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Intern Night Float Survival Guide

Your guide through the dark

SUNY Upstate Medical University

List of Topics: Page Number

Leaving Against Medical Advice (AMA) 4

Constipation 4

Pain Control 5

Acute Anemia 6

Low Urine Output 7

Hypoglycemia 8

Chest Pain 9

Arrhythmias/ACLS 10

Atrial Fibrillation 11

Hypertension 12

Acute GI bleed 13

Shortness of Breath 14

Oxygen Delivery system 15

Electrolyte Replacement 16

Hyponatremia 17

Hyperkalemia 18

Abdominal pain 19

Hypernatremia 19

Insomnia 19

Hyperglycemia 19

Agitation/Confusion 20

Fever 21

Sepsis 22

Phone Numbers 23
Page 3


Welcome to world of night float. Night float is a unique rotation which gives you the
autonomy of making many clinical decisions. Remember, with great power there must
also come - great responsibility! (Ref: Ben Parker, Spiderman), after all, you are cross
covering for other physicians patients. This book has been assembled by senior / chief
residents as well as faculty members to help you with important tips and tricks to guide
you through your night float rotation. It includes topics which the night float is most
commonly contacted about by nursing staff. Each topic includes the information you
need to obtain from nursing staff /chart and possible differential diagnosis and
management based on etiology. Although this book has several helpful hints and
references, please remember to use your clinical judgment in each individual case.

Remember: you always have your senior with you!

We look forward to working with you and we know it will be a great year! We also look
forward to hearing any suggestion / tips from you to make this manual better.

SUNY Upstate Medical University.
Department of Internal Medicine.


Rushikesh Shah. M.B.,B.S. Amit Dhamoon. MD, PhD.

Viren Kaul. M.B.,B.S.


Omair Chaudhary. MD. Syed Wajihuddin. M.B.,B.S.

Harvir Singh Gambhir. M.B.,B.S., M.D. Priyanka Pitroda. MD.
Arpan Patel. MD. Aditya Kalakonda. MD.
Subhash Sitaula. M.B.,B.S. Aakriti Pandita. M.B.,B.S.
Sumendra Joshi. M.B.,B.S. Pallawi Kopparty. M.B.,B.S.
Shalin Kothari. M.B.,B.S.
Page 4


Discharge against medical advice (AMA) is a

situation in which a patient chooses to leave the Defined as decrease in frequency ( < 3 BMs / week) or
hospital before the treating team recommends change in consistency to hard / lumpy stool or difficulty
discharge. in evacuation with feeling of incomplete evacuation.
Prior to prescribing medications, ensure patient is not
Review patients chart and ensure that patient does obstructed. Is the patient passing flatus ? Any vomiting
not have a condition that impairs his / her capacity to
? Abdominal pain ? If concerned, examine for signs of
make decisions. e.g psychiatric problems, mental
surgical abdomen.
retardation, encephalopathy, delirium.
Review the chart to for medications which can cause
Suicidal patient, or patients admitted after attempting constipation: opioids, anticholinergics, 1st degree
to commit suicide are not allowed to leave unless antihistaminics.
specifically recommended by psychiatry.
Evaluate patients bowel medications. (All patients
Review sign out for instructions from primary team. with opioids should be on bowel regimen)
Once dynamic obstruction is ruled out, may order
Talk to patient. Most common scenarios when medications as follows:
patients decide to do this are:

dissatisfaction with their care. Stool softeners :

dissatisfaction with staff taking care of them. Docusate 100 mg BID: Takes 24 - 72 hours for
feeling uninvolved. Feeling of not being updated onset of action.
on clinical progress.
inadequate pain control Stimulants :
personal problems. Senna (2 to 4 tablets daily): Works in 6 -12 hours.
Attempt to answer patients questions as directly as 10 to 30 mg tablet daily: Works in 6-10
possible. Attempt to alleviate concerns by providing hours.
information. Resolve any medical concerns such as 10 mg suppository works in 15-60 minutes.
pain control if deemed reasonable.
Osmotic agents:
If patient decides to leave anyway, explain to him /
her all possible consequences of leaving prior to Magnesium sulfate 1 - 2 teaspoons in water: Acts
in 0.5 3 hours (Avoid in renal insufficiency).
completing treatment. Provide them with the
appropriate AMA form to sign. Polyethylene glycol 8 to 34 gms daily: Acts in 1-4
Let the senior NF/ nocturnist know. Complete Lactulose (10-20 gms): Works in 2 - 4 hours.
medical reconciliation to the best of your ability.
Provide scripts if needed. NEVER prescribe Enemas: If patient is on reasonably good bowel
controlled substance. Advise appropriate follow ups. regimen with no BMs in 3 - 4 days with no signs of
obstruction, consider enemas. Can use bisacodyl, tap
Document your conversation with patient. You dont water, lactulose enema. Avoid phosphate enemas in
have to do the discharge summary but mention in renal dysfunction and elderly.
brief why the patient chose to leave and that you
explained the potential risks which he / she Remember, reverse underlying pathologies causing
understood. Make sure to document that patient had the constipation: pain, urinary retention, recent
the capacity to understand the decisions regarding surgery, opioid use, dehydration.
his medical care.
In intractable cases, may consider manual fecal
Inform the team and concerned attending in the disimpaction.
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#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart/sign out:

Acuity: New onset vs. exacerbation of known pain? Try to find out a cause of the reported pain. Is it known?
PQRST ? Existing regimen ? Recommendations from primary team.
Red flags: Fever, focal deficits, LOC, dizziness, chest pain, Review home pain regimen.
dyspnea, increased oxygen requirement. Review common reasons for contraindication to meds:
Wounds? Recent surgery? Incisional pain? NSAIDs: GI bleed, GERD, recent ACS, allergy, AKI.
Hemodynamic stability especially for chest pain, abdominal Tylenol: Acute / fulminant liver failure, toxicity.
pain. Narcotics: Allergy, intolerance, poor respiratory reserve,
old age, renal dysfunction.

#4. Management:
#3. Triage: Does the patient need to be seen? and
initial assessment: Work up emergent causes of pain if being considered (as
explained in #3)
Chest pain: Please refer to segment on chest pain.
Headache: New onset, intractable, auras, focal deficits. Non opioid options:
Back pain: Neurological deficits, saddle anesthesia, Tylenol: MDD: 4 gm, MDD with liver failure: 2 gm. Maybe
incontinence. used PRN (650 mg Q6H PRN). If not effective, consider
Post operative pain: Incisional healing, signs of infection. standing doses for 24 hours (inform team). Standing tylenol
Fall: Evaluate for acute fractures. Does patient need neck works better than PRN. Can also be administered per
stabilization? rectal.
Abdominal pain: Surgical signs? No flatus / feces? Guarding / NSAIDs: Work well for acute pain.
rigidity? Local agents: Lidocaine patch / gel / ointment, diclofenac
H/O of sickle cell disease: Crisis? acute chest? bone crisis? gel.
HEMODYNAMIC INSTABILITY. Opiods: Use sparingly. Work well for acute pain, especially post
operative pain. Order one time doses only. Inform team in AM.
Already on opioids: If no C/I, give a one time dose after
enquiring about the last dose. Try to give same drug as
being used. Do not order long acting doses.
Opioid naive: Consider one time doses of lowest dose of
#5. Opioid administration: opioid (see #4)

If patient can take PO and no risk of aspiration: Use lowest dose

as one time order.
Tramadol: Synthetic. Use 50 mg doses PRN.
Hydrocodone/tylenol: 5/325 or 5/500 mg (may repeat Q4 - 6 #5. Important considerations:
Oxycodone:5 mg (may repeat Q4 - 6 hours)
Avoid ordering standing doses. Avoid long acting formulations.
Morphine IR: 15 or 30 mg dose.
Always sign out pain control issues to primary service so they may
address it on rounds.
If unable to take PO / aspiration risk:
Always assess sign out. Primary service may recommend not using
Fentanyl 25 to 50 mg IV (based on BMI). May repeat Q2 - 4
a certain medication for specific reasons.
hours (shorter acting drug)
Handy tool to convert doasage (roughly) from one opioid
Morphine 2 or 4 mg IV (based on BMI). May repeat Q 2- 4
medication to another: http://
hours if needed.
Page 6


#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart review / sign out:

Symptoms ? Is there a known source of bleeding under investigation?

Vitals: Hemodynamically stable? : Tachycardia, Trend the Hb / Hct to assess acuity of drop. Is there a
hypotension. drop in WBC / platelets: Dilution ?
Orthostatic symptoms and vitals? Is patient on anti platelet meds / anticoagulation ?
Any obvious source of bleeding GI, urine, sputum, Did patient have recent surgery or endovascular
surgical site, wound. procedure.

#3. Initial assessment: #4. Interventions:

Whom to assess: Decrease in Hb> 1 unit & Hct > 3 Ensure adequate IV access: 2 wide bore IVs.
units or active bleeding warrants assessment.
Vitals: Tachycardia, orthostasis, hypotension signifies Investigations / labs:
intravascular depletion especially in setting of anemia / Repeat CBC if suspecting dilution / error.
dehydration. Orthostatics are a sensitive exam finding. Type and cross.
If not able to do orthostatic vitals: See HR and BP INR / PTT
response to leg raising. Send anemia work up as mentioned in #3 if
Identify source of bleeding: CT abdomen / pelvis if concerned for retroperitoneal
GI: hematemesis, melena, hematochezia. Do a per bleeding / intra abdominal bleeding.
rectal exam if suspicious and send for FOBT. CXR to evaluate for hemothorax.
Assess abdomen for surgical signs.
Post surgical/wound : check surgical site or wound. Hemodynamically unstable: Start fluid resuscitation.
Hemothorax: Lung exam for decreased sounds. Consider PRBC transfusion (see below). Call SNF.
Discontinue anticoagulation, consider reversal (please see
For concealed bleeding: significant drop w/ section on reversal of anticoagulation).
hemodynamic compromise: Consider retroperitoneal / For mild drop in asymptomatic patient w/o hemodynamic
abdominal , pelvis or hip bleeding. If recent vascular compromise: Observe. Send work up as in #3. Follow
procedure / cath: Retroperitoneal bleeding high on through night for stability. Inform primary team.
differential. Consider abrupt in pregnant patients.
Keep transfusion threshold at Hb < 7 and Hct < 21 or
If no source of bleeding: follow primary teams instructions. For patients with active
Hemodynamic stability with decrease in all cell lines: ACS, transfusion threshold is low (around 8 and 24). Can
Dilution / error. Common in 1st 48 hours of transfuse 1-2 units at a time.
Nutritional: review/obtain iron panel, Vitamin B12, Reversal of anticoagulation: See #4.
Evaluate for hemolysis in appropriate settings: sepsis, For GI bleed: see the section on GI bleed
autoimmune disease, liver disease, DIC. For surgical site bleeding: D/C anticoagulation if
significant bleeding. Consult surgical services.

#5. Reversal of anticoagulation (please see section on #6. Special considerations:

reversal of anti coagulation for details):
Jehovahs witness: due to cultural beliefs you cant
2/2 Coumadin / liver disease: Vitamin K (PO preferred, transfuse these patients. Discuss with the patient and
may use IV. Avoid SQ). FFPs. K - centra. document in chart informing possible risk. You can
Platelets if thrombocytopenia. resuscitate with IVF.
Use desmopressin if patient is uremic. If hemodynamically significant bleed, discuss with SNF,
Hold all anti platelets, especially if hemodynamically consider MICU consult.
unstable. If unable to obtain good IV access, consider CVC.
Page 7


#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart review / sign out:

Acuity ? Duration ? Oliguria (<500 cc/day or <0.5 cc/kg/hr) / anuria (No urine output).
Does patient have Foley catheter ? Is it draining ? Fluid status: I/Os, including cumulatives. Does patient have a
If not: What is the post - void residual urine ? reason to be hypovolemic ?
If < 100 cc: evaluate etiology. Med review: Diuretics, IV fluids, drugs with anti - cholinergic
If > 200 cc: straight cath. properties (cause retention).
If > 400 cc: place a foley catheter and leave it in place. Other factors: Pain / recent surgery / constipation (impair bladder
If patient has ascites, bladder scanning overestimates the bladder emptying).
volume. Labs: BUN / Cr and Sr. Osm (does it suggest intravascular
Associated symptoms: fever, signs of infection ? depletion or overload ?)

#3. Assessment: #4. Treatment:

Volume status assessment: Intravascularly depleted or volume Patient already has Foley ? Ensure it is draining. Ask nursing staff
overloaded ? to flush and confirm patency.
Intravascular depletion: Mucus membranes, skin, BP, HR,
UOP, mental status. Remember orthostatic signs are Intravascularly depleted ?
sensitive for detecting depletion especially in cases of IV fluid boluses: 250 - 500 ml. If improvement noted, place on
bleeding. maintenance fluids (for 1000 ml) and inform primary team.
Overload: JVD, crackles, edema, S3. Treat primary cause: Sepsis, diarrhea, etc.

Look for underlying causes: Overload state:

Intravascular depletion: Sepsis, poor PO intake, excessive Consider diuresis.
diuresis etc. Treat primary cause or concomitant issues (arrhythmias).
Overload: Fluids, ACS, arrhythmias, CHF.
Remove offending factors: Anti cholinergic meds, pain meds,

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#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart review / sign out:

How low is the fingerstick ? Is patient diabetic ?

First time or recurrent ? Trend review: IS patient recurrently low on FSGLU (finger stick
Is patient symptomatic? Diaphoresis, confusion, tremor, fatigue, glucose) at particular times of day ?
loss of consciousness. Medication review: Patient on insulin ? What is the regimen:
When was last insulin dose administered, what type ? Last long home vs inpatient ? Any recent changes ? When was last dose of
acting insulin dose ? Last meal and general PO intake ? insulin administered?
Is patient NPO ? Reason ? (pre op vs aspiration precaution etc)
Does patient have AKI which can lead to decreased excretion of
insulin ?
Does patient have any signs of sepsis (infection), hepatic failure
(impaired glucose metabolism), adrenal insufficiency (Hyper Na,
#3. Assessment / Treatment: hypokalemia, low BP) ?

Confirm serum glucose by point of care glucometer.

Symptomatic: diaphoresis, confused, seizures, N/V: IV dextrose


If patient does not have H/O DM and not on anti-hyperglycemic

medication: try oral juice and recheck FS in 15 minutes #4. Persistant hypoglycemia:

For patients who are on glucose lowering agents:

Hold further doses of hypoglycemic agents. If patient received large dose of insulin or received normal dose
Can take PO: give 15 gms carbohydrate (4 oz juice) insulin in light of acute kidney insufficiency, or received long
Unable to take PO and has IV access, give amp D50 IV acting insulin, hypoglycemia can recur.
and recheck FS. Repeat as needed
Unable to take PO and no IV access, give 1 mg glucagon Place patient on D5NS (@ 75-150 ml / hour) OR D10NS gtt (@
IM 50 - 100 ml / hour) to maintain FSGLU > 100 mg /dl. Hold all
Check FS q15 minutes and repeat above till BG>100 mg/ insulin regimens. Be aware of volume status, avoid in patients
dl. with heart failure. Preferably use D10 in ESRD / CHF patients.

Re-adjust/hold insulin scale as necessary. If refractory to treatment, discuss with SNF.

Inform primary team.

Page 9


#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart:

Details of pain: Onset, site, nature. Reason for admission and pending work up.
Hemodynamic stability. Cardiac history: Look up previous cardiology notes, echos, stress
Associated symptoms. tests (imaging), D/C summaries.
Interventions already performed. Rapid risk assessment: Known CAD/CHF?, HTN, HLD, DM,
What is the patient being actively treated for? Is he being worked smoking, family and personal history, PVD / AAA.
up for chest pain?

#3. Initial assessment: #4. Initial interventions:

ABCs. Call senior on call if hemodynamically unstable and

Details of pain: Determine cardiac vs. atypical vs. non cardiac
initiate emergent resuscitation.
Risk factors: Known CAD/CHF?, HTN, HLD, DM, smoking, family
and personal history, PVD / AAA ? EKG, set of cardiac enzymes, electrolytes, chest Xray.
If considering other life threatening differentials, please approach
Hemodynamic stability.
as detailed in next section.
Focused examination: Reproducibility, BP in both arms, radio-radial
and radio-femoral delay, JVDs, heart sounds/murmurs, lung exam, Remember to compare EKG to previous.
upper abdominal examination. Anxiety: Consider morphine or ativan (unless contraindicated)
GERD: Protonix IV.
R/O life threatening/common differentials on H/O or exam: ACS,
PE, PT, aortic dissection, esophageal rupture (esp if recent EGD), Costochondritis: Tylenol (avoid NSAIDs till ACS ruled out) or
foreign body.
R/O common differentials: GERD, costochondritis, pneumonia,
anxiety, pancreatitis or upper abdominal pathology.

#6. Management of other life threatening conditions:

PE: Pre test probability? Wells score?. If very low probability: D-

#5. Management of ACS: dimer. If moderate to high: CT thorax w/ PE protocol, hydrate
patient. (check Cr). Consider empirical high dose heparin gtt
Always discuss with SNF and consult cardiology prior to protocol / lovenox (caution in renal dysfunction, obesity.
initiating specific treatments as outlined under.
Tension PT: Absent lung sounds, JVD, tamponade physiology?
STEMI: Mediastinal shift on exam or CXR? If unstable, emergent surgery
consult for needle decompression.
Call SNF stat. If confirmed STEMI, in collaboration with SNF
call cardiology STAT.
Aortic dissection: Sudden tearing pain radiating to back?
Per cardiology recs, consider activating STEMI code.
unstable? Unequal pulses / BP?, Wide mediastinum on CXR?
Rest per under.
Resuscitate, stop anti coagulation, stat CTA thorax/abdomen/
REMEMBER ideal time to cath is under 90 minutes.
pelvis and check INR. Consider stat Vascular Sx consult.
Unstable angina / NSTEMI:
Oxygen to keep saturations > 92%
Morphine (especially if respiratory distress from pulm edema)
Aspirin 325 mg stat + Plavix 600 mg stat (confirm with NOTES:
cardiology fellow prior to administering)
B-blocker therapy if there is no contraindication (hypotension,
bradycardia, new onset HF)
Low dose heparin gtt protocol (if no contraindications)
Statin, high dose: atorvastatin 40-80 or rosuvastatin 20-40 mg
Nitrates (SL vs. drip vs. Paste) titrate to relief vs. tolerance
Send lipid panel, HbA1c, CIPs, echo (is not already evaluate
or no known H/O)
Page 10


#1. Information from nursing: Decision making flowchart:

Hemodynamic stability. Vital signs?
Symptoms. Chest pain, LOC, SOB, fever? 1. Pulse? : If no pulse, refer to #3. Activate Code.
Duration of arrhythmia: Constant / intermittent? 2. If pulse present: Unstable or stable ?
AMS, poor UOP, LOC, desaturations, poor organ perfusion, chest
#2. Information from chart / sign out: pain, pulmonary edema, shock
Cardiac history: A.fib / flutter, SSS, CAD. Stable / unstable bradycardia: Refer to #4
Check past EKGs / echos. Unstable tachycardia: Refer to #5.
Current electrolytes. K > 4, Mg > 2? Stable tachycardia: Refer to #6.
Systemic disease that maybe contributing: Sepsis, dehydration, 3. Always treat underlying cause: Address volume status. Reverse
thyroid disorders, pregnancy. Hs/Ts.
Risk stratification for common causes: ACS, PE etc. 4. ASAP: EKG, CBC, BMP, magnesium, CIPs !
Medication review: BB, CCB, digoxin, thyroid 5. Call SNF / MICU to help with situation.
medications, clonidine etc.

#4. BRADYCARDIA w/ pulse:

#3. Arrhythmias w/o pulse: CODE BLUE !!
FOLLOW ACLS ALGORITHM (See next page) Atropine (0.5 mg IV Q 3 - 5 minutes, max dose: 3 mg)
If considerations for beta blocker toxicity: Consider glucagon
and insulin IV.
Reverse Hs and Ts: Apply pads. Prepare for transcutaneous pacing. Call SNF/
Hypovolemia : Fluid boluses with pressured bag MICU. Consider cardiology consult.
Hypoxia : bag mask ventilation, intubation If hypotensive: Bolus fluids. Treat as shock.
Hydrogen ion (acidosis) : Bicarb boluses Discontinue all nodal blockers.
Hypo / Hyperkalemia
Hypoglycemia Stable: Patient asymptomatic:
Tension pneumothorax: Needle decompression (SICU Sleeping: Physiological. Attempt to wake patient and see
bedside) response.
Tamponade (SICU bedside) Asymptomatic: Obtain EKG.
Toxins / drugs SInus bradycardia: Does not need treatment. D/C
Thrombosis: Pulmonary / Coronary blockers
AV block: Check old EKG. D/C blockers.
Consult SNF. If new 2nd or 3rd degree block,
consider cardiology consult.
RRT. Call SNF. Obtain EKG. Attach a Zoll monitor.
#6. STABLE TACHYCARDIA: Usually narrow complex
Regular wide complex i.e VT / SVT with aberrancy: Assume VT.
Sync cardioversion: 100 J, increment if needed. Rx underlying cause. Hs / Ts. Volume status is very important:
Post resuscitation, consult cardiology and consider Give fluids / diurese !
amiodarone / lidocaine gtt.
Torsades: Magnesium IV. Avoid amiodarone (prolongs QTc) Pharmacology, narrow complex:
If not hypotensive:
Irregular wide complex: VF (rarely with pulse): DESYNC Cardizem bolus (1 mg/kg, max dose: 20 mg) * 2 Q 10
SHOCK! minutes. Start on Cardizem gtt.
Metoprolol 2.5 or 5 mg IV.
Regular narrow complex: Sinus / SVT / flutter:
Sync cardioversion: 50 - 100 J, increment if needed.
If hypotensive: Amiodarone 150 mg loading IV, then gtt.
Treat underlying cause: Volume depletion vs overload (eg
sepsis vs. pulmonary edema), pain, recent sx, Hs / Ts.
If known systolic CHF: consider digoxin (usually avoided 2/2
Adenosine (6 mg - 12 mg - 12 mg). toxicities)
See stable tachycardias for other management.
If considering septic shock and have central access: Transfer
Irregular narrow complex: A. fib, flutter with variable block, MAT: to ICU, consider esmolol gtt with levophed support (after
Sync cardioversion: 120 - 200 J, in increments. adequate fluids)
Treat underlying cause as mentioned above.
See stable tachycardias for further management.
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#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart review / sign out:
Acuity: New or old ?
Is the call because patients rate is now uncontrolled or because Acuity: New or old ?
of new A.fib. Are there any recommendations from the team regarding rate
Vitals / hemodynamics. control ? Whats been tried and what worked ?
Is there a known cause ? (Please see section on causes). Review of existing rate controlling meds : BB, CCB, amiodarone,
digoxin. Did patient miss any medications ?
Review old EKGs, old cardiology notes.
#3. Assessment: Check most recent K, Mg, TSH levels.
Vitals: Ensure hemodynamic stability.
Examine / ask questions to rule out causes of PE (see the
section on causes) #5. Causes / etiologies:
#4. Initial interventions: Mnemonic: MARTHA PID
stat 12 lead EKG: irregular narrow complex tachycardia with no
identifiable P waves - atrial fibrillation. Look for signs of ischemia
- peaked T waves, ST segment elevation / depression, T wave Medications: missed doses of rate controlled agent. Use of
theophylline, caffeine.
inversions, Q waves.
Acute Coronary Syndrome, acute CHF or existing CAD.
Repeat BMP, magnesium levels in not sent within the last 4
hours. Respiratory (PE, hypoxia, COPD).
Send a TSH levels if none done recently.
Hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia.
CIPs to rule out ACS especially if concerning symptoms / signs
present. Alcohol, illicit drugs (cocaine, amphetamine, bath salts, etc).
Always remember withdrawal states!
If hypoxic, or symptomatic with risk factors, consider CTA for PE
protocol. Pain. Recent sx / injury ? Open areas ?
Infection / sepsis.
Dehydration. Patient not taking PO ? Assess why.
#6. Treatment / underlying cause:
Correct underlying cause:
Medications: Assess why patient not taking his PO rate
controllers. Consider IV formulations from same family. #7. Treatment / rate control:
Acute Coronary Syndrome: Trend CIPs (refer to section on
chest pain) If blood pressure acceptable:
Acute CHF: Consider diuresis. Metoprolol 5 or 10 mg IV and repeat as necessary. Once
PE: stat imaging. Consider empiric anticoagulation if high controlled, immediately give PO 12.5 / 25 / 50 mg based on BP.
risk. Cardizem 0.25 mg / kg over 2 mins (Max: 20 mg) IV. Usual dose
COPD exacerbation: Treat with bronchodilators, however 10 mg. May repeat after 15 minutes. Once controlled, can start
exercise caution since beta agonists can exacerbate atrial cardizem 30 mg PO q 6 H. If not controlled, start on cardizem
fibrillation. drip at 5 / 10 / 15 mg / hr depending on BP.
Hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia: Replace (see section on
electrolyte replacement) If BP low: CALL SNF.
Cocaine use: Consider benzodiazepines. May use lower doses of IV metoprolol or cardizem.
Alcohol withdrawal: CIWA protocol. Amiodarone 150 mg bolus, followed by gtt @ 1 mg / kg for 6
Pain: See section on pain control. hours, followed by 0.5 mg / kg for 18 hours. Inform team to
Infection / sepsis: See section on sepsis. consult cardiology for further recs.
Dehydration: IV hydration. Esmolol 0.5 mg / kg bolus dose. can use esmolol gtt, but needs
MICU consult since may need pressor support.

If hemodynamically unstable: acute drop in BP / patient

#8. Special considerations: unresponsive synchronized cardioversion (evaluate risk of
If A.fib lasts > 48 hours, patient will need anticoagulation causing CVA) : Refer to section on tachycardias for details.
depending on CHADS2 / CHADS2 - VaSc score, relay to team
regarding considering anticoagulation.
Page 12


#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from records / sign out:

Acuity: New or existing issue ? Trend the blood pressure to see acute vs. chronic
Machine or manual ? Request a manual reading and in elevation.
both arms. Check medication regimen for BP and see MAR if a dose
Ensure right cuff size: Smaller cuffs falsely elevate BP, was missed.
larger cuffs falsely underestimate BP Review home medications, check if one of the medications
Is patient in pain, anxious, agitated, have urinary was not prescribed (and why).
retention or constipation ? Review BMP, recent UOP.
Does patient have any red flag symptoms such as chest
pain, SOB, headache, N/V, lightheadedness/dizziness ?

#3. Initial assessment:

Confirm BP with appropriately sized cuff (as mentioned #4. Treatment:

in #1).
Signs that BP is reactive: evaluate for pain, anxiety, Hypertensive emergency / malignant HTN (signs of
agitation, urinary retention, constipation. organ damage): severely elevated BP (DBP>120) with
Signs of end organ damage, especially if patient has red symptoms such as chest pain, SOB, headache, visual
flag symptoms. Eye exam, chest / lung exam, UOP, disturbance OR / AND labs such as AKI OR / AND testing
pulses, CNS exam. such as EKG changes, abnormal imaging: Call SNF for
MICU / CCU eval.

Aim of Rx: Decrease MAP < 10% in first few minutes and <
#5. Treatment / commonly used oral anti hypertensive 15% in first few hours. Possible regimens:
medications with doses: Labetalol 10-20 mg IV q 4 - 6 hours
Hydralazine 10-20 mg q 6 hours
Captopril: 25 mg dose PO / sublingual. Enalaprilat: 1.25 mg IV q 6 hours

Carvedilol: 3.125 to 25 mg daily. Esmolol: 0.5 mg/kg q 5 mins

Amlodipine: 2.5 -10 mg daily. (MDD is 10 mg / day)

Clonidine: 0.1 - 0.3 mg PO
Hypertensive urgency: SBP > 180 and DBP >120
without symptoms / end-organ damage.
#6. Treatment / special considerations:
Aim of Rx: Lower BP gradually with target of <160/100. May
If HR is low (< 60 / min), avoid BB, CCB. use IV medications one time or PRN basis as described
If patient has AKI (from pre - renal injury) avoid diuretics / ACEi / above followed by PO medications or initiate of PO regimens
ARBs. (see section on PO medication).
Patient can have AKI from overload state (CHF): Use diuretics,
monitor BUN / Cr and UOP (should improve).
Treat underlying causes: Pain, anxiety, agitation, urinary retention SBP 150 - 180 and DBP < 100 - 120 without symptoms /
or constipation. end organ damage: can add a dose of scheduled
medication early or add a one time PO medication dose
(see section on PO meds)

NOTES: SBP < 150 / DBP < 100: Give scheduled dose of
medications early. If possible request to move patient to
quite/alone room and decrease stimuli.
Page 13


#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart / sign out:

Hemodynamically stable ? : Tachycardia, hypotension. Review Hb / Hct trend.

Orthostasis? Known source of GIB ? Past GI history ?
Symptoms: Upper vs. lower: melena / hematochezia / History of liver failure ?
hematemesis. Associated symptoms ? Last EGD / colonoscopy ?
1st time or recurrent ? Known coagulopathy ? Check medications.

#4. Initial interventions:

#3. Initial assessment:
Ensure adequate IV access: 2 wide bore IVs. Consent patient for
Symptoms: Site of bleeding, dizziness / orthostatics, abdominal potential PRBC transfusion.
Examination: Abdominal, oral, rectal. Investigations / labs: CBC (Hct might not decrease initially), PTT
Assess intravascular depletion: Skin exam, mucosal exam, / INR, type and cross, LFTs, BUN / Cr
tachycardia (early), orthostatics / leg raising (15% loss), supine
hypotension (40% loss). Hemodynamically unstable: Start fluid resuscitation. Consider
Assess severity: Rockall score (see reference tables). PRBC transfusion (see below). Call SNF. Discontinue
Delineate source, consider etiology (see graphic below) anticoagulation, consider reversal.

Keep transfusion threshold at Hb < 7 and Hct < 21 or follow

primary teams instructions. For patients with active ACS,
transfusion threshold is low (around 8 and 24). Can transfuse
1-2 units at a time.

Reversal of anticoagulation: in case of liver disease or

Coumadin use when INR>1.6. Use PCC 25 units/kg for INR<4
and 35-50 units/kg when INR>4. If unavailable can use FFPs
10-15 ml/kg. (see section on reversal of anti coagulation for

#5. Specific interventions:

Suspected upper GI bleed:

Non variceal: pantoprazole 80 mg stat followed by 8 mg/hr gtt.
Variceal: As above plus octreotide 50 mcg IV stat followed by
50 mcg/hr gtt.

Suspected lower GI bleed:

Notes: Source location:
Tagged RBC scan: detect rates of 0.1 - 0.5 ml/hr
CTA abdomen/ pelvis: rates > 0.5 ml / hr
If suspecting ischemic colitis: Stat lactate and imaging.
Consider surgical consult.

If patient has ascites: Antibiotic ppx with ceftriaxone 1 gm Q 12

hours IV

Consult GI.
Inform SNF especially if hemodynamically significant bleeding.
Please refer to section on acute anemia / drop in H/H for further
Page 14


#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart review / sign out:

Symptoms: Onset and progression. Associated complaints? Code status: DNR / DNI ?
Vitals ?: Pulse ox, hemodynamic stability, fever Baseline / home oxygen requirements ?
Is patient on tele ? Pulmonary / cardiac review:
Are fluids running ?: Type and rate. Relevant PMH: COPD / asthma, CHF, PE, recent surgery,
Is it known ? Is patient being treated for a potential cause ? anxiety.
CXR, PFTs, echo, EKG, previous caths.

#3. Initial assessment:

#4. Initial interventions:
Quick ROS: Attempt to differentiate primary pulmonary vs.
cardiac etiology. Place in head propped up position. Oxygen as required to maintain
Hemodynamic assessment with oxygen requirements. saturation: NC > FM > NRB. (Please see section on oxygen
Assess severity: delivery)
RS: Tachypnea, accessory muscle use, cyanosis, ronchii /
wheezing. Obtundation / twitching (CO2 retention) Initial investigations / imaging: CXR, continuous pulse ox, EKG,
CVS: S3, JVD, crackles, edema. New murmurs ? CIPs (if suspecting ACS), ABG.

Pertinent differentials w/ clinical findings: Use ABGs to assess hypercapnia states. Useful in hypoxia to
CHF exacerbation / flash pulm edema: JVD, crackles, S3, assess for A - a gradient for shunt pathology.
edema, fluid overload state, high BP. Normal pH: 7.34 - 7.45
ACS: Chest pain, new cardiac findings. PaO2: 80 - 100 mmHg
PE: Wells, tachycardia, tachypnea, pleuritic CP, normal lung PaCO2: 35 - 45 mmHg
Pneumothorax: Absent lung sounds, tamponade physiology. Pertinent differentials being entertained:
Aspiration: New ronchii, tachypnea. CHF exacerbation / flash pulm edema: Clinical + CXR.
COPD exacerbation: wheezing, signs of hypercapnia. Silent Consider BNP / pro BNP, EKG, CIPs, echo in AM.
chest is indicative of imminent collapse. ACS: EKG, CIPs
PNA: fever, leucocytosis, ronchii. PE: stat CTA. If AKI or dye allergy, consider V/Q scan.
Atelectasis: recent surgery?, bed bound. Pneumothorax: Clinical + CXR.
OSA: Asymptomatic, snoring, nocturnal desats on tele. Aspiration: CXR. Consider swallow eval in AM.
COPD exacerbation: Clinical. ABG to assess for hypercapnia.

#5. Definitive management of potentially immediately

fatal etiologies: #6. Definitive management of other etiologies:

ACS: Please refer to section on chest pain. CHF exac: Diuresis (Lasix: creatinine * 20 mg IV eg. For creatinine
PE: Imaging as mentioned in #4. If unable to obtain imaging and level of 2.0, Lasix dose will be 40 mg IV), morphine, nitro gtt,
clinical suspicion high, ensure absence of contra indications and hemodialysis. Consider MICU consult for CPAP.
deliver empiric anticoagulation. If imaging +, start on high dose PNA: Appropriate antibiotics (CAP vs HCAP)
heparin gatt or Lovenox 1 mg / kg BID (provided no renal COPD exacerbation: Duonebs Q 4 H, albuterol Q2H PRN, consider
dysfunction). IV hydrocortisone bolus, BiPAP if ABG shows respiratory acidosis.
Pneumothorax: If imminent collapse, bedside needle Consult MICU.
decompression. If stable, consult surgery. Aspiration: Initiate aspiration precautions. Make patient NPO. Sign
out to team to order swallow evaluation.
Anxiety: Consider one time dose of anxiolytic.
Important considerations:
Consult SNF if unstable patient or sudden increase in oxygen
requirements. Consider MICU consult is patient requiring > 50%
If patient requires positive pressure: BiPAP / CPAP or considering
intubation, consult SNF and MICU. Call RT and SWAT to assist.
Page 15


By definition, oxygen delivery devices used on floors are low flow systems.
The FiO2 correlates with the flow of oxygen in L / min. Of note, if patient is tachypnic, they will demand more flow
than is provided by most of these systems and hence, patients entrain oxygen from room. In effect, patients will
inhale lower FiO2s than demonstrated here.
If patients oxygen requirements are increasing, in terms of flow as demonstrated by L / min on wall unit or need for
partial / complete non rebreather masks, it is a cause for concern and needs to be evaluated. Please see section on
shortness of breath for details.

Delivers 24 to 44 % oxygen at flows of 1 to 6 L / min.
Up to FiO2 of 40%, nasal cannula is the delivery device of choice.
May be humidified if not run at < 5 L /min.

L / minute on the wall unit 5

1 24

2 28

3 32

4 36

5 40

6 44

Delivers 35 to 55% oxygen at flows of 5 to 12 L / min.
Never use at flow rates < 5 L / min to prevent rebreathing of CO2.
Some patients are mouth breathers when they sleep, and hence will need masks even though their FiO2
requirements may not be high.


Delivers 35 to 60% oxygen at flows of 8 to 15 L / min.
Flow rate must be sufficient to keep the reservoir bag inflated 1/3 to 1/2 its volume at all times.
Differentiated from non rebreather masks by lack of valve at the connection of tubing in PRB.


Delivers 60 to 90% O2 at flow rates of 8 to 15 L/min.
Flow rate must be sufficient to keep the reservoir bag inflated 1/3 to 1/2 its volume at all times.


Provide FiO2 from 24 - 50 %.
Technically a high flow oxygen system because they do not allow entrainment of RA.
Size of the entrainment port determines FiO2 and hence increasing the flow of oxygen does not determine FiO2.
Different ports are color coded to relate to different levels of FiO2 delivered.
Please familiarize yourself with ports used in our setup.


If patients saturations are not maintained with above mentioned delivery devices, patient may need positive pressure
ventilation, for which, please call SNF and consult MICU.
Page 16



Oral: Potassium chloride (K - Dur in epic as a pill, also available as a liquid)

IV: Potassium phosphate IVPB (10 mEq in 100 ml) or double strength (20 mEq in 100 ml)

Check renal function and in patients with ESRD / CKD / AKI, be less aggressive in K replacement since these kidneys wont
excrete potassium as a normal kidney would.
If administering intravenous 20 mEq in 100 ml concentration, ensure patient is in ICU on EKG monitoring.
Check Mg (Intracellular Mg prevents outward K flux in ascending loop via ROMK channel and thus prevents its excretion in urine. Low Mg
leads to increase urinary K loss)
10 mEq replacement will raise serum K by 0.1. In absence of gut dysfunction: PO = IV.
ICU protocols for patients with Cr<1.5.
Repeat potassium levels after 2 hours of completion of regimen. Do not exceed 400 meq / 24 hours replacement.

Consider using K phos orally if levels > 2
Each 1 gm magnesium will raise serum level by 0.1 If level < 2: 15 mmol sodium phos IV over 4 hours
If level <1.5: 30 mmol sodium phos IV over 6 hours
If level <1: 45 mmol sodium phos IV over 8 hours
If level 1.8 - 2: give 1 gm IV MgSO4 ( = 8 meq) over 1
hour or Mg Oxide PO 400 mg daily for 2 days
If level 1.6 - 1.7: Give 2 gm IV MgSO4 over 2 hours or CALCIUM REPLACEMENT
Mg Oxide 400 mg PO BID for 2 days Check ionized calcium. Corrects with 1-2 amps of IV
If level < 1.5: Give 2 gm MgSO4 over 2 hours x 2 doses. calcium gluconate
Page 17

HYPONATREMIA: Na < 135 mEq / dl

#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart review / sign out:

Get a sense of fluid status: Overloaded , dehydrated , euvolemic. Acuity of change: Acute ( < 48 hours) vs chronic ( > 48 hours).
I/Os. Cumulative since admission ? Has patient been hyponatremic in past ? Why ?
Any fluids running ? Type and rate ? Review fluid balance.
Symptoms / signs: Seek etiologies:
Dehydration: Thirst, dry mouth, decreasing UOP. Hypovolemic pathologies: DKA, HHS, sepsis, dehydration,
Overload: Edema, crackles, dyspnea. alcoholism, advanced dementia, vomiting / diarrhea,
Specifically ask for neurological features: Increasing excessive diuresis
confusion, changes in mental status, seizures. Hypervolemic pathologies: Cirrhosis, CHF, renal failure,
excessive alcohol use.
Medication review: diuretics, medications causing obtundation.
Check blood glucose, lipids and protein levels for

#3. Initial assessment:

#4. Interventions:
Symptoms: As above. Specifically check for neurological features:
AMS, seizures. In light of acute hyponatremia, they represent a
MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Acute w/ obtundation / seizures: 3% saline, 100 ml bolus over 15
minutes. Check BMP @ 2 hours. Call SNF and MICU consult.
Examination: Assess intravascular volume.
Consider etiology / differential diagnosis: Refer to diagram below.
Acute w/o obtundation / seizures: 3% NS at 15-30 ml/hr. Avoid
correcting > 12 mEq / 24 hours or > 6 mEq / 12 hours.

Chronic: Treatment based on etiology (see underneath). Obtain

BMP with serum osmolality; urine Na, Cr, Osm. Avoid correcting >
10 mEq / 24 hours.

Chronic hypotonic:
Hypovolemic: NS fluid replacement. Hold diuretics /
offending meds.

- FENa < 1, Ur. Na < 10: GI loss / poor PO intake.

- FENa > 1, Ur. Na > 20: Renal losses.
- If Euvolemic: SIADH (Urine Osm>100) vs. primary
polydypsia (Urine Osm < 100)

Euvolemic: Free water restriction.

Hypervolemic: Free water restriction. Consider diuresis
(especially in CHF state)

Chronic hypertonic:
Correct underlying pathology

Chronic isotonic: Usually pseudohyponatremia needs no Rx.

If obtundation / seizures after TURP / lap with acute
hyponatremia: 3% saline, 100 ml bolus over 15 minutes. Call
SNF and MICU consult.
Page 18


#1. Information from nursing / sign out: #2. Information from chart review:
Evaluate chart for potential cause of hyperkalemia as follows:
When was the BMP sent ?
Symptoms ? Excessive Intake:
Is the patient on telemetry ? Iatrogenic (overly aggressive replacement), excessive intake
If patient is being already treated for hyperkalemia, when was the
last doses of administered medications (insulin, calcium Impaired Excretion:
gluconate, kayexalate) ? Kidney disease: Acute or chronic. In CKD is usually only seen in
When was patients last dialysis session if ESRD patient. Stage V, Type IV RTA (Aldosterone resistance). Can be seen in any
stage of CKD in combination with K sparing diuretics i.e. ACE,
Adrenal insufficiency i.e,. Adissons, severe sepsis
DRUGS: ACE, ARB, Bactrim, digoxin toxicity, heparin, NSAIDs
#3. Initial interventions:
Cellular Shift:
Stat EKG, especially if the hyperkalemia is a new finding. Acidosis i.e. sepsis, DKA (CAUTION: DKA can have overall body
Tall Peaked T waves, PR prolongation followed by loss of store depletion of K with serum elevation secondary to Acidosis)
P waves with QRS prolongation and progression to SINE Cell Lysis ie. rhabdomyolysis, tumor lysis
wave. Except T waves all EKG findings need immediate Blood transfusions
cardioprotective measures Mechanical damage ie. artificial valves
Repeat BMP if concerns for sampling error such as sample drawn
from a line running TPN. False Elevation:
Place patient on telemetry. Hemolysis
BMP Q 4 hours till potassium normalizes. Lab error
Inform SNF and discuss treatment options. Improper sampling, eg. from site of fluid replacement/electrolyte
replacement, or TPN infusion line.

#4. Treatment: Cellular shifts / cardioprotection: #5. Treatment: definitive elimination:

If evidence of PR prolongation or QRS widening patient should Kayexalate (Sodium Polystyrene): Ion exchange resin that works in
receive 1 gm IV Calcium Gluconate or Chloride for myocardial the gut to prevent GI absorption and cause excretion into GI tract.
membrane stabilization. Dose 30-60 grams PO repeated Q 2 hours till patient has BM or 30g
Insulin and Dextrose: 50g of dextrose and 10 units IV regular as retention enema (Note: K not excreted until patient has BM).
insulin. Onset 30 minutes with duration of action 4-6 hours (can Onset slow can take approximately 2 hours. Contraindicated In
last longer if impaired renal function). allergic patients, can precipitate anaphylaxis and in post op GI
Insulin Drip: In cases of refractory hyperkalemia, patient should be patients can cause bowel necrosis and perforation. GI bleeding is not
moved to the MICU and can be placed on regular insulin drip an absolute contraindication.
running at 5 units/hr with D5 or D10 gtt. Titrate your fluids to Loop Diuretics: Cause excretion of K in the loop. At UH we most
maintain blood sugars with consistent drip rate. This is only a stop commonly use Lasix. One of the rare times it would be acceptable to
gap; elimination will be necessary. give patient IVF and diuretics. Dose 20 -160mg IV depending on
Beta2 Agonists: Albuterol 10 - 20mg nebulized (Note: standard renal function and hemodynamics. Least effective in ESRD patients
dose for bronchospasm is 2.5mg) Onset 15-30 minutes. Duration: and contraindicated in patients with underlying kidney injury as
2-4 Hours. Use usually limited by side effects ie. tachycardia. 1/3 of etiology of hyper K. Onset: 30-60 minutes.
patients will not respond to this. Dialysis: Requires Nephrology consult as well as dialysis catheter
Sodium Bicarbonate: 1-2 Amps (50 -100meq) IV. Onset: 15-30 placement (if not established ESRD patient). If your patient is not
minutes Duration: 1-2 hours. Often reserved for patients with CKD responding to conventional methods beginning planning early.
and concomitant acidosis but has the least data to show

#6. Important considerations: NOTES:

Discuss with SNF. Consider MICU consult if very high levels, or
rapidly rising levels not responding to treatment, or patient
hemodynamically unstable.
Stop offending medications.
Do not forget: Cellular shift does not equal elimination.
Give patients low potassium diet.
Page 19


Very broad topic and beyond the scope of this manual. Here are
some of things one should be extremely careful not to miss as cross More common in ICU setting, in sedated, sick patients. Also seen in
cover / night float. patients who are NPO.
Usually does not happen in patients who have access to free water
If you suspect the following, obtain a surgical consult along (who can drink), or are on TPN.
Usually not an emergency and its safe to pass on to the team.
with ongoing work up and consult SNF + / - MICU as well: If sodium levels increasing very rapidly, consider treatment
Calculate free water deficit: 0.6 x weight (kg) x (current Na / 140 -1)
Peritonitis / perforated viscous: Severe pain, rigid abdomen Administer the calculated total volume of D5 free water at 75 - 100
with rebound and guarding. Absent bowel sounds. Unstable vital ml / hr to correct Na 8-10 mEq over 24 hours. Avoid correct at rapid
signs. Upright X-ray shows air under diaphragm. Rx: NPO + IV rates.
fluid boluses + broad spectrum antibiotics + surgery. Inform the primary service in AM.

Ischemic bowel: Pain out of proportion to physical exam findings.

Bloody stool. Lactic acidosis. Rx: NPO + broad spectrum
antibiotics + surgery.
Obstruction: Nausea / vomiting, bloating, distention,
hyperactive / absent bowel sounds. X-ray shows air fluid levels. Ask about reason for insomnia. E.g. pain, delirium, withdrawal of
Rx: NPO + NG suction (decompression) + surgery. any home medication. Correct these before prescribing medication.
Do not give any sleep medicines towards early morning as patient
Cholangitis: Fever, RUQ pain, jaundice. LFTs show obstructive might be sleepy during primary teams rounds which will impair their
pattern. GI emergency. Rx: NPO + broad spectrum antibiotics + evaluation.
IV fluid boluses. Needs urgent ERCP if septic. If you have to choose, consider one of the following:
Trazodone 25 - 50 100 mg. Start low.
Ambien (5 mg) extreme caution in elderly
Benadryl (25-50 mg) in young healthy patients.
Never use benzodiazepines for insomnia as it might
Other commonly encountered differential increases the risk of delirium.

Diuse abdominal pain:

Gastroenteri+s (nauseas & vomi+ng , diarrhea) HYPERGLYCEMIA
Metabolic (acidosis, DKA) (check BMP, glucose, BHB) Evaluate for DKA / HHS: Glucose levels > 400 mg / dl or patient
Func+onal ? symptomatic with abdominal pain, nausea / vomiting. Check last
BMP for anion gap / betahydroxybutarate if AG positive. MICU
Localized: consult if DKA is diagnosed.
Epigastric: PUD, gastri+s (NSAID use) , pancrea++s (lipase, amylase) Trend fingerstick glucose levels in last 24 hours. In hospitalized
, MI (EKG, CIPs) patients levels between 140 -180 mg / dl are acceptable. Avoid
RUQ: cholecys++s / biliary colic (USG, LFTs) , hepa++s (LFTs, US), Review patients insulin therapy (short acting vs. both short and
pneumonia (CXR) long acting). Check if patient is getting them regularly (was there a
missed dose ? ). Is the hospital regimen different from home
LUQ: Pancrea++s, gastri+s.
regimen (if so, why? ).
RLQ: Appendici+s (Mac burney point tenderness, CT) , Renal colic Is patient receiving any fluids with D5 and if so change it. Make sure
(CT) patient is on carb control diet.
In asymptomatic patients with elevated sugar, you can cover with
LLQ: Diver+culi+s (CT), renal colic, IBD , IBS
dose of short acting insulin based on sliding scale( e.g. for glucose
Hypogastric: UTI (UA) , ureteric stone , bladder disten+on (Foley, of 300 if patient should receive 10 units regular insulin, cover
clogged cath?) patient with the same dose). If this occurs > 1 occasion, let team
know in AM to re-adjust insulin regimen. DO NOT change insulin
regimen. Only give one time orders.
Page 20

Delirium - Maybe hyperactive or hypoactive: Fluctuating disturbance in attention, awareness and cognition that develops over a
short period of time, representing a change from baseline, not explained by preexisting or evolving neurocognitive conditions.

#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart review / sign out:

Acuity: New development vs ongoing Med review: Anticholinergics, steroids, anticonvulsants, dopamine
Altered level of consciousness and / or disorganized thinking ? agonists, antibiotics.
Physically violent: Harm self or others ? Neuro: Stroke, seizures (status)
Vitals: EWS score ? Toxidrome / withdrawal state
Pain : Recent Sx / open wounds / trauma ? Systemic / general medical: CO2 retention, hypoxia, dehydration,
Urinary / bowel retention ? sepsis / infection
Recently administered medications ? Change in environment (ICU delirium) vs above causes

#3. Night float assessment and testing

#4. Non pharmacological interventions:
Vitals and pain assessment
Respirations: rate, effort, evaluate for pathology: ?PNA / aspiration Reorient and decrease stimuli if agitated.
CVS assessment Involve family and other known faces if available.
Abd: Distention / surgical abdomen Address comfort: pain / constipation / incontinence
Skin: Dehydration, cellulitis, edema Provide fluids if asking if no aspiration risk.
CNS: GCS, threat response, orientability, focal deficits Take off wires / tubes unless absolutely required.
CBC, BMP, electrolytes
Sepsis work up if appropriate
Drug levels: Digoxin, lithium, quinidine
#6. Pharmacological restraint in agitation:

Tolerating PO: (increasing sedative effects, lowest dose first)

#5. Interventions per cause: - Seroquel 12.5 mg / 25 mg
- Haloperidol 0.5 mg / 1 mg
D/C offending medications. Reverse opioid overdose with
naloxone if causing respiratory depression with CO2 retention. - Risperidone 0.5 mg / 1 mg
Stat CT head w/o cont if worried for CVA. Consider stroke code - Olanzapine 2.5 mg / 5 mg
after consulting with senior. ? Neuro
- If Qt. > 500: Aripiprazole 2-5 mg Q2hours PRN. Check EKG after
Ativan IV if seizing. Consult senior stat. ?Neuro
2nd dose.
Ativan for EtOH withdrawal / cocaine use.
Goal directed Rx for sepsis (see related section).
Unable to take PO:
Treat pain: if surgical - standing tylenol, PRN oxycodone. Avoid IV
pain medications - 1st line: Haloperidol 0.5 - 1 mg Q2hours PRN IV/IM
Rx constipation: Consider enema if tolerated. - 2nd line: Olanzapine 2.5 - 5 mg Q2hours PRN IM
Acute urinary retention: Straight cath, monitor post void residual
- If QTc > 500: Valproic acid 125 - 250 mg Q8hours PRN

Important considerations: AVOID unless absolutely necessary:

All antipsychotics carry increased risk of cardiovascular mortality Benzodiazepines and anticholinergics.
especially in dementia. Restraints (discuss with family if possible).
Restraints (discuss with family if possible).
Page 21


#1. Information from nursing: #2. Information from chart / sign out:

First reading or persistent ? Review primary teams notes for possible existent causes.
Tmax ? Is patient already on antibiotics ?
Route: axillary / oral / rectal / foley ? Source identified ?
Vital signs: Determine hemodynamic stability. Chronic lines / foley ?
Has any work up been sent ? Follow that up.
Any differentials being entertained ? See section on non infectious
#3. Initial assessment: Is patient neutropenic ?

Assess stability.
Examine to locate common sources: PNA / UTI / Abdominal path /
C.diff / cholecystitis / cellulitis / sinusitis / sacral ulcers.
Examine existing lines / PICCs / ports / recent surgical sites /
foley / supra pubic catheters. #4. Interventions:
Think about hardware patient may already have: Orthopedic /
pacemakers / AICDs / wires / staples / stents. Treat fever: Tylenol PO, rectal. Avoid IV unless patient cant take PO
Consider non infectious differentials: DVT / PE / malignancy / drug / rectal.
fever / blood product reaction / post op 2/2 anesthesia or If hemodynamically unstable / sepsis : See sepsis protocol and
atelectasis. call senior on call.
If no previous work up: Basic panculture: B.Cx * 2, sputum cx,
CXR, UA / UC and repeat CBC.
Expanded work up: LFTs, USG abdomen, C.diff, stool work up,
#5. Important considerations: USG renal (pyelo), CT abdomen/pelvis (if abdominal signs),
paracentesis (SBP)
Other infectious work up (usually team can do this):
Consider non infectious causes, some can be life threatening like Osteomyelitis (MRI extremity / spine), LP (nosocomial meningitis is
PE !
rare unless patient presented with relevant symptoms: neck pain/
Low threshold for considering sepsis and activating pathway. rigidity, photophobia etc.), echo (endocarditis)
Hemodynamic stability comes first, always fix ABCs first.
If not on antibiotics: Choose appropriate regimen (see below)
Check the sign out / notes: Team may already have worked up the
If already on antibiotics: Consider expanding coverage.
fever / started treating / have a plan.
If neutropenic: Expand coverage to include anti - pseudomonas
Neutropenic fever is a medical emergency ! activity.
Be permissive with treating fever (it is a defense mechanism).

Common empiric antibiotic regimens:

(Please confirm disease specific doses unless otherwise specified here)

CAP: azithromycin + ceftriaxone / doxy in COPD C.diff: PO vancomycin / Flagyl. Severe: IV Flagyl.
patients / levofloxacin if patient has cardiac H/O Abdominal infections: cipro + Flagyl / Zosyn.
(Azithromycin and levofloxacin prolong QTc). SBP: ceftriaxone. PCN allergy: cipro.
HCAP: vancomycin + Zosyn. Suspected line infection: Ensure vanco as part of
First or uncomplicated UTI: cefazolin / ceftriaxone / coverage.
bactrim. Endocarditis: vanco + zosyn.
Recurrent / complicated UTI / indwelling foley: Osteomyelitis (especially with open wound): vanco
Zosyn. + zosyn.
Meningitis: vanco + ceftriaxone (2 gm Q 12 hours). Neutropenic fever: Expand coverage to include anti
Add ampicillin for age > 50 years. pseudomonas antibiotics and continue old
Cellulitis: MRSA coverage (clinda / doxy / bactrim / antibiotics.
vanco). No suspicion of MRSA: cephalosporins.
Page 22


SIRS: 2 or more of following present: #1. Initial interventions / work up for sepsis:

Temperature > 38.3 C or < 36 C Place on telemetry, vitals Q2H.

Heart rate > 90 beats / min Ensure access: 2 large bore IVs.
Respiratory rate > 20 / min or PaCO2 < 32 mmHg Send lactate levels.
WBC > 12,000 or < 4,000/mm3 or bands > 10% IV fluids (NS). 30 ml/kg. Usually 4 - 5 liters unless contra indicated
(very low EF)
Sepsis: Initiate empiric antibiotics (within 1 hour) with wide coverage after
sending blood cultures.
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome +
CBC, CMP, PT / PTT / INR, lactic acid.
Source of Infection
Repeat lactate in 6 hours to check clearance.

Severe Sepsis: #2. Interventions / work up for severe sepsis:

Sepsis + organ hypo perfusion = MEDICAL EMERGENCY ( 3 hour bundle )
2014 mortality rate: 32.5 % Interventions as in #1.
iSTAT lactate in < 60 minutes. Ensure blood cx before abx.
Lactate > 4 mmol / L Discuss with SNF, consider MICU consult.
Hypotension Consider other sources of infection: Echo, LP, CT abdomen/pelvis,
UOP < 0.5 ml/kg/hr for > 2 hours despite fluids C.diff PCR (after appropriate examination), stool examination,
Acute lung injury. PaO2 / FiO2 < 300 w/o pulmonary pathology cellulitis.
Creatinine > 2 mg / dl What organisms are being targeted and what organs?
Bilirubin > 4 mg / dl Discontinue drugs that may contribute to hypotension.
Platelets < 100,000 / microliters Evaluate patients steroid needs (will he need stress dose
INR > 1.5 steroids ?)

Septic shock: MEDICAL EMERGENCY #3. Interventions for septic shock:

2014 mortality rate: 40%
As above and consult MICU.
Check access: Does patient have PICC ? IF not, will he need CVC
Persistent hypotension despite adequate fluid resuscitation placement (preferably with CVP monitoring)
requiring pressor support. Initiate pressors: Levophed is usually first line but administer only
via central access. May start phenylephrine via IV to bridge via
central access being obtained.

Goals in 1st 6 hours:

CVP 8 - 12 mmHg
MAP > or equal to 65 mmHg
UOP > or equal to 0.5 ml / kg / hr
Central venous saturation > or equal to 65%

Special considerations: Special considerations:

Use multiple clinical factors to assess fluid status such as: SBP, SWAT nurses respond to and can be requested to help with all
MAP, skin turgor, mucosal hydration, orthostatics, leg raising, HR, acute situations in the hospital. The are experts in gaining quick
bedside IVC evaluation, arterial waveform evaluation. access and they can obtain iSTAT lactate as well.
Tachycardia may not be seen in patients on beta blockers, Shock is shock: In acute situations fluid resuscitation comes first.
calcium channel blockers and those with low Mg , K. Consider adjunctive treatments: Stress dose of steroids, blood for
Consult SNF whenever concerned for severe sepsis / septic acute anemia.
Page 23

For any floor: vocera 4-1400 and say floor name (e.g. 6A) to call floor 6A

Bed Board vocera Bed control OR Pager 467-2265

Radiology Reading room 4-8349

Nursing supervisor 467-7280

Transfer Center 4-5449

5A 4-6536 Poison Control 4-5369

5B 4-6533 Firm-A 4-5240

6A 4-6556 Admitting 4-5047

6B 4-9272 Cardiac Pacer 467-2828

6K 4-5374 Endoscopy 4-5728

6H 4-2750 Hematology 4-6820

6I 4-4863 Micro 4-4459

7A Blood Bank 4-6701

7U 4-9700 Lab 4-6821

8G 4-6553 MRI 4-6924

8E 4-5215 CT Scan 4-6925

8F - 45460

9G 4-6566

10G 4-2770

10E 4-6500

10H 4-9100

ODS 4-3942

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