to justify the making of the appointments during the period of the prohibition.

Lastly, the OSG urges that there are now undeniably compelling reasons for the incumbent
President to appoint the next Chief Justice, to wit: (a) a deluge of cases involving sensitive political
issues is quite expected; (b) the Court acts as the Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET), which,
sitting en banc, is the sole judge of all contests relating to the election, returns, and qualifications of
the President and Vice President and, as such, has the power to correct manifest errors on the
statement of votes (SOV) and certificates of canvass (COC); (c) if history has shown that during
ordinary times the Chief Justice was appointed immediately upon the occurrence of the vacancy, from
the time of the effectivity of the Constitution, there is now even more reason to appoint the next Chief
Justice immediately upon the retirement of Chief Justice Puno; and (d) should the next Chief
Justice come from among the incumbent Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, thereby causing a
vacancy, it also becomes incumbent upon the JBC to start the selection process for the filling up of
the vacancy in accordance with the constitutional mandate.

On March 9, 2010, the Court admitted the following comments/oppositions-in-intervention, to

wit: 13/43
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(a) The opposition-in-intervention dated February 22, 2010 of Atty. Peter Irving Corvera

(b) The opposition-in-intervention dated February 22, 2010 of Atty. Christian Robert S.
Lim (Lim);

(c) The opposition-in-intervention dated February 23, 2010 of Atty. Alfonso V. Tan, Jr.

(d) The comment/opposition-in-intervention dated March 1, 2010 of the National Union

of Peoples Lawyers (NUPL);

(e) The opposition-in-intervention dated February 25, 2010 of Atty. Marlou B. Ubano

(f) The opposition-in-intervention dated February 25, 2010 of Integrated Bar of the
Philippines-Davao del Sur Chapter and its Immediate Past President, Atty. Israelito P.
Torreon (IBP- Davao del Sur);

(g) The opposition-in-intervention dated February 26, 2010 of Atty. Mitchell John L.
Boiser (Boiser);

(h)The consolidated comment/opposition-in-intervention dated February 26, 2010 of

BAYAN Chairman Dr. Carolina P. Araullo; BAYAN Secretary General Renato M.
Reyes, Jr.; Confederation for Unity, Recognition and Advancement of Government
Employees (COURAGE) Chairman Ferdinand Gaite; Kalipunan ng Damayang
Mahihirap (KADAMAY) Secretary General Gloria Arellano; Alyansa ng
Nagkakaisang Kabataan ng Samayanan Para sa Kaunlaran (ANAKBAYAN)
Chairman Ken Leonard Ramos; Tayo ang Pag-asa Convenor Alvin Peters; League of
Filipino Students (LFS) Chairman James Mark Terry Lacuanan Ridon; National
Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP) Chairman Einstein Recedes, College
Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) Chairman Vijae Alquisola; and Student
Christian Movement of the Philippines (SCMP) Chairman Ma. Cristina Angela
Guevarra (BAYAN et al.);

(i) The opposition-in-intervention dated March 3, 2010 of Walden F. Bello and Loretta
Ann P. Rosales (Bello et al.); and

(j) The consolidated comment/opposition-in-intervention dated March 4, 2010 of the

Women Trial Lawyers Organization of the Philippines (WTLOP), represented by
Atty. Yolanda Quisumbing-Javellana; Atty. Belleza Alojado Demaisip; Atty. Teresita
Gandionco-Oledan; Atty. Ma. Verena Kasilag-Villanueva; Atty. Marilyn Sta.
Romana; Atty. Leonila de Jesus; and Atty. Guinevere de Leon (WTLOP). 14/43
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Intervenors Tan, WTLOP, BAYAN et al., Corvera, IBP Davao del Sur, and NUPL take the position
that De Castros petition was bereft of any basis, because under Section 15, Article VII, the outgoing
President is constitutionally banned from making any appointments from March 10, 2010 until June
30, 2010, including the appointment of the successor of Chief Justice Puno. Hence, mandamus does
not lie to compel the JBC to submit the list of nominees to the outgoing President if the constitutional
prohibition is already in effect. Tan adds that the prohibition against midnight appointments was
applied by the Court to the appointments to the Judiciary made by then President Ramos, with the
Court holding that the duty of the President to fill the vacancies within 90 days from occurrence of the
vacancies (for the Supreme Court) or from the submission of the list (for all other courts) was not an
excuse to violate the constitutional prohibition.

Intervenors Tan, Ubano, Boiser, Corvera, NULP, BAYAN et al., and Bello et al. oppose the
insistence that Valenzuela recognizes the possibility that the President may appoint the next Chief
Justice if exigent circumstances warrant the appointment, because that recognition is obiter dictum;
and aver that the absence of a Chief Justice or even an Associate Justice does not cause epic damage
or absolute disruption or paralysis in the operations of the Judiciary. They insist that even without the
successor of Chief Justice Puno being appointed by the incumbent President, the Court is allowed to
sit and adjudge en banc or in divisions of three, five or seven members at its discretion; that a full
membership of the Court is not necessary; that petitioner De Castros fears are unfounded and
baseless, being based on a mere possibility, the occurrence of which is entirely unsure; that it is not in
the national interest to have a Chief Justice whose appointment is unconstitutional and, therefore,
void; and that such a situation will create a crisis in the judicial system and will worsen an already
vulnerable political situation.

ice is imperative for the stability of the judicial system and the political situation in the country when the election-
related questions reach the Court as false, because there is an existing law on filling the void brought about by a
vacancy in the office of Chief Justice; that the law is Section 12 of the Judiciary Act of 1948, which has not been
repealed by Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 or any other law; that a temporary or an acting Chief Justice is not anathema to
judicial independence; that the designation of an acting Chief Justice is not only provided for by law, but is also
dictated by practical necessity; that the practice was intended to be enshrined in the 1987 Constitution, but the
Commissioners decided not to write it in the Constitution on account of the settled practice; that the practice was
followed under the 1987 Constitution, when, in 1992, at the end of the term of Chief Justice Marcelo B. Fernan,
Associate Justice Andres Narvasa assumed the position as Acting Chief Justice prior to his official appointment as
Chief Justice; that said filling up of a vacancy in the office of the Chief Justice was acknowledged and even used by
analogy in the case of the vacancy of the Chairman of the Commission on Elections, per Brillantes v. Yorac, 192
SCRA 358; and that the history of the Supreme Court has shown that this rule of succession has been repeatedly
observed and has become a part of its tradition.

Intervenors Ubano, Boiser, NUPL, Corvera, and Lim maintain that the Omnibus Election Code
penalizes as an election offense the act of any government official who appoints, promotes, or gives 15/43
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any increase in salary or remuneration or privilege to any government official or employee during the
period of 45 days before a regular election; that the provision covers all appointing heads, officials,
and officers of a government office, agency or instrumentality, including the President; that for the
incumbent President to appoint the next Chief Justice upon the retirement of Chief Justice Puno, or
during the period of the ban under the Omnibus Election Code, constitutes an election offense; that
even an appointment of the next Chief Justice prior to the election ban is fundamentally invalid and
without effect because there can be no appointment until a vacancy occurs; and that the vacancy for
the position can occur only by May 17, 2010.

Intervenor Boiser adds that De Castros prayer to compel the submission of nominees by the
JBC to the incumbent President is off-tangent because the position of Chief Justice is still not vacant;
that to speak of a list, much more a submission of such list, before a vacancy occurs is glaringly
premature; that the proposed advance appointment by the incumbent President of the next Chief
Justice will be unconstitutional; and that no list of nominees can be submitted by the JBC if there is
no vacancy.

All the intervenors-oppositors submit that Section 15, Article VII makes no distinction between the
kinds of appointments made by the President; and that the Court, in Valenzuela, ruled that the
appointments by the President of the two judges during the prohibition period were void.

Intervenor WTLOP posits that Section 15, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution does not apply
only to the appointments in the Executive Department, but also to judicial appointments, contrary to
the submission of PHILCONSA; that Section 15 does not distinguish; and that Valenzuela already
interpreted the prohibition as applicable to judicial appointments.

Intervenor WTLOP further posits that petitioner Sorianos contention that the power to appoint
the Chief Justice is vested, not in the President, but in the Supreme Court, is utterly baseless, because
the Chief Justice is also a Member of the Supreme Court as contemplated under Section 9, Article
VIII; and that, at any rate, the term members was interpreted in Vargas v. Rillaroza (G.R. No. L-1612,
February 26, 1948) to refer to the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court; that
PHILCONSAs prayer that the Court pass a resolution declaring that persons who manifest their
interest as nominees, but with conditions, shall not be considered nominees by the JBC is
diametrically opposed to the arguments in the body of its petition; that such glaring inconsistency
between the allegations in the body and the relief prayed for highlights the lack of merit of
PHILCONSAs petition; that the role of the JBC cannot be separated from the constitutional
prohibition on the President; and that the Court must direct the JBC to follow the rule of law, that is, 16/43
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to submit the list of nominees only to the next duly elected President after the period of the
constitutional ban against midnight appointments has expired.

Oppositor IBP Davao del Sur opines that the JBC because it is neither a judicial nor a quasi-
judicial body has no duty under the Constitution to resolve the question of whether the incumbent
President can appoint a Chief Justice during the period of prohibition; that even if the JBC has already
come up with a short list, it still has to bow to the strict limitations under Section 15, Article VII; that
should the JBC defer submission of the list, it is not arrogating unto itself a judicial function, but
simply respecting the clear mandate of the Constitution; and that the application of the general rule in
Section 15, Article VII to the Judiciary does not violate the principle of separation of powers, because
said provision is an exception.

Oppositors NUPL, Corvera, Lim and BAYAN et al. state that the JBCs act of nominating
appointees to the Supreme Court is purely ministerial and does not involve the exercise of judgment;
that there can be no default on the part of the JBC in submitting the list of nominees to the President,
considering that the call for applications only begins from the occurrence of the vacancy in the
Supreme Court; and that the commencement of the process of screening of applicants to fill the
vacancy in the office of the Chief Justice only begins from the retirement on May 17, 2010, for, prior
to this date, there is no definite legal basis for any party to claim that the submission or non-
submission of the list of nominees to the President by the JBC is a matter of right under law.

The main question presented in all the filings herein because it involves two seemingly
conflicting provisions of the Constitution imperatively demands the attention and resolution of this
Court, the only authority that can resolve the question definitively and finally. The imperative demand
rests on the ever-present need, first, to safeguard the independence, reputation, and integrity of the
entire Judiciary, particularly this Court, an institution that has been unnecessarily dragged into the
harsh polemics brought on by the controversy; second, to settle once and for all the doubt about an
outgoing Presidents power to appoint to the Judiciary within the long period starting two months
before the presidential elections until the end of the presidential term; and third, to set a definite
guideline for the JBC to follow in the discharge of its primary office of screening and nominating
qualified persons for appointment to the Judiciary.

Thus, we resolve.

Ruling of the Court

Locus Standi of Petitioners 17/43
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The preliminary issue to be settled is whether or not the petitioners have locus standi.

Black defines locus standi as a right of appearance in a court of justice on a given question.
In public or constitutional litigations, the Court is often burdened with the determination of the locus
standi of the petitioners due to the ever-present need to regulate the invocation of the intervention of
the Court to correct any official action or policy in order to avoid obstructing the efficient functioning
of public officials and offices involved in public service. It is required, therefore, that the petitioner
must have a personal stake in the outcome of the controversy, for, as indicated in Agan, Jr. v.
Philippine International Air Terminals Co., Inc.:

The question on legal standing is whether such parties have alleged such a personal stake in
the outcome of the controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness which sharpens the
presentation of issues upon which the court so largely depends for illumination of difficult
constitutional questions. Accordingly, it has been held that the interest of a person assailing
the constitutionality of a statute must be direct and personal. He must be able to show, not only
that the law or any government act is invalid, but also that he sustained or is in imminent danger
of sustaining some direct injury as a result of its enforcement, and not merely that he suffers
thereby in some indefinite way. It must appear that the person complaining has been or is about
to be denied some right or privilege to which he is lawfully entitled or that he is about to be
subjected to some burdens or penalties by reason of the statute or act complained of.

It is true that as early as in 1937, in People v. Vera, the Court adopted the direct injury test
for determining whether a petitioner in a public action had locus standi. There, the Court held that the
person who would assail the validity of a statute must have a personal and substantial interest in the
case such that he has sustained, or will sustain direct injury as a result. Vera was followed in Custodio
[46] [47]
v. President of the Senate, Manila Race Horse Trainers Association v. De la Fuente, Anti-
[48] [49]
Chinese League of the Philippines v. Felix, and Pascual v. Secretary of Public Works.

Yet, the Court has also held that the requirement of locus standi, being a mere procedural
technicality, can be waived by the Court in the exercise of its discretion. For instance, in 1949, in
Araneta v. Dinglasan, the Court liberalized the approach when the cases had transcendental
importance. Some notable controversies whose petitioners did not pass the direct injury test were
allowed to be treated in the same way as in Araneta v. Dinglasan. 18/43
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In the 1975 decision in Aquino v. Commission on Elections, this Court decided to resolve the
issues raised by the petition due to their far-reaching implications, even if the petitioner had no
personality to file the suit. The liberal approach of Aquino v. Commission on Elections has been
adopted in several notable cases, permitting ordinary citizens, legislators, and civic
organizations to bring their suits involving the constitutionality or validity of laws, regulations, and

However, the assertion of a public right as a predicate for challenging a supposedly illegal or
unconstitutional executive or legislative action rests on the theory that the petitioner represents the
public in general. Although such petitioner may not be as adversely affected by the action complained
against as are others, it is enough that he sufficiently demonstrates in his petition that he is entitled to
protection or relief from the Court in the vindication of a public right.

Quite often, as here, the petitioner in a public action sues as a citizen or taxpayer to gain locus
standi. That is not surprising, for even if the issue may appear to concern only the public in general,
such capacities nonetheless equip the petitioner with adequate interest to sue. In David v. Macapagal-
Arroyo, the Court aptly explains why:

Case law in most jurisdictions now allows both citizen and taxpayer standing in public actions.
The distinction was first laid down in Beauchamp v. Silk, where it was held that the plaintiff in a
taxpayers suit is in a different category from the plaintiff in a citizens suit. In the former, the plaintiff
is affected by the expenditure of public funds, while in the latter, he is but the mere instrument of
the public concern. As held by the New York Supreme Court in People ex rel Case v. Collins: In
matter of mere public right, howeverthe people are the real partiesIt is at least the right, if not the
duty, of every citizen to interfere and see that a public offence be properly pursued and punished,
and that a public grievance be remedied. With respect to taxpayers suits, Terr v. Jordan held that
the right of a citizen and a taxpayer to maintain an action in courts to restrain the unlawful use of
public funds to his injury cannot be denied.

Petitioners De Castro (G.R. No. 191002), Soriano (G.R. No. 191032) and Peralta (G.R. No.
191149) all assert their right as citizens filing their petitions on behalf of the public who are directly
affected by the issue of the appointment of the next Chief Justice. De Castro and Soriano further
claim standing as taxpayers, with Soriano averring that he is affected by the continuing proceedings in
the JBC, which involve unnecessary, if not, illegal disbursement of public funds. 19/43
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PHILCONSA alleges itself to be a non-stock, non-profit organization existing under the law for
the purpose of defending, protecting, and preserving the Constitution and promoting its growth and
flowering. It also alleges that the Court has recognized its legal standing to file cases on constitutional
issues in several cases.

In A.M. No. 10-2-5-SC, Mendoza states that he is a citizen of the Philippines, a member of the
Philippine Bar engaged in the active practice of law, and a former Solicitor General, former Minister
of Justice, former Member of the Interim Batasang Pambansa and the Regular Batasang Pambansa,
and former member of the Faculty of the College of Law of the University of the Philippines.

The petitioners in G.R. No. 191342 are the Governors of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
(IBP) for Southern Luzon and Eastern Visayas. They allege that they have the legal standing to enjoin
the submission of the list of nominees by the JBC to the President, for [a]n adjudication of the proper
interpretation and application of the constitutional ban on midnight appointments with regard to
respondent JBCs function in submitting the list of nominees is well within the concern of petitioners,
who are duty bound to ensure that obedience and respect for the Constitution is upheld, most
especially by government offices, such as respondent JBC, who are specifically tasked to perform
crucial functions in the whole scheme of our democratic institution. They further allege that, reposed
in them as members of the Bar, is a clear legal interest in the process of selecting the members of the
Supreme Court, and in the selection of the Chief Justice, considering that the person appointed
becomes a member of the body that has constitutional supervision and authority over them and other
members of the legal profession.
The Court rules that the petitioners have each demonstrated adequate interest in the outcome of
the controversy as to vest them with the requisite locus standi. The issues before us are of
transcendental importance to the people as a whole, and to the petitioners in particular. Indeed, the
issues affect everyone (including the petitioners), regardless of ones personal interest in life, because
they concern that great doubt about the authority of the incumbent President to appoint not only the
successor of the retiring incumbent Chief Justice, but also others who may serve in the Judiciary,
which already suffers from a far too great number of vacancies in the ranks of trial judges throughout
the country.

In any event, the Court retains the broad discretion to waive the requirement of legal standing
in favor of any petitioner when the matter involved has transcendental importance, or otherwise
requires a liberalization of the requirement. 20/43
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Yet, if any doubt still lingers about the locus standi of any petitioner, we dispel the doubt now
in order to remove any obstacle or obstruction to the resolution of the essential issue squarely
presented herein. We are not to shirk from discharging our solemn duty by reason alone of an obstacle
more technical than otherwise. In Agan, Jr. v. Philippine International Air Terminals Co., Inc., we
pointed out: Standing is a peculiar concept in constitutional law because in some cases, suits are not
brought by parties who have been personally injured by the operation of a law or any other
government act but by concerned citizens, taxpayers or voters who actually sue in the public interest.
But even if, strictly speaking, the petitioners are not covered by the definition, it is still within the
wide discretion of the Court to waive the requirement and so remove the impediment to its addressing
and resolving the serious constitutional questions raised.


Intervenor NUPL maintains that there is no actual case or controversy that is appropriate or ripe
for adjudication, considering that although the selection process commenced by the JBC is going on,
there is yet no final list of nominees; hence, there is no imminent controversy as to whether such list
must be submitted to the incumbent President, or reserved for submission to the incoming President.

Intervenor Tan raises the lack of any actual justiciable controversy that is ripe for judicial
determination, pointing out that petitioner De Castro has not even shown that the JBC has already
completed its selection process and is now ready to submit the list to the incumbent President; and
that petitioner De Castro is merely presenting a hypothetical scenario that is clearly not sufficient for
the Court to exercise its power of judicial review.

Intervenors Corvera and Lim separately opine that De Castros petition rests on an overbroad
and vague allegation of political tension, which is insufficient basis for the Court to exercise its power
of judicial review.

Intervenor BAYAN et al. contend that the petitioners are seeking a mere advisory opinion on
what the JBC and the President should do, and are not invoking any issues that are justiciable in

Intervenors Bello et al. submit that there exist no conflict of legal rights and no assertion of
opposite legal claims in any of the petitions; that PHILCONSA does not allege any action taken by
the JBC, but simply avers that the conditional manifestations of two Members of the Court, accented 21/43
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by the divided opinions and interpretations of legal experts, or associations of lawyers and law
students on the issues published in the daily newspapers are matters of paramount and transcendental
importance to the bench, bar and general public; that PHILCONSA fails not only to cite any legal
duty or allege any failure to perform the duty, but also to indicate what specific action should be done
by the JBC; that Mendoza does not even attempt to portray the matter as a controversy or conflict of
rights, but, instead, prays that the Court should rule for the guidance of the JBC; that the fact that the
Court supervises the JBC does not automatically imply that the Court can rule on the issues presented
in the Mendoza petition, because supervision involves oversight, which means that the subordinate
officer or body must first act, and if such action is not in accordance with prescribed rules, then, and
only then, may the person exercising oversight order the action to be redone to conform to the
prescribed rules; that the Mendoza petition does not allege that the JBC has performed a specific act
susceptible to correction for being illegal or unconstitutional; and that the Mendoza petition asks the
Court to issue an advisory ruling, not to exercise its power of supervision to correct a wrong act by
the JBC, but to declare the state of the law in the absence of an actual case or controversy.

We hold that the petitions set forth an actual case or controversy that is ripe for judicial
determination. The reality is that the JBC already commenced the proceedings for the selection of the
nominees to be included in a short list to be submitted to the President for consideration of which of
them will succeed Chief Justice Puno as the next Chief Justice. Although the position is not yet
vacant, the fact that the JBC began the process of nomination pursuant to its rules and practices,
although it has yet to decide whether to submit the list of nominees to the incumbent outgoing
President or to the next President, makes the situation ripe for judicial determination, because the next
steps are the public interview of the candidates, the preparation of the short list of candidates, and the
interview of constitutional experts, as may be needed.

A part of the question to be reviewed by the Court is whether the JBC properly initiated the
process, there being an insistence from some of the oppositors-intervenors that the JBC could only do
so once the vacancy has occurred (that is, after May 17, 2010). Another part is, of course, whether the
JBC may resume its process until the short list is prepared, in view of the provision of Section 4(1),
Article VIII, which unqualifiedly requires the President to appoint one from the short list to fill the
vacancy in the Supreme Court (be it the Chief Justice or an Associate Justice) within 90 days from the
occurrence of the vacancy.

The ripeness of the controversy for judicial determination may not be doubted. The challenges
to the authority of the JBC to open the process of nomination and to continue the process until the
submission of the list of nominees; the insistence of some of the petitioners to compel the JBC 22/43
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through mandamus to submit the short list to the incumbent President; the counter-insistence of the
intervenors to prohibit the JBC from submitting the short list to the incumbent President on the
ground that said list should be submitted instead to the next President; the strong position that the
incumbent President is already prohibited under Section 15, Article VII from making any
appointments, including those to the Judiciary, starting on May 10, 2010 until June 30, 2010; and the
contrary position that the incumbent President is not so prohibited are only some of the real issues for
determination. All such issues establish the ripeness of the controversy, considering that for some the
short list must be submitted before the vacancy actually occurs by May 17, 2010. The outcome will
not be an abstraction, or a merely hypothetical exercise. The resolution of the controversy will surely
settle with finality the nagging questions that are preventing the JBC from moving on with the process
that it already began, or that are reasons persuading the JBC to desist from the rest of the process.

We need not await the occurrence of the vacancy by May 17, 2010 in order for the principal
issue to ripe for judicial determination by the Court. It is enough that one alleges conduct arguably
affected with a constitutional interest, but seemingly proscribed by the Constitution. A reasonable
certainty of the occurrence of the perceived threat to a constitutional interest is sufficient to afford a
basis for bringing a challenge, provided the Court has sufficient facts before it to enable it to
intelligently adjudicate the issues. Herein, the facts are not in doubt, for only legal issues remain.

Substantive Merits

Prohibition under Section 15, Article VII does not apply
to appointments to fill a vacancy in the Supreme Court
or to other appointments to the Judiciary

Two constitutional provisions are seemingly in conflict.

The first, Section 15, Article VII (Executive Department), provides:

Section 15. Two months immediately before the next presidential elections and up to the end of
his term, a President or Acting President shall not make appointments, except temporary appointments
to executive positions when continued vacancies therein will prejudice public service or endanger
public safety.

The other, Section 4 (1), Article VIII (Judicial Department), states:

Section 4. (1). The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and fourteen Associate
Justices. It may sit en banc or in its discretion, in division of three, five, or seven Members. Any 23/43
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vacancy shall be filled within ninety days from the occurrence thereof.

In the consolidated petitions, the petitioners, with the exception of Soriano, Tolentino and
Inting, submit that the incumbent President can appoint the successor of Chief Justice Puno upon his
retirement on May 17, 2010, on the ground that the prohibition against presidential appointments
under Section 15, Article VII does not extend to appointments in the Judiciary.

The Court agrees with the submission.

First. The records of the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission reveal that the framers
devoted time to meticulously drafting, styling, and arranging the Constitution. Such meticulousness
indicates that the organization and arrangement of the provisions of the Constitution were not
arbitrarily or whimsically done by the framers, but purposely made to reflect their intention and
manifest their vision of what the Constitution should contain.

The Constitution consists of 18 Articles, three of which embody the allocation of the awesome
powers of government among the three great departments, the Legislative (Article VI), the Executive
(Article VII), and the Judicial Departments (Article VIII). The arrangement was a true recognition of
the principle of separation of powers that underlies the political structure, as Constitutional
Commissioner Adolfo S. Azcuna (later a worthy member of the Court) explained in his sponsorship

We have in the political part of this Constitution opted for the separation of powers in government
because we believe that the only way to protect freedom and liberty is to separate and divide the
awesome powers of government. Hence, we return to the separation of powers doctrine and the
legislative, executive and judicial departments.

As can be seen, Article VII is devoted to the Executive Department, and, among others, it lists
the powers vested by the Constitution in the President. The presidential power of appointment is dealt
with in Sections 14, 15 and 16 of the Article.

Article VIII is dedicated to the Judicial Department and defines the duties and qualifications of
Members of the Supreme Court, among others. Section 4(1) and Section 9 of this Article are the
provisions specifically providing for the appointment of Supreme Court Justices. In particular,
Section 9 states that the appointment of Supreme Court Justices can only be made by the President 24/43
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upon the submission of a list of at least three nominees by the JBC; Section 4(1) of the Article
mandates the President to fill the vacancy within 90 days from the occurrence of the vacancy.

Had the framers intended to extend the prohibition contained in Section 15, Article VII to the
appointment of Members of the Supreme Court, they could have explicitly done so. They could not
have ignored the meticulous ordering of the provisions. They would have easily and surely written the
prohibition made explicit in Section 15, Article VII as being equally applicable to the appointment of
Members of the Supreme Court in Article VIII itself, most likely in Section 4 (1), Article VIII. That
such specification was not done only reveals that the prohibition against the President or Acting
President making appointments within two months before the next presidential elections and up to the
end of the Presidents or Acting Presidents term does not refer to the Members of the Supreme Court.

Although Valenzuela came to hold that the prohibition covered even judicial appointments,
it cannot be disputed that the Valenzuela dictum did not firmly rest on the deliberations of the
Constitutional Commission. Thereby, the confirmation made to the JBC by then Senior Associate
Justice Florenz D. Regalado of this Court, a former member of the Constitutional Commission, about
the prohibition not being intended to apply to the appointments to the Judiciary, which confirmation
Valenzuela even expressly mentioned, should prevail.

Relevantly, Valenzuela adverted to the intent of the framers in the genesis of Section 4 (1), Article
VIII, viz:

V . Intent of the Constitutional Commission

The journal of the Commission which drew up the present Constitution discloses that the original
proposal was to have an eleven-member Supreme Court. Commissioner Eulogio Lerum wanted to
increase the number of Justices to fifteen. He also wished to ensure that that number would not be
reduced for any appreciable length of time (even only temporarily), and to this end proposed that any
vacancy must be filled within two months from the date that the vacancy occurs. His proposal to have a
15-member Court was not initially adopted. Persisting however in his desire to make certain that the
size of the Court would not be decreased for any substantial period as a result of vacancies, Lerum
proposed the insertion in the provision (anent the Courts membership) of the same mandate that IN
OCCURRENCE THEREOF. He later agreed to suggestions to make the period three, instead of two,
months. As thus amended, the proposal was approved. As it turned out, however, the Commission
ultimately agreed on a fifteen-member Court. Thus it was that the section fixing the composition of
the Supreme Court came to include a command to fill up any vacancy therein within 90 days from
its occurrence.

In this connection, it may be pointed out that that instruction that any vacancy shall be filled
within ninety days (in the last sentence of Section 4 (1) of Article VIII) contrasts with the prohibition in 25/43
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Section 15, Article VII, which is couched in stronger negative language - that a President or Acting
President shall not make appointments

The commission later approved a proposal of Commissioner Hilario G. Davide, Jr. (now a
Member of this Court) to add to what is now Section 9 of Article VIII, the following paragraph: WITH
Bar Council to the President). Davide stated that his purpose was to provide a uniform rule for lower
courts. According to him, the 90-day period should be counted from submission of the list of nominees
to the President in view of the possibility that the President might reject the list submitted to him and
the JBC thus need more time to submit a new one.

On the other hand, Section 15, Article VII - which in effect deprives the President of his
appointing power two months immediately before the next presidential elections up to the end of his
term - was approved without discussion.

However, the reference to the records of the Constitutional Commission did not advance or support
the result in Valenzuela. Far to the contrary, the records disclosed the express intent of the framers to
enshrine in the Constitution, upon the initiative of Commissioner Eulogio Lerum, a command [to the
President] to fill up any vacancy therein within 90 days from its occurrence, which even Valenzuela
conceded. The exchanges during deliberations of the Constitutional Commission on October 8,
1986 further show that the filling of a vacancy in the Supreme Court within the 90-day period was a
true mandate for the President, viz:

MR. DE CASTRO. I understand that our justices now in the Supreme Court, together with the Chief
Justice, are only 11.


MR. DE CASTRO. And the second sentence of this subsection reads: Any vacancy shall be
filled within ninety days from the occurrence thereof.

MR. CONCEPCION. That is right.

MR. DE CASTRO. Is this now a mandate to the executive to fill the vacancy?

MR. CONCEPCION. That is right. That is borne out of the fact that in the past 30 years,
seldom has the Court had a complete complement.
Moreover, the usage in Section 4(1), Article VIII of the word shall an imperative, operating to
impose a duty that may be enforced should not be disregarded. Thereby, Sections 4(1) imposes on
the President the imperative duty to make an appointment of a Member of the Supreme Court within
90 days from the occurrence of the vacancy. The failure by the President to do so will be a clear
disobedience to the Constitution.
The 90-day limitation fixed in Section 4(1), Article VIII for the President to fill the vacancy in
the Supreme Court was undoubtedly a special provision to establish a definite mandate for the 26/43
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President as the appointing power, and cannot be defeated by mere judicial interpretation in
Valenzuela to the effect that Section 15, Article VII prevailed because it was couched in stronger
negative language. Such interpretation even turned out to be conjectural, in light of the records of the
Constitutional Commissions deliberations on Section 4 (1), Article VIII.

How Valenzuela justified its pronouncement and result is hardly warranted. According to an
authority on statutory construction:

xxx the court should seek to avoid any conflict in the provisions of the statute by endeavoring to
harmonize and reconcile every part so that each shall be effective. It is not easy to draft a statute, or any
other writing for that matter, which may not in some manner contain conflicting provisions. But what
appears to the reader to be a conflict may not have seemed so to the drafter. Undoubtedly, each
provision was inserted for a definite reason. Often by considering the enactment in its entirety, what
appears to be on its face a conflict may be cleared up and the provisions reconciled.

Consequently, that construction which will leave every word operative will be favored over one
which leaves some word or provision meaningless because of inconsistency. But a word should not be
given effect, if to do so gives the statute a meaning contrary to the intent of the legislature. On the other
hand, if full effect cannot be given to the words of a statute, they must be made effective as far as
possible. Nor should the provisions of a statute which are inconsistent be harmonized at a sacrifice of
the legislative intention. It may be that two provisions are irreconcilable; if so, the one which expresses
the intent of the law-makers should control. And the arbitrary rule has been frequently announced that
where there is an irreconcilable conflict between the different provisions of a statute, the provision last
in order of position will prevail, since it is the latest expression of the legislative will. Obviously, the
rule is subject to deserved criticism. It is seldom applied, and probably then only where an
irreconcilable conflict exists between different sections of the same act, and after all other means of
ascertaining the meaning of the legislature have been exhausted. Where the conflict is between two
statutes, more may be said in favor of the rules application, largely because of the principle of implied

In this connection, PHILCONSAs urging of a revisit and a review of Valenzuela is timely and
appropriate. Valenzuela arbitrarily ignored the express intent of the Constitutional Commission to
have Section 4 (1), Article VIII stand independently of any other provision, least of all one found in
Article VII. It further ignored that the two provisions had no irreconcilable conflict, regardless of
Section 15, Article VII being couched in the negative. As judges, we are not to unduly interpret, and
should not accept an interpretation that defeats the intent of the framers.

Consequently, prohibiting the incumbent President from appointing a Chief Justice on the premise
that Section 15, Article VII extends to appointments in the Judiciary cannot be sustained. A
misinterpretation like Valenzuela should not be allowed to last after its false premises have been
exposed. It will not do to merely distinguish Valenzuela from these cases, for the result to be 27/43
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reached herein is entirely incompatible with what Valenzuela decreed. Consequently, Valenzuela now
deserves to be quickly sent to the dustbin of the unworthy and forgettable.

We reverse Valenzuela.

Second. Section 15, Article VII does not apply as well to all other appointments in the

There is no question that one of the reasons underlying the adoption of Section 15 as part of
Article VII was to eliminate midnight appointments from being made by an outgoing Chief Executive
in the mold of the appointments dealt with in the leading case of Aytona v. Castillo. In fact, in
Valenzuela, the Court so observed, stating that:

xxx it appears that Section 15, Article VII is directed against two types of appointments: (1) those
made for buying votes and (2) those made for partisan considerations. The first refers to those
appointments made within the two months preceding a Presidential election and are similar to those
which are declared election offenses in the Omnibus Election Code, viz.:


The second type of appointments prohibited by Section 15, Article VII consists of the so-called
midnight appointments. In Aytona v. Castillo, it was held that after the proclamation of Diosdado
Macapagal as duly elected President, President Carlos P. Garcia, who was defeated in his bid for
reelection, became no more than a caretaker administrator whose duty was to prepare for the orderly
transfer of authority to the incoming President. Said the Court:

The filling up of vacancies in important positions, if few, and so spaced as to afford some
assurance of deliberate action and careful consideration of the need for the appointment and
appointee's qualifications may undoubtedly be permitted. But the issuance of 350 appointments
in one night and the planned induction of almost all of them in a few hours before the
inauguration of the new President may, with some reason, be regarded by the latter as an abuse
of Presidential prerogatives, the steps taken being apparently a mere partisan effort to fill all
vacant positions irrespective of fitness and other conditions, and thereby to deprive the new
administration of an opportunity to make the corresponding appointments.

As indicated, the Court recognized that there may well be appointments to important positions
which have to be made even after the proclamation of the new President. Such appointments, so long
as they are few and so spaced as to afford some assurance of deliberate action and careful
consideration of the need for the appointment and the appointees qualifications, can be made by
the outgoing President. Accordingly, several appointments made by President Garcia, which were
shown to have been well considered, were upheld.

Section 15, Article VII has a broader scope than the Aytona ruling. It may not unreasonably
be deemed to contemplate not only midnight appointments those made obviously for partisan
reasons as shown by their number and the time of their making but also appointments presumed
made for the purpose of influencing the outcome of the Presidential election.

On the other hand, the exception in the same Section 15 of Article VII allowing appointments to
be made during the period of the ban therein provided is much narrower than that recognized in Aytona. 28/43
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The exception allows only the making of temporary appointments to executive positions when
continued vacancies will prejudice public service or endanger public safety. Obviously, the article
greatly restricts the appointing power of the President during the period of the ban.

Considering the respective reasons for the time frames for filling vacancies in the courts and the
restriction on the President's power of appointment, it is this Courts view that, as a general proposition,
in case of conflict, the former should yield to the latter. Surely, the prevention of vote-buying and
similar evils outweighs the need for avoiding delays in filling up of court vacancies or the disposition of
some cases. Temporary vacancies can abide the period of the ban which, incidentally and as earlier
pointed out, comes to exist only once in every six years. Moreover, those occurring in the lower courts
can be filled temporarily by designation. But prohibited appointments are long-lasting and permanent in
their effects. They may, as earlier pointed out, in fact influence the results of elections and, for that
reason, their making is considered an election offense.

Given the background and rationale for the prohibition in Section 15, Article VII, we have no
doubt that the Constitutional Commission confined the prohibition to appointments made in the
Executive Department. The framers did not need to extend the prohibition to appointments in the
Judiciary, because their establishment of the JBC and their subjecting the nomination and screening of
candidates for judicial positions to the unhurried and deliberate prior process of the JBC ensured that
there would no longer be midnight appointments to the Judiciary. If midnight appointments in the
mold of Aytona were made in haste and with irregularities, or made by an outgoing Chief Executive in
the last days of his administration out of a desire to subvert the policies of the incoming President or
for partisanship, the appointments to the Judiciary made after the establishment of the JBC would
not be suffering from such defects because of the JBCs prior processing of candidates. Indeed, it is
axiomatic in statutory construction that the ascertainment of the purpose of the enactment is a step in
the process of ascertaining the intent or meaning of the enactment, because the reason for the
enactment must necessarily shed considerable light on the law of the statute, i.e., the intent; hence, the
enactment should be construed with reference to its intended scope and purpose, and the court should
seek to carry out this purpose rather than to defeat it.

Also, the intervention of the JBC eliminates the danger that appointments to the Judiciary can
be made for the purpose of buying votes in a coming presidential election, or of satisfying partisan
considerations. The experience from the time of the establishment of the JBC shows that even
candidates for judicial positions at any level backed by people influential with the President could not
always be assured of being recommended for the consideration of the President, because they first had
to undergo the vetting of the JBC and pass muster there. Indeed, the creation of the JBC was precisely
intended to de-politicize the Judiciary by doing away with the intervention of the Commission on
Appointments. This insulating process was absent from the Aytona midnight appointment. 29/43
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Third. As earlier stated, the non-applicability of Section 15, Article VII to appointments in the
Judiciary was confirmed by then Senior Associate Justice Regalado to the JBC itself when it met on
March 9, 1998 to discuss the question raised by some sectors about the constitutionality of xxx
appointments to the Court of Appeals in light of the forthcoming presidential elections. He assured
that on the basis of the (Constitutional) Commissions records, the election ban had no application to
appointments to the Court of Appeals. This confirmation was accepted by the JBC, which then
submitted to the President for consideration the nominations for the eight vacancies in the Court of

The fault of Valenzuela was that it accorded no weight and due consideration to the
confirmation of Justice Regalado. Valenzuela was weak, because it relied on interpretation to
determine the intent of the framers rather than on the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission.
Much of the unfounded doubt about the Presidents power to appoint during the period of prohibition
in Section 15, Article VII could have been dispelled since its promulgation on November 9, 1998, had
Valenzuela properly acknowledged and relied on the confirmation of a distinguished member of the
Constitutional Commission like Justice Regalado.

Fourth. Of the 23 sections in Article VII, three (i.e., Section 14, Section15, and Section 16)
concern the appointing powers of the President.

Section 14 speaks of the power of the succeeding President to revoke appointments made by an
Acting President, and evidently refers only to appointments in the Executive Department. It has
no application to appointments in the Judiciary, because temporary or acting appointments can only
undermine the independence of the Judiciary due to their being revocable at will. The letter and
spirit of the Constitution safeguard that independence. Also, there is no law in the books that
authorizes the revocation of appointments in the Judiciary. Prior to their mandatory retirement or
resignation, judges of the first and second level courts and the Justices of the third level courts may
only be removed for cause, but the Members of the Supreme Court may be removed only by

Section 16 covers only the presidential appointments that require confirmation by the
Commission on Appointments. Thereby, the Constitutional Commission restored the requirement of
confirmation by the Commission on Appointments after the requirement was removed from the 1973 30/43
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Constitution. Yet, because of Section 9 of Article VIII, the restored requirement did not include
appointments to the Judiciary.

Section 14, Section 15, and Section 16 are obviously of the same character, in that they affect
the power of the President to appoint. The fact that Section 14 and Section 16 refer only to
appointments within the Executive Department renders conclusive that Section 15 also applies only to
the Executive Department. This conclusion is consistent with the rule that every part of the statute
must be interpreted with reference to the context, i.e. that every part must be considered together with
the other parts, and kept subservient to the general intent of the whole enactment. It is absurd to
assume that the framers deliberately situated Section 15 between Section 14 and Section 16, if they
intended Section 15 to cover all kinds of presidential appointments. If that was their intention in
respect of appointments to the Judiciary, the framers, if only to be clear, would have easily and surely
inserted a similar prohibition in Article VIII, most likely within Section 4 (1) thereof.

Fifth. To hold like the Court did in Valenzuela that Section 15 extends to appointments to the
Judiciary further undermines the intent of the Constitution of ensuring the independence of the
Judicial Department from the Executive and Legislative Departments. Such a holding will tie the
Judiciary and the Supreme Court to the fortunes or misfortunes of political leaders vying for the
Presidency in a presidential election. Consequently, the wisdom of having the new President, instead
of the current incumbent President, appoint the next Chief Justice is itself suspect, and cannot ensure
judicial independence, because the appointee can also become beholden to the appointing authority.
In contrast, the appointment by the incumbent President does not run the same risk of compromising
judicial independence, precisely because her term will end by June 30, 2010.

Sixth. The argument has been raised to the effect that there will be no need for the incumbent
President to appoint during the prohibition period the successor of Chief Justice Puno within the
context of Section 4 (1), Article VIII, because anyway there will still be about 45 days of the 90 days
mandated in Section 4(1), Article VIII remaining.

The argument is flawed, because it is focused only on the coming vacancy occurring from
Chief Justice Punos retirement by May 17, 2010. It ignores the need to apply Section 4(1) to every
situation of a vacancy in the Supreme Court.

The argument also rests on the fallacious assumption that there will still be time remaining in
the 90-day period under Section 4(1), Article VIII. The fallacy is easily demonstrable, as the OSG has 31/43
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shown in its comment.

Section 4 (3), Article VII requires the regular elections to be held on the second Monday of
May, letting the elections fall on May 8, at the earliest, or May 14, at the latest. If the regular
presidential elections are held on May 8, the period of the prohibition is 115 days. If such elections
are held on May 14, the period of the prohibition is 109 days. Either period of the prohibition is
longer than the full mandatory 90-day period to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court. The result is
that there are at least 19 occasions (i.e., the difference between the shortest possible period of the ban
of 109 days and the 90-day mandatory period for appointments) in which the outgoing President
would be in no position to comply with the constitutional duty to fill up a vacancy in the Supreme
Court. It is safe to assume that the framers of the Constitution could not have intended such an
absurdity. In fact, in their deliberations on the mandatory period for the appointment of Supreme
Court Justices under Section 4 (1), Article VIII, the framers neither discussed, nor mentioned, nor
referred to the ban against midnight appointments under Section 15, Article VII, or its effects on the
90-day period, or vice versa. They did not need to, because they never intended Section 15, Article
VII to apply to a vacancy in the Supreme Court, or in any of the lower courts.

Seventh. As a matter of fact, in an extreme case, we can even raise a doubt on whether a JBC
list is necessary at all for the President any President to appoint a Chief Justice if the appointee is to
come from the ranks of the sitting justices of the Supreme Court.
Sec. 9, Article VIII says:

xxx. The Members of the Supreme Court xxx shall be appointed by the President from a list of at
least three nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council for any vacancy. Such appointments need
no confirmation.

The provision clearly refers to an appointee coming into the Supreme Court from the outside, that is,
a non-member of the Court aspiring to become one. It speaks of candidates for the Supreme Court,
not of those who are already members or sitting justices of the Court, all of whom have previously
been vetted by the JBC.

Can the President, therefore, appoint any of the incumbent Justices of the Court as Chief

The question is not squarely before us at the moment, but it should lend itself to a deeper
analysis if and when circumstances permit. It should be a good issue for the proposed Constitutional 32/43
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Convention to consider in the light of Senate President Juan Ponce Enriles statement that the
President can appoint the Chief Justice from among the sitting justices of the Court even without a
JBC list.

The Judiciary Act of 1948

The posture has been taken that no urgency exists for the President to appoint the successor of Chief
Justice Puno, considering that the Judiciary Act of 1948 can still address the situation of having the
next President appoint the successor.

Section 12 of the Judiciary Act of 1948 states:

Section 12. Vacancy in Office of Chief Justice. In case of a vacancy in the office of Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court or of his inability to perform the duties and powers of his office, they shall
devolve upon the Associate Justice who is first in precedence, until such disability is removed, or
another Chief Justice is appointed and duly qualified. This provision shall apply to every Associate
Justice who succeeds to the office of Chief Justice.

The provision calls for an Acting Chief Justice in the event of a vacancy in the office of the
Chief Justice, or in the event that the Chief Justice is unable to perform his duties and powers. In
either of such circumstances, the duties and powers of the office of the Chief Justice shall devolve
upon the Associate Justice who is first in precedence until a new Chief Justice is appointed or until
the disability is removed.

Notwithstanding that there is no pressing need to dwell on this peripheral matter after the Court has
hereby resolved the question of consequence, we do not find it amiss to confront the matter now.

We cannot agree with the posture.

A review of Sections 4(1) and 9 of Article VIII shows that the Supreme Court is composed of a Chief
Justice and 14 Associate Justices, who all shall be appointed by the President from a list of at least
three nominees prepared by the JBC for every vacancy, which appointments require no confirmation
by the Commission on Appointments. With reference to the Chief Justice, he or she is appointed by
the President as Chief Justice, and the appointment is never in an acting capacity. The express
reference to a Chief Justice abhors the idea that the framers contemplated an Acting Chief Justice to
head the membership of the Supreme Court. Otherwise, they would have simply written so in the 33/43
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Constitution. Consequently, to rely on Section 12 of the Judiciary Act of 1948 in order to forestall the
imperative need to appoint the next Chief Justice soonest is to defy the plain intent of the

For sure, the framers intended the position of Chief Justice to be permanent, not one to be
occupied in an acting or temporary capacity. In relation to the scheme of things under the present
Constitution, Section 12 of the Judiciary Act of 1948 only responds to a rare situation in which the
new Chief Justice is not yet appointed, or in which the incumbent Chief Justice is unable to perform
the duties and powers of the office. It ought to be remembered, however, that it was enacted because
the Chief Justice appointed under the 1935 Constitution was subject to the confirmation of the
Commission on Appointments, and the confirmation process might take longer than expected.

The appointment of the next Chief Justice by the incumbent President is preferable to having
the Associate Justice who is first in precedence take over. Under the Constitution, the heads of the
Legislative and Executive Departments are popularly elected, and whoever are elected and
proclaimed at once become the leaders of their respective Departments. However, the lack of any
appointed occupant of the office of Chief Justice harms the independence of the Judiciary, because the
Chief Justice is the head of the entire Judiciary. The Chief Justice performs functions absolutely
significant to the life of the nation. With the entire Supreme Court being the Presidential Electoral
Tribunal, the Chief Justice is the Chairman of the Tribunal. There being no obstacle to the
appointment of the next Chief Justice, aside from its being mandatory for the incumbent President to
make within the 90-day period from May 17, 2010, there is no justification to insist that the successor
of Chief Justice Puno be appointed by the next President.

Historically, under the present Constitution, there has been no wide gap between the retirement
and the resignation of an incumbent Chief Justice, on one hand, and the appointment to and
assumption of office of his successor, on the other hand. As summarized in the comment of the OSG,
the chronology of succession is as follows:

1. When Chief Justice Claudio Teehankee retired on April 18, 1988, Chief Justice Pedro
Yap was appointed on the same day;

2. When Chief Justice Yap retired on July 1, 1988, Chief Justice Marcelo Fernan was
appointed on the same day;

3. When Chief Justice Fernan resigned on December 7, 1991, Chief Justice Andres
Narvasa was appointed the following day, December 8, 1991; 34/43
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4. When Chief Justice Narvasa retired on November 29, 1998, Chief Justice Hilario
Davide, Jr. was sworn into office the following early morning of November 30, 1998;

5. When Chief Justice Davide retired on December 19, 2005, Chief Justice Artemio
Panganiban was appointed the next day, December 20, 2005; and

6. When Chief Justice Panganiban retired on December 6, 2006, Chief Justice Reynato
S. Puno took his oath as Chief Justice at midnight of December 6, 2006.

Writ of mandamus does not lie against the JBC

May the JBC be compelled to submit the list of nominees to the President?

Mandamus shall issue when any tribunal, corporation, board, officer or person unlawfully neglects the
performance of an act that the law specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, trust, or
station. It is proper when the act against which it is directed is one addressed to the discretion of
the tribunal or officer. Mandamus is not available to direct the exercise of a judgment or discretion in
a particular way.

For mandamus to lie, the following requisites must be complied with: (a) the plaintiff has a clear legal
right to the act demanded; (b) it must be the duty of the defendant to perform the act, because it is
mandated by law; (c) the defendant unlawfully neglects the performance of the duty enjoined by law;
(d) the act to be performed is ministerial, not discretionary; and (e) there is no appeal or any other
plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.

Section 8(5) and Section 9, Article VIII, mandate the JBC to submit a list of at least three
nominees to the President for every vacancy in the Judiciary:

Section 8. xxx

(5) The Council shall have the principal function of recommending appointees to the
Judiciary. xxx

Section 9. The Members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower courts shall be appointed by
the President from a list of at least three nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council for
every vacancy. Such appointments need no confirmation.

For the lower courts, the President shall issue the appointments within ninety days from the
submission of the list. 35/43
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However, Section 4(1) and Section 9, Article VIII, mandate the President to fill the vacancy in
the Supreme Court within 90 days from the occurrence of the vacancy, and within 90 days from the
submission of the list, in the case of the lower courts. The 90-day period is directed at the President,
not at the JBC. Thus, the JBC should start the process of selecting the candidates to fill the vacancy in
the Supreme Court before the occurrence of the vacancy.

Under the Constitution, it is mandatory for the JBC to submit to the President the list of
nominees to fill a vacancy in the Supreme Court in order to enable the President to appoint one of
them within the 90-day period from the occurrence of the vacancy. The JBC has no discretion to
submit the list to the President after the vacancy occurs, because that shortens the 90-day period
allowed by the Constitution for the President to make the appointment. For the JBC to do so will be
unconscionable on its part, considering that it will thereby effectively and illegally deprive the
President of the ample time granted under the Constitution to reflect on the qualifications of the
nominees named in the list of the JBC before making the appointment.

The duty of the JBC to submit a list of nominees before the start of the Presidents mandatory
90-day period to appoint is ministerial, but its selection of the candidates whose names will be in the
list to be submitted to the President lies within the discretion of the JBC. The object of the petitions
for mandamus herein should only refer to the duty to submit to the President the list of nominees for
every vacancy in the Judiciary, because in order to constitute unlawful neglect of duty, there must be
an unjustified delay in performing that duty. For mandamus to lie against the JBC, therefore, there
should be an unexplained delay on its part in recommending nominees to the Judiciary, that is, in
submitting the list to the President.

The distinction between a ministerial act and a discretionary one has been delineated in the
following manner:

The distinction between a ministerial and discretionary act is well delineated. A purely ministerial act
or duty is one which an officer or tribunal performs in a given state of facts, in a prescribed
manner, in obedience to the mandate of a legal authority, without regard to or the exercise of his
own judgment upon the propriety or impropriety of the act done. If the law imposes a duty upon a
public officer and gives him the right to decide how or when the duty shall be performed, such
duty is discretionary and not ministerial. The duty is ministerial only when the discharge of the
same requires neither the exercise of official discretion or judgment. 36/43
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Accordingly, we find no sufficient grounds to grant the petitions for mandamus and to issue a writ of
mandamus against the JBC. The actions for that purpose are premature, because it is clear that the
JBC still has until May 17, 2010, at the latest, within which to submit the list of nominees to the
President to fill the vacancy created by the compulsory retirement of Chief Justice Puno.

Writ of prohibition does not lie against the JBC

In light of the foregoing disquisitions, the conclusion is ineluctable that only the President can
appoint the Chief Justice. Hence, Sorianos petition for prohibition in G.R. No. 191032, which
proposes to prevent the JBC from intervening in the process of nominating the successor of Chief
Justice Puno, lacks merit.

On the other hand, the petition for prohibition in G.R. No. 191342 is similarly devoid of merit.
The challenge mounted against the composition of the JBC based on the allegedly unconstitutional
allocation of a vote each to the ex officio members from the Senate and the House of Representatives,
thereby prejudicing the chances of some candidates for nomination by raising the minimum number
of votes required in accordance with the rules of the JBC, is not based on the petitioners actual
interest, because they have not alleged in their petition that they were nominated to the JBC to fill
some vacancies in the Judiciary. Thus, the petitioners lack locus standi on that issue.

WHEREFORE, the Court:

1. Dismisses the petitions for certiorari and mandamus in G.R. No. 191002 and G.R. No.
191149, and the petition for mandamus in G.R. No. 191057 for being premature;

2. Dismisses the petitions for prohibition in G.R. No. 191032 and G.R. No. 191342 for lack of
merit; and

3. Grants the petition in A.M. No. 10-2-5-SC and, accordingly, directs the Judicial and Bar

(a) To resume its proceedings for the nomination of candidates to fill the vacancy to be
created by the compulsory retirement of Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno by May 17,
2010; 37/43
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(b) To prepare the short list of nominees for the position of Chief Justice;

(c) To submit to the incumbent President the short list of nominees for the position of
Chief Justice on or before May 17, 2010; and

(d) To continue its proceedings for the nomination of candidates to fill other vacancies in
the Judiciary and submit to the President the short list of nominees corresponding
thereto in accordance with this decision.


Associate Justice


Chief Justice


Associate Justice Associate Justice


Associate Justice Associate Justice 38/43
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Associate Justice Associate Justice


Associate Justice Associate Justice


Associate Justice Associate Justice


Associate Justice Associate Justice


Associate Justice


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, it is hereby certified that the conclusions in
the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the
opinion of the Court. 39/43
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Chief Justice

Filed on February 9, 2010.
Begun on February 23, 2010.
Initiated on February 10, 2010.
Commenced on February 11, 2010.
Dated February 15, 2010.
Filed on March 8, 2010.
A.M. No. 98-5-01-SC, November 9, 1998, 298 SCRA 408.
Petition in G.R. No. 191002, pp. 3-4.
Id., p. 5.
Petition in G.R. No. 191032, pp. 4-8.
Petition in G.R. No. 191057, pp. 1-2.
Id., p. 11.
Petition in G.R. No. 191149.
Petition in G.R. No. 191342.
Comment of the JBC, p. 3.
Id., pp. 4-5.
Id., p. 5.
Id., p. 6.
Petition in A.M. No. 10-2-5-SC, pp. 5-6.
Comment of the JBC, p. 6.
Id., p. 7; bold emphasis is in the original text.
Comment of the OSG, pp. 13-14.
Id., p. 14.
Id., p. 15.
Id., pp. 20-24.
Id., pp. 25-27.
Id., pp. 29-30.
Id., pp. 32-33.
Id., pp. 34-35. 40/43
8/11/2017 G. R. No. 191002
Id., pp. 35-36. The OSG posits:
National interest compels the President to make such appointment for it is particularly during this crucial period when national
leaders are seeking fresh mandates from the people that the Supreme Court, more than at any other time, represents stability. Hence,
a full court is ideal to ensure not only due deliberation on and careful consideration of issues but also expeditious disposition of cases.
Indeed, such function becomes especially significant in view of the fact that this is the first time that the whole country will
experience automated elections.
Id., pp. 36-37. The OSG stresses:
The possible fallouts or serious aftermath of allowing a vacuum in the position of the Chief Justice may be greater and riskier
than the consequences or repercussions of inaction. Needless to state, the appointment of the Chief Justice of this Honorable Court
(sic) is the most important appointment vested by the 1987 Constitution to (sic) the President.
Id., p. 37.
Id., p. 38.
Filed by Atty. Pitero M. Reig.
Blacks Law Dictionary, 941 (6th Ed. 1991).
G.R. No. 155001, May 5, 2003, 402 SCRA 612.
Citing Kilosbayan, Inc. v. Morato, G.R. No. 118910, July 17, 1995, 246 SCRA 540, 562-563, citing Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 7 L. Ed.
633 (1962).
Citing Kilosbayan, Inc. v. Morato, supra; Bayan v. Zamora, G.R. No. 138570, October 10, 2000; 342 SCRA 449, 478.
65 Phil. 56.
G.R. No. 117, November 7, 1945 (Unreported).
G.R. No. 2947, January 11, 1959 (Unreported).
77 Phil. 1012 (1947).
110 Phil. 331 (1960).
84 Phil. 368 (1949)
E.g., Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, G.R. No. 133250, July 9, 2002, 384 SCRA 152 (in which the Court ruled that the enforcement of
the constitutional right to information and the equitable diffusion of natural resources are matters of transcendental importance which clothe
the petitioner with locus standi); Bagong Alyansang Makabayan v. Zamora, G.R. Nos. 138570, 138572, 138587, 138680, 138698, October 10,
2000, 342 SCRA 449 (in which the Court held that given the transcendental importance of the issues involved, the Court may relax the
standing requirements and allow the suit to prosper despite the lack of direct injury to the parties seeking judicial review of the Visiting Forces
Agreement); Lim v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 151445, April 11, 2002, 380 SCRA 739 (in which the Court, albeit conceding that the
petitioners might not file suit in their capacity as taxpayers without a showing that Balikatan 02-01 involved the exercise of Congress taxing or
spending powers, reiterated Bagong Alyansang Makabayan v. Zamora, declaring that cases of transcendental importance must be settled
promptly and definitely and the standing requirements may be relaxed); and Osmea v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 100318, 100308,
100417,100420, July 30, 1991, 199 SCRA 750 (in which the Court held that where serious constitutional questions were involved, the
transcendental importance to the public of the cases demanded that they be settled promptly and definitely, brushing aside technicalities of
L-No. 40004, January 31, 1975, 62 SCRA 275.
E.g., Taada v. Tuvera, G.R. No. 63915, April 24, 1985, 136 SCRA 27 (in which the Court held that it is sufficient that the petitioner is a
citizen interested in the execution of the law, because the question is one of public duty and the enforcement of a public right, and the people
are the real party-in-interest); Legaspi v. Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. 72119, May 29, 1987, 150 SCRA 530 (in which the Court
declared that where an assertion of a public right is involved, the requirement of personal interest is satisfied by the mere fact that the
petitioner is a citizen and is part of the general public which possesses the right); Kapatiran ng mga Naglilingkod sa Pamahalaan ng Pilipinas,
Inc. v. Tan, L. No. 81311, June 30, 1988, 163 SCRA 371 (in which the Court disregarded objections to taxpayers lack of personality to sue in
determining the validity of the VAT Law); Albano v. Reyes, G.R. No. 83551, July 11, 1989, 175 SCRA 264 (in which the Court pronounced
that although no expenditure of public funds was involved in the questioned contract, the petitioner was nonetheless clothed with the legal
personality under the disclosure provision of the Constitution to question it, considering its important role in the economic development of the
country and the magnitude of the financial consideration involved, indicating that public interest was definitely involved); and Association of
Small Landowners in the Philippines, Inc. v. Sec. of Agrarian Reform, G.R. No. 78742, July 14, 1989, 175 SCRA 343 (in which the Court
ruled that it had the discretion to waive the requirement of locus standi in determining the validity of the implementation of the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, although the petitioners were not, strictly speaking, covered by the definition of proper party). 41/43
8/11/2017 G. R. No. 191002
David v. Macapagal-Arroyo, G.R. No. 171396, May 3, 2006, 489 SCRA 160.
275 Ky 91, 120 SW2d 765 (1938).
19 Wend. 56 (1837).
232 NC 48, 59 SE2d 359 (1950).
Bold emphasis is in the original text.
Petition in G.R. No. 191032, p. 2.
Petition in G.R. No. 191057, pp. 3-4; citing the cases of PHILCONSA v. Gimenez, 15 SCRA 479; PHILCONSA v. Mathay, 18 SCRA 300;
PHILCONSA v. Enriquez, 235 SCRA 506; and Lambino v. COMELEC, 505 SCRA 160.
Petition in G.R. No. 191342, pp. 2-3.
See, for instance, Integrated Bar of the Philippines v. Zamora, G.R. No. 141284, August 15, 2000, 338 SCRA 81 (where the petitioner
questioned the validity of the deployment and utilization of the Marines to assist the PNP in law enforcement, asserting that IBP was the
official organization of Filipino lawyers tasked with the bounden duty to uphold the rule of law and the Constitution, but the Court held that
the IBP had not shown that it was so tasked: In this case, a reading of the petition shows that the IBP has advanced constitutional issues which
deserve the attention of this Court in view of their seriousness, novelty and weight as precedents. Moreover, because peace and order are under
constant threat and lawless violence occurs in increasing tempo, undoubtedly aggravated by the Mindanao insurgency problem, the legal
controversy raised in the petition almost certainly will not go away. It will stare us in the face again. It, therefore, behooves the Court to relax
the rules on standing and to resolve the issue now, rather than later, and went on to resolve the issues because the petitioner advanced
constitutional issues that deserved the attention of the Court in view of their seriousness, novelty, and weight as precedents).
Supra, note 42, p. 645.
See Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 113-118 (1976); Regional Rail Reoganization Act Cases, 419 U.S. 102, 138-148 (1974).
Record of Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. V., p. 912, October 12, 1998.
Supra, note 6, p. 426-427, stating:
Considering the respective reasons for the time frames for filling vacancies in the courts and the restriction on the Presidents power
of appointment, it is this Courts view that, as a general proposition, in case of conflict, the former should yield to the latter. Surely, the
prevention of vote-buying and similar evils outweighs the need for avoiding delays in filling up of court vacancies or the disposition of
some cases. Temporary vacancies can abide the period of the ban which, incidentally and as earlier pointed out, comes to exist only
once in every six years. Moreover, those occurring in the lower courts can be filled temporarily by designation. But prohibited
appointments are long-lasting and permanent in their effects. They may, as earlier pointed out, in fact influence the results of elections
and, for that reason, their making is considered an election offense.
To the contention that may perhaps be asserted, that Sections 4 (1) and 9 of Article VIII should prevail over Section 15 of Article
VII, because they may be considered later expressions of the people when they adopted the Constitution, it suffices to point out that the
Constitution must be construed in its entirety as one, single, instrument.
To be sure, instances may be conceived of the imperative need for an appointment, during the period of the ban, not only in the
executive but also in the Supreme Court. This may be the case should the membership of the court be so reduced that it will have no
quorum or should the voting on a particularly important question requiring expeditious resolution be evenly divided. Such a case,
however, is covered by neither Section 15 of Article VII nor Section 4 (1) and 9 of Article VIII.
Id., pp. 422-423.
Id., p. 423.
Record of Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. V., pp. 632-633.
Dizon v. Encarnacion, G.R. No. L-18615, December 24, 1963, 9 SCRA 714.
Crawford, Earl. T., The Construction of Statutes, Thomas Law Book Company, St. Louis, Missouri, 262-264 (1940).
Garcia v. Social Security Commission Legal and Collection, G.R. No. 170735, December 17, 2007, 540 SCRA 456, 472; citing Escosura
v. San Miguel Brewery, Inc., 4 SCRA 285, (1962).
According to Arizona v. Rumsey, 467 U. S. 203, 212 (1984): Although adherence to precedent is not rigidly required in constitutional
cases, any departure from the doctrine of stare decisis demands special justification. The special justification for the reversal of Valenzuela lies
in its intrinsic unsoundness.
No. L-19313, January 19, 1962, 4 SCRA 1.
Supra, note 6, pp. 424-426; bold underscoring supplied for emphasis. 42/43
8/11/2017 G. R. No. 191002
Aytona v. Castillo, supra, note 74, pp. 8-10 (N.B. - In the time material to Aytona, there were judges of the Court of First Instance who
were appointed to districts that had no vacancies, because the incumbents had not qualified for other districts to which they had been
supposedly transferred or promoted; at any rate, the appointments still required confirmation by the Commission on Appointments).
Crawford, op. cit., supra, note 72, pp. 248-249.
Supra, note 6, p. 413.
[80] Id.
Section 14. Appointments extended by an Acting President shall remain effective, unless revoked by the elected President within ninety
days from his assumption or reassumption of office.
Cruz, I., Philippine Political Law, 253 (2002); also Rilloraza v. Vargas, 80 Phil. 297 (1948).
Record of Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. V., p. 908, which indicates that in his sponsorship speech
delivered on October 12, 1986 on the floor of the Constitutional Commission, Commissioner Teofisto Guingona explained that [a]ppointments
to the judiciary shall not be subject to confirmation by the Commission on Appointments.
Rodriguez, Statutory Construction, 171 (1999).
Comment of the OSG, p. 37.
Section 3, Rule 65, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
JG Summit Holdings, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 124293, November 20, 2000, 345 SCRA 143.
Nery v. Gamolo, A.M. No. P-01-1508, February 7, 2003, 397 SCRA 110, citing Musni v. Morales, 315 SCRA 85, 86 (1999).
Espiridion v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 146933, June 8, 2006, 490 SCRA 273.
. No. 146933, June 8, 2006, 490 SCRA 273. 43/43

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