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Basic Computer Knowledge

What is a Computer?

Computer is a machine which helps us to perform different task as per our requirements.

Operating System Software

An operating system (OS) is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and provide
common services for application software. The operating system is a vital component of the system
software in a computer system

Windows 98
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7


The term hardware describes the physical parts of your computer which you can physically touch or see
such as your monitor, case, disk drives, microprocessor and other physical parts.

Input Devices

Keyboard Mouse Joy Stick Scanner

Output Devices

The term software

describes the programs
that run on your
system. This includes Printer
Monitor Speakers
your computer
operating system and
other computer
programs which run
The term software Speakers

The term software describes the programs that run on your system. This includes your computer
operating system and other computer programs which run.

Word Processing (MS Word, WordPerfect, Ami...)

Spreadsheets (Lotus 123, MS Excel...)
Database (MS Acess, Fox Pro, Blackcat Information Workshop 2000)
Presentation (MS PowerPoint, Persuasion...)
Internet Browsers (Netscape Navigator, MS Internet Explorer)

Storage Devices

A data storage device is a device for recording (storing) information (data)

Hard Disk Drive CD Floppy Disk Drive USB Drive

Types of Computers

Computers come in many shapes and sizes, and they perform many different functions in our daily lives.

Desktop Computer Laptop Computer Ipad Computer

Computer Knowledge Assessment
Q.1) Write the Computer hardware components.

A : __________________

B: __________________

C: __________________

E: __________________

Q.2) The term _______ refers to the computer's physical components, such as the monitor,
keyboard, memory chips, and hard drive.

A. software
B. hardware
C. firmware
D. output

Q.3) The term _____________ refers to the set of instructions that directs the hardware in a
computer to accomplish a task.

A. input
B. output
C. hardware
D. software

Q.4) The ______________ is an output device which produces output on paper.

A. monitor
B. keyboard
C. printer
D. mouse

Q.5) The ___________ writes data and instructions in storage devices and performs calculations and
other data processing.

B. port
C. monitor
Q.6) A ____________ is a pointing device used to move a pointer on the screen and to make

A. keyboard
B. processor
C. mouse
D. monitor

Q.7) What type of device are CD and DVDs?

A. Input
B. Storage
C. Output

Q.8) To open one item, you can

A. Click it
B. Select it
C. Double Click it
D. Drag it

Q.9) Scanner is a .

A. Input Device
B. Not Sure
C. Output Device

Q.10) CPU stands for

A. Central Processing Unit

B. Central Policy Unit
C. Computer Processing Unit

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