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Travel Expense Claim Procedure No.: 2005-PR1

Policy Reference: 2005
Category: Finance
Department Responsible: Financial Services
Current Approved Date: 2015 Feb 23


This procedure applies directly to Policy 2005, Travel and Professional Development Expense
Reimbursement. These procedures apply to expenses incurred out of pocket directly by, or on behalf of,
the employee or traveller as well as those incurred using a BCIT purchasing card. It describes the
requirements for:

Making travel arrangements

Obtaining authorization to travel
Defining travel claim receipts and vouchers
Receiving reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses

Table of Contents

Objectives 1
Who This Procedure Applies To 1
Travel Arrangements Procedures 1
Travel and Professional Development Claim Procedure 4
Appendix A: Reimbursable Travel and Other Expenses 10
Appendix B: Standard Distances between BCIT Campuses 12
Guidelines Associated with This Procedure 12
Forms Associated With This Procedure 12
Amendment History 12

Who This Procedure Applies To

This procedure applies to BCIT employees who incur work-related travel and professional development
expenses. This procedure also applies to students and Board members who incur travel expenses while
on Institute business.

Travel Arrangements Procedures

Travel should be avoided where cost efficient alternative are appropriate and available. Virtual presence,
teleconferencing, and other remote meeting solutions are to be considered for every travel situation and
if not used, the reason is to be documented. Ideally, a single employee will attend any conference or
event and then share his/her experience with colleagues. Where multiple employees attend the same
event, the total planned conferences costs must be approved by the areas respective Vice President.

1. Request for Approval to Travel

As required by Policy 7140, Travel Risk and Security, travellers must complete a Request for Approval
to Travel form (FIN-23) for all business related travel including professional development travel outside of
Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. This includes travel that does not result in any expense for BCIT

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Travel Arrangements Procedures

(i.e., paid for by a third party). Travellers are to submit their completed form FIN-23 to their designated
signing authority and ensure the form is forwarded to Safety, Security and Emergency Management for
review and approval. If a travel advance is requested, this should be done at least fifteen (15) business
days prior to travel. If no travel advance is requested, the form should be submitted to Safety, Security
and Emergency Management at least four (4) days in advance. This form must be completed and
approved prior to making travel arrangements. A detailed estimate of all travel related costs must be
included on the form regardless of whether or not a travel advance is requested. If there is no cost to
BCIT, please indicate so on the form.

2. Advance for Travel

Employees may obtain an advance for travel for amounts of $400 or more. The request is made by
checking the appropriate field on the Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23.) The form must be
approved by the travellers designated signing authority and forwarded to Safety, Security and
Emergency Management at least fifteen (15) business days prior to travel per Policy 7140, Travel - Risk
and Security. Please note, advances will not be provided for tuition or for the purchase of goods or
services for professional development. BCIT will make payment directly for tuition or registration by
completing the Registration/Membership Form (FIN-113).

Financial Services will supply the advance funds within ten (10) business days prior to the start of the
trip. The funds are directly deposited into the travellers bank account if the traveller is set up for
payroll direct deposit. Advances will not be given after travel has commenced. Note that travellers
must submit their expenses within thirty (30) days of their return. Claims not submitted within thirty
(30) days may result in the funds being deducted from the travellers future payroll.

3. Making Travel Arrangements

Please note, for travel outside of Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, the Request for Approval to
Travel form (FIN-23) must be completed prior to booking any travel arrangement and before travel

3.1. Air Travel

BCIT has contracted with a travel agency to book travel arrangements and to retain copies of
travel itineraries for all BCIT travellers. All work related travel including PD must be booked
through BCITs contracted travel agent.

Should a traveler wish to combine personal travel before, during or after the business travel,
this must be indicated on the Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23). Reimbursement
of airfare will reflect the most economical cost to fly to the business destination and back. A
quote for this can be obtained from BCITs contracted travel agent and should be attached to
the request form before it is submitted for approval.

3.1.1 Class of Air Travel

Air travel is to be booked in Economy class. Exceptions are noted in the table below, based
on destination, length of flight, and approval in advance of travel.

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Travel Arrangements Procedures

Table 1 Class of Air Travel

North America Air Travel Flights

Travelling Inside Economy Class Under eight (8) hours
Travelling Outside Economy Class Under eight (8) hours
Travelling Outside Business Class Over eight (8) hours (may be
allowed with managers

Note: Generally, flight segments separated by layovers under two hours are considered one flight
although exceptions will be considered based on circumstances.

3.2. Travel by Motor Vehicle

3.2.1 Use of Personal Motor Vehicle

BCIT will reimburse travellers for use of their personal motor vehicles for travel on Institute
business including professional development. BCITs per-kilometre reimbursement rate is
based on that set by the Treasury Board of Canada and is shown in Guideline 2005-GU-1,
Travel and Per Diem Rates, associated with this procedure. Note: The rate is intended to
cover vehicle operating costs, such as insurance, vehicle depreciation, regular maintenance
costs, and fuel.

To receive reimbursement for the use of a personal motor vehicle, the traveller completes
the Mileage and Parking Expense Reimbursement form (FIN-152), showing dates of travel,
destinations, and reasons for the trips.

Travellers are required to obtain approval from their designated signing authority in advance
of travel in order to use a personal motor vehicle for travel outside of Metro Vancouver and
the Fraser Valley. In those instances where travel would have otherwise been by air, BCIT will
reimburse the traveller the lesser of the actual mileage or the quoted economy airfare to the
destination plus airport parking or taxi to and from the airport. A quote for airfare from
BCITs contracted travel provider must be submitted with the Request for Approval to Travel
form (FIN-23) before it is approved to ensure the most economical mode of travel is being

Travellers are responsible for ensuring that their vehicles have the appropriate insurance
coverage. For access to a more detailed explanation of insurance coverage, refer to the
Supply management website, under Acquiring Goods and Services. No reimbursement will
be made for personal auto insurance coverage.

The traveller may find that in certain situations, it is more cost-effective to rent a vehicle
rather than use ones personal vehicle. Travellers are required to obtain approval from their
designated signing authority in advance of travel in order to rent a vehicle. Details of the
proposed rental should be included on the Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23).

3.2.2 Rental Cars

Depending on the proximity of the airport to the hotel and/or event, it may be more
economical to rent a vehicle rather than incur charges for a taxi to and from the airport. If a
rental car will be used, it must be included on the Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-
23) and accompanied by a quote for comparative taxi fares from the airport to the
hotel/event. Please note, no reimbursement will be issued for personal mileage, insurance

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Travel Arrangements Procedures

other than collision, GPS, or other personal expenses.

3.3. Accommodation

3.3.1 Finding Cost Effective Accommodation

Accommodations should be booked through BCITs contracted travel agent. The institute will
consider expense claims for alternative hotel accommodation as recommended by the
housing organization for an event, conference or seminar provided the rates are better than
those offered through BCITs contracted travel agent. An estimate of hotel costs should be
included on the Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23) before it is submitted for
approval. Reimbursement will not normally be provided for accommodations for attendance
at events within Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. Requests for accommodations
within Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley must be approved by the VP, Administration
and CFO prior to the event.

4. Insurance Coverage

4.1. General Liability Insurance (excluding auto)

Employees are covered by the Institutes general liability insurance policy when travelling on
Institute business. They must complete the Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23), so
that the approved travel is documented.

4.2. Medical Insurance

Employees are responsible for staying informed of their coverage. BCITs extended health
plan may provide medical insurance when travelling outside of B.C. Please contact BCIT
Human Resources or BCITs extended health care service provider to confirm your eligibility
before travelling (

Travel and Professional

Development Claim Procedure

Financial Services, Accounts Payable Travel, aims to process claims for travel and professional development
(PD) related expenses within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt by Financial Services. Financial
Services is responsible for the administration of these procedures and is authorized to question any claim
and obtain further information if necessary. Please be aware that during peak periods, the time to process
claims may increase to thirty (30) calendar days.

Financial Services will return the Travel Expense claim form in its entirety if the documentation or
information provided does not comply with the procedures. This could possibly impact the twenty-one (21)
calendar day processing time. Both claimant and designated signing authority will be notified if the claim is
being returned.

The claimant must submit expense claims within thirty (30) calendar days of the end of travel. For those
claimants who have received a travel advance, if the claim is not submitted within thirty (30) calendar days,
the advance may be deducted from the claimants payroll as indicated on form FIN-23, Request for Approval
to Travel.

See table Reimbursable Travel Expenses, in Appendix A, for a list of example expenses that are
acceptable, and those that are not.
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Travel Expense Claim 2005-PR1 Procedure

Travel and Professional

Development Claim Procedure

1. Receipts and Payment Vouchers

1.1. Original Receipts and Supporting Documentation

Financial Services will reimburse travellers for expenses based on original receipts. Original
receipts may include printed or hand written receipts issued by the vendor as well as online
receipts (e.g., course registration). All claims for reimbursement will be matched to the
Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23).

As explained in Policy 2005, the receipts must be detailed and itemized, including:
Date of Purchase
Method of Payment (e.g. cash, personal cheque, debit, or credit card)
Description and cost of item(s) purchased
Vendors name and applicable contact information (e.g. address, phone number, website).

When the method of payment is not recorded on the detailed receipt, the payment voucher
(which shows the method of payment) must be attached to the receipt. See section 2 Payment
Method below.

Note: When submitting receipts printed in a language other than English, please provide the
English translation on the receipt.

For tuition, course registrations and conferences, documentation submitted with the claim
should include a receipt with cost, itinerary or course description, date of course and method
of payment.

1.2. Declaration for Missing Receipts

Employees are responsible for keeping original receipts if they intend to submit an expense
claim. If a receipt is missing, the employee should make every effort to obtain a duplicate
receipt from the vendor. Employees may generate and sign a Travel Claim Receipt Declaration
form (FIN-156). The declaration states the date the expense was incurred, that the original
receipt has been lost, and that reimbursement for these expenses will not be claimed from any
other source. The form is available on the BCIT Financial Service web-page under Forms.

1.3. When Original Receipt is Required by Employee

For warranty purposes only or when expenses are partially covered by another organization
that must have the original receipts(s), the employee may request that the original receipt(s)
be returned.

In this circumstance the employee is to include the original receipt(s) with their claim for
reimbursement, indicating the amount to be reimbursed and a request for Accounts Payable to
return the original receipt after processing. Accounts Payable stamps the original receipt(s),
indicating the amount to be reimbursed by BCIT, and retains a photocopy with the claim. The
original receipt is then returned to the employee.

2. Payment Method Must Be Indicated For All Expenses Claimed

2.1. Payment by Credit Card

For expense items where a credit card was used to pay the bill, the following are acceptable to

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Travel and Professional

Development Claim Procedure

demonstrate method of payment:

Detailed receipt which shows payment was made by credit card and includes credit
card type. For payments made by Visa (card starts with a 4), the last four digits of the
card number need to be provided on the receipt.
A credit card voucher which shows the last four digits of the card number
accompanying the detailed receipt.
A copy of a credit card statement with the charge listed may be used to
demonstrate method of payment if either of the two options listed above is not
available. The detailed receipt is still required. We ask that you please hide credit
card statement details unrelated to the transaction being claimed.

2.2. Payment by Cash, Debit Card, Debit Credit Card or Cheque

When cash, debit card, or personal cheque is used to pay for expenses, the employee submits
all relevant expense receipts. Original, detailed receipts are required, showing vendor name,
date of transaction and amount. Receipts must indicate cash, debit or cheque was used as

3. Claims for Transportation Expenses

3.1. Air Travel

Original invoice from BCITs contracted travel agency must accompany the claim for
reimbursement. Invoice must show the cost of the airfare and method of payment (see Section
2 Payment Method above).

3.2. Travel by Motor Vehicle

3.2.1 Personal Motor Vehicle Reimbursable Kilometres

When filling out the mileage form (Mileage and Parking Expense Reimbursement, FIN 152),
employees count the kilometres travelled according to Table 2, following. Standard distances
between BCIT campuses are given in the table in Appendix B of this procedure, and in the
associated Guideline 2005-GU-1, Mileage and Per Diem Rates. Other parameters of
completing the mileage form are shown in the table below. Please note, for travel outside of
Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, the Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23) must
be completed prior to travel.

Table 2 for Submitting and Calculating Reimbursable Kilometres

Home Regular worksite Cannot be claimed
Home Call Out (outside of Worksite(s) Traveller claims
normal working hours)
Home Alternate Worksite/Business Traveller claims the lesser of the
Meeting/Trip actual distance travelled from
home or the distance from their
regular worksite to destination
Home Airport on approved travel Traveller claims
Campus Campus Traveller claims
Campus Within Campus Cannot be claimed

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Development Claim Procedure

School of Health Nursing Dept. Health Units Traveller claims and indicates in
Campus the Notes column the number of
Health Unit visits
The following motor vehicle-related costs are not reimbursed:
Fines related to parking and traffic
Costs incurred by an employee as a result of a collision, or other physical damage to the
Increases to premiums on a drivers license, insurance costs, deductibles, etc.
Employees travelling in an automobile as passengers (not in their own vehicle) may
not claim for kilometres travelled
Gas receipts will not be accepted as a reimbursable item except for a rental car.

3.2.2 Motor Vehicle Rental Expenses

BCIT will reimburse travellers for rental vehicle costs based on the expense receipt and credit
card voucher submitted with the travel expense claim. Travellers submit the original auto
rental agreement and the method of payment to be reimbursed for auto rental expenses.
Fuel costs and collision insurance for the rental vehicle will be reimbursed if the original
receipt is provided. Please note, additional personal expenses (i.e. GPS, personal accident
insurance) are not reimbursable.

4. Other Transportation-Related Expenses

Original receipts showing method of payment are required for reimbursement for miscellaneous
transportation expenses, including: road tolls, taxis, parking, ferries, airport transportation and airport

4.1. Parking Expenses

For parking meters that do not dispense receipts, employees may complete the Mileage and
Parking Expense Reimbursement form FIN-152, showing the out-of-pocket expense. When a
parking receipt is issued, the traveller is to attach such receipts

5. Claims for Accommodation Expenses

BCIT will reimburse travellers for accommodation based on the original receipt showing method of
payment. The amount for reimbursement must be included in the estimated travel costs provided on the
Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23)

5.1. Extra Accommodation and Per Diem

BCIT may reimburse a traveller for extra night(s) of accommodation and meal(s) provided that
savings in overall travel costs can be demonstrated. This may occur, for example, if a flight
taken the following day is less expensive that the cost of the extra night of accommodation and

5.2. Private Accommodation

Travellers may claim a per day amount when staying with a friend or relative who provides private
accommodation. No receipt is required; the traveller states on the Travel Expense Claim form
who provided the private accommodation. The reimbursable rate per night applies to the portion
of the stay that relates to Institute business; the rate is shown in Guideline 2005-GU1, Travel and
Per Diem Rates. Employees must indicate the number of nights on the Travel Expense Claim form.

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Development Claim Procedure

6. Per Diem and Business Associates Vouchers

Expenses must be claimed for the day they were incurred.

6.1. Per Diem

Receipts for meals are no longer required. These expenses are claimed by using the
established rate for the applicable meal(s) based on the per diem shown in Guideline 2005-
GU1, Travel and Per Diem Rates. All per diems must be related to Institute business.

The per diem/day allowance must be adjusted for any meals already provided by others (e.g.
airline meals, seminar/convention, hotel). Please contact the event planner in advance for any
dietary concerns or restrictions.

BCIT reimburses the per diem rate established by the Government of Canada Treasury Board
for foreign travel. If the Treasury Board rate of another country after conversion is less than
the BCIT daily per diem, the Institutes per diem will be accepted. Please note, incidental
allowance is intended to cover minor expenses incurred as a result of travel that are not
covered under any other part of this procedure.

Employees calculate conversion to Canadian dollars by either a documented rate, such as the
rate charged on a credit card bill, or a currency exchange document obtained while travelling
or through the Bank of Canada website.

7. Hospitality Expenses

Employees may claim entertainment expenses for business associates or other guests as authorized by the
employees designated signing authority in advance. Please refer to BCITs Hospitality and Employee
Appreciation Guidelines in determining eligible business expenses. Original itemized receipts showing
method of payment must be included with all claims.

8. Students Expenses

A student on Institute business will be reimbursed for materials that are incurred for a project, for
travelling on a field trip, or to a trade show or convention. Travel advances will not be provided to
students. The request for reimbursement must be accompanied by original receipts which includes
method of payment. A Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23) must be completed on behalf of the
students by the instructor prior to any travelling outside of the Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley
area as per Policy 7140, Travel Risk and Security.

9. Family Members and Travel

BCIT will not reimburse the traveller for additional expenses incurred for a spouse or family to accompany
the traveller Original receipts must show the breakdown of the employees individual cost(s).

10. Personal Travel Combined with Business Travel

Should a traveller wish to combine personal travel before, during or after the business travel,
reimbursement will reflect the business-related costs only; that is, costs for the most direct or cost-
effective route for the business travel. A quote for airfare from BCITs contracted travel provider is
required to ensure the more economical mode of travel is being used. Personal travel must be disclosed

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Development Claim Procedure

on the Request for Approval to Travel form (FIN-23).

11. Conference and Registration Fees

The conference/seminar brochure or itinerary/schedule must accompany the claim for reimbursement. An
employee may choose from either payment option below:

11.1. Employee Pays

The Institute will reimburse employees for any registrations, conferences and staff training
fees. Pre-approval must be obtained from the designated signing authority. If payment was
made either electronically or by personal credit card, the employee must ensure that the
invoice contains the organizations name, address, phone number and/or web address, date,
description of the fees, and method of payment. Please see Section 2 Payment Method for
additional details.

11.2. Institute Pays

On behalf of the employee, payment may be made directly for registration, conference and
staff training fees using the Registration/Membership form (FIN-113). The original
application/invoice must be attached.

For electronic registrations and renewals, the employee attaches the print-out of the electronic
confirmation to the form showing the vendors complete contact information, amount paid
and item description(s).

Please note, Financial Services is not responsible for registering and/or renewing memberships.
This is the responsibility of the employee. Accounts Payable will send a copy of the
application/invoice along with payment to the organization for clarification.

11.3. Purchasing Card

Payments for registration, conference and training fees may be made directly using a BCIT
purchasing card so long as it does not exceed the cards single transaction limit. Please note, a
traveller cannot approve p-card transactions related to their own travel. Information about the
commercial card program can be found at

If a traveller uses another employees BCIT purchasing card for any of the travel costs, it must
be noted on the Request for Approval to Travel Form (FIN-23). The cardholder is responsible
for ensuring original receipts are available and submitted with the monthly card

12. Authorization for Travel Claims

12.1. When Travel is Charged to Department Budgets

The designated signing authority who approves travel and professional development is
responsible for ensuring that claims for expenses are in accordance with this procedure and
are for Institute purposes only.

The claimants designated signing authority signs the Travel & Professional Development
Expense Claim form (FIN-21) as approval after reviewing the claimants signed claim form
and attached supporting documentation. The approval matrix is shown following.

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Development Claim Procedure

Table 3 for Travel Claim Authorization

Claimant Signing Authority
Members, Board of Governors Board Chair or Vice-Chair, and President
President Board Chair or Vice-Chair, and VP, Administration
and CFO
Vice President (other than VP, Administration VP, Administration and CFO
and CFO), others reporting to the President and
Executive Board secretary
VP, Administration and CFO President or designate
Associate Vice Presidents, Deans and Directors Vice President
Associate Deans and Managers Dean or Director
Program and Department Heads Associate Dean or designate
All other employees (faculty, instructors, staff) Designated signing authority

12.2. When Travel is Charged to Professional Development Funds

For travel claims charged to professional development (PD) funds, the signing authority is
the committee Chair or Coordinator responsible for administering the PD budget.

The claimant and the designated signing authority are responsible for ensuring that the
approval to travel is completed and signed off by the travellers department and that
related claims for expenses are in accordance with this procedure and are for Institute
purpose only.

Appendix A: Reimbursable Travel and Other Expenses

Expense Reimbursable Comments

Telephone calls to travellers Yes
immediate family (10 minutes each
day, unless specified by collective
Internet connection for job related Yes
duties while travelling
Courier/postage charges Yes
Consumable materials like Yes Appropriate supporting
booklets, printing matter/or documentation must be attached
photocopying and presentation (i.e. payment receipt see Method
supplies related to the travel of Payment)
incurred while on BCIT business

Travellers necessary hotel expenses No Covered by incidentals within per

(examples: use of hotel safe, diem
Other goods purchased that are not No
related to travel or at the time of

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Travel Expense Claim 2005-PR1 Procedure
Expense Reimbursable Comments
Travellers credit card or bank fees No
and interest charges
Travellers uninsured auto loss No
Alcoholic beverages No, except in certain circumstances See Hospitality and Employee
Appreciation Guidelines
Travellers auto costs (car wash, No
insurance, parking or traffic fines)
Travellers expenses for failure to No, except in certain circumstances Approval required from designated
cancel accommodation signing authority if late cancellation
was requested by BCIT

Travellers optional hotel or other No

charges (mini-bar, movie rental, spa,
hair care, fitness or gym fee, etc.)
Travellers excess baggage fee No Unless for job-related purpose.
Reimbursement will be provided for
the first bag with proof of payment.
Travellers child or pet care costs No

Trip cancellation insurance No

Additional medical insurance No
Medical insurance for an employee Yes
who will be residing outside of
Canada for at least six (6) months
(consecutively) in a calendar year,
when on Institute business
Lost or stolen tickets, cash, or No
personal property
Travel Visa Yes
Vaccines where an employee is asked Yes
to travel to a country where vaccines
are necessary to the health and safety
of the employee
Rental rooms, A/V equipment (up to Yes
$500 max)
Passport fees No

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Appendix B: Standard Distances between BCIT Campuses

The following table is used to determine travel distances between campuses.

Standard distances between BCIT campuses

All Figures are in km (average distance)
Burnaby 18 12 13 8 17
ATC 18 13 23 13 18
DTC 12 13 11 4 28
BMC 13 23 11 14 29
GNW 8 13 4 14 23
AIC 17 18 28 29 23

Burnaby (BBY) Main BCIT campus Aerospace & Technology Centre (ATC)
3700 Willingdon Avenue 3800 Cessna Drive
Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2 Richmond, BC V7B 0A1

Downtown Campus (DTC) BCIT Marine Campus (BMC)

555 Seymour Street 265 West Esplanade Avenue
Vancouver BC V6B 3H6 North Vancouver, BC V7M 1A5

Great Northern Way Campus (GNW) Annacis Island Campus (AIC)

555 Great Northern Way Motive Power
Vancouver, BC V5T 1E2 1608 Cliveden Avenue
Delta, BC V3M 6M2

Guidelines Associated with This Procedure

Refer to the BCIT Financial Services Policies, Procedures and Guidelines webpage for the following:
2005-GU1, Travel and Per Diem Rates

Forms Associated With This Procedure

Refer to the BCIT Financial Services Forms webpage for the following:
Request for Approval to Travel, FIN-23 (PDF)
Travel & Professional Development Expense Claim form (FIN-21) (PDF)
Mileage and Parking Expense Reimbursement, FIN-152 (PDF)
Registration/Membership Cheque Request, FIN-113 (PDF)
Travel Claim Receipt Declaration, FIN-156 (PDF)

Amendment History

1. Created 2006 Feb. 21

2. Revision 1 2006 Oct. 10
3. Revision 2 2007 May 02
4. Revision 3 2007 Sep. 17
5. Revision 4 2011 Oct 01

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Travel Expense Claim 2005-PR1 Procedure
6. Revision 5 2013 Jun 18
7. Revision 6 2015 Feb 23

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