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+ $74.5 million in Enhancements


The Department of Justice is committed to providing the management and information

technology support necessary to ensure that our resources are used as efficiently and as
effectively as possible. The FY 2008 President’s Budget requests $74.5 million in enhancements
for critical Department-wide initiatives that support the Department’s Strategic Goals and the
President’s Management Agenda.

Enhancements in management and information technology improvements will ensure all DOJ
components are able to function in an interoperable environment, particularly with respect to
preventing terrorist attacks on the United States. The FBI has requested infrastructure
enhancements to expand its law enforcement capabilities and modernize and improve critical
infrastructure. Specific initiatives include: headquarters capital improvement projects; programs
providing adequate information sharing across law enforcement and homeland security agencies;
and other information technology upgrades and improvements.

The following information summarizes key enhancements. More detailed information is

available in the FY 2008 Budget and the agency budget submissions. The number of current
services positions reflects estimates that may change once final staffing decisions have been


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

• Next Generation Identification (NGI) Systems: $25.0 million in non-personnel

funding to support second phase development of the Next Generation, Integrated
Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) initiative. The requested resources
would be used for design and development of the second set of modular builds to allow
for operational capability by the end of FY 2008. NGI will improve IAFIS speed and
accuracy, enhance the Criminal History Record Information Database, and allow for
Latent Palm Print capabilities. FY 2008 current services resources for this initiative are
$39.8 million and 23 positions; total FY 2008 resources are $64.8 million and 23

• Interoperability: $10.0 million in non-personnel funding to support the continued
development of Interoperability for the Department of Homeland Security’s Automated
Biometric Identification System and the FBI’s IAFIS. An interim interoperable solution
became operational in 2006. These funds would be used to add additional capabilities
and to purchase hardware, software, and contract services. FY 2008 current services
resources for this initiative are $36.1 million and 3 positions; total FY 2008 resources are
$46.1 million and 3 positions.

• Operational Enterprise Services: $10.0 million in non-personnel funding to continue

replacing FBI desktops, laptops and printers; for network upgrades and an Enterprise
Management System; and for contractor support for other IT application initiatives.
FY 2008 current services resources for this initiative are $6.1 million and 6 positions;
total FY 2008 resources are $16.1 million and 6 positions.

• Chief Information Officer Management: $7.5 million in non-personnel funding to

provide resources to effectively budget, plan, acquire, manage, and transition IT projects
for the Office of the Chief Information Officer, and for contractor support and materials.
The FBI has been pressed with greater urgency to implement government-wide best
practices for IT portfolio and investment management and program management.
Information Technology is an essential enabler for the FBI’s intelligence and law
enforcement missions and the requested funding will ensure that the FBI is taking
advantage of the most effective technologies and has the business processes in place to
meet strategic mission goals. FY 2008 current services resources for this initiative
$7.9 million and 5 positions; total FY 2008 resources are $15.4 million and 5 positions.

• FBI Headquarters Annex: $7.5 million in non-personnel funding for the acquisition
and build-out of an FBI Headquarters Annex and to provide technical support services
and reduce security risks at the FBI Headquarters building and offsite locations. FY 2008
current services resources for this initiative are $1.7 million (non-personnel); total
FY 2008 resources are $9.2 million (non-personnel).

• Technical Revitalization Program: $5.0 million in non-personnel funding to prevent

the obsolescence of the FBI Information Technology infrastructure. The request
specifically provides funding for the refreshment of the FBI’s desktops, laptops, servers
and printers, and copier device maintenance and replacement. With additional funding,
the FBI will minimize obsolescence and hardware failures, and maintain a level of
readiness needed for the enterprise to accomplish the mission. FY 2008 current services
resources for this initiative are $19.5 million and 6 positions; total FY 2008 resources are
$24.5 million and 6 positions.

• Regional Data Exchange (R-DEx): $5.0 million in non-personnel funding to allow the
Department of Justice to connect R-DEx to up to 10 additional regional information
sharing systems. R-DEx makes law enforcement data available for use by all authorized
law enforcement organizations and agents and facilitates improved capabilities for law
enforcement agencies to collaborate across agency, jurisdictional and geographic
boundaries. FY 2008 current services resources for this initiative are $5.0 million (base
transfer from Justice Information Sharing Technology account); total FY 2008 resources
are $10.0 million (non-personnel).

• Central Records Complex: $4.0 million in non-personnel funding to support General

Services Administration (GSA) lease requirements for the construction of the permanent
Central Records Complex, planned to break ground in FY 2008. Funding is required for
the payment of inherently governmental items associated with the construction of the
facility, such as fencing, vehicle barriers, and guard booths. These funds are required by
GSA at the time the lease is awarded. Failure to obtain these funds would delay the start
of construction and delay the targeted FY 2010 occupancy. There are no FY 2008 current
services resources for this initiative.

• Digital Collection System (DCS-5000): $10.3 million (including 14 positions) to

support the development of the DCS 5000 system to collect digital data. FY 2008
current services for this program are $19.2 million and 8 positions (1 agent); total FY
2008 resources are $29.5 million and 22 positions (1 agent). This enhancement is also
referenced in the Department’s Preventing and Combating Terrorism Fact Sheet.

• Delta: $3.7 million (all non-personnel funding) to streamline the administration and
operation of the source validation program and provide an analytical tool to assist
Intelligence Analysts conducting validation exercises. FY 2008 current services
resources for this initiative are $1.1 million; total FY 2008 resources are $4.8 million.
This enhancement is also referenced in the Department’s Preventing and Combating
Terrorism Fact Sheet.

• Combined DNA Index System: $7.0 million (all non-personnel funding) to enhance the
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) through a development contract that would
allow CODIS to continue to operate and accommodate the increased number of DNA
profiles that are expected to be submitted to the FBI as a result of recent legislation. The
FY 2008 current services level for this activity is $10.7 million and 12 positions; the FY
2008 total resources are $17.7 million and 12 positions. This enhancement is also
referenced in the Department’s Enforcing Federal Laws in the Courts Fact Sheet.

Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF)

• Intelligence Sharing – Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF)

Fusion Center: $8.6 million and 1 position to provide base funding for the operation
and maintenance of the OCDETF Fusion Center’s technical infrastructure, as well as 1
SES-level position to provide oversight and management for the Fusion Center. These
resources will enhance analytical support to the Fusion Center, thereby assisting in

initiating and developing multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional OCDETF investigations
and prosecutions targeting drug trafficking and related money laundering organizations.
FY 2008 current services resources for the OCDETF Fusion Center are $3.1 million; total
FY 2008 resources are $11.7 million and 1 position. This enhancement is also
referenced in the Department’s Drugs and Border Security Fact Sheet.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Information Technology Enhancements:

• Merlin: $5.8 million in non-personnel funding for technology refresh to ensure that
every office can be upgraded every 4 years (as opposed to 7), and to eliminate a shortfall
in operations and maintenance costs. FY 2008 current services resources for Merlin are
10.7 million and 5 positions; total FY 2008 resources are $16.5 million and 5 positions.
This enhancement is also referenced in the Department’s Drugs and Border Security
Fact Sheet.

• El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) Image Recognition & Management (IRM)

Project: 2 positions and $3.4 million to develop the IRM project in support of securing
the Southwest Border. Imagery and textual data from the DEA Fountainhead Project, the
EPIC Fraudulent Documents Project, the National Seizure System, and available DEA
aerial photography will support Southwest enforcement by providing associated imagery
and textual data pertaining to the “people” entity, such as name, date of birth, tattoos,
vehicle, arrests, border-crossings, fraudulent birth certificates and gang-related
information. In addition, the IRM Project will capture imagery and textual data related to
drug packages and drug markings used by individual organizations as well as aerial
images of land information. The IRM project will be fully integrated into the EPIC Open
Connectivity Project, which continues to expand information sharing and technology
capabilities to provide web-based access to approximately 1,800 Federal, State, and local
partners on an annual basis. There are no FY 2008 current services resources for this
initiative. This enhancement is also referenced in the Department’s Drugs and
Border Security Fact Sheet.

USNCB: INTERPOL Information Technology Enhancements:

• Law Enforcement Information Sharing: $514,000 is requested for IT enhancements to

connect metropolitan police departments, state and local liaison offices, main-frame users
such as the FBI and Department of Defense, and the National Law Enforcement
Telecommunications System (NLETS) to Interpol databases. FY 2008 current services
resources for the Law Enforcement Information Sharing project are $422,000 and 3
positions; total FY 2008 resources are $936,000 and 3 positions.

Enhancement Summary
Bureau/Initiative Positions ($000’s)
NGI 0 $25,000
Interoperability 0 10,000
Operational Enterprise Services 0 10,000
CIO Management 0 7,500
Headquarters Annex 0 7.500
Technical Revitalization Program 0 5,000
R-DEx 0 5,000
Central Records Complex 0 4,000
Digital Collection System 0 [10,300]
Delta 0 [3,700]
Combined DNA Index System 0 [7,000]
FBI Other 0 [17,017]
Subtotal, FBI 0 74,000
OCDETF Fusion Center 0 [8,625]
Subtotal, ICDE 0 [8,625]
EPIC 0 [3,372]
Merlin 0 [5,970]
Subtotal, DEA 0 [9,342]
Law Enforcement Information Sharing 0 514
Subtotal, USNCB 0 514
Other 0 [2,705]
Total Management & IT 0 $74,514
Total from Other Themes 0 $58,689
Grand Total 0 $133,203
[ ] Bracketed resources indicate items that are included as primary resources on a separate Fact Sheet.

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