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NSCP C101-10






Association of Structura l Engineers of the Philippines

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11 2 P a na y A venue, Qu ezon C ity, Philippines J 100

Tel. No ; ( +632) 410-0483

Fax No. : (+632) 4 11-8606
Ema i I: ;1'i~2!lnli'.1i(f' illJJ.illi-.~~!ll!

Nat1onal Structural Code of the Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1
NSCP C101-10


Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CIO I -10
Volume I
Buildings, Towers and Other Vertical Structures
Sixth Edition, 20 I0, First Ptinting

Copyright @ 20 I0, The Associatio n of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)
All rights reserved. This publication or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any fom1 without the written permission
of the Association Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP).

ISSN No.: 2094-5477


Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP)

Suite 7 13 Future Point Plaza Condominium
112 Panay A venue, Quezon City,
1100 Philippines
Telephone Nos. ( +{)32) 410-0483
Facsimile No. ( +{)32) 411-8606
E-mail address [email protected]

The Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (ASEP) is a professional Association founded in August
1961 to represent the structural engineering community nationwide. This document is published in keeping with the
association's objecti vcs;

Maintenance of high ethical and professional standards in the practice of structural engineering;
Advancement of structural engineering knowledge;
Promotion of good public and private clientele relationship; and
Fellowship among structural engineers, and professional relations with other allied technical and scientific

Print History

First Edition, 1972

Second Edition, 1981
Third Edition, 1987
Fourth Edition, 1992
Fifth Edition, 2001
Sixth Edition, 20 10

National Structural Code of the Philippines 6 h Edition Volume 1

For the protection of public life and property, the design of structures and the preparation of
structural plans for their construction have to be controlled and regulated. For almost four decades now,
this control has been exercised in this country by the National Structural Code of the Philippines with the
initial publication by the Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP) of the National
Structural Code for Buildings. The current publication of the 6'h Edition of NSCP ClOl-10 for buildings,
towers and other vertical structures is the affirmation of the mandate of the ASEP to continuously update
the National Structural Code of the Philippines with the latest technological developments. While
attaini ng a legal status in its use as a referral code of the National Building Code, NSCP C 10 1-lO is a
publication of high technical value in mau:ers of structural concerns.

The NSCP C I 01-10 is not only completely new in its technical substance but also in its format. It
has been a product of a sustained effot1 of ASEP spanning nine years and the fruition of this endeavor has
finally come to reality during my incumbency. It is therefore with a deep feeling of grati tude and pride
that I commend the members of the ASEIP Board, the Codes and Standards Committee and the Publicity
and Publications Committee for their accomplishments.

May 2010.

Association of Structural Engineers of the
Philippines, 2009-2010

Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 2-5

0.9D+l.6W+1.6H (203-6)
0.9D+l.OE+1.6H (203-7)
203.1 General
Buildings, towers and other vertical stntctures and all / 1 = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, for live
portions thereof shall be designed to resist the load loads in excess,of 4.8 kPa, and for garage live load
combinations specified in Section 203.3 or 203 .4 and, = 0.5 for other live loads

cyc~~Y.R-~:~:\:i;:.:!.;. :.,i<;::+:j;':.~!:4~j;~~:'.!,'f~:;<w~:.(:':1Jtii~ ;Jf~?

where required by Section 208, or Chapter 4 and the
special seismic load combinations of Section 203.5.
Fqcf~~~H9o/f;c~kM1~1~~(!f:.fqr_~{rllc;{lft(/. tPM~WP.;Rfr
Se'Ctibrf409..3: ' ~ " l ""''; :~ - , . .\ ~ ~!: ::\\ ..
The most critical effect can occur when one or more of
the contributing loads are not acting. All applicable loads
shall be considered, including both earthquake and wind, 203.3.2 Other Loads
in accordance with the specified load combinations. Where P is to be considered in design, the applicable load
shall be added to Section 203.3. 1 factored as 1.2? .
203.2 Symbols and Notations
t D =dead load
203.4 Load Combinations Using Allowable Stress
E =earthquake load set forth in Section
, = estimated maximum earthquake force that can be 203.4.1 Basic Load Combinations
developed in the structure as set forth in Section
208.5. L.l Where allowable stress design (working stress design) is
F = load due to fluids with well-defined pressures and used, structures and all portions thereof shall resist the
maximum heights most critical effects resulting from the following
H = load dueto lateral pressure of soil and water in combinations of loads: .
soil D+F (203-8)
L = live load, except roof live load, including any
permitted live load reduction D+H+F+L+T (203-9)
Lr = roof live load, including any permitted live load
D + H + F + (L/>r R) (203-10)
P = ponding load D+ H + F +0.75[L + T + (Lror R)] (203-ll)
R = rain load on the undellected roof
T = self-straining force and effects arisi ng from
contraction or expansion resulting from
temperature t:hange. shrinkage. moisture change.
D + H +F + (wor E )

creep in component mat erial~ , movement due to

No increase in allowable stresses shall be used with these
differential sett lement, or combinations thereof .
load combi nations except as specifically permitted by
W = load due to wi nd pressure
Section 203.4.2.
203.3 Load Combinations using Strength Design or
Load and Resista nce Factor Design

203.3.1 Basic Load Combinations

Where load and resistance factor design is used, structures
and all portions thereof shall resist the most crit ical
effects from the fol lowing t:ombinations of factored loads:
!.4(D+F) (203- I)

1.2(D+ F + T)+ I .6(L+ H }+O.S(l.r or I?) (203-2)

1.2 D + 1.6(L, orR )+ (/1L or 0.8W) (203-3)

l .2D + 1.6W + ~L+0.5(Lr orR) (203-4)

1.2D + 1.0+ //- (203-.'i)

Niltional Structural Code of tl)e Philippines 6 Edition Volume 1
26 CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads

203.4.2 Alterna te Basic Load Combinations

In lieu of the basic load combinations specified in Section
203 .4.1, ~tl1Jctures and portions thereof shall be permitted
to be designed for the most critical effects resulting from
the following load combinations. When using these
altemate basic load combinations, a one-third increase
shall be permilled in allowable stresses for all
combinations, including WorE.

D+H +F + 0.7s[ L + Lr + ( W or I~~)] (203-13)

0.60D+W+H (203-14)

0.60D + -+H (203-15)

D + L+ LrCor R) (203 16)

D+L+W (203-17)

D +L+ (203-18)

~f..~pjiP(I:':,:: . . . . . .:' . : : ::
~ ~.t., 'i!t ." 0 l ( .' ; .

cj;~Jf1):'iiop~ .!,CJ.i(df:J!~~- ! b~. co~i.,j.~{l,,with:rg~[Jive

ioJi{'f!Fi~t~~ :morlihah 'One-lialf of ih"e '<tiMa:"tOdil. ::t,: .

203.4.3 Other Loads

Where P is l<l be considered in design, each applicable
load shall be added to the combinations specified in
Sections 203 .4.1 and 203.4.2.

203.5 Spec.ial Seismic Load Combinations

For both allowable stress design and strength design, the
following special load combinations for seismic design
shall be used as specifically required by Section 208, or
by Chapters 3 through 7.
(203- 19)

0.9D 1.0111 (20320)

f1 = 1.0 for noors in places of public assembly, for live
loads in excess of 4.8 kPa. and for garage li ve load.
= 0.5 for other li ve loads
E,., = the maximum effect of horizontal and vcrllcal
forces as set fonh in Section 20!1.5. 1.1

Association of S tnJclur<~l Eng1ne~rs of the Philippines

CHAPTER 2- Minimum Design Loads 2-7

Table 204-1 Minimum Densities for Design Loads from Materials (kN/m3)

Material Density Material Density

Aluminum ..................................................................................... 26.7 Lead ............................................................................................. 111 .5
DiiUminous Products Lime
Asphallum ........................................................................... 12.7 Hydrated, loose .................................................................... 5.0
Grnphile ............................................................................... 21.2 Hydrated. compacted .......................................................... 7 .I
Paraflin ................................................................................. 8.8 Masonry, Ashlar Stone
Petroleum, cmde --.. 8.6 Granite ................................................................................. 25.9
Pelroleum, relined ................................................................ 7.9 Limestone, crystalline ......................................................... 25.9
Pelrolcum, benzine .............................................................. 7.2 Limestone, oolitic ................................................................ 21.2
Petroleum. gasoline - 6.6 Marble .................................................................................. 27.2
Pilch ................................... - I 0.8 Sandstone ............ .......................................... ............ ........... 22.6
Tar ...............................,........................................................ I 1.8
Masonry, Brick
Brass .............................................................................................. 82.6 Hard (low absorption) ......................................................... 20.4
Bronze ........................................................................................... 86.7 Medium (medium absorption) ............................................ 18.1
Cas1-s1one masonry (ccmenl, Slone, sand) .................................. 22.6 Soft (high absorption} ......................................................... 15.7
Cemcnl, portland, loose ............................................................... 14. 1
Ceramic lile .................................................................................. 23.6 MASONRY. Concrete (solid portion)
Charcoal ......................................................................................... 1.9 Lightweight units .................................. ................... ........... 16.5
Cinder fill ....................................................................................... 9.0 Medium weight units .......................................................... 19.6
Cinders. dry, in hu lk ...................................................................... 7. 1 Normal weight uni1s ............................................................ 21.2
Coal Masonry grout ................................................................. .............. 22.0
Anthracite, piled ...................... ............................................ 8.2 Masonry, Rubble Stone
Bituminous, piled ................................................................. 7.4 Granite ................................................................................. 24.0
Lignite. piled ........................................................................ 7.4 Limestone, crystalline ........................................... .......... .... 23.1
Peat, dry. piled ..................................................................... 3.6 Limestone, oolitic ................................................................ 21.7
Concrete, Plain Marble .................................................................................. 24.5
Cinder .................................................................................. 17.0 Sandstone ............................................................................. 2 1.5
Expanded-slag aggregalc .................................................... 15.7 Mortar, cement or lime ....................................................... 20.4
Haydite (bumcd-clay aggregate} ....................................... 14.1 Particle board ..... .. ........ ........... ... ... .. ........... ... .... .... ... .. ... .. ... ...... ..... 7.I
Slag ...................................................................................... 20.7 Plywood .......................................... .............................................. 5.7
Stone .................................................................................... 22.6 Riprap (notnubmcrged)
Vermiculite and perlite aggregate, nonload-lx:aring .... .3.9-7.9 Limestone ................................................................. ........... 13.0
Olher light aggregalc, load bearing ..................... I 1.0I 6.5 Sandstone ..... ........... ............................................................. 14.1
Concrete, Reinforced Sand
Cinder ........ ................... ........... ............................................ I 7.4 Clean and d!)' ....................................................................... 14.1
Slag ...................................................................................... 21 .7 River, dry ............................................................................. 16.7
Stone. (including gravel) .................................................... 23.6
Copper ................................................................. ......................... 87.3 Bank 11.0
Cork. compressed ......................................................................... 2.2 Bank screenings ............................................... ................... 17.0
Earth (not submerged) Machine ............................................................................... 15.1
Clay, dry .................................................................. ........... 9.9 Sand .................................................................................... .. 8.2
Clay, damp .......................................................................... 17.3 Slate ............................................................................................... 27.0
Clay and gravel. dry ............................................................ 15.7 Steel, cold-drawn .......................................................................... 77.3
Silt, moist. loose .................................................................. 12.3
Silt, moist, packed ............................................................... 15.1 Stone, Quarried, Piled
Silt, flowing ......................................................................... 17.0 Basalt, granite, gneiss ......................................................... 15.1
Sand at1d g ravel, dry, loose ................................................ 15.7 Limestone, marble, quartz. .................................................. 14.9
Sand and gravel, dry. packed ................................................ 17.3 Sru1dstonc ............................................................................. 12.9
Sand and gravel. wet............................................................. 18.9 Shale ..................................................................................... 14.5
Greenstone. hornblende ...................................................... I 6.8
Earth (submerged)
Clay ...................................................................................... 12.6 Terra Cotta, Architectural
Soil ..................................................................................... 11.0 Voids filled .. .. .... .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .... 18.9
River mud ............................................................................ 14 I Voids unfilled ................................................... 11.3
Sand or :<.:tvcl ............... ................................................... . 1).4 Tin ................................................................................. 72.1
Sand or gravel and clay ..................................................... . 10.2 Water
Glass ........................... ............................................................... .. 25.1 Fresh ..................................................................................... 9.8
Gravel, dry ................................................................................. .. 16J Sea ........................................................................................ 10.1
Gypsum. loo~c .............................................................................. 11.0 Wood (sec Table 6.2 for relative dcnsilics for Philippine wood)
Gypsurn, wallboard ...................................................................... 1.1)
Icc Zinc. rolled ~heel .......................................................................... 70.5
Cast 70.7
Wrought .......................................................................... .. 75.'1

National Structural Code o f the Pl1ilippines 6 ' Edition Volume 1
2-B CHAPTER 2- Minimum Design Loads

Table 204-2 Minimum Design Dead Loads (kPa) (Use actual loads when avai lable)

Component Load Component Load Component Load

Acoustical Fiber Board ........... 0.05 Cinder concrete, per mm ........... 0.017 Exterior stud walls:
Gypsum Board (per mrn Lightweight concrete, per nun .. 0.015 50x 1(XJ mm @ 400 mm, I 5-mm
thickness) .......................... 0.008 Sand, per mm .................. ........... O.OJ5 gypsum, insulated, 10-mm
Mechanical duct allowance ....... 0.20 Stone concrete, per mm ............. 0.023 siding ........ ......................... 0 .53
Plaster on tile or concrete .. .. .. 0.24 FLOOR AND FLOOR FrNISHES 50x 150 111111 @ 400 mm, 15- mm
Plaster on wood lath ............... 0.38 gypsum, insulated, I 0-mm
Asphalt block (50 mm), 13 mm
Suspended steel channel siding ... . . ... ..................... .0 .57
mortar ...................................... I .4 4
system ... ............. ...... .... .... .... 0.10 Exterior ~tud wall with brick
Cement finish (25 mm) on stone-
Suspended metal lath and cement veneer ..................... ............. 2.30
plaster .................................. 0.72 concrete fi II .............................. I .53
Windows, glass, frame and
Suspended metal lath and Ceramic or quarry tile (20 mm)
sash ...................................... 0 .38
on l3 111111 mortar bed .............. 0. 77
gypsum plaster .................... 0.48 Clay brick wythes:
Ceramic or quarry tile (20 mm)
Wood futTing suspension 100 nun ................................ 1.87
on 25 mm mo11ar bed .............. 1.10
system ..... .. . ............ .............. 0.12 200 111111 ..... ..... .. .... .. .............. 3.80
Concrete fill finish (per mm
COVERINGS, Roof and Wall 300 llllll . ..... . ................... ... ... 5.50
thickness) .............. ....... ... ....... 0.023
400mm 7.42
Asphalt shingles ........................... 0.1 0 Hardwood flooring, 22 mm ........ O.l9
Cement tile ................................... 0.77 Linoleum or asphalt tile. 6mm .... 0.05 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS
Clay tile (for mortar add 0.48 kPa) Marble and mo11ar on stone- Hollow Concrete Masonry units
Book tile, 50 nun ....................0.57 concrete fill .. .......... .. 1.58 (Unplastcrcd, add 0.24 kPa for
Book tile, 75 mm ......................0.96 Slate (per mm thickness )........... 0.028 each facc_lllastercd)
Ludowici ...................................0.48 Solid flat tile on 25 mm mortar Grout ' Wythe thickness (m m)
Roman ............................. .......... 0.57 base .......................................... 1.10 Spacing ; 100 ; 150 : 200
Spanish ........... .......................... 0.91 Subflooring, 19 mm ..................... 0.!4 . 16.5 kN/n? Density of Unit
Composition: Terrazzo (38 mm) directly on :Ho:&rO.ui: : :~T9~5~~T i.. .. is .. .L:
:~A~ ::
. ~99. ... . . ,__L:J.9,...L !.53 i 2.o 1
Three-ply ready roofing...........0.05 slab ........................................... 0.91
Four-ply felt and gravcl ...........0.26 Terrazzos (25 mm) on stone- 6oo 2:2o
1.5o : 1.63 :--
Five-ply felt and gravel ........... 0.29 concrete fill. ............................. 1.53
:::: :r=L22~] T9z--r 2:s4
Copper or tin ................................ 0.05
Comtgatcd asbestos-cement
TetTazzo (25 mm), 50 mm stone
concrete .. ............ ... .................. 1.53
Full : 2.50 i . 2.63 r3:59 ..
. 1?.6~1'-Jinr ..12~.~~_si!J..?fUn i t ...
roofing.................... .. ... 0.19 Wood block (76 nnn) on masti c,
Deck, mctal20 gage .................... 0.12 no fill .................... ....................0.48 ~.o. grou t : . _1.?:~ .. , 1.34 1.72
Deck, metal, 18 gage ................... 0.14 Wood block (76 mm) on 13 nHn 80~J . !.59 ~ 1. n ,...X.~? ..
Fiberboard, 13 mm ........... .... .......0.04 mortar base ...................... ....... 0 .77 ~~~ .. ;.. +:~89. .:.; ~:~~ i; .22..82
Gypsum sheathing, 13 n1m .......... O.IO
Insulation, roof boards (per mm
FLOOHS, WOOD-JOIST (no Full 2.69 : 2.82 ;.. 3:88
r ,- -..- - ,-::..:.:.=-.c..-_::..:.:::.::__
thickness) .?/-.2 ..kJ~-I/n_r. _Q~D~i_ty of lJ11i_t
.Jgis~.~~P.~~i~l.S. i 1.44
r::r~;:: :
Joist No grout i 1.39
joQ. : . : : : l: ~L?.L.i . IJ2
Cellular glass ................... 0.0013
Fibrous glass .. .. . ....... ... 0.0021 Sizes ' 300 ' 400 ' 600
(mm) mm mm mm i 1.96 ! 2.59
Fiberboard ....................... 0.0028
4oo :!.. ..21.83
:~-3. ..... . 2.2 !--
Perlite ............................... 0.0015
polystyrene foam ............. 0.0004

.L..g:~~-- r -6:~~-- J ?:~s

Ful l 2 84 i 2.97
i 2.92
Urethane foam with skin .. 0.0009
Plywood (per mm thickness) 0.0060
-~6~~~- J:::~;~-j: : C~0.-~~~~j . . ~:j6. .
50x300 ! 0 40 : 0.35 0.30
Rigid Insulation, 13 mm .......... ().{)4
Skylight, metal frame, FRAME l'AIUITJONS
10 nun wire glass ................ 0.38
Movable steel partit ions ................... 0.19
Slme, 5 mm ....... ...................... 0.34
Wood or steel studs, 13 mm
Slate, 6 mm .............. 0.48
gypsum board each side ................ 0.38
Waterproofing membranes:
Wood studs, 50 x I 00,
Bituminous, gravel-covered . 0.26
unplastercd .. . .... ... ..... .. ....... .... ....... 0.1 9
Bituminous, smooth surface .. 0.07
Wood studs 50 x 100, plastered
Liquid, applied .. .. ..... 0.05
one side ......................................... ... 0.57
Single-ply, sheet .... . . ...... O.OJ
Wood studs 50 x I00, plastered
Wood Sheathing (per mm
two side .......................................... 0.96
thickness) ................ .. .. 0.0057
Wood Shingles.. ......................... 0. 14

Associa tion of Structura l Engineers of tile Philippines

CHAPTER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 29

204.1 General 205.1 General

Dead loads consist of the weight of all materials of Live loads shall be the maximum loads expected by the
construction incorporated into the building or other intended use or occupancy but in no case shall be less
structure, including but not limited to walls, floors, roofs, than the loads required by this section.
ceilings, stairways, built-in partitions. finishes. cladding
and other similarly incorporated architectural and 205.2 Critical Distribution of Live Loads
strucLUral items, and fixed service eq uipment, includin g Where structural members are arranged to create
the weight of cranes. continuity, members shall be designed using the loading
conditions, which would cause maximum shear and
204.2 Weights of Materials and Constructions bending moments. This requirement may be sat isfied in
The actual weights of materials and constructions shall be accordance with the provisions of Section 205.3.2 or
used in determining dead loads for purposes of design. In 205.4.2, where applicable.
the absence of definite infonnation, it shall be permitted
to use the minimum values in Tables 2041 and 2042. 205.3 Floor Live Loads

204.3 Partition Loads 205.3.1 General

Floors in office buildings and other buildings where Floors shall be designed for the unit li ve loads as set forth
partition locations are subject to change shall be designed in Table 205-l. These loads shall be taken as the
to s upport, in add ition to all other loads, a uniformly minimum live loads of horizontal projection to be used in
distributed dead load equal to 1.0 kPa of floor area. the design of bui ldings for the occupancies listed, and
loads at least equal shall be assumed for uses not listed in
this section but that creates or accommodates similar

Where it can be determined in designing floors that the

actual live load will be greater than the value shown in
Table 205-1, the actual live load shall be used in the
design of such buildings or portions thereof. Special
provisions shall be made for machine and apparatus loads.

205.3.2 Distribution of Un iform Floor Loads

Where unifonn floor loads are involved, consideration
may be limited to fu ll dead load on all spans in
combination with full live load on adjacent spans and
alternate spans.

205.3.3 Concentrated Loads

Floors shall be des igned to support safely the uniformly
distributed li ve loads prescribed in this section or the
concentrated load given in Table 205- 1 whichever
produces the greatest load effects. Unless otherwise
specified the indicated concentrati on shall be assumed to
be uniformly distributed over an area 750 mm square and
shall be located so as to produce the maximum load
effects in the structural member.

Provision shall be made in areas where vehicles are used

or stored for concentrated loads, L, consistin g of two or
more loads spaced 1.5 m nominally on center without
uniform live loads. Each load s hall be 40 percent of the

National Structural Co(Je of tile Philippines 6 ' Edition Volume 1
2-10 CHAPTER 2 -Minimum Desi9n Loads

gross weight of the maximum size vehicle to be accordance with Section 203.3 or 203.4 as appropriate ,
accommodated. Parking garages for the storage of private producing the greatest stresses shall govern.
or pleasure-type motor vehicles with no repair or
refueling shall have a floor system designed for a 205.3.4 Special Loads
concentrated load of not less than 9 kN acting on an area Provision shall be made for the special vertical and latera l
of 0.015 rn without uniform live loads. The condition of loads as set forth in Table 205-2.
concentrated or uniform live load, combined in

Table 205-l -Minimum Uniform and Concentrated Live Loads

-- --- ---..- - - ................_______.._________________..______.._________ ..-----------..- -..-....- --.,--- c:'Onccntratcd----
usc or Occut>ancy Uniform Load
---- -~ -- --- ---------.. v. ----- -------- - ----------------
Category Description kPa kN

Office use 2.4

1. Access floor systems r - - -- ----- - -- - ---1-- -------1------------1

Computer use . 4.8

2. Armories 7.2 0
f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - ----..--------
Fixed seats 2.9 0
3. Theaters, assembly areas .land Movable seats 4.8 0
Lobbies and platforms 4.8 0

Stages areas 7.2 0

4. Bowling alleys, poolrooms and similar
3.6 0
recreational areas
5. Catwalk for maintenance access 1.9 1.3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -........................-------~----- - -- -
6. Cornices and marquees 0
- - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- -- ----- ----- -- . ---~-----..............................._ - - - -- - - - - - - -! - - --
7. Dining rooms and restaurants 4.8 0

8. Exit facilities 5 4.8

------~---------------1---------------- --------..- -- ---t-
General storage and/or repair 4.8
9. Garages - - -..------ ----- ------- ..._ ...............- ...,..__________ - - -- - -- -- - j
Private or pleasure-type motor .
---------------------- - - - -i-- -- v_
e l.....Ji.....c..... o_ra_.,g,_e_ ___i - -- -
le_."st-..... - - - - --! -- - - ---..- - -..----
Wards and rooms !.9
1- -------..,.----..,.---t-------------- ---------~
Laboratories & operating z
l 0. Hospitals 2.9 4.5
1 - - -----'--- - - - - - - - - -.. ---------- -- .........._.._____.._ ____ ____ _ __................._

- - ------................. ----------~-- ---------------------

Corridors above ground floo r
...........----- ----- -- _ ........_..
___ _____ 2
Reading rooms 2.9 4.5
1-- - -- - --------- --------------- ...............-------------
I I . Libraries Stack rooms 7.2 4.5 l

Corridors above ground floor 4.5

------------------ ----- ---------. ------------- -1- ------- ----- -- -----------
Light 6.0
12. Manufacturin g -- - ------------------ ..- ..--..---..- ---- - --t--------
Heavy 12.0
- - - - - - - ---- ---........... _ ...__ _ _ __ __ , _ .._____ _.L....._______,,.,_ _ _.._ _ _ _ _ _.......... ____ - - - -- - - -- - -- - -

Association of Structural Engineers of the Pt1ilippines

CHAPT ER 2 - Minimum Design Loads 211

Con centrated
Usc or Occupancy Uniform Load 1
.......... . -- ------ -" .......... . ------....... -.. --------- ------.. ... - . Load
...,. .. ., , -- - ~ ------ ---~ -- .... --------. ----------------------- --- .....
- -- - -----~- - --- --

Category Description kPa kN

---- -
Call Centers & BPO 2.9 9.0
-~----- - - -- ---
Lobbies & ground floor
4.8 9.0
13. Office
Offices 9.0
Building corridors above
3.8 9.0
J:~ round floor

Press rooms 7.2 11.0 2

!4. Print ing plants
Composing and linotype
4.8 9.0 2
- 06
Basic floor area 1.9
Exterior balconies 2.9 4 0
15. Reside ntial 8
Decks 1.94 0
Storage 1.9 0
16. Res trooms 9
-- -- --
17. Reviewing stands, grandstands,
Bleache rs. and folding and telescoping - 4.8 0
Same as area served or
18. Roof decks
-- --
C lassrooms 1.9 4 .5 2

19. Schools Corridors above ground floor 3.8 4.5

Ground floor corridors 4.8 4.5
20. Sidewalks a nd dri veways Public access 12.0 --

_____ ________
., .. ___ ,._ ..___________ _.._________
l,ight ,
6.0 --
2 1. Storage
-- ___ _

Heavy 12.0 ..
.. ---- -

Retail 4.8 4.5
22. S tores
Who lesale 6.0 13.4 2

23. Pedestrian bridges and walkways -- 4.8 --

NOTES 1:0R TAIIL 205-1
See Section 205.5 for live load reductions.
StC! Stttirm 205..1.3. first paragraph. for ana of load llflfllicatirm.
J A..tSt'mbly arcaJ include such ocCUf)(liiCif'.\' as dtuwt halls, drill rooms. gymntHiwn~. playgroruuls. pla<.n.'i. u~rraccs and .-.imilar occtlp(mci~s that
arr ~:rrwrally acct!.uible to the public.
' For specio/-purpo.w mrifs. .we Section 205.4.4.
) Exit facilities slral/ indude .nu:h uS< .t a.f corridorJ ,\cninR an on'UJHm t load of/() o r more pct.wms. exterior f'.rit IJolronits. JtairwayJ, fin t>S<'(If><'s

om/ simi/a~ UJC,\'.

(, lnt/i,idlwl stair trt'otl.\ sholl lu dcStJ;IWrl to .\'Uflf10 rl a I .3 kN CtJIICt'll/ratrd load plwcd in a position tlrat would cau.'ie mttrimum .\"lrrss Stair
striiii:N.r moy he d esignt!d {m the utJifomrlood set font. 11rtlrr toblr.
Sl!t~ St'<'limr 20.5.3. .1, .rt't'f/llr/ pamgmplr.for rmrcrutrated lamlr. Ser Toblr 205-2 forl't!lride /mrrirrs.
.t f?~si(/t'lllin{ O('C'tlflOIIt"it'S incfutfp privnt~ t/w(/ling.'i. ti{JtJY(IJU..'Ill.~ fllllf hottf gue.'it I"(}(Jill.\ .
v RrxtrtHJIII lood.r .rlut/1 not lu~ lt.u them the hHtcl far 11tr ot-rupmu) uith which tht'y an n.-..fot mtrcl. but nt~tl not t!Xtc-nl 2.4 I:.Pn.

National Structural CorJe of th<-: Philippines G ' Edition Volume! 1
2-12 CHAPTEI~ 2 Minimum Design Loads

Table 205-2 Special Loads' Notesji1r Table 205-2

______U _____()____________ r---:V-:c-t-.t.,-ic-a-:-1--r-L-a-tc--r-a~l-
71Je tabulated foods are minimum loods. When' other ertical by
this code or required hy the tksign would ctw.\' l' grNJier slnsse..
sc or ccupancy they slwll be usl'd. /.l)(u/s are in kl'cJ unku otht,nvise ilulicated
Load Load
------- --------- --------.J---=-==---l------ inthewbll'.
------c_._at_c~g~o~r}~'----~---~:~cri~!-ic_ll_l_,~__k_P__t_~___k_I_>_a_~ ' Unil.t is kN/111.
I. Construction, Walkway 7.2 ' !.tlt<'l'al Sll'll_l' !>racing loads of 350 N/111 paml/1'1 and 145 N/m
public access at 1-------------------------- ---------- pcrpl'ndicular.\ 10 "'Ill and jiwtboards.
site (live load} Cmtopy 7.2 Docs not llj){)/y ro cl'ilings that ltuw.> suj)Ici<~nt tow/ acuss jion1
- ------------- -- 1- -- - - - - -J---- - - t - - - -j below. .mch that occcs., is no/ n~quired wilhin tit(.' stwn~ aho\'t?
2. (Jrandstant~~. the 1:l!iling. Donnm apply 111 n iliugs if 1h1 ollie lltl'IIS Ill/IN<' the
reviewing, ceilinx are not prm,ided with access. This Iii(.' load twed not he
stands bleachers, considered os cu:liliJ: simrdtwwously H'itlr o!lwr li\~ load.'i
Scats and 1.75 s~~e imposed upon tlu. ceiling framing or its supporting srrurflln~.
and folding and
footboards No/1'3 ' 111e impact facwrs included are for crmu~s with ,,t{d ll'ht.>e/s
riding 011 su,<'f mils. Tl~<y may be modified if substrmtiating
seating (live
technical data accepwble to the buildir~g official i.r submit!cd.
load} l.iw: lo(lds ml crone support Rinlers and /heir coruu!ctio!ls s}wl/
he raken as tire maximum crane 1vlu)el loads. For ptndanl~
Catwalks 1.9
3. Stage optrated trcweling crane supporl girders and their com1eclion s.
accessories (h vc Fo!low--;;-j;;i':- --------- - - - - lhl' impact factors .r/w/1 be 1.10.
load} " 7/Jis applies in the ditcction porollel to !lu ru11way rails
projection and 2.4 (long imdinal). The factorfo r forces P<'tpem/icuiM 10 the m il is
------------j....::contro!_~oot!!.:'._ ------------- --------------- 0.20 x tlw tra/ISI'crse trme/ing lood.r (trolley, m /1, hooks a11d
Over stages 1.0 /({/I'd loads). Forces shall '"' appli<d at /Of/ of mil awl may /11'
di.rturbcd among mils of multiple rail crane.r (IIU/ shall i>e
4. Ceiling framing distributed wirh due rcgord for lat<'!'al stifftwss of tire structures
A!! uses
(live load) supporting lircse rails.
except over 0.5 4
A load per lilrcalmeter ( kN/m) 10 b1' applied horizontally at right
______________ . stages------- ---------- - ______ _
rmgt.>.r to tire top rail.
5. Partitions and
0.25 s lnrermediate rails, panel fillers and tireir COI!IIectimu shall be
i ntcrior wa! Is,
1--:---::::----..,......---+- - - - - - ---------!-----1 capable ofwitlwmoding a load of /.2 kl'a app/i<>d horizon/ally at
6. Elevators and righl (m/:lex over tlu.! emire tributtll)' area. including opcninns
dumbwaiters 2 x total and Sf>aces between mils. Heactions due to this loading lll'Cd nor
(dead and live loads b< combined with tirose of 1.-oolnote 7.
loads} A horizontal load in kN atJ(IIied m righr angi<'S to the vehicle
ad ______________--1--------4 barrier at a hrir;h1 of 450 mm ai/IJI'C tire parkin}/ .!llrfllct'. 7/oe
0.10 X fore<~ may b.e distril>ured ow:r a JOOmmsquarC' t1NYl.
7. Cranes (dead including I .2) X Iota!
<llld live loads) impact load'
total 10
'llu IIW/m tin/ of ham/mils shall be .weir that tl~< compleud
load handrail and supporti''8 struC:IIlrt' on capable. (~( wi!lrslamling tl
load of at leas/ 8 90 N applied in WI)' din~ction or any poinl on
Exit facilities lhl' rail. 'l11t.'.W loads sltalf not l>e a.\sunwd to acl cumulmil'el\

serving an with Item 9. .

occupant load 7 11
\lt~rlica l members of Slota{:~~ racks shall /J(' protecJed frnm
greater than impact for<:es <~{operatin.~ equipment, or rocks shall I><' designed
B. Balcony railings 1-=-5(::....}- - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - ---- - Jo that failur.t! c~f one w!rfic:a/ member wi/{ 1101 Cllll.'il' cot/apse of
and guardrails more than lite bay or bays dirccrly ,,uptwrted hy i/wt member.
Other than 0.30
The 1. 1 kN load is 10 be applied ro any single fir~: sprinkler
exit facilities kN/m
!wppon poi111 hut not :;imuil<wt~oitsly to oil .\upporl joim.-r.

------------- -- ------- ------
9 Vehicle bm-ricrs

St~e See
I 0. Handrai Is
Nore 10 Note 10

Over 2.4 111 Total See

I I . Storage racks high loads" Table
1.1 kN plus
12. Fire sprinkler See
struct ural weight of Table
support J' 208-12
-------------- ------ _ _ _ _ _ _i __ _ ~c~-'--~---------

Association of Structural Engineers of ttw Philippines

CHAPTE:A 2 - Minimum Design Loads 213

Table 205-3 Minimum Roof Live Loads 1

- - -----
Tributary Area (m l)
- Maximum
Uniform Rate of
oto 20 Tio to 60 Over 60 Load 2 Red uction,
Uni rorm Load (kPa) (kPa) r
l. Flat J or rise less than 4 units venic'hl in
12 units horizontal (33.3% slope). Arch
!.00 0.75 0.60 1.00 0.08 40
and dome with rise less than one-eighth
of span.
2. Rise 4 units vertical to less than 12 units
vertical in 12 units horizontal (33.3% to
less than I 00% slope). Arch and dome 0.75 0.70 0.60 0.75 0.06 25
wi th rise one-eighth of span to less than
three-eighths of span.
3. Rise 12 units vertical Ill 12 units
horizontal (100% slope) and greater.
0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
Arch or dome with rise three-eighths of
span or greater.
No reduction permiued
4. Awnings except cloth covered." 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
- - ------------- - ----------- ------.. ~- ---
5. Greenhouses, lath houses and
0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
agri cultural bui ldings. 5
1 For specinl-purpos~ ronfr. s~e Section 205.4.1.
Se~ Sections 205.5 tmd 205.6 for li1elond uduc tim:s. The rote of rtduction r in qumion 205- I .rhn/1 !Je as indicat<'d in the table. '111~ maximum
reductio n, R, shall not ~xcecd th ~ mlut' indicntt'd in the to hit'.
J A flat roof is "".I'
rt)(Jf ~<ith a slope lc.u thrm /14 unit>erticnl in / 2 unit.< lw ri:onta / (2 % slope). The lil't' food fo r flat ronfl is i11 addition to thl'
flmulinl: load requirt!d by Sccti1111 206. 7.
' Srt d r{i1111irm in St'l'tion 202.
' Sce Srction 205.4.4{or coi/C<'Jitrmed food l'l'lflliremellt.t fo r ll'"''11hm1.1e mof ml'lnbers.

205.4 Roof Live Loads For those conditions where light-gage metal preformed
structural sheets serve as the suppor1 and tinish of roofs,
205.4.1 General roof structural members a1Tanged to create continuity
Roofs shall be designed for the unit live loads, L, set shall be considered adequate if designed for full dead
fo11h in Table 205-3. The live loads shall be assumed to loads on all spans in combination with the most critical
act vertically upon the area projected on a horizontal one of the following superimposed loads:
plane. I. The unifonn roof live load, L, set forth in Table 205 -
3 on al l spans.
205.4. 2 Distribution of Loads
2. A concentrated gravi ty load, I~, of 9 kN placed on
Where uniform roof loads are in volved tn the design of any span supporting a tributary area greater than 18
~lruclllra l members arranged to create continuity, m2 to create maximum st resses in the member,
consideration may be limited to full dc.1d loads on all whenever this loading creates greater stresses than
spans in combination with full roof live loads on adjacent those caused by the uniform live load. The
spans and on al ternate spans. concentrated load shall be placed nn the member over
Exception: a length of750 mm along the span. The concentrated
load need not be applied to more than one span
Alteniate spar; loading need not be considered where the simu!tancousl y.
uniform roof live load is 1.0 kPa or more.
:t Water accumulation as prescribed in Section 206.7.

National Structural Co<je of t11e Philipp1nes 6 Eclition Volun1e 1
2- 14 CHAPTER 2- Minimum Design Loads

205.4.3 Unbalanced Loading The live load reduction shall not exceed -W t'"'._,:J:! ;n
Unbalanced loads shall be used where such loading will garages for the s torage of private pleasure cars ha,iu_s a
result in larger members or connections. Trusses and capacity of not more than nine passengers per vehicle.
arches shall be designed to resist the stresses caused by
unit Jive loads on one half of the span if such loading 205.6 Alternate Floor Live Load Reduction
results in reverse stresses, or stresses greater in any As an alternate to &1uation (205- I ), the unit livc loads set
portion than the stresses produced by the required unit forth in Table 205- 1 may be reduced in accordance with
Jive load on the entire span. For roofs whose structures Equation 205-3 Oil_ any member, including flat slabs,
are composed of a stressed shell , framed or solid, wherei n having an influcncc.,.,area of 40 m2 or more.
stresses caused by any point loading are distributed
throughout the area of the shell, the requirements for
unbalanced unit live load design may be reduced 50 (205-3)
205.4.4 Special Roof Loads
A1 = influence area, m2
Roofs to be used for special purposes shall be designed
L = reduced design Jive load per square meter of area
for appropriate loads as approved by the building official.
supported by the member
Greenhouse roof bars, purlins and rafters shall be
L., = unreduced design live load per square meter of area
designed to carry a 0.45 kN concentrated load, L,. in
supported by the member (Table 205- 1)
nddition to the uniform Jive load
The influence area A 1 is four times the tri butary area for a
205.5 Reduction of Live Loads
column, two times the tributary area for a beam, equal to
The design live load determined using the unit li ve loads the panel area for a two-way slab, and equal to the
as set forth in Table 205-1 for floors and Table 205-3, product of the span and the full fl ange width for a precast
Method 2, for roofs may be reduced on any member T-beam
supporting more than 15 m2, including flat slabs, exce pt
fo r floors in places of public assembly and for li ve loads The reduced live load shall not be less than 50 percent of
g reater than 4.8 kPa, in accordance with the following the unit live load L, for members receiving load from one
equation: level only, nor less than 40 percent of the unit live load L,.
R = r(A -15) (205- I) for other members.

The reduction shall not exceed 40 percent for members

receiving load from one level only, 60 percent for ot her
members or R, as detem1ined by the following equation:
R =23.1(1 + Dl L) (205-2)
A = area of floor or roof supported by the member,
square meter, m2
D = dead load per square meter of area supported by
the member. kPa
L = unit live load per square meter of area supported by
the member, kPa
R = reduction in percentage,%.
r = rate of reduction equal to 0.08 for floor.~. Sec Table
205-J for roofs

f-o r storage loads exceedi ng 4.8 kPa, no reduction shall be

made, except that design live loads on columns may he
reduced 20 percent.

/l.ssoci<.ltion of StructurAl Engineers of the Pl1ilippines

206.5 Interio r Wall Loads
Interior walls, permanent par!JtJons and temporary
partitions that exceed 1.8 m in height shall be designed to
resist all loads to which they are subjec ted but not less
206.1 General
than a load, L, of 0.25 kPa applied perpendicular to the
Jn addition to the other design loads specified in this walls. The 0.25 kPa load need not be applied
chapter, structures shall be designed to resist the loads s imultaneously with wind or seismic loads. The ddlcction
specified in this section and the special loads set forth in of such walls under a load of 0.25 kl'a shall not exceed
Table 205-2. Sec Section 207 for design wind loads, and 1/240 of the span for walls with brittle finishes and 11120
Section 208 for design earthquake loads. of the span for walls with tlcxible finishes. Sc.e Table
208- I 2 for earthquake design requireme nts where such
206.2 Other Loads requirements arc more restrictive.
Buildings and other structures and portions thereof shall
Exception: .'
be designed to resist all loads due to applicable fluid
pressures, F, lateral soil pressures, H. ponding loads, P. Ffexible;}oiding or portdbl~-piir@otfs; fiO.f. re(j!{ire.d to
and self-straining force.s, T. See Section 206.7 for ponding ,~~~~(~~~ 3~a~. aiftl -~~fl..t~t.i.M/cn(~rift::';b!f;(i fl.l.~'-r' be
loads for roofs. a~.hori?, to:_..}~ _.~~pp.ortf.~ ,r{(:f~t.u,te.;.;to ;tne.e1 the
provis!o~ oftbis,cor;le'. . . .
206.3 Impact Loads
The Jive loads specified in Sections 205.3 shall be 206.6 Retaining Walls
assumed to include allowance for o rdinary impact Retaining walls sha ll be designed to resist loads due to the
condi tions. Pro visions shall be made in the struc tural lateral pressure of retained ma terial in accordance with
design for uses and loads that involve unusual vibration accepted engineerin g practice. Walls retaining drained
and impact forces. Sec Section 206.9.3 for impact loads soil, where the surface of the retained soil is level, shall
for cranes, and Section 206.10 for heliport and helistop be designed for a load, N, equivalent to that exerted by a
landing areas. fluid weighing not less than 4.7 kPa per meter of depth
and having a depth equal to that of the retained soil. Any
206.3.1 Elevators surc harge shall be in add ition 10 the equi valent fluid
Al l elevator loads shall be increased by J00% fo r impact. pressure.

206.3.2 Machinery Retaining walls shall be designed to resist s liding by at

least 1.5 times the lateral fo rce and overturning by at least
For the purpose o f desig n. the weight of machinery and
1.5 times the overturning momcnl, using allowable s tress
moving loads shal l be increased as follows to allow for
design loads.
I. Elevator m achinery 100% 206.7 Water Accumulation
2. Light mac hinery, shaft- or motor-dri ven All roofs shall be designed w ith sufficient slo pe or
camber to ensure udcquate drainage after t he long-term
3. Reciproc ating mac hinery or power-driven units 50% deflection from dead load or shall be designed to resist
4. ponding load, P, combined in accordance with Section
Hangers for floors and balconies 33%
203.3 or 203.4. Ponding load shall include water
accumu latio n from any source due to deflection .
All percentages shall be increased where specified by the
manufac turer.
206.8 Uplift on Floors and Foundations
206.4 Anchorage of Concrete and Masonry Walls In the design of basement floo rs and si mi lar
approximately ho rizontal elements below grade, the
Conc re te a nd masonry wall s shall be anchored as required
upward pressure u J water, where applicable , sha ll be
by Section I 04.3.3. S uc h anchorage shall he capable o f
taken as the full hydrostatic pressure applied over !he
resisti ng the load combinations o f Section 203.3 or 203.4
entire area. The hydrostatic load shall be measured from
using the grea ter o f the wind or earthquake loads requi red
the underside o f the co nstruction. Any other upward
by this chapter o r a mi nimum hori zonta l force o f 4 kN/m
loads shall be included in the design.
of wall , substituted for.

Where expansive soi ls a rc present under foundati o ns or

s labs-on-ground. the foundatio ns, slabs, a nd other
<.:omponents shall be designed lO to lerate the moveme nt or

Nal1oncll S tructural Code of tile Pl1ilippines 61" Edition Volu1110 1

216 CHAPTEFI 2- Minimum Design loads

resist the upward loads caused by the expansive soils, or 206.10 Heliport and Helistop Landing Areas
the expansive soil shall be removed or stabilized around In addition to olher design requirements of this chapter,
and beneath the structure. heliport and helistop landing or touchdown areas shall be
designed for the following loads. combined in accordance
206.9 Crane Loads wi th Section 203.3 or 203.4:

206.9. 1 General I. Dead load plus acwal weight of the helicopter.

The cwne load shall be the rated capacity of the crane. 2. Dead load plus a single concentrated impact load, L,
Design loads for the runway beams, including covering 0.1 m2 of 0.75 times the fuil y loaded weight
connections and support brackets, of moving bridge of the helicopter if it is equipped with hydraulic-type
cranes and monorail cranes shall include the maximum shock absorbers. or 1.5 times the fully loaded weight
wheel loads of the crane and the vertical impact, lateral. of the helicopter if it is equipped with a 1igid or skid-
nnd longi tudinal forces induced by the moving crane. type landing gear.

206.9.2 Maximum Wheel Load The dead load plus a uniform live load. L, of 4.8 kPa. The
The maximum wheel loads shall be the wheel loads required live load may be reduced in accordance wi th
produced by the weight of the bridge, as appl icable, plus Section 205.5 or 205.6.
the sum of the rated cap:~city and the weight of the trolley
with the trolley positioned on its runway where the
resulting load effect is maximum.

206.9.3 Vertical Impact Force

The maximum wheel loads of the crane shall be increased
by the percentages shown below to determine the induced
vertical impact or vibration force:
I. Monorail cranes (powered) 25%
2. Cab-operated or remotely operated bridge
cranes (powered) 25%
3. Pendant-operated bridge cranes (powered) 10%
4. Bridge cranes or monorail cranes with
hand-geared ridge. trolley and hoist 0%

206.9.4 La tenll Force

The lateral force on crane runway beams with electrically
powered trolleys shall be calculated as 20% of the sum of
the rated capacity of the crane and the weight of the hoist
and trolley. The lateral force shall be assumed to act
horizontally at the traction surface of a runway beam, in
either direction perpendicular to the beam, and shall be
distributed with due regard to the lateral stiffness of the
runway beam and supporting structure.

206.9.5 Longitudinal Forces

The longitudinal force on crane n111way beams, except for
bridge cranes with hand-geared bridges, shall be
calculated a~ I 0% of the maximum wheel loads of the
crane. The longitudinal force shall he assumed to act
horiwntnlly nt the traction surface of a runway beam, in
either direction parallel to the beam .

/\SSOCiiltion of Structural En9ineers of the Pl1ilipp1nes

CHAPTER 2 -- Minimum DHsign Loads 217

APPROVED. Acceptable to the authority having

. .. . ' .. ~.

BASIC WIND SPEED, V Three-second gust speed at

207.1 General I 0 rn above the ground in Exposure C (sec Section
207 .5.6.3) as determined in accordance with Section
207.1.1 Scope 207.5.4 and associated with an annual probabilit y for 0.02
Buildings, towers and other vertical structures, including of being equaled or exceeded. (50-years mean recurrence
the Main Wind-Force Resisting System (MWFRS) and all interval).
components and cladding thereof, shall be designed and
constmcted to resist wind loads as specified herein. BUILDING, ENCLOSED is a building that does not
comply with the requirements for open or partially
207.1.2 Allowed P1ocedurcs enclosed buildings.
The design wind loads for buildings, towers and other
vertical stn1c1Ures, including the MWFRS and component BUILDING ENVELOPE. Cladding, roofing, exterior
and cladding clements thereof, shall be determined using wall, glazing, door assemblies, window assemblies,
one of the following procedures: (I) Method I ~ skylight assemblies, and other components enclosing the
Simplified Procedure as specified in Section 207.4 for building.
building meeting the requirements specified therein; (2)
Method 2 - Analytical Procedure as specified in Section BUILDINGS, FLEXIBLE. Slender buildings that have
207.5 for buildings meeting the requirements specified a fundamental natural frequency less than I Hz.
therein; (3) Method 3 - Wind Tunnel Procedure as
specified in Section 207 .6. BUILDING, LOW-RISE. Enclosed or partial ly enclosed
building that comply with the followi ng conditions:
207.1.3 Wind Pressures Acting on Opposite Faces of I. Mean roof he ight h less than or equal to 18 m.
Each Building Surface
2. Mean roof height h docs not exceed least horizontal
In the calculation of design wind loads for the MWFRS
and for componellls and cladding for buildings, the
algebraic sum of the pressures acting on opposite faces of
BUILDING, OPEN. A building hav ing each wall at least
each building surface shall be taken into account.
80 percent open. This condition is expressed for each
wall by the equation A,<:: 0.8 AK where
207.1.4 Minimum Design Wind Loading
The design wind load, determined by any one of the BUILDING, PARTIALLY ENCLOSED is a building
procedures specified in Secrion 207.1.2, shall be not less that complies with both of the following conditions:
than specified in this section.
l. the total area of openings in a wall that receives Main Wind-Force Resisting System positive external pressure exceeds the sum of the
areas of openings in the balance of the building
The wind load to be used in the design of the MWFRS for
envelope (walls and roof) by more than I 0%; and
an enclosed or partially enclosed building or other
structure shall not be less than 0.5 kPa multiplied by the 2. the total area of openings in a waJI that receives
area of the building or structure projected onto a vertical positive external pressure exceeds 0.5 m' or I
plane normal to the assumed wind direction. The design percent of the area of that wall, whichever is smaller,
wind force for open buildings and other structures shall be and the percentage of openings in the balance of the
not less than 0.5 kPa mu ltiplied by the area A1 as defined building envelope docs not exceed 20 percent.
in Section 207.3. Components and Cladding

The design wind pressure for components and cladding of
buildings shall not be less than a net pressu re of 0.5 kPa
acting in either direction normal to the surface.

207.2 Definitions
The following definitions apply to the provisions of
Section 207.

National St1uctural CorJe of the Philippines 6111 E'cJition Volume 1

eers of the Phllippincs
, .,. 511
CHAPTER ~ - Co ncre te 4 ~ 3

combinations [rom this chapter in conjun ction with strength the appropr iate load co mbinations of ASCE I SEI 7 shall be
reduc tio n factors of Section 426 shall not be permitted. used.

40 9.3.5 For post-tensioned anchorage zone design . a load

409.3 Required Strength factor of J.2 shall be appli ed to the maximum tendon
ja cki ng force .
409.3.1 Required strength U shall be at least equal to the
effects of factored loads in Eq. 409 -1 through Eq, 409-7.
The effect of on e or more loads not acting simultaneously 409.4 Design Strength
shall be investigated.
409.4 .1 Design stren gth provided by a member, its
U = 1.4(D + F) (40 9- 1) connections to other membe rs and its cros s sections. in
term s of flexure, ax ial load. shear and to rsion , shall be taken
U = L2 (D+ F + T) + 1.6 (L+/i) + O.5(L . or R) (409-2) as the nomin al strength calculated in acco rdance with
requirements and assumptions of this Sect ion . mult iplied by
U = 1.2 D + 1.6 (L. or R) + ( 1.0L or 0 .80 II') (409-3) a strength-reduction factor in Sections 409.4 .2. 409.4 .4
and 409.4.5 .
U = 1.2 D + 1.6 II' + 1.0 L + 0.5 (L. o r R) (409-4)

u= 1.2 D + 1.0 + 1.0 L (409 -5) 409.4.2 St re ngt h- Redu ct ion Facto r
Strength-reduction factor shall be gi ven in Sections
U = 0.9 D + 1.6 II' + 1.6 H (409 -6) 409.4.2. 1 through 409 .4.2.7:

U = 0 .90 D + 1.0 E + 1.6 If (409-7) 409 .4.2.1 Ten sion controlled sections as defined in Section
4 10.4.4 (see also Scct ion 409.4.2.7) 0.90
except as follow s:
I. The load factor on the live load L in Eq . 409 3 to 409- 5 409 .4.2.2 Co mpress ion contr olle d sec tion s, as defined in
shall be permitt ed 10 be reduced to 0.5 except for Sec tion 4 10.4.3:
garages , are as occupied as places o f publi c assemb ly.
2 I. Members with spiral rein forcem en t
and all areas where L is grea ter than 4.8 kN/m
conforming to Section 4 10.10.3 .. .................. 0.75
2. \Vhere wind load W has not been reduced by a
2. Other reinforced members 0.65
directionality factor , it shall be pen ni ned to use 1.3 W in
plac e of 1.611' in Eq . 409-4 and 4096.
For sect ions in which the net tensile strength, Cr. is between
3. Wh ere E, the lo ad effects of eart hquake, is based on the limits for co mpress ion-cont rol led an d tensio n-controlled
se r vice-level seismic forces. 1.4 shall be used in place sectio ns, shall be permi tted 10 be linearly increased from
of 1.0 in Eg' 4095 and 409 -7. that for compression-con trolled sectio ns to 0 .90 as f.,
incre ases from the co mpression-controlled strain lim it 10
4. The load factor on If. loads due to wcight and pressure
of soil , wa ter in so il, or other mater ials. shall be set 0.005.
equ al to zero in Eq. 409- 6 and 409 -7 if the structural
action due to H counteracts tha t due to W or E. Where Altern atively , when Sectio n 425 is used, for membe rs in
lateral earth pressur e provides resistance to structur al which [I' does not exceed 415 MPa, with s ymmetric
ac tio ns from o the r forces, it sh all not be included in H reinforcement, and with (11 cl')/I! not less than 0.70. shall
but shall be incl uded in the design resistan ce. be permitted to be increased linearly to 0.90 as P,
decreases from 0.10 Fe A,( to zero. For o ther reinforced
409.3.2 If resistance to impact effec ts is taken into account memb ers. sha ll be permitted to be increased linearly to
in de sig n, such effects shall be includ ed with live load L. _ 0.90 as P" decreas es from 0.10 F, A ~ or Ph. whic hever is
smaller. to zero.
409.3.3 Estimations o f differential scu lcmc m. creep.
shrinkage, expa nsio n of shrinkage-co mpensa ting concre te or 409.4.2.3 Shear an d torsion (Sec also Sect ion 409.4.4 (or
temperat ure change shall be based o n a realistic assess ment shear walls and frames in Se ismic Zo ne 4) 0.75
of such e ffects occurring in service.
409.4 .2.4 Bearing on co ncrete (except for post-
409 .3.4 If a struc ture is in a flood zone. o r is subje cted to tensioning anchorage zones ) 0.65
forces fro m atmospheric precipitations . [he flood la nds and
409.4.2.5 Post-tensioned anchorage zone s 085

National Structural Code of the Philippin es 6 Edition Volume 1
me 1
ume 1
s of tile Philippines

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