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CANUTO, JAKE ALISON L. (PhD Agricultural Education, April 2008)


This study aimed to determine the benefits and implications to agricultural development of the
cold storage system in Benguet. The beneficiaries were composed of 20 each of the farmers, staffs, traders,
farmer traders, and laborers who were directly involved in using the cold storage system. The findings
show that the greatest number of users of the cold storage system ranges in age from 36 40 years old. The
majorities are males and are married. Furthermore, most of them are college graduates. The study found out
that the perceptions of the beneficiaries on the extent of management of using the cold storage system along
planning, leading/coordination and evaluation significantly differs and they rated as high extent. Perceived
physical factors that affect the extent of management of the cold storage system is the accessibility to the
market according to the users. As to the internal environmental factors, having a good and honest officers
and management staff are important in order to be satisfied with the management of the cold storage
system. However on the economic, social, cultural and external factors, no significant differences were
observed among the user of the cold storage system. As to the level of satisfaction of farmers, staffs,
traders, farmertraders and laborers using the cold storage system especially on evaluation are very much
satisfied. According to them, continuous evaluation should be done in order to take note of the progress of
the project and to know weaknesses for revisions in order to insure success of the project. As a whole, the
users perceptions as to the extent of benefits derived from using the cold storage system is very much
beneficial. They differ in their perceptions on the extent of benefits they derived in using the cold storage



CAWAING, DIVINA A. (PhD Educational Management, May 2008)


The study determined the Grade l reading competencies, effectiveness of techniques utilized,
contribution of factors to effective reading instruction, performance of pupils along reading competencies,
problems encountered by teachers, and possible suggestions for effective reading instruction.
Along competencies, the findings show that the following were highly attained: identify the things
that are similar/different in a given set of objects, letters and words, recognize words that rhyme, recognize
words through structural analysis, associate name of objects with their printed symbols, tell what the
picture or series of pictures is all about, select appropriate heading for a set of related pictures and words,
answer wh questions, sequence events in a series of pictures, and perceive relationship as to function and
part-whole. Moderately attained are increase ones vocabulary, select appropriate heading for a set of
phrases and sentences, identify the setting, character and events in the story, sequence events in the story,
predict outcome, infer character traits, and infer what happens after and before an event.
Techniques found to be very effective are picture clues and visual clues. The effective techniques
are memory, structural analysis, teaching vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The factors which
contributed much to effective reading instruction are classrooms which are conducive to learning,
coordination wholly with parents, supportive parents, textbooks, audio visual aids, workbooks, visual aids,
charts, and flash cards. As to the reading performance of pupils, they are excellent along select appropriate

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heading for a set of related pictures. Moreover, they are very satisfactory in identifying the things that are
similar/different in a given set of objects and letters, select appropriate heading for a set of related words
and sentences, and identify the setting, character and events in the story. However, they are below
satisfactory along infer the traits of character and infer what happens before and after an event. Finally,
they need improvement along sequence events in a story. The following are the problems encountered: 50
pupils per class, lack of follow-up by parents, poor study habits of pupils, entrance age of pupils, lack of
interest of pupils to read, absenteeism, and textbooks do not cater to the needs of pupils.
Suggestions to effective reading instruction, are the following: provision of disposable workbooks,
introduction of phonics to pupils by teachers, supportive parents, provision of teaching guides, inculcate
love for reading among Grade l pupils, entrance age of pupils should be seven, remedial reading, textbooks
should cater to the needs of pupils, and pupils should avoid absenteeism.



CUYAN, AURORA S. (PhD Educational Management, October 2008)

LEONILA R. SITO, Ph.D., Adviser

This normative descriptive investigation ascertained the teaching-learning experiences of students

with diverse background in the State Universities and Colleges in Northern Philippines. Specifically, it
determined the comparative perception of students, teachers, and administrators with regards the learning
experiences of students, the felt consequences of diversity, the differences in the perceived teaching-
learning experiences between administrators, teachers and students, the extent of implementing institutional
& instructional practices in relation to students diverse background, problems encountered in the teaching-
learning students, and comparisons in the perceptions of stakeholders in the problems encountered.
Collectively, 569 students, 275 teachers and 55 administrators were randomly generated. The
computation of percentages, weighted mean scores, and simple ranking were employed. To test the
hypotheses, the Analysis of Variance was used and when the computed F-values proved significant, the test
of Least Significance Differences identified the specific significant differences. Data were interpreted at the
0.05 level of confidence.
Salient findings were: 1) The student-respondents rarely encountered unfavorable teaching-
learning experiences in relation to their ethnic, gender, scholastic abilities, religion and socio-economic
status. 2) On the comparison on extent of teaching-learning experiences along identified student variables:
a) female respondents were more negatively affected along the teaching-learning treatment compared to the
males; b) students of average abilities perceived significantly unfavorable experiences compared to these of
poor and above average abilities; c) Roman Catholics significantly reported negative treatment along
religious issues than the non-Catholics; d) middle class students perceived significantly untoward treatment
than those in high and low socio-economic status; e) non-Cordillerans experienced significantly
unfavorable treatment along scholastic abilities and; f) those from Region I and CAR significantly
experienced negative treatment than those from Region II along ethnic differences and religion while those
from CAR reported significantly unwanted treatment along abilities. 3) The respondents generally felt
positive personal, social and academic effects in relation to their diverse background. 4) The Teacher
Training Institutions in State Universities and Colleges in the Northern Philippines greatly implemented
practices related to the admission, classroom instruction, classroom management and teachers qualities
towards students of diverse background. However, the students disagreed with the administrators and
teachers perception on the extent of implementing of such practices. 5) Problems related to the
management in teaching of students with diverse background along resources and teaching
approaches/strategies were identified to be moderately serious.

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DOLENDO, RUSSELL B. (PhD Educational Management, May 2008)


The study looked into the practices of management roles in Benguet State University. Specifically,
it determined 1) the management roles practiced at Benguet State University; 2) the perceived level of
effectiveness of the management roles, and 3) the factors contributory to the practice of management roles.
The study involved 31 respondents having managerial designations and 76 randomly selected subordinates
in the different colleges and unit offices identified in the study. The descriptive survey method was used. A
questionnaire was used to collect the data. Statistical tools used were frequency counts and weighted
means while the t-test was used to determine significant differences and effects on the perception of
The management practices as compared to the level of management function and nature of service
significantly differ. There are significant differences in the perceived level of effectiveness of the
management roles; and when they are contrasted according to level of management, function/nature of
service. The extent of effect of contributory factors: person and system factors to the practice of
management roles significantly differ. These factors have significant differences when their extent of effect
is compared between managers and subordinates.
Findings showed that: 1) Managers practice the essential management roles. 2) Managers play
different roles, functions, and are required diverse skills. Different informational, decisional and
interpersonal roles are practiced by both first and middle line managers in the academic and non-academic
areas of the university. 3) The respondents recognize the effective practice of management roles at Benguet
State University. 4) The extent of practice of management roles at Benguet State University is affected by
person and system factors.



OSBEN, DOLORES G. (PhD Educational Management, April 2008)

CARLOS P. LUMA-ANG, Ed.D., Adviser

Job performance and job satisfaction were evaluated to find out the relationship and significant
difference of each aspect. The respondents were grouped to evaluate job performance and job satisfaction
according to age, gender, civil status, tenure of service and individual performance-based awards received.
Further, this study dealt with finding out the degree of seriousness of problems encountered in the
implementation of individual performance based awards and the level of need on the education/training
programs offered by LandBank as perceived by respondent-employees. Most of the respondents are
females and majority of them belongs to age bracket of 37 to 40, have been with the bank for 11 to 16 years
and are married.
LandBank employees level of job performance is highly commendable. Performance of
employees is not significantly affected by age, gender, civil status, tenure of service and awards received.
Job satisfaction level of LandBank employees is moderate in all categories of economic; physical plant
and facilities; and social aspect. The meaning of this result is that employees gave high regard to economic;
physical plant and facilities; and social aspect as factors affecting their job satisfaction. Age is a
determinant of job satisfaction. This implies that employees satisfaction level on the above categories is
influence by their age. Gender, tenure of service and awards received are not determinants of job
satisfaction on all categories of economic, physical plant and facilities, and social aspect. While civil status
was affected by economic aspect which means that civil status influences job satisfaction on economic
Correlating the level of job performance and job satisfaction, under economic aspect, job
satisfaction does not necessarily affect job performance. Factors such as physical plant and facilities and

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social aspect has strong relationship which affects job performance and job satisfaction. Respondents with
high satisfaction level on physical plant and facilities and social aspect have high job performance.
Comparing the rating of the degree of seriousness of problems, the result is serious. The meaning of this is
that employees considered the problems encountered in the implementation of individual merit increase as
factor affecting their job performance and job satisfaction. Employees gave a high level of need on the
education programs offered by the bank. This implies that employees value advancement. When provided,
level of job performance and job satisfaction will be higher.



PASCUA, JORELYN S. (PhD Educational Management, October 2008)


The study looked into the integration and implementation of environmental education in the public
elementary education curriculum in Baguio City. Specifically, it determined 1) the environmental education
(EE) contents and evaluation strategies used in the integration and implementation of environmental
education in the public elementary education curriculum; 2) the extent of implementation and attainment of
the objectives (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) and programs; 3) the extent of effect of the
integration of the environmental education activities; and, 4) the extent of effect of the various factors
affecting the extent of implementation and attainment of the objectives and programs as they are integrated
in the public elementary education curriculum in Baguio City. The study involved the lone division science
supervisor, nine school heads/principals, and 80 science teachers. However, the science supervisor and
school heads/principals were counted in the population of the science teachers since before reaching their
positions, they once became teachers. There were also 350 pupil respondents of the study belonging to the
sixth grade. The causal-comparative and descriptive research methods were used. Questionnaires were used
to collect data. Statistical tools used were frequency counts and weighted means while the F-test was used
to determine the significant differences and effects on the perception of the respondents.
Findings showed that: 1) The science teacher respondents perceived the contents and evaluation
strategies used in EE to vary per grade level. 2) In general, the implementation of the objectives of EE is at
moderate level. The teacher respondents perceived the implementation of the cognitive objectives and
programs of EE as moderately implemented. While the pupil respondents perceived the implementation as
significantly implemented. The attainment of the cognitive objectives as perceived by both science teacher
and the pupil respondents is at the moderate level. The perceived implementation and attainment of
affective objectives by the science teacher and pupil respondents is at significant level. It is further
perceived by both groups of respondents that the implementation and attainment of the objectives under the
psychomotor domain is at moderate level. The findings show that the implementation and attainment of all
the objectives of EE appear to be not significant which mean that the pupils have internalized the
environmental values shared by the science teachers as well as the school administrators. 3) As to the
effect of the integration of various environmental activities, the respondents generally perceived that the
effect is not significant at a moderate level. However, the science teacher respondents specifically believed
that the effect of integration is at significant level. While the pupil respondents, is at moderate level. The
EE activities that are perceived to have significant effects are: reading environmental-related issues,
lecturing on environmental topics in the classroom, conducting school zoning, greening activities like tree
planting; using an interdisciplinary approach, like using the Makabayan subjects during scientific field of
study; segregating waste management (bio and non-biodegradable); and, recycling the garbage project.
Perceived to have moderate effects are the following; conducting debates and small group discussions on
environmental issues/problems; conducting research projects such as investigatory projects; inviting
resource speakers to talk about environmental-related topics; conducting solving problem, simulation and
role playing activities; showing nature videos and animations in the classroom, like sine eskwela;
undertaking environmental projects with the community; attending public meetings and seminars regarding
environmental issues; involving pupils in different environmental clubs or organization, like Science Club,
YES-O; joining poster and slogan making contests related to environmental care; making environmental
modification; and, making use of modern science equipment. The findings show a significant difference

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between the perception of the teacher and pupil respondents. This is due to the various factors such as level
of environmental knowledge and concerns acquired and experienced by the respondents. 4) There are three
identified factors affecting the implementation and attainment of EE, namely; curriculum, psychosocial,
and cultural practices. Both the curriculum and cultural practices factors are perceived to have a moderate
effect in the implementation of EE in the public elementary education. The psychosocial factor is perceived
to have a significant effect. Significant effects under the curriculum factor are: availability of curriculum
materials, training of teachers on environmental education, availability of schoolyard habitat and outdoor
classrooms, pupils interest in EE of the society in general, continuity of support from the government
through DepEd and motivation of pupils participation in environmental activities. Perceived to have a
moderate effect are; funds for EE training for teachers, availability of environmental experts to serve as
consultant, priority given to EE matters, allocation of the government education program to support
projects such as training workshops, fieldtrips and cost and difficulty of arranging transportation for field
trips. Specifically, the pupils perception on the extent of effect of the curriculum factors is at the
significant level, while the teacher respondents, moderate level. This is also true with the cultural practices
where there are three identified practices such as: beliefs; ethnic group; and, norms. The pupil respondents
believed that the extent of effect of each is at significant level except for the norms, at moderate effect. The
teacher respondents perceived all to have a moderate effect. For the psychosocial factor, which is perceived
to have significant effect in its implementation and attainment, under it, the perceived parts to have
moderate effects are: educational attainment; influence of media; and, religious affiliation. While the
attitude, awareness and knowledge, have significant effect.



VILLAGRACIA, LIEZL B. (PhD Educational Management, May 2008)


The study determined the level of competency of teachers in teaching music along the following
skills: singing, listening, creating, moving, reading and playing; and the correlation between the profile and
level of competencies of teachers. The study also focused on the teaching approaches in music used by the
teachers; the factors that affect the level of competency of the teachers and the musical activities and
programs of the school to enhance their musical skills.
The findings showed that the teachers are competent in singing, listening and moving but fairly
competent in creating or composing, reading (notes using the letter-names and solfa-syllables) and playing
(piano or keyboard). There is a significant difference on the level of competencies of teachers and their
profile in educational attainment, experience in teaching and experience in teaching music. The findings
also showed that the teaching approaches used by the teachers, the round singing and the different rote
methods in singing were used moderately while the modern approaches such as the Cone-Royt, Dalcroze,
Kodaly, Orff and musical production were fairly used. The factors with great influence in the enhancement
of the competencies of teachers were related to the unavailability of the musical equipment in the
classroom like the piano or keyboard; the teachers were not knowledgeable on how to enhance some of the
musical skills and too many students/pupils in a classroom. On the other hand, the factors with moderate
influence were related to the many papers to checked by the teachers; not knowledgeable on how to use
some of the teaching approaches and unavailability of the CD or cassette player.
The activities and programs for teachers were fair in terms of the frequency of occurrence in their
respective schools. The activities/programs were related to the seminar-workshop on enhancement of the
musical skills teaching approaches; and benchmarking to the different schools that specialized in music

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AMBRONA, JONALYN C. (MAEd Educational Administration & Supervision, October 2008)


The study was conducted to determine the extent of implementation of the Competency-Based
Training Program Approach (CBTPA) in the Technical-Vocational Schools in Baguio City, degree of the
factors affecting the implementation of the CBTPA and degree of monitoring of TESDA on the
implementation of the Competency-Based Training Program Approach. There were 60 respondents taken
from the nine Technical-Vocational Schools in Baguio City. The study revealed a moderate implementation
of the Competency-Based Training Program Approach in the Technical-Vocational Schools in Baguio City.
The degree of the factors affecting the respondents implementation of the Competency-Based Training
Program Approach is moderate. There is a significant difference in the degree of the factors affecting the
respondents implementation as shown in the Friedman Rank Test at .05 level of significance. The degree
of monitoring of TESDA on the implementation of the Competency-Based Training Program Approach is



BAGAYAO, FERNANDO C. (MAEd Educational Administration & Supervision, April 2008)


Considered in analyzing the status of Bakun public school administrators were the personal and
professional profile of 14 school heads and 102 elementary school teachers; extent of application of the
management practices as perceived by the school administrators and teachers themselves; and the
differences between the teachers and school administrators perception on the application of the
management practices.
The personal and professional profile of school administrators and teachers vary in terms of their
age, civil status, highest educational attainment and length of service. The school administrators of Bakun
District very much applied the different management practices. On the other hand, teachers also perceived
that the school administrators very much applied coordinating and organizing practices. However, there are
still inadequacies on the extent of their application in terms of planning, motivating, controlling, evaluating,
and supervising. The results revealed that school administrators still need to improve their skills along these
areas. In controlling practices, the perceptions of school administrators and teachers significantly differ.
The administrators need to improve their practices along these areas.



CELINO, DANTE A. (MAEd Educational Administration & Supervision, May 2008)


Classroom Management is one of the functions of teachers in any institution. Therefore, varied
discipline is needed to maintain classroom conditions that will enable students to achieve their instructional
objectives efficiently and that will enable the learners to learn. Effective classroom discipline approach is a
major prerequisite to effective classroom management.
Teachers competence in the use of the discipline approaches is largely a function of their
understanding of the dynamics of the different discipline approaches. There is no best approach to
discipline of the learners but being able to continuously select and apply varied approaches desirable for

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each situation is likely to be effective in facilitating and maintaining classroom conditions deemed
The study disclosed that: 1) Acceptance Approach was always utilized by the Secondary Teachers
while Preventive Approach was the least utilized. In general, the degree of use of the discipline approaches
significantly differ along the personal profile of the respondents and generally the discipline approaches are
very much used. 2) Teaches significantly differ in their perceptions in the extent of use of the discipline
approaches, if grouped according to age, civil status, gender, and years in service, Acceptance Approach
still prevails as the always used approach in managing students while Assertive Approach and Preventive
Approach are the least used. Educational qualifications do not affect the use of the disciplinary approaches.
However, if grouped according to educational qualifications, Business Academic Approach is very much
used while Preventive Approach is the least used. 3) The different approaches as perceived by the teacher
were moderately effective. Business Academic Approach and Acceptance Approach are perceived as very
effective while Group Managerial, Group Guidance, Success, Assertive, Behavioral Modification and
Preventive Approaches were perceived as moderately effective. 4) The extent of the discipline approaches
has significant differences with the extent of use of the discipline approaches among the teachers.
Acceptance Approach and Business Academic Approach were perceived as advantageous when
persistently used in developing behavioral repertoire.



DICOS, REYNALDO P. (MAEd Educational Administration & Supervision, April 2008)


The objectives of this study were to determine the level of performance in the National
Achievement Test in Math, Science and English and the multiple intelligences of the students. The study
aimed also to determine the factors that affect the National Achievement Test (NAT) performance of the
students and the differences in the perceptions of the school heads, teachers, and students on the degree of
effect of the identified factors. The respondents of the study were 18 school heads, 99 teachers in Math,
Science and English, and 1,113 third year students in randomly selected high schools in Benguet. To gather
the needed data, survey-questionnaires and Multiple Intelligences Test were administered. The data were
tabulated and analyzed using the Friedman's Test and Spearman's correlation test.
The findings reveal that the students in Benguet perform average mastery in English and Science
and below mastery in Mathematics in the NAT during the school year 2006-2007. The students in Benguet
have varied intelligences but their top three inclinations in decreasing order are interpersonal intelligence,
natural intelligence, and linguistic intelligence. They are weak in logical-mathematical intelligence, bodily-
kinesthetic intelligence, and intra personal intelligence. The NAT results and the multiple intelligences test
results do not have any significant correlation. The identified factors-student level, teacher level, and school
level, affect significantly the students' NAT. The school heads, teachers, and students differ in their
perceptions as to the effect of the student level factors and teacher factors on the NAT performance, but
their perceptions do not differ on the effect of the school level factors.



LAPEA, ROSELYN ANN C. (MAEd Educational Administration & Supervision, April 2008)

The study identified the level of teachers reading comprehension approaches. These approaches
are: a) Gradual psychological unfolding approach, b) Directed reading thinking activity, c) Language
experience approach and d) Dialogical thinking reading lesson. The study determined the approaches they
use in teaching reading comprehension; and found the problems encountered by teachers in teaching

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reading comprehension. The study consisted of 32 randomly selected teachers of grade V. A questionnaire
was used to collect the data. Chi-square, Friedman test, and Kendals concordance was used to determine
the significant differences of the data.
Teachers age, gender, highest educational attainment and numbers of years in teaching reading
did not affect the teachers reading comprehension approaches. There were significant differences of
problems encountered by teachers in teaching reading comprehension along poor comprehension and poor
recognition. The area with moderately serious problem was limited to skipping the word without noticing
the omission.



MATON, TEFANNY S. (MAEd Educational Administration & Supervision, April 2008)


The study determined the level of knowledgeability of teachers and staff on Total Quality
Management in private elementary schools in La Trinidad, Benguet; the relationship between the
educational profile of teachers and staff and the level of knowledgeability on Total Quality Management;
the level of implementation of Total Quality Management principles, and the perceived effects of practicing
Total Quality Management principles to teachers, staff and students. The study was conducted in 12
different private elementary schools of La Trinidad, Benguet. There were 116 respondents.
Results indicate that there is a significant difference in the level of knowledgeability of teachers on
Total Quality Management principles in private elementary schools in La Trinidad, Benguet. In addition,
teachers are fully knowledgeable of TQM principles on synergistic relationship, continuous improvement
and self-evaluation, systems planning approach and leadership. Nonetheless, the educational profiles of
teachers to the level of educational attainment, eligibility, length of service, and level of educational
attainment, eligibility, length of service, and number of trainings do not necessarily affect their
knowledgeability on TQM principles. They were all equally knowledgeable whether they only have a
bachelors degree, they are new in the profession or whether they have a lot or few trainings. Moreover,
these TQM principles are very much implemented by teachers in their fields since teachers are well aware
of the positive effects TQM principles have on them at a personal and professional level like character and
professional growth as well as TQM principles positive effects on student achievement like better
academic performance.



BATIL, MARIVIC T. (MAEd Elementary Education, May 2008)

TOMASA P. BUASEN, Ed.D., Adviser

The study determined the frequency and efficiency of use of the identified strategies in organizing
instructional materials by multi-grade teachers in Benguet; how the efficiency of these teachers compare as
to length of service, number and level of trainings; and, problems encountered in relation to the
organization of instructional materials. The respondents of the study were 169 multi-grade teachers from
selected schools in Benguet.
Findings reveal that multi-grade teachers store teacher-made tests, skits and stories with lesson
plans in folders and that these lesson plans are accompanied with instructional materials very often. There
is a need however of teachers to key and organize their instructional materials in technological device.
Although on the overall mean reveals that the teachers are efficient in using the identified strategies. While
length of service and level of trainings are not significant; more trainings and application is. The problems
encountered are led by heavy teaching load and the lack of technological device for storing instructional
materials. Hence, it is recommended that multi-grade teachers be given the opportunity to procure the

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needed device and proper trainings for its use through the help of school administrators, PTCA and other
concerned agencies.



BULAY, JANET L. (MAEd Elementary Education, October 2008)

DIVINA M. YANGO, Ph.D., Adviser

The National Achievement Test (NAT) mastery level percentage of grade six pupils in the five
subject areas and the factors that affect the NAT performance of grade VI pupils were sought in this study.
The findings revealed that pupils in Mankayan District performed highest in Filipino and lowest in
Science in the NAT given during the school year 2007-2008. Performance of pupils does not differ when
compared according to class size. On the other hand, pupils performances significantly differ when
compared according to status of the school. The identified pupil and teacher factors highly affect the pupils
performance. Meanwhile, family-home and school-environmental factors moderately affects the NAT
performance of grade VI pupils.
On pupil factors, a physical aspect, such as health problem and malnutrition highly affects the
pupils performance. Under emotional aspect, showing enthusiasm and excitement in every lesson, and low
self-esteem were perceived to have a great effect while hyperactivities of the learners have moderate effect.
Deemed highly effective under social aspect are disciplined parents and no time of parents to follow-up
their children at home. The physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects of home factors have moderate effect
on the pupils performance. Along the teacher factors, all the variables under social and cognitive aspects
have high effect on the pupils performance. Moderately affecting the pupils performance are the physical
aspects. Perceived to have high effect on the pupils performance along the school factors are lack of
reading center, lack of science laboratory and class size of above 40. Meanwhile, lack of audio
visual/media center, lack ICT materials, availability of non-electronics visual, availability of print
resources, and class size below 40 were deemed as to have moderate effect on the pupils performance.



CALNGAN, MECHELLE P. (MAEd Elementary Education, May 2008)

LEONILA R. SITO, Ph.D., Adviser

The study dealt with classroom management practices and approaches in the elementary level.
Specifically, it tried to find out the behavior problems that elementary teachers in La Trinidad, Benguet
encounter; the extent that teachers apply classroom management practices in terms of instruction,
organization and management and relationship with students. Further, it tried to examine how teachers
compare their classroom practices along their educational attainment, length of service and levels they
teach. Respondents of the study are eighty-nine public elementary school teachers in twenty-three schools
in La Trinidad. They were selected through stratified random sampling and classified according to their
educational status, number of years in teaching, and level taught. In this normative descriptive research,
descriptive statistics like frequency counts, computation of weighted mean, simple ranking were used. To
further analyze the data, some inferential statistics treatment was utilized like Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) and the post hoc test of Least Significant Differences. Data were interpreted at .05 level of
It was gathered that teachers frequently observe disruptive behaviors among their pupils and
seldom would they observe the hostile reactions. In order to maintain order in class and meet the learning
goals in their day to day activities, they very frequently employ tactics such as maintaining good
relationship with the pupils, keeping their activities well organized and managed, and by seeing to it that
good instruction is maintained. When the teachers classroom management practices were compared
according to their highest educational attainment, length of teaching and the level they are handling, no

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significant differences were found. This meant that despite the differences in the teachers professional
status, they all were employing the same degree of classroom management practices. The teachers also
agree to use varied approaches to maintain a pleasant learning atmosphere. Comparatively, the most
prevalent approaches they use were group processes, socio-emotional and authoritative approaches, and
that they tend to least agree with the use of permissive and intimidating approaches. It implies that teachers
knew what approach would work best in given situations and considered the background and needs of each
It is concluded that the misbehaviors that teachers observe among their pupils are a normal part of
their growth however the teachers are doing their part in molding these children to become upright
individuals. They used different practices in the classroom and approved the use of an array of approaches
in order that quality learning is attained.



CHADYA-AS, BASILIA P. (MAEd Elementary Education, May 2008)

DIVINA M. YANGO. Ph.D. Adviser:

This study determined the level of academic performance of the intermediate grade pupils in
Filipino at Easter College, Baguio City. Further, it identified the factors that affect the academic
performance of the intermediate grade pupils in Filipino and the extent of influence of the factors on the
academic performance.
Results indicate that the intermediate grade pupils have an average level of academic
performance. To improve the level of academic performance of the pupils and the extent of influence of the
factors from moderate to much or very much extent, there is a need for the teachers handling Filipino to
discuss and identify strategies on how to help pupils improve their academic performance. It is important
for the school principal and the teachers to discuss and see how class schedules could redound to a more
conducive atmosphere for the teaching learning process.



CHOGSAYAN, KAREN GRACE A. (MAEd Elementary Education, April 2008)

DIVINA M. YANGO, Ph.D., Adviser

The study determined the level of competence of the grade five pupils of Pacday Quinio
Elementary School, Baguio City. It studied the level of English competence along the subject verb
agreement, verb forms, pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions, and vocabulary; and the degree of
seriousness of the factors affecting the performance of the pupils in written English.
Results indicated that most of the respondents are grammatically incompetent along subject verb
agreement, verb forms, prepositions and conjunctions, and vocabulary, while they are moderately
competent with the use of pronouns, though it still needs to be strengthened. Learner related problems,
which have serious effects on the written English grammar of the respondents, include difficulty of the
English subject, lack of exposure to English television programs, and the respondents preference in
translating English statements to their local dialect. The respondents said that absenteeism has a moderate
serious effect on their grammatical performance while the most probable problem with a very serious effect
is their lack or ignorance of many English words. The overall result shows that the learner related
problems have a serious effect on the grammatical performance of the pupils. Teacherrelated problems,
which have a serious effect on the level of competence of the respondents, include the following: they
seldom hear their teacher speak in English and their English teacher seldom gives writing activities. The
failure of the teachers to correct mistakes on time and fast explanation of the lesson has moderately serious
effect. The problem with a very serious effect is that the teachers allow their pupils to answer their

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questions, which were asked in English, answered in Filipino or in their local dialect. The overall result
shows that the learner related problems have a serious effect on the level of English competence of the
subjects. Finally, school related problems, which have very serious effects on the respondents include,
lack of activities designed to help the pupils enhance their English skills, lack of supplemental reading
materials in the classroom and library, speaking in English is not strictly implemented inside and outside
the classroom, and there is seldom remedial lessons in English. The unavailability of the library has serious
effect on the subjects.



DURANTE, ANTONIA M. (MA Elementary Education, April 2008)

TOMASA P. BUASEN, Ed.D., Adviser

The study determined the extent of use of Millers instructional dimensions of multigrade and
monograde primary teachers; the differences of perceptions of multigrade and monograde primary teachers
on the use of Millers instructional dimensions; the level of performance of multigrade and monograde
primary pupils in English; and the relationship between the extent of use of Millers instructional
dimensions and the level of performance of monograde and multigrade primary pupils.
The findings show that the monograde and multigrade primary teachers sometimes use Millers
instructional dimensions along classroom organization, curriculum and planning, instructional delivery and
grouping, self-directed learning, and planning and peer tutoring while Millers instructional dimensions on
classroom management and discipline is always utilized by the teachers. It is revealed in the study that
there are no significant differences on the perceptions of multigrade and monograde primary teachers on
Millers instructional dimensions except that on planning and peer tutoring. There is a significant difference
between the levels of performance of multigrade and monograde primary pupils in English. Finally, there is
no significant relationship between the extent of use of Millers instructional dimensions and the level of
performance of multigrade and monograde primary pupils.



ESLAY, APRIL M. (MAEd Elementary Education, May 2008)

TOMASA P. BUASEN, Ed.D., Adviser

The main purpose of the study was to determine the level of awareness of teachers on the Multiple
Intelligences Theory; identify the strategies in developing the multiple intelligences of pupils; determine
the effectiveness of the strategies used; identify the degree of seriousness of the factors affecting the
implementation of Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory; and find the relationship between teachers awareness
on multiple intelligences and the effectiveness of the strategies used in developing multiple intelligences of
pupils. The respondents of the study were the teachers from the three public central schools of Baguio City.
Findings show that the teachers have a moderate level of awareness on MI Theory. The use of the
identified strategies in developing multiple intelligences of pupils varies. For instance, verbal linguistic and
mathematical-logical strategies were used by majority of the respondents while only a few use strategies to
develop musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist and existential
intelligences. A strategy in developing the MI has a moderate effect on the pupils performance. Factors
affecting the implementation of MI in instruction are moderately serious except for parents factors, which
showed a significant seriousness. The correlation between teachers awareness on multiple intelligence
theory and effectiveness of the strategies used by teachers to develop MI of pupils was found to be
From the findings of the study, it is recommended that seminars and trainings on multiple
intelligences should be rendered to the teachers and parents to better understand the implications of the said
theory and be well informed on the strategies that helps develop MIs of pupils. Teachers should adopt

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strategies that were found to be effective in developing MI. Finally, it is suggested that among teachers,
there should be continuous search for effective strategies to develop multiple intelligences of pupils.



FELIPE, SUSAN C. (MAEd Elementary Education, October 2008)

DIVINA M. YANGO, Ph.D., Adviser

The study aimed to determine the status of early childhood education program in public
preschools of Benguet. It aimed to find out the level of attainment of the objectives of early childhood
education, the extent of contribution of early childhood education program in the preparation of
preschoolers for grade 1 and the degree of seriousness of problems encountered in the implementation of
the early childhood education program. The respondents consisted of 20 administrators and 26 teachers
from the different public preschools of Benguet. A survey questionnaire was used to collect the data.
Findings revealed that the level of attainment of the objectives of Early Childhood Education
Program is moderately attained as perceived by the administrators and teachers when their specialization is
considered. Also, the extent of contribution of the Early Childhood Education Program has a moderate
contribution on the preparation of preschoolers for grade 1 as perceived by the respondents when position
is considered. However, the respondents perceived that the extent of contribution of ECEP give much
contribution when their specialization is considered. The following are the leading contributions of ECE
Program: Fine Motor and Gross Motor Development and the Personal and Interpersonal Skills
Development of the preschoolers. The degree of seriousness of problems encountered by both respondents
in the implementation of the early childhood education program are found to be moderately serious, except
for the teachers with ECE units or trainings who perceived it to be slightly serious. The leading problems
encountered are the following: insufficient funds for preschool, absence of development programs for
preschool teachers like seminars and workshops.



LANGBAO, JENNIFER B. (MAEd Elementary Education, April 2008)

TOMASA P. BUASEN, Ed.D., Adviser

The study determined the level of competence of respondents along the six areas of grammar: verb
usage, pronoun usage, agreement (subject-verb), adjective usage, adverb usage, and preposition; the
relationship between the respondents profile and their over-all competence in grammar; and the indicators
affecting the competence of the respondents along the six areas of grammar.
Results show that the pupils are very competent in the pronoun usage, competent in adjective
usage, moderately competent in verb and adverb usage, but fairly competent in the use of preposition and
subject-verb agreement. The respondents age, sex, and grade level has no significant effect on their over-
all competence in grammar. However, the respondents length of stay and tutorial exposure outside their
regular school has a significant effect on their over-all competence. The longer the pupils stay in the
Philippines, the better is their competence in grammar, the longer their tutorial, the better is their
competence in grammar. The indicators perceived to be facilitating the grammar competence of the
respondents along the six areas of grammar vary. Among the indicators, communicating with other
nationals in English; watching television channels and films in English; making friends with other
nationals; listening to English conversations; and participating in school activities are perceived to be very
highly facilitating. Two indicators are perceived to be moderately facilitating: using the English language
with fellow Koreans and using English websites in surfing the internet. Reading English newspapers or a
book is perceived to be fairly facilitating to the respondents level of competence in grammar. All
indicators cited are believed to facilitate both the pupils conversational skills and their grammar

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90 ABSTRACTS - College of Teacher Education

competence. The last indicators that are perceived as moderately fairly facilitating should be attended to by
the respondents to be more competent.



LOS-OK, MINDA D. (MAEd Elementary Education, April 2008)


Classroom management approaches includes the entire teachers job, strategies, techniques, skills,
approaches in fostering pupils involvement and participation in all classroom activities in order to establish
a productive learning environment. Along this line, this study determined the frequency of use of classroom
management approaches; the level of awareness of the teacher on classroom management approaches; and
the relationship between the frequency of use to the personal profile of the teachers.
Generally, the teachers very frequently use the classroom management approaches and moderately
use behavior modification approach. Teachers are very much aware of all the classroom management
approaches. The level of awareness of the teachers on classroom management approaches affects the
frequency of use of the classroom management approaches. The higher the level of awareness of the
teacher the more the extent of use of the classroom management approaches. The frequency of use of
classroom management approaches is significantly affected by age and employment service but not by
gender, educational qualifications and salary range of the teacher.



MANAS, FROILAN B. (MAEd Elementary Education, May 2008)

ROSITA G. BAWANG, Ph.D., Adviser

The study determined the extent of the Integration of Environmental Education in Grade IV
Science in the public elementary schools in La Trinidad, Benguet. Specifically, it identified the extent of
the attainment of the objectives of Environmental Education in Grade IV Science, the extent of integration
of the Environmental Education topics in teaching Grade IV Science, the extent of the adequacy and
availability of instructional materials used, the degree of seriousness of the problems encountered in the
integration of Environmental Education topics in teaching Grade IV Science and extent of effectiveness of
the solutions to the environmental problems. The respondents were 41 Grade IV Science teachers picked
out at random from 23 public elementary schools in the school district of La Trinidad, Benguet.
Findings show that the objectives of Environmental Education in Grade IV Science were almost
fully attained; the extent of integration of environmental education topics is almost fully integrated; the
extent of adequacy and availability of instructional materials were moderately adequate and sometimes
available. A significant relationship was shown on the adequacy and availability of instructional materials,
textbooks, globes, maps and charts which are usually available. However, slides, filmstrip, computers and
videotapes were lacking, textbooks, globes, maps and references are adequate, overhead projections,
phonographs, filmstrips, slides and museums are inadequate. The degree of the problems encountered by
the teachers in the integration of environmental education topics in teaching science was moderately
serious; and the extent of effectiveness of the solutions to the environmental problems was almost fully

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SALAYAO, CHERRYL S. (MAEd Elementary Education, May 2008)

DIVINA M. YANGO, Ph.D., Adviser

This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of classroom observation to teachers.
Specifically, it identified the frequency of use of the different types of classroom observation used by the
administrators; the extent of effectiveness of classroom observation on the performance of the teachers as
to: position, age, length of teaching experience, and school level; and the extent of contribution of
classroom observation to teacher instruction regardless of respondents position, age, length of teaching
experience and school level.
Findings reveal that administrators used the different types of classroom observation such as
announced, unannounced and indirect observation. The extent of effectiveness of classroom observation on
teachers performance in terms of position, age and school level was very effective. This implies that
classroom observation is helpful to improve teachers performance on the knowledge of subject matter,
approaches/methods/techniques and classroom management. The extent of contribution of classroom
observation to teacher instruction is great. It provides the teachers the chance to improve their teaching



URMAZA, ELLA MAE A. (MAEd Elementary Education, April 2008)

TOMASA P. BUASEN, Ed.D., Adviser

The study determined the academic performance of grade three pupils along English, Science and
Mathematics and their non-academic performance along cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills
whether with or without early childhood education. The respondents consisted of 229 grade three pupils
and 14 grade three teachers from seven different schools in La Trinidad, Benguet. A written performance
test was used to collect the data.
Findings reveal that a great number of grade three pupils had undergone early childhood
education. Most of them experienced day care and preschool education. Some were not able to have early
childhood education due to financial constraints and being far from the school. The level of performance of
grade three pupils in their academic skills whether with or with early childhood education is very
satisfactory. Findings show that there are significant differences in the performance of pupils in English,
Science and Mathematics as to with and without early childhood education. The results show that the pupils
who had early childhood education performed better than those without. Summary of the teachers rating
on the non-academic performance of pupils whether with or without early childhood education along
cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills is satisfactory. Majority of the teachers concluded from their
observations that pupils who have undergone early childhood education tend to excel in cognitive and
psychomotor skills, while those pupils who did not have early childhood education ranked first in affective
skill. Pupils without early childhood education before entering formal education are considered sensitive
and emotional in class. Findings show that the differences on the level of performance in the non-academic
skills of the grade three pupils whether with or without early childhood education is significant.
Finally, it is suggested that parents be more active supporters of their childrens education. Early
childhood educators believe that pre-schooling is vital in order that a child can develop their maximum
potentials; Teachers conduct researches and strategies along English, Science and Mathematics to diagnose
the pupils at the beginning of the school year; Home visitations be done regularly by teachers to look into
problems surrounding the low-performance of pupils as to help them achieve higher especially in their non-
academic skills.

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92 ABSTRACTS - College of Teacher Education



BALTAZAR, CATALINA C. (MAEd Guidance and Counseling, May 2008)

LEONILA R. SITO, Ph.D., Adviser

This study used a survey questionnaire to find out the level of self-consciousness as well as the
challenges encountered and preferred coping strategies. Moderator variables included are socio-economic
status, cultural background, gender, and year level. These variables were used to ascertain if significant
differences are present in the experience of challenges. The researcher examined the significant relationship
between the identified variables of challenges and dimensions of self-concept and the significant
relationship between self-concept and coping mechanisms.
The researcher conducted the study to 320 CCDC college students in various levels. The five
dimensions of self-concept which are self-efficacy, self-esteem, academic self-concept, social self-concept
and sense of purpose were found to be truly a characteristic of the respondents denoting that they have a
healthy judgment about themselves that plays an important role in dealing with challenges. Results showed
that respondents experience different challenges of minimal level. This study reveals the no significant
differences in the challenges when respondents are compared according to socio-economic status, cultural
background, gender and year level. When respondents are faced with challenges, the constructive coping
mechanisms are preferred than the non-constructive coping strategies. Moreover, there are inverse but
significant relationships between dimensions of self-concept and challenges while no significant
relationship is found between self-esteem and academic self-concept. Likewise, there are direct and
significant relationship between level of self-concept and extent of use of constructive coping mechanisms
but none between the level of self-concept and extent of use of non-constructive coping mechanisms.



BUYAGAN, ROWENA P. (MAEd Guidance and Counseling, May 2008)

LEONILA R. SITO, Ph.D., Adviser

This descriptive study focused on the behavior problems of secondary school students of Benguet.
Specifically, it inquired into the nature of behavior problems, the differences of these behavior problems
according to gender, level, type of school and town classification. It also determined the causes of behavior
problems, the differences when contrasted according to gender, level, type of school and town
classification. Finally, it determined the effects of misbehaviors on the academic performance, social skills
and character of the respondents. The respondents were 361 third and fourth year students who were chosen
randomly from the total enumeration. Data were organized and subjected to statistical computations using
percentages, mean scores, ANOVA (t and F-test), and the Duncan Multiple Range Test as post hoc test
when the F-values proved significant.
Results revealed that the secondary level students of Benguet perceived behavior problems like
violations against social policies, social skills and violations against relationships to be a slightly serious
problem. Female students apparently perceived the behavior problems to be more disturbing than their male
counterpart in all the three types of behavior problems. The fourth year students had higher level of
perception of the behavior problems than the third year students but these are not significant. When the
behavior problems were contrasted according to type of school, it is revealed that students from the public
schools significantly perceive more serious problems related to social, school policies and relationships
than the students from the private schools. Similarly, when behavior problems were compared according to
town classification, it revealed that students from the fourth class towns perceived the social policies to be
significantly serious than those from the other classes while students from the third class significantly
perceive social policies to be least serious. Students from first, second and third class towns considered
school policies to be significantly serious than those from the fourth class. Along violations against
relationship, those from first and second class towns perceived these problems to be significantly serious

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than the students from other town classifications while students of fourth class perceived these problems to
be least serious.
In terms of the causes of misbehaviors, the students in the secondary level perceived personal
factors, peers, family, school and environment to have considerable contribution to their behavior
problems. It was also found out that the female students are more significantly affected than male students
by personal factors, peers, family, school and environment. When the causal factors were compared
according to level, it is revealed that the third and fourth year students of Benguet equally perceived that
peers, school, personal and environment caused them to misbehave. However, the fourth year students say
that the family related factors are more contributory than what the third year students say. Contrast
according to the type of school revealed that students from the public schools perceived the causes of
misbehaviors to be greater than those in the private schools in the four identified causes of misbehaviors.
However, there are no significant differences in the perception of the students in the private and public
schools along school factor. When the perceived causes of misbehavior was compared according to town
classification, it was found out that students from the first and second class towns perceived personal
factors to be considerably contributory to the misdemeanors than those from the third class towns who
perceived it to be least contributory. The students from the first class towns perceived peers to be
significantly contributory than those from fourth class towns. Those students from the first class perceived
environment to be considerably contributory than those from the second and third class towns while those
from the fourth class towns perceived environment to be least contributory. It is also revealed that the
effects of misbehaviors have negative moderate contribution to the academic performance, social skills and
character of the students.
In conclusion, the secondary students of Benguet claim that their behavior problems are slightly
serious. These are violations against school and social policies as well as against relationships. No
significant differences exist in the perceived level of seriousness of the behavior problems according to
gender and year level. Significant differences in the level of seriousness of the behavior problems exist
according to the type of school and town classification. The family, personal factor, environment, peers and
school factor have considerable effect to the behavior problems of the teenage respondents. Significant
differences exist in the perceived contribution of family, personal factors and the environment as causes of
behavior problems according to gender, but not along peers and school. Significant differences in the
perceived effect of personal factors and family are found according to the level of the respondents.
Significant differences exist in the effect of family, peers, personal factors and the environment on the
behavior problems according to the type of school. Very high significant differences are found to exist in
the effect of all the causal factors according to the town classification. The behavior problems have
moderate negative effect on the academic performance, character and social skills of teenage learners of



SUGANO, NORA M. (MAEd Guidance and Counseling, May 2008)


This study determined the extent of influence of the different factors in choosing a career and the
level of career decidedness among freshmen students taking up either a degree program or technical-
vocational program in selected technical-vocational schools and universities in Baguio City during the
enrollment and after a year, school year 2007-2008. The study consisted of two hundred sixty-six (266)
respondents randomly selected from the following schools: Baguio Colleges of Technology (BCT-BETI),
Baguio School of Business and Trade (BSBT), National Institute of Information and Technology (NIIT),
Philippine Womens University (PWU), Saint Louis University (SLU), University of Baguio (UB), and
University of the Cordilleras (UC-BCF). The study considered three categories of courses namely: health-
related courses, computer-related courses, and business-related courses.
The findings revealed that the factors that have great influence on the career choice and career
decidedness of students were: my interests are aligned to my course, high salary, chance of going abroad,

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94 ABSTRACTS - College of Teacher Education

familys advice/suggestions, and low tuition fee. The factors that have the least influence on the decision-
making of freshmen students in relation to his career choice and commitment to finish his course were: it is
a male-oriented course, long years of studying, and I am still young. It was found that there is no significant
difference in the level of influence of the factors on the career choice of freshmen at the time they enrolled
whether in a degree or in a tech-voc program. But, there is a significant difference in the level of influence
of the factors on the career decidedness of freshmen enrolled whether in a degree program or technical-
vocational program. There is no significant difference in the level of influence of the factors on the career
choice and in career decidedness of freshmen who are enrolled in degree program. But, there is a marked
difference in the level of influence of the factors on the career choice and career decidedness of those
enrolled in a tech-voc program.
When the respondents were grouped according to their age brackets, it showed that the level of
influence of the factors during enrolment do not differ significantly among the different age groups. On the
other hand, there is a significant difference in the level of influence of the factors as they make decisions
(career decidedness) either to continue their chosen course or not. The perception of the respondents aged
15-17 differ significantly from those in the age bracket 18-20 and 21 above. There is no significant
difference in the level of influence of the factors as to gender; that is, the factors have the same extent of
influence whether the student is a male or female with respect to his decision in choosing a course and in
deciding whether to continue or not his chosen course after a year. There is no marked difference in the
level of influence of the factors to the highlander or lowlander freshmen students or a mixture of both
cultures with regard to their decision in choosing a course during enrolment and their decision whether to
continue or not their chosen course after a year.
With respect to the type of program chosen (degree or tech-voc), there is no marked difference in
the extent of influence of the factors in the career choice of the respondents but there is a very significant
difference with regard to their decision to continue their chosen course. There is a marked difference in the
level of influence of the factors to the respondents when they were grouped according to income level as to
his decision in choosing a course during enrolment. In relation to his decision whether to continue or not
his chosen course after a year, there is a significant difference among the three cultural groups. In terms of
the type of program chosen (degree or tech-voc), there is a marked difference in the extent of influence of
the factors in the career choice of the respondents, and in their decision to continue their chosen course.
The level of influence of the factors during enrolment does not differ significantly among the
respondents in the different ranges of NCAE rating. When the respondents were grouped according to the
type of chosen program, there is a marked difference in the level of influence of the factors to those
enrolled in the tech-voc program from those enrolled in a degree program with respect to their career
choice during enrolment. As for career decidedness (decision to continue chosen course), there is no
significant difference in the level of influence of the factors to those enrolled in the tech-voc program from
those enrolled in a degree program when they are grouped according to their NCAE rating. Majority of the
students in both categories were highly decided and committed to continue with their chosen course. There
is a significant relationship between the perception of those enrolled in degree courses and those enrolled in
tech-voc courses as to the effects of the factors on their career choice. Likewise, there is a significant
relationship of the perception of those enrolled in degree courses and those enrolled in tech-voc courses as
to the effects of the factors on their decision to continue their chosen courses.
It is concluded that some factors greatly influence students in choosing a course while some do not
affect them at all. The same factors also affect their decision to either complete or change their chosen
courses. With these findings, it is recommended that career guidance has to include the explored career
factors in counseling. Career guidance has to be conducted in the elementary and high school level to
expose students to career planning and different career options. Other similar studies should be conducted
and consider other factors such as personality styles, religion and values.

Benguet State University, Graduate School

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