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The 24 Years of King Mhlahlandlela ruling
Tsonga of Mabulandlela from 1890-1914
before Colonisations land Act of 1913 ,
Information whereby he lost the fight
King -Head Chief -Tribe Surnames Language Relatives Three
Heroes Five Families Four District Traditional ,Culture &
Religion Three Inyanga Servant / Interpreter One Song
Connection from God to the Nation Genealogy of King to God the
Creator Verses and Nations Altar [Tsonga first born of Africa]


4010a Zone 4 Pimville Soweto 1809 (0835355956)
[email protected]
Profile of Tsonga of the Mabulandlela
before it was called Gazankulu in 1973
1. First and Last King: King Mhlahlandlela Magqekeni Makutsule Bila Langeni the
son of Bila Xidyela Hehla Langeni son of Mlangeni Langeni son of Ndwandwe
Gwambe Langeni and Nwa-Bangwani Dzavani Chauke Hlengwe.
2. Head Chief: Nyavani Mabunda Hlave the father of Chief Xihoko first born, Chief
Dzumeri same mother and Chief Ngove, Chief Bungeni Mabunda same mother
and other Chiefs of Mabunda.
3. Tribe: Mabulandlela was Hlubi /Hlaves Place meaning the king was Langeni the
big brother of Hlave as Bileni and Hlave were brothers from one mother one
father Mashiye ,Mashiye the son of Juwah, Juwah the son of Lala and Lala the
son of Hlubi but they use to call themselves Nguni as their fathers use to speak
Nguni and were born in the land of the Nguni at Langeni now KZN before they
moved to Tsonga Land now Gaza Mozambique ,their father born at Langeni KZN
referring to Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni son of Manukunuku son of Bileni the
brother of Hlave both sons of Mashiye as Mashiye and Nxumalo also brothers
and they come from Central Africa the long hair dark people.
4. Surnames: Sons of Hlave was Mabunda as first born, Nkuna [Mhlava Timangeni
& Mhlava Vhelemu], Mtileni, Makamu, Ndhove and Maswanganyi meaning Hlave
have more than 100 surnames as Novela is the son of Mtileni and so on example
any one during surname recitation that mentions Hlave is not a mistake he is a
Hlave of Hlubi of Kongo of Tuareng of Africa of Berber of Semantic. Africa is a
Latin word means Sunny in English, means Zion in ancient Jamaican English not
the Bibles Mount Sion and in Nguni means Langeni. Ndwandwe Gwambe
Langeni in KZN while he was a King of Langeni his children most of them was
Girls with three disable Boys and his brother (Zwide) was having strong and
healthy children those are the other reason for Gwambe to protect his Legacy so
he convince Manukosi before he was called Soshangane to leave KZN promising
him his inheritance which he did gave him half of his Land given by the Hlengwe.
Ndwandwe head Chief at KZN was Zwide son of Langa, Langa son of Xaba,
Xaba first born of Nxumalo, Ndwandwe brother to Nandi the Mother of Shaka
Zulu, Nandi daughter of Mbhembhe, Mbhembhe of Xaba of Nxumalo.
Ndwandwe Langenis relatives, Zwides daughter Thandile married Sobhuza of
the Ngwane [Swazi], she became popularly known as Lazidze, Ntombazana
sister of Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni was a bride to the Mthetwa ruler,
Dingiswayo. Mzilikazi Khumalo [Ndebele leader] the son of Mashobane's senior
wife [with a daughter of Zwide Langeni].Ndwandwe in Mozambique had nine
Children whereby his traditional first born was the number four in overall the
Children were as follows: Mazivila, Dzimbeni, Makuwane, Machimbha Langeni,
Ghombane, Zukula, Nwampaku, Incaia, and Machenganyane as brothers [All the
nine brothers they have villages named after them at Bileni Masiya that is the
reason Mhlahlandlela swept the way to Mabulandlela as the grandchild of the
traditional first born went to the other piece of land given by the Hlengwe was
known as Mabulandlela 1890.This document is all about Mhlahlandlela to
Ndwandwe to Hlubi to Africa to Simeon to Abraham to Noah to Seth son of
Adam and Eve to God the creator.
5. Language & Land: The Land and Tsonga Language of Mabulandlela, Gaza and
Hlengwe Kingdom belongs to Chauke/Mabasa Hlengwe Nguni calling
themselves Rhonga or Dzonga meaning East in Tsonga, whereby the family
King is in Hlengwe Zimbabwe, as in African way when the first three brothers
who created the first African Kingdom [Kongo Central, Kangaba West and Aksum
East Africa] they agreed to mark their land in African Traditional and Cultural way
whereby the Hlengwe were using foot print. The Hlengwe Land was marked by
big foot print it was eight of them whereby two is in South Africa, one is next to
the Grave of Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni next to the water fall at Rivubye River.
The other two, is in Gaza Mozambique, one in Malawi Tsonga Hlengwe, one in
Zambia Tsonga Hlengwe and two at the family owners of the Land the Hlengwe,
as it was supposed to be Hlengwe Country before the Land Act of 1913. First
arrival to Africa before the year 1100AD from Israel was Semantic to Morocco
first home, Semantic was ancient Israelite Language, Semantic Language is
spoken in Morocco being the undermined Language and Kingdom as the still
practice their forefathers Culture, Tradition and Religion praying the god of their
forefathers not actually knowing that is the same God Noah, Abraham and David
without knowledge because of lack of Education as they were called Berberic.
Berber is the son of Semantic and was the second home of African also in
Morocco, the Berber Language is the most respected and Berber is the father of
Africa/Langeni/Zion/Sunny. Langeni/Africa the father of Tuareng now is the
Language spoken in Algeria and surroundings is the third home and the last
home as each home the King was not the first born as they were still traveling in
order to occupy the land the second or last we suppose to be the King. Tuareng
is the father of three men the first three kingdom of Africa who gave birth to the
Tribes, Tribes gave birth to Languages, Languages to Surnames. First three
Kingdom was [Kongo who went to Central Africa, Kangaba to the West and
Aksum to East].We go with the first born Kongo who gave birth to Hlubi also the
first born, Hlubi the tribe gave birth to Lala, Lala to Juwah and they all died and
buried in Central Africa. Mashiye and Nxumalo went to Southern Africa now KZN
known as Hlubi the dark and long hair people whereby Mashiye, Bileni and
Manukunuku [Nxumalo, Gaza and Zikode] was died and buried in KZN speaking
Nguni. Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni and his brother Manukosi Soshangane
went to Mozambique stolen a lot of cows from the Nguni calling themselves
Nguni whereas they were Hlubi. Ndwandwe ka Manukunuku change his name to
be known as Bileni ka Mashiye and Manukosi ka Zikode changes his name to be
Gaza ka Nxumalo all using their grand fathers. Still with the first born Ndwandwe
Gwambe married to the Tsonga their sons start calling themselves Tsonga
mother tongue. Ndwandwe his son Langeni and his grandson Bila Xidyela died
and buried in Bileni Mashie Mozambique. Mhlahlandlela went to his grandfathers
land of Mabulandlela in 1890 [family tree below].
6. Relatives: Langeni brothers King Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni of Mabulandlela
South Africa , Mdunwazi Nghunghunyani Nxumalo of Gaza Mozambique and
Uncle Chauke Humba Mabasa Hlengwe of Hlengwe Ronga Zimbabwe. TSONGA
OF HLENGWE ZIMBABWE People of Chauke xa Humba Hlengwe, The Tsonga
of Ronga/East ,The original owners of the Tsonga/Ronga Language ,Ronga of
Nguni / Mabasa /Mtungwa ,The Uncles of Mabulandlela and Changani Nations
,People of Mhlahlandlela the Makombandlela ya Va Tsonga of Mabulandlela
,Grandsons of Gwambe and Dzavani ,Swihluke or Relatives Nghunghunyani
,Speakers of mother language ,Tsonga of Hlubi Tribe ,Gwambe is Ndwandwe
Bhila Langeni ,Dzavani is Nwa Bangwani Chauke ,TSONGA OF GAZA /
,Sons of Mzila and Mawewe ,Grandsons of Manukosi Soshangane Gaza
Nxumalo Langeni ,Swihluke or Relatives of Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni
,Speakers of mother language -Tsonga of Hlubi Tribe.[Hlengwe was uncle as
Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni married to Nwa-Bangwani Dzavani Chauke they
gave birth to Langeni also married his uncle Matsenas daughter Nwa-Matsena
Chauke they gave birth to Bila Xidyela also married to Nwa-Xigombe Chauke
they gave birth to Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni who married to Nwa-Fengeni
Chauke mother of Phahlela Sivulayi the traditional first born and Nwa-Vangoni
the mother of first born by age Xivasa wa Makutsule the leader of the clan that
has been knocked down by the Servant. The Chauke Ladies was supposed to
gave birth to the Mabulandlela heir and the lady was supposed to be Nyakwavi
the person from the family traditional altar.
7. Heroes 1906: Three heroes of colonisation was Bhambata & seven friends,
Nghunghunyani Mdunwazi Nxumalo and Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni whereby all
of them lost Bhambata lost by being buried without the knowledge of their family
in exile under Chief Dzumeri Mabunda with his friends being the head man,
Nghunghunyani lost by being arrested also his family ended in exile at
Mabulandlela as Nghunghunyani and Mhlahlandlela never wanted to be
separated from each other by Colonisation boundaries that separated families by
Mountains and rivers during 1913 Land Act ignoring African Traditional
boundaries then Nghunghunyani said his King is Mhlahlandlela and
Mhlahlandlela said his King was Nghunghunyani but they failed and
Mhlahlandlela lost his kingdom by sacrificing for his Nation of Mabulandlela and
fail. South Africa (1914) [(Bhambata was called Maphata/Zitha his friend was
Skhunyane ,Mageva ,Mbhendle ,Guwela ,Mghoghoma ,Sthole and the seventh
friend )] .Scramble for Africa Boer War (1880) ,Tunisia (1881) ,Sudan (1881)
,Egypt (1882) ,Wassoulou (1883) ,Eritrea (1887) ,Dahomey (1890) ,Mashonaland
(1890) ,Dahomey (1892) ,Matabeleland (1893) ,Wassoulou (1894) ,Ashanti
(1895) ,Ethiopia (1895) Matabeleland (1896) ,Zanzibar (1896) ,Benin (1897)
,Wassoulou (1898) ,Chad (1898) (Koussri) ,Fashoda (1898) ,South Africa
(1899) ,Namibia (1904) ,Tanganyika (1905) ,Morocco (1905) ,South Africa
(1906) ,Ouaddai (1909) ,Morocco (1911)Tripolitania (1911) ,
8. Families: Five Families of Mabulandlela is Langeni [Bila ,Baula/Mlangeni
,Mashiye ,Bilankulu are brothers the sons of Langeni then Ngobeni ,Mnisi
,Ndhlovu and Khosa are brothers to Ndwandwe Gwambe the son of Manukunuku
of Bileni of Mashiye they are Hlubi] ,Hlave [The sons of Hlave was Mabunda,
Nkuna ,Mtileni, Makamu ,Ndhove and Maswanganyi meaning Hlave have more
than 100 surnames as Novela is the son of Mtileni and Hlongo ,Mawila ,Bvuma
,Hlabangwani and others as Hlave is majority ] ,Mthetwa [Sono the father of
Madonsi Hlungwani ,Mavambe Magoda Manganyi ,Masingi and others like
Makelani] ,Hlengwe [(Mdavula, Mkhomi and Xigamani) Chauke and Mathebula
Changameri Lobvi Dombo was Kalanga speakers (grandson Makhuva and
others) but ended being Tsonga before they even got to Mozambique with
Chauke which have a lot of surnames but not majority ] Xixangaxile Nwanati
(Mhinga ,Xikundu and Makuleke) came with Monyai they were all speaking Nyai
Language [Makhuvele and Xivambu]
9. District: Four Districts was Magangeni ka Langeni now Malamulele was a
Capital city plus home of the King next to Hlengwe stone,Tsungeni wa Nambu
now Giyani plus Tzaneen home of the head Chief ,Xipilongo xa Nwa- Langeni
now Elim plus surroundings and Swiharhini ka Nyamazani now Bush Buck ridge
and surrounding. Magangeni the Capital city as the home of the King the was
staying with additional Chiefs of Mabulandlela as Mabulandlela was for the Hlubi
(Langeni and Hlave) then included the Nephews the Mthethwa as they were
Nguni ,Maluleke Nwanati Xixangaxile speaking Nyai came with Monyai their tribe
question mark and Chauke Hlengwe family. All the first born of the additional
Families Chiefs were staying at Magangeni now Malamulele. The Mthethwa
Chief we suppose to be given birth by Langeni Sisters example is the mother
Chief Madonsi and Nwa-Dhzekudzheku was Nwa-Xidyela Bila Langeni and the
Mother of Chief Mavambe Khutla, Xithlelani and Dinga was Nwa-Mathlavule Bila
Langeni the Sisters of Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni that was their tradition as
Langeni to Chauke [Mathlavule and (Bila Xidyela, Baula Mlangeni twins) were
brothers same mother. Mathlavule clan also at Magangeni now Malamulele
known as Chief Govhu and Chief Gija-Mhandeni under Madonsi , Back to
Chauke Hlengwe the traditional first born of Langeni Phahlela Sivulayi never
been a King but buried as King in Hlubi tradition 100 meters away from his father
and was married to Nwa-Mahuhuxi Chauke whereby Mahuhuxi and Mdavula are
brothers same mother.
10. Culture ,Tradition and Religion:
Three Inyanga: or Traditional Consultant as Mabulandlela consist of five
families the powerful family as one of them is the traditional first born of
Africa/Langeni they have their consultant subtraction of one family the
additional of which is Xixangaxile Nwanati Maluleke. All four family has their
own Consultant or protector Langeni and the nephews Mthethwa has their
Inyanga (Ndhlovu Family), Hlave by the second born of Hlave their Inyanga
was (Mtileni & his son Novela) and Mavasa Hlengwe Chauke Humba family
their Inyanga was (Mathevula Kalanga Family).Each family has animal to
represent them Langeni and the Nephews including Xixangaxile Family was
an Elephant, Hlave a Buffalo and Hlengwe is a question mark but being
one of the big five animals representing South Africa ,Mabulandlela Tsonga
Nation as the Last born Nation of Africa in 1890 but being the first born
Kingdom of Africa was the strongest Nation whereby colonisation taken all
our power whereby we can take it back. The Mabulandlela Tsonga Nation
was strong as was represented by three Animals as the King of the Continent
they were going to build African Altar ,whereby one (Buffalo) family went to
African Church that is praying God in African way [after the Kingdom was
stripped by Colonisation as the Three Tsonga Nation never wanted to be
separated from each other by causing confusion on who was the King of
Mabulandlela the Mabulandlela was forced to choose the King in1914 the
Regent was chosen to disguise as the battle was lost chosen by King
Mhlahlandlela and family witnessed by Ramabulani Venda and his brother
Makhado Venda ,and the head Chief Nyavani Mabunda Hlave the leader was
Mhinga representing Xixangaxile Family of Nwanati Maluleke as the first born
in order to unite the Mabulandlela Nation that is the reason their sons were
taken to School by the colonials so that they can lead the Mabulandlela in
western way ,so the person who qualifies to lead was the grandson of Majeje
Maluleke ,also they use to report everything to Mhlahlandlela family ,the
Majeje Maluleke grandson was named Malamulele as nickname by Langeni
family for Naming Mabulandlela Gazankulu meaning is the big brother of
Gaza of Nghunghunyani Mozambique and the Venda family automatically
was going to be under Mabulandlela Nation meaning their language and
kingdom was saved by Colonisation they must thank their ancestors] back to
Inyanga (Buffalo) family went to African Church that is praying God in African
way it was a good move before 1914 in 1910 as the problem started in
1906,second family of Ndhlovu (Elephant) was robbed by the Venda the
Ndhlovu family Altar was changed to be Ndou whereby the even the Nyai
speaking people those came with Maluleke Xixangaxile Nwanati family called
themselves Venda family Member and all Shavhi families are original
Hlave Family members ,Again the Venda Ramabulani Family has taken
the Langeni Family trusted (Booi Family) and lastly The Hlengwes
Kalanga Mathebula Altar with unknown animal they were loyal to their
leader but it was divided as all belonged to Langeni Family and Langeni
Kingdom as it was destroyed by colonisation ,they was approached by African
Church and Venda Family but they wanted to stay loyal to their King as no
one can work for two Kings. By the way the Tsonga of Mabulandlela is still
protected by the loyal Mathebula Kalanga family but without an Altar as
African Church Altar is protecting the whole continent without knowing who
has an African/Langeni Family Kingdom Altar so what is needed is the
Mabulandlela traditional Leaders (Healers & Chiefs) ,Churches and
Organisation to come together and do the right things this is bigger than what
we think [all animals are angry Buffalo comes flood had came will again come
,Elephant comes with bigger hurricane which never happen and Unknown
animal comes with mountains the soil will grow Mountains and burry people
,all this animals now need to be together as they belong together three of
them with the help of African Church Altar plus African/Langeni Family
Altar. Greedy, Selfish and Show offs is the product of evil spirit so please do
it for your forefathers and grandchildren; see information below on National.
Servant: Mhlahlandlela Bila Lanangei Kingdom has Servant the trusted
person was also a nephew of Mhlahlandlela his name was Booi meaning
Boy/Messenger the father of Piet Booi of Mulendzhe Clan where there is a
Hlengwe footprint, Mulendzhe means footprint, Mulendzhe Clan belonged to
the first born by age of Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni who his real Name is
Magqekeni but also given the name Makutsule meaning savior from
Colonisation, the name of the leader of Makutsule Clan was Xivasa
Makutsule Bila Langeni was called Xivasa Makutsule Clan lastly the only
thing the Makutsule have is the headman under Mavambe Clan thanks to
Nephew Magoda ,Makutsule Clan is headed by rightful person from the first
born house of Xivasa Makutsule whereas were suppose to be Mulendzhe
thanks to Colonisation.
Poem: One poem one recitation one song Poem Magqekeni Makutsule
Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni, Ndwandwe ka Manukunuku Bileni Masia ba Hlubi
wa se Langeni recitation by Chief Mnisi, Recitation Mhlahlandlela the
Makombandlela ya Va Tsonga of Mabulandlela, Grandsons of Gwambe and
Dzavani, Swihluke or Relatives Nghunghunyani, Speakers of mother
language and Song rain will came will fill the rivers we will eat product, then
Rain! Rain! Rain!
Family Tree: [Family tree of the King Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Langeni ,Bila
Xidyela Hehla Langeni ,Langeni Machimbha Mhandla ,Ndwandwe Gwambe
Langeni ,Manukunuku ,Bhila Bileni brother to Hlave ,Mashiye brother to
Nxumalo ,Juwah Langa,Lala brother to Mboo the father to Lesotho Kingdom
of Moshoeshoe ,Hlubi brother Nguni and Kongo namesake to Kongo the
father (Kongo junior father to Ndau) ,Kongo ,Tuareng the third home of
African in Algeria ,Africa/Sunny/Langeni/Zion ,Berber the second home of
African ,Semantic 1100 AD the first home as Semantic is the ancient
Israelites, Selumiel 1525 BC,Tsurishadai,Simeone the son of Jacob, the son
of Isaac, the son of Abraham 1996 BC, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor,
the son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son of Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of
Shelah, the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the son of Shem, the son of
Noah 2948 BC, the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch,
the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, the son of Enosh,
the son of Seth 3874 BC, the son of Adam 4004 BC, the son of
God.[polygamy and marrying uncles daughters was adopted from African
blood father Simeon and Jacob in order grow Abrahams nation as God
promised Abraham (Leah, Rachel and two Servants was Jacobs wives)
Simeons grand children(African) never lost their fathers tradition even though
Simeon was cursed]
National: God Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a Family Tree or Genealogy
from God to Adam to Seth to Noah to Abraham to Jacob to Judah to David to
Joseph the husband of Maria the parents of Jesus Christ whereby Jesus
Christ is the father of the Holy Spirit in order to adopt the whole world or
Noahs grand Children instead of focusing only for Abrahams grand Children
the Israelites and the family tree covers the Holy Bible. Mosses delivered the
Chosen People of Israel from the iron hand of Pharow, Abrahams Grand
Children and Jesus saved the World from Evil Spirit Satan, Noahs
Grandsons [Noahs sons Shem (Israel & Africa), Ham (Egypt & Other Asians)
and Japheth (Australians & other Whites). [The three races in the world are
white/Caucasian, Asian/Mongolian and Black/Negroid we are all Grandsons
of Noah we are different because of Gods plan, places we are, climatic
conditions and food we eat]. Mabulandlela Tsonga Nationals as the King
or first born of Africa / Zion / Sunny / Langeni the son of Berber
meaning Berberic in English as most of the names of the Mabulandlela
to African were nicknames then African need the Altar question is which
Church is an African Altar praying God in African way and doing the
following the church is named Zion Church. The story from God the
creator is as follows: The Document begins by quotation of 1st Corinthians
Chapter 12 that speaks of the different types of Spiritual gifts and saying that
is like one body which each part depends on other part of the body. On My
dreams I have been told that: Every things is conjunctions and it belongs to
Church as the Church itself it is the Conjunctions from old God of the Israelite
its Constitution is the Holy Bible and is not a Church of fashion ,being a pastor
is not the position and the Church doesnt goes or changes with times is a
conjunction itself ,the Churches prophecy is not a gift it belongs to church
which also a conjunction meaning everything: Example God created Earth
and Heaven in Six days then rested on the Seventh day then calls Seven
days a Week ,4 Weeks a Months and 12 Month a Year then after 4004 years
sent his only son ,Jesus Christ was sent to perform three conjunction ,to be
given birth as a human being, to pave for the Holy Spirit and to Die for our sin
so that when we ask for forgiveness and we forgiven ,whereby he did it all.
Jesus died and rises on the third day, he appeared to his apostles for 40 days
then get back to Heaven whereby he stayed for 10 days and God poured the
Holy Spirit that went to the whole World via apostles, after 1,910 years AD
Holy Spirit went to African Family from the likes of Roman Catholic Church,
Assemblies of God and Apostolic Faith Mission. [Family tree from God to Holy
Spirit including years] 1, 910 years has past after the birth of Jesus Christ or
1, 910 in the year of our lord Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit came to Africa in
tradition is the year 1910 AD. The year 1910 AD Africa was poured by
Holly Spirit as the Church was Named African Church of Christ meaning
the following is the Conjunctions: The Church is Govern by Holly Spirit
Meaning that African Bishops of all Christian Church are the Churchs Holy
Spirit, No individuals they are the Church, Pastor and Prophet of the African
Family Altar, then everyone at the Congregants belongs to the Church and
are performing Conjunction as Engenas performed his Conjunction by
founding the Church, by the way they are one, Spiritually. The Church also
baptize by the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit [Mathews 28:18, 19 & 20]
the church is govern by Holy Spirit. The Church of Christ Meaning that it
changes Ordinary people and Criminals into Congregants or Christian, it
changes Criminals and Baloi [witch doctors] into Pastors and it changes Baloi
and Inyangas [Herbalist] into prophets all for African Christian Church. As the
Church is the Christian church, it celebrates Jesus Christs birth day, and it
remembers the death of Christ which is Good Friday. The Church that
praises God in African way meaning that as an African Church it respect
African Cultures and Tradition, and it honors African Kings and Chief as also
have a house of the Kings and Chiefs, also celebrates African New Year as
our African forefathers believes in Farming and Planting so September
Months was their New Year not knowing the actual date but the first week
they use to celebrate Spring day. Meaning the Church doesnt belongs to the
Family but belongs to the African Family Forefathers of the African tribe of
Simeone the son of Jacob is just that the Lekganyane family was chosen to
be the African Altar by God in order to pray for Simeone and other African
Grandfathers for forgiveness. The Church that prays for the past and future
Meaning that it prays for the African forefathers mainly Simeone who was
cursed by his father and his Tribe which is the African tribe, as everyone told
to pray for his Forefathers for forgiveness from God. The future is to pray for
our Children and Grand Children who are even not born yet for the protection
by Holy Spirit from the Evil Spirit so that they can carry on building the legacy
of our Forefathers and God to fulfill Gods will from Geneses 1:28, from 2
people Adam and Eve to 6 which are Noahs Children after the flood to
Billions of people as life still have a long way to go to fulfill Gods will. The
Church that prays for each other doesnt Judge Meaning the Churchs
Congregants doesnt blame or judge someone we just pray for each other.
The Holy Spirit or churchs Constitution is a Holy Bible that guides us.
Knowing that Holy Spirit its fighting Satans Evil Spirit. Satans Evil Spirit has
no Constitution or rules only Symptoms which is Greedy, Selfish and
Showoffs only to hurt others, the Church also prays for Jails, Hospitals, those
claiming to be our enemies and Everyone knowing that we are all Satans
victims the only sinner is Satan and we are all Gods Children who loves us all
is just that Satan is using us or tempting by positions to absent. The Church
of the poor doesnt go with times the old church of the old God Meaning we
are all poor victims of Devil on the eyes of God that is the reason he sent his
only son to die for us, as sometimes we commit sin not knowing what we
have done. In simple words the World is full of poor People most of them, the
only thing they have is more money and the knowledge of how to make
money. The question is what is rich ,the answer is, rich has many steps ,the
first step is wisdom ,the first step of wisdom is knowledge and the step of
knowledge is knowing where we are coming from ,the answer is we are
coming from God from our forefathers not forgetting our roots ,our families
and relatives in love and respect of God. Loving yourself before attempting to
love others is a wise move. Most of us respect some because of what they
have accumulated not because of what they have, that is the question how do
you understand Poor, Rich or Life, life is God. The church that Confesses Sin
Meaning that as we are poor on the eyes of God, God also gave us chance of
confessing sins, then we abuses the rights not knowing that we are killing our
future. Every sin has unforeseen punishment a better answer is on the book
of Deuteronomy on our African Constitution. Lastly every Family of the first
born of the house has Family Altar step by step, for confession sometimes we
confess in front of elder family members and the Altar is erected by elder
family members from the old home, we need to pray God of our Forefathers
in pride.
Verses: Genesis 49 Then Jacob called for his sons and said: Gather around
so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.2 Assemble and
listen, sons of Jacob; listen to your father Israel.3 Reuben, you are my
firstborn, my might, the first sign of my strength, excelling in honor, excelling
in power.4 Turbulent as the waters, you will no longer excel, for you went up
onto your fathers bed, onto my couch and defiled it.5 Simeon and Levi are
brothers their swords are weapons of violence.6 Let me not enter their
council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their
anger and hamstrung oxen as they pleased.7 Cursed be their anger, so fierce,
and their fury, so cruel! I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in
Israel.8 Judah, your brothers will praise you; your hand will be on the neck of
your enemies; your fathers sons will bow down to you.9 you are a lions cub,
Judah; you return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies
down, like a lionesswho dares to rouse him?10 The scepter will not depart
from Judah, nor the rulers staff from between his feet, until he to whom it
belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his.11 He will
tether his donkey to a vine, his colt to the choicest branch; he will wash his
garments in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes.12 His eyes will be darker
than wine, his teeth whiter than milk. Deuteronomy 33 Moses Blesses the
Tribes of [Jacob] or Israelite without mentioning Simeon as he was cursed but
he mentioned Levi as Moses is a Hebrew the tribe of Levi, Josephs children
were mentioned [Ephraim and Manasseh counted as Jacobs children
Genesis 48].Numbers 2 the Arrangement of the Israelites Tribal Camps after
the deliverance from Egypt during the year 1525 BC as is the birth year of
Moses meanwhile Abraham the grandfather of the Israelites were born in
1996 BC, Noah the grandfather of the whole world was born in 2948 BC and
the creation of the world was 4004 BC Genesis 5.Ezekiel 48 the Division of
the Land promised to Abraham by God for the 12 tribes of Israel including 2
sons of Joseph not forgetting the curse by Jacob [Father].1 Chronicles 4 the
sons of Judah from 1 to 23 and the sons of Simeon from 24 to 43 whereby
the sons of Simeon end up staying with Hams Children [Ham father of
Egyptian Genesis 5].

After Berlin Meeting in Germany 1914 in colonisation era standing: Phahlela Sivulayi Bila,Booi/Masenger and

Nwanati youth leader.Sitted:Ramabulani & Makhado Venda ,Mhinga & Xikundu Maluleke ,Xivasa & his father
Mhlahlandlela and Nyavani Mabunda after they have chosen Nwanati family to be regent.
First: Mhlahlandlela, Second Nyavani Hlave and Last Nghunghunyani Mdunwazi

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