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I, POPEYE DE LA CRUZ, 23 years old, single , residing at

Spinach Street, Jaro, Iloilo , after having been sworn to in accordance

with the law do hereby depose and state:

That Atty. IZABELLA CALZADO is the counsel who conducted

and supervised my examination as a witness at her office at Third

Floor, Snow Bear Building, Gen, Luna Street, Iloilo City;

That I am answering the questions herein fully conscious that I

do so under oath and that I may be criminally liable for false

testimony or perjury;

The following are the Questions propounded by Atty. Enna

Fleur C. Trivilegio and my answers in English language:

Question 1: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?

Answer 1: Yes Maam.

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Question 2: Are you the same POPEYE DE LA CRUZ, the private

complainant in this case for Attempted Homicide now pending before

the Regional Trial Court, Branch 68 of Iloilo City, Iloilo?

Answer 2: Yes, Maam

Question 3: Do you personally know the accused in this case, Mr.

Bluto Reyes?

Answer 3: Yes, Maam.

Question 4: Can you tell us why you personally know Mr. Bluto


Answer 4: He is a student from the university where I am currently

studying and a member of our rival fraternity.

Question 5: Where were you on March 8, 2015 at about 9 oclock in

the evening?

Answer 5: I was at a party of a friend from the university.

Question 6: Who was with you during that time?

Answer 6: I was with my friends, Mickey Maos and Donald Daak.

Question 7: What transpired during that time?

Answer 7: My friends and I were guests at a party nearby when we

were informed that a fight was about to take place between my

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brother, Finn, and Bluto. They were supposed to meet to settle a

previous quarrel between the two of them. I arrived at a corner of a

street nearby where the party took place, seeing the two hurling

invectives at each other. Thereafter, Bluto challenged Finn to a

fistfight to settle their quarrel once and for all; Finn rose to the

challenge. However, Bluto lost the fight. Others members of his group

started to appear. Thus, the one-on-one escalated into a rumble

between the members of the two groups.

Question 8: What did you do then, when they started to fight?

Answer 8: I also started throwing punches but Mickey and I saw that

Bluto had a knife and used it to chase away the members of our

group. He also chased Mickey away, leaving the me alone; then

Blutos group ganged up on me. The beat me and stabbed the left

side of my stomach while I was standing, with Phineas ans Ferb

holding my arms. After that I was again beaten by Blutos group until I

then fell into a nearby shallow and open canal and Bluto's group left

me there. I inspected by stab wound and saw that a portion of my

intestines showed. On foot, I went to find help. I was brought to the

Iloilo Doctor's Hospital where I underwent surgery. I stayed at the

hospital for a week, and thereafter stayed home for one month to


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Question 9: How could you say that it was Mr. Bluto Reyes that

stabbed you?

Answer 9: From where the incident took place, there were sequence

of street lights along the street and two (2) posts stood where Finn

and Bluto had their conversation and thereafter the fight. The scene

was also illuminated by "white, fluorescent type" light coming from a

24-hour burger joint.

Question 10: Do you have anything else to say, Mr. De La Cruz?

Answer 10: No more, Maam.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this

23th day of March 2015 at Iloilo City, Philippines.

Private Complainant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 23th day of March

2015 at Iloilo City, Philippines.


Counsel for Plaintiff
IBP NO. 7753678/02.03.10/Iloilo
PTR NO. 3636846/01.19.10/Iloilo City
ROLL NO. 504643

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I, IZABELLA CALZADO, after having been sworn to in

accordance with the law do hereby depose and say:
1. That I have faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the
questions I asked and the corresponding answers that
witness, POPEYE DE LA CRUZ, gave;
2. That I have not, nor any other person present or assisting
coached the witness regarding the witness answers; and
3. That I fully understand that any false attestation shall subject
me to disciplinary action, including disbarment.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature
this 23th day of March 2015 at Iloilo City, Philippines.

Counsel for Plaintiff
IBP NO. 7753678/02.03.10/Iloilo
PTR NO. 3636846/01.19.10/Iloilo City
ROLL NO. 504643

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 23th day of

March 2015 at Iloilo City, Philippines.

Copy Furnished:
Office of the City Public Prosecutor
Iloilo City

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