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-versus- A COSTA, Chairperson




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This case is a Petition for Review seeking the cancellation of the deficiency value-

added, expanded withholding, and documentary stamp tax assessments for the taxable year

2000 in the aggregate amount of P8,804,712.10, including increments.


Petitioner is a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the

laws of the Republic of the Philippines and with principal office address at 2263 Lapanday

Cenbe, Pasong Tamo Extension, Makati City. 1 It is engaged in rendering management


1 Par. 1 of the Summary of Admitted Facts; docket, p. 95.

2 Par. 3 of the Summary of Admitted Facts; 1bid. See also Exhibit "F."

(' ')
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Respondent is the duly appointed Commissioner of Internal Revenue and holds office

at BIR National Office Building, BIR Road, Diliman, Quezon City.3

On January 21, 2004, petitioner received frofD respondent a Formal Assessment

Notice, together with several Assessment Notices all dated January 21, 2004, covering the

taxable year 2000 for alleged deficiency value added tax, expanded withholding tax, final

withholding tax, and deficiency documentary stamp tax, summarized as follows:4


Basic tax p 5,300,284.83 p 231,993.64 P3,600,000.00 p 972,168.55 P10,104,447.02
Interest (20%) 3,261,491.05 142,755.57 2,215,233.36 606,429.04 6,225,909.02
Total p 8,561,775.88 p 374,749.21 P5,815,233.36 P1,578,597.59 P16,330,356.04

On February 20, 2004, petitioner filed a protest against the assessments. And on

March 23, 2004, petitioner filed its supplemental protest against the assessments.5

On April 20, 2004, petitioner completed the submission of all the relevant documents

it deemed necessary to prove the defenses raised in its protest and supplemental protest.6

On October 29, 2004, petitioner received from respondent the Final Decision on

Disputed Assessment dated October 28, 2004, with accompanying Amended Assessment

Notices. In the Final Decision, the VAT and DST assessments were reduced, the final

withholding tax assessment was cancelled, and the Ewr assessment was reiterated. The

amended assessments were computed as follows:7


Basic tax p 3,473,772.15 p 231,993.64 p 289,824.30 p 3,995,590.09
Surcharge (50%) 1,736,886.07 1,736,886.07
Interest (20%) 2668935.62 178243.15 2251057.17 30721235.94
Total P7,879,593.84 P410,236.79 p 514,881.47 P8,804,712.1

3 Par. 2 of the Summary of Admitted Facts; ibid.

4 Par. 4 of the Summary of Admitted Facts; ibid. See also Exhibits "A," "A-1" to "A-4."
5 Pars. 6 and 7 of the Summary of Admitted Facts; docket, pp. 96-97.
6 Par. 8 of the Summary of Admitted Facts; ibid. See also Exhibit "0."
7 Pars. 9 and 10 of the Summary of Admitted Facts; docket, pp. 97-98. See also Exhibits "B," "B-1" to "B- 2 ."

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'On November 16, 2004, not amenable to pay the revised assessments, petitioner

filed the instant Petition before this Court.8


Both parties stipulated on the following issues for the Court to decide:9

"VAT Assessment

1. Whether or not the deficiency VAT assessments for the first, second
and third quarters of 2000 are barred by prescription.

2. Whether or not the interest income on loans to affiliates is subject to . . ...:

10% VAT. I

3. Whether or not the alleged deficiency VAT on interest income should be

computed by multiplying the interest collected by 1/11 in accordance
with Section 108(C) of the Tax Code.

4. Whethe-r or not petitioner's failure to pay the VAT on the interest on

loans to affiliates rendered the VAT returns false or fraudulent
warranting the imposition of a 50% surcharge.

5. Whether or not the understatement of gross receipts by more than

30%, which understatement is due to the legal issue on the taxability of
the receipt, warrants the application of the 10-year prescriptive period
under Section 222 of the Tax Code.

6. Whether or not the alleged understatement of gross receipts amounts

to more than 30% of the gross receipts per VAT return.

EWT Assessment

7. Whether or not the deficiency expanded withholding tax assessment

is barred by prescription.

8. Whether or not Petitioner is liable for deficiency expanded withholding


DST Assessment

9. Whether or not the due to/due from affiliates, which are evidenced by
check vouchers, are subject to documentary stamp tax on loan

8 Par. 11 of the Summary of Admitted Facts; docket, p. 98.

9 SUpulation of Issues; docket, pp. 103-104.


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Deficief!CV Value-Added Tax

The modified deficiency VAT assessment in the amount of fl7,879,593.84 arose from

the fl34,737,721.49 discrepancy between the taxable receipts of fl110,062,843.10 per

petitioner's VAT returns and the taxable receipts of P144,800,564.59 per examiner's

investigation, computed as follows:

Taxable Sales/Receipts per Return p 110,062,843.10

Less: Sales not Subjected to VAT
Accounts Receivable, Beginning (Net of VAT) p 6,684J93.44
Less: Receivables subjected to VAT in previous year 4.287.311.30 . 0

Accounts Receivable, Beginning as adjusted p 2,397,482.14

Add: Management fee P 116,573,549.43
Service fee 1,400,000.00
Interest income 35,223,097.48
Miscellaneous 96,282.00 153,292,928.91
Accounts Receivable, Ending (Net of VAT) ___{_g_526,210.10)
Total Receipts p 143,164,200.95
Add: Proceeds from Sale of Equipment (Net of VAT) 1.636.363.64
Taxable Sales Per A udit p 144,800,564.59 Sales Per Return . 110.062,843.10 34,737.721.49

Taxable Sales/Receipts Per Audit p 144.800.564,59

Tax Due p 14,480,056.46

Less: Input Tax/Payments:
Input Tax p 1,245,328.12
Payments 9.760.956.19 11.006,284.31
Deficiency Value-Added Tax Due p 3,473,772.15
Add: 50% Surcharge 1J36,886.07
Interest (1-26-01 to 11-29-04) 2,668,935.62
Total Amount due p 7.879.593. .8..4

Petitioner submits that the difference represents interest income on loans to

affiliates for the year 2000 in the amount of fl35,223,097.48, broken down as follows:10

Quarter Interest Income

1st p 8,043,381.56
nd 1,424,492.83
3' 14)39,831.50
lh 11,615,392.59
p 35,223,098.4
10 Exhibit "0-1."


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Petitioner alleges that the discrepancy of P485,375.99 (P35,223,097.48 less

P34,737,721.49) represents miscellaneous charges which were subjected by petitioner to

VAT, but not included in the BIR computation and the BIR's under take-up of proceeds from

sale of equipment in the computation.11 Invoking Revenue Memorandum Circular CRMC'')

No. 42-2003, petitioner posits that since it does not qualify as a "lending investor, dealer in

securities, financial institution as defined in Revenue Regulations ("RR'') No. 12-2003, or any

other entity performing similar financing activities/' the interest income on loans it granted

to affiliates is not subject to VAT. ..-!,

Respondent, on the other hand, argues that such interest income is subject to VAT

pursuant to Section 105 of the Tax Reform Act of 1997 ("Tax Code''), which clearly imposes

VAT on any person who renders service in the course of its business. The term "in the

course of business" includes transactions incidental thereto.

This Court agrees with the respondent.

Section 105 of the Tax Code reads:

"SEC. 105. Persons Liable.- Any person who, in the course of trade
or business, sells, barters, exchanges, leases goods or properties, renders
services, and any person who imports goods shall be subject to the value
added tax (VAT) imposed in Sections 106 to 108 of this Code.

''xxx XXX XXX .

"The phrase 'in the course of trade or business means the regular
conduct or pursuit of a commercial or an economic activity, including
transactions incidental thereto, by any person regardless of whether or not
the person engaged therein is a nonstock, nonprofit private organization
(irrespective of the disposition of its net income and whether or not it sells
exclusively to members or their guests), or government entity.

''xxx XXX xxx."

(Underscoring supplied.)

In CS Garments/ Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue,12 this Court ruled

Exhibit "0", par. Q-27.
u CTA Case No. 6520, January 4, 2007. See also Deoferio, Jr. and Mamalateo, The Value Added Tax in the Philippines, 1'1 ed.,
pp. 81-85.

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"xxx, the VAT is imposed on a sale or transaction entered into by a

person in the course of any trade or business. A transaction will be
characterized as having been entered into by a person in the course of trade
or business if it is: (1) regularly conducted; and (2) undertaken in pursuit of
a commercial or economic activity. Likewise, transactions that are made
incidental to the pursuit of a commercial or economic activity are considered
as entered into in the course of trade or business. 'Incidental' means
something else as primary; something neces$C!ry, appertaining to, or
depending upon another, which is termed the principal. Hence, an isolated
transaction is not necessarily disqualified from being made incidentally in the
course of trade or business."

In the present case, petitioner was incorporated primarily "[t]o engage in the

managing, promoting, administering, or assisting in any business or activity of corporations,


partnerships, association, individual or firms xxx."13 Thus, in extending loans to its affiliates,

petitioner is engaged in transactions incidental to its business of providing assistance to its


As petitioner is legally liable to pay 10% VAT thereon, the taxable gross receipts

should be P26,753,063.52 instead of P34,737,721.49, computed as follows:14

Interest on Loans to
3rd 4th
Affiliates 1st Quarter 2"d Quarter Quarter Quarter Total
Interest Rec. Beg. p p p 471,276.26 p 5,975,386.68 p

Add: Interest Income 8,043,381.56 1,424,492.83 14,139,831.50 11,615,392.59 35,223,098.48

Less: Interest Rec. End. (471!276.26 (5!975!386.68 (8!470!034.96 (8,470,034.96)
Gross Receipts p 8,043,381.56 p 953,216.57 p 8,635,721.08 p 9!120,744.31 p 26,753,063.52

The above computation is based on actual interest income received/collected by

petitioner for taxable year 2000. Pursuant to Section 108(A) of the Tax Code, the VAT on

sale of services is imposed on gross receipts, which is defined as "the total amount of

money or its equivalent representing the contract price, compensation, service fee, rental

or loyalty, including the amount charged for materials supplied with the services and

deposits and advanced payments actually or constructively received during the

taxable quarter for the services performed or to be performed to another person,

excluding value-added tax.

13 See Exhibit "F."

1 Exhibits E-1, "E-2" & "0-1."

- -- - -------... .. - .
.. ... . . n '" ' * 1

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The same section of the Tax Code also provides that: "[t]here shall be levied,

assessed, and collected, a value-added tax equivalent to ten percent (10%) of gross receipts

derived from the sale or exchange of services, including the use or lease of properties."15

Inasmuch as no VAT official receipts were presented corresponding to the interest income

collected, the deficiency VAT shall be computed by multiplying P26,753,063.52 by 10%, not

1/11 as claimed by petitioner.

On the issue of prescription, petitioner maintains that pursuant to Section 203 of the

NIRC of 1997, the right of respondent to assess it of deficiency VAT for the first,. second and

third quarters of 2000 had already prescribed.

Respondent, however, counters that the undeclared receipts of petitioner for taxable

year 2000 in the amount of P34,737,721.49 exceeds 30% of its reported taxable receipts of

P110,062,843.10, thereby rendering its VAT returns false or fraudulent under Section

248(8) of the NIRC of 1997 and granting him ten years to assess in accordance with Section

222(a) of the same Code.

This Court partially agrees with petitioner.

Section 203 of the Tax Code provides:

"SEC. 203. Period of Limitation Upon Assessment and Collection.

- Except as provided in Section 222, internal revenue taxes shall be
assessed within three (3) years after the last day prescribed by law for the
filing of the return, and no proceeding in court without assessment for the
collection of such taxes shall be begun after the expiration of such period:
Provided, That in a case where a return is filed beyond the period prescribed
by law, the three (3)-year period shall be counted from the day the return
was filed. For purposes of this Section, a return filed before the last day
prescribed by law for the filing thereof shall be considered as filed on such
last day."

Corollary thereto, Section 114(A) of the same Code provides:

"SEC. 114. Return and Payment of Value-Added Tax.-

"(A) In General.- Every person liable to pay the value-added tax

imposed under this Title shall file a quarterly return of the amount of his
gross sales or receipts within twenty-five (25) days following the close o @._
15 first par. of Section 108(A) of the Tax Code.

c.T.A. CASE N0.7097
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each taxable quarter prescribed for each taxpayer: Provide howeve That
VAT-registered persons shall pay the value-added tax on a monthly basis.

XXX XXX xxx."

Pursuant to Section 203 of the Tax Code, the three-year period to assess commences

from the date of actual filing of the return or from the last date prescribed by law for the

filing of such return, whichever comes later. In the case of VAT, it is twenty-five (25) days

following the close of each taxable quarter. Hence, if the return was filed earlier than the

last day allowed by law, the period to assess shall be counted from the last day prescribed

for filing of the return. However, if the return was filed beyond the period prescribed by
. . ..

law, the three-year period shall be counted from the day the return was filed. Therefore,

respondent had until the following dates within which to assess petitioner for deficiency VAT

for taxable year 2000:

Returns last Day to last Day to

Filed Reference Date Filed File Return Assess
Monthly VAT
Declaration (BIR
Form 2550M)
For March 2000 Exhibit C Apr. 25, 2000

Quarterly VAT
Returns(BIR Form
Exhibit C-4 Sept. 4, 2001 Apr. 25, 2000 Sept. 3, 2004
1st qtr-amended
2nd quarter Page 633, BIR Rec. July 25, 2000 July 25, 2000 Jul. 25, 2003
3rd quarter Page 632, BIR. Rec. Oct. 25, 2000
3rd qtr-amended Page 631, BIR Rec. Nov. 24, 2000 Oct. 25, 2000 Nov. 24, 2003
Page 630, BIR Rec. Jan. 25, 2001 Jan. 25, 2001 Jan. 26, 2004
4th quarter

Petitioner claims that it made a mistake when it used BIR Form 2550M for filing the

quarterly VAT return for the first quarter of 2000 on April 25, 2000. To allegedly correct

the mistake, petitioner filed another return using BIR Form 2550Q on September 4, 2001.19

According to petitioner, other than the form used, there is no substantial difference betwe

Year 2004 being a leap year.
17 January 25, 2004 fell on a Sunday.
Exhibit "C."
9 Exhtbit "C -4."

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the two returns as the VAT due is the same.20 Hence1 the three year prescriptive period

should allegedly be counted from April 251 20001 the date of filing of the original return

since the amendment made in the amended return was not substantial.

The Court disagrees. The two forms and the figures contained therein are

completely different.21 The Monthly VAT Declaration [BIR Form 2550M] filed by petitioner

on April 251 2000 refers to petitioner's VAT transactions for the month of March 2000. On

the other hand1 the Quarterly VAT Return [BIR Form 2 550Q] filed by petitioner on

September 41 2001 pertains to petitioner's VAT transactions for the months of January1

February and March 2000. This is illustrated as follows: . ..

Jan.2000 Feb.2000 Mar. 2000 1st Qtr-2000

Per BIR Records page 296 page295 page293 page294
(Exhibit C) (Exhibit C-4)

Taxable Sales/Receipts _ P3,216,949.10 P2,133,892.00 P3,777,173.80 P9,128,014.90

Output VAT Due p 321,694.91 p 213,389.20 p 377/717.38 p 912,801.49

Les: Input VAT 77!337.03 186!336.77 107!304.52 370!978.32
VAT Payable p 244,357.88 p 27,052.43 p 270,412.86 p 541,823.17
Less: Monthly VAT Payments-
previous two months 271 410.31
VAT Still Payable p 244,357.88 p 27,052.43 p 270,412.86 p 270!412.86

While the final amounts of VAT payable in both returns filed for the month of March

2000 and first quarter of 2000 are the same/ this does not mean that petitioner's VAT

declarations in both returns are the same. The reported figures in the Monthly VAT

Declaration are only for the month of March; while the amounts reported- in Quarterly VAT

Return are cumulative figures for the months of January/ February and March1 2000. In its

Quarterly VAT return for the first quarter of 20001 petitioner had the same amount of VAT

payable of P2701412.86 as that reflected in its VAT return for the month of March 2000.

This is because from the accumulated VAT Payable of P5411823.171 petitioner's VAT

payments for the months of January and February in the amounts of P2441357.88 Jn
Exh:'Jit "0", pars. Q16 to Q19.
n Exhiits "C" and "C-4."
C.TA CASE N0.7097
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P27,052.43, respectively, or in the sum of P271,410.31, were deducted; and, thus, leaving

only the amount of P270,412.86 as VAT payable as of the end of the first quarter of 2000.

In fine, the reckoning of the three-year prescriptive period within which respondent

may assess petitioner of deficiency VAT for the first quarter of 2000 should be counted from

September 4, 2001, the date when petitioner filed its VAT return for the first quarter of

2000 and not from April 25, 2000, the date when petitioner filed its VAT return for the

month of March 2000. Since the Formal Assessment Notice for deficiency VAT covering the

year 2000 was issued only on January 21, 2004, the VAT assessments pertaining to the
. ., .

second and third quarters of 2000 are already barred by prescription. Only the VAT

assessments corresponding to the first and fourth quarters of 2000 were timely issued.

Now, contrary to respondent's assertion and pursuant to Section 248(B) of the Tax

Cod, there is no substantial under-declaration of petitioner's gross receipts for taxable year

2000 that would warrant the extension of the prescriptive period to ten (10) years and the

imposition of the 50% surcharge. The percentage of petitioner's undeclared receipts to the

total receipts per VAT return is less than 30%, as shown in the following:

p 26,753,063.52
p 110,062,843.10

Hence, this Court finds petitioner liable to pay deficiency VAT in the amount of

P3,464,253.56, as computed below:

Undeclared Gross Receipts:

l5t Quarter p 8,043,381.56
th 9,120,744.31
4 Quarter
Total p

Deficiency Output VAT Due p 1,716,412.59

Add: 25% Surcharge 429,103.15
Interest (1-26-01 to 11-29-04) 1.318,737.82
Total Amount due p 3.464.253.56

Deficiencv Expanded Witl7holdinq Tax

Respondent assessed petitioner of deficiency EWT for taxable year 2000 in the

amount of P410,236.79, computed as follows

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Professional fee paid to TUV per Alphalist _:_P_5,[.:_7.:::._99::...,8_.:_41.:::..00

Tax due (5%) P 289,992.05
Less: payment (57,998.41)
Deficiency Ewr P 231,993.64
Add: Interest (1-26-01 to 11-29-04) 178,243.15
Tota I amount due =
P = ,;
3 ;;
6 .;;

Respondent claims that petitioner withheld just 1% on its payments to TUV Products

Service Asia Pacific PTE Ltd. C'TUV'') instead of 5%. The deficiency tax assessment was

based on the Alphalist, wherein the income payment to TUV was presented as follows:

Amount of Income Payment Rate of Tax Amount of Tax Withheld

P5,799,841.00 1% P57,998.41

Petitioner, on the other hand, contends that the deficiency EWT assessment is

barred by prescription.

The Court agrees with petitioner.

Section 203 of the Tax Code provides:

"SEC. 203. Period of Limitation Upon Assessment and Co/lection.

Except as provided in Section 222, internal revenue taxes shall be assessed
within three (3) years after the last day prescribed by law for the filing of the
return, and no proceeding in court without assessment for the collection of
such taxes shall begun after the expiration of such period: Provide That in
case where a return is filed beyond the period prescribed by law, the three
(3)-year period shall be counted from the day the return was filed. For
purposes of this Section, a return filed before the last day prescribed by law
for the filing thereof shall be considered as filed on such last day."

Pursuant to the above-quoted section, the three-year period to assess commences

from the date of actual filing of the return or from the last date prescribed by law for the

filing of such return, whichever comes later. In the case of EWT, under Section

2.58(A)(2)(a) of Revenue Regulations No. 2-98, as amended, the return is required to be

filed within ten (10) days after the end of each month for creditable taxes withheld during

the months of January until November, while the return for creditable taxes withheld for the

month of December shall be filed on or before January 25 of the following yea

' "' I ol t. ltl I

c.T.A. CASE N0.7097
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The subject EWT were withheld in July and November 2000 and the corresponding

returns were filed/EWT remitted on August 10, 2000 and December 11, 2000, respectively.22

Hence, respondent had only until August 10, 2003 and December 11, 2003 within which to

issu the deficiency EWT for the months of July and November, 2000, respectively. Since

the FAN was issued only on January 21, 2004, the deficiency Ewr assessment in the

amount of P410,236.79 is time barred and should be cancelled.

The Court finds that there is no basis for the application of the ten-year prescriptive

period as petitioner was able to explain and establish that an error was inadvertently made
. . .. : .-.::--.

in the preparation of the alpha list which can be traced from the documents submitted. 23

As the right to assess deficiency EWT has prescribed, there is no basis to hold

petitioner liable to pay the same.

Deficiency DocumentaryStamp Tax

Respondent assessed documentary stamp tax on petitioner's loans and advances to

affiliates amounting to P193,216,127.03, which were not covered by promissory notes or

loan agreements but by cash/check vouchers only.

In A/invest Development Corporation et. a!. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 24

. this :ourt ruled:

"As we have held in the case of APC Group, Inc. vs. CIR, CTA Case
No. 615 March 11, 2002:

'There is nothing in Section 180 that provides that board

resolutions, inter-office memoranda, letters of instruction, journal or
cash vouchers evidencing lending/borrowings are subject to
documentary stamp tax. Clearly, what Section 180 taxes are loan
agreements, promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts, instruments
and securities issued by the government or any of its instrumentalities
or certificates of deposits drawing interest and others not payable on
sight or demand. xxx'

It should likewise be stressed that in Section 173 of the Tax Code,

documentary stamp tax is essentially a tax upon documents, instrument
Exhibits "0", pars. QS3 to QSS; "M", "M-a", "M-b", "N", "N-a" and "N-b".
23 E xhibits "M", "M-a", "M -b", M-1, M-3, "N", "N-a", "N-b" N-1, N-2 and "0", pars. Q49 to Q59.
CfA Case No. 6182 , September 10, 2002.
C.T.A. CASE N0.7097
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loan agreements and papers. The instructional letter and cash/journal

vouchers containing petitioner's advances to its affiliates, are not loan
agreements within the contemplation of Section 173 in relation to Section 3
(b) and Section 6 of Revenue Regulations No. 9-94. At this point, it is worthy
to note that even the BIR issued a ruling (BIR Ruling No. DA-666-A-99, dated
December 3, 1999), which clearly states that inter-company advances
covered only by board resolutions and cash vouchers are not subject to DST
under Section 180 of the Tax Code. Such being the case, the imposition of
DST on instructional letters or vouchers should necessarily fail."

Thus, the assessment for documentary stamp tax in the amount of P514,881.47

should be cancelled for lack of legal basis.

WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review is granted as regards the assessment for

deficiency EWT and DST for the taxable year 2000. The deficiency EWT and DST

assessments for the respective amounts of P410,236.79 and P514,881.47 are hereby

CANCELLED and WITHDRAWN for lack of basis.

However, the assessment for deficiency VAT is AFFIRMED. Petitioner is liable to

pay deficiency VAT in the amount of P3,464,253.56, computed as follows:

Undeclared Gross Receipts:

1st Quarter p 8,043,381.56
4th Quarter 9,120,744.31
Total p

Deficiency Output VAT Due p 1,716,412.59

Add: 25% Surcharge 429,103.15
Interest (1-26-01 to 11-29-04) 1,318.737.82
Total Amount due p 3.464.253.56

In addition, petitioner is liable to pay 20% delinquency interest on the amount of

P3,464,253.56 computed from November 29, 200-:4 until full payment thereof pursuant to

Section 249(C)(3) of the Tax Code.


Associate Justice
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Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 13 of the Constitution, it is hereby certified that the

conclusions in the above Decision were reached in consultation before the case was

assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.

t-A .
Presiding Justice
Chairman, First Division

(' 1 r

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