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Preparing the Practice Environment Pa ge |1

Preparing the Practice Environment

Practice Overview
This practice guides you to prepare the environment to be used in the course practices. The practices in
the course were designed using virtual machines. You will build two Linux-based machines with Oracle
database installed on each.

Note: this practice assumes that you have the knowledge to perform the basic tasks on Oracle VirtualBox
and on installing Oracle single-instance database on a Linux-based system.

Practice Environment Requirements

Following are the requirements to prepare the practice environment:

Item Type Description

PC machine hardware A PC with Windows 7 or 10 64-bit installed on it to host the virtual
Following are the required specifications:
Memory: 16 GB
Storage free space: 100 GB
Oracle VirtualBox, software Software to create virtual machines (called virtual appliances)
release 5.1.x
WinSCP software A utility to copy the files to and from an Oracle VBox appliance
Xming (optional) software A software to display the GUI windows in your hosting Windows PC.
Just look for its download page, download it, and install it using Full
Installation option.
Putty software A program which provides a command line prompt to connect to a Linux
server from Windows

Practice Environment Architecture

Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals, a course by Ahmed Baraka

Preparing the Practice Environment Pa ge |2

Practice Environment Preparation Procedure

A. Install the Software on the Hosting PC

1. Install all the software mentioned in the list above in your PC.

B. Create an Oracle VirtualBox appliance with an Oracle database installed on it

In the following steps, you will create an Oracle VirtualBox appliance with an Oracle single-instance non-
CDB database installed on it. The database datafiles will be on the Linux file system, not ASM. The
examples data will be installed on the database.

2. Create a Linux-based VirtualBox appliance with the specifications as shown in the table below.
This is an Oracle VirtualBox appliance which has a fresh installation of Oracle Linux 6.7 installed on
If you have not created a VirtualBox appliance before, the procedure to create it from scratch is
documented here, or can be watched at YouTube here.
Item Value
Hostname ggsrv1
Memory 4 GB
Operating system Linux 6.7

3. Install Oracle database 12c R1 software in the virtual appliance that you created above (ggsrv1).
Use the following specifications when you install the software:
Item Value
Oracle Home /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1

Software OS user oracle

Installed Edition Oracle 12c Database Enterprise Edition,

4. Create a database in the appliance with the following specifications:

Item Value
Database name db1
Install Example Schemas? YES
Database Character set WE8MSWIN1252
National Character set UTF8

5. Configure the listener in the database and make sure it accepts connections.
sqlplus sys/oracle@db1 as sysdba

Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals, a course by Ahmed Baraka

Preparing the Practice Environment Pa ge |3

C. Create another Oracle VirtualBox appliance with an Oracle database installed on it

In the following steps, you will create an additional Oracle VirtualBox appliance with an Oracle single-
instance non-CDB database installed on it. This database does not have the examples schemas installed
on it.

6. Create another Linux-based VirtualBiox appliance with the specifications as shown in the table below.
Item Value
Hostname ggsrv2
Memory 4 GB
Operating system Linux 6.7

7. Similar to what you did in ggsrv1, install Oracle database 12c R1 software in the virtual appliance that
you created above (ggsrv2). Use the following specifications when you install the software:
Item Value
Oracle Home /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1

Software OS user Oracle

Installed Edition Oracle 12c Database Enterprise Edition,

8. Create a database in the appliance with the following specifications:

Item Value
Database name db2
Install Example Schemas? No
Database Character set WE8MSWIN1252
National Character set UTF8

9. Configure the listener in the database and make sure it accepts connections.
sqlplus sys/oracle@db1 as sysdba

10. Configure the /etc/hosts file in both appliances and make sure they can see each other.
vi /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost.localdomain localhost ggsrv1.localdomain ggsrv1 ggsrv2.localdomain ggsrv2

ping ggsrv1
ping ggsrv2

Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals, a course by Ahmed Baraka

Preparing the Practice Environment Pa ge |4

11. Configure the tnsnames.ora file in each system so that they can connect to each database.
vi $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora

DB1 =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ggsrv1.localdomain)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = db1.localdomain)
) )
DB2 =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ggsrv2.localdomain)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = db2.localdomain)
) )

sqlplus system/oracle@db1
sqlplus system/oracle@db2

D. Perform more configuration

In the following steps, you will perform more configuration to get your environment ready for the course.

12. Connect to each appliance from your hosting PC using PuTTY. Save the two connections in PuTTY.
Configure the session to the ggsrv2 to have green font. The idea is to make it easy for you to
distinguish between the db1 session PuTTY window and the db2 session PuTTY window when you
have two sessions opened in the same time. The following screenshot shows you where to click to
change the font color in PuTTY:

Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals, a course by Ahmed Baraka

Preparing the Practice Environment Pa ge |5


By end of this practice, you should have two Linux-based Oracle VirtualBox appliances. Each one
has an Oracle 12.1 single-instance non-CDB database installed on it. One of them have the example
schemas, but the other does not.

Those appliances will be used throughout all the course practices.

Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals, a course by Ahmed Baraka

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