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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 183700 October 13, 2014




On February 7, 2003, an information for violation of Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9165 1 (RA 9165)
was filed charging Pablito Andaya y Reano (Andaya). The accusatory portion of the information reads:

A buy-bust operation was instituted on or about December 16, 2002 at around 9:50 o'clock in the
evening at Brgy. San Jose Sico, Batangas City, Philippines against the accused for not being
authorized by law, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, selling, dispensing or delivering, more or less
0.09 gram(s) of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (shabu), a dangerous drug.

Five (5) witnesses were presented by the prosecution, namely: SPO4 Delfin Alea, SPO3 Nelio Lopez,
SPO2 Danilo Mercado, SPO4 Protasio Marasigan and Jupri Delantar.

SPO2 Delfin Alea testified that at about 8:00 o'clock in the evening of December 16, 2002, their asset,
Bagsit, who was conducting surveillance of Pablito Andaya in Barangay San Jose Sico, Batangas City,
arrived at their station. Said asset reported that he had arranged to buy shabu from Pablito. A team of
officers was constituted to conduct a buy-bust. Two (2) pieces of P100.00 bills both duly marked "X"
were recorded in the police blotter. Upon seeing the pre-arranged signal signifying consummation of
the transaction was given, the team members approached Pablito and the asset, introduced
themselves as police officers and arrested accused. He was brought to the police station. The arrival
of the team was recorded in the police blotter. The merchandise handed by accused to the asset was
sent to the Regional Crime Laboratory in Camp Vicente Lim, Canlubang, Laguna. The specimen was
positive for methampethamine Hydrochloride (shabu), a dangerous drug.

Accused-appellant denied the charge. He stated that at about 9: 15 in the evening of December 16,
2002 he was at home watching TV with his family when police officers arrived. When he opened the
door, a police officer poked his gun at him. Somebody else held a long firearm. Pablito was handcuffed
and brought outside. He refused to negotiate and asked for a warrant. The policemen searched the
house, turned over the beddings and uncovered their furniture. No gun nor shabu was found. Pablito
was brought to the police station and detained. After three (3) days he was released. He received a
subpoena from the Public Prosecutor afterwards. This was corroborated by the testimony of his wife,

The RTC ruled that the accused was guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The accused appealed to the
CA, contending that the RTC gravely erred in not finding the search and arrest of the accused-
appellant illegal and that the court gravely erred in convicting the same of the crime charged despite
the failure of the prosecution to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Appeal was dismissed, affirming
the decision of the lower court. Hence, this appeal, insisting that the search of his house and his person
and his arrest by the police officers violated his constitutional right against unreasonable searches and
seizures; and that the Prosecution's non-presentation of the confidential informant was adverse to the
Prosecution, indicating that his guilt was not proved beyond reasonable doubt.
ISSUE: Whether or not the arrest was legal


The Court ruled that the appeal is meritorious and thus, Reversed the CA ruling.

To secure the conviction of the accused who is charged with acts defined and punishable by Section
5, Article II of Republic Act No. 9165 (Comprehensive Drugs Act of 2002), the State must establish
the concurrence of the following elements,

(a) that the transaction or sale took place between the accused and the poseur buyer; and
(b) that the dangerous drugs subject of the transaction or sale is presented in court as evidence
of the corpus delicti.

The court ruled that the buy-bust operation is a valid and legitimate form of entrapment of the drug
pusher as the suspect is arrested in flagrante delicto. The arresting police officer or private person is
favored in such instance with the presumption of regularity in the performance of official duty.

Proof of the transaction must be credible and complete. In every criminal prosecution, it is the State
that bears the burden of proving the illegal sale of the dangerous drug beyond reasonable doubt. This
responsibility imposed on the State accords with the presumption of innocence in favor of the accused,
who has no duty to prove his innocence until and unless the presumption of innocence in his favor has
been overcome by sufficient and competent evidence.

In this case, the confidential informant was not a police officer but was the poseur buyer himself. It is
notable that the members of the buy-bust team arrested Andaya on the basis of the pre-arranged
signal from the poseur buyer. However, the State did not present the confidential informant/poseur
buyer during the trial to describe how exactly the transaction had taken place. There would have been
no issue against that, except that none of the members of the buy-bust team had directly witnessed
the transaction.

The CA justified the non-presentation of the poseur buyer as a witness against the accused as there
was the need to hide their identity and preserve their invaluable service to the police. Foremost is the
desire to protect them from being objects or targets of revenge by the criminals they implicate once
they become known. This was seen by the court as off-tangent and unhelpful as this case was
different, because the poseur buyer and the confidential informant were one and the same. Without
the poseur buyer's testimony, Andayas incrimination was not credible.

Another mark of suspicion attending the evidence of guilt related to the reliance by the members of
the buy-bust team on the pre-arranged signal from the poseur buyer. To start with, the record does
not show what the prearranged signal consisted of. Secondly, the reliance on the supposed signal to
establish the consummation of the transaction between the poseur buyer and Andaya was
unwarranted because the unmitigatedly hearsay character of the signal rendered it entirely bereft of
trustworthiness. The arresting members of the buy-bust team interpreted the signal from the
anonymous poseur buyer as the sign of the consummation of the transaction. Their interpretation,
being necessarily subjective without the testimony of the poseur buyer, unfairly threatened the liberty
of Andaya and, lastly, the reliance on the signal would deprive Andaya the right to confront and test
the credibility of the poseur buyer who supposedly gave it.

In this case, the arrest did not emanate from probable cause, for the formless signal from the
anonymous poseur buyer did not establish beyond reasonable doubt the elements of illegal sale of
dangerous drugs under Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9165.
The presumed regularity in the performance of duty is nothing but a purely evidentiary tool intended
to avoid the impossible and time-consuming task of establishing every detail of the performance by
officials and functionaries of the Government. Conversion by no means defeat the much stronger and
much firmer presumption of innocence in favor of every person whose life, property and liberty comes
under the risk of forfeiture on the strength of a false accusation of committing some crime. The criminal
accusation against a person must be substantiated by proof beyond reasonable doubt. The Court
should steadfastly safeguard his right to be presumed innocent. Although his innocence could be
doubted, for his reputation in his community might not be lily-white or lustrous, he should not fear a
conviction for any crime, least of all one as grave as drug pushing, unless the evidence against him
was clear, competent and beyond reasonable doubt. Otherwise, the presumption of innocence in his
favor would be rendered empty.

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