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Supreme Court of New Jersey

MSW CAPITAL, LLC, Civil Action

Docket No. 074116
App. Div. # A-006370-11T1



Philip D. Stern, Esq., on the Brief

Philip D. Stern Attorney at Law, LLC
697 Valley Street, Suite 2d
Maplewood, NJ 07040
(973) 379-7500
Attorney for Defendant-Petitioner, Azeem H. Zaidi

TABLE OF AUTHORITIES.................................ii


I. Factual Background..........................2

II. The Evidential Record.......................3

III. The Issues..................................4

QUESTIONS PRESENTED...................................8

ERRORS COMPLAINED OF..................................9




CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO R. 2:12-7(a)...............20

APPENDIX (following page 20)

1. Notice of Petition for Certification.

2. Written Opinion of the Courts Below:

Opinion filed in the Appellate

Division, March 5, 2014

3. Copy of the transcript of any relevant oral opinions

or statements of findings and conclusions of law:

Transcript from Law Division, Special

Civil Part, Monmouth County, July 13,

Petition for Certification of Defendant-Petitioner (revised) page i

MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116

Atlantic N. Airlines v. Schwimmer, 12 N.J. 293 (1953)......... 17

Berkowitz v. Haigood, 256 N.J. Super. 342 (Law Div. 1992)5, 11, 15

CACH, LLC v. Askew, 358 S.W.3d 58 (Mo. 2012).................. 11

Carmona v. Resorts Int'l Hotel, Inc., 189 N.J. 354 (2007)...... 6

Commonwealth Fin. Sys. v. Smith, 15 A.3d 492 (Pa. Super. Ct.

2011) ................................................. 12, 17

DNS Equity Group Inc. v. Lavallee, 26 Misc. 3d 1228(A) (N.Y.

Dist. Ct. 2010) ........................................... 12

Garden State Bank v. Graef, 341 N.J. Super. 241 (App. Div.
2001) ..................................................... 14

Hahnemann Univ. Hosp. v. Dudnick, 292 N.J. Super. 11 (App.

Div. 1996) ............................................. 6, 14

Henggeler v. Brumbaugh & Quandahl, P.C., LLO, 894 F. Supp. 2d

1180 (D. Neb. 2012) ................................... 12, 17

Jacobs v. Great Pac. Century Corp., 104 N.J. 580 (1986)....... 17

K & K Enterprises Inc. v. Stemcor USA Inc., 100 A.D.3d 415

(N.Y.A.D. 2012) ........................................... 13

LVNV Funding, L.L.C. v. Colvell, 421 N.J. Super. 1 (App. Div.

2011) ...................................................... 6

LVNV Funding, LLC v. Delgado, 24 Misc. 3d 1230(A) (N.Y. Dist.

Ct. 2009) ................................................. 12

Matute v. Main St. Acquisition Corp., 11-CV-62375, 2012 WL

4513420 (S.D. Fla. Oct. 2, 2012) .......................... 12

Rushmore Recoveries X, LLC v. Skolnick, 15 Misc. 3d 1139(A)

(N.Y. Dist. Ct. 2007) ................................. 12, 17

Petition for Certification of Defendant-Petitioner (revised) page ii

MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
State v. Mazowski, 337 N.J.Super. 275 (App. Div. 2000)........ 13

State v. Sweet, 195 N.J. 357 (2008)............................ 7

Stevens v. Bowers, 16 N.J.L. 16 (1837)......................... 5

Stott v. Greengos, 95 N.J.Super. 96 (App. Div. 1967).......... 13

Sullivan v. Visconti, 68 N.J.L. 543 (Sup Ct. 1902) affd (for

reasons below) 69 N.J.L. 452 (E.& A. 1903) ................. 5

Webb v. Midland Credit Management, Inc., 2012 WL 2022013,

Case 11-cv-5111 (N.D.Ill. May 31, 2012) ........... 12, 14, 17

N.J.R.E. 106........................................... 9, 10, 16

N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6)............................................. 6

R. 2:12-4..................................................... 14

Other Authorities
Federal Trade Commission, The Structure and Practices of the
Debt Buying Industry (2013), available at
industry/debtbuyingreport.pdf ............................. 18

Needleman, "Debt Buyers Can Testify on Purchased Account

Records: Appeals Court." available at
on-purchased-account-records-appeals-court/ (March 31,
2014) ...................................................... 2

Petition for Certification of Defendant-Petitioner (revised) page iii

MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
The law in this case affects tens of thousands of

lawsuits brought annually against New Jersey citizens. It

concerns the admissibility and sufficiency of the summary

judgment submissions where the plaintiff claims to own

defendant's credit card debt purchased in a pool containing

thousands of accounts in an industry which disclaims the

accuracy of account information.

Affirming summary judgment for the debt buyer, the

Opinion below restated the traditional rules governing

assignment, business records and their foundational witnesses.

But, in apparent contradiction, the court made up new rules

which conflict with long-standing published decisions and

establish preferential treatment for debt buyers.

The court's new formulation endorses industry practices

where transferees expressly disclaim any representation that

the account records they provide to their successors are

accurate. The court would admit those records simply because

the plaintiff received them.

Judges in neighboring New York and Pennsylvania have

published decisions applying the time-tested rules for

assignment, business records, and foundational witnesses to

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
debt buyers, as did the Missouri Supreme Court and several

federal district courts. Each court found that the debt buyer

fell short. The Appellate Division stands alone in exempting

debt buyers from the rules applicable to all other litigants.

The evidentiary rules apply to every civil and criminal

proceeding, and the law of assignment has applied to all

assignment transactions for centuries. Under the Appellate

Division's rule, however, they no longer apply to debt buyers.

Debt buyers' favored status under the Opinion led the

accounts receivable management industry to headline it as

"Debt Buyers Can Testify on Purchased Account Records: Appeals

Court." See,

testify-on-purchased-account-records-appeals-court/. Likewise,

counsel to the Plaintiff-Respondent has written to the

Committee on Publication seeking its approval.

I. Factual Background

Plaintiff, MSW Capital LLC (MSW) alleged that it owned

the right to enforce a contractual payment due from

Defendant, Azeen Zaidi based on his credit card account.

According to MSW, Chase Bank USA, N.A. sold the account

to Main Street Acquisitions, LLC in June 2011 and the

following month, Main Street sold it to MSW.

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
When sued, MSW and the asserted balance were unknown to

Zaidi. Da41 at 11, and Da36 at 2. Therefore, he filed a pro

se Answer denying the allegations and left "Plaintiff to

provide proof" of ownership and the amount due. Da3.

MSW moved for summary judgment. It relied on a one page

certification from its manager, Lawrence A. Whipple, Jr., and

attachments. The Appellate Division held the attachments were

inadmissible. Thus, MSW's motion was deficient.

After reviewing the motion papers, Zaidi opposed the

motion and cross-moved. In its reply papers, MSW supplemented

the record including another Whipple certification and new

attachments, some of which the Appellate Division admitted.

Affirming summary judgment for MSW, the Appellate

Division found the admissible supplemental records to be


II. The Evidential Record

The Appellate Division identified the evidential record

to include the two Whipple certifications (Whipple-1 and

Whipple-2) and the three attachments to Whipple-2.

The court also admitted a certification from MSW's

counsel, Steven A. Lang, Esq. which addressed how Chase

acquired the account. This Petition concerns the debt and its

Petition for Certification of Defendant-Petitioner (revised) page 3

MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
assignment after Chase claimed to own it. Therefore, Lang's

certification is not germane to this Petition.

Two of the Whipple-2 attachments were one-page Bills of

Sale one for Chase's assignment and one for Main Street's

assignment. The third was eighteen billing statements.

Each Bill of Sale stated that it was subject to the terms

of an assignment agreement and referred to attachments,

neither of which was provided.

III. The Issues

The estimated number of affected cases comes from

assuming annual filings of 400,000 collection cases with 95%

resulting in default judgments. Unless those assumptions are

horribly incorrect, the issues here concern an order of

magnitude in the tens of thousands. These issues do not

implicate the significantly greater volume of default cases

which have their own rules.

Well-settled precedents establish the rules for proof of

a valid chain of assignment, competency of foundational

witnesses, and the hearsay exception for business records.

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116

a. Elements: "A valid assignment [1] must contain

clear evidence of the intent to transfer the

person's rights and [2] the subject matter of the

assignment must be described sufficiently to make

it capable of being readily identified." Berkowitz

v. Haigood, 256 N.J. Super. 342, 346 (Law Div.

1992); cf., Sullivan v. Visconti, 68 N.J.L. 543,

551 (Sup Ct. 1902) aff'd (for reasons below) 69

N.J.L. 452 (E.& A. 1903).

b. Expression of Assignment: "The assignment must be

clear and unequivocal in order to be effective as

to the obligor." Berkowitz v. Haigood, supra at


c. Chain of Assignment: A valid assignment must be

established for each link in the chain of

assignments. Stevens v. Bowers, 16 N.J.L. 16


2. DEBT:

To collect on a revolving credit card

debt, [the debt buyer] is required to
provide the transactions for which
payment has not been made, any
payments that have been made, the

Petition for Certification of Defendant-Petitioner (revised) page 5

MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
annual percentage and finance charge
percentage rates and the billing
cycle information. [LVNV Funding,
L.L.C. v. Colvell, 421 N.J. Super. 1,
7-8 (App. Div. 2011)]



A witness is competent to lay the

foundation for systematically
prepared computer records if the
witness (1) can demonstrate that the
computer record is what the proponent
claims and (2) is sufficiently
familiar with the record system used
and (3) can establish that it was the
regular practice of that business to
make the record. [Hahnemann Univ.
Hosp. v. Dudnick, 292 N.J. Super. 11,
18 (App. Div. 1996) (quoted
approvingly in Carmona v. Resorts
Int'l Hotel, Inc., 189 N.J. 354, 380


The standard for the admissibility of

business records has remained
constant. In order to qualify under
the business record exception to the
hearsay rule, the proponent must
satisfy three conditions:

First, the writing must be made

in the regular course of
business. Second, it must be
prepared within a short time of

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
the act, condition or event being
described. Finally, the source of
the information and the method
and circumstances of the
preparation of the writing must
justify allowing it into
evidence. [State v. Sweet, 195
N.J. 357, 370 (2008) (emphasis

The assignments here were in writing, Opinion at 21,

requiring MSW to admit records offered for their truth. As an

assignee, however, those records were not created by MSW. The

Appellate Division exempted MSW from complying with the

traditional rules.

So long as the proponent of the documents

can satisfactorily attest to the
circumstances under which it acquired the
documents on which it relies, the
documents should be admissible as business
records under N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6). [Opinion
at 31.]

As for assignment that is, proof of the intent to assign and

the account's connection to each assignment the court held:

Third-party documents evidencing

ownership, such as those represented by
these assignments, are examples of
business records of one business
transferred on sale and incorporated in the
purchaser's records to document proof of
ownership of the thing transferred.
[Opinion at 30-31.]

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
To link the account and assignment, the court permitted the

assignment to reference an identified list. Opinion at 25-26.

Yet, it approved the assignment without any documented nexus

between the account and either assignment. Opinion at 23.

1. Third Party Writings: Whether documents are

admissible under N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6) when the foundation is

limited to the circumstances under which the plaintiff

acquired them from third-parties but excludes:

i. the foundational witness's familiarity with the

record system used to create the record;

ii. the foundational witness's personal knowledge that

it was the regular practice of the non-party

business which created the writing to make them;

iii. the writing was made in the regular course of the

creator's business;

iv. the writing was made at or near the time of

observation by a person with actual knowledge or

from information supplied by such a person; and

v. the submitted computer printout was, in fact,

consistent with the previous but contemporaneously

created electronic record.

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
2. Incomplete Documents: Whether a document offered

into evidence which stated that its terms are subject to and

defined by a related document or references attachments may be

admitted over the opponent's N.J.R.E. 106 objection based on

incompleteness when the described documents are absent without


3. Written Expression of Intent to Assign: Whether the

intent to assign, being necessary to prove a valid assignment,

can be established when the written assignment agreement is

neither submitted nor its absence explained.

4. Identification of Assigned Rights: Whether an

account's identification, being necessary to prove its

assignment, can be established without any document connecting

the account to an assignment in writing.

1. Third Party Writings: The court improperly admitted

third-party records when the foundational witness was the

proponent's employee who did not express any familiarity with

or knowledge of how the records were created, the record

systems used, or whether they were created in the regular

course of business, and the person who provided the records to

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
the proponent disclaimed any representation as to their


2. Incomplete Documents: The court improperly admitted

the two Bills of Sale when Defendant objected under

N.J.R.E. 106 because Plaintiff did not submit the referenced

attachments or the agreements to which the Bills of Sale were

expressly subject and which defined their terms.

3. Written Expression of Intent to Assign: The court

erroneously found that there was proof of intent to assign

when Plaintiff failed to present assignment agreements which

were the written expression of the intent of the parties.

4. Identification of Assigned Right: The Appellate

Division erroneously found that the assignments had identified

Defendant's account because the record is devoid of any record

which connected the account to any assignment.


This appeal presents issues of general public importance

and, by creating new rules exclusively for debt buyers,

conflicts with substantial precedent.

The issues affect tens of thousands of case each year

and, more importantly, the citizens who are named as

defendants. Indeed, the Appellate Division observed that "the

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
sums in these cases are often modest and defendants commonly

self-represented, but that seems all the more reason to

require that the plaintiffs' proofs be presented in a clear

and straightforward fashion." Opinion at 44. And, all the more

reason that the established precedent be followed.

The Opinion conflicts with published decisions from this

Court, lower New Jersey courts, courts from sister states and

from federal district courts.

The Appellate Division did not enforce the requirements

for witness competency under Hahnemann Univ. Hosp. v. Dudnick,

supra, and admitted hearsay records without meeting the

conditions in State v. Sweet, supra. The court did not require

"clear evidence" of intent to assign. Berkowitz v. Haigood,

supra at 346. Nor did it require documentation which

identified the account as being included in the assignment.


The Opinion also ignored decisions from other


The Missouri Supreme Court, a Pennsylvania appellate

court, and a New York trial court have rejected debt buyer

claims which are not supported under the traditional rules.

See, CACH, LLC v. Askew, 358 S.W.3d 58 (Mo. 2012),

Petition for Certification of Defendant-Petitioner (revised) page 11

MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
Commonwealth Fin. Sys. v. Smith, 15 A.3d 492 (Pa. Super. Ct.

2011), DNS Equity Group Inc. v. Lavallee, 26 Misc. 3d 1228(A)

(N.Y. Dist. Ct. 2010), Rushmore Recoveries X, LLC v. Skolnick,

15 Misc. 3d 1139(A) (N.Y. Dist. Ct. 2007); and LVNV Funding,

LLC v. Delgado, 24 Misc. 3d 1230(A) (N.Y. Dist. Ct. 2009).

Federal courts have also rejected inadequate attempts to

prove debt buyer assignments. In the following cases one of

which involved MSW's immediate assignor the debt buyer

sought to prove assignment so that it could enforce the credit

card agreement's class action bar.

Matute v. Main St. Acquisition Corp., 11-CV-62375, 2012

WL 4513420 (S.D. Fla. Oct. 2, 2012) rejected the affidavit of

the debt buyer's vice president to admit records obtained from

prior assignors. Webb v. Midland Credit Management, Inc., 2012

WL 2022013, Case 11-cv-5111 (N.D.Ill. May 31, 2012) rejected,

as inadmissible hearsay, the business records of third parties

offered to demonstrate the chain of assignment. In Henggeler

v. Brumbaugh & Quandahl, P.C., LLO, 894 F. Supp. 2d 1180, 1188

(D. Neb. 2012), the court found

it prudent to exercise caution and to

demand sufficiently documented proof of
consumer indebtedness in a case, such as
this, involving a debt buyer. Other courts
have noted that the possibility of a debt

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
collector attempting to collect a debt
that it does not actually own, either
through assignment or otherwise, is very
real. [Citations and quotation marks

The Appellate Division inexplicably traveled to uncharted

waters by admitting third party assignment documents merely on

MSW's word that those documents had become incorporated into

its records. Opinion at 30-31. In support of that proposition,

the court cited three wholly inapposite decisions.

In Stott v. Greengos, 95 N.J.Super. 96 (App. Div. 1967),

the court admitted records of a telephone stock purchase order

based on the testimony of the broker's employee who took the

order. In State v. Mazowski, 337 N.J.Super. 275 (App. Div.

2000), the court affirmed the admission of pawnshop slips and

left for the jury to decide whether the records were

subsequently altered to describe the stolen items. Finally,

K & K Enterprises Inc. v. Stemcor USA Inc., 100 A.D.3d 415

(N.Y.A.D. 2012) admitted bills of lading created in the

ordinary course of business by the seller's stevedore pursuant

to its contractual duties as the seller's agent.

None of those cited cases stand for the admissibility of

records because they were acquired by and became incorporated

into a successor's records.

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
The theory of incorporated documents has had limited

acceptance and has never been applied without conditions. As

Webb v. Midland Credit, supra at *6, explained:

The Seventh Circuit has not directly

addressed this issue, but courts applying
this approach have held that the proponent
of such records must do more than assert
that it relied on the third party record
in conducting its day-to-day business
activities. Rather, the proponent of the
document must demonstrate that the other
requirements of Rule 803(6) are satisfied.
[Quotation marks omitted.]

As Webb observed, the requirements of the business

records exception must still be met. That is precisely what

happened in Garden State Bank v. Graef, 341 N.J. Super. 241

(App. Div. 2001). There, the predecessor bank's records were

incorporated into the plaintiff's records. They were not

admitted as incorporated records but, instead, because the

plaintiff's witness demonstrated his familiarity with the

predecessor's record-keeping systems per Hahnemann, supra.

Thus, the conflict between the Opinion and the published

cases from this Court, lower New Jersey courts and from sister

state and federal courts, coupled with the general public

importance of these cases demonstrate that the standard for

certification under R. 2:12-4 has been satisfied.

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
There is no justification or precedent for the Appellate

Division's unwillingness to apply the traditionally applicable

substantive and evidentiary rules.

Regarding assignment, there must be clear evidence of the

intent to transfer and the rights assigned must be identified.

Berkowitz v. Haigood, supra at 346. The court accepted vague

and incomplete documentation of assignment with no link

between the assignment and the account.

The inherent problem is that the assignment of intangible

contract rights lacks the certainty which exists in other

transfers. Real property rights, certificated interests in

business enterprises, personal tangible property, and debts

arising from promissory notes and bonds each possess features

for relative certainty as to ownership after transfer.

Consequently, assignment of a contract right requires the

intent to assign and identification of rights to "be clear and

unequivocal in order to be effective as to the obligor." Id.

The two Bills of Sale, Da115 and Da117, are the only

documents in the record concerning the assignments from Chase

to Main Street and from Main Street to MSW.

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
MSW obtained the Chase Bill of Sale from Main Street.

That Bill of Sale was, on its face, made "pursuant to the

terms and conditions of Credit Card Account Purchase Agreement

dated 10/12/2010." It also stated that it assigned "certain

receivables ... described in the Final Data File, entitled

(Account's Primary File Name [sic]) attached hereto and made

part hereof." No file was attached and no title of the file

was provided.

Furthermore, that Bill of Sale expressed that Chase made

no warranty of title that is, Chase would not represent that

it owned the assigned receivables.

Turning to the Main Street Bill of Sale, it was also

"subject to the terms and conditions of" an agreement.

Capitalized terms, such as "Purchased Accounts" and "Sale

File," were defined by that agreement. Neither the Agreement

nor the Sale File were provided.

Zaidi's objected to the Bills of Sale under N.J.R.E. 106

because the missing documentation rendered them incomplete.

The Appellate Division never addressed the objection.

Although the Appellate Division asserted that Zaidi had

cited no cases concerning the absence of the agreements and

attachments, Opinion at 25, he cited four cases at Db23:

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
Rushmore Recoveries X, LLC v. Skolnick, supra; Webb v. Midland

Credit, supra; Commonwealth Fin. Sys. v. Smith, supra; and,

Henggeler v. Brumbaugh & Quandahl, P.C., supra.

The Appellate Division also said that Zaidi failed to

explain why the agreements or attachments would be relevant.

Zaidi did. See, Db52 and Drb8.

The court's Opinion, however, provides the answer: intent

to assign "is gleaned from the documents themselves and

surrounding circumstances." Opinion at 26. The missing

agreements are either the "documents themselves" or the

"surrounding circumstances." Those excluded documents, then,

were needed to glean the requisite intent to assign.

The Appellate Division also disregarded this Court's

decisions holding that, where the parties express their intent

in writing, the court must consider the writing in its "quest"

for that intent. Jacobs v. Great Pac. Century Corp., 104 N.J.

580, 586-87 (1986); see, also, Atlantic N. Airlines v.

Schwimmer, 12 N.J. 293, 301 (1953). Where, as here, the

assigning parties express their intent in a written agreement,

that intent cannot be gleaned without the agreement.

The Appellate Division relied, in part, on a 2013 FTC

report which it called the "Debt Buying Report." Opinion at 2.

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
See, Federal Trade Commission, The Structure and Practices of

the Debt Buying Industry (2013), available at



The Report revealed several terms in the type of

agreements which were missing here terms which should, at

the very least, raise genuine issues of material facts. Report

at Appendix C. For example, the court acknowledged the

disclaimer of accuracy disclosed in the Report. Opinion at 17.

The Report provided specific "[e]xamples of contract

language attesting to the mutual understanding between sellers

and buyers that debt account information may be inaccurate or

incomplete, and that buyers may be without recourse against

sellers when that was the case." Report at C-8. The examples

reveal that debt buyers understand that the seller expressly

disclaims any representation or warranty regarding the

accuracy, completeness or enforceability of supplied

information including any documentation.

"Contracts also indicated that account documents, when

available, may be inaccurate." Report, at C-13.

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116
Some contracts also expressly prohibited the debt buyer

from suing to collect on an account. Debt Buying Report at C-

26 to C-27.

If these industry clauses were in the omitted agreements

here, they would materially affect whether account information

was trustworthy. At the very least, being considered on

summary judgment, their absence created a genuine issue of

material fact.

Finally, as to identifying the assigned accounts, the

Appellate Division would accept accounts specified in the sale

file described in the Bill of Sale.

Nothing showed that Zaidi's account was in the "Final

Data File" from Chase or, for that matter, that the Bill of

Sale identified that file. Similarly, no document reflected

that the account was in the "Sale File" connected to Main

Street's Bill of Sale. By contrast, the proofs in the

companion appeal met the Appellate Division's standard because

the plaintiff linked the "electronically-transmitted

spreadsheet" to the assignment. Here, Whipple provided no more

detail than to say that "Main Street provided information"

about the account. Da111 at 6.

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MSW Capital, LLC vs. Azeem H. Zaidi, Docket No. 074116


DOCKET NO. A-6078-11T4












Argued May 22, 2013 Decided March 5, 2014

Before Judges Grall, Simonelli and Accurso.

On appeal from Superior Court of New Jersey,

Law Division, Special Civil Part, Hudson
County, Docket No. DC-4244-12 (A-6078-11),
and Monmouth County, Docket No. DC-4774-12

Philip D. Stern argued the cause for

appellant (both appeals) (Philip D. Stern &
Associates, LLC, attorneys; Mr. Stern, on
the briefs).
Lawrence J. McDermott, Jr., argued the cause
for respondent (both appeals) (Pressler and
Pressler, L.L.P., attorneys; Mr. McDermott
and Steven A. Lang, on the briefs).

John Ukegbu argued the cause for amicus

curiae Northeast New Jersey Legal Services,
Inc. (A-6078-11) (Northeast New Jersey Legal
Services, attorneys; Mr. Ukegbu, on the

The opinion of the court was delivered by


In these two appeals, calendared back-to-back and

consolidated here, we consider the proofs necessary for

plaintiffs to prevail on summary judgment in an action to

collect an assigned debt on a closed and charged-off credit card

account. Plaintiffs are debt buyers. Debt buyers purchase

charged-off credit card debts from the card issuers or other

debt buyers and attempt to collect the debts, that is, the

amount due the card issuer when it charged-off the account, or

re-sell them to other debt buyers.1 Plaintiffs obtained summary

judgments against defendants on charged-off credit card debts

which plaintiffs claim to have purchased from sellers who,

ultimately, albeit indirectly, derived their ownership from the

See Federal Trade Commission, The Structure and Practices
of the Debt Buying Industry 11 (2013), available at
[hereinafter "Debt Buying Report"].

2 A-6078-11T4
banks that issued the credit cards to defendants. Defendants

contend that the summary judgments were improper because

plaintiffs did not submit sufficient proof of their ownership of

the debts and did not offer admissible evidence of the amounts

allegedly owed.

Plaintiffs suing on assigned, charged-off credit card debts

must prove two things: ownership of the defendant's charged-off

debt and the amount due the card issuer when it charged off the

account. In considering whether plaintiffs established prima

facie proof of their claims, we hold that: lack of notice to

the debtor of the sale of the debt does not affect the validity

of the assignment; the assignment need not specifically

reference defendant's name or account number and instead may

refer to an electronic data file containing that information; a

plaintiff need not procure an affidavit from each transferor in

its chain of assignments and may instead establish prima facie

proof of ownership on the basis of business records documenting

its ownership; and that an electronic copy of the periodic

billing statement for the last billing cycle is prima facie

proof of the amount due on the account at charge off. Applying

those standards to the facts presented on the motions, we affirm

one judgment and reverse the other.

3 A-6078-11T4
The Summary Judgment Motions

Ahlam Oughla

Plaintiff New Century Financial Services, Inc. (New

Century) sued defendant Ahlam Oughla alleging that it was the

owner of Oughla's Credit One Bank, N.A., account on which

$723.82 was due at charge off. Oughla, representing herself,

answered stating "[p]laintiff provided no documentation to

support the charges alleged in the complaint, therefore

defendant denies all allegations." Although each side

propounded limited interrogatories as allowed in actions

cognizable but not pending in the Small Claims Section,

R. 6:4-3(f), neither party provided responsive answers.

New Century moved for summary judgment. In its statement

of material facts, New Century stated that its predecessor in

interest, Credit One, extended credit to Oughla on a specific

account; that as set forth in its supporting certification, New

Century had purchased that account; that the "Electronically

Transmitted Information from Seller," showed that Oughla opened

the account on October 25, 2007; made her last payment on March

2, 2008; and that Credit One charged off the account on October

5, 2008 with a balance due of $723.82, which constituted the

principal balance New Century demanded. New Century also sought

interest of $1.58 calculated at the rate specified in Rule 4:42-

4 A-6078-11T4
11(a)(ii), not at the rate charged by Credit One when the

account was active.

New Century attached what it claimed to be the bill of sale

and assignment by which it acquired Oughla's debt as well as

documents relating to several prior transfers of the account.

Specifically, New Century attached four executed assignment

documents memorializing the sale and assignment of certain

charged-off credit card account receivables, purportedly

described on computer files transferred therewith: from MHC

Receivables, L.L.C. (MHC Receivables) to Sherman Originator,

L.L.C. (Sherman Originator); from Sherman Originator to LVNV

Funding, L.L.C. (LVNV Funding); from LVNV Funding to Sherman

Acquisition, L.L.C. (Sherman Acquisition); and from Sherman

Acquisition to New Century. Only one of the assignments

referenced a portfolio number and none referenced Oughla's

account, or indeed, any individual account.

New Century also attached an electronic copy of the final

periodic account statement for "VISA Account [XXXX]" from Credit

One to Oughla with the same address she noted on her answer,

advising that the account was closed and scheduled to be charged

off with a balance of $723.82.

Oughla filed a response to the motion and consented to

disposition on the papers. She did not dispute any of the

5 A-6078-11T4
particular facts New Century asserted, but contended that there

was no admissible evidence of the formation of a contract

between her and Credit One, or of the breach of any such

contract, and no reference to her name or account number in any

of the assignments. On that evidence, the judge granted New

Century summary judgment in the sum of $725.40 plus costs

without a statement of reasons.

Oughla retained counsel who filed a motion for

reconsideration. Counsel argued that New Century did not

establish its ownership of the debt or provide a proper

foundation for the final periodic account statement.

New Century responded with additional proofs of its

ownership of the debt. Its "business development manager,"

Marko Galic, certified that he participated in the transaction

in which New Century purchased Oughla's debt and thus had

personal knowledge of the records New Century obtained in that

sale, including the assignments, a copy of the electronically-

transmitted spreadsheet New Century acquired, redacted to show

only the information relating to Oughla's account, and the final

periodic statement Credit One issued to Oughla.

In addition, New Century provided evidence of the transfers

that preceded its acquisition, the first being from Credit One

to MHC Receivables. John Mazzoli submitted an affidavit stating

6 A-6078-11T4
that he is an authorized representative for MHC Receivables,

having personal knowledge of "the method and manner" by which

MHC "originates, services, owns and manages VISA and MasterCard

accounts." Mazzoli explained that MHC Receivables "purchases

and holds VISA and MasterCard accounts" originated by Credit

One, which Credit One thereafter continues to service on behalf

of MHC Receivables, the legal owner. According to Mazzoli,

"[t]he Agreements that transfer the accounts between Credit One

and MHC are self-executing, allow for the accounts to be

transferred immediately after origination, and comply with all

state and federal regulations," and that "[c]ardholders receive

appropriate notice of these events in accordance with all state

and federal laws." Mazzoli averred that "[t]he transfer between

MHC and any subsequent buyer [is] evidenced by a Purchase and

Sale Agreement and corresponding Bill of Sale."2

The judge denied the motion for reconsideration and

reaffirmed the entry of summary judgment. She was satisfied

New Century also presented a certification from its counsel
Steven A. Lang, Esq., who attached credit reports from 2008 and
2009 for Oughla that counsel's firm "obtained in another
matter." We do not rely on these reports because they are
plainly inadmissible hearsay. See, e.g., Cruz v. MRC
Receivables Corp. 563 F. Supp. 2d 1092, 1095 (N.D. Cal. 2008)
(credit reports offered to prove the accounts and amounts
therein are inadmissible hearsay); Konop v. Rosen, 425 N.J.
Super. 391, 402 (App. Div. 2012) (noting that hearsay within
hearsay requires a separate basis for admission).

7 A-6078-11T4
that New Century had established a prima facie case that it was

the owner of the account and that Oughla was in default in the

sum of $723.82 plus interest of $1.58, for a total due of

$725.40. The judge found that Oughla's only defense to the

motion was that she "was not satisfied" with New Century's

proofs, which the judge concluded was not sufficient to defeat

summary judgment.

Azeem H. Zaidi

Plaintiff MSW Capital, L.L.C. (MSW Capital) sued defendant

Azeem H. Zaidi alleging that it was the owner of Zaidi's "CHASE-

WAMU" account, on which $12,487.36 was due at charge off.

Zaidi, representing himself, filed an answer leaving plaintiff

to its proofs.

MSW Capital served Zaidi with interrogatories seeking the

factual basis for any defense Zaidi claimed, to which Zaidi

declined to provide responsive answers. MSW Capital also served

Zaidi with requests for admissions asking whether he admitted

applying for credit privileges with CHASE-WAMU; whether he made

purchases or received cash advances using the account; and

whether he received monthly statements. Zaidi responded without

admitting or denying any of the requested admissions.

MSW Capital moved for summary judgment. In its statement

of material facts, MSW Capital stated that its predecessor in

8 A-6078-11T4
interest, CHASE-WAMU, extended credit to Zaidi, and that as set

forth in the certification submitted in support of the motion,

MSW Capital was the current owner of that account on which

$12,487.36 was due at charge-off. MSW Capital attached copies

of eighteen monthly billing statements for Zaidi's CHASE-WAMU

account from August 2009 through January 2011, each addressed to

Zaidi at the address indicated on Zaidi's answer.

MSW Capital supported the motion with a certification of

its managing director, Lawrence A. Whipple, Jr., who claimed

both personal knowledge of MSW Capital's "books and business"

and authority to make the certification on its behalf. Whipple

certified that MSW Capital "is the owner by purchase of

[Zaidi's] defaulted CHASE-WAMU Account" on which there is due

the sum of $12,487.36.3

Zaidi, through counsel, opposed MSW Capital's motion and

cross-moved for summary judgment. He denied MSW Capital's

Whipple further certified that MSW Capital's records are
maintained electronically, and he attached a "Computer Generated
Report of Financial Information From 1/31/11 to 04/19/12,"
created by MSW Capital for Zaidi's account. We do not rely upon
this report, which was apparently intended to conform to the
requirements of Rule 6:6-3(a), because it cannot qualify as a
business record under N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6). The case caption and
docket number on the document make clear it was prepared in
anticipation of litigation and thus not kept in the normal
course of business. See State v. Berezansky, 386 N.J. Super.
84, 94 (App. Div. 2006), certif. granted, 191 N.J. 317 (2007),
appeal dismissed, 196 N.J. 82 (2008).

9 A-6078-11T4
claims based on its "failure to provide proof that it owns the

alleged account and . . . that I am indebted to [MSW Capital] in

any amount." Zaidi certified that prior to his receipt of the

complaint he had never heard of MSW Capital and never received

notice "that an account between 'CHASE-WAMU' and me had been

transferred, sold or assigned."

MSW Capital responded with a supplemental certification

from Whipple, as well as new certifications from its attorneys.

Whipple explained, as he had not in his original certification,

that his job responsibilities required that he be familiar with

MSW Capital's "records and the manner in which those records are

recorded and maintained," and that he personally participated in

MSW Capital's acquisition of Zaidi's charged-off "CHASE-WAMU

account number [XXXX]." According to Whipple, MSW Capital

acquired Zaidi's charged-off CHASE-WAMU account on July 18, 2011

by bill of sale and assignment from Main Street Acquisition

Corp., (Main Street) a true copy of which he attached. The bill

of sale and assignment recites that:

For value received and subject to the

terms and conditions of the [Purchase and
Sale Agreement, dated as of April 15, 2011],
the Seller [Main Street] hereby transfers,
sells, assigns, conveys, grants, bargains,
sets over and delivers to the Purchaser [MSW
Capital, L.L.C.], and to the Purchaser's
successors and assigns, all of the Seller's
rights, title and interest in and to the
Purchased Accounts and any claims arising

10 A-6078-11T4
out of the Purchased Accounts described in
the Agreement and contained in the Sale File
provided to the Purchaser on July 18, 2011.

This Assignment is executed without

recourse and without representations or
warranties including, without limitation,
warranties as to collectability, except as
otherwise provided in the Agreement.

Whipple certified that Main Street also provided MSW Capital

with a copy of the assignment by which Main Street acquired

Zaidi's charged-off account from Chase, a true copy of which he


Whipple attested to the electronic information Main Street

provided MSW Capital regarding Zaidi's charged-off CHASE-WAMU

account, including the account number, that the account was

opened on August 16, 2004, that the last payment on the account

had been made on June 7, 2010 in the amount of $300.00, that

Chase Bank charged off the account on January 31, 2011, that the

balance due at charge-off was $12,487.36, Zaidi's address in

Morganville, New Jersey, as well as Zaidi's date of birth and

social security number which Whipple did not list but

represented would be made available to the court at its request.

Finally, Whipple identified, and attached as true copies, the

eighteen periodic statements he obtained from Main Street for

Zaidi's charged-off account, each of which stated "This

Statement is a Facsimile Not an original."

11 A-6078-11T4
MSW Capital's counsel, Steven A. Lang, submitted a

certification countering Zaidi's sworn statement that he had

never heard of MSW Capital before being served with the

complaint. Lang attached a copy of a demand letter his office

had sent to Zaidi before the complaint was filed, informing him

that his CHASE-WAMU account had been purchased by MSW Capital

and placed with the firm for collection. Lang also explained

that in September 2008, the Federal Deposit Insurance

Corporation (FDIC) seized Washington Mutual Bank (WAMU),

thereafter placing the bank into receivership and eventually

selling "substantially all" of its assets to JPMorgan Chase &

Co., the parent of Chase Bank USA, N.A., the firm's credit card

issuing bank in accordance with JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s public

filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Lang

attached copies of those filings to his certification.

The trial judge reviewed all of the evidence submitted by

MSW Capital and the objections to that evidence from Zaidi, and

determined that the billing statements satisfied the

requirements of Rule 6:6-3(a), and LVNV Funding, L.L.C. v.

Colvell, 421 N.J. Super. 1 (App. Div. 2011), and that Whipple's

certification constituted sufficient proof to establish that

Zaidi's charged-off credit card had been transferred to MSW

Capital. The judge noted that Zaidi had not offered anything to

12 A-6078-11T4
dispute his responsibility for the account, the accuracy of the

amount due at charge-off, or his receipt of the billing

statements. Finding no material fact in dispute and that MSW

Capital had proved its claim, the judge entered summary judgment

for MSW Capital in the amount of $12,487.36 plus costs.

Both defendants filed timely notices of appeal. This court

subsequently granted the motion of Northeast New Jersey Legal

Services, Inc. to appear as amicus curiae and to argue in

support of Oughla's appeal.

Brief Overview of the Debt Buying Industry

Because defendants and amicus rely on reports of the

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a federal agency responsible for

enforcing the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C.A.

1692, issued after the FTC assessed the effect of debt buying

on the collection of consumer debt and its effect on consumers,

we begin with a brief background of the debt buying industry.

The FTC undertook its studies in response to the rapid

increase in debt buying over the last two decades. Although

acknowledging that debt buying reduces the losses creditors

incur in providing credit, thereby helping to keep the price of

credit low and ensuring its wide availability, the FTC was

concerned that the re-selling of debts could lead to debt buyers

having insufficient or inaccurate information about the debts

13 A-6078-11T4
they are trying to collect, resulting in debt buyers attempting

to collect from the wrong debtor or more than the debtor owes.

Federal Trade Commission, Debt Buying Report, supra, at 11, 29-

30, Federal Trade Commission, Repairing a Broken System:

Protecting Consumers in Debt Collection Litigation and

Arbitration i-ii (2010) available at, [hereinafter

"Debt Collection Report"]; Federal Trade Commission, Collecting

Consumer Debts: The Challenges of Change, A Workshop Report

1 (2009) available at


workshop-report/dcwr.pdf [hereinafter "Debt Collection Workshop


The debt buying business apparently traces its origin to

the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s when the

Resolution Trust Corporation auctioned off billions in unpaid

loans owed to failed thrifts. Debt Buying Report, supra, at 12.

The success of such sales led other owners of delinquent debt,

most notably the banks constituting the largest credit card

issuers, to eventually follow suit. Id. at 12-13.

Federal regulations require banks issuing credit cards to

charge off, that is declare uncollectible, credit card debts by

14 A-6078-11T4
the end of the month in which they become one hundred and eighty

days past due. Final Notice of Uniform Retail Credit

Classification and Account Management Policy, 65 Fed. Reg. 36903

(June 12, 2000). Although banks are prohibited from counting

charged-off debts toward their capital requirements, the debts

remain assets which the banks can continue to try to collect or

sell for cash. Debt Buying Report, supra, at 13 n.58. The

Government Accountability Office reported in a 2009 study that

five of the six largest credit card issuers sold at least some

of their charged-off debt to debt buyers.4

The FTC found that credit card issuers typically bundle

thousands of charged-off accounts into portfolios sharing common

features, such as the amount of time that has passed since a

payment was made on the account.5 Debt Buying Report, supra, at

17. Debt buyers purchasing the portfolios from the credit card

issuers sometimes resell the original portfolios or repackage

the debts into new portfolios. Id. at 19.

U.S. Gov't Accountability Office, GAO-09-748, Credit Cards:
Fair Debt Collection Practice Act Could Better Reflect the
Evolving Debt Collection Marketplace and Use of Technology 25
(2009), available at
[hereinafter "GAO Report"].
Zaidi's account appears to have been included in a portfolio of
8,842 charged-off accounts that Chase assigned to Main Street.

15 A-6078-11T4
All of the information the debt buyers receive about the

charged-off accounts within a purchased portfolio is transmitted

electronically. Debt collection is no longer based on paper

transactions. The FTC notes that technological innovations over

the past thirty years, such as document imaging and electronic

database management systems, have dramatically enhanced the

ability of creditors and debt collectors to obtain, store, and

transfer data about account holders and their debts. Debt

Collection Workshop Report, supra, at 17.

Upon purchase of a portfolio, the debt buyer receives a

"data file," typically one or more electronic spreadsheets

containing information such as the name, street address, home

telephone number, date of birth, and social security number for

each debtor, along with the credit card account number, the

amount due at charge-off, the date the debtor opened the

account, the date of last payment, and the date of charge-off.

Debt Buying Report, supra, at 20, 34-35. Both plaintiffs in

these cases represented that the information they acquired on

defendants' charged-off debts was through the transfer of

electronic data files. In addition to the data file, buyers of

charged-off accounts also sometimes acquire electronic

documentation or "media," typically account statements, at the

time of sale or the right to request such from the seller for a

16 A-6078-11T4
limited period of time, and often for a fee.6 Id. at 26-28, 39-


The debts within these portfolios are sometimes sold

multiple times pursuant to separate purchase and sale agreements

in which sellers generally disclaim all representations and

warranties regarding the accuracy of the information about the

individual debts. Id. at 25. Defendants and amicus contend

that because plaintiffs are suing on purchased debt of which

they have no personal knowledge, the absence of a warranty

leaves plaintiffs unable to prove that they have sued the right

defendant for the correct amount. The FTC acknowledges,

however, that its study did not permit any conclusions as to the

prevalence of errors or inaccuracies in the information about

the debts transferred in these portfolios.7 Ibid.

Against this backdrop, we turn to consider the matters

before us.

Significantly, the FTC found that original sellers typically
had no obligation to provide copies of documents to purchasers
of resold debt; instead, those purchasers had to channel their
requests upstream to the original purchaser for transmission to
the issuer. Debt Buying Report, supra, at 27-28. This was the
manner in which MSW acquired Zaidi's Chase account statements.
The FTC speculates that one reason debt sellers may not warrant
the account information on the debts they sell is the cost to a
seller in assessing a warranty claim, that is in trying to
determine if the information it supplied to a buyer about a debt
was inaccurate or whether the debt simply proved uncollectible
for the buyer. Debt Buying Report, supra, at 25, n.108.

17 A-6078-11T4

We first dispose of defendants' arguments that plaintiffs

failed to establish standing in the trial court. Defendants

assert that "the chain of assignment must be addressed before

deciding other substantive issues" because "[w]hen there is

insufficient proof of assignment, the action is not


We need not engage in an extended discussion on this point.

We agree with defendants that plaintiffs must prove that they

own the charged-off credit card debts on which they sue, whether

one characterizes it as standing to sue or an essential element

of proof on an assigned claim. See Sullivan v. Visconti, 68

N.J.L. 543, 550 (Sup. Ct. 1902), aff'd, 69 N.J.L. 452 (E. & A.

1903); Triffin v. Somerset Valley Bank, 343 N.J. Super. 73, 79-

82 (App. Div. 2001); Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. Ford, 418 N.J.

Super. 592, 599-600 (App. Div. 2011). We disagree that, in

these Special Civil Part actions, the parties must first

litigate ownership of the debt before any other matter can be

addressed. Such matters are left to the sound discretion of the

trial judge to be exercised in light of any motions filed by the


As we noted at the outset of this opinion, plaintiffs suing

on assigned credit card debts must prove that they own the debt

18 A-6078-11T4
and the amount due. The proofs on these issues are generally

straightforward and proceed in tandem. Requiring them to be

addressed separately would seem to confound the purposes of the

Special Civil Part Rules, which are designed to control costs

and promote the expeditious resolution of claims under $15,000.

Lettenmaier v. Lube Connection, Inc., 162 N.J. 134, 143-44


The issue is only important here because defendants have

taken the position that plaintiffs must prove they own the debt

before defendants can be required to participate in discovery.

Both defendants refused to answer basic discovery on the basis

that plaintiffs had not proved that they owned the debts sued

upon. We think it obvious that defendants have the same

obligations as all other litigants in our courts to answer

discovery fully and forthrightly. Dewalt v. Dow Chem. Co., 237

N.J. Super. 54, 60 (App. Div. 1989).

Although information as to ownership of the debt would

almost certainly be confined to plaintiffs, defendants likely

possess relevant information about the credit card account. Our

rules allow litigants in civil litigation to prove claims and

defenses through discovery and admissions obtained from adverse

parties. See Seiden v. Allen, 135 N.J. Super. 253, 255-56 (Ch.

Div. 1975). Defendants cannot shield themselves from legitimate

19 A-6078-11T4
discovery in these collection matters by asserting plaintiffs'

lack of standing.

Proof of Assignments

The parties and amicus agree that the assigned credit card

debts on which plaintiffs sue constitute choses in action

arising on contract, which are assignable pursuant to N.J.S.A.

2A:25-1. Our law does not dictate any precise formula for such

assignments. Sullivan, supra, 68 N.J.L. at 550. All that is

required is evidence of the intent to transfer one's rights and

a description of the intangible right being assigned sufficient

to make it readily identifiable. K. Woodmere Assocs., L.P. v.

Menk Corp., 316 N.J. Super. 306, 314 (App. Div. 1998) (citing

3 Williston on Contracts 404 (Jaeger ed. 1957); Transcon Lines

v. Lipo Chem., Inc., 193 N.J. Super. 456 (Cty. Dist. Ct. 1983)).

Although an assignee will ordinarily notify a debtor

promptly of the assignment, as the debtor is discharged to the

extent of his payments to the assignor prior to notice, the lack

of notice to the debtor does not affect the validity of the

assignment.8 Moorestown Trust Co. v. Buzby, 109 N.J. Eq. 409,

We do not view Tirgan v. Mega Life & Health Ins., 304 N.J.
Super. 385 (Law Div. 1997), on which defendants rely, to be to
the contrary. Notice was not at issue in that case, which
involved a patient's assignment of his rights under an insurance
contract to his physician. Id. at 391. The Law Division's
statement that "[t]o be effective, . . . the assignment must be

20 A-6078-11T4
411 (Ch. 1932) (creditors may dispose of a debt as they choose

including by assigning it to another, notice of any assignment

to the debtor "adds nothing to the right or title transferred").

Notice simply charges the debtor with the duty to pay the

assignee. Russel v. Fred G. Pohl Co., 7 N.J. 32, 40 (1951);

Spilka v. S. Am. Managers, Inc., 54 N.J. 452, 462 (1969);

N.J.S.A. 12A:9-406(a).

Accordingly, we reject defendants' arguments that lack of

notice of the assignments to the account holders is fatal to

plaintiffs' claims. Because it does not involve a dispute over

a material fact, we likewise reject Zaidi's argument that the

factual dispute about his notice of the assignment precluded

entry of summary judgment against him.

Plaintiffs insist that because our law has not historically

required documentary evidence to prove ownership, ownership of

the assigned claims may be proved by testimony alone. That

assertion seems to us beside the point, as plaintiffs in these

cases moved for summary judgments relying on written

assignments.9 Accordingly, our review is of the certifications

submitted on the motions in support of their claims. See Ford,

noticed to the obligor," plainly refers only to the obligor's
duty to pay the assignee upon proper notice. Id. at 390.
The exception in Oughla's case regarding the first link in MSW
Capital's chain of ownership is discussed infra.

21 A-6078-11T4
supra, 418 N.J. Super. at 599-600. We review the grant of

summary judgment using the same standard as the motion judge.

Henry v. N.J. Dep't of Human Servs., 204 N.J. 320, 330 (2010).

Thus, we must determine "whether the competent evidential

materials presented, when viewed in the light most favorable to

the non-moving party, are sufficient to permit a rational

factfinder to resolve the alleged disputed issue in favor of the

non-moving party." Brill v. Guardian Life Ins. Co. of Am., 142

N.J. 520, 540 (1995).

Where a motion for summary judgment is based on facts

either not of record or not judicially noticeable, Rule 1:6-6

allows the court to "hear it on affidavits made on personal

knowledge, setting forth only facts which are admissible in

evidence to which the affiant is competent to testify and which

may have annexed thereto certified copies of all papers or parts

thereof referred to therein." Hearsay may only be considered if

admissible pursuant to an exception to the hearsay rule. Jeter

v. Stevenson, 284 N.J. Super. 229, 233-34 (App. Div. 1995). In

evaluating a summary judgment record involving a challenge to

the competency of affidavits on which the trial court relied, we

review the evidentiary question for abuse of discretion and the

court's legal determination de novo. Estate of Hanges v. Metro.

Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co., 202 N.J. 369, 383-84 (2010).

22 A-6078-11T4
The central question presented with regard to the

assignments is whether plaintiffs have submitted competent

evidence demonstrating "the full chain of the assignment of the

claim[s]." R. 6:6-3(a); Colvell, supra, 421 N.J. Super. at 6

(noting agreement that Rule 6:6-3(a) provides a guide to the

proofs necessary for summary judgment in credit card collection

cases). We reviewed the requirements for affidavits purporting

to establish a party's ownership of an assigned mortgage debt in

Ford, supra, 418 N.J. Super. at 597-98. Those principles apply

equally here. An affiant must aver that the facts presented are

on personal knowledge, identify the source of such knowledge,

and must properly authenticate any certified copies of documents

referred to therein and attached to the affidavit or

certification. Id. at 599-600. We are satisfied that MSW's

proofs on its motion were sufficient to establish its ownership

of Zaidi's debt. New Century's proofs, however, could not

support summary judgment in Oughla's case.

In Oughla's case, New Century submitted two certifications

from its business developer manager, Marko Galic. Galic

certified that he was familiar "with the business and records"

of New Century, was authorized to make the certifications on its

behalf and did so of his own personal knowledge. Galic

explained that he had personally participated in the transaction

23 A-6078-11T4
in which New Century purchased Oughla's account from Sherman

Acquisition and he attached "true copies" of the bill of sale

and assignment and the information electronically provided to

New Century regarding Oughla's account at the time of sale.

The attached bill of sale and assignment identified Sherman

Acquisition as the assignor and New Century as the assignee and

states that the assignor conveys all of its interest in certain

charged-off receivables described in an attached appendix and

referred to as "Charged-off Accounts" in a purchase and sale

agreement between assignor and assignee of the same date. The

document is signed on behalf of Sherman Acquisition by John

Mazzoli, Director, and witnessed by another officer. Also

attached to Galic's certification are five pages of a

spreadsheet with information relating to Oughla's account with

Credit One and a periodic statement from Credit One to Oughla

noting that the account is closed and scheduled to be charged


Finally, Galic attaches true copies of the remaining three

assignments transferring Oughla's Credit One account from MHC

Receivables to Sherman Originator, from Sherman Originator to

LVNV Funding, and from LVNV Funding to Sherman Acquisition, from

whence it was transferred to New Century.

24 A-6078-11T4
The Galic certifications plainly do not suffer from the

inadequacies of the certifications presented in Ford. Galic

identifies his position with New Century and describes the basis

of his knowledge; he personally participated in the transaction

in which New Century acquired Oughla's Credit One account.

Galic certified that the attached assignments were true copies

of the ones provided to New Century by its assignor Sherman

Acquisition. Nothing further was required to authenticate them

under N.J.R.E. 901. See Celino v. Gen. Accident Ins., 211 N.J.

Super. 538, 544 (App. Div. 1986). Although defendants assert

that the assignments are not admissible because they refer to

agreements and appendices not attached, they cite no case for

that proposition and fail to explain how such documents are

relevant to the issues in dispute.

Defendants note that none of the assignments refers

specifically to Oughla's Credit One account. The point is

undisputed. Galic certifies, however, that Oughla's account was

among the charged-off accounts included in the assignments and

acquired by New Century in the transaction, as evidenced by the

electronic spreadsheet information transferred to New Century,

which he attached to his certification.

As an assignment needs no particular form and requires only

so much of a description of the intangible assigned to make it

25 A-6078-11T4
readily identifiable, K. Woodmere Assocs., supra, 316 N.J.

Super. at 314, we agree with the trial judge that the

assignments need not specify each account transferred to

effectively transfer accounts included in an accompanying

electronic file. The key is the intent of the assignor to

transfer specific accounts. Ibid. That intent is gleaned from

the documents themselves and surrounding circumstances. Id. at

315-16; see also Sullivan, supra, 68 N.J.L. at 546-47

(acknowledging appropriate use of parol evidence to confirm

identity of the thing assigned). Accordingly, we conclude that

New Century's certifications properly authenticate the

assignment documents and electronically-transmitted information

evincing a proper chain of assignments of Oughla's Credit One

account from MHC Receivables through to New Century.

There is, however, no document evidencing the first link in

New Century's assignment chain, the transfer of Oughla's account

from the card issuer, Credit One, to MHC Receivables. New

Century asserts that "[t]here are no documents from Credit One

in the chain because the account was not owned by Credit One."

New Century further explains with reference to Mazzoli's

certification, that the "accounts are originated by Credit One

and then sold, while live, to MHC Receivables, Inc.[,] Credit

One Bank acted thereafter only as the account servicer."

26 A-6078-11T4
We cannot agree that because the credit card accounts are

originated by Credit One and assigned to MHC Receivables while

the accounts are still active, that no proof of assignment is

necessary.10 New Century's assertion that Credit One did not own

the account appears at direct odds with Mazzoli's certification

that MHC Receivables "purchases and holds" Visa and MasterCard

accounts "originated by Credit One."

Further, we note that Mazzoli's affidavit discussing MHC

Receivables is markedly less clear than the Galic

certifications. Instead of explaining his position with MHC

Receivables and describing the source of his knowledge, Mazzoli

says only that as "authorized representative" for that entity,

he has "personal knowledge" of how it "originates, services,

owns and manages Visa and MasterCard accounts." The affidavit

neither reveals his position, if any, with MHC Receivables, nor

the source of his knowledge of this aspect of its operations.

See Ford, supra, 418 N.J. Super. at 599-600. The Mazzoli

affidavit on behalf of MHC Receivables raises more questions

than it answers and thus does not provide sufficient proof of

This situation is different from a scenario in which a
successor bank has acquired active credit card accounts through
acquisition of another bank. See Garden State Bank v. Graef,
341 N.J. Super. 241, 245-46 (App. Div. 2001), and our discussion
of this point, infra at 33.

27 A-6078-11T4
Credit One's transfer of Oughla's account to MHC Receivables,

the first link in New Century's chain of assignments. Ibid.

Accordingly, the summary judgment against Oughla must be

reversed because New Century did not establish the full chain of

ownership of its claim. While Mazzoli's affidavit is not

sufficient to establish the transfer of Oughla's charged-off

Credit One account to MHC Receivables, we note that he asserts

that Credit One cardholders are noticed of the transfer of their

accounts, thereby suggesting that proof of MHC Receivables'

ownership of Oughla's account may be established in ways other

than production of an assignment. We express no opinion on the

method by which New Century may prove MHC Receivables' ownership

of Oughla's account on remand. It suffices to say that it must

be established by admissible evidence presented by affidavit of

a witness competent to testify. Ford, supra, 418 N.J. Super. at


We also acknowledge that the Oughla matter was within the

cognizance of the Small Claims Section of the Special Civil Part

where the rules of evidence may be relaxed. R. 6:1-2(a)2, 6:11;

N.J.R.E. 101(a)(2)(A), see also Penbara v. Straczynski, 347 N.J.

Super. 155, 158 n.1, 162-63 (App. Div. 2002); Blaisdell Lumber

Co. v. Horton, 242 N.J. Super. 98, 101 (App. Div. 1990). While

we are of the view that critical facts must be proved and not

28 A-6078-11T4
merely assumed, notwithstanding the lack of formality in the

Small Claims Section, Triffin v. Quality Urban Hous. Partners,

352 N.J. Super. 538, 543 (App. Div. 2002), we express no view of

the form those proofs may take and whether relaxation of the

rules of evidence might be appropriate under the circumstances.11

In Zaidi's case, MSW Capital proved its chain of

assignments of Zaidi's charged-off account through the Whipple

and Lang certifications. Whipple's certifications suffice to

establish his knowledge of MSW's records and authenticate the

assignment from Main Street to MSW Capital transferring Zaidi's

charged-off account. See Ford, supra, 418 N.J. Super at 599-

600. Whipple certifies that he is the managing director of MSW

Capital and that his job responsibilities require his

familiarity with "MSW's records and the manner in which those

records are recorded and maintained." Further, Whipple

certifies that he personally participated in MSW Capital's

acquisition of Zaidi's charged-off account which MSW Capital

acquired by way of bill of sale and assignment, a true copy of

which he attached to his certification. The bill of sale and

assignment provides that Main Street assigns to MSW Capital all

We reject defendants' contention that New Century may not
avail itself of the relaxation rule because it is intended to
assist self-represented parties. By its terms, the rule applies
to all parties in matters within the cognizance of the Small
Claims Section. See N.J.R.E. 101(a)(2)(A).

29 A-6078-11T4
of Main Street's rights to the "purchased accounts" described in

a certain purchase and sale agreement and "contained in the sale

file" provided to MSW Capital.

Whipple also attached a true copy of the bill of sale MSW

Capital was provided by Main Street evidencing Main Street's

assignment of the account from Chase. That document references

the transfer of 8,842 accounts from Chase Bank to Main Street

"described in the Final Data File, entitled (Account's Primary

File Name) attached hereto and made part hereof for all

purposes" pursuant to the credit card account purchase agreement

between Chase Bank and Main Street.

In addition to raising objections to the failure to attach

the referenced purchase agreements to the assignments and the

lack of any specific mention of Zaidi's account which we have

already rejected, Zaidi maintains that MSW Capital had to

produce an affidavit from each of its predecessors

authenticating the assignment each provided to its transferee

for the entire assignment chain. We disagree.

We reject the claim that a separate affidavit is required

from each transferor authenticating each assignment in the

chain. Third-party documents evidencing ownership, such as

those represented by these assignments, are examples of business

records of one business transferred on sale and incorporated in

30 A-6078-11T4
the purchaser's records to document proof of ownership of the

thing transferred. See, e.g., Stott v. Greengos, 95 N.J. Super.

96, 99-100 (App. Div. 1967) (stock sale confirmation sheets);

State v. Mazowski, 337 N.J. Super. 275, 292 (App. Div. 2001)

(pawnshop receipts); K & K Enters. Inc. v. Stemcor USA Inc., 954

N.Y.S.2d 512, 513 (App. Div. 2012) (bills of lading). So long

as the proponent of the documents can satisfactorily attest to

the circumstances under which it acquired the documents on which

it relies, the documents should be admissible as business

records under N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6). See Hahnemann Univ. Hosp. v.

Dudnick, 292 N.J. Super. 11, 17-19 (App. Div. 1996).

Finally, Zaidi contends that even assuming that the

assignments included in the summary judgment record were

properly admissible, MSW Capital, like New Century, cannot prove

the first link of the assignment chain, here the transfer of

Zaidi's account from WAMU to Chase. We are satisfied that the

trial judge did not abuse his discretion in concluding

otherwise. Estate of Hanges, supra, 202 N.J. at 383-84.

MSW Capital offered the certification of its counsel Lang

to prove that the FDIC had taken over WAMU and subsequently sold

all of its assets to Chase. Lang attached publicly available

documents of Chase's filings with the Securities and Exchange

Commission and the FDIC noting the FDIC's receivership of WAMU

31 A-6078-11T4
and sale of its assets to Chase. While Zaidi contends that

those filings are not the proper subject of judicial notice

under N.J.R.E. 201(a) because the documents are not "findings"

of those agencies, the FDIC's takeover of WAMU and sale of its

assets to Chase would appear a proper subject of judicial notice

under N.J.R.E. 201(a) or (b) as evidenced by the many state and

federal courts that have taken judicial notice of those very

facts. See, e.g., Carswell v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., 500

Fed. App'x. 580, 583 (9th Cir. 2012); Arguenta v. J.P. Morgan

Chase, 787 F. Supp. 2d 1099, 1101-04 (E.D. Cal. 2011); Shirk v.

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (In re Shirk), 437 B.R. 592, 596 n.1

(Bankr. S.D. Ohio 2010); Stewart v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.

(In re Stewart), 473 B.R. 612, 618 n.2 (Bankr. W.D. Pa. 2012),

aff'd, 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 111516;); Scott v. JPMorgan Chase

Bank, N.A., 154 Cal. Rptr. 3d 394, 401-09 (Ct. App. 2013),

modified 2013 Cal. App. LEXIS 280, rev. denied, 2013 Cal. LEXIS


Although we think the trial court could have taken judicial

notice of the FDIC's transfer of WAMU's assets to Chase, thus

establishing the first link in MSW Capital's chain of

assignments, it was not necessary for the court to have done so.

While Zaidi's account may have originated with WAMU, the

periodic account statements included in the summary judgment

32 A-6078-11T4
record document credit card transactions between Zaidi and

Chase. Accordingly, if those account statements are properly

admissible then no further proof of Chase's assumption of

Zaidi's account was necessary. The account statements would

establish a direct contractual relationship between Zaidi and

Chase. See Novack v. Cities Serv. Oil Co., 149 N.J. Super. 542,

548 (Law Div. 1977) (noting use of a credit card constitutes

acceptance of the offer of credit in accordance with its terms),

aff'd, 159 N.J. Super. 400 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 78 N.J.

396 (1978). We turn to those periodic account statements now.

Admissibility of the Account Statements

Defendants contend that even if plaintiffs could prove that

they owned the debts on which they sued, their proofs on the

motions for summary judgment were insufficient to establish the

original creditors' contract claims. Specifically, they contend

that the account statements on which plaintiffs relied to

establish the amounts due and owing were hearsay statements

without foundation and thus not competent evidence.12 We


We reject defendants' contention that plaintiffs needed to
present the cardholder agreements in order to prove the
contracts giving rise to the debts on which they sued. While
production of the cardholder agreement would be required in a
suit in which the terms of the agreement were in dispute, no
such dispute exists in these cases. Plaintiffs' claims are for

33 A-6078-11T4
Plaintiffs offered the monthly credit card statements as

business records under N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6). That rule operates

to except from the hearsay rule

A statement contained in a writing or other

record of acts, events, conditions, and,
subject to Rule 808, opinions or diagnoses,
made at or near the time of observation by a
person with actual knowledge or from
information supplied by such a person, if
the writing or other record was made in the
regular course of business and it was the
regular practice of that business to make
it, unless the sources of information or the
method, purpose or circumstances of
preparation indicate that it is not

[N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6).]

The purpose of the business records exception is to broaden

admissibility of relevant evidence based on principles of

necessity and trustworthiness. Liptak v. Rite Aid, Inc., 289

N.J. Super. 199, 219 (App. Div. 1996). As the Supreme Court

explained in describing the rule's evolution:

It took a long time for the courts to

recognize that business conditions and
methods demanded relaxation of the strict
rules of evidence which banned a merchant's
books from lawsuits as self-serving hearsay.

a sum certain, the balance due on the periodic statement for the
last billing cycle; they do not seek interest or attorneys fees
at the contract rates. See Chase Bank U.S., N.A. v Staffenberg,
419 N.J. Super. 386, 388 n.1 (App. Div. 2011) (production of
cardholder agreement unnecessary where counsel fees awarded as
taxed costs pursuant to N.J.S.A. 22A:2-42).

34 A-6078-11T4
Adoption of the shopbook rule stemmed from a
realization that mercantile and industrial
life is essentially practical, that what is
the final basis of calculation, reliance,
investment, and general confidence in every
business enterprise may ordinarily be
resorted to in proof of the main fact, and
that what the common experience of man
relies upon ought not to be summarily

[Mahoney v. Minsky, 39 N.J. 208, 217


The Court quoted Professor Wigmore

The merchant and the manufacturer must not

be turned away remediless because methods
in which the entire community places a
just confidence are a little difficult
to reconcile with technical judicial
scruples . . . . In short, Courts must here
cease to be pedantic and endeavor to be
practical. 5 Wigmore, Evidence (3d ed.
1940), 1530, p. 379.


The requirements for admitting evidence pursuant to

N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6) are now well-established.

In order to qualify under the business

record exception to the hearsay rule, the
proponent must satisfy three conditions:
"First, the writing must be made in the
regular course of business. Second, it must
be prepared within a short time of the act,
condition or event being described. Finally,
the source of the information and the method
and circumstances of the preparation of the

35 A-6078-11T4
writing must justify allowing it into

[State v. Sweet, 195 N.J. 357, 370 (2008)

(quoting State v. Matulewicz, 101 N.J. 27,
29 (1985)), cert. denied, 557 U.S. 934, 129
S. Ct. 2858, 174 L. Ed. 2d 601 (2009).]

There is no requirement that the foundation witness possess any

personal knowledge of the act or event recorded. State v.

Martorelli, 136 N.J. Super. 449, 453 (App. Div. 1975), certif.

denied, 69 N.J. 445 (1976). Further, N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6) follows

its federal counterpart, Fed. R. Evid. 803(6), such that

documents may properly be admitted "as

business records even though they are the
records of a business entity other than one
of the parties, and even though the
foundation for their receipt is laid by a
witness who is not an employee of the entity
that owns and prepared them."

[Hahnemann, supra, 292 N.J. Super. at 17

(quoting Saks Int'l, Inc. v. M/V "Export
Champion", 817 F.2d 1011, 1013 (2d Cir.
1987) (citation omitted)).]

Acknowledging in Hahnemann that computers had "become part of

everyday life," now "universally used and accepted," we

specifically disapproved "the application of special evidentiary

requirements for computer-generated business records." Id. at

15-16. Instead, we held that:

A witness is competent to lay the foundation

for systematically prepared computer records
if the witness (1) can demonstrate that the
computer record is what the proponent claims
and (2) is sufficiently familiar with the

36 A-6078-11T4
record system used and (3) can establish
that it was the regular practice of that
business to make the record. If a party
offers a computer printout into evidence
after satisfying the foregoing requirements,
the record is admissible "unless the sources
of information or the method, purpose or
circumstances of preparation indicate that
it is not trustworthy."

[Id. at 18 (citation omitted) (quoting

N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6)).]

Applying those principles in Garden State Bank v. Graef,

supra, 341 N.J. Super. at 245, we held that an employee of a

successor bank could certify on summary judgment to the loan

history printouts of transactions of its predecessor because the

employee's position rendered him sufficiently familiar with the

record system used to allow him to establish that it was the

regular practice of the predecessor bank to make the record.

Acknowledging "the practicality of bank acquisitions, as a

result of which older records may be lost or destroyed," we held

that the records were sufficient to satisfy the successor bank's

prima facie showing of what it claimed was due on the

outstanding loan, notwithstanding that the records did not

itemize all payments made since the inception of the obligation.

Id. at 246. We reasoned that "[t]he printouts are admissible

because they 'appear[] perfectly regular on [their] face and as

having been issued in the regular course of business prior to

37 A-6078-11T4
the inception of any controversy between the parties.'" Ibid.

(quoting Mahoney, supra, 39 N.J. at 213).

The same is true of the credit card statements included in

the summary judgment record here. Plaintiffs submitted

certifications by employees having personal knowledge of the

books and records of plaintiffs and the transactions whereby

plaintiffs acquired the charged-off debts on which they sued.

The employees certified that they acquired the account

statements attached to their certifications as part of the

purchase of the charged-off debts. The employees certified that

the account statements were true copies and reflected amounts

due their predecessors as of the final billing cycle.

Although defendants assert that there was no explanation of

the transactions and credits reflected on the account

statements, the process is familiar to anyone who has ever paid

a credit card bill. See State v. Swed, 255 N.J. Super. 228, 239

(App. Div. 1992) (noting widespread familiarity with the process

whereby meter readers enter readings into hand-held computers

resulting in the monthly statements received by customers of

PSE&G). These account statements are the types of documents our

courts have long accepted as business records excepted from the

hearsay rule under N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6). See Sears, Roebuck & Co.

v. Merla, 142 N.J. Super. 205, 207-08 (App. Div. 1976)

38 A-6078-11T4
(discussing admissibility of such records under prior Evid. R.

63(13)); Biunno, Weissbard & Zegas, Current N.J. Rules of

Evidence, comment 2 on N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6) (2013).

Even more important in the context of these actions, Rule

6:6-3(a) provides that "if the plaintiff's records are

maintained electronically and the claim is founded on an open-

end credit plan," as defined in 15 U.S.C.A. 1602(i), the Truth

in Lending Act, and 12 C.F.R. 226.2(a)(20) (2013), Regulation

Z, as these claims are, "a copy of the periodic statement for

the last billing cycle, as prescribed by 15 U.S.C. 1637(b) and

12 C.F.R. 226.7 . . . if attached to the affidavit, shall be

sufficient to support the entry of judgment."

The 1992 Report of the Special Civil Practice Committee

explains the reason for the Rule.

New Jersey law (N.J.S.A. 17:16c-

34.1(b)) brings the kind of credit accounts
at issue here within the ambit of the Truth
in Lending Act. The credit accounts, such
as a Sears charge or Master Card, are
defined as "open end credit plans" by the
Act and by the implementing regulations,
commonly known as Regulation Z, adopted by
the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System. See 15 U.S.C.A. 1602(i)
and 12 C.F.R. 226.2(a)(20). The Act and
Regulation Z require the creditor to furnish
the consumer with a periodic statement for
each billing cycle. 15 U.S.C.A. 1637(b)
and 12 C.F.R. 226.7. In reviewing 12
C.F.R. 226.7 the Committee noted the extent
of the information required and that
subsection (k) requires that the address for

39 A-6078-11T4
notice of billing errors be placed either on
the periodic statement or on a summary
statement of the consumer's billing rights
included with the periodic statement.

The consumer's rights to assert claims

and defenses against the issuer of the
credit card and to contest billing errors
are set forth in detail in 12 C.F.R.
226.12(c) and 226.13, respectively. When
the credit account is established the
creditor is required by 12 C.F.R. 226.6(d)
to furnish the consumer with a detailed
statement of those rights, in the form set
forth in the appendix to Regulation Z. The
creditor is also required by 12 C.F.R.
226.9 to furnish a similar statement of
rights to the consumer either annually or
with each periodic billing statement. The
consumer is advised in these statements that
he or she has 60 days from the receipt of a
periodic statement containing a billing
error to give the creditor notice of the
error. The statements and 12 C.F.R. 226.13
set forth the detailed procedures to be
followed in resolving the alleged billing

In this rather elaborate regulatory

context, a logical inference can be drawn
from a consumer's failure to assert a
billing error that the new balance set forth
in the periodic statement is true and
correct. Accordingly, the Committee
believes that it should be sufficient proof
for entry of default judgment, in suits on
credit accounts subject to the Truth in
Lending Act, if the plaintiff attaches to
the affidavit a copy of the periodic
statement for the last billing cycle or a
computer-generated report setting forth the
financial information required to be in that

[1992 Report of the Supreme Court Committee

on Special Civil Practice at 33-35.]

40 A-6078-11T4
We have held that Rule 6:6-3(a) provides a guide to the

proofs necessary for the entry of summary judgment in a suit on

a credit card.13 Colvell, supra, 421 N.J. Super. at 6. As the

1992 Report of the Civil Practice Committee makes clear, the

elaborate regulatory requirements for the issuance of credit

cards, including the duty of card issuers to provide detailed

periodic account statements, imbues such statements with

"sufficient indicia of trustworthiness and reliability normally

found in business records" admitted under the Rule. Feldman v.

Lederle Labs., 132 N.J. 339, 354 (1993).

The account statements meet all the foundation requirements

of N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6). Although the certifications submitted by

plaintiffs could have been more specific as to plaintiffs'

acquisition of the account statements in connection with their

purchase of defendants' charged-off credit card debts, we reject

defendants' contention that more was required from plaintiffs'

employees to authenticate the account statements under N.J.R.E.

901 and Hahnemann.

Defendants express significant concern over admitting

electronically-transmitted credit card account statements for

As the account statements were before the trial courts in both
cases, the concerns we raised in Colvell where such statements
were not admitted are not present here. Colvell, supra, 421
N.J. Super. at 6-8.

41 A-6078-11T4
accounts that have been assigned several times, but they have

not pointed to anything in the record to suggest that the

statements proffered by plaintiffs are not trustworthy.14

Carmona v. Resorts Int'l Hotel, Inc., 189 N.J. 354, 380 (2007)

("[t]here is no reason to believe that a computerized business

record is not trustworthy unless the opposing party comes

forward with some evidence to question its reliability.

Hahnemann[, supra, 292 N.J. Super at 18]."). It is not lost on

us that plaintiffs filed their complaints and summary judgment

motions electronically in the Special Civil Part, and that the

judges entered their orders granting the motions in the

Judiciary Electronic Filing and Imaging System (JEFIS), where

they are maintained in electronic case jackets. See Notice to

the Bar: Mandatory Electronic Filing in the Special Civil Part

of the Law Division of the New Jersey Superior Court Phase Two

1-2 (2010), available at

Zaidi contends that the legend "This Statement is a Facsimile
Not an Original," on the account statements, provides yet
another reason for not admitting them, relying on Am. Express
Travel Related Servs. v. Vinhee (In re Vee Vinhee), 336 B.R. 437
(B.A.P 9th Cir. 2005) (upholding trial court decision to require
foundational evidence of reliability of American Express's
computer hardware and software because statements proffered bore
term "duplicate copy" as a result of being maintained
electronically). In re Vee Vinhee is not in accord with New
Jersey case law. See Carmona, supra, 189 N.J. at 380, Biunno,
Weissbard & Zegas, supra comment 2 on N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6) (2013).

42 A-6078-11T4
notices/2010/n100722.pdf. Like the litigants that appear in our

courts, our courts are increasingly reliant on electronically

filed and transmitted information.

Finally, defendants contend that the express disclaimers of

representations and warranties in the transfer of these accounts

raise sufficient reliability concerns to bar the admission of

the account statements under N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6). As noted by

the FTC in the reports on which defendants rely, commercial debt

sellers may choose not to warrant account information for

reasons other than the unreliability of that information. The

disclaimers, standing alone, are simply not enough to raise

serious doubt about the dependability of account statements that

appear regular on their face. See Matulewicz, supra, 101 N.J.

at 30. Accordingly, we conclude that the account statements

submitted by plaintiffs are admissible as business records under

N.J.R.E. 803(c)(6), and provide prima facie proof of the amount

due on the debts. See New Century Fin. Servs., Inc. v.

Dennegar, 394 N.J. Super. 595, 599 (App. Div. 2007) (concluding

that the trial judge acted within his discretion in admitting

monthly credit card statements on assigned claim).

The admission of the chain of assignments and account

statements in Zaidi's case did not, of course, assure the entry

of summary judgment. They provided only prima facie proof that

43 A-6078-11T4
MSW Capital is the owner by assignment of Zaidi's Chase-WAMU

charged-off credit card account on which $12,487.36 is due.

Sullivan, supra, 68 N.J.L. at 546-47. But in order to stave off

summary judgment, Zaidi had to come forward with evidence

sufficient to create a genuine issue as to those material facts

on which MSW's prima facie claim was based. Brill, supra, 142

N.J. at 529.

Zaidi failed to come forward with any evidence raising a

genuine dispute as to either the assignments or the account

statements. The trial court found that Zaidi had not offered

anything to dispute his responsibility for the account, the

accuracy of the amount due at charge-off, or his receipt of the

billing statements. Accordingly, we affirm the trial court's

entry of summary judgment in favor of MSW Capital.

We appreciate that the sums in these cases are often modest

and defendants commonly self-represented, but that seems all the

more reason to require that the plaintiffs' proofs be presented

in a clear and straightforward fashion. See Quality Urban Hous.

Partners, supra, 352 N.J. Super. at 543. Plaintiffs' summary

judgment filings were a morass of certifications and exhibits,

with multiple certifications submitted by the same person, often

with exhibits consisting of certifications by other persons.

44 A-6078-11T4
The assignments presented did not consistently identify the

accounts and electronic files by the same names.

In Oughla's case, New Century submitted additional proofs

in opposition to a motion for reconsideration which asserted its

original proofs were inadequate. In Zaidi's case, MSW Capital

submitted additional certifications in response to Zaidi's

cross-motion for summary judgment. We reject defendants'

contention that the judges erred in considering those additional

certifications, such matters are left to the sound discretion of

the trial judge. Capital Fin. Co. of Del. Valley v. Asterbadi,

398 N.J. Super. 299, 310-11 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 195

N.J. 521 (2008). We cannot fail to note, however, that

plaintiffs' presentation of their proofs needlessly complicated

these cases.

The requirements for affidavits in support of summary

judgment on assigned claims are clear. R. 1:6-6; Ford, supra,

418 N.J. Super. at 599-600. Affidavits in which the affiant

fails to identify specifically his position, or explain the

source of his personal knowledge of the facts to which he

attests, or attempts to authenticate attached documents without

explaining precisely what each is and how it came into the

affiant's hands should be rejected. Graef, supra, 341 N.J.

Super. at 245-46. Likewise, trial courts are free to reject any

45 A-6078-11T4
document for which there exists a genuine question of

authenticity. Triffin v. Johnston, 359 N.J. Super. 543, 550-51

(App. Div. 2003). Documents appended to a brief or statement of

material facts, not authenticated in a certification must be

rejected. Celino, supra, 211 N.J. Super. at 544; see also

Pressler & Verniero, Current N.J. Court Rules, comment on R.

1:6-6 (2014).

Although the parties raise various other points in support

of their respective positions, none is of sufficient merit to

warrant discussion in a written opinion. R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(E).

We reverse the judgment in A-6078-11, New Century v.

Oughla, and remand for further proceedings. We affirm the

judgment in A-6370-11, MSW Capital v. Zaidi. We do not retain


46 A-6078-11T4
DOCKET NO.: MON-DC-004774-12

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - x


-vs- OF


x- - - - x

Held at: Monmouth County Courthouse

71 Monument Park
Freehold, New Jersey

Heard on: July 13, 2012





(Philip D. Stern & Associates, LLC)



(Pressler and Pressler, LLP)
Attorney for the Plaintiff


(Philip D. Stern & Associates, LLC)
Attorney for the Defendant

Audio Operator: Kimberly Carr

Tracy Gribben
27 Beach Road, Unit 4
Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750
800 603-6212
(732) 263-0044 Fax No. 732-263-0075

1 I N D E X
5 BY MR. LANG 3/26/34
6 BY MR. STERN 12/30

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1 THE COURT: Please be seated. All right,

2 this is the case of MSW Capital versus Zaidi, docket
3 DC-4774-12, all right. Your appearances.
4 MR. LANG: Please the Court, Your Honor,
5 plaintiff, I'm sorry, Steven A. Lang, Pressler and
6 Pressler, LLP for plaintiff, MSW Capital LLC, movant on
7 the summary judgment motion and in opposition to
8 defendant's motion.
9 THE COURT: All right.
10 MR. STERN: May it please the Court, Your
11 Honor, Philip Stern on behalf of the defendant, Ms.
12 Azeem Zaidi.
13 THE COURT: All right. We'll hear first from
14 Mr. Lang.
15 MR. LANG: Yes. Your Honor, the arguments
16 necessarily intertwine, but I am going to focus on
17 plaintiff's, what I view as absolute entitlement to
18 summary judgment. Overarching view, Your Honor,
19 certainly any party or any defendant is entitled to say
20 sit on my hands and hope that you don't have sufficient

r 21
proofs so I'm willing to keep my mouth shut.
to supply thoroughly evasive answers to
I'm going

I'm not going to admit anything that

24 ought to be admitted.
25 I'm not even going to bother to serve
Lang/Argument 4

1 discovery. I'm just going to hope that you can't prove

2 your case. And one is certainly entitled to do that
3 but when one does that, one runs the risk of being
4 unable to proffer anything to resist a summary judgment
5 motion here.
6 THE COURT: And I should note that Mr. Stern
7 just recently came into the case as I understand, is
8 that correct?
9 MR. LANG: I won't comment on that, Your
10 Honor.
11 THE COURT: All right. Okay.
12 MR. LANG: Other than to say Mr. Stern
13 recently made an appearance on the case.
14 THE COURT: Oh, okay.
15 MR. LANG: You know what, Your Honor, I would
16 point out that, strike that. I'm thinking of something
17 else. In any event, what we have, Your Honor,
18 notwithstanding defendant's attempt to superimpose upon
19 what is a very simple cause of action, God knows how
20 many layers and layers, there's three elements here.
21 1) it was the defendant's account. 2) how much is owed
22 on that account? And 3) the person suing owns that
23 account.
24 How does one prove that, Your Honor? There
25 are a number of ways beginning with ownership. The

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1 case law is quite clear. The very case on which

2 defendant relies for the proposition that one must both
3 avare and prove ownership, Sullivan v. Visconti says
4 when one claims to own something that without more is
5 sufficient to establish a prima facie case. Then the
6 question becomes well, is that sufficient for summary
7 judgment? And then one looks at well, what indicia of
8 reliability do we have to support the claim that you
9 own the account?
10 So it's important to look at evidence in
11 terms of three things, Your Honor. 1) does it support
12 what the claim is in terms of ownership irrespective of
13 anything else that document is being offered to prove,
14 one. 2) what other evidence is there of the debt that
15 is either judicially noticeable, publicly filed
16 document or otherwise admissible evidence. And 3) and
17 perhaps most important in these cases, after all we're
18 dealing with Your Honor having to wade through a stack
19 of paper this high in an $800 case, I believe it is.
20 Is there any --
21 THE COURT: No, this is a $12,000 case.
22 MR. LANG: Sorry, I'm thinking about this
23 morning's case.
24 THE COURT: Yes.
25 MR. LANG: Still a stack of documents this
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1 high in a $12,000 case is a lot of paperwork but it's

2 an important issue. The question then becomes, Your
3 Honor, is there any bona fide dispute as to any
4 document or any issue in the case? You look at what we
5 have Your Honor, Your Honor there is none.
6 Let's start with the argument that the
7 statements are not admissible. Might not have been
8 admissible without more had defendant said hey, wait a
9 minute that's my account or had the defendants said,
10 hey, wait a minute. I never got those statements.
11 Why? Because there are strict federal laws that
12 severely limit a credit account issuer's ability to
13 share, disclose personal information to nonaffiliates.
14 So the mere fact that the plaintiff is in
15 possession of statements is in and of itself indicia of
16 ownership of the account. Add to that the fact that
17 the statements are sent to the very same address
18 defendants hand writes on her answer to the complaint
19 or it's on her answer to the complaint. No one can
20 seriously be heard to say how do we know that these are
21 her statements, her account.
22 We also have what is known in the vernacular,
23 Your Honor, as the charge off statement but it should
24 more correctly be referred to as the periodic billing
25 statement for the last billing cycle. That is the

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1 exact language, I will quote it, set forth in Rule

2 6:6 --
4 MR. LANG: 3(a), I want to say Your Honor, as
5 well as Cavell (phonetic) and let me dispose
6 immediately of this argument that that last periodic
7 account statement is insufficient in and of itself.
8 That is perhaps the most tortured reading of Cavell
9 that I've ever seen. It flies in the face of Cavell
10 and it flies in the face of the specific language of
11 6:6-3.
12 And I would respectfully direct Your Honor's
13 attention to the 2012 Rules of Court, page 232A, first
14 full paragraph. If plaintiff's records are maintained
15 electronically, and the claim is founded on an open end
16 credit plan as defined in 15 USC Section 1602(i) and 12
17 C.F.R. Section 226.2{a) (20), a copy of the periodic
18 statement for the last billing cycle as prescribed by
19 15 USC Section 1637(b) and 12 C.F.R. Section 226.7 or.
20 So anything that comes after or is what you would need
if you don't have that which becomes before the or.
And in either case if you have either that
periodic statement for the last billing cycle, and/or a
24 computer generated report setting forth the information
25 set forth in the other clause of 6:6-3, that's
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1 sufficient.

r 2
It is sufficient to support the entry of
judgment at least for purposes of a default judgment.
The point being that these are --
THE COURT: And according to Cavell before a
6 summary judgment.
7 MR. LANG: That would be my position, Your
8 Honor. Let's look at other indicia of reliability,
9 Your Honor. Again, I understand and do not disagree
10 with the proposition that one doesn't have to come
11 forward with rebuttal evidence, but in the face of a
12 mountain of evidence, the mere fact that one does not
13 deny it, is additional indicia of reliability. It is
14 incomprehensible that one who did not have the account,
15 legitimately, it was not this person's account would
16 not say so. Your Honor sees that frequently.
17 Your Honor sees that claim frequently whether
18 it's a bona fide claim or not. Irrespective of whether
19 it's bona fide or not, it creates a material issue of
20 fact to be decided by the trier of fact. We have
21 nothing here. What do we have? A general denial.
22 Now, recognizing the deficiency in that general denial,
23 in the complaint, we see it repeated in the
24 certification.
25 And the certification is straightforward,

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1 honest. The reason I denied the claims in the

2 complaint is I've never seen anything as to ownership.
3 Well, first of all, actually that statement was not
4 true as I point out, the defendant did get a letter
5 from my firm advising that MSW Capital did own the
6 account. I say that not to establish liability but to
7 dispute the contention that I never heard of this
8 before. So we have all these elements, Your Honor,
9 that we've met, that the periodic statement for the
10 last billing cycle that sets forth the amount owed.
11 We have Mr. Whipple's certification, I own
12 this account. We have sufficient indicia of the
13 account. What is in fact, we have the seller account
14 data that my client received from its assignee. We
15 have the billing statements themselves that verify that
16 number. We have a credit report.
17 Now, I know that defense counsel vigorously
18 objects to the introduction of a credit report but the
19 fact of the matter is, Your Honor, as I point out in my
20 papers, federal law states unambiguously that credit
r 21
reporting serves a vital interest. The whole industry
relies on the accuracy of those reports to claim that
gee, that report we can't rely on it, Your Honor, to me
24 just doesn't hold any water that claim.
25 We then get to the issue of the so-called
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1 chain of title issues. First of all, again the

2 testimony that I own it without more is sufficient. In
3 this case, we don't have to really decide the case
4 based on that. My position quite frankly Your Honor,
5 is I don't need a chain of title if I have a bill of
6 sale in to my client, something that indicates that
7 this account was included in the accounts transferred
8 pursuant to that bill of sale, that's it. If a jury
9 believes my guy, I win.
10 Now, certainly it's incumbent upon defendant
11 in that instance to say wait a minute, somebody else
12 has been claiming they have the right to collect this
13 account. I never had that account. I was never, I
14 paid this account off. What are you talking about?
15 Didn't happen here.
16 We also get an objection that they are
17 entitled to notice of an assignment. Your Honor, that
18 argument with all due respect is equivalent to a clock
19 striking 13. There is no 13. The whole law of
20 assignment except in one instance that's completely
21 irrelevant to this case, that being the loss secured
22 transactions, the body of law relating to assignment
23 disputes relates to disputes between an assignor and an
24 assignee. Those disputes are of no moment whatsoever
25 as to who is obligated on the debt.

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1 The debtor has to pay somebody. Who she has

2 to pay is an issue between the assignees and the
3 concern that well if I pay you, how do I know somebody
4 else isn't coming down the pike, that's what a final
5 judgment is called. You come. You show the final
6 judgment and you're done. You come. You show, here
7 this account was paid and you're done.
8 Now, as I point in my papers it nonetheless
9 behooves an assignee to notify the debtor of the
10 assignment because if you don't, you run the risk that
11 the debtor pays the assignor before receiving notice.
12 We have to worry about that here because it didn't
13 happen. Your Honor, I can go on and on. I won't.
14 I reserve, with Your Honor's permission the
15 right to speak in response to whatever arguments
16 opposing counsel makes in support of his motion or by
17 way of opposition to our summary judgment motion but I
18 would close with Your Honor, Rule 101(a) (4), federal,
19 I'm sorry, New Jersey Rule of Evidence 101(a) (4). I
20 know I cited it in my briefs, Your Honor, but I think
21 it bears repeating because this case is the case
22 envisioned by Rule 101(a) (4).
23 And it says undisputed facts, if there is no
24 bona fide dispute between the parties as to a relevant
25 fact, the Judge may permit that fact to be established
Lang/Argument 12

1 by stipulation or binding admission, and here comes the

2 key language. In civil proceedings, the Judge may also
3 permit that fact to be proved by any relevant evidence
4 and exclusionary rules shall not apply except Rule 403
5 or a valid claim of privilege. The exclusionary rules,
6 Your Honor, of course include the hearsay rules.
7 Again, that rule is quite sensible.
8 One cannot sit back and say hey, I don't have
9 to say anything. I'm going to hope the Judge doesn't
10 like your proofs. Aside from everything else I've said
11 Your Honor, I know opposing counsel does not like the
12 fact that 101{a) (4) is in the rules, but it's there and
13 it's there for a purpose. And its purpose, Your Honor,
14 could not be clearer than when applied to this case.
15 And respectfully if Your Honor has no questions for me,
16 I appreciate the length of time you've given me and I
17 would defer to opposing counsel.
18 THE COURT: All right, Mr. Stern.
19 MR. STERN: Thank you, Your Honor. The key
20 difference in the most general sense between
21 plaintiff's view and defendant's view is plaintiff may
22 exist in a world where they rely upon things that are
23 transmitted back and forth but those things that they
24 rely upon, whether rightly or wrongly, are not
25 evidence. This Court deals, every court deals with

Stern/Argument 13

1 evidence, admissible evidence.

2 Documents don't come into evidence unless you
3 have a competent witness who can lay the proper
4 foundation for authenticating those documents and when
5 it's hearsay for laying the foundation for admission
6 into evidence of those documents. Can't get in hearsay
7 records like credit reports or documents that look like
8 billing statements that because somebody said, somebody
9 told me they got it from somebody else, that's not
10 enough to make it admissible in evidence.
11 So that's the problem with plaintiff's
12 arguments. And that's sort of the general gloss on it.
13 And that takes me then to actually talk about the last
14 thing that plaintiff raised which is 101{a) (4).
15 101(a) (4), it's complete misconstruction. There's no
16 case that stands for the proposition that a plaintiff
17 comes forward and says this is my case and now they
18 don't have to prove by competent, admissible evidence
19 their case because the defendant doesn't come forward
20 and give affirmative evidence to contradict it
21 beforehand.
22 That turns civil litigation completely on its
23 head. We have burdens of proof. Burdens of proof
24 means we bear the burden of proof, you have to come
25 forward with competent admissible evidence. All the
Stern/Argument 14

1 cases, ever since Brill, we've injected into the

2 summary judgment analysis the standard of the burden of
3 proof. Who has the burden of proof and coming forward
4 with competent admissible evidence. We have cases,
5 I've cited to the Court that stand for the proposition
6 that you don't consider submissions on a summary
7 judgment motion which are not capable of being
8 admissible evidence.
9 The standard under Brill is the same as the
10 standard at the end of a plaintiff's case at trial.
11 It's the same standard we look at. What is the
12 evidence that they've submitted, at least in the
13 context that we're talking about here, the summary
14 judgment, the applications on the summary judgment
15 standard.
16 In other words, the summary judgment standard
17 looking at a plaintiff who has the burden of proof and
18 what is the evidence if the plaintiff can submit if
19 this information, if we took the record that has been
20 proffered by the plaintiff, first subjected to the
21 question of what's admissible and look at what's left,
22 it cannot prove a prima facie case.
23 This is the evidence. If we had a trial, it
24 would be dismissed at the end of plaintiff's case and
25 here's why. Number one, there is no sufficient proof

Stern/Argument 15

1 of assignment. I've set forth to the Court the cases

2 that establish what are the elements for a prima facie
3 case as to proving the validity of assignment. And
4 I've identified for the Court that it has, there are
5 basically four elements, has to demonstrate an intent
6 to transfer. And here's the real critical one. The
7 account being transferred has to be readily identified.
8 If you bring a document, like these bills of
9 sale that simply say is a) transfers to b) receivables.
10 As identified someplace else. And you don't show what,
11 you don't bring out that external document that
12 identifies my client's account that doesn't prove
13 anything. It doesn't prove or the question, not a
14 question of what it does prove. The fact is it doesn't
15 prove that my client's account was transferred.
16 It's just not there. And the cases
17 consistently say readily identified, that's the term
18 that has been used. I've cited the cases to the Court.
19 That's what required to prove a valid transfer of an
20 account. Mr. Whipple who is a representative from MSW,
21 he can't testify as to what, the assertion here, let's
22 go through the chain of what the assertion is.
23 The assertion is that Washington Mutual had
24 an account. The assertion is that Washington Mutual
25 failed and that the assets of Washington Mutual were
Stern/Argument 16

1 then purchased by JP Morgan Chase. Then the assertion

2 is that not JP Morgan Chase but Chase Bank USA sold an
3 account to Main Street Acquisition. And that Main
4 Street Acquisition then sold that account to MSW.
5 So where's the evidence, talking about
6 evidence, of that chain of assignment? It's not here.
7 You have Mr. Lang submits, refers to a filing by JP
8 Morgan Chase that says Chase Bank is a subsidiary. So
9 what? They're separate entities. The fact that they
10 may be subsidiaries or affiliates they obviously set
11 them up as separate legal entities.
12 Those separate legal entities, if an asset is
13 transferred from one to the other, there needs to be a
14 trail to show it. His client needs to show that.
15 Here's the most critical factor of it. The bill of
16 sale, which they submit, which they contend evidences
17 the transfer from Chase Bank to Main Street, Chase Bank
18 says we're not representing that we own it. They say
19 is they expressly disclaim any representation or
20 warranty of title to what they're selling.
21 So you've got tremendous break and here they
22 want, plaintiff wants the Court to accept that since we
23 happen to have these photocopies of what appear to be
24 billing statements, that that proves we own the debt.
25 That doesn't prove we own the debt. That just proves

Stern/Argument 17

1 you got copies of something that look like billing

2 statements. And by the way, on the face of them they
3 say that they're not the original. They don't say that
4 they're even duplicates of the original. They just say
5 they're billing statements.
6 And getting back to Mr. Lang made this
7 argument about, he said the last periodic statement or
8 last periodic billing statement and citing the statute
9 on an open end credit plan. First of all, who has
10 testified that this was an open end credit plan? I
11 don't know that there was any evidence of that. I
12 don't recall that in the record.
13 And I don't recall that there was any witness
14 who was even competent to testify to that. But then
15 you also have, he says there's a last billing
16 statement. I haven't found the last billing statement
17 that matches the number that they claim is what's due.
18 THE amount claimed do not match up.
19 The last billing statement I see is a
20 statement that says has an ending date of January 12th,
21 2011 that reflects a balance of $12,487.38 and they're
22 claiming that they're entitled to $12,563.38.
23 THE COURT: I think they're adding on the 442
24 interest.
25 MR. STERN: From what? Let's talk about
Stern/Argument 18

1 interest.
2 THE COURT: On that figure.
3 MR. STERN: Okay.
4 THE COURT: Which I normally don't grant
5 anyway so.
6 MR. STERN: Okay. But let's talk about
7 interest and let's talk about late charges. An account
8 arises from some form of an agreement. It's a
9 contract. There's not even a contract here that has
10 been submitted. There's no agreement that has been
11 submitted. What's the basis for charging a late fee?
12 What's the basis for charging a particular amount of
13 interest? They have not, if you're proving a contract
14 claim, you need to prove that my client accepted,
15 entered into an agreement with their predecessor and
16 that the term of that agreement was breached.
17 There's no evidence for it. There's no
18 evidence to support it. So the point comes back to
19 what I originally started off by saying is. There is
20 no competent admissible evidence as to assignment. At
21 the most that Mr. Whipple could testify to is that he
22 bought something from somebody else and here's what
23 somebody else told him that somebody else told him
24 about what he bought. That's hearsay. There's no
25 exception to the hearsay rule for that information to

Stern/Argument 19

1 come in.
2 If there's no foundation for any of the
3 records that supposedly are Chase's records. There's
4 not even an affidavit, you know, that supports from
5 Chase saying these are documents created in the regular
6 course of business. You know, all the requirements of
7 Evidence Rule 803(c) (6), we call it the business
8 records exception, you know, records are regularly kept
9 activities.
10 What you do have is, you have Mr. Lang who
11 testifies, gives an affidavit about settlement
12 discussions, gives an affidavit and talks about things
13 he found on the Internet filed on the SEC website. You
14 have Mr. Kipnist (phonetic) who attaches credit
15 reports. I think I've touched upon that in the reply.
16 The credit reports are mUltiple levels of hearsay.
17 There's no basis for that coming in.
18 The fact that you know, I mean, Mr. Lang
19 argues now that, you know, the entire industry relies
20 upon the accuracy of those reports. Yeah, but there's
21 also tons of litigation about why those reports are a
22 bit inaccurate and it's an ongoing problem. But it
23 really doesn't matter whether they're accurate or
24 they're not accurate.
25 The point is that at best without knowing it,
Stern/Argument 20

1 at best they're saying is we got something presumably

2 I'm assuming that Pressler or Pressler's client have
3 access to a credit reporting service. They don't
4 identify what that credit reporting service is but
5 they've produced this printout that has some
6 information on it. At best, a credit report would be
7 something that a creditor gave information to the
8 credit reporting agency. So we have multiple levels of
9 hearsay with no basis for showing why that comes into
10 evidence.
11 Next we go to Mr. Whipple and Mr. Whipple
12 says his knowledge of the transaction between Main
13 Street and MSW is based upon the bill of sale, the July
14 18th, 2011 bill of sale. That document says the terms
15 that are in this document are as defined in a purchase
16 and sale agreement. No purchase and sale agreement.
17 So how do we even know what those terms mean?
18 There's no identification of an account in
19 that document, in his bill of sale. That's the extent
20 of his knowledge. He can't possibly know anything
21 about the account by way of personal knowledge. He
22 can't possibly know anything by way of prior
23 transactions between Main Street and Chase and WAMU.
24 He doesn't have that personal knowledge. The most he
25 could have is based upon records. So what are the

Stern/Argument 21

1 records?
2 The records are documents which are not even
3 admissible and don't even stand for the proposition of
4 what, don't even state what he says the information
5 that he's asserting. And then, he's the one who
6 submits the account statements. How could he possibly
7 know that these are the account statements? Well, the
8 only way he could know is what he says.
9 I asked Main Street to go get them from Chase
10 and this is what Main Street gave me. And that's
11 simply not admissible evidence. Certainly not to prove
12 what the statements contained in those statements.
13 Then they submit, the last thing is a certification
14 from a Mr. Labreto (phonetic) at Main Street. Mr.
15 Labreto says oh yes, Mr. Zaidi owes so much on an
16 account. How could Mr. Labreto in any way know what's
17 in the account, because he's assuming that the
18 information he got, the records he's looking at were
19 accurate. That's fine. He's entitled to assume that.
20 But that doesn't make it admissible evidence.
21 The records have to be submitted into
22 evidence that he's relying upon. They haven't done
23 that. But I want to close by just referring to, well,
24 actually there's two comments, typical lawyer, right?
25 I'm almost done. I'm done, but I'm almost done. I
Stern/Argument 22

1 just want to quickly talk about Cavell. I cited in the

2 brief already what I think Cavell clearly stands for
3 with respect to showing all transactions on the
4 account. But I do want to comment because I'm not
5 sure, I know there's a little colloquy on this with Mr.
6 Lang, Your Honor, on what Cavell stands for.
7 I think it's a misreading of Cavell to say
8 that you satisfy your standard for summary judgment by
9 satisfying what's required under the default judgment
10 rule. I think it was just the opposite of what Cavell
11 was saying.
12 THE COURT: But they took great pains in
13 citing that.
14 MR. STERN: What's that?
15 THE COURT: They took great pains in citing
16 that.
17 MR. STERN: They took great pains in talking
18 about it but what they started with, they said is look,
19 what LVNV had submitted did not even satisfy what's
20 required under the default judgment rule. And then
21 they spoke, then they went into great detail talking
22 about what's required under the default judgment rule.
23 But I submit that it is a misreading of that case to
24 say that a plaintiff satisfies the requirements for
25 summary judgment simply by satisfying the requirements

Stern/Argument 23

1 under the default judgment rule.

2 We have a whole body of jurisprudence as to
3 what's required on summary judgment. And that's what
4 they were dealing with. They were saying is look,
5 there's some notion, I acknowledge that, I don't think
6 there's a clear, bright line test as to what's required
7 in a default case. Whether you have to prove
8 everything that you have to prove as if you were
9 proving a prima facie case.
10 You know, certainly the question is how much
11 less than that you have to prove and I think it depends
12 on the circumstances because accepting the fact that
13 there are certain things like you haven't had the
14 opportunity to get discovery from the other side in a
15 default case. We're talking about a default, a proof
16 hearing is really what I'm talking about.
17 And that's what, you know, so there's some
18 standard, and what I'm getting at is, the default
19 judgment standard may be something less than what's
20 required on summary judgment. And what the Appellate
21 Division was saying in Cavell is that what LVNV had
22 submitted did not even hit that standard. So if it
23 didn't hit that standard, it certainly did not satisfy
24 the summary judgment standard.
25 Now, I will get to my final point which gets
Stern/Argument 24

1 back to the issue of the assignment. I very much

2 disagree with plaintiff's contention that all they had
3 to do is say we own it. The cases are very clear and
4 we go back and I cited cases that I think span more
5 than a century. But going back to that first case,
6 Sullivan versus Visconti case, I think that the nut of
7 it was clearly articulated in a quote that's at page
8 551 of the opinion.
9 They say that given a chosen action with an
10 assignment that, "makes known to all persons concern
11 that the subject matter has been or is thereby
12 transferred." That's what we're talking about. If
13 anyone, in particular, I'm concerned with Your Honor,
14 with the Court, picks up a bill, one of these bills of
15 sale, you cannot read the bill of sale and conclude
16 that this makes known to Mr. Zaidi that his account was
17 transferred. You can't look at that document and say
18 that.
19 You can't look at anything that they have
20 submitted and be able to say is this makes, and again
21 to quote from Sullivan versus Visconti, this makes
22 known to all persons concern that the subject matter
23 has been or is thereby transferred. It doesn't do it.
24 And that's when we get into the other elements and
25 specifically the proper identification and notice to

Stern/Argument 25

1 the obligor.
2 You do need notice to the obligor. The whole
3 point of an assignment. Your Honor, I would ask Your
4 Honor consider the fact of someone standing in the
5 (inaudible) reasonably prudent person, standing in the
6 position of saying I'm interested in purchasing a
7 chosen action, a claim that you have against a third
8 party.
9 THE COURT: Excuse me just one second.
10 MR. STERN: Go ahead.
11 THE COURT: Sorry.
12 MR. STERN: You have against a third party.
13 You're going to want to know that that third party who
14 is obligated knows that you now own the obligation and
15 you're going to want to make sure that the person who's
16 selling it to you is properly and clearly identifying
17 what it is they're selling to you and that they are in
18 fact articulating that they're selling it to you. So
19 that you can stand in the position of saying to the
20 exclusion of everybody else that you own that account.
21 Because it's not something like real estate where we've
22 got a recording office. It's not something like
23 negotiable instrument where we've got endorsement and
24 delivery of the document.
25 This is very loose kind of stuff so you want
Stern/Argument 26

1 to make sure that it's clear and that's why the

2 elements talk about clear and not ambiguous language.
3 Clear intent to transfer. Readily identifying the
4 account. That's why those elements are there. It's
5 not simply you stand up and say hey I own it without
6 proving anything. And the last thing I would add to
7 that is, further indication of why that's important is
8 my understanding is the Court is in the process of
9 adopting rules to be effective in September.
10 THE COURT: Regarding assignment?
11 MR. STERN: Where the assignments have to be
12 disclosed in the complaint. The whole chain of
13 assignment needs to be disclosed. So that's where I
14 come back to. It's not a matter of just simply saying
15 I own it. With that said, you know, I come back to, I
16 just want to reiterate my initial point which is the
17 difference here is yes, they've submitted documents.
18 Those documents are not admissible to the extent,
19 people have testified to stuff they're not competent
20 witnesses to testify to what they've testified to. And
21 none of that amounts to establishing a prima facie
22 case. Thank you, Your Honor.
23 THE COURT: All right, thank you.
24 MR. LANG: Your Honor, again, I was waiting
25 for opposing counsel to point to one case, one, just a

Lang/Argument 27

1 single case that said that the requirement of

2 specificity in an assignment applies to a claim against
3 the obligor. Of course one wants to make sure that
4 that which he or she is purchasing can be sold. The
5 idea that somebody would do that without ascertaining
6 to that person's satisfaction yes, that which I am
7 buying, this person has the right to sell me, is inane.
8 So what we are hearing now, is that the
9 debtor, the person who defaulted on the account should
10 have the right to go back to the person who bought that
11 account and say you know what? You should have made a
12 better deal. You should have insisted on more specific
13 language.
14 That argument can't hold water, Your Honor.
15 I was also somewhat taken aback by the claim that
16 there's no proof that this is an open ended account.
17 Well, if there's not an open ended account, if they're
18 taking the position that there's no proof of that, we
19 can disregard Cavell and we can disregard 663
20 altogether. Doesn't apply.
21 What that boils down to, Your Honor, is one
22 doesn't get to pick and choose the rules that one would
23 like to have apply, either the rules of evidence apply
24 in their entirety or they don't. If they apply in
25 their entirety, both 101(a) (4) and 901 are part of
Lang/Argument 28

1 those rules. Like it or not, they're there. And Your

2 Honor, 901 is as important if not more important in a
3 case like this as is pointed out on page 13 of my brief
4 in response to the opposition, the requirement of
5 authentication or identification as a condition
6 precedent to admissibility is satisfied by evidence
7 sufficient to support a finding that the matter is what
8 each proponent claims.
9 Mr. Whipple claims that this is the account
10 MSW purchased. Mr. Whipple claims these are the
11 account statements. Mr. Whipple claims this is the
12 bill of sale. That's sufficient to get it in. The
13 burden then shifts to them, strike that. Jury might
14 believe it, might not believe it but for purposes of
15 today, you look at what does he have, the defendant to
16 dispute this?
17 We have absolutely nothing, zero. One last
18 point, Your Honor, I want to clear up this confusion,
19 actually two last points. As Your Honor is probably
20 well aware, rules changes have not been adopted yet and
21 we'll look at those rules as and when they're adopted.
22 Today we deal with what's the law now. And in that,
23 oh, I do not understand the argument that a bill of
24 sale disclaims any warranty of collectability. If it
25 was collectible, why would they, if they thought they

Lang/Argument 29

1 could collect it, it wouldn't have written it off.

2 Strike that. They would have written it off after six
3 months as required by federal law but who on earth
4 would give a warranty of collectability of a defaulted
5 account? The idea does not compute. And--
6 THE COURT: Mr. Stern's position not the
7 bills of sale don't identify, I know they, -- I forget
8 what the price was, $33 million or something like that,
9 but what about if it doesn't identify the specific
10 account?
11 MR. LANG: Bill of sale doesn't. Bill of
12 sale refers to the attachment to the bill of sale. We
13 have, and if I understand Mr. Stern's point --
14 THE COURT: But I mean is there not something
15 that goes with the bill of sale that will identify the
16 account numbers that they're sold?
17 MR. LANG: Yeah, it comes by way of an
18 electronically transmitted file with however many
19 accounts are being purchased that has all of the
20 information as to that specific account that would
21 enable, strike that. The seller account that's
22 referred to Mr. Stern attempts to make much of the fact
23 that there is no affidavit from somebody at Chase Bank
24 saying yup, this account was amongst those transferred.
25 Now, defendant was certainly free to take
Lang/Argument 30

1 discovery of somebody at Chase Bank. The fact of the

r 2
matter is the proofs that are before the Court that
this is the account are mountainous.
They are
The idea that an SEC filing is not a
reliable document, Your Honor, I think is perhaps the
6 best proof of the lack of merit of defendant's
7 arguments. That document is publicly available on the
8 Internet on the FDIC's website.
9 As I understand the argument, I had to get an
10 affidavit from the FDIC that yup, this is what's on our
11 website. In sum, Your Honor, every element of our
12 claim has been proven. There are sufficient proofs.
13 There is nothing to rebut it. My client is entitled to
14 summary judgment. And even if my client hadn't moved
15 for summary judgment, Your Honor, there's would have to
16 be denied simply because they did no discovery and
17 cannot now be heard to say well, this is what you're
18 limited to.
19 MR. STERN: Let me address first that Mr.
20 Lang's first comment about 901 and 101(a) (4). I cited
21 to the Court the Hahnemann case. The Hahnemann case
22 specifically talks about when a witness is competent to
23 lay the foundation for identifying electronic records.
24 Mr. Lang says all he has got to do is say this is what
25 it is. Well, I would say that Mr. Whipple is no more

Stern/Argument 31

1 competent to identify those documents as periodic

2 account statements then if we just randomly picked
3 somebody off the street and say look at this. What is
4 this?
5 They're going to say exactly what this
6 appears to be an account statement. That's exactly
7 what it appears to be. He has no basis for knowing
8 that that's the account statement other than the fact
9 that someone told him that. So there is none there.
10 Hahnemann says a witness is competent to lay
11 the foundation if the witness can one, I'm quoting,
12 "one, can demonstrate that the computer record is what
13 the proponent claims," okay and "two, is sufficiently
14 familiar with the record system used, and three, can
15 establish that it was the regular practice of the
16 business to make the record."
17 That's only to get him to be a competent
18 witness. He hasn't even testified to that, that he
19 knows anything about Chase keeps record or WAMU kept
20 records or whether these were created in the ordinary
21 course. I submit, Your Honor, that I think that if
22 there was, well, I'm not going to (inaudible) but
23 basically I was going to make a comment about whether
24 these were originals or not but we talked about that
25 already.
Stern/Argument 32

1 The bottom line is he's not competent under

r 2
Hahnemann Hospital versus Dudek and he just can't.
It's no different, Your Honor, than someone testifying
about an accident, an automobile accident because they
5 read about it in the newspaper. Mr. Watner (phonetic)
6 is no different than anybody else with respect to these
7 records. He got them from somebody who said they got
8 them from somebody else so that he believes that that's
9 what they are.
10 His belief that what they are doesn't make
11 him a competent witness to have them admitted into
12 evidence. The 101(a) (4) again that argument turns, I
13 said it before, I don't want to repeat myself too much,
14 but it turns civil litigation on its head. That rule
15 exists and the commentary says that I know New Jersey
16 practice, it was not addressed in the paperwork, talks
17 about two things. Number one, when you have a
18 stipulation, the Court can take stipulated facts.
19 That's 101(a) (4) is.
20 This is preliminary, tangential stuff.
21 Things that are stipulated to or things, the example I
22 know in New Jersey practice that the New Jersey
23 practice here is it talks about this rule, says it also
24 deals with the situation where you may have like a lay
25 witness on the stand who may testify, give some opinion

Stern/Argument 33

1 testimony that's not objected to, that the trier of

2 fact can rely upon that nevertheless.
3 That's what it deals with. 101(a) (4) does
4 not deal with a situation where a plaintiff says this
5 is, here's what my case is without giving evidence.
6 And defendant, you're barred from objecting to that
7 evidence because unless you come forward with evidence
8 to say that my case is wrong. And that's essentially
9 what plaintiff is arguing, that 101(a) (4) means. It
10 just simply doesn't mean that.
11 And last, I just want to --Mr. Lang was
12 talking about warranty of collectability. There is a
13 disclaimer of warranty of cOllectability. What I
14 talked about was a disclaimer of a warranty of title.
15 That goes to ownership. Collectability really has
16 nothing to do with oral argument, but I think what it
17 reflects is that Chase, if that is in fact a Chase
18 document and I will tell you from my own experience in
19 seeing a number of these cases, that document is
20 typical of what I see for Chase, of bills of sale.

r 21
23 recourse.
But Chase, they want nothing to do with these
accounts anymore. So they're disclaiming without
It's without warranty of title. It's
24 without representation and it's all in accordance with
25 an agreement that's never produced. So we don't even
Lang/Argument 34

1 know what really are the real terms of the transaction.

r 2
We only know what's represented in the bill of sale.
But the bill of sale clearly says one of
these says that it's an exhibit to the agreement which
is another issue that we've raised in our papers by the
6 way, Evidence Rule 106 which is completeness doctrine.
7 You can't submit a document that's part of a bigger
8 document without submitting the entire document if the
9 opponent objects and we do object.
10 But putting that aside, the bottom line is
11 that Mr. Lang's discussion about warranty of
12 collectability is really irrelevant and that's not the
13 point we're making. It has to do with the warranty of
14 title, disclaimer of the warranty of title. Thank you,
15 Your Honor.
16 MR. LANG: Your Honor, I'm sorry. I thought
17 that when opposing counsel pointed out the disclaimer
18 of the warranty of collectability he thought it
19 relevant. That said, I just need to point out two
20 things. First, to equate the nature of the evidence
21 before Your Honor, materials before Your Honor with a
22 newspaper article, I think underscores the difference
23 between the law and what defendant hopes will happen,
24 that being getting out from under a debt.
25 Lastly, I would like to correct opposing

Lang/Argument 35

1 counsel's reading of 101(a) (4). Your Honor will search

2 in vain for anything in that rule that says you can
3 disregard the rules of evidence if there's no
4 objection. Your Honor can disregard the rules of
5 evidence without a rule of evidence if there's no
6 objection. The rule is there for a purpose. 901 is
7 there for a purpose.
8 There is no bona fide dispute as to any of
9 these documents to challenge the reliability of a
10 document filed with the SEC with a claim that a
11 periodic account statement that's not reliable because
12 I don't know, you know, maybe somebody went to a
13 printing place and printed it out and just happened to
14 get the person's address, happened to get everything
15 else right, defendant has had every opportunity to come
16 forward with something that would create a bona fide
17 dispute.
18 So aside from the fact that everything I've
19 presented to the Court is admissible under the rules
20 themselves, I don't have to be because defendant having
21 had every opportunity to create, show a bona fide
22 dispute i.e., hey wait a minute, Chase Bank never
23 acquired WAMU. JP Morgan Chase has nothing whatsoever
24 to do with Chase Bank. Nobody files anything with the
25 SEC. Yeah, then maybe you create a bona fide dispute.
Decision 36

1 You don't get to sit and say I don't like

r 2
your proofs and now you have a bona fide dispute.

and 101(a) (4). Thank you, Your Honor.

THE COURT: All right, thank you.
cuts out two rules right out of the evidence rules, 901

This is a
6 motion for summary judgment. It's a revolving credit
7 account. The plaintiff seeks $12,487.36 plus $75.97
8 interest. The plaintiff includes a certification from
9 the plaintiff's agent, a computer generated account
10 which attest to the amount sought. The plaintiff also
11 includes account statements from August 12th, 2009 to
12 January 12th, 2011, all of which bear the defendant's
13 name. The last shows a balance equal to the
14 plaintiff's demand and the address on the account
15 statements is the same as the address on the answer.
16 Defendant opposes due to a lack of proof of
17 the assignment, the lack of proof of the establishment
18 of the debt from Chase Bank. The plaintiff argues that
19 at no point did the defendant argued that the account
20 was not his. I should note that there was, defendant
21 was informed of the transfer to MSW on January 27th,
22 2012.
23 The assignments are attached here. The
24 plaintiff, rather defendant takes the position that the
25 -- just bear with me a second. Defendant rather the

Decision 37

1 plaintiff attaches an assignment from affidavit of

2 assignment from Paul Labreto who is the vice president
3 of Main Street Acquisition. In that affidavit, he
4 swears that in addition to his position that there was
5 due and payable from Azeem Zaidi, and he identifies the
6 account number with the last four digits of his social
7 security number, $12,487.36 and that the account
8 originated with Chase.
9 That the seller purchases account, seller
10 being Main Street Acquisition with full power and
11 authority to do so. The second transfer, I should note
12 just backing up one step that the plaintiff attaches
13 proof, attaches documents filed with the SEC which he
14 states established that JP Morgan Chase was a part of
15 JP Morgan Chase.
16 That they've acquired all of Washington
17 Mutual's banking operations. He also attaches a
18 certification from Lawrence Whipple who is the managing
19 director of MSW Capital who refers to the account
20 number in question indicating that there's 12,487.36
21 due and that they received proof the transfers although
22 the account is not as specified by -- bear with me a
23 second. They testify that they are the owner of the
24 account, does Mr. Whipple in the affidavit that they
25 own the account.
Decision 38

1 And Mr. Labreto in his affidavit indicates

2 that the account was sold to MSW. They both identified
3 the account number. The Cavell case concludes, Cavell
4 case dealt with a computer generated report. In this
5 case, the trial court had granted the summary judgment
6 motion based on the computer generated report.
7 But the Appellate Division cited how that was
8 lacking and in doing so, cited Rule 6:6-3(a) and the
9 relevant part of that reads that if plaintiff's records
10 are maintained electronically and a claim is founded on
11 an open end credit plan as defined in 15 USC 1602(i).
12 It's in 12 C.F.R. 226.2(a) (20). A copy of the periodic
13 statement for the last billing cycle as prescribed by
14 15 USC 1637(b) and 12 C.F.R. 226.7 or a computer
15 generated report setting forth the previous balance.
16 The identification of transactions and
17 credits if any periodic rates, balance on which the
18 finance charges computed in the amount of finance
19 charge, the annual percentage rate of the charges, if
20 any, the closing date of the billing cycle, new balance
21 if attached to the affidavit shall be sufficient to
22 support the entry of the judgment.
23 I read that as requiring either the last
24 billing statement or the computer generated report
25 containing that information. They went on to say, the

Decision 39

1 Court in that case said the computer generated report

2 does not comply with Rule 6:6-3(a) because it does not
3 specify any transactions comprised of the debt owed by
4 defendant.
5 Additionally, and credibly is zero finance
6 charge rate and a zero annual percentage rate are
7 reflected. The closing date of the billing cycle is
8 described as not applicable. Although the defendant
9 does not challenge that she did not use this card or
10 hold this account, LVNV does not read the requirements
11 set forth in federal law and repeated in Rule 6:6-3(a)
12 to collect on a revolving credit card debt, LVNV is
13 required to prove the transaction from which payment
14 has not been made.
15 Any payments that have been made, the annual
16 percentage and finance charge, charge percentage rates
17 and the billing cycle information, Rule 6:6-3(a). Here
18 LVNV did not provide any documentation regarding the
19 original Master Card transactions by defendant other
20 than the account number of the alleged balance
21 reversed.
22 I read that, I don't see that as drawing a
23 distinction in this case, as drawing a distinction
24 between for the purpose of a summary judgment between,
25 drawing a distinction between a summary judgment and a
Decision 40

1 default. This was a summary, this case had its genesis

r 2
in the summary judgment motion. And it seems to me
they're saying that 6:6-3{a) is the poll star
That being the case, in this case not only was the
final billing statement attached but a number of them
6 were attached in this case. There's no evidence that
7 has been adduced, I think you have to look at obviously
8 the evidence in total. The defendant is really taking
9 a very passive position and it certainly is the
10 plaintiff's burden to prove their case.
11 I think the defendant is taking a very
12 passive position here saying he has not offered
13 anything to indicate that he disputed any, that he
14 didn't receive any of these bills, all these bills went
15 to the present address of the plaintiff, rather
16 defendant.
17 He offers nothing to indicate that has
18 disputed any of the bills in this case as they were
19 sent to him. He doesn't offer anything to indicate
20 that, he didn't make any of the transactions. He
21 doesn't offer any information that he has been paying
22 the debt to some other entity besides MSW.
23 I think in taking the evidence as a whole,
24 the billing statements I find satisfy 6:6-3{a). As I
25 say, there's no dispute as to any of the billing

Decision 41

1 statements. He just simply, many of, the answer to the

2 complaint reads quite simply that defendant at this
3 time is without knowledge or information sufficient to
4 form a belief as to the truth of the allegations
5 obtained herein and on that basis generally and
6 specifically denies the allegation and leaves the
7 plaintiff to provide proof. He doesn't state anywhere
8 that this is not his account.
9 So I think the amount there have been
10 sufficient proof adduced to prove the amount in the
11 account. As to the assignment, Mr. Mistreta (phonetic)
12 and Mr. Whipple both indicate that based on his
13 personal knowledge in referencing the account number
14 was transferred to their respective companies. So I
15 think what's contained in their affidavits or
16 certifications satisfies, reference this specific
17 account, satisfies the proof that this specific account
18 was transferred to their companies.
19 That taken in conjunction with the transfers
20 themselves, I find is sufficient to establish proof

r 21
that it was transferred. There was also notice of the
transfer sent by January 27th which is included in page
5 of the initial motion for summary judgment. So I
find that the requirements of Cavell have been met.
25 That there's no genuine issue of material fact and I
Decision 42

1 will enter a judgment for 12 , 487 . 36 . I don ' t include

2 the prejudgment interest so it ' s 12 , 487 . 36 plus costs .
3 MR . LANG : Thank you , Your Honor .
4 THE COURT : All right , thank you both .
5 MR . LANG : I would also like to thank you for
6 staying this late .
7 THE COURT : I like to thank everyone here but
8 they ' re not through yet . We do have that one case .
9 Would you like , a few minutes to talk about with the
10 individuals back here about the case?
11 MR . LANG : Yes , I would , Your Honor.
12 MR . STERN : Your Honor , thank you. And thank
13 Your Honor for staying also . If you do n' t mind , thank
14 your staff for staying , I thank your staff as well .
15 THE COURT: Oh , yes , absolutely .
16 MR . STERN : tor staying . Thank you . I
17 appreciate that .
18 THE COURT : Okay .
19 * * *


3 I , TRACY GRIBBEN , Certified Agency Director
4 /Transcriber , do hereby certify that the foregoing
5 transcript of proceedings on Digital Time 04:33 : 28 to
6 05 : 41 : 28 , is prepared in full compliance with the
7 current Transcript tormat for Judicial Proceedings and
8 is a true and accurate compressed transcript of the
9 proceedings as recorded in the matter of MSW CAPITAL
10 LLC vs . AZEEM ZAIDI , heard by the Monmouth County
~~ ; ; Jerior cCi.iJ..:..1Y
13, 2012 . (tf3
14 'RA~"" AOC "".00';:;
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