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TARGET : JEE Main/Adv E R . V INEET L OOMBA Atomic Structure-1

Atomic Structure for JEE Main and Advanced (IIT-JEE)

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1. Daltons Theory of Atom

John Dalton developed his atomic theory. According to this theory the Atom is considered to be
hard, dense and smallest particle of matter, which is indivisible, the atoms belonging to a particular
The atom can neither be created nor be destroyed i.e., it is indestructible.
Drawbacks: It fails to explain why atoms of different kinds should differ in mass and
valency etc.

masses (isotopes) and atoms of different kinds may have same atomic masses (isobars).
Sub-Atomic Particles: The discovery of various sub-atomic particles like electrons, protons
etc.duringlate19th centuryledtotheidealthattheatomwasnolongeranindivisibleandthesmallest
particle of the matter.
However, the researches done by various eminent scientists and the discovery of radioactivity have


neutron are regarded as the fundamental particles.

We shall now take up the brief study of these fundamental particles. The existence of electrons in
atoms was first suggested, by J.J.Thomson, as a result of experimental work on the conduction of

of negatively charged particles, named as electrons. The e/m ratio for cathode rays is fixed whose
value is 1.76 108 C / g .

We knowthat an atomis electrically neutral,if it contains negativelycharged electrons itmust also

contain some positively charged particles. This was confirmed by Goldstein in his discharge tube
experiment with perforated cathode. On passing highvoltage between the electrodes of a discharge
holes inthe cathode.These anoderays (canal rays)consisted of positively chargedparticles formed
charged particles was found to be maximum when the discharge tube was filled with hydrogen gas
as hydrogen is the lightest element. These positively charged particles are called protons.
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(iv) Somewere evenscatteredin theoppositedirectionat anangleof 180[Rutherfordwas verymuch
surprised by it and remarked that It was as incredible as if you fired a 15 inch shell at a piece of
tissue paper and it came back and hit you].
1. The fact that most of the particles passed straight through the metal foil indicates the most part
of the atom is empty.
2. Thefactthatfew particlesaredeflectedatlargeanglesindicatesthepresenceofaheavypositively
chargedbodyi.e.,forsuchlargedeflectionstooccur -particlesmusthavecomeclosertoorcollided
with a massive positively charged body, and he named it nucleus.
3. The fact that one in 20,000 have deflected at 180 backwards indicates that volume occupied by
this heavy positively charged body is very small in comparison to total volume of the atom.
Atomic model: On the basis of the above observation, and having realized that the rebounding
proposed an atomic model as follows.

(i) All theprotons (+vecharge) andthe neutrons(neutral charge)i.e. nearlythe totalmass ofan atom
(ii) Thesizeofthenucleusisverysmallincomparisontothesizeoftheatom.Diameterofthenucleus

isabout 10 13 while the atom hasa diameter of the order 10 8 of cm. So,the size of atom is 105
times more than that of nucleus.
(iii) Most of the space outside the nucleus is empty.
The electrons, equal in number to the net nuclear positive charge, revolve around the nucleus with
high speed in various circular orbits.
(v) The centrifugal force arising due to the high speed of an electron balances the columbic force of
attraction of the nucleus and the electron remains stable in its path. Thus according to him atom
consists of two parts (a) nucleus and (b) extra nuclear part.

Defects of Rutherfords atomic model

1. Position of electrons: The exact positions of the electrons from the nucleus are not mentioned.
2. Stability of the atom: NeilsBohrpointedoutthatRutherfordsatomshouldbehighlyunstable.

and lose energy. As a result of this a moving electron will come closer and closer to the nucleus
and after passing through a spiral path, it should ultimately fall into the nucleus.

It wascalculated that theelectron should fall intothe nucleus inless than10 8 sec. Butit is known
that electrons keep moving out8sided the nucleus.
To solve this problem Neils Bohr proposed an improved form of Rutherfords atomic model.

Before going into the details of Neils Bohr model we would like to introduce you some important
atomic terms.

3. Atomic Spectrum

If the atom gains energy the electron passes from a lower energy level to a higher energy level,
energy is absorbed that means a specific wave length is absorbed. Consequently, a dark line will
appear in the spectrum. This dark line constitutes the absorption spectrum.
Hydrogen Atom: If an electric discharge is passed through hydrogen gas taken in a discharge
tube under low pressure, and the emitted radiation is analysed with the help of spectrograph, it is
found to consist of a series of sharp lines in the UV, visible and IR regions. This series of lines is
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Er. Vineet Loomba (IIT Roorkee)
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known as line or atomic spectrum of hydrogen. The lines in the visible region can be directly seen
on the photographic film.
of six series of lines each series, known after their discoverer as the Balmer, Paschen, Lyman,
Brackett, Pfund and Humphrey series. The wavelength of all these series can be expressed by a
single formula.

1 1 1
R 2 2
n1 n 2

= wave number
= wave length
R = Rydberg constant (109678 cm 1 )

n1 and n 2 have integral values as follows

Series n1 n2 Main spectral lines

Lyman 1 2,3,4,etc Ultra-violet
Balmer 2 3,4,5etc Visible
Paschen 3 4,5,6etc Infra-red
Brackett 4 . 5,6,7etc Infra-red
Pfund 5 6,7,8,etc Infra-red
Note: Alllinesin thevisibleregionare ofBalmerseriesbutreverse isnottrue,i.e.,all Balmerlineswillnot fallinvisible
The pattern of lines in atomic spectrum is characteristic of hydrogen.

Types of emission spectra

(i) Continuous spectra: Whenwhitelightfromanysourcesuchassunorbulbisanalysedbypassing
through a prism, it splits up into seven different wide bands of colour from violet to red (like

is called as continuous spectrum.

(ii) Line spectra: Whenanelectricdischargeispassedthroughagasatlowpressurelightisemitted.
If thislight isresolved by aspectroscope, itis foundthat some isolatedcoloured linesare obtained

on a photographic plate separated from each other by dark spaces. This spectrum is called line
spectrum. Each line in the spectrum corresponds to a particular wavelength. Each element gives its
own characteristic spectrum.

4. Plancks Quantum Theory

When a black body is heated, it emits thermal radiations of different wavelengths or frequency. To

explain these radiations, Max Planck put forward a theory known as Plancks quantum theory. The
main points of quantum theory are:
(i) Substancesradiateorabsorbenergydiscontinuouslyintheformofsmallpacketsorbundlesofenergy.
(ii) The smallest packet of energy is called quantum. In case of light the quantum is known as photon.
(iii) Theenergyofaquantumisdirectlyproportionaltothefrequencyoftheradiation.E (or
E=h werevisthefrequencyofradiationandhisPlancksconstanthavingthevalue 6.626 10 27

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erg-secor 6.626 10 34 J-sec.
(iv) A bodycan radiate orabsorb energy inwhole number multiplesof a quantumhv, 2hv, 3hv. nh
where n is the positive integer.
Nelis Bohr used this theory to explain the structure of atom.

5. Bohrs Atomic Model

Bohr developed a model for hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms one-electron species (hydrogenic
species). He applied quantum theory in considering the energy of an electron bond to the nucleus.
Important postulates: An atom consists of a dense nucleus situated at the center with the
electron revolving around it in circular orbits without emitting any energy. The force of attraction
between the nucleus and an electron is equal to the centrifugal force of the moving electron.
Of the finite number of circular orbits possible around the nucleus, and electron can revolve only
in those orbits whose angular momentum (mvr) is an integral multiple of factor h/ 2 .


where, m = mass of the electron
v = velocity of the electron
n = orbit number in which electron is present
r = radius of the orbit .
As long as an electron is revolving in an orbit it neither loses nor gains energy. Hence these orbits
are calledstationary states.Each stationarystate isassociated witha definiteamount ofenergy and
it isalso known asenergy levels.Thegreater the distanceof the energylevel from thenucleus, the
more is the energy associated with it.The different energy levels are numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4, (from

nucleus onwards) or K, L, M,N etc.

Ordinarilyanelectroncontinuestomoveinaparticularstationarystatewithoutlosingenergy. Such
a stable state of the atom is called as ground state or normal state.
If energyis supplied to anelectron, it may jump(excite) instantaneously from lowerenergy (say 1)

to higher energy level (say 2, 3, 4, etc) by absorbing one quantum of energy. This new state of
electron is called as excited state. The quantum of energy absorbed is equal to the difference in
energies of the two concerned levels.

Since the excited state is less stable, atom will lose its energy and come back to the ground state.
Energy absorbed or released in an electron jump, (E) is given by

E E 2 E1 hv

Where E 2 and E1 aretheenergiesoftheelectroninthefirstandsecondenergylevels,andvisthe


frequency of radiation absorbed or emitted.

Note: Iftheenergysuppliedtohydrogenatomislessthan13.6eV,itwill acceptorabsorbonlythosequantawhichcantake
are absorbed and excess energy appearas kinetic energy of emitted photo electron.
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Merits of Bohrs theory
(i) The experimental value of radii and energies in hydrogen atom are in good agreement with that
calculated on the basis of Bohrs theory.
(ii) Bohrsconceptofstationarystateofelectronexplainstheemissionandabsorptionspectraofhydrogen
like atoms.
(iii) The experimental values of the spectral lines ofthe hydrogen spectrum are in close agreement with
the calculated by Bohrs theory.
Limitations of Bohrs Theory
(i) It does not explain the spectra of atoms or ions having more than one electron.
(ii) Bohrs atomic model failed to account for the effect of magnetic field (Zeeman effect) or electric
is placed in a strong magnetic or electric field, each spectral line further splits into a number of
lines. This observation could not be explained on the basis of Bohrs model.

(iii) de-Brogliesuggestedthatelectronslikelighthavedualcharacter.Ithasparticleandwavecharacter.
Bohr treated the electron only as particle.
(iv) AnotherobjectiontoBohrstheorycamefromHeisenbergsUncertaintyPrinciple.Accordingtothis

principle it is impossible to determine simultaneously the exact position and momentum of a small
around the nucleus with well defined velocities is thus not attainable.
By Bohrs theory .
(i) Radius and Energy levels of hydrogen atom: Consideranelectronofmassmandcharge
e revolving around a nucleus of charge Ze (where, Z = atomic number and e is the charge of the
proton) with a tangential velocity v.r is the radius of the orbit in which electron is revolving.
ByCoulombsLaw, theelectrostaticforceofattraction betweenthemovingelectron andnucleusis

KZe 2
Coulombic force 2
4 0 (where 0 is permitivity of free space)

K 9 109 Nm 2C 2
In C.G.S. units, value of K = 1 dyne cm 2 (esu) 2

The centrifugal force acting on the electron is

Since the electrostatic force balance the centrifugal force, for the stable electron orbit.
mv 2 KZe 2
2 (i)
r r

2 KZe 2
(or) v (ii)
According to Bohrs postulate of angular momentum quantization, we have

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Er. Vineet Loomba (IIT Roorkee)
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Substituting for r, gives us

22 mZe2 e 4 K 2
E where n = 1, 2, 3,
n 2h 2
This expression shows that only certain energies are allowed to the electron. Since this energy
expression consists so many fundamental constant, we are giving you the following simplified

12 Z2
E 21.8 10 2 erg peratom.

Z2 Z2
21.8 10 19 J per atom = 13.6 eV per atom

n2 n2

E n 13.6 eV per atom


(1eV = 3.83 10 23 Kcal)

(1eV = 1.602 10 12 erg) .

(1eV = 1.602 10 19 J)

E 313.6 2 kcal/mole (1 cal = 4.18 J)

The energies are negative since the energy of the electron in the atom is less than the energy of a
free electron (i.e., the electron is at infinite distance from the nucleus) which is taken as zero. The
less negative.

Whenn= ,E=0whichcorrespondstoanionizedatomi.e.,theelectronandnucleusareinfinitely
H e (ionization).

(iii) Velocity of electron


nh nh
We know that, mvr ;v
2 2mr
By substituting for r we are getting

2 KZe 2
8 Z
Where excepting n and z all are constant, v = 2.18 10 cm / sec.
Further application of Bohrs work was made, to other one electron species (Hydrogenic ion) such
as He and Li 2 . In each case of this kind, Bohrs prediction of the spectrum was correct.

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(iv) Explanation for hydrogen spectrum by Bohrs theory: According to the Bohrs theory
electronneitheremitsnorabsorbsenergyaslongasitstaysinaparticularorbit.However, whenan
the normal energy level, i.e., ground state to some higher energy level i.e., exited state. Since the
During each jumps, energy is emitted in the form of a photon of light of definite wavelength or
frequency.The frequencyof thephotonof lightthus emitteddependsupon theenergy differenceof
the two energy levels concerned ( n1 , n 2 ) and is given by

22 mZe 4 K 2 1 1
hv E 2 E1 2 2
h2 n1 n 2
22 mZ2e 4 K 2
1 1
v 2 2
h3 n1 n 2
The frequencies of the spectral lines calculated with the help of above equation are found to be in

good agreement with the experimental values. Thus, Bohrs theory elegantly explains the line
spectrum of hydrogen and hydrogenic species.

Bohr had calculated Rydberg constant from the above equation.
C 22 mZ2e 4 K 2 1 1
2 2
h3 n1 n 2
1 22 mZ2e 4 K 2 1 1
2 2
h 3c n1 n 2

22 me 4 K 2
where 1.097 10 7 m 1 or 109678 cm 1
h 3c

1 1 1
i.e. Rydberg constant (R) RZ2 2 2
n1 n 2

wave number..
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6. Electromagnetic Energy

According to this theory light is a stream of particles commonly known as corpuscles of light. He
was ableto explainreflection and refraction,the mostcommon phenomenon oflight. Butthe other
phenomenon like diffraction and interference could not be explained on the basis of this theory.

Maxwell, in 1956 proposed that radiant energy (light) has wave characteristics. Light according to
him is Electromagnetic Wave arising due to the disturbance created by electric and magnetic fields
oscillating perpendicular to each other in space. Like all other mechanical waves, it is characterised
by velocity c, frequency , wavelength which are related as :

c . The value of c is constant and equal to 3 108 m / s.

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7. Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic wave or radiation is not a single wavelength radiation, but a mixture of various
wavelength or frequencies. All the frequencies have same speed.
If all the components of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) are arranged in order of decreasing or
increasing wavelengths or frequencies, the pattern obtained is known as Electromagnetic Spectrum.
The following table shows all the components of light.
S.No. Name Wavelength Frequency(Hz) Source
1. Radiowave 14
3 10 3 10 7 5
1 10 1 10 9 Alternating current of
2. Microwave 3 107 6 106 1 109 5 1011 Klystrontube
3. Infrared(IR) 6 106 7600 5 1011 3.95 1016 Incandescentobjects
4. Visible 76003800 3.95 1016 7.9 1014 Electricbulbs,sunrays

5. Ultraviolet(UV) 3800150 7.9 1014 2 1016 Sun rays, arclampswith
6. X-Rays 1500.1 2 1016 3 1019 Cathode rays striking

7. -Rays 0.10.01 3 1019 3 1020 Secondary effect of
8. CosmicRays 0.01zero 3 1020 Infinity
. Outerspace
Continuous Spectrum: When sunlight (white light) is passed through a prism, it is dispersed
or resolved into a continuous spectra of colours. It extends from RED (7600 ) at one end to the

are present. The type of spectrum is known as Continuous Spectrum., Hence continuous spectra is
one which contains radiation of all the frequencies.
Discontinuous Spectrum: Light emittedfrom atoms heatedin a flame orexcited electrically
in gas discharge tube, does not contain a continuous spread of wavelengths (or frequencies). It
contains only certain well-defined wavelength (or frequencies). The spectrum pattern appears as a

series of bright lines (separated by gaps of darkness) and hence called as Line-Spectrum.
One notable feature observed is, that each element emits a characteristic spectrum, suggesting that
there is discrete relation between the spectrum characteristics and the internal atomic structure of

an atom.

8. Photoelectric Effect

It was observed by Hertz and Lenard around 1880 that when a clean metallic surface is irradiated
by monochromatic light of proper frequency, electrons are emitted from it. This phenomenon of
ejection of the electrons from metal surface was called as Photoelectric Effect.

frequency), no emission takes place however high the intensity of light may be.
of the electrons should have been proportional to the intensity of the light, not on the frequency.

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Er. Vineet Loomba (IIT Roorkee)
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These features could not be properly explained on the basis of Maxwells concept of light i.e. light
as electromagnetic wave.
In1905, Einstein appliedPlancksquantumtheoryof lighttoaccountfor theextraordinaryfeatures
effects, it shows particle nature.According to the particle nature, the energy of the light is carried
in discrete units whose magnitude is proportional to the frequency of the light wave. These units
were called as photons (or quanta).
to the electrons in the metal. In order for an electron to escape from the surface of the metal, it
and is denoted by . The remaining part of the energy of the photon goes into the kinetic energy
of the electron emitted. If E is the energy of the photon, KE is the kinetic energy of the electron

and be the work function of the metal then we have;
= hv0 and Ei = hv

KE Ei KE h h 0 h( 0 )
Also, if m be the mass and v be the velocity of the electron ejected then
KE 1 2 mv 2 h( 0 ) . .
Note: The electromagnetic Radiation (or wave) now emerges as an entity which shows dual nature i.e., sometimes as
Wave and sometimes as Particle (quantum aspect).

9. Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom


Schrodinger derived an equation which describes wave motion of positively charged nucleus.
Schrodinger derived an equation which describes wave motion of an electron. The differential

equation is

d 2 d 2 d 2 8 2 m
2 (E V) 0

dx 2 dy 2 dz 2 h
where x, y, z arecertain coordinates of the electron, m = mass of theelectron, E = total energy of

theelectron.V=potentialenergyoftheelectron;h=Plancksconstantand (psi)=wavefunction
of the electron.
Significance of : The wave function may be regarded as the amplitude function expressed in
termsofcoordinatesx,y andz.Thewavefunctionmayhavepositive ornegativevaluesdepending

upon the value of coordinates. The main aim of Schrodinger equation is to give solution for
value of is negative. But the probability must be always positive and cannot be negative, it is
thus, proper to use 2 in favour of .
Significance of 2: 2 is a probability factor. It describes the probability of finding an electron
within a small space. The space in which there is maximum probability of finding an electron is

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Er. Vineet Loomba (IIT Roorkee)
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termed asorbital.The important pointof the solutionof the wave equationis that it providesa set
of numbers called quantum numbers which describe energies of the electron in atoms, information
about the shapes and orientations of the most probable distribution of electrons around nucleus.

10. Quantum Numbers

so as to avoid any confusion.
Energy Level: The non-radiating energy paths around the nucleus are called as Energy Levels
ofShells.Theseare specifiedbynumbers havingvalues 1,2,3, 4,... orK, L,M,N, order of
increasing energies. The energy of a particular energy level is fixed.
Sub-Energy Level: Thephenomenonofsplittingofspectrallinesinelectricandmagneticfields
reveals that there must be extra energy levels within a definite energy level. These were called as
Sub-EnergyLevels orSub-Shells.Thereare fourtypes ofsub-shells namely;s, p,
d, f.

First energy level (K or ) has one sub-shell designated as 1s, the second energy level (L or 2) has
two sub-shell as 2s & 2p,the third energy level (M or 3) has three sub shellas 3s, 3p and 3d, and
the fourth energy level (N or 4) has four sub-shells as 4s, 4p, 4d and 4f. The energy of sub-shell

increases roughly in the order: s < p < d <f.
Orbital: Each sub-energy level (sub-shell) is composed of one or more orbitals. These orbitals
belonging to a particular sub-shell have equal energies and are called as degenerate orbitals. s-sub-
shell has one orbital, p has three orbitals, d have five orbitals and f has seven orbitals.
used, calledasQuantumNumbers.Thesearespecifiedsuchthatthestatesavailabletotheelectrons
should follows the laws of quantum mechanics or wave mechanics.
Principal Quantum Number: (n): This quantum number represents the main energy levels

(principal energy levels) designated as n = 1, 2, 3, ... or the corresponding shells are named as K,
L, M, N, ... respectively. It gives an idea of position and energy of an electron.The energy level n
= 1 corresponds to minimum energy and subsequently n = 2, 3, 4, ..., are arranged in order of
increasing energy.

Higher is the value of n, greater is its distancefrom the nucleus, greater is its size and also greater
is its energy.
It also gives the total electrons that may be accommodated in each shell, the capacity of each shell

is given by the formula 2n 2 , where n : principal quantum number..

Azimuthal Quantum Number: (l): This number determines the energy associated with the

angular momentum of the electron about the nucleus. It is also called as the angular momentum
It can assume all integral values from 0 to n1. The possible values of l are :

0, 1, 2, 3, ..., n1.
Each value of l describes a particular sub-shell in the main energy level and determines the shape
of the electron cloud.
When n = 1, l = 0, i.e., its energy level contains one sub-shell which is called as a s-sub-shell. So
forl =0, thecorrespondingsub-shellisas-sub-shell.Similarlywhenl =1,2,3,the sub-
shells are called p, d, f sub-shells respectively.

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Asyou knownfor n= 1,l =0, thereis only onesub-shell. Itis representedby 1s. Nowfor n= 2,
l cantaketwovalues(thetotalnumberofvaluestakenbyl isequaltothevalueofninaparticular
energy level).The possible values of l are 0, 1.The two sub-shell representing the IInd energy level
are2s, 2p.Inthesamemanner,forn=3,threesub-shellsaredesignatedas3s,3p,3dcorresponding
tol =0, 1,2,andforn=4,foursub-shellsaredesignatedas4s,4p,4d,4fcorrespondingtol =0,
1, 2, 3.
The orbitalAngular momentum of electron = ( 1) .
Note that its value does not depend upon value of n.
Magnetic Quantum Number (m): An electron with angular momentum can be thought as
magnetism is determined by the magnetic quantum number. Under the influence of magnetic field,
the electrons in a given sub-energy level prefer to orient themselves in certain specific regions in
space around the nucleus. The number of possible orientations for a sub-energy level is determined

by possible values of m corresponds to the number of orbitals in a given sub-energy level).
mcanhaveany integralvaluesbetweenl to +l including 0,i.e.,m =l,0+, l,, 0, 1, 2, 3,4,
. . ., l1 + l.We can say that a total of (2l + 1) values of m are there for a given value of l 2,

1, 0, 1, 2, 3.
In s sub-shell there is only one orbital [l = 0, m = (2l +1) = 1].
Inpsub-shelltherearethreeorbitalscorrespondingtothreevaluesofm:1,0+1.[l =1 m =
(2l +1) =3].Thesethree orbitalsare representedas p x , p y , p z alongX,Y,Z axesperpendicular to
Indsub-shell,therearefiveorbitalscorrespondingto2,1,0+1,+2,[l=2 m=( 2 2 1) 5] .
These five orbitals are represented as d xy , d zx , d x 2 y2 , dz .

In f sub-shell there are seven orbitals corresponding to 3, 2, 1, 0, +1, +2, +3 [l = 3 m =

(2 3 1) 7] .
Spin quantum Number (s): Whenanelectronrotatesaroundanucleusitalsospinsaboutits
axis. If the spin is clockwise, its spin quantum number is +1/2 and is represented as . If the spin

is anti-clockwise, its value is 1/2 and is represented as . If the value of s is +1/2, then by
convention, we takethat electron as the firstelectron in that orbital andif the value of sis 1/2, it

is taken as second electron.

11. Aufbau Principle


Aufbau is a German word meaning building up. This gives us a sequence in which various sub-
shells are filled up depending on the relative order of the energy of the subs-hells. The sub-shell
with minimum energy is filled up first and when this obtains maximum quota of electrons, then the
next sub-shell of higher energy starts filling.

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10 0
[Kr] 4d 5s
[Kr] 4d10 5s1
[Xe] 4f 14 5d9 6s1
[Xe] 4f 14 5d10 6s1

Shapes of Atomic Orbitals

(i) S-orbital: An electron in considered to be immersed out in the form of a cloud. The shape of the
cloud is the shape of the orbital. The cloud is not uniform but denser in the region where the
probability of finding the electron in maximum.
The orbital with the lowest energy is the 1s orbital. It is a sphere with its center of the nucleus of
the atom. The s-orbital is said to spherically symmetrical about the nucleus, so that the electronic
the nucleus, but it is larger than (i.e., away from) the 1s orbit.

1s 2s
nucleus x

Z radial node

(ii) p-orbitals:Therearethreep-orbitals: p x , p y and p z .theyaredumb-bellshaped,thetwolevelsbeing

separated by; a nodal plane, i.e., a plane where there is no likely hood of finding the electron. The
p-orbitals have a marked direction character, depending as whether p x , p y and p z orbital is being
considered. The p-orbitals consist of two lobes with the atomic nucleus lying between them. The
axis of each p-orbital is perpendicular to the other two. The p x , p y and p z orbitals are equivalent

except for their directional property. They have same energy; orbitals having the same energy are
said to be degenerated.
z z

y y y

x x x

px py pz

(iii) d-orbitals: There are five d-orbitals. The shapes of four d-orbitals resemble four leaf cloves. The
fifth d-orbital loops different. the shapes of these orbitals are given below.

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Er. Vineet Loomba (IIT Roorkee)
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y z z

x y x

dxy dyz dzx


d 2 2 dz 2
x y

12. Dual Character
In case of light some phenomenon like diffractionand interference can be explained on the basis of

its wave character. However, the certain other phenomenon such as black body radiation and
photoelectric effect can be explained only on the basis of its particles nature. Thus, light is said to
have a dual character. Such studies on light were made by Einstein in 1905.
Louis de-Broglie, in 1942 extended the ideal of photons to material particles such as electron and
he proposed that matter also has a dual character-as wave and as particle.
Derivation of de-Broglie equation: Thewavelengthofthewaveassociatedwithanymaterial
particle was calculated by analogy with photon. In case of photon, if it is assumed to have wave
character, its energy is given by

E = h (i) (according to the Plancks quantum theory)

where is the frequency of the wave and h is Plancks constant
If the photon is supposed to have particle character, its energy is given by
E mc 2 (ii) according to Einsteins equation)
where m is the mass of photon, c is the velocity of light.

By equating (i) and (ii)

h mc 2

But c/
h mc 2

(or) h / mc
The above equation is applicable to material particle if the mass and velocity of photon is replaced
by the mass and velocity of material particle. Thus for any material particle like electron.

h / mv (or)
where mv = p is the momentum of the particle.
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13. Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle

paths. Hence their position and velocity can be measured accurately at any instant of time. Is it
possible for subatomic particle also?
As a consequence of dual nature of matter. Heisenberg, in 1927 gave a principle about the
uncertainties in simultaneous measurement of position and momentum (mass velocity) of small
particles. This principle states.
It is impossible to measure simultaneously the position and momentum of a small microscopic
moving particle with absolute accuracy or certainty i.e., if an attempt is made to measure any one
of these two quantities with higher accuracy, the other becomes less accurate.
Theproduct ofthe uncertaintyin position( x) and theuncertainty inthe momentum (p m. v

where m is the mass of the particle and v is the uncertainty in velocity) is equal to or greater
than h / 4 where h is the Plancks constant.

Thus, the mathematical expression for the Heisenbergs uncertainty principle is simply written as

x.p h / 4 or E t
Explanation of Heisenbergs uncertainty Principle: Suppose we attempt to measure
both the position and momentum of an electron, to pin point the position of the electron we have
to use light so that the photon of light strikes the electron and the reflected photon is seen in the

of the light used. The uncertainty in position is + . The shorter the wavelength, the greater is the
photon on striking the electron changes its speed as well as direction. But this is not true for
macroscopic moving particle. Hence Heisenbergs uncertainty principle is not applicable to

macroscopic particles.

Electronic Configuration of Elements: Quantum numbers can now characterize the


electrons in an atom. To describe the arrangements and distribution of electrons for different
elements, following rules an selective principles are used. The distributions of electrons in an atom
is known as the electronic configuration of that element.

Aufbau Principle: Anatominitsloweststateofenergyissaidtobeingroundstate.Theground

state is the most stable in an atom.According toAufbau principle.

with the orbital of lowest energy.

The order of increasing energy may be summed up as follows
1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d,
value of n.

Prepared By:
Er. Vineet Loomba (IIT Roorkee)
Jupiter (XI) 18
Paulis Exclusion Principle: According to this principle
Notwoelectronsinanatomcanhavethesameset ofallthequantumnumbersoronecansaythat
no two electrons can have the same quantised states.
Consider an electronic arrangement in 1st energy level (n = 1). For n = 1. l= 0, and m = 0. Now s
can have to values corresponding to each value of m i.e. s = +1.2, 1/2 (n, 1, possible designation
ofan electronina statewithn =1 is1, 0,0, +1/2and 1,0,0, 1/2(n, l,m, s)i.e., twoquantised
states. This implies that an orbital can accommodate (for n = 1, m = 0, one orbital) maximum
of two electrons having opposite spins.
The maximum number of electrons in the different subshells = 2 (2l +1).
s-sub-shell = 2, p-sub-shell = 6, d-sub-shell = 10 and f-sub-shell = 14.
Hunds Rule of maximum Multiplicity
According to this rule: Electrons never pair until no available empty degenerate orbitals are left
to him.

This means an electron always occupies a vacant orbital in the same sub-shell (degenerate orbital)
and pairing starts only when all of the degenerate orbitals are filled up. This means that the pairing
starts with 2nd electron in a sub-shell, 4th electron in p-sub-shell, 6th electron in d-sub-shell and 8th

electron in f-sub-shell.
By doing this, the electrons stay as far away from each other as possible. This is highly reasonable
energy state and hence more stability. .
Extra Stability of Half and fully Filled Orbitals: Aparticularlystablesystemisobtained
when a set of equivalent orbitals (degenerate orbitals) is either fully filled or half filled, i.e., each
containing one or a pair of electrons. This effect is more dominant in d and f sub-shells.
This means three or six electrons in p-sub-shell, five or ten electrons in d-sub-shell, and seven or

takes place in d sub-shells (for atomic number Z = 24, 25, and 29, 30).
In the following table you should analyse how to employ the above rules to write electronic
configuration of various elements.

Electronic configuration of an element is represented by the notation nlx .

x : number of electrons present in an orbital
l : denotes the sub-shell

n : principal quantum number.

14. Node and Nodal Plane


Node is defined as a region where the probability of finding an electron is zero.

The planes passing through the angular nodal points are called nodal planes.

No. of radial or spherical nodes = n l 1
No. of angular nodes = l, Total no. of nodes = n1

Prepared By:
Er. Vineet Loomba (IIT Roorkee)
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