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Selections from the Shorter Writings



Edited by D. B. ROBERTSON

Meridian Books


Published by The World Publishing Company
2231 West I loth Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44102

Published simultaneously in Canada by Nelson, Foster & Scott Ltd.

First Meridian Printing 1967

Copyright 1957 by W. L. Jenkins

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the publisher, except for brief passages included in a
review appearing in a newspaper or magazine.

Reprinted by arrangement with The Westminster Press

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 57-9745

Printed in the United States of America.


Introduction n
Part I. General Essays on Love and Justice

1. The Spirit of Justice 25

2. Justice and Love 27
3. The Ethic of Jesus and the Social Problem 29
4. When Will Christians Stop Fooling Them-
selves? 40
5. Christian Faith and Natural Law 46

Part II. Love and Justice on the National Level

A. American Politics
6. Our Faith and Concrete Political Decisions 57
7. Christian Faith and Political Controversy
8. Rationing and Democracy 61
9. The Republican Victory 63
10. Democracy and the Party Spirit 66

B. Political Issues in Other Countries

11. Catholicism and Anarchism in Spain 73
12. The Hitler-Stalin Pact
13. Christianity and Politics in Britain 81
14. Socialized Medicine in Britain 84
15. Freedom as a Luxury 87
C. Economic Issues

16. Is Stewardship Ethical?

17. The Idolatry of America
18. How Philanthropic Is Henry Ford?
19. Ford's Five-Day Week Shrinks
20. Religion and the Class War in Kentucky
21. Spiritual Mobilization
22. Ideology in the Social Struggle
23. Inflation and Group Selfishness

D. Race Relations
24. The Confession of a Tired Radical
25. Christian Faith and the Race Problem
26. The Race Problem
27. Jews After the War
28. The Negro Issue in America
29. Fair Employment Practices Act
30. The Supreme Court on Segregation in the
31. What Resources Can the Christian Church
Offer to Meet Crisis in Race Relations?
32. Proposal to Billy Graham

Part HI. Love and Justice in International Relations

A. A Variety of Issues

33. The Conflict Between Nations and Nations

and Between Nations and God
34. On the Ethiopian War
35. The Will of God and the Van Zeeland Report
36. A Negotiated Peace
37. Allied Peace Aims
38. Repeal the Neutrality ActI
39. Chastisement Unto Repentance or Death
40. Anglo-Saxon Destiny and Responsibility
41. Airplanes Are Not Enough
42. The Limits of Military Power

B. Plans for World Organization

43. The Durable Peace
Possibility of a

44. American Power and World Responsibility

45. Plans for World Reorganization 206
46. The San Francisco Conference
47. Can We Organize the World? 216

C. The "Enemy"
48. Love Your Enemies 218
49. The Bombing of Germany 222
50. The German Problem
51. What Is Justice? 229

D. The Bomb
52. The Atomic Bomb 232
53. The Hydrogen Bomb

Love and Justice and the Pacifist Issue

54. A Critique of Pacifism

55. Pacifism and the Use of Force
56. Why I Leave the F. O. R.
57. Pacifism Against the Wall 260
58. An Open Letter (to Richard Roberts) 267
59. To Prevent the Triumph of an Intolerable
60 The Christian Faith and the World Crisis
61 Pacifism and " America First "
62. History (God) Has Overtaken Us
63. The Quaker Way 296
64, Is There Another Way?

Reinhold Niebuhr's thought is well known. It is in
justice in
general the problem of the relationship between the Christian
and the ethical life of men as individuals and as groups. In his books
Dr. Niebuhr has explored the many angles, subtleties, heights, and
depths of the problems of man and society. Where he actually
on given social issues, and where he sees the points of contact
tween Christian love and the multiple ramifications of justice -
factors are best seen in his occasional writings.
Some changes in Niebuhr's thinking in social ethics will be evi-
dent over the period covered by these articles, though it has not
a primary purpose in the choice of the selections to show
the various
stages in the development of his social ethic. The major purpose has
been to select articles that illustrate the richness and variety of his
analyses of love and justice, to show the points at which he insists
that positive decisions and actions are possible, even imperative, for
the Christian, and to underline his characteristic approach to typical
ethical problems. Even though there has been change and develop-
ment in his thought and change of emphasis at some points, there has
also been a rather notable consistency of approach, particularly since
the late 1930's.
This volume brings together a group of selected essays on some
the many issues that have engaged Dr. Niebuhr's attention over a
period of more than twenty-five years. The articles in Part
I are in-
tended to give some introduction to his views on love and
justice and
may be particularly useful to those not very familiar with his
writings. At the beginning of Parts II and III, and a few of the sub-
divisions, one or so of the more general essays dealing with particular
subjects isincluded. Otherwise the articles are organized in chrono-
logical order within the various sections. Part IV, devoted solely to
the pacifist issue, includes a goodly number of articles in chronologi-

cal order. While there is considerable repetition of argument here, it

was thought that the importance of this issue in Niebuhr's social

ethic warranted rather full coverage.
The magazine articles are presented exactly as they were origi-
nally printed. The only exceptions are occasional changes in punc-
tuation and word usage made by The Westminster Press copy-
editors in accordance with their style rules.
I should like to express my thanks to the editors of the following

journals for permission to print articles which they have carried:

The American Scholar, The Atlantic Monthly, The Christian Cen-
tury, The Messenger, The Nation, The New Leader, The Progres-
sive,Religion in Life, and Theology. To Dr. Niebuhr thanks are
due for his willingness to permit the use of articles from Radical Re-
ligion, Christianity and Society, The World Tomorrow, and Chris-

tianity and Crisis.

D. B. Robertson


elation of the possibilities of historical existence
as the quest for
truth. In some respects it is even more
revealing because it engages all
human and powers more obviously than the intellectual
quest." {The Nature and Destiny
of Man, II, p. 244.) This statement
suggests a (if not the) primary area of emphasis in Reinhold Niebuhr's
thought. The relationship between love and justice has been the major
problem for Niebuhr in his elaboration of a social ethic,
and he makes
a special point of explaining why it must be a "social
ethic." The point
is important ". in the sense that it [an ethic] must give guidance
. .
only in terms of the ultimate possibilities of
life, for which sacrificial
and forgiving love is the norm, but must also come to
terms with the
problem of establishing tolerable harmonies of life on
all levels of
community." ("The Problem of a Protestant Social
Ethic," Union
Seminary Quarterly Review, November, 1-2.) In
1959, pp. assessing
his life and thought in his latest book, Niebuhr reaffirms the point
these words "I might define this conviction [that a realist
of human nature should be made the servant of an ethic of progressive
justice] as the guiding principle throughout my mature life of the rela-
tion of religious responsibility to political affairs."
{Man's Nature and
His Communities, pp. 24-25.) As John Bennett
says, "There is no
more fruitful analysis in all his ethical writings
than his discussion of
thisproblem." (The Library of Living Theology, II,
p. 58.) The rich-
ness of Niebuhr's understanding and
discussion of human motivation
and group relationships appears not only in the
direct and specific
treatment of the subject of love and justice, it
comes also in his anal-
ysis of issues related to peace and justice, order and justice, power and
justice, law and justice, equality and justice, rights and justice, security
and justice, prudence and justice, and in other combinations. So, also,
as this collection makes clear, is the meaning of love a persistent theme
in relationship to justice, to law, to prudence, etc. The importance of

the problem for Niebuhr is most of his writings;

amply illustrated in

however, the centrality and the persistence of the great theme is more
obvious in the great mass of articles he has published in dozens of
magazines and papers through the years.*

Christian Love

Love is the "basic law of life." Love on the human side is an ex-
pression of man's distinguishing characteristic: his freedom. In fact,

"Love is the only final structure of freedom" (No. 5, this volume).

Niebuhr has consistently used the word "love" in his ethical analyses
to mean agape, the "immortal Love, forever full, forever flowing free."
It is the out-going, unmeasured love of Christ on the cross.
disagrees with Anders Nygren {Agape and Eros, Westminster, 1953),
however, in making the contrast between agape and the doctrines of
love {eros) in classical thought too absolute. He notes that Jesus

Himself ". does not regard the contrast between natural human love
. .

and the divine agape as absolute." {The Nature and Destiny of Man,
II, n. 16, p. 84.)

Niebuhr's view of the relationship between love and justice was

suggested in one of his early formulations by the paradoxical phrase

For those unfamiliar with Niebuhr's thought, a good introduction to aspects

of his discussion of love and justice, as well as to his thought as a whole, is to
found in Volume II of The Library of Living Theology (Reinhold Niebuhr, His
Religious, Social, and Political Thought, edited by C. W. Kegley and
R. W.
Bretall, Macmillan, 1956). Of special value for the subject covered here
are the

pieces by John Bennett and Paul Ramsey. I am particularly indebted to

Bennett's essay. The relationship of love and justice to "natural law" doctrines
is discussed in many places in Dr. Niebuhr's works.
In addition to the article
included in this collection (No. 5), longer treatments are to be found in Chapter
10 of Christian Realism and Political Problems, The Nature and Destiny of Man,
I, Chapter 10, and "The Problem of a Protestant Social
Ethic," Union Seminary
Quarterly Review, November, 1959. Recent expressions of a more positive appre-
ciation of aspects of the Roman Catholic natural law tradition are to be found
in Dr. Niebuhr's Preface to Maurice Cranston's What Are Human Rights?
Books, 1963), in a chapter entitled "The Development of a Social Ethic in the
Ecumenical Movement," in R. M. Mackie and C. C. West, editors, The Suf-
ficiency of God (Westminster, 1963), and in Dr. Niebuhr's book Man's Nature
and His Communities, Introduction.

"impossible possibility." (An Interpretation of Christian Ethics, Chap-

ter 4, entitled "The Relevance of an Impossible Ethical Ideal.") To
say that love is an "impossible possibility" is Niebuhr's way of asserting
the ever-present relevance of love in human affairs, while at the same
time pointing to its difficulties. Love is relevant in terms of judgment
upon all that we do, even our very best. It is also relevant (possible)
in terms of motive. It is possible in varying degrees to approximate
love in human life, particularly if the corruption of self-righteousness
can be avoided in the process.
At the same time, Niebuhr intends to underline by these words the
impossibility of love as a wholly adequate social ethic. Love is the final
or highest possibility in man's relationship to man; it is the peak of the
fulfillment of man's nature as a social being. But down in the valleys
of human experience "the common currency of the moral life is con-
stituted by the 'nicely calculated less and more' of the relatively good
and the relatively evil." {Ibid., p 103.)
The expression of love in human relationships, then, is not, as
Niebuhr often insists, a "simple possibility." Man does not for the most
part love disinterestedly, because he is both finite and sinful. Christ on

the cross reveals love in its perfect form and symbol. Here is revealed
at the same time God's love and history's meaningfulness, as well as
man's capacity for lovelessness and destructiveness. The Christian ethic
cannot be simply love, for men live in history, and "perfect love" in
history has not fared well.According to Niebuhr, it is this failure to
understand the social dimensions of agape that has been the source of
confusion in modern discussions of ethics.
Niebuhr's reputation as a theologian is to a considerable degree re-
lated to his elaboration of the "Biblical understanding" of man and
history and his polemics against what he has seen as the liberal and
Utopian corruption of this understanding. He has explored the fallacies
and weaknesses of both secular liberalism and the "sentimental version"
of the Christian faith wherein the doctrine of love is transformed into
an overly simplified moralism in which we "ought to love everybody";
wholly eliminate strife from social life, or act as though it did not exist;
and "be like Jesus." Judaism and Catholicism have escaped most of
the limitations of a pure "love ethic," the weakness of both sectarian-
ism and much of liberal Protestantism. This extreme love ethic Niebuhr
characterized in a sermon recently at Union Theological Seminary as
appropriate for "mystics, monastics, martyrs, and mothers!" On the
other hand, it should be noted immediately that he has opposed as
"equally absurd" the position of the "realists" and the orthodox Chris-
tians who qualify too rigidly, or destroy the relevance of the love ideal
by dwelling too exclusively upon the implications of "depravity." But
the brunt of Niebuhr's attack, especially after the early 1930's, has been
borne by the "liberals" and "utopians." The liberal code, Niebuhr be-
lieved at one point, could be summarized in six major propositions:

1. That injustice is caused by ignorance and will yield to education and

greater intelligence.
2. That civilization is becoming gradually more moral and that it is a
sin to challenge either the inevitability or the efficacy of gradualness.
3. That the character of individuals rather than social systems and ar-
rangements is the guarantee of justice in society.
4. That appeals to love, justice, good will, and brotherhood are bound
to be efficacious in the end. If they have not been so to date we must
have more appeals to love, justice, good will, and brotherhood.
5. That goodness makes for happiness and that the increasing knowledge
overcome human selfishness and greed.
of this fact will
6. That wars are stupid and can therefore only be caused by people who
are more stupid than those who recognize the stupidity of war. ("The
Blindness of Liberalism," Radical Religion, Autumn, 1936.)

These propositions were expanded and elaborated in later writings;

but such convictions, Niebuhr argued, have been the enemy of clarity
and of efTectiveness in social ethics.
Words similar to these often appear in Niebuhr's works: "I find
it impossible to envisage a society of pure love as long as man" man is

("Must We Do Nothing," Christian Century, March 30, 1932). Mutual

love is possible in varying degrees in many types of human relationships,
particularly where the relationships are personal. But "pure love" can-
not be a possible foundation for an adequate social ethic because of
man's sin, which an adequate ethic must take into account. "Every
definition of justice presupposes sin as a given reality. It is only because
life is in conflict with life, because of sinful self-interest, that we are
required carefully to define schemes of justice which prevent one life

from taking advantage of another." (No. 5.) A responsible approach

to social problems requires a sensitive and intelligent regard for man's
tendency to think more highly of himself and his cause than he ought.
A responsible approach to social problems also concerns itself with the
which may help to temper the dangers of excessive
structures of justice
concentrations of power. Love can never, even in the most intimate
groups, be a perfect alternative to the "pushing and shoving" which

characterize the struggle for justice. The political structures and pres-
sures are perpetually necessary.
A note should be entered here about what Niebuhr has lately referred
to as "... a rather unpardonable pedagogical error in The Nature and
Destiny of Man." {Man's Nature and His Communities, p. 23.) His
theology prompted him "to define the persistence and universality of
man's self-regard as 'original sin,' " and while Niebuhr believes this
designation to be historically and symbolically correct, he sees the
"error" in trying "to challenge modern optimism with the theological
doctrine which was anathema modern culture." {Ibid.) His use of
this traditional symbol allowed his critics, therefore, to picture him "as
a regressive religious authoritarian, caught in the toils of an ancient
legend." {Ibid., p. 24.) Even more important, he thinks, is that his use
of traditional symbols led many "realists," who (including many polit-

ical philosophers) agreed generally with his views in the Giflford Lec-
tures, to go to considerable lengths to explain that their agreement did
not include his theological presuppositions. He therefore intends to cor-
rect this errorby discussing the "same human nature" by the use of
"more sober symbols." Dr. Niebuhr concludes the point, however, by
saying that he still thinks that "the 'London Times Literary Supple-
ment' was substantially correct when it wrote some years ago: 'The
doctrine of original sin is the only empirically verifiable doctrine of the
Christian faith.'" {Ibid., p. 24.)


Justice, Niebuhr says, is an "approximation of brotherhood under

conditions of sin" {The Nature and Destiny of Man, H, p. 254) Justice .

is also characterized as action in which "God causeth the wrath of man

to praise him." Niebuhr has on occasion referred to justice as the
plumbing between the ground and the superstructure (love). Some-
times he calls it "second-rate Christianity," of which, he emphasizes,
we need a great deal. It is again described in terms of some viable
balance of power, though a mere balance of power is not enough.
"Imaginative justice" is nearest to love, but even prudence springs
finally from it. "A genuine charity is the father of prudence," Niebuhr
wrote, in an article discussing racial conflict (No. 31 ) "for genuine love ,

does not propose abstract schemes of justice that leave the human fac-
tor out of account." The "desire for justice is one form of love," he
writes elsewhere, not perhaps the highest form but one that cannot be
despised." ("The Problem of a Protestant Social Ethic," Union Sem-
inary Quarterly Review, November, 1959, p. 4.)
The "regulative principle" of justice, in Niebuhr's discussion, is

clearly equality, or "it is the best nexus between love and justice."

"Equality as a pinnacle of the ideal of justice implicitly points toward

love as the final norm of justice" {The Nature and Destiny of Man, II,

p. 254) . The fact that the principle of equality is perpetually recurring

in varieties of social theory is enough to refute the consistently pessimis-

tic view of human nature. It proves that man not only has some capac-
ity to act in other than his own interest, but neither in his theorizing
does he "simply use social theory to rationalize [his] own interest."

The ideal of equality is a valuable and necessary standard to hold
over social inequalities and power disparities of all kinds, from those
in family relations to those in international relations. Absolute equality
is not a meaningful social goal. This is true because there are certain
inevitable inequalities associated with function in society and because
actual social institutions or historical circumstances make the abstract
ideal meaningless when it is used in an "all or nothing" sense. One
must recognize the moral obligation to choose between very relative
degrees of justice in practice, though no vested interest should take any
comfort from this point.

Of the traditional values associated with the "natural law" doc-

trines of the West justice, equality, order, etc. Niebuhr has given
most of his attention in his writings to the first two, though not typically
in a context of natural law thinking. Order, however, he recognizes as

a necessary value in the partnership, for ultimately without its con-

sistent, if relative, presence all other values are jeopardized. The pres-

ent revolutionary zeal of Chinese Communism amongst

carries with it,

other things, the peril of chaos for many parts of the world where un-
just order (tyranny) has prevailed. This fact, says Niebuhr, should be
a vivid reminder to us of the perpetual problem of political order and
at the same time should underscore the special difficulties faced today
in balancing justice and order without falling into worldwide nuclear
destruction. Because of the revolutionary elements in our world and
concomitantly the problem of establishing a viable order in many of
the newer nations, we are reminded that "communities, both parochial
and international, are bound to place order first in their hierarchy of

values. But justice comes as a quick second in the political hierarchy,

because unsatisfied desires are bound to challenge every order, what-

ever may be its prestige, power, or force." ("Some Things I Have

Learned," Saturday Review, Nov. 6, 1965.)
Niebuhr credits John Milton with establishing "liberty" as a partner
to "equality" as one of the regulative principles of justice. It was Mil-
ton, he says, who "established the true relation of Protestant individual-
ism to an open society." {Man's Nature and His Communities, p. 26.)
Actually, asNiebuhr himself acknowledges elsewhere [ibid., pp. 24-25;
and for example, in Pious and Secular America, pp. 68 ff., and in "The
Problem of a Protestant Social Ethic," Union Seminary Quarterly Re-
view, November, 1959, p. 5), Milton was by no means the sole architect
here. The lesser-known radicals in Cromwell's army left-wing Calvin-
ists and sectarian perfectionists included not only wrote but acted on
the principle or principles including the notion of a duty of resistance
to tyranny, and an obvious passion for liberty and justice. This com-
bination Niebuhr says in fact, "is the only form of Protestant social
ethic which I find congenial to present perplexities." {Ibid.) Niebuhr
sees, perhaps more so after his years of work with the ecumenical move-
ment, the necessity, in the amalgam of the "open society," to recognize
the part played by ". . . those aspects of truth in the political policy of
the English Reformation, particularly of the Elizabethan settlement, so
clearly elaborated in Hooker's Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity." (Mackie
and West, op. cit., p. 119.)
A distinguishing element in Niebuhr's contribution to the discussion
of social ethics is the "moral man and immoral society" theme running
through his writings. The thesis he elaborated in book by this title
(in 1932) was already suggested in some of his writings, and it has not
been a passing phase of his thought. The thesis is that "a sharp distinc-
tion must be drawn between the moral and social behavior of individ-
uals and of social groups, national, racial, and economic; and that this
and necessitates political policies which a purely
distinction justifies
must always find embarrassing" {Moral Man and
individualistic ethic
Immoral Society, p. xi) Niebuhr argued that one of the greatest points

of confusion in contemporary ethical discussions was the belief that

what the individual conscience perceives, and what the individual is
able to achieve singly, can be simply regarded as a possibility for social
groups. This view lacks the realism about man, especially in social
groups, required by an adequate ethic. The will to power, he believes,
is some degree a threat to the best of human relationships. The
larger the group, the more complicated the problem. "The full evil of
human finitude and sin is most vividly revealed in conflicts between

national communities." (An Interpretation of Christian Ethics, p. 125.)
But evil is evident on of life. It was the necessity to deal with
all levels

this problem that led Niebuhr to state the point too sharply more
sharply, in fact, than his own position called for. A young friend re-
cently suggested that in the light of the facts, and Niebuhr's more con-
sistent realism as applied to individuals as well as to groups, a better
title may have been The Not So Moral Man in His Less Moral Com-
munities {Man's Nature and His Communities, p. 22.).

Love, Justice, and "Natural Law"

In contrast to the traditions which have developed social ethical sys-

tems on the basis of "natural law," Niebuhr has argued that "it is not
possible to state a universally valid concept of justicefrom any partic-
ular sociological locus in history." (No. 5.) Those who have attempted
to do it too exclusively by way of natural law arguments have inevitably
incorporated culturally conditioned or contingent factors into presumed
absolute and universal concepts. Thus the Roman Catholic view has
harbored feudal elements, and eighteenth-century natural law had
bourgeois accents. Provisional definitions are necessary, but it must be
recognized, Niebuhr emphasizes, that these definitions are provisional
not absolute or fixed. Otherwise, along with other weaknesses of such
systems, the unique and the possible in each new situation will be
More recently Niebuhr has expressed an appreciation of the natural
law tradition in contribution to a contemporary social ethic. Initially,

apparently, it was through engagements with Anglican spokesmen in

the Ecumenical Movement that the "creative" possibilities in natural
law for Protestantism began to be appreciated. This emphasis Niebuhr
sees as creative for two reasons: One, "because it typifies the quest for

the most authoritative general norm." In the second place, "natural

law conceptions invariably emphasize justice, rather than order, as the
basic norm of political and economic life." (Mackie and West, op. cit.,

pp. 121-122; 125.) This ethic, again perhaps the greatest contribution
of the ecumenical movement, is still "pragmatic" and relative in the
sense that it recognizes that the unpredictability of historical events
makes "fixed norms dangerous." On the other hand, pragmatism alone
degenerates into opportunism, so that "modern Christian pragmatism"
is saved from opportunism "by certain definite principles. . . . These
principles have to do with the relation of freedom and equality in the

determination of justice." ("The Problem of a Protestant Social Ethic,"

Union Seminary Quarterly Review, November, 1959, p. 9.)
As for the Roman church and its doctrines of natural law, Niebuhr
notes that his increasing admiration has "had the same socially prag-
matic prompting" as his long-time appreciation of Judaism. As against
some forms of Protestantism, he now has "a new appreciation of the
fact that a great religious tradition, emancipated from the organic col-
lectivism of the Middle Ages, has been able creatively to help modern
technical cultures of the West to solve the moral problems of industrial
collectivism." (Man's Nature and His Communities, p. 19.) Beyond
that. Catholic universalism and its characteristic sense of justice have
provided the base for creativity in the civil-rights movement, sadly
lacking in so much of Protestantism. (Ibid., p. 20.)
Niebuhr makes clear, though, that he has not qualified his criticism
of moral theories based on natural law, "drawn from a metaphysical
base," because they are too rigid. He has also been critical of the cer-
tainty, especially claimed by spokesmen of the Roman church in the
past, about the content of natural law ethics. The condemnation of
contraception is an example Niebuhr has frequently used, though of
course this whole question is being seriously reexamined by the church
It would, in any case, be a mistake to assume on the basis of his pub-
licly expressed appreciation of the tradition that Niebuhr has embraced
natural law doctrines as such (or, as one writer put it, because of the
teleological element in Niebuhr's thought, he is "a natural law thinker
despite himself." (Lindbeck, G. A., Notre Dame Natural Law Forum,
1959, p. 149.) ) For, to refute legal positivism, or a pure "love ethic" as
adequate bases for a social ethic on the one hand, is not to flee to an
ethic of principles or of natural law on the other, if by the latter is
meant something built into the universe and that man draws upon by
deduction for his guidance in moral decisions and social ethics.

"Ideals," "natural laws," "middle axioms," or "common moral stand-

ards" may reflect the "moral aspirations" of an age or a culture. They
may reflect, as against moral relativism, what it means to be genuinely
human. These standards therefore cannot be seen as arbitrary simply
because they are culturally conditioned. (Preface to Cranston, op. cit.)

Principles of justice "transcend the positive enactments of historic

states"; they are not so specifically spelled out and defined as positive
law, but they are more "specific than the law of love." These principles
of justice, says Niebuhr, "are generated in the customs and mores of
communities; and they may rise to universal norms which seem to have
their source not in particular communities but in the common experi-
ence of mankind." {Christian Realism and Political Problems, p. 148.)
Obviously Niebuhr never worked out a very systematic epistemology;
nor has he spelled out an order of casuistry. These would run counter
to his understanding of man and society and of God's ways of working
in history. The relationship of love to justice is complex and dynamic.
But Niebuhr has come more and more to believe that to take seriously
and responsibly the two Great Commandments means being open to
"the truth," from whatever source it may come. If there is no neat
system of casuistry to be found in his writings, the following statement
may be taken as a sort of Niebuhrian pre-casuistry or way of describing
the essential ingredients for a social ethic:

Naturally an adequate Christian social ethic must avail itself of non-

Biblical instruments of calculation, chiefly a rational calculation of com-
peting rights and interests and an empirical analysis of the structures of
nature, configurations of history and the complexities of a given
situation in which decisions must be made. Since the third century the
Christian Church has availed itself of classical and other philosophies and
disciplines for this task. Radical Reformation thought, including Earth's
Neo-Reformation theology, has sought to dispense with all non-Biblical
sources of judgment. But the result is bound to create caprice in the field
of ethical judgment. ... A vital Christian faith must undertake a constant
commerce with the culture of its day, borrowing and rejecting according
to its best judgment. ("The Problem of a Protestant Social Ethic," Union
Seminary Quarterly Review, November, 1959, p. 11.)

The "Gloomy Dean" (so-called because of his pre-World War II pre-

dictions) is reported to have said later, "Things turned out worse than
I thought." Niebuhr is not known to have made such a statement.

However, his presumed "pessimism," or "defeatism," (related somehow

to what he has called his "pedagogical error") attacked particularly
since the publication of Moral Man and Immoral Society, has turned
out not to be overdrawn. Certainly today there is no need for Dr. Nie-
buhr or bother with an attempt at an "apologia" on the
his friends to
point. His own
and work are witness enough to belie the appella-

tion. At a point when history supported little optimism, Niebuhr could

remind his fellow Christians and countrymen that:

The Christian faith cannot be defeatist. It sees men's sin and the tragedies
of knows the depths of human degradation; and the long hard road
life. It

to the City of God. But also it sees men in the strength of God rising to the
need and the struggle, confident, victorious in spirit. ("The Crisis Deepens,"
Christianity and Crisis, May 5, 1941.)
A Note on a Few Particular Issues
Dr. Niebuhr has continued his searching thought and writing in the
decade since the latest of these articles were written. Book-length writ-
ings on national and international problems have been published. Many
occasional pieces have also appeared. A few notes on some of the par-
ticular issues may serve to bring up to date Dr. Niebuhr's current posi-
tions. The Niebuhr sources are both written and partially from Dr.
Niebuhr himself directly.

The Race Issue

Niebuhr's concern for justice as a young pastor in Detroit included
not only the Ford workers but also the scandalous treatment of the
Negro. He was appointed chairman of the mayor's first interracial com-
mission. In retrospect he does not evaluate the commission's efforts very
highly. After going to Union Theological Seminary in New York in
1928, he continued his work with groups, some of the work involving
more direct social action than was the case in Detroit; but, of course, it
was pale in comparison to the dimensions of the "revolution" of the
past decade.
There are apparendy many who are uninformed about Dr. Niebuhr's
precise views on the question of "civil disobedience" as a strategy in the
struggle for social justice. The fact is that as early as 1932 he put in
writing [Moral Man
and Immoral Society, pp. 252-254) the suggestion
that the Negro in America could never free himself from the accumu-
lated injustices by simply depending on the "love and goodness" of the
white man's heart. He specifically suggests that Gandhi's methods be
used to force the hand of the white populace, suggesting boycotts and
even the non-payment of taxes when necessary. The general point made
was that "non-violent coercion and resistance ... is a type of coercion
which offers the largest opportunities for a harmonious relationship
with the moral and rational factors in social life. It does not destroy
the process of a moral and rational adjustment of interest com-
pletely during the course of resistance." [Ibid.,
p. 251.) However,
this qualification is entered for all of the advantages of non-violent

methods, "they must be pragmatically considered in the light of cir-

cumstances." (p. 252.)
In terms of his own personal involvement in social action, the simple
fact is that in the last decade
and more since racial injustice has been
most hotly engaged. Dr. Niebuhr's health has not permitted him to be
involved at all in social action. Otherwise, he says, he would most cer-
tainly have been involved in some particular cases
where civil dis-
obedience was clearly present, and he would have taken his chances of
getting arrested and tried in court along with the group.
As Niebuhr believes, as he believed in
for the current situation, Dr.

1932, that resistance and coercion by the Negro must be employed in

the achievement of justice, and while he is no pacifist, he believes that
Martin Luther King's position is right. King's "sentimentality" Nie-
buhr discusses critically, but he still believes that Martin Luther King
is "the most creative Protestant, white or black." Those who advocate

the use of violence and talk of "the right of self defense" may be log-
ical, and it takes little imagination to understand their angry frustra-
tion. "But they are terrible political leaders for a racial minority of only
ten per cent. Any violence by the Negro isbound to prompt excessive
violence against them." In advocating this policy and social strategy for
achieving Negro rights. Dr. Niebuhr is not, of course, reverting to the

old "go slow" argument. He believes that "The brutalities of tyranny,

whether in Nazi Germany or in South Africa or in Mississippi, are more

wounding in human self-esteem than any conflict." (Man's Nature and
His Communities, pp. 86-87.)
Niebuhr saw already in Detroit the ineptness of almost all of the
white Protestant churches in dealing with social injustice. One of the
"heresies" he sought to refute was the belief of many Christians that

"religious faith is was especially evident

the guarantor of virtue." This
to him in relationship to the race issue. Niebuhr draws an analogy be-
tween the Cromwellian revolution in England in the seventeenth cen-
tury and the current revolt of the Negro, in the United States and
elsewhere. Fortunately, he believes, the Negro church plays "somewhat
the same role in the present struggle as did the Puritan sects in Crom-
wellian England." This is an important role, for a great percentage of
the Negro churches have managed to maintain a degree of vitality
which is absent from many white churches. "They [the Negroes] also
profit from the convergence of religious inspiration and the interests of
their members, which is characteristic of all religiously inspired revolu-
tions." ("The Quality of Our Lives," Christian Century, May 1, i960, 1

P- 569)

International Relations
Because Dr. Niebuhr was the scourge of pacifists before World War
II, and because he supported the Allied war effort in the defeat of the

Nazis, many appear to be surprised today to find him critical of Ad-

ministration foreign policy. He has been particularly critical of the
Vietnam policy of the Johnson Administration. Some have wondered

if he has become a pacifist again! Some find a peculiar contradiction

in his present criticism ofAmerican democracy's action against "com-
munist tyranny," when previously he had been a chief advocate of re-
sistance to tyranny. There is misunderstanding on both counts.
Pacifism was long ago given up for good as a sound basis for a social
ethic. Niebuhr does not regard himself even as one of the "new-type"

or "nuclear pacifists."
As for his criticism of Administration foreign policy, particularly in
Vietnam, there is nothing in his social ethic or his way of thinking
which ever suggested any uncritical acceptance of the policy and prac-
tice of any government or institution. The Government's defense of our

involvement in Vietnam is fallacious in terms of our claim simply to
be defending a "nation's right to self-determination," and our oflScial
parallelism between the struggle against Hitler and the struggle against
North Vietnam. Our motives are not so pure as we pretend, and so
most of the world righdy does not take us at our word. And, Ho Chi
Minh is no Hitler racist; but Ho also seeks "self-determination."
("Vietnam and the Imperial Conflict," one of Niebuhr's longer dis-
cussions of the various aspects of the involvement, is published in the
New Leader, June 6, 1966.)
A final note on Dr. Niebuhr's thinking about the United Nations
and World Government. During and after the War Dr. Niebuhr ex-
plored the great variety of proposals for organizing the world in order
to preserve the peace. (See Nos. 43-47.) One persistent note in his dis-
cussionswas that genuine world government must await the develop-
ment some substructure of community. He attempted to temper the
arguments of the cynics. Even more persistent was the warning about
expecting too much from the United Nations, assuming the two (now
three) great power blocs and their contending interests. Writing about
the Congo, Dr. Niebuhr pointed out to those who may have had some
lingering hopes that the U.N. would sooner or later become a world
government that, as of that date, the Congo was proof, if it had not
been evident before, that there is no world government ("The U.N.:
An End New
Leader, Feb. 27, 1961). One saw there not
to Illusions"
the actions of a world united but rather a battleground for contending

One finds, then, in Reinhold Niebuhr's writings, not only an unusual

insight into political and social facts
in terms of the theme of love and
justice; there is always the elaboration of ideal possibilities, the harsh
and unlovely facts of the case, and the search for any redeeming ele-
ment in the situation.

General Essays

on Love and Justice

IN all Other law is fulfilled is But this law does not
the law of love.
abrogate the laws of justice, except as love rises above justice to ex-
ceed its demands. The ordinary affairs of the community, the struc-
tures of politics and economics, must be governed by the spirit of
justice and by specific and detailed definitions of rights and duties.
American Christianity tends to be irrelevant to the problems of
justice because it persists in presenting the law of love as a simple so-
lution for every communal problem. It is significant that the " social
gospel," which sought to overcome the excessive individualism of
the Christian faith in America, never escaped this sentimentality
and irrelevance because it also preached the same ethic that it pre-
tended to criticize. It insisted that Christians should practice the
law of love not only in personal relations but in the collective rela-
tions of mankind. In these relations love as an ecstatic impulse of
self-giving is practically impossible. Nations, classes, and races do
not love on^ another. They may have a high sense of obligation to
one another. They must express this sense of obligation in the desire
to give each one his due.
The effort to substitute the law of love for the spirit of justice in-
stead of recognizing love as the fulfillment and highest form of the
spirit of justice, is derived from the failure to measure the power
and persistence of self-interest. It is because self-interest is not easily
overcome in even the life of the " redeemed " that most of the har-
monies of life are not the perfect harmonies of fully co-ordinated
wills but the tolerable harmonies of balanced interests and mutually

Christianity and Society, Summer, 1950.

recognized claims. Even in the family, in which the spirit of love may
prevail more than in any other human institution, the careful calcu-
lation of rights is an important element in the harmony of the

whole, though it must be observed that rights are so complexly inter-

twined in intimate relations that the calculations of justice lead to
frictionif love is not constantly infused into them.

Christians pride themselves upon an ethic that exceeds the re-

quirements of law. But it is significant that Jews, schooled in their
and also the inheritors of the prophetic spirit, are
legalistic tradition
on the whole more adept in the field of justice than Christians.
They might well say to Christians what Cosimo de' Medici said to
Catholics in the Renaissance: " You have
built your ladders into the
heavens. We nor sink so low." Christian busi-
will not seek so high
nessmen are more frequently characterized by a spirit of philan-
thropy than by a spirit of justice in assessing the claims and counter-
claims of economic groups. Love in the form of philanthropy is, in
fact, on a lower level than a high form of justice. For philanthropy

is given to those who make no claims against us, who do not chal-
lenge our goodness or disinterestedness. An act of philanthropy may
thus be an expression of both power and moral complacency. An act
of justice on the other hand requires the humble recognition that
the claim that another makes against us may be legitimate.
The pronouncements of church bodies and the preachments of the
pulpit still tend to smell of sentimentality in our day because the
law of love is presented without reference to the power of the law of
self-love. " All coercion," wrote a Christian businessman recently, " is
foreign to the Christian life because we Christians know that only

uncoerced goodness is real goodness." This does not take into ac-
count that we need a great deal of second-rate goodness to get along
with one another. We have to have a taxation system that demands
more of us than we are inclined to give voluntarily; and we must
maintain a social security system that holds us responsible for the se-
curity of other families than our own beyond our natural inclina-
tion. We cannot preserve the health of the free world without Amer-
ican aid to other nations that must go far beyond the utmost limits
of voluntary philanthropy.


" A Christian," declared an eager young participant in a sympo-
sium on Christianity and politics, " always considers the common
welfare before his own This simple statement reveals a
few of the weaknesses of moralistic Christianity in dealing with prob-
lems of justice. The statement contains at least two errors, or per-
haps one error and one omission.
The first error consists in defining a Christian in terms which as-
sume that consistent selflessness is possible. No Christian, even the
most perfect, is able " always " to consider the common interest be-
fore his own. At he is not able to do it without looking at the
common interest with eyes colored by his own ambitions. If com-
plete selflessness were a simple possibility, political justice could be
quickly transmuted into perfect love; and all the frictions, tensions,
partial co-operations, and overt and covert conflicts could be elimi-
nated. If complete selflessness without an admixture of egoism were
possible,many now irrelevant sermons and church resolutions would
become relevant. Unfortunately there is no such possibility for indi-
vidual men; and perfect disinterestedness for groups and nations is
even more impossible.
The other error is one of omission. To set self-interest and the gen-
eral welfare in simple opposition is to ignore nine tenths of the ethi-
cal issues that confront the consciences of men. For these are con-
cerned not so much with the problem of the self against the whole
as with problems of the self in its relation to various types of " gen-
eral welfare." " What do you mean by common interest? " retorted
a shrewd businessman in the symposium referred to. Does it mean
the family or the nation? If I have to choose between " my family "
and " my nation," is the Christian choice inevitably weighted in fa-
vor of the nation since it is the larger community? And if the choice
is between " my " nation and another nation, must the preference al-

ways be for the other nation on the ground that concern for my own
nation represents collective self-interest? Was the young pacifist
idealist rightwho insisted that if we had less " selfish concern for
our own civilization " we could resolve the tension between our-
selves and Russia, presumably by giving moral preference to a com-
munist civilization over our own?

Christianity and Society, Fall, 1950.

Such questions as these reveal why Christian moralism has made
such meager contributions to the issues of justice in modern soci-
ety. Justice requires discriminate judgments between conflicting
claims. A Christian justice will be particularly critical of the claims
of the self as against the claims of the other, but it will not dismiss
them out of hand. Without this criticism all justice becomes cor-
rupted into a refined form of self-seeking. But if the claims of the
self(whether individual or collective) are not entertained, there is

no justice at all. There is an ecstatic form of agape which defines the

ultimate heroic possibilities of human existence (involving, of
course, martyrdom) but not the common possibilities of tolerable
harmony of life with life.

In so far as justice admits the claims of the self, it is something

less than love. Yet it cannot exist without love and remain justice.
For without the " grace " of love, justice always degenerates into
something less than justice.
But if justice requires that the interests of the self be entertained,
it also requires that they be resisted. Every realistic system of justice

must assume the continued power of self-interest, particularly of col-

lective self-interest. It must furthermore assume that this power will
express itself illegitimately as well as legitimately. It must therefore
be prepared to resist illegitimate self-interest, even among the best
men and the most just nations. A simple Christian moralism coun-
sels men to be unselfish. A profounder Christian faith must encour-

age men to create systems of justice which will save society and them-
selves from their own selfishness.
But justice arbitrates not merely between the self and the other,
but between the competing claims upon the self by various " others."
Justice seeks to determine what I owe my family as compared with
my nation; or what I owe this segment as against that segment of a
community. One of the strange moral anomalies of our times is that
there are businessmen and men of affairs who have a more precise
sense of justice in feeling their way through the endless relativities
of human relations than professional teachers of morals. Practical
experience has made them
sensitive to the complex web of values
and which human decisions are reached, while the pro-
interests in
fessional teachers of religion and morals deal with simple counters
of black and white. This certainly is one of the reasons why the pul-
pit frequently seems so boring and irrelevant to the pew. At his
worst the practical man of affairs is morally heedless and considers

only his own interest, mistaking collective self-interest for selfless

virtue. At he has been schooled in justice, while his teacher
his best
confuses the issue by moral distinctions which do not fit the com-
plexities of life.

The realm of justice is also a realm of tragic choices, which are

seldom envisaged in a type of idealism in which all choices are re-
garded as simple. Sometimes we must prefer a larger good to a
smaller one, without the hope that the smaller one will be pre-
served in the larger one. Sometimes we must risk a terrible evil (such
as an atomic war) in the hope of avoiding an imminent peril (such
as subjugation to tyranny) Subsequent events may prove the risk to

have been futile and the choice to have been wrong. If there is
enough of a world left after such a wrong choice we will be taxed by
the idealists for having made the wrong choice; and they will not
know that they escaped an intolerable evil by our choice. Even now
we are taxed with the decision to resist nazism, on the ground that
the war against nazism has left us in a sad plight. The present peril
of communism seems to justify an earlier capitulation to nazism.
But since we are men and not God, we could neither anticipate all
the evils that would flow from our decision to resist nazism, nor yet
could we have capitulated to the immediate evil because another
evil was foreshadowed.
The tragic character of our moral choices, the contradiction be-
tween various equal values of our devotion, and the incomplete-
ness in all our moral striving, prove that " if in this life only we
had hoped in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." No possible
historic justice is sufferable without the Christian hope. But any il-
lusion of a world of perfect love without these imperfect harmonies
of justice must ultimately turn the dream of love into a nightmare
of tyranny and injustice.


Since Walter Rauschenbusch aroused the American church to the
urgency of the social problem and its relation to the ethical ideals
of the gospel, it has been rather generally assumed that it is possible

Religion in Life, Spring, 1932.

to abstract an adequate social ethic for the reconstruction of society
from the social teachings of Jesus. Dozens of books have been writ-
ten to prove that Jesus' ideals of brotherhood represented an outline
of the ideal society, that his law of service offered an alternative to
the competitive impulse in modern society, that guidance for the ad-
justment of every political and economic problem could be found in
his words, and that nothing but a little logic would serve to draw out
the " social implications " of his teachings.
Most of this energy has been vainly spent and has served to create
as much confusion as light. There is indeed a very rigorous ethical

ideal in the gospel of Jesus, but there is no social ethic in the ordi-
nary sense of the word in it, precisely because the ethical ideal is too
rigorous and perfect to lend itself to application in the economic and
political problems of our day. This does not mean that the ethic of
Jesus has no light to give to a modern Christian who faces the per-
plexing economic and political issues of a technological civilization.
It means only that confusion will be avoided if a rigorous distinc-
tion is made between a perfectionist and absolute ethic and the ne-
cessities of a social situation.
The ethic of Jesus was, to begin with, a personal ethic. It was not
individual in the sense that he believed in individual perfection ab-
stracted from a social situation. He saw that wealth tempted to cov-
etousness and that poverty prompted the virtue of humility. He
spoke of the Kingdom and not of salvation, and the Kingdom
meant an ideal social relationship, even though he might emphasize
that it proceeded from internal spiritual forces. His ethic was an
ethic of love, and it therefore implied social relationships. But it was
an individual ethic in the sense that his chief interest was in the
quality of life of an individual. He regarded as a temptation the sug-
gestion that he become a political leader or that he develop the po-
litical implications of the Messianic idea, and he resisted the effort

to make him king. He was not particularly interested in the Jewish

people's aspirations toward freedom from Rome, and skillfully
evaded the effort to make him take sides in that political problem.
He accepted monarchy on the one hand and slavery on the other,
though he called attention to the difference between the ideal of his
Kingdom, which measured greatness by service, and the kind of
greatness which the " kings of the Gentiles " attained.
His lack of concern for social and political issues is, however, not
as important from the perspective of this problem as the kind of

ethical ideal which he actually developed. In terms of individual

life his ethical idealwas one of complete disinterestedness, reli-
giously motivated. No one was to seek his own. The man who asked
him to persuade his brother to divide an inheritance with him was
rudely rebuked. Evil was not to be resisted, the borrower was to be
given more than he asked for without hope of return. A special pre-
mium was placed upon actions which could not be rewarded. In
other words, the prudential motive was treated with utmost sever-
ity. There are, of course, words in the teachings of Jesus which are

not as rigorous as this. He promised rewards. Some of these words

belong to a humanist strain in his teachings in which he merely
makes a shrewd analysis of the effect of certain actions. The severe
judge will be judged severely. The proud man will be abased and
the humble man exalted. Here the social rewards of social attitudes
are recognized. Other offers of reward occur, but with one or two ex-
ceptions they can be placed in the category of ultimate rewards
" in the resurrection of the just," " treasures in heaven," favor with
God. On the whole, theydo not seriously qualify his main position
that moral action must be motivated purely by obedience to God,
emulation of God's attributes, and gratitude for the forgiving grace
of God. An ulterior motive (desire for social approval, for instance)
for a worthy action would destroy the virtue of the action and would
result only in the attainment of the object of the ulterior motive
" verily, they have their reward."

Jesus did not deny that disinterested action would result in re-
wards; " all these things " would be added, and the man who forgot
himself completely would find himself most truly. Here is the recog-
nition of the basic ethical paradox that the highest result of an ac-
tion can never be its desired result. It must be a by-product. If it is
desired, the purity of the action is destroyed. If I love to be loved or
to be socially approved, I will not be loved or approved in the same
way as if my fellow men caught in me a glimpse of pure disinter-
estedness. Obviously the only way to achieve such pure disinter-
estedness is to have actions motivated purely by religious motives.
But this very emphasis upon religious motives lifts the ethic of Jesus
above the area of social ethics. We are asked to love our enemies,
not because the social consequences of such love will be to make
friends of the enemies, but because God loves with that kind of im-
partiality. We are demanded to forgive those who have wronged us,
not because a forgiving spirit will prove redemptive in the lives of
the fallen, but because God forgives our sins. Here we have an
ethic, in other words, which we can neither disavow nor perfectly
achieve. We cannot disavow it because it is a fact that the prudential
motive destroys the purity of every ethical action. We have a right
to view the social and personal consequences of an action in retro-
spect, but if we view it in prospect we have something less than the
best. So powerful is the drive of self-interest in life, however, that
this ideal is as difficult to achieve as it is to disavow. It remains,
therefore, as an ideal which convicts every moral achievement of
imperfection, but it is always a little beyond the realm of actual
human history.
Though Jesus was as indifferent to the social consequences of pure
disinterestedness as he was critical of concern for the personal conse-
quences, it is not difficult to draw conclusions in regard to the social
ideal implied by such disinterestedness. In practical terms it means

a combination of anarchism and communism dominated by the

spirit of love. Such perfect love as he demands would obviate the
necessity of coercion on the one hand because men would refrain
from transgressing upon their neighbor's rights, and on the other
hand because such transgression would be accepted and forgiven if
it did occur. That is anarchism, in other words. It would mean com-

munism because the privileges of each would be potentially the

privileges of all. Where love is perfect the distinctions between mine
and thine disappear. The social ideal of Jesus is as perfect and as
impossible of attainment as is his personal ideal. But again it is an
ideal that cannot be renounced completely. Whatever justice men
attain in the society in which they live is always an imperfect justice.
The careful limitation and definition of rights which Stoicism gave
to the world as a social ideal always develop into injustice in actual
life because every person views rights not from an absolute but from
a biased perspective. The result is a society in which the perspective
of the strong dictates the conceptions of justice by which the total
community operates and necessitates social conflict through the as-

sertion of the rights of the weak before the injustice is corrected.

Justice, in other words, that is only justice is less than justice. Only
imaginative justice, that is, love that begins by espousing the rights
of the other rather than self, can achieve a modicum of fairness.
Whether we view the ethical teachings of Jesus from the perspec-
tive of the individual or of society we discover an unattainable
ideal, but a very useful one. It is an ideal never attained in history

or in life, but one that gives us an absolute standard by which to

judge both personal and social righteousness. It is a standard by
comparison with which all human attainments fall short, and it may
offer us the explanation of Jesus' words, " Why callest thou me good?
no one is good save God." Perhaps it ought to be added that an at-
tempt to follow this ideal in a world that is, particularly in its group
relationships, hardly human and certainly not divine, will inevitably
lead us to where it led Jesus, to the cross.
Valuable as this kind of perfectionism is, it certainly offers no
basis for a social ethic that deals responsibly with a growing society.
Those of us who believe in the complete reorganization of modern
society are not wrong in using the ideal of Jesus as a vantage point
from which to condemn the present social order, but I think we are
in error when we try to draw from the teachings of Jesus any war-
rant for the social policies which we find necessary to attain to any
modicum of justice. We may be right in believing that we are striv-

ing for a justice which approximates the Christian ideal more closely
than the present social order, but we are wrong when we talk about
achieving a " Christian social order." The Barthians are quite right,
I think, in protesting against the easy identification of the King-
dom of God with every movement of social reform and social radi-
calism that has prevailed in American Christianity in particular and
in liberal Protestantism in general. Those of us who dissociate our-
selves from the easy optimism of modern liberalism and who believe
that a just society is not going to be built by a little more education
and a few more sermons on love have particular reason to reorient
our thinking in this matter so that we will not come forward with
a social ethic involving the use of force and coercion and political
pressure of every kind and claim the authority of Jesus for it.

Our confusion is, no worse than that of the conventional

of course,
teachers of Christian ethics and theology who have a rather com-
placent attitude toward the present economic society and criticize
us for violating the ethic of Jesus in our espousal of the class strug-
gle, for instance. Our confusion is, in fact, not quite as bad as theirs.
They have used every kind of exegetical device to prove that the
teachings of Jesus are not incompatible with participation in nation-
alisticwars or, if they have been a little more clearheaded, they
have found ethical justification for their actions by proving that the
ethic of Jesus does not provide for the responsibilities of politics
and economics, and therefore leaves them free to choose a political
Strategy thatis most consonant with their conception
of the moral

good will which they believe Jesus to idealize. The critics of the

former type have no ground to stand upon at all when they accuse
radical Christians of violating the ethic of Jesus; for participation
a nonviolent strike action, to choose an obvious example,
is cer-

tainly not more incompatible with the ethic of Jesus than


tion in an international conflict. Critics of the latter type

have cut
the ground for criticism from under their own feet. They admit that

any responsible relationship to political and economic affairs in-

volves compromise, and they ought to have a difficult time
that the assertion of national interest or the protection of

rights is more compatible with the perfectionist ideal of pure disin-

terestedness than the assertion of class interests and the protection

of class rights.
But the confusion of our critics does not absolve us of the necessity
in the
of clear thought for ourselves. The struggle for social justice
the rights of
present economic order involves the assertion of rights,
the disinherited, and the use of coercion. Both are
with the pure love ethic found in the Gospels. How, then, do we jus-
tifythe strategy of the
" class struggle "? We
simply cannot do so in
purely Christian terms. There is in the absolute sense no such thing

" Christian socialism." We
must justify ourselves by considera-
tions of the social situation that we face and the human resources
that are available for its solution. What we discover in the social

situation is that human life in its group interests moves pretty much
upon the basis of the economic interests of various groups. We
realize that intelligence and spiritual and moral
idealism may
qualify economic interest, but they do not destroy it. Whatever may
be possible for individuals, we see no possibility of a group
society. Nor do we
tarily divesting itself of its special privileges in
possibility of pure disinterestedness and the spirit of forgive-
see a
ness on the part of an underprivileged group shaming a dominant
group into an attitude of social justice. Such a strategy might pos-
sibly work in intimate personal relationships but it
does not work in
The Negro has been forgiving in his sub-
the larger group relations.
ordinate position in society for a long time, but he has not persuaded
the white man to grant him larger privileges in society.
place the industrial worker has won in society has been
won by the
assertion of his rights through his trade-union organizations.
the most imaginative urban dwellers lack the
imagination to en-

visage the needs of the farmer. The farmer has been forced to exert
political pressure for the attainment of even such minimum justice
as he is granted in the present economic organization of our coun-
try. No one who looks realistically at the social scene can fail to dis-

cover that economic, racial, and national groups stand on a moral

level considerably lower than that of the most sensitive individuals.
They are not easily persuaded to a voluntary sacrifice of privileges,
and an attitude of pure nonresistance on the part of those who suffer
from their exactions does not produce the spirit of repentance
among them. Intelligence, which may create a spirit of justice among
individuals by persuading them to grant to their fellows what they
claim for themselves, is generally not acute enough to function in
similar fashion in group relations. More frequently it does no more
than to create rational sanctifications for special group interests.
Only rarely does intellectual force rise high enough to create a per-
spective from which group prejudices and biases have been banished.
The relations between groups are so indirect that the consequences
of our actions in the life of another group are not easily discerned,
and we therefore continue in unethical conduct without the re-
straint upon our conscience that intimate personal relations create.
Very few white men have any conception of the havoc that is
wrought in the souls and upon the bodies of Negroes by prevailing
race prejudices; and there is not one American in a million who
knows what our reparations policy means for starving workers of
Germany. This unhappy group seems under the necessity of assert-
ing its interests, not only against the rest of the world, but against
the more comfortable middle classes of their own country.
The social struggle involves a violation of a pure ethic of love, not
only in the assertion of rights, but in the inevitable use of coercion.
Here again one need but state the obvious; but the obvious is usu-
ally not recognized by academic moralists. No society can exist
without the use of coercion, though every intelligent society will try
to reduce coercion to a minimum and rely upon the factor of mutual
consent to give stability to its institutions. Yet it can never trust all
of its citizens to accept necessary social arrangements voluntarily.
It will use police force against recalcitrant and antisocial minori-
ties, and it will use the threat of political force against a complacent

and indifferent group of citizens which could never be relied upon

to initiate adequate social policies upon its own accord. No govern-
ment can wait upon voluntary action on the part of the privileged
members of a community for an adequate inheritance or income tax.

It will use political force created by the votes of the disinherited and
less privileged to initiate and enforce taxation policies, designed to
equalize privileges. Privileged groups may accept such legislation
without violent revolt, but they will probably argue against its jus-

tice until the day of their death. An intelligent society will con-
stantly strive toward the goal of a more equal justice by initiating a
more rigorous policy just as soon as a previous and more tentative
one has been accepted and absorbed into the social standards of the
community. If this is not done by gradual process, with the unreal-
ized goal of essential equality beckoning each generation to surpass
the approximations of justice achieved in the past, the inequalities
of the social order, always increasing through natural process, are
bound to grow until an outraged sense of justice (probably spurred
by actual physical want on the part of the least privileged members
of a community) will produce a violent revolt. In such nations as
Germany, for instance, it is really an open question whether any po-
litical measures can achieve the desired end of social justice quickly
enough to prevent violent revolution.
The necessity of this kind of coercion, based upon the assertion of
interest on the part of the less privileged, is such a clear lesson of
history that one hesitates to belabor the point and would refrain
from doing so were not for the fact that half of the academic

treatises on social ethics and Christian ethics were written as if no

such necessity existed. In this respect secular moralists are frequently
as naive as religious ones. In the one case it is expected that a change
in educational technique will eliminate the drive of self-interest
which determines economic life and in the other case there is a
naive confidence in the possibility of changing human nature by re-

ligious conversion or religious inspiration. It is the thesis of the

radical wing whether in England, Ger-
of Christian social theorists,
many, or America, that nothing accomplished by either education or
religious suasion will be able to abolish the social struggle. We be-
lieve that such hopes are corrupted by the sentimentalities of the
comfortable classes and are caused by their lack of understanding of
the realities of an industrial civilization. In what sense, then, may
we call ourselves Christian,how do we hope to insinuate Chris-
tian and The simplest answer
ethical values into the social struggle?
is that we believe that the highest ethical and spiritual ins^ight may

mitigate the social struggle on the one hand and may transcend it

on the other.

We believe that it makes some difference whether a privileged

group makes a stubborn and uncompromising defense of its special
privileges or whether it has some degree of social imagination and
tries to view its privileges in the light of the total situation of a com-

munity. Education ought to create some of that social imagination,

and in so far as it does, it will mitigate the class struggle or the social
struggle between races. The religious contribution to the same end
may consist of various elements. Real religion produces the spirit of
humility and repentance. moral conceit. Moral conceit is
It destroys
precisely what makes privileged groups so stubborn in the defense
of their privileges. The human animal is just moral enough to be
unable to act immorally with vigor if he cannot find a moral justi-
fication for his actions. If the Christian church used the ethical ideal
of Jesus, the ideal of pure disinterestedness, more rigorously, and if
the modern pulpit made a more astute analysis of human motives in
the light of this ideal, many of the rationalizations that now support
and attitudes of privileged and powerful peo-
the antisocial policies
plewould be destroyed. At least they might be qualified. One of the
most unfortunate facts about our contemporary moral situation is
that the church has ceased to convict men of selfishness at the precise
moment in history when human greed is more obvious and more
dangerous than at any previous time. Nowhere has the liberal church
played more false to its generation than in its optimistic and roman-
tic interpretation of human nature, just when an industrial civiliza-
tion revealed the drive of self-interest in all its antisocial power.
The part of the Christian church that has tried to convict the gen-
eration of sin knows too about the problems of modern life to

convict men Thus reKgion has on the whole

of their significant sins.
produced moral complacency rather than the spirit of repentance.
The number of men who are sufficiently sensitized by religion actu-
ally to renounce their privileges must always remain small. But it
ought not to be impossible for the church to create enough contri-
tion and consciousness of human selfishness to prompt men to a
more willing acceptance of and less stubborn resistance against so-
cial policies that aim at the restriction of power and privilege. If we
dealt realistically with the facts of human nature, we might be able
to create an attitude of complacency toward increasing social re-
straint, based upon the realization that few, if any, of us are wise
enough to restrain our expansive desires voluntarily in a degree suf-
ficient for the needs of our highly interdependent society. If there

were a better understanding of human nature in the church today.

an understanding that we could acquire by the study of psychology
and economics but which we might appropriate just as easily from
the insights of great religion, therewould be fewer Christian cap-
tains of industry who
under the illusion that they were good
enough and wise enough to hold irresponsible power and exercise it
for the good of the community. They would know that the very pos-
session of irresponsible power tempts to its selfish use and that the
benevolent pretensions of despotism rest either on unconscious self-
deception or conscious hypocrisy.
True religion could mitigate the cruelties of the social struggle by
its creation of the spirit of love as well as the spirit of repentance.
The love ideal which Jesus incarnates may be too pure to be real-
ized in life, but it offers us nevertheless an ideal toward which the
religious spirit may strive. All rational idealism creates a conflict
between the mind and the impulses, as in Stoicism and Kantian mo-
rality. The mind conceives ideals of justice which it tries to force

upon recalcitrant selfish impulses. Real religion transmutes the so-

cial impulses until they transcend the limits set them by nature
(family, race, group, etc.)and include the whole human community.
Real religious imagination is able, furthermore, to create an atti-
tude of trust and faith toward human beings, in which the potenti-
alities rather than the immediate realities are emphasized. Through

such imagination the needs of the social foe are appreciated, his in-
adequacies are understood in the light of his situation, and his possi-
bilities for higher and more moral action are recognized. Only the
religious spirit which surveys the human scene from the perspective
of its presuppositions about the character of life is thus able to dis-
regard present facts and appeal to ultimate possibilities. The fact
that in Jesus the spirit of love flowed out in emulation of God's love,
without regard to social consequences, cannot blind the eye to the
social consequences of a religiously inspired love. If modern religion
were really producing it, it would mitigate the evils of the social
struggle. It would, to emphasize the obvious once more, not abolish
the social struggle, because it would not approximate perfection in
sufficiently numerous instances. The fight for justice in society will
always be a fight. But wherever the spirit of justice grows imagina-
tive and is transmuted into love, a love in which the interests of the
other are espoused, the struggle is transcended by just that much.
It is the fashion among many Christian idealists to criticize the
political movements of the disinherited for the spirit of hatred which

they generate. The church, so it is said, would espouse their cause

much more readily if the spirit of love were manifest in it. What
the church fails to realize is that its responsibility is chiefly for the
moral and spiritual attitudes of the privileged rather than the disin-
herited; for it is the former who makes professions of Christian ideal-
ism. If the church wants to insinuate the spirit of love into the so-
cial struggle, it ought to begin with the privileged groups, not only

because it has greater responsibility for them, but because those who
hold entrenched positions in the social struggle are obviously under
the greater obligation to be imaginative in gauging the needs and
discounting the limitations of those who suffer from social injustice.
The no such distinctions; for
perfectionist ethic of Jesus allows for
it demands poured forth whether or not we suffer from
that love be
injustice. But no one can avow such an ethic from the vantage point
of privilege and security. If the portion of society that benefits from
social inequality and which is endangered by a rising tide of social
discontent attempts to counsel love, forgiveness, and patience to the
discontented, it will convict itself of hypocrisy, except it is able first

of all to which it commends, in its own

reveal fruits of the Spirit,
Even if it were
life. some fruits, but too meager to justify
to reveal
a more trusting and a less vehement attitude on the part of the un-
derprivileged, its moral ideals would be regarded as pretensions. The
race situation in the South offers interesting commentary upon this
point. The fine work which the interracial commission has done has
failed to preserve the respect of the more eager young Negroes for
it, because they feel that through its efforts of conciliation white
men have yielded only inconsequential social advantages in order
that they may hold to their major ones. The most perfect love may
not ask for social justification, but any love within the capacity of
ordinary men and groups does. The disinherited will have their spir-
its corrupted by hatred and their policies tinctured with violence ex-

cept they are able to detect some genuinely ethical elements in the
policies of the privileged and entrenched social groups. If the spirit
of love is to qualify and mitigate the social struggle, the groups that
profess to believe in the efficacy of love and who, at the same time,
have favored positions in society are clearly under obligation to in-
troduce this Christian element in society. They may be quite sure
that any solid ethical achievement among them would result in prac-
tically immediate ethical reactions of trust and faith among those
who Only the faith and trust of the
are trying to advance socially.
advancing group will not and ought not ever rise to the point where
purely voluntary action toward equality is expected. A degree of
ethical insight on the part of the whole community will not abolish
the necessity of social conflict, but it may prevent violence and re-
duce the hatred that must inevitably arise when the disinherited are
faced, not only with the stubborn greed of the powerful and com-
fortable social classes, but also with the protection of their privi-
leges by the covert use of force and their hypocritical pretension of
A Christian ethical idealism that espouses the cause of proletarian
groups and identifies itself with their political movements is, in

short, as pure as any Christian movement that assumes a responsible

attitude toward society. The compromises that it makes with the
pure Christian ethic are inevitable compromises which everyone
must make who deals with the social problem from the perspective
of society rather than that of the individual. It might claim, in addi-
tion, to appropriate the Christian ethical ideal more closely than a
type of thought that fears contamination in the social struggle. For
the social struggle is a reality in society and we will be contami-
nated by it except we get out of society. The ascetic may possibly
have a vantage point from which to criticize the ethical purity of
Christian socialism or Christian radicalism. Those who stay in soci-
ety have not. If our critics were less confused about the moral and
social realities of modern would know that neutrality
society, they
in a social struggle between entrenched and advancing social classes
reallymeans alliance with the entrenched position. In the social
strugglewe are either on the side of privilege or need. No ethical
perfectionism can save us from that choice.


The church has always felt the ministry of reconciliation to be one
of its tasks. It men to " live at peace with all men as
has admonished
much as in you orthodox Christianity it was assumed that
lieth." In
no perfect justice could be achieved in society; and the reconciling

The Christian Century, May 16, 1934.


love which it preached was therefore something that was to ease and
qualify but not change the relative injustices of society. In the mod-
ern period the liberal church, rightly impatient with a conception of
static justice, thought of its task as one that demanded the achieve-
ment of a more perfect justice. Since, however, it believed that the
gospel law of love was a source of an effective social ethic, it insisted
that this more perfect justice was to be achieved by admonishing
thosewho have undue privileges to sacrifice them in the interest of
thosewho have been defrauded.
The church's ministry of reconciliation was thus conceived in
purely moral terms. was to make selfish people unselfish, at least

sufficiently unselfish to permit the creation of justice without con-

flict. Only a few years ago a leader of the social gospel movement

wrote a book in which he deplored the " increasing temptation to

solve the problem of justice by political means." In other words, he
still held to the belief that pure moral suasion could solve every so-

cial problem.

Where Idealism Creates Illusion

When it became obvious that problems of social justice are not

solved in terms of pure moral suasion, but that the establishment of
justice always involves a certain degree of pressure, of claims and
counterclaims, of pushing and shoving, a portion of the church de-
cided to allow for such pressure but to insist that it must never lead
to violent conflict. The task of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, a
radical Christian organization, has been conceived in essentially such
terms. The Fellowship espoused the cause of the social underdogs in
and economic
racial conflict but drew the line at violent conflict.
Whether the task of reconciliation is conceived in terms of pure
moral suasion or whether it recognizes the inevitabilities of conflict
in society and only seeks to avoid violence in such conflicts, it is in-
teresting that the consequence of such conceptions is to create moral
idealists who imagine that they are changing the world by their
moral ideals. In the first case the church has encouraged a whole
horde of Christian idealists and philanthropists who express their
Christian spirit in more or less generous philanthropies and in more
or less thoroughgoing efforts at reform. Almost invariably these ideal-
ists come to believe that the problem of justice has been solved and

that one need only wait for the day when other businessmen will be
as unselfish as they are and when workers will acknowledge this
idealism with grateful appreciation and stop their own pretentious
efforts toward justice.
In the second case a slightly more realistic and more radical type
ot Christian idealism is achieved, but it can not escape moral con-

fusion. Since draws an absolute line between violence and non-


violence in social struggles, it gives a moral advantage to all the good

Christian people who have never used violence in their lives, who
stand aghast at the counsels of violence heard in the ranks of the
disinherited, and who thereby miss the fact that we are all involved
in the violence of life. In other words, the church by its emphasis
upon moral idealism tends to create hypocrites who underestimate
their own selfishness and the persistence of selfishness in society.
Sometimes a healthy realism among laymen breaks through the il-
lusions created by superficial moral preaching. I remember out of
my own days of liberal preaching how a certain young businessman
approached me after a sermon on the necessity of justice through
love and nonviolence and told me that he had " fired " fifty men
that week from a construction job on orders from the " head of-
fice." He said he didn't like to do it, but that he would have lost his

job if he had failed to comply with orders. With a sly gleam of de-
rision in his eye for my rather romantic pacifism, he declared that his
conscience wasn't eased a bit by the fact that he had not hit any of
the fifty dismissed men over the head.
kind of realism that the church has been failing to
It is just this

supply in the social struggle. It has preached too much moral ideal-
ism at the expense of religious realism. If one looks at life from a
religious perspective,if one judges human actions in the light of the

law of love and tests every action by the admonition " Thou shalt
love thy neighbor as thyself," one soon discovers what a world of na-
ture this human world is and how necessary it is and remains to es-
tablish basic justice in it by the contest of interest with interest.
Moral idealists are incapable of recognizing that fact. They will live
under the illusion that they can be so unselfish that they will be able
to grant other people justice without any pressure on the part of the
But any religious realist who has ever looked deeply into his heart
and felt the scrutiny of a holy God upon his sin will not make such
a mistake. He will say with Saint Paul: " I know nothing against
myself, but I am not thereby justified. He who judges me is the

Lord." We do a good deal to judge ourselves by our

can, of course,
own highest standards. But our own highest standards are neverthe-
less very much our own and are conditioned by our own interests.

The number of people who do not mix a considerable amount of

will-to-power with their kindnesses and philanthropies is extremely

Christian Realism

The church would do more for the cause of reconciliation if, in-
stead of producing moral idealists who think that they can establish
justice, it would and Christian realists who know
create religious
some men shall contend against them.
that justice will require that
In the more privileged congregations this would mean the education
of Christian laymen who understood the profound realities of the
social struggle, and who would therefore not give themselves to the
deception that they know what is good for their workingmen and
that their philanthropies are a refutation of the worker's insistence
on organization. This kind of Christian realism would understand
the perennial necessity of political relationships in society, no mat-
terhow ethical ideals rise.
The wise minister will not apply this realism only to businessmen.
There are probably few churches in America in which the janitor
might not well be justified in demanding a larger share of the total
wage bill of the congregation. This does not mean that the demand
will be successful. It will probably not be, because janitors find diffi-

culty in organizing and if they were organized they would find still

greater difficulty in engaging in collective bargaining with hundreds

of church boards. There is probably no community so ethical that its
justice could not be improved by political as well as ethical rela-
tionships in it. Technical difficulties frequently make the introduc-
tion of political relationships impossible in certain communities.
The members are therefore dependent solely upon the ethical in-
sight of their superiors for the attainment of justice. This may be
inevitable, but it does not prove that political relationships would
not be abstractly desirable even though practical and technical diffi-

culties spoil their efficacy in certain situations.

44 general essays on love and justice

The Role of Love

Emphasis upon political and religious realism and Christian con-
trition does not mean that there should be or that there would be
less moral idealism and a less genuine effort to understand the in-
terest of the other person and to meet
by voluntary action. All

justice established by pressure is in need of being elaborated by

love; and there is no reason to suppose that people who know them-
selves to be selfish will be less anxious to try to approximate un-
selfishness than those who imagine that unselfishness is an easy at-

tainment. In a final conflict only those who have learned the grace of
humility can be loving, for in a conflict love requires forgiveness and
forgiveness is who know themselves to be sin-
possible only to those
ners. Moral idealists foes. They are too secure in
never forgive their
their own virtue to do that. Men forgive their foes only when they
feel themselves to be standing under God with them, and feel that
under the divine scrutiny all " our righteousness is as filthy rags."
There are a large number of eager young radical preachers in
American Protestant churches who are engaged in the business of
trying to make proletarians out of their middle-class church mem-
bers. It is a futile task from which these young radicals should have
long since been dissuaded by whatever Marxian determinism they
have learned. It is, in fact, a strange phenomenon to find Marxian
Christian leaders insisting in one moment that social justice must be
established by a class conflict and in the next trying to persuade one
class to espouse the cause of another. It is always possible and neces-
sary to persuade a few sensitive spirits to transcend class, race, or na-
tional interests completely in the cause of justice. But surely every
common-sense realist, not to speak of religious must know

that masses of men, even when they are in Christian churches, move
by interest. It is important that they should know that. It will miti-
gate the fury of their class interest, and thus a reconciling influence
will be exerted upon the social struggle.

Ministry to the Privileged

The most important ministry of reconciliation on the part of the

church must be to the privileged classes, not only because the church
has the ear of these classes to a greater degree than that of the dis-
inherited, but also because the privileged classes are most tempted to

identify their particular interests with the eternal sanctities and with
the peace and order of society. When privileged groups fighting for
God and all the angels, they be-
their rights claim to be fighting for
come and nothing will exorcise these demons but the
truly demonic,
worship of the true God. If the church is to reduce the fury of the
righteous man who does not know how unrighteous he is, it will
have to be more than a socio-moral institution. It will have to be a
religio-moral fellowship in which there is some sense of a holiness

which transcends all human perfections and imperfections.

A ministry of reconciliation must, of course, affect both sides of a
conflict. In the modern social struggle the demonic pretensions of
the privileged community are met by
similar pretensions on the
part of the disinherited, who one moment sneer at the religious
sanctifications of injustice in the privileged community, and in the
next moment engage in the religious divinization of their class as a
messianic one. Marxian politics and economics are extremely real-
istic, but Marxian religion is a form of blindness. This blindness is

dangerous not only to society but to the cause represented by the

disinherited champions of justice. It tends to make them narrow,
bigoted, and unable to enlist allies such as farmers and other poor
people whom they desperately need in their struggle.
The Christian idealists who have allied themselves with the dis-
inherited classes have tried to qualify this hatred by insisting that no
violence be used in the social struggle. This advice is confusing. Vio-
lence is, of course, always dangerous both to society and to those
who use it. It ought to be discouraged for pragmatic reasons, but not
for religious ones. If the latter emphasis is attempted, the disinher-
ited who are always suffering from the covert violence of the privi-
leged will rightly regard the advice of religious idealists as being
unconsciously prompted by middle-class idealism rather than by re-
ligious realism.
If the church has a ministry of reconciliation to the disinherited,
it is to bring the deepest insights of the Christian religion to bear
upon their situation. That does not mean to counsel them against
violence, but to dissuade them from hatred, or rather to set their
problem in such a perspective that hatred will be mitigated. The ir-

religious radical foolishly imagines that the sin of the capitalist is

and that the destruction of the

absolutely peculiar to the capitalist,
latter will therefore remove sin from the world. The religious sen-
timentalist is going to eliminate sin from capitalism by converting
love and good will. The religious radical knows that
all capitalists to

capitalism represents a particularly grievous form of social injustice

which can probably not be eliminated without the destruction of
capitalism itself.But he does not give himself to the romantic hope
that a new society will not face the problem of human sin and will
not have to seek to solve that problem on the three levels of politics,
ethics,and religion.
Such convictions inevitably mitigate the fury and qualify the
wrath with which the social enemy is met. If it should be thought
that fury and wrath are necessary to insure the success of a
most pragmatic grounds this is not
cause, the answer is that on the
true, for blind fury increases the size of the enemy's ranks. Lack of

spiritual discrimination is tempting radicalism in every Western na-

tion to sacrifice statesmanship for furious energy.

If the Christian church is not to be " blown up " by the political
conflicts that threaten the Western world, it will have to add reli-
gious depth to moral idealism. Pure morality divides people and

does not unite them. Moral idealists can live with other people only
if their ideals are identical with their own. Only
religious realists

can have respect, pity, and forgiveness for the foe whom they do not

understand. If this kind of love and forgiveness within and above

the inevitable battles of seem unimportant, one may become

convinced of their importance if one has suffered for a while from

the fury of liberal moral idealists and of radical moral idealists
have little in common except what they share with all moral ideal-

ists, that is, complete lovelessness toward those

who disagree with


" Theology Today," the Arch-
In his challenging article entitled
bishop of York presents several questions which in his opinion re-
quire a fresh answer in the light of contemporary history. One of
these questions is: " Is there a natural order which is from God,

Catholic tradition holds, or is there only natural disorder, the fruit

of sin, from which Christ delivers us, as Continental


has held? " I should like to address myself to this question and sug-

Theology, February, 1940.

gest that the facts of human history are more complex than either
the traditional Catholic or Protestant doctrines of natural order and
natural law suggest.
According to Thomistic doctrine, the Fall robbed man of a
doniim superadditum but left him with a pura naturalia, which in-
cludes a capacity for natural justice. What is lost is a capacity for
faith, hope, and love that is, the ability to rise above the natural
order and have communion with divine and supernatural order, to
know God and, in fellowship with him, to be delivered of the fears,
anxieties, and sins which result from this separation from God. The
fallen man is thus essentially an incomplete man, who is completed
by the infusion of sacramental grace, which restores practically,
though not quite, all of the supernatural virtues which were lost in
the Fall. The Fall does not seriously impair man's capacity for natu-
ral justice. Only this is an incomplete perfection, incapable of itself

to rise to the heights of love.

According to Protestant theology, the Fall had much more serious
consequences. It left man " totally corrupt " and " utterly leprous
and unclean." The very reason which in Catholic thought is re-
garded as the instrument and basis of natural justice is believed in
Protestant thought to be infected by the Fall and incapable of ar-
riving at any true definition of justice. Calvin is slightly more equivo-
cal about the effects of sin upon reason than Luther, and as a con-
sequence Calvinism does not relegate the natural law and the whole
problem of justice so completely to the background as does Luther-
anism. Nevertheless, the theory of total depravity is only slightly
qualified in Calvinism.
I should like to maintain that the real crux of the human situation
is missed in both the Catholic and the Protestant version of the ef-

fect of sin upon man's capacity for justice. Something more than a
brief paper would be required to prove such a thesis; I must content
myself therefore with suggesting the argument in general outline.
The Biblical conception of man includes three primary terms:
(a) he is made in the image of God, (&) he is a creature, and (c) he
is a sinner. His basic sin is pride. If this pride is closely analyzed, it is

discovered to be man's unwillingness to acknowledge his creatureli-

ness. He is betrayed by his greatness to hide his weakness. He is
tempted by his ability to gain his own security to deny his insecurity,
and refuses to admit that he has no final security except in God. He
is tempted by his knowledge to deny his ignorance. (This is the
source of all " ideological taint " in human knowledge.) It is not
that man in his weakness has finite perspectives that makes conflicts

between varying perspectives so filled with fanatic fury in all human

history; it is that man denies the finiteness of his perspectives that
tempts him to such fanatic cruelty against those who hold convic-
tions other than his own. The quintessence of sin is, in short, that
man " changes the glory of the incorruptible God into the image of
corruptible man." He always usurps God's place and claims to be
the final judge of human actions.
The man's original perfection therefore never leaves him
loss of

with an untarnished though incomplete natural justice. All state-

ments and definitions of justice are corrupted by even the most ra-
tional men through the fact that the definition is colored by inter-
est. This is the truth in the Marxist theory of rationalization and in

its assertion that all culture is corruped by an ideological taint. The

unfortunate fact about the Marxist theory is that it is used primarily

as a weapon in social conflict. The enemy is charged with this dis-
honesty, but the Marxist himself claims to be free of it. This is, of
course, merely to commit the final sin of self-righteousness and to im-
agine ourselves free of the sin which we discern in the enemy. The
fact that we do not discern it in ourselves is a proof of our sin and
not of our freedom from sin. Christ's parable of the mote and the
beam is a perfect refutation of this illusion.
The fact remains, nevertheless, that reason is not capable of de-
fining any standard of justice that is universally valid or acceptable.
Thus Thomistic definitions of justice are filled with specific details
which are drawn from the given realities of a feudal social order and
may be regarded as " rationalizations " of a feudal aristocracy's dom-
inant position in society. (The much-praised Catholic prohibition of
usury could be maintained only as long as the dominant aristocratic
class were borrowers rather than lenders of money. When the static
wealth of the landowners yielded to the more dynamic wealth of the
financiers and industrialists, the prohibition of usury vanished. Cath-
olics hold Protestantism responsible for this development, but it is
significant that the Catholic Church makes no effort to impose the
prohibition of usury upon its own bourgeois members.)
Bourgeois idealists of the eighteenth century invented new natural
law theories and invested them with bourgeois rather than feudal-
aristocratic content. The natural law of the eighteenth century was
supposed to be descriptive rather than prescriptive. It was, more ex-
actly, a " law of nature " rather
law of reason." But its real
than a "

significance lay in its specific content. The content of this law justi-
fied the bourgeois classes in their ideals, just as the older law justi-
fied the feudal aristocrats. In short, it is not possible to state a uni-
versally valid concept of justice from any particular sociological
locus in history. Nor is it possible to avoid either making the effort
or making pretenses of universality which human finiteness does not
justify. This inevitable pretense is the revelation of " original sin
in history. Human history is consequently more tragic than Catholic
theology assumes. It is not an incomplete world yearning for com-
pletion, and finding it in the incarnation. It is a tragic world, trou-
bled not by finiteness so much as by " false eternals " and false ab-
solutes, and expressing the pride of these false absolutes even in the
highest reaches of its spirituality. It is not the incarnation as such
that is the good news of the gospel, but rather the revelation of a
just God who is also merciful; this is the true content of the incarna-
tion. That is, it is the atonement that fills the incarnation with
But Catholic thought not only fails to do justice to the positive
character of the sinful element in all human definitions and realiza-
tions of natural justice. It also fails to do justice to the relation of
love to justice. In its conception, natural justice is good as far as it

goes, but it must be completed by the supernatural virtue of love.

The true situation is that anything short of love cannot be perfect
justice. In fact, every definition of justice actually presupposes sin
as a given reality. It is only because life is in conflict with life, be-
cause of sinful self-interest, that we are required carefully to define
schemes of justice which prevent one life from taking advantage of
another. Yet no scheme of justice can do full justice to all the vari-
able factors which the freedom of man introduces into human his-
tory. Significantly,both eighteenth-century and medieval concep-
tions of natural law are ultimately derived from Stoic conceptions.
And it is the very nature of Stoic philosophy that it is confused
about the relation of nature to reason. This confusion is due to the
fact that it does not fully understand the freedom of man. In all
Greco-Roman rationalism, whether Platonic, Aristotelian, or Stoic,
it is assumed that man's freedom is secured by his rational tran-

scendence over nature. Since reason and freedom are identified, it is

assumed that the freedom that man has over nature is held in check
and disciplined by his reason. The real situation is that man tran-
scends his own reason, which is to say that he is not bound in his
actions by reason's coherences and systems. His freedom consists in a

capacity for self-transcendence in infinite regression. There is there-

fore no limit in reason for either his creativity or his sin. There is no

possibility of giving a rational definition of a just relation between

man and man or nation and nation short of a complete love in
which each life affirms the interests of the other. Every effort to give
a definition of justice short of this perfect love invariably introduces
contingent factors, conditions of time and place, into the definition.
Love is the only final structure of freedom. Human personality as
makes it impossible to define abso-
a system of infinite potentialities
lutely what I owe to my fellow man, since nothing that he now is ex-
hausts what he might be. Human personality as capacity for infinite
self-transcendence makes it impossible from my own standpoint to
rest content in any ordered relation with my fellow men. There is no
such relation that I cannot transcend to imagine a better one in
terms of the ideal of love. Provisional definitions of justice short of
this perfect love are, of course, necessary. But they are much more
provisional than any natural law theory, whether medieval or mod-
ern, realizes. The freedom of man is too great to make it possible to
define any scheme of justice absolutely in terms of " necessary
According to Catholic theology, it is this structure of ultimate
freedom that is lost in the Fall just as the accompanying virtue of
love is lost. The real situation is that " original justice " in the sense
of a mythical " perfection before the Fall " is never completely lost.

It is not a reality in but always a potentiality. It is always what

he ought to be. It is the only goodness completely compatible with
his own and his fellow man's freedom that is, with their ultimate
transcendence over all circumstances of nature. Man is neither as
completely bereft of " original justice " nor as completely in posses-
sion of " natural justice " as the Catholic theory assumes.
Protestant theory, on the other hand, partly because of Luther's
nominalistic errors, has no sense of an abiding structure at all. Lu-
ther's theory of total depravity is, in fact, more intimately related to
his nominalism than is generally realized. Only in nominalistic
terms, in which love is regarded as good by the fiat of God and not
because it is actually the structure of freedom, can it be supposed
that could be completely at variance with itself. " Sin," said

Saint Augustine quite truly, " cannot tear up nature by the roots."

Injustice has meaning only against a background of a sense of jus-

tice. What is more, it cannot maintain itself without at least a mini-
mal content of justice. The " ideological taint " in all human truth
could have no meaning except against the background of a truth
that is not so tainted. Men always jump to the erroneous conclusion
that because they can conceive of a truth and a justice that com-
pletely transcend their interests, they are therefore also able to real-
ize such truth and such justice. Against this error of the optimists,
Protestant pessimism affirms the equally absurd proposition that sin
has completely destroyed all truth and justice.
Protestantism has been betrayed into this error partly by its liter-

alism, by which it defines the Fall as a historic event and " perfec-

tion before the Fall " as a perfection existing in a historical epoch

before the Fall. When Luther essays to define this perfection he in-

dulges in all kinds of fantastic nonsense. The perfection before the

Fall is always an ideal possibility before the act. It describes a di-
mension of human existence rather than a period of history. It is the
vision of health which even a sick man has. It is the structure of the
good without which there could be no evil. The anarchy of Europe
is evil only because it operates against an ideal possibility and ne-

cessity of order in Europe. The blindness of the eye is evil only be-
cause the ideal possibility is sight.
Protestant pessimism has been rightfully accused by Catholic
thinkers of leading to obscurantism in culture and to antinomianism
in morals; would be difficult to estimate to what degree our
and it

present anarchy is due to Protestant errors. But Catholics forget that

Protestant pessimism is but a corrupted form of a prophetic criti-
cism which Christianity must make even against its own culture, and
that the medieval culture was subject to such a criticism by reason
of its inability to recognize to what degree Christianity as a culture
and as an institution is involved not only in the finiteness of history
but in the sin of history that is, precisely in the effort to hide
finiteness and to pretend a transcendent perfection which cannot be
achieved in history.
Itmay be useful to apply to contemporary history the theory that
all human life stands under an ideal possibility purer than the natu-
ral law, and that same time it is involved in sinful reality
at the
much more dubious than the natural justice that Catholic thought
declares to be possible. I will choose one specific example, prompted
by the Archbishop of York's splendid wireless address in October
last in favor of a " negotiated " rather than an " imposed " peace.
The Peace of Versailles was an imposed peace. Its territorial provi-

sions were really moresometimes supposed at the pres-

just than is

ent moment. But among its provisions it contained the forced ad-
mission of guilt by the vanquished, a piece of psychological cruelty
which reveals self-righteousness at its worst. (It is interesting how
our worst sins are always derived from self-righteousness, which is
what gives Christ's contest with the Pharisees such relevance.)
Against such a peace his Grace, and with him many others, are now
pleading for a negotiated peace. They rightly believe that only in
such a peace can Europe find security.
Yet it must be recognized that there is no definition of natural jus-
tice that can give us a really adequate outline of a just peace. Jus-
tice cannot be established in the world by pure moral suasion. It is
achieved only as some kind of decent equilibrium of power is estab-
lished. And such an equilibrium is subject to a thousand contingen-
cies of geography and history. We cannot make peace with Hitler
now because his power dominates the Continent, and his idea of a
just peace is one that leaves him in the security of that dominance.
We believe, I think rightly, that a more just peace can be estab-
lished if that dominance is broken. But in so far as the Hitlerian
imperial will must be broken first, the new peace will be an imposed

peace. We may hope that a chastened Germany will accept it and

make it its own. But even if vindictive passions are checked, as they
were not in 1918, the fact that Germany will be defeated will rob
her of some ideal possibilities in Europe, which she might have had
but for her defeat in the war.
Nor is it possible for us to be sure that our conception of peace in
Europe, in even our most impartial moments, could do full justice
to certain aspects of the European situation that might be seen from
the German but not from our perspective. On the other hand, we
must assume that even the most chastened Germany would not be
willing, except as she is forced, to accept certain provisions for the
freedom of Poland and Czechoslovakia and the freedom of small na-
tions generally. The inclination of the strong to make themselves
the sponsors of the weak, and to claim that they are doing this not
for their own but for the general good, is not a German vice. The
Germans have merely accentuated a common vice of history and one
that influences every concrete realization of justice. The concretion
of justice in specific historic instances always depends upon a cer-

tain equilibrium of forces, which prevents the organizing will of the

strong from degenerating into tyranny. Without resistance even the
best ruler, oligarchy, or hegemonous nation would be tempted to al-
low its creative function of organization to degenerate into tyranny.
Furthermore, even the most resolute moral resistance against vindic-
tive passion cannot prevent retributive justice from degenerating
into vindictiveness, if the foe is so thoroughly defeated as to invite
the type of egotism which expresses itself in vindictiveness. It is sig-
nificant, moreover, that no " rational " standard of retributive jus-
tice can be defined. What is worked out in each particular instance
is always some ad hoc compromise between vindictiveness on the one

hand and forgiveness on the other. This is particularly true of in-

ternational disputes in which there are no genuinely impartial
courts of adjudication. (Neutral nations are interested in the par-
ticular balance of power that emerges out of each conflict.) The
structure of justice that emerges from each overt conflict must there-
fore be established to a very considerable degree by the disputants in
the conflict, more particularly by the victors.
Yet men are not completely blinded by self-interest or lost in this
maze of historical relativity. What always remains with them is not
some uncorrupted bit of reason, which gives them universally valid
standards of justice. What remains with them is something higher
namely, the law of love, which they dimly recognize as the law of
their being, as the structure of human freedom, and which, in Chris-
tian faith, Christ clarifies and redefines, which is why he is called the
" second Adam." It is the weakness of Protestant pessimism that it

denies the reality of this potential perfection and its relevance in the
affairs of politics.
The effort of the Christian church in Britain at the present mo-
ment stem the tide of vindictiveness, which it rightly anticipates
as an inevitable danger after the war, is a truer expression of the
Christian spirit than pacifist disavowals of war as such.
It is not pos-

sible todisavow war absolutely without disavowing the task of es-

tablishing justice. For justice rests upon a decent equilibrium of
power; and all balances of power involve tension; and tension in-
volves covert conflict; and there will be moments in history when
covert conflict becomes overt. But it is possible to transcend a con-
flict while standing in it. Forgiveness is such a possibility. But for-
giveness to the foe is possible only if I know myself to be a sinner
that is, if I do not have some cheap or easy sense of moral tran-
scendence over the sinful reality of claims and counterclaims which
is the very stuff of history.
This does not mean that it would ever be possible to establish a
justice based upon perfect forgiveness after a war. The sinfulness of
human nature will relativize every ideal possibility. Vindictiveness
(which is an egoistic corruption of justice) cannot be completely
eliminated. But the quality of justice that can be achieved in a war
will depend upon the degree to which a " Kingdom of God " per-

spective can be brought upon the situation. It is this higher imagina-

tion rather than some unspoiled rational definition of retributive
justice that pulls justice out of the realm of vindictiveness.
Human nature is, realm of infinite possibilities of good
in short, a
and evil because of the character of human freedom. The love that
is the law of its nature is a boundless self-giving. The sin that cor-
rupts its life is Between these two
a boundless assertion of the self.

forces all kinds of ad hoc restraints may be elaborated and defined.

We may call this natural law. But we had better realize how very
tentative it is. Otherwise we shall merely sanction some traditional
relation between myself and my fellow man as a " just " relation,
and quiet the voice of conscience which speaks to me of higher pos-
sibilities. What is more, we may stabilize sin and make it institu-

tional; for it will be discovered invariably that my definition of jus-

tice guarantees certain advantages to myself to which I have no

absolute right, but with which have been invested by the accidents

of history and the contingencies of nature and which the " old
Adam " in me is only too happy to transmute into absolute rights.

Love and Justice

on the National Level

A. American Politics


IN cal speculations and opinions. Christians, no less than other citi-

zens, are called upon to make which may

fateful political decisions
determine the fate of the country and the world. One might well ask
whether there is anything in their Christian commitment that will
lead them to morally superior decisions. We in Christian Action as-
sume that it is possible to express our faith in terms of our political
responsibilities. However, probably none of us is as certain as we
once were that the Christian faith can be identified with some neat
ideological position or political program. It is significant that in this

Presidential year Christians of all shades of belief will probably

unite in rejecting nationalist-isolationist candidates and programs,
while there will beless agreement on domestic problems. This is why

a Taft candidacy will arouse an almost united opposition in the

Christian community, while an Eisenhower candidacy will not.
This situation is symptomatic of the very problematic way in
which Christian convictions are related to the political order. We
should long since have known that there are no clear choices be-
tween good and evil in the realm of politics and economics. Our
primary quarrel in Christian Action today is with those Christians
who identify a pretty unqualified free enterprise doctrine with the
Christian faith. We must admit, however, that people with our gen-
eral shade of conviction once were inclined to challenge this liber-
tarianism with equally questionable collectivist doctrines, which we
regarded as radical alternatives to the morally complacent position.
Meanwhile, Russian communism presented modern history with a
complete corruption of the collectivist doctrine. This does not prove,
Christianity and Society, Summer, 1952.

as some contemporary conservatives would have it, that all political
control of economic processes must end in tyranny. But it does prove
that political control has its own
which may or may not be
greater than the perils of an uncontrolled economy. These alternate
perils are due to the fact that in the realm of politics and economics
we must harness and provisionally justify the forces of egoism and
of power even though they be ultimately hazardous either to free-
dom or to brotherhood. We cannot disavow the use of power be-
cause it is hazardous, but neither must we obscure the moral peril of
power. This is the reason why no political program can be simply
equated with the highest sanctities of life, and why our political de-
cisions must be more circumspect than Christian decisions in Amer-
ica have been either on the right or on the left. Nothing is clearer
than that ideologically consistent political positions have on the
whole been refuted by history, while healthy nations have preserved
freedom and extended justice by various pragmatic policies which
borrowed from various strategies.
This does not mean that we must not and cannot make clear-cut
decisions on matters of principle. It is becoming apparent, for in-
stance, that the question of national health insurance (usually re-
ferred to by opponents as "socialized medicine ") will become an

increasingly important political issue. In deciding for or against it

we decide for or against certain broad political strategies. But we
ought not to decide for or against it on the basis that the policy is
abstractly in violation of " freedom," or that abstractly it enhances
state control. We ought to make our decision by asking such ques-
tions as these: Can a system of economic freedom in medicine guar-
antee minimal standards of health? Can a socialized scheme be
subjected to professional rather than political standards? Is there
protection in the scheme against inordinate and disproportionate
demands upon it? If the presuppositions of such questions are ana-
lyzed, it be apparent that they are rooted in a Christian inter-
pretation of the human situation, for on the one hand they recognize
the law of love as our norm, they assume our responsibility for our
neighbor's welfare. On the other hand, they recognize the persist-
ence of self-love, including the indeterminate character of human de-
sires, as a perennial factor in any human situation. A Christian faith
that recognizes both of these factors will be prevented from aggra-
vating the ideological conflict in modern society. It may even pre-
vent political acrimony in a Presidential year.


A Presidential election year once again brings into focus the prob-
lem of how Christians should relate their religious commitments to
their political opinions and decisions. This is a problem of con-
science for every individual Christian. It is also a practical problem
for Christian congregations and communities. It arises as a problem
for the church because the church is a community of faith which is
not organized on the basis of common political convictions; yet its
members do have political convictions and sometimes very contra-
dictory ones. The more passionately they are held, the more they rise

to the religious level and the more they tend to affront fellow Chris-
tians who hold different convictions. Sometimes the problem
emerges, particularly with reference to different convictions between
pastors and congregations. For, generally speaking, the congrega-
tions of American Protestantism are more conservative politically

than their clerical leaders.

We can approach a solution of the problem of relating religious
commitments to political decisions by excluding two wrong answers
to the issue. The one wrong answer is to equate religious and politi-
cal commitments and to regard every political decision as simply de-
rived from our faith. This is a wrong answer because political issues

deal with complex problems of justice, every solution for which con-
tains morally ambiguous elements. All political positions are morally
ambiguous because, in the realm of politics and economics, self-
interest and power must be harnessed and beguiled rather than elim-
inated. In other words, forces which are morally dangerous must be
used despite their peril. Politics always aims at some kind of a har-
mony or balance of interest, and such a harmony cannot be regarded
as directly related to the final harmony of love of the Kingdom of
God. All men are naturally inclined to obscure the morally ambigu-
ous element in their political cause by investing it with religious
sanctity. This is why religion is more frequently a source of confu-
sion than of light in the political realm. The tendency to equate our
political with our Christian convictions causes politics to generate
The other wrong answer stands at the opposite extreme. It is to

Christianity and Crisis, July 21, 1952.

6o LOVE AND justice: national level
find no relevance at all between our faith and our political actions.
This answer is wrong because it denies the seriousness of our politi-

cal decisions and obscures our Christian responsibilities for the good
order and justice of our civil community.
If we rule out these two extremes, we still face the primary ques-

tion of how politics is to be related to faith. We can advance a little

farther toward a solution of the problem if we recognize that politi-

cal issues represent various grades and levels which range all the way
from clear moral problems of strategy and means.
issues to
It is obvious, for instance, that the Christian churches of America

have, with a fair degree of consistency, espoused the idea of Ameri-

ca's responsibility to a world community, and have resisted national-
ist and isolationist politics in the name of the Christian faith. They

have been right in doing so. But this broad moral purpose must be
distinguished from problems of strategy. Various strategic devices
will be advanced as the best ways of fulfilling our responsibilities.
Such devices can never be invested with full religious sanctity. It
would be impossible to claim, for instance, that the Christian faith
requires that America give preference to either the European or the
Asiatic field of strategy, or that we should defend the free world pri-
marily by air, rather than by land, power.
In the same fashion the commandment " Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself " brings us under religious and moral compul-
sions to eliminate the violations of brotherhood in the field of race
relations. But it can hardly compel us to choose between the efficacy
of a state as against a Federal Fair Employment Practices Act. In
such questions of strategy there are reasons for honest differences of
In actual life, however, no clear distinction between moral princi-
ples and strategy can be made. This is why Christian convictions that
deal only with ultimate principle and exclude strategic issues tend
to become wholly irrelevant. Yet the farther one moves from a prin-
ciple that is clearly related to the love commandment to detailed ap-
plications in particular situations, the more hazardous the decision
becomes, and the more impossible it is to compel others to a similar
conviction by appeal to a common faith.
That is why it is important to distinguish between the responsibil-
ity of individual Christians and voluntary groups, and the responsi-
bility of the church as a community of faith. Christians must make
these hazardous political decisions with full recognition that others

equally devoted to the common good may arrive at contrary conclu-

sions. They will be less affronted and baffled by the different conclu-
sions if some humble recognition of the taint of individual
they have
and collective self-interest which colors even our purest political and
moral ideals. The different emphases, for instance, that the more
and the less privileged members of a democratic community give to
the value of freedom on the one hand and to the value of justice on
the other (a difference that is at the very heart of politics in all free
societies) should be recognized as flowing inevitably from the pe-
culiar interests and ideologies of each group.
We are well aware that unity in a free society requires a high de-
gree of what our secular friends define as tolerance. As Christians
we are inclined to regard the attitude of tolerance as rooted in a reli-
gious humility, which recognizes the partial and fragmentary charac-
ter of all human wisdom and the interested character of all human
striving. Whenever religion obscures, rather than illumines, this hu-
man situation, it tends to aggravate political controversies and adds
an element of pretension to the natural self-righteousness of men.
On the other hand, a mere emphasis upon religious humility may
empty the political struggle of seriousness by persuading men that
all their causes are equally true or equally false. That is why it is im-
portant to emphasize our responsibility for hazardous political deci-
sions at the same time that we seek to understand the reasons why
different men
of equal sincerity and wisdom arrive at contrary con-
clusions. We must not obscure the issue of justice which is hidden in
every political question or pretend to be gods and not men, tran-
scending the frailties of mortals. Ideally a democratic society is best
preserved by a religious quality of life which regards our political as
our other decisions of great importance, even while recognizing the
incapacity of men to arrive at a purely rational, or purely moral, or
purely Christian solution of any perplexing problem.


A leader of Christian thought and life, recently returned from a
tour of the country, reported that there was an appalling confusion
in the minds of church people on the question of liberty and democ-
Christianity and Society, Winter, 1942.
racy. These church people insisted on identifying rationing with
fascism, as they had previously identified conscription with tyranny.
This fact reveals to what degree democracy is based upon libertarian
assumptions in both secular and religious circles in America. De-
mocracy is supposed to be identical with freedom; and any restric-
tion upon freedom is thought of as a denial of the democratic way of
life. It was in that spirit that conscription was condemned as undem-

ocratic. In the same spirit the pious housewife now regards rationing
as a proof that we have sacrificed democracy.
Rationing is actually the best implementation of the spirit of
equality. When, as in wartime, consumers' goods are scarce, it is im-
possible to maintain a free market. The scramble of competitive buy-
ers would merely result in a special advantage to the rich over the
poor. The would be able to pay the higher prices for
scarcer goods, and the poor would have to be content with leftovers.
No semblance of justice can be maintained in wartime without price
ceilings on the one hand and rationing on the other. Despite some
mistakes, the Government has done rather well in both its price
fixing and rationing programs. Its record is particularly good if we
remember that it has had to deal with very ignorant opposition, not
a little of which has been informed by supposedly Christian presup-
It is a rather sad commentary on the state of Christian thought
that men should identify the right to do as they please, without re-

gard to the weal and woe of others, with " Christian liberty." It is

high time that Christian libertarians learned something of the para-

doxical relation between liberty and equality in the heart of de-
mocracy. Democracy does not mean absolute equality; for no society
can live without differentiation of functions which qualify equality.
Therefore a dogmatic equalitarianism inevitably results in a destruc-
tion of liberty, as the history of Stalinism proves. But on the other
hand democracy does not mean absolute liberty either. For absolute
liberty always turns out in the end to be the liberty of the strong to
take advantage of the weak. Liberty can never stand alone. The
problem of a democratic society is always to preserve the greatest
amount of liberty compatible with the necessities of the community.
If the general public does not understand this relation, the invari-
able consequence is an actual loss of liberty. For any society is bound
to preserve its unity in a time of crisis; and if it cannot count on the
voluntary compliance with fixed rules of justice, it must increase the

measure of coercion by which they are enforced. Ideally, a society

composed of socially intelligent and responsible citizens achieves
many standards of justice by methods that are neither purely volun-
tary nor purely coercive. They are not voluntary, because the stand-
ard is set by governmental authority. They are voluntary if the citi-
zen recognizes the necessity of the restriction and complies with it
gladly. If a society is informed by too libertarian conceptions of de-
mocracy, it actually destroys some of its liberties by this mistake. For
it encourages defiance of necessary restrictions and forces the gov-

ernment to increase the measure of coercion required to maintain



A Presidential election, particularly one that reverses the trends of
two decades, should be a good laboratory in which to test theories
of how men come to terms with the problems of their community.
The regnant theory of our culture is that man has the rational ca-
pacity to survey the needs of his community; and that if he is lacking
in disinterested intelligence, the development of education will cure
this defect. The realities, on the other hand, particularly those which
we experienced recently, show that in all practical encounters of
men with their fellow men, their reason is the servant of their in-
terest and passion. A democratic society is, therefore, not so much
the consequence of mind meeting mind as of interest balanced by
Let us consider first the political balance that was overturned re-

cently. It was established by Roosevelt two decades ago. It was

based upon the discovery and conviction that the sovereign power of
the state could and should be used to establish minimal standards of
general welfare. In every election in twenty years it was necessary to
wait until the suburban vote and the farm vote came in to balance
the vote of the large cities if one wanted to be sure of the outcome.
For the masses of the city said yes to this program and suburbs said
no, and the farmers were ambivalent. The city said yes because its
thousands were exposed to the inequalities and the hazards of tech-
nical society, and they believed in a state that would equalize the

Christianity and Crisis, November 24, 1952.

64 LOVE AND justice: national level
inequalities and mitigate the hazards of economic life. The people
in the suburbs, on the other hand, said no. They had, either in terms
of economic power or by their own skills and competence, the source
of security within themselves. They therefore adhered to the princi-
ples of classical liberalism and regarded the interference of govern-
ment as nefarious. The people of the farm were ambivalent. Their
mode of work made them individualists. Yet they desired the help of
the Government to support the prices of farm products, to achieve
rural electrification, and to assure help on loans for the purchase of
farms. Their ambivalence made their adhesion to the grand alliance
constructed by Roosevelt insecure. They were expected to depart in
1948, but their departure delayed by four years contributed to the
overthrow. Their choice was a rational step because disgust with
corruption in government accentuated the farmer's original individ-
ualist fear of big government.
But the defection of the farmer was not account for
sufficient to

the radical overturn. The was the personal pop-

second reason for it

ularity of the Republican candidate. This popularity exceeded the

party sentiments of the voters, though it must be observed that his
popularity measured against the rising popularity of the Democratic
candidate, appreciated as a new and authentic voice in the counsels
of the nation, was strongly influenced by party loyalties.
The third factor was the Korean War. The pains and frustrations
of that war were a part of the price thatAmerica was forced to pay
for its position of world leadership. Through the exigencies of his-
tory the Democratic Party was the symbol and the instrument of that
responsibility. The Republican Party was deeply divided on the is-
sues of foreign policy. The Republican candidate was drawn from
the wing of the party that believed in accepting our responsibilities.
Another wing, whether prompted by the irresponsibility of a party
in opposition or by deep impulses in the American business com-
munity, held to isolationist convictions.
But now the Korean ordeal made our role of world leadership un-
popular or at least, one burden of that role very difficult to bear.
Eisenhower reacted to the Korean problem in terms that would sat-
isfy both the internationalist and the isolationist sentiments of hi;

party. A more consistent approach would have been politically less

successful. The gesture of a trip to Korea was a politically brilliant
device for covering up the inconsistency. It did not arouse the in-
terventionist to apprehensions about our abandonment of Korea,

and it allowed anxious mothers to hope against hope that somehow

or other the ordeal would be ended. The Democratic leadership
made Korea seri-
a mistake in not taking the sentiment in regard to
ously enough. The frustration of a war that cannot simply be either
won or ended is a very great problem for a youthful nation always
accustomed to having its own way. Thus it was on foreign policy
that the real shift of sentiment occurred. And a position slightly in-
consistent, if not dishonest, was the force causing the overturn.
It must be appreciated that one of the real gains of a Republican
victory is that it makes the party of the dominant business group of

the nation thoroughly responsible for foreign policy. In its irre-

sponsibility was developing some dangerous tendencies toward


hysteria. Against this gain we must, of course, count the increase of

prestige of McCarthy due to the fact that his questionable methods
may have contributed to the Republican victory.
In short, the election campaign, taken as a laboratory test, reveals
political man as capable of rational analysis of our common fate and
of moral estimates of his own and his neighbor's rights. But the ra-
tional and moral considerations are in every instance colored by
interest and passion. The democratic process is, therefore, not so
much a meeting of minds in which the truth prevails, as it is a con-
test of interests dominated by the fortuitous circumstance and not

by rational argument. Democracy must be regarded, on the one

hand, as a system of government which men's rational and moral
capacities make possible, and on the other hand, as a system of
checks and balances which the corruptions by interest and passion
make necessary. For these corruptions as revealed in the campaign
are precisely those which make life insufferable in a tyrannical re-
gime and which are robbed of their virulence by the checks and bal-
ances of democracy.
The paramount question that faces modern technical civilization,
whichis how our economic affairs shall be regulated without unduly

heightening the peril of governmental power, has not been ration-

ally answered. But we can take satisfaction in the knowledge that,
though there no absolute answer to this question, it is answered

practically when neither those who fear governmental power too

much nor those who trust it too much gain preponderant or perma-
nent power in the state. The truth emerges from the competition of
interest and half-truths between these groups rather than by what
they hold dear as truth. Thus democracy is a device by which God
66 LOVE AND justice: national level
causes the " wrath of man to praise him," rather than a scheme for
exploiting only the virtues of man.


Afew days before Lincoln's Birthday, President Eisenhower

pleaded with both parties to avoid extremism in party conflict in
view of the seriousness of the times. This did not prevent his own
party followers from celebrating Lincoln's Birthday all over Amer-
" twenty years of
ica by accusing the opposition of having been in
Whether or not is heeded may be more fate-
the President's advice
ful for the health of our nation than the victory of either party, or
of the policies that they may follow. The fact is that democracy re-
quires not only the organization of political parties, but also a cer-
tain degree of mutual respect or at least tolerance. Whenever the fol-

lowers of one political party persuade themselves that the future of

the nation not safe with the opposition in power, it becomes fairly

certain that the nation's future is not safe, no matter which party
rules. For such political acrimony endangers the nation's health
more than any specific political policies.
The danger that democratic freedom may destroy the unity of the
nation is in fact so great that our founding fathers never envisioned
the organization of national parties as we know them. Madison was
" faction " as was Washington.
as fearful of the baneful effects of
Madison argued, in fact, that one virtue of a federal community
would be that it would prevent the organization of " factions." He
was right in the sense that our political parties are loosely organ-
and regional political groups, which lack the
ized federations of local
ideological consistency of European political parties. But he would
certainly have been surprised by the consistency of the national or-
ganization of each political group.
The fear of the founding fathers of national disruption through
the organization of " factions," and the complete silence of the Con-
stitution on political instrumentalities which are now the very stuff
of the political process, put party government in the same category
as constitutional monarchy in, say, Britain. They are both unin-

The New Leader, March 15, 1954.


tended instruments of democracy which contain more wisdom than

anyone could have consciously intended.
Theoretically, the " rulers " should be subject to the constant scru-
tiny of the " people " and hold their office only by their suffrage.
Practically, the " people " can make their decisions only when they
are confronted with specific alternatives. Thus, modern democracies
have evolved the organization of an alternative government which
constantly challenges the party in power while it is in office, and tries
to replace it in office at the end of the term. Our Electoral College, a
vestigial remnant of the written Constitution made otiose by our un-
written constitution with its development of parties, is a reminder of
the unintended place of parties in our system.
But the necessity of party government makes it all the more im-
portant to curb the excesses of the party spirit which our fathers
feared so much. The unity of the national community must not be
endangered by party strife. The respective parties are bound to con-
test elections as if the future of the nation depended upon their vic-

tory. But they must nevertheless have a reserve conviction that this is
not true, that the nation will be safe in the keeping of either party.
Parliamentary government is, in the phrase of the English historian
Herbert Butterfield, a form of " limited war." Its success depends
upon the constant willingness of the defeated minority to trust both
itself and the nation to the victorious majority.

It is worth noting that stable democracies have developed a tech-

nique for limiting party conflict that might strike the visitor from
Mars as very illogical. The technique requires that the election con-
test be fought with few restraints, generating emotions that some-
times divide families and friends. But, when the count is in, the de-
feated minority submits with what grace it is able to summon, and
the party truce goes into effect for the general public though the
professional politicians are expected to carry on a guerrilla warfare.
We are told that Latin-American observers are " shocked " by our
custom requiring the loser to congratulate the victor and assure him
of support. In Latin America, that gesture smacks of " insincerity."
Actually, it is a ritualistic observance defining the difference be-

tween stable nations, in which the political struggle has limits, and
those nations in which the struggle may be as bitter as it is " sin-
cere " and where the minority is not reconciled to defeat.
The mutual trust between parties, which makes the limitation of
party conflict possible, rests upon certain conditions. The party pro-
68 LOVE AND justice: national level
grams must not be too contradictory and a large segment of the pop-
ulation must not be irrevocably committed to either party. Above
all, there must be a reserve of loyalty to the nation and, what may

be more important, to principles of justice and freedom which

transcends the party conflict. Whenever these common loyalties

and standards of justice are subordinated to party advantage, the

community is imperiled by threats of schism.

President Eisenhower's warning against party extremism is thus

extremely relevant, for the parties not only must not be too far apart
but must not be made to appear more contradictory in their objec-
tives than they really are. Our experience in this matter is partly
conditioned by European history.
In Europe, it could be taken for granted that a small number
among the parties of the Right were either fascist-minded or tolerant
of fascist ideas. An equally small number among the parties of the

Left were sympathetic to, communism. The

or tolerant of, " vital

center " of democracy was held by neither Right nor Left but by
both conservatives and liberals, who put the standards of justice
above party advantage. This vital center was constantly threatened
by the extremists of the Right, who tried to prove that the whole
Left was involved with the communist conspiracy and that, in any
case, fascism was justified as a weapon against communism; and by
the leftist extremists, who tried to prove that every kind of conserva-
tism was tantamount to fascism and that communism was justified
as a weapon against the fascist danger. Both theories proved wrong.
If theyhad been right, no democracy could have survived.
There was an ironic quality in history's refutation of these theo-
ries. For the two forms of extremism, each of which tried to justify
itself as the most effective weapon against the other, were revealed

to have identical consequences of tyranny and cruelty. This was the

most indisputable proof of the thesis that democracy depends not
so much upon particular policies as upon the fairness and justice

with which the conflicts of interest are composed and basic rights
preserved. This is the more true since the political debate in every
modern technological nation centers on the question of how much
or how littleGovernment shall interfere in the free play of eco-
nomic forces. There can be no final solution of this problem. Ap-
proaches to it by Right and Left cannot be " objective," for they are
prompted by the respective interests on the one hand of those classes
which are powerful enough to have security and want liberty for the

exercise of their power,and on the other hand of the less privileged

which prefer security to liberty, since they have no skill or

power of their own to gain security amid the hazards of a technologi-

cal society. The health of modern societies requires that this debate
remain inconclusive.
The first threat to unity above and below party conflict came from
the Left. The Marxist dogma of the class struggle oversimplified the
complex class structure of technical civilization and obscured the
mutualities of interest transcending the conflict of economic inter-
ests, which Madison recognized as the root of political controversy
long before Marx. We know the baleful consequences of a consist-
ent application of the Marxist doctrine in modern communism.
Democratic socialism has only slowly extricated itself from the
power of the dogma, though it is only fair to say that its practices
have been, for a long time, more consistent with democratic mutu-
ality than with the theory to which it payed lip service.
In modern democratic societies, particularly in our own, the dan-
ger of party extremism now comes from the Right rather than the
Left. There are obvious historical reasons for this development, not
related to the fortuitous presence of gifted and unscrupulous dema-
gogues on the Right.
The fact that the Left was influenced by viewpoints and accepted
credos which in their most consistent form resulted in the hated
communist conspiracy, offered a great temptation to the Right to
pretend to see the whole political spectrum left of center as involved
in the conspiracy. In our nation, the temptation has been particu-
larly great because the party in power during the period when the
hated foe of today was an ally in the struggle against nazism, was of
the Left. There was, therefore, a certain plausibility to the absurd
charge that the New Deal was involved in " twenty years of treason."
This charge seemed the more plausible because the climate of opin-
ion in those two decades made it quite impossible to foresee the pres-
ent demonic realities of Soviet politics. It is significant that those
members of the present Administration who shared the responsibil-
ity of government in the Roosevelt era were as touched with illusions

in regard to Russian realities and intentions as members of the Dem-

ocratic Party. The charge of connivance with treason is particularly
significant, for it is always the final weapon of the demagogue to
accuse the political opponent of being in secret or open connivance
with the enemy of the nation.
If do not convince the thoughtful observer
these considerations
that the contest between the President and the extremists of his
party is more fateful for the health of our nation than the contest
between the parties, a comparison between two contemporary de-
mocracies, Britain and France, may be convincing. The one enjoys
a stability beyond that of any other nation. The other has been in-
volved in social instability since the French Revolution.
The sources of British stability are many, but one of the most im-
portant surely is the limited character of the party conflict. The
common sense of the whole national community enforces these lim-
its. Thus Britain has survived both the assumption of power by a
socialist party and its defeat by the Conservatives without an appre-
ciable rent in the national unity. The socialist party was significantly
not orthodox Marxist and refrained from challenging the whole na-
tional tradition. Unlike Continental parties, it therefore gained the
suffrage of the whole national community. When it became apparent
that the cherished policy of collectivization could not overcome the
poverty of a war-impoverished nation and that the hiatus between
dream and reality could not be overcome by more rigorous collectivi-
zation, the prestige of Labor declined and Churchill returned to
The Conservatives, on the other hand, did not lend themselves to
the illusion that they could or should that Labor
undo everything
had done. They were schooled and wiser tradition than
in an older
our conservatism. They believed that the economic process must
always be subordinated to political power and moral principle.
There was an incident in the election after the war which brought
Labor to power that shows that even a wise and magnanimous leader
such as Mr, Churchill may be tempted to overstep the bounds of
" limited war " in the heat of an election campaign. He prophesied
that a Labor victory would usher in a " police state." But the satire
of the potent cartoonist David Low refuted this extremism better
than the opposition could have done. Mr. Low merely pictured
Clement Attlee trying to look like Stalin. Everybody laughed the
analogy out of court. The difference between an ostensible socialist
party and an ostensible conservative party is significantly less than
the difference between the two American parties which have elabo-
rated two facets of the old liberalism.
By contrast the French instability obviously derives from the heat
of the party conflict. Who
remembers the creeds of the various

French parties? What remains memorable is the acrimony between

the parties, no matter what their policies. Incidentally, the fact that
this party conflict takes place in a multiple-party system, as con-
trasted with the two-party system which distinguishes Anglo-Saxon
democracies, is instructive.
Theoretically, two parties might be expected to divide the nation
more consistently than a profusion of parties. But this is another case
in which experience refutes theories. Mr. Churchill, in a memorable
speech, attributed the two-party system to the indirect influence of
the rectangular, rather than circular, architecture of the House of

Commons. If this should be true, architecture would have had a

most grateful influence upon the health of nations. Fortunately, the
two-party system proved powerful enough to transcend its archi-
tectural cradle. For we inherited it from the British, though we built
our Congressional chambers after the pattern of the Continent.
The French party struggle certainly contributed to the French de-
feat by Hitler. For the French Right, including military leaders such
as General Weygand, were so obsessed with the domestic peril from
the Left that they were ineffective against a foreign foe, and in some
cases overtly preferred capitulation to a victory that would have
given the domestic competitor prestige. The
indignities to French
honor during the Vichy period are wellknown. In the present in-
stance, communism actually has a power on the French Left which it
does not enjoy in any other modern nation. But even when the Left
is rigorously anticommunist, it imperils the security of the nation by
neutralist illusions which have their source in the acrimony of the
domestic political situation.
In the temper of our political life, we are probably equidistant
from the standards of Britain on the one hand, and France on the
other. Our political health is correspondingly less robust than that
of Britain but more robust than France. That circumstance makes
the tension between the President and his party so fateful for our
future. Eisenhower obviously is a man of the middle ground in
terms of his temper. This remains true despite his unfortunate defi-
nition of his campaign as a " crusade," for the word connotes un-
limited, rather than limited, conflict. In addition to temper, the
President is deeply committed by conviction and previous experi-
ence to the foreign policy course that the previous Administration
elaborated. He is also surprisingly loyal to the domestic policy of
controlling economic life at least to the extent of avoiding undue
fluctuations of
" boom or bust." This is surprising in view of the

temper of his campaign. The contest between the President and the
extremists in his party is, therefore, a contest between those who

would narrow and those who would widen the distance between

President Eisenhower stood resolutely against the
that expressed and
Amendment and the isolationist nationalism it

symbolized, seemed for a time that the issue had been finally
the other type
joined and we would soon know whether the one or
But an old pattern repeated
of Republicanism would be victorious.
The President did not act until it was
itself, and an equivocal one.
Secretary of the Army from at least the
too late to rescue an inept
appearance of capitulation to Senator McCarthy and thus
of American
the status of this demagogue at home and his caricature
life abroad.
anything more
This incident, together with his failure to enforce
moderation even upon
than an outward compliance to his rule of
whether the party in
members of his own staff, raises the question
power may not have elaborated, either by design or inadvertence,
method of working both sides of the street. If this works, the
unsullied symbol of moderation and wisdom,
dent will remain an
who will appeal to the dominant mood of the nation, while
" bully boys " will " rough up " the opposition without real hin-

drance and will appeal to that part of the electorate

which speaks of
" Republican revolution " and desires to set the clock back on both
it would
domestic and foreign policy. If this policy should succeed,
and make our
make confusion worse confounded in our nation
future ominous.
B. Political Issues in Other Countries


The Catholic Church is fighting for a " Christian civilization " in
Spain. Its claims would seem to be amply justified if one remembers
that the stoutest protagonists of the constitutional government in
Spain are anarchists. These anarchists are not only opposed to reli-
communists are, but they are opposed to the very idea of
gion, as the
government. Their power in Spain is a curious survival of a political
" good people " of
ideology that was once a specter to haunt the
nineteenth century Europe. Anarchism scared the bourgeoisie a hun-
dred years ago even more than communism scares them now. One
remnants of these fears in the inclination of modern
finds significant
plutocrats to lump anarchism and communism in one lump, though
the theories of Proudhon and Bakunin have little in common with
those of Marx. Marx in fact directed the full force of his polemic
energies against them.
The fact is that anarchism has all of the destructive energy of
communism with none of its constructive genius. Communists may
be Utopians in the sense that they expect the state to wither away

after the proletarian dictatorship has destroyed all the foes of a new

society. But the anarchists are pure Utopians who have no realization
of the necessary role of power and forces in politics. Anarchism is a
dangerous doctrine. Its conceptions of human nature are purely ro-
mantic. It imagines that if it can only destroy the present instru-
ments of power and greed, humanity will naturally and inevitably
express the innate goodness of human nature, thus securing the
blessings of both liberty and voluntary co-operation. Pure anarchist
doctrine is dangerous because it confuses the political realities and
prompts men to chase phantoms and illusions. The more realistic
anarchism which dates from Bakunin is even more dangerous than
the earlier and purer variety of Proudhon. It is the anarchism of ter-
ror, assassination, and insurrection. It justifies any deed of violence
against men of power because it falsely imagines that to get rid of
powerful men in society is to solve the problem of power. It does not
know that the same power that is the source of injustice in a society

is also a sine qua non of its public order and peace.

Radical Religion, Spring, 1937.

74 LOVE AND justice: national level
So destructive are the illusions and the policies of anarchism that
the failure of the Spanish Government to throttle its fascist foes

must be partly attributed to them. The anarchists of Spain are fight-

ing with splendid heroism for their Government. But their help
came late and their co-operation is still tentative and precarious.
Only a very acute crisis can persuade anarchists to modify their creed
in the interest of political co-operation. Their fanatic and Utopian
idealism will undoubtedly continue to be a peril to Spanish unity,
even if the Government should succeed, by their aid, to stamp out
Anarchism is, in short, a disease. It is the psychosis of infantile
idealistswho do not know what kind of a world it is in which we are
living, what human nature is really like, and what the necessities

government are. Perhaps we ought, then, to justify the Catholics

and the fascists who feel so certain that they are fighting for a Chris-
tian civilization in Spain.
Before we do so we might ask the reason for the significant sur-
vival of this curious libertarian and terroristic creed in Spain. Spain
and Russia were the two nations of Europe who entered the twen-
tieth century with an unreconstructed feudalism. Anarchism flour-
ishes in Spain for the same reason that nihilism flourished in Russia
before the genius of a small group of communists transmuted its
anarchism into a more realistic collectivism. This fanatic, not to say
psychopathic, libertarianism is a natural reaction to an outmoded
feudalism. It is a reaction to the injustices of a feudal social order,
injustices that were onerous enough in the period of its flower and
which grow more and more oppressive in the period of its decay.
Whenever power produces only a minimal social peace and a maxi-
mum of social injustice one must expect the doctrine to arise that all
power is evil.
But feudalism is not only a particular form of agrarian social or-
der. It is also a peculiar type of culture in which religion is more in-

timately related to society than in the more rationalistic bourgeois

and capitalistic civilization. Feudalism is in fact a religious civiliza-

tion. Catholic Church built the feudal order. The universalism

of that order at its best was its glory. Its too-intimate relations to the
seats of power in that order are its vice and shame. Anarchism is there-
fore not only a libertarian protest against unjust power. It is also a
spiritual protest against corrupt religion. That must be understood
it one is to appreciate the spirituality of anarchism. The genuine

anarchistic Spaniard has something of the spirit of Francis of Assisi

and one might add that he has some-
of the Christian saints. Perhaps
thing of the spirit of many
mild liberal parson, the implications of
whose moral and political theories are also anarchistic, since he be-
lieves that government could be dispensed with if only people
heeded his sermons and loved one another. Of course the anarchist
distinguishes himself from the Christian saints by implementing and
corrupting his spiritual vision. It is nevertheless important to recog-
nize the spiritual source of his politics and to know that it is a reac-
tion of sincerity to hypocrisy. A Utopian religion that seeks to elimi-
nate all power from society is the curious stepchild of a religion that
has given power a too uncritical justification.
A realistic religion must probably follow the Pauline doctrine to
some degree and accept government as an ordinance of God (Rom.,
ch. 13) It is forced to regard the power that governments wield as a

necessary evil, lest society fall into chaos. The difficulty with all es-

tablished religion is that it stops short in its realism and fails to rec-

ognize that power is the source of social injustice as well as of social

peace. Whenever religion comes into a too-intimate relation with
the processes of government, it succumbs to the temptation of re-

garding government as only an instrument of God and of forgetting

its prophetic function of declaring that the state is a rebel against
God. This prophetic function is therefore usually performed by
amateur rather than professional and established religious leaders.
Thus Amos preaches judgment at the king's court in Bethel and is
told by Amaziah the priest to get back where he came from for " this
is the king's chapel and this is the king's court." This protestation

of the king's chaplain contains a perfect description of all captured

religion. In it the king's court and the king's chapel are so close to-
gether that it is not possible to distinguish one from the other. It is

the business of prophetic religion toremind the men of power that

" God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble," that he

will " cast the mighty from their seats and exalt them of low de-
gree," that " he bringeth the princes to naught and maketh the
judges of the earth as vanity." Prophetic religion sees how all hu-
man power is tempted to pride and to injustice. In its pride it

regards itself the sole source of social peace rather than a purely
ancillary factor. Thus it imagines that the inordinate privileges that
it demands merely because it has the strength to demand them are
really just wages that society ought to pay for Thus
its services. the
76 LOVE AND justice: national level
same power, whether priestly, military, or economic, that builds a so-
it by its
ciety in its youth, destroys injustices in the period of its age.

The most significantly displayed in the religious

pride of power is
of Roman em-
pretensions of ancient priest-kings and god-kings,
ruling by divine right. Modern
perors and of medieval dynasties,
democratic governments are more rationalistic and less religious,

instance when the

but they may succumb to the same pride, as for
pretensions of sacrosanctity. Every form of so-
Supreme Court makes
an avowedly religious or in an irreligious age
cial power, whether in
tends to make itself god. From this sin of rebellion against God flows

the sin of oppression and injustice. Whenever

a purely force human
destroys other life
seeks to transcend the limits of creatureliness,

in the process of its aggrandizement.

God a center of life that
Since prophetic religion discovers in
nations and all partial values, and believes in a God
transcends all

who judges all peoples, it can never be completely at ease with any
government. At least it cannot as long as it is true to its essential na-
But unfortunately, if its genius is perverted, its sanctification
that of non-
power and injustice will be even more grievous than
prophetic religions.
subject to the
Catholicism is not the only form of Christianity
power. But it is
temptation of a too intimate relation with secular
built a civilization. It is
the only form of Christianity that ever
of becoming the de-
therefore particularly subject to the temptation
that it built. In both
fender, rather than the critic, of the civilization
relation to its civilization
medieval Europe and modern Spain, its

intimate than that of a defender. It was the ac-

has been even more
tual wielder of power. The bishop became a secular lord, the pope a
Since the relation
secular ruler, and the church an arm of the state.
always ambiguous, as the source of both peace
of power to society is
any religion that becomes either the intimate ally or
and injustice,
a cynical reaction to
the very basis of that power is bound to arouse
it adds to military force may ac-
its pretensions. The reverence that

tually stabilize a government for generations.

But the ultimate reac-
a French, Russian, or
tion will be the more violent. Whether it is
sanctified civilization must perish
Spanish revolution, a religiously
as the
in both violence and hatred. No hatred is quite so terrible

institution that has taken the name of

hatred aroused by a religious
breeds the sin of vengeance.
the Lord in vain. The sin of hypocrisy
that is bred by
The most interesting aspect of the spirit of vengeance

the spirit of hypocrisy is that, though it is ostensibly antireligious,


always has its own religious genius. That was true of the middle-class

revolution of eighteenth-century France and of the communist revo-

lution in Russia; and that is true of Spanish anarchism. The most
characteristic quality of this secular religion is its utopianism.
Protestantism frequently has the same relation to capitalism as
Catholicism to feudalism. Even communism, which begins by setting
fanatic prophets against the pretensions of established religion, ends
by transmuting these prophets into priest-kings. What is Stalin but
a new priest-king whose power achieves an unqualified sanctification
from the official religion of his government?
The process that makes for this alliance between religion and
power is not confined to any one type of Christian religion or even
to the Christian religion as such. It is, in fact, such a perennial fac-

tor in human history that it must be ascribed to a basic difficulty of

human spirituality. Only a religion that worships a God before

whom the princes of the world are as nothing, and which is able to

convict the mighty as well as the lowly of sin, is capable of dealing

human spirituality. But this is also the very
with this difficulty of
type of religion that can be most grievously corrupted.
A church can consequently never prove itself Christian by de-
fending a " Christian civilization." By that very effort it becomes, as
church, unchristian. Every civilization stands under the judgment
of God having allowed its centers of power to become means of
oppression. If the church does not see that, it does not understand its
own gospel. There is a peculiar pathos in the fact that the part of
the gospel that it does not understand should become the basis of a
new political error, i.e., the utopianism of its foes.


From the standpoint of power politics nothing was more logical
than the pact between Hitler and Stalin. Those of us who predicted

and feared it as a possibility were met with a sense of outrage on the

" fellow travelers," and the expression
part of the " comrades " and
of frank doubts about our sanity. They usually do not know the
Scriptures, but what the comrades said were modern paraphrases of
Radical Religion, Fall, 1939.
Saint Paul's words: " What communion hath light with darkness
and what concord hath Christ with Belial, or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel?
The trouble with all the comrades and semicomrades is of course
symptomatic of the trouble in all modern culture. They have found
a Christ in history, whereas the only true Christ is he who was cruci-
fied in history. They have found the devil in history; they saw in
nazism the very incarnation of the principle of evil. Communism
was Christ. Russia was the Kingdom of God. Hitler was the devil.
The pluto-democracies were the Laodicean believers who were sus-
pected of lukewarm faith and were challenged continually to choose
between Christ and Belial, between Stalin and Hitler. It was re-
garded as unthinkable that Russia might make political choices that
would be prompted primarily by instincts of survival as a nation
rather than by loyalty to an international and universal cause. Rus-
sia was not a nation. Russia was the fatherland of socialism.

The true believers insisted upon this creed in spite of the fact that
evidence had been multiplying for years that nationalistic motives
were gaining the ascendency in Russia. The Bolshevists had begun
to extol Peter the Great as a founder of modern Russia; and the Rus-
sian word for " fatherland " was popularized. Yet the comrades be-
lieved that Russia represented a force of pure disinterestedness in
politics. Its only thought was supposedly the defense of the workers
throughout the world. The " united front " politics of the Kremlin
seemed to give some support to these ideas for a while. Russia was
supporting democracy against fascism. Democracy was, of course, not
as good as communism. But it was better than fascism, and Stalin
was wise enough and merciful enough to support the children of
light even if they were only the children of twilight.
All this was, of course, not politics at all. It was a naive religion.
People must believe something. Analyze the life attitudes of even the
most sophisticated and emancipated modern, and you will discover
that somewhere in his credo there is a Christ and a Kingdom of God,
something that he trusts, though all else fail. If one deals with poli-
tics realistically, unhindered by the confusions of primitive reli-

gions, one must soon discover that in every national organism there
is both a primal instinct of survival without reference to the " ideo-

logical," the cultural, and ideal values that the nation bears, and
some loyalty to a " civilization," a " culture," a religion which tran-
scends the nation. In each case there is also an oligarchy in each na-

tion, whose instincts of survival cut diagonally across both the other
impulses. nation ever supports values that transcend its life if
they are diametrically opposed to the preservation of its life. Na-
tions can and do support higher values than their own if there is a
coincidence between the higher values and the impulse of survival.
The international situation up to a recent date was as follows: In
the so-called democratic nations there was a coincidence between the
values of democracy (which are still very real, however corrupted by
economic injustice) and the defensive necessities of the French na-
tion and the British Empire. In the same way there was a coinci-
dence between the preservation of Russia and the preservation of
socialism against fascism. The defensive necessities of the capitalistic
oligarchs in the democratic nations did, however, run counter to this
community of interest. The Polish landlords were reluctant to allow
a Russian for the defense of the nation. The
army into Poland, even
British Tories were equally reluctant to make a pact with Russia.

Driven by desperate necessity and the urging of the common people,

they did make halfhearted efforts in that direction. But the Russians
were not slow to perceive how halfhearted these efforts were. They
therefore counted discretion the better part of valor and made a pact
with the enemy.
The Germans come into this picture as an illustration of another
possible relation between national interests and those which tran-
scend the nation. Nazis have long proclaimed themselves the
" ideological,"
defenders of civilization against Bolshevism. But the
that is, dishonest element, in this universal value was greater than in
the other cases. Nazism Rauschning has pointed out, the wor-
is, as

ship of power for its own Even its devotion to the racial prin-
devotion to " civilization " certainly is. Nothing
ciple is bogus. Its

was more natural for the Nazis than to seek this pact with Russia.
The fact that Russia accepted it and set the Nazis free to attack
the democratic powers places Stalin's Russia in the same relation to
the cause of socialism as Napoleon's France had to the bourgeois
revolution of the eighteenth century. This is not a new phenomenon
of history. Nor is it anything about which good people can be par-
ticularly horror-struck. It conforms to the law of nations in so far as

that is the law of the jungle.

What is the communist defense of this
does strike one with horror
procedure; the desperate effort that is being made to keep Russia

clad in the shining armor of righteousness. The communist papers

8o LOVE AND justice: national level
tell us that Stalin circumvented the Chamberlain policy of appease-

ment, that the fear of the great Red Army brought Hitler to heel,
that Stalin broke the Axis by disassociating Japan from Germany,
etc., etc. This is to make black white and white black in a fashion
reminiscent of Nazi propaganda. The arguments outrage the sim-
plest logic. A pact that sets Germany free to fight does not circum-
vent appeasement. It is appeasement on a larger scale than ever at-

tempted by Chamberlain. We hope for nothing quite so fervently

than to be relieved from the necessity for arguing this matter with
ardent fellow travelers in the next months. We will have, if we do
argue the matter, the same sense of futility that we have always felt
in arguing with Nazis. When truth is made the slave of power, one
can only hold up one's hands. Truth is always partly corrupted by
power and interest. But it is in the margin of purity where truth
transcends interest partially that civilization is built and men main-
tain a sane world, where there is some hope of adjusting interest to
interest, life to life, and value to value.
What appalls us particularly is the spiritual poverty that forces so
many people in our era to talk this nonsense in order to save them-
selves from despair. One must continue to defend and to extend if
possible whatever decency, justice, and freedom still exist in this
day when the going out one by one. One can do that with
lights are
clearest vision and courage if one has not placed one's faith in some
frail reed of human virtue which does not exist. It is well for all

Christians who have not fled into quietism, but who have a sense of
responsibility toward the problems of civilization, to recognize
clearly that the tragedy of our era is not merely the decay of a capi-
talistic-bourgeois social order, but the corruption of its alternative
socialist order almost as soon as it had established itself. This does
not mean that the task of advancing democracy to include economic
justice as well as political justice is a hopeless one. After all, bour-
geois democracy did succeed in destroying feudalism despite Na-
poleon's treason, and, one might add, despite the degeneration of
Cromwell's City of God into the first tyranny of modern history.
The Kingdom of God is not of this world; yet its light illumines
our world and its hope saves us from despair. The Chris-
tasks in this
tian faith stands between the illusions and the despair of the world;
it is particularly an antidote to the illusions which are stubbornly

held in defiance of the facts in order to save men from despair.



The difTerence between the political scene in Britain and America
is so great in many respects that comparisons are almost impossible.
The Roosevelt Administration is ostensibly a liberal one, while
Churchill's national Government is conservative. Yet labor has a sig-

nificant position in Churchill'sGovernment, while it is fighting a

desperate rear-guard action in Washington. No labor leader or pro-
gressive has a position in Washington comparable to Kevin's emi-
nence as " man power " dictator, Herbert Morrison's influence as
Home Secretary, or Sir Stafford Cripps's as Minister of Aircraft
Production. Lord Woolton's food administration is furthermore a
more genuine instrument of democratic justice than anything we
have in Washington.
The relation of socially radical Christian thought to politics in
Britain corresponds to this totally different British situation. Ameri-
can Christian radicalism may be more consistently radical than any
similar British thought; but it is much more irresponsible and much

less relevant to the actual political situation. The British Council of

Churches, for instance, came out in unequivocal support of the Bev-
eridge social security plan. No corresponding religious group in
America could support the report of the National Resources Plan-
ning Board. The political distance between various groups both in-
side and outside the church is much wider in America than in
This fact is symbolized most perfectly by the position of Dr.
Temple, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in British life. It is doubt-
ful whether the Church of England has ever had a more advanced
proponent of social justice as its primate. There is no religious posi-
tion in America comparable to his influence. Yet the occupants of
much less influential posts of leadership could not take his advanced
position on social and political matters without creating serious di-
visions in their organization.
This is not to suggest that Dr. Temple can count on unanimous
support in his advocacy of a social order in which property interests
are completely subordinated to the requirements of the community.
There are members of the Church of England who regard his politi-
cal pronouncements with apprehension. It may also be noted that

Christianity and Society, Summer, 1943.

certain Free Church groups, among whom bourgeois perspectives are
more powerful than in the Established Church, are quite openly
critical of Dr. Temple's politics. Nevertheless, he commands a very
wide support. Some of that support is derived from the prestige that
his great office confers uponoccupant, whoever he may be. Some

of it is derived from his personal prestige as the leading theologian

of the Church of England. These two forms of prestige combine in
such a way that one may never be quite certain whether it is be-

cause the Archbishop of Canterbury is speaking or because Dr. Tem-

ple is speaking that his words are given a special degree of respect
and sympathy.
Yet neither the prestige of the office nor the influence of the man
could account altogether for Archbishop Temple's ability to speak
for the conscience of England with a degree of support not accorded
anyone else in so advanced a position. That is due to the fact that

Britain has a wider measure of agreement upon and po-

basic social
litical issues than any other modem nation. American equalitarians
are prone to think of England as a land of class distinctions; and it
must be admitted that social distinctions are still greater than in our
own country. But Americans do not always understand that the
same feudal tradition that is responsible for class distinctions is also
responsible for a political philosophy that finds nothing abhorrent
in the political control of economic processes. Thus the Right and
the Left meet across the chasm of bourgeois liberalism. The left-
wing Tories under the leadership of Quentin Hogg are actually pro-
jecting a degree of socialization of property that would strike terror

into the heart of a typical American conservative-liberal.

This does not mean that Britain is a radical nation. It was able,
as no other modern nation, to weld the virtues of bourgeois democ-
racy upon the older feudal-monarchial world; and it may succeed
again in relating the best values of the workers' rebellion against the
injustices of a capitalistic society to the present society, without de-
stroying the fabric of historical continuity. Britain has the most se-

cure and least catastrophic future of any modern nation.

The defect of this virtue is that she may well maintain many
forms of capitalistic injustice because of her ability to mitigate them
more successfully than other nations. There is little prospect of a
triumph of the Labor Party. The Labor Party lacks a strong will-
to-power, and the trade-union mass of the party is jealous of any of
the more political and radical middle-class leaders who emerge in it

from time to time. This jealousy of Sir Stafford Cripps was apparent
in the past. It is apparent now in the attitude toward its most prom-
ising leader, Herbert Morrison. The latter is of working-class origin,
but he belongs to the political, rather than trade-union, section of
the party. If anyone is to lead the party to triumph it will be Morri-
son. But there is little prospect of such a triumph in the next decade.
In the field of religious radicalism, the genuine achievements of
national unity have the same tendency to dull the edge of a reli-

giously inspired protest against injustice. The quasi-Catholicisra of

Anglicanism naturally brings the problems of human society into
the orbit of religious piety in ways difficult for more individualistic
Protestants to understand. A part of the Anglican Church is of
course as conservative as Catholic social thought. The village church
may still be intimately wedded to the squirearchy. But Anglican
parishes in the cities are frequently intimately related to the life of
the workers.
There is, however, no fully developed and unified socially radical
movement. The Industrial Christian Fellowship, which was respon-
sible for Malvern, has the defect of being purely Anglican and not
drawing the very considerable Free Church social radicalism into
partnership with it. It is, moreover, not too rigorous in analyzing
the actual realities of the social struggle and frequently speaks in
moralistic accents reminiscent of our own older " social gospel."
It may be observed incidentally that there is a curious hiatus be-

tween Christian social theory and social experience in Britain. If

one meets with any group of " radical " clergymen, one finds them
capable of making the most rigorous and shrewdest possible analysis
of the social and political forces in a given situation. But most Eng-
lish social pronouncements seem to be taken from the pages of our
old " social gospel." They seem to suggest that a " Christian " so-
ciety need merely substitute the " service " motive for the " profit "

one. Meanwhile every intelligent British proponent of the social

meaning of the Christian faith understands quite well that politics,
on any possible level, must check and channel egoistic impulses as
well as harness and extend the altruistic ones. It is understood also
that no conceivable " Christian " society can abolish the tensions of
conflicting interests and perspectives. But the pronouncements are
remarkably Pelagian and seem to envisage a frictionless society of
perfect human brotherhood. This curious inconsistency in British re-
ligious thought is not unrelated to a similar aspect of British politi-
84 LOVE AND justice: national level
been shrewder
cal life in general; for British political art has always
in weighing the realities of a given political situation than political
science has been in stating the principles by which the realities must
be interpreted.
The advanced portion of the British churches is in need
of a unified movement through which the common testimonies of
that part of the church will be clearly stated and which will exploit
in more explicit terms the general atmosphere of social advance
created by the Archbishop of Canterbury's leadership.
It ought to be mentioned that Sir Richard Acland's new Common-
wealth Party is from the Christian standpoint because
Acland's own position is derived from Christian presuppositions.
Others in the movement have arrived at a common position with
him from other backgrounds. Tom Wintringham is a former com-
munist. Acland, who has given up his ancestral estates and now
makes a precarious living, is a most appealing figure. He stands in a

long line of British radicals who represent the of the left wing
Christian tradition. From Gerrard Winstanley, the leader of the

Diggers in the seventeenth century, through Keir Hardie, Robert

Smillie, Arthur Henderson, George Lansbury, Stafford Cripps, and
Acland in the past decades, British Christianity, whether sectarian
or state church, has generated prophets of religio-social criticism. In
other words, the moral protest against the injustices of our society is
derived from, and need not express itself against, the Christian reli-
gion. This one fact makes Britain unique in modern social history.
For all movements of the Continent have been anti-
the radical
Christian. In America they are not anti-Christian, but they are pre-
dominantly secular. It may be that the unbroken character of the
Christian ethos in Britain is also the cause of the unbroken charac-
ter of the sociopolitical history since 1688.


The necessity of surveying every problem of justice with as few
dogmatic presuppositions as possible is nicely illustrated by the ex-
perience of Britain with socialized medicine. The basic provisions of
the National Health Act represent a great achievement in social

Christianity and Society, Autumn, 1949.


justice. Free medical care, including hospitalization, necessary appli-

ances, and medicine, is now available to every member of the na-
tional community. This represents an ideal for which America will
have to strive for years to come. The opposition of the medical pro-
fession to our own health program
is only one of the strong recalci-

trant forces that must be overcome before we can offer basic health
security to our citizens. Adequate medical care in this nation is still
the monopoly of the well-to-do and the very poor.
But there is never a simple " ideal " in social justice. The British
health service is ideal from the standpoint of the breadth of its se-
curities. But the medical profession is taxed with tasks beyond the
limits of its endurance. There is good evidence that doctors lack
time for adequate diagnostic work. Furthermore, the cost of the
serviceis greater than anticipated. This contributes to the size of a

budget that the income-tax payer feels increasingly as a great bur-

den. Sir Stafford Cripps's very honest budget message made it clear
that no reduction of the tax could be expected so long as the Gov-
ernment financed social services on the present scale. The new
budget, with no promise of relief to the taxpayer, has created an
atmosphere of pessimism which has led to the loss of many Labor
seats in themunicipal elections.
This may or may not be an augury of a defeat of labor in the

coming parliamentary elections. It is clear, however, that a social-

ized community reaches a point where it becomes obvious that its
services are paid for, not by the wealthy, but by everyone. This is
not, however, a serious defect in a socialized economy. More serious
is the obvious waste in the time and energy of medical men if no
checks are placed upon the services that the citizen may claim from
the doctor. Marxism has always lacked understanding of the limit-
" To every-
less character of all human needs, desires, and ambitions.

one according to his needs " is an impossible goal, because it is not

possible to set a limit to human needs. In medicine the limit of need
would seem to be furnished by the health of the citizen. But no one
is perfectly healthy, and there is no end of inconsequential ailments

for which a patient may seek a doctor's ministrations. Human be-

ings are, on the whole, too thoughtless to justify a community in al-
lowing them to set their own limit on the demands which they may
make of a public servant. In short, the British health service will
have to findsome way of placing a check upon the claims that indi-
viduals make upon it. The service must be essentially free; but some
86 LOVE AND justice: national level
system of graduated payments above specified annual limits will
have to be found.
While America regarded by Britons as a nation lacking in a

proper sense of responsibility for the welfare of the whole, we do

have a more generous system of free education than even socialist
Britain. But our free education above the grade school level is not
absolutely free. If the proposed system of Federal scholarships
should eliminate the extra charges that are now paid by the student
in higher education, it will become increasingly necessary to make
such scholarships subject to tests of ability and diligence. A com-
pletely free system of education up to the final limit of university
education is no more possible than a completely free system of medi-
cal care.
The extension of socialized services in a modern welfare state is a

greater moral achievement. It implements a Christian understand-

ing of the limitless character of a man's responsibility for his neigh-

bor. In so far as socialism has understood this responsibility better
than conventional Christianity, it is more thoroughly Christian than
conventional Christianity. But a welfare state informed by too pure
Marxist thought may fail to guard against the limitless claims that
may be made uponit, while it is seeking to do justice to its limitless

Such failure means that it does not understand the

problem of human egoism as it should be understood from the
standpoint of a Christian interpretation of human nature.
British socialism has been much more successful than any Conti-
nental Marxism precisely because its Marxist presuppositions have
been more thoroughly diluted with Christian insights than the so-
cialism of the Continent. But its health program is a little too

Utopian to survive in its present form. Its weaknesses may be ob-

scured for the time being by the theory that the undue demands
upon the doctors represent a "backlog" of unsatisfied medical
needs. Since there is an element of truth in this argument, it may
well preserve the present program for some time to come. But ulti-
mately it will be discovered that something more than a backlog of
untended ailments prompts some people to make inordinate claims
upon the doctor. Then a way will be found to protect both the doc-
tor and the more modest patients against the claims of the thought-


Candy, or as the British say, " sweets," has been put on rationing
again in Britain after being free for six months. Thereby hangs a
tale which teaches us a lesson about the relation of freedom to con-
trol. When the candy manufacturers were able to produce an
amount of candy equal to the total national consumption before the
war, the Government felt it safe to remove candy sales from ration-
ing control. It was glad to do this in order to satisfy a wide public
clamor for more free goods. But as soon as candy was freely available
the demand for it far exceeded the average consumption before the
war. Either Britain had cultivated a sweeter tooth, or, what is more
likely, the scarcity of other edibles led to an increased demand for
sweet things. The excess of demand over supply led to long queues
of customers, to favoritism in distribution, and to embarrassment
for distributors, many of whom were forced to institute their own
ad hoc rationing system. In consequence of these difficulties, the
Government finally reinstituted rationing in candies in the middle
of August, to the great relief of the same customers and distributors
who had clamored for decontrol.
The lesson in this little bit of history reaches far beyond the prob-
lem of candy rations or of rationing in general. It proves to what de-
gree the vaunted virtues of the " free market," upon which we pride
ourselves so much in this nation, are merely the by-product of an
economic situation that most of the world must regard as a luxury.
In almost all modern industrial nations, with the exception of our

own, the production power does not equal the demand of consumers
for goods. Even in our own nation we have been involved in infla-
tion because it proved impossible under conditions of full employ-
ment to produce enough goods to satisfy all demands. We had our
own experience after the war with a too precipitate decontrol of
meats, for instance, which resulted in high prices for meats. If prices
rise high enough, they do of course restrict consumption, but merely
upon the basis of capacity to pay. The poor are priced out of the
This is why the most disciplined poor nations achieve a high de-
gree of justice through planning and control. The less disciplined
nations provide every luxury for the rich while the poor are in want.

Christianity and Society, Autumn, 1949.

88 LOVE AND justice: national level
Nations as wealthy as our own indulge in free markets with less
catastrophic results than in poor nations, but not without marked
consequences in injustice. In short, the freedom " that we cele-

brate as the last word in political idealism is, from the perspective
of the rest of the world, merely the luxury of a very fortunate na-
tion. That is why we have, and will continue to have, little success
in commending the " American way of life " to the rest of the world.
We imagine ourselves the keeper of the ark of democratic virtues;
but the world regards us as a profligate rich man who can afford to
be wasteful.
The controls required by poor nations for the sake of justice are
not, however, the final answer to the problem of freedom and justice
in a technical society. It may well be that a healthy technical society
can preserve its freedom only if it has enough economic margin to
permit itself the luxury of a free market in some areas of its econ-
omy. For obviously complete planning does lead to an omnicompe-
tent state.
C. Economic Issues


Most ethical theory in the Christian church is based upon the as-
sumption that it is possible to make society ethical by socializing the
mdividual, by placing an inner check upon the expansive desires
and lusts of each single person and thus making him a person fit to
participate in social enterprise without taking undue advantage of
It is not surprising that the church should hold to this assump-
tion; for it is essentially the attitude of Jesus. He believed in a King-
dom of God, in an ideal society; but he expected to create such a
society by regenerating individuals until they would have a com-
pletely social attitude toward their fellow men, until they would be
thoroughly dominated by the passion of moral good will. He did

not participate in any political or economic program designed to

strip the powerful of their strength or the privileged of their ad-
vantages. sought rather to convince the strong and the privileged
to divest themselves of their perquisites in the interest of his King-
dom of love.

Suasion Not Enough

It would not be difficult to prove that this ideal is still and will re-

main the absolute ideal of social life. It is the final ideal because the
individual never completely ethical if he must be restrained by

external restraint from pursuing ends detrimental to society; and so-

ciety is not fully socialized if it must use force rather than suasion to
bring the individual into conformity with its own ends. The recog-
nition of this ideal must not, however, tempt us to regard the sociali-
zation of the individual through educational and religious suasion
as adequate means for eliminating the injustices and inequalities of
modern society. The assumption that these means are sufficient gives
the whole moral life and theory of the Christian church a note of
unreality, not to say hypocrisy.
The Christianity or any other religion, or for that matter
fact is,

any rational or educational force, has never developed a sufficient

number of individuals with so perfect a passion of love as to change
The Christian Century, April 30, 1930.

go LOVE AND justice: national level
the main facts of history. Pious kings have held to their power until
robust nobles divested them of it. Good aristocrats took their heredi-
tary advantages for granted until emerging middle classes
matched the strength of the aristocracy with their own newly won
commercial power. Even in the family relationship, where love has
been a more potent force than in less intimate social organization,
the autocracy of the male was not challenged until the women
gained a measure of economic independence. The industrial worker
must develop power through organization before he can hope to dis-
lodge the commercial classes from their favored position in the eco-
nomic order.
There are always a few individuals in the privileged classes who,
because of religious insight or rational analysis, have divested them-
selves of their privileges in the interest of an equitable society. Their
achievements are not futile; for moral splendor in individuals al-
ways has exemplary power and persuades others to do likewise, per-
haps with a lesser degree of consistency. But the total effect of the
lives of such individuals mitigates without abolishing the eternal
conflict in society, which the pressure of those who have not against
those who have makes inevitable.
The Christian church has been singularly oblivious to this plain
lesson of history. It has tried to escape the logic of the facts by its

doctrine of stewardship. The idea of stewardship is plausible

enough. According to it, men hold their advantages and their power
as trusts from God. This trust is not used for selfish advantages. It is
used only as God would have us use it. If we accept the Christian in-
terpretation of God's will as a loving will, which seeks the welfare
of all men with equal zeal, this would mean that men would use
privilege only as they could justify it in terms of the greater service
they could render their fellow men through it, and would use power
only as transmuted into the kind of influence that the leader
it is

achieves in his group by the service that he renders to it. In other

words, a strict interpretation of the idea of stewardship would auto-
matically eliminate the kind of power and privilege that the church
tries to moralize.

Sanctifying Privilege

What the church actually does is not to on such a strict in-


terpretation of stewardship, but to sanctify power and privilege as it

exists in the modern world by certain concessions to the ethical

principle. The critics of the church have a right to be very scornful

of this whole procedure. It could probably be proved psychologi-
cally that an unethical attitude that can get itself obscured behind a
facade of moral sentiment is more dangerous than a frankly im-
moral one, because it confuses not only the observer but the doer.
Here, for instance, is a pious businessman who is honest in all his
dealings but whose imagination does not carry him beyond the con-
temporary standards of honesty. Besides being honest he is fairly

generous. Those two virtues give him the satisfaction of being a

Christian. He regards his power in his factory much as kings of old

regarded their prerogatives. Any attempt on the part of the workers

to gain a share in the determining of policy, particularly the policy
that affects their own livelihood, hours, and wages, is regarded by
him as an impious attempt to destroy the divine order of things. He
knows what is good for his workers. There is no unemployment in-
surance in his concern. The owner lacks the imagination to realize
just what insecurity of employment means in the lives of workers or
what the social consequences of unemployment are. If he has a slight
comprehension of these consequences, he will make some contribu-
tion to the charities of the city and feel virtuous.

There is, of course, a wide variance between individual employers

in this regard, from the owner of Procter and Gamble, who guaran-
tees his workers forty-eight weeks of work during the year, to the em-
ployer who, while 20,000 of his workers were idle during this winter,
contributed $15,000 for the relief fund and spent to pur-
chase rare tapestries.

No Unique Business Ethics

There not one church in a thousand where the moral problems


of our industrial civilization are discussed with sufficient realism

from the pulpit to prompt the owner to think of his stewardship in
terms of these legitimate rights of the workers. The best proof of
this is that there are hardly any Christian employers who have any
unique business ethics. There are some, it is true, but they could be
counted on the fingers of two hands. In most of our cities the pious
employers of labor are just as uncompromising in fighting the labor
movement and in resisting efforts to make industry responsible for
old-age pensions and unemployment insurance as any other type
of employer.
Meanwhile your man of power and privilege is generous. The de-
gree of generosity varies in different cases. Sometimes his philanthro-
pies represent a mere bagatelle in proportion to his income. It is
only in rare instances that philanthropic giving changes standards of
living by a hair's breadth. The church with varying degrees of so-
phistication and naivete accepts these philanthropies as fulfilling all
righteousness. If they actually reach the proportions of the tradi-
tional tithe, they are acclaimed with paeans of praise even though
they may than what the Government exacts in income
represent less

tax, and they may be given partly to escape the tax. If contemporary
standards of honesty are followed, part of the income thus tithed
may have been made in stock speculation, in which socially created
wealth is privately appropriated without a qualm of conscience; or,
as is not infrequently the case, the income for the year has been de-
rived from stock dividends, in which the productivity of the industry
is used to compound the original holdings and becomes forever after
a charge upon the industry.

Philanthropy Is Not Stewardship

Any theory of stewardship that operates purely upon the level of
philanthropy is not only inadequate to deal with the moral problem
involved in the increasing concentration of wealth and power in an
industrial civilization, but it is actually inimical to a sane under-
standing of the problem. How inadequate it is may be recognized
from the fact that in the year 1929 the total philanthropies of
America amounted to two and a half billion dollars, a sum that does
not equal the accretion of values in stocks on the New York ex-
change in a single day on more than one day in the past year. It is,
of course, not impossible to interpret the doctrine of stewardship re-
alistically. But to do so would require an honest discussion of every

moral and social problem involved in modern industry, the dis-

placement of workers by the machine, the inequality of income, the
ethics of varying standards of living, the democratic rights of work-
ers, and all the rest. If this is not done, it is idle to think of the
church moral guide in our civilization.
as a
But even if it is done, it will remain a fact that not a large enough
number of employers will be won over to an ethical way of life to
obviate the necessity of restricting power and privilege through in-
creasing social control. Without using economic force in the form

of the strike, or the strike threat, and political force through the
creation of a political party that protects the interests of the less
privileged members of an industrial community, there is no possi-
bility of equalizing privilege and destroying arbitrary power.

Reducing Conflict to Tension

This fact is no reason why we should trust social coercion alone

and regard moral suasion as futile. It is not futile. The more far-
sighted, imaginative, and ethical the holding classes are, the more is
social conflict reduced to social tension and the more can violence be
replaced by the use of more ethical types of power. However, any in-
stitution of the ethical ideal will make just as large a contribution to

the attainment of an ethical goal for society by educating men in the

indubitable facts of history and persuading them of the necessity of
social control as by challenging them to ethical self-control. The
one type of education need not exclude the other.
The realistic teacher of morals will be able to prove by exam-
ples drawn from much more ideal fellowships than that of the in-
dustrial community that even a fairly ethical individual is inclined
to live his life at the expense of other men, if others do not

resistance to his exactions. The human imagination, except in rare

cases, is simply not equal to the task of completely envisaging the

interests of those whose depend on us. There are few Ameri-


cans who know on French laces has, in late

that a 300 per cent tariff
months, thrown 25,000 French lacemakers out of work. There are
its human and social
still fewer who can see that fact in terms of

consequences. Such a be continued, unfortunately, until

tariff will

France teaches us a lesson in mutuality by raising a tariff on our

That not an ideal way of settling social problems. By increas-

ing social imagination we can prevent such conflicts of interest

reduce the con-
issuing in violence and we may perhaps be able to

flict until it is no more than tension between various interest groups

in the international community. But there is no prospect of chang-
ing the except
facts, in very small communities of the ideal; and an
institution of the ethical ideal, such as the church, will,
on the
whole, make its largest contribution to the development of an

cal society by teaching its members the necessity of

an increased

measure of social control.

94 LOVE AND justice: national level
The student of history is forced to draw his conclusions in terms
that come perilously near to the assumptions of economic determin-
ism. He will, if he is wise, escape the moral enervation of complete
determinism as being inconsistent with the facts. But, meanwhile,
most ethical teaching is still functioning upon the basis of assump-
tions that are much farther from the truth than this dreaded de-
terminism. If one had to choose between two errors, would be

truer to believe that all social action is economically determined

than to believe, church seems to do, that ethical action devel-
as the
ops in some kind of social vacuum. The only chance the modern
man has of achieving a measure of ethical freedom and dignity is
to realize with what difficulty he extricates his actions from the
pressure of economic self-interest and how necessary and ultimately
ethical are the restraints of an ethical society upon his will-to-power
and his lust for gain.


The prophets warned Israel, lest it assume that its favored posi-
tionamong the nations was due to its virtue rather than the grace
of God. They warned the powerful nations round about Israel,
lest they assume that their power gave them immunity from the
perils God's judgment. American destiny has combined the
temptations to which Israel was subject with those to which Baby-
lon was subject.
We are the most powerful nation on earth. We are also suffi-
ciently virtuous to be tempted to the assumption that our power is
the fruit of our virtue. We do not quite say as Babylon is accused
of saying, " I sit as a queen and I shall never know sorrow." The
fact is that we are not sure of ourselves and look into the future
with apprehension, tempted to perfect the hydrogen bomb out of
fear that nothing else will make us sufficiently secure. But we are
very sure of ourselves morally.
The idolatrous devotion to the " American way of life " grows at
a tremendous pace. We hasten to add that the whole of America is
not quite as completely given to it as some of our foreign critics
imagine. But the business community has never been so sure of its
virtue nor so afraid that the slightest assertion of the power of

Christianity and Society, Spring, 1950.


the state in the interest of human welfare is the first step down the
slippery slope which leads to totalitarianism. And the ethos of the
business community does influence sources of culture which ought
to be more immune to the growing national idolatry.
Thus the annual report of the Carnegie Corporation of New
York, in surveying the grants it has made for various educational
enterprises, speaks of the " basic rules of the American system,"
which it declares remain unchanged but which must be reinter-
preted in a day in which technology shrinks the world's distances
and brings about " conflicts between our value system and those of
other nations." The more
report also speaks of the necessity of a
adequate program of American studies in our colleges in order to
" give our young people more understanding of and dedication to

American values." There is nothing said here of a great and long

tradition of democratic society in which America was nurtured,
nor is there any mention of the necessity of correcting our unique
conceptions of democracy by the experience of other free nations.
This omission is the more striking since the few words which the
Carnegie report has on the meaning of democracy make it quite
clear that it shares the general notion that democracy and liberty
are to be equated. There is no suggestion, as there is little in any
of these paeans of praise for the American way of life, that democ-
racy can never mean merely freedom. It must always relate free-
dom to justice, to community, and to equality as the regulative
principle of justice.
The Advertising Council of America has been carrying on a cam-
paign intended to clarify the meaning of the American way of life,
in which it is suggested that the " miracle of America," namely, our
vast productive power, is due merely to the spirit of initiative in
our " free enterprise system." There is no suspicion that some of
our wealth is derived from the fabulous natural resources of our
continent, which China, for instance, could not draw on even if

that nation were technically as efficient as we are. Furthermore, the

Advertising Council gives no credit to the various pressures and
counterpressures in our economy (unions and strikes, for instance)
for achieving a tolerably just distribution of our wealth. It would
have us believe that if we only produce more, everyone is bound
to share equally in the abundance. Thus one of the most serious
problems in a capitalistic economy, the problem of underconsump-
tion, is obscured.
gG LOVE AND justice: national level
The fact is that all of the perennial problems of a free economy
are momentarily obscured by the fact that an impoverished world
needs American goods. We are actually wealthy enough to provide
some markets for these goods by Marshall plan grants. We imagine
ourselves very generous in this policy, but when the Marshall grants
run out and the impoverished world will be unable to buy what it
needs from us, and we will even be unwilling to buy from the world
a sufficient amount of imports to finance the exports, we will not
only recognize that we have not been as generous as we imagined,
but we will also discover that a free economy has not solved its
problems as permanently as it supposed.
Inevitably the religious world is corrupted by this idolatrous
creed of America. Many businessmen no longer support the
World Council of Churches or the Federal Council of Churches be-
cause the pronouncements of these bodies on economic affairs have
preserved a proper critical reserve toward the American pretensions
of a perfect economic system.
Recently a pastor of a large city church sent us a brochure from
one of his pious laymen on the subject of Christianity and economic
life. This Christian layman is afraid that we will create " confu-

sion " by adding mere " human opinion " to the " laws of God."
For him the laws of God consist of two propositions: (i) the love
commandment, and (2) the proposition that men are endowed by
their Creator with the right to " life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness." The treatise is a work of art in explicating the meaning
of " love " and of " freedom " without a word about justice. The
author insists that the state has only a negative function according
to " God's plan," namely, to " protect the right of every man." Any
more positive action in the interest of justice is deprecated. The pi-
ous layman wants good Christians to be socially minded, but he
doesn't want them to be coerced to do justly, for " man's individual
behavior as a social being cannot be forced on people. Social . . .

qualities come from within," he declares, " and can therefore only
be cultivated." One is reminded of the day when Herbert Hoover
opposed unemployment insurance on the ground that it destroyed
the good old American way of voluntary aid to the unfortunate.
Thus Christian sentimentality is made a cloak for a corrupt form
of laissez-faire politics. What is left out of account is that a healthy
society forces practically all people to be just beyond their natural
inclinations. It does not do this by pure coercion. It does it by es-

assent of the
tablishing standards of justice which gain the moral
majority of the population but yet operate against the immediate
inclinations even of some of the good people who helped to estab-

lish the standards. Any Christian political

thought that exploits the
law of love without considering the power of the law of
self-love is

betrayed into sentimentality. As David Hume observed, politics

must assume the selfishness of men, however we may speculate on

the degree of their unselfishness and however much
we may seek
of our political arrange-
to increase that degree above the level

is actually creating a mood among
Our present prosperity our lay
approximates the uncritical Christian adoration of
Christians that
" free enterprise system " before the rise of the social gospel
challenged The social gospel was frequently itself too moralistic,

but one might be grateful now for some of its emphases, however
our great urban churches become again the
If the ministers of
subtly com-
simple priests and chaplains of this American idolatry,
pounded with a few stray Christian emphases, they will merely add

one more dismal proof in the pages of history that a religiously

more grievous than its secular variety. This
sanctified self-idolatry is

is how the gospel becomes a salt that has lost its savor.
gospel cannot be preached with truth and power if it does
not challenge the pretensions and pride, not only of individuals,
of nations, cultures, civilizations, economic and political systems.
The good fortune of America and its power place it under the most
grievous temptations to self-adulation. If there is no power
and grace
in the Christian church
" to bring down every high thing which ex-

God," the church becomes not

alteth itself against the knowledge of

merely useless but dangerous.

We Protestants speak critical words about the idolatrous preten-
pretensions are actu-
sions of the Roman Church. But some of these
than miserable identification of the " laws
ally more plausible this
" with a particular form of democracy, exhibiting nuances
of God
and emphases that are possible only in America and which may

be possible here for any length of time.

gS LOVE AND justice: national level


Henry Ford is If we may judge men not so much by
their achievements as by their hopes, not so much by what they are
as by what they want to be, Henry Ford reveals the true nature of
the average American. Henry Ford is not a typical businessman. If
he were, he could not be a typical American. There is a sentimental
quality in American life which the narrow-eyed and obviously

shrewd businessman type does not satisfy as a symbol. The stand-

ardized businessman is too obviously, too robustly masculine. And
America is half feminine. We worship success, but we do not like to
pay too high a price for it. That is why only half of America ad-
mired Carnegie and Rockefeller. The other half spoke of the Home-
stead strikes and Standard Oil ruthlessness. In spite of libraries and
colleges, the two wealthiest men of the last generation were reviled
almost as much as they were praised. Henry Ford is wealthier than
either and is nevertheless the hero of the average American. The rea-
son is that he is supposed to have accumulated his fabulous fortune
without ruthlessness, and to have preserved a generous heart in the
money-getting process. To pay high wages, sell a cheap product, and
yet accumulate vast riches that is a miracle which fires the imagi-
nation of every mother's son who, if the truth were known, indulges
both spiritual and worldly ambitions in the secret of his heart. To
be feared and loved at the same time, to satisfy natural greed with-
out sacrificing the instincts of love that were to solve the problem
of life to the complete satisfaction of the man in the street. That is
why Henry Ford is the hero not only of America, but of many a

A Hero with Imagination

It must be admitted that there is a quality in the character of

Ford that seems to justify this universal aqclaim. Ford has imagina-
tion. He has never been lost in the mechanical processes of his busi-
ness. Objectively tested, his humanitarian characteristics may be in-
adequate enough, but there is no question but that he talks as if he
were a humanitarian and that he regards himself as one. He has gone
to much pains to insist that his latest venture, the five-day week, is

The Christian Century, December 9, 1926.


purely a business proposition. But obviously he is doing this because

he has previously seen to it that humanitarian motives should be
ascribed to the new policy. His disavowal of philanthropic intentions
in the institution of the five-day week are like the assurances of an
old spinster that her reputation as a flirt has been grossly exag-
Mr. Ford's reputation for philanthropy is a wonderful triumph of
astute publicity on the one hand and an almost inevitable fruit of
the peculiar psychology of the man on the other. To begin with, he
has always declared himself against organized philanthropy. While
his wife and son have given annually to the Detroit community fund,
which embraces all the charities of the city, their contributions have
never equaled the total sum given by the workers in his plant and
have frequently been but a fraction of the sums given by others,
much less wealthy Senator Couzens, for instance. College endow-
ments, libraries, and similar benefactions have never had the sup-
port of the Ford millions. A million and a half given by the family
for a Y.M.C.A. building campaign recently is the first large contri-
bution to a local charity.
Against these facts and in seeming contradiction of his own prin-
ciples, it must be said that Mr. Ford has built and is maintaining
one of the largest hospitals in the city. No one knows what this

venture is costing him. Years ago he established the principle that

an adequate wage was to be the basis of his philanthropy. One could
hardly find fault with that principle, generously interpreted, if he
were true to it. There is a logic in it which one might wish had been
learned by a Victor Lawson and a Frank Munsey, who sluiced their
wealth into enterprises theological seminaries, art museums, and
the like which, however worthy in themselves, were totally unre-
lated to the institutions that created the wealth.

Wages in Ford Plants

The trouble is that the facts do not bear out Mr. Ford's conten-
tion that his wage obviates the necessity for philanthropy. Outside of
a few thousand of the highly skilled workers, such as toolmakers, die-
makers, and patternmakers, it is hardly possible to find a Ford
worker who earned more than $1,500 during the past year. The five-
day week was in fact in effect long before it was publicly proclaimed,
and there were layoffs without pay besides. As a result, few Ford
workers have actually averaged the $30 per week which are needed
to provide an annual total of $1,500. Years ago, when the $5 a day
minimum was established, which meant $30 per week, the Ford
boast that an adequate wage obviated the necessity for charity was
not an idle one. Today it is an idle boast, for living prices have well-
nigh doubled and the weekly wage still hovers around $30. Mr. Ford
declares that a third of his men have received increases. Most of these
increases are either $2 or $4 per week, which means that even the
best of his men are still short from $2 to $4 in their weekly pay en-
velope. That is, they receive either $32 or $34 instead of $36. At the
present moment the five-day week has been reduced to four and one
half days throughout the plant, and many workers have even less
work than At the present rate the only workers who actually
equal the money wages of 1913 are those few thousand who receive
$6.80 a day or more. Whatever the pay in dollars may be, it is an
established fact that the actual wage is immeasurably lower than in
1913. Every social worker in Detroit knows that the Ford wage places
Ford workers in the ranks of social liabilities. The Ford worker in
times of distress and sickness is thrown upon the charitable resources
of the city. The statistics of practically every charity reveal not only
a proportionate but frequently a disproportionate number of Ford
workers who are the recipients of charity.
Not only is the Ford wage no longer a minimum subsistence wage,
not to speak of a minimum comfort wage, but there is no conscience
in the industry in the matter of unemployment or old-age insurance.
An industry that shows regular profits from a hundred to a hundred
and fifty million dollars per year does not lay aside a cent for unem-
ployment insurance. The old argument used to be that an adequate
wage would protect the worker not only against sickness disability
but against periods of unemployment. It is quite obvious that the
present wage is not high enough for that, if, indeed, it ever was.
During the business depression five years ago. Ford managed to keep
more men employed than many other automobile concerns, partly
because bad times affect a cheap car less than a high-priced product
and partly because he weeded out thousands of workers, speeded up
production with the remaining force, and cut the price of his car.
This was an effective business strategy, but it cannot be classed as
humanitarian business. It shows no consideration for the average
man, thrown upon the streets because he is unable to keep up.

The Demand for Youth

As I write, the Ford publicity agents are flooding the country
with Ford's new solution for the crime problem. He is going to em-
ploy five thousand boys from sixteen to twenty years of age to keep
them out of mischief. He is doing this at a time when hardly any of
his workers are working full time and many are being discharged.
The net result is that Ford is substituting young men for old men.
With the modern automatic machine well-known fact that
it is a

youth is at a premium. The automobile plant has no place for old

men. Many factories refuse to employ anyone over forty-five. An in-

dustrial process that requires endurance rather than skill inevitably

exploits youth and junks the aging man.

Perhaps it is unnecessary to say that there is no system of pensions
to offset this ruthlessness. There is not even a contract guaranteeing
tenure of employment. A man may put fifteen years into a plant, ac-
quire no more skill than can be duplicated in a youth of eighteen by
two months' training, and find himself losing in competition with
the superior stamina of the stripling. Perhaps the automobile indus-
try is too young to have acquired a conscience upon this
There can be no question that the conscience is lacking, and that
there is rather less than more conscience upon the problem of old
age in the Ford industry than in others.
If America were not so utterly naive in matters of
industrial eth-

ics, it would long since have looked with a

critical eye into the un-

employment and pension policy of a wealthy industry that prides

itself on restricting its philanthropy to the conduct of
its business.

nation as the most

As it is, Mr. Ford is celebrated throughout the
benevolent of employers, while human material is used with a ruth-
lessness and a disregard of ultimate effects which may be
but is not surpassed, by any industry. Mr. Ford has always main-
tained that one reason why he is able to perform his alleged miracle

of high wages and cheap products is because he had no absentee

owners to sluice dividends out of the industry. The obvious implica-
able to
tion of this constantly reiterated observation is that he is
maintain a smaller margin between the cost of production and the

cost of the finished article than other concerns which must satisfy
stockholders with big dividends. It is remarkable with what gullibil-
ity the public has accepted this explanation; for
the big profits of the

Ford industry are hardly exceeded by any other concern, unless it be

the United States Steel Company, and, in the past year, the General
Motors Corporation. What difference does it make whether ab-

sentee owners get the whether they stay with one man to
profits or
create the largest centralization of wealth the world has ever known,
if the profits are there? The fact is that the General Motors Corpora-

tion this year underbid Ford in the cost of the finished product,

comparative values considered, equaled him in wages, and yet de-

clared dividends totaling nearly two hundred million dollars! If
proof were needed, this would show that the Ford miracle is not as
distinctive as has been supposed. It is simply the miracle of the mod-
ern industrial process with its tremendous productivity which per-
mits exorbitant profits even if the product is reasonably cheap and
the wage a decent, if not an adequate, one.
It is difficult to determine whether Mr. Ford is simply a shrewd

exploiter of a gullible public in his humanitarian pretensions, or

whether he suffers from self-deception. My own guess is that he is at
least as naive as he is shrewd, that he does not think profoundly on
the social implications of his industrial policies, and that in some of
his avowed humanitarian motives he is actually self-deceived. The
tragedy of the situation lies in the fact that the American public is,

on the whole, too credulous and uncritical to make any critical anal-

ysis of the moral pretensions of this great industry. Wherefore we

have the picture of a hero who is at once the most successful and
the most benevolent of men. If Ford is the symbol of an America
with its combination of sentimentality and shrewdness, he is also
the symbol of an America that has risen almost in a generation from
an agrarian to an industrial economic order and now applies the so-
cial intelligence of a country village to the most complex industrial
life the world has ever known.

Henry Ford Symbol

Perhaps unjust to attribute Ford's vogue altogether to the
it is

simplicity of the American mind. After all, it is a universal and in-

veterate habit of humanity to invest its heroes with moral qualities
that they do not possess and to insist that the big man is also a good
man. If that should be doubted, it is only necessary to read the ef-

fusive preface to the King James Version of the Bible, inwhich a

prince of dubious character is made to appear a very paragon of vir-
ford's five-day week shrinks 103

tue. Moral philosophers and teachers of religion have ever been crit-
ical of obvious success, believing it inimical to moral perfection. But

the man in the street has a fine disregard for these scruples. Nothing
intrigues his fancy so much as the vision of a hero who is as good as
he is great. In a recent school vote on the most famous men of his-
tory, Jesus received the highest number of votes and Napoleon the
second highest. It is because most men would like to follow Jesus
and Napoleon at the same time that they so credulously accept and
even help to fashion the Ford myth. It is a thankless but an impor-
tant task to set history against mythology.


Some time ago the writer took occasion in the pages of this journal
to call attention to the financial losses that the workers of the Ford
industry suffered through the inauguration of the widely heralded
live-day week. Incidentally the soundness and sincerity of the gener-

ally accepted moral pretensions of the Ford industry were


analyzed. The article brought responses from all parts of the world,

most of them from people who were loath to revise their previously

formed and highly complimentary opinions of Mr. Ford as a great

humanitarian. One critic even wanted to know how the hapless au-
thor could be so obtuse as to fail to recognize in Mr. Ford the great-
est foe of capitalism in modern civilization.

It maytherefore be of interest to Christian Century readers to re-

ceive a further report on the status of the Ford workers at the pres-
ent time. The most important and significant fact is that the five-day
week has given way to a four-day week. Since last Thanksgiving
there are few workers in the industry who can boast of a better aver-
age than four days a week. Many of them are on three days. Thou-
sands have worked only two days a week since the beginning of the
year. The skilled workers, toolmakers and diemakers, and the main-
tenance men are of course in better circumstance. But the men on
production, who total about 85 per cent of the total force, are in the
uniform predicament of having only four days work per week if they

are fortunate.

The Christian Century, June 9, 1927.

104 LOVE AND justice: national level

Why the Five-Day Week Came

It is quite apparent that the five-day week was largely a de-
vice for concealing or for effecting the lower production that the de-
creased demand for Ford cars necessitated. The Ford industry is ob-
viously in a slump. For the first time in its history it is not only

meeting but actually succumbing to it. While other

real competition
automobile plants, particularly those in the great General Motors
combine, are steadily increasing production, Ford sales are descend-
ing to lower and lower levels. The same autocracy that is credited
with the efficiency that makes the big profits and the low prices of
the Ford possible seems to lack the resourcefulness that a highly
competitive market demands of the industry. No industry is immune
to market fluctuations, and there are therefore those who insist that
the present plight of the Ford workers is a fate that workers in the
most humane industries have suffered at some time or other. Yet
whatever may be the tradition of American industry in the matter of
unemployment, the situation in the Ford factories clearly emphasizes
the necessity for some kind of unemployment insurance in every in-
dustry that makes any pretensions to humane treatment of its em-
Mr. Ford has had a pet dogma which salved his conscience in re-
gard to unemployment. He has always maintained that an adequate
wage would give the worker the security both against unemploy-
ment and against old age that workers so greatly covet. He has in-
sisted that an adequate wage obviated the necessity for any kind of
philanthropy, and for that reason has consistently refused to support
charitable agencies. Today unemployed Ford workers are the heav-
iest charge upon Detroit charities of any single class of citizens. Some
of the charities of the city find more than 50 per cent of their bene-
ficiaries to be Ford workers. The adequate wage is obviously not en-
dowed with the magic qualities to solve all industrial and social ills

of which Mr. Ford dreamed.

High Wages Do Not Protect

The is quite apparent. No wage, even the highest, can be

adequate guarantee
to a worker against distress through long peri-
ods of unemployment. As a matter of fact, the Ford wage before the
institution of the five-day week was no more than adequate for a
ford's five-day week shrinks 105

fair comfort standard of living without much provision for either

sickness, unemployment, or old age. Following the institution of the
five-day week, the wage was reduced to bare subsistence wage. After
living through 1926 with an annual wage of no more than 1 1,500,
and in most cases not more than $1,400, the average Ford worker
faces the prospect ofan annual wage of about $1,100 to $1,200 in
1927. Of this amount he must pay about $600 in rent. The difficulty
he experiences in making both ends meet with what is left after the
landlord is paid may well be imagined.
A few concrete examples may at this point aid the imagination:
A is a Ford worker with wife and five children. For four months he
has averaged three days of work per week. In a desperate effort to
save the little home which requires $60 per month in payments, the
wife has gone to work at $15 per week. The husband is on a night
shift and returns morning. He rises at seven to get
at 1:30 in the
the children off to school, the wife having left an hour previously.
B has worked for Ford for ten years. He had not had more than
three days' work per week since last November. Some of the younger
men department get one more day a week because they are
in his
more B has a girl in high school and two other children.

Two thirds of the slender savings of ten years of industry have been
used up on these months, chiefly because the family did not want to
take the oldest girl out of school.

Plight of Ford Workers

C bought a home two years ago. Unable to keep up his payments

on the home, a charitable organization advanced him a loan to meet
delinquent payments. He is unable to pay interest upon the loan and
must secure a further loan if the home is to be saved.

D, father of a family of four, has applied for charity because he is

four months in arrears for his rent and is threatened with disposses-
E suffered from severe illness, incapacitating him from work for

five weeks. His family, consisting "of wife and two children, became
the object of public charity and he himself became a public charge.
The wife is now seeking employment. The family was without any
reserves for the illness.
F seeking charity to prevent dispossession. Sickness of two chil-

dren has made it impossible to pay rent for five months.

io6 LOVE AND justice: national level
Many of the Ford workers are holding on to their homes, which
they are buying on contract merely by grace of the real estate com-
panies who them without payments. How many of the
are carrying
workers have actually would be difficult to de-
lost their equities it
termine. With the rumored complete shutdown of the Ford works in
prospect, many of the workers are fearful of losing their homes. It
would be possible to multiply examples of distress among Ford
workers by the thousands. Noone is in possession of all the facts.
But those who are in touch with the situation realize its gravity.

Managerial Autocracy

There is no question that discontent among the workers is rising

to a pitch that augurs an evil day for the industry. The grievances of
the workers due to unemployment are augmented by the complete
autocracy of the management, which makes protest impossible. The
worker finds it impossible to reach anyone with real authority.
If a man works only two or three days a week, he finds the exact-
ing demands of a foreman, always intent upon speeding up produc-
tion, particularly revolting. Frequently workers are dismissed for the
day after but one hour of work, and return home angry for the fu-
tile hours on the streetcars.

Many of the grievances of the workers are obviously due to the

breakdown of management because of the very size of the industry.
Other grievances have their source in the capriciousness of author-
ity. Orders are given and countermanded without rhyme or reason,

and no one can discover the source of the authority. Of late men
have been discharged in cases of sickness even when they were me-
ticulously careful to report their disability. Men who have worked
at the plant for years were under the necessity, upon their return to
health, to apply for a position, and were subjected to the indignities
of a crude medical examination through which all recruits must
pass. Worse than that, they discovered that pay increases that come
through years of service were withheld because tenure of service was
reckoned from the date of reinstatement rather than the actual date
of first employment.

Communistic Propaganda

Dismissals of old men are multiplying. The industry is without

the vestige of a pension system and old men, who spent ten to fifteen
ford's five-day week shrinks 107

years in the plant, find themselves suddenly

on the streets, the vic-
out " inefficients." If the industry
tims of the strategy of weeding
its present ruthless devotion
to the ideal of " effi-
should continue
ciency" and throw men of fifty-five and sixty upon the industrial
pretty problem
junk heap, the social agencies of the city will face a
blind to its obligations
caring for the discards of an industry that is
a matter of philan-
these men either as a matter of justice or
rather significant that the rising tide of
resentment among
It is
expression except through the com-
Ford workers has no avenue of
sheet, The Ford Worker. This paper, which is sold
munistic weekly
plants, boasts of a weekly
surreptitiously in the vicinity of all Ford
thousand copies, though the actual number of
circulation of ten
communists is hardly one tenth of that
figure in the whole city. The
pages with specific
temper, but fills its
paper is crude enough in its
usual communistic prop-
instances of injustice rather than with the
wanting in the editorial
aganda. The propaganda is, of course, not
J c
labor despaired of or-
For years the regular agencies of organized
foreigners and country boys
ganizing Ford workers. Composed of
of the basic problems of industrial life,
who had little appreciation
dismally. The time would now
to organize them
all efforts
American Feder-
seem be ripe for a real organizing effort. Yet the
energy and the resourcefulness to tackle
ation seems to lack both the

the problem of organizing the automatic

machine tender. A new la-
bor strategy will be necessary for this task.
What is wanting is a
such a leader does not
statesman of the type of Sidney Hillman. If
revolutionary radicals who are
emerge, it is quite probable that the
workers will gain
now the only spokesmen of the discontent of Ford
their qualities of leadership.
an influence out of all proportion to

Our Incompetent Social Conscience

The an industry that develops such distressing
fact that
as a model of hu-
consequences should nevertheless still be heralded
incompetence of
mane strategy speaks volumes for the
is a rather striking
the social conscience of our age. Here
industrial success, with humane im-
ity with more than ordinary
with a philosophy not ad-
pulses, now slightly corrupted, and
individualism of the nineteenth
vanced beyond the doctrinaire
io8 LOVE AND justice: national level
century; and yet the world imagines that he represents something
new Even in England, which has a longer indus-
in industrial ethics!
trial experience than we and which saw many of the pet theories of
the Manchester school exploded in the cruel realities of an ethically
emancipated industrial system, Mr. Ford is still regarded by many as
a kind of demigod. Mr. Garvin of the Sunday Observer seems never
to tire of singing his praises. In our day of enlightenment it is possi-
ble for a man to amass billions and be praised at the same time for
the astuteness of his business mind and the generosity of his im-
pulses, even though the groans of his workers may be heard above
the din of his machines. Will we ever acquire enough social intelli-
gence to match our mechanical achievements?


Pineville is in the heart of the Kentucky coal region. Of late it has
received unfavorable publicity in the nation's press because of an al-

leged reign of terror in the region. An attorney associated with the

General Defense Committee, which defends striking miners, was
beaten up. Waldo Frank, the distinguished writer, and a group of
investigators more or less communists received simi-
associated with
lar treatment. The from New York were turned
visiting students
back without ceremony. Students from Commonwealth Labor Col-
lege were escorted out of the county and beaten up in another
county, some citizens of Pineville participating in the outrage.
Our committee of clergymen was invited to Pineville by the
county attorney and the citizens' committee after twenty-one New
York clergymen had memorialized the Senate to pass the Costigan-
Cutting bill, which provides for a Senatorial investigation of the
coal counties of Kentucky. While we were received with many cour-
tesies, there were some evidences that the citizens resented our " in-

vestigation " almost as much as those of other more widely heralded

visits to them by radical investigators. The citizens of Pineville re-
sent the publicity that has come to them, partly because many of
them regard it as giving an unfair picture of conditions there and
partly because it has spoiled their tourist trade.
The Christian Century, May 18, 1932.

Investigating the Investigators

After visiting the county attorney who issued the invitation

to us,

over a committee of ministers (not all ministers

we were turned to

of the county were invited to this meeting) and

were investigated
before we were permitted to investigate. Our hosts
gave an elaborate

history of their religious and secular life and then demanded that we
do likewise.
The maintain an attitude of complete guilelessness on the
effort to
part of the chairman did not succeed for long. He
was out to prove
with modernism.' We read The Christian Century, were
us tainted
the hated Civil
interested in pacifist activities, held connection with
believed in disarmament, did not believe in " the
Liberties Union,
could not de-
inerrancy of Scripture as the absolute Word of God,"
to prove that we be-
fine the divinity of Jesus in terms exact enough
lieved that
he was begotten by God." In short, we are not
interests that the
modernists, but proved by our connections and
perennial contention of fundamentalists that
modernism is the

mother from which springs the evil brood of atheism, communism,

pacifism, and generally subversive doctrines is justified. We were
" fundamentalist in politics and religion " and
told that Pineville is

that men under " alien influence " could not understand her ideals.

inquisition was very valuable to us, for it revealed

This little
has driven the Pineville citizens to vio-
source of the temper that
regard communism with an abhorrence that knows
lence. They
in the
bounds. frank advocacy of violence creates a fear psychosis
outrages their
hearts of timid middle-class people, and its
human and has no
religious sensibilities. A communist is hardly
citizens and county officials resent the charges of
civil rights. Though
they make no apolo-
violence that have been brought against them,
gies for the violence that they have used against communists. We
were taken to court to hear the trial of a loose woman who had
stolen an automobile and who filled the
courtroom with vile oaths,
innocent and ignorant of any communist activi-
but was obviously
order that we might see the vileness of the breed
ties and opinions, in
which the county is trying to preserve its
of communist against

" "
Criminal Syndicalism

There good evidence that the operators are not as worried about

the atheism of the communist as are the good people of the commu-
nity. They have carried on an unremitting warfare against all labor
organizations for decades. They do not want the mines organized.
They profess a respect for the United Mine Workers only since the
communists have come in. The United Mine Workers are inert and
thoroughly suppressed. Sometimes they allow themselves to be used
to break up communist unions, but promises of rewards for their
services are not kept. In spite of protestations to the contrary on the
part of operators there is evidence that membership in any union
results in the immediate dismissal of the miner. The head of the dis-
trict of United Mine Workers is under indictment for murder in

Harlan County because he wrote a letter to one of the defendants in

the recent murder trials of Harlan union officials, encouraging him
to " keep up the fighting spirit." Thirty men in Pineville are still un-
der indictment for criminal syndicalism in Pineville, though a por-
tion of the law has been declared unconstitutional by the state court
of appeals. Indictments are freely used in all the coal counties to
keep undesirable characters out of the county. One old miner rue-
fully declared, " If
you are hungry you are a red, and if you tell
your neighbor that you are hungry that is criminal syndicalism."
While the citizens' committee and the county officials assured us
that everything is peaceful in the county and that tales of terrorism
have been manufactured by the " reds," it is quite obvious that min-
ers everywhere who haven't a taint of radicalism upon them are
filled with resentment and fear of the brutalities of " law and order."

There is, in short, every manifestation of a " class war " in Pineville,

with the poor mining community arrayed against the middle-class

community and, as always in wartime, charges of brutalities and
atrocities on both sides.
In this warfare the church is on the side of
pretty unqualifiedly
the operators. The miners are mountain people who have never
" belonged " to the " respectable people." They are regarded as ig-
norant and lazy and if, in desperation of hunger, they turn to vio-
lence and stealing, their crimes are attributed either to outside agi-
tators or to pure " cussedness." The good people are not altogether
unmindful of their plight. They have provided more relief than
have the labor organizations. Sixteen thousand five hundred dollars

has been raised in the county for their aid. Of course, only the com-

pletely destitute may receive aid. The funds are not large enough to
help any miner who has any work. The average work week of the
miners who do have work is one and a half days, and the average
wage about $2.25 per day. An official in one of the best mines in
the county, where the men work three days per week, confessed that
the men found great difficulty in meeting minimum needs.
The picture of the church as a thoroughly middle-class institution
in Pineville differs only in vividness and clear demarcation from
that which may be found everywhere. The clearness of the demarca-

tion arises from the fact that the mountaineer miner is much more
clearly a class and a race apart than the worker in the cities. There
is an interest in his plight but a fatalistic attitude
toward it. The
depression and the sickness of the coal industry are held responsible

for it, and the most radical remedy that any churchman proposed
for the difficulties was an association of mine operators to prevent
price cutting and consequent wage reductions. Some of the min-
isters have denounced the violence of the officials and citizens'
mittee unqualifiedly, but it is only at this one point that they dis-
sociate themselves from general community sentiment, and it might
be added that a very considerable part of the community is equally
critical of the reign of terror.

Religious and Social Conservatism

From the standpoint of gauging the influence of religion upon

ethical and social attitudes the most interesting aspects of the Pine-
ville situation are two. The first is the manner in which religious
conservatism and fundamentalism plays into the hands of social
conservatism and prevents a thorough analysis of the human prob-
lems involved in the situation. One operator is quoted as saying, I
am a good Christian and a member of a Christian church, but I

would communist
just as soon tie a in a sack and throw him in the
river as do anything else I know."
Lest liberal Christians raise themselves in pharisaic judgment over
their fundamentalist brethren, it would be well to hasten the men-
tion of the second aspect of the religious-social ethic of Pineville,
which fundamentalist and modernist Christianity usually share. It is

the tendency to make philanthropy the proof of the Christian spirit

of love and of the honest interest of the church in the plight of tlie
underdog, while every effort of the disinherited mass of miners to
achieve social justice through concerted pressure is regarded with

abhorrence, partly because it is believed to be " unchristian " and

partly because it is felt that would wipe
a union scale in the mines
out the whole coal industry in the state. The middle-class community
is in other words fighting for its existence, or thinks it is, and is will-

ing that the freight differential of 35 cents a ton which operates

against the Kentucky fields be taken out of the meager earnings of
the miner. His wages have dropped from $1.25 a ton in the boom
period to 25 and 30 cents a ton. The human problem created by this
situation is glossed over by the little charity that is offered the

Charity and Justice

Since the conscience of the Christian church has been confused by

the tendency to substitute charity for justice through all the ages,
one ought not be too severe on the ministers and Christian people
of Pineville. One of the best ministers in Pineville refuted my anal-
problem in the traditional Christian manner. I insisted
ysis of this

that whenever the love ideal of Christianity degenerates into pure

philanthropy without regard for the difficult task of achieving social
justice, it becomes a cloak behind which social injustice hides itself.
He answered by accusing me of " putting the cart before the horse."
Only the Christian spirit of love, he declared, could achieve justice.
Since we were told that in a revival meeting in all the churches
which preceded our visit by several weeks practically everyone in
town had been brought to " salvation," I naturally wondered just
what one should think of the " fruits of the spirit " which the history
of the town had recently revealed!
It might be added that the miners are more religious than any

similar body of proletarians. It would be a wonderful thing if their

religious institutions could be thoroughly related to their fight for
justice. If one notes the economic circumstances invariably
fact that
color religious convictions and moral and social ideals, one may well
come to the conclusion that no middle-class church will ever espouse
the cause of the dispossessed with full vigor. The best it can do is to
create an attitude of sympathy for their problems. The religious
character of these proletarians would offer a splendid opportunity
for the emergence of a real proletarian religion. But alas, the miners'

preachers (who usually dig coal for a living) must preach in com-
pany-owned churches, and they are generally too ignorant to offer
real leadership. Only occasionally one arises whose native intelli-
gence overcomes educational handicaps, to speak with the voice of
an Amos. Last year one such mining preacher was indicted in a
neighboring county on a charge of criminal syndicalism. He had ad-
vised his flock to join the union. The best that can be said for the
most of the preachers mining communities is that they are
in the
not as subservient to the companies as the company doctors. But if
one knows the history of the company doctors that is meager praise


The movement entitled " Spiritual Mobilization," conducted by
Dr. James Fifield of Los Angeles, is one of the worst forms of reli-
gious rationalization of a class viewpoint that we have had in Ameri-
can history. Dr. Fifield declares that the preservation of the " free
enterprise system " is a matter of religious concern because free en-
terprise is so intimately related to " freedom of worship " in the
whole democratic system that it becomes a religious duty to defend
the one for the sake of preserving the other.
He claims that his movement is purely religious and not political
because he never explicitly identifies the " pagan statism " which he
regards as the enemy of religious freedom. But it is quite apparent
that what he is after is the general tendency toward political control
of economic process which is associated in America with the " New
Deal." His millionaire supporters are under no illusion about this
identification. They give him all the money he needs to make this
supposedly religious, but actually political, attack upon their foes.
Almost every aspect of Dr. Fifield's propaganda is dishonest. It is
dishonest to identify a state that seeks for a larger measure of control
of economic life with a state that makes itself God. Britain and Swe-
den have gone farther in political control of economics than has the
New Deal. But there is no suggestion of the perils of " pagan stat-
ism " in these nations. The suggestion that only an archaic laissez-
faire economics can save us from nazi totalitarianism introduces a

Christianity and Society, Spring, 1945.

H4 LOVE AND justice: national level
stupid and dishonest fear into the nice calculations that modern de-
mocracy must make upon this vexing subject.
While Dr. Fifield falsely accuses the proponents of a managed
economy of identifying the state with God, he actually engages in
an unscrupulous identification of a particular class prejudice with
the divine. The exaggerated devotion to " free enterprise " is an
aberration of the wealthy classes of this country and hides and ex-
presses their fears of social change. Even without the benefit of
clergy, this fear is more exaggerated in our nation than in any
other. Dr. Fifield strengthens this fear by religious sanction.
The final test of any true prophet is whether he has a word of
God spoken against his group and not merely for it. By that test
Dr. Fifield is a false prophet. He has not pointed out to his wealthy
admirers that while they speak glibly of the value of freedom in pref-
erence to the value of security, they do nothing to establish the se-

curity of the masslesand little to give social justification to the free-

dom of their power. There is no woe in Dr. Fifield's gospel upon
" the rulers of Israel " and no judgment upon the financial oli-

garchy of this nation. He does not help the wealthy to realize that
the demand for stronger state control upon business springs from the
increased power of industry and finance in the community and from
the peril to justice that resides in this power.
Even when no religious sanctities are appealed to, it is dishonest
to scare people with the perils of state power if these are not consid-
ered in comparison with the perils of irresponsible economic power.
The growth of state power is neither a caprice of history nor the
fruit of " paganism." It is the consequence of the community's ef-

fort to protect itself against irresponsible economic power.

The whole campaign of the " free enterprise " proponents dishon-
estly obscures the real issues involved in the relation between politi-
cal and economic power. But the religious campaign in support of
free enterprise is particularly dishonest, precisely because it seeks to
give an ultimate religious sanction to a particular social movement
without offering a word of criticism from the religious perspective
upon the perils of that movement.
Dr. Fifield claims to represent 52 per cent of American Protestant
ministers. It is to be hoped that this is a falsehood. If over half of
our Protestant clergy are either the knowing or the unwitting ac-
complices of a campaign to further the particular interests and to
support the particular prejudices of the plutocratic class of the na-

tion, the state of Protestantism in our society is even worse than we

had assumed it to be.


The history of the postwar strikes in our country is instructive in
that it substantiates at every point a Christian, rather than a senti-
mental or purely rational, analysis of human behavior.
Consider, for instance, the attitude of the National Manufacturers
Association in the present difficulties. It has used expensive page ads
to prove (1) that higher wages would lead to inflation and that in-
crease in wages could be granted only each individual worked

more hours; ^ (2) that price restrictions should be removed and that
such a policy would not lead to inflation because
it would encourage

fullerproduction and would ultimately result in such a volume of

goods that prices would come down through the operation of the
law of supply and demand.
This propaganda is so palpably dishonest and so obviously leaves
important data out of account that it cannot be attributed merely
to ignorance. This is not merely the narrow view of a business class
looking at the common good from its limited perspective. This is
ideology; but something more is involved in this ideology than is

generally assumed in Marxist analyses.

The National Manufacturers Association could not possibly be-
lieve that the way to prosperity and justice is as simple as it declares.
There are too many well-known facts, which it has ignored, to per-
mit the assumption that faulty perspective could account for the er-
ror. There must be an element of conscious dishonesty in this ap-
proach. We are confronted with the age-old sin of man, seeking to
make the worse appear better reason by hiding his own interest be-
hind a facade of assumed concern for the common good.
The National Manufacturers Association has left both the imme-
diate perils of inflation and the ultimate perils of deflation out of
account. Chester Bowles, the head of the O.P.A., has presented ir-
refutable proof of the fact that if price restrictions are removed be-
fore there is a full supply of consumer goods, the pressure of demand

Christianity and Society, Spring, 1946.

ii6 LOVE AND justice: national level
will force prices skyward, and that such a movement can get out of
hand to such a degree that it will not be stopped until a catastrophic
deflationary movement stops it. The deflationary movement will ul-
timately set in because high prices will restrict the capacity of the
consumers to absorb the goods that industry can ultimately produce.
The NMA professes not to fear the ultimate peril of deflation be-
cause it is more and more production will make everyone
sure that
in America wealthy. Henry J. Taylor, radio spokesman of the Gen-
eral Motors Corporation, has given an imaginative turn to the Na-
tional Manufacturers propaganda. He pictures America hungry for
consumer goods after four years of dearth, and " better tools and bet-
ter ways of doing things " constantly increasing production for a
constantly increasing market. Finally, " American methods " will
" deliver more leisure, more goods and services, and improved living

standards " beyond any previous dreams of avarice. All this we can
have if only we stop striking or placing price restrictions upon our
The trouble with this picture is that more and more production,
without a proper distribution of the ever-increasing wealth which the
machine produces, eventually results in overproduction and crisis.

The National Manufacturers Association seems never to have heard

of the periods of unemployment we have had as a result of produc-
ing more and more goods. Take the period of 1925-1929. In that pe-
riod industrial production rose 27 per cent and the productivity of
labor rose 24 per cent, but wages rose only 5.8 per cent. In the steel
industry alone during that period, production rose 47 per cent and
profits increased by 150 per cent. Wages remained practically sta-
tionary, risingfrom 64 to 66 cents per hour. The National Manufac-
turers Association is certain not only that wages will rise but that
prices will drop under the miracle of American production. But in
the period preceding our last depression prices dropped only 1 per
The simple fact is that the owners of industry appropriated the
abundance created by the modern miracle of production; and that
they were so greedy about it that they ran us headlong into a de-
pression from which we did not emerge until war production saved
us. They did not allow the great consuming public enough return on
their labor to buy what this public was producing. This basic prob-
lem has not been solved, though labor is now much stronger than it
was twenty years ago and is determined to use its strength, while it

is undiminished, to force wages up in proportion to the new level of

The propaganda of our industrial overlords is in other words not
only stupid but in such flagrant contradiction to our experience
that it must be regarded as dishonest as well. One might well specu-

late about the character of man which makes it possible for respecta-
ble citizens to defy the known lessons of our common experience in
thisway in order to reap some momentary profits. Most of them
would not have cheated the Government in the time of war. But they
are quite willing to risk the horrors of another depression for the
sake of an immediate advantage.
We still find rationalists speaking wisely about the necessity of
overcoming a " cultural lag " and bringing our social intelligence to
the level of our scientific intelligence. But obviously something more
than ignorance is involved in this stupidity that defies all the lessons
of our experience. It reveals the pathetic capacity of powerful men
and groups to prefer their own and their immediate interests to the
wider interests of the group and their own long-term interests.
Fortunately labor is powerful enough to prevent the wide hiatus
between productivity and wages that resulted during the last boom
period. But there is little likelihood that it will be powerful enough
or that the nation will be wise enough to avoid all the evil conse-
quences of the policy that our economic oligarchy is determined to


The problem is to avoid inflation. The fact is that it is not being
avoided. The reason why it is not avoided throws an interesting
light upon the problems of justice in a nation. In a period of vast
military expenditures money earned is greater than the goods pro-
duced for the consumer's market. Thus everybody's dollar competes
with everyone else's dollar in the scant market until each dollar is
worth less than before. The simplest way of avoiding inflation is to
place so heavy a tax upon everyone that the dollars available for con-
sumption are equal to the value of goods in the market. But no one
dares to apply so rigorous a solution, and even the wisest citizens

Christianity and Society, Spring, 1951.

ii8 LOVE AND justice: national level
shrink in moments of self-interest from pressing what reason dic-

The next best method of stopping inflation is a combination of

price control and rationing; for without rationing, price control can
become very unjust. We have price control without rationing be-
cause this policy is less subject to the charge of " socialism." were We
tardy in instituting price control because even a Fair Deal Admin-
istration was reluctant to cease from burning incense before our idol
of " free enterprise." This tardiness means that prices are frozen at
a very high level. Furthermore, they will continue to rise, partly be-
cause the pressure on the market is too great and partly because of
the guaranteed high price of food products. The " parity " principle
in food prices was meant to protect farmers against unfairness in the
total distribution of the national wealth. But there is no disposition
among farmers to recognize that in the present situation the food
consumers of the cities may need more protection than they.
Furthermore, there is the problem of wages. If wages are frozen at
the same time prices are frozen, the rise in costs that immediately
preceded the price freeze must be borne by the workers throughout
the period of stabilization. This injustice is recognized, and the price
stabilizers are willing to grant, say, lo per cent increases. But labor
can prove that this is not sufficient to cover rising costs. Further-
more, stabilization requires renunciation of the " escalator " clauses
in labor contracts which guarantee labor rising wages according to
the price index. Labor rightly argues that it would be willing to
give up the boon of the escalator clause if prices were really stabi-
lized. But it rightly surmises that they won't be fully stabilized. La-
bor argues, furthermore, that since the " escalator " contracts prom-
ise increases only three months after the price index has risen, these

increases are the consequence, and not the cause, of inflation. But
they cannot deny that they may well be the cause of future inflation.
The fact is that every particular group in society is more intent
upon its own position in this radical readjustment of social forces
than it is in the total result. Some of the reasons used in the debate
wonderfully reveal the limits of reason in political debate. Thus a
Senator who owns a vast industrial establishment lectures labor lead-
ers on the injustice of their wages compared with the sacrifices that
the soldiers make in Korea. But he fails to see that the contrast be-
tween his profits and the sacrifices of the soldiers is even greater. Ac-
tually the operations of a free economy become anachronistic as

soon as a nation is involved in a total effort like war or quasi war.

For in that moment all private advantages, compared with the great
sacrifices of our actual defenders, become monstrous, even as the
self-regulating tendencies of a free economy become inoperative. Yet
it would not do simply to turn the nation into a vast bureaucracy.
For experience has taught us that there are limits to planning as
well as to freedom.
We will probably reach a tolerable solution of this problem, as
we did in the last war, not because each segment of the population
has learned wisdom, but because the pressures and counterpressures
produce a semblance of stability. The wisdom and the virtue of a cit-

izen is not great enough to affirm justice irrespective of interest. De-

mocracies can remain healthy if there is enough wisdom and justice
to affirm the compromises that result when no interest can fully pre-
vail. Some interests are of course worsted in this struggle. The unor-
ganized groups, for instance, have suffered consistently in the recent
inflations of war and postwar years.
If preachers want to explain to congregations why it is sentimental
to expect men to achieve pure justice, not to speak of pure love; if

they want to make meant by Christian " realism " as

clear what is

against Christian " idealism," let them make an analysis of how we

are all involved in the inflationary spiral and how we all tend to
twist the spiral upward by trying to escape from the consequences of
the previous twist. If pacifists, on the other hand, who think it easy
to apply " pure love " to international relations, would study the
anatomy of the inflationary spiral, they might be instructed in the
force of collective self-interest in human affairs.
D. Race Relations


This is the confession of a tired radical. I hope I will not remain
tired. Time may give me new enthusiasms and save me from prema-
ture senility. But just now I am fed up. I am fed up with liberals,
with their creeds, their idiosyncrasies, and their attitudes. My revolt
is directed particularly against their habit of confessing the sins of
their group from which they imagine themselves emancipated. There
is no temptation so seductive as the temptation to be humble and
proud at the same time.
Suppose I am a Nordic, a Nordic Protestant. I meet with a group
of liberal people including Jews, Negroes, Catholics, and what not.
I make a public confession of the bigotries and prejudices of my

crowd. I ask the minority groups who suffer from the sins of my
group to be generous and forgive our sins. That seems to stamp me
as a humble and contrite person. But of course my very confession is
supposed to impress my hearers with the fact that I do not really
belong to my group, that I am superior to it. I would be greatly cha-
grined if anyone took my confession at its face value. For pride dic-
tates my humble confession. Its insincerity, however, is not its only
limitation; It prevents the conference from dealing objectively with
the social facts and problems that concern it.

Sincerity Lacking

I have attended few conferences in which minority groups were as

honest and frank in confessing limitations of their people as were
the members of the majority. That may be due to the fact that mi-
norities have developed a pride of their own to compensate for their
unconscious inferiority complex. It may also be the fruit of the in-
sincerity of the majority. Humility usually prompts humility and
the contrition of one party to a conflict easily creates a sense of re-
pentance in the other. But such a process presupposes sincerity, and
the perfect sincerity is lacking in most of our present discussions on
racial and religious prejudices.
A conference on race relations is in session. Someone invariably

The Christian Century, August 30, 1928.


arises to make an abject apology for the sins of the Protestant Nor-
dics,and the conference thereupon resolves itself into a discussion of
ways and means by which the sinners may be brought to see the error
of their ways. The turn of the discussion thus makes it quite impos-
sible to deal realistically with the whole problem of group

and the resulting friction between groups. It may be true that Nordic
people have an undue amount of race pride. But racial arrogance is

certainly not a unique Nordic sin. Nor is religious bigotry and intol-

erance prevalent only among Protestant obscurantists.

Bigotry and Self-esteem

The fact seems to be that all groups, religious and racial, tend to
preserve their self-respect by adopting contemptuous attitudes to-
ward other groups and to express their appreciation of their own
characteristic cultureby depreciating that of others. Whatever group
happens to be in the majority seems to be the most bigoted simply
because it is in a position where it can indulge its arrogance more
freely. The minority groups may commit fewer social sins, but

probably suffer from as many spiritual limitations. They develop an

animus against the majority which makes it quite impossible to deal

scientifically with the whole problem of group animosities.

Would it not be well if the Jews realized that their racial integrity
has been maintained partly because they have lived in a hostile
world? They could probably preserve racial unity in a completely
tolerant world, but only at the price of becoming themselves in-
tolerant. Were the walls of hatred, fear, and contempt which now
divide the Jewish and the Gentile world removed, would it be pos-
sible to prevent wholesale intermarriage and the consequent assimi-
lation of a minority group into the majority? Would the highly aca-
demic idea that variety is the spice of life, that it will make
civilization more interesting to preserve many types of culture, have

sufficient potency to restrain young men and maidens of


groups from pooling their lives and fortunes and from thereby ef-
facing the dividing line?
The sins that the white has committed against the colored
man cry to heaven. But might it not be well for the ultimate peace
of society if intelligent white men and colored men studied and
analyzed these sins not so much as the peculiarities of a race, but as
the universal characteristics of Homo sapiens, so-called? Colored peo-
pie who have long lived in the North and gained social and cultural
advantages that recently migrated Southern Negroes do not possess,
have almost as difficult a task to deal justly with their underprivi-
leged brothers as have the white people. There are fortunately al-

ways some imaginative souls who recognize the underlying unities

and the ethical obligations; but that is also true of the white group.

Adopting Majority Vices

All over the world we find minority groups which once suffered
from the arrogance of majorities, quickly adopting the vices of the
majority when they attain a dominant position. Bohemians who
have been only recently emancipated from the German yoke are try-
ing very hard to give the German minority in Czechoslovakia a dose
of their own medicine. Poles who felt the heels of Russia and Ger-
many celebrate their new freedom by oppressing the Jews. Assimi-
lated Jews are not always anxious to claim their kinship with their
brethren of the ghetto. Catholics plead for tolerance in America
where they represent a minority group and practice every kind of
intolerance in Italy and Spain where they are dominant.
Is the evidence not all for the thesis that we are dealing not with
the peculiar vices of particular groups and races but with character-
istics of man? All human groups are essentially predatory and tend
to hold desperately to their privileges against the pressure of the un-
derprivileged, who demand a fairer share of the blessings. All hu-
man groups are essentially proud and find that pride very convenient
because it seems to justify their special privileges and to explain the
sad state of the underprivileged. It is this combination of selfishness
and pride that makes the problems of group relationships so difficult.
Thus the white man keeps the Negro in poverty and attributes the
poverty to the Negro's sloth. The industrial master prevents the in-
dustrial worker from sharing the problems of industry and attributes
his irresponsibility to innate defects.

The Economic Factor

In cases of conflict between groups of equal economic privilege, ra-
cial and religious prejudices frequently become a struggle for politi-
cal power or social prestige. Where the conflict rages between groups
of unequal privilege, race merely complicates and aggravates the

ubiquitous class struggle. In the South white men justify their atti-

tude toward the Negro because he is supposed to be lazy and irre-

sponsible. In California the Japanese are hated and feared because
they are too industrious. This does not prove that the economic fac-
tor basic in race prejudice. It merely proves that the economic fac-

tor complicates every group antagonism and race prejudice aggra-

vates every economic class struggle. If a dominant group is able to
hold a minority group in subjection, it is doubly repaid. It reaps
economic rewards and also creates the social and cultural facts that
seem its pride.
to justify
Whenever these universal tendencies are attributed to the peculiar
defects of certain races and groups, the day of their elimination is
merely postponed. An animus is created which makes a scientific
approach problem impossible. The supposedly peculiar char-
to the
acteristics of races, classes, and other social groups are usually but
variations^ of a general pattern produced by special circumstances.
Liberal whites. Gentiles and Protestants, would do well to sit down
with members of other groups and talk as men about common hu-
man frailties and the methods by which they may be eliminated and
how the harm them may be negated. Elaborate
that springs from
confessions of group merely devices for establishing the
sins are

emancipation of the individual from the sins of his group. This

emancipation ought to be taken for granted, or discussion is futile.

Is Group Loyalty a Virtue?

Perhaps the real problem to be considered in these discussions is

whether in the kind of a world in which we live all group loyalty
has not become a doubtful virtue. Group loyalty is the by-product
of group conflict, but also the perpetuator of it. Among races and
classes that are still fighting for their place in the sun,
group loy-
alty seems a necessary virtue. Even among dominant groups some
real ethical values are involved in it. Yet on the whole it
seem that in a world in which groups have been thrown into such
intimate contact with each other our educational and religious em-
phases ought to be on loyalty to standards, values, truths, and ideals
rather than to any group that is supposed to incorporate them.
has been said about the conflict between races in the West-
ern world applies with even greater force to the problem of the re-
lationship of West and East. Liberals have acquired the habit of be-
wailing the sins of Western civilization and of yearning after the
virtues of the Orient. The sins of the West are the defects of its vir-

tues, and that is true of the Orient as well. The technological

achievements of the West rather than any innate defects in the char-
acter of the white man
have created the moral limitations of West-
ern civilization. White men
are probably no more greedy than Ori-
entals, but they have discovered more effective methods of exploiting
nature, more dangerous methods for holding up their fellow men,
and a technique of group action that multiplies the peril of their
ruthlessness and greed. All this spells imperialism.
The Eastern man is not so obsessed with the concrete world and,
being less tempted to avarice, he is therefore more willing to live and
let live. But the difference is partly a difference in physical energy
created by a difference in climate. A philosophic and religious Orient
permits millions to perish in poverty. An energetic and busy West
spills rivers of blood in the mad scramble for the world's riches. The
Western man must bring his energy under moral control. The East-
ern man must learn the moral value of energy. West and East may
learn of each other, and only if they do will they be able to preserve
peace in the decades to come.

Universal Failings

But to learn of each other does not mean futile comparisons be-
tween incommensurable virtues and vices. Spiritual as Gandhi is,
there is considerable pride in his assumption that the East is spiritu-
ally superior to the West. World peace and social harmony wait
upon the men who make common war against the defects of the hu-
man heart and the deficiencies ofhuman imagination and intelli-

gence, which reveal themselves varyingly in various situations, but

which are always more universal than they seem to be. To realize
that fact is the basis of mutual repentance and forgiveness by which
social harmony must be attained.
To repent of group sins has moral meaning only if the person
who makes the confession has had some responsibility for the actions
of the group. If not, he would do better to keep vigilance upon the
pride and the selfishness of the human heart, which expresses itself
most easily in group attitudes and hides itself in some new social
arrogance even while it makes an elaborate disavowal of an old


In a Primer on Race issued by the Council on Christian Social
Progress of the Northern Baptist Convention some very interesting
facts are presented on the historic elaboration of the races of man-
kind, leading to the conclusion that " there are now no pure races."
Also brief historic evidence is presented to show that races do not

have inherent characteristics. We are told for instance that " the
Scandinavians now known as the world's most co-operative people
were once, as Vikings, the terror of coastal towns." Differences be-
tween races are the product of history and social circumstances, and
there is no evidence to support the idea that there are inferior and
superior races. " Science concludes," the pamphlet declares, " that
there is no good evidence of inborn mental differences between
All this marshaling of scientific evidence for the essential equality
of the races is good propaganda for the Christian idea of
racial brotherhood. Yet there is something faulty with this scientific

treatment of the race issue from the Christian standpoint. Most of

our modern anthropologists assume that race bigots are ignorant
of the facts of life, and that they have been confused by certain super-
ficial differences in racial traits to assume the inferiority of the

minority group. They will, therefore, spread propaganda to acquaint

men with the latest results of scientific research. They would dispel
race prejudice by increasing scientific enlightenment.
Since all forms of prejudice do feed on stupidity and since a cer-
tain amount of emancipation from bigotry can be, and has been,
effected by social enlightenment, there is no reason why the Christian
church should discourage such scientific propaganda. But it is un-
fortunate for the church to content itself with this scientific assur-
ance that " there are no races " or that " there are no inferior races."
This is not sufficient because it does not measure the tragedy of racial
bigotry deeply enough. Racial bigotry, like every other form of hu-
man pride and sin, is something more than ignorance and something
less than malice, though the malice of actual sin may grow out of

the predispositions of pride and contempt that lie at the foundation

of racial bigotry.

Christianity and Society, Spring, 1945.

It is of no no pure races when actual
avail to prove that there are
bigotry expresses whenever a cultural, religious, eth-
itself in history
nic, or other group diverges from the type of the majority that pre-
sumes to set the standards by which the others are judged. While
there are no absolute ethnic bases for cultural distinctions, there are
provisional ethnic and cultural affinities. The Irish are usually
Catholic; and if the Anglo-Saxon group of some community holds
them in contempt, it may justify its contempt on both ethnic and re-
ligious grounds. The power of bigotry is always greatest if the group
held in contempt diverges from type, both ethnically and culturally.
This, for instance, is the primary problem in anti-Semitism. Though
many Jews desire to be known merely as a religious and not as an
ethnic group, it is nevertheless possible to identify many Jews ethni-
cally. Also, many of them are really concerned to be preserved as an
ethnic group. But they will also have their own unique culture, as
well as their own ethnic characteristics; and they affront the major-
ity by the combination of this ethnic and religious divergence. The
contempt, hatred, and fear that confront the Jew may be slightly
alleviated by scientific enlightenment. But it is more important to
know why the Gentile majority is inclined to accept false state-
ments about the Jew than to refute particular false statements. The
predisposition to think ill of a divergent group is a dark and terri-
ble abyss of -evil in the soul of man. If it is robbed of implausible

rationalizations, it is quite capable of inventing more plausible ones.

Nor is it true that the sense of superiority of race rests primarily
upon faulty premises that can be dispelled by scientific enlighten-
ment. Very frequently the accusation of inferiority is actually a be-
trayal of insecurity in the face of the competition of the minority
group. The Japanese were frequently hated on the West Coast be-
cause they are incredibly efficient truck gardeners, and white com-
petitors veiled their envy and fear by various accusations. In the
same way the intelligence of Jews in the competition of many col-
leges is feared; and the fear prompts accusations that the Jewish stu-
dents are too clannish, or too pushing, or too indifferent to athletics
or what not. The accusations may be plausible or implausible. They
are sometimes plausible because minority groups may have special
from the defensive position in which they
characteristics, derived
find themselves as minority groups. But the accusations may be
prompted more by the fear of competitive superiority than by any
real conviction of their inferiority.

Even when we consider the relation of the white man to the

Negro the depth of the predisposition from which bigotry is derived
becomes apparent. The Negro people of this country were once
slaves and they are still subject to many forms of disinheritance. For
this reason they are still " inferior " in many capacities and skills
that they have not been allowed to acquire. This inferiority sup-
posedly justifies the attitude of contempt of the majority in the eyes
of those who exhibit the contempt. But even here the racial bigots
give themselves away. When they are confronted by evidences of the
Negro's superior gifts, as in the field of the arts, more particularly
music, they are filled with rage. Furthermore, they betray a fear of
the Negro's competition even while they pretend to despise his com-
petitive competence. Most arguments against equal education for
It is claimed on the
Negroes, for instance, are curiously inconsistent.
one hand that the Negro could not profit by these educational ad-
vantages; and on the other hand it is claimed that if he had equal
educational advantages nothing would avail to keep him " in his
place." Thus the majority group betrays its fears as well as its arro-
gance and proves that hatred and contempt of the minority group is
compounded of both insecurity and a false security. It is the false
security of a particular kind of man (Gentile or white man or what
not) who imagines himself the ultimate man and judges those who
do not conform to his standard of beauty, culture, physiognomy,
diligence, laziness, or any other characteristic that he ascribes to
himself, for falling short of the ultimate of which he is the exemplar.
But there is a certain insecurity here also. This ultimate man has a
darkly conscious sense of the fact that he is not as ultimate as he pre-
tends, and that the groups that he pretends to hold in contempt
might actually beat him at his own game if he relaxed the restraints
that he has placed upon them.
Psychological science might make some contribution to the analy-
sis of these subrational fears and hatreds. It has in fact already done

so. Yet it is also inhibited from a full analysis of these complexities

because it does not know the human spirit in the full stature of its

freedom. Psychology is not as simply rationalistic as anthropology in

dealing with race prejudice. Yet it is always looking for the specific
roots of man's insecurity and sense of inferiority. It does not know
towhat degree the particular forms of pride and arrogance in man
areprompted by a general predisposition to pride and arrogance,
and how this general predisposition is man's abortive effort to hide
his general insecurity.Race bigotry is, in short, one form of original
sin. Original sin something darker and more terrible than mere

stupidity and is therefore not eradicated by enlightenment alone,

though frequently enlightenment can break some of its power by
robbing it of some of its instruments of stupidity. While the general
predisposition is not malice, it does issue in specific attitudes that
have malice in them. We do not finally come to terms with race pride
until the soul knows itself to be under final judgment, ceases to veil
its hidden fears and prides, honestly prays: " Search me, O God, and

know my faults; try me and know my thoughts see if there be any

wicked way in me and lead me to the way everlasting." Race bigotry,
in other words, must be broken by repentance and not merely by
It cannot be said that religious repentance has done much to
soften the power of prejudice. Scientific enlightenment, despite its
weaknesses, has actually done more to dispel race prejudice than
most religion. There are many reasons for this. The liberal church
merely preaches ethnic good will. It is too simply moralistic to come
to terms with the hidden power of sin in the lives of men. It preaches
the law of Christ and insists that " in Christ there is neither Jew nor
Greek." But it preaches this as a law that all men ought to obey.
When confronted with the overt and covert defiance of that law it is
overcome with a sense of futility.
The orthodox church on the other hand, particularly in the South,
never allows the gospel of Christ to become a cleansing force in the
whole life of man. It has a simple little legalistic system of Christian
morality and tries to convict men of sin because they have violated
this system. It deals with sins, mostly picayune sins, and not with sin.
Actually its Christian legalism, with its strong emphasis upon Sab-
bath observance and upon a scrupulous sex ethnic, and its complete
disregard of the hopes, fears, ambitions, and desires of men that
create social, racial, and economic forces in society, is probably a
partly conscious evasion of the moral problem involved in the race
issue. The very hysteria of Southern evangelical legalism proves that
something is being covered up. This pharisee would not pray quite
so obviously, thanking God that he is not like other men, if he did
not have an uneasy conscience.
Let the church, in dealing with the race issue, avail itself of every
measure of enlightenment that modern science, anthropological and
psychological, can contribute to the issue. But let it not forget its

own resources, or rather the resources of its gospel. The church

knows, or ought to know, that though men may be incredibly stupid,
the hatred and contempt that they exhibit in their lives springs from
a deeper source than stupidity. It is the consequence of the corrup-
tion of a greater spiritual freedom in man than those understand
who speak of man as " rational." Both the dignity and the misery of
man are greater than modern culture understands. The misery of
man derived from his idolatry, from his partly conscious and partly

unconscious effort to make himself, his race, and his culture God.
This idolatry is not broken until man is confronted with the real
God, and finds his pride broken by the divine judgment, and learns
that from this crucifixion of the old proud self a new self may arise,
and that this new self has the " fruits of the spirit," which are " love,
joy, and peace."
Racial conflict has become the most vicious of all forms of social
conflict in this nation. And the racial tensions will become worse
long before they will become better. The church has been very busy
telling the nation what to do about this. The church might better
try to present the national community with a greater number of
truly contrite souls, truly " emancipated " of race prejudice, who ex-

press their emancipation partly in the contrite recognition of the

remnant of pride that remains in the souls of even the emancipated.


The evacuation of thousands of American citizens of Japanese
parentage from coastal states of the West in defiance of all their
rights of citizenship must be added to the difficulties that Negroes
are experiencing in the defense forces as indications of the serious-
ness of the race problem in the democratic world.
We may resist Hitler's explicit identification of virtue and race,

particularly the racial theory rebounds to the advantage of a

race other than our own. But despite all democratic pretensions,
there is no democracy that has fully transcended racial prejudices.
Perhaps we might add that no democracy ever will transcend them
completely, though of course no one can place limits upon the possi-
bilities of surmounting them. Which is to say that race pride is one

Christianity and Society, Summer, 1942.

igo LOVE AND justice: national level
of the many aspects of man's collective life that have been obscured
by our contemporary culture. This culture has assumed that pride
of race is no more than a vestigial remnant of barbarism and that in-
creasing education would overcome it.
Liberal educators are fond of calling attention to the fact that
children have no race prejudice, from which they draw the conclu-
sion that nothing but a faulty education is responsible for the preju-
dice. They fail to recognize that the same children who have no race
prejudice are also completely oblivious to race distinctions as such.
It would be analogous if we argued that nothing but a faulty educa-

tion caused sex aberrations and proved the contention by pointing

to the absence of either sex passion or sex consciousness among chil-
dren. The mistake is to identify childish innocency with virtue and
to attribute the corruption of that virtue to some social source of
Racial prejudice, as every other form of group prejudice, is a con-
comitant of the collective life of man. Group pride is the sinful cor-
ruption of group consciousness. Contempt of another group is the
pathetic form that respect for our own group frequently takes. We
must not condone these sinful corruptions, but we need not condone
them if we discover that they are more inevitable and perennial than
modern idealists have assumed. But a profounder study of the
tragedy of collective sin will make us less confident of the various
panaceas that are intended to eliminate such sin in its various mani-
The which has assumed that the right kind of reli-
liberal church,
gious education would eliminate race prejudice, might well engage
in some contrite reflection upon the fact that liberal churches have
not become interracial by force of their educational program, and
that there are not a half dozen churches in our whole nation that
have transcended race pride in their corporate life to any consider
able degree.
The more orthodox sacramental churches, which make a sharp
distinction between what is possible in an ordinary human com

munity and what is possible in a sacramental community of grace,

have actually achieved a greater degree of transcendence over race

than the liberal churches, which have assumed that natural man
" "

has the capacity to rise above race pride and prejudice if only he
becomes a little more enlightened.
There are, in other words, no solutions for the race problem on

any it is not realized that there is no absolute solution for

level if
thisproblem. There is no absolute solution in the sense that it is
not possible to purge man completely of the sinful concomitant of
group pride in his collective life.
If we understood the depth of this problem, we would not be so
ready to attribute the evacuation of the Japanese from the coastal

areas to the war emergency and to lack of loyalty to our institutions

among them. We
would know that there are undoubtedly disloyal
Japanese of the generation, and that there may be a few in the

second generation of American citizens. But we would also know

that the inclination to place them all in the same category is not
justified by the facts. It is prompted by the inveterate tendency
among men to generalize about individuals in another group upon
the basis of the least favorable evidence in regard to them. We can-
not deal with our injustices to either the Negroes or the Japanese
adequately because we dare not confess to ourselves how great our
sins are. If we made such a confession, the whole temple of our il-
lusions would fall.

On the side of the minority groups, a little more Christian realism

would have its advantages. Negroes, for instance, tend to resist
the achievement of equal rights in the Army if this means the organi-
zation of separate units for them. This policy spells segregation for
them. They demand equality in mixed units and would rather have
their demands denied than to compromise with their principles.
Furthermore, they persist in the illusion that the difficulties that
they face are caused by the particular prejudices of, let us say.
Southern Army and Naval officers. Why have they not yet learned
that race prejudice is a deeper disease than that? A particular cul-
ture may aggravate it, but the purest democratic culture does not
eliminate it. Even if they become more realistic and attribute the sin

to allwhite men, they would still be wrong if they did not under-
stand that all men, and not merely white men, have race prejudice.
One salutary form of religious realism is to brush aside all illu-
sions which have hitherto saved us from cynicism and despair, to all

the facts about human nature to become fully revealed, until all

men, including ourselves, are included in the disclosure. Once we

have recognized that we ourselves are not free of the sin that we see
in our enemy and oppressor, no matter how grievous the oppression,
it becomes possible for us to deal with the sin with vigor and with

This does not mean that we ought to capitulate to aggravated
forms of evil, merely because we know ourselves to be tainted with
them. We may deal with them more resolutely if we fully under-
stand the situation. We can also deal with specific problems more
wisely. If we imagine that race pride is only a vestigial remnant of
barbarism, which civilization is in the process of sloughing off; if we
do not understand it as a perennial corruption of man's collective
life on every level of social and moral achievement, we are bound to

follow wrong policies in dealing with specific aspects of the problem.

An engineer who dammed up an ocean inlet under the illusion that
he was dealing with a mountain stream would be no more foolish
than our social engineers who are constantly underestimating the
force and the character of the social stuff that they are manipulating.


Part I

The position of the Jews in Europe and the Western world is by

no means the least of the many problems of postwar reconstruction
that must engage our minds even while our energies are being ex-
hausted in achieving the prerequisite of any reconstruction, that is,
the defeat of the Axis. It is idle to assume that this defeat will solve
the problem of the Jews; indeed, the overthrow of nazism will pro-
vide no more than the negative condition for the solution of any of
the vexing problems of justice that disturb our consciences.
Millions of Jews have been completely disinherited, and they will
not be able to obtain the automatic restoration of their rights. An
impoverished Europe will not find it easy to reabsorb a large num-
ber of returned Jews, and a spiritually corrupted Europe will not
purge itself quickly of the virus of race bigotry with which the Nazis
have infected its culture. It must also be remembered that the plight
of the Jews was intolerable in those parts of Europe which repre-
sented a decadent feudalism Poland and the Balkans long be-
fore Hitler made their lot impossible in what was once the demo-
cratic world.The problem of what is to become of the Jews in the
postwar world ought to engage all of us, not only because a suffering
people has a claim upon our compassion but because the very qual-
The Nation, February 21, 1942.

ty of our civilization is involved in the solution. It is, in fact, a

candal that the Jews have had so little effective aid from the rest
)f us in a situation in which they are only the chief victims. The

NJazis intend to decimate the Poles and to reduce other peoples to

he status of helots; but they are bent upon the extermination of
he Jews.
One probable reason for the liberal world's failure to be more in-
tant in its aid to the Jews is that we cannot face the full dimensions
)f this problem without undermining the characteristic credos of

he democratic world. Even the Jews are loath to bring the problem
o our attention in all its tragic depth. We will not face it because
ve should be overwhelmed by a sense of guilt in contemplating
hose aspects of the problem which Hitler did not create but only
ggravated. Some Jews have refused to face it in dread of having to
ecognize that the solutions provided by the liberal Jewish world
lave failed to reach the depths of the problem.
The liberal world has sought to dissolve the prejudice between
ews and Gentiles by preaching tolerance and good will. Friends of
he Jews have joined the Jews in seeking to persuade their de-
ractors that the charges against them are lies. But this does not
neet the real issue. The real question is, Why should these lies be
nanufactured and why should they be believed? Every cultural or
acial group has its own characteristic vices and virtues. When a
ninority group is hated for its virtues as well as for its vices, and
ivhen its vices are hated not so much because they are vices as be-
ause they bear the stamp of uniqueness, we are obviously dealing
with a collective psychology that is not easily altered by a little more
nlightenment. The fact is that the relations of cultural and ethnic
^oups, intranational or international, have complexities unknown
n the relations between individuals, in whom intelligence may dis-
olve group loyalties and the concomitant evil of group friction.
American theories of tolerance in regard to race are based upon a
alse universalism that in practice develops into a new form of na-
ionalism. The fact that America has actually been a melting pot
n which a new amalgam of races is being achieved has given rise to
the illusion that racial and ethnic distinction can be transcended in
history to an indeterminate degree. Russian nationalism has the
same relation to Marxist universalism as American nationalism has
to liberal universalism. There is a curious, partly unconscious, cul-
tural imperialism in theories of tolerance that look forward to a
134 LOVE AND justice: national level
complete destruction of all racial distinctions. The majority group
expects to devour the minority group by way of assimilation. This is
a painless death, but it is death nevertheless.
The collective will to survive of those ethnic groups in America
which have a base in another homeland is engaged and expressed in
their homeland, and need not express itself here, where an amalgam
of races is taking place. The Finns need not seek to perpetuate them-
selves in America, for their collective will to live is expressed in Fin-
land. But the Jews are in a different position. Though as an ethnic
group they have maintained some degree of integrity for thousands
of years, they are a nationality scattered among the nations. Does the
liberal-democratic world fully understand that it is implicitly mak-
ing collective extinction the price of its provisional tolerance?
This question implies several affirmations that are challenged by
both Jewish and Gentile liberals; it is therefore important to make
these affirmations explicit and to elaborate them. One is that the
Jews are really a nationality and not merely a cultural group. Cer-
tainly the Jews have maintained a core of racial integrity through
the ages. This fact is not disproved by the assertion that their blood
is considerably mixed. There are no pure races. History develops

new configurations on the bases of nature, but not in such a way as

to transcend completely the natural distinctions. Who would deny
that the Germans have a collective will to live, or think that this
simple statement can be refuted by calling attention to the admix-
ture of Slav blood in people of German nationality?
The integrity of the Jews as a group is, of course, not purely bio-
logical; it has also a religious and cultural basis. But in this Jews are
not unique, for there are no purely biological facts in history. The
cultural and religious content of Jewish life transcends racial par-
ticularity, as does the culture of every people, though never so abso-
lutely as to annihilate its own ethnic core. The one aspect of Jewish
life that is unique is that the Jews are a nationality scattered among

the nations. I use the word " nationality " to indicate something
more than " race " and something less than " nation." It is more
than race by reason of the admixture of culture and less than nation
by reason of the absence of a state. The Jews certainly are a nation-
ality by reason of the ethnic core of their culture. Those Jews who
do not feel themselves engaged by a collective will have a perfect
right to be so disengaged, just as Americans of French or Greek
descent need feel no responsibility for the survival of their respective

nationalities. But Jews render no service either to democracy or to

their people by seeking to deny this ethnic foundation of their life,
or by giving themselves to the illusion that they might dispel all

prejudice if only they could prove that they are a purely cultural or
religious community.
The Jews are quite prepared to be spurlos
fact that millions of

must affect
versenkt, to be annihilated, in a process of assimilation

the program of the democratic world for dealing with the Jewish

question. The democratic world must accord them this privilege, in-
cluding, of course, the right to express the ethos of their history in
purely cultural and religious terms, in so far as this is possible, with-
out an ethnic base. The democratic world must resist the insinuation
that the Jews are not assimilable, particularly when the charge is

made in terms of spurious friendship, as by Albert Jay Nock.

it is

They are not assimilable but they have added to the riches of a
democratic world by their ethnic and cultural contributions. Civili-
zation must guard against the tendency of all communities to de-
mand a too simple homogeneity, for if this is allowed complete ex-
pression, it results in Nazi tribal primitivism. The preservation of
tolerance and cultural pluralism is necessary not only from the
standpoint of justice to the Jews but from the standpoint of the
quality of a civilization.
The assimilability of the Jews and their right to be assimilated are
not in question; this conviction must prompt one half of the pro-
gram of the democratic world, the half that consists in maintaining
and extending the standards of tolerance and cultural pluralism
achieved in a liberal era. But there is another aspect of the Jewish
problem that is not met by this strategy. That is the simple right of
the Jews to survive as a people. There are both Jews and Gentiles
who deny that the Jews have such a survival impulse as an ethnic
group, but the evidence of contemporary history refutes them, as
does the evidence of all history in regard to the collective impulses
of survival in life generally. Modern liberalism has been blind to
this aspect of human existence because its individualist and uni-
versalist presuppositions and illusions have prevented it from seeing
some rather obvious facts in man's collective life.

One proof of the Jews' will to survive is, of course, that they have
survived the many vicissitudes of their history. They have survived
in spite of the fact that they have been a nationality scattered among
the nations, without a homeland of their own, since the dawn of
Western European They are a people of the Diaspora. Mod-
ern assimilationists on both sides sometimes suggest that the sur-
vival of the Jews through the centuries was determined on the one
hand by the hostility of the feudal world and on the other by the
toughness of an orthodox religious faith; and they suggest that the
liberal era has dissipated both the external and the internal basis of
this survival. They assume that the liberal ideals of tolerance are in-
finitely extensible and that the breaking of the hard shell of a tradi-
tional religious unity will destroy the internal will to live.
The violent nationalism of our period proves the error of the first

assumption. While we need not believe that nazism or even a milder

form of national bigotry will set the social and political standards of

the future, it is apparent that collective particularities and vitalities

have a more stubborn life than liberal universalism had assumed.

The error of the second has been proved by the Jews themselves. For
Zionism is the expression of a national will to live that transcends
the traditional orthodox religion of the Jews. It is supported by
many forces in Jewish life, not the least of which is an impressive
proletarian impulse. Poor Jews recognize that privileged members
of their Jewish community may have achieved such a secure posi-
tion in the Western world that they could hardly be expected to
sacrifice it for a Zionist venture.But they also see that for the great
multitude of Jews there is no escape from the hardships a national-
ity scattered among the nations must suffer. They could, if they
would, be absorbed in the Western world. Or they could, if they de-
sired, maintain their racial integrity among the various nations. But
they know that the price that must be paid for such survival is high.
They know from their own experience that collective prejudice is
not as easily dissolved as some of their more favored brothers assume.
The poorer Jews understand, out of their experience, what is fre-
quently withheld from the more privileged namely, that the
bigotry of majority groups toward minority groups that affront the
majority by diverging from the dominant type is a perennial aspect
of man's collective life. The force of it may be mitigated, but it can-

not be wholly eliminated. These on

Jews, therefore, long for a place
" where they are neither
the earth where they are not tolerated,"
" understood " nor misunderstood, neither appreciated nor con-

demned, but where they can be what they are, preserving their own
unique identity without asking " by your leave " of anyone else.
It is this understanding of a basic human situation on the part of

the less privileged portion of the Jewish community which has given
Zionism a particular impetus. There are of course individuals in the
more privileged groups who make common cause with the less privi-
leged because they have the imagination to see what their more in-
tellectualist brothers have not seen. But on the whole Zionism repre-
sents the wisdom of the common experience as against the wisdom
of the mind, which tends to take premature flights into the absolute
or the universal from the tragic conflicts and the stubborn particu-
larities of human history.
The second part of any program for the solution of the Jewish
problem must rest upon the recognition that a collective survival
impulse is as legitimate a " right " as
an individual one. Justice, in
history, isconcerned with collective, as well as with individual,
rights. Recognition of the legitimacy of this right must lead, in my
opinion, to a more generous acceptance of the Zionist program as
correct in principle, however much it may have to be qualified in
The Jewish religionists, the Jewish and Gentile secularists, and
the Christian missionaries to the Jews have, despite the contradic-
tory character of their various approaches, one thing in common.
They would solve the problem of the particularity of a race by a
cultural or religious universalism. This is a false answer if the uni-
versal character of their culture or religion demands the destruction
of the historical in this case racial particularism. It is just as
false as if thecommand " thou shaft love thy neighbor as thyself "
were interpreted to mean that I must destroy myself so that no fric-
tion may arise between my neighbor and myself.
The author, who happens to be a Christian theologian, may be
permitted the assertion, as a postscriptum, that he has his own ideas
about the relation of the Christian to the Jewish religion. But he re-
gards all religious and cultural answers to the Jewish problem that
do not take basic ethnic facts into consideration as the expressions of
either a premature universalism or a conscious or unconscious eth-
nic imperialism.

Part II

I offer " a " solution rather than " the " solution to the problem
of anti-Semitism precisely because a prerequisite for any solution of

The Nation, February 28, 1942.

a basic social problem is the understanding that there is no per-
fectly satisfactory formula. A perennial problem of human relations
can be dealt with on many levels of social and moral achievements,
but not in such a way that new perplexities will not emerge upon
each new level. The tendency of modern culture to find pat answers
and panaceas for vexing problems one aspect of its inveterate
utopianism has confused rather than clarified most issues with
which it has occupied itself.
have previously suggested that the problem of the relation of the

Jews to our Western democratic world calls for at least two different
approaches. We must on the one hand preserve and if possible ex-
tend the democratic standards of tolerance and of cultural and racial
pluralism that allow the Jews Lehensraum as a nation among the
nations. We must on the other hand support more generously than
in the past the legitimate aspiration of Jews for a " homeland " in

which they will not be simply tolerated but which they will possess.
The type of liberalism that fights for and with the Jews on the first

battle line but leaves them to fight alone on the second is informed
by unrealistic universalism. If its presuppositions are fully analyzed,
it will be discovered that they rest upon the hope that history is
moving forward to a universal culture that will eliminate all particu-
larities and every collective uniqueness, whether rooted in nature or

in history. History has perennially refuted this hope.

The Louis D. Brandeis illustrated in his person and
late Justice
his ideas exactly what we mean by this double strategy. Brandeis was
first a great American, whose contributions to our national life prove

that justice to the Jew is also a service to democracy in that it allows

democracy to profit from the peculiar gifts of the Jew in the case
of Brandeis and many another leader, the Hebraic-prophetic passion
for social justice. But Brandeis was also a Zionist; his belief in the
movement was regarded by some of his friends, both Gentile and
Jewish, as an aberration that one had to condone in an otherwise
sane and worthy man. Brandeis' Zionism sprang from his under-
standing of an aspect of human existence to which most of his fel-
low liberals were blind. He understood " that whole peoples have an
individuality no less marked than that of single persons, that the in-
dividuality of a people is irrepressible, and that the misnamed inter-
nationalism that seeks the elimination of nationalities or peoples is

unattainable. The new nationalism proclaims that each race or peo-

ple has a right and duty to develop, and that only through such

differentiated development will highest civilization be attained."

Brandeis understood in 1916 what some of his fellow Jews did not
learn until 1933 and what many a Gentile liberal will never learn.
" We Jews," he said, " are a distinct nationality of which every Jew
is necessarily a member. Let us insist that the struggle for liberty
shall not cease until equal opportunity is accorded to nationalities
as to individuals."
It must be emphasized that any program that recognizes the rights
of Jews as a nationality and that sees in Zionism a legitimate demand
for the recognition of these rights must at the same time sup-
port the struggle for the rights of Jews as citizens in the nations in
which they are now established or may be established. This strategy
is demanded, if for no other reason, because there is no possibility
that Palestine will ever absorb all the Jews of the world. Even if it

were physically able to absorb them, we know very well that migra-
tions never develop as logically as this. I cannot judge whether
Zionist estimates of the millions that a fully developed Palestine
could absorb are correct. They seem to me to err on the side of opti-
mism. But in any case it would be fantastic toassume that all Jews
could or would find their way to Palestine, even in the course of
many centuries.
more important, however, to consider what democracy owes
It is

to its own
ideals of justice and to its own quality as a civilization
than what it owes to the Jews. Neither democracy nor any other
civilization pretending to maturity can afford to capitulate to the
tendency in collective would bring about unity by estab-
life that
lishing a simple homogeneity. We must not underestimate this
tendency as a perennial factor in man's social life. Nor must we fail
to understand the logic behind it. Otherwise we shall become in-
volved in the futile task of seeking to prove that minority groups
are not really as bad as their critics accuse them of being, instead
of understanding that minority groups are thought " bad " only
because they diverge from the dominant type and affront that type
by But to yield to this tendency would be to allow
their divergence.
civilization to be swallowed in primitivism, for the effort to return
to the simple unity of tribal life is a primitive urge of which nazism
is the most consistent, absurd, and dangerous contemporary expres-

sion. In the case of the Jews, with their peculiar relation to the
modern world and the peculiar contributions that they have made
to every aspect of modern culture and civilization, any relaxation of
democratic standards would also mean robbing our civilization of
the special gifts that they have developed as a nation among the
The necessity for a second strategy in dealing with the Jewish
problem stems from certain aspects of the collective life of men that
the modern situation has brought into tragic relief. The Jews re-
quire a homeland, if for no other reason, because even the most
generous immigration laws of the Western democracies will not
permit all the dispossessed Jews of Europe to find a haven in which
they may look forward to a tolerable future. When I say the most
" generous " immigration laws, I mean, of course, " generous " only

within terms of political exigencies. It must be observed that the

liberals of the Western world maintain a conspiracy of silence on
this point. They do not dare to work for immigration laws generous

enough to cope with the magnitude of the problem that the Jewish
race faces. They are afraid of political repercussions, tacitly acknowl-
edging that their theories do not square with the actual facts. Race
prejudice, the intolerance of a dominant group toward a minority
group, is a more powerful and more easily aroused force than they
dare admit.
A much weightier justification of Zionism is that every race finally
has a right to a homeland where it will not be " different," where it
will neither be patronized by the " good " people nor subjected to
calumny by bad people. Of course many Jews have achieved a posi-
tion in democratic nations in which the disabilities from which they
suffer as a minority group are comparatively insignificant in com-
parison with the prestige that they have won. A democratic world
would not disturb them. Their situation would actually be eased
to an even further degree if the racial survival impulse were pri-
marily engaged in Palestine. Religious and cultural divergences
alone do not present a serious problem, particularly under tradi-
tions of cultural pluralism. But there are millions of Jews, not only
in the democratic world, but in the remnants of the feudal world,
such asPoland and the Balkans, who ought to have a chance to es-
cape from the almost intolerable handicaps to which they are sub-
jected. One reason why Jews suffer more than any other minority is
that they bear the brunt of two divergences from type, religious and
racial, and it is idle for the Jews or Gentiles to speculate about
which is the primary source of prejudice. Either would suffice, but
the prejudice is compounded when both divergences are involved.

Zionist aspirations, it seems to me, deserve a more generous sup-

port than they have been accorded by liberal and democratic groups
in Western countries. Non-Zionist Jews have erred in being apolo-
getic or even hostile to these aspirations on the ground that their
open expression might imperil rights painfully won in the demo-
cratic world. Non-Jewish liberals have erred equally in regarding
Zionism as nothing but the vestigial remnant of an ancient religious
dream, the unfortunate aberration of a hard-pressed people.
Whether the Jews will be allowed to develop a genuine homeland
under their own sovereignty, within the framework of the British
Empire, depends solely upon the amount of support that they secure
in the two great democracies, for those democracies will have it in
their power if Hitler is defeated to make the necessary political ar-
rangements. The influence of the American Government will be in-
direct but none the less effective which is why American public
opinion on this issue cannot be a matter of indifference. It is obvi-
ously no easy matter for British statecraft to give the proper assur-
ances and to make basic arrangements for the future while it is
forced to deal with a vast and complex Arab world still in danger of
falling under the sway of the Nazis. Yet it must be observed that the
Arabs achieved freedom and great possessions in the last war, and
that this war, in the event of victory for the United Nations, will in-
crease the extent and cohesion of their realm. The Anglo-Saxon
hegemony that is bound to exist in the event of an Axis defeat will
be in a position to see to it that Palestine is set aside for the Jews,
that the present restrictions on immigration are abrogated, and that
the Arabs are otherwise compensated.
Zionist leaders are unrealistic in insisting that their demands en-
tail no " injustice " to the
Arab population since Jewish immigra-
tion has brought new economic strength to Palestine. It is absurd
to expect any people to regard the restriction of their sovereignty
over a traditional possession as " just," no matter how many other
benefits accrue from that abridgment. What is demanded in this in-
stance is a policy that offers a just solution of an intricate problem
faced by a whole civilization. The solution must, and can, be made
acceptable to the Arabs if it is incorporated into a total settlement
of the issues of the Mediterranean and Near Eastern world; and it
need not be unjust to the Arabs in the long run if the same " im-
perial " policy that established the Jewish homeland also consoli-
dates and unifies the Arab world. One may hope that this will not be
done by making the Jewish homeland a part of an essentially Arab
It must be noted in conclusion that there are both Jews and Gen-
tiles who do not believe that Palestine is a desirable locus for a
Jewish homeland, though they do believe that a homeland must be
created. They contend that there is as yet no evidence of Palestine's
ability to maintain an independent economic existence without sub-
sidies; that the co-operative agricultural ventures of the Jews, im-
pressive in quality but not in size, offer no hope of a solid agricul-
tural basis for the national economy; that the enmity of the Arab
world would require the constant interposition of imperial arais;
that the resources of Palestine could not support the millions whom
the Zionists hope to settle there; and that the tendency to use Arab
agricultural labor may once more create a Jewish urban caste. It is
difficult to know to what degree such criticisms are justified. The fact

that 25 per cent of the Jewish settlers in Palestine are engaged in

agriculture tends to refute the argument that the Palestinian econ-
omy has no adequate agricultural base. The criticism that Palestine
cannot, under the most favorable circumstances, absorb all the Jews
who must find a new home and security after the war is more serious.
However, even borne out, it would not affect the thesis that
if fully
the Jews require a homeland. It would simply raise the question
whether a different or an additional region should be chosen. It is
barely possible that a location ought to be found in Europe.
The whole matter is so important that it should be explored by
an international commission, consisting of both Jews and Gentiles,
both Zionists and non-Zionists. The Jews were the first, as they have
been the chief, victims of Nazi fury. Their rehabilitation, like the
rehabilitation of every Nazi victim, requires something more than
the restoration of the status quo ante. We must consider this task
one of the most important among the many problems of postwar
reconstruction. We cannot, in justice either to ourselves or to the
Jews, dismiss it from our conscience.


The increasing tension between Negroes and whites in America is

proof of the fact that basic social issues become more complicated in
Christianity and Society, Summer, 1944.

the very process of their solution.The Negroes have more rights in

this war than in the last one. Yet they are more resentful of the in-
justice done them. The reason for the increasing resentment un-
doubtedly lies in the fact that a much larger number of Negroes
have by education and other advances achieved the ability to resent
and to resist injustice than in the past. If a community desires to
keep a race in permanent subjection, it can only do so by consistent
Nazi methods. It must destroy the capacity to resist injustice among
thosewho suffer from it.
The tortuous process of democratic justice fortunately makes it

impossible for a total community to follow the principles of dis-

crimination which one part of the community would like to apply.
Thus the best impulses of our democratic society have exp>ressed
themselves in providing ever increasing educational advantages to
the Negro race, even while our worst impulses express themselves in
seeking to prevent those higher forms of justice which this more
equal education makes logical and necessary.
Increasing race tension is due, however, not merely to increasing
resentment among Negroes but also to increasing fearamong the
proponents of " white supremacy " who feel their privileged posi-
tion in a caste society imperiled and who become more and more
desperate in seeking to ward off further concessions of justice. This is

why certain reactionary white Southerners express themselves more

and more hysterically in their attitude toward the race question.
This is particularly apparent in the Southern opposition to the
elimination of " poll tax " restrictions upon the franchise and in the
recent hysteria occasioned by the decision of the Supreme Court that
Negroes have a right to vote in the primaries of Southern states. We
must expect this tension to heighten until it reaches its climax after
the war. The frightened reactionaries regard the returning Negro
soldier as a particular threat to their peace, and not without reason.
For it is undoubtedly a fact that the Negro soldier in America has
conceived a profound resolve to claim some of the democratic justice
for which they have been fighting a foreign foe.
No easy solution can be offered for this vexatious problem. All the
spiritual resources of our nation will be required to effect even a
tolerable minimal solution by achieving some advances in justice
between the races and yet avoiding overt conflict.
It may be worth observing that at the present moment the Chris-
tian church is making no great contribution to the solution of this
144 LOVE AND justice: national level
issue. The churches of the North absolve their conscience by passing
idealistic resolutions inwhich all race discrimination is condemned.
Most of the churches of the South are completely enslaved and
cowed by the prevailing hysteria. There are fortunately leavening
minorities in the South in the universities and the churches, who are
doing what they can to lessen the tension and to mitigate the pride
and the fear of the white man.
There are several tasks that the church might perform in terms of
its own peculiar genius that would make its idealism more relevant

to the present situation. If, for instance, the church were to make a
rigorous religious analysis of the motives that underlie the white
man's pride and fear, if it allowed the Word of God to be sharper
than a two-edged sword, if it searched the conscience of men in the
light of that Word, might help white people to see to what degree

the very hysteria of their attack upon the Negro is the evidence of
an uneasy conscience.
It is not possible to travel in the South or to mix in the complex

race relations of a Northern municipality without noticing that the

most brazen forms of injustice are partly due to the effort of men
of disquiet conscience to hide the uneasiness of their inner life. Even
the worst sinners against God's law of brotherhood have some testi-
mony in their inner life to the wrong they do. Such uneasiness may
prompt repentance; but it may also prompt despair; and despair
may express itself in frantic professions of righteousness and unjust
attacks upon the minority. Only religiously astute and profound
pastors of the souls of men understand to what degree men make
public accusation against their fellows in order to cover up the se-

cret accusations that the dispossessed make against them in God's

sight. Cain protests the more loudly that he is not his brother's
keeper because he knows in the secret of his heart that he is.
The preaching of the ideal possibilities of brotherhood that is not
accompanied by a careful and pitiless analysis of the motives, of the
inner fears, self-accusations, and self-justifications of those who deny
brotherhood is not religious. It moves on the plane of secular ideal-
ism and does not bring the terror of the judgments of the living God
to bear upon the soul. Only if this is done can the mercy of God also
heal the hurt that men have in their own heart and that prompts
them to hurt each other.
There is one other point at which the church fails miserably in its
attack upon the race issue today. It is always calling upon the com-

munity to abolish this or that discrimination, but it makes no con-

trite admission of the fact that the church in America is almost con-
sistently Jim Crow in its pattern of segregation. There are few cities
of the South in which even ministers of the same denomination have
any fellowship across race lines. Even in the Northern churches
there is frequently no fellowship below the level of the general con-
ference of the entire church.
The real fact is that the Christian church in America lacks even
minimally adequate symbols of the reality of a community of grace
that does not recognize race as basic to its fellowship. In the South,
denominational divisions are still so strong that there is little fel-
lowship even between white pastors and congregations across de-
nominational lines. Protestantism thus reveals its pathetic particu-
larism and proves that the forces of history, whether they be racial
or national, cultural or economic, can divide it without the church
having the power and the grace to preserve even a symbol of its
ultimate unity in Christ. It might be well for the church to make
fewer ideal demands upon the community for a while and center
upon this problem in its own life. If the church is the body of Christ,
and if in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, there must be some
dimension in the life of the church where this is recognized and
actualized. If it is not, the church ceases to be a true church. If the
salt has lost its savor, life of the church has ceased to be
if the inner
a real leaven in society, cannot hide that fact by making brave and

idealistic public pronouncements.

Let the church approach the race issue with greater humility and
perhaps some fruits meet for repentance will develop in its own life.


The F.E.P.A. has been defeated in the United States Senate, at
been impossible to win a two-thirds vote to
least indirectly. It has
impose cloture, which means that a Southern filibuster can prevent
passage of the act. Southern liberals were without exception op-
posed to the bill, though some of them were also opposed to the
practice of filibuster.
The act, which sought to bring Government pressure upon em-
Christianity and Society, Summer, 1950.
pJoyment practices, is part of a general program of the Fair Deal,
which also includes a federal antilynching bill and an anti-poll-tax
bill, designed to force the Southern states to grant the Negro mi-

nority more equal rights. This is a laudable end. It is important that

all our moral, spiritual, and political resources be used to give our

Negro fellow citizens every democratic privilege that we enjoy. The

Negro problem in this country is on the one hand a contest between
the old institution of slavery and the spirit of democracy. History has
proved that an institution like slavery, even when abolished by law,
lives on vestigially. On the other hand, the problem is older than
our nation, being a manifestation of race pride that expresses itself
in every encounter between different races, particularly when one
race has a minority status.
Recent Supreme Court decisions, forcing Southern states to grant
Negroes equality in interstate transportation and in college educa-
tion, prove that law may be a potent weapon in enforcing rights.
Within limits it is possible for a total national community to insist
legally that every portion of the community observe its minimal
standards of justice. Thus, too, court decisions have forced some of
the Southern states to admit Negroes to party primaries. It is clear,
in other words, that the power of law is considerable in raising demo-
cratic standards of a community.
But the law is not omnipotent. The very fact that the Emancipa-
tion Proclamation did not abolish slavery absolutely, and that the
Federal grant of suffrage to all Negroes has been circumvented in
Southern states for two generations proves that there are limits to
the power of law. A study of these limits may lead to the conclusion
that a Federal act, enforcing fair employment, is futile. It obviously
cannot be passed. It probably could not be enforced if it were
passed. In stating such a conclusion we are flying in the face of an
almost unanimous " liberal " opinion, inside and outside of the
churches. But liberal opinion has again and again failed to observe
that the potency of law has its limits. We learned a lesson in the
Prohibition movement that we seem already to have forgotten. That
lesson was that a determined minority, if it is locally a majority,
whether in a city or a state, is able to defy, evade, or nullify a law
passed by a national majority. It will do so if the law goes too far
beyond the moral or social standards of community. Laws can be
enforced only upon recalcitrant minorities. The majority of the com-
munity must accept a law without enforcement if it is to be en-

forceable. But if individual recalcitrance has the support of a local

community, if the " conscience " of the community aids and abets
defiance, no amount of enforcement by coercion avails.
This is why laws enforcing fair employment in individual states
differ from Federal laws. In a state, e.g., New York, such a law proves
efficacious because the majority behind the law registers a moral
climate that makes the law enforceable. But if the Federal Govern-
ment forces such a law upon a reluctant state, it tends to produce a
reaction of defiance rather than compliance. This is particularly
true in our South where " Yankee interference " is regarded as al-
most synonymous with " foreign " interference. This is a legacy of
the Civil War. It proves that the Northern victory did not, and could
not, completely heal the breach in the national community.
It must not be denied that a law has considerable power in chang-
ing the moral climate of a community. If, say, 53 per cent of a popu-
lation is in favor of a certain social standard, the enactment of that
standard into law gives it sufficient majesty to persuade possibly 90
per cent of the population that the law ought to be obeyed. But if

only 33 per cent of the population accepts the standard that the law
embodies, it is always possible that the effort to enforce the law will
arouse such resentment that the proportion of the population in its

favor will be dissipated rather than enhanced. These proportionate

figures are, of course, quite arbitrary. A good deal depends upon
how fervently and stubbornly majorities and minorities hold to
their position.
It would be quite wrong to draw the conclusion that only educa-
tional and religious influences upon moral and social standards are
of avail, and that it must be regarded futile to change social struc-
tures and systems by legal pressure. Too often religious leaders draw
this conclusion and assert that goodness by coercion is abortive. A
considerable proportion of our social virtue is derived not from our
own resources but from the restraints and influences of the com-
munity. But the most effective restraints are not those of pure law,
particularly not if the law is in conflict with the conscience of the
In the case of the racial problem of the South it would have been

much better to begin with antilynching and anti-poll-tax legisla-

tion. The Southhas an uneasy conscience about the problems against
which these laws are directed and the liberal portion of the South
would have supported them. The conscience of the best people of
the South would have converged with the conscience of the nation
upon these issues. It was because it was felt that the Fair Employ-
ment bill had less chance of passing that President Truman was per-
suaded to place it firstupon his program. Its proponents felt that it
would not pass at all if it came last. It is now quite clear that it will
not pass, first or last.
One might, as most liberals, nail the flag to the mast and fight on
this issuewithout regard to immediate success or failure if one could
be certain that the law could be enforced, once passed. But a fair
employment act requires, above all, a tremendous degree of com-
munity co-operation. In states in which it has been successful it has
relied chiefly upon administrative procedures and persuasion and
has availed itself as little as possible of sanctions. The more sanctions
are used or threatened, the more voluntary co-operation vanishes.
No type of legislation lends itself so easily to evasion.
In short, it is important in the field of political reality to be as
wise as the serpent as well as to be as harmless as the dove. Politics
is still the art of the possible. This remains true even when we deal

with racial injustices that affront the conscience of the nation.

Progress toward better race relations is still too slow in both North
and South. But there is real progress. From the Christian viewpoint
it ismore important that the church of the South should give more
solid proof that the Christian community is a community of grace,
transcending race, than that the church of the North (which is inci-
dentally almost as completely segregated as the Southern church)
should seek a purely legal solution for a deep moral and spiritual



fin an age of sorry realities and dread possibilities, one is grateful

for any cheerful news. The Supreme Court decision on school segre-
gation gave every American of good will a large measure of cheer
in a cheerless age.^ Our children may well remember this decision
long after the antics of the demagogues and the confusions of our

Christianity and Crisis, June 14, 1954.


Statesmen are forgotten. The prerequisite for such a consummation

is, of course, that their confusions will not result in disaster.
Thestatesmanship of the Supreme Court decision is displayed in
its combination of boldness and concern for the political realitiesr
It declares a principle, applies it to a situation without compromise.
/But it wisely postpones application of the principle for most of the
affected states until they have time to adjust themselves to the con-
ditions created by the decision. Thus any undue shock is avoided,
and the danger is lessened^ that the decision will provoke resistance
by Southern authorities, ^he Court seems quite conscious of the fact
that no law can be enforced if it is not generally accepted by the
people. When local recalcitrance becomes armed with the sense of
the moral Tightness of its cause, the case is lost.
What is at stake in this whole enterprise is the contest between the
moral sense of the national community and the local communities
in which there are vestigial remnants of the slavery ethos, at which
the postwar amendments were directed, but which cannot be
quickly eliminated by any law. Therefore, the decision was, on the
other hand, an excellent example of the power of law and of ethical
norms in directing the moral growth of a community. For the law
ordained " equality." It embodied the principle of justice that was
responsible for the rejection of the institution of slavery. But com-
munities do not always conform their actions and attitudes to " tasks
in hours of insight willed." The hiatus between the ideal, embodied
in law, and the social facts was most glaring in the states that en-
joined school segregation by law. But it was a universal character-
istic of our nation. It was in fact the " American dilemma " jn Gun-

nar Myrdal's phrase. The dilemma was that we could not conform
our race attitudes, at least to the one race that had at one time had
slave status among us, to the basic presupposition of American de-
mocracy, eloquently stated in the Declaration of Independence,
which affirmed " that all men are created equal," and given a new
significanceby the war that abolished slavery and that left the resi-
due of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment in our basic law.'
Since the facts of history do not, however, conform readily to the
challenge of a law that states the ideal, rather than some minimal of
conduct, American democracy was subjected to long years of tortu-
ous experience in trying to conform to the ideal, incorporated in
the law.
In 1896, the Supreme Court tried to ease the hiatus between the
ideal and the social realities by its doctrine of " separate but equal
rights before the law. Itwas a very good doctrine for its day; for we
must remember that the present Supreme Court decision would, at
the beginning of the century, merely have prompted revolt. And re-
volt that is so widespread that police power cannot suppress it rep-
resents the defeat both of the law and the ideal. History had to
prepare the nation for the present Supreme Court decision. By
" history " we mean something more embodied than that abstract

concept. We mean the thoughts and aspirations of a people, and

the dozens of hesitant or bold actions that were taken by individuals
and groups to overcome racial bias, to lift the educational stand-
ards of the allegedly inferior group and to breach the bar of segre-
gation in every walk of life and in every communal relationship.
We must, as Christians, humbly confess that the world of sports
has given the most vivid proofs of the spirit of brotherhood and fair-

ness in allowing athletes to prove their worth without bar of color,

proofs that undoubtedly affected the public temper more than the
segregated churches could do. We must also include in this capillary
action, the splendid proofs of worth furnished by the Negroes in all
walks of life, and in every manifestation
in all disciplines of culture,
of moral character. The Negroes have most obviously excelled in the
arts and in sports; but they have shown the validity of the doctrine
of equal worth in every department of life. Thus the way was pre-
pared for the next step.
Meanwhile the doctrine of " separate but equal " facilities was
used effectively by the Supreme Court in the last two decades to open
up new opportunities for Negroes, particularly in transportation but
also in the schools of higher learning where the force of the Court
ruling frequently opened the way for nonsegregated education in
cases where equal, but separate, institutions were unavailable in
other words, where law and medical schools had to be opened up to
Negroes because the states could not furnish separate professional
schools for them. The fact that " nothing happened " in these revo-
lutionary steps under the prodding of the law prepared the way for
the next step, which the Supreme Court has now taken.
In fact, the progress has been so rapid that it would have seemed
plausible to " let well enough alone " and continue upon this course.
But the court refused to adopt this policy. Challenged with the idea
that separate school facilities could not be " equal " because they left
a mark upon both white and colored children by the implication of

inferiority for the colored group, the Court met the challenge by
admitting this indictment of segregated education and proving the
correctness of the indictment by an analysis of the " intangible " as
well as the tangible factors of education.
_ Thus the Court wrote a
great State paper as well as rendering a wise decision. Its rejection
of segregated education is so persuasive that no one will probably
have the hardihood to challenge it. It has fixed a point in our ad-
vance in democratic racial relations. Of course, the fact that the de-
cision was unanimous served to increase its moral authority.
The court might have been satisfied with this show of statesman-
ship; but it gave additional proof of its wisdom by deferring the date
on which most of the states, not directly involved in the litigation,
would have to meet the new norms. This policy did much to deflect
any incipient revolt against the decision.
The reaction in the South to the decision is almost as cheering as
the decision itself. Only the Governors Talmadge of Georgia and
Byrnes of South Carolina are in open opposition. Most of the
Southern journals have accepted the decision as " inevitable." Some
have regretted that the South was not allowed to make further
progress under the old norms. There will no doubt be evasions and
circumventions of the law, even as the " white primary" is an eva-

sion of the equal suffrage law. But there will evidently not be a wide-
spread revolt against the Court's interpretation of the law, so that
the decision would be negated in fact.
Thus we have had another demonstration of the way in which an
" open " community may grow, with the ideal furnishing the norm
of conduct with progressive interpretations of the ideal, rendering
it more rigorous and with social and moral history furnishing the
stuff to givebody to the ideal.
To illustrate the significance of the Supreme Court decision and
its light upon the health of our democracy, we must report on a re-

cent visit by a South African visitor. He was a pious Christian of

peculiar Dutch African persuasion. But he had an uneasy conscience
about race relations in South Africa, which he tried to assuage by a
visit to this country to study race relations. But such are the quirks

of the human conscience and the capacity of the self for self-decep-
tion, that our visitor spent his time proving to himself that there was
a wide hiatus between our ideals and our practices; that there was
in fact much evidence of bias in our race relations, and that, there-
fore, South Africa was justified in its policy of rigorous segregation
of races, which our visitor declared were created by God to be " dif-
ferent but not unequal." We tried to prove to him that if he and his
fellow countrymen really believed that the difference did not spell
inequality and if they did not regard " creation " as fixed, but as part
of the historic development to which every race and person was sub-
ject, they could not maintain the rigor of their policy. We argued
further that the sin of South Africa was in closing the doors of hope.
This would create increasing hardness of heart among the dominant
group who had an uneasy conscience, and would leave the minority
group resentful and outraged. We told him that our society un-
doubtedly had an unsolved race issue. But we had many citizens in
the white group who had dedicated themselves to the cause of justice
and many Negroes who hoped for the future, and allowed their
hopes to console them about present bitter realities. We did not pre-
tend that our community was free of race prejudice, but we asserted
that the difference was in the way a society was closed or kept open
for future possibilities. The Supreme Court decision has justified
every argument used in that encounter. We hope our South African
will hear of this decision and learn from it.


Evidence multiplies that our nation is facing the most serious

crisis in War. Ironically, the crisis has

race relations since the Civil
been brought about by a Supreme Court decision, which even those
who think more time should have been allowed for the gradual
processes of history to take their hitherto hopeful course do not criti-
cize because it simply affirms a Constitutional guarantee of equality
before the law that if realized would solve the age-old " American
Both Hodding Carter, a Southern editor with a long record of
fairness on the race issue, and the distinguished novelist William
Faulkner insist that, whatever may be the ultimate issues of justice
in this problem, it is now unwise to push the cause of desegregation

The Messenger, April 3, 1956.


too consistently, lest the Southern white people are pushed, in

Faulkner's phrase, " off balance " and are not allowed time to get
their balance.
The question what resources the Christian church can offer for

the solution of these grave issues. Itwould be wrong to assume that

there are automatic resources of grace and wisdom even in the
church. The fact is and it is a disturbing one that the church is
not now, and has not been, very creative on this issue. Perhaps it
lacks resources for discriminate judgment and that is the kind of
judgment that the problem demands.
If we turn to the gospel, we shall come first of all upon the rigor

of its moral demands. It challenges all partial loyalties in the name

of an absolute loyalty. " For if you love those who love you, what
reward have you? " asks Christ. " Do not even the tax collectors do
the same?
But the gospel is not simply a system of rigorous idealism; it
knows that all men fall short of this universal love. Perhaps the first
thing we must learn from the gospel is the sense of our common in-
volvement in the sins of racial loyalty and prejudice. It is not a
Southern sin, but a general human shortcoming. Such humility will
prevent Northern liberals from self-righteous judgments, which, in
the present instance, will aggravate the crisis.

Nevertheless, the realization of our general involvement in the

evils of racial prejudice must not prompt us to inaction when par-
ticularly flagrant forms of the sins we all commit challenge our con-
science. The fact that we all violate the law of love in some way or
other ought not to obscure to our conscience the force of that law.
Every Christian, for instance, should have some sympathy for a
group of Negroes, who have long smarted under the contempt of
their fellow men and who now see a chance, under the changing en-
vironment, to challenge age-old customs of segregation on public
buses. Their boycott must appeal to sensitive men everywhere as
another assertion of the dignity of man.
But this does not mean that we can have no sympathy for anxious
parents who are opposed to unsegregated schools. The cultural dif-
ferences between the two races are still great enough to warrant a
certain amount of disquiet on the part of the parents. One may hope
that ultimately the Negro people will have the same advantages that
all our children have. But there must be a measure of sympathy for

those who are afraid of the immediate effects of present educational

154 LOVE AND justice: national level
plans. It might help if we all realized that, in all our judgments
about each other across racial lines, we do not judge with pure hearts
and reason. Our judgments, however honest, are corrupted by the
most perennial sin of group pride.
There seems nothing in the Christian ethic about prudence, and
prudence is what is demanded in such critical situations as this one.
But a genuine charity is the father of prudence. For genuine love
does not propose abstract schemes of justice that leave the human
factor out of account.
Perhaps there ought also to be a Christian witness of integrity and
courage whenever fears prompt cruelty and oppression as they do
today in some communities.


I have no business making any proposals to Billy Graham. We are
not acquainted. But I share a general approval of his modesty and

sincerity in the Christian community and also a certain uneasiness

that his type of evangelism may seem to be irrelevant to the great
moral issues of our day.
My proposal is prompted by the fact that in the revival that swept
the nation a century ago, under the inspiration of the great Finney,
the abolition of slavery was made central to the leligious experience
of repentance and conversion. As a result the revival led to the
manumission of slaves in some instances and to various abolition
movements in others. Warner, in his book The Anti-Slavery Impulse,
gives us a good account of the reality of this type of evangelism. It
sharpened the religious awareness of the central moral problem fac-
ing the nation a hundred years ago.

Church Lags in Justice

A hundred years later we still confront the same moral issue,

though in a different historical context. The slaves have long since
become emancipated. But the Negroes have not been freed from the
contempt that the white majority visits upon the ex-slaves, partly
The Christian Century, August 8, 1956.

because of their color and partly because of their " previous condi-
tion of servitude." Men are very slow in their collective life in meet-
ir^g the elementary norms of the Christian life. They violate the sim-
ple commandment, " Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." So
here we are a hundred years after the emancipation of the slave in a
new crisis because our Government, based upon a conception of law
that makes " equal protection under the law " the cardinal principle

of justice, is challenging the mores of the community that incor-

porated a remnant of the pattern of slavery into its customs.
The Christian church did not seriously challenge these customs.
The political community proved itself more rigorous than the Chris-
tian community in guarding the dignity of man. The church, as our
Negro friends constantly remind us, was the most rigorously segre-
gated institution in the nation. That segregation wittingly or un-
wittingly gave a religious aura to racial prejudice. Even now, while
many a heroic Southern minister has defied the congregation and
the community in upholding the standards of both the gospel and
the law, the church as an institution has lagged behind the trade-
union movement in supporting the Supreme Court decision.
It would be idle to mention all this were Billy Graham totally un-

conscious of the moral crisis in our nation on the age-old race issue.
Though a Southerner, he is " enlightened " on the race issue. He
does not condone racial prejudice. But neither does he incorporate
the demand of love transcending racial boundaries into his evange-
listic appeal. He does not suggest that the soul, confronted with the

judgment and the forgiveness of Christ, should regard racial preju-

dice as an element in the " life of sin " from which the conversion
experience redeems. And he does not suggest that among the " fruits
meet for repentance " there must be a whole-souled effort to give the
Negro neighbor his full due as a man and brother.
A Jewish friend, after witnessing one of Billy Graham's revivals
in the city of Richmond, Virginia, made some pertinent remarks
about the nature of the revival. " We Jews," he wrote, " are naturally
critical, not only because such a revival, with its emphasis upon a

commitment in religious terms to which Jews cannot subscribe, tends

to widen the chasm between Jews and Christians, which common de-
votion to civic decencies has tended to bridge, but also because the
commitment does not include a new attitude on the race issue, which
is so desperately needed today." In other words, the revival does not

revitalize the Christian faith on the one point where Jews and secu-
lar idealists who do not share our faith would find a Christian wit-
ness most relevant and impressive.
This Jewish comment is much more searching than the innumer-
able Christian comments that find Billy Graham's interpretation of
the Christian life too simple and perfectionist but counsel the rest
of us to be sympathetic rather than critical because, they argue,
Billy will bring people into the Christian church, and then the rest
of us will have the opportunity to reveal all the duties and possibili-
ties that a Christian commitment implies. These proposals might be
relevant to the problem of the relation of a perfectionist version of
the Christian faith to all the ambiguities that any man, including
the Christian, must face in the realm of international politics. Even
in this realm it is clear that Graham's insights, gained as a world
traveler, are in conflict with his perfectionist solutions of the prob-
lem of the hydrogen bomb, for instance.

Minds Dull to Racial Sin

But these counsels do not apply to the race issue. There the moral
dimension of the issue is fairly simple. It is whether the Christian
recognizes the validity of the Biblical observation, " If a man sayeth
that he loves God and hateth his brother, he is a liar." If the issue is

as simple as that, the question arises why an obviously honest man,

such as Graham, cannot embody the disavowal of race prejudice into
his call to repentance.Perhaps the answer to that question takes one
into the very heart of the weaknesses of " evangelical " Christianity,
particularly evangelical Christianity in its pietistic versions. This
form of the Christian faith relies on an oversimplification of the is-
sues in order to create the " crisis " that prompts conversion and the
acceptance of the Christian faith. The best way of inducing this crisis
is to call attention to some moral which
dereliction of the person, in
some accepted moral norm has been transgressed and the conscience
is consequently uneasy.
The moral transgressions that are embedded in the customs of the
community, the sins that we do, not " one by one," but with the ap-
proval of our community, are not such effective means of creating
the sense of crisis upon which the revivalist depends. If the " sin-
ner " is to be convicted of involvement in some collective sin, it is
necessary to appeal not only to the emotions but to the mind; that is,
it is necessary rationally to analyze the social situation, conformity to

which means the violation of the love commandment. This is true

even in such an uncomplicated problem as the issue of desegrega-

Calculations in Justice

Perhaps this is the reason why revivalistic Christianity has not

been particularly effective in challenging collective evil. It grew to
power on the frontier, where its moral appeals were limited to the
condemnation of drunkenness, adultery, and Sabbath violations. It
may not be entirely unfair to observe that the section of the country
in which the present crisis in race relations is most acute is precisely
that section which has experienced annual " revivals," all calcu-
lated to " redeem " the sinner and guarantee the perfection of a
truly " committed " soul.
I well remember a rather pathetic experience more than a quarter

century ago in Harlan county, Kentucky, at the time when industrial

violence engulfed the county because of a strike by its miners. Their
wages were very low because that was the only way the Kentucky
mine owners were able to meet the competition of the Pennsylvania
coal fields. The middle-class community was solidly arrayed behind
the mine owners. We, who were members of a church delegation,
met with the ministers of the county in order to convince them that
it was dubious for the middle-class community to be so indifferent

to the plight of the miners, simply because they felt that the com-
munity itself was endangered by a higher wage scale.
These calculations in justice, which touched the collective inter-
ests and challenged the moral complacency of the middle-class

churches, were quite beyond the moral comprehension of the Har-

lan county ministers. We were assured that they had just had a col-
lective revival in the town and would have another one, and that
these revivals were bound to generate the kind of Christian perfec-
tion that would make the collective sins we spoke of quite impossi-
ble. The ministers were naively good men who did not think in
terms that were even remotely relevant to the moral issues their
community faced.

Lost with the Social Gospel

The only difference between the situation a quarter century ago

and now is that Protestantism as a whole was then informed by the
social gospel and regarded the viewpoint of the Harlan county min-
isters as a quaint vestige of an outmoded form of piety. But now,
whether because of the many personal excellences of Billy Graham
or because of a widespread naive enthusiasm for any kind of reli-
gious revival, we have official church federations committing them-
selves to this kind of revivalistic Christianity, assuring us that if
only Billy can bring the people into the Christian fold, the ordinary
pastors can then proceed to instruct the new recruits in the full im-
plications of the Christian life.

There is more hope that Graham himself will see the weaknesses
of a traditional evangelical perfectionism in an atomic age than that
his clerical and lay sponsors, with their enthusiasm for any kind of
revival, will see it. For Graham is a world traveler and a very per-
ceptive observer of the world scene with its many collective prob-
lems. His instincts are genuine and his sense of justice well devel-
oped. He could embody the cause of justice particularly where it

is so closely and obviously related to the love commandment as on

the race issue into his revival message. The only thing that could
prevent such a development is that it is contrary to the well estab-
lished " technique " of revivalism. That technique requires the over-
simplification of moral issues and their individualization for the sake
of inducing an emotional crisis. Collective sins are therefore not
within the range of a revival. It may be
that Graham is good enough
to break with this traditional and obvious technique. In that case
he would cease to be merely the last exponent of a frontier religious
tradition and become a vital force in the nation's moral and spiritual

Love and Justice

in International Relations
A. A Variety of Issues


icant conflicts between good and evil forces in history, between
just and unjust nations, and between righteous and unrighteous
men. The prophets of Israel had no doubt about the special mission
and virtue of Israel as compared with the Gentiles; and they saw the
meaning of history as partly derived from this conflict. They hoped
for the victory of the righteous over the unrighteous.
But these distinctions did not prevent the prophets from under-
standing that there was a profounder conflict between all nations
and God, and all men and God. They were not afraid to pronounce
the judgment of God upon Israel in even severer terms than upon
the pagan nations. The prophet Amos combined these two facets of
prophetic interpretation in the classic lines, " You only have I

chosen; therefore will I visit you with your iniquities." Jesus was
seeming perversity of the severer judgment upon
later to justify the
the righteous with the words, " To whom much hath been given, of
him much shall be required."
Nothing gives Biblical faith a greater consistency than this sub-
ordination of the struggle between good and evil men to the more

Christianity and Crisis, August 5, 1946.

significant struggle between all men and God in " whose sight no
man living is justified." If there was any inconsistency in the Old
Testament upon these two strains of interpretation, it is certainly
overcome in the New Testament. There only the one conflict is dealt
with so consistently that one sometimes wonders whether the conflict
between justice and injustice in history is considered at all. This is
why in times of such conflicts, as in the recent war, we turn with a
certain relief to the Old Testament and thank God that it is a part
of the Bible. For the faith of the New Testament, which knows lit-
tle of this distinction, seems almost too sheer for us. The insights of
faith upon the conflict between good and evil men and upon the
conflictbetween just and unjust nations rightfully belongs to the
Bible,and we have no reason to be ashamed for including it in our
Christian life. In times when some Christians are tempted to evade
their responsibility for maintaining a relative justice in an evil
world, we must actually turn to this level of thought in the Bible.
But in times of victory, when the so-called righteous nations have
prevailed, we had better not forget the words of our Lord, " Judge
not that ye be not judged," and the words of Saint Paul, written in
the same spirit, " Who art thou that judgest thy brother; for we
must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of Christ."
These words are spoken out of the ultimate insights of New Testa-
ment faith. They are, furthermore, remarkable sources of insight
into our contemporary experience.
Consider our relations to our vanquished enemies. We were cer-
tainly righteouswhen we fought the Nazis, that is, righteous by
comparison. But how quickly our righteousness runs out, not only
because we have destroyed the evil with which we compared our-
selves,but also because we inherited some of the irresponsible power
through our victory, which tainted them with evil. As far as Japan
is concerned we seem to have less reason for an uneasy conscience;

for there the administration of victory has some semblance to justice.

In Germany it has hardly had a semblance to justice at all, unless we
regard the meticulous impartiality of the Nuremberg court as a
good symbol of justice. From every side the cry of the anguished
comes to our ears, out of the chaos and confusion of Germany. Peo-
ple are dying of hunger. People cannot find work. With millions of
houses destroyed, others are now dispossessed to make room for the
families of the army of occupation. The occupying powers do not
trust each other and make the confusion worse confounded by their

mistrust of each other, fighting as it were the next war over the pros-
trate body of the vanquished foe of this war. Every once in a while

some self-righteous journalist takes a casual glance at this prostrate

figureand pronounces that there is no health in it. The irony of
such judgments is almost too perfect.
There are people in Germany fighting desperately for freedom
against new totalitarian threats. We are not certain that we can sup-
port them because we are afraid they mean something by different
freedom than we do. If they are going to have democracy, it will have
to be a kind that fits an impoverished nation. We, in our pride, are
inclined to identify democracy with luxuries of economic freedom
that only a wealthy nation can afford.
The whole social and economic chaos of Europe, beyond Ger-
many, is an indictment of our virtue, or at least of our wisdom. All
the nations of the world who have the power of victory in their
hands are too stupid to exploit the fruits of victory for the sake of
justice.As Christians we ought to know, however, that stupidity is
never merely stupidity. There is always a perverse taint of sin in it.
In this situation the taint of national self-interest and national pride
is very obvious.
As the proofs of the confusion in the wake of our victory multiply,
we find some of our commentators trying to save our conscience by
logic. Were we not righteous yesterday, they ask, when we fought
the Nazis? Very well; quiet your conscience, we still are. But the
logic of the Bible and the logic of history both run against this

kind of reason.
Statesmen must work out the details for giving our vanquished
foes the economic and political basis of a sane and healthy life. But
certainly it is the business of the Christian church to create the spir-
itual atmosphere in which this can be done. The primary engine of
injustice in victory is still the pride of victors who have no idea of

the fact that the judgment of God is upon them as well as upon
their foes. It is a question whether nations, as such, can ever have
any other but a semipagan arrogance, though they call themselves
Christian. But those individuals who are really informed by the
mind of Christ must have some conception of the more ultimate
conflict between all nations and God; and from that conception
there must flow some decent pity and mercy to leaven the arrogance
of nations.


Unfortunately we face this issue not only with a vanquished foe

but with the uneasy partner of our victory. The rift between the
Western world and Russia is growing. Again it is a conflict between
justice and between freedom and totalitarian-
injustice, or at least
ism. On I do not see how it
the level of politico-moral judgments,
can be denied that the distinctions between the Russian morality
and our own are valid. The Russian tyranny is pretty vexatious. In
a recent series of articles The New York Times correspondent
Brooks Atkinson has come to the conclusion that the Russians do
not want our friendship, that they look at the world through Marx-
ist spectacles, that they expect the Western world, which we call de-

mocracy and which they call " monopoly capitalism," to be de-

stroyed by its own mistakes and errors. There seems no doubt but
that the Russians, besides other mistakes, are grievously miscalculat-
ing the residual health of a not-too-healthy Western world. These
errors and stupidities may cost the Russians dearly, and us also.
But Mr. Atkinson also reports that the Russians are afraid. That
is a different point, which reveals the perpetual relevance of the

Biblical viewpoint. They are, let us say, the unjust and we are the
just. (One might stop to think, by the way, of the curious fact that

no matter how the vicissitudes of history run, the Lord always puts
us on the just side. Such qualms give this author a momentary
pause, but he would still go on to insist that the distinctions be-
tween Western justice and Russian totalitarianism are significant.)
But the Russians are afraid, and so are we. Those are the marks of
our common humanity. Out of these fears they generate strategies
of defense, and so do we. Those are the marks of our common sin.
Sin is always trying to be strong at the expense of someone else.
The Russians want to make themselves strong by dominating East-
ern Europe, and as much more beside as they can. They would prob-
ably swallow both Turkey and Iran if they thought they could get
away with it. They deny that we have a will to peace; and their
propaganda falsifies the almost pathetic desire of the Western world
for peace most ludicrously. It is difficult to restrain one's self-right-
eousness when one contemplates all these facts.
Only we cannot be certain whether we are really more righteous
than they, or merely stronger. Perhaps they are hysterical because
they know that they are not really as strong as we. Some of our

Strength is actually derived from our virtue. The smaller nations

will flock to us because they trust us a little more, just a little more.
But some of our strength is derived not from our virtue, but from
the atomic bomb and the threat of it.
We are so righteous that we offer the Russians a pretty fair solu-

tion for the control of the atomic bomb. We actually surpass our-
selvesby that offer which looks forward to the suppression of atomic
destruction by international action. Yet in practically the same
week in which the offer is made we demonstrate at Bikini the de-
structive power of the bomb, which we say we are never going to
use any more. There is something very unlogical in this. It is in fact
the lack of logic of a man or a nation which has a law in its mem-
bers that wars against the law that is in its mind.

If the Baruch proposals prove our righteousness, the Bikini ex-

periments prove that the Bible is still right and that the contest of
greatest significance is not between good and bad nations, but be-
tween all nations or men and God. We do want peace, but we
would like be our peace, just as the Russians. We are just;
it to
but we We are almost as inclined as the Russians are
are also afraid.
to generate false strategies out of our fears.
Perhaps the vicious circle of mutual mistrust between us will
work itself out to the final chapter of another universal conflict.
Such a conflict would give a new kind of vivid historical proof of
the fact that the conflict between nations and God is more signifi-
cant than the conflict between good and bad nations. For in that
conflictwe would call ourselves the " democracies "; but our ene-
mies would call us " monopoly capitalism." We would call our ene-

mies totaHtarians and tyrants. But they would continue to think of

themselves as the fatherland of a new Utopia. We would of course
condemn the pretension of their self-righteousness; but we would
also have a sneaking suspicion, stronger than we had when we
fought the Nazis, that only God could make a just judgment be-
tween these conflicting pretensions of righteousness.
If we could, by faith, somewhat anticipate this divine judgment,

we might still avoid the conflict. For a very wise statesmanship does
manage to insinuate some vestige of the divine judgment into hu-
man judgments.The Christian faith, in so far as it understands the
conflict between God and men, stands right across and transcends
all historical conflicts. But in so far as it can insinuate something of
this ultimate perspective into the competing and contradictory judg-
ments of men and nations, it introduces some leaven of pity, mercy,
and forebearance into the conflicts of men and nations.


The political and moral problems raised by Mussolini's venture
in Africa are almost too typical to be true. The Italian venture is a

venture of a modern robber state, seeking to solve its internal prob-

lem at the expense of the freedom of another people. The economic
benefits promised Italyby the conquest of Ethiopia are said by ex-
perts to be small. The animating Mussolini are there-
real motives
fore not immediate economic advantages but the possible prestige
which a victory would give his harassed dictatorship and the more
solid advantage which might accrue if he could make this victory
the basis of continued encroachments in Africa at the expense of
British imperialism in Africa.
Mussolini opposed by the League of Nations on the one hand

and by the British Empire on the other. The intervention of the

League is not typical but novel. This is the first time that the
League has acted with energy in such a situation. Many of the lov-
ers of peace are therefore filled with enthusiasm at the prospect of a
new world order arising from this new energy of the League. Such
enthusiasm is too unqualified. For the fact is that British
energy is
the real core though not the total circumference of this League vi-
tality. If British imperial interests were not at stake, the
would not act so energetically, particularly since France is a most
reluctant partner in the game of sanctions. Whether spoken or un-
spoken, a bargain between England and France underlies this re-
luctant partnership of France with England against her Latin neigh-
bor. The bargain is that Britain will support France in the eventu-
ality of an attack from Germany as France now supports
Britain -

and probably with the same degree of reluctance.

One might draw the cynical conclusion from all this that we are
confronted with the old game of power politics behind the facade of
the League. Such a conclusion would be nine tenths correct. Yet
there is a one-tenth particle of novelty in the situation. Without
Britain the League would not now be functioning. Yet more than

Radical Religion, Fall, 1935.


Britain is involved. The conscience of Europe is arrayed against

Italy. " Collective security " is operating. It is operating only in
minimal terms, but in politics one must be satisfied with very
minimal beginnings and not ascribe too much moral worth to
Typical in the situation is the self-righteousness of Britain. The
stability of social orders is always maintained by self-righteous rob-
bers who have stopped robbing because they have what they want
and try to prevent the hungry " have-nots " from emulating their im-
perialism. That means that the apostles of law and order can be
supported only with moral reservations. It does not mean that
they ought not to be supported. The support that Russia and the
Communist Party is giving to this imperialistic anti-imperialism is

an instructive and typical piece of realism. One supports law and

order (collective security) if the alternative to it is worse than the
injustice that maintains and not otherwise. In this case the alter-

native is worse. Therefore one ought to support both the League and
Britain and be thankful that there are George Lansburys who
call attention to the hypocrisy involved in the cause of law and
The problem that Christian pacifists face in this situation is typi-

cal, too, of the relation of morals to politics. Most pacifists believe

not only in abstention from war but also in creating a system of col-
lective security that will prevent war. Now they have the oppor-
tunity of supporting it. But how is the League going to " enforce
peace " against Italy? By economic sanctions. Very well, is not the
pacifist able tosupport such sanctions since he objects only to vio-
lence? But sanctions may lead to war. Shall they be supported only
until they lead to war? or not supported at all because they may lead
to war? These questions prove how impossible it is to deal with po-
liticalproblems from the standpoint of an absolutist credo. One
must support sanctions in the hope that they will not lead to war.
But if they should, one can hardly withdraw from the political con-
sequences of such a policy. It is a great pity that a Christian saint
in politics like George Lansbury should bring his official life to a
close because he has pacifist scruples against these sanctions. His re-
ligious penetration into the hypocrisy of British imperialism is a
part of his saintliness. His effort to translate this judgment into a
political policy leads to confusion. He has no policy for restraining
Mussolini. Politics must deal with immediate necessities as religion
deals with ultimate insights by which the danger and hypocrisy of
these immediate necessities is revealed.
All this does not suggest that American pacifists ought above all

to support the League. The League happens not to be a live alterna-

tive in American politics. The best we can do is to seek the en-
largement of American neutrality provisions so that they will oper-
ate to support League sanctions. Such neutrality embargoes will op-
erate against both Italy and Ethiopia. That cannot be helped. They
will hurt Italy more than Ethiopia, and we must be content with
We are living in a very anarchic world. We are not building the
Kingdom of God in it. The best we can do for the moment is to
prevent the outbreak of a world war, in the hope that its postpone-
ment may increase the possibility of its prevention. Meanwhile we
will not prevent it if we cannot build a totally new economic sys-

tem that will relieve the imperialism of the hungry nations. Even
SirSamuel Hoare admits that. We radicals might well underscore
this admission of Hoare. In it capitalistic imperialism confesses that
there no peace within terms of its own economic presuppositions.

But meanwhile the consequences of a world war are too terrible to

permit irresponsibility toward any measure calculated to mitigate
the international anarchy or postpone international conflict.


Reading, as I do, everything that Ernest Fremont Tittle writes
with the respect that both the integrity of his character and the lu-
cidity of his mind deserve, will you permit me to say that I have
never read an article on the relation of Christianity to the interna-
tional order that seems to me so full of the moral confusions that
will probably make it impossible to save a democratic civilization
from the perils of a new barbarism as his article in The Christian
Century on " God and National Policy."
In this article he rejects two possible policies war to end war
and economic pressure against aggressors as completely unchris-
tian. The third policy that he proposes is virtually the adoption of

The Christian Century, December 14, 1938.


the van Zeeland report. About this policy he declares, " Such an at-
tempt and no other might confidently claim the support and ap-
proval of God." This statement literally took my breath away.
How can Dr. Tittle be so sure about God's will? " Such an attempt
and no other" will meet with God's approval, declares Dr. Tittle.
Has he no appreciation of the ambiguity of all human actions and
the endless relativities in which political policies, particularly, are
The whole history of Christian faith is filled with the tragedy of
righteous fanatics who were certain about God's will. The Catholic
hierarchy is God's will that General Franco be
certain that it is

supported. One is reminded by Dr. Tittle's rash statement of the

words that Stephen Vincent Benet puts, with historic justice, into
the mouth of Abraham Lincoln:

They talk to me about God's will

In righteous deputations and platoons.
Day after day, laymen and ministers.
They write me Prayers from Twenty Million Souls
Defining me God's will and Horace Greeley's.
God's will is General This and Senator That;
God's will is this poor colored fellow's will.
It is the will of the Chicago churches;
It is this man's and his worst enemy's.
But all of them are sure they know God's will.
I am the only man who does not know it.

Aligning myself on the side of Lincoln's skepticism about God's

will, at least for any policy that is short of the love that transcends
all political justice, I must confess that the van Zeeland report is in

my mind just as certainly not God's will for us in this crisis as for

Dr. Tittle it represents God's will.

At its best the van Zeeland report is an effort to cure the ills of

modern international anarchy by returning to the policies of classi-

Unfortunately for the theory that this is

cal laissez-faire capitalism.
a magnanimous way van Zeeland re-
out, the dictators treated the
port with scorn, for a good reason. The poverty of their populations
is caused not so much by trade barriers which their foes
erected as by the barriers that they have themselves erected in or-
der to organize their economy for military purposes. German living
standards have dropped about 25 to 30 per cent since Hitler came
to power and a good third of the higher living costs are due to the
expensive manufacture of ersatz (substitute) materials in order to
prepare for economic autonomy in wartime. Furthermore, the dic-
tators have discovered that by setting up barriers to the free ex-
change of money and securities across national boundaries they can
use their money over and over again without limit, or in other
words increase their debts indeterminately.
At its best the van Zeeland report is therefore a counsel of per-
fection that is completely irrelevant to the situation because the
dictators would sign their abdication if they accepted it. At its
worst the van Zeeland report is just one of the many efforts of the
Chamberlain government to beguile Germany into partnership in
the imperial business in order to overcome the threat of a rival im-
perialism. It would take more space than could be granted me to
prove that point, but I do think it is slightly pathetic that simple-
hearted moralists and pacifists are constantly talking of the virtues
of the van Zeeland report. If one gives it the best rather than the
worst interpretation, it is still true that modern capitalism cannot,
by taking thought, reverse the dynamics of history and return to its
simple laissez-faire innocency.
In regard to the first two points of Dr. Tittle's article, they are
meant to present the only two alternatives to the policy that he re-

gards as indubitably God's will. These two alternatives are either to

fight the dictators or to use economic pressure upon them. The sec-
ond is as bad as the first because it will force the dictators to fight
you. In other words one must not use force, nor the threat of force,
nor economic pressure if that means that it will elicit the use of
force. Now the simple fact is that, if neither the threat of force nor
nonviolent force can be used in politics because both have the risk
of the use of overt force in them, the nations who profess such moral
scruples are completely at the mercy of any nation that publicly dis-
avows these scruples. That is one reason why Hitler had his way at
Munich, though he had less force at his disposal than his opponents.
He had been counseled for years by Himmler and Ribbentrop that
the democracies would not fight. I do not mean to suggest that
Chamberlain and Daladier were prompted by these moral scruples.
I do think it is increasingly patent that they could not have sold

democracy out as they did, for reasons of their own, if they had not
been certain to be able to count on the moralistic illusions that
have filled the so-called liberal world for generations. Is it really
" Christian," is it God's will, never to call the bluff of a bully for
fear that you might be involved in violence? Then we had better

prepare for the complete victory of the barbarism that is spreading

over Europe.
On whether the dictators were bluffing or not a letter from an
anti-fascist Italianto an English friend, published in The New
Statesman and Nation, may be instructive. He writes: " You say
that Chamberlain had all the cards in his hands. But you do not
know that in the days preceding the criminal encounter at Munich
Italy was inundated by an exposition of joy, of the certainty of her
coming liberation from slavery every day more cruel. We were all
certain that the people would not have marched beside Germany.
The soldiers were not responding to the call of arms. Mussolini's
bluff was apparent in its tragic magnitude. In a few weeks, but for
Munich, we would have been liberated from the octopus of fas-
Of course our pacifist friends will insist that such hopes may have
been illusions. They are right. They may have been. But desperate
political struggles must take such factors into account. Risks have to
be taken. Violence must be avoided. But there is no political strug-
gle that does not have some risk of violence in it. That is because
political arguments are never pure exercises in persuasion but the
clash of resolute wills. If any Christian wishes to say that it is in-
compatible with Christianity to fool with such terrible and sinful
relativities of the political world, I for one will accord him my gen-
uine respect and admiration if he leave the world of politics alone
entirely and seek simply to live by the love commandment in terms
that demand an irresponsible attitude toward the problem of col-
lective justice in international and economic terms. Let him, in
other words, be a pure pacifist and remind the rest of us, who fool
with politics, that we are playing a dangerous game. But for heav-
en's sake leave the van Zeeland report out of this Kingdom of God.
On reading my vehement tirade against my friend Tittle, I fear
that the lust of battle betrays me into passions that seem out of ac-
cord with the opening sentence of the letter. I can only say that for
many years I have constantly held up Dr. Tittle as an example of
the kind of integrity and courage that saves the church from futility.
I should hate to be in a church that did not include him in its ulti-

mate communion. But the church that he has set up will exclude
many of us. For we are determined upon political policies for the
saving of democratic civilization boycott of Japan, lifting the boy-
cott on Spain, etc. which in his opinion are counter to God's will.
Perhaps the only church to which both groups could comfortably
belong would be one in which there was some knowledge of the de-
fiance of God's will in even the best of human intentions.


Certain sections in the Protestant Church persist in their belief
that there is something uniquely " Christian " in the advocacy of a
negotiated peace. This idea was advanced at the very begin-

ning of the war and has been given periodic impetus by various
groups since that time. If we are informed correctly, we may expect
a new campaign along this line shortly.
This stubborn belief, held by men whose sincerity cannot be
doubted, is a perfect revelation of the lack of political realism in
American Protestantism. Hitler bestrides the Continent of Europe,
and nothing stands between him and the complete victory, which he
undoubtedly regards as within his grasp, but the stubborn resist-
ance of the British and the increasing aid of America. Naturally
Hitler has visions of the possibility of a complete triumph. His suc-
cess against British shipping has been so great of late that he may
not even attempt the hazardous adventure of invasion. This is not
to say that Hitler will be victorious. The point is that he still has
good reason tofor victory and therefore no incentive at all to
make a peace thatwould conform to even minimal standards of
justice. The only possible peace that Hitler would accept now would
be one that left an unredeemed continent under the heel of his dic-
tatorship and that would give him the possibility of a more com-
plete triumph later.
To insist that it is the religious duty of Christians to advocate a
negotiated peace under these circumstances means that Christian
" idealism " has been compounded with one of two possible errors:
1. It may mean
that the Christian idealist considers any kind of
peace, without regard to the quality of its justice, as morally prefer-
able to the continuance of the war. Although there are few Chris-
tian idealists who will admit that they actually prefer a tyrannical
peace to continued resistance, it is a fact, nevertheless, that many
are driven to this unwilling conclusion. Since they begin all their

Christianity and Crisis, April 7, 1941.


reasoning on the question of war with the premise that nothing can
be worse than war, they can hardly escape the conclusion that the
enslavement of Europe is to be preferred to the continued resist-
ance of Britain.
2. Most isolationists and political pacifists seek to escape the ne-
cessity of arriving at such a conclusion by holding out the hope that
if only someone, the President or the pope or some other leader,
would be willing to call a conference, the matter in dispute between
the nations could be arbitrated or mediated, and a just peace might
be achieved. Sometimes this hope is supported by the belief that
such a conference would be able to appeal over the head of Hitler
to the German people and prompt them to force Hitler to yield.
This belief obviously does not take into consideration that a mod-
ern dictatorship is able to mold the public opinion of its nation so
thoroughly and to suppress dissident opinion so completely that it
is fatuous to expect a rift between a dictator and the people. Fur-

thermore, the hope does not take another very ugly fact into ac-
count: the fact that in every nation there are millions of people for
whom nothing succeeds like success. Even though disaffection among
German masses may be wide and deep, it is not likely that the pres-
tige of the Nazi dictatorship can be broken without a military de-
feat. If there had been such a possibility, it would have been real-
ized more easily before the war than now.
More frequently the hope of a just peace by negotiation is ex-
pressed even more naively. It is simply the hope that if only the
cool discussion of a conference room can be substituted for the
" passions " of conflict, a just settlement is bound to be worked out.

Sometimes we are told, rather piously, that what is desired is a

peace of " reconciliation," and that such a peace is quite different
from one of "
appeasement." But these pious words can hardly hide
the ugly fact that any possible peace now would be worse than the
peace of Munich. It would represent not appeasement but capitula-
tion to a ruthless foe.
All these illusions are due to the simple moral sentimentality that
does not understand that any justice that the world has ever
achieved rests upon some balance between the various interests and
vitalities that enter into a structure of justice, and that, whenever
power is completely disproportionate, there injustice grows. The
people who are unable to recognize this fact in the present situa-
tion are equally unable to assess the realities of a problem of justice
in peacetime. They do not understand why Hitler might not be
made to yield now, for the same reason that they cannot understand
how difficult it is to achieve justice in domestic and economic prob-
lems and how tentative and precarious every scheme of justice is.
The failure to understand the political implications of a prob-
lem of justice is not due merely to a moralist's, perhaps excusable,
ignorance of the technical aspects of political life. These technical

aspects are overlooked because the whole human situation is not

understood. The basic error is the modern moralist's inability to ap-
preciate the stubbornness of self-interest, particularly collective self-

interest. We understand Hitler, not because we are too good

fail to

to gauge an egoistic mania that has broken all internal and external
checks. We do not understand Hitler because we do not understand
ourselves and fail to realize to what degree men achieve justice
against our interests, not merely by appealing to our consciences,
but by resisting our pretensions. If we understood the stubbornness
of sin in all men, including ourselves, we would realize more per-
fectly why the collective egotism that Hitler embodies is not to be
beguiled at a conference table and why Hitler would regard any
effort to bring him to a conference as merely a proof of the weak-
nessand irresolution of the foe. The conflicts of life and history
happen to be more tragic than the philosophies and theologies of
many of our contemporaries envisage.
There is something rather ironic in the fact that we must be on
our guard lest those who regard the peace of the Kingdom of God
as a simple alternative to the difficult justice and precarious peace
of the world deliver us into a peace of slavery. They would not do
it willingly; but they willingly nourish illusions that obscure the
difficulties of achieving justice and the sorry realities of a peace
without justice.


In his Mansion House speech Anthony Eden mingled wisdom
with something less than wisdom. There was justification for a dash
of realism in his reference to Germany in the postwar world; for to
suppose that a victorious Britain will conclude a peace that will not
Christianity and Crisis, June 30, 1941.

carefully guard against a repetition of German aggression is naive

in the extreme. Worse than that, it is to overlook a plain material
and moral requirement of the peace. It is just possible that Mr. Eden
was addressing himself, on the one hand, to what the British Gov-
ernment fears is a dangerous sentimentalism at home and, on the
other hand, to the manifest tendency in France to accept German
hegemony in Europe.
Be this as it may, Mr. Eden's declaration is disappointing. Not
because he gave no blueprint for reconstruction no one can do
but because of his broad intimation that the old concept of
exclusive German guilt is being officially revived to furnish a ra-
tionale for an anticipated settlement. Five times in a century, he
says, Germany Thus Hitler, whose emer-
has violated the peace.
gence has been pictured something so horrendous as to array the
civilized world against him, is assimilated to German history. This
is particularly regrettable because Mr. Eden's speech contains so

much that is commendable and might otherwise have been reassur-

ing. There are many people in Britain, particularly in the ranks of
labor and the church who fully understand that a British victory
has its own perils, however devoutly it is hoped for and however
preferable it is to a German victory. To judge by the applause that
Mr. Eden's thrust received greater, we are told, than for any other
part of his address a mood is developing under the pressure of
war that proves how real the anticipated peril is. One shudders to
think, moreover, of the use that German propaganda will make of
this and similar utterances by Allied statesmen, since it has long
been apparent that only the fear of destruction keeps many strong
anti-Nazi Germans loyal to Hitler.
It would be unfair to assume that Mr. Eden was consciously echo-
ing Duff Cooper's demand that Britain be not " fooled again " by a
hypocritical German nation. But what he said about Germany was
ill designed to keep alive the consciousness, so gratifyingly evident
in other British utterances, of common responsibility for the inter-
national anarchy that led to this war. As victory approaches, vin-
dictiveness is likely to be harder to smother. If this word of Mr. Eden
can be said in the green tree, what will be said in the dry?
The matter comes down to this: the recognition of the necessity
of guaranteeing Europe against a revival of Hitlerism should have
been accompanied by a much more specific elaboration of the con-
structive intentions of the Government toward the whole of Europe
and the world. Mr. Eden said not a word about the abandonment
of the principle of unlimited national sovereignty and the creation
of a truly international government. He said nothing about the
necessity of fundamental economic reconstruction such as the pro-
nouncements of the Labor Party and of British churchmen have
clearly implied. There is no hint or at most, no more than a
hint of the requirement that the victors shall impose limitations
upon themselves corresponding to those which are to be imposed
on Germany.
This criticism has no relation to the uncritical demand so often
repeated that Britain should tell the world what she is going to do
about India, or precisely how she will move to correct her failure
to find a constructive solution of the problems of the Empire in the
Near East. All such demands overlook the requirements of a war
strategy where an avaricious and conscienceless dictator is ready to
take immediate advantage of every promise of a revision of national
policy. What was lacking in the Eden speech was a clear statement
of Britain's intention to participate in the creation of a truly new
order in which justice and security will not depend on mere re-

straint in the use of power but on a mutual abandonment of the

political and military instruments of power. It is a first principle of
democracy, re-enforced by Christian insights, that power itself en-

genders the will-to-power, that political justice and security have

only a precarious foundation so long as the exercise of power is

All this immensely important for America at this moment. The

commendable efforts of our political realists to convince the nation

of the necessity and wisdom of full British-American co-operation,
and of the consistency of such a policy with our whole history, have
in them an element of serious danger. It is one thing to use the
combined might of our two nations to preserve " freedom of the
seas," but quite another thing for these nations to claim the role
of permanent keepers of the world's peace. Facile assumptions that
Germany is by permanent nature a potential bad " master " lead
directly to the conclusion that peace must be maintained by an
arsenal of democracy in the keeping of other governments. An
Anglo-American peace will not be a real peace. There is at this mo-
ment grave danger that the gradual overcoming of American iso-
lationism may have an unwholesome sequel. It is said that the
A.E.F. returned from Europe with a strong conviction that the

peace should have been made in Berlin. It would take little en-
couragement from Britain to give impetus to a boisterous demand
iiLAmerica that " this time " no halfway job shall be done.
It may indeed be argued that in failing to make any distinction

between Hitler and the historic German nation Mr. Eden is more
realistic than Mr. Roosevelt, who never fails to make it. There is a
surprising degree of continuity in the foreign policy of a nation
regardless of what group administers it. But the inference drawn
from this fact is precisely the point at issue. A nation's foreign
policy is formulated and carried out within a complex of interna-
tional relationships, and it is not likely to undergo radical and
permanent change except in response to a change in the system of
which it is a part. The counterpart of this truth in personal rela-
tions is one of the basic assumptions of Christianity. This is the
meaning of redemption. If a Christian justifies war, it is because
he recognizes no permanent limits upon this redemptive principle:
he believes that while criminality on a national scale must be met
with stern justice, it can and must be followed by a regime in which
every nation concerned shall participate, as of right, in the creation
and maintenance of a juster peace.
Perhaps the admirable, but rather cryptic, portions of Mr. Eden's
address concerning political and economic co-operation in the post-
war world imply that he did not mean what has been inferred from
his remarks about the restraints to be imposed on Germany. If so,
his statement should be clarified without delay.


There are weighty considerations of national interest that require
the immediate modification or repeal of the Neutrality Act of
1939. Some of these considerations are strategic; others are political
and economic. But for Christians the decisive factor is moral. We
demand the immediate repeal of the Neutrality Act because it is
one of the most immoral laws that was ever spread upon a federal
statute book. Its immorality was accentuated by the misguided
idealism that was evoked in its support. The essence of immorality
is the evasion or denial of moral responsibility. When a man re-

Christianity and Crisis, October 20, 1941.

fuses to recognize his obligations as a member of a community,
when he isolates himself from the affairs of his community, and
acts as a completely unrelated individual, he is an immoral man.
Morality consists in the recognition of the interdependence of per-
sonal The moral man is the man who acts responsibly in rela-

tion to his fellows, who knows the duties that communal life re-
quires, and who is willing to accept the consequences that these
duties impose.
As with men, so with nations. An irresponsible nation is an im-
moral nation, while a nation that is becoming dimly aware of its
responsibilities and acts accordingly is moving toward morality.
The Neutrality Act of 1939 was the culmination of a recent im-
moral trend in American life that needs to be recognized for what
it is and dealt with accordingly.

Two or three hundred years ago it was possible to set out from
Europe to a New World in the hope of gain or of building a better
society. The oceans were then so vast that there was some reason
for thinking of the Americas as a separate world from Europe. But
the mechanical revolution of the last one hundred years has de-
stroyed the distinction between the Old World and the New. Air
transportation has hurdled the vast barriers of the oceans; space
has shrunk. The peoples of America and Europe are now becoming
members one of another. We belong to a common community and
we have acquired immense communal responsibilities as a result
of that fact. To deny these responsibilities is unchristian and un-
ethical. This is exactly what the Neutrality Act did.
The normal channels of human intercourse provide the occasions
when responsibility expresses itself. To withdraw from the use of
these channels is to attempt to escape from responsibility. The man
who shuts himself up in his house, and refuses to go out on the vil-
lage street because he doesn't like conditions in his neighborhood,
is not a type that Americans admire. He is either a weak, timid soul,

afraid of being contaminated by what is going on around him, or

he is a moral prig who considers himself too good to associate with
his disreputable neighbors. In either case he is a pharisee. We have
far more respect for a fellow who knows what conditions are like
in his town and who, because of that knowledge, takes off his coat
and goes out on the street to help change them.
The normal channels for human intercourse between this con-
tinent and other continents lie across the oceans and through the

air the
highways of our world community. Moral responsibility
requires us to use these highways. To put the matter bluntly, free-
dom of the seas is a condition of developing a responsible national
policy. To say that Americans are not to sail the seas is to say that
they are to do nothing about their world.
The advocacy of national do-nothingness in the interests of peace
has been justified by an appeal to Christian ideals. No argument
could be more fallacious. Do-nothingness for the sake of peace is
not moral. It is pure escapism in a world where nations can escape
no longer from the ethical consequences of their interdependence.
The dream that our forefathers had when they sailed from Europe
of building a better world in the Americas has been perverted by
selfish minds into a desire to evade moral obligation to the rest of
the world. This degenerative trend in our national life must be
arrested. The Christian ethic demands that we turn and face the
When a great fire has broken out in a small town, responsible
citizens who do something about it do not draw
are in a position to
their shutters, lock their doors,and crawl under their beds. To do
so would be to forfeit forever moral authority in their community.
The Christian ethic requires these citizens to go out on the street
and do whatever may be necessary to help their fellows bring the
fire under control.

The passage of the Neutrality Act of 1939 was a signal to the

world that the United States had gone indoors and drawn the
shades. To repeal the Neutrality Act is to crawl out from under
the bed, throw open the shutters, unlock the doors, and go out on
the street to help law-abiding neighbors who are in trouble and who
need assistance.
This we will do. We will repeal the escapist sections of the Neu-
trality Act because our national policy has been declared through
the passage of the Lend-Lease Act and the effect of these sections
is to make that policy increasingly null and void.

We will repeal the Act because we recognize the irresponsibility

of promising to supply the soldiers of freedom while withholding
the transportation necessary to deliver the supplies.
We will repeal the Act because freedom of the seas is a condition
of a free world and the destiny of the United States is to serve
mankind by helping to establish such a world.


It is now apparent that we are in for a long war. The Axis has

been able to gain so many points of strategic advantage, while we

are still in the process of arming, that only long and costly military
and naval operations can overcome, can regain what we have lost.
It is in fact quite likely that in another six months our nation will

confront one of the most momentous decisions of its history. At that

time we may be in the position of having been defeated essentially,
except of course that we cannot be defeated absolutely as France
was. That means that we will have the possibility of rescuing vic-
tory from defeat, provided we are willing to pay the price. Whether
we understand the consequences of capitulating to, or conniving
with, a Nazi world sufficiently to be ready to pay the price of victory
is a question that is not yet decided. It is quite obvious that the

superficial unity, achieved by the Pearl Harbor attack, is pretty

well dissipated now. The isolationists are beginning to come out of
their storm cellars. We can expect a fairly strong propaganda in
favor of a negotiated peace should we continue to suffer further
military reverses. The determination to carry on can certainly not
be generated out of interpretations of the war that assume that we
are at war only because we were attacked by the Japanese. Only if
we understand this war in its profound revolutionary setting, is it
possible to generate the will to fight it to its final conclusion. For
only then can we see how important it is to overcome the revolt
against our civilization, and how equally important the inner re-
newal of our civilization is.
Isolationist liberals have believed, and still believe, that we must
not strain the resources of the democratic world too much, that we
must not submit it to too strenuous exertions, lest it suffer some
kind of apoplectic stroke and die as France died. This is a counsel
of despair, which assumes that democratic civilization is a very sick
old woman whose life would be endangered by any exertions be-
yond the sickroom. If our civilization is as sick as that, it would of
course die in any event, whether it exerted itself or not.
The experience through which we have already gone in a few
months of belligerency suggests a different thesis about the relation
Christianity and Society, Spring, 1942.

of our war efforts to democracy. The thesis is that only the chastise-
ments of a fairly long war can prompt a really thoroughgoing re-
pentance and conversion from those sins of the democratic world
which helped to produce the Nazi revolt against our civilization. We
were much too soft and fat, much too heedless and indifferent to the
ultimate issues of life to be changed by the only casual chastise-
ments of a brief belligerency. This is not to say that war as such is
the only possible source of repentance to nations. We must think
not abstractly but historically about these questions. When we are
guilty of sins that make a revolt against civilization possible, we
can hardly repent of those sins until bitter experience has
taught us what the consequences of the sins are and by what kind of
sacrifices and change of heart the evils we have done can be over-
How for instance can the sins of national irresponsibility, by
which the democratic nations invited aggression, be overcome?
They are overcome partly by learning how terrible are the conse-
quences of an international anarchy, which we aggravated by our
effort to escape from it into our own continental security. They are
overcome partly by forms of international co-operation that the
exigencies of war force upon us and that we would not accept except
under the pressure of necessity. It is idle, for instance, for idealists
to wash their hands of the war and then speculate upon what kind
of a system of international co-operation they will be able to build.
The Constitution of the United States grew out of the experience
of the Revolutionary War, in which the inadequacies of colonial
particularism were glaringly revealed and the necessity of the
abridgement of the state sovereignty became apparent.
The forms of international co-operation that we adopt during
the struggle may of course be disavowed after the struggle, as we
did after the first World War, But it is quite certain that they will
not in any event rise higher than the level to which the pressures of
war forced them.
In the same manner the sacrifices of the war will greatly reduce
the inequalities of our economic system. The discipline of wartime
taxation has had strong equalitarian effects upon British life and
will have similar consequences in our life. The gross inequalities
of capitalistic democracies are disappearing under the wartime ne-
cessity. These gains are not necessarily permanent. We must expect

the privileged classes to make desperate efforts after the war to re-
gain their imperiled position in society; and we cannot deny that
these desperate efforts may imperil democracy itself. But on the
other hand, it is not likely that democratic society will reach higher
standards of equal justice, after the pressure of war is removed,
than it achieved under the pressure of war.
In so far as one of the basic weaknesses of bourgeois society is

the love of ease and the identification of civilization with the com-
fortsand gadgets that technical achievements have made possible,
the chastisements of war are, again, the primary prompting to re-
pentance. The fact that we have lost our rubber and may thereby
become bereft of our automobiles is a highly symbolic form of chas-
tisement for all of the most characteristic sins of bourgeois life.
For what could be a more perfect symbol of our idolatries than our
automobile? If we can stand its loss, we can bear almost anything.
On the other hand, there is the possibility that we might prefer to
give in to the Axis rather than be without our automobiles. If fat-
ness was our sin, thewar is quite obviously making us more lean.
But of course such experiences in themselves do not bring re-
pentance. There is always the possibility that we might decide to
be fat slaves rather than lean freemen. It is in that sense that the is-

sues which we face in coming months are so tremendous, and that

the resolution to continue our battle against external foes also in-
volves our desire to be quit of our internal weaknesses, which made
the revolt against our civilization possible.
In so far as democratic society was guilty, not only of sins of omis-
sion and of weakness that made the more virulent evils of nazism
possible, but was also guilty of sins similar to those of the Nazis
(imperialism for instance) we face the same necessity of chastise-

ment. India will probably gain its freedom under the pressure of
necessity. It would not have secured it, at least not for years, if the
British Empire had not come so close to defeat. The similarity be-
tween the white man's arrogance in the democratic world and Nazi
race theories is apparent. If we do not repent of this arrogance, we
cannot win the war. Our co-operation with China and the British
co-operation with a free India are fruits meet for repentance,
brought forth by the rigors of war.
One could only wish that our Negroes had a strategic position
comparable to that of the Hindus and the Chinese. In that case they
would win more concessions from our pride than they are likely to
get. Nevertheless, they are going to win some concessions, provided

we are hard pressed enough to find their disaffection as a serious

threat to our victory.
Moralists may find this trait of human nature, its grudging con-
cessions, its unwillingness to repent except under chastisement, ab-
horrent, and they may dream of another kind of history than the
actual history of man. But if they examined their own conduct
scrupulously, they would find evidences in it of this same reluctance
and would learn to appreciate the tragic elements in history as
manifestations of divine judgment, without which men would re-
main in the stupor of sin.
It must be observed in conclusion that while a long war may be
the only discipline that will bring a democratic world completely to
its senses, it is also possible that too long a war would make the
burdens too grievous to be borne. It might drive us to despair and
finally to death; which is to say that it might so aggravate the social
issues through general poverty that the democratic way of life
would break down under the tensions created by this general pov-
erty and exhaustion.
We are thus in the position of going through an ordeal that may
make or break us. We
do not know what the residual health of our
world is. We do not know how much punishment it can stand, or
even how much it needs.


It is becoming increasingly apparent whether any other con-
ditions of a stable peace will be fulfilled or not, an
alliance, which must be the cornerstone of any durable world order,
is in the process of formation. Mr. Churchill's unequivocal words at

Harvard, Governor Dewey's statement in favor of lasting co-opera-

tion with Britain, and the Republican postwar statement in which
isolationism is renounced, all point to at least one step forward in
our foreign policy.
This partnership between the English-speaking peoples can of
course become a new menace to international justice and peace if it

Christianity and Crisis, October 4, 1943.



Stands alone. The world cannot be organized by an Anglo-Saxon
hegemony. Such a leadership could be ten times more just than the
Nazis were and yet not be just enough to avoid arousing the resent-
ment of Europe and Asia, in fact, of the entire world. Whatever
Britain and America do together must be immediately related to a
wider co-operation with the other two great powers, Russia and
China, and must finally be made a part of a total constitutional
or quasi-constitutional system of the world order in which all the
nations, large and small, will have their due responsibilities and
Nevertheless the further steps that must be taken to insure a
stable peace all depend upon this first step of Anglo-American soli-

darity; for if Britain and America cannot agree together, all other
necessary agreements become improbable.
The position of the Anglo-Saxon peoples at the crucial and stra-

world community is a fact of such

tegic point in the building of a
tremendous significance that it can only be adequately compre-
hended in religious terms. It is a position of destiny and carries
with it tremendous responsibilities. Without a religious sense of the
meaning of destiny, such a position as Britain and America now
hold is inevitably corrupted by pride and the lust of power. We may
in fact be certain that this corruption will not be absent from our
political life. But if the churches in Britain and America are able
to speak to the several nations as the prophets spoke to Israel, it
may be possible to mitigate the pride sufficiently to allow these two
nations to serve the world community creatively.

The Prophetic Idea of Destiny

The prophet Amos was certain of two things. One was that Israel
had been particularly chosen of God; and the other was that this
special mission gave the nation not a special security but a special
peril. " You only have I chosen," he declared in God's name, " there-
fore will I visit you with your iniquities." It would
no good serve
purpose to try to compare the Anglo-Saxon
special destiny of the
peoples with that of Israel in olden times. Certainly no one would
be so rash today as to claim the kind of destiny for our nations that
the prophet's word " only " implies. Nevertheless only those who
have no sense of the profundities of history would deny that various
nations and classes, various social groups and races are at various

times placed in such a position that a special measure of the divine

mission in history falls upon them. In that sense God has chosen us
in this fateful period of world history.
The world requires a wider degree of community. It must escape
international anarchy or perish. If the world community is to be
genuine, it cannot, of course, be superimposed by Anglo-Saxon or
any other power. All peoples and nations must find their rightful
place in the fellowship. Nevertheless, neither the world community
nor any other form of human society ever moves as logically or ab-
stractly as some of the " planners " and blueprinters imagine. Some
nation or group always has a higher degree of power and responsi-
bility in the formation of community than others.
happens that the combined power of the British Empire and
It so

the United States is at present greater than any other power. It is

also true that the political forms in which these nations move and
the moral and political ideals that are woven into the texture of
their history are less incompatible with international justice than
any other previous power of history.

The Components of Destiny

, Yet as soon as one has said this, one is forced to make qualifica-
tions. All historical destiny is compounded of virtue and grace. If
the position that any nation or group of nations holds is attributed
to the virtue of those nations alone, one has the beginning of that
Pharisaism which destroys virtue, whether in individual or in na-
tional life. The fact is that no nation or individual is ever good
enough to deserve the position of leadership that some nations and
individuals achieve. If the history that leads to a special mission is

carefully analyzed, it always becomes apparent that factors other

than the virtues of the leader are partly responsible for the position
the individual or collective leader holds. Those who do not believe
in God's providence in history will call these factors " accidents
or " fortune." The religious man perceives them as gifts of grace.
The grace that determines the lives of men and nations is manifest
in all the special circumstances, favors, and fortunes of geography
and climate, of history and fate that lead to eminence despite the
weakness and sinfulness of the beneficiary of such eminence.
These elements in history are either purely accidental or they
stand under divine providence. If they are purely accidental, then
history itself has no meaning; for in that case it would be the fruit
of caprice. That is why secularists usually obscure these factors of
history; for it is not possible for man to live in a completely capri-
cious world. But if they are obscured, the sense of destiny becomes
purely a vehicle of pride. Those who achieve a special position in
history claim a right to it either by virtue of their power or by
virtue of their goodness. The Nazi sense of destiny is completely
amoral because it regards power as the sole source of eminence.
This amoral sense of destiny has been developed more explicitly by
the Nazis than by any other modern nation; but no powerful nation
is completely free of the pretension that its power is the sole source

of its right to rule. Ideas of " manifest destiny " in our own history
have this same source.

The Rule of the Virtuous

The idea that we have a right to rule because of our superior
virtue is of a higher order than the amoral idea that we have a
right to rule because of our power. It recognizes the moral element
in history. It is nevertheless a dangerous idea because it obscures
the immoral elements in all historical success. If Germany has been
the particular bearer of the idea of destiny through power, the
Anglo-Saxon world has been constantly tempted to express its sense
of destiny pharisaically and to claim eminence by the right of its
virtue. It is this element in Anglo-Saxon politics that has subjected
it to the charge of " cant " from Continental nations. We have not

heard the end of this charge from either Germany or France, from
either the Continent or Russia, because there is an element of truth
in the charge.
There no cure for the pride of a virtuous nation but pure reli-

gion. The may be humbled by the im-

pride of a powerful nation
potence that defeat brings. The pride of a virtuous nation cannot
be humbled by moral and political criticisms because in compara-
tive terms it may actually be virtuous. The democratic traditions of
the Anglo-Saxon world are actually the potential basis of a just
world order. But the historical achievements of this world are full
of violations and contradictions of these principles. " In God's
sight " they are not just; and they know it if they place themselves
under the divine scrutiny, that is, if they regard their own history
prayerfully rather than comparatively and measure themselves by

what is demanded of them rather than by comparing their success

with the failure of others.
Thusa contrite recognition of our own sins destroys the illusion
of eminence through virtue and lays the foundation for the appre-
hension of " grace " in our national life. We know that we have the
position that we hold in the world today partly by reason of factors
and forces in the complex pattern of history that we did not create
and from which we do not deserve to benefit. If we apprehend this
religiously, the sense of destiny ceases to be a vehicle of pride and
becomes the occasion for a new sense of responsibility.

The Perils of Eminence

If we know that we have been chosen beyond our deserts, we

must also begin to realize that we have not been chosen for our
particular task in order that our own life may be aggrandized. We
ought not derive either special security or special advantages from
our high historical mission. The real fact is that we are placed in a
precarious moral and historical position by our special mission. It
can be justified only if it results in good for the whole community of
mankind. Woe unto us if we fail. For our failure will bring judg-
ment upon both us and the world. That is the meaning of the pro-
phetic word, " Therefore will I visit you with your iniquities." This
word must be translated by the church today into meanings rele-
vant to our own history. If this is not done, we are bound to fail.
For the natural pride of great nations is such that any special his-
torical success quickly aggravates it until it becomes the source of
moral and political confusion.
Without a religious and responsibility the
sense of humility
Anglo-Saxon world will come to terms with the two great
fail to

non-Christian nations, Russia and China. It will fail to understand

to what degree what is good in the new Russian order represents
values of equal justice that we should have, but did not, achieve,
and to what extent the evils of tyranny in Russia are simply a false
answer to our own unsolved problem of social justice. It will fail to
understand to what degree the white man's pride is the chief ob-
stacle in building a world community that brings Asia fully into the
world community. It is worth remembering in this connection that
long before the Nazi elaborated the idea of Nordic superiority the
Anglo-Saxon world betrayed an arrogance toward the darker peo-
pies of which the Latin world, for instance, was comparatively free.
Our is incompatible with our responsibilities in the
racial pride
world community. If we do not succeed in chastening it, we shall
fail in our task.

If we should imagine that our victory in this great World War

were a justification of our virtue and if our moral pride thus be-
comes accentuated, we shall fail in our task of finally bringing the
fallen foes into the world community on terms that will bring
health both to them and the total community. If we should give
ourselves to the illusion that this war was a simple contest between
right and wrong, and that the victory was a simple triumph of right
over wrong; if we fail to understand to what degree Nazi tyranny
grew on the soil of our general international anarchy; if we lack the
spiritual humility to see these facts of history, we shall be bound to
corrupt the peace by vindictiveness.

Self-righteousness Leads to Vindictiveness

There are already many ominous signs of this vindictiveness, and

a careful analysis of various manifestations of the spirit of venge-
ance reveals very clearly how self-righteousness is the presupposi-
tion of vengeance. It is also quite easy to foresee the consequences
of any peace that is built upon the assumption that the elimination
of Nazi evil will eliminate evil from the world. All these perils
which we are exposed in our historical emi-
are the insecurities to
nence. They represent the always overhanging divine judgment.
They are the modern counterparts of what Amos foresaw in his
words, " Therefore will I visit you with your iniquities."
We may be fairly sure that the Anglo-Saxon world will not be
good enough or sufficiently contrite to fulfill its historical mission
with complete success. It nevertheless has a great opportunity to ful-
fill it with relative success. But if this is to be accomplished, the

Christian church must understand its prophetic mission. It must

cease to between ascetic withdrawal from the world

" power politics "
and a too simple identification of the nation's
purposes with the divine Will. It must contend against both irre-
sponsibility and complacency in our national life.
The world community cannot be realized if the Anglo-Saxon
world fails in its historic mission. If it is afraid of the perils of that
mission and is affrighted by the moral ambiguities of " power poli-

tics," it will fail just as seriously as if it accepts its mission without

a religious sense of contrition. It may be that the former temptation
is stillthe primary temptation for America, and the second one that
to which Britain is particularly prone. But the differences between
the two great parts of the Anglo-Saxon world are less than the simi-
larities. In both cases the Christian faith is still in sufficiently close

relation to the national life to encourage the hope that it will help
to purify the nations for their mission; in both cases, however, the
Christian forces are to some degree the salt that has lost its savor. If
the nations should fail therefore, the failure would be the conse-
quence of the prior failure of the Christian church.


Before we entered the war, we were forced to challenge many
idealists, religious and secular, who refused to believe that if an
evil idea became embodied in tanks and used airplanes as its instru-
ments, it could be defeated if we did not set corresponding force
against it. It has since become quite apparent that tyranny would
have conquered the world if the material resources of civilization
had not been organized and harnessed so that force could be met
by superior force.
Simple moralists may draw melancholy reflections from the fact
that history places us under such a necessity. But profounder souls
will recognize the relation of power to ideas as part of the unity of
life that man has, in body and soul. The spiritual and the physical
aspects of life are not identical; but neither can they be easily
We have now come to a phase of the world struggle when it is im-
portant to remind" the statesman of the democratic cause that while
political struggles are never purely spiritual, neither are they ever
purely physical. Our journals are filled today with promises and
prophecies of victory, based upon the facts that our material re-
sources are immeasurably greater than those of the Axis, that we
now build nine thousand airplanes a month, and that we will be
able to reduce the principal cities of Germany to rubble before the
invasion begins.
Christianity and Crisis, February 7, 1944.
It would be foolish to deny that part of our certainty of victory
is derived exactly from such calculations, and it would be hazardous

to draw absolute between what is, and what is not, per-

missible in a total war. The melancholy necessities of total war
were invented neither by the Nazi nor by us. They are the conse-
quences of a technical society that makes the harnessing of the total
resources of a society for the destruction of the foe possible and
therefore necessary. The necessity follows from the possibility, be-
cause once the instruments of a total war are unloosed they will
guarantee defeat for the side that fails to use them, whether from
want of resolution, or failure of organization, or moral scruple.
Nevertheless it is becoming obvious that our reliance upon our
physical superiority has become so preponderant because we are
failing in giving the war its true spiritual meaning. The problem of
the world is the problem of anarchy. Europe, with its multicolored
national and ethnic life has been the particular source of world
anarchy. We have proved in the past year that our statesmanship
has no clear answer to the problems of Europe. We have no program
that would rally the creative forces of Europe to our cause, though
the oppressed nations of the Continent naturally look forward to
the negative solution of their problem that our victory will bring.
We make much of the fact that the three great hegemonous
powers have reached an agreement. It must be admitted that this
agreement represents a real achievement. But Europe does not know
what an agreement implies. It could mean the partitioning of the
Continent into spheres of influence; in which case Europe would
remain a cockpit for power rivalries. It could mean the subjugation
of the Continent by the three great powers; in which case the unity
of the Continent would be a coerced order. The cultural vitality of
Europe is too great, whatever its present political and economic
weakness, to give lasting value to such a solution.
We may well require more guns and airplanes to produce the
collapse of our enemies precisely because we are not using the most
effective spiritual weapons against them. By confronting them with
a future seemingly without hope, we give the dictators the oppor-
tunity of exploiting the despair of the people and using it as the
final resource of a fatigued nation. If we were wise, we would induce
them to despair of the possibility of their victory but not of the
meaning and virtue of ours.
If the whole of Europe is reduced to rubble before we destroy

our enemies, that will partly prove how great a loyalty an evil cause
can claim before it is finally defeated. But it may also prove that a
good cause can be emptied of its essential meaning in the heat of
conflict. We are not pleading for dishonest promises as weapons
of " psychological warfare." What is needed is a more meaningful
definition of our positive aims. The defeat of tyranny will give this
war a negative justification in any event. But it cannot be positively
justified if it does not give Europe and the world a working alterna-
tive to the twin evils of international anarchy and international
It is same statesmanship that would make the
significant that the
war meaningful run would also
in the long, as well as in the short
hasten the victory; all of which proves that ideas and ideals are im-
portant in conflict, even though they are never disembodied as the
idealists imagine.
One tragic aspect of such a world which we are
conflict as that in
engaged is that preoccupation with the and ur-
immediate issues
gencies among both statesmen and people, occasioned by the war,
seems to render us incapable of lifting our eyes to the wider and
more ultimate issues. But we must not succumb to this peril. Physi-
cal weariness could cost us the victory, but spiritual weariness or
complacency could rob our victory of its virtue.


As we receive day-by-day news of the agonies of disunity and po-
tential chaos that South Vietnam is undergoing in trying to achieve
order and unity, it is well to remember that only a few short months
ago our whole nation was excited by the crisis in the war between
Vietnam and the Communists involving the obscure fort of Dien-
bienphu. The fortress was besieged, and we were given to under-
stand that its fall would seriously alter the whole strategic picture
in Asia. Vice-President Nixon, speaking to an editors' dinner, hinted
that it would probably be necessary to support the French military
effort if catastrophe was to be avoided. The Administration seemed
on the verge of committing at least our Air Force to this struggle.
President Eisenhower, standing on the brink of war, finally re-
The New Leader, May 30, 1955.
treated partly because he had the sixth sense to know that such a
commitment would not be popular, and partly because the Sena-
torial leaders were reluctant to give him the authority. In any event,
we seemed about committed to " save " the last bastion of freedom
by military action.
No doubt military action must frequently be the ultima ratio in
a struggle with a foe. We saved the whole situation by prompt mili-
tary action in Korea. But the contemporary situation in Vietnam
should certainly instruct us on the limits of military power in the
long cold war. For what we are witnessing is the revelation of the
poverty of our cause in moral and political terms in a nation that
we sought to save from communist aggression by military defense.
That poverty is revealed by the still-lingering resentment against
French imperialism, by the opposition to the puppet " Chief of
State " Bao Dai on the part of the people of the budding nation,
and by their own inability to achieve unity against divisive forces
within their nation. The Government's desperate victory over mili-
tary formations, which are alternately described as " river pirates
and " religious sects," reveals the lack of solidity and unity in the
community; and the trouble with Bao Dai, regarded as a puppet of
the French, is a reminder of the old trouble that made the Viet-
namese struggle against communism so ineffective. Military power
is, in short, ineffective when it lacks a moral and political base. It

is the fist of a hand; but the hand must be attached to an arm, and

the arm to a body; and the body must be before the fist can be
Military power is, therefore, necessary, particularly in moments
of crisis when the community and anarchy at
faces recalcitrance
home, and dispute with another community abroad. It is more
effective in international disputes than in domestic ones because the
order and peace of a community is primarily dependent upon forces
of cohesion and accommodation for which pure force is an irrele-
vance. But, even in international disputes, military force has its

limits. It is community that

primarily limited by the morale of the
exercises the force. That is why pure military power was so inef-
fective in Vietnam and why, incidentally, no amount of military
aid could save the Chinese Nationalist cause. It lacked the cohesion
and morale to avail itself of the proffered aid.
Despite these obvious limits of military power, the American na-
tion has become strangely enamored with military might. We treat

the Asian continent, with its nationalistic and social upheavals, as

if it were possible to establish order out of chaos by the assertion of
military might. We are preoccupied with our " defense perimeter
in Asia and have little interest in the vast political complexities of
the great continent except to express consistent contempt for the
great uncommitted nation, India, though that nation's neutralism
is not informed by the slightest degree of sympathy for communism.
It is it may not possess illusions about this
not so certain that
tyranny; but any rate to have more patience with neu-
we ought at
tralism, particularly since we emerged only so recently from a like
mood vis-a-vis Europe.
Our attitude toward India is typical of our indifference toward
the political complexities of a continent in ferment, our blindness
to the hazards that our cause inevitably faces on that continent. The
resentments of the Asian people against the white man's arrogance
and against the imperialist impact of a technical civilization are
bound to prove handicaps to our cause even when it is contending
These moral and political hazards can-
against a vicious tyranny.
not be overcome by the show of military power. In fact, military
might may tend to aggravate our moral and political embarrass-
Thus, our preoccupation with military power and strategy places
us in a false light in Asia, particularly since it creates a picture that
seems to conform to the communist slogans that identify " milita-
rism " and " imperialism " with " capitalism." The question is why
we permitted ourselves to appear in this unfavorable light in the
whole of Asia. Our nation is singularly innocent of the military tra-
dition and bereft of the military caste traditionally associated with
Prussia. Yet we are made to appear in Asian eyes as the new Prus-
sians. There are probably two reasons for this strange turn of
The first is the fact that a serious predicament may persuade
even a pacific man to rely upon his fists. We are in a serious pre-
dicament in Asia and are therefore tempted to rely too much on our
fists to extricate ourselves from our seeming hazards.

The second reason is that our leadership in the world is drawn

primarily from our economic and the consequent military strength.
Economic power can be quickly transmuted into military power,
particularly in a technical age, and more particularly in an atomic
age. We are therefore tempted to an undue reliance on the obvious
might that we possess, particularly since our apprenticeship in the
leadership of world affairs has been brief, and we have not had time
to accustom ourselves to the acquisition, and to know the im-
portance, of prestige as a source of power, or to learn patience with
the endless complexities of loyalties and resentments of traditions
and established forms of cohesion that govern the actions of nations.
This impatience is the more grievous because the very technical
achievements that have endowed us with superior military power
have also given us living standards that are beyond the dreams of
avarice of the nontechnical cultures and that militate against our
moral prestige. The combination of fear and envy, which our power
and good fortune excites, militates against our moral and political
prestige, which is the real source of authority in the political realm.
This fact is probably the cause of the paradoxical fact that Britain,
which only recently divested itself of its Asian empire, is more popu-
lar in Asia than we, and that we, who have always been " anti-
if not in consistent practice, are now
imperialist " at least in theory
regarded as the primary exponents of " imperialism " to the nascent
nations of Asia.
Having resisted the temptation to resolve the Indo-Chinese situa-
tion purely by force and by the support of a French imperialism
that came to terms with the rising tide of nationalism too tardily,
we are doing rather better than the French in coping with the com-
plex problems of a nation that desires freedom but cannot find the
unity that would give substance to its independence. There are, in
fact, suspicions that the French have aggravated the problem of
Vietnam both by Bao Dai and by possibly covert
their support of
support of the rebellious forces. We
are certainly more disinterested
than the French in desiring only the health of the new nation, and
its sufficient strength to ward off the communist peril from the

north. Perhaps we have done well enough to give us a better repu-

tation in Asia as a political, rather than a military, power.
It must be taken for granted that no amount of political skill oi
wisdom in the tumultuous affairs of the Asian revolution can ob-
viate the necessity of strong military power, nor obscure the im-
portance of our supremacy in atomic weapons. We cannot dispense
with military power as the ultima ratio of international relations.
But we do have to keep it in that position of the ultimate instance
and not use a meat ax in situations in which a deft manipulation
of loyalties or channeling of aspirations is called for.

It is well to remember that in collective, as well as individual,

life which coerces the body but does not persuade the will
the force
can have only negative significance. It can prevent something that
we abhor more than conflict, and it can enforce our will and pur-
pose momentarily on a recalcitrant foe. But the loyalties and co-
hesions of the community are managed and transfigured not by
force but by a wise statecraft. Therefore, our military power can-
not be as potent as we think in making our world hegemony suffer-
able either to our friends and allies or to ourselves. Britain learned
the limits of force in Ireland and then in India. We have not had
comparable lessons, which may be the reason we do not have a com-
parable wisdom.
B. Plans for World Organization


One of the most tragic aspects of this war is that it offers little
prospect of anything more than a negative justification in the sight
of God and history. Nazi tyranny had to be defeated. There are cer-
tain crises of evil in history in which we are forced to move against
a threatening evil without too much regard for the ultimate conse-
quences of our action. If the whole world had not been finally
aroused against Nazi tyranny, it would have lived for decades in
slavery. On the other hand, the very fact that it was not aroused to
this peril until each nation in turn became the victim of tyranny
proves that we did not understand the deeper meaning of this war.
We did not understand that the peril of tyranny grew out of the soil
of anarchy: the anarchy of our irresponsibility toward each other.
The children of darkness are wiser in their generation than the
children of light. The Nazis understood the global character of this
war long before the so-called democratic nations understood it.
They knew that they would have to conquer the world if they were
to preserve their conquest of the Continent. We did not know that
until the Nazis proved it to us.
It now appears that, though we have learned many things about
the character of and history from this war, the nations are not

likely to learn enough to build a secure peace. We are not fully

conscious of the depth and breadth of the world revolution in which
we stand.
The problem of the peace after the war may be divided into two
aspects. The one is the creation of a durable world order. The
other is the development of justice within the new system of order.
Order have to be maintained for some time to come by the
organization of preponderant power. There is no other way of over-
coming the anarchy of rival national sovereignties. Justice can be
achieved within this system of order only if and as the nations that
control the preponderant power have the conscience and imagina-
tion to set up constitutional instruments that will guarantee the
weaker nations their just rights.
It is not altogether surprising that there is some prospect of

Christianity and Society, Summer, 1943.


achieving the first goal, but little prospect of achieving the second
in any adequate measure. For the first merely requires that each of
the powerful nations understand that has become impossible for

any one nation, no matter how powerful, to control the world's eco-
nomic and political life. The second requires a degree of imagina-
tion and self-abnegation of which the powerful nations do not yet
seem capable.
There is some possibility that Britain, America, China, and Rus-
sia may preserve and extend the mutual relations that the urgencies
of the war have forced upon them. It is not at all certain that they
will achieve this end; but there is a possibility of it. It is not certain
because each of these nations has impulses toward solitary domin-
ion; and some of them (particularly America and Russia) have
tendencies toward isolationist irresponsibility, which must be over-
come before a stable alliance between them can be formed. Of the
four nations Great Britain is prompted by geographic circum-
stances and political experience to espouse the cause of mutual se-
curity with fewer reservations than any of the other nations. It is
not tempted to the isolationist alternative at all, because that
would quite obviously mean suicide. It has some temptation in the
direction of solitary dominion. That expresses itself in ideas such
as the possibility of extending the " British Commonwealth " idea
until all nations would be included in it. Obviously there is no
possibility of arriving at a real partnership between Russia, Britain,
and America, merely by extending the scope of the British Com-
monwealth. While there are such ideas in British political thought
today, they are generally not held in authoritative circles. On the
whole, Britain holds the promise of playing a creative role in form-
ing a genuine alliance of the larger powers.
It must be observed that such an alliance would degenerate into
nothing more than a new global balance of power if Britain merely
became the broker between the other powers. We must have a direct
and intimate relation with Russia and must not depend upon
Britain to act as broker between us. But at best Britain will have a
special function in the alliance because she will be closer to each
of the other partners than either is to the other.
The organization of preponderant power represents tremendous
and we may therefore fail in achieving it. It is, however,

significant that both Britain and America (and probably Russia

also) know that the basis of world order must be laid, not in some
abstract world constitution that will not really engage the sense of
responsibility of the large powers, but in a partnership of power.
Power and responsibility must be made commensurate in the new
world order, in a way the League of Nations was unable to accom-
When we move from this aspect of our problem to the second
one the use of order for the achievement of justice we have less

reason to be hopeful. There is little indication that any of the

larger powers are thinking significantly on how their combined
power isbe used for the achievement of justice. There is little
prospect of their arriving in time at a basic agreement on how either
the Continent of Europe or the Pacific region should be reorganized.
Russia is intransigent on the acquisition of a vast strategic area,
stretching from the Black Sea to Finland. Whether she could be
beguiled from this venture in unilateral security, if the other powers
had a really creative plan for the reorganization of the Continent,
is an open question. She will, at best, be unable to overcome her

mistrust of the Anglo-Saxon, capitalistic world completely.

There are ominous rumors that she would like to persuade Po-
land to compensate herself for the loss of the Polish Ukraine to
Russia by the acquisition of Eastern Prussia. If this happens, there
will be small prospect of bringing Germany into a wholesome rela-
tionship with a Continental community of nations.
The general preoccupation in the Western world with the prob-
lem of what kind of punishment should be meted out to Germany,
reveals how little the depth of our crisis is understood. The German
problem is in all conscience a perplexing one. The corruption of
German life by nazism has been deep and wide, and the dynamic
and demonic evil of German nazism will not yield to some simple
prophylaxis. Nevertheless, this evil must be understood against the
background of the Continent's static corruption. If Germany suf-
fers from cancer, France suffers from consumption. Germany must
ultimately be related to a healthy continent; and the Continent it-
self cannot be healthy without a wholesome German political life.
This can certainly not be achieved by punishment alone.
It may be observed that the nice calculations of how much or how
little Germany ought to be punished are in obvious violation of the
Scriptural injunction: " Vengeance is mine. I will repay, saith the
Lord." Obviously the moral, political, and economic bankruptcy
that Germany faces in the hour of her defeat represents a more ter-
rible punishment than anything in our power to add or subtract.

Nor are there any indications that the Western powers will allow
the socialization of property to which it would naturally be
prompted by its poverty and by the socialization that has already
taken place under a war economy. It is much more likely that abor-
tive efforts will be made to undo what the war has done, and thereby
to lose the chance of creating a property system upon the Continent
that would give a new unity and health to its economic life.
It is probable, moreover, that irrelevant political sovereignties

will be maintained just as much as irrelevant economic authorities.

The small nations have been promised the return of their inde-
pendence. If they get no more than that, they will not have it long.
They ought rather to be persuaded and forced into a council of
Europe in which there would be perfect cultural autonomy for
each nation but something less than absolute independence, either
politically, or economically.
We may count it as a gain since the last war that the nations un-
derstand the historical process of the coalescence of power and au-
thority. But there is little significant thought in high places in either
Britain or America about the way thispower is to be used. There is
wide apprehension in Britain lest American power be expressed in
purely reactionary and imperialistic terms. But Britain's best in-
surance against such an eventuality would be a generous plan of
Continental and Pacific rehabilitation, for which she would ask our
support. So far there is little evidence of such a plan.
If Britain and America are not careful, we will waste our time
and spiritual substance in repenting of each other's sins. British
liberalism will express abhorrence of the tendency toward economic
imperialism in American politics, and our liberalism will profess
itself morally affronted by British political dominion in all parts
of the world.
Britain will have the preponderant political power in the world
after the war, and we
have the preponderant economic power.
The possibilities are that Russia may surpass both of us in both
forms of power within the next century. The important problem
for each of the great nations is to use this power responsibly, neither
withdrawing from the world nor yet seeking to dominate the world
alone. The important problem for all the great nations in partner-
ship is to relate the smaller nations to this preponderant power by
such constitutional means that the injustice of power will be
checked and a system of justice be developed inside of the system of
order created by their power.
There is at present little prospect of such developments. Unless
we do better than now seems probable, the world is still far from
finding a stable and secure peace.


There is a fateful significance in the fact that America's coming
of age coincides with that period of world history when the para-
mount problem is the creation of some kind of world community.
The world must find a way of avoiding complete anarchy in its in-
ternational life; and America must find a way of using its great
power responsibly. These two needs are organically related; for the
world problem cannot be solved if America does not accept its full
share of responsibility in solving it.

Analogies between individual and collective life have only limited

application. It may therefore seem dubious to speak of America's
" coming of do not have well-defined periods of in-
age." Nations
fancy, adolescence, and maturity. Nevertheless, the analogy is more
than usually applicable to American life. The period of our infancy
can be clearly defined. We were once a small and weak nation, and
we seemed justified in that period to abjure all " entangling alli-
ances " while the nation established itself upon a vast and virgin
continent. There followed a period of adolescence (roughly be-
tween the Civil War and the first World War) in which we ex-
hibited a typically adolescent disparity between growing physical
strength and lack of social experience. Our relations to the world
were tentative and diffident. We were furthermore relatively " inno-
cent " rather than virtuous. Our domestic life was free from great
social tensions because an expanding economy and a retreating
frontier solved or mitigated all our social problems. Our two vast
ocean moats gave us external security. These simple solutions for
vexing problems prompted us to underestimate the difficulties of
all problems of human togetherness and gave both its political and

moral thought an overtone of adolescent sentimentality. Nor was it

free of adolescent self-righteousness; for it was unmindful (as young

Christianity and Crisis, April 5, 1943.


people prove to be) of the favored circumstances that had con-

tributed to its virtues; and it did not understand the difference be-
tween untempted innocency and the virtue that has surmounted
temptation. From this strain of self-righteousness was drawn that
dubious note in our foreign policy, according to which the other na-
tions of the world appeared in the guise of " city slickers " who
would, if we came too close to them, corrupt our morals and take
advantage of our guilelessness.
If we have now " come of age," we have done so only in the sense
that it is gradually dawning upon us that we are really a very pow-
erful nation, perhaps the most powerful upon earth. We have not
had sufficient experience in the complexities of international rela-
tions to have lost all remnants of our adolescent vices. They will
still rise to plague us. And we may add a few vices of youthful ma-
turity to them. Thus we may add a heedlessness toward the prob-
lems of the community of nations, which is derived from our sense
of power, to a feeling of irresponsibility, which was derived from
our favored geographic position. The real peril to the soul of Amer-
ica lies in the fact that both our power and our favored position
make the establishment of a system of mutual security less urgent
for us than for other nations. Though we speak of this war as a war
of survival, our survival is not at stake in the same sense that it has
been for Russia, Britain, China, and the smaller nations. We would
have had to come to terms with a tyrannical world overlord in the
event of an Axis victory, and would have lost our soul in the proc-
ess; but our actual survival as a free nation would not have been at

stake in the same way as that of the other nations. It is this fact that
makes it quite impossible to overcome the impulse toward irrespon-
sibility in our national life as absolutely as we might desire. The
fires of history have not, and will not, purge us as completely as

they have some other nations. Nor will the lash of fear support the
gentler persuasion of conscience to the same degree as in the experi-
ence of others.

Isolationism Impossible

Meanwhile, the world has grown smaller while we have grown

more powerful. The advances of a technical civilization have made
our continental security almost as untenable as Britain's island se-
curity. Britain has finally learned that she cannot withdraw from
the Continent, and we may have learned that we cannot withdraw
from the world. Yet there is a difference between the width of the
Channel and the ocean, and that geographic difference is almost
perfectly matched by the difference between the British and the
American temper toward world problems. We have become succes-
sively involved in two wars from which we (or many of us) be-
lieved we could remain aloof if only this or that policy had been
different. The first World War should have proved to us that our
fancied continental security was in reality partly parasitic upon the
power of the British Navy.
More exactly, it was a security presaged upon the ability of Brit-
ish policy to maintain a semblance of order in the world by a Euro-
pean balance of power. When this balance was challenged we knew
ourselves to be insecure. We chose (in terms of adolescent sentimen-
tality) our participation in the first World War as an ef-
to justify
fort to make the world " safe for democracy." We would have done
better to admit that it was merely an effort to make the world safe.
Order, mutually secured, is the first purpose of the international, as
of every other, community. Democracy is an ideal form of such or-
der, and is not easily established. Our disillusionment in failing to
establish world democracy contributed to our cynical irresponsi-
bility after the war. Cynicism is, in fact, the usual reaction of dis-
appointed sentimentalists. It is always wrong to interpret political
tasks purely in terms either of ideal ends or of purely egoistic ones.
No political program ever completely lacks the inspiration of the
one and the corruption of the other. But the substance of it deals
with minimal standards of mutual justice and security.
Our reaction from our first large-scale effort on the world scene
was so deep as to have amounted to a psychosis. And the effects of
the psychosis were so great that we refused to recognize the realities
of the international scene when the second crisis came. We might
still be in a mood of withdrawal and irresponsibility had it not

suited the strategy of the dictators to awaken us from our slumbers,

though it must be admitted that our sleep had been for some time
uneasy and full of nightmares.
The two wars coming after each other have proved that our con-
tinental isolation does not guarantee our safety. In profounder terms
they have proved: (i) that balance of power politics is not suffi-
cient to guarantee the world's peace; (2) that in any event a Euro-
pean balance of power is certainly unable to maintain order in a to-

tal world (Europe having lost its position as the world's strategic
center) and (3) that even if the first two points were not true,

Britain does not have sufficient power to manipulate a balance of

power alone.
Thus the world faces the task of finding more adequate instru-
ments for preventing anarchy while we must recognize that both
conscience and interest compel our participation in this task. We
may not have learned as much as some other nations during this
tragic era; but there are indications that we have learned enough to
know that we cannot completely evade this issue. The immedi-
ate symbol of the difference between our mood now and twenty-five
years ago is that the Republican Party is no longer solidly isola-
Our greatest peril today is not the temptation to a complete with-
drawal from world responsibility. There will indeed be some im-
pulses in that direction; and they will be supported not merely by a
conscienceless indifference toward the plight of the world com-
munity, but also by the secularized and sentimentalized conscience
of those Christians who are so affronted by the moral ambiguities of
world politics, as of all politics. They therefore prefer immoral irre-
sponsibility and inaction to the moral taint that is involved in all
political action. But we have gone through too much experience to
make the isolationism of 1920-1940 a live option. It-isujuore likely
that we will combine the impulse to dominate the world, to which
we will be prompted by our undoubted power, with the impulse to-
ward withdrawal, to which we are prompted by our comparative
geographic security. To be sure our power is not great enough to
give us security, even as our isolation is not complete enough to

guarantee it. But our temptation lies in the fact that we have just

enough power to make the policy of seeking security by an unmu-

tual expression of power seem plausible; just as we have enough con-
tinental isolation to obscure the urgency of the problem of mutual
security, which other nations feel so strongly.

Isolationist Imperialism

The danger that we will combine two contradictory impulses in

ourlife in a compound of isolationist imperialism is heightened by

the fact that such a policy nicely combined the diffidence of our re-

cent adolescence with the pride of our mature strength. Already the
signs are multiplying that the isolationists of yesterday are the im-
They will not yield any of the strategic points
perialists of today.
thatwe have secured in the world conflict. They even want more air
and naval bases. They know that we have the economic power to
maintain a larger air force and navy than anyone else; and they in-
tend to do it. But they do not intend to make any international
commitments that would bring our strength into mutual relations
with other nations, either great or small.
We need not assume that the present Administration will give it-
self to such ideas and ideals. Its orientation runs, on the whole, in

the opposite direction. But there are powerful opposition forces in

Congress and in the country working partly consciously, and partly
unconsciously, toward isolationist imperialism. Furthermore, some
military ideas, developed under the aegis of the administration, fit

into the general imperialist pattern. The fact that we disavow " im-
perialism " consciously is no guarantee against the expression of

this impulse dominate with our power, without regard to the

rights and interests of the rest of the world. It is one of the perils of
adolescence and early maturity to display power without full regard
for the consequences.
Sometimes our more idealistic newspapermen and some of our
religious leaders piously inform Britain that we are through with
imperialism forever, meaning thereby that we have a critical atti-
tude toward traditional imperialism, with all of its stereotyped
marks of identification. But the same newspapermen may give voice
to sentiments of isolationist imperialism in the next moment; and
some religious leaders of sentimental persuasion will regard any tol-
erable solution of the world's problems with as much disfavor as
British imperialism, because it would fail to conform to the ideal
requirements of world brotherhood. If I were British, I would find
nothing quite so difficult to bear as these American criticisms, lev-
eled against British policy, from sources that have little or no un-
derstanding of the greater perils of American imperialism.
One reason why isolationist imperialism is, in fact, so great a dan-
ger is because the more " idealistic " forces of America, whether sec-
ular or religious, are inclined to plan for a world community in such
abstract terms as not to engage the actual historical realities at all.

Their plans are so completely irrelevant to the real problems that

the world faces, and so far from the actual possibilities of a tolera-
ble system of mutual security, that the realists can aEord to disre-

gard them. Thus our policy moves toward a cynical expression of

American power, while our avowed war aims are as pure as gold.
It would be fatal to assume that the wiser and more sensitive
forces of America have already lost the battle against an irresponsi-
ble expression of American power in the postwar world. But if the
battle is to be won, we will have to draw upon profounder insights
of our Christian faith than is our wont. Nothing is quite so impor-
tant for the Anglo-Saxon world in general, and for America in par-
ticular, as the knowledge that it is not possible to build a community
without the manipulation of power and that it is not possible to use
power and remain completely " pure." We must not have an easy
conscience about the impurities of politics or they will reach intol-
erable proportions. But we must also find religious means of easing
the conscience, or our uneasy conscience will tempt us into irre-

Most Urgent Problem

The world's most urgent problem is the establishment of a toler-
able system of mutual security for the avoidance of international an-
archy. Such a system will not meet all the requirements of perfect
justice for decades tocome. There is a sense in which it will prob-
ably never meet them. Yet it is possible to avoid both a tyrannical
unification of the world, and the alternative anarchy, if each na-
tion is ready to make commitments commensurate with its power. If
America fails to do this, the world is lost for decades to come. In
that case we would gain little satisfaction from the knowledge that
some of our idealists had perfectly splendid schemes for the federa-
tion of the world, which would have been adopted if only the na-
tions had been wise or good enough to recognize their worth.
But America must not fail. This will be the great battle of the
next decades. It will not be easy to win, but it is certainly not yet
lost. We may be grateful that the religious leadership of America
has with its secular leadership been chastened by history. The pro-
nouncements on world problems by the Federal Council Commis-
sionon a Just and Durable Peace have become increasingly realistic
and continue to stress America's responsibility to the world com-
munity. Other unofficial groups, such as the Committee on War
and Peace under the chairmanship of Bishop McConnell are making
the same emphasis. We must find a way of placing the power of
America behind the task of world order. We must overcome the im-
pulse toward domination toward which we are tempted by our
power and the impulse toward irresponsibility to which we are
tempted by our youth and comparative security.


In the various plans and programs for postwar reconstruction and
world organization, it is possible to discern two general types of ap-
proach to the problems of international politics. One might be de-
fined as the historical and realistic school of politics. The other is
rationalistic in method and idealistic in temper. In the first all plans
for the future are dominated by the question, Where do we go
from here? The broken process of history is emphasized, and it is be-
lieved that new ventures in political organization, however broad
their field and bold their purpose, remain under certain conditions
and limitations which human history never transcends. In the sec-
ond school, the primary concern is not with perennial conditions
but with new possibilities, and not with the starting point but with
the goal.
The historical school realizes that certain perennial problems of
political organization emerge in new forms, but are of the same es-
sence on each new level of the political integration of human soci-
ety. The idealists are more conscious of novel and radical elements
in a new situation and are inclined to believe and hope that old
problems and vexations will disappear in the new level of political
In the present situation the idealists rightly insist that the eco-
nomic interdependence of demands new international po-
the world
litical organization. They believe in the necessity of some kind of

world government, which will make our economic interdependence

sufFerable and which will organize the potential world community
and make it actual.
The realistic and historical school does not deny these new ne-
cessities and possibilities. But it views the task of realizing them in
the light of its knowledge of the stubborn inertia of human history.

It wants to know how nations are to be beguiled into a limitation

Christianity and Crisis, October 19, 1942.

of their sovereign rights, considering that national pride and paro-

chial self-sufficiency are something more than the mere fruit of ig-
norance but recurring forces in all efforts at social cohesion.
All these differences of temper and viewpoint are finally focussed
upon one crucial issue: the problem of power. The historical realists
know that history is not a simple rational process but a vital one.
All human societies are organizations of diverse vitalities and inter-
ests by power. Some dominant power lies at the center of every social
organization. Some balance of power is the basis of whatever justice
is achieved in human relations. Where the disproportion of power is
too great and where an equilibrium of social forces is lacking,no
mere rational or moral demands can achieve justice.
The rationalists and idealists are inclined to view history from
the standpoint of the moral and social imperatives that a rational
analysis of a situation generates. They look at the world and decide
that its social and economic problems demand and require a " fed-
eration of the world." They think of such a federation not pri-
marily in terms of the complex economic and social interests and
which must be brought into and held in a tolerable equi-

librium. Least ofall do they think of the necessity of some dominant

force or power as the organizing center of the equilibrium. They

are on the whole content to state the ideal requirements of the situ-
ation in as rigorous terms as possible.
Sometimes they wring their hands in holy horror when the tortu-
ous processes of history do not conform to their ideal demands.
They declare in self-righteous pride that since the statesmen of the
world refused to heed their advice, and since the people of the
world were too obtuse to see the light, they themselves can do noth-
ing more than consign the world to its deserved doom. During the
past decades they have been too preoccupied with the task of con-
demning the nations for their obvious defiance of the new require-
ments of a world civilization to be much concerned with the im-
mediate perils that the crisis of our civilization has brought upon us.
This word of stricture upon the idealists will betray the bias from
which this analysis of the two schools is attempted. This analysis
assumes that, on the whole, the task of world organization must be
attempted from the standpoint of the historical realism. This con-
clusion could be justified by the simple fact that no historical proc-
ess has ever, even remotely, conformed to the pattern that the ideal-
ists have mapped out for it. It must be added immediately, how-
ever, that the truth does not lie simply on the side of the realists.
Without an admixture temper and the insights of the other
of the
school, there could be no genuine advance in social organization
at all.

The realists understand the perennial problems of politics, but

they are usually deficient in their sense of the urgency of a new sit-

uation. They know problem of the manipulation

that politics is a
of power. But they easily interpret the problem of power in too
cynical terms. Sometimes they forget that political power is a com-
pound of which physical force, whether economic or military, is
only one ingredient. They do not fully appreciate that a proper re-
gard for moral aspirations is a source of political prestige, and that
this prestige is itself an indispensable source of power.


In the present situation the idealists, in making plans for world

organization, either disregard the problem of power entirely, or
they project some central pool of power without asking what tribu-
taries are tofill the pool. In the former case they are sometimes un-

der the illusion that " national sovereignty " is merely the fruit of
faulty conceptions of international law. They would write new in-
ternational laws in which the absolute sovereignty of nations is de-
nied; and they believe that such a legal refutation of national claims
would be sufficient to tame the stubborn self-will of nations and to
maintain " law without force." (This phrase is the title of a recent
book upon that subject, written in the temper just defined.)
In the latter case they conceive of some federation of the world
with an international police force, and with a newly and abstractly
created moral and political prestige, sufficient to maintain itself
against the divisive forces that will inevitably challenge its author-
ity. Usually they refer to the creation of American nationhood as
analogy and proof of the possibility of creating such a new author-
ity. It happens that the history of the American Constitution and of

American Federalism conforms more nearly to this pattern than any

other national history; but it does not conform as completely as the
idealists imagine. They forget to what degree the sovereignty of the
several states was actually abridged in the heat of a desperate con-
flict; that even this conflict did not persuade the states to go as far

as it was necessary to go; and that when they did take the final step,

many of them did so with

mental reservations in the direction of
separatism, which finally resulted in a civil war. That war was nec-
essary to prove that the nation was really one and that the Consti-
tutional commitments, by which it was formed, were irrevocable.
Generally the idealists think it possible to create such a new in-
ternational authority and then make a moral demand upon the na-
tions to submit themselves to it. They do not realize that no collec-
tive group in human history has ever made decisions in vacuum.
Sometimes nations are able to say B if history has previously es-
tablished the A upon which the B follows. But that is about as far
as collective volition goes.
As against these illusions of the rationalists and idealists, the his-

torical realists are more correct. They mutual

are right in looking to
commitments made by the United Nations in the war as the real
source of possibly wider commitments for the future. They are right
in looking to the immediate necessities of a war situation for the
compulsion that will abridge the self-will of nations, and in hoping
that the necessities of the peace will be obvious enough to persuade
the nations to extend, rather than to disavow the commitments
thus made. It is always possible, of course, that the necessities of
peace will, though equally urgent, not be equally obvious; that na-
tions will refuse to conform to them and that another and even
more tragic chapter in world history will have to be enacted before
the nations bow to the irrefutable logic of history. This logic is ir-

refutable because an economically interdependent world must in

some sense become a politically integrated world community or al-
low potential instruments of community to become instruments of
mutual annihilation.
The weakness of the realists is that they usually do not go far
enough in meeting new problems and situations. They are so con-
scious of the resistance in history to new ventures, and are so im-
pressed by the force of the perennial problems of politics, which
manifest themselves on each new level of history, that they are in-
clined to discount both the necessity and the possibility of new
political achievements.


In the present situation, both the idealists and the realists may be
divided into two subordinate schools of thought. One group of ideal-
ists does not deal with the problem of power at all. They would
simply organize the world by law without asking where the power
and authority to enforce the law is to come from. The other group
is conscious of the problem of power, but they deal with it ab-
stractly. Among the realists, one school of thought would merely
reconstructsome new balance of power among the nations, having
no confidence in international political organization. The other
group believes in some kind of imperial organization of the world,
with some small group of dominant nations furnishing the imperial
The most brilliant exposition of the school of thought that thinks
in terms of reconstructing the balance of power as a principle of
world peace is Professor Spykman's very able book America's Strat-
egy in World Politics. The book has the merit of recognizing all the
geographic, economic, and other elements that must enter into any
kind of international equilibrium and which cannot be disregarded
on any level of political achievement. But it does not fully realize
that an unorganized balance of power is potential anarchy and can-
not preserve peace. The introduction of a single new factor into the
precarious equilibrium, or the elaboration of a single new force of
recalcitrance (as for power of Germany) may de-
instance the air
stroy the balance. The world community requires instruments for
the manipulation of its social forces. Without them it is bound to
fall into periodic anarchy.
For this reason the imperialistic realists actually have a more
hopeful program than the " balance of power " realists. They know
that a balance of power must be organized and that a dominant
power must be the organizing center. They expect either America,
or the Anglo-Saxon hegemony, or the four great powers, Russia,
China, Britain, and America, to form the organizing center of the
world community. I think they are right in this thesis and that
there is no possibility of organizing the world at all that will not be
exposed to the charge of " imperialism " by the idealists who do
not take the problem of power seriously.
realists usually do not take the problem of
But the imperialistic
justice seriouslyenough. An Anglo-Saxon imperialism might be a
great deal better than a Nazi one; but the Nazi order is so purely
new imperialism could be a great deal better than
destructive that a
nazism and yet not good enough to bring peace to the world. The
new understandings with Russia, which cannot be overestimated.

probably preclude the possibility of a pure Anglo-Saxon imperial-

ism; and that is a great gain, however difficult the adjustments be-
tween Russia and the Western nations may prove to be.
But the real question is to what degree smaller nations can be
drawn into the postwar reconstruction constitutionally so that their
voice and power will be fitted into the whole scheme so that it will
prevent the power of the dominant elements in the organization
from becoming vexatious. Fortunately, many small nations are al-

ready related to the inchoate world scheme in the United Nations.

But unfortunately the policies of the United Nations are not being
democratically conducted. The Roosevelt Administration, despite
its great superiority in political astuteness over the Wilsonian one,
is Washington negotiates with many partners
failing at this point.
separately, and with Russia and Britain jointly to a considerable
degree. But there is little indication of the gradual development
of a democratic process on an international scale in the delibera-
tions of the United Nations.

It would be unjust to claim that the realists are consistently un-

aware of the problem of democratic justice in the realm of a gradu-

ally coalescing unity. There are many shades of thought among
them. A few even manage to be imperialists in one breath and to
speak of the " imposition of order " upon the world by dominant
power, while in the next breath they elaborate plans for an ideal
democratic federation of the world. But it is fair to say that, on the
whole, the realists do not take this problem seriously enough.
It is of course a desperate problem. It includes not only the rela-
tion of smaller powers to the dominant ones, but the relation of un-
developed nations, who have no power at all, to the nations that do
have power in other words, the problem of imperialism in the
stricter sense of the word. It includes the necessity of apportioning
responsibility to the proportions of power as they actually exist.
For constitutional arrangements that allowed smaller nations to de-
termine policies, which they lacked the power to implement, could
become as fruitful a source of new anarchy as unchecked dominant
power could become a new source of tyranny.
Nor will any amount of forethought be able to solve all these
problems. The solution of some of them depends upon the internal
Structure of the nations participating in world community. While
it is not true that a just world order depends altogether upon politi-
cal and economic democracy prevalent in the constituent nations, it

is true that the stronger the internal political and moral checks
upon the imperialistic impulse are, the easier will it be to solve the
problem of external checks. If a stable peace depended altogether
upon the achievement of an ideal democracy in the constituent na-
tions, we would have to resign ourselves to decades of further purga-
tory. For obviously history does not move consistently in these mat-
ters; and we will have to include many nations of varying internal

structures in any new world arrangements. The proposal for the

federation of democratic nations only is a fantastic one, no less fan-
tastic than, let us say, a plan for the exclusion of " poll tax " states
from the Federal Union.
When all and all the necessities are
the difficulties are surveyed
kept in mind, becomes almost axiomatic that anything like a per-

fect world organization is bound to elude us. There must be a tol-

erable equilibrium in it, and that equilibrium must be politically
implemented; there must be an organizing center for it, and that
center must be surrounded by checks to prevent its power from be-
coming vexatious; the organization must include many regional ar-
rangements, and yet these regional arrangements must not run
counter to the basic fact that the economic and political life of the
nations is integrated in world, rather than regional, terms. The
hazards to success are so great that we must be prepared to accept
anything that keeps the future open; but we must also be prepared
to contend for everything that represents a basic requirement of
From the standpoint of Christian faith it is important to recog-
nize that Christianity cannot be equated with " idealism " and that
the Christian answer to a problem is not simply the most ideal pos-
sible solution that the A profound Chris-
imagination can conceive.
tian faithknows something of the recalcitrance of sin on every level
of moral and social achievement, and is, therefore, not involved in
the alternate moods of illusion and disillusionment that harass the
world of idealists and secularists. It knows something of the similar-
ity between our own sin and the guilt of others, and will therefore

not be pitiless if ideal possibilities are frustrated by the selfishness

of others. But it also hears the divinecommand in every new histori-
cal situation. The Christian ought to know that the creation of

some form of world community, compatible with the necessities of

a technical age, is the most compelling command of our day.


On paper the San Francisco Conference has greatly improved the
character of the United Nations organization, first outlined at Dum-

barton Oaks. In reality the conference was unable to solve the main
problem that confronted it, which was the establishment of a gen-
uinely mutual accord between Russia and the West.
On paper the character of the charter was improved because the
small nations made themselves heard and because general public dis-
cussion served to bring a greater degree of moral idealism into the
charter. The power of the general assembly has been considerably
enlarged and the veto power of the great nations has been slightly
abridged. A preamble has been added which gives the charter a
moral meaning that it did not have in the original document. An
international bill of rights has also been added, the significance of
which has been lauded by all international idealists, despite the
fact that there is no international sovereignty that could enforce its
provisions upon any constituent states. All in all the instrument
that has come out of San Francisco deserves all the praise that the
hopeful have bestowed upon it, provided you do not look too
much beneath the surface.
Under the surface of this document the political realities are
such as to give little assurance for the future. The simple fact is

that no mutual accord between Russia and the

significant forms of
West have been reached though fairly plausible formulas have been
found to cover up that fact. Hundreds of observers among the " con-
sultants " at San Francisco, who have kept their various constituent
bodies informed on the developments of the conference, have made
their reports of the conference without once penetrating to the re-
under the conference verbiage.

Thus for instance the conference was for a time in conflict on the
problem of trusteeship. The Russians demanded that the trustees
of backward regions should be committed to the proposition that
the purpose of trusteeship was the ultimate independence of these

Christianity and Society, Summer, 1945.

regions. This was very smart of the Russians because they used al-
most the identical phrases, and certainly the very ideas, which
American liberalism. Christian and secular, had advanced. Our re-
ligious delegation did in fact address a communication to Mr. Stet-
tinius expressing embarrassment over the fact that the Russians,
rather than we, were assuming leadership in championing the
rights of the backward regions. But the communication did not
mention, and its authors may not have apprehended, what was ac-
tually at stake in this issue.
The stake was the control of the Pacific. We were determined to
have as many of the captured islands as possible as our outright
possession and to hold the others under a form of trusteeship that
would not interfere too much with our strategic plans. Actually the
provisions of trusteeship are so loose that the whole scheme of trus-
teeship will prove to be more of a dishonest pretension than the
mandate system in the old League of Nations. The Russians know
that we have these strategic plans in the Pacific for other reasons
than our fear of Japan; for we intend to destroy the power of Ja-
pan, root and branch. Therefore the Russians are trying to prevent
us from securing as absolute a hold on the Pacific bases as the for-
mula of trusteeship, which we proposed, allows. The Russians are
not very plausible proponents of the international idealism that
their formula of trusteeship implied, for they will hold the whole
of Eastern Europe under a tutelage, which will be qualified to only
the slightest degree by the provisions of the San Francisco Charter.
But it is actually idle to measure the relative virtues and pretensions
of Russia and the Western powers in regard to this matter. The im-
portant fact about the whole struggle was that it revealed a lack of
mutual trust between Russia and the West.
In the same way the struggle over the problem of how the Pan-
American regional system should be related to the world system be-
trayed a lack of mutual trust. We were anxious to devise a system
that would give the budding communist movements in South Amer-
ica as little support from Russia as possible. The Russians sought on
the other hand to discredit this regional system in the name of the
world system, despite the fact that they have a regional system of
their own which threatens the world system. There is little to choose
between our pretensions and those of the Russians in regard to this
matter, though the Russians were much shrewder, even while they
were less diplomatic than we, in advancing their claims. Our State

Department placed itself in a ridiculous position when it allowed

Argentina's admission to the conference to become a symbol of our
position. But these and disadvantages pale into
relative advantages
more important fact that every action of
insignificance beside the
the conference proved how little mutual confidence between Russia
and the West really exists. The Russian attitude toward Poland
certainly contributed as much as any of our mistakes to accentuate,
rather than mitigate, this mutual mistrust.
The finaloutcome of the conference is that a system of world se-
curity has been devised on paper, which does not hide too success-
fully that each of the great powers is to control a part of the world.
Even the " sphere of influence " solution has not been achieved with
complete success. None of the great powers is quite certain that
one of the other powers may not poach in the preserves assigned to
the other.
Such are the power-political realities of the San Francisco settle-

ment. They do not fill the apprehensive and yet hopeful soul with
too much confidence in the future. They have in fact prompted
something akin to despair among some thoughtful observers, though
such despair is premature. There may still be a possibility of grad-
ually working out better schemes of mutual accord.
In the light of these facts the religious interpretations of the con-
ference have been unbelievably naive. We have been favored from
time to time by estimates from our Federal Council delegation of the
achievements of the conference. In these estimates the " six pillars of
peace " of the Federal Council's Commission have been used as a
yardstick of the achievements of the conference almost as if they
were some kind of ultimate standard, some new decalogue. The
various provisions of the conference dealing with international law,
ideals of international justice, etc., have been carefully measured
against these ideal standards. Plus and minus marks were indicated
with careful discrimination. But nothing was said about the power-
political realities that underlay all these words. One blueprint was
compared with another. But the fact that no foundation for an in-
ternational security system had been laid was not fully compre-
hended. There was no desire on the part of our observers to fool
us. They had merely been so preoccupied with the blueprints that

they had not bothered to look too carefully at the actual bricks
that had been laid at San Francisco.


A friend, Rev. Mr. Mordhorst of Detroit, asks why Christianity
and Crisis does not give unequivocal support of the World Federal-
ist Movement. It seems to him, as indeed it has seemed to many oth-

ers, that the Christian church should take the lead in a movement
that challenges the idea of unreserved national sovereignty in a day
in which it is obviously necessary to stretch our political loyalties
to global proportions.
This question deserves an answer. The movement for world gov-
ernment takes two forms; according to the one, it is assumed that
the institution of world government would rob the Russians of their
fear and would bridge the chasm between the communist and the
free world. This project is simply refuted by the observation that no
law or constitutional arrangement can supply the mutual trust that
is the necessary basis of any community. The law in fact presup-

poses such mutual trust; and where it is lacking, no constitution

can function. The chasm between the communist and the free world
is so deep that it can obviously not be bridged by any constitu-

tional arrangement.
That is why only a very few abstract idealists hold to this interpre-
tation of world government. The majority believe that a world con-
stitution would be an ideal instrument for solidifying the resources
of the free world and rendering it safe against communist infiltra-
tion. In answer to this proposal it must be pointed out that even if
we eliminate the communist-democratic chasm there is little " social
tissue " to bind up the so-called free world together. The most ob-
vious cement is the common fear of all nations. This common fear
prompts them into all kinds of ad hoc arrangements such as NATO
and the proposed Pacific Pact, which do in effect erode unqualified
national sovereignty and which do in fact establish community be-
tween them.
The question is whether more unequivocal constitutional arrange-
ments would hasten the building of world community. To this ques-
tion one must give a reserved negative answer in the light of previ-
ous experience. The history of India gives us a tragic example of the
impotence of constitutions. The very effort to arrive at a common
constitution heightened the tension between India and Pakistan and

Christianity and Crisis, February 2, 1953.


insured that the Moslem and Hindu communities would found

two, rather than one, nations. A contrasting example is equally in-
structive. The new composed of very religious and
state of Israel is

very consistently secular Zionists. There is a rumor that when it was

proposed to have a constitution for the new state a wise man warned
against the venture on the ground that each party would try to se-
cure a maximum of security in the constitution and thus accentuate
the differences between them. It was better, he declared, for the two
parties to live together as best they could. This common life would
allay some of the fears and would throw up some ad hoc forms of
accommodation that would serve the future as a constitution. So it
proved. Life is a better unifier than law. Law can only define and
perfect what life has established.
In a day as tragic as our own it would be pleasant to believe that
there is a simpler way than the tortuous process by which the na-
tions are finding the road to community with one another. But the
short cuts are illusory. Constitutional questions, before sufficient
community is established, are divisive rather than unifying. How,
for instance, would we decide how many votes Denmark, let us say,
and the United States should have in a World Federalist senate?
And what would the debate over that question contribute to the
common defense against an immediate peril? In community build-
ing, as in other great human enterprises, the motto must be " pre-
cept upon precept," " line upon line." It is not a bad thing to spell
out ultimate goals as well as immediate responsibilities. But we
must be cognizant of the fact that some people have a habit of flee-
ing to ultimate ideals as a way of evading immediate responsibilities.
For the moment, at least, the great moral issue for Americans is
how a rich and powerful nation relates itself to a weak and impov-
erished world. Not in terms of ultimate constitutional arrange-
ments, but in terms of immediate political policies. Some of the
constitutional issues will be either irrelevant or sensible answers to
them will be unattainable until we have accustomed ourselves to
responsibility for the world community in our day-to-day decisions.
C. The ''Enemy'


In times of social and political conflict there are always Chris-
tians who obscure the very genius of the New Testament conception
of love by their particular interpretation of one form of the love
commandment, namely, " Love your enemies." They insist that it is

not possible to love anyone with whom one is in conflict, and that it

is important for this reason never to come in conflict with anyone.

These with the cynics who regard the command-
idealists agree
ment our enemies as demanding a psychological and moral
to love
absurdity of us. Without fully realizing it, they have changed the
injunction and have given it quite a different meaning. This new
meaning could be expressed in the words: You must love all men,
and since it is impossible to love an enemy, you must have no
A certain rather hysterical Christian idealist is at the present mo-
ment touring the country with the message that all people who are
participating in the war will become so corrupted
by hatred that
they will be incapable of contributing to a decent peace. He is,
therefore, calling upon the handful of nonparticipants to hold them-
selves in readiness to build a new world after the rest of us have
ruined it.

If the idealists who upon the New Testa-

place this interpretation
ment commandment were would be necessary to
really correct, it

sacrifice even the most cherished principles and to become traitor to

even the most solemn responsibilities if anyone dared to oppose the
principles or to challenge our discharge of the responsibilities. For
to remain true to our trust would bring us into conflict with those
who oppose us and conflict invariably betrays into hatred.
There must be something wrong with this theory. There is, in
fact, a good deal of evidence to refute it. Wars and conflicts un-
doubtedly tempt many people to hatred, but this hatred is not
nearly as universal as our idealists assume. And it is least general
among those who are engaged in the actual horrors of belligerency.
The old ladies back home may do a good deal of hating. But the
soldiers upon the battlefield usually do not hate. They have a much

Christianity and Society, Autumn, 1942.


more impersonal attitude toward the conflict than is usually as-

sumed. As one of the commanders of the British Army recently
wrote to the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, " Morale is not
strengthened by hatred but only by a moral purpose that tran-
scends personal and individual consideration." The Moderator had
objected to a new type of school in the British Army that was en-
couraging hatred. The Army man expressed his agreement with the
objections of the church leader.
Not all soldiers remain free of hatred. But there have been men in
situations of conflict through all the ages who understood some-
thing of the difference between the evil that they oppose and the
hapless and tragic individuals who are for the moment the embodi-
ment of that evil. This distinction is possible even if the individu-
als, who are the instruments of the evil, have acquiesced in it. How

can we measure the degree of consent that a German soldier gives

the Nazi creed? Or how can we know his responsibility or lack of re-
sponsibility for the convictions that he may hold in a system of
government that does not allow individuals to form convictions
The source of confusion in regard to the love commandment is

partly a linguistic one. It is derived from the poverty of the English

language. The word " love " in English covers many shades of
meaning. It means everything from a purely physical desire of one
person for another to the sacrificial passion that ended upon the
The Greeks had a word " for love which the New Testament did

not find adequate to express its highest conception. That word was
eros. The connotations of that word linger most obviously in the
English adjective derived from it the word " erotic." It is a word
that is rooted in the natural life of sex and which defines first sex-
ual, and ultimately other forms of attachment between people.
Plato did his best to spiritualize the concept, and his " intellectual
love " is something that quite transcends physical desires. But it

may be questioned whether it ever transcends the interests of the

At any rate, the New Testament used a Stoic word agape and
with new meaning when it sought to define the love of the
filled it

Kingdom of God. This love is something more than even the most
refined form of sympathy, for it does not depend upon the likes
and dislikes that men may have for each other. It is not determined
by interest or passion. It is not the love that we have for people
because we share common ideas with them, or because we are in-
trigued by the tilt of their nose, or because we admire their intel-
lectual brilliance, or because we take pity upon their weakness. The
Swedish theologian, Professor Nygren, has sought to prove in his
interesting work Agape and Eros that the classical and the Christian
conception of love stand in opposition to each other. In this he may
have overstated the case. For when Jesus compares parental affec-
tion (which certainly belongs in the category of EROS) with God's
love, as he does in the words, " If ye then, being evil, know how to

give good gifts unto your children, how much more will your heav-
enly father give good gifts to them that ask him? " he is not setting
EROS and AGAPE in complete contradiction to each other.
There is, nevertheless, a distinction between them. The love that
the gospel demands is justified and validated only transcendentally.
We are asked to love our enemies that we may be children of our
Father in Heaven. An attitude of spirit is enjoined without any
prudential or selfish consideration. We are not told to love our ene-
mies because in that case they will love us in return. The love that
is asked of us does not move on the plane of emotion or desire.
Such a love is not easily achieved. In a sense no one ever perfectly
achievesit. But it is, at least, no psychological absurdity. It does not

demand that we should be emotionally attached to someone with

whom we are in conflict. It does demand that we should desire the
good of our enemy. If achieved, it purges us of hatred; for hatred
always has an egoistic root. In so far as even the purest devotion to
principle never completely excludes consideration of our own inter-
ests,there will, therefore, be an element of egotism in the defense of
our cause and an element of hatred in our opposition to the enemy.
But in so far as it is possible to defend a cause, not primarily be-
cause it is to our interest to do so, but because we regard the cause
as objectively right, it is also possible to contend against the oppo-
nents of that cause without hatred.
The love that the New Testament defines as AGAPE is spiritually
difficult; but it is psychologically possible. Emotional attachment be-
tween people upon the basis of any number of considerations is spir-
but it is psychologically impossible to have such at-
itually easier,
tachments across the chasm of any historic conflict.
It would be foolish for Christians to deny the difficulty of avoid-

ing hatred in conflict. Already the literature that seeks to fasten a


congenital guilt upon the German race is tremendous. Human be-

ings, who have a natural inclination to accept the most adverse evi-

dence in estimating the virtues and vices of groups other than their
own, are bound to accentuate this error in times of conflict.
Nor is it easy to desire the good of an opponent when in the im-
mediate instance we are doing him harm. There will always be
moralists who will laugh and jeer at the very attempt of combining
this ultimate attitude with the immediate tragic task in hand. If
they were wholly right, no officer of the law could ever arrest a
criminal, and no warden could ever jail him without hatred.
Though we have known of police officers who were filled with vin-
dictive passion toward criminals, there certainly have been many
others who have genuinely desired the ultimate good of the hapless
men whom they were forced to harm in the immediate instance. In-
ternational conflicts are, of course, never completely analogous to
these instances of domestic justice. For they offer no such vantage
point of disinterested judgment, from which blame and punishment
may be apportioned. But it would be ridiculous to assert that there
can be no moral and spiritual disinterestedness in international
affairs, simply because there is no political vantage point for
its expression. Morals do not depend upon politics as slavishly as
Sometimes the idealists who insist most rigorously upon the im-
possibility of loving those with whom we are at war are not as
scrupulous as they might be in their conflict, short of war, with their
opponents. William Lloyd Garrison was certain that the Christian
War. But he hated the Southern slaveowners
ethic forbade the Civil
with a personal hatred and failed to make any distinction between
the historic evil of slavery and the individuals who were caught in
the system. Guilty of a lack of AGAPE
toward his opponents be-
fore the North and South were in overt conflict, he insisted that
there should be no overt conflict because it would not be possible to
maintain EROS during the war. He never knew to what degree his
self-righteous hatred of the South actually contributed to the inevi-
tability of the conflict.
The hatred of an enemy who does not fight us but merely opposes
us is frequently combined with the pious avowal that we will not
fight because we do not want to hate anyone. The confusion may
be aggravated by the linguistic difficulties to which we have referred.
But its root lies deeper than the poverty of a language.


The bombing of the great industrial region of the Ruhr valley
has raised some interesting religious and moral problems in both
Britain and America. When one estimates the destruction in Brit-
ain and then reflects that four to ten times as many bombs are rain-
ing on the Ruhr
region, one is able to envisage the terrible destruc-
tion that being wrought in Germany.

It was significant that while the newspapers, and sometimes the

Broadcasting Corporation, seemed to gloat over the " revenge " that
American and British planes now exacted for the destruction in
Britain, common people both in Britain and America had the de-
cency to feel and express sorrow over the necessity of this terrible
measure of war. A simple old elevator operator in a London hotel
touchingly observed to the writer, " I don't care what the newspa-
pers say; I bombing of those cities is terrible, however nec-
think the
essary." A
young student at Oxford, product of the Christian Stu-
dent Movement, and preparing for service in the Royal Air Force
declared: " I have written to the B.B.C. [radio] to protest against its
gloating announcements. I will probably do some bombing myself;
but I will take no satisfaction in the human misery it causes."
It is natural of course for those who are inclined to pacifism to
declare that those of us who support war prove the untenability
of our position by this moral embarrassment and discomfiture. For
the bombing of cities is a vivid revelation of the whole moral am-
biguity of warfare. It is not possible to defeat a foe without causing
innocent people to suffer with the guilty. It is not possible to engage
in any act of collective opposition to collective evil without involv-
ing the innocent with the guilty. It is not possible to move in his-

tory without becoming tainted with guilt.

Even the most righteous political cause is tainted with ante-
cedent, concomitant, and consequent guilt. Every " righteous " na-
tional or political cause is partly guilty of the evil against which it
contends. That is its antecedent guilt. It involves itself in the evil of
causing suffering to the innocent. That is the concomitant guilt of
its enterprise. It will also be unable to remain untainted of subse-

quent guilt; for it will most certainly corrupt the virtue of its vic-
tory by egoistic and vindictive passions. There is no escape from

Christianity and Society, Summer, 1943.


guilt in history. This is the religious fact that Saint Paul under-
stood so well and that is so frequently not understood by moralistic
versions of the Christian faith.
Once bombing has been developed as an instrument of warfare, it

is not possible to disavow its use without capitulating to the foe who
refuses to disavow it. No man has the moral freedom to escape from

these hard and cruel necessities of history. Yet it is possible to ex-

press the freedom of man over the necessities of history. We can do
these things without rancor or self-righteousness. It has been re-
ported by both American and British authorities that pilots of
bombing planes, professing the Christian faith, have sometimes re-
fused to take Communion before their perilous trips. This hesi-
tancy does credit to their conscience. They ought on the other hand
to be helped to understand that the Lord's Supper is not a sacra-
ment for the righteous but for sinners; and that it mediates the
mercy of God not only to those who repent of the sins they have
done perversely but also to those who repent of the sins in which
they are involved inexorably by reason of their service to a " just
The Kingdom of God, of which the Sacrament is the symbol, is
on the one hand the peace that comes to the soul when it turns from
sin to righteousness. It is on the other hand the peace of divine for-
giveness, mediated to the contrite sinner who knows that it is not in
his power to live a sinless life on earth.


Of the many
tragic aspects of our age, none is greater than the
failure of Germany. It is the failure of a great people, fallen to as
low a state of moral and political corruption as we are likely to see
for many centuries. Such insanity as the Germans developed would
not, of course, have been possible if the rest of the world had not
provided a static corruption as the soil out of which the dynamic
evil of the German mania developed. Nevertheless the failure of
Germany is truly tragic. It must be understood if it is not to arouse
the victors to vindictive passions that will destroy every possibility

Christianity and Crisis, January 10, 1944.

of a creative peace. For hatred is always blind and confuses the
counsels of individuals and nations.
We cannot understand Germany by counting Nazi and anti-Nazi
noses and by debating the question whether there are more Nazis
than anti-Nazis in Germany. We are fools if we think that all Ger-
mans are Nazis, and only a little less foolish if we imagine that the
German tragedy can be explained merely as a Nazi conspiracy
against a good Germany. The parent of a wayward son is not neces-
sarily wayward. But that does not absolve the " good " parent of re-
sponsibility for the waywardness of the son. There is a " good
Germany; but this " other " Germany participates in the failure of
the nation. Perhaps the first contribution that a profound Christian
faith could make to an analysis of the German problem would be to
deliver our culture from the vulgar " Pelagianism " that thinks of
good and evil only in terms of an explicit obedience to, or defiance
of, a moral code. The " good " Germany was tragically inept in poli-

tics and contributed to the rise of Hitlerism by this ineptness. No

conscious perversity, such as the Nazi exhibited, characterized the

good Germany. And there is no form of calculated punishment that
will either cure Germany of its profoundest errors or serve as a de-
terrent for others.
The Germans have been politically inept for many reasons. In
terms of social history they were inept because the middle class rev-
olution that laid the foundation for democracy in the' Anglo-Saxon
world never achieved sufficient self-respect in Germany to break the
power of the old aristocratic military tradition. It was not even able
to do so when the collapse after the first World War produced a
coalition of bourgeois and proletarian forces behind democracy.
The older aristocratic tradition remained in power behind the
scenes. Even today the Junkers may be more dangerous for the fu-
ture peace of the world than the more corrupt and more fragile
Nazi culture.
If we power of the rising
seek to explain this lack of spiritual
middle and finally even of the working classes, we touch

upon a whole maze of cultural and religious factors. The Germans

have always had a too uncritical devotion to the state. Perhaps they
learned this from Luther, who made the mistake of being more
afraid of anarchy than of tyranny. The Germans were always bet-
ter realists than the Anglo-Saxons. But their political realism was
tainted with cynicism; and that was a more grievous error than the

sentimentality that colored Anglo-Saxon idealism. The stuff of po-

litical history is always morally ambiguous; but it may be better to
be blind to the " power " factors in politics, if that is the only way
men can be relatively devoted to standards of justice, than to fall

into the cynicism of making power self-justifying.

The Germans are philosophically minded. In both their religious
and philosophical history they have illumined some of the ultimate
issues of life more profoundly than any other people since the
Greeks. But, like the Greeks, they have been deficient in dealing
with the proximate issues of life, particularly with the all-important
issue of organizing the human community. Perhaps eminence in the
one field contributed to failure in the other, not only because the
best minds were drawn away from the problems of the community
but more particularly because a tolerable political harmony in any
community requires compromises and adjustments that the " sys-

tems " of abstract thinkers do not allow. Long before Hitler made
politics demoniacally religious Germany was too
all political life in

religious. There was a separate Weltanschauung behind every politi-

cal party.
To these unique German causes of failure we must in all fairness
add some other causes that modern Germany shared with the mod-
ern world. German liberalism in its naive form was even more naive
than Anglo-Saxon liberalism. When Hindenburg and von Papen
conspired to destroy the Weimar republic the German labor liber-
als futilely appealed to the supreme court and forgot that the su-
preme court, particularly in a chaotic world, follows the election
returns, or the power-political analogy of election returns. German
liberalism in its sophisticated form was even more sophisticated
than Western liberalism. It had lost all faith instandards and values
of any kind. It created the religio-cultural vacuum, into which the
seven devils of Hitlerism entered.
German Marxism in its social-democratic variety distilled the il-

lusion of fatalistic inaction from Marxist determinism. German

Marxism its communist variety separated Marxist cynicism from
its and made the cause of revolution an end in itself, even
to the point where it was willing to co-operate with Nazis to bring
it about. Furthermore the two forms of Marxism divided the work-

ing class between them; and both helped to divide the industrial
poor from the agrarian poor. These aberrations Germany shared
with us. Only we were not far enough advanced in our social
thought to be deeply harmed by them. It may be well to remember

that it is still possible for us to make some of these mistakes fifty

years hence.
One could go on measuring the various strands of er-
ror and futility that rise of Hitlerism. Perhaps
contributed to the
we have gone far enough to justify the suggestion that any imag-
inative approach to the failure of the German people must result in
the conviction that the failure is too profound and elusive to be
amenable to some simple form of calculated punishment, however
exacting. We can save neither the German people nor ourselves by
some nicely measured punitive justice. This tragedy can be com-
prehended in prayer and in tears; but it is not understood by either
the soft or the hard sentimentalists.
The real problem about Germany is not how we can punish her
but how we can finally relate her creatively to a community of na-
tions. Perhaps the most serious part of this problem arises from
the fact that she has automatically excluded herself from leadership
in the organization of the European Continent, thus forcing es-

sentially non-Continental world powers to organize the Conti-

nent, a difficult and desperate undertaking in which they may not
The final health of Germany depends upon the creation of a
healthy Continent, just as a healthy Continent also requires an ul-

timately healthy and sane Germany, and as a tolerably healthy

world community requires a decently reorganized European Con-
tinent. Our future destinies are thus mutually intermingled. The
peril of vindictiveness lies primarily in the fact that it beguiles us
from pursuing our mutual destiny. Any theory that assumes that
we can solve the world's problem merely by fathoming the depth of
evil in the German soul and seeking to suppress it betrays us into
the evils into which self-righteousness is always betrayed. It does not
understand that the evil against which we contend is only a differ-
ent, and probably a more extravagant, form of the evil, that is in
our soul also.
Just as self-righteousness is the root of vindictiveness, so is contri-
tion and the recognition of mutual guilt its cure. It is a question
whether the recognition of the mutuality of guilt is possible in any
other than profoundly religious terms. This is why the preaching
of the gospel is so relevant to the reconciliation of nations. All con-
flict, and not only military conflict, makes for self-righteousness. We

are better than the foe against whom we contend. There are at least
many cases in which this is the case. But we are nevertheless pro-
foundly involved in the sin of the foe. Sometimes we are guilty of
milder forms of the evils that we oppose in the foe. One thinks of
the pride of races and nations in the so-called democratic world as
a potent source of international friction long after the Nazis are
destroyed. Sometimes we are guilty of opposite errors. One thinks of
the international anarchy of the democratic world that gave the tyr-
anny of nazism its chance.
Yesterday we had to stand against the sentimentalists who de-
clared that we had no right to resist Nazi tyranny because we were
also guilty. They did not know that common guilt is a perennial
which does not annul our responsibility to strive for
fact in history,
Today we must resist the pharisees who imagine
relative justice.
that our impending victory is the proof and the validation of our
virtue. Yesterday the sentimentalists falsely regarded the humility
that men ought to have in God's sight as a reason for being humble
in the sight of the Nazis. Today the self-righteous Philistines will
seek falsely to play the part of God and try to summon the defeated
foe to a judgment in which they are themselves involved.
The recognition of the mutuality of guilt does not of course pre-
clude the necessity and advisability of relative punishment for the
relatively guilty. Here it will be important to make a sharp distinc-
tion between the profound guilt of the German people, which is too
deep to be reached by our punishment, and the particular guilt of
particular Nazi tyrants. It goes without saying that specific acts of
tyranny and cruelty ought to be punished. It may be shocking to
suggest that some of this punishment may well take place exactly
in the hour of the Nazi collapse. The idea of international courts to
try these criminals for the sake of establishing the sanctity of inter-
national law is largely illusory. An international court organized by
victors may have the form, but will not have the substance, of such
sanctity. It may make martyrs out of criminals. At any rate it may
be better to have Germans destroy their criminals in hot blood than
have the victors do it in cold blood. Either way has its hazards; and
both ways will undoubtedly be tried. There is no reason for a zealous
preference for one over the other.
It may be shocking to observe, but it is nevertheless true, that one
reason for the severe punishment of these individual criminals is
that it may act as a catharsis and draw off some of the vindictiveness
that Nazi cruelties have generated. Thus there would be less likeli-

hood that vengeance will bedevil the peace.

As for the punishment of the German people as such, it must be
taken for granted that they must make restitution to the despoiled
peoples in so far as this is possible. This applies particularly of
course to the wealth that the Nazis have siphoned out of the whole
of Europe. No its dead to life. But the possi-
restitution will return
bilities here are limited. The
war proved the futility of long
reparation payments in terms of both economics and morals. Chris-
tian piety might well add counsel to the wisdom of the nations on
this point and remind them of the word of Scripture: " Vengeance
is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." Which means that the proc-

esses of history under the providence of God visit such terrible pun-
ishment upon the evildoer that our power to add or subtract from
it seems puny indeed, and our effort to do so pretentious. The maj-

esty of the German cities will have been reduced to rubble. The de-
feated nation will be politically, economically, morally, and spiritu-
ally bankrupt. It will face chaos and humiliation in every direction.
The war has punished the victors also. But no one would quarrel
at the justice of that fact, since they are also guilty of the evils that
we are seeking to overcome. If there is a difference in the propor-
tion of guilt, as indeed there is, would anyone question that this is

not sufficiently measured by the difference between victory and

No matter how we turn this problem or from what angle we ap-
proach it, it becomes apparent that the punishment of a guilty and
defeated nation is a very subordinate problem in reconstituting our
world. If we become obsessed with it, it will prevent us from ac-
complishing our real task.
Our real problem is to build a world community strong enough
to discourage the kind of aggression that the Nazis attempted. Our
real problem is to strengthen the bonds of mutual responsibility
between the nations in such a way that a future aggressor will not
be able to pit one peace-loving nation against another, or persuade
them to await the acts of the despoiler, each in turn, while all look
on in shivering and cowardly impotence. Our real task is to find po-
litical implements for the budding sense of mutual responsibility

that now exists. Our task is to find a working accord between the
hegemonous powers. If this is not done, one of them may well draw
Germany into its orbit, make it a partner in some future war, and

justify some future Vansittart in the thesis that Germany is con-

genitally corrupt.
Our problem is to extend the partnership between the hegemo-
nous powers in such a way it will lead to the reorganization of the
European and Asiatic continent. If for instance Europe is parti-
tioned into spheres of influence between the great powers (a still
possible and terrible method of briefly mitigating the conflict of in-
terestsbetween them) we will have another war, no matter what

we do about Germany. In that case we may well find France in the

position of championing the cause of the Continent against the he-
gemonous powers, and we might find a De Gaulle in the role of a
slightlymore decorous Hitler. Incidentally, the obsession of the
Germany has made us blind to the pathetic decay of
tragic guilt of
France and oblivious to the fact that French tuberculosis may be as
difficult to cure as German cancer.
In any event the primary task of the victorious nations is with
themselves. They have the responsibility of organizing the world
community. They have the power to do so. The future depends
upon their willingness to use power responsibly and justly. If they
fail, the German insanity may continue and be aggravated. If they

succeed, Germany can be rehabilitated in the world community of

It is important to remember that vengeance is an egoistic cor-
ruption of the sense of justice. It is concerned with what the enemy
has done to us. Therefore it is inclined to forget the sin of the en-
emy community of mankind and against God and to ob-
against the
we have committed. That is why it is impor-
scure the like sin that
tant to remember that, whatever the validity of our relative judg-
ments, the final judgment belongs to God, who sees into the secret
of our hearts. " Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the
Lord come who both will bring to light the hidden things of dark-
nessand will make manifest the counsels of the heart; and then
shall every man have his praise of God."


The war trials in Tokyo and Nuremberg continue, like some
morning echo of last night'snightmare. In Tokyo they have just
Christianity and Society, Winter, 1948-1949.
condemned six of the war leaders, including Tojo, to die. No one
in Japan seemed concerned about the sentence of Tojo; but the au-
dience in the chamber whispered, " Hard! hard! " on hearing the
other sentences.
" war criminals " who were guilty of various forms of cru-

elty no doubt deserved the punishment meted out to them. Those

who were indicted and convicted of plotting an " aggressive war "
stand in a different case. The whole idea of trying national leaders
of a defeated nation on the charge of aggression is a project that
only the pride of victors could have dictated. This does not mean
that the accused may not have been guilty of plotting a warlike at-
tack. But in the absence of a genuine international community, who
is to determine what distinguishes an aggressive from a defensive

war? If the victors set themselves up as judges, the vanquished will

react with cynical contempt. They will regard the verdict as proving
merely that the culprits lost the war. One can well imagine that
wholly discredited war leaders in Japan will regain a certain meas-
ure of sympathy by achieving the position of national martyrs.
We have left some important dimensions of justice out of account
in this whole procedure. We have forgotten that a court sentence
must not merely be inherently just but must proceed from a tri-
bunal that has a prestige for justice. That prestige is, of course, pri-
marily derived from the guarantees of impartiality in the structure
of the juridical institution. If the court rests upon a partial interest,
its sentence will not be accepted as just, even if it should rise above
the prejudices of the group which it represents.
Actually, the vanquished nations might have accepted a death sen-
tence, executed on Tojo in hot blood in the hour of victory, as more
just than this belated sentence, ground out years after the war's end.
It would have belonged to the passions of the war. The present sen-
tence pretends to belong to the measured wisdom of peace; but it

cannot disguise the pride of the victors which dictates it. It is merely
a special case of the old sin of man, his inclination to play the part
of God.
Furthermore, the sentences reveal the inability of men and of na-
tions to gauge the limits of justice in overcoming evil. Evil must of
course be punished. But punitive justice has only a limited efficacy
either in deterring from future crime or in changing the heart of
the criminal. Forgiveness without punitive justice degenerates into
sentimentality. But punitive justice without forgiveness becomes

abortive. This is the more true in the relation of nations to each

other because they cannot rise to a genuinely impartial justice. If

they pretend to an impossible impartiality, they rob the justice of

which they are capable ofredemptive power. Nations as such

know nothing They are by nature self-

of a gospel of forgiveness.
righteous and vindictive. Yet one might have hoped that they could
at least have touched the fringes of the mystery of the relation of
forgiveness to punishment.
D. The Bomb


Everybody recognizes that the atomic bomb has introduced a new
dimension into the already complex realities of a technical society.
Long before we had adjusted ourselves to the technical power, al-
ready in our possession, and brought it under the control of moral
purpose and communal justice, we are confronted with this terrify-
ing new dimension.
It is almost idle to speculate on the effect of atomic energy upon
the peaceful industrial enterprise. We do not yet know how it will
be harnessed to peacetime pursuits, how greatly it will multiply the
productive capacity of the worker in industry, and to what degree it

will therefore increase the perils of unemployment. The very fact

that one thinks first of the perils of unemployment when one meas-
ures a new productive power proves how far society is from socially
mastering the technical instruments already developed. We may be
certain of only one thing in regard to the influence of atomic en-
ergy upon the social structure: it will hasten the general tendency
toward socialization, whether for good or ill. It will do this for two
reasons. One is that atomic energy has been developed by public
funds; and the scientific labors, which have culminated in this
achievement, have been co-operative and common. There is there-
fore slight possibility of the alienation of this public resource into
private hands. The other reason is that the potentialities of this
new energy are too great to permit any group of private persons to
determine how it is to be used and how communal adjustments in
the productive process, occasioned by the introduction of this new
power, are to be made. The more new inventions introduce vast new
potencies into an already complex industrial process, the more it

becomes necessary for the community as such to determine how the

power is to be used for the sake of gaining a maximum contribution
for the general welfare and reducing the perils to a minimum.
The actual introduction of atomic energy into the military might
of nations presents even more tremendous problems than those
occasioned by its possible introduction into industrial power.
First of all, it must be considered that atomic energy in military
Christianity and Society, Fall, 1945.


terms means destructive power. It is a weapon that can only be

used, as was used in the closing days of the war, for purposes of

rather indiscriminate destruction. This proves that " total " war is
not a Nazi invention. The Nazi only hastened and accentuated a
historical logic implicit in a technical civilization. Technical soci-
ety produces total war, because it enables men to harness the re-
sources of a society for a certain end totally; and its instruments of
destruction become more and more total. The thoughtful element
in the democratic world has a very uneasy conscience about the use
of the bomb against the Japanese. Critics have rightly pointed out
that we reached the level of Nazi morality in justifying the use of
the bomb on the ground that it shortened the war. That is exactly
what the Nazis about the destruction of Rotterdam and War-
saw. They claimed that a brief conflict aiming at total destruction
was more merciful than a long-drawn-out war. In any case the use of
the bomb was merely the culmination of our own strategy of total
war, involving the use of ever more powerful obliteration bombing
and incendiarism. Mr. Churchill reported honestly on how he and
President Truman reached the decision to use the bomb after it

had become apparent that, without it, the war against Japan might
last many more months. It is a simple matter to condemn the states-

men who made the decision to use the bomb. The question is
whether they were not driven by historic forces more powerful
than any human decision. If we remember that the bomb was de-
veloped in competition with the Germans and under the lash of the
fear that they might perfect it before we did, it becomes apparent
that it was not possible to refuse to develop it. Once perfected, it
was difficult to withhold it when its use held out the prospect of a
quicker end of the war. We can criticize the statesman, however, for
lack of imagination in impressing the enemy with
power of the the
bomb without the wholesale loss of life that attended our demon-
stration of its power. Suppose we had announced the perfection of
the bomb to the enemy, threatened its ultimate use, and given some
vivid demonstrations of its power in places where the loss of life
would have been minimal. The moral advantage of such imagina-
tion would have been tremendous. As matters stand now, we have
completely lost our moral position, particularly in the Orient. We
speak rather glibly of the necessity and possibility of repentance on
the part of Japan, without recognizing how difficult we have made
repentance for a vanquished foe who feels that he was defeated by
the use of an illegitimate form of destructiveness.
In regard to the future, it is almost idle to speculate what effect

the bomb have upon military strategy or the prospects of peace.

It increases the general horror of war and thereby presumably adds
something to the power of the will of nations to achieve an orderly
world. But as soon as we look at the problem in terms of the de-
tailed politics of international relations we have less assurance. For
the moment the possession of this power of destruction increases the
political power of the nations possessing it. Ultimately it may equal-
ize military strength because it form of de-
places a fairly cheap
structiveness in the hands of even weak nations, provided they have
uranium deposits. For the moment, the possession of this destructive
power establishes an even greater preponderance of power for the
nations who hold the secret.
This fact might make for peace,though hardly for justice, pro-
vided that the great nations possessed this new power in common.
But they do not. It is an Anglo-Saxon resource at the moment. The
London Sunday Observer has noted that the unveiling of the bomb
has given the Western powers an advantage over Russia, which will
prevent Russia from challenging them as soon as it might have
done under other circumstances. But suppose Russia asks to share
in the secret, as the London Daily Worker has already suggested
that she should? And suppose the secret is withheld and Russia then
proceeds to elaborate this energy herself? For the secret behind the
bomb is hardly a secret. The formulas are now sufficiently well
known to permit anyone to develop them if they have the resources
to do so.

It is, in other words, not probable that the introduction of this

new energywill increase the unity among the hegemonous powers.
much more likely that it will increase mutual apprehension
It is

among them. Thus there is no positive immediate gain for world

peace in the introduction of this new destructive device.
The matter can be put more simply. The creation of a new di-

mension of military power could make the world more secure only
if a stable universal government, which would have exclusive use

of the power, could be presupposed. Lacking such a government and

such a universal authority, a new power introduced into the military
situation accentuates disunion and not order.
Ultimately, of course, the bomb may make for peace, because it

proves that we must achieve an organized society in global terms or


perish. But the prospect for the next decades, or indeed for the next
century, is not reassuring.


Each age of mankind brings forth new perils and new possibilities.
Yet they are always related to what we have known before. The age
of atomic bombs, suddenly developing into a thousand times more
lethal hydrogen bombs, is very different from the age of scythe and
plowshare. It confronts us with the possibility of mutual mass anni-
hilation. Yet we are no different from our fathers. Our present situ-
ation is a heightened and more vivid explication of the human
One between ourselves and our fathers is that our
basic similarity
power over the course human history is limited. We had imagined
that the very technics that finally produced atomic destruction
would make us the masters of history. But they merely produce an
increased amount of power over nature that has a dubious role in
the affairs of men. When we confront the problem of bringing the
destructive possibilities of this power under moral control, the
whole ambiguity of the human situation is more fully revealed.
Consider the facts. We had the knowledge to produce the more
lethal bomb four years ago, but wisely did not exploit it. Then,
when the news came that the Russians had the A-bomb, we were
certain that they would be, as we were, on the way to achieving the
more deadly H-bomb. There seemed, therefore, nothing to do but
give orders to develop it. The fact that this was done without public
debate represents a real threat to the democratic substance of our
life. This merely accentuates the danger in which we have been ever

since secret weapons have been developed. It is, at any rate, fairly
certain that, had the President submitted the matter to Congress,
the decision would have been identical with the one he made. Thus
we have come into the tragic position of developing a form of de-
struction which, if used by our enemies against us, would mean our
physical annihilation; and if used by us against our enemies, would
mean our moral annihilation. What shall we do?
Christianity and Society, Spring, 1950.
The pacifists have a simple answer. Let us simply renounce the
use of such a weapon, together with our enemies if possible, but

alone if it is possible to sum-

necessary. This answer assumes that
mon the human development with a resound-
will to defy historical
ing no. But where is this " human will " which could rise to such
omnipotence? Unfortunately we do not have moral access to the
Russian will. We have to limit ourselves to the will of America and
of the Western world. Could we possibly, as a nation, risk annihila-
tion or subjugation for the sake of saying no to this new develop-
ment of destruction? Could we risk letting the Russians have the
bomb while we are without it? The answer is that no responsible
statesman will risk putting his nation in that position of defenseless-
ness. Individuals may, but nations do not, thus risk their very ex-
istence. Would a gesture of defenselessness possibly soften the Rus-
sian heart? That is the other possibility implied in the pacifist so-
lution.The answer is that we have no such assurance. Granted the
Russian hope and belief that it has the possibility of bringing its
peculiar redemption to the whole world, it is not likely to be im-
pressed by any " moral " gesture from what it believes to be a de-
cadent world. In other words, our will is neither powerful enough
nor good enough to accomplish the miracle expected of us in the
pacifist solution.
Yet we are never the prisoners of historical destiny, even though
all pretensions of being its master have crumbled. What shall we do
within the limits of our power? Perhaps, since the so-called Baruch
plan has become obsolete through the loss of our monopoly in
atomic destruction, the thing to do is to revise our proposals and
make another effort to secure agreement with the Russians. This
course of action is widely approved; and it probably ought to be
tried. But it has little prospect of success. The Russians are almost
certain to demand general disarmament as the price for any agree-
ment That means that they believe it
in the field of atomic energy.
possible to dominate Europe politically if the military defenses
against its encroachments are removed. We cannot pay that price
because we cannot afford to deliver Europe over to communism.
Perhaps the most feasible possibility is that proposed by a group
of eleven scientists who have suggested that we produce the H-bomb
but make a solemn covenant never to use it first. This proposal has
several merits. It would serve to allay some of the apprehensions that
the world feels about our possible use of the bomb. It would also re-

Strain those elements in our defense department who are placing

undue on the bomb and who may, if we are not careful, so
develop our defenses that we could not win a war without using
the bomb. It would also tend to counteract all those tendencies in
our national life which make for the subordination of moral and
political strategy to military strategy. We must not forget that,
though we must be prepared to defend ourselves in case of war, it is
more important to overcome communism by moral, economic, and
political measures. In that case we would not have to fight the war
for which the strategists are preparing our defenses. For this reason
the proposals of Senator McMahon, looking toward a tremendous
expansion of our aid to the Western world, are of great significance.
The refusal to use the bomb first is not of itself a sufficient
strategy. But such a refusal would tend to encourage all the more
positive strategies for preserving both peace and civilization. Yet
the refusal to use the bomb first does have a further significance. We
would be saying by such a policy that even a nation can reach the
point where can purchase its life too dearly. If we had to use
it this
kind of destruction in order to save our lives, would we find life

worth living? Even nations can reach a point where the words of
our Lord, " Fear not them which are able to kill the body but
rather fear them that are able to destroy both soul and body in
hell," become relevant.
The point of moral transcendence over historical destiny is not as
high as moral perfectionists imagine. But there is such a point,
though the cynics and realists do not recognize it. We must discern
that point clearly. A nation does not have the power to say that it

would rather be annihilated than produce a certain weapon. For,

as the scientists have asserted, the production of that weapon may
serve to guarantee that it will never be used. But to use such a
weapon first represents a quite different moral hazard. It ought not
to be impossible to nations to meet that hazard successfully.

Love and Justice

and the Pacifist Issue

fellows is one of nicely balanced trust and mistrust, of confi-
dence and fear. The relation of human
groups to each other is usu-
ally characterized by the same kind of mixed attitude, though in
group relations there is usually a little more fear and a little less
trust, for the simple reason that groups have generally not been as
ethical as individuals. Common sense would seem to justify such an
attitude, for human nature is an intriguing amalgam of potential
virtue and inchoate vice, in proportions sufficiently variable to
prompt both trust and fear. The average man who has been taught
by necessity to trust his fellow men, since an attitude of consistent
mistrust would destroy all social life, nevertheless tempers this in-
clination by the shrewd observation that his virtue, carried to an
extreme, may invite aggression and tempt his fellows to dishonesty.
This common-sense view of human relations is always under the
necessity of maintaining itself against two forces that tend to disin-
tegrate it. On the one hand, man easily becomes the victim of fear
complexes that completely destroy his inclination to trust his fel-
low men. They usually follow upon some harrowing experience,
some evidence of specific dishonesty or aggression, which for the
moment outweighs all that man has learned about the general de-
pendability of human nature. Sometimes, as in the case of some na-
tional groups in Europe since the war, such fear complexes are defi-
nitely pathological. On the other hand, the common-sense balance is
threatened by the imagination of a minority, usually a religious mi-
nority, which maintains that trust is itself creative, that men tend to

The Atlantic Monthly, May, 1927.

become what we think they are, that they become trustworthy only
as we trust them and lovable only as we love them. Whenever such
religious imagination is developed to its highest potency, it not
only essays to strengthen the forces of virtue by assuming them, but
it definitely undertakes to overcome developed evil by failing to take
cognizance of So Jesus counsels his followers to forgive, not seven

times, but seventy times seven, and to turn the other cheek if they
have been made the victims of aggression.
On the whole the common-sense attitude toward other men is not
seriously imperiled by this force of religious imagination. Imagina-
tion is a virtue and achievement that is rare at best and that only
occasionally rises to such a potency that it is able to create as well
as to discover hidden virtue in other men. Even religion undertakes
to cultivate that type of imagination only in rare moments of in-
sight and power, and usually contents itself with maintaining the
common-sense balance against the threat of unbalanced fears and
hatreds. Yet there are times when mutual fears, resulting in mutual
hatreds, reduce themselves to such an absurdity that large numbers
of men are prompted to experiment with the attitude of trust. We
are living in an age in which one element in every nation is still
suffering from pathological fears created by the World War and an-
other element in every national group is more than ordinarily
anxious to adopt an attitude of trust because it has realized that the
war was itself a spontaneous combustion resulting from excessive
fearsand hatreds. That is why the question of preparedness, of
armament and disarmament, is so urgent in practically every West-
ern nation.
Because of these influences of the war, large numbers of people
espouse the cause of pacifism, of nonresistance and mutual trust,

who realize only dimly what is involved in the adventure of trust.

Many of them insist that if our nation or any other nation would
be willing to make the venture of disarming itself, it could success-
fully challenge its neighbors to similar experiments in confidence.
Still more no nation can run the risk of making
believe that, while
the venture alone, there no reason why a simultaneous experi-

ment in disarmament and mutual trust should not be initiated.

There is of course much to be said for this faith. If it accom-
plishes nothing else, it will at least help to re-establish the old
common-sense balance of trust and mistrust which the war hatreds
But it is hardly sufficiently thoroughgoing to build the

new world of which it dreams. Its weakness lies in the fact that it

does not realize how consistent an ethical attitude toward other

groups and individuals must be before it becomes in any sense a
guaranty of security. Creative love must express itself not only in
trust but in sacrifice. It may do for a Francis of Assisi to trust his
fellow men and assume that even a bandit will finally do him no
wrong; but it would be foolish for a village banker who holds a
mortgage on most of the homes in the village to make a sudden
venture in trust and decide to have his vaults open. He may have a
legal and even a moral right to collect interest on his mortgages, yet
it is not an insistence on rights, but a sacrifice of rights for the sake

of fellowship, which finally creates that type of relationship in

which there is security without recourse to force.


Applied specifically to our own and other nations, this means that
the moral task that faces our generation is to persuade groups
groups of every kind, but particularly nations to a measure of un-
selfishness as well as to a measure of trust toward their neighbors.
That is a formidable task. Groups have never been unselfish in the
slightest degree. L. P. Jacks has observed that all human groups
tend to be predatory. Henry Adams, who shrewdly observed that
the statesmen of England equivocated on the slavery issue during
the Civil War until they could determine their course by considera-
tions of expediency, came to the melancholy conviction: " Masses
of men are always prompted by interest rather than conscience.
Morality is a private, and a costly, luxury."
One reason why modern civilization finds itself in such moral
chaos is that intergroup relationships are increasingly becoming
more important than intragroup relationships without becoming as
moral. It is difficult to introduce ethical attitudes into the rela-
tions between groups, partly because these relationships are com-
paratively recent and partly because the individual, even if he
possesses a sensitive conscience, is not inclined to demand ethical
actions of his group as long as his own attitude toward the group is

ethical. Therean increasing tendency among modern men to


imagine themselves ethical because they have delegated their vices

to larger and larger groups. Yet the groups are not large enough
to give moral unity to mankind, and the whole process may simply
tend to make war an intercontinental war, a real world
the next
war instead Western world war.
of merely a
Ethical individuals tend to condone unethical group actions
partly because their individual attitude toward their group easily
obscures the essentially selfish attitude of the group; but partly it is

a strategy bywhich they are able to indulge their weaknesses with-

out seeming to do so. We are proud, as white men, in our relation
to other races because there is comparatively little opportunity to in-

dulge our pride among white men. If we bully Mexico, that is

partly to compensate ourselves for the lost opportunities of bully-

ing individual neighbors.
Sometimes group selfishness is further aggravated by the inability
of the individual citizen to see the consequences of national action
in the attitudes of other nations who are geographically remote but
in intimate economic contact with our own nation. America today
has a standard of living in such flagrant disproportion to that of any
other part of the world that it is arousing the envy of practically
every nation. Dispassionate observers agree that America is falling
into disfavor in every part of the world because the world is either
envious of our luxury or afraid of our economic power. The envy
may be unethical, but it is inevitable; and fear may not be justified
by any malice in our hearts, but it is natural. A belligerently na-
tionalistic paper recently criticized President Coolidge for insisting
that we shall not arouse the mistrust of the world by increasing our
armaments. The world hates us so ran the argument of the jour-
nalistic critic not for our armaments, but for our tariff and our
immigration policy. The point would seem to be well taken. The
feeling that the question of inter-Allied debts has created in Euro-
pean countries is but a symptom of a general attitude toward us,
which is prompted by the fact that we live in a paradise that is pro-
tected by the two walls of the tariff and immigration restriction.
Our immigration policy might be ethically defended by the reflec-
tion that as long as there is no universal birth control any effort to
equalize the relation of national resources to population must prove
abortive. Yet it is not this consideration which prompts our policy.
We simply assume, as does every other nation, that it is our duty as
well as our right to protect and preserve any advantages that our
citizens may enjoy above those of other peoples.
Millions of Americans, not all of them thoroughgoing pacifists, of

course, who are passionate in their espousal of world peace and dis-

armament, have never given the slightest consideration to these eco-

nomic realities. They want America to trust the world and are
sure that the world will in turn trust America. Their faith is too
naive. They do not realize that a nation cannot afford to trust any-
one if it is not willing to go to the length of sharing its advantages.
Love that expresses itself in trust without expressing itself in sacri-
fice is futile. It is not thoroughgoing enough to be creative or re-

Since it is more difficult for groups than for individuals to moral-
ize and since nations have long enjoyed complete
their actions,
moral autonomy, it would be foolish to expect any immediate or
easy spiritualizing of national conduct; nor is it necessary to post-
pone every policy of international trust until nations have become
completely ethical in their conduct. But it is obvious that it is at
least asimportant to create an unselfish national attitude as to adopt
policies of mutual trust. This fact is easily obscured, particularly
in those nations which for the mom.ent enjoy the highest privileges.
There are Continental cynics and shrewd observers in other parts
of the world who slyly suggest that pacifism is a virtue that only
the two great Anglo-Saxon nations are able to enjoy. The implica-
tion is England and America are the only two really solvent na-
tions in the Western world, and that, since they have what they
want and need, it is to their interest to preach peace. The hungry
nations will meanwhile fail to react to this moral idealism. They
will shrewdly and cynically observe that it is always the tendency
of those who have to extol the virtue of peace and order and to
place those who have not at a moral disadvantage.
It is quite impossible for the strong to be redemptive in their re-
lation to the weak if they are not willing to share the weakness of
the weak, or at least to equalize in some degree the disproportion of


It is for this reason that the " outlawry of war " idea so passion-
ately espoused by many Americans takes so little root in Europe.
The outlawry of war " program is practically to adopt pacifism

on a mutual and international scale, to persuade the nations of the

earth to simultaneously disavow the use of force. Logically and
legally the plan seems perfect. But it is weak psychologically. In a
sense it is typically American; for America is sufficiently impreg-
nable in her position to be emancipated from the fear complexes
that disturb European, particularly Continental, nations, and she is
sufficiently privileged to desire the use of force no more for pur-
poses of aggression than for needs of defense. Meanwhile the in-
sistence of many American peace idealists that America must not
enter Europe and make its problems ours until Europe disavows
the use of force merely tends to become an ethical sublimation of
an essentially selfish national position. It gives moral sanction to a
policy of isolation that has its real basis in quite other considera-
tions. The why we do not associate intimately with
real reason
Europe is that we have many advantages that might be sacrificed
in a too intimate fellowship. The general effect of the outlawry pro-
gram is to beguile a nation that stands aloof to preserve the ad-
vantages of its strength into believing that it stands alone to pre-
serve the advantages of its virtue.
In this connection it is to be noted that some of our statesmen
and publicists who European armaments and the
are most critical of
alleged sanction of war
Covenant of the League of Nations
in the
are the very ones who are most unyielding in the matter of inter-
Allied debts. Senator Borah, who is in many respects the most hon-
est and rugged statesman in Washington, and whose attitude in re-
gard to Oriental and South American questions is probably the
greatest single force for the moralizing of our national conduct, is
singularly obtuse in regard to this European problem. For the
peace of the world, it would be an immeasurable advantage if we
could forget some of our moral scruples against Europe for the sake
of entering into a more intimate fellowship with her, in which
there might be some chance of mitigating the fears and hatreds
that American wealth and strength are creating in impoverished
In a sense our advocates of national preparedness represent the
sober common sense of the nation against the moral obfuscation of
many peace enthusiasts. A strong and privileged nation, strong
enough to be emancipated from the fear of any immediate attack,
and privileged enough to need nothing that the force of arms might
be able to secure, may indulge the peace ideal for the moment. But
ultimately both its strength and its privilege will incite enmity and
aggression. Except it uses its strength more wisely than seems
probable from past history, and shares its privileges more unself-

ishly than any nation has yet been inclined to, it is bound to array
the world against it. That is the prospect that America faces.
Those of us who are pacifists ought to realize more clearly than
we do that spiritual attitudes can never guarantee us security in
the possession of material advantages. There is much to be said for
the position that a civilization and a culture may not only be pro-
tected without the use of force, but that they can be maintained
uncorruptibly in no other way. But it requires an army to preserve
a higher standard of living than the rest of the world enjoys. An
essentially selfish nation cannot afford to be trusting. Its self-

ishness destroys the redemptive and morally creative power of its

Many individual idealists are taking the justified position that
the best way under ethical control is to
to bring unethical groups
disassociate themselves clearly from the unethical conduct of the
group, at whatever cost. Too few of them have realized that if such
action is to be morally redemptive, it must disassociate the indi-
vidual not only from the policy of using physical force but from
the policy of insisting on material advantages that destroy human
fellowship and make the use of force necessary.


When defining pacifism and discussing its relation to the social
problems of modern important to begin by disclaiming
society, it is

the right to express anyone's opinion except one's own. Pacifists

are no more divided than other groups who try to apply general
principles and ideals to the specific facts of the common life; but it
is inevitable that they should hold with varying degrees of con-
sistency to the common principles that bind them into a group. In a
general way pacifists may be defined as social idealists who are pro-
foundly critical and skeptical of the use of physical force in the
solution of social problems. At the extreme left in the pacifist
group are the apostles of thoroughgoing nonresistance, who refuse
to avail themselves of the use of physical force in any and every
situation. At the right are the more circumspect social analysts who
disavow the use of force in at least one important social situation,
The World Tomorrow, May, 1928.
as, for instance, armed international conflict. What really unites
this group in spite of its varying shades of conviction is the common
belief that the use of force is an evil. The consistent exponents of
nonresistance would regard it as an unnecessary evil in all situa-

tions. Those who are less consistent regard it as an evil in all situa-

tions but as a necessary evil in some situations.

The writer abhors consistency as a matter of general principle
because history seems to prove that absolute consistency usually be-
trays into some kind of absurdity. He must begin, therefore, by
stating two positions that represent the two poles of his thought.
One is that the use of physical violence in international life has im-
pressed itself upon his mind
an unmitigated and unjustified evil.
The other is that some form of social compulsion seems necessary
and justified on occasion in all but the most ideal human societies.
Between these two positions a line must be drawn somewhere, to
distinguish between the use of force as a necessary and as an un-
necessary evil. Different men of equal intelligence and sincerity will
draw that line in different places. Perhaps some, while claiming to
be critical of the use of force, will find it practically necessary in so
many situations that they may hardly be counted among the paci-
fists. It is necessary, therefore, to draw an arbitrary line and count

only those among the pacifists who express their critical attitude
toward the use of force by disavowing it completely in at least one
important situation. Perhaps it ought to be added that a true paci-
fist will prove the sincerity of his conviction by seeking the diminu-

tion of force and by experimenting with other methods of social

co-operation in every social situation.
Armed international conflict stands in a category of its own be-
cause history has proved its worthlessness as a method of solving so-
cial problems so vividly that it has become practically impossible
to justify it on any moral grounds. It is morally so impotent and so

perilous chiefly for two reasons. One is that force in an interna-

tional dispute is used by the parties to a dispute, and it therefore
aggravates rather than solves the evils and misunderstandings that
led to the dispute. If there is any possibility of force being redemp-
tive, it is an absolute prerequisite that it be exerted by an agency

that is impartial and unbiased with reference to the controversy.

The other reason is that the use of force in international conflict in-
evitably issues in the destruction of life and, what is more, in the
destruction of the lives of many who have had no share in the dis-

pute and who are innocent of the evils that a war may be designed
to ehminate.
If international conflict is outlawed on these two grounds, it

would follow that the use of force by some society of nations would
fall in a different category. If force is under the control of an im-

partial tribunal, it has a better chance of being redemptive, or at

least of not being totally destructive of morals, than if it is merely
themeans of conflict. However, it must be observed that it is so
much more difficult to create an impartial society and an impartial
tribunal with reference to disputes between large groups, national
and economic, than with reference to controversies between indi-
viduals that it is much more necessary to seek the total abolition of
force in overcoming group conflict than in settling the difficulties
of individuals within a group. A " league to enforce peace " be-
tween nations has much
chance of succeeding than has a gov-

ernment to enforce peace between individuals, simply because the

total number of groups that make up the league is relatively so
small in comparison with the number that may be engaged in a con-
troversy that it is practically impossible to guarantee the impar-
tiality of the groups that enforce the decision of a tribunal. Added
to this is the fact that a league of nations is no more able to punish

a recalcitrant nation without destroying the lives of innocent people

than is Economic pressure rather than military
a single nation.
force may reducemoral hazard to a certain extent and it may
therefore have a higher moral justification than the latter; but it
does not entirely remove the difficulty and must therefore be re-
garded as a dangerous expedient. Though it is a dangerous expedi-
ent, it does not follow that it is an expedient that may never be
justified on moral grounds.
Pacifists assume too easily, it seems to me, that all controversies
are due to misunderstandings that might be solved by a greater
degree of imagination. When the strong exploit the weak they pro-
duce a conflict that is not the result of ignorance but of the brutal-
ity of human may be that the strong can be convinced in
nature. It
time that not to their ultimate interest to destroy the weak. But
it is

they can hardly gain this conviction if the weak do not offer re-
sistance in some form to oppression. It may be that this resistance
need not express itself physically at all. It may express itself in the

use of the " soul force " advocated by Gandhi. But even as thor-
oughgoing a spiritual idealist as Gandhi has realized that the for-
giving love of the oppressed lacks redemptive force if the strong
are not made to realize that alternatives to a policy of love are
within reach of the oppressed. Oppressed and nations,
classes, races,
like the industrial worker, the Negroes, India, and China, are
therefore under the necessity of doing more than appeal to the
imagination and the sense of justice of their oppressors. Where
there is a great inequality of physical advantage and physical power
it is difficult to establish moral relations.Weakness invites aggres-
sion. Even the most intelligent and moral individuals are more in-
clined to unethical conduct with those who are unable to offer re-
sistance to injustice than with those who can. It must be admitted
that an inert China did not succeed in inviting the attention of the
world to its maladies, while a rebellious China did. Even the social
idealists in the Western world who were not totally oblivious to the
evils of Western imperialism in the Orient before the nationalist
movement assumed large proportions had their conscience quick-
ened by it.
It is obviously possible to resist injustice without using physical

force and certainly without using violence. In a world in which con-

science and imagination have been highly sensitized, the oppressed
may seek relief against their oppressors and punish them for their
misdeeds by indicting them before the bar of public opinion. But
it seems that the world in which we live is not so spiritual that it is

always possible to prompt the wrongdoer to contrition merely by

appealing to his conscience and to that of the society in which he
lives. It may be necessary to deprive him of some concrete ad-
, vantage or inflict some obvious hurt upon him to bring him to his
senses. In other words, Gandhi's boycott in India and the Chinese
boycott against the English inHong Kong and the strike of the in-
worker would seem to be necessary strategies in the kind of
world in which we live. It is possible to justify the use of such force
I without condoning violence of any kind. The distinction between
violence and such other uses of force as economic boycotts is not
only in degree of destruction that results from them but in the de-
gree of redemptive force that they possess. Parents frequently find
~it necessary to aid the defective imagination of a child by creating
painful consequences by artificial means for acts that would result
in painful consequences of their own accord in the long run. But the
character of the child might be ruined before it had the opportunity
to test the actual consequences. On the other hand, if such punish-

ment is administered violently, it will confuse rather than clarify

the moral judgment of the child. When oppressed groups resort to
violence they also confuse the moral judgment of the society from
which they seek justice. They give society the pretext for identify-
ing social maladjustments with social peace and for maintaining
the former in the effort to preserve the latter. In the same way the
effort of society to maintain a social equilibrium by the undue use
of force, particularly by the violent use of force, inevitably confuses
rather than clarifies the moral judgments of its minorities and easily
prompts them to violence and destruction.
If force is used, therefore, for the sake of gaining moral and social

ends, it is necessary to guard its use very carefully. Every society,

every individual as well, is easily tempted to overestimate the im-
portance of force in the creation of social solidarities. Many people
live under the illusion that a nation is integrated by force and that
order is maintained in its life by police power. The fact is that so-
cieties are created by attitudes of mutual respect and trust; and
standards of conduct within a society are created by mutual consent.
Every society seems under the necessity of maintaining its integrity
against and forcing its standards upon a certain antisocial minority
by the use of force. It is this antisocial minority which justifies, or
at least seems to justify, the use of a certain minimum amount of
force. It is because every society tends to overemphasize the place
of force in its social strategy that absolutists have considerable justi-

fication for the thesis that force ought to be completely abolished;

for the social efficacy of forceis very definitely limited, and most

societieshave been too uncritical to discover these limitations.

The first obvious limitation is that force can be used only upon
a very insignificant minority. If the great majority of a people do
not choose to observe a law, it is not possible to enforce it, be it
even the most ruthless police action. If a government does not rest
upon the consent of the governed, every effort to maintain it by
ruthlessness must ultimately result in complete disintegration, as
for instance in the Russian Revolution. If a political policy does
not achieve the uncoerced acceptance of a vast majority of the popu-
lation, every effort to enforce it finally proves abortive. Even when
the minority that opposes a government or a governmental policy
is numerically small and insignificant, its coercion is fraught with
moral and social peril. A so-called antisocial minority is, for one
thing, never as completely antisocial as the society that tries to co-
erce it imagines. A part of the minority is usuallymade up of social
idealists who resist the moral compromises upon which the life of
every societyis inevitably based, not because they are too high for

itsattainment but because they are too low for its ideals. It has been
the tragic mistake of almost every society to number its prophets
among its transgressors. Thus the same coercion by which it sought
to avoid social disintegration has operated to produce social stag-
nation. The same force that preserved its standards also destroyed
the social forces by which those standards might have been gradu-
ally perfected. A high degree of imagination, which few societies
have achieved, is required to distinguish between the creative and
the disintegrating forces in its life. It may be observed in passing
that while it is in the interest of social progress to dissuade societies
from undue reliance upon coercion it will probably always be neces-
sary for creative minorities to pay a certain price in martyrdom
for their achievements. All social organisms are conservative and
are bound to resist not only those who try to draw them backward
but those who them forward.
try to pull
Even after the distinction between creative and disintegrating
forces in the social minority has been made, there is no clear case
for the use of force upon the remaining, really " criminal " minority.
Some force may be necessary in dealing with the criminal, but
every undue reliance upon force obscures the defects in the life of
society itself, which have helped to create the criminal. A wayward
child is just as much the product of a faulty pedagogy as of innate
human defects. It is dangerous to follow Clarence Darrow's moral
nihilism and insist that every individual is merely the product of his

environment and therefore without blame; but it is obvious enough

that much antisocial conduct is definitely due to maladjustments
in society. That is what Jesus meant by suggesting that he who is
without guilt should throw the first stone. Of the cases of criminal-
ity that remain after those for which society is responsible have been

subtracted a certain proportion must be attributed to purely patho-

logical causes. A wise society will deal with these without passion
and will use force only to put their unfortunate authors in social
What is left after all these subtractions have been made represents
the real criminal minority. While physical restraint and coercion
are probably necessary in dealing with this group, it is obvious that
even here force has its limitations. Imagination and understanding

may restore a goodly portion of this group to useful membership in

society, while the uncritical use of force will merely aggravate its

defects. We must arrive, then, at the conclusion that the use of

force is dangerous in all social situations, harmful in most of them,
and redemptive only in a very few.
The validity of the pacifist position rests in a general way upon
the assumption that men are intelligent and moral and that a gen-
erous attitude toward them will ultimately, if not always immedi-

and challenge what is best in them. This is

ately, discover, develop,
a large assumption which every specific instance will not justify.
The strategy of love therefore involves some risks. These risks are
not sometimes made to appear for the simple
as great as they are
reason that love does not only discover butit creates moral purpose.

The cynic who discounts the moral potentialities of human nature

seems always to verify his critical appraisal of human nature for
the reason that his very skepticism lowers the moral potentialities
of the individuals and groups with which he deals. On the other
hand, the faith that assumes generosity in the fellow man is also
verified because it tends to create what it assumes. If a nation as-

sumes that there is no protection against the potential peril of a

neighbor but the force of arms, its assumption is all too easily justi-
fied, for suspicion creates suspicion, fear creates fear, and hatred

creates hatred. It is interesting to note in this connection how in the

relations of France and Germany since the war every victory or
seeming victory of the nationalists in Germany has given strength
to the chauvinists of France, and vice versa, while every advantage
for the forces of one nation that believe in trust has resulted in an
almost immediate advantage for the trustworthy elements in the
other. Hence the contest between the apostles of force and the
apostles of love can never be decided purely on the basis of scien-
tific evidence. The character of the evidence is determined to a great

degree by the assumptions upon which social relations are initiated.

This is the fact that gives the champions of the strategy of love the
right to venture far beyond the policy that a cool and calculating
sanity would dictate. It may not be true that love never fails; but
it is true that love creates its own victories, and they are always

greater than would seem possible from the standpoint of a merely

critical observer.


Historically the Fellowship of Reconciliation is an organization

and holding to the Quaker position
of pacifists, born during the war,
on war beyond the confines of the Quaker fellowship. In a sense
the Fellowship has been a kind of Quaker conventicle inside of the
traditional church. Gradually the effort to present a Christian testi-

mony against war forced an increasingly large number of F. O. R.

members to oppose the capitalistic social system as a breeder of
war and injustice. As long as they could believe that the injustice of
capitalism could be abolished by moral suasion there seemed to be
no particular conflict between their pacifism and their socialism.
They held to the generally accepted position of Christian socialists
who believed that the peculiar contribution of religion to the social
strugglemust be an insistence upon nonviolent or even noncoercive
methods of social change. In the recent poll of the membership it
was revealed that 21 per cent of the membership still believed that
the Fellowship should endeavor through " methods of love " to
bring about a new social order " without identifying itself with
either the underprivileged or the privileged class."
This position probably mirrors quite accurately the conviction of
a very considerable portion of the liberal Protestant Church, which
has not yet recognized that it is practically impossible to be com-
pletely neutral in a social struggle and that the effort at neutrality
is morally more dangerous in a class conflict than in an international

war because it works to the advantage of entrenched interests

against advancing forces.

Neutrality in the Class Struggle

Another 22 per cent of the Fellowship believe in " identifying it-

self with the just aims of the workers " but " without the use of any
form of coercion." Taking these two groups together we find that
almost half of the Fellowship disavows any form of coercion. Since
this type of ethical perfectionism is not related with any ascetic
withdrawal from the world, which might give it consistency, it may
be assumed that it is a good revelation of the failure of liberal
Protestantism to recognize the coercive character of political and

The Christian Century, January 3, 193^.


economic life. To refuse the use of any coercive

methods means that
it is not recognized that everyone is using them all the time, that

we all live in and benefit or suffer from a political and economic

order that maintains its cohesion partially by the use of various
forms of political and economic coercion.

The Dismissal of Mr. Matthews

Another group in the Fellowship (47 per cent to be exact) be-
lieves in the use of some form of coercion short of violence. One
part of the group believes in " assisting the organization of the
workers and in leading them in strikes for a living wage " and also
in organizing them into a political party that will use " nonviolent
political and economic coercive measures " and a smaller number
in this group go as far as willingness to support the workers in an
armed conflict but without themselves participating in the attend-
ant violence in any way.
If the two groups that abjure any form of coercion and those
which will not participate in any type of violent coercion are taken
together, they represent about 90 per cent of the Fellowship. This
is quite natural and logical in an organization of pacifists. It is

idle, therefore, to make it appear that the action of the council,

which dismissed J. B. Matthews from his position as secretary, was

in any sense irregular or unfair. It was the only logical step for the
Fellowship to take. Furthermore, though I share, roughly speaking,
the political position of Mr. Matthews, I do not agree with the pub-
licity that those who are supporting him have released since the

I am not a good enough Marxian to declare that convictions are

determined purely by class interests and that every pacifist is there-

fore a conscious or unconscious tool of capitalism. I think it is
quite probable that there are wealthy Quakers who abhor all vio-
lence without recognizing to what degree they are the beneficiaries
of an essentially violent system. In fact, I have known Philadelphia
Quakers to give hearty approval to Mr. Hoover's treatment of the
bonus army. At the same time I am not willing to attribute to men
like Nevin Sayre, John Haynes Holmes, and Kirby Page, who repre-
sent the middle section of the Fellowship and who believe in the use
of nonviolent coercion as a means of attaining social justice, the
" class interests " that have been ascribed to them by those who op-
pose them.
The pacifist position, whether in its pure form of nonresistance
or in the more qualified form of nonviolent resistance, has always
been held by a minority in the Christian church. It may be plausibly
argued that such pacifism will benefit entrenched interests more
than it will help the proponents of a higher social justice when the
day of crisis comes. But to suggest that it is dictated by class inter-
ests not only does injustice to these courageous champions of jus-
tice, but it economic interpretation of history to pre-
presses the
cisely that point where it becomes absurd. Anyone who recognizes
the terrible tension between the Christian ideal of love and the hard
realities of life is certainly bound to respect the effort of those who,
recognizing the horrors of violence, make nonviolence an absolute
in their social ethic.

We Are Not Pacifist!

While respecting this position of the pure and the qualified paci-
fists, I am bound to admit that I cannot share their position. For
this reason I am forced to associate myself with 20 per cent of the
Fellowship who are pacifists only in the sense that they will refuse
to participate in an international armed conflict. Perhaps it would
clear the issue if we admitted that we were not pacifists at all. We
probably all recognize the terrible possibilities of violence. We re-

gard an international armed conflict as so suicidal that we are cer-

tain that we will not participate in it.

In the case of the social struggle that is being waged between the
privileged and the disinherited classes in every Western nation,
some of us, at least, know that there are possibilities that modern
civilization will drift into barbarism with the disintegration of the
capitalistic system. We believe that not only fascism but communism
has the perils of barbarism in it. The peril of the latter arises not
so much from its preaching of violence as from its preaching of
hatred. Hatred is very blinding; and those who are blind cannot be
good enough statesmen to become the instruments of a new unity
amid the complexities of Western civilization. We would certainly
have as much sense of responsibility toward the avoidance of bar-
baric civil strife as any other intelligent and responsible person.
The reason we cannot, in spite of our scruples, maintain our con-

nection with the majority of the Fellowship is because we regard

all problems of social morality in pragmatic rather than absolute

terms. The only absolute law that we recognize is the law of love,
and that is an ideal that transcends all law. The purely Marxian
jsection of this lo per cent minority would probably not recognize
jthe validity of the ideal of love atall. They would think of the so-

cial struggle simply as a contest between two classes in which the one
class is fated to play the role of creating a classless society. Those of
jus who are Christian Marxians would renounce some of the utopian-
ism implied in this belief. We believe rather that the world of na-
ture and history is which egoism, collective and indi-
a world in
vidual, will never be completely overcome and in which the law of
love will remain both an ideal for which men must strive and a cri-
terion that will convict every new social structure of imperfection.

A Pragmatic Problem

We realize that the problem of social justice is a pragmatic and

?ven a technical one. Modern capitalism breeds injustice because
bf the disproportions of economic power that it tolerates and upon
which it is We
expect no basic economic justice without a
destruction of the present disproportion of power and we do not
expect the latter without a social struggle. Once we have accepted
we do not feel that we
the fact of the reality of the social struggle
can stop where the middle portion of the Fellowship has stopped.
We are unable to stop there because we can find no stable absolute
in the shifting situation of the social struggle where everything
must be finally decided in pragmatic terms.
If we should
agree with one portion of this middle section that
we will use nonviolent coercion in behalf of the disinherited but
ivill discourage any coercion that may issue in violence, we feel

that we would give an undue moral advantage to that portion of

the community which is always using nonviolent coercion against
the disinherited. This is precisely what the liberal church is con-
stantly tempted to do. It is furthermore usually oblivious to the fact
that nonviolence may be covert violence. Children do starve and
3ld people freeze to death in the poverty of our cities, a poverty
for which everyone who has more than the bare necessities of life

nust feel some responsibility.

We cannot agree with another group of these qualified pacifists


who would participate in an armed social conflicL but who would
not personally participate in its violence, contenting themselves
with noncombatant services, because we have come to believe that 1

such an attitude represents an abortive effort to maintain personal j

purity while holding an organic relation to a social movement that |

is bound to result in some degree of violence in the day of crisis. 1

Is This Division Academic? |

The outsider may think that those careful definitions of just what |

degree of violence or nonviolence one accepts in a social struggle

represent academic hairsplitting. I quite admit that this discussion j

as to just what any would do in the day of crisis is very un-

of us i

realistic in many ways. As a Marxian and as a Christian it reveals


to me the futility of finding a moral absolute in the relativities of I

politics. If anyone should suggest that those of us who have thus 1

renounced the pacifist position ought not any longer to regard our-
selves as Christian, I would answer that it is only a Christianity |


that suffers from modern liberal illusions that has ever believed
that the law of love could be made an absolute guide of conduct in
social morality and politics. As a Marxian and as a Christian I

recognize the tragic character of man's social life, and the inevita-il
bility of conflict in it arising from the inability of man ever to bring)
his egoism completely under the dominion of conscience.
As a Marxian I will try to guide that conflict to a goal that guar-i
antees a basic economic justice and creates a society that makes mod-'j
ern technical civilization sufferable. As a Christian I will know that
even the justice of a socialist commonwealth will reveal the imper-
fections of natural man and will not destroy the contest of wills and
interests which will express itself in every society. As a Christian I
will achieve at least enough contrition before the absolute demands
that God makes upon me and that I never completely fulfill to be
able to deal with those who oppose me with a measure of forgive-
ness. Christianity means more than any moral attitude that can ex-
press itself in social politics. But it must at least mean that the so-
cial struggle is fought without hatred. Nonhatred is a much more
important sign and symbol of Christian faith than nonviolence.
why i leave the f. o. r. 259

The Choice of the Radical

To make the matter short, the Fellowship controversy has re-
vealed that there are radical Christians who can no longer express
themselves in pacifist terms. For some of them pacifism was the last
remnant of Christianity in their radicalism. With pacifism dissi-
pated they are inclined to disavow their Christian faith or to be
quiescent about it. Others of us have merely discovered the pro-
fundity of the Christian faith when we ceased to interpret it in
merely moralistic demands.
I think we ought to leave the Fellowship of Reconciliation with

as good grace as possible. Perhaps we could even prove that there

are some of the fruits of the spirit within us by leaving without
rancor and without impugning ignoble motives to our comrades to
whom we are bound in many cases by inseparable ties of common
purpose and affection. In so far as we are radical Christians we must
find a more solid ground for the combination of radicalism and
Christianity than the creed of pacifism supplied. But we will always
maintain our respect for the purity of purpose that animates the
men who conceived the Fellowship of Reconciliation and will carry
it on in spite of discouragement in these critical days. Perhaps the
day will come when we will be grateful for their counsels.
Recognizing, as liberal Christianity does not, that the world of
politics is full of demonic forces, we have chosen on the whole to
support the devil of vengeance against the devil of hypocrisy. In
the day in which we dying social system commits the hypoc-
live, a

risy of hiding its behind the forms of justice, and the vic-
tims of injustice express their politics in terms of resentment
against this injustice. As Marxians we support this resentment
against the hypocrisy. As Christians we know that there is a devil
in the spirit of vengeance as well as in the spirit of hypocrisy. For
that reason we respect those who try to have no traffic with devils
at all. We cannot follow them because we believe that consistency
would demand flight to the monastery if all the devils of man's
collective life were to be avoided. But our traffic with devils may
lead to corruption, and the day may come when we will be grateful
for those who try to restrain all demons rather than choose between
The Italian-Ethiopian dispute has brought the problem of the
compatibility between consistent pacifism and support of the
League of Nations to a sharp focus. Since the war, pacifist senti-
ment has increased to a remarkable degree, particularly in England
and the United States. From the traditionally pacifist Christian
sects, such as the Quakers, it has spread to the Christian churches in
general. To a certain degree it has also expressed itself in purely
secular terms. Usually this postwar pacifism was compounded with
devotion to the principle of collective security embodied in the
League of Nations. The present dispute between the League and
Italy raises the questionwhether it is possible to combine the paci-
fist disavowal of every form of armed conflict with the obligations

of international government implied in the organization of a

League of Nations. Pacifists have evaded this issue to the present
moment by assuming that moral pressure and economic sanctions
would constitute a sufficient force with which to discipline a recal-
citrant nation. Italy's threat to use military force in the event of a
League oil embargo upon her (a threat that has for the moment
been successful in preventing the embargo) proves rather conclu-
sively that nonviolent sanctions cannot be applied without running
some risk of issuing in violence. If any international government
should therefore specifically limit its use of force to nonmilitary
measures, it would insure the futility of such measures. The recalci-
trant nation need only declare that economic sanc-
it will counter
tions with military measures to scare the international body into
impotence. Mussolini's defiance of the League has thus brought
the whole problem of the relation of pacifism to collective security
into sharp focus.
To understand the confusion of contemporary pacifism on the
question of sanctions, it is necessary to point out that various ele-

ments have entered into modern pacifist convictions. The ingredi-

ents of the modern compound of pacifism are chiefly three: religious
absolutism as expressed in the Sermon on the Mount; the general
presupposition of modern liberalism that rational persuasion is

gradually and progressively displacing coercion as the method of

arbitrating all forms of social dispute; and finally a moral nausea
over the brutalities and futilities of the World War.
The American Scholar, Spring, 1936.

Religious absolutism in its pure form is either apocalyptic or

ascetic. In either case it is not compatible with political responsi-
bility. When apocalyptic, as in the thought of Jesus, it sets the ab-
solute principles of the coming Kingdom of God, principles of un-
compromising love and nonresistance, in sharp juxtaposition to the
relativities of the economic and political order and assumes no re-
sponsibilities for the latter. When ascetic, as in the case of Francis
of Assisi or Tolstoi, it sharpens individual ideals of the spirit in
contrast to the whole range of physical necessities, from the indi-
vidual will-to-survive to a nation's will-to-power. It does not deny
that the actual world is one of conflict between egoistic impulses
or that the business of politics is to reduce this conflict to some kind
of equilibrium of balanced egoistic forces. It merely insists that such
" sin " of egoism or the peril of con-
equilibriums are not free of the
flict.Every equilibrium of contending social forces is only subdued
conflict, which may break out into actual conflict, and every actual
conflict may result in violence. In its pure form religious pacifism
is therefore a realistic reminder of the fact that the " peace of the
world " is never more than an armistice.
Since the dawn of modern liberalism, particularly in America,
this religious pacifism has been mixed with the political presup-
positions of rational liberalism. The basic presupposition of liberal-
ism is that the forces of rationality are gradually increasing in hu-
man and that we may therefore confidently look forward to
the day when
all social disputes will be arbitrated by a mutual re-

gard for the rights and interests of opposing parties in a conflict

situation. This assumption of liberalism implies a very optimistic
view of the goodness of human nature, an interpretation of human
history in terms of the idea of progress, and a belief that collective
behavior from individual conduct only in a certain tardiness
in reaching the ideals of the latter. These articles of the liberal
credo have prompted a great deal of pacifism that justifies itself in
pragmatic terms and therefore specifically disavows the political ir-
responsibility of religious absolutism. It claims that it has actually
found a superior social technique for the establishment of peace and
justice and therefore seeks to commend its program as a politically
wise one. Usually this pacifism defines its position in terms that per-
mit nonviolent resistance and coercion and excludes only violent
forms of resistance and coercion. It never fully faces the fact that it
is impossible to draw a sharp line between violence and nonviolence
and that every possible economic sanction (boycott and embargo,
for instance) may result in the destruction of both life and property.
In modern religious liberalism this type of pacifism is usually identi-
fiedwith the position of Jesus though there is nothing in the teach-
ings of Jesus that justifies a distinction between violent and non-
violent forms of resistance. The perfectionist ethics of the Christian
Gospels teach complete nonresistance and therefore establish a con-
trast not between violence and nonviolence but between any pru-
dential and pragmatic and maintain peace
effort to establish justice
by resistance, coercion, and the balance and the millen-
of power,
nial and anarchistic ideal of a completely uncoerced and voluntary
social peace and co-operation. Sometimes the modern religious lib-
eral seeks to combine the pragmatic considerations of a liberal ethic
with the absolutistic motifs of a purely religious ethic. Thus in the
writings of John Haynes Holmes, one of the outstanding pacifists
of our generation, pacifism is alternately commended as the best
method of achieving social justice and as absolutely right whatever
its social consequences. This inconsistency runs through practically
all modern religious pacifism.
The third element in modern pacifism is moral nausea and disil-
lusionment over the futilities and brutalities of the World War.
This brings into the pacifist fold a large number of people who
have no about the implications of their position
clear notions
which is They are not certain how war is to be
essentially negative.
prevented or how social justice is to be achieved. They merely hold
the understandable conviction that armed conflict is in any case a
method that destroys the ostensible ends it intends to serve. In this
group must be counted the radicals who regard war as the conse-
quence of capitalism and refuse to participate in it because they
want to disassociate themselves from capitalistic imperialism and
nationalism. Their position, however, is really not pacifistic at all.
They have merely decided that conflict between nations is futile
and tends to aggravate the social injustices of our civilization. They
are equally certain that a class conflict may establish a new type of
society in which international conflict will be abolished. But since
this group usually does not regard itself as pacifistic and sometimes
specifically disavows pacifist principles, it deserves the criticisms
leveled at liberal pacifists only when, as in the case of radical stu-
dent organizations, it adopts the " Oxford pledge " as its own. This
pledge, which promises to abstain from military defense of the na-

tion under all circumstances, has meaning and sincerity only if it

expresses religious absolutism. Among those signing it have been

some radical students who would be quite ready to engage in mili-
tary service provided, for instance, their nation supported Soviet
Russia in a war with Japan.
The recent crisis in Europe has prompted a great deal of search-
ing of hearts in pacifist circles and has drawn a clear line of cleav-
age between the pacifists in whom motives of religious perfection-
ism are dominant and those who hold
more pragmatic justifi-
to a
cation of nonviolence. The former condemn sanc-
are inclined to
tions because they may lead to war. In England this group, headed
by George Lansbury, former leader of the Labor Party, Lord Pon-
sonby, its leader in the House of Lords, and " Dick " Shepherd,
former Dean of Canterbury and influential in religious circles, have
formed a new pacifist organization that specifically disavows eco-
nomic as well as military sanctions. From a pacifist standpoint this
position is logical enough, particularly since the present crisis has
made it apparent that no form of political and social coercion can
be guaranteed never to result in violence. This English group is
noteworthy chiefly for the prominent statesmen enrolled under its
banner. Yet it seems rather strange that even a saint in politics, of
the type of George Lansbury, should not realize that the logic of
his position is really incompatible with government itself. If one is
to take such a position consistently, one must either believe that it
is possible to have government without coercion (accept the ideals
of anarchism in short) or be indifferent toward the problems of
A larger number of pacifists have taken the position that they will
support political coercion provided the power of coercion is
wielded by an international and impartial organization and pro-
vided nonviolent means of coercion are used. Thus Kirby Page, one
of the most influential exponents of pacifism in this country, heart-
ily advocates economic sanctions against Italy and took the same

position with reference to Japan in the Manchurian crisis. The diffi-

culty with this position is that it does not give any guidance to a
statesman who, in using nonmilitary sanctions, is faced with the
threat of military reprisals. If he should commit himself in advance
to the position of his pacifist supporters, he would insure the futil-
ity of his venture, for the recalcitrant nation is bound to threaten
reprisals as soon as economic sanctions really imperil the victory of
its arms. Such threats might be made insincerely, but the " bluff "

in them could be revealed only by risking war. It is interesting to

note that the Hoare-Laval proposals, condemned by all supporters
of the League as treason against were made partly because it was

feared that an oil embargo against Italy might lead to war. The
British Foreign Secretary feared such a war, not because of pacifist
scruples, but because the promise of co-operation by France in the
event of war was too reluctant to give him security. He seems also
to have been prompted by the consideration that a possible Italian-
French-English military entente might be more effective in stop-
ping a resurgent Germany than the system of collective security
under the League that Anthony Eden sought to construct. In any
event the threat of the use of armed force, dangerous as it is, is still
a necessary weapon, even for a League of Nations.
The serious embarrassment of League proponents who are also
pacifists is illustrated by a recent article in the English weekly
The New Statesman and Nation. The article by C. E. M. Joad justi-
fies pacifist support of the League on the ground that since the

world has refused to accept the pacifist solution of disarmament the

pacifist is forced to espouse a " second-best " policy. He need not,
however, be personally responsible for this second-best policy of
sanctions because it is not his own policy.

" Tfie use of force is after all not his policy; and it is only because fie fias

been unable to convert tfie world to fiis policy tfiat the use of force by the
League has come to seem the least evil of the various courses that are
practicable. But the pacifist has no personal obligation to take part in a
course that he advocates only under duress. His " best " is disarma-
. . .

ment. Meanwhile, because of the hardness of men's hearts and the thickness
of their heads, he is driven to support sanctions as the best that is offered
under the circumstances and as a means to the absolute best."

This argument is a perfect illustration of the naive individualism

of modern liberalism. The necessity of coercion in social life is at-

tributed to the failure of other people to arrive at the same degree

of enlightenment enjoyed by the pacifist. It does not occur to him
that the necessity of coercion in politics may flow from defects of
the human imagination and the human heart that even the most
enlightened individuals betray. Can Mr. Joad be really so certain
that a higher degree of intelligence will really free human society
from the brutal conflicts of power that have characterized all human
history? Perhaps the growth of human intelligence will accentuate

as well as mitigate this conflict. After all, the " enlightened " na-
tions have a stronger imperial will and are more effective in ex-
pressing it than the more vegetative backward nations. Mr. Joad's

effort to escape the pacifist dilemma reveals how implicit the idea
of progress is in all liberal approaches to the political problem. It
may be that human history is a much more tragic enterprise than
these liberal optimists assume.
An analysis of pacifist scruples about the League and sanctions
would be incomplete without reference to the radical position of
such men as Sir Stafford Cripps, leader of the Socialist League in
the British Labor Party. His position, shared by most Socialists in
America, is that the League is too much the instrument of capital-
istic imperialism to be an effective instrument of peace. It merely
supports the satiated imperialistic nations against the hungry ones,
Italy, Germany, and Japan, whose special crime is that they came
too tardily upon the division of spoils in the game of imperialism.
This position is not pacifistic in any exact sense of the word. It be-
trays no scruples against the use of force in government. It merely
regards the League of Nations as a pretense in international govern-
ment rather than as a reality. And it can hardly be denied that many
facts support this criticism. The League of Nations did not act in
the Japanese-Manchurian dispute because the imperial interests of
France and Britain were not threatened by Japanese aggression.
Nor did it act energetically against Italy until British interests in
Africa were threatened. Even now it fails to act without equivoca-
tion because the interests of France and Britain are only partially
compatible on this particular issue.
The real fact is that the League of Nations is, in the present mo-
ment, the combined force of French and British diplomacy plus the
moral prestige of the common opinion of the small nations of Eu-
rope. The force of the small nations, as a balance wheel of imperial
politics, is the only really significant gain achieved through the
World War. But how solid this gain is may well be regarded as a
question upon which no clear or convincing answer can be given.
Certainly the facts do not justify League enthusiasts who speak of
the League were an impartial international government,
as if it

above suspicion or reproach. The facts do not warrant the kind of

loyalty to the League that the religious forces of Britain marshaled
for the Tory party in the last election because of its assumed sup-
port of the League. Nor is it at all certain that the League of Na-
tions is a sufficiently authentic instrument of international govern-
ment to warrant America's entry into it at the present juncture. It
is more important at the present moment that our neutrality laws

should be so designed as to prevent the sabotaging of League sanc-

tions. That more important than entrance into the League on the

one hand, and on the other than the kind of neutrality that assumes
no responsibility for the disciplining of recalcitrant nations.
While it is important therefore not to overestimate the virtues,
achievements, or possibilities of the League, it is equally unrealistic
to abstain from every possible support of its policies on the ground
that its course is dictated or influenced by the imperial politics of
Britain or France. One need not regard either British or French
diplomacy as morally pure to be willing to use it to prevent a Eu-
ropean conflagration. Moral purists who advance this consideration
might well be challenged to point to any possible or conceivable
force in politics of such purity as their criticism of the League sug-
gests as possible. The fact is that politics is always confronted with
the task of beguiling conflicting egoistic wills into some kind of
harmony or equilibrium. The anarchy of nations happens to be
greater than the anarchy within nations, and for this reason the
self-interest of the component community
parts of an international
is more apparent than But that is all the more
in domestic politics.
reason why it is inadvisable to make moral demands of too absolute
a nature upon the diplomacy of nations. If the League as now con-
stituted gives any promise of holding Italy, Germany, and Japan
in check, it is worth supporting even though the radical knows full
well that it cannot guarantee permanent peace. The alternative is
that each one of these nations, freed of the fear of any international
force opposed to them, will break loose, destroy Soviet Russia (by
simultaneous attacks on the part of Germany and Japan) and es-
tablish a triumphant fascistic nationalism in both Europe and Asia.
Such a resolution of the present covert anarchy would be decidedly
worse than the present uneasy armistice in both Europe and Asia.
The armistice has no real virtues of peace in it and cannot last in
the long run. But it is better to try to maintain it than to allow overt
anarchy to break out. While there is peace there is always a possi-
bility that the imperialistic policies of the dominant nations in
Europe will be altered through internal pressure. That is a more
hopeful alternative than to permit anarchy to break loose in the
hope that the next war will destroy capitalistic imperialism and es-

tablish a socialistic peace in the world. The greater probability is

that the next war, particularly should result in the success of

if it

German and Japanese arms, will lead to unalloyed fascism and to a

general disintegration of the civilization and the culture of the
Absolutistic scruples against the League of Nations and sanctions,
whether they are pacifist or radical, thus tend to increase the an-
archy that they abhor. That is unfortunately the unvarying conse-
quence of moral absolutism in politics. The political order must be
satisfiedwith relative peace and relative justice. Refusal to partici-
pate in its relativities, because they represent imperfect approxima-
tions of the ideal of human brotherhood, are bound to lead to a
further disintegration of its always tentative peace and its always
imperfect justice.



I am sorry that I could not answer your open letter in our last
issue of Christianity and Society, but time and space prevented. I
am the more anxious to answer it because it is the first communica-
tion I have received from a pacifist that has not been ill-tempered.
I do not accuse all pacifists of ill-temper, for I have personal friends
among pacifists who debate their convictions with me personally in
the spirit of love. But the correspondents have been uniformly abu-
sive and have revealed how much more difficult it is to obey the
" law of love " than their official creed recognizes.

You say that the charge of " self-righteousness " is a boomerang

and convicts the one who uses it of not being " too sure of the posi-
tion that he is defending." Maybe you are right. I have never known
a controversy between human beings in which the contestants are
not more certain of the righteousness of their cause than they have
a right to be. All human
controversies are controversies between
self-righteous sinners. But this does not absolve us of the necessity
of seeking for the truth between contrasting claims, just as the sin-

Christianity and Society, Summer, 1940.

fulness of all nations does not obviate the necessity of making dis-
criminate judgments between their positions.
I accuse pacifists of self-righteousness because most modern paci-
fists have only a between
slight inkling of the real contradiction
life itself and the law of love. They seem to think that you can

obey the law of love if you only set your mind to it. If any of us
declare that all historical existence is involved in a self-love that
contradicts the law of love, they accuse us of defeatism and apostasy.
One of the most prominent pacifists in this nation runs up and
down the country accusing me and my kind of " moral breakdown "
and " moral bankruptcy." My view of what human character and
historical existence is like may be wrong; but I have arrived at it
by as honest an analysis of human behavior, including my own, as I
am capable of. There
is a type of Christian pacifism that does not

rest upon about the goodness of man. But I can find little
of that type of pacifism around about me. Most of the pacifism I
know is deficient in the " tragic sense of life " and corrupts its per-
fectionism by offering its refusal to participate in conflict as a politi-
cal alternative to the contest of power that is the very character of
the political order.
You ask: " Why should any incident in history impose a mora-
torium upon the business of human redemption? Am I to soft-pedal
the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ at every international
crisis? " This question neatly poses the between us. Fully
analyzed, the question reveals the theological gulf between pacifism
and nonpacifist Christianity. I do not believe that war is merely an
" incident " in history but is a final revelation of the very character

of human history. I do not believe that we ought to " soft-pedal

the incarnation at every international crisis." I believe that an inter-
national crisis merely reveals in its most vivid form what human
history is like, and I accuse pacifists of not being aware of its char-
acter until it is thus vividly revealed. At that moment they seek to
escape history and its relative responsibilities by a supreme act of
renunciation. I do not believe that the incarnation is " redemption
from history as conflict. Since I believe that sinful egoism expresses
itself on every level of moral and spiritual achievement and is not

absent from the highest levels of Christian life, I cannot regard re-
demption as freedom from sin. The redemption in Christ is rather
the revelation of a divine mercy that alone is able to overcome the
contradictions of human history from which even the best of us

cannot extricate ourselves. I believe, with the Protestant Reforma-

tion, that any claim that we have overcome this contradiction and
that Christ has become our possession merely leads to a new form
of egoism, namely, pharisaic pride. In other words I take the
Reformation doctrine of " justification by faith " seriously and I
observe that the spiritual ground upon which our modern pacifism
has grown is a sectarian perfectionism that hasn't the slightest idea
of what the Reformation meant by its doctrine of " justification
by faith." In terms of theological history our modern Protestant
perfectionism is more deeply engulfed in illusions about human na-
ture than the Catholic pretensions of perfection, against which the
Reformation was a protest.
In its most consistent form Reformation Christianity is inclined
to substitute the concept " Christus
pro nobis " completely for the
" "
idea of Christus in nobis and thus to deny any possibility of mak-
ing Christ the norm of our life. This is an error. But it is no greater

error than that which is committed by both Catholic and sectarian

perfectionism that believes that divine grace actually lifts man out
of the sinful contradictions of history and establishes him above the
sins of the world. The real situation is that the final possibility of
love in history is forgiveness; and this forgiveness of the foe is pos-
sible only to the contrite sinner who knows himself to be involved
in the sins of history. Every form of Christian righteousness that
rests upon must degenerate
a too simple doctrine of redemption
into a self-righteousness in which the " man in Christ " looks with
scorn and judgment upon the man who is presumably not in Christ.
In this connection the analogy between Christ's strictures against
the Pharisees and the Reformation criticism of Catholic self-right-
eousness is instructive.
You, of course, in distinction to many pacifists, are quite con-

scious of the persistence of sin in life.You say that you try to " fol-
low Him and fail all the way. But this does not entitle me to make
a virtue or a sort of philosophy out of my failure." You are afraid
that those who follow our position may not realize that " the rela-
tivist is itself sin in spite of what seems to be its inevitabil-
moment." Of course you are quite right. Relativism easily
ity at the
degenerates into opportunism, and opportunism into unprincipled
conduct. You are quite right in declaring that " it is my business to
keep alive the tension within me between the very relative good that
I at best achieve and the ideal good that I profess." But you forget
that it is also the business of a Christian to preserve some relative
decency and justice in society against the tyranny and injustice into
which society may fall. He cannot do this without supporting rela-
tive standards of justice against the threats of anarchy and injustice.
You are willing to slightly favor the Allies against Hitler, but you
are not willing to allow such a discrimination to result in an action
in favor of one side against the other. To allow such an action is to
Your difficulty is that you want to try to live
involve yourself in sin.
in history without sinning. There is no such possibility in history.
The danger of admitting this is, of course, that we make sin norma-
tive when we declare it to be inevitable. We must see the sinfulness
of war, but we must also see the sin of egoism in which all life is
involved and of which war is the final expression. Furthermore, we
must be able to see the difference between the relative virtue of a
decent scheme of justice and the real peril of tyranny. All modern
pacifism regards the Kingdom of God as a simple alternative to the
contests of power, which lie at the foundation of the political order
and which we may beguile into some decent balance of power if we
understand their true nature. If we do not understand their true
nature, our effort to set up the Kingdom of God on earth ends in a
perverse preference for tyranny, simply because the peace of tyranny
means, at least, the absence of war.
In this connection I call your attention to the fact that many of

your pacifist brothers are so anxious to prove the sensitivity of their

moral and political judgments that they are leaning over backwards
and end in the perverse judgment that Hitlerism is really preferable
to British imperialism because it is " more honest," or because
bombing cities is morally preferable to a blockade. Meanwhile all
that is still decent in Europe is under the grave peril of coming un-
der complete Nazi domination and corruption.
A civilization that fights tyrannical barbarism must know at what
points its sins approach the barbarism of its foes. But it must also
know at what points it is the custodian of values that transcend the
sins of its " imperialism." Otherwise its uneasy conscience will be-
tray it into the hands of those who have no moral scruples at all.

It is agood thing to know what to do with an uneasy conscience.

On the one hand an uneasy conscience must bring forth fruits meet
for repentance. On the other hand the Christian must know that he
can find no vantage point in history where his conscience can be-
come easy, except as it is made easy by the knowledge of divine for-

giveness. If he does not know this, he must either resign himself to

historical futility orhe must nerve himself to action by the self-
righteous illusion that he has achieved the vantage point of sinless-
ness from which it is possible to act.
Just one more point. You say: " I would give a good deal to be able
to accept your doctrine. It would make life easier for me; there's the
sense of alienation of my people, the coolness of friends, the suspi-
cion of disloyalty, the spite of intolerance and the like, which hurt
me deeply." I quite appreciate the courage that is required to main-
tain the pacifist position in a country at war. But how relative these
matters are! you were only in this country, in which liberal Chris-

tian orthodoxy has combined with nationalistic fears and a dread of

becoming involved in war which amounts to almost a psychosis, you
would find your position very popular, and it might be necessary to
come to the help of some of the rest of us who are accused of not be-
ing Christian at all. I do not say that your pacifism has anything in
common with the very relative political judgments that dominate
our national scene and the national self-righteousness that mistakes
the uncovenanted mercy of three thousand miles of ocean for the
superior genius of America in comparison with the warlike tribes of
Europe. I only say that, whatever the merits or demerits of our po-
sition, it can hardly be prompted by the desire to conform to the
world. Our world for the moment has compounded Christian per-
fectionism and nationalistic viewpoints into a new kind of Christian
patriotism, which denounces nonconformists in both theological
and political terms. So we are both uneasy in our nonconformity,
though I admit that the perils and strains of war in a belligerent na-
tion make nonconformity more dangerous there than in a nation
still at peace. But if the present mood of America continues we will

have to raise the cry from Macedonia to some of you Christian paci-
fists in belligerent nations, asking you to give proof by such a spirit

of understanding as you reveal in your letter that you do not count

us among the damned because we hold convictions that are con-
trary to the orthodoxy of our nation though they are also contrary
to the heterodoxy of your nation. On the whole I have found Chris-
tians in the British Empire less inclined to identify their cause with
the Kingdom of God than American Christians are inclined to iden-
tify neutrality with the Sermon on the Mount.


The editor of The Christian Century has invited representatives
what their attitude and convic-
of various shades of opinion to state
tion would be in the event of the involvement of this nation in the
World War. The invitation of the editor begins with the following
statement: " The cumulative steps taken by our Government during
the past year, culminating in the adoption of conscription, have
brought the nation to a point where America's participation as a
belligerent in the war is an imminent possibility."
It is indicative of the deep chasm that separates some of us in the

Christian church today that I cannot even accept this statement as

presenting a true picture of the situation in which we stand. It im-
plies that we have been brought to the edge of war primarily by
contrivance of the Administration, I should have thought that
when a storm is raging in the seven seas of the earth one could
hardly hold any pilot responsible for not steering the ship of state
in such a way as to avoid the storm. Living in an age of war and
revolution, no possible statesmanship could have avoided at least
the danger of involvement. But perhaps I am plunging into the ar-
gument too hurriedly by this introduction.

No Rush Toward War

I will therefore begin again with the simple statement that if our
nation should be involved in the world conflict, I will have no hesi-
tancy in supporting the war effort of the nation. I am assuming, in
making such an unqualified statement, that the nation will not be
drawn into the war if there is a decent and honorable way of re-
maining out of it. The suspicion in which the isolationists hold the
international policy of the Administration will of course prompt
them to challenge this assumption. But I believe that contemporary
history refutes the idea that nations are drawn into war too precipi-
tately. It proves, on the contrary, that it is the general inclination,
of democratic nations at least, to hesitate so long before taking this
fateful plunge that the dictator nations gain a fateful advantage
over them by having the opportunity of overwhelming them singly,

The Christian Century, December 18, 1940.


instead of being forced to meet their common resistance. More than

a half dozen nations of Europe mourn the loss of their liberties to-
day, who might have preserved them if extreme caution had not en-
ervated their resolution of self-defense.
I shall seek to justify my determination to support the nation in
war by a and a religious analysis of the moral problems
involved, since every moral problem is political on the side of its
application and religious on the side of the basic presuppositions
from which the moral judgment flows.
On the political side I view the situation that confronts us as fol-
lows: Germany, on the pretext of righting the wrongs of Versailles,
is engaged in a desperate effort to establish her mastery over the

whole Continent of Europe. She may succeed. Nothing but the re-
sistance of Great Britain now stands in her way. One nation after
the other has collapsed before the might of her arms or before a di-
plomacy that knows how weaknesses and internal
to exploit all the
divisions of her adversaries. These imperial ambitions of Germany
are in quality and extent perilous to all the nations outside Europe.

Peril to All Civilized Values

In quality they represent a peril to every established value of a

civilization that allWestern nations share and of which we are all
the custodians. In extent the German ambitions must immediately
reach beyond Europe, because Europe is not economically self-
sufficient and a German-dominated slave economy would immedi-
ately stand in fateful competition with us and would use all means,
fair and foul, to make us the subservient accomplices of its eco-
nomic and political penetration. It is not necessary to fear an im-
mediate invasion of our shores to regard the imperial expansion of
Germany with apprehension. I have never shared the naive belief
that all war could be avoided if only you could persuade nations
not to cross each other's borders. I am perfectly certain that if an
enemy of mine did not invade the sanctity of my home but posted
sentries at my gate and pointed a gun into my windows and, by vir-
tue of such threats, presumed to dictate my comings and goings or
even dared to levy tribute on my trade, he would be no less an en-
emy of my liberties than if he invaded my home.
Far from believing that we can permit anything to happen in Eu-
rope while we enjoy peace and democracy upon an island of se-
curity in a tyrannically organized world, I am convinced that if

Britain should fall and Germany should be triumphant, we could

do nothing but spend all our energies in the next decades in arming
against all and attacks and in contriving to outwit a
possible perils
resourceful and ingenious foe. This is what we would do at best.
There is a worse alternative. We might accept the advice of Colonel
Lindbergh and other appeasers of his type and become the accom-
plices of such a victor. I fear there are many of us for whom nothing
succeeds like success and who would be easily persuaded that after
all nothing must interfere with the ultimate sanctity of a commer-
cial society: trade.

Signs of Moral Confusion

On the point of the quality rather than extent of the German am-
bitions I must confess that I have found nothing so difficult to un-
derstand as the constant appeals of The Christian Century to the
President to be more perfectly neutral in this conflict so as not to
involve America in it by favoring one side. I regard such advice as
the typical fruit of the moral confusion that issues from moral per-
fectionism, whenever moral perfectionism seeks to construct politi-
cal systems.

A Fury Fed by Paganism

We have allowed ourselves to forget as much as possible that this
resurgent Germany not only shares imperial ambitions with all
strong nations, but that its fury is fed by a pagan religion of tribal
self-glorification; that it intends to root out the Christian religion;
that it defies all the universal standards of justice that ages of a
Christian and humanistic culture have woven into the fabric of our
civilization; that it threatens the Jewish race with annihilation and
visitsa maniacal fury upon these unhappy people that goes far be-
yond the ordinary race prejudice that is the common sin of all na-
tions and races; that it explicitly declares its intention of subjecting
the other races of Europe into slavery to the " master " race; that it
intends to keep them in subjection by establishing a monopoly of
military violence and of technical skill so that they will be subordi-
nate in peace and in war; that it is already engaged in Poland and
Czechoslovakia in destroying the very fabric of national existence

by wholesale expulsion of nationals from their homeland and the

forced colonization of Germans in their place; that, in short, it is

engaged in the an empire upon the very

terrible effort to establish
negation of justice rather than upon that minimal justice which
even ancient empires achieved.
If anyone believes that the peace of such a tyranny is morally
more tolerable than war, I can only admire and pity the resolute
dogmatism that makes such convictions possible.
Since some of us who express convictions of the kind I have out-
lined have been accused of being swayed in our opinions by ties of
family and friendship that bind us to Great Britain, I would like
to add the personal word that I am an American of pure German
stock, that I gained most of these convictions in many visits to Hit-
ler's Germany, that I share them with pure Germans such as

Thomas Mann and many others, and that far from being swayed by
any ties with Britain I thought Britain was much too slow in under-
standing or challenging the peril that Nazi imperialism presented to
both our common civilization and the vital interests of Britain, just
as I believe that we have been too tardy in understanding this peril.

Challenge to Conscience

It willappear from the above analysis that my primary difficulty

in recent months has been, not the fear of becoming involved in
war, but an uneasy conscience about living in security while other
men are dying for principles in which I very much believe. The
question whether or not we should declare war is therefore not pri-
marily one of morals but of strategy in the sense that I believe we
ought to do whatever has to be done to prevent the triumph of this
intolerable tyranny.
This assertion brings us immediately to the deeper issues involved
in the religious presuppositions of our moral judgments. As I un-
derstand those who regard such a position as I have stated with ab-
horrence to believe, to quote a recent letter in The Christian Cen-
tury, that we are " crucifying the Lord afresh," they hold that the
avoidance of conflict is in some sense the realization of the Chris-
They judge men's virtue by the degree of their
tian law of love.
noninvolvement in conflict. Thus The Christian Century, in the
months just preceding the invasion of the Low Countries, spoke of
the little neutral nations as the " custodians " of European civiliza-
tion. The nations at conflict had forfeited civilization since, in the
view of The Christian Century, it is not possible to preserve civiliza-
tion in conflict because war is the negation of civilization. I find it a
little amusing Great Britain as to the quality of
to prefer Latvia to
its civilization because the one was at war and the other one was
not, more particularly so since Latvia, and many similar small neu-
tral nations, rather suddenly lost both their virtue and their lives
by being gobbled up.

Perfectionism and Historical Reality

The fact is that this whole pitiless perfectionism, which has in-
formed a large part of liberal Protestantism in America, is wrong
not only about this war and the contemporary international situa-
tion. It is wrong about the whole nature of historical reality. It wor-
ries about some of us " crucifying the Lord afresh " by being in-

volved in war and does not recognize that the selfishness of the best
of us is constantly involved in the sin of crucifying the Lord afresh.
It thinks there is some simple method of extricating ourselves from

conflict, when as a matter of fact all justice that the world has ever
known has been established through tension between various vi-
talities, forces, and interests in society. All such tension is covert con-

flict and all covert conflict may on occasion, and must on occasion,

become overt.
The premium placed by some of our liberal Protestants upon neu-
trality, upon noninvolvement in war, is not merely an error in the

present situation. It is a perennial source of error in judging all his-

tory. It has sought to make a success story out of the story of the
cross, and has admonished men to be resolute in sacrificing their
lives and interests because in that way they would not have to sac-
rifice their lives and interests, for their goodness would shame their

enemy into goodness so that he would cease to imperil them. They

do not understand that the perfect love of Christ comes into the
world, but that it does not maintain itself there; that the cross
therefore stands at the edge of history and not squarely in history;
that it reveals what history ought to be but not what history is or
can be; and that Christian faith has quite rightly seen in this cross

a revelation of the nature of the divine and eternal as well as of the

ultimate historical possibility and impossibility.
Christ reveals the mercy of God, and the gospel declares that ev-

eryone is in need of that mercy, that without it we are undone.

Why? Because all of us continue to be, even in our highest moral
achievements, in contradiction to God and therefore require his
mercy. This is to say that Christ not our simple possibility. In

one sense he is not our possibility at all but a revelation of the re-
sources of divine mercy, which knows how
overcome the sinful to
contradiction of human history to Most of our lib-
its true pattern.
eral Protestantism has neatly disavowed all the profounder elements
of the gospel, which reveal the tragic character of history, and has
made the gospel identical with the truism that all men ought to be
good and with the falsehood that goodness pays. The end of pure
goodness, of perfect love, is the cross.
There is, of course, a place in Christian thought and life for the
kind of goodness that knows martyrdom to be its end and that de-
clares that rather than be involved in the claims and counterclaims
of politics, in the struggle for justice with its ambiguous means and
its dubious and speculative ends (there is always a risk that the

struggle for justice will result not in justice but in anarchy) it ,

would prefer to be defrauded and to die. There is a place for such

perfectionism as a symbol of the Kingdom of God, lest we accept the
tragic sin in which the struggle for justice involves us as ultimately
There is a place for that kind of perfectionist pacifism, but we
have precious little of it in America because most of our pacifism
springs from an unholy compound of gospel perfectionism and
bourgeois utopianism, the latter having had its rise in eighteenth-
century rationalism. This kind of pacifism is not content with mar-
tyrdom and with political irresponsibility. It is always fashioning
political alternatives to the tragic business of resisting tyranny and
establishing justice by coercion. However it twists and turns, this
alternative is revealed upon nothing more
close inspection to be
than capitulation to tyranny. Now capitulation to tyranny in the
name of nonresistant perfection may be very noble for the individ-
ual. But it becomes rather ignoble when the idealist suggests that
others besides himself shall be sold into slavery and shall groan un-
der the tyrant's heel.
278 love and justice and pacifism

Connivance with Tyranny

Our American Christian isolationists have had the greatest diffi-

culty in obscuring the fact (which they consciously deny) that in

terms of practical politics their policies lead to the acceptance of,

or connivance with, tyranny. They profess to be horrified by criti-

cisms that are made of Colonel Lindbergh. Does he not desire peace
and ought the apostles of peace be thus vilified? they ask. But they
neglect to point out that his peace policy means connivance with tyr-
anny in very precise terms. In the Nofrontier News Service, a paci-
fist organ, we read in the issue ofOctober 22 that it, the news serv-
ice, is " able to state categorically " that rumors of a certain peace
move " are true "; that in this peace move the Germans offered Brit-
ain, among other things, the opportunity to " take over all the
French colonies " and " to
control the United States economic
sphere "; that negotiations over these proposals were " brought to a
halt by the understanding arrived at between England and the
United States including the destroyer-naval base swap." The news
service makes this information public because " the American peo-
ple have a right to know of the responsibility their Government has
taken upon itself in causing the war to be carried on in an ever-
widening sphere." I am not as certain as this news service that the
rumor it reports is true. But that is irrelevant. I find it very shocking
that it should assume so naively that any kind of peace, involving
even the most dishonorable sacrifice of the interests of other na-
tions, is preferable to carrying on the war.
No matter how they twist and turn, the protagonists of a political,
rather than a religious, pacifism end with the acceptance and justi-
fication of,and connivance with, tyranny. They proclaim that slav-
ery is I beg leave to doubt it and to challenge the
better than war.
whole system of sentimentalized Christianity that prompts good men
to arrive at this perverse conclusion. This system must be chal-
lenged, not only in this tragic hour of the world's history, lest we
deliver the last ramparts of civilization into the hands of the new
barbarians. It must be challenged in peace and in war because its

analysis of human nature and human history is fundamentally false.



It is our purpose to devote this modest journal to an exposition of

our Christian faith in its relation to world events. This first article
will therefore seek to offer a general introduction to the faith that
is in us. We believe that many current interpretations have obscured
important elements in that faith and have thereby confused the
Christian conscience. This confusion has been brought into sharp
relief by the world crisis; but it existed before the crisis, and it may
well continue after the crisis is over. We therefore regard our task
as one that transcends the urgent problems of the hour, though we
do not deny that these problems are the immediate occasion for our
At the present moment a basic difference of conviction with re-
gard to what Christianity and what it demands, runs through the

whole of American Protestantism and cuts across all the traditional

denominational distinctions. There is, on the one hand, a school of
Christian thought that believes that war could be eliminated if only
Christians and other men of good will refused resolutely enough to
have anything to do with conflict. Another school of thought, while
conceding that war is one of the most vivid revelations of sin in
human history, does not find the disavowal of war so simple a mat-
ter. The proponents of the latter position believe that there are his-
toric situations in which refusal to defend the inheritance of civ-
ilization, however imperfect, against tyranny and aggression may
result in consequences even worse than war.
This journal intends to express and, if possible, to clarify this
second viewpoint. We do not believe that the Christian faith as ex-
pressed in the New Testament and as interpreted in historic Chris-
tianity, both Catholic and Protestant, implies the confidence that
evil and injustice in history can be overcome by such simple meth-
ods as are currently equated with Christianity. We believe that
modern Christian perfectionism is tinctured with utopianism de-
rived from a secular culture. In our opinion this utopianism con-
tributed to the tardiness of the democracies in defending them-
selves against the perils of a new barbarism, and (in America at

Christianity and Crisis, first issue of tlie journal, February 10, 1941.
least) it is easily compounded with an irresponsible and selfish

Polemic and Irenic Purpose

We intend this journal to be both polemic and irenic, as far as

human frailty will permit the combination of these two qualities.
It will be polemic in the sense that we shall combat what seem to us
false interpretations of our faith, and consequent false analyses of
our world and of our duties in it. It will be irenic in the sense that
we will seek to appreciate the extent to which perfectionist and
pacifist interpretations of Christianity are derived from genuine and
important elements in our common faith.
Perfectionists are right in their conviction that our civilization
stands under the judgment of God; no one can have an easy con-
science about the social and political anarchy out of which the hor-
rible tyranny that now threatens us arose. But they are wrong in
assuming that we have no right or duty to defend a civilization,
despite its imperfections, against worse alternatives. They are right
in insisting that love is But they have failed
the ultimate law of life.

to realize to what degree the sinfulness of all men, even the best,
makes justice between competing interests and conflicting wills a
perennial necessity of history.
The perfectionists rightly recognize that it may be very noble for
an individual to sacrifice his life or interests rather than participate
in the claims and counterclaims of the struggle for justice (of which
war may always be the ultima ratio) They are wrong in making no

distinction between an individual act of self-abnegation and a po-

litical policy of submission to injustice, whereby lives and interests

other than our own are defrauded or destroyed. They seek errone-
ously to build a political platform upon individual perfection. Me-
dieval perfectionism, whatever its limitations, wisely avoided these
errors. It excluded even the family from the possible consequences
of an individual's absolute ethic, and it was profoundly aware of
the impossibility of making its rigorous standards universal.
We believe that there are many
Christians whose moral inclina-
tionsmight persuade them to take the same view of current prob-
lems as our own, except for the fact that they are inhibited by re-
ligious presuppositions that they regard as more " purely " Christian
than those represented by the consensus of the church through

all the ages. Therefore we will begin with an analysis of these reli-
gious presuppositions.

Religious Issues

Christians are agreed that the God who is revealed in Christ is

source and end of our existence and that therefore his character and
will are the norm and standard of our conduct. It is only in recent
decades, however, that it has been believed that the " gentleness
of Jesus was a sufficient and final revelation of the character of God,
that this character was one of pure love and mercy, and that this
revelation stood in contradiction to an alleged portrayal of a God
of wrath in the Old Testament.
Both the Old and the New Testament take the wrath of God as
well as the mercy of God seriously. The divine mercy, apprehended
by Christian faith in the life and death of Christ, is not some simple
kindness that is indifferent to good and evil. The whole point of
the Christian doctrine of atonement is that God cannot be merciful
without fulfilling within himself, and on man's behalf, the require-
ments of divine justice. However difficult it may be to give a fully
rational account of what Christ's atoning death upon the cross
means to Christian faith, this mystery, never fully comprehended by
and yet not wholly incomprehensible to faith, speaks to us of a
mercy that transcends but also satisfies the demands of justice.
The Biblical answer to the problem of evil in human history is
a radical answer, precisely because human evil is recognized as a
much more stubborn fact than is realized in some modern versions
of the Christian faith.These versions do not take the problem of
have obscured what the Bi-
justice in history seriously, because they
ble has to say about the relation of justice to mercy in the very
heart of God. Every sensitive Christian must feel a sense of un-
worthiness when he is compelled by historic destiny to act as an in-
strument of God's justice. Recognition of the common guilt that
makes him and his enemy kin must persuade him to imitate the
mercy of God, even while he seeks to fulfill the demands of justice.
But he will seek to elude such responsibilities only if he believes, as
many modern Christians do, that he might, if he tried a little

harder, achieve an individual or collective vantage point of guilt-

lessness from which to proceed against evildoers. There is no such
vantage point.
283 love and justice and pacifism

Ethical Issues

Christians are agreed that Christ must be the norm of our human
life as well as the revelation of the character of God. But many mod-
ern versions of Christianity have forgotten to what degree the per-
fect love of Christ was recognized both in the Bible and in the
Christian ages as finally transcending all historic possibilities. The
same Saint Paul who admonishes us to grow into the stature of
Christ insists again and again that we are " saved by faith " and
not " by works "; which is to say that our final peace is not the moral
peace of having become what Christ defines as our true nature, but
is the religious peace of knowing that a divine mercy accepts our

loyalty to Christ despite our continued betrayal of him.

It cannot be denied that these emphases are full of pitfalls for the
faithful. On the one side there is always the possibility that we will
not take Christ our norm seriously enough, and that we will rest
prematurely in the divine mercy. On the other hand, an abstract
perfectionism is tempted to obscure the most obvious facts about hu-
man nature and to fall into the fury of self-righteousness. The Prot-
estant Reformation was in part a protest against what seemed to the
Reformers a too optimistic Catholic doctrine of human perfection
through the infusion of divine grace. Yet modern Protestant inter-
pretations of the same issue make the Catholic doctrine wise and
prudent by comparison.
Once it is recognized that the stubbornness of human selfishness
makes the achievement of justice in human society no easy matter,
it ought to be possible to see that war is but a vivid revelation of
certain perennial aspects of human history. Life is never related to
life and loving conformity of will with will.
in terms of a perfect
Where there is sin and selfishness there must also be a struggle for
justice; and this justice is always partially an achievement of our
love for the other, and partially a result of our yielding to his de-
mands and pressures. The intermediate norm of justice is particu-
larly important in the institutional and collective relationships of
mankind. But even in individual and personal relations the ulti-
mate level of sacrificial self-giving is not reached without an inter-
mediate level of justice. On this level the first consideration is not
that life should be related to life through the disinterested concern
of each for the other, but that life should be prevented from exploit-
ing, enslaving, or taking advantage of other life. Sometimes this
struggle takes very tragic forms.

It isimportant for Christians to remember that every structure

of justice, as embodied in political and economic institutions:
(a) contains elements of injustice that stand in contradiction to the
law of love; (b) that it contains higher possibilities of justice that
must be realized in terms of institutions and structures; and (c) that
it must be supplemented by the graces of individual and personal

generosity and mercy. Yet when the mind is not confused by Utopian
illusions it is not difficult to recognize genuine achievements of jus-
tice and to feel to defend them against the
under obligation threats
of tyrannyand the negation of justice.
Love must be regarded as the final flower and fruit of justice.
When it is substituted for justice it degenerates into sentimentality
and may become the accomplice of tyranny.

International Issues

Looking at the tragic contemporary scene within this frame of

reference, we feel that American Christianity is all too prone to dis-
avow its responsibilities for the preservation of our civilization
against the perils of totalitarian aggression. We are well aware of the
sins of all the nations, including our own, that have contributed to
the chaos of our era. We know to what degree totalitarianism repre-
sents false answers to our own unsolved problems, political, eco-
nomic and spiritual.
Yet we believe the task of defending the rich inheritance of our
civilization to be an imperative one, however much we might desire
that our social system were more worthy of defense. We believe that
the possibility of correcting its faults and extending its gains may be
annulled for centuries if this external peril is not resolutely faced.
We do not find it particularly impressive to celebrate one's sensi-
tive conscience by enlarging upon all the well-known evils of our
Western world and equating them with the evils of the totalitarian

systems. It is just as important for Christians to be discriminating in

their judgments as for them to recognize the element of sin in all
human endeavors. We think it dangerous to allow religious sensi-
tivity to obscure the fact that Nazi tyranny intends to annihilate the
Jewish race, to subject the nations of Europe to the dominion of a
" master " race, to extirpate the Christian religion, to annul the lib-

erties and legal standards that are the priceless heritage of ages of
Christian and humanistic culture, to make truth the prostitute of
political power, to seek world dominion through its satraps and al-
lies, and generally to destroy the very fabric of our Western civiliza-
Our own national tardiness in becoming fully alive to this peril
has been compounded of national selfishness and religious confu-
sion. In recent months American opinion has begun to respond to
the actualities of the situation and to sense the fateful destiny that
unites us with all free peoples, whether momentarily overrun by the
aggressor or still offering heroic resistance. How far our assistance is

to be carried is a matter of policy and strategy. It could be a matter

of principle only if it were conceded that an absolute line could be
drawn in terms of Christian principle between " measures short of
war " and war itself. But those who think such a line can be drawn
have nevertheless opposed measures short of war. They rightly have
pointed out that such measures cannot be guaranteed against the
risk of total involvement.
The measures now being taken for the support of the democracies
are a logical expression of the unique conditions of America's rela-
tion to the world. They do justice on the one hand to our responsi-
bilities for a common civilization that transcends the hemispheres,
and on the other hand we are not as immediately im-
to the fact that
periled as other nations. Whether our freedom from immediate
peril will enable us to persevere in the reservations that we still
maintain cannot be decided in the abstract. The exigencies of the
future must determine the issue.
We cannot, of course, be certain that a defeat of the Nazis will
usher in a new order of international justice in Europe and the
world. We do know what a Nazi victory would mean; and our first

task must therefore be to prevent it. It cannot be our only task.

The problem of organizing the technical civilization of the Western
world upon a new basis of economic and international justice, so
that the anarchy and decay that have characterized our life in the
past three decades will be arrested, and our technical capacities will
be made fruitful rather than suicidal, is one that must engage our
best resources. We must give some thought and attention to this
great issue even while we are forced to ward off a horrible alterna-

We believe that the Christian faith can and must make its own
contribution to this issue. The task of building a new world, as well
as the tragic duty of saving the present world from tyranny, will re-

quire resources of understanding and resolution that are inherent


in the Christian faith. The profoundest insights of the Christian

faith cannot be expressed by the simple counsel that men ought to
be more loving, and that if they became so, the problem both of war
and of international organization would solve itself.

Yet there are times when hopes for the future, as well as contri-
tion over past misdeeds, must be subordinated to the urgent, imme-
diate task. In this instance, the immediate task is the defeat of Nazi
tyranny. If this task does not engage us, both our repentance and
our hope become luxuries in which we indulge while other men
save us from an intolerable fate, or while our inaction betrays into
disaster a cause to which we owe allegiance.


A recent development in the antiwar and isolationist movement
may, if throw some interesting light upon the whole
fully analyzed,
religious history of America in the past decades. This development
is the increasingly intimate relation between pacifist groups and the
" America First " movement.

At a recent Lindbergh meeting, Dr. John Haynes Holmes offered

the invocation and another nationally known pacifist clergyman
is reported to have sent a letter of endorsement. The " Ministers

No War " committee, which is alleged to be receiving support from

the " America First " committee, has now sponsored a new move-
ment, the " Churchmen's Campaign for Peace Through Media-
tion." According to the chairman. Dr. Albert W. Palmer, this move-
ment will be patterned closely after that carried on by Senator
Burton K. Wheeler and Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh and the
" America First " committee. Furthermore, many pacifist clergy-

men have openly joined the " America First " committee, although
this committee believes in the strongest possible military and naval
defense of our hemisphere.
This increasingly intimate relation between those who are sup-
posedly religious absolutists and a political movement that has no
trace of religious idealism or perfectionism in its program must be
understood in the light of the criticisms leveled by the religious
perfectionists against those of us who believe that our Christian

Christianity and Crisis, June 16, 1941.

faith is not incompatible with our conviction that tyranny must be
resisted. We are told that God may have winked at the times of
man's ignorance, but since the discovery of the " historical Jesus
and his " way of love " it is no longer possible for Christians to be
identified with any political movement except one that is based
upon the program of " perfect love." The mail of every interven-
tionist Christian leader is filled with letters accusing him of " cruci-
fying the Lord afresh," of being a " traitor to the gospel," and of
" being unworthy of his Christian calling."

The presupposition of all this criticism is, of course, that there

is a " gospel " political program, based upon the Sermon on the
Mount, and that anyone who engages in the rather dreadful but
necessary business of resisting aggression and defying tyranny is un-
true to his Christian faith. Many admonish the victims
of the critics
of their criticisms to " love " Hitler; and manage in the same breath
to pour such maledictions upon those in the household of faith
with whom they disagree that one is tempted to suggest that " love "
which they would lavish upon Hitler might appropriately be ex-
tended to fellow Christians who happen to have a different interpre-
tation of the meaning of the Christian faith than those critics.
It has always been apparent that most of these criticisms proceed
from a type of religious liberalism that has only the scantest under-
standing of political realities and an almost equally limited under-
standing of the final demands of the Christian ethic, which tran-
scends all historic existence and is yet never irrelevant to any
historic action. If either politics or the final demands that God makes
upon the human conscience were clearly understood, it would have
been apparent, long before a tragic war situation clarified the point,
that there is no political program that stands in a direct relation to
the ethic of the Sermon on the Mount, and that the only personal
ethic that stands in such a relation is one that prompts the earnest
believer to choose martyrdom rather than resistance to evil (a course
of action that only a few perfectionists have ever followed con-
sistently with reference to their own interests) So great is the con-

fusion of the champions and protagonists of " love " in politics and
life about the relation of the absolute demands of God upon our

conscience and the relative evil of all our actions that many of them
work themselves into a perfect fury in criticizing their foes, not
recognizing that the identification of our relative political and
moral perspectives with the absolute will of God is sin in its quin-

tessential form. Those of us who are nonresisters in politics are in

fact constantly confronted with the difficult spiritual task of trying

to be nonresisters toward unjust accusations of those who profess

nonresistance as a creed. One must exempt from this charge, of
course, the genuine religious perfectionists who do not mix politics
with their creed of perfection and who give proof of that " broken
spiritand contrite heart " which ideally still preserve the " unity in
Christ " between those who have different political convictions.
Since it is precisely the political school, rather than the more
purely religious type of pacifism, that most cruel and self-right-

eous in condemning its foes, it is important to analyze the political

creed with which it identifies itself increasingly. Is there anything of
the Sermon on the Mount in this political creed? Is there any touch
of gospel perfection in it? To answer that question let us look at the
latest pronouncements of Mr. Lindbergh and Senator Wheeler,
made at a recent " America First " rally.
Mr. Lindbergh declares himself " ready to fight anybody and ev-
erybody who attempts to interfere with our hemisphere " and he be-
lieves that we can " rely upon our own strength, our own ability,
and our own courage to preserve this nation and to defeat anyone
who is rash enough to attack us." If there is anything in the gospel
that outlaws all wars except those with hemispheric defense as their
purpose, we have not been properly instructed in the Scripture. Ad-
mitting that hemispheric defense is a highly relative political ob-
jective, why should it be more Christian to believe that the hemi-
sphere can be defended by military might alone than to believe, as
many of us do, that a Nazi victory will make the defense of South
America practically impossible?

National Self-interest
One main planks in the " America First " platform is that
of the
we must rely purely upon our own resources. Mr. Lindbergh de-
clares that we " can compete in commerce or in war with any com-
bination of foreign powers " and Senator Wheeler asserts that " no
nation dependent upon another is or can be an independent na-
tion." One wonders whether, by that standard, there has ever been
an independent nation, for certainly there have been few nations in
the history of the world who could match the combined might of all
other nations. The idea that America can stand alone and preserve
all the virtues of its present civilization, even if forced to defend its

heritage against a totalitarian world, belongs in the category of

military and political strategy. We know of no religion that throws
any light upon such strategic questions. In so far as there are moral
implications in this problem of strategy, we should have thought
that a policy that emphasizes that we are "
members one of an-
other " would be a little nearer to a gospel ethic than one that rests
upon American pride.
An ironic aspect of this strange alliance between Christian ideal-
ists and the protagonists of national self-interest in its narrowest
terms was made apparent in the President's address to the nation
on May 27. The President was careful to justify his course of de-
fense purely to our hemisphere. Of course, he did try to extend the
concept of hemispheric defense so that it would include more than
the repulsion of an actual invasion and would anticipate strategic
movements that might make invasion by the enemy easier. But he
did not dare go beyond that in the hope of finding a formula that
would broaden the basis of unity for this sadly divided nation.
Nevertheless, the emphasis was so strongly upon our own inter-
ests and our own defense that one wonders what " Christian ideal-

ists " think of this limitation upon national policy, forced upon the
Government by their intimate allies, the proponents of " America
First." Does it sound very " Christian " to them? If it does, what be-
comes of their criticism of other nations and empires who are ac-
cused of lacking Christian principles because they act only when
their own interests are involved?
We understand, of course, better than the Christian idealists, that
geography sets certain limits to moral principles in politics, and
that no degree of moral imagination can make a European nation
out of one that must have its eyes upon two oceans and that enjoys
the comparative security of its own continent. Nevertheless, one
would expect Christians to have a certain sense of uneasiness about
these geographic limitations rather than to revel in them.

Political and Spiritual Defeatism

Mr. Lindbergh has reiterated in what he has

his recent address,
constantly asserted, that one reason he opposed to America's

entry into the war is because the Allies had lost the war before they
began it. " I knew," he said, " that Britain and France were not in a

position to win and I did not want them to lose." Here again is a
strategic issue. Does such defeatism on a strategic question have
more gospel warrant than more hopeful view? Since unwillingness
to join issue with a ruthless opponent inevitably invites further and
further encroachments, must we be driven to the conclusion that it
is " unchristian " to challenge an enemy because one's own previous

Governments were foolish enough to allow that enemy to gain air

Another basic tenet of " America First " is, in the words of Mr.
Lindbergh, that " democracy is not likely to survive such a con-
flict," and in the words of Senator Wheeler that " if we enter the

conflict, we will become in that moment a regimented nation and

from such a state democracy could hardly be restored." It must be
observed that some members of " America First " mean by " de-
mocracy," in the words of Archibald MacLeish, " the chance to
make ten millions in the market." But even supposing their devo-
tion to essential democracy to be genuine, are we to regard the po-
litical dictum that the inevitable restrictions of liberty in time of

war lead to the permanent destruction of democracy to be a particu-

larly " Christian " judgment? It is a judgment frequently made by
all kinds of libertarians who equate democracy with the right of

everyone to do as he pleases. Granting that the burdens of war sub-

ject a national social system to great strains that might, if the social
system is very unhealthy, lead to its more " Chris-
destruction, is it

tian " to believe that one cannot oppose tyranny without becoming
transmuted into a tyranny than to believe that submission to tyr-

anny presents a nation with a more intolerable fate? Must one, in

order to be a Christian, really believe that democratic values are
more imperiled in Britain than in France and that, whatever the
outcome of the war, Britain would have a more tolerable democracy
if she had followed one Munich with a dozen more Munichs?

If this is really a " Christian " judgment, then Christianity dooms

us to slavery. For to say that democracy cannot resist tyranny without
becoming totalitarian is to seal the doom of democracy. Any demo-
cratic civilization that believed such a dictum would have to yield
to every demand of the dictators, and would invite the dictators to
make constantly fresh demands, in the certain knowledge that the
democratic civilization that they were bent upon destroying was in-
hibited by fears and scruples from offering effective resistance.
What strange strategic and political philosophies have achieved


the aura of sanctity under the ministration of our religious perfec-
tionists! What curious doctrinesmay be preached in the name of the
" gospel " while those of us who believe that we owe an obligation
to protect our own and other peoples' liberties, by resistance if

necessary, are consigned to the outer hell reserved for apostates!

Idea of a Negotiated Peace

The finaldictum that brings " America First," the " Ministers No
War " committee, and the religious " Churchmen's Campaign for
Peace Through Mediation " closer together than any other, is the
idea that a negotiated peace is possible at the present time and that
it represents a real alternative to what is admittedly a dark future

for all of us as we assume the task of continued resistance. Here

Senator Wheeler and Stanley Jones speak the same language and ut-
ter the same ideas. Senator Wheeler declares: " You, Mr. President,
could appeal to the world for peace. You could appeal not to Hitler,
not to Mussolini or to Churchill, but to the people of Germany,
Italy, and Japan. You could demand that the warmakers, the Hitlers
of Germany, the Churchills of England, and the Knoxes and Stim-
sons step down and out. I believe you could bring about the peace
of the world, if you would." This curious appeal reaches the limits
of unrealistic politics. How are Hitler and Mussolini to be over-
thrown without a military defeat? Does Senator Wheeler know of
anyone who is making a similar appeal in Germany? Does he know
how the people of Germany can be reached by such an appeal?
This idea of a peace through mediation has become the particu-
lar vehicle of " religious idealism " in this final hour of America's
decision. Some of its proponents distinguished themselves at the
outbreak of the war by asking the President to set up a perpetual
peace conference consisting of Italy (at that time not in the war)
and of the small nations of Europe who have since been swallowed
up. This was heralded as a possible " diplomacy in the grand style."
Must one really believe such political nonsense in order to be a
" Christian "? And must one now believe that a totalitarian tyranny

that is within an ace of victory (at least in its own estimation)

which controls practically the whole Continent of Europe, which has
good prospects of controlling South America as well, and which re-
gards the political confusion expressed in these very fantasies as one
of its assets, would be ready to offer a " decent " peace? Must one

really be a sophomore in matters of politics and strategy in order

to be a Christian?

Confusion in Religious Perfectionism

The fact is, that every one of the propositions, political, strategic,
and moral that Christians are asked to accept as a more " idealistic "

solution of the world's problems than that which the rest of us, who
know of no way of defeating tyranny without resisting it, can offer,
is a revelation of the spiritual and moral confusion that has char-
acterized so much of our Protestant Christianity in recent decades.
A religious perfectionism that shuns the realities of politics in one
moment and embraces the sorriest political relativities in the next
is the natural fruit of decades of sentimentality in which religious
absolutes were regarded as easily achieved goals of political justice.
It is the fruit of a " religious idealism " that never gauged the
tragic factors of human sin in human history adequately. It was an
idealism ostensibly devoted to the " truth," but yet unwilling to face
the truth about man. It met every attempt to face the human situa-
tion realistically with the admonition that we must not " discour-

age " man. If he were to learn what depths of evil there are in his
souland to what depths of malignancy his common life might sink,
he might not continue to be " idealistic." As a consequence this
whole culture is unable to gauge the peril that it faces. It may well
be that our civilization will not survive. It has been too filled with
sentimental and Utopian illusions to know what a precious and pre-
carious thing any achievement of human justice is, how easily it
can be destroyed by the vicissitudes of history, and how readily it
may succumb to the decay that it has itself nourished.
If it does not survive, it would be a quite appropriate though ter-

rible fate if its final destruction should have been hastened by the
fantasies of religious idealists who had, in the words of Karl Barth,
" mistaken humility before the foe for humility before God "; who
had involved themselves in American pride in their effort to state
the gospel truth that all men are sinners (having failed to include
America in sweeping judgment) and who had imagined that
this ;

the peace that Vichy enjoys was somehow closer to the peace of the
Kingdom of God than the horrible realities of war. One might dis-
miss all these confusions as the mistakes of good people who are ig-
norant of the realities of politics and strategy. But the fact is that
every mistake points to, and is derived from, a basically false analy-

sis of human and human nature.

We are living in a tragic era in which no alternatives are pleasant
and every possible policy presents hazards and uncertainties. In
such a situation important to remember that equally sincere
it is

men seem abhorrent one to the other.

will choose courses that will
In this situation there can be " unity in Christ " only on the highest
level of religious experience, at which point we know both ourselves
and our foes, whether they be Nazis or those who would come to
terms with them, to be equally in need of divine mercy.
If, however, political utopianism is substituted for this ultimate

reconciliation in Christ, and if those who do not believe in this kind

of utopianism are cast into outer darkness and accused of apostasy,
then the apostles of reconciliation become the bearers of a moral
fury that knows nothing of reconciliation because it knows nothing
of the universality of human sin. Seeking to establish a sinless posi-
tion in politics, it ends by involving itself in a political program
that regards capitulation to tyranny or illusions in regard to the
realities of the struggle as more sinless or more Christian than the
alternative policy.
It is who do not agree with this program not only
necessary for us
to express our opinion that it represents bad politics, but also that
it is derived from bad religion. The political confusions in it arise

from religious illusions. This is the final fruit of a theological move-

ment that thinks that the Kingdom of God is a simple extension of
human and that men may progress from the one to the other
at any time if they have become sufficiently courageous, pure, and
selfless. All such illusions finally end in disaster. Communist utopi-

anism ends in the sorry realities of Stalinism, and this liberal-

Christian utopianism ends by giving the dubious politics of " Amer-
ica First " the sanctity of the Sermon on the Mount.


For years we argued whether or not we should go to war. The im-
plicitassumption of all these arguments was that we had the com-
plete power to make this decision. Then history descended upon us

Christianity and Society, Winter, 1941.


and took the decision out of our hands. We might have known that
it would be like this. History is not as completely under the control

of human decisions as either the interventionists or pacifists as-

The interventionists wanted us
to go to war by a clear moral de-
cision. The thought we could stay out if only we willed
to do so resolutely enough. The isolationists underestimated the
element of " fate " in history, the fact that the decisions of others
frequently take the initiative out of our hands.The interventionists
overestimated our power of will. They (or let us say we) argued
that our moral obligation to the community of free nations re-
quired our participation. Or they contended that our own national
self-interest required that we act. They were right on both counts.
They did not recognize the " defect of our will," or understand that
over allhuman actions, and possibly over collective actions particu-
larly, there hangs the terrible truth of the confession, " The will in-
deed is present with me but how to perform that which is good I
know not." This is to say that ideally we ought to resist injustice
done to others as much as we resist it when done to ourselves. But

we do not. The force of self-interest alone finally makes the will

strong enough to meet its obligations to others.
In collective life our inability to act is further increased by the
fact that we cannot consider our own peril if it is not immediate or
obvious. Our self-interest is, therefore, not wise enough to come to
the support of our sense of obligation to others until we stand in
immediate peril. However important the national unity, achieved
under Japanese attack, may be from a political standpoint, it can-
not be denied that there is something pathetic about it from the
moral standpoint. Only it must be understood that it is a pathos
that all human actions betray, and that collective actions only re-
veal more vividly. We could not agree upon the peril in which we
stood as a national community until the peril was upon us; that is
the stupidity of collective man. And we could not agree upon our
responsibilities to the victims of aggression until we had been
joined to them, not by moral act but by historical fate.
The cynics might draw the conclusion from this fact that man,
particularly collective man, acts only from motives of self-interest.
But that would be an erroneous interpretation of the human situa-
tion. Man is not totally depraved. Complete egoism would be total
depravity. Man has a dim sense of awareness of his obligations to
his fellows and a weak desire to fulfill those obligations. But the
desire is not strong enough to produce action until self-interest and
social interest reach some kind of coincidence. It is interesting to
note that already the Wheelers and the Tafts and all that ilk, who
yesterday insisted that Britain had nothing but national and im-
perial motives, today make virtue of the fact that it is our duty to
" beat hell "
our foes when their militarism challenges our
out of
liberties and not those of another nation only. Tomorrow they will
be proving that we are fighting, not merely out of motives of self-
interest, but to " preserve civilization."
They will be right about that too, as they were wrong about
Britain when they contended that the admixture of national egoism
completely excluded every other-regarding motive in British na-
tional policy. They will be right about us as they were wrong about
Britain, because it is no more possible for us to act from motives of
pure self-interest than it is to act from motives of pure social
It is this fact that makes such nonsense of all purely moral inter-
pretations of human action, and that tempts pure moralists to be
either pharisees who have persuaded themselves that they are purely
moral, or to be irresponsible, hoping for the day when they can act
purely, and when they can find a political cause that will stand for
international order without an admixture of self-interest or na-
tional prejudice.
The political life of man must drive pure moralists either to de-
spair or to the fury of self-righteousness and sentimentality. It can
be understood only from a profoundly religious standpoint. These
two elements of cynicism and sentimentality have indeed been pres-
ent in our whole modern culture. Our universities are filled with
political scientists who either take adolescent delight in proving to
their students that all nations are moved by self-interest alone, thus
prompting them to an immoral cynicism, or who take an equally
adolescent satisfaction in inventing schemes, either educational or
political, that will make nations " unselfish."
We cannot contemplate our political life decently without a
proper and grateful understanding of the " grace " of God. For the
grace of God is on the one hand the providential working in history
by which God makes the wrath of man to praise him, and trans-
mutes good out of evil. In the immediate situation, that means that
he persuades sinful men to consider the miseries and necessities of

their fellow men by throwing them into like miseries and necessi-
ties. Of course, if there were no moral content in our life at all, if

we were consistently selfish, even this experience would not make it

possible for us to build communities and achieve just relations be-

tween ourselves and others, either individually or collectively. There
is, therefore, no point where the grace of God destroys the moral
content of our life by overriding the evil in us. Even now, while we
have been thrown into the community of nations, it will be a mat-
ter with which our conscience must wrestle, whether or no we will
remain in that community after the immediate peril is past. With-
out some moral response on our part, even the tragic experience of
today will not avail us tomorrow. We might withdraw again from
our international responsibilities at the end of this war in a mood
of self-righteousness and irresponsibility, as we did after the World
The other element in divine " grace " is the element of forgive-
ness. If we cannot believe that God has resources to negate and to
wipe out the corruption of egotism that all our actions betray, if we
do not know that we are " justified " not by our goodness but by the
goodness of God, we remain in the awful predicament of either try-
ing to find a vantage point in history from which we can act
" purely," or persuading ourselves that we have found such a van-
tage point and declaring a " holy war " from it. It is significant that
the chief organ of Christian isolationism revealed how little it un-
derstood the ultimate meaning of the Christian faith by recent edi-
torials in which it sought to persuade British Christians that they
did not exhaust the full resources of their faith if they did not pro-
claim a " holy war."
Of course, there can be no acceptance of grace without repentance.
If we do not understand how sinful even good nations are, we will
have no gratitude toward a merciful providence that makes us do
good against our will and gives us a chance to serve mankind, even
though we want to serve ourselves. But, also, there can be no re-
pentance without faith; for in that case the realization of the awful
realities of man's collective life drives us to despair.
Despair is the fate of the realists who know something about sin,
but nothing about redemption. Self -righteousness and irresponsibil-
ity is the fate of the idealists who know something about the good

possibilities of life, but know nothing of our sinful corruption of it.

They are, therefore, always looking for the other person or nation
who has corruptedit. Thus they add the fury of moral pride to the

sin of selfishnessand bedevil the understanding of our common his-

tory by criticizing the British from the vantage point of the pure
Americans, or the Jews from the vantage point of the good Chris-
tians, or the bad Continentals from the vantage point of the good
Let us hope that the catastrophes of these days will not only make
us more resolute in achieving such justice and international com-
munity as sinful men may establish by the grace of God, but more
humble and, therefore, more merciful in judging both our allies and
our foes.


In our dealings with Russia it is fairly clear that the peace of the
world must be preserved for some decades to come by the prepon-
derance of power in the West. It must be understood, however, that
the power of which we are speaking is not merely military power. It
is in fact not primarily military power. The Russians are challeng-

ing us primarily by moral and political means and our defense must
be primarily moral and economic. If we can preserve and extend the
moral health of the noncommunist world, we will preserve the pre-
ponderance of power. In an actual conflict military might is, of
course, the ultima ratio. But the power by which conflict is avoided
is primarily nonmilitary.
This method of preserving peace must not, of course, exclude con-
tinued contact with Russia. We must preserve the bridge between
ourselves and Russia at almost any cost. But there are approaches to
the present issue that make it appear that it might be easy to dis-
solve the Russian intransigence, if only we tried hard enough. Take
for instance the Quaker proposals, recently published by the Yale
University Press, entitled The United Nations and the Soviet Union,
Some Quaker Proposals for Peace. In this document, which is a good
deal more realistic than most pacifist approaches to the problems of
our era, the chasm between ourselves and the Russians is neverthe-
less constantly underestimated by suggestions that it could be

bridged if only we tried hard enough. Thus we read: " In the light
Christianity and Society, Winter, 1949-1950.

of Quaker experience in dealing with human beings of many dif-

ferent nationalitiesand in all parts of the world, we believe that an
extension of opportunities for personal relations between the Rus-
siansand Americans could benefit both peoples. Neither has a mo-
nopoly on either virtue or vice." There is first of all a certain phar-
isaism in that phrase " in the light of Quaker experience." The
Quaker experience has indeed been rich. But even we who are, in
their estimate, second-rate Christians know that such personal con-
tacts are valuable. We also know that monopoly
neither people has a
on either virtue or vice. The Russian people are, in fact, wonderful
people. But this sentence makes it appear that the primary difficulty
lies in misunderstandings between the peoples, which is not a fact.

Furthermore, it implies that we could establish such personal con-

tacts if we tried resolutely enough. Former Ambassador Bedell
Smith has just reported that he never ceased offering the Russians
exchange scholarships, exchange professorships, and that he tried
every other strategy for breaking the moral isolation of the people.
But all has been to no avail. The Russian dictatorship cannot af-
ford these interchanges. It keeps up a constant barrage of propa-
ganda that makes the noncommunist world appear to be perishing
in a mire of misery, and therefore it cannot afford to let the Russian
people discover the truth. Bedell Smith tells us how difficult it was
for the dictatorship to erase from the minds of the soldiers their
sense of contrast between what the propaganda had said about the
Western world and what they actually found.
We are told furthermore that both nations " claim their Govern-
ments to be democratic," although the Soviet definition of democ-
racy has tended to emphasize " government for the people " whereas
the United States has placed emphasis upon " government by the
people." This idea that only a semantic difficulty separates us also
has been tried recently by a U.N.E.S.C.O. project for the definition
of " fundamental concepts." The truth in such statements is obvious
enough. But they are also pious frauds if they are meant to imply
that a little more semantic accuracy or a little more common experi-
ence will teach one side to add " for the people " and the other side
" by the people."
That is the kind of debate which is actually going on between so-
cialistEurope and capitalist America; we hope for the enlighten-
ment of both sides. But the Russians are having no part in the de-
bate. They seal off every organ of communication that would make
an exchange of interpretations possible. Furthermore, a definition
of Russian " democracy " that does not give a hint of the tragedy in-
volved in the cynical corruption of the original Marxist democratic
dream is misleading. It would even be misleading if it were assumed
that the corruption were merely a Stalinist aberration and if it did
not reveal that the degeneration from the democratic dream to the
tyrannical realitiesis derived from serious miscalculations in the

Marxist interpretations of the human situation. It is precisely be-

cause Russian communism legitimatizes a corrupt politics by Uto-
pian illusions that it is so dangerous to the world and so blinding
to its devotees.
The Quaker proposals go on blandly to offer all kinds of advice
on specific issues without revealing how to follow the
difficult it is

advice. Thus we are told: " United States policy should have as its
objective the conclusion of a general peace treaty with a unified
Germany, the inclusion of Germany in the United Nations and its
related agencies, and the establishment of all possible safeguards to
insure that Germany's strategic position between the East and West
will not result in increased tensions between the two power blocs."
As if this bland solution of the vexing problem did not obscure the
depth of the whole tragic situation in which we are involved! The
Russians will not let go of their part of Germany if they do not get
in return the dominance over the whole of Germany. That is why
they refused a unified military control of Germany at the end of the
war. Nor could we let go of our part of Germany if we thought that
itmight be subject to communist infiltration. After Russia's break-
ing of every agreement intended to guarantee a noncommunist but
united front government in Poland, Rumania, and Hungary, we
must obviously be wary of any similar agreements. This proposed
solution therefore throws no light whatever upon what we have to
do in the German question, any more than the general advice helps
to solve the total question.
It is natural enough in tragic times that people should be tempted
to seek forways out of a great dilemma that reveal their inability to
measure the proportions of the dilemma. But we hope that it will
not be regarded as particularly " Christian " to close one eye be-
cause the reality that breaks upon the sight of both eyes is too ter-
rible to contemplate.


There are many parts of the Quaker approach to world problems
with which I personally agree and that are in full accord with the
foreign policy platform of Americans for Democratic Action. Among
them are:
One Insistence that the contest with communism, particularly
in Asia and conducted against the background of previ-
Africa, is

ous " imperialism " by the white nations and that our cause is
gravely imperiled by residual resentments against " colonialism
and against the white man's arrogance toward the colored people.
Any policy that corrects and expiates past evils is both morally and
politically correct and better than undue reliance on military force.
As A.D.A.'s 1955 platform declares:
" We need a policy not of massive retaliation but of massive ren-

ovation. We need a clearer view of the new place of Asia and Africa
in world affairs, a more concrete and positive policy of opposition
to surviving colonialism and racism. Only within such a context can
programs of economic aid effectively contribute to the development
of common self-interest between ourselves and the other peoples of
the world and provide us with the power needed to force a world-
wide retreat of communist totalitarianism."
Two Our negative attitude toward our problems with commu-
nism, our preoccupation with its evils and our frantic ferreting out
of " subversives " with little discrimination between genuine disloy-
alty and mere dissent, has lowered our prestige in the world and not
aided us in the real contest. Happily the worst aspects of the psy-
chosis known as " McCarthyism " seem to be overcome in the pres-
ent more sober mood of the nation. A.D.A., however, like the
Quaker approach, continues pledged " to inalienable rights of ev-
ery American freedom of speech, of thought, of inquiry, and of
dissent. . We believe that the impairment of these liberties on
. .

any level, be it national, state, or local, violates the principles of

democracy and saps the strength of a democratic society in its strug-
gle against totalitarianism."
Three Any undue reliance on military weapons in general, and
atomic weapons in particular, and the concomitant neglect of all

Comment on a Quaker publication: " Speak Truth to Power," The Progressive,

October, 1955.
political, economic, and moral policies that strengthen the unity
and health of the noncommunist world, is a grave error against
which all democratic forces must marshal all their strength.
We cannot, however, allow our knowledge of the limits of military
forces in the world community to persuade us to adopt the pacifist
disavowal of force as an end in itself. Force is merely the ultima ra-
tio of political life. It cannot be disavowed even though every effort
must be made to keep it in its proper place.
Thus, holding that " American policy toward the Soviet bloc
must remain based on the assumption that Soviet policy is hostile to
all sources of power not amenable to its control " and that " military

weakness invites aggression," A.D.A. favors the building of our

armed strength. It maintains that " security without provocation
must be our policy toward the Soviet bloc, but that we should be
prepared to negotiate . . . whenever there is reasonable indication
that the Soviet group is willing to join in a bona fide effort to dis-
mantle some or all of the barriers that now divide their world and
Our points of agreement with the Quaker proposals, particularly
on policies that do not raise the ultimate issue of the disavowal of
force, cannot obscure the basic distinction between pacifist and non-
This distinction would seem to be on the absolute
pacifist policies.
disavowal of force by the pacifists.
But the difference between pacifism and nonpacifism actually is
more profound than the question of the use of force or " violence."
The document makes this profounder distinction quite clear. The
Quaker attitude toward political questions puts " power " and
" love " in contradiction to each other. This contradiction leaves

out the whole problem of the attainment of justice. Justice may be

the servant of love, and power may be the servant of justice. Every
historic form of justice has been attained by some equilibrium of
power. Force in the narrow sense may be an element in the arsenal
of power, but power is wider than force. It includes all the vitalities
of life by which men seek to accomplish their ends.
Power is not evil. It may be put in the service of good ends.
When the ends of men or nations conflict, the conflict may, of
course, issue in violence. All sensible people will seek to avoid these
violent conflicts whether on the national or international level. But
only one adopts the principle that it is better to suffer injustice

than to resort to force can one wholly disavow the use of force. It is

possible, though not always advisable, for individuals to suffer in-

justice rather than let the dispute come to an ultimate issue. But
statesmen, responsible for values beyond their own life, do not have
this option. They must seek for justice by an accommodation of in-
terests and they must protect precious values by force if necessary.
Even the terrors of a possible atomic conflict cannot disengage them
from such responsibilities, though it must naturally make them very
hesitant to use a form of force that might spell mutual annihilation.
Every emphasis on the new dimension of destructiveness in war
does not seriously alter the problem of the statesman's responsibil-
ity. It may persuade him, in the words of President Eisenhower, that
" in an atomic age there is no alternative to peace," but it cannot

persuade him to accept injustice or submission as the price of peace,

particularlywhen the alternative is not between peace and war but
between submission and the risk of war. We want our statesmen to
be careful about that risk. But no nation will choose present sub-
mission as the alternative for a future risk. That is why pacifism
remains an irrelevance even in an atomic age. But this need not
prompt us to disrespect for the Quaker witness. That witness is

most impressive in the Quaker works of mercy, and least impressive

in all the problems of the political order where power must be
placed in the service of justice, and where on occasion force may be
legitimate in the arsenal of power and justice.
Acland, Sir Richard, 84 Atomic bomb, 165, Article No. 52
Adams, Henry, 243 Atonement, 49, 281
Advertising Council of America, 95 Attlee, Clement, 70
Africa, 166, 299 Augustine, 50
Agape, 28, 219, 220, 221
America, 58, 81, 86, 92, Article No. Bakunin, 73
17, 98, 102, 133, 141, 176, 178, Balance of power, 53, 197, 202,
184. 192-193, 197, 199, 205,
189, 203, 207, 210, 262, 270
208, 210, 217, 222-223, 244, 245, Bao Dai, 192, 194
246, 266, 271, 272, 273, 278, 284, Barth, Karl, 33, 291
287-288, 291, 297 Baruch proposals, 165, 236
"America First," Article No. 61 Ben^t, Stephen Vincent, 169
American Christianity, 25, 59, 114, Beveridge plan, 81
172, 279, 283 Bevin, 81
A.E.F., 176-177 Bible, Biblical, Scripture, 47, 162,
American Federation of Labor, 107 163, 164, 165, 279, 281, 282
" American Way of Life," Borah, Senator, 246
94, 95
Americans for Democratic Action, Bowles, Chester, 115
299, 300 Brandeis, Louis D., 138
Amos, 161, 184, 188 Bricker Amendment, 72
Anarchy, anarchism, 32, 51, Article Britain, 53, 66, 70, 71, 79, Article
No. 11, 169, 181, 185, 188, 190, No. 13, 84, 87, 108, 113, 141, 166,
191, 196, 200, 203, 205, 224, 227, 167, 172, 173, 174-175, Article
262, 263, 266, 280, 284 No. 37, 182, 184, 189, 194, 195,
Anglican Church, 83 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 210,
Anglo-Saxons, 71, 141, Article No. 219, 222-223, 245, 264-265, 266,
40, 205, 210-211, 224-225, 245 270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 278, 288-
Arabs, 141 289, 294, 296
Argentina, 215 British Council of Churches, 81
Ascetic, 40 Business ethics, 91-92
Asia, 124, 184, 187, 193, 194, 250, Businessmen, 26, 43, 64, 65, 91, 94-
266, 299 95, 96, 98, 115; exercise of power,
Atkinson, Brooks, 164 38, 91; sense of justice, 28


Butterfield, Herbert, 67 212, 216, 217, 226, 228, 229, 230,
Byrnes, James, 151 296, 300
Conservatism, 1 1
Calvin, 47 Constitution, U.S., 66, 67, 152, 181,
Capitalism, 77, 168, 170, 254, 257 208-209
Carnegie, 98 Coolidge, President, 244
Carnegie Corporation, 95 Cooper, Alfred Duff, 175
Carter, Hodding, 152 Costigan-Cutting bill, 108
Catholic, Catholicism, 47, 48, 49, Couzens, Senator, 99
50, 51, Article No. 11, 97, 122, Criminal syndicalism, 110, 113
169, 269, 279, 282 Cripps, Sir Stafford, 81, 84, 85, 265
Chamberlain, 80, 170, 171 Cromwell, Oliver, 80
China, 95, 182, 184, 187, 197, 201, Cross, the, 33, 276, 277, 281
210, 250 Czechoslovakia, 52, 122, 274
Chinese Nationalists, 192
Christian action, 57
Daladier, 170
Christian Century, The, 103, 109,
Darrow, Clarence, 252
168, 272, 274, 275, 276
Declaration of Independence, 149
Christian moralism, 28
De Gaulle, Charles, 229
Christian social order, 33
de' Medici, Cosimo, 26
Christianity and Crisis, 216
Democracy, democratic, 61, Article
Christianity and Society, 267
No. 8, 63, 65, Article No. 10, 67,
Church (es) , 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45,
68, 79. 95. 119- 129, 135, 139,
46, 59, 60, 61, 77, 89, 90-91, 93-
143, 146, 149, 151, 176, 180, 181,
94, 97, 110, 111, 112, 125, 128,
202, 212, 235, 289, 297
143, 144, 145, 148, 150, Article
Democratic Party, 64, 69
No. 31, 155, 158, 163, 171, 172,
Denmark, 217
175, 187, 189, 2i6, 254, 256, 272,
Destiny, meaning of, 184-186
Dewey, Governor, 183
Churchill, 70, 71, 81, 183, 233
Dumbarton Oaks, 213
Churchmen's Campaign for Peace
Through Mediation, 285, 290
Civil Liberties Union, 109 Eden, Anthony, 174-177, 264
Civil War, 147, 200, 221 Education: and class struggle, 37;
Coercion, 26, 32, 34, 35, 36, 93, 147, free, 86

170, 171, 250, 254-255, 264 Eisenhower, 57, 64, 68, 71, 72, igi,
Commission on a Just and Durable 301
Peace, 205 Electoral College, 67
Committee on War and Peace, 205 Emancipation Proclamation, 146
Common interest, 27 Enemy, relation to, Articles Nos.
Communism, communists, 29, 32, 48-51
68, 69, 73, 77, 78, 107, 109, 191, Equality, 36, 62, 149
192, 193, 214, 216, 225, 237, 256, Eros, 219, 220, 221
299 Ethiopian War, Article No. 34, 260
Community, 177-178, 216, 232, 257; Europe, 51, 52, 68, 74, 75, 163, 175,
Christian, 145, 148, 154, 155; na- 178, 184, 190, 193, 198, 199, 226,
tional, 67, 146, 147; world, 60, 93, 241, 244, 245, 246, 263, 265, 266,
178, 185, 188-189, 200, 209, 210, 271, 273, 274, 283, 284, 290, 297
Evangelical Christianity, weaknesses Gospel (s), 34, 153, 226, 262, 286
of, 156-157, 158 Grace, 187, 294, 295
Graham, Billy, Article No. 32
Fair Deal, 1 18, 146
Greeks, 225
Fair Employment Practices Act,
Group interest, loyalties, 34, 121,
Article No. 29
122, 123, 131, 133, 141, 244
Fall of man, 47, 50, 51
Guilt, mutuality of, 226, 227
Family, 26, 90, 280
Farmer, 35, 64
Hardie, Keir, 84
Fascism, 68, 74, 78, 79, 256, 267
Henderson, Arthur, 84
Faulkner, William, 152-153
Hillman, Sidney, 107
Federal Council of Churches, 96,
Himmler, 170
Hindenburg, 225
Federal Fair Employment Practices
History, 150, 261, 268, 281, Article
Act, 60
No. 62
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 41,
Hitler, Hitlerism, 52, 71, Article
Article No. 56
No. 12, 129, 132, 141, 169, 170,
Feudal, feudalism, 48, 74, 82
172, 173, 174, 224, 225, 226, 275,
Fifield, James, 113, 114
286, 290
Finland, 134, 198
Hoare, Sir Samuel, 168
Finney, 154
Hoare-Laval proposals, 264
Five-Day Week, 104
Hogg, Quentin, 82
Force: and redemption, 248-249,
Holmes, John Haynes, 255, 262, 285
250; dangers of, 253, 300
Hoover, Herbert, 96, 255
Ford Worker, The, 107
Forgiveness, 44, 53, 54, 231, 295
Human nature, 54, 73, 74, 75, 85,
86, 117, 131, 183, 241, 253, 261,
France, 70, 71, 77, 79, 166, 175, 180,
278, 282, 293; Biblical conception
186, 191, 192, 194, 198, 229, 253,
of, 47 ff.
264, 265, 266, 278, 288-289
Hume, David, 97
Francis of Assisi, 75, 243, 261
Humility, limits of, 61
Franco, General, 169
Hungary, 298
Frank, Waldo, 108
Hydrogen bomb. Article No. 53
Freedom: of man, 49, 50, 54, 66, Ar-
ticle No. 15, 94, 95, 129; and con-
Idealism, idealists, 29, 33, 41, 42,
trol, 87, 119, 163; and security,
43, 45, 46, 88, 119. 144, 153, 172,
177, i8i, 189, 191, 204, Article
Free enterprise, 57, 87, 88, 96, 97,
No. 45, 213, 216, 218, 221, 245,
113, 114
247, 252, 277, 285, 288, 290, 291,
Gandhi, 124, 249, 250 295
Garrison, William Lloyd, 221 Ideological taint, 48, 50
General Motors Corporation, 102, Imagination, 242, 249, 252
104, 116 Immorality, essence of, 177-178
Germans, Germany, 35, 36, 52, 79, Imperialism, 211
80, 122, 134, 162-163, 166, 169, Incarnation, 49, 268
170, 171, 173, Article No. 37, 186, India, 176, 182, 193, 195, 216, 250
189, 198, 220-221, Articles Nos. Industrial Christian Fellowship, 83
49-50, 253, 264, 266, 267, 273, 278, Inflation, Article No. 23
" Innocence," 200-201
290, 298
Intelligence and justice, 35 Labor, labor organization, 34, 110,
Ireland, Irish, 126, 195 113, 116, 117, 118
Isolationism, isolationists, 57, 60, 64, Labor Party, 82, 263, 265
72, 173, 176, 180, 183, 197, 202, Lansbury, George, 84, 167, 263
203-204, 246, 278, 293, 295 Latin America, 67
Israel,217 Latvia, 276
Italy, 122, Article No. 34, 263, 264, Law: international, 208, 215, 227;
290 limits of, 146, 149, 216, 217
Lawson, Victor, 99
Jacks, L. P., 243 League of Nations, 166, 168, 198,
Japan, Japanese, So, 123, 126, 128, 214, 246, 260, 264, 265, 267
131, 171, 214, 233, 263, 265, 266, Lend-Lease Act, 179
267, Liberal church. Christians, 37, 41,
Jesus: ethic of. Article No. and 111, 128, 130, 254, 257, 259, 271,
prudential motive, 31; social 276, 277
teachings of, 30, 89 Liberalism, liberals, 120, 123, 130,

Jews, 26, 121, 122, Article No. 27, 133, 134, 136, 140, 146, 148, 180,
i55-56, 274, 283 199, 214, 225, 260, 261, 262, 264,

Joad, C. E. M., 264, 265 265, 286

Jones, Stanley, 290 Lindbergh, Charles A., 274, 278,
Justice: and charity, 112; and Chris- 285, 287, 288, 289
tian hope, 29; and the church, London Daily Worker, 234
154-155; and conflict, 276; deh- London Sunday Observer, 234
nition of, 48, 50, 85, 157, Article Love: and class struggle, 34, 35, 36,
No. 51; economic, 258; and free- 44; of enemies, Article No. 48;
dom, 61, 62, 88, 96; and God's and foregiveness, 269; law of, 25,
will, 169; and inflation, 117; and 153; and law, 257; relationship
law, 146-147, 149, 155; and order, to freedom, 50, 53; relationship
to justice, 28, 300;
198; and peace, 172; permanent 32, 49, 50,
fight for, 38, and planning, spirit of, 26, 111, 243, 245; strat-
87, 88; and power, 52, 53, 76,
egy of, 253
114, 176, 196, 207, 230, 300; and Low, David, 70
pressure, 41, 43, 90, 96; principle Luther, 47, 50, 51, 224
of, 149; relationship to sin, 49,

229; requirements of, 28; and McCarthy, Senator, 65, 72, 299
self-interest, 28, 157, 173, 174; McConnell, Bishop, 205
spirit of. Article No. 1, 35; and MacLeish, Archibald, 289
the state, 96, 146; and the strong, McMahon, Senator, 237
32; structure of, 283; and war, Madison, 66
53. 182 Malvern, 83
Justification by faith, 269 Manchester School, 108
Mann, Thomas, 275
Kentucky, Article No. 20, 157 Marshall Plan, 96
King James Version, 102 Martyrdom, 277, 286
Kingdom of God, 59, 78, 80, 89, Marx, Marxism, 44, 45, 48, 69, 70,
171, 174, 219, 223, 261, 270, 271, 73, 86, 225, 257, 298
277, 291, 292 Matthews, J. B., 255
Korea, Korean War, 64, 65, 192 Mexico, 244

Military power, limits of, Article Pacifism, pacifist, 53, 109, 119, 167,
No. 42 168, 170, 171, 173, 222, 236, Ar-
" Ministers No War," 285, 290 ticles Nos. 54-64
Minorities, 251-252 Page, Kirby, 255, 263
Moral suasion, 93 Pakistan, 216-217
Moralism, moralists, 36, 170, 183, Palestine, 139, 140, 141
189, 259, 294 Palmer, Albert W., 285
Mordhorst, Rev. Mr., 216 Pan-American Regional System,
Morrison, Herbert, 81, 83 214
Munsey, Frank, 99 Peace: aims, Article No. 37; nego-
Mussolini, 166, 167, 171, 260, 290 tiated. Article. No. 36, 290-291
Myrdal, Gunnar, 149 Pearl Harbor, 180
Pelagianism, 224
Napoleon, 79, 80, 103 Perfectionism, 254, 269, 271, 274,
National Manufacturers Associa- 276, 280, 282, 285, 287, 291-292
tion, 115, 116 Philanthropists, philanthropy, 26,
Nationality, 134, 139 41, 92, Articles Nos. 18-19, 111,
Natural law, Article No. 5; bour- 112
geois views, 48-49; and feudalism, Plato, 219

48 Poland, 52, 79, 132, 140, 198, 215,

Nazi, nazism, 29, 79, 132, 133, 135, 274. 298
136, 139, 141, 162, 163, 173, 180, Politics, political relationships, 35,
181, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 43, Article No. 7, 148, 167-168,
196, 198, 210, 219, 224, 227, 228, >7i. 259
Poll tax, 143
233, 270, 275, 283, 284, 287, 292
Negro(es) 34, 35, 122, 127, 128, 131, Ponsonby, Lord, 263
Article No. 28, 146, Articles Nos. Power, 38, 58, 59, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76,
77, 79, 80, 91-92, 94, 176, 186,
30, 31, 32, 182-183, 250; soldier,
189, 198, 199, 203, 205, 207, 210,
Neutrality, 168; Neutrality Act, Ar- 215, 225, 229, 234, 235, 237, 264,
ticle No. 38; in social struggle, 268, 270, 296, 300; American, Ar-

40. 254-255
ticle No. 44; economic, 64, 193,

New Deal, 63-64, 69, 113 199, 204, 257; military, 193

New Statesman and Nation, The, Pragmatic, pragmatism, 58, 257, 261
Price control, 118
171. 264
New York Times, The, 164 Pride, 186, 227

Nixon, Vice-President, 191 Primer on Race, 1 25 ff.

Nock, Albert Jay, 135 Procter and Gamble, 91
Nofrontier News Service, 278 Prohibition movement, 146
NATO, 216 Prophetic, phophets, 51, 75, 94, 161,
Northern Baptist Convention, 125 184-185, 187, 252
Nuremberg, 162, 229 Protestant, Protestantism, 44, 46,

Nygren, Anders, Agape and Eros, 47' 48, 50' 5I' 53. 59. 77. 97. H5-
220 157, 172, 254, 269, 279, 282, 291
Proudhon, 73
Prudence, 154
Orthodox Church, Christianity, 40-
41, 128, 130 Quakers, 254, 255, 260, Articles
Oxford pledge, 262-263 Nos. 63-64
Race relations, 60, Articles Nos. 24- 268, 269, 270, 274, 276, 279, 280,
32; and scientific knowledge, 125, 282, 286, 291, 292, 294-295
127, 130; and sports, 150 Smillie, Robert, 84
Rationing, 118 Smith, Bedell, 297
Rauschenbusch, Walter, 29 Social control, 93, 199
Rauschning, 79 Social gospel, 25, 41, 83, 97, 157-
Realism, realists, 42, 43, 46, 75, 91, 158
119, 131, 172, 176, 204, Article Socialism, socialists, 69, 86, 254, 265
No. 45, 295 Social security, 26
Reason, limits of in political de- Socialized medicine, 58, Article No.
bate, 118 14
Reconciliation, ministry of, 54, 292 South Africa, 151-152
Relativism, 269 South America, 246, 287, 290
Religion and class struggle, 37, 38 Spain, Article No. 11, 171
Repentance, 38, 182, 233, " Spiritual Mobilization," Article
144, 145,
234. 295 No. 21
Republicans, Article No. 9, 183, Spykman, Professor, America's
203 Strategy in World Politics, 210
Responsibility, 177, 178, 181, 187, Stalin, 70, 77, Article No. 12, 292,
198, 200, 203, 261, 268, 301 298
Ribbentrop, 170 Stettinius, 214
Rights, 26, 137, 141 Stewardship, Article No. 16
Roberts, Richard, Article No. 58 Stoic, stoicism, 32, 49, 219
Rockefeller, 98 Strategy, problems of, 60
Roosevelt, 63, 64, 177 Sunday Observer, 108
Rumania, 298 Supreme Court, 76, 143, 146, Arti-
Russia, Russian, 57, 6g, 74, 75, 77, cleNo. 30, 152, 155
79, 133, 164, 165, 167, 184, 186, Sweden, 113
187, 197, 198, 199, 201, 211, 213,
215, 216, 234, 235, 251, 266, 296- Taft, Robert, 57, 294
298 Talmadge, 151
Tax, taxation, 26, 36, 117, 181
Saint Paul, 42, 75, 77, 223, 282 Taylor, Henry J., 116
San Francisco Conference, Article Temple, Archbishop, 81, 82, 84
No. 46 Tittle, ErnestFremont, 168-171
Sayre, Nevin, 255 Tojo, 230
School segregation. Article No. 30 Tolerance, 61, 138
Secularism, secularists, 186 Tolstoi, 261
Self-interest, 53, 119, 294 Tragic element, 29, 49, 80, 137, 174,
Self-love, 97 223, 225, 258, 268, 292, 298
Self-righteousness, 52, 188-189, 201, Truman, 148, 233
226, 267, 268, 282 Trusteeship, 213
Shepherd, " Dick," 263 Tyranny, 53, 57, 189, 191, 196, 201,
Sin, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48-49, 50, 51, 205, 224, 227, 270, 277, 279, 285,
76, 115, 120-121, 123, 124, 125, 286, 291, 292
128, 130, 144, 153-154, 155, 157,
158, 163, 164, 181, 182, 183, 187, Unemployment, 104, 106, 116
199, 212, 223, 229, 230, 261, 267, United Mine Workers, 110

United Nations, 209, 211, Article trials. Article No. 51

No. 46 Warner, The Anti-Slavery Impulse,

United Nations and the Soviet 154
Union, Some Quaker Proposals Washington, 66
for Peace, The, 296 ff. Welfare state, 86
U.S. Steel Company, 102 Weygand, General, 71
Wheeler, Burton K., 285, 287, 289,
Vansittart, 229 290, 294
Van Zeeland report. Article No. 35 Will-to-power, 43, 94
Vengeance, 76-77, 228, 229, 259 Winstanley, Gerrard, 84
Versailles, 52, 273 Wintringham, Tom, 84
Vietnam, 191, 192, 194 Woolton, Lord, 81
Vindictiveness, 54, 188-189, 226 World Council of Churches, 96
Violence, 45, 170, 248, 250, 251 World Federalist Movement, 216-
Von Papen, 225 217
World order, basis of, 197
War: and human history, 268, 279, World organization, Article No. 45
282; justification of, 191, 196; World War I, 200, 202, 242, 260,
moral ambiguity of, 222; out- 262, 265, 295
lawry of, 245; and redemption,
177, 181, 190; total, 190, 191, 233; Zionism, 136-142, 217
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