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Lesson : 9
I. Fill in the blanks

1. Percent means _____________.

2. The term percent comes from the Latin words _________ which means

3. The symbol for percentage is ___________.

4. To express a fraction as percentage convert it into an equivalent fraction with


5. = ________ %

6. = ________ %

7. = ________ %

8. If the denominator of a fraction is 100 then the numerator gives ____________

equivalent to the fraction.

9. A given percentage may be expressed as a fraction by dividing the no. of

percentage by _____________.

10. In a decimal fraction is we shift the decimal point _____________ places to the
right, we get the percentage.

11. 0.02 = __________ %

12. 1.25 = ________ %

13. 100% of Rs. 25 = __________

14. 50% of 100 = __________

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II. Convert these fractions into percentage

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

III. Express these percentage as fractions (in the lowest form)

1. 20% 2. 75% 3. 25% 4. 45%

5. 12 % 6. 6 % 7. 120% 8. 33 %

IV. Express these as decimals

1. 6%

2. 25%

3. 1%

4. 4 %

5. 125%

6. 33 %

V. Express as percents

1. 0.05

2. 0.75

3. 6.5

4. 3.5

5. 0.056

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6. 0.025

VI. Find the value of each of the following :

1. 5% of 100 2. 90% of 1000 3. 3 % of 500

4. 5% of Rs. 90 5. 250% of Rs. 80 6. 30% of 20 Kg

7. 10% of 100 g 8. 40% of 50 marks 9. 12.5% of 24 ml

VII. Which of the two is more :

1. 10% of 50 or 50% of 8

2. 30% of 200 or 25% of 300

VIII. 1. Rom got 60 out of 80 in English. Find the percentage of marks he got in the
two subjects. Which mark is better ?

2. In a class of 80 students, 30% are girls. Find the number of boys.

3. There are 1500 students in a school 80% of the total students are present in the
school. How many students are absent on that day?

4. Anant got 17 out of 20 marks in a test. What percentage of marks did he get?

5. Out of 40 eggs 8 were damaged. What percentage of eggs were good?

6. Arun scored 80% of marks in a test which had 15 questions carry equal marks.
How many questions did he answer correctly?

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